#8 year profection
northopalshore · 5 days
When I was predicting which university I'll go to (get accepted into) I forgot to account for my profection year TT : It's in the 9th house! But...it also means my annual perfection year is 8. I feel like chaos will ensue wherever I go
Why is everything happening so fast & at the same time ㅎㅎ
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I got my first choice, but at what cost...? My natal union conjuncts my SRC union exactly too. Should I buy a spray bottle to shoo my fs? Does that even work online???
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heartlilith · 5 months
Solar Return Chart Notes
Being envied/gossiped about:
Aries/Scorpio/Leo/Aquarius Rising
1,13,8,20,5,17,11,23 degrees on rising or MC
Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Uranus, Pluto in the 1st or 10th house
Lilith in the 1st or 10th
Lilith harshly aspecting 1st house, 10th house, or personal planets
MC ruler in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th (solar x return, return)
Sun aspecting Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Neptune
Mercury in harsh aspect to Sun, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Pluto especially if planets are in the 1st, 10th or sometimes even 12th house (solar x return, return)
Chart ruler / MC Lord in 12th house = hidden, hidden enemies (or vice versa) 12th Sun = people could talk about your personality, ego, overall personality traits - 12th Venus = your relationship, love life, looks - 12th Mars = Your sex life, your attitude, your energy
Transforming in a major way:
Pluto conjunct personal planets
Pluto/Scorpio in the 1st, 8th, 10th house or ruling Profection year
Planets in the 8, 20 degree
Jupiter in the 1st, 8th, 10th house
Jupiter aspecting Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars
Jupiter aspecting Pluto
A lot of planets aspecting your 8th house ruler
Venus in the first or conjunct the asc
Chiron in the 1st, 8th, and 12th house
Capricorn Rising/Saturn ruled Profection Year
1st, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th Profection year
Finding Love:
Sun/Venus/POF/Vertex/Juno in the 1st, 5th, 7th, 10th house
Chart Ruler is Venus or in 2,14,7,19 degrees
7th house ruler in the 1st, 5th, or 7th house
5th house ruler in the 1st, 5th, or 7th
POF/Juno/Vertex in positive aspect to Venus and Mars especially conjunction
POF/Juno/Vertex aspecting POF/Juno/Vertex
Mars in the 5th or 5th house ruled by Mars
A lot of positive aspects to the 5th and 7th house
Jupiter in the 1st, 5th, 7th house
Jupiter aspecting Venus, Juno, POF, Mars, Vertex especially in 1st, 5th, 7th, or 10th house
Moon in positive aspect to Venus
Moon positively aspecting Vertex, POF, ASC, DSC, Juno
Im definitely forgetting a lot of aspects, these are just the ones I thought of first 💕
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uyuforu · 2 months
Why your Birthday is your Personal New Year
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Your Birthday's Significance
Your birthday mark the day you were born (duh), but it's more than just a day we celebrate the day you were born. It marks the day you came into this world. As we know, in Astrology, we calculate our birth chart/ natal chart based on the exact moment you were born. It will ten create a map, with planets, asteroids, placements, and houses based on a rising, and specific degrees represents the specific placements of planets the minute you came into this world, and this detail makes you very unique. In this case, your birthday isn't just a celebration, it's also your personal new year. While humanity celebrate it as a group of individual on a certain date (depending on the culture), you as an individual will celebrate it on the day you were born. You are growing one year older, with one year full of new achievements and new events coming into your life. Let's see what can help you see those!
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Your Solar Return Chart
જ⁀➴ Calculate your Solar Return here.
Free Horoscopes > Horoscopes Drawings & Data > Extended Chart Selection > Chart Type: Solar Return Chart
Your Solar Return Chart (SRC) is an Astrological tool that enables you to see what will most likely happen to you during your next year. As it is said, it is your Solar Return, so your Sun's return. Based on your natal sun, on the exact degree, SRC is calculated based on when the Sun will return on the same sign with the exact same degree. You'll see in each SRC, your Sun is in the same sign and degree as your Natal Sun. Only the house will change if you have different risings in your SRC over the years.
This means that each year, on your birthday, or the day before your birthday sometimes, you'll pass through another SRC, and have a view on what will most likely happen to you. You can also use this technique to check previous SRC and understand some life events better. Checking our SRC is a way to see that every years of our life, we achieve and change, and transform, as we are meant to evolve with time.
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Annual Profections
જ⁀➴ Calculate your Annual Profections here.
Annual Profections are based also on Astrology, and mostly on our ages and houses. Basically, this tool explains that depending on which age (and so birthdays) we are, we embody a certain house that year. For example, when you will turn 25, you'll embody the 2H more. It usually means you'll probably be more focus on savings, money, perhaps making more money this year, or also changing the way you manage your money, etc. Each House has a different meaning. Of course, this doesn't mean you will need to wait to be on a certain house to do something. It just means as an individual, those houses will represent your more intern focus. And it may actually go naturally, without you need to force anything. Life is most likely to put you through certain transformations based on the houses' themes.
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Numerology's Personal Year
This isn't a subject I know very well, I just have some base. So if you are interested in it, I suggest checking more on Tumblr or the Internet. An account that has more knowledge is @lilithsrealm. I suggest checking their account!
