#6 Month Calendar June - November 2019
rivalsforlife · 2 months
pardon me if you’re tired of discussing this but. we know aa7 is on capcom’s radar on some level. and now they’ve rereleased every game right?? they’ve finally run out of backlog material after almost yearly releases since 2019…. Not to put the clown wig and nose back on too early but do you think we’ll actually get news about, or get to see, aa7 next year?
Never tired of discussing this!! This is right around the time of year where I'd be preparing to make my yearly AA7 Speculation Post anyway so this is great timing. (TGS, my enemy, is approaching.)
So just to make sure everyone's on the same page, here's a quick recap of where we're currently at:
In November 2020 we got internal Capcom leaks which included a calendar from 2019 with the roadmap for the AA series the next couple of years. This included:
DGS1&2 collection, which I did not think was going to happen ever, releasing April-June 2021
AA7, releasing around October-December 2021, right around the 20th anniversary.
Through late 2019-mid 2022, reconsider porting 456
We got DGS1&2 (a bit later than in the plan, but by like a month), we got the 456 ports, we got bonus AAI ports, we have nothing for AA7 nearly three years after it was supposed to come out. The pandemic is an obvious feature that could contribute to its delay, but at this point with 456 ports out I think we can safely say that this was not the only cause.
Some other things that may or may not be contributing to AA7's delay include:
Yamazaki, the previous main writer for 5&6 and the AAIs, left Capcom in 2020. If he was involved in AA7 at all, that could throw a wrench into things, but I recall hearing he intended AA6 to be his last AA game (I AM STRUGGLING TO FIND THE SOURCE THOUGH SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME), so I don't think this contributed very much. It does, however, mean that we're unsure about who the next main writer is - depending on what Takumi's up to or if they had to bring someone new on, there could be complications related to that.
I think TGAA did way better than anyone expected, which I covered in this post. It's possible that this could have shifted Capcom's priorities to porting more old games / porting to all modern consoles. It may have made people at Capcom think "damn everyone loves Takumi" so they tried to lure him back to AA7, and I have no idea how well that would have gone or if Takumi is even interested in continuing mainline AA right now. (I do think this at least contributed to the Ghost Trick ports.)
In my first ever AA7 speculation post I talked about how the ending of AA6 kind of wrote them into a corner re: how to continue with the series and which protagonist to use. I still stand by that argument even if a lot of that post aged badly.
Console ports! Previously new AA games were for whichever Nintendo handheld is out now (GBA, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS). But now that the series is doing really well on all consoles, they may have decided to try to make their next mainline entry on all consoles, which would take more development time. Adding to this is that the Switch is near the end of its lifecycle with the Switch 2 (or whatever the successor will be) being announced soon - meaning that, if AA7 is coming out soon, Capcom is in the position of "do we try to squeeze this into the end of the Switch's lifecycle" (which, I'll need to find sources for this, is speculated to be some of the reasons behind why AAI2 and DGS2 sold badly when they were first released, and they can't make the same mistake thrice... right...?) or "do we try to time it with the release of the Switch 2"?
Also, a lot of this depends on how far AA7 was into development whenever it was derailed. If it was derailed from the pandemic, then according to the calendar, it would likely have still been in the prototype stage. It may be early enough that they would have had to start from scratch whenever they picked it up again. I don't work in the gaming industry so I have no idea how long it takes them to make a game or how easy it would be from what stage they're in.
One thing we can compare to is some of the comments about the recent AAI ports: in this interview, Shunsuke Nishida, the producer of the AAI collection, says that development on the collection began in 2022. He also mentions that this began once development on 456 was concluded. This leads me to believe that (contrary to my previous assumptions) 456 and AAIC were not developed concurrently (or if so, had very minimal overlap), and that the process of upscaling graphics, porting, and localization took them... about a year, maybe? So that takes time, even without taking into consideration how long it would take to come up with a new idea + write the script + the bulk of the programming that would have to be done that isn't considered with porting + probably way more than I can think of because again I do not work in the gaming industry.
There's also the question of why 456 and AAIC weren't developed concurrently. The calendar from 2020 shows that TGAA and AA7 were meant to be developed at least somewhat concurrently, and the staff from TGAA would eventually merge into working on AA7. Once again, we don't know what happened to the staff that were supposed to be working on AA7. It's possible pandemic complications meant they got shuffled onto other projects. It's possible the AA-related team is smaller now than it was in 2020, so they only have enough people to work on one project at a time. It's also possible that there's a team that was working on ports, and a team that was working on a new game, and now the "port team" is freed up to work on the "new game team".
Either way though, pretty much every interview with the staff for the 456 or AAI ports are all saying "look forward to the future of the series", which is definitely Corporate Speak, but unless they're bringing the ports of the Layton crossover (fingers crossed) that can only mean one thing. (AAI anime?) Plus, like I've discussed in this post, AA is having fantastic sales in general. They've seemingly either hired a new social media manager or changed the strategy so there is much more engagement on twitter. And AA is getting on bigger and bigger announcements - though AA trilogy ports were announced at TGS (at an AA-specific panel), TGAA duology ports were announced unceremoniously on twitter. Afterwards, 456 ports got announced at the Capcom Showcase during Summer Game Fest. And now AAI collection got announced at a Nintendo Direct, which I imagine is even more expensive, so the series must be going in a good direction for them to think that's worth it!
That's a lot of rambling for me to say I definitely think it's coming.
When are we going to see it though!!
Coming up in September is my eternal enemy Tokyo Game Show. Since AAI collection is being released at the beginning of September... it might be a bit too soon to announce a new game, but who knows. They might think it's profitable to ride the hype they're building now for AAI collection to announce a new game. Or they might let it sit for a while.
With AAIC getting announced at a Direct, I'm thinking they'll want to make AA7's announcement a) big and b) global. AA6 was announced in Famitsu, but the problem with that is that it's a mostly Japanese audience, and some interviews have been talking about how AA's global audience is particularly contributing to how big it is right now. So I'm expecting AA's next announcement to be at something major and something that will get attention from overseas audiences.
