#8 of Wands
monratarot · 5 months
Suit of wands - 8 of wands
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8 of wands -Lord of Swiftness
Where focus goes energy flows* – the Law of Attraction in Action. Something is coming & it’s coming quickly.
you will find that your affairs will be speeding up now
Season: Fall
Timing: Now
Element - fire
Astrological association - Mercury in Sagittarius
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❀Upright meaning
lots of communication(inundated with emails, calls, offers)
all your projects grow wings, moving swiftly forward
don’t feel you have to say yes to everything
relationship - you have put a lot of really amazing work into improving yourself in order to attract the right partner; you may be facing an intense love situation going forward where balance is needed; a long-term journey for this relationship; this person is in such a hurry to be in a relationship, they do feel you are a special someone
health - you should give a primary focus to this kind of behaviour so that you will have a level of full-body health that you never imagined possible
work - a reward for all the work you have done so far; your previous actions are about to pay off; things at work will seem to fall into place for a period of time
opportunities are presenting themselves to you, they blossom along your life path as bright and vibrant as roses
you are closed up when all you want is to be open to the sunshine
❀Reversed meaning
delays in communication, disruption to your plans
moving slowly
descending into chaos
targets missed
illusion, living a lie
fake friends, backstabbing, disappointment
lack of energy
delay - you have a lot of pending work to finish, but for now, you need to be patient
relationships - hard to communicate as a result be drawn into petty arguments; if you have hopes for a new love - you feel disappointed by the person’s lack of context; end of love - but due to the movement it suggests an opportunity in love that is missed
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tarotfairy0919 · 24 days
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Suit of Wands - 8 of wands🧨
©tarotfairy0919 - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter or repost my work.
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💥8 of wands -Lord of Swiftness
Where focus goes energy flows* – the Law of Attraction in Action. Something is coming & it’s coming quickly.
you will find that your affairs will be speeding up now
Season: Fall
Timing: Now
Element - fire
Astrological association - Mercury in Sagittarius
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❀Upright meaning
lots of communication(inundated with emails, calls, offers)
all your projects grow wings, moving swiftly forward
don’t feel you have to say yes to everything
relationship - you have put a lot of really amazing work into improving yourself to attract the right partner; you may be facing an intense love situation going forward where balance is needed; a long-term journey for this relationship; this person is in such a hurry to be in a relationship, they do feel you are a special someone
health - you should give a primary focus to this kind of behavior so that you will have a level of full-body health that you never imagined possible
work - a reward for all the work you have done so far; your previous actions are about to pay off; things at work will seem to fall into place for some time; opportunities are presenting themselves to you, they blossom along your life path as bright and vibrant as roses; you are closed up when all you want is to be open to the sunshine
❀Reversed meaning
delays in communication, disruption to your plans
moving slowly
descending into chaos
targets missed
illusion, living a lie
fake friends, backstabbing, disappointment
lack of energy
delay - you have a lot of pending work to finish, but for now, you need to be patient
relationships - hard to communicate as a result be drawn into petty arguments; if you have hopes for a new love - you feel disappointed by the person’s lack of context; end of love - but due to the movement it suggests an opportunity in love that is missed
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checanty · 2 years
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Eight of Wands (reversal) (created for the Wrymwood Corrupted Tarot) Prints | Twitter | Instagram | Portfolio
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Exploring the Depths of Wands Arcana
~ Insights and Interpretations
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Introduction to Wands Arcana
In the realm of the arcana, the wand symbolizes our momentum, willpower, drive, and even our disposition. It embodies the heat of the game, represented by a courageous cudgel or baton, akin to that of a warrior. The wand is not just a physical tool but a conduit for magical forces and energies. It signifies the pursuit of victory and the path to becoming the best, the first, the great hero. Additionally, it represents the dynamics of conflicts and disputes, making it the suit of war.
Disclaimer: The way I learned to read tarot cards does not involve the use of upright and reversed positions. Instead, they rely on their symbology, positive and negative meanings, and the readings depend more on the spread rather than whether the card is upright or reversed. Also, the Court Cards will also have its separate post and I'm using Rider-Waite as reference.
