#6th Street Marketplace
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mrbopst · 1 year ago
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6th Street Marketplace 2/11/2013
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charlesandmiranda · 1 year ago
2/3: Leaving Asakusa + a night clubbing in Shibuya (?!)
We had to check out of our Airbnb in Asakusa at 10 am, but we couldn't check in to our next Airbnb, which is in Tsukiji, til 4pm, so Charles and I had a few hours to kill.
We spent most of it wandering around the streets in Asakusa we had been staying in, to make sure we didn't miss anything cool! It really was a lot of walking around and trying different foods, and the proprietor of a chicken stand we REALLY liked tipped us off that there is actually a small amusement park right in the middle of the neighborhood, and suggested we walk around its perimeter to get a look.
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This was the chicken place, it's literally just called Asakusa Chicken haha.
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This was our breakfast; it was at a chain called Sukiya, which specializes in gyudon (beef bowls) but we ordered their breakfast meal, which was a piece of fish with some sides! There's a big bowl of rice with natto (fermented beans), lil bits of onion, and a raw egg on top; a miso soup, and a like....macaroni salad? It was like macaroni salad with carrots and mayonnaise? Natto is a very aquired taste, but Charles loves it. There's kind of a trick to getting it to taste right and not be kinda stinky and weird. I had an iced coffee, with coffee jelly at the bottom -- you can see it in the dark stuff mixed in with the ice at the bottom of my cup!
The amusement park is called Hanayashiki Park! We couldn't get too many photos sadly, but it was cool to see!
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Charles and I spent some time on Hoppy Street, which I think Charles will probably make into a separate post!
While wandering, we found a small shrine to Tanukis on the grounds of Senso-ji temple also. Tanukis are Japanese raccoon dogs!
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Charles and I also killed some time by doing a sake tasting at a place called Marugoto Nippon, which was a souvenir shop kinda set up more like a mini marketplace, with goods from all over Japan as well as local to Asakusa for sale. There was tons and tons of tasty food, especially spices and sauces that looked awesome.
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Finally we packed it in, and headed to our next stop in Tsukiji. We wanted to stay there because there is a massive fish market there -- more on that in a future post. But its main business hours are in the morning thru the early afternoon and there was no way we were gonna make it in time for that, at that point.
Here's some views on the way to Tsukiji!
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We took a rest for a while, and then I pulled the trigger and decided to do something I'd been flip flopping on for a while -- a record label I follow called Neoncity Records, had announced a little while back that they were going to be having a show featuring several of their artists in Shibuya, during our stay. These are artists constantly on repeat for me, that I listen to allll the time. Initially, I kind of had talked myself out of going, because I felt like I didn't NEED to go, and I wasn't sure if it was fair to drag Charles out to something I wasn't sure he'd be into, since it's really not his kind of music. But he assured me probably a hundred times that he didn't mind, so I bought the tickets and shortly thereafter we took the train into Shibuya.
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Shibuya is another area with lots of nightlife and tons of shopping -- I think most people know it for Shibuya Crossing, a massively crowded and busy intersection in the heart of the city. We actually crossed it on our way to the venue! But before the show, we took an hour or so to go to Shibuya Parco, which was basically a huge mall. On the 6th floor there was a Nintendo shop (I really had to restrain myself from buying all the Animal Crossing things I could get my hands on, but it was mostly home goods and we don't strictly have enough space to justify all that stuff), another Pokemon Center and some other stores as well.
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Next up, time for the show! The venue was at a spot called Tokyo Circus, a nightclub! It was a tiny little venue, with a bar on the ground floor, and a second bar, the bathrooms and the stage are below ground.
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This is the flyer, so you can check out the lineup. I wasn't as familiar with Daviouxx, Lagchun or Milk Talk, but I'm a big big fan of Neon Vectors, Vantage and Macross 82-99! Without getting into it too much, and I'm sure there are folks out there who would debate the nitty gritty of it, but all of the music here falls somewhere under the umbrella of City Pop or Future Funk, Future Funk being a subgenre spinning out of Vaporwave! I don't know if that's at all interesting to any of y'all but if you're curious, ask me about it sometime!
Everyone was AWESOME, Daviouxx started the show off while the crowd filled in, and it ended up being a PACKED HOUSE. Lagchun started off, and performed some Cantonese city-pop songs which I'd never heard before but I totally want to look for now, and I'll definitely be checking out his music going forward. Milk Talk is a duo that mixes funky guitar sounds with soft vocals that I think Charles liked the best, and then Neon Vectors, Vantage and Macross had wild DJ sets. I kind of didn't know what to expect from the three of them, even though I've listened to so much of their stuff for years, so I was a little surprised that the evening took on the vibe of a rave, but honestly it was really cool to be around a group of people as super hyped about this very niche genre of music that I love! Also I was really lucky that I got to get suuuuuper close to the stage, so I had an awesome view the whole time! I'll probably repost some of the music from these folks here, and maybe post some of the videos I took later! At the end of the day, I'm really glad that I ended up going! These events don't seem to happen very often, and certainly not anywhere near where we are on the east coast, so I know if I had ended up not going, I would have been super sad.
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We're still a few days behind posting here, but we've definitely got plenty to catch you all up on!
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dankusner · 1 month ago
Why Trump Freed Ross Ulbricht, the Silk Road’s Dread Pirate
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Roberts Ulbricht, who was convicted of running an anonymous online drug marketplace, became a hero to crypto-holders everywhere.
What does his pardon signal for the future of the technology?
Donald Trump onstage at the Libertarian National Convention, in May, 2024.
Last September, I spent an evening at a meetup near Atlanta titled “Bitcoin Enters the Mainstream Political Arena.”
It was the first time that the group of mostly white, mostly male, mostly bearded thirty- and forty-year-olds, had convened to focus their attention on the politics of cryptocurrency—which had suddenly, rather shockingly, become front and center.
Donald Trump, who called bitcoin “a scam” back in 2021, had recently headlined a bitcoin conference and released ads saying things like “You know, they call me the crypto President.”
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Near the door of the Atlanta event, held on the patio of an airplane hangar, sat a stack of Bitcoin Magazines with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.,’s face on the cover.
Joey, a theatre director in attendance, explained Kennedy’s role in recent events:
“When Kennedy came along—and he’s for bitcoin—Trump said, ‘Oh, shit, I’m gonna start losing people over bitcoin.’ So he shifted.” Joey shrugged.
“We’ll take it.”
The crypto crowd, long the butt of jokes, was thrilled by its sudden shift in status—even if some doubted the authenticity or durability of Trump’s support.
They were finally being taken seriously by one party, at least.
T-shirts displayed their enthusiasm using insider lingo and jokes that, to the uninitiated, took a bit of explaining: “SINGLE, TAKEN, HODLING,” Joey’s shirt read.
There were boxes beside each word; “HODLING” was checked.
(“HODL” is an acronym for “hold on for dear life,” which refers to crypto’s crazy-making volatility.)
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Get it?
I made the rounds, as the group of three dozen caught up, drank beer, and ate barbecue.
I asked why most seemed enthusiastic about Trump.
There was his increasing closeness to crypto-enthusiasts like Kennedy;
his stated willingness to embrace crypto-friendly policy;
and also, notably, his promise to release a now forty-year-old man from prison: Ross Ulbricht.
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Ulbricht was pardoned last week, at the close of the second day of Trump’s Presidency, a day after Trump’s pardon of roughly fifteen hundred people involved in the January 6th insurrection.
The delay had caused some of Ulbricht’s acolytes to worry.
“People were posting in our chat, like, ‘O.K., there’s an hour and a half left of Day One . . . ’ ” Rich Clarke, the bitcoin meetup group’s organizer, who works in real estate, told me.
“And a lot of my friends on Facebook were posting things like ‘Hope It Happens.’ ”
He went on, “I think it was a shrewd move to pardon Ross sort of all on his own, after Trump did the mass pardons. It kind of gives the gesture more gravitas.”
In 2011, Ulbricht, an Eagle Scout from Austin, Texas, founded Silk Road, an online black market that existed until his arrest, in 2013, for crimes related to drug trafficking, money laundering, and computer hacking.
According to authorities, more than a million transactions took place on Silk Road, out of the government’s regulatory reach, generating more than two hundred million dollars in revenue.
Drugs like methamphetamine, cocaine, and heroin made up a huge portion of the site’s sales, from which Ulbricht apparently took millions in commissions.
Silk Road “lowered the barriers to drug dealing by enabling drug dealers to reach customers online they could have never met on the street,” a federal prosecutor said in a closing argument.
(Prosecutors also presented evidence that Ulbricht was involved in a murders-for-hire plot, but the government admitted that there was no evidence that the alleged targets had been harmed, and charges were not pursued.)
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In 2015, Ulbricht, who went by the dark-Web sobriquet Dread Pirate Roberts—a reference to a shifting character in “The Princess Bride”—received two life sentences without the possibility of parole.
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What made Ulbricht a crypto hero, ultimately, was that Silk Road had offered one of the first clear use cases for bitcoin: all transactions on the dark-Web site were made with the then nascent cryptocurrency, which, thanks to pseudonymous addresses at the disposal of buyer and seller, provided a significant degree of cover.
Of course, this use case was, perhaps, not the ideal one for a new currency wishing to be seen as legitimate.
“For better or for worse, the Silk Road did have a huge impact on bitcoin in its early days, in its public perception, in its adoption,” Clarke told me.
“And Ross has, in the past, apologized because he’s not certain—nor am I—whether Silk Road was a net positive for bitcoin.”
But freeing Ulbricht remained a big issue for libertarians like Clarke, who, given their laissez-faire philosophy, embraced pro-crypto policy before most Republicans or Democrats.
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At the Libertarian Party’s national convention last year, Trump went onstage and announced that he’d free Ulbricht if elected.
This had impressed folks at the meetup, many of whom described themselves to me as libertarian. I ended up having one of my lengthiest conversations with a young man named Michael Tidwell, who wore a “FREE ROSS” T-shirt.
