coachreagen · 2 years
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Hari pertama belajar Emotional Inteligence (EI) bersama Master Trainer EQ 6 Seconds pertama di Indonesia Bapak @hermantokosasiheq Banyak belajar, banyak informasi, banyak ilmu, dan banyak yang mau di share… gak sabar nunggu kelas selanjutnya pak. Saya ijin share membagikan apa yang saya dapat melalui webinar saya pak. Ada yang mau? Komen atau ketik mau kalau mau… #emotion #emotionintelligence #6seconds #coach #coachemotionalintelligence #learning #workshop (at Medan, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CojxdO8yPDI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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some-greatreward · 8 months
I don’t understand how anyone could listen to a song like Bigmouth Strikes Again and come away thinking “oh yes morrissey was being 100% serious when he said he knows how joan of arc felt”
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koenigami · 9 months
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plasmasimagination · 1 year
Anything with jing yuan or blade from hsr pretty plsplspls :3
BLADE ?! yessir (i apologize I originally wanted to write for both but I didn't meet Jing yuan yet and idk much ab his personality I did try to research but it didn't help me much ,so only blade。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。)
Damn I physically can't explain how much I love him
Also not proofread I apologize I'm lazy af (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
Random hcs
I like to think that he doesn't know how to cook, so he really appreciates it if you cook for him
He's the type of guy to answer most question with "good" like "hey darling how was dinner?" Good. "How did the mission go?" Good. And this is not because he doesn't like to talk to you, he just genuinely doesn't know what else to say
The type of guy to hug you from behind !!!
He also has a habit of randomly flirting with you in a normal conversation, like he doesn't even intend it and he doesn't notice until he sees you blushing
Love language is definitely acts of service and gift giving
He's quiet and reserved most of the time so he'll gladly listen to your rants about other people he might not comment much on it but he will say smth form time to time just to let you know he's listening
Is actually really whealthy ??
Will do random things just to fluster you , just randomly come really close to your face or giving you a quick kiss on the lips
By the theme kisses. He genuinely found himself enjoying them
Same as hugs , he wouldn't admit it over his dead body but you notice that he never pulls away and actually seems to relax when you huh him
I like to think that he's like low-key really jealous and protective but hides it good so you don't even notice
Also like I mentioned that his love language is gift giving it's like, you look at it for more than 6seconds , it's yours.
Also god forbid if anyone brings any harm to you, they wouldn't see a tommorow to say atelast
All in all 10/10 I fuck on the daily
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sneezypoo · 11 months
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sm1 on tiktok told me to draw trent so i drew him yay (if you see this thank you)
i wanted to draw michael cera pose very badly (this video of him makes me absolutely lose it) ((pls watch it on tiktok it’s 6seconds long))
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dovakiin273 · 1 year
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Pits at lap 70/71, comes out 3sec ahead of second place runner, warms up tyres weaving on straights, slows down for last corner, ends up almost 6seconds clear pulling a 4 second faster lap than the second place runner. Refuses to Elaborate. Leaves.
Even if someone doesn't like Max, I don't get how you can hate such a competitive mentality. And I have to read an abysmal take that he is not passionate.
Please, be truthful and tell us that you hate him because his not your favorite and don't feed us this psychoanalysis bs.
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koskela-knights · 3 months
This is gonna be a bit of a vent so I'll put it under the cut
Sometimes I really wonder how others and followers perceive and interact with my blog. Do u only see my stuff when it appears on ur dashboard? Or do u actively seek out this blog and scroll through it?
I see people like and sometimes reblog my age-old memes from months ago 😂 did u see them on someone else’s blog and decided to rb from the OP?
Well idk, but sometimes it kinda stings when most people only reblog stuff I reblog, like fanart and photos and seem to ignore all the stuff I make. Like wow thnx for following me only for others’ people stuff i guess. This blog was initially created to yeah, reblog bout the Koskelas but there was literally 0 content to reblog so it became more of a place where I share my own stuff
Again, I keep having trouble by comparing myself to others. Putting so much time and love into my serious art, gifs and moodboard edits only for most of them to be ignored or sit at a low 5 notes (given the fact I have more followers than that but 90% seems to not be active here. Some people rly start following me and then never reblogged or liked anything. Not even stuff I reblog from others.)
