#74-gun ship of the line
ltwilliammowett · 11 months
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Stern of HMS Bellona (74), by Amarynceus 2016
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A powder monkey on USS New Hampshire (a ship with an interesting history), 1864
USS New Hampshire was originally laid down in 1819 as the 74 gun ship of the line Alabama. Construction was halted before she was launched and she remained incomplete on the stocks for forty years. She was finally completed as a store ship not long before this photo was taken. After the Civil War she kicked around as a receiving and training ship for a few decades. She was decommissioned and loaned to the then new New York Naval Militia (still a thing) as a training ship in 1892. In 1905 she was renamed Granite State (to give her name to USS New Hampshire BB-25). Not long after WW1 she caught fire and sunk at her pier on the Hudson River. Raised and refloated over a year later, she was sold for breaking up. However, while being towed to her destination she caught fire again and sank on the 29th of July, 1922. Apparently her wreck makes for good, albeit cold, scuba diving.
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hmsspeedy · 3 months
The Capture of HMS Speedy
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On 3 July 1801 at 10 a.m. Thomas Cochrane ordered the colours of HMS Speedy to be hauled down and surrendered to the French 74-gun ship Desaix which had a crew five times the size of Speedy's crew and a broadside more than fourty times more powerful.
It was the only time in Cochrane's remarkable and outstanding career as an officer of four different navies that he was forced to surrender to the enemy.
The Desaix, commanded by Jean-Anne Christy de la Pallière (also written "Christy-Pallière"), was part of Rear-Admiral Durand de Linois's squadron consisting of the 80-gun ships Formidable and Indomptable, the 74-gun Desaix and the 44-gun frigate Muiron.
This is Cochrane's recollection of Speedy's capture taken from his 'Autobiography of a Seaman':
"It was about four o'clock in the morning when we made out the French ships, which immediately on discovering us gave chase. Being to windward, we endeavoured to escape by making all sail, and, as the wind fell light, by using our sweeps. This proving unavailing, we threw the guns overboard, and put the brig before the wind ; but notwithstanding every effort, the enemy gained fast upon us, and, in order to prevent our slipping past, separated on different tacks, so as to keep us constantly within reach of one or the other; the Dessaix, being nearest, firing broadsides at us as she passed when tacking, at other times firing from her bow chasers, and cutting up our rigging. For upwards of three hours we were thus within gunshot of the Desaix, when finding it impossible to escape by the wind, I ordered all the stores to be thrown overboard, in the hope of being able, when thus further lightened, to run the gauntlet between the ships, which continued to gain upon us. Watching an opportunity, when the nearest line-of-battle ship was before our beam, we bore up, set the studding sails, and attempted to run between them, the French honouring us with a broadside for this unexpected movement. The Desaix, however, immediately tacked in pursuit, and in less than an hour got within musket-shot. At this short distance, she let fly at us a complete broadside of round and grape, the object evidently being to sink us at a blow, in retaliation for thus attempting to slip past, though almost without hope of escape. Fortunately for us, in yawing to bring her broadside to bear, the rapidity with which she answered her helm carried her a little too far, and her round shot plunged in the water under our bows, or the discharge must have sunk us; the scattered grape, however, took effect in the rigging, cutting up a great part of it, riddling the sails, and doing material damage to the masts and yards, though not a man was hurt. To have delayed for another broadside would have been to expose all on board to certain destruction, and as further effort to escape was impotent, the Speedy's colours were hauled down.
On going aboard the Desaix, and presenting my sword to the captain, Christie Pallière, he politely declined taking it, with the complimentary remark that "he would not accept the sword of an officer who had for so many hours struggled against impossibility,"' at the same time paying me the further compliment of requesting that "I would continue to wear my sword, though a prisoner" -a request with which I complied ; Capt. Pallière at the same time good-naturedly expressing his satisfaction at having terminated our exploits in the cruising line, they having, in fact, special instructions to look out for us. After this reception it is scarcely necessary to add that I was treated with great kindness by my captors.
Thus ended the thirteen months' cruise of the Speedy, during which we had taken and retaken upwards of 50 vessels, 122 guns, and 534 prisoners.
