#7 scouts and no medics. just like real life
kritzenkriegen · 4 months
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transitranger327 · 2 months
Eddy Squad Character Profiles
Trans Clone Week Day 7: Free day!
I was planning on writing another fic or two about Eddy Squad for @clonefandomevents’ Trans Clone Week, but real life got in the way, so y’all will have to settle for some Background info on the group and profiles for all 4 members. I would’ve made sketches for each of them, but I didn’t have time for them so I’ve attached ~✨Vibes✨~ images
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Eddy Squad is a Clone Commando group attached to the 187th (legion or battalion? I’ll never tell), and their armor is accented with the unit’s colors (purple or maroon? You decide). Like most Republic Commando groups they report directly to their General (Mace Windu) and Commander (originally Ponds, later Silver), and have served with them since the First Battle of Geonosis. Its name comes from eddies in water currents and magnetic fields, so their logo is a spiral to match (yes I know the koru is a unfurling fern frond)
Interestingly, all four are trans (I say this as if I didn’t cook up these characters myself). Some Kaminoan scientists believe that is because all four are from the same batch of embryos, but this seems unlikely since trans clone troopers exist in multiple batches and generations.
Lieutenant Spice (RC-3120)
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Spice has been the leader of the Eddies ever since they were kids. She claims the name comes from the fact that she’s “intoxicating”; her wit, charm, and swagger are just as potent as her combat skills (top of her class). She lives by the phrase “so good they can’t ignore you”, and has managed to wrangle several promotions despite most of the GAR leadership disliking her. Despite her outward persona of “flippant disregard for authority”, she truly respects her superiors and will follow their orders (usually after she convinces them to change slightly).
In addition to her leadership skills, she specializes in hand-to-hand and melee combat. Her preferred weapon is an Electrostaff she took off of a MagnaGuard she defeated.
She’s the most Femme out of all the Eddies, and has a cartoon kiss painted on her breastplate. She is extremely bisexual. She was the second member to come out as trans.
Jack (RC-3119)
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Jack is the Technology Specialist and Medic of Eddy Squad; patching code and patching bodies. Her name comes from being able to slice into a computer system from any Jack (Doylist: also Gentleman Jack). In contrast to Spice, Jack actually has deep problems with authority and fully buys into the hacker ethic.
She was the first Eddy to come out as trans, and hacked her way into building a hormonal implant. She’s also a Butch Lesbian. Her armor is detailed like a circuitboard, with a notch on a wire for each kill.
Terra (RC-3122)
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Terra is the designated reconnaissance and explosives technician, tho her skills are a bit more general than those titles suggest. Her sense of direction is incredibly sharp, she can memorize maps shockingly fast, and once she’s scouted a route she can navigate others along it with little difficulty. She also has expertise in all things chemical and mechanical, can seemingly make a bomb out of anything, and can disassemble one in record time. She painted her armor like a bomb squad troopers and added orange accents as an homage. She and Jack often fight over who’s the better gadget-maker.
She’s panromantic and asexual, and enjoys nightclubs just as much as Spice. She also enjoys the time she gets with nature, and has only enmity for flamethrowers.
Convor (RC-3121)
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Finally we have Convor, the last of Eddy Squad to come out (in the early days of the war). They actually use They/She pronouns, but still considers themselves to be sister to the other Eddies. They’re Bisexual, and leans towards other nonbinary people. They actually prefer being alone, and she doesn’t understand why Spice and Terra always hit up the clubs on surface leave. However, despite being extremely introverted, they’re incredibly socially adept and often has to defuse arguments among the other three.
Their skills are primarily sniping (marksmanship broadly) and flying. While Eddy Squad doesn’t have a dedicated shuttle like the Bad Batch, they do pilot shuttles for the group on solo missions. This is where the name and wing motif on her armor comes from.
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cookinguptales · 10 months
let me tell you about the most fucked up dream I ever had.
so I was on this one medication once that gave me weird dreams. now... usually when I dream, it's more like watching a movie. I am not in the dream and I am watching it from the third person. but while on this medication, I had first-person POV dreams and I was present in them. they were wildly vivid to the point where I had often had trouble discerning what was real and what wasn't when I woke up. they ranged from fairly mundane (I dreamed that I was moving and when I woke up, I was really confused about where all the boxes were) to abjectly horrifying. I... won't describe them, but let's just say they were extremely violent and gory.
but I have been on many terrible medications in my life and I put up with it for a couple weeks. until I had The Dream. the dream that made me say "fuck this shit I'm out."
so... you know those dreams where you "wake up" in the dream but you're actually still asleep and then you wake up for real and it's deeply disorienting? it was one of those, except it went full inception. I kept "waking up" over and over again, and every time I woke up in the dream, I'd be in a different place and living a different life. maybe I'd wake up in a city. maybe I'd wake up in a girl scout camp. but every time I'd wake up as me but living a different life.
so this went on maybe... 7-10 times? until finally I found myself in this multicolored labyrinthine cave structure that was populated by really seussian creatures. after running around a lot, I found a tunnel that would lead me out of the caves and, I somehow knew, the dream itself.
but as I was climbing out of the dream, one of the creatures stuck its head up into the tunnel and looked me dead in the eye and said
"you'll never know if you're awake again."
and then I woke up.
so anyway yeah I threw that medication away.
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List of mercs and how much you'd fuck them from a scale from 1 - 10. Go
Scout: 0. I have like personal baggage that makes me associate Scout with my real life brother in real life so I just can't fuck him. It's not that he isn't hot Scout's fine. I'm just mentally ill. Without this Scout is like a 3
Soldier: hmmmmm 6.5. Like purely based on his boobs he is very fuckable to me I would love to top him. However I'm not like Into Him romantically the way I would be with other characters
Pyro: 10. Fuckable. You wouldn't get it
Demo: 100/10 do I even need to elaborate. I also need to top him but also we are in love so sweetly
Heavy: 8. Not super "my type" but I understand why people want him so so much. If people drew more hot Heavy images that aren't just about giant dick my opinion Will improve. Get on that
Engie: 9. I have been sent so many hot Engie images recently many involving his clitoris that I now need him desperately. This is the only way to make me like the man that you like
Medic: 11/10. I'm into him now in like multiple ways I'm sorry. I KNOW he could change my life I know he could
Sniper: 6/10. I am NOT someone to write off fucking someone bc he is just like me fr. I want me unbelievably bad. Despite all this he is usually my audience surrogate in fic or in images so I'm trying to think of things I could do to him I wouldn't rather be him during. Also no one draws him correctly he's SUPER fuckable when he's all skinny and kinda gross. He is NOT fuckable when he has abs and an ass and shaves his pussy. Do better
Spy: okay this is complicated I think actual sexual intercourse with Spy would be a 3/10 he's just not my type. Doing kink where I am dommed by a milf and we don't actually have sex but I am still kept in the cage that's like a 7/10
No bonus round I would unquestionably have sex with basically every supporting character especially all of the women
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headcanons for the RED and BLU Mercs =D
RED Scout: Jeremy, 28 -grew up with 7 older brothers -Ma, no Pa -was often overlooked, so he learned to run ahead -loud mouth, constantly talking, can keep track of the stories he tells and where in a story he is -egotistical, but knows when to reign it back -ADHD, dyslexic, needs to fidget with something to stay focused -street smart -artist -Bonk drinker -has the Sex Bom tattoo BLU Scout: James, 36 -grew up with 1 younger sister -Pa, no Ma -taught his sister how to do a lot of things alongside his Pa -quiet, grumpy, withdrawn, prefers to keep to himself -has a bad leg, but has learned to hide the limp -is crazy smart; can speak multiple languages and could be other classes if he really wanted to -actually drinks alcohol just as much as the RED Demoman -writer -plays dumb in front of the others (RED is jealous of BLU, both because BLU looks like him and is gonna "steal all the ladies if I'm not fast enough", and because he slowly figures out just how fucked up smart BLU actually is. BLU can't stand to be near RED for too long, and often blocks RED out.)
RED Sniper: Mick, 31 -grew up with a mother and father, but is an outcast of the usual Australian lifestyle -grew up secluded in a small location - his family were lonely farmers -skinny but has good stamina -quiet, withdrawn, likes keeping to himself -terrible with people, even worse at socialising -gets lost in his own head a lot/daydreamer -has an owl named Sir Hootsalot -uses jarate -HUGE nerd -spends most of his time in his camper -tall BLU Sniper: Matthew, 25 -grew up with a mother and father, and fit in slightly better with the other Australians -grew up somewhere more crowded - his family were outgoing tailors -much more muscular, but less stamina -loves to talk, extremely boisterous and full of ego, jokes sometimes get too mean-spirited -has bad luck with animals -loves playing pranks -doesn't use jarate -spends most of his time in the base -short (BLU rubs it in that he's more Australian than RED. RED does not give a single shit. RED often sets Sir Hootsalot onto BLU to chase him off because he's so annoying.)
RED Demoman: Tavish, 32 -lost his eye to the Bombinomicon; the socket became haunted -lost his adoptive parents to his experimental bombs, then got taken in by his real mother soon after -drinks heavily -extremely rich; loves to give out expensive gifts -has a haunted sword -hard worker, big lover, the best drinking company -has many stories to tell -cryptid hunter -remembers everything that's said to him, even when drunk BLU Demoman: Todd, 37 -lost his eye from a bomb accident; the socket isn't haunted -lost his parents to his experimental bombs, then got taken in by his real father soon after -can't actually get drunk, no matter how much he drinks -isn't really rich, but makes enough to be comfortable -all of his swords are normal -is a disgrace to the Demolitions line because he's lazy, and this is his first real job -is more interested in music than cryptids (mainly the bagpipes) -has the best jokes in town (RED and BLU get along well, even if RED is confused by BLU's lack of being able to get drunk. they drink and tell stories together and often brainstorm gifts for everyone, as well as construct new explosions and grenade launchers together.)
RED Medic: Ludwig, 59 -was chased out of his hometown on account of being a crazy experimental doctor -doesn't have a Medical licence -values the could-be's and what-if's over actual medicine and healing - he's not overly compassionate and can come off as cold and uncaring -rescued a bunch of doves -blood thirsty, a venomous rage, cynical, can fend for himself -will at least ask for permission to cut you up to try out a new organ (he didn't, before, but after much backlash, he does now. ...sometimes) -took everyones souls then sold his own to ensure he lived longer BLU Medic: Levi, 40 -had a pretty comfortable life as a doctor in his hometown; the locals loved him -has an actual Medical licence -is a complete mother-hen to the point of being smothering -not a good fighter, and tends to stay behind and run away rather than fight -easy to scare -the only implants he's done are the baboon hearts for the Uber - he doesn't do implants or experiments unless it's absolutely necessary -loves healing and being a Medic for the sake of healing - he is outgoing, friendly, caring, and compassionate -saved a raven. the raven knows how to say a few words -has a wonderful singing voice -all of the BLU Mercs still have their souls (RED is repulsed by how caring BLU is. how can you be a Medic and not have a lust for the unknown when it comes to the anatomy of the human body? how animal organs can work inside of a human host? incomprehensible! still, RED invites BLU over for tea, and they love talking about their birds.)
RED Pyro: -schizophrenic - genuinely believes they see rainbows and hears laughter when people die -LOVES fire. absolutely adores it -loves to draw -friendly and affectionate, but doesn't take people's shit. they know to set boundaries and aren't afraid of letting people know when its been crossed -owns a company and is a CEO manager -gets lost in their head a lot -good to talk to (if you can understand them) -has an entire shelf of plushies BLU Pyro: -extreme anger issues; a short temper, violent, and impatient -could literally care less about fire -will not hesitate to dismember someone, even their own teammates, if they get on their nerves -hates to be around anyone -collects fingers -secretly names their flamethrowers -offputting on purpose -stares at you. stares at you. stares at you. sta (BLU cannot stand RED. they are too cheerful and chatty, and no matter what BLU does to try and scare RED away into leaving them alone, RED just keeps coming back with more drawings.)
RED Engineer: Dell, 49 -11 PhD's -cut off his own arm for the Gunslinger -took the blueprints of his father to improve his buildings -civil, has good advice, can play the guitar -his kindness is scary when he's mad -maybe as insane as the RED Soldier when pushed enough BLU Engineer: Dan, 54 -no PhD's -has both hands -gets lucky with his constructions - they barely hold together, and have to be repaired after every use -can't play the guitar, but can play the harmonica -pretty grumpy and always exhausted, but has no ill will toward people -fond of birdwatching (RED is befuddled by how lucky BLU is. no matter how hard RED tries, BLU just cannot remember how to properly construct his buildings so the inner workings don't get overworked into burning out.)
RED Soldier: Jane, 46 -took part in WW2 without being drafted -borderline crazy -has an army of raccoons (he found a group of them and won't leave them alone) -loud, brash, empty headed -PROUD AMERICAN. NO OTHER PLACE EXISTS AND IF IT DOES THEN HE NEEDS TO TEACH THEM HOW TO BE A TRUE AMERICAN -was the roommate of Merasmus for a short time -ALWAYS WAKES AT 6AM, THE TRUE AMERICAN TIME BLU Solider: Johan, 47 -this is his first time in any war, and he kind of enjoys it -just some guy. we're just normal men. just innocent men. -easy to get along and have deep, thoughtful conversations with -doesn't know any wizards -has an army of opossums (he fed a group once and now they won't leave him alone) -literally doesn't care that he's American -gardener! grows his own stuff in his free time, like strawberries and tomatoes (BLU is American. that is all that matters, even if he is a bit of a weirdo and not really that bloodthirsty. BLU is unnerved by RED, but is polite about it.)