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Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands ignites the spark within us, the very essence that sets things in motion. Just like a spark requires oxygen and fuel, this arcane speaks of taking what you have and transforming it into something extraordinary. It embodies a profound impetus, comparable to a roaring rocket or a sudden burst of energy. It signifies an intense desire to act, and the card depicts a vibrant, living wood emerging from the ground, symbolizing the manifestation of our willpower.
Positive Interpretation:
This card radiates the energy of the present moment, urging us to seize the opportunities that surround us. It represents the strength of now, urging us to take what we possess and embark on our chosen path. It symbolizes the energy of combustion and encourages us to take the reins of the situation and make things happen. It marks the beginning, fueled by the courage, willpower, and forward movement required for a successful startup.
Negative Interpretation:
The negative aspect of the Ace of Wands warns against impatience, anxiety, and the tendency to rush into action prematurely. It advises the cultivation of calmness and patience. It may also indicate a misguided and aggressive approach, lacking the necessary elements to produce a fruitful outcome. It serves as a reminder of the importance of courage and the perils of succumbing to fear.
2 of Wands
While the Ace of Wands represents the spark, the 2 of Wands represents the fuel that sustains that energy. The card depicts a figure holding a wand with a globe, symbolizing the potential of the initial spark, while another wand stands behind. This card signifies the interplay between forward momentum and the supporting elements. It prompts us to understand the nature of fire and its inherent oscillations.
Positive Interpretation:
The 2 of Wands signifies having the necessary support and resources to pursue our goals, dreams, and desires. It highlights the ability to handle existing responsibilities while pushing boundaries and reaching new heights. It advocates for a balance between action and rest, and it emphasizes the power of collaboration and partnerships.
Negative Interpretation:
In its negative aspect, the 2 of Wands warns of obstacles and limitations that hinder progress. It suggests the challenge of multitasking and the inability to fully devote oneself to multiple endeavors. It reflects the notion of being spread too thin, resulting in a lack of fuel to sustain the desired outcomes. It may also indicate conflicts and opposition, both external and self-imposed.
3 of Wands
The 3 of Wands represents significant acts of courage and bravery. In the imagery of the card, a person stands at the port, observing ships depart and arrive, signifying the grandness of these actions in that era. It embodies the spirit of venturing into uncharted territories and discovering new horizons. The card suggests that with dedicated energy and effort, one can conquer anything. The two sticks in the background symbolize balanced energies that support and assist you on your journey.
Positive Interpretation:
This card signifies a strong willingness to take action and overcome obstacles. It reflects confidence and self-belief, urging you to be determined and find a way to achieve your desires. It embodies courage, dynamism, and a desire to travel and explore distant places. It represents a yearning to go beyond your current boundaries and expand your universe. The 3 of Wands heralds great adventures and significant decisions in your life.
Negative Interpretation:
In its negative aspect, the 3 of Wands warns against recklessly pursuing any adventure without grounding yourself. It cautions against constant restlessness and a perpetual dissatisfaction that drives you to expend energy without finding fulfillment. It can indicate an avoidance of responsibilities and impulsive actions without careful consideration. It may lead to entanglements and turning away from the present and the future, ultimately causing a sense of being lost. It may also represent distant and unreachable relationships.
4 of Wands
The 4 of Wands symbolizes the union of essential elements, representing the culmination of the spark, fuel, and expansive abilities. It signifies a joyful bonfire of energy. The card features a festoon, symbolizing congratulations, and a wedding, representing the union of collective efforts for the common good. It embodies the stability of energy, celebration, movement, and the rhythmic flow of energy.
Positive Interpretation:
This card announces celebrations, unions, happiness, and harmony. It signifies successful teamwork and the creation of positive events. It represents stability and balance of energy, indicating that things are progressing well in various aspects of life.
Negative Interpretation:
The negative aspect of the 4 of Wands brings a sense of instability. It suggests difficulties in organizing events, unions, or collaborative efforts. The energies may be in friction, leading to feuds, discord, disputes, or excessive competitiveness. The uncontrolled nature of the bonfire can prevent the realization of desired events or outcomes.