Numerology is a great tool too to check on your birthday. Just as with SRC and Annual Profections, Numerology can also tell you in what phase you'll enter this "new year". You'll need to take your birth day, birth month, and the current year of your birthday, add all of those numbers together, and then get a number that will be the total of all of those, and this will be your personal year number!
Example: I was born on August 6th, so 8 / 6. And this is the year 2024. So I'll calculate 8 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4. All together this makes 22, so it's my personal year number this year. So, specific case, but 22 is a master number, so in this case we don't really add it together again. But if you end up with any other number than 10/ 11/ 22 or 33, then you add it together. Even if mine is 22, the 4 energy will still be there, but 22 is important. I say 4 because 2+2=4 (lol).
Every year, on your birthday, your personal year number change, indicating you'll go through another cycle of your life. Each numbers mean something specific, so I suggest making more researches after finding out yours!
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Destiny Matrix
જ⁀➴ Calculate your Destiny Matrix Chart here.
જ⁀➴ Destiny Matrix Romance Numbers
Destiny Matrix is an Esoteric tool that explores the 22 Arcana's of the Tarot to see a different approach of yourself and your life, as a Chart, similar to Astrology. It's a tool that also enable you to develop your full potential as an individual. Numbers and Chakras are used instead of signs, houses and degrees. Numbers on the Chart will go from 1 to 22, representing each Tarot's 22 Major Arcanas. Colored Numbers are your main energies, they are also great tools to understand your true potential and why you came into this life, but also past life, desires, and your soul's purpose. On each sides of the chart, you'll see your different ages, representing different eras of your life. And above those different ages, you'll see a number, between 1 to 22.
Different ages then represent different birthdays. And the numbers above those age represents the different energies, based on the Tarot's Major Arcanas. It will represent the energy of those specific years, and not only in a specific area, but as a whole. For example, I have 8 this year, so this can represent entering legal matters with someone, for example, a wedding, or a contract with a society. It can also mean being more mature and taking more responsible choices. It's also closing a karmic cycle, etc.
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lilacstro · 4 months
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Aspects and Placements in Astrology
Moon square Mars
Jupiter sextile Uranus
Pluto conjunct asteroid Hekate
Pluto in 12th house
moon in 8th house
Asteroids in Astrology
academia (829) in aries
academia (829) in virgo
asteroid bella in 8h
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asteroid ops (2736)
Jupiter sextile Uranus
Pluto conjunct asteroid Hekate
Chart analysis of famous people
Neville Goddard
©lilacstro all rights reserved, please DO NOT copy, rephrase or plagiarize without my permission on any platforms whatsoever to avoid the copyright strikes and other resulting consequences.
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tarotphlow · 1 year
Astro Observations 8
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🌻Saturn in the 3H natives tend to have difficulties with phones or cars, whether that be always having a broken phone, or their car literally just not wanting to work for whatever reason
🌻Looking at what sign is located on your 12H could give you insight on to what life was like while you were in the womb. Ex: my 12H is in sag, before I was born my mother would pray constantly for her to have another chance at being a mother, she ended up having a kid with a man from a completely different state. (♐️ rules travel and religion).
🌻Have a big secret you need to get off your chest? Tell a Scorpio Mercury, they will never tell a single soul. I’m friends with a lot of Scorpio Merc’s and it’s amazing how well they can hold they’re water. (Hm, on second thought this might just be for scorp placements in general 🧐)
🌻7H placements how do you do it? Being so desirable to the point that people say they want to marry you without knowing anything about you at all? I just know y’all just smile 😀politely with so many confusing thoughts in y’all’s heads 😭
🌻I’ve noticed cap Venus will always gravitate to dating someone out of their age range.
🌻unlikely duo that actually goes super well with each other is Gemini and Scorpio. I think this has to do with how intelligent both of them are, this combo reminds me of detectives in a way.
🌻with NN going into Aries soon, Libra placements are gonna see a lot of stuff they buried in the distant past come back(like past life stuff 🕰️), probably gonna be a time of relearning some of those old old lessons or just seeing how well you developed since your last life!
🌻Moon in the 3H with a harmonious aspect with Uranus= extremely talented at vidya games 🎮
🌻If you have Gemini in the 6H you should try your hand at an online job, not as a profession but just as a job.
🌻Neptune aspecting your sun could indicate having trouble figuring out what you want to do in life.
🌻Uranus aspecting midheaven seems like you could be either really popular, really really weird or something of the two, but hey at least your smart😭😭
🌻Taurus Is definitely a foodie we know that, but surprisingly Capricorn is also kinda a glutton too lol, I have know idea why but I’ve noticed a lot of caps in my life really live for a good meal lots of savory things and also really really big on desserts as well. They also have sensitive noses, I mean scent is responsible for 80% of our taste so I guess that makes sense.
🌻our brains stop developing at age 25 and become a fully fledged functioning adult with no more growth which is really interesting because the profection year for age 25 is in Taurus which is the sign of stability.