After the capture of the Speedy, the French line-of-battle ships stood along the coast, and proceeded with her, and the unlucky packet which had been the primary cause of the disaster, to Algesiras. During this passage I had ample opportunity of observing the superior manner in which the sails of the Desaix were cut, and the consequent flat surface exposed to the wind; this contrasting strongly with the bag reefs, bellying sails, and breadbag canvas of English ships of war at that period.
As there was no force at Gibraltar adequate to an attack of the French squadron, the authorities lost no time in transmitting intelligence of their arrival to Sir James Saumarez, then blockading the Spanish squadron in Cadiz. The French meanwhile proceeded to water and refit, evidently with the intention of passing the Straits with the first fair wind.
Quitting Cadiz, Sir James Saumarez immediately sailed for Algesiras with his squadron, consisting of the Ceasar, Venerable, Audacious, Hannibal, Superb, Pompée, Spencer, Calpe, and Thames, these reaching the bay on the 6th of July.
At the time of their first appearance I was conversing with Captain Pallière in his cabin, when a lieutenant reported a British flag over Cabritta point, and soon afterwards the top-gallant masts and pendants of a British squadron became visible. We at once adjourned to the poop, when the surprise of the French, at the sight of a more numerous squadron, became not unreasonably apparent; Captain Pallière asked me "if I thought an attack would be made, or whether the British force would anchor of Gibraltar?" My reply was that an attack would certainly be made, and that before night both British and French ships would be at Gibraltar, at the same time adding that when there, it would give me great pleasure to make him and his officers a return for the kindness I had experienced on board the Desaix!
The French admiral, however, determined that his ships should not be carried across the bay if he could help it. Before the British squadron had rounded the point, the French out boats, with kedges and stream anchors, for the purpose of warping in shore, so as to prevent the approaching squadron from cutting them out ; but the order was so hurriedly executed, that all three ships were hauled aground, with their sterns presented to the approaching British force; a position which could not have been taken by choice, for nothing could apparently be more easy than to destroy the French ships, which, lying aground stern on, could only use their stern chasers. To employ their consequently useless hands to some purpose, the French landed a considerable portion of their crews to man the Spanish batteries on the island, as the ships' guns could not be brought to bear. Two of the British ships anchored, and opened upon the French ships aground but being exposed to the fire of some of the newly manned forts higher up the bay, the heavy guns of which were admirably handled by the French seamen, both the British vessels slipped their cables, and together with the remainder of the squadron, which did not anchor at all, backed their main-top-sails for the purpose of maintaining their position. The wind, however, blowing from the westward, with a rapid current sweeping round the bay, thwarted this intention, and the British squadron quickly drifted past the enemy, firing as they went.
Perhaps I ought previously to have mentioned an incident demonstrative of the sang froid of my captor. After having satisfied himself that an action with a superior force was inevitable, Capt. Pallière remarked, " that it should not spoil our breakfast", in which he had invited me to join him. Before the meal was ended, a round shot crashed through the stern of the Desaix, driving before it a shower of broken glass, the debris of a wine bin under the sofa. We forthwith jumped up from table, and went on the quarterdeck, but a raking shot from Sir James Saumarez's ship sweeping a file of marines from the poop, not far from me, I considered further exposure on my part unnecessary, and went below to a position whence I could nevertheless, at times, see what was going on."
Little more than a fortnight later, on 18 July 1801, Cochrane had to face the court martial for the loss of his ship which was held on board HMS Pompee anchored in Rosier Bay. Captain Charles Stirling (president of the court) was assisted by captains Richard Keats, Samuel Hood, Aiskew Hollis and Jahleel Brenton. After Cochrane, his officers and crew were questioned about the circumstances which led to the loss of the Speedy, Captain Stirling announced that the court was of the opinion that every possible exertion had been employed by officers and crew to prevent the ship being captured. Her captain and crew were therefore honourably acquitted.
- 'The Autobiography of a Seaman' by Thomas, Lord Cochrane
- HMS Speedy, painting by Geoff Hunt
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yyh4ever · 2 years
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Toguro Muscle Manipulation T-shirt
Yu Yu Hakusho 30 Anniversary Project
According to Bandai, on January 8, 1994 (29 years ago), Younger Toguro 100% first appeared in the anime. To celebrate this moment, they are releasing 10 types of Toguro's muscle manipulation T-shirts. Younger Toguro is characterized by being able to freely control the amount of his muscle mass by 20%, 30%, and so on.