(Everyone there referred to Ulbricht by his first name, as if he were Prince or Madonna or LeBron.)
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Tidwell told me that he’d never voted in a Presidential election before, unless you counted writing in “Rare Pepe”—a crypto meme character—in 2016.
“Biden and Harris could free him and they’re not,” he told me.
“At least Trump is saying he’d do it.”
On January 21st, Trump did it.
He announced Ulbricht’s pardon on Truth Social.
It was everything that Ulbricht’s supporters wanted, save, perhaps, for Trump’s misspelling of Ross’s last name (which was subsequently corrected).
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“I just called the mother of Ross William Ulbright to let her know that in honor of her and the Libertarian Movement, which supported me so strongly, it was my pleasure to have just signed a full and unconditional pardon of her son, Ross,” Trump wrote.
“The scum that worked to convict him were some of the same lunatics who were involved in the modern day weaponization of government against me.”
After Ulbricht’s release, I called up a few members of the Bitcoin Atlanta Meetup group, which hosted Ulbricht’s mother back in 2017.
“Some punishment was deserved,” Clarke told me.
“But not that. The magnitude of the sentence was what really set him apart. This was redemption for an otherwise cruel and unusual punishment.”
Others in the group felt the same way.
Clarke posted a forward-looking message on Facebook, which he repeated to me, “I’m so happy that Ross is now a free man after over a decade in prison. It’s my hope that Ross can use his experiences and whatever influence he has, owing to his high profile, for good in his new life as a free man.”
He guessed that Ulbricht would be “active” in criminal-justice reform.
(Ulbricht has not yet given any interviews, but he posted a video to his X account, on Thursday night, viewed more than ten million times, in which he said, among other things, “Let it be known that Donald Trump is a man of his word.”
Ulbricht, sounding emotional, went on,
“This is an important moment for everybody everywhere who loves freedom and who cares about second chances.”)
Later, Clarke sent me his favorite humorous response to the pardon, a meme he’d seen on Facebook: “Heartbreaking: Trump condems man to 20 years of libertarian podcast apperances.”
One of the meetup group’s only outspokenly anti-Trump members was just as thrilled.
“Ross’s pardon is unambiguously good news,” the man, who asked not to be identified, told me.
“I personally believe the book was thrown at him for his strong anti-authoritarian, libertarian blog posts to make an example of him. His sentence was truly cruel and unusual punishment.”
I also spoke to one of the group’s other frequent attendees, formerly employed in I.T., named Mel Dodd.
He told me that the libertarians and crypto-enthusiasts he knew were “overjoyed” by the pardon of Ulbricht, the recent resignation of the Securities and Exchange Commission chairman and noted crypto-critic Gary Gensler, and Trump’s prohibition of establishing a U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency, which would pose a threat to cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.
(They were also, obviously, thrilled that bitcoin has surged in value by around fifty per cent since Trump’s election, and now traded at more than a hundred thousand dollars.)
“There is less of a ‘will he keep his promises’ skepticism now, but still a lot remains,” Dodd said.
Most notably: whether Trump will create a “national stockpile” of bitcoin, as he also signalled he would do prior to his election.
“Will they really do it—and really do it right—or will they screw it up the way politicians usually do?
There’s a general skepticism of anything Trump or any politician does.
But if they do something good, we’ll stand up and cheer.”
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On Thursday, Trump issued an executive order titled “Strengthening American Leadership in Digital Financial Technology,” which, among other things, outlined the creation of a “working group” to consider crypto policy, including the creation of the “national digital asset stockpile.”
Its first recommendations would be expected in six months’ time.
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Trump didn’t wait that long to launch his own $TRUMP coin, which he débuted a few days before his Inauguration.
The coin features an image of Trump from the moment of the assassination attempt on him, last July.
“Its valuation went up to twenty billion or something like that,” Clarke told me.
“And yet his team or whoever is running this thing still controls most of it.”
An affiliate of the Trump Organization reportedly owns eighty per cent of the supply of the coin, whose valuation peaked around fifteen billion dollars and now sits at about half that, following the introduction of a $MELANIA coin.
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(Trump’s teen-age son, Barron, meanwhile, has been named the “DeFi visionary” in a vaguely defined Trump crypto platform called World Liberty Financial.)
“It’s kind of a classic pattern of something that usually doesn’t end well,” Clarke said.
Dodd advised reserving judgment.
“The Trump coin will stand or fall on whether it’s accepted or not, like every other thing introduced to the American free market,” he said.
“There’s a lot of cringe products that come out of the American market all the time. But you can win on a cringe product. The money that the Hawk Tuah girl made on her meme coin is just as good as any other money.”
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Ross Ulbricht may be a millionaire again already.
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According to Conor Grogan, a director at Coinbase, one of the largest crypto-trading platforms, some of Ulbricht’s crypto fortune may have evaded seizure following his arrest and conviction.
“I found ~430 BTC across dozens of wallets associated with Ross Ulbricht that were not confiscated by the USGovt and have been untouched for 13+ years,” Grogan posted to X a day after Ulbricht’s pardon.
“Back then these were probably dust wallets, now, collectively, they are worth about $47M. Welcome back Ross.”
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uniquejellyfishqueen · 4 months ago
This makes no sense, or does it
5+2=7 (Lover is the 7th album)
“The only key is mine”
Mine was written in the key of G major. G is the 7th letter of the alphabet.
-> “I’m a G” Lil’ Keke 1/1/2007
-> G-Unit (1999-2022) -> “We Up” ft Kendrick Lamar 12/8/2014
52 weeks in a year (365=14 days in a year, unless its a leap year then there are 366=15)
52 cards in a deck (4 suits 13 cards to each suit. English poker format: Spades- Black, Clubs- Green, Hearts- Red, Diamonds- Blue.)
52 white keys on a keyboard (36 black keys, 88 total)
52 is Tellurium; Te (ET? Phone home.)
The first day of the zodiac year is the spring equinox, which is around March 21. The zodiac sign for this period is Aries, which is represented by the ram. 
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac because it represents new beginnings. The Babylonians celebrated the rebirth of nature with an 11-day festival called Akitu, which took place in mid-March. 
The exact time of the equinox varies each year because it takes Earth about 365.24 days to orbit the sun. The equinox usually occurs about six hours later each year, until a leap year resets it (2024 was a leap year)
3/21/2024 - 12/3/2024=
8 months and 12 days. (Reduced to 11 = 2)
*12/8 is the last night of the ET.
Long story short believe me or don’t. 8 songs have the lyric “game/games”
7th album - 3
6th album- 2
5th album- 1
3rd album- 1
2nd album- 1
32111 is Candler Springs, FL, Marion county. Founded 3/14/1844. Silver Springs is here, what is it? Oh it’s just Florida’s 1st tourist destination since the mid 19th century, it was founded in 1852.
*Disney Springs opened on 3/22/1975 (1 day after 3/21… and The 1975 band formed in 2002 and released their album on 9/2/2013 -> i love the internet, their first show was on 11/2/2006 in Washington DC with Queens of the Stone Age and Nine Inch Nails) Disney Springs is on 120 acres, and has 4 distinct areas: marketplace, landing, town center, west side.
-Disney Springs had 4 names before the 5th stuck. During the 3rd name Disney World Market Place they opened a strip of entertainment venues and restaurants. This place had the right idea, but the wrong execution. Its name was Pleasure Island, apparently based off of Pinocchio. Its creation was to compete with Church Street Station which were both entertainment districts located in downtown Orlando, Florida, with the key difference being that Church Street Station was a pre-existing nightlife hub that inspired the creation of Disney's Pleasure Island, which aimed to offer a similar experience within the Walt Disney World resort complex, featuring multiple nightclubs and entertainment venues; however, Pleasure Island eventually closed its nightclubs in favor of more family-friendly options, unlike Church Street Station which continues to operate with a focus on nightlife entertainment… lol ok Big Red. You basically stole their idea for profit and couldn't make it last because you thought shopping centers were more important than music. It makes me wonder what shit went down here as well, did some of the problems start here?
**Pleasure Island had a NYE Kink. Every night Pleasure Island had a firework show to celebrate New Year’s Eve. Is this why every one was a shitty person, because their resolutions didn’t even last 24 hours. It makes sense. Also.. do you know how much other stuff you could have bought instead of those fireworks? Like thats a lot of fireworks. And it’s monotonous… I’m not a Debbie Downer, I just don’t enjoy them. Rock on firecrackers. Okay so Epic Fireworks is a company that supplies their fireworks. (They were feeling epic.) Disney is the world's second-largest buyer of explosives, spending over $50 million annually on fireworks. The tradition of fireworks at Disney parks began in 1956 (21..)
*the US Department of Defense is actually the #1 buyer of fireworks
*and Disney gets theirs from Epic Fireworks.... a UK company, 3 years after Elizabeth was named the Queen.
1/1/2007 pleasure island they changed their policy to 21 and Over. (Which Miles Teller was in that movie, he is in the IBYTAM music video. And 21 is ATW and the 21st letter is U)
**Pleasure Island closed on 9/27/2008- this is when they took all the music establishments out for a more family type venue that includes shopping and eating, America’s favorite past times.
*50 is a reference to Red
*21 is also a reference to Red
1. Aries (air)
2. Taurus
3. Gemini (gem)
4. Cancer
5. Leo (lion’s roar)
6. Virgo (unicorn -> the unicorn kitty in the capital one commercial)
7. Libra (lady justice)
8. Scorpio (keeping score?)
9. Sagittarius (SAG//gas)
10. Capricorn (cap=lid)
11. Aquarius (aqua=water)
12. Pisces (pieces?)
I see RATS… year of the rat was 2008, Fearless and Fearless Platinum were released on 11/11/2008. Sometimes a rat is brave, if they speak up. 2020 was also the year of the rat and we had Folklore 7/24/2020, Folklore Deluxe 8/18/2020, and Evermore on 12/11/2020. 2020 was when a virus plagued our world and people said it was because some people ate some bats… RAT BAT 1 letter difference 18/2
281 area code for Houston, Texas metropolitan area and its surrounding cities and suburbs:
* Cities: Houston, Sugar Land, Katy, Baytown, Spring, and Cypress
Eminem was born in the year of the rat.
