8-8itartistries · 1 year
🌸 8-8it Artistries Newspost - (4/18/23) 🌸
Previous Newsposts; 🌸 (11/15/23) (November Newspost/Last of 2022) https://www.tumblr.com/8-8itartistries/701041565071769600/8-8it-artistries-newspost-111522?source=share 
🌸 (3/19/23) (Initial Tweet Announcing Hiatus) https://twitter.com/8_8itArtistries/status/1637622747315720193?s=20 If you haven’t already, I recommend reading the above posts. Below I will be going into further detail regarding my further business plans and haitus. TWs may be applicable for the post below, as I will be discussing some sensitive subjects. Specific tags will be in the tags.
As far as 8-8itArtistries go, I will be holding off on reopening commissions until I finish a large portion of the ones I already have. Work will NOT be resumed until I have moved into my own apartment and returned from the psychiatric hospital, this means that your commission will take an undefinable amount of time to complete. You are able to request cancellations at this point, but I unfortunately will be unable to issue any refunds. As it stands, my fursuit commissions have cost me more money than I was paid for them, and while i still intend on delivering the lot of them, this will take a long time with my current financial situation. Again, no commissions (Not even illustrations) will be able to be worked on while I am in hospital/recovery. If you have questions or concerns please send them my way. As far as my hiatus goes, I will be leaving for hospital any day now, most likely after the 20th.. I will be potentially cut off from all forms of technology for 5 weeks to several months, depending on the state of care that I need. Since I have been in the emergency room about four times since the beginning of the year, for self-harm and anorexia, me and my care team have decided that inpatient treatment is currently the best option for me.  I will either be staying in a generalized longer term psychiatric hospital or transferred to a specialty clinic for my now severe eating disorder. The first hospital doesn't allow technology, and I’m unsure about the second. No one will be monitoring my accounts while I’m gone, I’m hopeful you understand the necessity of this hiatus.  I’ve been in awful condition mentally for as long as i can remember, but since september its become out of my control. We are lucky that I manage to remain alive after everything, and I’d like to keep that up, however I can’t do that without intensive professional help. My anorexia has proceeded to the point where I am unable to digest most solid foods, and i’ve most likely got anorexia gastroparesis, which means I most likely will be tube fed for the indefinite future. My suicidality and self-harm issues have become chronic and all of these combined are incredibly dangerous for my mortality.  I will be informing when I am entering hospital and when I am leaving, again my accounts will not be monitored while I am gone.  Thank you for understanding.
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8-8itartistries · 2 years
🌸 8-8it Artistries Newspost - (11/15/22) 🌸
Previous Newsposts; 🌸 (10/18) (October Newspost + 2022 Summarization) https://8-8itartistries.tumblr.com/post/698432208545906688/8-8it-artistries-newspost-10182022  🌸 (10/22) (Queue) https://twitter.com/8_8itArtistries/status/1583973054103064576 If you haven’t already, I highly recommend reading the above posts. Below I will be summarizing the work I’ve done and events relevant to my fursuit business that have happened since my last newspost. TWs may be applicable for the post below, they will be in the tags.
Hello! Much has happened since the October update so I’m happy to announce this newspost won’t be nearly as long as the first one. Hopefully that’ll keep consistent throughout the coming months. Newspoints will be seperated with cherry blossom emojis. 🌸  As of October 22nd, I have put together my commission queues and have a sum of around 22 commissions to complete in the coming year. I will soon be organizing a Trello to keep all of these commissions and their respective information organized. I have a huge to-do list regarding 8-8itArtistries and I’m very excited to complete these tasks. My previous setbacks are still effecting me, and I’m still fairly monetarily short when it comes to supplies I need for fursuits. I also have little to no space to work in my parent’s house where I currently reside. I plan to go on SSD and move out to try and remedy this as it’s significantly effecting my productivity.  I love making fursuits and I love delivering them to my commissioners; I’ve had a wonderful experience with this business so far and i wouldn’t want to stop it prematurely or let people down. Please let me know if you have questions or concerns about your commission as I want you (and me) to be 100% satisfied with the product that comes to your door.  Many of my commissions have been placed over a year ago at this point, and I am very apologetic about the delay. I’m doing the best I can to catch up with the excess of work I signed myself up for.  🌸 My getfursu.it page has been updated in correspondence to 2022, as all of my information on there was as of 2021.  🌸  Digital art commissions will be raised by around 50% once again to accomodate more of a living wage and support of my fursuit commissions.  🌸 I’ve been struggling quite a lot mentally, and attempted suicide on the night of November 2nd. I’ve been taking it easy since and just today started working again. 🌸 And probably the most exciting update by far, I have updated and made a uniform paw pattern! This will help me exponentially in completing commissions, and I am quite excited! I will be heading to the library to print out my pieces tomorrow. 
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Above is the digital mockup of my new paw pattern, to be used as an example of what my new paws will look like. They will not be dissimilar to my previous pattern (example below) however they will be more clean and orderly, and have been adjusted to fit most measurements.  I believe the improvement between the two can be seen, as the first pattern/paws i made are highly experimental.