■ Pre-orders: PREMIUM BANDAI, from January 8 to February 5, 2023.
The pre-orders last until February 5, because that's when episode 66 of Toguro departing to Hell aired in 1994.
■ Shipping: scheduled to April 2023
■ Price: 4,400 yen each
■ Material: 100% Polyester
■ Lineup
The T-shirts are available in 10 different designs, each featuring a different percentage of Younger Toguro, and a famous quote.
The lineup includes: the regular Toguro available in L size; 20% Toguro in 2L size; 30% Toguro in 3L size; 45% Toguro in 4L size; 60% Toguro in 5L size; 80% Toguro in 6L size; 100% Toguro in 7L size; 100% of 100% Toguro in 7L size; L size of strain beyond 100%; and L size of his departure to the underworld.
The sizes are funny. As the percentage goes up, the size of the T-shirt also goes up.
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That's the famous Japanese professional wrestler Yusuke Okada (height 170 cm) wearing a 7L size.
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And no, there's no Toguro 120% T-shirt. As I explained in this post, many fans mistranslated or misinterpreted his line. It was Urameshi Team, specially Yusuke, who gave 120% of themselves to protect their friends.
Let's have a look at the T-shirts:
Normal Toguro
L size: Length approx. 71, Width approx. 53, Shoulder width approx. 48, Sleeve length approx. 22 cm
Quote: "I don't drink alcohol, an orange juice please."
「酒はダメなんで オレンジジュース下さい」
A memorable quote. When Sakyo offered Toguro a drink, so they could have a toast, he refused the alcoholic beverage and asked for an orange juice. In the anime, he says he prefers an orange juice or oolong tea.
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Toguro 20%
2L size: Length approx. 74, Width approx. 56, Shoulder width approx. 50, Sleeve length approx. 23 cm
Quote: "He received his friend's spirit gun with his whole body to gain acceleration … well done."
Toguro pretending he lost to Kuwabara and Yusuke. I almost believed it!
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Toguro 30%
3L size: Length approx 77, Width approx 60, Shoulder width approx 53, Sleeve length approx 25 cm
Quote: "I'm a youkai with no special ability. The only thing I can do is this muscle manipulation."
「わたしゃ能のない妖怪でね 唯一できるのがこの筋肉操作なんですよ」
Contrary to Genkai who could use her reiki in many ways, or other youkai who have special techniques, Toguro could only use his demon energy to manipulate his physical strength.
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Toguro 45%
4L size: Length approx. 80, Width approx. 64, Shoulder width approx. 56, Sleeve length approx. 26 cm
Quote: "Today is a bad day for big guys."
Toguro defeated Team Makai Kyosenshi alone.
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Toguro 60%
5L size: Length approx. 82, Width approx. 68, Shoulder width approx. 59, Sleeve length approx. 27 cm
Quote: "Were you too scared to even run away?"
Toguro reveals 60% of his power, entirely destroying a building. Yusuke was so scared, his body was shaking, and he couldn't even move.
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Toguro 80%
6L size: Length approx. 84, Width approx. 73, Shoulder width approx. 62, Sleeve length approx. 28 cm
Quote: "First, let's have a dry run, to see whether or not that attack of yours the other day was merely a lucky shot in the heat of anger."
「まずはおさらいだ こないだの攻撃 怒り任せのまぐれかどうか」
That was the beginning of the final match between Yusuke and Toguro in the Dark Tournament. The day before, Genkai was killed by Toguro. Yusuke was so angry, he punched him with all his strength.
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Toguro 100%
7L size: Length approx. 86, Width approx. 78, Shoulder width approx. 65, Sleeve length approx. 29 cm
Quote: "I met an enemy for the first time, let's have a good match...100%"
I think Toguro was happy to manifest 100% of his power for the first time.
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Toguro 100% of 100%
7L size: Length approx. 86, Width approx. 78, Shoulder width approx. 65, Sleeve length approx. 29 cm
Quote: "To set your heart on something is to abandon everything else."
I'm glad, in the end Yusuke listened to Master Genkai's teachings and didn't follow Toguro's steps.
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Toguro Over 100% Strain
L size: Length approx. 71, Width approx. 53, Shoulder width approx. 48, Sleeve length approx. 22 cm
Quote: "Putting out 120% of power for the sake of someone else, that's your strength..."