And 1984 was the year of the rat as well.
Stars guide you home, which one do you follow? The North Star. NS, like SN backwards. Speak Now is the North Star?
Just north of Toronto is Vaughan, a city in Ontario, CA. Canada's Wonderland, formerly known as Paramount Canada's Wonderland, is a 330-acre amusement park located in Vaughan, Ontario, a municipality within the Greater Toronto Area. Opened in 1981 by the Taft Broadcasting Company and the Great-West Life Assurance Company, it was the first major theme park in Canada and remains the country's largest. It opened on 5/23/1981. Its slogan is “For the fun of it” ->”FUN” is a word TS and TN have both emphasized in speeches and tweets.
Former owners:
Kings Entertainment Company (1981–1993)
National Amusements (1993–2006)
Cedar Fair (2006–2024)
There are 6 Toronto area codes, it is nicknamed “The 6” (there is a YA Thriller book called The Silence of Six, probably no connection but context clues make it seem that way.)
The 6 area codes are
Add them all up and you’ll get 35. She turns 35 this December. And the gold desk calendar in the The Grove TTPD pop up had her birthday on it.
* Taking just the 20th and 21st centuries, the 13th of December is on a Friday in 1901, 1907, 1912, 1918, 1929, 1935, 1940, 1946, 1957, 1963, 1968, 1974, 1985, 1991, 1996, 2002, 2013, 2019, 2024, 2030, 2041, 2047, 2052, 2058, 2069, 2075, 2080, 2086 and 2097
2013- TS did not have a show on her birthday but she was in Australia, because on 12/14/2013 was N1/1 in Melbourne at Ethihad Stadium. An acoustic version of “You Belong With Me” was played in place of the surprise song (she did this for 7 shows)
*the ET in Melbourne (3 shows) she announced the bolter variant on 2/16/23 was when she played the first medley on 2/17/2023.
Her stop for Red in Toronto was 6/14/2013 and 6/15/2013. The Surprise songs were “Tim McGraw” and “Highway Don’t Care”
*12/13/2002 was a Friday. And also her 13th birthday. According to the TS wiki she spent the entire summer when she was 12 devoting it to writing a 350 page novel that has remained unpublished. (3+5=8) so it was the summer of 2002 that she wrote the book, the summer after 9/11.
*12/13/2019 (30th birthday. her first birthday performance?) Z100's iHeartRadio Jingle Ball 2019. “Blank Space" "Me!" "Lover" "Welcome to New York" "You Need to Calm Down" "Christmas Tree Farm" "Shake It Off”
*12/13/2030 TS will be turning 41. In the 73QWV she said she hopes she is not stressed when turning 40.
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creativemorningsmilwaukee · 4 months ago
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🌟 Attention CMers! 🌟 We are hosting just two more events this year, and taking December off to rest and reflect. October will be the last of our regular programming and in November we are hosting a very special CreativeMornings fundraising event (at night!). Save the dates & see you soon!
CreativeMornings ft. Symphony Swan @ Sherman Phoenix Friday, October 18th 8:30-10:00 AM .
CreativeMornings (@Night!): A Fundraising Event @ Dandy Wednesday, November 6th 6:00-8:00 PM $30/ticket, details coming soon!
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Photo credit: Linda Smallpage
Register to hear Symphony Swan!
Event details 🗓️ Date: Friday, October 18th ⏰ Time: 8:30 – 10:00 AM 📍 Location: Sherman Phoenix – 3536 W Fond du Lac Ave; Milwaukee, WI 53216
Register now!
Learn about Symphony Swan
Symphony's journey reached a pivotal milestone with THE CR8TV HOUSE, Inc., a project inspired by the loss of her parents, transforming her childhood home into a haven for Black and Brown artists.
This initiative breathes new life into a northside space, serving as a grassroots arts institution that will host exhibition and studio space, art residences and an emerging community archive. Through this non-profit organization, Symphony is championing the infusion of art into Milwaukee’s northside. Her community impact is profound, reflected in her role as a trustee on the boards of the Milwaukee Art Museum, Signature Dance Company and Life reDefined. Symphony’s unwavering commitment has garnered prestigious recognition, including the Gener8tor Art Grant and the esteemed title of 2023 Shepherd Express Milwaukeean of the Year.
Harnessing her extensive professional and educational background, Symphony utilizes art as a powerful catalyst for positive change. Her unwavering commitment to family, art, and community serves as a guiding light, inspiring others to embrace creativity for impactful transformation.
Visit symphonyswan.com for more about our keynote speaker. 
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Our theme for October is VISION.
It was chosen by our Riyadh chapter in Saudi Arabia and illustrated by Razan Alshalan. How do you see the world? How do you want to change it?
Vision refers both to the sense of sight and our ability to imagine the future. Are you focused on the little details? Can you see the big picture?
As we age, our eyesight begins to deteriorate; seeing objects up close gets more difficult. And as we gain experience, what we want to accomplish evolves. Will your life grow darker or brighter?
Each creative act involves seeing something in your mind’s eye then attempting to make it a reality. A painter, an architect, and every other type of artist or craftsman has a vision for their work. What message, emotion, or impact do you want to convey in yours? 
You are your own visionary. What do you want to see?
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Photo by John December
About Sherman Phoenix
In 2016, civil unrest broke out in the Sherman Park neighborhood of Milwaukee after a fatal police shooting rocked the community. In the following weeks, community conversations identified the need for safe, welcoming neighborhood spaces and from those conversations, the idea for the Sherman Phoenix rose out of the ashes.
Today, Sherman Phoenix is home to over 25 businesses, of which people of color own 96%, and 63% are women-led. In addition to these businesses, Sherman Phoenix supports over 50 local entrepreneurs by offering a monthly pop-up marketplace to showcase their services, merchandise and culinary items. In total, the small businesses employ over 75 residents.
Sherman Phoenix proves that translating conversation into action opens powerful possibilities. They demonstrate that it is possible to repair the harms of our past and lift up the possibilities of our future when we commit to working together and being the change.Parking & Directions 🅿️ There are 65 parking spaces in the parking lot attached to Sherman Phoenix, and plenty of nearby street parking! 🚌 Sherman Phoenix is located off the 66, 35, and BLUE lines.
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Did you know the #1 way people learn about CreativeMornings/Milwaukee is through their friends? 
This month, we invite you to forward this email to a friend. Invite them to sign-up for our newsletter & register for this event with you!
We can’t wait to see you and your buds, pour out some more coffee, and expand our circle of morning people.
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paramedicabroad · 11 months ago
Historic Areas of Istanbul
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Step into a world where East meets West, where ancient history intertwines with vibrant culture, and where the heartbeat of a city echoes through time. Welcome to the Historic Areas of Istanbul, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that beckons travelers to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Turkey's most iconic city.
Nestled on the crossroads of continents, Istanbul boasts a legacy that spans millennia. From the grandeur of the Hagia Sophia to the intricate beauty of the Blue Mosque, every corner of the city tells a story of empires risen and fallen, of conquests and triumphs, and of a cultural heritage that knows no bounds.
Marvel at the architectural marvel that is the Hagia Sophia, a symbol of Istanbul's enduring spirit and resilience. Originally built as a Byzantine cathedral in the 6th century, this iconic structure later served as a mosque during the Ottoman era before being transformed into a museum in the 20th century. Today, its awe-inspiring domes and exquisite mosaics continue to captivate visitors from around the world.
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Discover the breathtaking beauty of the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, affectionately known as the Blue Mosque for its stunning blue tiles adorning its interior walls. Built in the early 17th century, this architectural masterpiece stands as a testament to the glory of the Ottoman Empire and remains an active place of worship to this day.
Lose yourself in the labyrinthine alleyways of the Grand Bazaar, where the sights, sounds, and scents of Turkey come alive in a bustling marketplace like no other. From vibrant textiles and intricate carpets to fragrant spices and glittering jewelry, this vibrant bazaar offers a sensory journey through centuries of trade and tradition.
Step into the opulent world of the Ottoman sultans at the Topkapi Palace, where history comes to life amidst lavish courtyards, ornate chambers, and priceless treasures. Wander through the Harem, stroll through the Imperial Gardens, and marvel at the dazzling collections housed within its museum walls.
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Explore the winding streets of Istanbul's historic neighborhoods, where Byzantine, Ottoman, and modern influences converge to create a vibrant tapestry of culture and heritage. From the cobbled lanes of Sultanahmet to the bustling markets of Eminonu, each corner of the city offers a glimpse into Istanbul's rich and diverse past.