5 of Wands
In the desire to be a superhero, the 5 of Wands engage in a fierce battle. It represents an attempt to showcase courage and strength, even if the ultimate goal of becoming a champion remains elusive. In the card, each person wears different attire symbolizing different elements, and they appear to be attempting to form a pentagram.
Positive Interpretation:
This card encourages you to step into the fight, to advocate for what you want, and to give your best effort. It signifies the importance of resilience, self-assertion, and taking responsibility for overcoming personal challenges. It prompts you to stand out and invest more energy in pursuing your goals.
Negative Interpretation:
The negative aspect of the 5 of Wands represents individuals who are unlikely to succeed due to their inability to work together harmoniously. It signifies conflicts, fights, and violence. It denotes situations of intense rivalry and opposing forces. It warns of stumbling blocks, disrupted sexuality, feuds, and the destructive energies associated with uncontrolled fire.
6 of Wands
The 6 of Wands represents the triumph of fire, the ability to solve problems through victory. It signifies the first attempt of the suit to become a hero. In the card, five sticks raise the sixth one, symbolizing the glorification of achievement. The white horse represents nobility, while the laurel wreath symbolizes victory.
Positive Interpretation:
This card embodies glory, success, and the recognition of one's achievements. It signifies being seen, acknowledged, and validated by others for your accomplishments. It represents overcoming problems, obstacles, and surpassing predetermined limitations. It is associated with great leadership and the ability to break barriers.
Negative Interpretation:
In its negative aspect, the 6 of Wands announces the triumph of others while experiencing personal loss. It can indicate threats, violence, and the imposition of one's will in a way that instills fear in others. It may evoke a sense of surveillance, imprisonment, and a false sense of victory and conquest.
7 of Wands
The 7 of Wands spiritualizes the fire element, representing the inner fire that emanates from the soul and the seven chakras. It embodies the process of overcoming oneself and becoming a protector. It symbolizes great resilience and the ability to believe in oneself. In the card, a figure wields a bat, facing off against six others.
Positive Interpretation:
This card signifies the presence of energy, confidence, and necessary faith. It represents the momentum required to overcome obstacles. It is also associated with the spiritual realm and the guidance and protection of mentors. It represents a well-directed energy field where obstacles become stepping stones for progress.
Negative Interpretation:
In its negative aspect, the 7 of Wands represents individuals who are skittish and easily succumb to fear. It can manifest as fear transformed into aggression, creating a defensive and impenetrable shell. In the spiritual realm, it signifies energetic opposition and an inability to measure one's own strength.
8 of Wands
The 8 of Wands symbolizes energy in motion, akin to the accelerating tail of a rocket. In the card, the open sky represents the vast expanse where such immense energy can flourish. This card signifies acceleration, movement, and the hastening of circumstances. It embodies the will to manifest dreams and desires relentlessly.
Positive Interpretation:
This card represents a powerful surge toward success and progress. It indicates new paths and abundant possibilities. It symbolizes the unfolding of wings to navigate through challenges. It signifies the presence of light, the advent of glory, and the imminent arrival of salvation. It encourages acceleration, speed, and the determination to reach goals.
Negative Interpretation:
In its negative aspect, the 8 of Wands warns against aimless acceleration and the wasteful expenditure of energy. It signifies a failure to hit the intended target and an excessive use of energy without purpose or direction. It may represent disorientation and unbalanced energy, going too fast and engaging in unscrupulous acts to achieve one's goals. It can also symbolize attacks or acts of aggression resembling arrows.
9 of Wands
The 9 of Wands represents reaching the ember, a point where all available energy is needed for a specific purpose. In the card, eight sticks are shown protruding, while the ninth stick is held by the figure, signifying readiness for action.
Positive Interpretation:
This card embodies responsibility for one's actions and the ability to accomplish the seemingly impossible. It signifies the ability to undertake great works and face numerous challenges with unwavering self-belief and a sense of responsibility. It represents the strength that arises from discipline, determination, and accumulated experience. It also acknowledges the effort exerted in the face of weariness.
