sevennone · 5 months
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240424 VGK@DAL | happy postgame 😸
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fuumiku · 6 months
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day 6 & 7 : date & food
Page order is from left to right but read panels from right to left
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karastears · 2 years
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7D FANDOM please wake up 😭😭😭 i need yall
also i did my own take on jollywood's queen delightful
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bhaskarlive · 25 days
Indian Immunologicals’ new nasal, needle-free Covid vaccine a ‘gamechanger’: Study
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A novel nasal and needle-free Covid-19 vaccine, licenced to Hyderabad-based Indian Immunologicals, is set to be a game changer against the infectious disease, according to research on Tuesday.
The study led by a team from Griffith University in Australia investigated the effectiveness of administering a Covid vaccination — CDO-7N-1 — through the nasal passages.
Source: bhaskarlive.in
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Best Class 5 Driving Lessons for Beginners
Gilmore Driving School provides Class 5 driving lessons, tailored to help you obtain your Class 5 driver's license. Our experienced instructors will guide you through the process, ensuring you gain the skills and confidence needed to become a safe and responsible driver.
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max-rainet · 1 year
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rtrevisan · 1 year
Novo ARki 10 [GA]
Os desenvolvedores do ARki acabam de anunciar uma atualização (versão 10) já disponível para download (aqui). O ARki 10 inclui vários novos aprimoramentos de recursos para criar experiências interativas de Realidade Aumentada (RA). Esta atualização foi desenvolvida em colaboração com a Network Rail e o escritório 7N architects para mostrar seu modelo de estação HUB vencedor projetado como um kit…
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moustachescapes · 2 years
Book India's best 7 night & 8 days Golden Triangle Tour with Ranthambore National Park Package for wildlife experience. Enjoy Sightseeing in Delhi.
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foone · 2 years
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You know what I hate about modern mice? how pointlessly anti-repair they are. I have had plenty of mice break over time, and often it's just that some fluff or skin-flakes got wedged in the mouse wheel or under the buttons. You just need to open them up and clean them. Except.. where are the screws?
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OH THERE THEY ARE. under the little skid-pads, which cannot be put back on once you take them off, because the adhesive has been ruined! You have to buy replacement pads, if they're available, and maybe cut them down to size, as well as clean off the residue of the previous pads.
You know how this problem could be fixed? JUST DON'T PUT THE PADS ON TOP OF THE SCREWS!
Then you'd have no problem. Easy to disassemble and clean.
But then it'd look 5% uglier because apparently people are scared of seeing screws, and also people might not just throw it out and buy a new one!
It's the terrible sort of weird planned obsolescence that happens as an almost accidental side effect of improving the product. Like, ball mice? They were designed to be disassembled. You didn't even need a screwdriver! Because you had to clean them regularly, or they'd gunk up too fast. Modern optical mice? They still get gunked up, the buttons and wheel still die eventually. They can be cleaned and repaired. But now that it's not required for all of them to be cleaned regularly, that function has been removed. they're designed to be disposable.
The same thing happened with TVs way back when. If you open up a TV from the 50s (or just look at the back, honestly, many of them were designed to be always-open), you'll find a schematic showing where all the tubes are and what models they are. Was this because the 1950s was a golden era of reparability? NO! it's because they burnt out all the time and you had to replace them! As soon as TVs got reliable enough that replacing tubes was no longer needed, the schematics became hidden behind paywalls and for authorized-service-personnel-only.
It would be only a minor change in aesthetics to make your mouse repairable/cleanable. Hell, most of the time when it's not simply fixed by cleaning it, it's because one of these broke:
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This is an Omron D2FC-F-7N microswitch, used in a bunch of mice. It's designed to last about a million clicks. With a soldering iron and some solder (like 25$ on amazon) you can trivially replace it. New switches cost between like 10 cents and 2 dollars, depending where you buy it and how many you want. A couple bucks of parts and half an hour's worth of work, you can repair a 40$ mouse that's "died".
But they make it unnecessarily hard with the slide-pads being unreplacable. You have to find ones that match, you have to carefully clean off the old residue with IPA, or the new ones you just bought will fall off. All to make it look SLIGHTLY better (how often are you looking at the aesthetics of the bottom of your mouse, exactly? (no furries are allowed to answer this question!)) and maybe, just maybe, to push it over into "not worth it". You could do all that, but you have to buy new switches, new slide-pads/mouse-feet (SHUT UP FURRIES), and can you remember where your solder even is? you last used it when you were trying to fix that keyboard...