My goal with my fursuits is to replicate my furry art style, if not more detailed, currently they resemble a mix between toony and kemono styles, but once i accomplish matching my fursuit style to my art style they will be more kemono. The above paw belongs to my first commissioner Mothstick and is a part of the Dreamcatcher mini-partial. I have yet to finish the gift pawset and ship them out, so that’s on my immediate to-do list for sewing, along with my non-fursuit tactile commissions.  🌸 (Edit 8:09 PM 11/15/22) Several changes have been made to my carrd, as well as my twitter. Socials associated with 8-8itArtistries specifically have been edited to match thematically, as such;
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“Contact” button on my carrd has been edited to start an email correspondence instead of a google form, as I completely forgot that my forms existed. More edits to my carrd are due in the near future. I believe this is all I have to say for now. Again if you have any questions or comments, my ask box is open. Thank you so much! 💙🌸
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8-8itartistries · 2 years
🌸 8-8it Artistries Newspost - (10/18/2022) 🌸
Previous Newsposts (That may still be relevant) ; 🌸 (10/12) (Health Struggles) https://twitter.com/8_8itArtistries/status/1580400318294028288?s=20&t=U9oAKGTCA-6P_btHdoUQwg 🌸 (9/7) (Supply Update) https://twitter.com/8_8itArtistries/status/1567736034519302144?s=20&t=U9oAKGTCA-6P_btHdoUQwg 🌸 (7/31) (Fursuit Damages) https://twitter.com/8_8itArtistries/status/1553932655946711041?s=20&t=U9oAKGTCA-6P_btHdoUQwg 🌸 (6/23) (Budget Issues, Bed bugs, Homelessness Ect) https://twitter.com/8_8itArtistries/status/1539856412926427136?s=20&t=U9oAKGTCA-6P_btHdoUQwg This will be the only newspost that has this much of a backlog, ones in the future will only have one or two (in the case of a tweet that needs referenced), as this is the first tumblr newspost and news has been posted awfully sporadically on my business/furry twitter in the past. TL;DR: A lot has happened in 2022, including but not limited to, two instances of covid, mental and physical health issues outside of covid, bed bugs, homelessness, fursuit damages, really the list could go on. More Below,
There’s not an excessive amount of content I need to push towards you, since nothing recently has happened. Luckily, I believe, the emergencies have stopped. However I’m still struggling to recover from them, so please send over an ask or a dm if you’re curious how to help.  In the last year I was completely overthrown by a bedbug infestation in my previous home. All of my work is done from my bedroom, so this was majorly concerning. Work with my fursuits was done with high diligence and concern for quality. Several attempts at killing the bugs was made, but we were evicted before the issue could've been controlled. All of our beds have been replaced since then and not a single bug has been seen since we moved into our new trailer in july. There was a month between eviction and moving into our new place where I was effectively homeless. All of the fursuits were exterminated via high heats while we were moving, as bedbugs cannot survive temperatures above 113 degrees. Not a single carcass has been found whilst unpacking the suits.  Unfortunately higher damages has applied to the suits, as seen in a twitter thread above. My highest condolences and efforts have been given to this issue.  Around the same time as the bed-bugs started to get worse i had come down with covid-19, and received a refund that pushed me $200 back in funds. I have thankfully barely just recovered from this with help of a few kind donations for supply money. The only supplies i believe i am missing for commissions is now just foam, and a set of clippers.  Fursuit and illustration commissions remain my main set of income as per now, so I can’t see myself able to acquire these in the near future. However I think later may be possible. I recently got covid again in late july and post recovery had been focusing on work for Vast Error Volume 5 (://music.deconreconstruction.com/) Since then I’ve been mostly focusing on my mental health and recovery from a very traumatic incident i will not touch on here. My current plan of action is this; I need to organize my commissions and their information, anything that i have received since june 2021 needs to be allocated into an easy to find location. (Trello) As I’m not even quite sure how many commissions i have, i can estimate around 22, this is a huge issue for my productivity. (Around 10 are fursuit commissions, and 12 are illustrations) I also need to see how many commissioners I am still able to contact, as I believe I have lost contact for at least one commission, I need to make sure it is just that one. I need to sign up for social security disability so I can play catch up with the very low prices i received most of my commissions with, lost shipping money thanks to refunds and health/living complications, and support myself and my service dog without having to take as many in the future. I will be speedrunning (as much as possible) all of my illustration commissions, after i organize everything, finishing non-fursuit sewing commissions, and then starting to pick down my fursuit commissions in order that I have received them. If your commission is newer it will take longer to get to. I plan on finishing all of these commissions by july 2023. I will be opening up 5 slots then to quickly acquire funds for moving to Seattle in 2024, and the commissions then will be finished once I get there and have housing. I am not sure when I will open fursuit commissions after that, as I intend on attending art school in 2024. I may still do 5 yearly, as that seems like it will work for me. I will be beginning my medical transition around fall of 2023, and taking the holidays off so I can spend some final time with my family, so this can probably get in the way of commissions. There’s no way of saying for sure right now. This is very much so subject to change as time goes on. I cannot promise anything other than it will all be finished in due time, just know that my highest efforts (considering my disabilities) are being applied to the situation at hand. I believe this is all I have to say for now. Again if you have any questions or comments, my ask box is open. Thank you so much! 💙🌸
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