Negative Interpretation:
In its negative aspect, the 9 of Wands can represent the forceful subjugation of others or becoming enslaved by one's responsibilities. It may indicate carrying burdens that are heavier than one can bear, leading to dark accomplishments and projects that fail due to lack of energy. It warns against irresponsibility, using limited energy solely for personal gain, and experiencing exhaustion or excessive excitement that cannot be calmed.
10 of Wands
The 10 of Wands signifies the fulfillment of the desire to become a great hero. It represents mastering oneself and one's own world. In the card, a lone figure carries the weight of the entire suit, symbolizing great strength and immense effort.
Positive Interpretation:
This card represents the realization of aspirations and the embodiment of bravery and nobility. It signifies the ability to take on numerous tasks and responsibilities, akin to setting fire to the rain. It denotes the capability to handle everything that comes your way, overcoming obstacles with an abundance of spiritual energy.
Negative Interpretation:
In its negative aspect, the 10 of Wands warns against attempting to do everything independently, resulting in the centralization of activities and overwhelming oneself. It signifies the burden of excessive effort, encountering significant problems or attacks, and facing formidable opponents. It may suggest experiencing energy spikes that the physical body cannot sustain and encountering difficulties in working collaboratively or as part of a collective. It cautions against reverse leadership or assuming excessive control.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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thepigeontarot · 8 months
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Today, you may be mourning a loss in your life. You may be focused on something negative or struggling as you transition into a new path of your life. Things are happening quickly, and you may be eager to move past this point and get to the next part of your journey. Realize that you are not quite ready to move ahead. It's important to take the time to deal with the bad, experience these feelings, and move on in a healthy way. If you just jump into the next thing, you may advance quickly, but you may not end as emotionally sound.
If this resonates with you today, be sure to like and follow for more daily tarot 🐈‍⬛️
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tarotbycecelia · 23 days
Card of the Day - 8 of Wands - Monday, September 2, 2024
New Moon blessings! Today is the New Moon 11° Virgo, and on its own it is pretty simple. It is all the other heavenly bodies kicking up a ruckus which you can feel at this time. However, this New Moon does signal the beginning of the final eclipse season of 2024. No coincidence here, but the last time we saw the 8 of Wands was the day after the Libra Lunar eclipse in March. Were you to ask me…
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slywolfdesigns · 1 month
Let those arrows fly! It's time to put your back into it and engage all systems.
What's your target today? What winds might pull your arrows off course?
Either way, give it your all. The time for thinking it through before you act has passed.
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Deck is the Tyldwick Tarot by Neil Lovell
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burningartwork · 1 year
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🖌8 of Wands
8 of wands is about hyper focused, fast paced energy. The ability to move unwavered towards your goal. Everything is minimized and only the essential energies remain. Madarame only started to truly gain recognition after using his students, tapping their wells of creativity to enable the fast-paced movement in his career. Focusing on getting the essentials out of his students. The "Infinite Spring" of artistic creativity.
All the Wands/Rods suits will be themed to 🖌Madarame's Palace🖌
🃏UPRIGHT: Movement, fast paced change, action, progress, flow of energy
🃏REVERSED: Delays, frustration, resisting change, losing momentum, being unprepared
🌟 Major Arcana here
🃏 Wands:
Ace of Wands
2 of Wands
3 of Wands
4 of Wands
5 of Wands
6 of Wands
7 of Wands
8 of Wands
9 of Wands
10 of Wands
Page of Wands
Knight of Wands
Queen of Wands
King of Wands
🃏 Other Suits :
Cups (Ace)
Pentacles (Ace)
Swords (Ace)
🃏 Bonus cards:
04 - Constellation (Jose)
00R - Faith Reversed
01R - Councillor Reversed
09R - Hermit Reversed
20R - Judgement Reversed
? - Shido - Hunger
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numinously-yours · 1 year
Pick a card: What needs to be re-awakened within you?