Embark on a journey through time and tradition in the historic areas of Istanbul, where every step reveals a new layer of history, culture, and beauty. Whether you're drawn to the city's iconic landmarks, its vibrant street life, or its rich culinary heritage, Istanbul promises an unforgettable adventure that will linger in your heart long after you've said farewell.🇹🇷🕌🚢
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travelluxegroup · 2 years ago
Premium Photo Tour of Athens' Hidden Gems
Unveiling Athens' Best-Kept Secrets 1. Anafiotika Anafiotika is a hidden gem nestled in the shadows of the Acropolis. This picturesque area of Athens feels like a traditional Greek village, with narrow alleyways, whitewashed buildings, and colorful flowers in bloom. Its unique atmosphere is a perfect backdrop for taking stunning photographs. 2. The National Garden The National Garden is a peaceful oasis in the center of Athens. It is a perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and get lost in nature. With its beautiful flowers, shady trees, and small lakes, it is a photographer's paradise. Wildlife enthusiasts can spot turtles, ducks, and even peacocks roaming around the garden. 3. Mount Lycabettus For breathtaking panoramic views of Athens, head to Mount Lycabettus. You can either hike up the hill or take a funicular to reach the top. Once you reach the peak, you'll be rewarded with an incredible view of the city's skyline. It's an ideal spot to capture stunning sunset and nighttime photographs. 4. The Ancient Agora The Ancient Agora is a glimpse into Athens' rich history. This archaeological site is home to ancient temples, public buildings, and marketplaces that date back to 6th century BC. The site also features a museum that showcases artifacts from the ancient Athenian life. It's perfect for history buffs and photographers interested in capturing ancient architecture. 5. Psyrri Psyrri is a trendy neighborhood that's quickly gaining popularity in Athens. Its narrow streets are lined with classic and modern cafes, restaurants, and bars that offer a mix of Greek and international cuisine. The vibrant street art and colorful buildings make it an excellent location for capturing the essence of modern Athens. 6. Monastiraki Flea Market The Monastiraki Flea Market is a bustling market that sells a wide range of souvenirs, antiques, and second-hand goods. The vendors' colorful stalls and the market's lively atmosphere are ideal for capturing vibrant street photographs. You can also enjoy a cup of traditional Greek coffee while browsing the market. Explore these hidden gems in Athens with our premium photo tour, and capture unforgettable memories to last a lifetime. An Overview of Athens' Hidden Gems Athens, the capital of Greece, is famous for its ancient ruins, museums, and souvlaki. But did you know that there are plenty of hidden gems in Athens that are off the tourist radar? If you're tired of the typical tourist hotspots, check out these lesser-known places. The Pnyx Located just below the Acropolis, the Pnyx is a hill where the ancient Athenians gathered to address political issues. The Pnyx is an excellent spot to enjoy stunning views of the city and the Acropolis. It's also a peaceful escape from the bustling tourist sites nearby. The Anafiotika neighborhood Nestled beneath the Acropolis is the charming neighborhood of Anafiotika. This neighborhood was built by workers from the island of Anafi in the 19th century and has a distinct Cycladic architecture. The narrow alleys and white-washed houses make it an idyllic place to explore. The National Garden The National Garden is a hidden oasis in the heart of Athens. Located behind the Greek Parliament, it's a peaceful retreat from the busy city streets. The garden features a small zoo, a pond with ducks and turtles, and many places to relax and enjoy nature. The Monastiraki Flea Market While the Monastiraki Flea Market is not entirely hidden, it's often overlooked by tourists in favor of the more famous markets in Athens. Here, you can find a treasure trove of antique items, vintage clothing, and unique souvenirs. It's a great place to get lost and explore the winding streets filled with shops and restaurants. The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center If you're interested in contemporary art and architecture, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center is a must-visit. The building houses two of Greece's most prominent cultural institutions, the National Library and the National Opera. The center also includes a park with stunning views of the sea and the city skyline. The Byzantine and Christian Museum The Byzantine and Christian Museum is often overlooked by visitors in favor of the more famous museums in Athens. However, this museum is home to an impressive collection of Byzantine and post-Byzantine art and artifacts, including icons, mosaics, and frescoes. In conclusion, Athens has many hidden gems just waiting to be explored. From the Pnyx to the Monastiraki Flea Market, there's something for everyone. So the next time you're in Athens, be sure to venture off the beaten path and discover these lesser-known treasures. Capturing the Charm of Anafiotika One of Athens' hidden gems is the picturesque neighborhood of Anafiotika. This charming area is located in the Plaka district, just below the Acropolis. It was built in the 19th century by workers from the Aegean island of Anafi who came to Athens to work on the construction of King Otto's palace. The Colors and Architecture The charm of Anafiotika lies in its narrow cobblestone streets, its traditional Cycladic architecture, and its colorful houses with blue doors and shutters. The houses are built without any plan or order, giving the neighborhood a unique and organic vibe. The white walls and blue accents offer an endless supply of photo opportunities. The narrow alleys provide a fantastic backdrop for portraits or shots of architectural details. The Views The neighborhood's elevated location, just below the Acropolis, offers stunning views of the ancient city and its landmarks. From Anafiotika, you can see the Parthenon, the Erechtheion, and the Theater of Dionysus in all their glory. The views from the neighborhood are unbeatable, especially at sunrise or sunset when the light hits the marble temples at an angle, creating a warm and magical atmosphere. The People and Lifestyle Anafiotika is a small community that still maintains many of the traditions and ways of life from the Aegean island of Anafi. The locals are friendly and welcoming, and it's not uncommon to see them sitting outside their houses, chatting or playing backgammon. The neighborhood has a relaxed and laid-back vibe, making it a perfect spot to take a break from the hustle and bustle of central Athens. All of these factors contribute to the neighborhood's magic and make it a delightful place to visit and photograph. Discovering the Serenity of Philopappos Hill If you're a history lover or just enjoy getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city, Philopappos Hill is a must-see hidden gem in Athens. This lush park is home to one of Athens' most important ancient monuments, the Philopappos Monument, which honors a famous citizen of ancient Athens. Finding your way to Philopappos Hill The best way to get to Philopappos Hill is to take the metro to Petralona station and then take a leisurely 20-minute walk through charming neighborhoods to the hill. On your way to the hill, make sure to stop at the quaint cafes and enjoy the picturesque streets of Athens. What to See and Do Once you arrive at the park, start your climb up the hill, and take in the stunning views of the Acropolis, the Parthenon, and the Athens City Center. On your way up, you'll run across many historical monuments and views you won't want to miss. The Philopappos Monument is a magnificent landmark worth exploring as it is one of the well-preserved ancient monuments in Athens. As you explore this beautiful park, don't forget to marvel at the many outdoor art exhibitions and sculptures. Benefits of Visiting Philopappos Hill One of the main advantages of visiting Philopappos Hill is that it is an idyllic escape where you can enjoy nature and appreciate Athens' historical breadth. As you hike up and down the hill, you'll soak up not just Greek history but also the sights of the modern city and the beauty of Athens. All in all, Philopappos Hill is a perfect escape from the crowds and noise yet still offers a glimpse into Greek culture and history. It's a must-visit if you're planning a trip to Athens! Exploring the Riches of Agora Located in the heart of Athens, Agora is a bustling market filled with shops, restaurants, and vendors selling a variety of goods. It's a lively and exciting destination that's perfect for any visitor looking for an authentic Greek experience. Shopping in Agora One of the biggest draws of Agora is the shopping. From traditional Greek souvenirs like pottery and jewelry to modern clothing and electronics, you'll find something for everyone here. Make sure to haggle with the vendors to get the best price! Food and Drink Of course, no trip to Agora would be complete without trying some of the delicious Greek food and drink on offer. From fresh seafood to mouth-watering gyros, there's something for every palate. And don't forget to try some of the local wine! Historical Significance Agora also has a rich historical significance. It was the center of ancient Athens, where people gathered to discuss politics and trade goods. You can still see the remains of ancient buildings and temples as you explore the market. Overall, Agora is a vibrant and exciting destination that should definitely be on your list of places to visit in Athens. With its incredible shopping, delicious food, and historical significance, it's truly a hidden gem of the city. Basking in the Glory of the Panathenaic Stadium The Panathenaic Stadium, also known as Kallimarmaro, is a wonder of ancient Greek engineering and architecture. Built entirely out of marble, this stadium is located in Athens and has been the site of many historical events. From the ancient Greek Olympics to the modern Olympic Games, this stadium has seen it all. History of the Panathenaic Stadium The Panathenaic Stadium was built in 330 BC for the Panathenaic Games, a festival that honoured the goddess Athena. It was used for various events such as foot races, wrestling, and chariot races. The stadium was destroyed in the 2nd century AD and remained in ruins until it was rebuilt in the 19th century for the revival of the Olympic Games. What to Expect from a Visit When you visit the Panathenaic Stadium, you will be able to walk through the entrance where the ancient athletes would have entered. You can also see the marble seating areas where spectators would have watched the events. The museum inside the stadium showcases the history of the stadium and the Olympic Games. Interesting Facts about the Panathenaic Stadium - The Panathenaic Stadium is the only stadium in the world built entirely out of marble. - The stadium can seat up to 60,000 spectators. - The modern Olympic Games were revived in this stadium in 1896. - It was also the site of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. - The stadium was used as a concert venue for famous musicians such as Frank Sinatra, Bob Dylan, and Tina Turner. Visiting the Panathenaic Stadium is an amazing experience that allows you to step back in history and see one of the most impressive structures ever built. Don't forget to bring your camera to capture the breathtaking views of the stadium and the city of Athens. Savoring the Flavors of Athens' Hidden Foodie Spots Athens isn't just about the ancient temples and the picturesque neighborhoods; it's also a food lover's paradise. When visiting Athens, you have to make sure you try some of the local delicacies at the city's hidden foodie spots. From traditional Greek dishes to modern fusion cuisine, Athens has it all. Here are some of the best hidden foodie spots in Athens that you don't want to miss. 1. Karamanlidika tou Fani Karamanlidika tou Fani is a deli that serves artisanal cold cuts and cheeses, along with other delicious Greek products. The deli is tucked away in a narrow alley in the heart of Athens, and once you find it, you won't regret it. The meats and cheeses here are made from high-quality ingredients and are absolutely delicious, especially when paired with a glass of homemade tsipouro. 2. To Kafeneio To Kafeneio is a traditional Greek café that serves homemade dishes and pastries. The café is located in the artistic neighborhood of Psyrri, and the atmosphere here is cozy and intimate. You can try the spicy feta dip, the savory pies, and the refreshing lemonade, which are all made with fresh and locally sourced ingredients. 3. Cookoovaya Cookoovaya is a modern restaurant that serves creative Greek cuisine with a twist. The restaurant is located in the chic neighborhood of Kolonaki, and the décor here is contemporary and elegant. You can try the octopus with feta mousse, the pork belly with apple puree, and the tuna tartare with avocado and wasabi, which are all beautifully presented and bursting with flavor. 4. Ta Karamanlidika tou Fani Another hidden gem from the same family of Karamanlidika tou Fani, Ta Karamanlidika tou Fani is a taverna that serves traditional Greek dishes with a modern twist. The taverna is located in a beautiful neoclassical building in the central square of Monastiraki, and the atmosphere here is relaxed and convivial. You can try the fava bean puree with caramelized onions, the slow-cooked lamb with herbs, and the homemade baklava, which are all made with love and care. These are just a few of the hidden foodie spots in Athens that you can explore during your premium photo tour. Whether you're a food lover or just looking to try something new, Athens has something for everyone. If you're looking for an exquisite experience in wine tasting and photography, don't miss out on Snap and Sip - Premium Wine Tasting and Photography in Burgundy. Read the full article
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mikesavagenewcanaan · 2 years ago
Mike Savage New Canaan Classic Muscle Vehicles and Their Quick as well as Furious Resurgence
Traditional muscle cars and trucks have made a comeback in popular culture due in a big part to their being included in the preferred Hollywood franchise, The Rapid and the Furious.