Basically one thing that is maddening to anyone with the very basics of electronic knowledge (seriously: the amount of skill you need for this is the kind you can get in less than an hour from watching a youtube tutorial) that we're surrounded by all this electrical nonsense that will break and have to be thrown out, but is mostly breaking in ways that could be fixed in a very short amount of time with relatively little work.
It's infuriating to go on amazon to buy another damn mouse and it pop up "hey you last bought this in 2021, you fool" and you're like I KNOW, IT SHOULD STILL BE WORKING TODAY!
I have computer parts from the 80s in my room right now that are still working when stuff made in the last 5 years is already dying! There's no reason it should be this way. It's an endless waste of time and money and resources and it's just to make some logitech or whoever executives slightly richer.
It's deeply bullshit. The modern day is going to be identifiable as the geological layer where most of the trash was generated. We're living in the middle of the quisquiliarumferous period: the layer of garbage.
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covid-safer-hotties · 26 days
Needle-free COVID-19 intranasal vaccine provides broad immunity, study finds - Published Agu 27, 2024
A next-generation COVID-19 mucosal vaccine is set to be a gamechanger not only when delivering the vaccine itself, but also for people who are needle-phobic.
New Griffith University research, "A single-dose intranasal live-attenuated codon deoptimized vaccine provides broad protection against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants" published in Nature Communications, has been testing the efficacy of delivering a COVID-19 vaccine via the nasal passages.
Professor Suresh Mahalingam from Griffith's Institute for Biomedicine and Glycomics has been working on this research for the past four years.
"This is a live attenuated intranasal vaccine, called CDO-7N-1, designed to be administered intranasally, thereby inducing potential mucosal immunity as well as systemic immunity with just a single dose," Professor Mahalingam said.
"The vaccine induces strong memory responses in the nasal mucosa, offering long-term protection for up to a year or more.
"It's been designed to be administered as a single dose, ideally as a booster vaccine, as a safe alternative to needles with no adverse reactions in the short or long term."
Live-attenuated vaccines offer several significant advantages over other vaccine approaches.
They induce potent and long-lived humoral and cellular immunity, often with just a single dose.
Live-attenuated vaccines comprise the entire virus, thereby providing broad immunity, in contrast to a single antigen which is used in many other vaccine platforms.
Lead author Dr. Xiang Liu said the vaccine provides cross-protection against all variants of concern, and has neutralizing capacity against SARS-CoV-1.
"The vaccine offers potent protection against transmission, prevents reinfection and the spread of the virus, while also reducing the generation of new variants," Dr. Liu said.
"Unlike the mRNA vaccine which targets only the spike protein, CDO-7N-1 induces immunity to all major SARS-CoV-2 proteins and is highly effective against all major variants to date.
"Importantly, the vaccine remains stable at 4°C for seven months, making it ideal for low- and middle-income countries."
The vaccine has been licensed to Indian Immunologicals Ltd, a major vaccine manufacturer.
Dr. K. Anand Kumar, co-author of the publication and Managing Director of Indian Immunologicals Ltd. Said, "We are a leading 'One Health' company that has developed and launched several vaccines for human and animal use in India and are currently exporting to 62 countries."
"We have completed all the necessary studies of this novel COVID-19 vaccine which offers tremendous advantages over other vaccines.
"We now look forward to taking the vaccine candidate to clinical trials."
Professor Lee Smith, Acting Director of the Institute for Biomedicine and Glycomics, said he was delighted with the research findings.
"These results towards developing a next-generation COVID-19 vaccine are truly exciting," Professor Smith said.
"Our researchers are dedicated to providing innovative and, crucially, more accessible solutions to combat this high-impact disease."
More information: Xiang Liu et al, A single-dose intranasal live-attenuated codon deoptimized vaccine provides broad protection against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants, Nature Communications (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-51535-y
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charliesangel67 · 2 days
Against all odds
Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
Word count- 1567
Warnings: Smutttt, a little bit of fluff, acedemic rivals (kind of, idk how to write it)
Authors note: I'm actually so sorry this took so long, idek why but it was a bit hard to write. Anyway, it's here and I hope you enjoy.
This was based of off @weirdowithnobeardo 's idea which is the first comment on this post
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“Ok, can somebody tell me the answer to question b?” Quickly, hands flew up in the air. “Mr Cameron, what is the answer?” “4x+7n=33y” Rafe said confidently. “”That’s wrong.” I announced. “Go on, what’s your theory Miss y/n?” My teacher said, “It’s 4x+7n=36y because x is equal to 2.” I stated. “That is correct y/n, well done.” My teacher smiled at me. I smiled in Rafe’s direction but he just glared at me. Next period science, we got our tests back, “So Cameron, what did you get?” I asked Rafe curiously. “94%, you?” “99%” I replied with a smile. Again, he seemed so angry at me for getting a higher score. This went on for the next couple of weeks, He acted like we were academic rivals.