If they have been working on AA7 concurrently -- and honestly I do think there has at least been some progress on it since 2019 -- we could definitely see an announcement within the next year. I was also saying this in 2020, though, so don't take my word for it. There's been two year gaps between ports up until the AAI collection, and they seemed pretty proud about releasing 456 and AAI in the same year, so... maybe they'll want to keep it going and announce AA7 within the next year, especially if they'll have a longer announcement -> release period than they normally would for ports.
Potential candidates include:
Tokyo Game Show: As previously stated, it's very close to the AAIC release, so I don't think it's the best timing for it. I would not want my favorite AA game overshadowed by whatever the hell they're going to do with AA7. Likelihood: depends on how fast they want to follow up on the hype.
The Game Awards: is the next major gaming event, but that's already massive in terms of the type of games that get announced there, and it's expensive! Nintendo Direct is one thing since AA has always been a Nintendo-first series, but I don't think it's big enough to justify putting in a Game Awards ad. and I already have my clown wig on for persona 6 there. Likelihood: pretty low tbh
Next Year's Summer Game Fest-related Shows: I think this is the most likely, considering both the 456 collection and the AAI collection were announced around this time. For AA7 I'd say a Nintendo Direct to get lots of eyes on it, especially if AAIC sales pay off. Likelihood: pretty high!
Which leads me into my wildcard answer:
Switch 2 Announcement Stream: If Capcom decides to go in and make AA7 one of the first games for whatever the switch successor would be, it could be announced here. I regret to admit that I am a very bad gamer and only like two things, and therefore have not ever been present for one of these things to know how many games get announced as launch games for a new console, but, like, it's possible.
In the above scenario, I'm not necessarily saying that AA7 would be a Switch 2 exclusive - because I think that would be stupid after so much of the support they've gotten from the ports has been from playstation and steam - but I am definitely the kind of person who would buy a console for one video game. Shoutout to me buying a switch in part anticipating that aa7 would come out on it and that is not looking likely
Anyways, that's my speculation!! Reminder that this is mostly uninformed and that I have no knowledge of anything related to sales or marketing or video game development, and as a result of that, I have been wrong (aside from the one time I accurately predicted AAI ports as a joke) for four consecutive years.
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f1 · 1 year
F1 returning to China in 2024 as part of major schedule change
Shanghai in China last hosted a Formula 1 race during the 2019 season China is set to return to the Formula 1 calendar for the first time since the pandemic in a major revision of the schedule for 2024. The season starts with races in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia to be held on Saturdays, because of the impact of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. In the quest for greater sustainability, the Japanese race moves to 7 April from its usual autumn date. And Azerbaijan will be twinned with Singapore in September. The calendar features what would be a record 24 races - exactly the same number as were due to be held this year before the cancellation of the Chinese and Emilia-Romagna Grands Prix. Earlier this year, Australian Grand Prix organisers announced that Saudi Arabia would hold the opening race of the 2024 season. But F1 has found a way to fit both Bahrain and Jeddah in before Melbourne by making the Middle Eastern events Saturday night races. Ramadan starts on the evening of 10 March, the day after the Saudi event. China was due to return this year but had to be cancelled because of the uncertainty over the Covid situation in the country at the start of the year, when there were riots as a result of continued social restrictions. These have now been lifted. The move towards greater regionalisation - which is an attempt to reduce carbon emissions from flights as F1 strives to become net-zero carbon by 2030 - has been partly stymied by Canadian organisers resisting F1's attempts to twin the Montreal race with Miami in May. Instead, the Canadian Grand Prix retains its traditional June date, forcing teams to fly across the Atlantic twice in just over a month. F1 chairman Stefano Domenicali said: "Our journey to a more sustainable calendar will continue in the coming years as we further streamline operations as part of our Net Zero 2030 commitment." FIA president Mohammed Ben Sulayem added: "We want to make the global spectacle of Formula 1 more efficient in terms of environmental sustainability and more manageable for the travelling staff who dedicate so much of their time to our sport." Pre-season testing is due to be held in Bahrain on 21-23 February but those dates are still subject to approval from the FIA world motorsport council. Full 2024 F1 calendar 29 February - 2 March - Bahrain 7-9 March - Saudi Arabia 22-24 March - Australia 5-7 April - Japan 19-21 April - China 3-5 May - Miami 17-19 May - Emilia-Romagna 24-26 May - Monaco 7-9 June - Canada 21-23 June - Spain 28-30 June - Austria 5-7 July - United Kingdom 19-21 July - Hungary 26-28 July - Belgium 23-25 August - Netherlands 30 August - 1 September - Italy 13-15 September - Azerbaijan 20-22 September - Singapore 18-20 October - USA (Austin) 25-27 October - Mexico City 1-3 November - Brazil 21-23 November - Las Vegas 29 November - 1 December - Qatar 6-8 December - Abu Dhabi via BBC Sport - Formula 1 http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/
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technofantasia · 4 years
Rise of the TMNT Timeline
Alright, by piecing together some clues from the show and making some educated guesses, I’ve put together a tentative chronology for Rise!
(Note: not all episodes are included, just a couple that either have timeline evidence or are somehow plot notable. This is assuming the canonical episode order is also chronological order.)
[EDIT] Added some more information (namely Splinter’s birthday month).
1600s-ish: The Shredder was created and sealed away September 1960: Splinter was born 1966: Splinter’s mother left (Finale part 1 flashback) 1979: Splinter left for America (Finale part 1 flashback) 1980-1984: Splinter became an action film star, dated around 1984: Splinter started dating Big Mama 1987: Splinter’s “Hot Soup: the Game” was released 1989: Splinter proposed to Big Mama, was imprisoned in Battle Nexus November 2002: April was born April-August 2003: (Presumably) Raph was born April-August 2004: (Presumably) Leo and Donnie were born April-August 2005: (Presumably) Mikey was born October 2005: Splinter and the Turtles were mutated February 2014: The first Lair Games was held 2014-2016: Donnie made his first battleshell, goggles, and tech bracer Early 2018: Piebald was flushed August 2018: Mystic Mayhem (the series begins), Down with the Sickness September 2018: The Turtle Tank was created (The Fast and the Furriest), Bug Busters, Hypno part Deux October 2018: Bullhop,  Evil League of Mutants, Shelldon was first created (Smart Lair), Shadow of Evil November 2018: April’s 16th Birthday (Warren and Hypno), April meets Sunita (Operation: Normal) December 2018: Snow Day January 2019: S1 Finale February 2019: The sixth Lair Games was held (Lair Games), Repairin’ the Baron March 2019: Air Turtle April-May 2019: S2 Finale
(Reasoning below the cut!)