🌻I really feel for Saturn dominants, they really just get the hardest trials out of everyone and expected to just be okay with that, Yk a lot of people say Saturn is gonna reward them and blah blah, but like I feel sometimes they’re trials are kind of unnecessary? Other planet ruled people (besides Scorpios) learn those exact same lessons but less harsher and the reward they get is quite possibly equivalent to Saturns soo idk… I feel like Saturn is just a bit much. (Let’s discuss this I’m curious to know what people have to say 🤓)
End of observations! I hope you all enjoy these as much as I did!
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(Likes and reposts are appreciated! 💛)
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ninelivesastrology · 6 months
The Lunar Eclipse (March 25, 2024) and Solar Eclipse (April 8, 2024) will be really loud if...
1. Your timelord is natally in Aries or Libra
2. Your timelord is currently transiting Aries or Libra
3. Your sign of the year is in Aries or Libra
4. Your Solar Return Ascendant is in Aries or Libra
5. If you are a cardinal sign Rising (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
To determine your timelord and sign of the year, using the Whole Signs system, find your age on the diagram below. Your age corresponds to the activated sign and house for the year.
Capricorn Rising, age 27. Aries is on the 4th House cusp and becomes her sign of the year. Mars is her timelord because it rules Aries. Her home life is highlighted not just by profection, but by the Eclipse.
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If you need help, just drop your Rising sign and age in a reply.
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kleopatra45 · 1 month
I'm so scared because it's my 8th house profection year (20 years), my Pluto and vertex are there...
Could you talk more about the profection year of each house and what we can expect?
Annual profections are a traditional astrological technique used to predict themes and experiences that may be prominent in a particular year of your life. The concept is simple: each year of your life corresponds to a different house in your natal chart, and the affairs of that house take center stage during that year.
The house that is activated is called the "Profection House," and the planet ruling that house, called the "Time Lord," is considered especially significant during that year. The activated house and its ruler provide clues about the areas of life that will be particularly active, challenging, or rewarding.
1st House Profection Year (Ages 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, etc.)
- Themes: Self-identity, personal growth, health, appearance, and overall vitality.
- Expectations: This year emphasizes your relationship with yourself. It's a time for self-discovery, redefining your identity, and focusing on your physical body and personal goals. You might feel more motivated to take control of your life and make decisions that reflect who you truly are.
2nd House Profection Year (Ages 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85, etc.)
- Themes: Finances, personal values, material possessions, self-worth.
- Expectations: This year centers around your resources and what you value. Financial matters come to the forefront, as well as questions about what makes you feel secure. You may focus on earning, saving, or re-evaluating your material and emotional security.
3rd House Profection Year (Ages 2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74, 86, etc.)
- Themes: Communication, learning, siblings, neighbors, short trips.
- Expectations: Expect increased activity in your immediate environment. This year is often marked by a desire to learn new skills, engage in more communication, or connect with siblings and neighbors. Writing, teaching, or learning could become prominent.
4th House Profection Year (Ages 3, 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75, 87, etc.)
- Themes: Home, family, roots, emotional foundations.
- Expectations: Focus shifts to your home life and family matters. You might move, renovate, or explore your ancestry. Emotional security and your relationship with your family take precedence. This is also a year to establish a strong foundation for the future.
5th House Profection Year (Ages 4, 16, 28, 40, 52, 64, 76, 88, etc.)
- Themes: Creativity, romance, children, pleasure.
- Expectations: Creativity and self-expression are highlighted. This could manifest as artistic pursuits, romantic relationships, or activities that bring you joy. Children, whether your own or others, may also play a significant role this year.
6th House Profection Year (Ages 5, 17, 29, 41, 53, 65, 77, 89, etc.)
- Themes: Health, work, daily routines, service.
- Expectations: Health and daily routines come into focus. You might adopt new habits, address health issues, or find yourself focusing more on work and service. This is a year for refining your routine and improving your day-to-day life.
7th House Profection Year (Ages 6, 18, 30, 42, 54, 66, 78, 90, etc.)
- Themes: Partnerships, marriage, one-on-one relationships, contracts.
- Expectations: Relationships take center stage. This could be a year of marriage, forming new partnerships, or renegotiating existing ones. It's a time to focus on how you relate to others and the dynamics of your significant relationships.
8th House Profection Year (Ages 7, 19, 31, 43, 55, 67, 79, 91, etc.)
- Themes: Shared resources, transformation, death, taxes, intimacy.
- Expectations:Matters involving shared resources, such as joint finances or investments, are prominent. This year may also bring a focus on deep psychological transformation, confronting fears, or dealing with endings and rebirths.
9th House Profection Year (Ages 8, 20, 32, 44, 56, 68, 80, 92, etc.)
- Themes: Travel, higher education, philosophy, belief systems.
- Expectations: This year is about expanding your horizons, whether through travel, education, or exploring new philosophies. You may be drawn to new ideas, spiritual pursuits, or cultural experiences that broaden your understanding of the world.
10th House Profection Year (Ages 9, 21, 33, 45, 57, 69, 81, 93, etc.)
- Themes: Career, public image, authority, long-term goals.
- Expectations: Your career and public life come into focus. This year often brings changes or advancements in your professional life. You might gain recognition, take on more responsibility, or work towards long-term goals that define your legacy.
11th House Profection Year (Ages 10, 22, 34, 46, 58, 70, 82, 94, etc.)
- Themes: Friendships, groups, aspirations, social networks.