3 weeks later
There it was, the test sitting on my desk, a bright red ‘A+’ written in the top right corner. I was proud of myself for scoring so high on such a hard test. It was 40% of my final GPA result so I had to score high. I turned around to see Rafe staring daggers at me. “Bad result Cameron?” I asked him teasingly. “Shut up y/l/n” He growled as he clenched his jaw. I giggled to myself and turned my attention back to the teacher. 
The bell rang for the end of the day and I hurriedly grabbed my backpack and ran to my locker. My friend Maddy always meets me at my locker because we’re in different year levels, Maddy’s in 10th and I’m in 11th grade. “So, how was your day Mads?” I asked unlocking my locker. “Shit. So fucking shit you have no idea.” “I’m sure it couldn't have been that bad.” I laughed. “No, y/n it was bad. So bad in fact that I got broken up with by Jason the son of a bitch in front of half the cafeteria.” She announced. “Oh shit, sorry babe, he was no good for you anyway.” I said walking away with her. 
As we were walking to my car, Maddy realised she had forgotten something in her locker so she ran back towards the buildings. Suddenly, I felt a rough hand grab hold of my upper arm and pin me against a wall. A hand covered my mouth to stop me from screaming. “Oh you son of a bitch. You’re so fucking done little girl.” I knew the voice sounded familiar but I couldn’t quite figure out who it was. When my eyes finally adjusted to the light and situation, I realised it was Jason and his group of friends. 
“So, did you and Maddy talk shit about me to the school after what I did to her?” He asked again, still keeping me against the wall. “What the fuck. No we didn’t, why would you think that?” I was astonished at the accusation. “Because, now the whole school thinks that I have an STD and all the girls I’ve slept with have smashed my locker and put slime in the gas tank of my car.” He complained. “Wow, creative girls for real.” I said with a little laugh. “Ok, if it wasn’t you, then who was it?” 
“It was me, you son of a bitch!” Yelled Rafe, walking towards us. “Why?! Why the fuck would you do that?” Jason asked, close to tears. Rafe pulls a phone out of his pocket and starts reading some texts - 
“‘C’mon Maddy, It won’t be that bad. Why don’t you wanna sleep with me?”
“Because I’m not ready for that Jason, I’ve told you a million times. We have only been together a month and I’m not ready to have sex yet. Just stop asking me already.”
“Fine. Go fuck some other dude, you fucking slut. You’ll regret not being with me.” “What do you mean Jason? Are you breaking up with me??”” 
“Hey! Where did you get my phone from you bitch?!” Jason asked launching himself at Rafe, who dodged the blow perfectly. “You left her on delivered for 9 hours just so you could slut shame her and break up with her in the cafeteria in front of everyone, all because she didn’t want to sleep with you?!  Not to mention you cheated on her the entire relationship. You’re a real ass man.” Rafe said. “I suggest you leave Maddy, Y/n and all the other girls you’ve messed with, alone and get on with your life.” Rafe yelled as Jason and his friends ran away.
They knew how powerful Rafe could be and they didn’t want to get on his bad side. “Thanks Rafe. Why did you do that anyway?” I asked, “Don’t think I did it for you, I hate Jason.” “Oh, okay.” I replied sheepishly before walking away, back to my car and to meet with Maddy. The drive home was silent after I told Maddy all about what happened. Her being in disbelief about what Rafe had done to Jason. 
A couple weeks later, it was Midsummers, I had bought a nice dress and had a plan laid out on how we were going to spend the evening with Maddy and her sister, Kiara. Kiara picked us up and we drove to the Cameron’s mansion as that was where the party was. Kiara was friends with Sarah, Rafes younger sister.
A couple hours into the party,  Rafe approached me, taking my hand and dragging me upstairs. “Rafe, what are you doing?” I whispered, “Taking you to my room.” “Why?” I asked, a little scared. “Because you look way too beautiful in that dress and I noticed JJ basically eye fucking you.” He turned to face me, looking very sexy in his button down shirt and his hair falling into his eyes. Without thinking I put my hand out to brush his hair away from his face, he grabbed my neck and leaned down to kiss me. 