RED Heavy: Misha, 58 -grew up with a mother and 3 sisters -hid from the Soviet authorities after escaping from the Gulag; they hid in the snowy mountains -names each and every one of his Mini-Guns -broken English; can speak Russian, German, and some French -intimidating, but humble, and secretly bashful -will let you know when he doesn't want to be disturbed BLU Heavy: Maxi, 55 -grew up with a father and 1 brother -lived in a crowded area, free of conflict -doesn't name his Mini-Guns -better English and Russian, but broken German and French -loves to socialise; very friendly and a gift giver -hugger -competitive (RED and BLU often read together, and chat to each other about the differences in their upbringing. they have deep talks over chess.)
RED Spy: Renae, 52 -spent his entire life as a free-lance hitman -had a fling with the RED Scouts mother -rich and stingy -prideful and obnoxious, taking great ego in what he does -suits are custom made, as are his knives -cold and off-puting - begrudgeingly trusts his team -can speak multiple languages fluidly -has read everyone's medical files (except for a few, because they don't exist) BLU Spy: Renard, 47 -has only been a Spy for 9 years - he's been with BLU for 7 -aloof, gives out too much information, and is a Spy by accident (he trips at the top of the stairs and accidentally gets a trickstab) -buys cheap, normal suits - he's not really interested in looking fancy -trusts too easily; he finds even the weakest of jokes hilarious -terrible people skills, even when disguised. especially when disguised -can only speak English and French -is a massive Tom Jones fan (RED detests BLU. he can't even stand to be within the same room as BLU. RED views BLU as a disgrace to the Spy name, wherein BLU just laughs him off, then trips over his own shoes while leaving. BLU finds RED rude and irritating, but is polite about it.)
-when Redmond and Blutarch die, and Graymann releases his robots, both RED and BLU are forced to join together to fight against the bots and their bombs by the Administrator. they cycle between Mercs, so the same class doesn't go to two raids within the same days. they embark in a group of 6.
-BLU Demoman often asks people to listen to his new music as test listeners. the majority of people like his tunes.
-both Demomen, RED Engineer and Medic, and sometimes, even the BLU Scout, get together to brainstorm new schematics for weapons.
-RED Pyro makes every excuse in the book to go and see other peoples animals. they bring tons of treats and toys for the birds and trash dwellers. the animals, in turn, like them.
-BLU Heavy and Scout are "inseparable best friends" (Heavy's own words).
-BLU Scout gets together with RED Demoman to drink. of the RED's, BLU Scout likes Demoman the most.
-RED Scout and BLU Sniper are the bestest of friends one day, and mortal enemies the next. they often form ideas of pranks, and are generally a terrible duo because of how obnoxiously loud they are.
-RED Sniper is one of the first to clock on that BLU Scout is playing an act. as such, he's enamoured. BLU Scout is the first person that RED Sniper truly wants to get to know more.
-BLU Sniper often pranks the entire RED team, and loves to piss off BLU Pyro on purpose. as such, BLU Pyro pranks BLU Sniper back by charring his clothes to near ash and almost severing an arm.
-RED Medic does not know what sleep is, while BLU Medic gets his full 8 hours. on top of this, BLU Medic is a heavy sleeper, while RED Medic wakes to a pin dropping.
-BLU Spy and RED Sniper get along surprisingly well, mainly because BLU Spy isn't a proper Spy, and isn't trying to piss Sniper off on purpose.
-BLU Pyro will often steal things from RED Medics medical ward. it's not known why.
-BLU Scout, Medic, Engineer, Spy, and Soldier, and RED Medic, Heavy, Pyro, and Demoman, will birdwatch, if the location they're stationed in has birds.
-BLU Scout often hangs out in BLU Medics ward. he likes the radio, as well as Medic's raven.
-RED Spy is unnerved by BLU Scout.
-RED Pyro often holds parties that they invite everyone to, which ranges from drawing, baking, reading, or plushie making.
-RED Soldier likes BLU Pyro because of their unrelenting rage. the two often get into scraps that RED Heavy has to break up.
-RED Heavy learns English with RED Spy and BLU Heavy through translations of books. this is also where a small book club forms, with both Medics, RED Sniper, and BLU Scout and Soldier.
-RED Pyro and BLU Medic often help BLU Soldier in the garden.
-BLU Scout is even more secretive than RED Spy, and is much more of a mystery.
-BLU Medic has formed a shoddy band with RED Engineer and BLU Demoman. they only preform for BLU Medics raven.
-BLU Scout and RED Demoman teach BLU Medics raven words. now she knows how to say "fuck".
-BLU Sniper is "obviously too manly and cool" to knit, but if RED Pyro asks, BLU Sniper never turns them down. they have made many scarfs and jumpers together.
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anonymous-astronaut · 2 years
The Mercs vs An Escape Room
He starts out having a pretty good time, sort of tinkering around with puzzles and poking at things. But then the reality hits and he realizes he can’t understand any of this shit out for the life of him. Once he figures out that he’s hopeless, it’s all over. His level of calm goes from 0 to 100 real quick, and pretty soon he’s screaming “oh gawd we’re never gonna make it out of here alive” and shit. He loses all logical sense and just starts clawing at the walls and like a trapped cat while the others actually solve the puzzles. 3/10, someone give him a paper bag to breathe into
Doesn’t understand why no one will let him break the door down if they’re all so keen to “escape” the goddamn room. He thinks puzzles are for babies, but he also thinks they are far too complicated and confusing if anyone tries to explain them to him. When he isn’t allowed to break out by force, he tries to help find clues by pointing at things he notices. Everything he suggests is either completely unrelated or makes absolutely zero sense. 1/10, he is no help whatsoever
They think it’s really cool, and they love searching around for buttons to press or levers to pull. They definitely want there to be trapdoors or swiveling fireplaces rather than puzzles and clues, and are the most likely to be disappointed if it isn’t up to their high expectations. If it isn’t as fantastical as they hope, they will still have fun as long as one of the others asks them to join in on deciphering a mystery together. They love working as a team, and try to get everyone involved. 7/10
Oh, this whole experience just brings out a youthfulness in him that the others don’t get to see very often. He is practically giddy over putting all the puzzle pieces together, this is exactly the kind of thing his brain loves to do. He knows not everyone understands stuff like this, but he wants them to have as good of a time as he is so he tries to explain his thinking process in a fun and involving way. 9/10, he’s like the dad on the field trip who’s having more fun than the kids
As much as he hates to admit it, he’s kind of with Soldier on this one. He can absolutely refrain from causing property damage, but… there are definitely easier ways to “escape” this room. Heavy just lets other people do the puzzles, but occasionally he will point out something if he sees a clue while watching from afar. If someone actively tries to get him engaged, he’s interested enough to take the bait, but otherwise he’ll more or less be an observer. 5/10
He feels like he’s out of his league around the more scientific mercs, and he doesn’t have a lot of confidence when it comes to brainy stuff. He is way better at it than he gives himself credit for though, and ends up getting in his own way more than anything else. Demo acts as a sort of mediator, making sure no one breaks anything and trying to find ways to involve others who are also less confident. 8/10, definitely the kind of guy I’d want to go with
He takes a very methodical approach, which isn’t exactly a bad thing but he kinda forgets that, in the end, it’s supposed to be fun. He isn’t super great a working with other people and he wants to figure it all out himself, so he can be kinda frustrating and stuck up. Plus, he gets all butthurt about it if he’s wrong about something. But as long as he doesn’t get too wrapped up in it, he doesn’t have a terrible time. 6/10
He is very hands-on, and he just starts pokin around at stuff. While everyone is arguing about what key leads where or whatever, Sniper is off yanking on books to check for hidden levers and trying to see if he can yank the picture frames off the walls. He doesn’t bother trying to puzzle anything out, he just grabs onto random stuff. There is absolutely no reason to this man, if he was in there alone he would literally never get out. 6/10, he isn’t helping but extra points because he’s fun to watch
Ohohoh he is not passing up this opportunity to show off. This is something he is actually pretty good at, and he wants everyone to know about it. Sure he pretends to be bored and unbothered by it all, but his ego will be deeply wounded if someone else gets to an answer before he does. He’s stuck in a weird spot of not wanting to come across as too interested, but also desperate to figure it all out first and have people to pay attention to him. He is so annoying the whole time, and the worst part is he keeps being right about stuff so the others can’t just ignore him. 7/10, he’s good at it and that makes me angry
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web-spinning · 2 years
which of the mercs are the most nerdy? like into sci-fi, or marvel, harry potter, etc. also I like your blog ✨
A/N- This one's nice and short, why not do it before the other requests.
Well, let me just count them on a scale from 0 to 10.
Nerdness scale for the mercs.
Spy- absolute zero. None. Yes, he would read books, but more of romance, thriller and psychology kinds. His favourite is " The Listener " by Taylor Caldwell. 0/10.
Pyro- doesn't understand. Maybe a bit into fantasy, but only that. Classified for 3/10.
Sniper- maybe, maybe. Would watch with friends if they wanted to, but not alone. Would rather watch " Animals are beautiful people " from 1974. 4/10.
Demoman- loves to watch movies with his friends. Especially Engie or Soldier. His favourite ones are action movies, like " Jaws ". But if the movie goes on for too long, he falls asleep. Usually napping by the time of the exposition. 6/10.
Heavy- not his thing, unless it's a really good. He likes to read or watch things settled not in the future, but ones that interpret the past into another, more futuristic or fantasy setting. He also enjoy horror. Surprisingly, his favourite out of the genre is " The Colour Out of Space and others " by H.P Lovecraft. 7/10.
Soldier- much like Demoman, likes to watch action movies. With the difference being he stays focused the entire movie. And after he watches, he mumbles about it to the rest of the team. His favourite movie is " Patton ". 8/10.
Scout- depends on the mood. However, he does enjoy fantasy quite a bit. Tries his best to hide it. He can't read, but he likes to watch movies alone when no one else is in the base. Everyone thinks " Monty Python and the Holy Grail " is his favourite movie, however, it's actually " The Brothers Lionheart ". 8/10.
Engineer- oh, Dell LOVES sci-fi movies, okay? Especially ones that take place in the future, with improved technology. Sometimes, he notes down ideas from those movies to use in his workshop. Tried replicating the futuristic technology at least once. His favourite movies are " Close Encounters of The Third Kind " and " Westworld ". 10/10.
Medic- dear...He is absolutely in love with sci-fi and horror books. The alien-technology experiments on humans are his favourite parts of the books. He sometimes watches the movies only to see how it would look like in real life. It gives him ideas for future experiments. His favourite book changes every now and again. 11/10.
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starlightsinger32 · 2 years
My Speeding Bullet Headcanons
(These are/will be all true for The Roadrunner and the Wiley Dingo)
- Scout and Sniper are both their canon heights (5'11'' and 6'2'') I like short!Scout don't get me wrong, but I felt like making him shorter would make it too hard to justify him escaping from some of Sniper's traps
- Sniper is 29, Scout is 24, almost 25
-Sniper has been with a guy before, he spent so much time on the road as an assassin that he would take intimacy where he could
-Scout refuses to confirm or deny to me that he is a virgin, but definitely hasn't been with a guy
- Nicknames are part of their love language:
Scout's nicknames for Sniper: Snipes, wombat, dingo, babe
Sniper's nicknames for Scout: roo, roadrunner, varmit, luv, precious posey
- RED Spy is RED Scout's dad, Scout knows but just tries to block it out
-He only calls Spy 'Dad' when he is mad and wants to remind Spy (and everyone else) that he abandoned a 3 year old
- Spy hates that Sniper and Scout are together, but finds out pretty quickly that neither of them is going to give the other up despite bribes and threats, so he adopts a 'If I don't acknowledge it, it's not happening' attitude
- I've heard that Scout canonically dies at age 27-I reject that. He lives a long life with Sniper and no one can tell me otherwise
- You wouldn't think it, but Sniper is actually the cuddler in the relationship. Scout got lots of physical contact his whole life, having 7 older brothers, but Sniper barely got any, so he likes to hold Scout any chance he gets.
Scout's standing up? Sniper will come hug him from behind
Scout's on the couch? Sniper will either put his arm around him or push his legs off the couch so he can drape Scout's legs over his lap
In bed? Scout's thinner than Sniper so Sniper will completely engulf him when they cuddle, and kiss his neck or forehead depending on which way he's facing. Scout likes it too because Sniper makes him feel safe
- Scout's real name is Jeremy, and Sniper's is Mick (short for Micheal)
- Scout is big on words of affirmation, and tells Sniper how handsome, awesome, badass, etc he is basically everyday. If he thinks of something he likes about Sniper, he will tell Sniper as soon as he can. Sniper compliments him and means it every time, but not as often, especially not around the other mercs. But when they're in bed, and Scout is asleep, then he'll whisper all the sappy things he wants to say to him. Scout heard 'You're my entire world, and I don't know what I did to deserve ya' one night, and now pretends to be asleep so he can listen to Sniper basically gush about him
-Sniper's voice turns Scout on. Full Stop.
-The only time Scout is completely silent is when Sniper is talking. He will drop everything and just listen because he knows how comfortable Sniper is with him if he will share personal things and actually monologue for a couple minutes
-They became friends because Scout refused to give up on Sniper. He basically showed up at Sniper's camper one day and was like 'I'm never leaving'. (he didn't move in tho) It bothered Sniper for about a week, but Scout never forced him to talk, and just seemed happy to be with him, and that got endearing pretty quick.
- Their couple dynamic is basically bros who cuddle and hold hands, except when they compete to see who can make the other one blush more. (Scout always loses because he sucks at hiding emotions and Sniper's had a lot of practice)
-Sniper doesn't feel like he has to hide his emotions around Scout, because he won't use them against him like Medic or Spy might
-Scout is, naturally, loud in bed
- Sniper is better at dirty talk, and he always growls it into Scout's ear, which just makes Scout even louder
- They don't really have a dom/sub dynamic, but Sniper will put Scout in his place if he's being a brat
If you want more or have specific questions, use my Ask Me Anything!