「 ほかの誰かのために120%の力が出せる、それがお前たちの強さ… 」
Toguro praising Yusuke and the others, who were capable of going beyond their limits in order to protect their friends.
His strained dead body, which went beyond its limit to block Yusuke's spirit gun, is not a nice view >_<
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Toguro Departure to the Underworld
L size: Length approx. 71, Width approx. 53, Shoulder width approx. 48, Sleeve length approx. 22 cm
Quote: "Sorry for being nothing but trouble to you…"
Toguro saying goodbye to Genkai, before going to hell. That was a very sad moment.
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Younger Toguro Muscle Manipulation T-Shirt Perfect Set + Elder Toguro T-shirt
Price: 44,000 yen
This set includes all 10 types of Younger Toguro tees, plus a M-size Elder Toguro T-shirt.
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Elder Toguro T-shirt
Quote: "I often break my promises."
LOL, that's when Elder Toguro killed three members of Team Gorenja. He said that unlike his brother, he enjoys breaking promises. Later, Kurama gave him what he deserved ;)
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semi-imaginary-place · 11 months
reading through trimax part 2
ch56. Uh what the whole razlo thing is pretty clever but the 3rd arm and triple wielding cross guns?? Wild. With razlo and livio each is portrayed with the left or right eye shaded out and razlo explains the cat killed earlier.
ch 57: another excellent chapter. I feel like im only grasping like 20%, the very surface layers of this chapter. Wolfwood as he's faced with death thinks about vash, how vash is special and their relationships with death, vash never had to make excuses (for killing?). I had to check several translations for the final page but uh wolfwood is going to do something that he knows he shouldn't do? Like this sense of dread? Going to have to reread this chapter later.
Saw the ch titles for vol 10 and wow he might actually die here.
61. This is what i mean when i say maximum is infinitely gayer than stampede. In stampede wolfwood and vash have no chemistry they're just dudes who happen to be in the same room, and the people shipping them are delusional like shippers usually are with their shipping goggles on. Maximum there's definitely something going on between them, not necessarily romantic of sexual but these two are intense about each other. Also what would have happened if wolfwood only drank 1 vial?
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64. Time isn't real. Its been 6 years since wolfwood left the orphanage which lines up with all the information. Except that one extra with the young woman which i've decided in non canon with it and only it doesnt fit in with the timeline.
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71: who is jasmine???? Huh she's that kid from the orphanage? ...i give up on the timeline. Time isnt real.
72: and here i thought the vagina imagery was a stampede thing. Knives hive mind out here growing breasts and vulva
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74: Daaammmn knives assimilates domina turning the destroyer ship into a threat for uh i forgot their name. Then fires up its most powerful attack while taking down the shields which means the only way for the main ship to save itself is my destroying their own ship and people.
80: lot of things happened at once, domina gets a hit in, legato is gere, and so is elendira. Guess shooting the city isnt a concern for the earth fleet anymore.
84: why does the earth fleet know vash well enough to give a personality profile?
87: livio and razlo going to die taking down elendira?
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petec9099 · 11 months
HMS Ajax
This is the magnificent figurehead from HMS Ajax, which can be found in the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. HMS Ajax was launched in May 1809 and was a 74 gun, ship of the Line built at Blackwall on the Thames. It saw action during the Napoleonic Wars in the Atlantic. In 1846 she was converted to a Blockship with screw propulsion. These ships served as coastal defence vessels and Ajax…
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nebris · 2 years
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The action of 13 January 1797 (known by the French as the Naufrage du Droits de l'Homme; "shipwreck [or sinking] of the Droits de l'Homme") was a minor naval battle fought between a French ship of the line and two British frigates off the coast of Brittany during the French Revolutionary Wars. During the action the frigates outmanoeuvred the much larger French vessel and drove it onto shore in heavy seas, resulting in the deaths of between 400 and 1,000 of the 1,300 persons aboard. One of the British frigates was also lost in the engagement with six sailors drowned after running onto a sandbank while failing to escape a lee shore.
The French 74-gun ship Droits de l'Homme had been part of the Expédition d'Irlande, an unsuccessful attempt by a French expeditionary force to invade Ireland. During the operation, the French fleet was beset by poor coordination and violent weather, eventually being compelled to return to France without landing a single soldier. Two British frigates, the 44-gun HMS Indefatigable and the 36-gun HMS Amazon, had been ordered to patrol the seas off Ushant in an attempt to intercept the returning French force and sighted the Droits de l'Homme on the afternoon of 13 January.