Like yeah I still enjoy sharing stuff I make but it gets harder and harder and I hate to often catch myself thinking:
is it even still worth posting when barely anyone interacts or reblogs anymore? Is it even worth making something anymore?🤪 (glad my fixation conquers the self-doubt more often than not)
maybe my art is just not good enough or not pleasing enough or whatever for people to want it on their own blog 🤡 Ik the note amount isn't everything to strive for lol but as a somewhat visual indicator of how much smth might be liked and enjoyed, it sucks ass at times when barely anyone interacts but only interact on stuff u didn't make. At first I wondered if people dont rly know what the rb button is until people do reblog stuff that isnt mine 🤸 Anyways that’s actually a big reason I started another sideblog to rb and to keep most stuff on here, just be my stuff. Cue the decline in activity.
It's already difficult being a Koskela fan, given the fact how little the large average fandom seems to care but I've seen other Koskela fanart that gotten 100+ notes. Makes me always think how??? Maybe they're more popular and have a bigger reach... The annoying voice in my head tells me it's becos their art is better T_T
But I think popularity really is key becos I remember when the 6 second Koskela BTS video came out and I created gifs out of it, which in the end did get a bigger rb/love than most of my work ever reached, but some other blog instantly had like 100-200+ notes on the same gifset that hadn't even fully separated each fragment of that 6second thing 😂
Anyways that's all for today. Sometimes I gotta express some insecurities and disappointment lmao
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cherryblossomssmash · 2 years
6seconds eye contact with Tsuzuru 🫣
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kronoose · 8 months
Tw death mentioned spoilers for EP 68 of Dndads
A young teen sat in front of two graves two bouquets of fresh flowers on each
This wasn't an uncommon sight it was actually more rare to not see the Teen by these two particular graves. " I'm back guys sorry for being out so long the shop keep was being a jerk" he set each bouquet carefully in vases "Darryl is doing ok he misses his dad-son also I've convinced Henry to allow the twins to give me tattoos I'm going to get my wings and visit you " Luka chuckled softly to himself and rests a knife next to each smiling fondly at the one his brother used to wield the story of him slicing Glenn's tendon popping to mind he wishes he'd been there to see it happen.
"we miss you so much dad " he leaned on the grave belonging to Walter the immoral
He looked up at the graying clouds and sighed softly "looks like I'm in for a long night of keeping watch over you two"
Luka closed his blue eyes that were darkening almost imperceptibly as his wolf ears shoot up at an unexpected sound. the teen glanced around snarling his teeth slightly sharper than average as Luka hands the reins of the body over to Jake who unsheathed the knives in a smooth motion "show yourself" a deep voice came from the teen in no way matching the anxiety and grief filled voice from moments ago
There was no response as Jake called out Once more "show yourself!" His eyes glowed slightly as he casts detect magic trying to see who ever dared enter his sanctuary and final resting place of the only two people he loved in this life
A yellowish outline of a humanoid ligths up around the back side of the graves
"Please stand down " the figure put up their hands "Im hear to see my father"
"so you're the fucker that broke dads heart"Luka gently places a coin in a swear jar"he talked about you alot "
"my name is Rolhim it took me a long time to find my father"he lowered his hands
Luka scoffed slightly "he wanted to look for you ya know but he respected your casting him aside like trash after he was cursed"
"you wouldn't understand how much of a shock it was he turned into a bullywug" Rolhim snapped at the younger teen
"a shock?? That's your reason for abandoning your father" Luka stood decisively between Rolhim and Walter's grave
"move aside you have no right to keep me from him"
"I have every right I stayed with him from the moment I met him he is the kindest most badass soul he cared for paeden more than anything " he took a deep breath the way that Henry had taught him "I Burried him not you gods know where the fuck you were"
"he's my father I'm his heir I deserve to be here as much as anyone else in this shitty town "
"I'm giving you 6seconds to leave or I will be adding your name to list of people I've Burried" he holds up a hand counting down while readying a spell
Rolhim stood his ground "try me"
"I saw this used on my other dad aprently it hurts like a bitch" he snapped his fingers at the other with a flick of his wrist a burst of necrotic energy hit Rolhim sending him doubling over and crying out in pain "hmm seems like Glenn wasn't exaggerating" a dark grin passed across the teens face
"you bastard what did you do to me!"
"I think it's called harm now go you're not welcome here"
Rolhim scrambled away
Luka smirked softly and sets down both of his daggers once again one on each grave
He set up tarps over each grave sighing softly as the rain started to fall
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I found this piccrew and was like ah yes despite it being 3am time write angst
I think I really got paedens lil shit/affectionate. vibes
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modernhypocrite · 1 year
hi i love the dnd movie
Especially the little fight with the red wizard near the end cause it’s so exactly what 6second combat looks like and I cry a little each time because I love it so much 
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fatjuicypotatoes · 1 year
is it true that when cats look at u in the eye for more than 6seconds it means they wish u suffer the most painful death than any living being could ever experience?