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jd-arts319 · 3 years
Transformers oc Renegade
Designation: Renegade/Nirenia
(As a Cyber ninja):Cybeswift,Switchblade Former name: Artemis Enigma Nickname:Renny,Switchy,Switcher Age: 20(past)
        26(future) Gender: (Mech, Femme)Femme Status: (Single, Taken)
             Single(past)(before orion(optimus)asked her out)
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Color of Optics:Turquoise
(Others):she has teal & white lumiscient hair that is 2-tone hair,with one white streak on the leftside of her hair
She sports a well endowed & athletic, voluptuous figure with some busty parts,she also has a angelic face(she felt awkward as she remembers only being busty,not voluptuous nor athletic,& she also remembers she is plainly beautiful not exotic type).
Her holoform
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Size: 7ft Alt Mode:triple changer
-sports car(Corvette stingray)
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-jet(windblade & slipstream VTOL alt mode) Speed Limits: - at altitude:Mach 2.35(2,500 km/h,1,550 mph)
-at sea level:1,400 km/h,872 mph Weapon(s): - multi-changing staff(an ancient relic of unknown origins,but believe to be forge by solus prime) -Energon fan(special),scythe,daggers
As Cyberninja
-enegron fan
-hidden blades & weapons
Fighting style:-Panzer kunst,Krav Maga,aikido,Brazilian jiu Jitsu,jeet kune do
Universe: (G1, Animated, Prime, Beast wars, Beast Machines, Armada, Energon, Cybertron, Bayverse,RID,Cyberverse)
-All of them
-Main:Transformers Animated
-she use Aura(Mana) as her basic power,her minors but common power are telepathy,telekinesis,teleportation/spatial,divine prediction & recognition,however their is one uncanny power that she used,but is came from the spectral meter pendant given by vector prime,she recognize it as sci twi’s pendant from mlp eg friendship games.
Faction: (Autobot, Deceptcion, Neutral, Own creation)
-Neutral(but is part of N.E.X.U.S team,she can either stay at autobots or decepticon)
-Autobot Neutral
-(alt.universe)decepticon Primary Class Function:Triple changer,Cyberninja (point one percenter) Secondary Class Function:Warrior,scientist
As Cyberninja:Warrior,espionage,scout
Subroutine Function:Mystery Personality: - an enigma,at first she is seen apathetic,impulsive,dumb & is nihillistic,but once she is focused she is very intelligent,cunning,calm,sassy,kind,nice,sweet,& empathetic,her attitude towards things but she is very much like ratchet except,unlike him she results in more passive-agressive way,she is shown to have at least patience,undersganding & consideration,aside that she will be protective to those who wormed their way into her spark,not only that but she deosn’t easily keeps promise because she knows their some promises aren’t eash to keep.
she has a humorous side as she likes bad puns & good jokes,aside from it their are times she comes off arrogant or who doesn't care but deep down she shows she cares,she isn’t fond of attention as she is currently self-aware who she really is,but she is rather uncanny of her unique abilities & talents.
(there times she questions why optimus end up choosing her among the three well-known femmes as she tries not to have his attention but alas is inevitable,but in other universe,she is a bit like pearl from steven universe,despite she done everything for optimus,he ends up choosing someone else & this cause her to feel ignored,she is now comping of moving on from him & their war all together ) Background story: when she was just a human,who likes anime,transformers etc. & many other things,but suddenly she was transmigrated into a cybertronian,it turns out the primes & primus,saw something in her as she understood about the lives of transformers & their each different unique aspects of their lives in the continuity,because of it she is transmigrated in tfa,as she woken up as artemis & unknown to her,she was gonna change everything.
She soon starts her life slowly as she tries not to get attention from others,but after saving bumblebee from wasp & ironhide up to offering a friendship to orion,she soon gain others attention as she slowly curses of herself,she did not realize she had taken the spark of a certain handsome blue & red truck bot.
As time pass she gain more attention from others as she tries to live her life peacefully while having some odd misunderstandings occurs.
Optimus prime
-great friends/lovers(<in another community),met earlier years before the show begins,she & him become really great friends to one another,however at the starts of the show,she enters the autobot boot camp after optimus enter first,she caught every mechs attention including sentinel,she also met elita who once had the reputation of being the most beautiful & intelligent femme in the boot camp,until she came but she stays close to optimus most of the time,however the arch 7 incident begun & because she wasn’t there at the time,despite knowing what happened she couldn’t help,even though she admits to the three she felt something is not right,it happend & she helps him trying to recover while she gave sentinel a visible dent under his chin,fast years go by she is now in 2nd command of ultra magnus.
Optimus really care for her than he thought because she still believes in him more than anyone else.
(in another timeline ren & optimus are together,but mostly i others she just mostly friends with him)
Bumblebee & Bulkhead:
-friends & respect with admiration,,when she was the sergeant in the boot camp,she always help both bumblebee & bulkhead out of trouble everytime both wasp & ironhide(she saw hope in him),including sentinel who in turn cant talk back to her,she once told wasp if he keeps it up with his bullying he will get karma,months later wasp was arrested for something he didn't do,while ren felt she knew something might happen & after this she once talked to bumblebee about this & said ominously”once you saw wasp again,give me a call,kay?”she gave him a special device to call her,bumblebee still clueless as to why but ren did help him & bulkhead out all time so he kinda owe her,years now when he saw wasp remembering her words he called her & she helps the two,bulkhead admire & respect her because she was the only one who believes in him.
The two are grateful to her & they respect her more than ultra & sentinel.
Prowl & ratchet:
-Friends & respect,prowl had once met her as she was training under yoketron,he thought she was one of those snobbish nobles,however he was proven wrong when she shows tactic & precise through training,over time of their training the two gain each other respect,on the endgame with her help she & prowl manage to save the allspark,Ratchet on the other hand it was a different story,while she may asked for a personal training in medical,but im truth it took awhile for the two to grown each other,she was the one who keeps on a tab on arcee’s state,hearing this he decided to to be acquainted with her & soon they become at least good friends.
They are fine with her,especially since she always helps them.
Sentinel prime:
-love-hate relationship,while the two are torn because of sentinel actions,there are a times they end up acting like they used to,still she was still pissed at him.
Elita one/Blackarachnia:
- same with sentinel,she & elita are once close but the arch 7 incident happens & when meet again their friendship torns apart,while blackarachnia snarky tries to still pins the blame on optimus,Ren decided to give her a run down on everything,reminding her that she also the one insisted,experimented on others,nearly trying to kill others & especially others,she told her that its makes her monster not because of her appearance but mostly her actions,she also remind her she almost have to be saved by optimus far too many times,however she have a little faith on elita.
-Respect,friends-regardless of their factions,he owes her his life,,it was unknown how the two meet or why,but both stayed in touch most of the time,there isn't much of information about it.
-Friends,Respect-she saved him before she enters the autobot boot camp,she found his bleeding in a planet where he suppsoed to start his mission but in a unfortunate time,he was bitten by a scraplet,while he kiled the scraplet he was bleeding,she found him & fixed his bitten part of his body & the two become acquintained,to its whether or not she knew he was decepticon.
Strengths: - her friends
-her powers
-the people she cares for
-self-awareness Weakness: - her mind
-her friends
-her empathy
-self-awareness Family: - she was forged & was taken care by the Enigma house -she is a Crescente
-her parents in house of Enigma,is Axel Enigma & Copper 
Friends: - Orion pax/Optimus prime(friends/lovers(?),bumblebee,bulkhead,thundercracker,skywarp(she questions why),starscream(this one as well),Megatron(back then,she don’t know about now(tfp & idw),shockwave,lugnut,blitzwing(bruh??),
Enemies: -tfa(sentinel,council,blackarachnia(mutual)---0
-IDW TF(black block consortia,djd,overlord,sentinel---) Favorite Quotes to say: - “....i still think they are cybertronians regardless of their factions,they are like us in many ways of ones,we aren’t that different to begin with”(about the decepticons,autobots,& humans with aliens) Other: (other things about the character) -she was a Crescente & she doesn’t remember her real name,but her bracelet number code is SW1TCH814D3 she is fond of this name but she doesn’t use it,but she was always called Ren,Switchblade was her secondary name & nickname from her full name she can’t remember
-the “Celestyn”was her middle like all her ancestors starts from her 1st ancestor who had Celests,as their middle name
-”Crescente” was named after the moon,they history of their name & family is still mystery
-she has a counterpart who is a cyber ninja known as Cyberswift,born from enigma house & is the student of dai atlas
-she mostly use the energon fan given by dai atlas,who said it was made for her
-she has kids with optimus prime,their name is ortensia,a girl & artemis,a boy,they only exist in tfp & tfa au,rescue bots & rescue bots academy
-their relationship between ren & optimus,is portrayed as romantic in some transformers community & but their relationship is complete platonic in others
-her main universe is tfa & tfp
-the name “enigma”is special since it was rare to have “enigma”part of your name,it was name of the family she is”born”in
-some other universe,megatron becomes her lover instead,they had a kid named terminus
-her real name is Nirenia but changed into renegade,she still kept her real name though
-her nickname”Ren”is shared with the creator(me)regardless of her creator is sometimes called”rei”,but whenever the creator is referred to their other name”Ren”,renegade can be referred by her other names
-she is a point one precenter
-her cyberninja side has an extra but short bio about them
-she is the only one had two counterparts,her real-self & her cyberninja form
-Switchblade was someone else name.
Her other forms
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-rescue  bots
-rescue bots academy
-bayverse! 1&2 vers.
Renegade (c) me
Transformers(all media types) (c) Hasbro,michale Bay
27 notes · View notes
itsbenedict · 3 years
Two-Faced Jewel: Session 9
The Slaying of the Bobbledragon
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A half-elf conwoman (and the moth tasked with keeping her out of trouble) travel the Jewel in search of, uh, whatever a fashionable accessory is pointing them at. [Campaign log]
Since slaying a serial-killer dragon is a little outside the party's expertise, they're off to Cauterdale to enlist the aid of the Deathseekers' Guild! Having gotten a good night's sleep at a druid village, and not eaten, they're ready to take on, uh...
Well, some sort of very large monster that Zero kindly drew for me.
In the morning, they rather uneventfully get up and get back on the road, thanking the villagers for their hospitality. And the remainder of the trip to Cauterdale is likewise brief and uneventful, right up until the fire.
Saelhen du Fishercrown: the what Benedict I. (GM): The fire.
Yeah, the forest and the road up ahead are ablaze, sort of blocking passage. The dirt road isn't actively on fire, but the trees on both sides are, making it pretty risky to proceed. The team opts to send Oyobi up ahead to scout the situation- and pretty soon she comes back with a report. Apparently, just past the visible fireline, the forest is totally burned down- just charred stumps as far as she could see, right up to the city walls. The fire itself is just, like, 10 meters wide or so, so it's totally something they could just dash through.
It takes some Animal Handling checks to coax the giraffes through, and the ones that balk get them and their riders a little bit of chip damage from heat and smoke inhalation, but the party is pretty much able to push through to the blasted wasteland of charred tree stumps surrounding Cauterdale.
They notice a few people in strange armor in the distance, doing something near the fire- from the seemingly controlled nature of this burn and the name of the town, they conclude that those are fire squads doing this deliberately, and don't get involved. It's a fine conclusion, and the party begins walking the remaining mile to the city.
As they approach, they notice... a little ways off from the main gates, something is attacking the city walls. Guards atop the walls are manning some sort of huge harpoon guns, and they seem to have already slain several of the... whatever these things are. The remaining one, though, seems larger and more resilient than the others, continuing its assault despite the several harpoons already lodged in its flesh.
What they see is a huge reptilian monster. It's probably not a dragon- no wings, and it doesn't appear to be using a breath weapon- but it's the size of a dragon, with tiny arms, headbutting the metal walls of the town repeatedly.
Orluthe makes his Nature roll to recognize this thing- he's heard of them before. They're called "bobbledragons"- some sort of deformed mutant offshoot of true dragons, incapable of speech or flight or magic but still possessed of monstrous strength and durability.
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Luckily, the bobbledragon doesn't seem to be in between them and the main gate- the fight is far enough away that they could potentially just walk up and head into town, assuming they'll open the gates during a situation like this. Hell, they don't even need to open the gates- if the guards just drop a rope, they should be able to just climb over. That seems like a decent plan, so Saelhen and Looseleaf begin working together to draft a use of the Message spell to ask the guards to help them inside.
Then they notice that I've been moving Oyobi's token on the map in the direction of the fight.
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Oyobi, blinded by bloodlust and/or extra-credit-in-Severe-Zoology-lust, is determined to help fell the bobbledragon. Their attempts at persuasion fail, and Oyobi, undeterred, continues to charge the giant fucking T-rex that is making huge dents in the walls of a city.
As Oyobi runs for it, and as the party follows behind in hopes of stopping her from making a terrible mistake, the bobbledragon jumps and seizes one of the guards on the wall in its jaws, demonstrating its +10 4d12+7 bite attack by immediately oneshotting its victim.
Looseleaf: oh god we're all going to die. you're using the real t-rex statblock. that thing is challenge eight. it is made for a party of four level eight adventurers, so either we are all going to die here, or the guards are going to show us why they are professional fighters and we are students. Benedict I. (GM): "Shit! It can jump!" "No!" The guards seem upset.
Not promising.
Looseleaf: This thing does sufficient damage to oneshot any of us with a perfectly mediocre hit. Looseleaf right now is kind of thoroughly convinced that Oyobi is actually literally about to die. In that light, Looseleaf is going to message Oyobi again. And she is not going to get any closer. Actually, she's going to back off, put distance between herself and the monster. [Oyobi that thing is going to bite you in half get back here you are going to die.] Benedict I. (GM): Roll Persuasion! DC 20 again. -Looseleaf: 17 / PERSUASION (1)- Oyobi Yamatake: [I'M GONNA LIVE FOREVER!!!]