Prohibited drag auto racing had been going out for years before the Rapid as well as the Furious franchise glamorized the entire experience. Individuals that weren't also right into cars or competing instantly had an all brand-new attraction for the classic muscle automobile as well as the sandy abyss of road racing.
It also didn't harm that the leads were easy on the eyes! Dominic Toretto, the personality played by Vin Diesel was totally a desire come true for females looking for a goon with solid family members values. Brian O'Connor was the perfect "good boy gone bad" with his love for rate as well as continuous demand to verify himself to his superiors along with to Toretto as well as his staff.
Mike Savage New Canaan
Followers of the motion picture have actually spent thousands on trying to record the feel and look of the automobiles in the movies. From developing road auto racing clubs to cutting up as well as changing their very own muscle-bound high-performance lorries - the underground auto racing scene has actually only expanded and also matured as the advanced modern technology showcased in the flicks has crossed over right into the real life.
Unlike bike clubs as well as gangs which have famous embroidered spots on their coats, nonetheless, the drag racing crowd keep most of their associations on the down-low given that law enforcement is generally smelling around, attempting to catch them.
Mike Savage New Canaan
Dominic Torreto's 1970 Dodge Charger R/T
My preferred traditional muscular tissue auto from the Quick and also the Furious franchise has actually got to be Dom's 1970 Dodge Fee R/T. It was possibly the most in-your-face "I'm a guy's male" vehicle in the whole collection. We do not understand if anything from the 6th installation can top that matte black beast that was so legendary it made it to three various installments.
The very first Dodge Battery charger struck the marketplace back in 1966. The timeless muscular tissue vehicle heavyweight custom body was built on the framework of the Dodge Coronet, an additional standard. The car from the Rapid as well as the Furious was conceived as the brand name's first effective high-speed street racer with a totally outfitted interior that had 4 pail seats as well as a full-length floor console.
The 1970 Dodge Charger R/T originally belonged to the Dominic and Mia's father and also his child maintained it and kept it to recognize him. The powerful Chrysler 426 HEMI V-8 engine concealing under hood sufficed to obtain Dom out of a lot of sticky circumstances. The body was built like a storage tank and also after doing a spectacular flip as well as crash at the end of the very first film that would certainly have squashed various other autos that weren't developed like the Battery charger - Dom stilled turned out with minimal injuries.
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resoundingamericanechoes · 8 years ago
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Blues Armory/6th Street Marketplace - Richmond, Virginia, May 2016: Both the 1910 light infantry armory on Marshall st in the heart of downtown Richmond, and the only remaining portion of the 1985 6th Street Marketplace that was supposed to (and for a few years did) bring people back into this part of the city, share the title of both being part of the same conjoined urban ruin from two different eras. I hope to get into thee buildings sometime soon, and whether or not I do, I’ll post an update on here about this place soon. Have to get this done before this place is gone.
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camilosgirlfriend · 3 years ago
Hey can you do an Isabela x fem!reader where they are secretly dating and the reader gets hurt protecting mirabel from some guys in town and Isabela gets furious pls and thank you!
of course!! thank you for being my first request <3
Lo Siento, Amor.
(I’m Sorry, Love.)
isabela madrigal x fem!reader
Warnings: injury (no death)
Y/N and Mirabel had been walking around the marketplace, picking up things for Antonio’s 6th birthday. Walking up to the fruit stand, Mirabel removed the hood protecting her curls from the rain water as she opened the bag to put the grapes in. “Ay, Y/N. Don’t you think it’s time you find someone for you?” Mirabel complained over the sound of the rain. “Well, I don’t know. I’m just not ready to date someone yet!” Y/N said confidently as she looked around for gifts that she could give Antonio. “That’s such a lie, Y/N. You definitely need someone to love everyday, to kiss, to huggg.” Mirabel hugged herself whilst making kissing faces at the other female, mocking her. “Cállate, Mirabel! You look like a crazy lady.” Y/N laughed, picking up a stack of animal cards. “Okay, okay. Come let’s get going. From the looks of the weather, Tía Pepa doesn’t seem too happy eith us taking so much time.” Mirabel responded, taking the money out and giving it to the person currently running the stand. Y/N and Mirabel covered their heads up again with the hoods Julieta made specifically for them. As they walked, they heard the towns men whispering things about Mirabel.
“She’s definitely an outcast, without a gift. I wonder what her family thinks of her.” They said, sounding disappointed. Mirabel looked off to the side to where the conversation happened before Y/N pulled her away, and began walking faster. “Oye!” A deep voice appeared in front of them, stopping Mirabel and Y/N from making it to the Casita. “Where are you going?” “Home.” Mirabel said, straightening her posture and gripping onto the bag that was hanging off her shoulder. “Do you think they really want you? You aren’t like them, princesa.” He responded, walking closer to the two. “Ya! Leave her alone, Marcio.” Y/N said, staring into the man's eyes. She knew who this was. He lived all the way at the edge of town, and he knew Mirabel rejected his son. He hated her for that. Not because she didn’t have a gift, but because his son was now heartbroken. “Relax, Y/N. This isn’t about you.” Right as Marcio lifted his hand to grab Mirabel, Y/N slapped his hand away. “Leave her!” She repeated, using her own body to shield Maribel. “And what are you going to do if I don’t? Ah, you’ll call your little friends? The one that makes flowers, what’s she going to do? throw flowers at me? Ha!” He laughed in her face before Y/N pushed him back. “Shut up! You know nothing about Isabela to be talking about her like she’s an animal!” The female huffed out, making a fist out of her hands to release the pent up anger.
 “Ow, how much that hurt. Your soft hands are nothing against me.” Marcio argued, pushing Y/N harshly, causing her to slip on the wet concrete. In an attempt to catch herself, her arm broke, causing her to clench her teeth in angony. “Y/N!” Mirabel yelled. “Ay dios mio, Away everyone, get away!” You heard the voice of a specific person. Isabela. And Camilo was with her too. They pushed their way through the crowd, making it to the centre. When Isabela saw Y/N in her state, her eyes widened as she walked closer to her. “Y/N.. Amor?” She asked, helping Y/N lift her body. “Isabela..” “Shh, don’t talk. I’ll get you to mamá.” Isabela talked over the rain and the chatter. “Okay everyone, shoo get away!” Camilo yelled, making everyone scatter.
Mirabel handed Camilo her bag and rushed over to help Y/N to her feet, holding her arm still as they walked through the street and up to the Casita. “Mamí!” Isabela yelled as she helped Y/N to her room. Julieta appeared just a minute later, dusting her hands off on her apron. “Que le paso…?” She asked, moving closer to Y/N. Julieta picked up her injured arm, causing her to wince. “Okay, okay. I have some food on the stove right now, give me just a few minutes.” Julieta said running out. “Y/N, Amor?” Isabela asked, moving Y/Ns hair out of her face. Isabela placed a soft kiss against her cheek, prompting Y/N to move her head to the side. “Mamá is finishing up the food, give it just a few minutes…” Y/N nodded, sighing as she looked up at the ceiling. Isabela frowned internally, stroking her rain and tear stained cheek. “How did this happen?” “Marcio. The father of, of the boy Maribel rejected last week. Pushed me back, and I slipped and it just… snapped…” Isabela sighed and kissed her forehead. “You’ll be better right when Mamá is done. I promise.” Y/N nodded and smiled. “He said something about you. Something that just got me angry…”
Just as Y/N finished her sentence, Julieta came with two arepas de queso. “Here Y/N, eat this and drink this. She said, putting the plate right next to her good arm. Y/N picked it up and ate a small bite, the feeling of her are broken fading away. “See? See, my love? it’s all better now.” Isabela said as Y/N sat up, drinking the water Julieta also provided. “I’ll be right back.” Isabela said with a smile before walking off to leave Y/N to finish her food. “Lo voy a matar!” Isabela barked lowly at Dolores, careful not to wake up the sleeping Y/N next to them. “How dare he! And to Y/N? She’s never done anything wrong..” Isabela frowned, sitting down next to Dolores with a sigh. “She doesn’t deserve that.” “I know, Isabela. She’s okay now. Don’t worry.” Dolores stood up and looked at Isabela. “Care for her although, she can never be too safe, primita.” Dolores smiled and walked out of the room. Isabela looked back at her girlfriends sleeping figure and climbed into bed with her aswell, kissing her forehead and wrapping her arm around her torso. “I’m Sorry I wasn’t there.. Lo Siento, Amor.”
(I’m sorry this may be really bad cause i haven’t written in a while 😭)
word count: 800+
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thejjchandler · 5 years ago
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A look back at 6th Street Marketplace
https://www.richmond.com/business/a-look-back-at-th-street-marketplace/article_08e716dd-5770-55c0-bf4a-41b9965b52a5.html Photo gallery: Richmond's 'dead malls' — 6th Street Marketplace, 1985-2003
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hair-fiber-blog1 · 6 years ago
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Wilton Manors, Florida
The city is home to a sizable LGBT population as well as winter vacationers, who frequent its many nightclubs and gay-owned businesses along the main street, Wilton Drive; the 2010 U.S. Census reported that it is second only to Provincetown, Massachusetts in the proportion (15%) of gay couples relative to the total population (couples as reported to the U.S. Census).