- Social connections and friendships are highlighted. You might become more involved in groups or organizations, or work towards goals with others. This is also a time to focus on your hopes and aspirations, often within a community context.
12th House Profection Year (Ages 11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71, 83, 95, etc.)
- Themes: Solitude, spiritual growth, endings, hidden matters.
- Expectations: This is a year of introspection and possibly retreat. You may feel the need to withdraw and focus on your inner world. It's a time for spiritual growth, healing, and dealing with subconscious or hidden issues. Often, this year can also bring closure to certain chapters in your life.
After determining which house is activated, identify the ruling planet of that house in your natal chart. The condition and aspects of this planet will offer further insight into what the year might bring. Look at how current planetary transits are affecting the activated house and the Time Lord. This will add more depth to your understanding of the year's themes.Reviewing previous years when the same house was activated can give you a sense of recurring themes or lessons. Understanding the house profections can give you a roadmap for the year, helping you navigate challenges and make the most of opportunities aligned with the themes of your activated house.
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the-falling-star · 1 year
Astrology observation
1 " Birth chart system "
2 " +18 "
5 " +18 "
7 " Solar return"
8 " Karma "
9 " +18 "
10 " Taurus Moon "
11 " Saturn in the 7th "
12 " +18 "
14 " Jupiter "
15 " +18 "
17 " +18 "
18 " +18 "
21 " Football edition "
22 " Annual Profections year "
23 " +18 "
24 " Retrograde planets in Transition "
25 " All about the north node and Your Future spouse" Part 1
26 " All about the north node and Your Future spouse " Part 2
Favorite mars and Venus
Placement i like in a birth chart
Placement i like in a synastry Chart
How to get deeper information about your future spouse using your birth chart ?
Most likely the fall in love with a person who doesn't fit into beauty standards
22° (Capricorn degree) in a birth chart
North node
Composite sun in the houses signs degree
Critical Degrees
Celebrity birth chart interpretation
Asteroid Asteria 658
Asteroid lyubov 3108
Maniac (228029)
Asteroid 2791 Paradise
Asteroid Hypnos [14827]
Astrology indicators
Placement indicates internet addiction ...
𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 彡
Placement in solar return chart indicates going abroad for education
Placements in a synastry/ composite chart indicate a show-off couple
Placements indicates stalking behavior !
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rascosmicwisdom · 1 year
Venus Rx. Check on that inner teenager!
This time is fundamental when it comes to our self worth/esteem/love! The relationship you have to yourself and how you show up in relationships at this stage gives us detail in how we view ourselves in relation to others! This is when one learns how they fit in (or not) with others/in this world(conformity vs non conformity), compatibility, exploring our understanding of how to apply love/create connection with others based on guidance from those older than us/more experience than us.
Age 13 is the 2nd house profection year. 2h rules self worth/esteem, what and who we value. 2nd house is ruled by Venus. Venus rules our ability to evaluate. Also, This is the second Jupiter return beginning to develop and shape our view of the world in how we occupy spaces with others romantically or platonically. One’s aesthetic is re-formed here too.
0-12 is our first Jupiter cycle. Age 12 we begin out Jupiter return as we are transitioning into a new part of brain development (Jupiter rules the brain)
The 1st 7 years (Mercury rules 7 ) is when there’s structure being built in the mind. (Mercury rules the mind) Major milestones/brain development. We are first experiencing ourselves in the world and forming a relationship with it through exploring our senses, being most in tune with our instincts, collecting information subconsciously. (Moon collects, Mercury utilizes the information). This time affects how you develop social skills. (Moon=sociability, Mercury=communication(verbal, body language, facial expressions)
Age 7 is the 8th house profection year. This is we begin to go through metamorphosis in how we interact with the world, gaining more independence. (8h=death, our separation from parents to explore other relationships and who we are, seeing reality from a different perspective )
Ages 8-12 is typically when we are beginning the journey of puberty, a transitional stage in life. This is when one becomes more aware of their body image (Venus)
12 to 13 is a great milestone in development. This is when we hit our second Jupiter Return. Jupiter rules growth, expansion, our political views, beliefs systems. Here is where we build upon or reassess this structure through our interaction with para-social & social relationships. Physical growth spurts(Jupiter) (Age 12: 1st house year=physical appearance)
That first cycle of the Jupiter return(0-12), we were gaining understanding/perception (Jupiter) of what the world is through our parental/guardian/family dynamics. Jupiter rules those that guide/educate us. This reflects in the relationship we choose with others.
13-17 we are more inclined to be influenced by peers. More likely to engage in risk and romance. External vs internal validation. This is typically when the Myelination(generation of myelin, which is a lipid, Jupiter rules lipids) of the brain is mostly complete ( development of cognitive & motor skills ) (the planet Jupiter is mature at 16) (except the prefrontal cortex , Mercury rules this (rationalizing thoughts, behavior, emotions) & Mercury Matures at 32, while the moon(who it gets info from) is mature at 24 & Venus(evaluative ability) matures at 25(when the prefrontal cortex reaches mature development )
Age 18 is the 7th house profection year. When experience our next phase in life, where we gain a new relationship to the world. Your status in the world changes.