So... that's a bust, and Oyobi finally reaches the dragon and begins her assault. Miraculously, her flying leap hits, and she digs her sword in... for thirteen damage.
The guards return fire against the bobbledragon, and one of the harpoons catches it in the chest- but it doesn't go down, and the second harpoon- manned by just one guard, after his partner got crunched- misses. Another guard, without a cannon, throws a spear- and gets not only a critical hit, but a max damage critical hit, spearing the thing right in the eye.
...for eleven damage, because these are ordinary CR 1/8 Guards, but still!
Saelhen tries to distract the bobbledragon so Oyobi can run and hide, but... her arrow goes wide, and Oyobi isn't interested in running and hiding anyway. The bobbledragon, targeting whatever did the most damage to it recently with its bite attack, jumps and bites the whole damn harpoon gun out of the guard tower, leaving the guards without heavy weaponry.
And then with its tail, it tries to slap the insect that just stung it in the rear.
...and rolls a 3, meaning Oyobi gracefully backflips over the attack and strikes a dramatic pose.
Looseleaf: God, she did not deserve that dodge. She got so fucking lucky there. Saelhen du Fishercrown: she really didn't Oyobi Yamatake: "When you get to Dragon Hell, tell them Oyobi Yamatake sent you!!"
Looseleaf, in the interest of communicating to Oyobi how much danger she's in, makes use of an upgrade to her Rend Spirit attack she learned while studying Lumiere's notes on pain. With Painread, she can get some feedback back from something whose spirit she disrupts, and figure out exactly how bad a shape it's in. She does so (dealing a cool 16 damage as she does), and learns how huge this thing's remaining hit point pool is, so she can tell Oyobi how unlikely she is to survive long enough to take it down.
...It, uh, it was already pretty hurt when they arrived, and it, um, has nine hit points left. And it's Oyobi's turn.
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Oyobi Yamatake: Oyobi dashes forwards, Naruto-runs up to the T-rex's throat, and does a spinning leap that slashes open its jugular. It roars, and the roar swiftly fades off as its breath escapes. Saelhen du Fishercrown: God dammit, Oyobi. Oyobi Yamatake: "YES! YES! B-S-U! B-S-U! B-S-U!" "THAT is how it's DONE!" She is jumping up and down, doing a celebratory dance, the works. "Flawlessed the boss! Hell yeah!"
Yeah, so... I had kind of been planning on her getting oneshot and laid up in the hospital, as a sort of character growth thing and also keeping her out of the way of certain events in town, but, uh... the dice... didn't exactly... share my priorities.
With the bobbledragon slain, and Oyobi doing an extremely obnoxious victory dance, the rest of the party springs into action to stabilize the guard who was used as a chew toy. Thanks to his plate armor, he hasn't lost much blood, but he's got more broken bones than not, and his prognosis wouldn't be good... if it weren't for the healer's kits Looseleaf had the foresight to buy for everyone. Saelhen stabilizes him, and Orluthe calls on his goddess to Lay On Hands to save the guard's life.
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Then there's this guy- the captain of the guard, who fought in the battle with a fancy crossbow that shot flaming bolts. He demands to know who the party is, seeming kind of annoyed that they rewarded weakness by saving the guard's life.
Benedict I. (GM): He looks down at your medical kit. "Y'know, all of my men are prepared to fight and die for our home. You really want to take away this man's glory?" The injured guard looks up. "Uh, sir, I- it's fine, actually..." "Feh." Looseleaf: This guy immediately seems like a bad boss. Saelhen du Fishercrown: Oh, he's ridiculous. Okay, that changes the tenor of this conversation somewhat! "...I apologize, sir," says Saelhen, bowing to the guard on his stretcher, "if I have diminished your victory with my carelessness."
And rather than give this guy any more of the time of day, Saelhen asks the random guard his name. (And then I have to give him one and make him a character, whoops.)
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Medd Cutter here is thankful for Saelhen's assistance saving his life, and Saelhen pledges to remember his heroism. The commander feels- by design- somewhat left out of the heroism-remembering, and declares that he is REX SCAR, and Saelhen kind of blows him off. He's not happy, but...
Captain Scar is still the sort of person who is very impressed with anyone who rolls up and kills a bobbledragon just because they felt like it, and despite Saelhen's calculated snub, tries to get buddy-buddy with the group of obviously very powerful people who just arrived. He decides to help them through customs without going through the usual processes, much to the chagrin of...
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...Long-Tongue, Cauterdale Customs and Border Inspection Officer of Cauterdale, who's very loquacious and wordy and redundantly repeats what she says in different words to phrase things differently in a somewhat unnecessary fashion for no real reason. Rex bullies his way past her, but Saelhen- as another snub, and just to be... nice? (What's her game...?), hands her the 300-page history of the de la Surplus family as collateral for a deferred border inspection.
Inside the walls, Cauterdale is a very crowded place. It's like 80% slum, choked with buildings constructed of a patchwork of scrap metal and discarded siding, without much wood to speak of. The streets are narrow and bustling, and the general vibe around the place is impatient.
The remaining guards escorting them (Rex went off someplace) inform them, when questioned, that the town indeed burns down the forest around them- since they're near the jungle, horrible dangerous things tend to come out of the trees to attack them, and their harpoon defenses are most effective when they can see their attackers coming from a mile away, with no obstructions. Looseleaf asks if bobbledragon attacks are common.
Benedict I. (GM): Another guard shakes his head. "No, that one was pretty crazy. Usually it's just the giant spiders, or the giant mosquitoes, or the mushroom demons." "We've had a few bobbledragons before, but that was like, four at once." Looseleaf: "Oh gods there's already giant spiders?!" "We're not even at- I thought this was a pine forest still!" Benedict I. (GM): "No, that's usually after it rains," Medd says. Looseleaf: Looseleaf casts Druidcraft. Please tell me it's not going to rain. Benedict I. (GM): Nope! Clear skies for now. "Whoa, cool." Looseleaf:"Thank the gods of sea and sky and weather and everything even tangentially related to weather," she says. "No rain." "I hope it never rains, ever again." Benedict I. (GM): "Haha, better stay away from..." "Wait, where are you headed?" Saelhen du Fishercrown: "The rainforest," adds Saelhen, mildly. Looseleaf: "Ttttthunderbrush, and yes I know that place is crawling with spiders NOERU SHUT UP,"
Then Looseleaf asks about what they're there for- the Deathseekers' Guild. Unfortunately, the guards tell them that the Deathseekers... probably still exist, but they're like, a weird secret club of old people who think they're too cool to join the guard. They give them a couple leads- apparently the Temple of Andra keeps tabs on them, and also a guard by the name of Mags was the last to see them as they were recently seen leaving the city.
The team splits up- Looseleaf and Orluthe head for the temple, and Oyobi and Saelhen head for the guardhouse to talk to Mags. (Vayen... is still gone, after vanishing as soon as the bobbledragon fight started.) The latter group does their thing next session, so...
After dropping off their rental giraffes, they head inside to meet...
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This guy, working the reception desk. He seems to be made of rock, and when he talks he rumbles.
As Looseleaf explains their dilemma and their need for Deathseekers, this guy takes a keen interest in their plight. He's very "hmmmm, iiiiiinteresting, oh i see, you don't say?" about the whole thing, making a very normal interaction seem as ominous as possible.
He tells her that the Deathseekers, to his knowledge, should be back in the city from their unspecified errand inside two days, and offers to take a message.
Looseleaf: "I don't suppose they're looking for a green dragon, are they?" Benedict I. (GM): This guy's smile keeps getting wider. It's kind of creepy. "Hm? What makes you say that?"
As she explains about the dragon, he offers her and Orluthe a candy from a bowl on the desk. After some hemming and hawing out-of-character because the creepy rock man is offering you suspicious candy, they eventually opt to have some, because really, Looseleaf isn't suspicious of this guy. Hers is lemon-flavored. It's tasty.
Then, as she describes the empty tower with the corpse of the torture wizard in it, this guy's demeanor changes suddenly from "creepy wry amusement" to "genuine concern". He tries to put on a poker face, but him having a poker face when he's until now been all creepy-friendly chewing the scenery... stands out. He gives her a strong assurance that the Deathseekers will handle this problem for her.
Benedict I. (GM): "I... thank you, for this information." Looseleaf: "You're welcome. Please, uh, make sure that the Deathseekers get this information as quickly as possible. The dragon eats a corpse a week and there's only three corpses left in the tower, there's a very real deadline on this." Benedict I. (GM): [rolling 1d20+4] (Insight) 17+4 = 21 Looseleaf: Belatedly, Looseleaf realizes she's made a mistake. Benedict I. (GM): "You say... the dragon eats three corpses a week?" "Only three corpses left in the tower?" Looseleaf: Namely: Looseleaf has no good reason to know the fact that the dragon eats a corpse a week. Since she's never met the dragon. Benedict I. (GM): "Curious information." "How did you come across it?" Looseleaf: "Uh, erm, uh." Shit.
Looseleaf opts to tell the truth about Arnie, to avoid spinning a dangerous web of lies for herself- after all, Arnie's not worth lying for. She does describe him in as sympathetic terms as she can, though, and asks this guy not to harm him if possible- she doesn't want to break her word to Arnie if she can help it.
Benedict I. (GM): He takes a moment to process this. "...Very well." "My people will be the soul of discretion." "I thank you very much for your generous contribution to the Ecumene of Understanding."
Looseleaf notices that something is wrong.
This guy is the receptionist. He's not a bishop or anything. He's not even wearing priestly vestments- just a nice suit. And he's speaking as though he's in a position of power- "my people", he says.
And after considering various possibilities, she tries something. A shot in the dark, but...
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And the way Looseleaf plays this, is... "quit acting like you don't know what I'm talking about, c'mon, the jig is up". She takes out the letter she found in Lumiere's tower and shows it off, as proof!
And this guy keeps denying it, and getting increasingly more panicked, and looking nervously over at Orluthe, and asking her to please stop, shh shh shh shh, and it's when he begs her to have a conversation with him in private please that she makes the connection. If this guy is affiliated with Lumiere, who's apparently affiliated with some sort of secret conspiracy that's affiliated with some sort of deific usurpation... he maybe doesn't want to have that conversation in front of a cleric.
Looseleaf:"Okay, Orluthe, uhm. Sorry, so," Looseleaf whispers into Orluthe's ear. "Long story short, turns out my sister, who left my village way before I did, ended up falling into some kind of magical secret society. The kind of secret society with Hal Lumiere, i.e. 'the torture wizard who came up with all those pain knives that we all got stabbed a lot with', was apparently a very active member of." Benedict I. (GM):Oh my god, um. Looseleaf: "So, uh, I'm kinda freaking out about that, right now, but if my hunches are right then I'm the sister of someone important in their organization?" Benedict I. (GM): As you start whispering, he tries to interrupt. "Please do not say things to him!" "Please let us speak in private!!" Looseleaf: Oh he's freaked out now huh. "Anyways that's why I am actually indeed going to speak, with this guy, in private," Looseleaf finishes. "And if I don't show up in a half-hour or so, then things have probably gone lopsided." "In which case you should find everyone else and tell them to, I dunno, come save me or whatever." "You got all that?" Benedict I. (GM): The rock man looks distraught. Orluthe Chokorov: "I, uh... think so? This is really... I'm not sure it's safe..."
With a good Persuasion roll, Orluthe agrees to stay behind, and the rock man leads Looseleaf into a backroom whose doors and walls seem warded heavily with some sort of abjuration magic. A secret saferoom.
The man describes the problem: the gods don't know that they exist, or didn't until Looseleaf went and told a cleric of Diamode that they existed. Clerics, in this setting, channel divinity literally- their gods come into their heads to do magic for them, meaning anything a cleric knows is something a god can know, if they care to check.
Benedict I. (GM): "Because if the next time Diamode is in that kid, if she goes looking for that memory..." "I mean, she might not. And you didn't mention anything about our aims, so she might consider it beneath her notice." "But that, right there? That was nearly game over." "And I can't just kill you, because if I did, Yomi would end me." Looseleaf: "Yeah, I'm not incredibly foolish, I haven't actually shown anybody else Yomi's letter." "Nobody knows that Lumiere was involved with... deicidal blasphemy." "That's what this is about, right? Thereabouts, in terms of sheer magnitude and hubris?" Benedict I. (GM): He sighs. "It's not like that." "At least, it's not all like that." "The Project is... fractious." "The less you know about the project, the less you're able to carelessly blurt out about the project your cleric friends, or to anyone who tries reading your mind or tricks you into a Zone of Truth..." "The safer we all are." "With as much as you know, you're already dangerous. It'd be best for us- and you- if you dropped this. Never spoke of it to anyone."
Looseleaf points out that it's good that she found the letter, because that tower was sitting abandoned for a year- anyone could've walked in and read it, since it was lying on a bookcase in the open.
This is somehow not taken as good news- when he finds out that the letter could've potentially been read by anyone, that there was a security breach for a year...
Looseleaf: "Look, my man, next time you want to send a letter, by the way, use... use some encoding." "Don't just write things in plaintext like a chump, by the gods." Benedict I. (GM): "He was supposed to burn after reading." Saelhen du Fishercrown: he's too dead for that! Benedict I. (GM): "Wait, you said it was... out in the open?" "But he's dead?" "Either he was an idiot, or... someone else opened his mail." "Except... Yomi should've hand-delivered it, so..." "...well. We'll definitely look into it."