Yes that's true it happened to me once (it was a special experience but I recommend)
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lennysfridge · 1 year
2 goals with 6seconds in between for OSU
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serpentthecrow · 2 years
So, I'm going to England in 9hours and I finished packing my suitcase and I went to lock it. Then, I found out that my one year old brother managed to change the code while playing with the lock, because it does nice sounds. So naturally, in despair, I went investigate the lock and after like a 6seconds long googling session, in which I only found out I need a paper and that I need to feel for the curves, I got to work. I pulled the biggest KAZ BREKKER MODE; LOCKPICKER LEVEL 1000 and I proceeded to assault the lock with all my lockpicking might. I am now sitting here after 10 minutes, and I KID YOU NOT I UNLOCKED IT.
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prayersroom · 2 months
Jul 21 2024 Reflection
Sunday 21 July 2024 First Reading: Jer 23:1-6Responsorial Psalm:The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.Ps 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6Second Reading: Eph 2:13-18Gospel Reading: Mk 6:30-34 Today’s Note: Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time Gospel Reading: The apostles gathered together with Jesusand reported all they had done and taught. He said to them,“Come away by yourselves to a deserted…
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superturtleenemy · 5 months
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tpanan · 1 year
My Sunday Daily Blessings
April 30, 2023
Be still quiet your heart and mind, the LORD is here, loving you talking to you...........        
Fourth Sunday of Easter (Catholic Observance) Lectionary 46
First Reading: Acts 2:14a, 36-41
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 23: 1-3a, 3b4, 5, 6
Second Reading: 1 Pt 2:20b-25
Verse Before the Gospel: Jn 10:14
**Gospel:  Jn 10:1-10
Do you know the peace and security of the Good Shepherd who watches over his own? The Old Testament often speaks of God as shepherd of his people, Israel. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want (Psalm 23:1). Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock! (Psalm 80:1) We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture (Psalm 100:3). The Messiah is also pictured as the shepherd of God's people: He will feed his flock like a shepherd, he will gather the lambs in his arms (Isaiah 40:11). Jesus says he is the Good Shepherd who will risk his life to seek out and save the stray sheep (Matthew 18:12, Luke 15:4). He is the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls (1 Peter 2:25).
The Good Shepherd and Guardian of our souls What can shepherding teach us about God and our relationship with him? At the end of each day the shepherd brought his sheep into shelter. They knew the voice of their shepherd and came at his beckoning. So familiar was the shepherd and his sheep, that each was called by a distinct name. In the winter the sheep were usually brought to a communal village shelter which was locked and kept secure by a guardian. In the summer months the sheep were usually kept out in the fields and then gathered into a fold at night which was guarded by a shepherd throughout the night. He was literally the door through which the sheep had to pass.
The Scriptures describe God as a shepherd who brings security and peace to his people. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and for evermore (Psalm 120:8). Even the leaders of God's people are called shepherds: they shall lead them out and bring them in; that the congregation of the Lord may not be as sheep which have no shepherd (Numbers 27:17). Just as a shepherd kept watch over his sheep and protected them from danger, so Jesus stands watch over his people as the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls (1 Peter 2:25). Do you know the peace and security of a life fully submitted to God?
Jesus willingly laid down his life for us - the sheep he ransomed with his own blood St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD) writes: "He has accomplished what he taught us: He has shown us what He commanded us to do. He laid down his own life for his sheep, that within our mystery he might change his body and blood into food, and nourish the sheep he had redeemed with the food of his own flesh. He has shown us the way we must follow, despite fear of death. He has laid down the pattern to which we must conform ourselves. The first duty laid on us is to use our material goods in mercy for the needs of his sheep, and then, if necessary, give even our lives for them. He that will not give of his substance for his sheep, how shall he lay down his life for them?" (Tr. 46 in John). Do you look to Jesus the Good Shepherd, to receive the strength and courage you need to live and serve as his disciple?
Lord Jesus, you always lead me in the way of true peace and safety. May I never doubt your care nor stray from your ways. Keep me safe in the shelter of your presence.
Lectionary for Mass for use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, copyright (c) 2001, 1998, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain (c) 1968, 1981, 1997, international committee on english in the liturgy, Inc All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. 
**Meditations may be freely reprinted for non-commercial use - please cite:  copyright © 2023 Servants of the Word, source:  dailyscripture.net, author Don Schwager. 
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