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[Options include: Pile 1, a peach colored flower with 5 round petals; Pile 2, a light purple flower with 8 thinner petals; Pile 3, a cream colored flower with 5 round, stout petals]
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[Alt. Text: Box with tarot and oracle cards. Tarot cards include: 5 of pentacles in reverse, 7 of swords in reverse, page of cups up right, ace of wands up right. Oracle cards include: Choose Wisely (Be discerning. You don't have to keep everything in your net). Flow (let your worries drift away). Optimism (After each rainstorm, there will be clear skies). Card with stop watch which says: I give me space to breath in this moment and recognize there is beauty in life's pauses. Card with outline of facial features, a swirl in between brows, which says: I stand up for what I believe in]
Pile 1: Channel Your Energy Effectively
Pile 1: Recognize the value you bring to your life - to your work, to your relationships, and to yourself. You'll notice in the top right corner of the Page of Cups that there is a small pig with wings... You don't have to wait until pig fly in order to let yourself breathe. I am guessing that you are a pretty big empath - me too. Empathy can get overwhelming and that does NOT make you a bad person. You cannot be everything to everyone and it is okay to set boundaries on your space. Know that you will always be the advocate that you want to be, even when you require space and time. Stop self-deceiving, too, pile 1. Your mind can be mean so remember to empathize with yourself, too. In addition to re-awakening your knowledge of needing (and deserving) space, you should also re-awaken your inner child! Allow yourself to dream. Allow yourself to create. Trust your inner voice!
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[Alt. Text: Box with tarot and oracle cards. Tarot cards include: 2 of wands reversed, the Hermit, 8 of wands with knoight of swords, and seven of pentacles. Oracle cards include: Stillness (In calm waters, everything becomes clear). The Ocean (be beautiful, mysterious, wild, and free). Card with sunflower which says: I am good enough. Card with two raised hands which says: The universe is filled with endless opportunities for me.]
Pile 2: Re-awaken spontaneity & let go of the fear of the unknown
Hey pile two: Are you having trouble letting go and going with the flow? It happens! It's time to reawaken the belief in yourself. Instead of ruminating on everything, try to get yourself to make swift decisions. This doesn't mean they aren't thought through, it just means the decisions are being made more quickly. Harvesting the ability to make choices will reap long-term results. How do you even start? Believe that you are enough!! Take the time for introspection. That may sound counterintuitive when I just said to make more decisions more quickly, but introspection can bring you answers. Trust your gut, be yourself. Once you start to understand that the universe is filled with possibilities, you'll start to feel them in your soul.
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[Alt Text: Box with tarot and oracle cards. Tarot cards include: Queen of pentacles in reverse, two of swords, ace of cups, four of swords. Oracle cards include: Generosity (What good is treasure if you keep it for yourself). Direction (Trust your inner compass and find your bearings). Card with diamond shaped cage with heart inside: I am a loveable person. Card with outline of facial features, a swirl in between brows, which says: I stand up for what I believe in]
Pile 3: Reawaken your focus on self care.
Dear pile 3, you may be having more trouble than usual finding rest and time to heal. But it's not too late to bring this back as a part of your normal routine. You may be hesitating because you feel that you have too much to get done and, if you don't, things will crumble. BUT you can't do your best work if you're exhausted. Taking care of yourself will help you strengthen your self-compassion. It will allow you to regain emotional fulfillment. It will be easier to forgive yourself for your "flaws" and knowing you're doing what you can with what you have. Please know that the fight for what you believe in will still be there after you rest. Others know that you are kind, compassionate, and generous. You are loved and you will be loved even if you step back.
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infjtarot · 4 months
8 of Wands. Mystic Spiral Tarot
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Themes: Movement. The “light bulb” moment. Brilliant yet fleeting. Messages in motion. Divine inspiration. Vehicles of will. The speed of light. Express package delivery. Astrology/Element Sagittarius decan I combines Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, with Mercury, ruler of the decan. As an eight, it has a doubled Mercury influence. Though Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius, it’s supported by this twinning. In the sign of the traveling archer, Mercury is the wand: direct, on the move, and not stopping to nitpick details.