He brings up sending for someone to do memory magic to handle the breach- but he realizes he can't have that done to Looseleaf, because Diamode would notice if someone tampered with her cleric's memories, and someone needs to still know what's up so they can keep Orluthe away from the truth. (Plus, she figures she'd notice the inconsistencies and end up sleuthing it out again.)
Looseleaf asks if Yomi is doing well, and gets... that she's intense, and powerful, and she probably thinks she's "doing well", but... he doesn't know about happy.
Lastly, he shows Looseleaf a symbol- a blank circle, with the elvish character 人 drawn underneath. The symbols of gods are typically circles with a design inside- so the meaning of this and its relationship to the nature of the Project is fairly easy to infer.
Benedict I. (GM): "If you need to prove to someone you're in the know, without blurting out a bunch of dangerous details, this is the mark." He then eats the paper and the graphite stick he used to draw it.
Next time: Saelhen and Oyobi grill the guard Mags for information on the Deathseekers, and connections are made with powerful individuals.
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thetriggeredhappy · 4 years
imagine,,, wholesome platonic pyro x team,,, -🦂
i’ll admit, this one is a longie. (no warnings)
The second the end-of-day klaxon fired off, Pyro was jumping to their feet and bolting back towards base. Maybe this should worry the team, but they could hear giddy laughter bubbling up from somewhere within the suit, so they weren’t all that worried.
When everyone else got back to base, there was a sign pinned to the swinging doors into the common area, done in five colors of crayon with various smiley faces dotting the empty spaces. “Everyone come back at 7 o’clock please!” it said cheerfully. There was some mild grumbling from Medic, who’d wanted to get something to eat before he headed to go set to work on a project. Heavy clapped him on the shoulder gently and assured him that he could have a sandwich from Heavy’s little fridge.
At a few minutes to 7, nearly all of the mercs had turned up outside the doors of the common area. Scout ended up darting off to find Heavy and Medic, and was dragging them both back down the hall to the place when the doors swung open and Pyro hopped forth brandishing a balloon sword and wearing a party hat.
They gave some incomprehensible cheer, and gestured for the team to go inside.
The vision before them as they filed in was met mostly with wide eyes and complete surprise. The entire common area and kitchen were transformed into a bright, technicolor scene, balloons and streamers and banners hung aloft and across the walls. The chairs, usually in dull, age-worn greys and greens and blacks, were draped in bright new fabric, and every table had a polka-dotted tablecloth. The harsh overheads were dimmed as their beams were inturrupted with dozens of balloons of various colors, and the large table they all so often sat and ate at was absolutely covered with food. A record was spinning away, volume low but immediately working as a wonderful final touch to transform the room, so often home to tiredness and bickering and infighting during their time off, instead making it a place full of light and life.
Everyone ended up investigating something different. Scout, for one, immediately bounded over to the table of food. “Jesus H. fuckin’ Christ, Mumbles, this must’a taken you all night!” he exclaimed, shocked and enthusiastic all at the same time. He zeroed in on a massive stack of chocolate chip cookies, picking one up off the pile and eating it practically in one bite and talking through it. “I’m fuckin’ starving here though, thanks for—“
Then he stopped. Kept chewing, eyebrows furrowing together for a moment, energy freezing in its tracks as he did so, staring off into space like trying to remember something.
Suddenly, a very different energy. He looked at Pyro, who had their hands clasped together and was watching his reaction carefully. For maybe the first time in his life, he was entirely lost for words, for five, ten, fifteen seconds.
“Mumbles, this is... this why you asked me to get that recipe for you? For cookies?” he asked, quiet now, taken aback. Pyro nodded, asked him a question. He took a second or two to sort out what they asked, and then he nodded distractedly. “No, yeah, you nailed it, it’s perfect. Exactly right. It’s...”
He swallowed hard, swiped hard at his eyes with his forearm, laughed a little. Pyro opened their arms, and he accepted the hug immediately, pulling them into a tight embrace, lifting them up off the ground a little with it.
“Yeah. Tastes just like back home. My Ma would be real proud of you, ain’t anybody that ever gets it this right.” A harder squeeze for a minute. “Thank you. I... seriously, there’s not even words. Thank you. You’re the best, pal.”
Pyro squeezed him right back, and then released, moving away as he turned back to the table again, picking up another cookie and starting to eat it much more studiously.
They picked up a plate they’d set aside in the kitchen, hurrying over to present it to Heavy, who was investigating the balloons with some amount of amusement. He laughed the second he laid eyes on it, taking it from Pyro and looking more closely.
“Leetle Pyro, what is this?” he asked, clearly amused and pleased. “How did you make such leetle sandviches? Why is this?”
Pyro’s reply was cheerful, gesturing first to the sandwiches, then holding their finger and thumb close together, then gesturing over towards the rest of the team. Heavy gave a hearty laugh.
“Baby sandviches for baby team?” he asked, still laughing. Pyro nodded. “Oh, Doktor will love this. I go now to show him. Thank you, Pyro. Perhaps I make these and give to team more. Is very good joke.”
Pyro nodded, and Heavy wandered away, still laughing. They watched as he recounted the joke to Medic, clearly very proud of himself, laughing just as hard as the first time even as Medic fought down a grin and rolled his eyes. Heavy then moved on to the next teammate and repeated it.
Demo appeared to be talking Soldier down from popping every balloon on the same side of the color spectrum as the other team. Pyro moved over, jumping to grab hold of one of the strings, and handed one to Demo, who raised an eyebrow, already entertained by whatever they were on about. They grabbed another balloon and held it up to their own face, and inhaled exaggeratedly.
Demo’s expression lit up. “Och, now there’s an idea!” he said, and turned to Soldier. “Look here, watch this one!”
He pinched near the tail of the balloon, nipping a hole in the rubber and taking a deep inhale of it before pinching it back off again. He then turned back to Soldier and grinned.
“Aye, how do I—“ he started to ask, but promptly broke down in laughter at how high-pitched his voice had gone, only redoubling as he heard how ridiculous it was. Soldier and Pyro laughed as well, and within moments Engie had wandered over to see what the commotion was and was laughing as well. Pyro handed their balloon over to Soldier, who immediately moved to do the same thing, and soon the three of them were fully occupied with joking around with each other.
Pyro looked around and noted Spy looking at the sleeve that the record on the player belonged to, clearly trying very hard to seem bored. They moved over and took hold of the sleeve of his jacket, ignoring his protests and pulling him over to the table.
They promptly lifted a wine bottle from the wide selection of alcohol there at the end. They handed it to him, and he took it with a frown and started looking over the label.
His eyebrows shot up, and then he promptly narrowed his eyes at Pyro, a series of questions there in his eyes. The first was vocalized within a few seconds. “Not a particularly old selection, not to mention from some little local winery in France that I am quite sure very few people have ever even heard of,” he said pointedly. “And I’m sure very difficult to track down, even if you knew such an assuredly small backwater nowhere of a town existed. What would cause you to place a specialty order from anywhere like that?”
Pyro just looked at him, hands clasped behind their back.
Spy glanced around at their teammates for a few moments before he spoke again, his voice low. “I’m not entirely sure how you came into knowledge of my place of birth, but I assume I can trust you to make sure nobody else learns it,” he said, a weight to the word that implied it might not be trust, but instead a threat.
Pyro nodded without even needing to think about it, though, and Spy’s shoulders sagged momentarily. He then straightened, looking over the label for a few more moments, expression softening ever so slightly with each passing moment.
“And I’m sure there is not anyone who would be able to tell you this, but I do prefer red wine when given the opportunity of a choice,” he finally deigned to say, much lighter than before. He looked over at Pyro. “So thank you.”
Pyro nodded cheerfully, and edged a glass from the rest and towards him, then bounded off again.
Sniper was stood off away from the bustle to one side of the room, looking vaguely uncomfortable from his body language, even as his face was an impassive mask, revealing nothing. He visibly jumped as a balloon was popped by Medic on accident, frowning hard at it. Pyro moved over and greeted him, and he just nodded at them distractedly, gaze continuing to move between the record player and the table of food and the chaos of Soldier and Demo laughing themselves half to death over the helium and the bright, multicolored light filtering through the balloons. Pyro gingerly took hold of his sleeve where it was rolled up to his elbow and gently tugged on it, leading him through the door into the kitchen.
There were three overheads, but two had been blocked out almost entirely by a mass of black balloons, the final having a white sheet pinned over it to dull the light. Once through the door, the majority of the noise and commotion faded into the background. Pyro then prompted Sniper to look at a bag of coffee that was next to the coffee machine, which apparently already held a full pot of the stuff. Sniper investigated without fanfare, reading over the label.
“Some fancy fair-trade nonsense,” he said, even as his expression betrayed him being impressed, and somewhat surprised. “Leagues better than that tea nonsense our Europeans drinks, at least, and the bulk store buggery we’ve usually got.”
Pyro gestured enthusiastically towards the pot that had already been brewed. Sniper scratched awkwardly at the back of his neck.
“Don’t exactly have a mug for it, mate,” he said carefully. “Mine broke at breakfast a week or so ago, remember? Planned on headed out to a... thrift shop, or flea market or the like, sometime this weekend. Then I can give it a try. If, er... if there’s any left by then.”
Pyro put their hands on their hips, tapping their foot impatiently.
Sniper sighed, moving over to the cabinet where they kept cups. “I’ll just knick one from the other blokes, sure they won’t mind,” he finally agreed, pulling the doors open.
He froze for a few seconds, then gingerly pulled out a mug with a little ribbon bow affixed to the handle.
Sniper was at a loss for words for a moment, then laughed incredulously. “Mate, this was... in pieces, probably two dozen shards, this was long gone,” he marveled, looking over the tiny little cracks that showed up along the surface of it, just barely marring the surface that then read “#1 Sniper” bold and clear. “How bloody long did this take you?”
Pyro shrugged, a little bashful. Sniper appeared to be at a loss for what to do, and ended up putting the mug down, reaching over and giving them an awkward clap on the shoulder.
“Thanks, mate. I appreciate it,” he said, and maybe it would’ve been an underwhelming reaction for most people, but it was an awful lot more than Sniper generally gave to anyone, and so Pyro brightened immediately, bopping him right back.
Engie called them before they could even make it around to him. “Firebug!”
They left the kitchen right away, leaving Sniper behind to the relative quiet and dark and peace. Engie was by the table, looking over a bottle. They greeted him cheerfully.
“Now, this here says it’s sweet tea,” he said, holding up the bottle in question. “Now does that mean it’s some, uh, northern sweet tea that’s not much sweet of anything, or real sweet tea?”
“Maybe it’s Long Island iced tea,” Scout quipped from down the table. “You should chug it and see.”
Pyro waved Scout off and assured him it was real. They explained that they’d gone through all the steps to make the sweet tea the proper way, the same way he’d bemoaned to them every time they were stationed anywhere but in the heart of the United States’ South. Heating the tea up, adding tons of sugar while it was hot, and chilling it again. Engie nodded, apparently satisfied.
They then gestured him over a ways down the table, and directed his attention towards the center. He needed to lean up on his toes and crane his neck a little to see it over the mass of food there, but when his eyes landed on the centerpiece, he absolutely lit up, laughing a little.
“Firebug, where in Sam Hill did you manage to find bluebonnets?” he asked, absolutely delighted. “Those are a full month or so outta season. And those are fresh—bless your heart, did you grow these?”
Pyro nodded, and Engie laughed, drew them into a hug, clapping them on the back as he did so.
“You’re too sweet for your own good, honest you are,” Engie said, and Pyro laughed. “Doin’ all of this for everyone.”
Pyro shrugged, assured him it wasn’t any trouble, and drew back enough to point out to him that they’d made some food that he in particular would probably be excited about, and moved away as he picked up a plate and started digging right in.
They moved over to Soldier, and ended up tugging on his jacket until he finally abandoned where he and Demo were attempting to peer pressure Heavy into inhaling some helium. Pyro dragged him out the back door, making sure to prop it open behind them and saving a balloon from escaping and flying off into the stratosphere. They led him to the dumpster they’d dragged a few meters closer to the door, and flipped open the lid, quickly reaching inside and coming up with two armfuls.
Soldier could not have possibly looked any more excited than he did in that exact moment as he processed the sight of Lieutenant Bites and Lance Corporal Chompers wearing little party hats and covered in little pieces of paper confetti. He promptly set about informing those two—and the several other raccoons rapidly starting to escape from the dumpster—about just how goddamn adorable they looked in their tiny hats and rainbow confetti. He ended up seizing the Lieutenant and holding him tight to his chest, bringing him inside to show to Demo for the five minutes he managed to keep hold of him for before he darted right back out the door and joined his raccoon friends in tearing their cute little hats into shreds. Soldier brought the entire container of sour cream off of the table to give to them outside, and nobody stopped him.
Inside, he picked up one of the records and moved over to Medic, who was busy watching Heavy and Demo go lightheaded from inhaling helium, rolling his eyes the entire time even as he didn’t stop them. Pyro tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention, and handed over the record.
Medic looked pleased, glancing over the record, flipping it over to look at the specific music on it. “I was not aware that we owned any records of classical music,” he mused, visibly cheered up. “I thought that our Soldier had shattered most of them last time we attempted to play board games as a team bonding exercise.”
Pyro nodded, and Medic looked over the album again.
“Ja, this is new. Did you buy this specifically for this, er... occassion?” Medic asked, eyebrows drawn together.
Pyro shook their head, gesturing fro the record to Medic.
“It’s for me then?” Medic asked, starting to grin, and Pyro for one didn’t comment on how worrying he looked when he was pleased with something. “Danke, how very kind of you! It is very much appreciated, my friend. Might I play it now?”
Pyro nodded, and he did. The first swells of a symphony filled the room, and Scout and Demo briefly bemoaned listening to “boring fancy-pants music”, but the tunes were so lighthearted and cheerful that they quickly forgot about it, letting it fade into background noise.