So. Assuming that the episodes occur in chronological order, we can reasonably assume that the course of the show proper takes around or slightly less than a year.
In Hypno Part Deux, April is going to a homecoming dance; homecoming dances happen usually around the beginning of the school year, in late September or early October. Since she is canonically 15 at the time (she says she’s 16 in Always Be Brownies, which happens after her birthday) and has a birthday that comes after homecoming, that would likely make her a high school junior! That’s not important, just a fun fact. Placing the beginning of the series around August makes sense, then, since it’d be before April started school and during flu season, giving Splinter a good reason for catching the rat flu in Down with the Sickness.
The other solid time marker we have is Snow Day, which obviously takes place during snow season in New York (which is usually December to March). It’d likely be closer to December, since I’d like to imagine that they would have gone out to have fun in the snow as soon as they could have, potentially even at first snow. Since Lair Games comes chronologically after Snow Day and confirms the year as being 2019, we can assume that most episodes that happen before Snow Day happened in 2018 while those after happened in 2019.
Another, slightly more tenuous time marker is Bullhop, where a calendar is shown that says the 21st of the month was on a Sunday; by our previous assumption, this is 2018, so a calendar shows this must have been during the month of October, which falls in line with the rest of our timeline here! Neat. The 2018-2019 NBA season went from October 6 to April 10, so, since Air Turtle presumably showed a late season game with potential for turnaround, early March seems like a fair bet. All of those episodes combined give a pretty good sense of time throughout the series, spanning from probably around August 2018 to Mid-2019. The finale could have happened any time after March and before June (when high school would end, meaning Sloppy Joe wouldn’t have had to be working Draxum’s kitchen). Because there were quite a few episodes that should have happened before the finale, though, I’ll split the difference and say the S2 finale happened in or around May.
Fun detail: by this timeline, April’s birthday is sometime between October and December/January, likely November (seeing as it comes after Bullhop but before Snow Day, and judging by the fall colors of the foliage in Operation Normal which comes directly after her birthday episode.)
As for the brothers, we can assume that they might have different birthdays judging by how in Lair Games, Mikey says that one of his favorite days is “my birthday”; if they all shared a birthday, he might have been more likely to say “our birthday”. They were mutated sometime close to October, but since they didn’t seem to see the date of their mutation as anything special in ELoM, we can assume they don’t celebrate it as their birthday. We know that at the beginning of the show, Mikey is 13, Leo and Donnie are 14, and Raph is 15; at no point during the show do any of them have a birthday, which leads me to assume that they are the same ages by the S2 finale. They COULD have had a birthday offscreen, but since birthdays are a pretty big thing for teenagers, I’d think that if one of them had a birthday it would be pretty noteworthy. I’ll just guess and say they didn’t have one. If that’s the case, then all of their birthdays would be some time between April-ish and August-ish. By the time the show starts, then, they would have already had their birthdays, confirming for us their (probably only guessed anyway but whatever) birth years as 2003, 2004, and 2005. Realistically, Splinter probably didn’t know how much older Raph was from any of the others or anything like that, but the years are still somewhat important for age calculation purposes. I could try to guess their birthday months by saying they might all have wanted a unique birthday month, but that would be complete conjecture on my part (as compared to the rest of this which is just mostly conjecture), and would honestly be more headcanon territory than an educated guess? So for the timeline I’ll just say that their birthdays are between April and August.
Now, reaching further backwards to figure out Splinter’s life timeline!
In Splinter’s memories in E-turtle Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, we see a clip of a teenage Splinter. Said “teenage splinter” looks to be on the older side of teenager, as he seems to have his own apartment and just looks older besides, so I’d place him at either 18 or 19 (leaning towards 19). Additionally, taking a look around his room, it looks like he might be using a Sony Walkman (first made in 1979), and has what looks to be a Star Wars poster on his wall (1977). Additionally, he has a TV in his room that looks to be a Toshiba Blackstripe model that was popular in the mid-to-late 70s. While I can’t tell if he does actually have a walkman or not, I’d probably place this scene as being 1978 or 1979 anyway, so let’s just say it’s 1979. If he was 19 in 1979, that would place Splinter’s birth year as 1960, which is nice and even so I’m keeping it. That would make Splinter 58-59 during the course of the show, which seems to track! He has a birthday in Mascot Melee (the turtles are buying him a new robe as a birthday present), which, according to my episode timeline, puts his birthday around early September.