Age 19 is the 8th house profection year. Upon gaining/losing a certain status in life, we are now on a fool’s journey, you may begin to look for new purpose or passion at this stage. 8th house= death. This is the ending of our teenage years.
Our cognizance of these years aides is in closing out past cycles, creating new experiences, finding a new direction in life, understanding the areas of our lives/selves in which we need to develop more, create a more stable/strong/secure foundation. Since this Venus Rx is paired with a Saturn Rx, we could be experiencing tower moments(upheavals/progression/transformation ) in current relationships(past relationships can be relevant too) , career paths, passions in life, self esteem, perception of love, etc.
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v3nusfae · 10 months
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"8" 2023
laser cut wood and acrylic paint
in astrology the 8th house represents birth, death, rebirth, sex, money (more "long term" than 2nd house), and joint finances. the energy of this house steers you away from the path of materialism towards the path of spiritualism. this house is ruled by scorpio, the scorpion; which is all about mystery, the emotional realm, intuition, and psychic abilities.
the two snakes overlap each other to make an eight or an infinity symbol. one has the sun and the other has the moon to represent the two sides of the coin of life. yin and yang. it also represents the mystic side of life that is beneath everything physical.
i made this during and inspired by my 8H profection year ruled by gemini, the two twins.
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mercurytrinemoon · 2 months
Random observations: (Gemini-coded) celebrity edition part 3
Well apparently Will Smith somehow made a comeback and somehow everyone's fine with him all of a sudden? Would be surprised but astrology backs that up.
Will is a Gemini rising. What planet just ingressed into Gemini? Jupiter. We all know that Jupiter, aside from bringing luck and sometimes fame, is the most forgiving and permissive planet out of all of them. It entered his first house of the self and suddenly he's the cool guy again that everyone likes. It does help that his Sun is in the first degrees of Libra so Jupiter is also trining it.
When I was discussing the Oscar slap gate, I was mentioning how he's going through a progressed New Moon, which will make him go into hiding for a bit or be "banished" somehow. Well the New Moon has passed (although it's still relatively close to the Sun) but the progressed luminary is at least not in Scorpio anymore.
Transiting Saturn is still in his 10th house though and when it leaves Pisces, his Saturn return will start so we'll see how that will go for him.
There's a lot to talk about the most obnoxious Gemini to exist but today we'll focus on the latest events.
Trump got convicted for felony when Mercury and Uranus conjoined in Taurus right on his MC. Saturn was also t-squaring both of his luminaries at that time (and will t-square them again when retrograde). It's very fitting as Saturn digs up events from the past, judges them and brings potential restrictions. He's also in a Saturn-ruled profection year aaaand… his natal Saturn is in the 12th house - the house of secrets, fiddles and all forms of jails.
And again, Jupiter, which is transiting the sign of his Sun is too forgiving as his court sentencing has been postponed to September (Mars will be transiting his 12th house at that time so we'll see who's going to have the upper hand here - Jupiter or Mars).
UPDATE SINCE I WROTE THE DRAFT FOR THIS POST A FEW DAYS AGO: As it turns out, Trump's MC gets another hit in a form of a Mars-Uranus-Algol conjunction. Quite literally. The assasination attemp happened just one day before the nasty conjunction and was extremely close to sensitive points in his chart. His MC is at 24° Taurus, his natal Mars is at 26° Leo (that's a square) and his ascendant at 29° Leo. On the day of the rally shooting Mars was at 25° of Taurus - barely moving away from his MC and applying with a square to his natal Mars. Uranus sits at 26° as well.
Just as a reminder: Mars rules violence, sharp objects, war, hatred and accidents while Uranus is explosive, sudden and destructive. That's enough to cause shootings and assasinations but add the fixed star Algol to the mix, which signifies violence and… beheadings, we get an extreme version of the above (and unfortunately someone did die from a shot in the head).
💫 THE ACOLYTE = VENUS CAZIMI IN GEMINI (potential Acolyte episode 1 spoilers?)
This one is my favourite. I was watching the first episode of Star Wars Acolyte and something hit me: the show came out on a Venus cazimi in Gemini and the main protagonist is a twin (!) whose supposedly dead sister emerges from hiding and turns to the dark side. It's a show about twin (Gemini) girls (Venus)! And it shows the geminian polarities: in this case of good and evil. The re-emergence is also symbolized by Venus cazimi as after the conjunction, it starts coming out of the Sun's shadow and can be seen on the sky again.
But that's not all. The twins were separated at the age of 8 and the events of the show take place 16 years later. 8 is a Venus synodic cycle, 16 is, well, two synodic cycles.
You want more? Okay, the actress playing the main protagonist and her twin, Amandla Stenberg, was born just a few days before Venus cazimi in Scorpio.
I've just read that Margot is pregnant! It's always interesting to me what transits accompany pregnancy (spoilers: it's often Jupiter).
Margot just entered her 11th house profection year, ruled by Venus. Her natal Venus is in the first decan of Gemini and the news broke around the time when Jupiter was right on top of it. I've been mentioning Jupiter quite a lot today in terms of luck and forgiveness but let's not forget that the great benefic also grows things as it signifies fertility. And Venus is one of the significators of womanhood.