Mutable fire has become empyrean. Aries bursts out of the gate. Leo burned bright and true. Sagittarian fire has refined itself, dispersing through the expanding and far-reaching nature of Jupiter. It’s as delicate as a rainbow or the filament of a light bulb. Add Mercury and the mind becomes visionary and fleet as the archer’s arrow speeding toward the target. Picatrix gives an image of the bodies of three men, one yellow, one white, and one red, colors of fire and Spirit. The indications are of heat and growth. Agrippa’s image is of a man armed with mail, holding an unsheathed sword. It suggests someone bold who won’t be tied down. Mythology/Time of Year With all this Mercury energy, one could tell of messenger goddess Iris who traveled on the rainbow or perhaps speak of Aeolus (“swift-moving”), keeper of the fleet Anemoi, the gods of the winds. There were eight wind gods, one for each direction of the compass: Boreas (North), Notus (South), Eurus (East), Zephyrus (West), plus four lesser gods for the between directions. With Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius and doubled Mercury, tales of Zeus and Hermes are appropriate. Hermes was the messenger and son of Zeus. His mother was Maia, the eldest of the Pleiades sisters. He was a brilliant and precocious child. By noontime of the first day of his birth, he had invented the lyre and sung his own commemorative birthday hymn. He was mischievous and thieving, stealing Apollo’s cattle that very evening. Yet while he was a handful, he was beloved by the other gods and a favorite of Zeus, assisting him in his numerous trysts and always on hand to provide his father with brilliant insights, assistance, and advice. Susan T. Chang
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hermitsmirror · 1 year
TAROT DEEP DIVE 🔥📩🔥 8 of Wands
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The 8 of Wands is a card of energy, movement, and messages. It’s Mercury and Sagittarius in one. What an energetic and wide-ranging combo!
What new insights or fun facts did you learn about the 8 of Wands in this tarot deep dive? How does the 8 of Wands normally show up for you?
And if you’re looking to make big strides in your tarot reading techniques and learn how to stack layers of meaning to find your ideal method, you want to learn to Read Tarot like a Nerd. It’s a self-paced class, so enrollment is always open.
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tarot-and-stuff · 11 months
Hi i am here for the free reading
Will i able to became move korea by scholarship or by any entertainment company and until when ?
Riya capricorn ♑️
Thanks and love u
For this spread, I used a 5-card yes/no spread from one of my tarot books.  Mostly evens and major arcanas mean yes, while odds mean no.  In this case, you got a yes. I didn't really get much on the timing aspect in regards to how long, although I feel like the move itself happens rather quickly when it happens.
The first card to come out was the 8 of Wands. This is generally a rather busy card, which suggests things speeding up. I feel like this suggests that the opportunity comes up quickly and progresses quickly, once it is available to you.
The second card to come out was the 10 of Coins. This is often associated with family, as well as abundance and stability. I feel like this can be taken a few ways ways, with all being possible. The first being that you may end up meeting someone that you ultimately end up forming a family with when you move. The second being that you ultimately end up returning due to something connected to family. It kinda reminded me of a doctor that my grandma had years ago, who actually moved back to Korea after living in the US for however long to care for his mother (I believe it was his mom anyways, but it could've been another family member). This could also suggest that you'll have your family's support regarding this opportunity.
The third card to come out was The Wheel Of Fortune. This card is associated with things working out as they're meant to and sometimes kinda has a bit of a lucky feel to it. I feel like this suggests that you may feel like however this opportunity comes about that you're lucky for it and it may feel like a change of pace (like things getting better if they've been difficult for awhile or something like that).
The fourth card to come out was the 8 of Swords reversed. This is associated with getting out of a mindset of feeling trapped, which generally involves leaving a situation behind. This could be a sense of not deserving an opportunity or feeling like there's a reason that you can't leave.
The fifth card to come out was the 7 of Coins. This suggests looking at things with long-term potential. Basically, I feel like as you go through the experience (or even when you first get the chance), you'll start thinking about if it has a potential to last.
Under the deck was the 7 of Wands. This card is associated with perseverance and standing your ground. I do feel like this suggests that this won't be an easy choice, but that you're going to be able to handle it. There may be some issues with jealousy around you regarding this, but I don't think you'll let that stop you from doing this.