The Drive becomes a blur of gay commerce - within a few blocks there's Rumors Bar , Progress Bar , a gay burger joint called Rosie's with a gorgeous lanai, a high-end gay sushi and Thai joint called Galanga , a combo nightclub-restaurant with an excitingly labyrinthine layout called The Manor , a gay pool hall, two gay ice cream parlors, and two gay thrift stores.
For example, there is no sign identifying the Sebastian Street Beach as "The Gay Beach," but that's what it is. Just across the street from, and slightly to the north of, the rather fratty outdoor mall called Beach Place, there is a 200- or 300-yard stretch of sand where the blankets are mostly lain upon by same-sex couples, and where the men's bathing suits are mostly of the kind known as "banana hammocks." It's fun to watch the looks of dawning bemusement on the faces of conservative tourists as they realize what they've just wandered into.
Other Wilton Manors parks include Donn Eisele Park, Snook Creek Park and Boat Ramp, and Colohatchee Park, a 9.3 acres (38,000 m2) recreational facility complete with a boardwalk for nature observation, a dog park, and a boat ramp for watercraft entry.
In a single plaza , you'll find the venerable gay bar and restaurant Georgie's Alibi, a clothing store called Gaymart, a gay sushi shop called Tee Jay's , a gay bar called Hunters , a gay coffee shop called Java Boys , and a gay optician's office called Chic Optique.
From the quirky To The Moon Marketplace with its amazing selections of candies and novelties from yesteryear (the candy is fresh; it's just the favorites you bought as a kid but no longer find), home design at Decades , or club clothing at Gay Mart , or two great thrift stores: Poverello and Out of The Closet , plan to spend a day shopping in Wilton Manors You will delight at the options and smile at the service.
A city web page highlights LGBT life in Wilton Manors, stating that "the City of Wilton Manors Police Department conducts police training that is geared toward working with the City's LGBT population and has gay and lesbian officers amongst its ranks." All members of the city commission are LGBT, with the exception of Vice Mayor Scott Newton.
As of 2000, Wilton Manors was the 133rd most Cuban -populated area in the US (tied with Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey ) at 1.58% of the population, while it had the twenty-seventh highest percentage of Haitians in the US, (tied with North Lauderdale and Florida City) at 6.7% of all residents.
Fort Lauderdale's shopping hot spots offer high-end options at the Galleria on Sunrise Boulevard just blocks from the beach, and Sawgrass Mills on West Sunrise Boulevard and Sawgrass Expressway, which happens to be the second most popular tourist attraction in Florida after Disney World.
Known as the Venice of America , Fort Lauderdale is home to over 300 miles of navigable sparkling waterways , which snake through this city and county of one million, and are trafficked with astounding yachts as well as many smaller vessels, each captained by enthusiastic nautical lovers from all over the world.
Another example of the economic revitalization in Wilton Manors is the Highland Estates neighborhood, which is bordered by NE 26th Street on the south, Dixie Highway on the east, the North Fork of the Middle River on the north, and NE 6th Avenue on the west, was significantly transformed in the decade from 1995 - 2005 from a blighted area to an upscale neighborhood with multiple new modern townhouse developments. If you are thinking of relocating to Wilton Manors be sure and find a local Boca Raton Moving Company that can  provide professional service at great rates.
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trustsdirect · 2 years ago
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96 Church St is the latest shop for rent (1,025 sq ft), listed by Wright Silverwood Ltd. Currently there are 8 available shops in Bilston for rent. See the latest Bilston shop for rent listings from across the rent market. Bilston town centre is located in the WV14 postcode (Wolverhampton, geo coordinates 52.56568, -2.07367) with population of 5000 people. Drs Sharma S.V and Mohindroo R Bilston Health Centre, Prouds Lane Bilston WV14 6PW Find the best agent and get no-obligation quotes by entering your postcode 43 Berrington Drive, Coseley, Bilston, WV14 9QH. Back to results.Find phone numbers, addresses, maps, postcodes, website, contact details and other useful information.
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Download the app Get a free listing Advertise 0800 777 449. Search for Garden Centres near you on Yell. Read 11 reviews, get contact details, photos, opening times and map directions. Find Companies By Postcode using Endole Explorer. Showing Companies Registered in WV14 0TP, Loxdale Industrial Estate, Northcott Road, Bilston. Is It Closed ? Yes, this business is permanently closed. In response to the educational challenges faced by young people due to COVID-19, the ELTI Tutoring Initiative was set up to help 4th to 6th year students. Enter a postcode to find services and facilities in your area. Realla is a heavily trafficked property marketplace covering land available to rent for. Currently there are 46 available commercial land plots near Bilston for rent. See the latest Bilston commercial land plot for rent listings from across the rent market. Find war deadThe largest land lot for rent in Bilston is Highfields Rd at 10,000 square foot. Bilston Cemetery contains 80 scattered burials of the First World War and 31 from the Second World War. Use our postcode search tool to discover more about the war dead from your local area. Please note: census information may include figures for adjacent streets and postcodes. Address Last sold Price 4, Windsor Street, Bilston, West Midlands, WV14 6BW: : £19,000: View Details: 5, Windsor Street, Bilston, West Midlands, WV14 6BWThe information on housing, people, culture, employment and education that is displayed about Bilston Lane, Willenhall, WV13 2AB is based on the last census performed in the UK in 2011. Bilston town centre is located in the WV14 postcode (Wolverhampton, geo coordinates 52.56568, -2.07367) with population.
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To find a specific post code in Bilston, enter the address below or click on the map. Choose a point on a map to find any postal code or search by address. Apply for firearms and explosives licenses. Find out how you can help with policing in your local area. Graves are still currently available for, cremated remains and babies.
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There are currently no new full burial graves available at Hall Green Cemetery, with burials only being undertaken in existing graves. Details of the memorial regulations within the cemetery are located here. Post office Bilston in Bilston | Royal Mail Group Ltd Bilston WV14 8TH Location map. For more information, including opening hours and a full list of available services, visit this page. Visit this location at 4-6 Hall Street, Bilston, West Midlands, WV14 0AB. Caterer Postcode *Distance Bilston People's Centre: WV14 0LT: 0.17 km: Shri Durga Bhawan. Caterers Near Arthur Greenwood Court, Coronation Road, Bilston, WV14 0HS. VInsights Categories Search Postcode Support Search. Please note, there is a minimum order value of £15.All Catering Premises within 5 Kilometers of the Postcode: WV14 0HS, Ettingshall, Wolverhampton.
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With endless wit, imaginative wordplay and underlying heartache, he offers profound insights into modern life, exploring themes as diverse as love, death, the inestimable value of a mobile phone charger.Location informations of Coseley Latitude of city of Coseley is 52.54207 and longitude of city of Coseley is -2.08736.Coseley has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Midlands.Unit 4-5 Cannon Business Park, Gough Road Coseley, Birmingham WV14 8XR England. Bilston (WV14), Bilston, WV14 7HT Show my commute time From £9.50 to £10.25 per hour -Basic salary + Overtime and progression Path2 Solutions Ltd Permanent Expires in 1 day Apply **Full Training & Immediate starts** - Warehouse Operatives Path2 are recruiting Warehouse Operatives, with starts available ASAP.You Took the Last Bus Home is the first and long-awaited collection of ingeniously hilarious and surprisingly touching poems from Brian Bilston, the mysterious 'Poet Laureate of Twitter'. Get directions (opens in Google Maps) Phone. Record Last Updated on: Bilston West Midlands WV14 0EE. Who to contact Telephone 01902 552035 E-mail Where to go Name Bilston Town Hall Address Church Street Bilston West Midlands Postcode WV14 0AP. As well as other community centres located in the City.
Here you will find out more information on the Bilston Town Hall.
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dfroza · 3 years ago
“The eye is the lamp of the body.
You draw light into your body through your eyes, and light shines out to the world through your eyes. So if your eye is well and shows you what is true, then your whole body will be filled with light.”
what do you truly “see”?
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 6th chapter of the book of Matthew:
“Examine your motives to make sure you’re not showing off when you do your good deeds, only to be admired by others; otherwise, you will lose the reward of your heavenly Father. So when you give to the poor, don’t announce it and make a show of it just to be seen by people, like the hypocrites in the streets and in the marketplace. They’ve already received their reward! But when you demonstrate generosity, do it with pure motives and without drawing attention to yourself. Give secretly and your Father, who sees all you do, will reward you openly.”
“Whenever you pray, be sincere and not like the pretenders who love the attention they receive while praying before others in the meetings and on street corners. Believe me, they’ve already received their reward. But whenever you pray, go into your innermost chamber and be alone with Father God, praying to him in secret. And your Father, who sees all you do, will reward you openly. When you pray, there is no need to repeat empty phrases, praying like the Gentiles do, for they expect God to hear them because of their many words. There is no need to imitate them, since your Father already knows what you need before you ask him. Pray like this:
‘Our Beloved Father, dwelling in the heavenly realms,
may the glory of your name
be the center on which our lives turn.
Manifest your kingdom realm,
and cause your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth,
just as it is in heaven.
We acknowledge you as our Provider
of all we need each day.
Forgive us the wrongs we have done as we ourselves
release forgiveness to those who have wronged us.
Rescue us every time we face tribulation
and set us free from evil.
For you are the King who rules
with power and glory forever. Amen.’
“And when you pray, make sure you forgive the faults of others so that your Father in heaven will also forgive you. But if you withhold forgiveness from others, your Father withholds forgiveness from you.”
And when you fast, do not look miserable as the actors and hypocrites do when they are fasting—they walk around town putting on airs about their suffering and weakness, complaining about how hungry they are. So everyone will know they are fasting, they don’t wash or anoint themselves with oil, pink their cheeks, or wear comfortable shoes. Those who show off their piety, they have already received their reward. When you fast, wash your face and beautify yourself with oil, so no one who looks at you will know about your discipline. Only your Father, who is unseen, will see your fast. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you.