The flashback of Splinter as a kid is a little bit tricky, since he looks to be about five or six judging by how he acts in the scene? But he’s also holding a Kamen Rider doll, and that show didn’t exist until 1971. I nonetheless place the scene in 1966, since this is a cartoon and hey, maybe the Kamen Rider equivalent came out a few years earlier in this world, who cares. The bottle flip challenge already apparently happened in 2014 here, why not move some other stuff around? This exercise has already had me comparing calendar days, I will not be deterred
In Many Unhappy Returns, the clapperboard for the film “Crouching Shrimp, Hidden Tiger Prawn” in Splinter’s flashback shows that it was 1984 when he first met Big Mama, meaning that he was not only Lou Jitsu by then (at just 24 years old!), but that he had been making movies for at least a few years. After all, he and Big Mama were supposedly inseparable after meeting, and in The Shadow of Evil, it’s shown that Splinter did date around a bit as a star. Assuming that rat dad isn’t the cheating type, that would have had to be before meeting Big Mama. In Fists of Furry, Splinter mentions that he hasn’t seen any of his dojos in thirty years; while he may not have meant literally thirty years on the dot, assuming he’s at least close, that would mean that he was first abducted around 1989 (age 29). At that point, he and Big Mama would have been dating for around 5 years, which seems like a reasonable amount of time for him to wait before proposing. He also would have had time to build up quite a bit of fame as a movie star; the game he had of him looks to be on a system similar to the Atari 2600 and in fact looks pretty similar to the real life game “Kung Fu Master” that came out on Atari in 1987, a year which would have been the prime of his career. Sure, that date works as well as any. After that point, we know he was imprisoned in the Battle Nexus until Baron Draxum kidnapped him in order to use his DNA to mutate the turtles 13 years before The Evil League of Mutants. That would have placed his kidnapping and their mutations at around October of 2005, judging by the monthly timeline of the show. So, Splinter would have been around 45 when he adopted the turtles, after having been imprisoned and forced to fight for ~16 straight years. Dang.
Finally, I figured that the whole deal with Shredder and Karai would have happened at some point in the 1600s as it was 18 generations ago, judging by the number of “greats” in Karai’s grandma title, and if you average out a generation to be about 20-25 years, that lands you in the range of the 15th century. That works especially because Ninja apparently first started becoming a thing in the 15th century, so the timing checks out well enough.
(and, just as an extra fun note for the timeline, the lair games was said to have been going on for 6 years as of early 2019, meaning it must have started in 2014. We see that, in 2014 (year 1 of the Lair Games), Donnie doesn’t have his goggles or battleshell and is instead wearing glasses. In 2016 (year 3), though, he looks about the same as he does in the present, meaning he must have created all his tech that he wears on him (battleshell, goggles, tech bracer) between 2014 and 2016.)
So, the above timeline is a guesstimated and shoved around compilation of all this totally meaningless investigation, typed in a form that makes some kind of chronological sense! I hope that someone finds it useful, or just fun to think about :D
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alwaysmarilynmonroe · 4 years
Today is a very special day, it’s Marilyn’s Birthday! Can you believe that if she were still alive,  Marilyn would have been turning 94 years old today – just two months younger than the Queen herself! With each year I always try and write a special post about this amazing woman, who has helped me so much and achieved more than anyone could have imagined in her 36 years. Therefore, I decided to write 94 facts about the Birthday Girl – some you may know, some you may not, all in the hope that genuine things will be learnt and the real Marilyn will be more understood and appreciated.
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Gladys and baby Norma Jeane spend some quality time together on the beach in 1929.
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Little Norma Jeane, aged seven, in 1933.
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Norma Jeane photographed by David Conover whilst working at the Radio Plane Munitions Factory in either the Fall of 1944 or Spring of 1945.
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Norma Jeane by Andre de Dienes in late 1945.
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Marilyn by Richard Miller in 1946.
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Marilyn on Tobey Beach by Andre de Dienes on July 23rd 1949.
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Marilyn by Ed Clark in Griffith Park in August 1950.
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Marilyn attends a Party in Ray Anthony’s home, organized by 20th Century Fox on August 3rd 1952.
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Marilyn filming The Seven Year Itch on location in New York City by Sam Shaw on September 13th 1954.
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Marilyn by Milton Greene on January 28th 1955.
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Marilyn by Cecil Beaton on February 22nd 1956. This was her favourite photo of herself.
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Marilyn attending the Premiere of The Prince In The Showgirl at the Radio City Music Hall on June 13th 1957.
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Marilyn by Carl Perutz on June 16th 1958.
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Marilyn by Philippe Halsman for LIFE Magazine in October 1959.
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Marilyn attends a Benefit for The Actors Studio at the Roseland Dance City on March 13th 1961.
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Marilyn on Santa Monica Beach for Cosmopolitan Magazine by George Barris on July 1st 1962.
1.  Stood at a height of 5’5½”
2.  Born in the charity ward of the Los Angeles County Hospital at 9:30 AM on June 1st 1926.
3.  Married three times;
– Jim Dougherty: (June 19th 1942 – September 13th 1946) – Joe Dimaggio: (January 14th 1954 – 31st October 1955) (Temporary divorce granted on October 27th 1954) – Arthur Miller: (June 29th 1956 – January 20th 1961).
4. Suffered two confirmed miscarriages; an ectopic pregnancy on August 1st 1957 and miscarriage in December 16th 1958.
5. Suffered with endometriosis very badly, so much so that she had a clause in her contract which stated she would be unable to work whilst menstruating.
6. Starred in 30 films – her last being uncompleted.
7. Favourite of her own performances was as Angela Phinlay in The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
8. Winner of three Golden Globes; two for World Film Favourite – Female in 1954 and 1962 and one for Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Comedy or Musical for her performance as Sugar Kane in Some Like It Hot (1959) in 1960.
9. Her idol was the first Platinum Blonde Bombshell, Jean Harlow.
10. Amassed a collection of over 400 books in her library, ranging from Russian Literature to Psychology.
11. Favourite perfume was Chanel No.5
12. Had two half siblings; Robert “Jackie” Baker (1918 – 1933) and Bernice Miracle (1919) – the former she would never have the chance to meet and Bernice was not informed about Marilyn until she was 19 years old.
13. Former Actor and 20th Century Fox Studio Executive, Ben Lyon created the name Marilyn Monroe in December 1946 – Marilyn after fellow Actress, Marilyn Miller and Monroe after Marilyn’s mother’s maiden name. Ironically enough, Ben starred with Jean Harlow, in her breakout movie, Hell’s Angels (1930).
14. Legally changed her name to Marilyn Monroe ten years later, on February 23rd 1956.
15. Attended The Actors Studio.
16. Third woman to start her own Film Production Company – the first being Lois Weber in 1917 and the second being Mary Pickford in 1919.
17. First had her hair bleached in January 1946 at the Frank & Joseph Salon by Beautician Sylvia Barnhart, originally intended for a Shampoo Advert.
