#7x1 spn
homoangel · 10 months
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did /i/ play god?? 👉👈 oopsies hihi
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drulalovescas · 3 months
Castiel's love language ...
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...was dying for Dean
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saturnneedsspace · 3 months
Misha's acting is incredible. Not just for him to go from Cas to God, but also for him to go from God to Cas to Leviathan in a split second is amazing.
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arcanespillo · 1 year
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“Man is neither angel nor beast; and the misfortune is that he who would act the angel acts the beast” Blaise Pascal
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mothalas · 6 months
I'm actually so pissed at dean and how he treats Sam’s hallucinations. I understand that Sam is also kind of brushing it off but that because he is SCARED!! HE DOESNT WANT TO DO ANY OF THIS!! and all of that is being worsened by dean constantly being stupid about itl and i understand that this is deans way of being helpfull and this is how he shows love blah blah blah but actually it's so wrong how he's Like joking about it. Dean was in hell for so long and he was so fucked up and that was for 4 months (30 years hell time) but that was like normal hell/ torturing people. Sam was stuck in there as Lucifers chew toy AND HE KNOWS THATTT THATS WHY HE MADE A FUCKING DEAL WITH DEATH HIMSELF TO GET HIM TO BE SAFEEEE. so now that Sam isn't safe why is he acting the way he is. Oh my god.like all “haha can't have you seeing anything else.” and Sam is like “yeah i get it i'm trying here” and he's like “nooo ur so bad you can't do anything” ITS SO UPSETTING WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE THIS…. and cas’s death is NOT an excuse. Cas dying has exactly nothing to do with this situation.
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melodiccudgels · 5 months
“just got to season seven” do notttt even worry about it. What if orpheus had a gay cajun vampire sidepiece. you cant worry about this. you have bigger concerns right now. what if jeff bezos was a biblical clone monster. You need to worry about the rise of dick right now.
anon i was not prepared for any of these sentences. each one was an additional slap to the face of information that left me more and more bewildered. i love you.
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eaudeclown · 1 year
Man, he probably thought he was gonna get some apology tongue
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violetfaust · 11 months
The Broken Destiel Seals: A Semicomprehensive Unillustrated List
(So far)
I didn't complete my (self-appointed) assignment for Destiel Day, which was to compile a complete list of every time Destiel went canon (thus breaking one of the Sixty-Six Seals: when they all fall, the pale coconuts will collide), with nice gifs. To me, Destiel is "canonized" by persons/entities who officially create and distribute the show: producers, writers, actors, directors, other crew, translators, and networks.
Have, instead, this work in progress.
November 5, 2020, 15x18, “Despair”: Cas declares his love.
Nov. 11, 2020: Misha Collins at DCLOnline: “It was a long time in the making. It was really important to [Robert Berens] and really important to me. When he pitched me the storyline it gave me chills. I thought - this is awesome. This vindication and this expression of love - at the end - it makes it all worth it. I was really happy about it. You know, it’s interesting, there are some fans who are asexual who have taken solace in the fact that Cas hasn’t made this kind of declaration [before] so I feel bad that those fans might get a little bit alienated. However, I’m sure that a lot of them are also okay with this. There’s a trope in Hollywood of “kill the gays” and so Cas meeting with his demise only seconds after making this homosexual declaration of love fits into that fairly insidious trope, however, for some reason, that is, in my mind, not really as important as the declaration itself.”
Nov. 12, 2020, 15x19, “Inherit the Earth”: Lucifer, whose signature move is pretending to be a dead lover to get someone to let him in (done to Sam, Nick, and Vince Vincente), pretends to be Cas when calling Dean.
November 19, 2020, 15x20, “Carry On”: Bobby’s knowing eyebrow waggle when telling Dean that Cass "helped"--was safe in heaven.
November 25, 2020, the Latin American dub: “Te amo.” “Y yo a ti, Cas.” https://teamironmanforever.tumblr.com/post/637355024027090944/highlight-translation-of-the-spanish-dub-actor
Those are the first five seals, taking us to the end of November 2020.
But they were just the beginning.