Some people store up treasures in their homes here on earth. This is a shortsighted practice—don’t undertake it. Moths and rust will eat up any treasure you may store here. Thieves may break into your homes and steal your precious trinkets. Instead, put up your treasures in heaven where moths do not attack, where rust does not corrode, and where thieves are barred at the door. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
The eye is the lamp of the body. You draw light into your body through your eyes, and light shines out to the world through your eyes. So if your eye is well and shows you what is true, then your whole body will be filled with light. But if your eye is clouded or evil, then your body will be filled with evil and dark clouds. And the darkness that takes over the body of a child of God who has gone astray—that is the deepest, darkest darkness there is.
When Jesus speaks of eyes and light, He means all people should keep their eyes on God because the eyes are the windows to the soul. Eyes should not focus on trash—pornography, filth, or expensive things. And this is what He means when He says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Jesus: No one can serve two masters. If you try, you will wind up loving the first master and hating the second, or vice versa. People try to serve both God and money—but you can’t. You must choose one or the other.
Here is the bottom line: do not worry about your life. Don’t worry about what you will eat or what you will drink. Don’t worry about how you clothe your body. Living is about more than merely eating, and the body is about more than dressing up. Look at the birds in the sky. They do not store food for winter. They don’t plant gardens. They do not sow or reap—and yet, they are always fed because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are even more precious to Him than a beautiful bird. If He looks after them, of course He will look after you. Worrying does not do any good; who here can claim to add even an hour to his life by worrying?
Nor should you worry about clothes. Consider the lilies of the field and how they grow. They do not work or weave or sew, and yet their garments are stunning. Even King Solomon, dressed in his most regal garb, was not as lovely as these lilies. And think about grassy fields—the grasses are here now, but they will be dead by winter. And yet God adorns them so radiantly. How much more will He clothe you, you of little faith, you who have no trust?
So do not consume yourselves with questions: What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear? Outsiders make themselves frantic over such questions; they don’t realize that your heavenly Father knows exactly what you need. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then all these things will be given to you too. So do not worry about tomorrow. Let tomorrow worry about itself. Living faithfully is a large enough task for today.
The Book of Matthew, Chapter 6 (The Passion Translation / The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 45th chapter of the book of Ezekiel that describes making a sacred space (holy ground) for the Temple and its inner room (its heart) just as we do in the here & now by opening the heart to welcome the entrance of the Spirit (inside, Anew) to be illuminated by the Son:
[Sacred Space for God]
“When you divide up the inheritance of the land, you must set aside part of the land as sacred space for God: approximately seven miles long by six miles wide, all of it holy ground. Within this rectangle, reserve a seven-hundred-fifty-foot square for the Sanctuary with a seventy-five-foot buffer zone surrounding it. Mark off within the sacred reserve a section seven miles long by three miles wide. The Sanctuary with its Holy of Holies will be placed there. This is where the priests will live, those who lead worship in the Sanctuary and serve God there. Their houses will be there along with The Holy Place.
“To the north of the sacred reserve, an area roughly seven miles long and two and a quarter miles wide will be set aside as land for the villages of the Levites who administer the affairs of worship in the Sanctuary.
“To the south of the sacred reserve, measure off a section seven miles long and about a mile and a half wide for the city itself, an area held in common by the whole family of Israel.
“The prince gets the land abutting the seven-mile east and west borders of the central sacred square, extending eastward toward the Jordan and westward toward the Mediterranean. This is the prince’s possession in Israel. My princes will no longer bully my people, running roughshod over them. They’ll respect the land as it has been allotted to the tribes.
“This is the Message of God, the Master: ‘I’ve put up with you long enough, princes of Israel! Quit bullying and taking advantage of my people. Do what’s just and right for a change. Use honest scales—honest weights and honest measures. Every pound must have sixteen ounces. Every gallon must measure four quarts. The ounce is the basic measure for both. And your coins must be honest—no wooden nickels!
[Everyone in the Land Must Contribute]
“‘These are the prescribed offerings you are to supply: one-sixtieth part of your wheat, one-sixtieth part of your barley, one-hundredth part of your oil, one sheep out of every two hundred from the lush pastures of Israel. These will be used for the grain offerings, burnt offerings, and peace offerings for making the atonement sacrifices for the people. Decree of God, the Master.
“‘Everyone in the land must contribute to these special offerings that the prince in Israel will administer. It’s the prince’s job to provide the burnt offerings, grain offerings, and drink offerings at the Holy Festivals, the New Moons, and the Sabbaths—all the commanded feasts among the people of Israel. Sin offerings, grain offerings, burnt offerings, and peace offerings for making atonement for the people of Israel are his responsibility.
“‘This is the Message from God, the Master: On the first day of the first month, take an unblemished bull calf and purify the Sanctuary. The priest is to take blood from the sin offerings and rub it on the doorposts of the Temple, on the four corners of the ledge of the altar, and on the gate entrance to the inside courtyard. Repeat this ritual on the seventh day of the month for anyone who sins without knowing it. In this way you make atonement for the Temple.
“‘On the fourteenth day of the first month, you will observe the Passover, a feast of seven days. During the feast you will eat bread made without yeast.
“‘On Passover, the prince supplies a bull as a sin offering for himself and all the people of the country. Each day for each of the seven days of the feast, he will supply seven bulls and seven rams unblemished as a burnt offering to God, and also each day a male goat.
“‘He will supply about five and a half gallons of grain offering and a gallon of oil for each bull and each ram.
“‘On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, and on each of the seven days of the feast, he is to supply the same materials for sin offerings, burnt offerings, grain offerings, and oil.’”
* * *
The Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 45 (The Message)
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Tuesday, november 23 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons that looks at the story of Joseph:
Last week’s Torah (i.e., parashat Vayishlach) recounted how Jacob had wrestled with a mysterious Angel before returning to the Promised Land to be reconciled with his brother Esau. This week’s portion (i.e., parashat Vayeshev) begins with Jacob living back in the land promised to Abraham and Isaac with his 12 sons, but the narrative quickly turns to Jacob’s favorite son Joseph, who was seventeen years old at the time. The Torah states that Jacob loved Joseph more than all his other sons since he was “the son of his old age,” and he was the firstborn son of his beloved wife Rachel. Indeed, Jacob made him an ornamented tunic to indicate his special status in the family.
As the favored son, Joseph’s job was to oversee the activities of Jacob’s concubines sons (Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher) and to bring “reports” about their activities back to Jacob. However, this role as the overseer and “favored son” was too much for the other brothers, and they became jealous of him and hated him. To make matters worse, Joseph related two dreams to his brothers that foretold that he was destined to rule over them, increasing their envy and hatred of him (the implication of the dreams was that all of Jacob’s family would become subservient to him). Jacob rebuked Joseph for arousing his brothers’ hatred, but he inwardly took note and waited for the fulfillment of the dreams.
The portion records that one day the brothers went out to pasture their herds, but when they saw Joseph coming to check on them, they conspired to kill him, though later they decided to sell him to some slave traders instead. The brothers then staged Joseph’s death by dipping his special tunic into goat’s blood and bringing it to their father, who was deceived into thinking that Joseph had been killed by a wild animal.
Meanwhile Joseph was purchased at a slave trade by Potiphar, a captain of Pharaoh's guard. The LORD was “with Joseph,” however, and blessed everything he did. In fact, soon he was promoted to be the head of Potiphar’s entire household affairs. Potiphar’s wife then began enticing Joseph to have an affair with her, and though he steadfastly refused her advances, she later falsely accused him of attempted rape. Potiphar was understandably outraged (at his wife?) and threw Joseph into the royal prison, but again God showed him favor there and soon was appointed to a position of authority in the prison administration.
The portion ends with two prophetic episodes in Joseph’s life that eventually would bring him to the attention of Pharaoh himself. While in prison, Joseph met Pharaoh’s wine steward and chief baker, both incarcerated for offending their king (according to Rashi, a fly was found in the goblet prepared by the butler, and a pebble in the baker’s confection). Both men had disturbing dreams which Joseph correctly interpreted; in three days, he told them, the wine steward would be released but the baker would be hanged. Joseph then asked the wine steward to advocate for his release with Pharaoh. Joseph’s predictions were fulfilled, but the wine steward forgot all about Joseph. [Hebrew for Christians]
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also, please pray for John and his wife and family:
After Olga got a flu vaccine (required for school), she developed Covid, and now I have it as well. We are extremely tired; unable to work; high fever, body aches, etc. I have respiratory issues as well which is a concern. Your prayers are appreciated. No fear: God is in control of our lives. We will get through this one way or another (Rom. 14:18). - John
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11.22.21 • Facebook
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
November 23, 2021
The Prosperity of the Ungodly
“Righteous art thou, O LORD, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously?” (Jeremiah 12:1)
One of the perennial theological problems is the apparent prosperity of the ungodly along with the suffering of the righteous. Why would God seem to endorse such a system?
It has been this way for ages. Some 2,000 or more years before Christ, Job asked essentially the same question as did the prophet Jeremiah in our text above. “Wherefore do the wicked live, become old, yea, are mighty in power?...They spend their days in wealth, and...say unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways” (Job 21:7, 13-14). Likewise, the psalmist Asaph complained, “I was envious... when I saw the prosperity of the wicked” (Psalm 73:3).
The real solution to this paradox is not in this present world but in the world to come, where hell awaits the ungodly and heaven awaits those whom God has redeemed through faith in Christ. The fact that a man may prosper materially is not necessarily a measure of God’s approval. The previous economic boom in this country made many men very wealthy, and most of them seem either indifferent or hostile to God, but their wealth is very ephemeral. As David said in another psalm, “I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not” (Psalm 37:35-36).
If God does give a few believers material wealth, it is so that they may use it for the Lord and for others, not to pamper themselves. “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but...that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to [share]” (1 Timothy 6:17-18). HMM
A tweet by illumiNations:
How do you even begin translating the Bible into another language?
Watch the video at to learn a little about how illumiNations starts Bible translation work in different communities.