18. Contrary to popular belief, she was technically a natural blonde, not a redhead or brunette. She was born with platinum hair and was very fair until just before her teen years. Her sister described her with having dark blonde hair upon their first meeting in 1944.
19. Another myth debunked – she had blue eyes, not brown.
20. Was one of the few women in the 1950s to use weights when exercising.
21. Wore jeans before it was considered acceptable for women.
22. Her famous mole was real – albeit skin coloured, so she emphasized it using a brown eye pencil.
23. Was a Step-Mother in two of her three marriages to three children – Joe Dimaggio Jr. and Bobby and Jane Miller.
24. Found out she landed the lead role in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) on her 26th Birthday.
25. Another huge myth dispelled – only actually met President Kennedy four times from 1961 – 1962. Three of them were at public events, with the last being her performance at Madison Square Garden. One of them was at Bing Crosby’s Palm Spring house with various people, so at most (which again, is very unlikely) they had a one night stand – nothing more and nothing less.
26. Was the first Playboy Cover Girl, although she did not actually pose for them, nor give permission for them to be used. Hugh Hefner bought the photograph from a Chicago Calendar Company for $500 and the two never met.
27. Speaking of Playboy, the photo was taken by Photographer Tom Kelley on May 27th 1951 and Marilyn made a total of $50 for the photo shoot. The most famous photo then went on to cause a national sensation after being sold to the Calendar Baumgarth Company and became known as, “Golden Dreams“.
28. In 1955 it was estimated that over four million copies of the Calendar had been sold.
29. Favourite singers were Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald. 
30. Attended the Academy Awards Ceremony only once on March 29th 1951 and presented the award for “Best Sound Recording” to Thomas Moulton for All About Eve (1951) which she also starred in.
31. Performed ten shows over four days to over 100,000 soldiers and marines in Korea in February 1954 – she actually ended up catching pneumonia because it was so cold.
32. Was one of the few Stars who had Director Approval in their Contracts. Some of the names included were, John Huston, Elia Kazan, Alfred Hitchcock, George Stevens, William Wyler, Joshua Logan and Sir Carol Reed.
33. Was pregnant during the filming of Some Like It Hot (1959) – filming finished on November 7th 1958 and she miscarried the following month on December 16th.
34. Featured on the cover of LIFE Magazine seven times during her lifetime;
– April 7th 1952 – May 25th 1953 – July 8th 1957 (International Edition) – April 20th 1959 – November 9th 1959 – August 15th 1960 – June 22nd 1962
35. Favourite bevarage was Dom Perignon 1953 Champagne.
36. By the time of her death, her films had grossed over $200 million, when adjusted for inflation that is the equivalent of $2 billion in 2019.
37. Designer, William Travilla dressed Marilyn for seven of her films, two (*) of them received Oscar Nominations in, “Best Costume/Design, Color“;
– Monkey Business (1952) – Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) – How To Marry A Millionaire (1953) * – River Of No Return (1954) – There’s No Business Like Show Business (1954) * – The Seven Year Itch (1955) – Bus Stop (1956)
38. Spent 21 months of her childhood at the Los Angeles Orphanage, from September 13th 1935 until June 7th 1937.
39. Was one of the first Stars to speak out about child abuse, with her story appearing in movie magazines as early as 1954.
40. Fostered by her grandmother’s neighbours, Ida and Albert Bolender, for the first seven years of her life.
41. Lived in England for four months, during the period of filming for The Prince and The Showgirl (1957) from July 14th 1956 – November 20th 1956.
42. Her Production Company, Marilyn Monroe Productions produced only one film, The Prince and The Showgirl (1957) based on Terrance Rattigan’s play, The Sleeping Prince.
43. Was photographed by Earl Theisen in October 1952 wearing a potato sack dress after being criticized by the press for her outfit choice at The Henrietta Awards in January 1952. A journalist wrote that Marilyn was “insignificant and vulgar“and “even in a potato bag, it would have been more elegant.“
44. Was a huge supporter of LGBT+ rights, saying the following quote about fellow actor and friend, Montgomery Clift to journalist W.J. Weatherby in 1960,
“I was remembering Monty Clift. People who aren’t fit to open the door for him sneer at his homosexuality. What do they know about it? Labels–people love putting labels on each other. Then they feel safe. People tried to make me into a lesbian. I laughed. No sex is wrong if there’s love in it.”
45. Her measurements were listed as the following by her Dressmakers; 35-22-35 and 36-24-24 by The Blue Book  Modelling Agency. For the majority of her life she weighed between 117-120 pounds, with her weight fluctuating around 15 pounds, during and after her pregnancies (1957-1960), although her waist never ventured past 28.5 inches and her dress size today would be a UK Size 6-8 and a US Size 2-4 as she was a vintage Size 12.
46. Her famous white halter dress from The Seven Year Itch (1955) sold for $4.6 million ($5.6 million including auction fees) on June 18th 2011, which was owned by Debbie Reynolds. The “Happy Birthday Mr. President Dress” originally held the record for the most expensive dress, when it was sold on October 27th 1999 for $1.26 million. It then went on to be resold for $4.8 million on November 17th 2016, thus regaining it’s original achievement.
47. Was discovered by Photographer, David Conover, whilst working in The Radio Plane Munitions Factory in the Fall of 1944 or Spring of 1945, depending on sources.
48. Now known as the, “Me Too” movement, Marilyn was one of the first Stars to speak out on the, “Hollywood Wolves” in a 1953 article for Motion Picture Magazine entitled, “Wolves I Have Known”. The most famous incident being with the Head of Columbia Studios, Harry Cohn, who requested Marilyn join him on his yacht for a weekend away in Catalina Island. Marilyn asked if his wife would be joining them, which, as you can imagine ��� did not go down well and her contract was not renewed with the Studio. Marilyn made only one film with Columbia during her six month contract, this being Ladies Of The Chorus (1948) which was shot in just ten days!