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wolfhowlwitch · 1 year
Hello, I'm C. If your free readings are open, may i ask for one please? I'm a bit old and I've been single for over a decade or two due to circumstances. However I do want to have a forever partner and get married to him, and have a life together. I'm also child free i.e. never had any children by choice. And even though I was very broody for just a couple of years, I've recently come to the conclusion that I don't want any children and this decision has made me feel very liberated! And I'm glad that i didn't go through any kind of process in the previous years to get a child. I love babies, but that's quite literally the only stage that I love of having a kid, nothing beyond that, lol. So I wanted to know, whether in future will I have a husband for me and will he be happily child free and child less? I don't want to be a step-parent btw, whether of younger or older kids, nor do I want to adopt. I just want me and my husband and a dog or two, and our happy, cozy retired life (maybe babysitting our friends' kids once a while, lol). Thanks a lot for this opportunity!
hello there C! I will absolutely do your reading, but first I wanted to be very open and honest with you. your ask made me very emotional and I felt it important that before I let the cards speak, I speak from my heart.
you do not need tarot cards to tell you that you CAN find the love of a man who is just as happy childless as you are. I can tell you that myself. I struggled quite a bit through my adolescence/young adulthood with partners that very much expected me to “get over” my complete lack of interest in having children. many of them planned a future despite my disinterest, setting it in stone that I would grow out of this and someday I would need to satisfy some appetite for parenthood.
this day- as I knew it wouldn’t- never came. rather than outgrowing my intentions to be child-free, I outgrew the men who insisted they were just waiting on the day I came into some kind of parental instinct.
what DID come was my husband. someone who is as disinterested in having children of our own as I am. someone who respects my wishes and loves me FOR, not DESPITE, them. we live a quiet and happy life, with a silly little cat, free of the cost of child-rearing, able to sleep in on days off, simply sharing our love with each other and never being interrupted. it is truly beautiful. and we’re going to be really cool uncles to all our friends’ kids someday.
it IS possible and it CAN happen for you. I am truly firm in my belief of that, because I have first hand experience. I wish for you the same peaceful, childless, loving bliss that I have.
and that’s my bit of preaching- onto the cards now!
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card 1- will you find a husband that has no previous children?
card 2- will you find a husband that wants to remain child free?
card 3- will you have to convince him to not have children?
card 4- what will your life together look like
card 5 (for fun)- how will he feel about dogs?
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card 1- the Star
— the Star is a definite yes
card 2- 8 of Wands
— the 8 of Wands is a definite yes
card 3- 8 of Cups
— the 8 of Cups is a CLEAR no
card 4- Queen of Pentacles
— the Queen of Pentacles speaks to security, confidence in a relationship, financial independence. you and your husband will have worked hard to get to a place where you can enjoy the luxuries of life and the luxuries of each other.
card 5- the Ace of Cups
— the Ace of Cups is a positive, affirmative card- he will like dogs.
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6-and-7 · 2 years
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Huevember 4 8 Wands / Ace McShane "You have to move faster than that if you want to keep up with me. Faster than light. We're hardly moving yet. Hardly cruising speed. Sometimes I travel so fast I don't exist any more."
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thepigeontarot · 28 days
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Today, you need to take charge of your emotions and embrace the energy that you hold. While you can allow events to resolve on their own, this may be ineffective to your own growth and your own goals. So take the opportunity to direct your self, your emotions in a way that will lead you to somewhere positive. Be quick to make a decision because if you choose not to get involved, you may end up feeling like you have failed. You need to be the decision maker in your life, the one who directs the energy, in order to reach the fulfillment you want. 🐈‍⬛
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tarotbycecelia · 1 year
Card of the Day - 8 of Wands - Thursday, July 6, 2023
Most people consider forward movement to be a welcome thing, especially if it has felt thwarted in the recent past. However, there is a bit more going on here than meets the eye, and you could be left feeling as though you are caught up in swirling energy, the type which picks you up from where you are, and deposits you somewhere not-so-familiar. While it is not an eclipse season, for some of you…
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