11.23.21 • 12:05pm • Twitter
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theobaldfast · 3 years ago
But will Bonds have enough time?
But will Bonds have enough time? Will perceptions shift quickly enough to build to 75 percent, now that the Hall of Fame unilaterally imposed new ballot and eligibility standards that reduce his candidacy from 15 years to 10? (That's one hell of nike jean jacket a passive aggressive door slam, by the way.). THE countess lived in good style. More are never seen again.”. Almost as good, anyway.. The final report was accepted in February 2010 and was very critical of the organization and its operations. By reopening the pits I would show the people of Meereen that I respect their ways and customs. We have no right to institute and prescribe a test of Christian character and church membership, not recognized and sanctioned in the sacred Scriptures, and in our standards, by which we have agreed to walk. That leads me to the main difference between swing and seam. Mitchell's 19 year old nephew had been arrested by a rural constable after being involved in a fistfight. They come in fun colors and don't look any different than regular earbuds, so there won't be any complaints. We take up his history where we find him a clergyman in St. We love the Holy Comforter, because he comes to convince the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. Why not a peace? Daenerys wanted it, they could see that. The captain-general wriggled his blistered toes in his footbath. And if I do not act or speak according to their wishes at all times, it is because I cannot conscientiously nike air max 102 essential white do it.. It is more likely that they are taking the whole polo raflorene tournament much more seriously because they realise it's not a one off, Allen Stanford type circus but in some senses the future of cricket, with real pay cheques. Contract talks for the UFCW have stretched on for two years. Ended up pushing him. A protest then, from a body so numerous and respectable, might have saved the American church from the disgrace it now wears in the eyes of all nations. Is not a slave a reasonable creature?—is he not a human being? And the meaning of this phrase, reasonable creature, is, a human being. JS: I was in the bottom two one time with that stupid chocolate box, and it was just one of those things you know, I done chocolate boxes I don know how many times and that day it just did not, was not, clicking in my mind, but we all had problems with it. At that time, the office was only staffed during business hours, so the explosive growth of the storm was not discovered until the next morning.Duck hunters were caught off guard and unprepared for the harsh winds, snow, and cold without winter clothing. All the installed capacitors are made by Teapo. Fenton appears to be a little boy who feels upstaged by the new baby and may be acting up in a desperate bid for attention. He could see some now, swinging from spar to spar and ship to ship. I ran and turned into another street and went to the shop a different way; but I suddenly came across him again, and was so frightened that I stood quite still and couldn’t move. Sometimes we do business with Metro. There is neither allegation in the complaint nor finding of fact by the District Court that the physical properties of either National Lead or du adidas mariposas Pont have been acquired or used in a manner violative of the Sherman Act, except as such acquisition or use may have been incidental or related to the agreements above mentioned. The new law will remove Lee from the state holiday that honors King on the third Monday in January. Whether it is religious, traditional, royal, and modern, there are vivid types of celebrations. Hizdahr, if you could marshal armies as you marshal arguments, you could conquer the world … but my answer is still no. If I had been with you I should have been hesitating all the time. The pack raced across the flagstones barking, circling him, jumping up to lick his filthy face, nipping at his legs. The hours passed slowly. The biggest problem most swing traders have is the ability to take losses. I always keep on hand, for the use of the negroes, sugar, molasses, &c., which, though not regularly issued, are applied for on the slightest pretexts, and frequently no pretext at geci de fas dama scurte all, and are never refused, except in cases of misconduct. Harbor Blvd. The outsole is that used on the Jordan 13 and the fuzzy Jumpman logo tongue is ever present in the color black. Ground up. By advice of their counsel, the parties elected to be tried separately, and the attorney for the commonwealth directed that James Castleman should be tried first.. And summer was young.. Local 1 day ago Features Fisherman finds 36 year old message in a bottle and tracks down sender. He did not look well. Lion Air plans to pay for the planes over 12 batteria ai polimeri di litio amazon years with bank financing. The Lady Nym. Hoohee wrote:Every year to honor Jim Valvano and to help raise money for the V Foundation for Cancer, ESPN replays Valvano's speech from when he won the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage. Still take caution that you don't bend these when you're installing it.. The captain of the galley had realized his peril by then. Not elk. Mark Voit (Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA), Megan Donahue (Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA), Brian R. This gave an extraordinarily comic flavour to some of her reflections, and in bikes btt usadas general to the serious tone in which she talked of many very important matters.. In "The Thin Man," Nick Charles (William Powell) is a former police detective who retired years earlier when he married rich socialite Nora (Myrna Loy). The fire north of Raymond Terrace is at Watch and Act level. Once he had heard Skinner say that the Bastard had killed his trueborn brother, but he had never dared to believe it. Expand the Scope of Your Marketplace Markets papuci de casa din pasla developed in the United States can often be duplicated overseas via Internet bikes btt usadas marketing and e commerce applications on your website, such as shopping carts and content translation. In 1844 he published in Charleston a selection of these sermons, under the title of “Sermons preached on Plantations to Congregations of Negroes.” This book contains twenty-six sermons, and in twenty-two of them there is either a more or less extended account, or a reference to eternal misery in hell as a motive to duty. ALL SCHOOLS ARE VERY IMPORTANT. Save for a sheet of foam behind the front panel, the Elite 110 doesn't have any filters, so I would expect calça kickboxing dust to accumulate inside. “Free folk and kneelers are more alike than not, Jon Snow. As the 6th form groupwent round clinic, it was obvious that for the many patients being treated, they were more than happy for the podiatry students to practice what they have learnt. The Hollywood Reporter says Rowling wrote three drafts, before final polishing of the script by Yates, Kloves and David Heyman, producer of the original series. Hard to imagine rapists donning skirts the better to grab women in a ladies' room surrounded by female witnesses.
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istanbullandmarks · 4 years ago
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Asclepius Hygeia and Telesphoros
On the many discovered inscriptions we find Thracian, Greek and Latin names of individuals. Apart from the health-giving deities Asclepius, Hygeia and Telesphoros, here were worshipped Zeus and Hera, the Thracian Horseman, Dionysus, Hermes, Aphrodite. This is evident from their stamping on the Pautalian bronze coins, which the city was allowed to mint between the reign of Antoninus Pius (138-161) and Caracalia (21 1-217). And when Emperor Septimius Sever (193-211) and his family came to visit Pautalia it was only natural to emit a special emission.
In the late antiquity (end of 4th – 6th c.) a stone fortification was built on the Hissarlak hill, which occupied an area of 2.12 hectares
From the epigraphic monuments and the rescue archaeological excavations conducted in Kyustendil we learn of the different professions and trades in Roman Pautalia. Namely: retail dealer, cook, innkeeper, tailor of tent skins, sculptor, jurist. One inscription bears the names of the architects Laomedon and Glaukias. Many potter’s workshops were set up for common earthenware and fine table
ceramics. The long nights required clay lamps, which imitated the basic types of the period. A lamp mould was uncovered, which is evidence of local production. Large workshops produced mass building ceramics such as bricks, roof tiles and tubes, to meet the demands of the growing urbanization of this center on the upper Struma.
Augusta Traiana and Pautalia are so far the two cities in the present-day Bulgarian lands, which feature developed local bronze produc-tion. Doubtlessly, the ore deposits in the vicinity were an important factor. The casts were primarily bronze appliques for chariots and carts (usually busts of the gods Apollo, Athena, Heracles, Pan, Eros, the river god Strimon, etc., statuettes and vessels.
A large stonecutting workshop functioned in the city for the needs of construction and interior decoration. This is evident from the strong stonewalls built in the lowland and up on the Hissarlak, from the uncovered ruins of private, public and cult edifices (bases, capitals, columns, friezes, frontons), from the street pavement. An inscription tells us about marble working istanbul tourism conference. Big and smaller statues were made, as well as votive tablets with the images of Asclepius-Hygeia-Telesphoros, Zeus and Hera, Apollo, Heracles. The mosaic art also flourished in the city. A multitude of black-and-white and polychrome floor mosaics have been found during archaeological excavations, which are indicative of local ateliers for their laying.
Within the territory of Pautalia was the fortress of Germania (present-day Sapareva Banya). The name derives from a Thracian word (geermes) meaning “warm, hot”. This is the site of the only geyser in the country. Germania is the birthplace of Velisarius, general of Emperor Justinian the Great (527-565). In the southernmost part of the Pautalian territory, in the direction of Blagoevgrad, was the Thracian village of Skaptopara. Its inhabitants had become quite affluent – the land was good, the mineral baths were visited by many, and the local fair gathered a lot of people. However, the peasants began to suffer losses from the provincial officials and some military
men, especially during the bathing proce-dures or at the marketplace. These did not pay anything for food or entrance. An inscription found in Gramada quarters (Blagoevgrad) contains their appeal to Emperor Gordian III (238- 244). The document was written by a Pautalian defense lawyer, dealing with disputes in the province. The inhabitants mentioned that if they were not rendered help, they would leave this place for good.
Constanta region in North Dobrudja
Emperor Marcus Ulpius Trajan conquered the stubborn Dacians in 106 and founded the province of Dacia. But there was no city called “Victory City” there. So, he founded Tropaeum Traiani (Trajan’s Trophy) (at Adamclisi village, Constanta region in North Dobrudja) and erected an impressive memorial complex in memory of the perished Roman legions. Its location however was in Lower Moesia. Then he founded Nicopolis ad Istrum and Marcianopolis, called after his sister. These two cities then lied within the province of Thrace. In the south-westernmost parts of the province, near Macedonia and Achaia, was constructed Nicopolis ad Nestum or Mestum, which in translation means “City of the victory at Mesta river”.
Trajan has not fought battles in this region and this name is a little perplexing. Today the ruins of Nicopolis ad Nestum can be seen at Garmen village, 7 km northeast of the town of Gotse Delchev, not far away from the present-day Bulgarian-Greek border. In contrast to the garrisons and civilian settlements on the right bank of the Danube, where the climate was harshly continental, here the natural conditions were wonderful – mild winter, warm summer, pleasant spring and autumn.
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