49. Loved animals dearly and adopted a variety of pets over the years. These included a basset hound called Hugo and parakeets, Clyde, Bobo and Butch with Husband Arthur Miller.  A number of cats including a persian breed called Mitsou in 1955 and Sugar Finney in 1959. Her most famous pet was gifted to her in March or April of 1961 by friend, Frank Sinatra, a little white maltese named Maf. His full name was Mafia Honey, as a humorous reference to Sinatra’s alleged connections to the Mob. After Marilyn’s death, Maf went to live with Frank Sinatra’s secretary, Gloria Lovell.
50. The book she was reading at the time of her death was Harper Lee’s, To Kill A Mocking Bird.
51. One of the movies she starred in was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture and won, this being All About Eve (1950) at The 23rd Academy Awards on March 29th 1951. It ended up being nominated for 14 Oscars, a record at the time and has only been matched by Titanic (1997) and La La Land (2016).
52. Her first magazine cover was photographed by Andre de Dienes in December 1945 for Family Circle, released on April 26th 1946.
53. Joined The William Morris Agency on December 7th 1948.
54. Was right handed, not left as often believed.
55. Third Husband Arthur Miller wrote the screenplay for Marilyn’s last completed film, The Misfits (1961) which was originally written as a short story for Esquire Magazine in 1957. After the tragic ectopic pregnancy Marilyn endured in August of 1957, friend and Photographer, Sam Shaw suggested to Miller he alter his short story specifically for her. Ironically the making of this film culminated in their divorce and Marilyn stating,
“He could have written me anything and he comes up with this. If that’s what he thinks of me then I’m not for him and he’s not for me.” 56. Was Author, Truman Capote’s original choice for the role of Holly Golightly in Breakfast At Tiffany’s (1961) however, she was advised to turn it down by her Acting Coach, Paula Strasberg, who did not think the role of a prostitute would be good for her image. Writer George Axelrod, who wrote the Screenplay for Bus Stop (1956) and the play, The Seven Year Itch, ironically ended up being the Screenwriter for this movie.
Capote said this regarding Marilyn,
“I had seen her in a film and thought she would be perfect for the part. Holly had to have something touching about her . . . unfinished. Marilyn had that.”
57. Second Husband Joe Dimaggio had The Parisian Florists deliver red roses on Marilyn’s grave twice a week, for twenty years, from August 1962 until September 1982. Marilyn had told him how William Powell used to do this for Jean Harlow after her death and he reportedly vowed to do the same after their Wedding Ceremony. After the 20 years he then donated to a children’s charity, as he thought it would be a nice way to honour her memory. They also created the flower arrangements for her casket at her funeral.
58. The following five Directors directed Marilyn in more than one movie;
– John Huston; The Asphalt Jungle (1950) and The Misfits (1961) – Richard Sale;  A Ticket To Tomahawk (1950) and Let’s Make It Legal (1951) – Howard Hawks; Monkey Business (1952) and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) – Billy Wilder; The Seven Year Itch (1955) and Some Like It Hot (1959) – George Cukor; Let’s Make Love (1960) and Something’s Got To Give (1962)
59. Was an illegitimate child, which unfortunately was attached with a lot of stigma in the 1920s. Her mother, Gladys, listed her then husband Edward Mortenson on the Birth Certificate, although it is commonly accepted that her real father was Charles Stanley Gifford, as Gladys left Edward on May 26th 1925. Gladys had an affair with him, which ended when she announced her pregnancy and he never acknowledged or met Marilyn, although she tried multiple times over the years to speak with him. 
60. Stayed in a number of foster homes during her childhood,
– George and Emma Atkinson; February 1934 – September 1934 – Enid and Sam Knebelcamp; Fall of 1934 – Harvey and Elsie Giffen; January 1935 – March 1935 – Grace and “Doc” Goddard; April 1935 – September 1935 and June 1937 – November 1937 and end of 1940 – February 1942 – Ida Martin; November 1937 – August 1938 – “Aunt Ana” Lower; August 1938  – End of 1940 and February 1942 
61. Had her hand and footprints immortalized in cement at Graumans Chinese Theatre on June 26th 1953, with Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) co-star, Jane Russell. Marilyn would place a rhinestone in the dot of the letter “i” as a reference to her character, “Lorelei Lee” but it was sadly stolen. This was an incredibly special moment for her, as she often talked about placing her hands and feet in the many prints there, when she spent her weekends at the Theatre as a child, especially in 1933 and 1934.
“When I was younger, I used to go to Grauman’s Chinese Theatre and try to fit my foot in the prints in the cement there. And I’d say “Oh, oh, my foots too big. I guess that’s out.” I did have a funny feeling later when I finally put my foot down into that wet cement, I sure knew what it really meant to me, anything’s possible, almost.”
62. The famous gold lamé dress worn in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) and designed by William Travilla, was deemed too risqué by the censors. Unfortunately for fans, this meant that the musical number, “Down Boy” was cut from the film and we only glimpse a few seconds of the dress from behind, on screen.
63. Due to the censors, the original, “Diamond’s Are A Girl’s Best Friend” costume was changed to the now iconic pink dress with black bow. Originally it was to be a diamond encrusted two piece, which was extremely daring for the then Motion Picture Hays Code.
64. Loved Erno Lazlo Skin Cream, Vaseline and Nivea Moisturizer.
65. Had she completed Something’s Got To Give (1962), Marilyn would have been the first Star in a major Motion Picture to appear nude on film. As she passed before it was completed the achievement went to fellow Blonde Bombshell, Jayne Mansfield in, Promises! Promises (1963).
66. Met Queen Elizabeth II in England at the Empire Theater in Leicester Square whilst attending the Premiere of, “The Battle Of The River Plate“ on October 29th 1956.
67. The Misfits (1961) was both Marilyn and Clark Gable’s last completed films. Clark died 12 days after filming finished, on November 16th 1960. The film was released on Clark’s would be 60th Birthday, February 1st 1961 and Marilyn passed 18 months later.
68. As Marilyn died before the completion of Something’s Got To Give (1962) it ended up being remade with Doris Day and James Garner, entitled, Move Over Darling! (1963). The film was originally intended to be a remake of, My Favourite Wife (1940) which starred Cary Grant.