The engagement lasted for more than 15 hours, in an increasing gale and the constant presence of the rocky Breton coast. The seas were so rough that the French ship was unable to open the lower gun ports during the action and as a result could only fire the upper deck guns, significantly reducing the advantage that a ship of the line would normally have over the smaller frigates. The damage the more manoeuvrable British vessels inflicted on the French ship was so severe that as the winds increased, the French crew lost control and the Droits de l'Homme was swept onto a sandbar and destroyed.
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lonestarbattleship · 3 years
State Ship Series: USS AMERICA
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There have been four ships commissioned named after the United States of America in the US Navy.
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Type: 74-gun Ship of the Line
Laid down: May 1777
Christened/Launched: November 5, 1782
Fate: Scrapped due to dry rot, 1786
Built for the Continental Navy but given to France as a thank you for the support during the American Revolution and to replace their Ship of the Line, Magnifique, which was destroyed during the conflict.
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Type: racing yacht
Laid down: November 1850
Christened/Launched: May 3, 1851
Commissioned: 1862
Decommissioned: 1866
Recommissioned: 1923
Decommissioned: 1942
Fate: Scrapped, 1945
This ship had an interesting career. Originally named America. She built in 1951 for a member of the New York Yacht Club and won the the America's Cup international sailing trophy. Then owned by several different owners in Europe, one of which renamed her Camilla, and was brought back across the Atlantic in 1861. Then sold to the Confederate States of America and who used her renamed Memphis, as a blockade runner until they had to scuttle her 1862 when Union forces took Jacksonville, Florida. She was raised and repaired by the US Navy and renamed her USS America. She was used to blockade the CSA and after the war, was laid up until she was decommissioned and then sold in 1873. Refitted as a racing yacht for international racing. Then she changed hands several times until in 1921 she was sold to the America Restoration Fund, which donated her to the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis. The shed which housed America collapsed during a heavy snowstorm and destroyed in 1942. She was scrapped in 1945.
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Type: Troop Transport
Laid down: unknown
Launched: April 20, 1905
Completed: September 21, 1905
Acquired: July 25, 1917
Commissioned: August 6, 1917
Decommissioned: September 26, 1919
Fate: see below
Originally the Hamburg America Line SS Amerika, she was seized when the US entered World War I and converted from a passenger liner to a troop ship. Used by the US Army for transport duty as USAT America. Turned over to the United States Line in 1920. They operated her until 1930. Turned over the US Army again in 1940 and renamed USAT Edmund B. Alexander. She was used as troop ship until 1949. Sold for scrap in 1957.
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Class: Kitty Hawk Class
Type: Aircraft Carrier
Laid down: January 9, 1961
Launched/Christened: February 1, 1964
Commissioned: January 23, 1965
Decommissioned: August 9, 1996
Nickname: The Big "A"
Motto: Don't Tread on Me
Fate: Scuttled after live-fire testing, May 14, 2005
Originally planned to be the second Enterprise Class Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier, problems with the nuclear reactor caused her to be reordered as a Kitty Hawk Class. She made three tours during the Vietnam War, and was part of Desert Shield and Desert Storm. She was scuttle in 2005 after 4 weeks of live fire exercises.
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Class: America class
Type: Amphibious Assault Ship
Laid down: July 17, 2009
Launched: June 4, 2012
Christened: October 20, 2012
Commissioned: October 11, 2014
Motto: Bello vel pace paratus (Ready for War or Peace)
The Veterans of USS AMERICA (CV-66) lobbied for CVN-78 to be named America, but the Navy gave the named to the next class of amphibious assault ship instead.
source, source, source
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command: NH 106683, NH 106552-KN
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alineuponthewind · 6 years
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The French '74' Mont Blanc and other vessels off Marseilles - Antoine Roux
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amarynceus · 6 years
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Daily Doodle #624/1000.
Quick'n'rough digital pen doodle of a ship of the line in action.