The 12th house transit is not surprising either as some themes of the house do match carrying a child: the psychology behind it, sometimes having to draw back from the world in one way or another or just changing habits; being in labour is very much a 12th house thing as well.
We're changing areas to talk about… football (I know, shocking).
Lionel Messi just suffered a major injury during the Copa America final. Messi is a Cancer Sun and he just entered his 2nd house profection year in Pisces. As we know, Pisces is currently occupied by Saturn at 19° and is squaring his Gemini Moon exact (0°11’ orb on the day of the accident). Traditionally Moon is associated with body but in his case it's even more pronounced as it rules his 6th house of injury. It's important to add that with Sun, Mercury retrograde and Mars natally in the 6th house any damages to the body are very likely in general.
Transiting Saturn is also applying with a 3° square to his natal Saturn (his ascendant ruler) in the 11th house - this is not only a pivotal moment in his life but also in the sphere of his career as a teammate (11th house). Hopefully the recovery will be quick!
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black-lake · 2 years
🛸 Masterlist- 〄 🛸
welcome to the blog! 💟 I share some of my thoughts and interests here ☉ ♓︎ - ☽ ♍︎ - ↑ ♊︎ - ☿ ♀ ♃ ♈︎ - mc ♒︎
〄 General observations
astro obs |⌁ astro obs 2 |⌁ astro obs 3 |⌁ astro obs 4 |⌁ astro obs 5 |⌁ astro obs 6 |⌁ astro obs 7 |⌁ astro obs 8 |⌁ astro obs 9 |⌁ astro obs 10 |⌁ astro obs 11 |⌁ astro obs 12
celeb edition |⌁ astro obs - celebs
〄 Notes or questions
aspects |⌁ saturn opposite neptune |⌁ lilith aspects to mercury/pluto |⌁ pluto aspects to planets advice |⌁ venus/moon opposite pluto |⌁ pluto conj/opp ascendant |⌁ chiron ascendant aspects |⌁ lilith conjunct chiron |⌁ lilith & chiron sextile MC
placements |⌁ pluto in capricorn 0° |⌁ mars in aries 0°
north node |⌁ sun square nn & jupiter trine nn |⌁ neptune conj north node |⌁ venus quintile north node |⌁ north node in taurus 11th |⌁ the path of warriors - north nodes
topics |⌁ self care based on your chart |⌁ birth chart red flags |⌁ mercury dominants |⌁ saturnian flames (mars-saturn) |⌁ neptune in pisces and pluto in aqua notes
〄 Random/fun thoughts 
astro signs |⌁ chiron ascendant look |⌁ astrological aspects as superpowers
〄 Experiences or discussions
saturn transits experience |⌁ planets/saturn 12th - connection to water |⌁ north node in 4th or conj IC |⌁ saturn transits 10th |⌁ north node conj ic |⌁ 2nd house profection year
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heartlilith · 5 months
🌻May Reading Specials🌻
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How do people view you? - $20
A general view on how people see you and their thoughts on you based on your Sun, Rising, Chart Ruler placement, 10th house and 10th house lord placement.
Your Perfect Aesthetic & Style - $10
What aesthetic and style suits you the best? Includes pictures as well. Based on your Sun, Venus, and Rising sign.
Powerful Placements - $12
Three power placements in your chart that you should lean into to unlock your bad b!tch power.
Asteroids - $7
Description of 3 asteroids that are prevalent in your chart. Either you choose the asteroids or I do based on my opinion of which ones influence you most.
Profection Year - $15
I'll look at your age, profected house and lord, and lord placement in your Natal and Solar Return Chart and influential aspects it makes in both charts.
First Impression - $8
I'll give a detailed description of 3 placements/aspects I notice first when I see your natal chart.
(Have a reading idea you'd like to see in the specials? Message or send me an ask!)
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nostalgicgeminiii · 2 years
👑Scream Queen Astrology👑 (the eternal beauty ) Jamie Lee Curtis
When you think of a scream queen, there’s no doubt that the wonderful Jamie Lee Curtis comes to mind
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Birth Info: 10/22/58 @ 8:37 am (Santa Monica, Cal, USA)
     Jamie Lee Curtis is an American actress who’s most famously known for her role as Laurie Strode in the Halloween franchise. This character actually marked her first feature film debut in 1978 and she continued to appear in 7 other films in the franchise so misssss is definitely cemented in this role completely. I have to note that she appeared to have been casted in this role specifically based on her mother, Janet Leigh’s, performance in the Hitchcock’s Psycho which is also a film that earned her mother the title of “Scream Queen” as well. 
Now let’s take a look at her natal chart:
She was born under a Sag rising at 25 degs with a Scorpio Sun @ 29 degs (11H Placdius and 12H Whole Sign) and an Aries moon @ 19 degs (4H placdius and 5H WHS). Having both her sun and moon in traditional mars ruled signs does represent a sort of survivalist tendencies and defensiveness to the characters she tends to play especially in the Halloween films. Additionally, her 12H WHS sun is ruled by her leo 8H in placidius - she can easily show the depth and pain of the people she plays especially their trauma. Interestingly enough, she’s often seen describing these films around the trauma that her character experiences which is related to the 8H and also her own personal 12H placements (Her Scorpio sun, Jupiter and Neptune in Whole sign). In the later films, her character is seen to be more recluse and isolative which is representative of 12H placements usually.              
