#7.5k words
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rainbow-nijisaki · 2 years ago
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It's Composer posting hours
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airenyah · 2 months ago
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@secriden you don't know the feeling of getting these tags into my notifs after feeling like i've been the sole public defender of dunk's acting for the past year and a half (and that's only counting the time i started being more vocal about it online, i've been defending him in my mind since 2022 actually)
truly TRULY love the energy you bring!!!!! join me!!!!!
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randlemartin · 2 months ago
As far as Johnny’s concerned, he should be heading in the opposite direction: towards the States, not deeper into the heartlands of the continent. Clearly, however, someone higher up has a different idea, deciding his time is better spent crowding into the back of a DUKW, watching scores of surrendered Krauts march by.
chapter 8. the beginning of hot austrian summer 1945
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reallypleasanttree · 1 month ago
Wedding Plans: Kyojuro's POV on Obamitsu
There had been a day when Kyojuro saw Obanai’s crow deliver a letter to Mitsuri. She gave the crow a treat and took the letter. She tore the seal and didn’t realize Kyojuro was watching her. As she scanned the paper, her smile grew and her eyes shined brighter than he had ever seen before. She brought the letter to her chest and closed her eyes. 
Though Kyojuro couldn’t hear what she whispered, he read her lips. Come home safe, Iguro-San. Then she pressed her lips to the paper. Her feelings were palpable to anyone with common sense. The truth of Obanai’s love was spoken under the guise of haikus.
He knew how their story would end before it began. One would die and the other would be devastated. It happened to his parents and countless other slayers. Being a demon slayer was a death sentence.
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the-kr8tor · 10 months ago
Chapter 15 mood board
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Am I using my writing break to look at memes? Yes I am.
We're almost there! Just a few more scenes left ❤️
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padfootastic · 1 year ago
exam szn is coming up which obviously means ore distractions, as everyone knows. so what better than to come back to tumblr lol so many tag games etc piling up that i wanna dooooooo
so. let’s have a lil snippet time!
thanks for the tag @in-flvx 💜 this one’s from a wip that was supposed to have been finished & posted for jilypad week but,,,,here we are,,,,,
“Sirius!” Lily exclaims. “We were looking for you.”
“Oh?” He presses a quick kiss to her cheek before bending down to pick Harry up, who immediately cuddles into his arms with a tired sigh. Poor baby, must’ve been exhausted by all the excitement at the beach.
“Yeah, regarding tonight—“ Sirius gulped quietly at the way she said that “—Your room is a bit…messy, I’m sorry. We were reorganising and well, y’know how it goes…”
She shrugs apologetically but all Sirius can think about is how she called it ‘his room’. Not the guest room, not the spare, but his room. Sirius’. He once again pushes past the mushy feelings that rise in him at that little distinction.
“Oh, it’s—it’s fine, I can just take the couch, no problem.” Even if his feet tend to hang off the end, and the edges are a bit lumpy, it’s fine. He resolutely doesn’t think about his comfortable Alaskan King at home.
“Of course you can’t!” Lily scowls at him. “We’re not gonna put you in a couch in your own house, Sirius.”
There it was again, the reference to him belonging here. It was a bit presumptuous, slightly possessive but Sirius was a dog at heart, he was never going to turn down ownership.
“Er—the nursery, then?” he asks, confused.
“What, crammed up in Harry’s crib beside him?” she says with a scoff, “Don’t be silly.”
Sirius blinks. “Where am I sleeping then?”
“With us, of course.” He jumps at the voice booming from behind him, clutching Harry tighter to his chest, whirling around to find James munching on a carrot.
“Where did you come from?” Sirius mutters under his breath before straightening up and saying, louder, “And what do you mean with you?”
“Well, like Lily said,” and here he sends a meaningful, entirely undecipherable, look towards his wife who…blushes? “Your room’s temporarily indisposed, the couch isn’t even an option—don’t give me that look, you barely fit on the thing—and the floor is gonna mess up your back worse than it is.”
“So, our room it is.”
Right. Of course. Because that’s the obvious conclusions. How could he say no?
(Again, he can’t so he doesn’t)
It’s twenty minutes later, after Harry’s been put to bed, thoroughly kissed by his parents and godfather, after James is done with his nighttime turmeric milk and Lily’s put her hair up into braids and Sirius has taken out all his rings and chains and bracelets—that’s when he’s stumped by yet another problem.