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Clip Studio Paint, Cintiq 22HD.  © Avatar Z Brown | Deviantart | Twitter | Picarto | Patreon | Tip Jar | Ko-Fi |
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year
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A 74-gun ship of the line, about 1794, by William Frederick Mitchell (1845–1914)
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noelcollection · 3 years
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From 1708 to 1711, Woodes Rogers led a South Pacific privateering voyage to raid French and Spanish ships for England. The crew included Captain Edward Cooke, who wrote about their experiences. On January 31, 1709, the crew saw a fire on Juan Fernandez Island, near Chile. The next day, they anchored at the island and met Alexander Selkirk, a Scottish castaway living alone since 1704 after abandoning a British expedition. Selkirk lit the fire to alert the ship, which he assumed was British and therefore, an ally. Previously, Selkirk had only encountered Spanish ships and decided to hide from them.
During Selkirk’s first several months on the island, he built two huts with Pimento trees and lined them with goatskin after using his gun to kill goats. He was able to create fire by rubbing two sticks of Pimento wood. It was hard for Selkirk to digest fish without salt as a preservative, but he could eat crawfish, goats, turnips, cabbage, and season his food with allspice from the pimento trees. Selkirk had befriended cats who escaped ships that visited the island. One of his amusements was to teach his cats and goats how to dance, as pictured here. Selkirk was the inspiration for Daniel Defoe’s fictional character, Robinson Crusoe.
Images from:
Henry, David. An Historical Account of All the Voyages Round the World, Performed by English Navigators… Vol. 2. London: printed for F. Newberry ..., 1773-74.
Call Number: G240 .H52 Vol. 2
Catalog Record: https://bit.ly/3tySX6x
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bantarleton · 3 years
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The battle of Aboukir Bay, August 1 1798.
The plate depicts the Leander at around 10 pm, raking the battered Aquilon in the foreground. Following the battle, the Leander was sent home with despatches, but on 18 August she was captured after a protracted fight with the French Le Genereux (74 guns), one of the few French ships to escape the debacle at Aboukir. She was recaptured the following year, and was hulked in 1806. Artwork by Tony Bryan from NVG 42: British Napoleonic Ship-of-the-Line, written by Angus Konstam.
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honorarycassowary · 3 years
I finished Chainsaw Man a couple weeks ago and this post has been languishing in my drafts ever since. Anyway I reread the back half of the story and got it into shape
the aesthetics and tone of this manga continued to be pitch-perfect. The surrealism of the fucked-up parts really adds to their unsettlingness
the depiction of hell was really excellent. The sky full of doors reminded me a bit of hell in the Deepgate Codex series, where your soul takes the form of a room, making the entire thing a labyrinth of minds.
basically my hopes for part 2 =  more hell, please
I was sad when Violence died. Really shipped him and Kobeni. :(
jumping ahead all the way to the end, but I’m glad Kobeni is finally escaping from her family. You go, girl!
the Gun Devil storyline really made me feel my Americaness in a way I haven’t felt since ... probably Discworld’s Men at Arms? The way of relating to guns and gun violence is so totally foreign to me - the idea that there’s any kind of limit to the amount of violence and fear that would make (people believe that) access to guns is truly limited. idk.
I’m also very curious about how they’ll animate the Gun Devil attack sequence. Overlaying each panel with a list of victims was incredibly impactful, but I’m not sure how that would translate to animation.
I love Makima. She is so terrible and it is wonderful.
(I cannot believe that there were people in the comments on the manga site I was reading on who did not realize Makima was Bad News until like chapter 74. It is manifestly obvious from her first appearance??)
I’m not totally sure how I feel about Pochita’s statements in the last chapter about the Control Devil really wanting equal relationships. The charm of Makima IMO was her absolute belief that her way was correct and everyone else would have to fall in line for the greater good. However 1) it’s clear from her form that she genuinely doesn’t harbor hostility towards humanity 2) we also know that devils reincarnate into new forms continuously. So I’ve been thinking of Pochita’s words as partly him making sense of her behavior through the lens of his own desire to be loved and partly that previous iterations of the Control Devil manifested their interest in humanity differently. Makima, after all, was raised by humans; a former Control Devil living in hell likely wouldn’t have the context to believe that bad movies should be erased in her ideal world. You can’t imagine controlling something you don’t know exists, right? Not knowing might be better in that way.
The reveal about the Chainsaw Devil’s reality-warping powers was so cool. Kishibe’s visible confusion about concepts that the readers are familiar with and then dropping in made-up references so readers also feel that confusion was a real “oh shit” moment. The four fates that humans could experience other than death has been living in my head rent-free ever since I read it. What a good concept.