** Zendaya also has an 8H sun influence - her Virgo sun is in her 8H and it’s ruled by leo in the 7H and her most recent role in Euphoria as Rue deals with a lot of 8H issues as well**
Plus if we take degree theory into account, Jamie having a Scorpio sun at 29 degrees which is a leo degree could have helped her cement her stardom as a scream queen. Her character, Laurie, undergoes constant transformations and changes from the experiences she faces with the infamous Michael Myers (SPOILER ALERT: he’s her brother in the films AND funny enough Jamie has mercury in the 12th conjunct Saturn + mercury does rule siblings so it being in the hidden house aka the 12H is really ironic) Can you even imagine the experience of having a sibling that is a serial killer like that shit is so unsettling and isolating. Who can really understand the depth of having to experience that???
Now miss Jamie has a Sag rising but a Libra MC - if we take into account her iconic role and what her motivation is, Her libra MC and libra NN really shine. Laurie in the film was constantly striving to achieve justice for the crimes that Michael Myers committed and throughout all her halloween film appearances, this is what her general task in life seems to be aka the direction that the north node tends to point people towards. Her aries moon is also at a libra degree (19) so this further supports this. 
I’d like to note that when the first halloween film was released in 1978, she was in an 8th house profection year ruled by cancer (quick reminder: profection charts use traditional rulers and whole sign so even tho in placdius she has a leo 8th with her natal leo in uranus we still need to look at the whole sign with the traditional ruler)
     Cancer = home
     the ruler is her aries moon in 5th whole sign which is in martian ruled sign      and naturally the 8th house rules secret, danger, mysteries etc. In                    placidius, her moon is in her 4th showing she really had to be defensive         and protective of her home and family. In her 5th whole sign, she doesn`t        really get to enjoy any regular hobbies or activities neither can she really          do things she likes cause she’s constantly trying to be on the look out             and on guard to any possible dangers. Her aries moon trines her mercury       (siblings) which is in the 12th in pla. and 1st in WS. 
In pla. Her virgo pluto is in the 8th but in WS it’s in the 10th squaring by venus, mercury and her saturn. Jamie plays a character that has her reputation and goals constantly changed and forcibly transformed. The virgo qualities have her constantly trying to protect herself and solve her problems in more efficient ways and of course her character is the longest surviving victim of Myer’s violence. 
★★★★★  In the end, Jamie Lee Curtis and her fabulous self was definitely meant to play this character to perfection. Maybe in the future, casting directors will look at natal charts to match the actors to their roles and we get to see excellence on the screen ★★★★★
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itsmeanyango · 1 year
Scorpio Eclipse 2023: Timeless messages
Emergency Scorpio Eclipse messages. They are very short but touch on the main thing. Feel free to ask questions. 8H and 12H see me!!!!
This is not a one time thing by the way.
Last year these themes were highlighted but not as strongly, you were however promoted to look into the said themes.
This is going to be the last Scorpio eclipse until The Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse on May 7, 2031 at 16 Scorpio 25(So 8 years of no Scorpio eclipse).
The number 8 also represents Scorpio and in Tarot is the Strength card, YOU CAN DO THIS!
So just as Pluto in Aquarius(see my Pluto in Aquarius insight post here) comes to a climax, if you will have not done the work it will be a very hard time for you come the next 21 years and during these 21 years. Purpose to have made something good FOR YOURSELF in these coming 8 years.
First house Scorpio/Scorpio rising (Ascendant): Death of the self.
Second house Scorpio: Death of addictions.
Third house Scorpio: The call can't be placed, death of communication.
Fourth house Scorpio/IC: Death of your known relationship with/to motherhood.
Fifth house Scorpio: Inner child will die if you don't do something.
Sixth House Scorpio: Death of whatever has been causing you gut or mental issues. Death of the routines you have been having.
Seventh House Scorpio/DC: End of sex life, start celibacy. Stop casual sex. Stop borrowing, end of debt.
Eight House Scorpio: DM me, I'm just thinking "Annie are you Okay?" By Michael Jackson. Every single thing seems to be falling apart, you are called to restructure everything in your life by letting go of old foundations. Be a phoenix.
Ninth House Scorpio: End of higher education, it's time to hang the boots🫶🏿, I'm sorry. Cognitive dissonance.
Tenth House Scorpio/MC: Your career is struggling right? Your relationship with your father or as a father; it's the end, right? What you think about fatherhood, what has changed?
Eleventh house Scorpio: Kikulacho ki nguoni mwako! Umdhaniaye siye ndiye!
Translation: Sleeping with the enemy.
Twelfth House Scorpio: Now who is this going to prison 🤐DM me. So much...lack of peace. Reach out to me!
Your profection years and Lunar returns will help you so keep them in check.
What can I do to prepare?(Ritual)
Nothing. I hope everyone has been relaxing.
What services do you offer?
I offer therapy, birth chart readings, Human design charts and even Human Design classes so feel free to contact me here.
If you don't have WhatsApp just email me here: [email protected]
Here is my website.
You can also find me on Fiverr here.
