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actualbampot · 1 year ago
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RWBY Volume 3 - The End of the Beginning
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perregrinstudiessometimes · 5 years ago
Study tips/school advice
1- Once you get your syllabi put all of the due dates in your calendar
2- Make an assignment sheet for each class that you can look at throughout the year
3- Make a full assignment sheet with all due dates from all of your classes (organized by date)
4- Don’t be afraid to email your professors if you have a question that you can’t answer on your own
5- Be sure to send thank you emails to your professor when they help you with something
6- Don’t be afraid to go to your professor’s office hours. They exist for a reason (if you are not available during the professor’s office hours email them to find a time when you are both free)  
7- Check your email! Seriously just do it! Check at least once a day! (but preferably more!)
8- If you don’t understand something do your best to get a good understanding of it as (if you have the same bad luck as I do) the one thing you don’t understand will most likely show up on the test. Don’t just hope it won’t show up on the test!
9- Don’t cram before an exam! Schedule your time so that you can relax/rest the night before the test (I will admit I normally take a glance over my notes the morning of the exam, but this is used as a refresher not an attempt for last-minute learning.
10- I see a lot of people suggest that you read through the whole exam before answering any questions. I would not recommend this as most exams are timed. Instead, I would suggest going through the exam in order skipping questions you don’t know to come back to later. (this way you can maximize the number of questions you get to that you do know the answer to without wasting time)
11- Over prepare for every test!
12- Take a mental note of how prepared you feel before a test/exam and the grade you make on said test/exam. The goal is to be able to have a pretty good guess as to what you will make on the test/exam based on how prepared you feel.
13- Use a final grade calculator (or this one) to see what you have to make on a final exam to get the grade you want (this is helpful to know what classes you will need to study more for)
14- Don’t skip class unless you absolutely have too. Showing up is half the battle.
15- On the first few days of each class wear layers because you never know how hot/cold each class will be. Take note of the temperature in each class and plan accordingly as the class goes on.
16- Show up to class a few minutes early (don’t bother showing up very early as the class before yours will probably still be in session, but you also don’t want to accidentally be late)
17- In class sit where is best for you (this will take some trial and error) I personally prefer to sit 2-3 rows back against the wall)
18- Write the date at the top of each of your papers (notes and handouts) this will make it easier to know what to study when your professor says the exam will cover everything from date A to date B.
19- Take class notes in your own words. If you can’t write it in your own words than you don’t understand it.
20- Learn and use abbreviations [here is @studyquirks post about it] and make your own for words you write often
21- read ahead in the textbooks so you will have a basic understanding when your professors bring a topic up.
22- Start studying from day one (even if it feels like there isn’t enough to go over)
23- Have specific goals for each study session.  
24- Know your learning style and use it to your advantage
25- Find out what time of day you study best (for me this is first thing in the morning and around 3-6pm)
26- Don’t skip studying a section/subject just because you don’t find it interesting. Give each subject the time it deserves.
27- Get dressed to study (there is something about having shoes on that makes me feel productive)
28- This is a link to my main study method
29- Recall is the most important aspect of studying (as it is what you will have to do for a test)
30- Study what you are weakest on most but don’t neglect stuff that you already know. Review everything at least once.
31- Make the term memorable to YOU (for example I can remember what quid-pro-quo means because I have a trump voice in my head say “quid-pro-quo I’d like a favor though”)
32- Quizlet doesn’t work for me. The act of making physical flashcards helps me learn
33- Don’t make flashcards for things you already know
34- If you need a quick basic understanding of something to google the topic followed by “for kids” (example moon phases for kids)
35- If you get distracted while studying write down the distraction and promise yourself, you will deal with it during a break/ when you are done studying.
36- STOP MULTITASKING! Seriously you will get stuff done quicker if you give each task your full attention.
37- Studying is not a competition. (I see people on Tumblr/Instagram almost bragging about how long they study for, sometimes claiming 9+ hours, a day. This is not realistic!) remember quality over quantity.  
38- Do the homework even if it isn’t graded. It will help you.
39- Make new deadlines for projects to make sure the projects get done on time (I usually set the new due take 3-7 days before the actual due date)
40- Start long term assignments within 3 days of it being assigned
41- Do all of your assignments (I often see people say it’s okay to skip a few assignments) in my opinion it is better to turn in a rushed/half-assed assignment than to have a 0 in the grade book.
42- When writing an opinion piece, you don’t have to write about your opinion (although you will probably enjoy writing about your own opinion more.)
43- If you plan on studying at the library find the least populated area (for my school this is the second floor)
44- Try and avoid the school’s library during exam season as it tends to get busy (instead try other places on campus, the public library, or a coffee shop)
45- Page flags/tabs/sticky notes are useful. Use them.
46- I prefer to use highlighters to underline rather than highlight the normal way. (the normal way makes it harder to reread as your eye is drawn to the highlighted portion)
47- Don’t over highlight (instead highlight small sections/words and expand on it in your own words in the margins/ on sticky notes)
48- When reading write summaries on sticky notes (keep these summaries concise and to the point)
59- When reading to take notes (such as from as a textbook) skim the section before doing a deep read (where you highlight/annotate) as it is difficult to know if a sentence is important without context.
50- When doing required readings for classes take detailed notes and summaries the reading in your own words both to help you understand the reading and so you can look back at the summaries when you need a refresher (like before an exam)  
51- If you know you will be asked to write about the reading keep a list of quotes (with page numbers) and a description of why the quote is important/relevant
52- If you are reading a whole book, make sure to make summaries for each chapter and keep track of plot points (for when you are making an overall summary of the book/reading.
53- In short summarize! Summarize! Summarize!
54- ALL NIGHTERS ARE A WASTE OF TIME! Try and avoid them at all costs. Plan your time effectively and you won’t have to pull all-nighters.
55- Use a website like google drive or one drive to keep all of the assignments you are currently working on, so you don’t have to worry about carrying around a flash drive.
56- Give yourself a day off once a week where you don’t work on anything school-related (for me this is Sunday)
57- Use alarms to remind you to do things/ get you to do things (I use silent alarms on my watch to remind me when to leave so I can make it to my next class etc)
58- Study groups don’t work for me and I have found that they are a waste of my time.
59- Keep a list of all the places to study around campus for when the library is closed/busy
60- The Pomodoro method doesn’t work on me. I focus too much on how much time is left and not enough on my studies
61- Try a social media break
62- Mind maps don’t work for me. I find it much more effective to use a linear progression of thoughts
63- Don’t feel like you have to join clubs if you don’t want to.
64- Give yourself incentives (ex if I make a B+ or higher on this paper I will plan a movie night with friends, although don’t disregard pleasure if you don’t do well on a test/paper)
65- Clean your desk/study area every time you are done using it
66- Follow the two-minute rule, if it can be done in two minutes do it right then (don’t follow this while studying just write down a list of everything that needs to be done and do them once your study session is over)
67- Don’t rely on motivation. Rely on discipline. Be a parent to yourself.
68- Eat breakfast if you can (I know eating early upsets some people’s stomach) and always pack a snack in case you don’t have time for lunch    
69- Try to carry as little as possible in your bag (if you can’t avoid carrying multiple textbooks try carrying one/some textbooks in your arms to help distribute the weight)
70- Keep a water bottle, chargers for all of your electronics, all the pens/highlighters, and study materials you will needs in your study area (so you won’t be tempted to get up and walk away from your studies)  
71- Keep just one folder in your bag for all of the handouts you are given throughout the day. Organize these papers by class/topic/chapter when you get home
72- Clean out your bag often (I clean out mine every day)
73- Remember the best tips are the ones that work for you!!!!
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