69. Signed a recording contract with RCA Records on September 1st 1953. One of her songs from River of No Return (1954) entitled, “File My Claim” sold 75,000 copies in its first three weeks of release.
70. Was admitted to the Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic on February 10th 1961 by her then Psychiatrist, Marianne Kris. Originally thought to be for rest and rehabilitation, following her divorce from Arthur Miller and the strain of filming The Misfits. However, Marilyn was placed on the security ring and held against her will. Thankfully, she was able to contact ex Husband, Joe Dimaggio, who stated he would, “Take the hospital apart brick by brick” if she was not released and after three days of emotional trauma, she left.
71. Visited the following Countries;
– Canada – (July – August 1953) – Japan (February 1954) – Korea (Feburary 1954) – England (July – November 1956) – Jamaica (January 1957) – Mexico (February 1962)
72. Purchased her only home, 12305 Fifth Helena Drive on February 8th 1962, where she would tragically pass just under 6 months later.
73. The home had the following tile located on the front paving entrance saying, “cursum perficio” meaning, “my journey ends here.” The title is still there to this day.
74. Her final interview was published in LIFE Magazine on August 3rd 1962 and was written by Richard Meryman.
75. Aside from her millions of fans, had a staunch group of supporters affectionately known as, “The Monroe Six” who followed Marilyn around New York during her time there. Their nickname for Marilyn was, “Mazzie” and they became so acquainted that Marilyn actually once invited them for a picnic at her home.
76. First married at just sixteen years old, this was to avoid returning to the Orphanage she had spent almost two years in as a child.
77. Supported numerous charity events, most famously riding a pink elephant in Madison Square Garden, to support the Arthritis and Rheumatic Affections Association on March 30th 1955.
78. Left 25% of her Estate to her then Psychiatrist, Marianne Kris and 75% to mentor and friend, Lee Strasberg. For reference, her Will was last updated on January 1961 – a month before she entered the Payne Whitney Hospital on the advice of Marianne Kris.
79. At the time of it’s release, The Misfits (1961) turned out to be the most expensive black and white movie ever made, costing a budget of $4 million dollars.
80. The Premiere of The Seven Year Itch was held on her 29th Birthday, on June 1st 1955, she attended with ex Husband, Joe Dimaggio.
81. Laid to rest at Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery on August 8th 1962 at 1:00 PM, with friend and mentor Lee Strasberg delivering the Eulogy. 
82. Although so often associated with diamonds, actually wasn’t that fond of jewellery stating, “People always ask me if I believe diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Frankly, I don’t.” 
83. Spent her 36th Birthday filming Something’s Got To Give (1962) and then attending a Charity Event for muscular dystrophy at the Chavez Ravin Dodger Stadium, which also happened to be her last public appearance.
84. Whilst recovering in hospital from an appendectomy in April 1952, Marilyn asked long time Makeup Artist and friend, Allan “Whitey” Snyder to do her makeup, should she pass before him. She gave him a gold money clip with the inscription, “Whitey Dear, while I’m still warm, Marilyn” and he did fulfill this promise to her.
85. Converted to Judaism for third husband, Arthur Miller on July 1st 1956.
86. Despite appearing in 30 films, she only actually dies in one, that being her breakout movie, Niagara (1953) where her character Rose Loomis, is strangled by her Husband George, played by Joseph Cotten.
87. Moved to New York City in 1955 and attended The Actors Studio, after breaking her Film Contract with 20th Century Fox. This was for a number of reasons, mainly years of low pay, unsatisfactory scripts and lack of creative control. A new contract would finally be reinstated on December 31st.
88. Repurchased a white Baby Grand Piano that her mother, Gladys, owned during their time living together in 1933. After Marilyn passed it would then be sold at the Christies Auction of her Estate in 1999 to none other than, Mariah Carey for $632,500.
89. Wore long hair pieces in River of No Return (1954) and a medium length wig in The Misfits (1961). The first I can only assume was due to the time period and setting of a Western and the second was due to the bleach damage her hair had suffered. After the filming in 1960, she wore the wig a couple of times in public events and then reverted back to her normal hair.
90. Like all students, it was tradition to perform in front of each other in The Actors Studio and on February 17th 1955, Marilyn acted out a scene from “Anna Christie” with Maureen Stapleton. Although it was an unwritten rule that students were not meant to applaud one another, an eruption of cheers and clapping happened after Marilyn had finished.
“Everybody who saw that says that it was not only the best work Marilyn ever did, it was some of the best work ever seen at Studio, and certainly the best interpretation of Anna Christie anybody ever saw. She achieved real greatness in that scene.”
– Actor Ellen Burstyn, on recalling Marilyn’s performance.
91. Used the pseudonym, “Zelda Zonk“, when trying to remain incognito.
92. Marilyn’s mother, Gladys Baker, suffered from Paranoid Schizophrenia and after various stays in institutions, was declared insane on January 15th 1935, when Marilyn was just 8 years old. After 10 years she was released and managed to retain various cleaning jobs and had developed an intense interest in Christian Science. However, by 1951 she was back in various institutions and would stay in the Rockhaven Sanitarium until 1967. Even after death, Marilyn continued to cover her mother’s care payments and Gladys would go on to outlive her for 22 years.
93. Favourite photograph of herself was taken by Cecil Beaton on February 22nd 1956.
94. Last professional photos were taken by Bert Stern, famously known as “The Last Sitting” for Vogue Magazine on June 23rd, July 10th and 12th 1962. Allan Grant took the LIFE Magazine interview pictures in her home, on July 4th and 9th 1962. Whilst George Barris took his photos for Cosmopolitan Magazine, the previous weekend on the 29th and 30th of June, until July 1st 1962. ______________________________________________________________________________
To those of you who took the time to read through all 3000+ words, thank you! It truly means more to me than you know and I really hope it’s shed some light on the truly special person Marilyn was and made you hold a good thought for her on her big day.