The change of music to something more calm and the general mood of the room settling down were enough to coax Sniper out from the kitchen, and soon Soldier had returned, his and Scout’s moods significantly mellowed out following what they’d been given by Pyro. Soon enough, they were all sat around the table, digging in and talking cheerfully. It was an eclectic assortment of options, and everyone was surprised to find foods specific to their own tastes, and all talked excitedly about their own meals, the stories surrounding the times when they’d eaten them. Heavy, for one, wouldn’t stop repeating his new favorite joke about baby sandwiches for baby teammates.
And then plates were being passed around. Spy was trying brisket, and the Engineer was trying clam chowder, and Scout was trying brautwurst, and Medic was trying crocodile jerky. Some of them collectively bemoaned the favorite food of the others—only Sniper seemed to enjoy the stew Heavy so much liked, saying it had some weird spice combinations, and the corn on the cob that Soldier was ripping through had far too much salt and butter on it according to the entire Support team as well as Demo and Heavy. And only Scout was brave enough (or rather, dared) to try the family recipe venison pie, but upon him saying it actually wasn’t that bad, Medic and Soldier we’re inclined to try, the reception lukewarm and positive respectively. Others were enthusiastic, Scout in particular being surprised that the quiche was something that “Mister hoity-toity” Spy himself claimed to be a favorite, and there being a unanimous consensus at the table that the chocolate chip cookies were downright delicious. Pyro assured Scout that they would make more for him when he seemed a little worried that everyone else would clear that plate and not leave any left over.
For hours, they sat, they ate, they talked, they told stories. Some from their childhoods, and growing up, and traveling, others simply the product of their going on tangents of tangents.
There was only a cake left on the table at the end of the night, luckily a very small one, most of them two steps past full. They agreed that everyone would at least attempt one slice of it, and Pyro stood up and fetched a cake knife and some fresh plates from the kitchen.
“Hey, hey Mumbles,” Scout said upon their return before they could even sit down. “How come you did all this, anyways? Like, seriously, this—this had to be like, days of work.”
“Weeks, even,” Spy chimed a few chairs down.
“Entire weekends,” Engie agreed.
“Awful lot of work to go to, aye?” Demo asked, blinking curiously at them.
Pyro shifted, a little nervous, set the knife down to fidget with their hands for a few seconds. Their reply was so mumbled that nobody could pick up on it.
“I beg your pardon?” Medic asked, leaning in a little, brows furrowed.
Pyro repeated themselves slightly louder.
“Afraid I didn’t catch that,” Engie said from their right.
Pyro repeated themselves slightly louder.
In an instant, Scout was on his feet, openly shocked. “Woah, hold on, are you fuckin’ serious?!” he all but shouted, absolutely aghast.
Questioning noises from around the table.
“They said it’s their fuckin’ birthday.”
An amount of chaos. Some were incredulous, some shocked, others apologetic, others mostly just confused.
“Jesus H. fucking Christ, Mumbles, how come you didn’t tell nobody?!” Scout demanded, voice rising over most of the others and cutting through the noise. “I mean, shit, I don’t even have a gift or nothin’!”
Pyro’s response was drowned out by the rest of the team carrying on, and Scout gestured wildly at them to make them shut up, and silence fell again. He gestured at them, then, and they repeated themselves, speaking slowly and clearly and loudly to be understood through the mask.
“Well, maybe the only gift I really wanted was to give something to all the rest of you guys. To thank you for being my friend.”
Silence, and then chaos again.
A few voices could be picked out. Heavy, exclaiming “Of course leetle Pyro is friend, is credit to team!”. Sniper exclaiming, “Look, we don’t—no need to thank us, we like being mates with you, you lunatic!”. Demo exclaiming, “Cut it with the thanks lark, all these gifts, you know we love ya to death, lad!”. Soldier exclaiming, “We aren’t friends, we are brothers! Metaphorically!”. Similar sentiments echoed, mercs pointing at each other end agreeing heartily, and they carried on for quite some time before they all started falling quiet again, apparently noticing the sound coming from within Pyro’s suit, hands clasped across the bottommost part of their mask.
The crying sound.
“Hey, hey, c’mon now Firebug, what’re the tears for?” Engie urged gently, hand on their shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” they assured, sniffling. “I just love you guys.”
Scout stood up again, apparently making a decision. “Okay, that’s it. Stand up,” he said, and Pyro did. “Alright, group hug. Everyone get in here.”
The team started rising from their own seats within a moment, for once not arguing with the unusual show of affection and camaraderie.
“Hey, that means you, Legs,” Scout said, pointing an accusatory finger towards Sniper as the man stood up. “Get the fuck in here. You too Spy, don’t be a dick.”
“I’m just moving to get around the table, don’t be an animal,” Spy deadpanned, and Sniper murmured an agreement, and then the whole team was there. All just stood, practically crushing Pyro under the weight of eight men’s worth of embraces, and they returned it as best they could, still a bit sniffly.
But then, “Happy birthday to Leetle Pyro,” Heavy said decisively, and the sentiment was immediately echoed by the rest of the team, and then the waterworks were back in full effect. This apparently prompted Soldier to decide they weren’t hugging Pyro tightly enough, at which point he started hugging at maximum strength, surprising several mercs and almost sending them toppling into the table. Once they decided the sappiness was over, and Demo asked if anyone actually had any room left for the cake and largely got a chorus of “no”s in response, Scout picked it up and shoved it directly into Spy’s face, and the mood was back to a cheerful version of normal as Medic reminded them idly that they still had plenty of alcohol left to consume.
Pyro wouldn’t be hard pressed to call it the best birthday ever, especially since their being the one celebrating it meant they were informed that they didn’t have to help with the cleanup afterwards.
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sirpoley · 4 years
On the Four Table Legs  of Traveller, Leg 4: Random Encounters
In part 1 of this series, I described how Mongoose Traveller's spaceship mortgage rule becomes the drive for adventure and action in a spacefaring sandbox, and the 'autonomous' gameplay loop that follows.
In part 2, I talked about how Traveller's Patron system gives the DM a tool to pull the party out of the 'loop' and into more traditional adventures.
In part 3, I talked about Traveller's unique character creation system, and how it supports the previous two systems, and how to avoid some of the pitfalls that I've seen in play.
In this part, I'll talk about how each of these three systems interacts with, and in fact, relies upon, Traveller's random encounters.
The Many Random Encounters of Traveller
Traveller really takes the concept of random encounters and runs with it. Just in the core rulebook, there are random encounters for…
-          Encounters during space travel (with different sub-tables for travel near a space port, in settled space, wild space, and so on),
-          Encounters on foot in a starport, rural area, and urban area,
-          Encounters with the law (that is, random legal complications tables for accidentally or deliberately breaking laws on strange new worlds)
There are also several 'honorary mention' tables that interact with the random encounter tables, such as:
-          Random asteroid and random salvage tables,
-          Random passenger tables,
-          Random "bounty hunters come to repossess your ship if you didn't pay your mortgage" tables
-          Full random monster generator tables—this one is particularly impressive. When an alien 'animal' is encountered, rather than having hundreds of pages of animals, it seamlessly moves into generating a fully-unique animal on the fly
-          Random patron tables (these are truly in-depth: they generate who your patron is, what you're asked to do, random targets for your mission, and even who the opposition is).
-          A random piracy table (unfortunately buried in the spacecraft chapter, not near the table where pirate encounters are rolled), that provides inspiration for just how the pirates manage to get the jump on the party and what they want.
-          Of course, special mention goes out to the procedural subsector generator which is a full chapter in the book, in which the DM can generate the entire setting for the campaign.
What's impressive about Traveller isn't so much the volume, or even the quality, of the random tables, but how tightly they're tied into each of the other game's systems
Space Encounters
As Traveller is a game primarily about space travel, I'll focus on the Space Encounter table.
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Sorry for the janky photo; I don't have the book on pdf. (Traveller Core Rulebook, 2008, p139)
This table is rolled on pretty much whenever the DM feels like it (the rules say: "roll 1d6 every week, day, or hour depending on how busy local space is. On a 6 […] roll d66 on the table below"). Many of these results tie in to subtables (any result of salvage, collision, mining, trade goods, or patron has additional rolls), but the photo above contains the most important part of the space encounter system.
Compare this table to the one from D&D's Manual of the Planes I used as an example in my series on wandering monsters:
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Manual of the Planes, 2001. p. 151
Now, obviously, D&D's encounter table here is for an explicitly dangerous place—literally Hell—but the only result you can roll on the table that doesn't ­immediately move to combat is "72: Mercane trading mission." Thus, any time this table is rolled, there is a 99% chance of initiative being rolled.
Traveller's random encounter table marks its "unavoidable" encounters in bold (typically they're ones that immediately start a battle or some kind of dangerous phenomenon like a collision), though "patron" is also on there. There are only 7 results that are bolded this way, and only 6 of them are explicitly dangerous. Some of the non-bold rolls can result in battles as well depending on the party's actions, but there's no assumption of violence.
This is representative of most of Traveller's random encounter tables: they're not, by and large, random battle tables, but universe simulators. Depending on the context of the adventure, this means the random space encounter table could mean one of a number of different things. For example:
-          If the players are pirates, this becomes a random pirate target table. Most of the results are unarmed NPC ships that would be perfect targets for piracy. However, some are police or military vessels that would cause real problems for the party.
-          If the players are blue-collar miners and salvagers, this becomes a random treasure table, where the various derelict, asteroid, and salvage options become possibilities for work.
-          If the players are in trouble (suffering from a medical emergency or a mechanical failure), this becomes a random rescue table, where you get to find out who answers your distress beacon, and what their intentions might be. Additionally, the tables tell you how long it takes for rescue to arrive (for example, in lightly inhabited space, you have a 1-in-6 chance every week that a spaceship shows up. At that point, you're running up against hard limitations of fuel reserves on your ship as to whether life support will give out before rescue arrives)
-          If the players are simple traders, this table is a random flavour table, mostly adding a bit of flavour to the world while only occasionally having major impact on play.
"That's all well and good," you say, "but what does this have to do with tables?"
Encounters and Mortgages
Even with the bank taking most of the party's trade profit, without close attention to random encounters, the 'trade loop' can quickly turn into a 'roll dice and watch numbers grow' game. In a single iteration of the trade system, a lot of random encounters are rolled:
-          A Space Encounter in the origin system while flying to the 100-diameter limit (you can't safely use Traveller's FTL drives within 100-diameters of a planet),
-          A Space Encounter in the destination system while flying to the world from the 100-diameter limit (in the case of a mis-jump, which lands you far from the target world, this can use the more-dangerous less-settled options on the encounter table),
-          A Legal Trouble Encounter check upon docking with the new spaceport,
-          One or more Spaceport Encounter checks while in the spaceport and picking up cargo.
-          One or more Random Passenger rolls if passengers are picked up
That's four or more rolls on random tables just going from one planet to another. This means that what might otherwise seem to be a straightforward (and therefore boring) trading game becomes, in practice, a series of minor adventures and close escapes full of danger. Remember, any time a pirate is encountered, there's a real possibility the players will be forced to jettison their cargo, which typically represents all of their accumulated wealth. The stakes are very high.
These high stakes also provide motivation for your players to accumulate wealth beyond simply keeping the banks off their backs: ship-scale weapon systems are very expensive (in the millions of credits), but even one or two upgrades to a basic ship can give the party a huge leg-up against non-player ships (who usually fly unmodified ships lifted directly from the book).
Encounters and Patrons
Virtually every random encounter table has a one or two entries that result in the party meeting a patron, which, as I described in the second part of this series, are the keys to adventure in Traveller. Math isn't my strong suit, but back-of-the-napkin calculations suggest that around one-in-five trips between worlds will involve a run-in with a patron, and thus the start of a classic-style adventure. Note that while the book does provide tables to generate patrons, it really isn't practical to do this on the fly. What this does mean is that, as DM, when you have a free afternoon or just a couple of hours, you can create and queue up your own patrons in advance and trust that, at some point, the game's procedural universe simulation will put them in front of the party.
Encounters and Character Creation
Traveller’s character creation system is different. So different, in fact, that it can be tempting to cut it out altogether and replace it with something conventional.
The rulebook recommends that, if possible, patrons should be drawn from the PCs' existing contacts and allies. I don't think it explicitly mentions this, but hostile encounters should also often include the PCs' existing enemies and rivals. This ties player characters' backgrounds directly into the action of the game's 'present' timeline. In addition, it's actually much easier as DM to pull out a character that you already have in your rolodex sometimes than come up with a new, characterful pirate captain for each random encounter.
Missing Legs
Unless you really know what you're doing, Traveller runs a serious risk of collapsing if any of these four legs (mortgages/trade, patrons, character creation, and random encounters) is removed or seriously modified. Unfortunately, the game doesn't make this clear in any particular way, which is why my previous DM (who, again, is very good) struggled visibly with his two campaigns.
If you decide mortgages won't be a major aspect of the game, you have to remove or severely nerf the trade rules, or your party will be rolling in cash almost immediately. Because the trade rules are the primary motivation to move around (and thus, roll random encounters), you have to come up with another reason for them to do so. (Note that it's possible, during character creation, to be loaned a Scout Ship without having to pay mortgages on it. As DM, you should consider disallowing this, or at least be aware of the implications if this reward is rolled)
If you decide trading won't be a major aspect of this game, you have to find another way for the party to make money (lots of money) or they simply won't be able to pay their mortgage. You also have to find a reason for them to travel from place to place, or they won't be able to justify the cost of fuel, crew salary, and other expenses. The  game will run serious risk of defaulting to jumping from one patron job to another. This isn't inherently bad, but it's a lot of work for the DM, and, at some point, becomes a railroad of quest-to-quest with no other real alternative. You're also cutting off the party from meaningfully interacting with the spaceship upgrade system—there's pretty much no other way to raise the millions of credits needed to buy extra laser turrets and stuff for their ship.