December 6, 2020, 5x4 “The End” script: “I think the only thing we have left, me and Dean, is each other.”
December 6, 2020: confirmation that Dean was scripted to say “I love you” in the crypt scene.
December 11, 2020, 15x18 script direction: “Still beautiful. Still Dean Winchester.”
December 28, 2020, 7x1 script direction: “Dean looks down, away, quietly emotional—believe it or not, the following is a loving, heart-wrenched eulogy.”
January 8, 2021: Sky Deutschland describes Cas’s closest relationship as “Dean <3”
March 3, 2021, 15x18 German dub
March 10, 2021, 15x18 French dub
March 25, 2021: Before airing the SPN finale, Sky Deutschland shares Destiel reunion fanart. https://www.instagram.com/p/CM2hL42CQbO/
April 4, 2021: cameo with Misha reciting deleted bit from 05x04 The End gets published
April 10, 2021, Misha at Paris DarkLight Conline: The mix tape contained rock love songs.
April 18, 2021, 13x6 second draft script: Dean spread Cas’s ashes in a beautiful meadow near a windmill.
Note: from November 2020 to the beginning of May 2021, Destiel was going canon an average of once a week.
6/18/21, 15x18 Russian dub: “From our very first meeting, ever since I pulled you out of hell, I’ve been changing beside you. I learned love from you.” “Don’t even think about it, Cas.”
6/30/21, original script for 8x17, “Good-bye Stranger”: “I forgive you, Cas…I love you.”
9/4/21, Misha Collins at Memento Con 21: “Cas saw love in Dean’s eyes.”
9/9/21: the Italian dub’s “I love you” is platonic (unlike all other translations); Misha retorts with a “Ti amo” tweet.
10/15/21, DenCon 21:
April 2022, SPN Indy: Misha confirms that Jensen/Radio Company song “Watching Over Me” is about Cas
9/5/22, 13x20 “Unfinished Business” production script: “I lost Cas and it damn near broke me.”
10/23/22, Jensen Ackles at VanCon 22: “I had an answer for that in the next set up--camera set up after Castiel is taken and Dean's on the floor and puts his--I put my--my head in my hands--um--in that moment I did that not because I just lost--well because I--I-- he--because I lost Cas, but also because I didn't-- I didn't say anything--I didn't give him anything. And--what I had in my head was, I should have said 'I love you too' and hugged him."
Note: Someone in the future will earn their doctorate in psychology studying Jensen Ackles's tangled pronouns when he talks about Dean.
 11/16/22, 14x10 “Prophet and Loss” blue pages: “The world loses you, and me—I—I lose you too. And that is unacceptable to me, Dean. Unacceptable. Totally.”
2/25/23, JA at JIB 2023: “Well, I mean hopefully we get to see that at some point but I'm sure it would go how we all think it would go, it would probably be a big embrace and then Dean would say ‘Can we talk about that goodbye a little bit?’"
February 2023, JIB: Jensen and Misha write a Destiel song onstage
8/23/23: News breaks that the Latin American translator “doesn’t add stuff” and while he doesn’t remember specifically, he thinks Dean’s reciprocation must have been in the script he worked from. https://www.tumblr.com/blanketforcas/726452424930410496/context-for-those-who-missed-it
Those are the roughly 28 Destiel Seals through 11/5/23.
And counting...
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let-me-be-your-home · 3 years
Dean Winchester Week | Day 6 - Dean and Baby 
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devilsapprentice · 3 years
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godstiel || you will bow down and profess your love to me your lord or i shall destroy you
[listen on spotify here]
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drulalovescas · 1 year
shattered at the altar of (dean) winchester
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deancascaps · 4 years
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anthonycrowleymoved · 4 years
‘special guest star misha collins’ BABE he’s god now! he’s the main character and he’s literally god he’s your main actor
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sonatine · 3 years
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I'm desperately trying to watch episode 7x1 Meet the New Boss like a normal person, but I cannot stop cackling over the couple tied up in the background while death and cas talk about leviathans wondering what the fuck is going on
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notdeadyetnatural · 3 years
Season 7, Episode 1
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Season 14, Episode 20
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