“No, Rafe, we can’t do this.” I said as I pulled away. “Why not y/n?” “Because, I’m a pogue, you're a kook and you should hate me. In fact, you did act like you hated me after you stood up for me in front of Jason, and now suddenly you’re acting all jealous when JJ looks at me?” I asked in a confronting manner. “Look, y/n, I like you.” “No, we can’t Rafe. Your dad is gonna kill you and my parents are gonna fucking disown me or something if they found out I was dating a kook, especially Mr Rafe Cameron with his bad reputation.” 
Rafe didn’t say another word, he just leaned down again to kiss me, This time it was more passionate. At that moment, I didn’t even care that we shouldn’t be doing this, I just kissed him back. Rafe picked me up and carried me to his room. He threw me on the bed and locked the door. He crawled on top of me and placed feather light kisses along my neck to my cleavage. “Can I?” he asked as his fingers were tangled in the strap off my dress. “Mmmh,” I responded softly as he carefully took off my dress. 
I tugged at his belt, hinting for him to take off his pants as I unbuttoned his shirt. Within minutes, we were both butt naked, he took my boobs in his hands, massaging them and kissing along them. I moaned at the pleasure. I palmed his cock through his boxers and I felt him getting hard underneath my hand. Quickly, Rafe ripped off his boxers and rubbed his cock against my entrance. Already slick and wet, he pushed inside. I moaned as he did so, Rafe thrusted slowly and sensually.
“Mmh, You like that baby?” He asked, staring into my eyes. “So much Rafe.” I replied. Rolling my eyes back as Rafe thrusted harder into my soaking cunt and he kissed along my breasts. Soon, I was nearing my release, my cunt tightening around him. And a couple thrusts later I had come undone onto his thick cock. “Fuck baby, I'm gonna come.” “Come in me Rafe.” I begged him and seconds later he squirted his hot cum into my pussy. Out of breath and panting, I crawled on top of him, lying on his chest, my hands tangled in his hair as he kissed my neck. “Promise we can keep this a secret for a little while longer until I tell my parents?” I asked him. Rafe nodded and uttered a soft ‘yes’. I kissed him one more time before getting up and getting dressed. 
“I’m gonna head back down stairs okay? The girls are gonna be worried about where I was.” I told him, opening the door. “One more kiss babe.” Rafe said and when I turned around, seeing his abs again stirred something deep within me. Want. I wanted this man. His hair, his face, his body, his personality towards me. I wanted everything about him. I didn’t think, I just jumped back onto the bed into his arms. Rafe kissed me hard and passionate and I melted into his touch. Soon we were back at it again, he was thrusting slowly and sensually into my soaked cunt as I buried my face in his shoulder quieting my moans.
That night was the best sex I ever had. 
I also got a super protective boyfriend.
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I hope you guys liked this 😁
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sevennone · 4 months
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230309 DET@VGK | 🧝🏻‍♂️
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calistra1star · 4 months
:3 bro
amazing question the answer is:
3y + (7n - 5y8n/3y72)
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melobin · 11 months
why is this eunseok when u distract him while hes gaming..
link // i stared at this for so long oh my god
distracting him for far too long, he just gets so worked up. you think he’d give up on his game and take you to bed but you don’t get that far. you don’t even move from his desk. he’s so worked up, so hard, can’t concentrate on anything. he just pins you down on the floor next to the desk, pushes your underwear to the side and fucks you. fucks you in the way he knows you’ve been begging to be fucked for the last hour or so. if he was feeling mean he’d fill you with his cum right there then go back to his game. bonus if he didn’t unmute himself and the others heard it all.
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me-soltanto-me · 5 months
“Iᥒ f᧐ᥒɗ᧐ ᥴᥱrᥴɦiᥲⲙ᧐ ᴛᥙᴛᴛi ᥙᥒ ᥣᥙ᧐g᧐ iᥒ ᥴᥙi i δᥲᴛᴛiᴛi ɗᥱᥣ ᥴᥙ᧐rᥱ riᥱsᥴᥲᥒ᧐ ᥲ ᥴ᧐ρrirᥱ iᥣ rᥙⲙ᧐rᥱ ɗᥱi ρᥱᥒsiᥱri ᥱɗ iᥣ frᥲᥴᥲss᧐ ɗᥱi riᥴ᧐rɗi.”
𐌑. 𑀉᧐ Piᥣᥲᴛ᧐
After all, we are all looking for a 7n place where the heartbeats manage to cover the noise of the lensieri and the rumbling of memories ...
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postsofbabel · 11 months
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