If you decide patrons won't be a major aspect of the game, you might find that the party never leaves their spaceship. Skills other than those related to trading and spacecraft operation will never be used, most of the equipment chapter and the encounters and danger chapter will be left unread, and those wild and unique planets you spent ages generating before the campaign will go completely unnoticed.
If you decide Traveller's character creation is too unbalanced and ought to be replaced by a point-buy system, you might struggle to weave the players' contacts, rivals, allies, and enemies into the campaign (if they even have those), and you might miss out on having hired NPCs running around on the spaceship. This in turn means that there's many fewer opportunities for roleplaying during travel. Additionally, your players might then operate with the expectation that Traveller will have anything resembling game balance, and, as such, be frustrated by the game's hugely uneven random encounters.
If you decide random encounters won't be a major aspect of the game, you might find that the party never meets a patron, never has the opportunity to engage in piracy, never has any trouble watching their credits climb and climb indefinitely, and never has much motivation to make money (and thus, go on adventures and travel around) beyond paying off their mortgage.
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shadowsbestiary · 3 years
Kelusine Species Sheet
Name: Kelusine 
Height: 2’6”-6’0” at the shoulder 
Weight: 900~ lbs-2000< lbs 
Diet: Carnivore 
Classification: Planetary, Natural, Non-Magic Sensitive, Sapient, Feral, Feline 
Trainable: Yes 
Temperament: Territorial, Protective, Energetic, Playful
Danger Level: Medium
Lifespan: 170-180 Kelusian Years 
Litter size: 2-4 cubs
Morphology: Immense felines, they are quite similar to the big cats of Earth aside from their strong saber teeth (which range from 4-8 inches) and thumb-like appendages in place of their dew claws. Males have lion-like manes whereas the females sport a short mane along the nape of their neck. In certain subspecies that reside in colder regions (Mountaineers and Wastelanders), the females’ manes may extend to their shoulders and belly. 
Islander: The swimmers and climbers. Found in low level coast forests in tropical regions and, as their name suggests, on island chains connected by shallow expanses of ocean. The smallest species, this cat resembles a Cloud Leopard in structure and their ankles can rotate backwards, just like the real life cat’s. This enables them to climb down trees headfirst, climb upside down, or even hang by their back feet. These cats reach only two and a half feet at the shoulder.
Plainer: The runners. The second smallest in shoulder height (4 ft), yet the second longest (14ish feet) thanks to their lengthy tail, Plainers are built purely for speed. Living on the wide open grasslands, they rely on quick bursts of speed to take down their prey. Their long tail acts like a rudder, just like a cheetah’s would, which enables them to make sharp turns with minimal warning. 
Forester: The jack of all trades. An intermediate of the five subspecies (4 ½ feet at the shoulder), Foresters resemble the tigers of Earth in build. Strongly built without sacrificing speed, Foresters live in, you guessed it, forests. They prefer hardwoods with mixed pines, but can adapt to Alpine forests or mid-latitude jungles and woodlands. 
Mountaineer: The jumpers. Closely resembling snow leopards or mountain lions, Mountaineers are found in similar environments; high altitude snowy mountains. Thick fur keeps them warm in the frigid air, and a thick tail helps them balance while chasing prey across steep slopes. Unlike snow leopards, however, Mountaineers are immense and rank #2 height (5ish feet) and #1 in length from nose to tail tip (16ish feet). 
Wastelander: The bone crushers. Unlike the other subspecies, which have body types based primarily on existing big cats, Wastelanders get their inspiration from smilodons and grizzly bears. Built for pure power with strong shoulders and immense front paws, Wastelanders are the largest of all Kelusines with shoulder height measuring six feet and even seven in rare cases. They are also the only subspecies with a short tail. 
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Light Brown
Brown Ash
Green Ash
Yellow Ash
Russet Brown
Red Ash
Colorpoint: Dilutes the     base while leaving the extremities (face/tail/paws) normal
Reversal: Switches the     color of the base coat and markings (ex: black with white stripes)
Light: Turns the     inner marking of rosette/smeared/clouded/snow spot lighter than the base     coat
Pied: White covers     25%-90% of the beast in solid patches
Splatter: White “paint     splatters” cover 10%-50% of the beast
Tortoiseshell (Female only):     The “red” gene is active and causes discoloration in patches. 
Blotched Tabby
Mackerel Tabby
Plain (no pattern)
Spotted Tabby
Ticked Tabby
Double Dose (Spots on body and stripes on extremities)
Snow Spot
Chimera (Two different base colors and markings)
Split (Two marking types)
Fallen Snow (Sabino along dorsal side)
Drift (Sabino along ventral side)
Glitch (Markings are broken and missing in some places)
Mist (Markings fade towards dorsal side)
Fog (Markings fade towards ventral side) 
Storm (Markings in thin vertical bands)
Physical Mutations:
Razorback (mane continues to tail)
Rimmed (mane along forelimb and back limb undersides; not found in Islanders or Plainers)
Curtain (long fur resemble horse mane; not found in Islanders or Plainers)
Static (Long and stiff along spinal area)
Scruff (Longer chin fur; standard Wastelanders)
Bobtail (Stump)
Angel (longer silky fur)
Short (Akin to a wolf; standard for Wastelanders)
Pointed (triangular rather than semi-circle; standard for Islanders)
Tufted (Lynx-like; standard for Wastelanders and Mountaineers)
Horned (Curl backwards)
Folded (Folded downwards)
Habitat: Thanks to the abundance of specialized subspecies, Kelusines are one of the most diverse species in terms of location. They can be found almost everywhere apart from the far poles, deserts, and swamps. Large carnivores, they require an area rich in prey and thus control large swaths of territory either as a clan or as individuals.  
Diet: Hypercarnivores, Kelusines require meat. They are not picky when it comes to meat, although shy away from carrion or cannibalism and a vast majority will not eat humans. One exception is the Wastelander subspecies, who will eat whatever prey they can catch. And humans are easy prey; dumb and slow. 
Intelligence: Kelusines are one of the most intelligent animals of Kelusia. Like most creatures, they can speak Basic, or English. However, they are one of the few species that can learn languages other than their own and Basic. Kelusines are also one of the few that can operate high level technology. Some actually possess a Communication Watch on their wrists. Able to comprehend advanced math and science, Kelusines still prefer subjects that deal with history, natural science, and technology. 
Social Life: Social creatures, wild Kelusines often live in small prides that consist of 5-7 individuals. However, sometimes to expand their territory, prides will join and make larger groups, or clans, of around 10-20 individuals, depending on the amount of prey available. When in clans, Kelusines have a ranking system to help things flow smoothly within the clan. The “head” positions are the Leader, Medic, and Deputy. Below that is the bulk of the clan, divided further into equal subgroups: Scouts, Operators (tech), Hunters, Guards, Milk Givers, and Elders. Below that rank the Trainees, who are the Kelusines ages 4-12 years, and finally come the Cubs, or Kelusines under the age of 4. 
Life Cycle: Kelusine females carry for 9-10 months. There are 2-4 cubs in a litter, on rare occasions 5. The cubs are born helpless and cannot see or hear a week after birth. It is not uncommon for an expectant mother who resides alone to seek out a clan who will let her stay with them the first week or so after her cubs’ birth. She does this to ensure that her cubs are not killed by a rival or possibly a jealous male. 
At two weeks, Kelusine cubs are stumbling around on stubby, unsteady legs. By now they can hear and see. They resemble fluffballs on sticks, their fur soft as down feathers. At three weeks, they can walk on their own without trouble and are play fighting with littermates or cubs near the same age if there are any. Around two months they are introduced to solid food. However, they continue to nurse until they are 9 months. At two years they begin to learn how to hunt for their own prey. They are usually taken out by both their mother and father if in a clan. If not, the mother or an older sibling will take them. 
Kelusines are considered cubs until year four. By that time they are the size of a teenage tiger or lion. From year four to twelve they are considered adolescents.  By now they are about the size of an adult lion or tiger. During the teenage years, Kelusines’ manes begin to grow. Their saber teeth also grow longer and stronger. Unless they grow up as rouges or loners, Kelusines begin to learn the basics of fighting at age twelve. If they were born outside of a clan, Kelusines often learn to fight sooner. 
At sixteen years, Kelusines can make it on their own with no extra help. However, they are not considered full adults until age twenty. Females mature, both sexually and mentally, faster than males. They are considered mature at eighteen, while it takes males until year twenty. After a Kelusine reaches age twenty, they may leave to explore or may look for a job as a mount. 
Kelusines are a unique species in that they are biologically immortal. The oldest Kelusine on record, a Forester by the name of Powerful Huntress of the Mountain Pass Pride, reached 220 Kelusian Years. However, most Kelusines only make it to 160-180 KY due to an oddity within their genes that becomes active around that age and produces similar symptoms to the viral infection rabies. Instead of intense fear, the Kelusine will become extremely aggressive, attacking anyone and anything in sight. This is not contagious, as it is not an infection, but there is also no cure for the affliction referred to as “Old Age Rage”. The only way to stop an OAR Kelusine is, unfortunately, to kill the beast.
Vocalization and Body Language: Like many of Kelusia’s unique fauna, Kelusines can speak Basic but also, as said earlier, have a unique ability to learn other languages such as Ragera. However, when they talk it is noticeably more guttural and rough compared to human speech. Aside from being able to speak “civilized” languages, Kelusines can make a wide variety of feral sounds. They have the ability to roar, snarl, growl, chuff, cough, groan, and hiss. Younger Kelusines can purr, but they do not have the ability to roar until age 5. Islanders and Plainers cannot roar no matter their age, but instead, like cheetahs, can purr through adulthood. 
Kelusines are also heavily reliant on body language. Their body language heavily mimics the tigers of Earth. A calm Kelusine has a relaxed body posture, and the tail hangs languidly. When curious, their tail will be raised high in the air and their ears will be forward in interest. An aggressive Kelusine will bare its teeth, widen its mouth, enlarge its pupils, and flatten its ears. 
Ridability:  Very human-like in their intelligence and readily available, Kelusines are not hard to come by. Kelusines are perhaps the most common mount as living with riders ensures a constant, easy food source while also making sure they get their exercise. That being said it is crucial for riders to understand Kelusines are not pets. Rather, they are companions who have agreed to carry the rider on their back. It is also important to keep in mind that, while Kelusines do have the intellectual capabilities of a human or higher creature, they are still highly dangerous predators who can turn on you if they so please. So treat them well. 
Common Uses: Mounts, Guards, Guides, Rangers.
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meg91596 · 4 years
Growing Up Chapter 7: A Recall on Amelia’s first Mother’s Day
10 Months Ago:
Link got out of bed earlier than Amelia trying to surprise Amelia on her first Mother’s day. He picked up the sleeping infant and dressed him, and got him dressed while placing him in his carseat quietly walking out of Meredith’s house. Link placed the sleeping infant into the car while he buckled up he realized that he didn't leave a note for Amelia so she might panic because he’s gone and so is the baby. Link quickly texted Meredith and Maggie to distract her while Link was away. He had a plan in place for Amelia on what he was going to do. He took Scout into a real estate agency several days ago to sign papers for their new house. He knew that it was Derek’s house and how it would be special for Amelia to have keys too. Link also stopped at the Jewelry store that he had gone to a few weeks after Scout was born. 
“Hello sir how can I help you?” The lady at the counter said. “I’m here to pick up an engagement ring for my girlfriend.” Link said. “What’s your name sir?” The Lady asked. “Dr.Atticus Lincoln I believe I put it as.” Link said. “Oh yes you did hey aren’t you a surgeon at Grey Sloan?” asked the lady. “Yes I am.” Link replied. “Well thank you for helping out those that need medical help.” The lady said as she handed Link the ring. 
Just as he was about to leave Scout started to cry. He got out to the parking lot and held the infant who was hungry. He gave the infant a bottle and fed him before the infant started to cry again he placed the infant in the car and drove off to get a special Onesie that he had ordered for Scout for Mother’s Day. It was an Onesie that said Will you marry my baby daddy? Link did that as a joke because that was what Amelia was always calling Link when she was pregnant because of the whole drama that she had while pregnant with Scout. He got the onesie and placed Scout in it before reaching Meredith’s house. They then got to the house with keys, a ring, and a baby with a special message. 
“Link where have you been all day?” Amelia asked. “With Scout we were doing something special for you.” Link said. “Well let me see my baby.” Amelia said. “Okay honey but don’t read his onesie just yet.” Link said. “Okay is it something bad?” Amelia said as she held the baby. “Amelia France Shepherd are you ready to read Scout’s onesie?” Link asked. “Yes I am.” Amelia said.
Meredith, Maggie, Zola, Bailey, and Ellis were watching Link get down on one knee while Amelia began to read the onesie. She started to cry because of what the onesie said not realizing that Link was on one knee. She then looked at Link and the tears on her face got worse as she said yes to Link. Zola and Bailey were excited to see their aunts excitement. Amelia was thrilled and was surprised when She got the keys to Derek’s old house. She loved Link so much that he would go above and beyond to make her first Mother’s day special for her. She had so many emotions but it was good because she had her sisters, nieces, nephew, son, and fiance there to celebrate such a beautiful moment and day together. 
Amelia remembers every moment of her first Mother’s Day and can’t imagine what her life would be like without Link or her two children. Amelia loves Scout and Annabel very much and wants what is best for them. She also dicussed with Link about settling on a date in 6 months. They decide that a Christmas Wedding was going to be a special thing especailly with all the decorations and all the cute outfits that they could find for Scout and Anna. The knew it was the right decison in case they end up with another child which Amelia and Link is down the line for awhile because they aren’t ready they want time to enjoy their son, and daughter. This year Scout gave Amelia a best Momma shirt and she was in tears. She loved that little boy and for Link and Scout to pick it out together brought her to tears. she was touched by the gift that they picked out. Amelia knew that Link was the perfect man for her, and that Scout and Anna were blessed to have their father be so perfect the way he is. 