How, exactly, are they going to sleep in one bed?
“We’re just going to expand it a little, Pads, don’t worry,” James says, supremely unconcerned.
He goggles at that, staring at the casual wand work. A part of him wonders why this is the extent of magic they’re using to solve this problem—James can conjure a bed Silenced, with his eyes closed—but promptly decides to not dwell on that for everyone’s sake.
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starrysmiling · 2 months ago
[fic] impressions, memories, and all else that is engraved within the heart
"We didn't know each other for very long, but he left a lasting impression."
G-rated | 7.5k words | posted 30/12/2024 | for ephemer week!
ephemer & player | major cameos: skuld, brain, lauriam
missing scenes, 5+1, features keykid shenanigans!
read here
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wisteriagoesvroom · 3 months ago
uhhhh does anyone want a tag when the lando gets railed in a dress by ojp fic goes up? (feel free to dm or comment if so)
i talked about it here before and it only took me like 7 months to write it but. we ball
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pfhwrittes · 1 year ago
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starstruckodysseys · 1 month ago
THE EVIL (gift exchange fic) HAS BEEN DEFEATED
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airenyah · 10 months ago
You know, my day started really shitty and the weather is all gloomy, so I put all my hopes on a JD show in GMMTV p2. I was cautiously optimistic. So as soon as I got home, I checked Twitter and the first post I saw was Joong and Dunk kissing next a car. And I was like OMG!!!!! So I watched the trailer, and I actually squealed, because the concept is amazing and they are with FirstKhao (who GMMTV loves), so the script will also be great, and I feel like my whole day is made. (I actually had a stray thought about this leading up to part2, like if JD and FK get a series together, JD will finally be in a quality production. Maybe I should invest in lottery tickets 😂). I finally completely understood the etymology of the word 'fan', because I'm the "unfollow me right now" meme. I'm an adult with an actual job and I still squealed and flailed like Ongsa because JoongDunk finally get a chance to shine.
But, that's not everything. Because then I logged into Tumblr and I saw that you posted an essay about Dunk to my ask from last week, and now I'm close to tears with how overjoyed I am. Thank you very much for taking the time and writing this manifesto that I'll use as a guide to better understand performances in the future. I love you too, you made this day way better than it already was 💜
P. S. As for the DMs, maybe when I'm less shy 😅
anonnnnnn i'm sorry it took me so long to reply to your last ask!! but yeah, i think you see why and i'm glad it made your day even better 💗💗💗
edit bc i forgot to mention: take your time about dming me, the links won't run away 😌💕
re: "I finally completely understood the etymology of the word 'fan', because I'm the "unfollow me right now" meme." I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING I LITERALLY MADE THIS POST THIS AFTERNOON:
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so yeah, me too. me too. i too am that meme. i was already close to posting it hahahaha
as for the new JD show....
ok ok ok so i lucked out completely bc usually tuesday is my uni day but this week i don't have classes, so i was able to watch the entire stream live. and i was already mentally prepared for no JD bl again?? first of all because as i explain in my manifesto, i do want to see them in more solo projects (esp dunk bc out of all the series he's had or will have a major role in 3/4 are with joong which... as a fan i'm absolutely not complaining about but from an acting perspective it would be good for him to branch out)
and second of all, because i'd been talking and speculating with @moonkhao and a couple of days ago joong tweeted something about "this year i will get to play with that phi"?? and @moonkhao mentioned that win had recently followed joong and how it seemed like the two of them were gonna be in a series and we were all like "oh it's gonna be a het show for sure" (HA HA LOOK AT US NOW @moonkhao 🤡🤡🤡🤡) (ive never been more happy to be wrong tho fjkdfkkjdsg)
anyway so i went into the stream fully prepared for them to be in solo het-projects, right?? and when the trailer came on, in the very first shot it's joong and khao, right? but i totally didn't notice joong at first, bc i was too distracted by khao and the fact that first appeared right after and i was all "oh that's gotta be the rumored p'jojo FK mafia show"
and then joong appeared and i finally saw him and i went JOONG??????????
my eyes went big and my jaw dropped on the ground and my head was spinning with thoughts all "is joong gonna be just a side character in this?? or will dunk be there too?? holy shit what is happening????"
i was literally shaking oh my god dfjkjdfkjdfkjdfjkdsjk
anyway. i'm not gonna be normal about this thanks
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hertwood · 3 months ago
instead of a end of day total word count i'll give you something better
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reallypleasanttree · 3 months ago
For Wedding Plans, Happy reunion, Obanai and Giyuu! 🥰
“Ah, so it’s like a reunion?” Kanae asked and clapped her hands together. Ignorance was bliss or so they said. 