@robotlesbianjavert​ was correct that Denji would grow on me. Him comforting Power after their return from hell & his reaction to Aki’s death were really the biggest moments of realization that he’d changed and grown a lot :’)
I think the moment my attitude towards him started to change was in the chapter when they all go out drinking and he can’t read the menu, because he’s never been to school. Then his cheerfulness with Reze when he says he’s glad to be a Devil Hunter because he gets three meals a day ... he’s so desperate for scraps. Out of context, his rant to Kishibe near the end about wanting all the girls is a raunchy shitpost - and lbr it still in in context - but Denji’s realization that thousands of people love him is deeply meaningful for someone who only a few chapters before agreed that he didn’t deserve a normal or happy life. I hope he has a good high school experience. And learns to read.
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soldiersofthequeen · 3 years
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On this Trafalgar day we look at the ships that would go down in Royal Naval History. . Weather Column HMS Victory- 104 gun 1st Rate ship of the line HMS Temeraire- 98 gun 2nd Rate ship of the line HMS Neptune- 98 gun 2nd Rate ship of the line HMS Leviathan- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Conqueror- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Brittania- 100 gun 1st Rate ship of the line HMS Agamemnon- 64 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Ajax- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Orion- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Minotaur- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Spartiate- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line . Lee Column HMS Royal Sovereign- 100 gun 1st Rate ship of the line HMS Belleisle- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Mars- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Tonnant- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Belleraphon- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Colossus- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Achille- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Revenge- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Polyphemus- 64 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Swiftsure- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Dreadnought- 98 gun 2nd Rate ship of the line HMS Defiance- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Thunderer- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line HMS Prince- 98 gun 2nd Rate ship of the line HMS Defence- 74 gun 3rd Rate ship of the line . Attacking the head of the Franco/Spanish Fleet by herself. This was due to weather and a missed signal HMS Africa- 64 gun 3rd Rate . Other smaller ships acting as support during the action (these would not take part in the main action, for reasons of self preservation) HMS Euryalus- 36 gun Frigate HMS Naiad- 38 gun Frigate HMS Phoebe- 36 gun Frigate HMS Sirius- 36 gun Frigate HMS Pickle- 8 gun Schooner HMS Entreprenante- 10 gun cutter
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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Young Teazer
Built in 1813, the Young Teazer was an American Privateer Schooner preying on sea trade of the British Empire off the coast of Halifax. She was a remarkably fast vessel taking many prizes from Nova Scotia, several right at the mouth of Halifax Harbor. In June, 1813, the Teazer was chased by the Nova Scotian Privateer Brig Sir John Sherbrooke but Teazer was able to escape into the Fog. Shortly after, HMS La Hogue, a 74-gunned third rate ship of the line pursued the Schooner as she was reportedly cornered in Mahone Bay. With nightfall pending, La Hogue was joined by HMS Orpheus and the vessels prepared to board Young Teazer, which had no where left to run.
The La Hogue sent a five boat boarding party towards the Schooner. As the boats approached, the Young Teazer exploded. Seven of the crew survived and claimed they last saw the Teazers First Lieutenant, Frederick Johnson running to the main magazine with flaming embers, considered mad Johnson threw the embers into the ammunition killing himself and 30 other crew members, many of whom lie in unmarked graves in an Anglican Cemetery in Mahone Bay.
Soon after the tragic event, eye witness reports began to surface that the Young Teazer had reemerged from the depths as a fiery spectral ship. The Following year, on June 27th, people of Mahone Bay were startled to see an apparition sailing into the same water where the Young Teazer had been destroyed.
As it came nearer they recognized it as the privateer and then it vanished in a huge puff of flame and smoke. The story spread through the country, and on the next anniversary many more were on hand, watching for the fire ship. Sure enough, it appeared again, and it is legend to this day that many persons have witnessed the appearance of the ghost ship and have seen it disappear in flame. If you are standing on the deck of a ship at sea, the apparition appears to threaten to ram your vessel. Many report an overwhelming sense of fear when they see the phantom pirate ship. The Ghost Ship, known locally as The Teazer Light can be seen on foggy nights, most notably those that fall within 3 days of a full moon.
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