“Amelia did you like the shirt that Link and Scout picked out for you?” Maggie asked. “Yes it was perfect did you know about it?” Amelia asked. “Yes Link was kinda with me shopping with Scout, Zola, Ellis, Bailey, and Annabel while you and Meredith were busy doing something together.” Maggie said. “You guys tricked us didn’t you.” Amelia said. “Yes we did dear I tought you would enjoy something from Scout other than a dirty diaper here and there.” Link said. “Oh Link I don’t care if its a dirty diaper or not I love Scout and Anna very much, along with you.” Amelia said. 
Amelia would love anything her son and daughter gave her even if it’s a diaper that needs to be changed because it makes her the mother that she never thought she would be especially after she lost Christopher nearly 9 years ago. She never had a moment where Mother’s Day wasn’t hard but now that she has Scout and Anna it was bearable because she had two beautiful kids that look like her, and Link to love along with Link. Her Mother’s day was perfect and she couldn’t imagine what it would be like without Scout, Anna, or even Link because her life was perfect. 
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entishramblings · 4 years
It’s upsetti spaghetti, the anon from earlier, and boy, do I have some bullshit to spew. TW for r*pe mention, abuse mention, and self-injury
Okay. So like, my biological father was an abusive, deadbeat, jackass that could not stop fucking up 24/7. My (step)dad stepped up to the plate. He was cookie captain for my girl scout troop, became a Mason so my kids could still join Job’s Daughters (Masonic org for girls 10-20, this was also before you could be sponsored so it was a big deal that he did this), was my basketball coach cause all the other teams were full SO HE FORMED A NEW ONE, etc. S-tier step-dad shit. He walked into my life when I was 3, married my mom when I was like... idk. 7? He’s the father of my lil sis.
My mother was in a terrible accident. She was physically okay, but she has amnesia now, and it’s still an issue like 4 or 5 years later (I don’t understand how time works), but it’s getting better-ish. She can actually look at me as something other than a monster now (I’m a r*pe baby from her abuser), so that’s a plus. It was hard on their marriage. Dad was suddenly a stranger to his wife and it was rocky for a few years.
About a week after my great-grandmother dies (we buried her on Friday, he dropped this bomb on Tuesday), he demands a divorce because he’s got a girlfriend. Everything changed when the girlfriend attacked! (It’s actually his fault, but it feels funny to riff off of Avatar: The Last Airbender.)
Ever since then he’s just done a 180 and became a spitting image of my biological father. Nothing matters to him anymore except money and the girlfriend. He’s perjuring in court, lying to lawyers, manipulating his daughters to think our mom is a piece of shit, emotionally abusing my sister, trying to get out of child support, etc.
I texted him a week ago that I needed to talk to him. I’ve felt like I’ve been carrying this relationship on my back for over a year and I can’t do it anymore. I did it with my father and I can’t let myself do that again. It would be different if he had put any effort in since the divorce was put in motion, but he hasn’t. It’s all been on me. I can’t deal with it anymore. He hasn’t texted me back and it’s been a week I’m a mess. I hate this. I hate myself. It feels like I did something wrong because I’m 2 for 2 on dad’s abandoning me and not wanting me. My best friend’s dad has said he’s adopting me, but he’s 10+ hours away and it’s just not the same, you know?
I need one of my dads to tell me that this isn’t my fault and that I did nothing wrong but that’s never gonna happen and I just— I can’t deal with this. My mental illness symptoms have been getting worse. My hallucinations are so bad (I’m schizoaffective) that I can barely determine what’s real and what’s not anymore. I can’t live like this but I can’t let it go. It hurts so damn much and all I want to do is injure myself but I know that’s just because I’m in emotional pain.
My fiancé is trying so hard to keep me together but I just can’t seem to fit the broken pieces up enough for him to wrap me in duct tape.
Aw my love, I’m so so sorry for the struggles you are going through. I am sending you the biggest hug in the world and I’m soaking up all the pain.
None of this is your fault! Nothing at all is your fault! And it is very important that you understand that. You have been through some tough shit, but you are NOT to blame. You are a survivor and I believe that you can get through this.
I am no professional (yet) but I will be here to listen if you need to rant more and give my best advice! My messages are always open. I do suggest reaching out and getting a mental health professional like a therapist. I work with a therapist and it HONESTLY does help...I know everyone says that but I believe it is true. I’m not sure of the specifics of your exact situation and I am no psychiatrist but I think that you could definitely try a medication to help! If you are already on one and think it isn’t working, see if they could switch it. Also! If you can’t reach your dads, maybe you could try talking to your sister. It might help to have a conversation with her! I don’t know your relationship with her but I feel as if you had a serious open minded talk it would provide some relief!
My situation isn’t like yours but I thought I could list some little things that have helped me and given me some happiness! Maybe they could help you as well?
ISet up a happy/relax environment for a chill night. Sometimes a cup of tea and a special treat (ice cream, brownies, popcorn, etc.) give a little comfort! (Also candles!)
Read (book or fic) and/or binge a show! I find distracting myself and getting invested in fictional worlds helps!
Do some art! Art is great to get out your emotions in a nine-destructive way! Even if it’s just slapping some paint around <3
If you are an animal lover, give them a cuddle!
Additionally. Your fiancé sounds like such a sweetheart and I’m so so happy you have him to support you! I know you are struggling but lean on him. He is there for you. Also! Make him give you a hug from me!! I demand he gives you a hug from me hehe!
I’m sending love, hugs, and lembas bread your way 💗🤗
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Wicked (7/10) - Defying Gravity
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Summary: Bucky Barnes did many horrendous and evil things. He didn’t felt worthy of love and affection because after all, who could learn to love a monster.
Word Count: 1.8k
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Just you and I defying gravity. With you and I defying gravity. They'll never bring us down.
The last few weeks have been heaven. Ever since your date in New York City, Bucky has really started to open up with you. You haven't pushed the issue about labels, but if anyone were to ask you, you'd happily say that Bucky was your boyfriend. Bucky started sleeping more in your room than his. Those where the nights he slept better, without nightmares. Other nights, you would receive a notification from F.R.I.D.A.Y. in the middle of the night, requesting you to go to Bucky's room. These were the nights when Bucky would have a nightmare, or as you would later learn, the nightmare. On those nights, Bucky needed to feel your warmth and your heartbeat. He needed to feel your arms around him, reminding him that those dreams are just that, dreams. Those are the hardest nights for you when Bucky can't see his worth. When the true effect of HYDRA shines through. You aren't an Avenger, but you sure as hell want to find every single person responsible for hurting Bucky, and snuff them out, killing the cockroaches that they are.
While most days with Bucky are good days, there were still too many bad days. You wanted Bucky to get better, to feel better, so you pushed him. You were a licensed doctor, who specialized in neuroscience. You could see the symptoms of PTSD from a mile away. So you pushed Bucky into seeing a counselor. It was hard to get him to agree. At times, you forget that Bucky was born in the '30s a completely different era than you. He refused therapy, at first. Talking about how real men didn't talk about their burdens, rather they carried them in silence. You remind him that in today's world, there isn't a stigma of seeking help for one's mental health. He was still reluctant, but you gave him an ultimatum. You told him that you like what is going on between the two of you, whatever you will call it. You want to have a future with him, but you couldn't see yourself having one with him if he refused to seek help and bottle everything in. Thankfully, Bucky's love for you was strong. He would do anything to keep you. So, he reluctantly went to therapy. He tried, but only for you. And it was a good thing for you because Bucky would have to be strong, not for himself, but rather for someone else. Events where in motion that none of you could stop, and it would change both of your lives for ever.
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You wake up, bolting out of Bucky's arm, heading for the bathroom. A wave of nausea hit you, and you could feel the occupants of your stomach creeping their way up. You try to vomit quietly, which you learn isn't possible, because Bucky leaves in a few hours for a mission, and you want to let him sleep for as long as he can. But your attempts were for nothing. During your second round of throwing up, you feel your hair being pulled back, and you feel the distinct coolness of Bucky's vibranium arm rubbing circles on your lower back. After a few more bouts of vomiting, you were finally done and slumped against the toilet.
"Y/N, this is the third day that you've been throwing up. I think you might have a stomach bug. Could you please go to the medical center?" Bucky asks you while still rubbing circles on your back, trying to contort you in any way he can.
"Buck, do I need to remind you that I am a doctor? I don't think it's a bug. I think that I probably just ate something off." You try to comfort Bucky and let his anxiety for you lower a bit.
"I'll feel better if you'd go. Please, baby, for me?" Damn it, you think to yourself, how are you suppose to say no those puppy dog eyes of his.  
"Fine, I'll go, just for you. Now, let's go back to sleep. We still have a few hours left," you have Bucky help you up, as you make your way back to bed, to cuddle with Bucky for just a few more hours.
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You were never were calm when Bucky went on a mission. Especially now, as you were waiting to see one of your co-workers. You have a hunch about what's going on, but you didn't want to add more stress to Bucky. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what a late period and morning sickness bring. But you want the conformation that only a doctor's visit can bring. Especially before talking with Bucky. You didn't want to spook him over a false positive.
Your co-worker, Dr. Cho, escorted you to an examination room. "What can I help you with, Y/N."
"Well, I've missed my period, and I'm having bad morning sickness. I know what it is, but I want to get a conformation, more than just the pregnancy test kits." You shyly tell Helen. You're not sure why you're embarrassed about admitting that you are pregnant. Maybe because if you say it out loud, it makes it real. And you dread to think about all the problems this will bring to your relationship
"That should be easy. Let me grab a phlebotomist in here and let's run your blood. We should have your results fairly quickly." Dr. Cho tells you as she leaves the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts.  
How could you let this happen? On HYDRA's file, Bucky was listed as infertile, and you were taking birth control just in case. You can't give birth to this child, let alone raise it. You're a monster, HYDRA proved that. They showed what you're capable of doing. Sure, Bucky would be a great father. He's shown you how loving and kind he is. He would flourish as a father, but you would only bring them down. You continue down this rabbit hole of self-doubt and deprecation when the phlebotomist comes in to do your blood draw.
About a half an hour passes before Dr. Cho comes back in with your results. You're still a nervous, emotional reck when she gives you your results.
"You said it yourself, Y/N. I guess congratulations are in order," Dr. Cho hands you the results from your blood test. And to no surprise at all, you had all the indications that you were pregnant.
"Fuck," you mutter out loud while holding on to the paper that confirmed that there was another living being growing inside of you.
"Do you want to know what options are available, Y/N?" Dr. Cho says to you as she starts to reach for pamphlets and handouts about different services like abortion clinics or adoption agencies.
"No. I'm fine. I know what I'm going to do." Because even if you were terrified at the idea of having a kid, you knew you were going to keep it. You were an emotional wreck, freaking out, unsure about most things, but you were sure that you were going to keep it.
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You stumble your way back to your bed and collapse on to it. The emotions of today's events overwhelmed you. You were pregnant, and the baby daddy was halfway across the world doing some mission in some remote country. You were scared and completely alone. You fish out your phone to text the one person you know you can rant too.
Wanda! Please come ASAP! It's an emergency!
Just a few short minutes later, a knock came to your door. In your doorway was a very breathless and flushed Wanda. It seems like she ran all the way to your door. You let her in, and her questions start to fire off.
"What's the emergency? Are you okay? Do I need to call Bucky?" Wanda tries to catch her breath, and you bring her a glass of water to help.
"Don't call Bucky, and I'm mostly okay. I texted you because I needed to talk to someone. I'm so scared, and I don't know what I should do or what's going to happen." You start to tell her of the whole ordeal from today.
"Wanda, I'm pregnant." Wanda lets out a gasp and almost drops her cup.
"How, Y/N? I mean I know how, but I thought Bucky was infertile. That is what all the SHIELD files have listed."
"I know Wanda, I thought the same. But the thing is what am I supposed to do know. I can't have an abortion. I respect other women who choose that option, but I just can't do it. Not knowing the life that's growing inside me. But how can I be a mother, being the monster that I am?" You start to ramble, tears starting to form at your eyes.
Wanda is now confused. She understands the fear of an unplanned pregnancy, but where is this self-hatred coming from. "What do you mean that you are a monster?" She asks you, as she scouts over towards you.
"Haven't you read what I did to Bucky, and all the rest of those poor people who HYDRA got their hands on? That was all me. I was in full control. Now I'm going to tell Bucky that I'm pregnant with his kid? He sees me as the monster I am, whether he admits it or not, and he will think that I will raise another monster." This time the tears are flowing and they won't stop. This is one of the few times where you actually admit your true feeling for your self. You were wicked through and through. Nothing would ever change that.
"Y/N, none of us sees you as a monster. Let alone Bucky. I wish you could see how much love and adoration he has for you. No matter what you did to him, which I want to remind you that you did because you were FORCED to, he loves you with all his heart. And I think he will be more than delighted to find out that you are carrying his child. Because that was something that HYDRA stole from him, and now you gave him that chance back. I think you should get some rest, and call Bucky later to see if he can come back home earlier." Wanda gets up from the couch and sees herself out, leaving you with her final words that were stuck on replay.
Maybe she was right, you thought. Maybe you could actually raise this child and help them become a loving and kind member of society. You caress your stomach for the first time, knowing that a little baby is inside of there. That it was your little baby. That no matter what life threw at you, the two of you, no the three of you, would be able to handle it. You fall asleep with plans, visions, and hopes for the future. But sadly, in the end, none of your dreams would come true.
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