“Yeah,” Giyuu confirmed, “you could say that.” 
The connotation of a reunion was usually between people who liked each other. This was not the case. The hairs of Obanai’s forearms rose. Then there was the other half he couldn’t even begin to explain. In their prior life, Giyuu was the same way. Pretentious, distant, and arrogant. His right eye twitched. He turned his attention to the younger Kocho sister. Shinobu was grinning ear to ear as she watched the two. She knew about their past lives then she knew about the animosity between the three hashira. What was she playing at?  “I wasn’t expecting you, Obanai, but it’s great to see you,” Shinobu said. She slipped off her flats. “It’s been a long time. I was so happy to hear that you and Mitsuri finally got together.” Mitsuri must have told her that he knew. Then did Mitsuri know about Shinobu dating Giyuu? Her purple eyes flashed clearly amused by the events about to unfold.
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romanaxe · 5 months ago
Quick little Freely We Serve update:
I'm still working on it! I normally post about a chapter a week, but this one's nearly double the length of a normal chapter and I'm not even halfway done writing it ^-^'
Please be patient with me lol
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dabisbratz · 2 years ago
s’a long weekend so the sho fic will definitely be out !!
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hballegro · 5 months ago
chapter 8. the biggie. part 1.
it is now i reveal a terrible secret to you all;
you can ctrl+f this chapter and compare it to If-- by Rudyard Kipling. and you will find that every god damn word in that stupid poem appears at least once. there are also a few paraphrased lines in there that you might notice.
[i am very bad when it comes to gaging ppl's knowledge of poems i think everyone already knows, so yeah, the poem they're sharing is If- by Rudyard Kipling. easy for me to recognize personally because my mom memorized it all in school and would say it to me sometimes]
this process included me writing the whole thing out by hand, ctrl + f for all of the words, highlighting the ones that i had yet to use, and then keeping the list next to me while editing the first draft
and if you didnt notice this fact at all. that means i did a GOOD JOB!! cause its SUPPOSED TO BLEND IN SEAMLESSLY!!
yknow. its the moment hawkeye fell head-over-heels. and bj too, maybe. so ofc i had to include it in the chapter where they finally Kiss. they havent worked it all out yet yeah but. cmon. i cant just not. my options were to either have one of them reference it directly [im bad at that, and would be ham-fisted], or do this insane strat. and i picked the worst option. fuckin Knaves i hate you rudyard kipling for this and other reasons
also; shouted out in the ao3 endnotes but ill do it here to all sneaky-like, shout out to serpercival for both motivating me to put trapper in this chapter via loving the guy a lot and for letting me use their marvelous brain to pick out some subtle nods to Trapper John MD. i dont wanna @ people but hehe i can still link their page >:]
anyway: the painting peg talks abt being erin's favourite is California Spring, as she says, and here it is
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folks i can finally use this meme i made back before i even finished chapter 4
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shoutout to this video for being great to have in the bg underneath my sad love music to really set the scene. Loon moment
if you liked how papa Daniel Pierce acted in this, good! hes based off my childhood best friend's mom! she was very intimidating and always had this serious look on her face but the very first time i went over to their house she went 'psst. [best friend]. hball. come over here my husband is gonna come up the stairs and you should jump out and scare him' within the first 20 minutes!!
so basically hes stern/serious/intimidating [formal letters, the kind of man to not want to worry his son, idk just feels right] but goofy as shit and its all a facade [had hawkeye so he gotta be a lil silly, dinner table talk in Sons and Bowlers]
if you liked how i described hawkeye's childhood home GOOD!! i was describing my grandmother's house the whole time and you didnt even know. that ugly sofa is a thing my grandpa did. get pranked. always draw on experience when possible folks
i plan to have the next chapter out two days from now. THREE at the LATEST. and tomorrow i plan to publish the next Operating in Limbo chapter ~sometime~ before midnight [my time. central time.], or like 1am at the latest since i can stay up late tomorrow. unless the Troubles.
reward for scrolling this far; my saga of proto-names being shit like 'ooga booga' continues in the form of this being the working title for the Big Conversation chapter;
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