My services are not plain Astrology, they are psychospiritual and multicultural as I am a multicultural psychologist.
I am highlighting that I offer therapy so if you are going through it just reach out to book a session!*
*I have a dual relationships policy in which if we know each other personally, I will give you a list of alternative and equally ethical + qualified therapists to contact for therapy.
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lilacstro · 1 month
astro observation pt 15
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gonna clear drafts (around 10 posts lmao) before we start with the Vedic astro series! I would start from the a little basics as most of you suggested :)
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Consider sending suggestions for next astro posts or pick a cards if you like!
Paid readings open
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1.I really do not get people and their perceptions on "unevolved placements". In my fair opinion of studying astrology even in my diploma, and seeing astrologers, no one has ever brought up what an unevolved placement is. If there is something I am missing, please quote the source for this knowledge and I would inform myself immediately :) The placements, and the aspects they make are majorly responsible for how we manage the energies that come along. This is goes down to applying and separating aspects in western astrology and psychological astrology on a more advanced level. I repeat, please do not see isolated placements in charts and form perceptions, please! So if a Scorpio sun is acting mean, it is most likely their personality and influence from their surroundings, before astrology. Astrology is NOT an excuse for any kind of behavior or generalization of a behavior.
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2.Look at the signs and planets in your 8th and more specifically 12th house to see what kind of people, or things and situations you may be capable of attracting in your life subconsciously. For example people with Venus in 12th could attract many admirers if not lovers, Scorpio in 12th could attract envy and so on. Look where does the ruler of the house lie for more info!
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3.Neptune is the higher octave of Venus and shows unconditional love. But it also very much can show where we were not shown compassion hence we show it to others. For example people with Neptune in 1st could always have been told to change or hide because of some circumstances or people, so they likely to accept people non judgmentally for who they are, people with Neptune in 2nd could have not been spoken kindly to, so they speak kindly to others, and so on.
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4. Your rising sign can pretty much really well show where you may struggle. For example, Capricorn Risings may struggle with rules and authority figures like teachers, parents etc., Virgo risings may struggle at work or school, Sag risings may struggle with higher education and foreign travel and so on..
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5. People with planets in 7H, and even Saturn can actually assume tendencies to be focused on things like "how they are acting and coming of to people as", "what people may think about them if they say this/that" , "how someone could perceive them" basically relationships to others become really important and a point of reflection to them very strongly and it indeed influences them and their behaviors to certain levels. Interaction with people is some kind of focus and priority I have seen.
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6. People with moon in 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th and 11th are very likely to be "moms" of their friend group. These kinds of people usually have more care for others than themselves and its so sweet :)
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7. I have very often seen people with Fire mercuries, especially Sag mercuries zone out or get distracted real quick when you are talking to them, I would like to add this for Pisces mercuries too.
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8. I would really like that whenever you are seeing monthly lunar cycles, give yourself extra care and attention when your moon is transitioning in your 4th house. I would like to add this for the other subconscious houses as well!
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9. People with Pluto in 1st house could see some kind of dramatic change in their body, especially their weight and overall body image at some point in life, and very especially in their 1st house profection year.
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10. Speaking of which, you could actually be much more physically active and conscious of your physical body even if for a few weeks when you are in your Mars house's profection year
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11. I really do not know how often and how much it has been said, but people with ruler of 12H/8H in 1H, 1H in Pluto/Mars, Scorpio risings, could be stalked or secretly paid heavy attention to some point in your life.
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12. I think one of the things I often see not being talked about for 9H is the higher mind. When you are having planets transition in your 9H it is very, very possible that you experience some kind of opening and broadening of your mind, especially through spiritual experiences. You may feel drawn or more connected to your religion, you may feel unexplainable feelings inside, maybe good, maybe bad but in the end, it feels like you received some kind of higher wisdom or spiritual download, and it is very likely not through a catastrophic event.
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13. I have often seen people with Scorpio, and very especially Aquarius mercuries have beautiful or I may rather say, slanting kind of handwriting. This is not an astrological reasoned observation I must add, this is what I have seen and observed.
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14. I have often seen people with Jupiter in 10th house/Capricorn/in bounds of Capricorn have this mindset of working or I may say burning themselves out for achieving their desires in life, their is a burning passion and desire, however most of the times, these people cannot just sit back and receive things. There is a mindset of "I have to work for what I want" Very very possible that this can change, although after experiencing a heavy burnout once in their life.
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15. People with Mercury in 11H are in my opinion rather likely to be the ones with a more confined peer group or friends/support system. These people always have deep thinking and "analysis" of who they are befriending, now that really depends if they make the right decision or not after all this introspection.
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16. I have also seen people with Mercury in 11H are often usually very academically concerned if not competitive with their friends and peers. Their measure of how well they performed in a test, a task at work or how fast they have learnt and understood something is likely to be derived from their friends and people around them at some point or other at least once.
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17. Planets in your 11H can actually show your fan behavior and relationship to celebrities. People with Moon in 11H could actually have a possibility of being in some para social relationship, or maybe heavy emotional connection to their celebs/idols, People with Mercury in 11H could very much think about their celebs and idols but with discernment and concern, people with 11H in Neptune similarly could fall into heavy attachments and delusions.
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take care xoxo
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