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Happy 94th Birthday Marilyn! Today is a very special day, it's Marilyn's Birthday! Can you believe that if she were still alive,  Marilyn would have been turning 94 years old today - just two months younger than the Queen herself!
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joysmercer · 4 years
Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 7: A Timeline
Season 6 Finale: Wednesday, 5/8 to Wednesday, 5/15/2019
E1 (“MANHUNTER”): Thursday, 6/6/2019
E2 (“CAPTAIN KIM”): Friday, 6/7 to Monday, 6/10/2019
E3 (“PIMENTO”): Tuesday, 6/18 to Thursday, 6/20/2019 + Thursday, 6/27/2019
E4 (“THE JIMMY JAB GAMES II”): Friday, 6/21/2019
E5 (“DEBBIE”): Saturday, 6/22 to Sunday, 6/23/2019
E6 (“TRYING”): Monday, 6/24/19 to late January 2020  
E7 (“DING DONG”): Day 1 to Day 3, mid-March 2020
E8 (“THE TAKEBACK”):  Friday, 3/27 to Monday, 3/30/2020
E9 (“DILLMAN”): around 4/10/2020
E11 (“VALLOWEASTER”): Thursday, 10/31/2019 +  Friday, 2/14/2020 + Sunday, 4/12/2020 to Monday, 4/13/2020
E10 (“ADMIRAL PERALTA”): mid-May 2020 + around 6/17/2020 + Friday, 6/26 to Saturday, 6/27/2020
E12 (“RANSOM”): Day 1 to Day 3, mid-August 2020
E13 (“LIGHTS OUT”): Day 1, around 10/20/2020
explanations for the dates are under the cut!
Things to keep in mind:
The B/C-plots, for the most part, are not included in the calculation of the times here, because they rarely have the same number of days as the A-plot. 
I didn’t take weekends into consideration unless otherwise noted. There is a weekend squad, but we know that the regular detectives also sometimes work weekends (enough so that on more than one occasion, Holt has rewarded them with “weekends off”).
Time-stamps within the episode are used as guidelines, but not always as the rule, unless there is a specific number of days given.
7x01-early 7x06 all have to happen in June so that they can start The Amy Way in July. Please refer to 7x06 for the explanation for the dates on these episodes.
Season 6 Finale: 5/8-5/15/2019 
Has to start and end on a Wednesday; two or more weeks must pass until 7x02.
7x01:  6/6/2019
As per Amy's period in Trying, it has to be at the beginning of the month. 
Continuity: Since patrol cops spend “6 months on the same beat,” which Holt is still doing in December, assume that when Debbie says it’s his “first week on the job,” she means his current beat.
Continuity: her period technically is supposed to start somewhere between 6/2 and 6/7. Assume when she says it’s “late,” she means by just a few days. After all, for the July calendar to be accurate, it can’t be late by more than a week.
7x02: 6/7-6/10/2019
Day 1 – cold open // Day 2 – they meet Cpt. Kim // Day 3 – Party // Day 4 – last scene
Kim got an “email from two weeks ago” from Wunch. Cold-open is on 6/7, a Friday (because Rosa has the weekend off and, therefore, wouldn’t be there to meet Wunch on Day 2 of the episode). The timestamp on the last scene—Day 4—says that it's a Monday. 
7x03: 6/18-6/27/2019
Day 1, 6/18 - cold open
Day 2, 6/19 - visit Pimento’s doctor; Pimento spends the night at Charles’s
Day 3, 6/20 - HR seminar + Pimento in hospital
Day 10: “One Week Later” from Day 3.
Per the cold-open, Amy is ovulating during this episode. Also, Jimmy Jabs are on 6/21.
Continuity: The Masked Singer finale/premiere dates don’t make sense. But the contestant they mentioned didn’t even exist in season 1 of TMS, so it’s excusable.
Continuity: The last scene takes place during “Trying.” Roll with it.
7x04: 6/21/2019
14 days since Rosa last took a vacation—7x02—and a Friday because Amy skips a seminar that was probably wasn’t scheduled for a weekend.
Continuity: Rosa and Jocelyn had apparently been dating “a year” at this point. It was probably shorter than that.
Continuity: This episode most likely takes place before Trying: Jake mentions Amy being more, erm, adventurous now that they’re trying to conceive, and that doesn’t really fit in with the overly-scheduled sex UD-ing that was happening from July 2019 and onwards. Plus, the stress/potential injury that such a competition would bring definitely doesn’t fit in with The Amy Way.
7x05: 6/22-6/23/2019
Debbie steals the cocaine at end of 7x04; assume 7x05 is the day after. The final scene is the day after the rest of the episode.
Continuity: They mention Debbie’s journals from “this year,” and specify that they were written on “August 21.” Assume this means August 2018.
7x06: 6/24/19 - late January 2020  
On the calendars in the war room, “Menstruation” lasts about five days and starts around the 4th of every month; “Ovulation” starts around the 15th of every month and lasts about a week. Amy presumably took a pregnancy test at the very end of every month—not only were these scenes always followed by calendar flips, but she would have to take the tests at least two weeks after ovulation but before she got her period.
The calendar invites/The Jake Way happen in June—so Amy still has to be ovulating at the start of the episode—because they start The Amy Way in July. 
The Amy Way fails for the last time in December. The pregnancy test she takes before Hitchcock announces that his girlfriend is pregnant was late December (around 12/30). The next test she would take—the last scene in the episode—would be late January (around 1/30).
Assuming it isn’t a false positive (which is unlikely, considering her doctor would have double-checked this before putting her on fertility medication), the earliest she can get pregnant would be mid-February.
7x07: lasts about a week and ends mid-March 2020.
Has to be after 2/14 but before 4/12, based on Holt’s uniform changes in Valloweaster. 
It’s very likely that Amy’s just a few weeks pregnant here since she wasn’t suspicious at all until her doctor brought it up; if the hormones messed up her cycle a bit and she got pregnant mid to late-February, she was 3-4 weeks pregnant in this episode and wouldn’t have noticed until taking the test.
Continuity: I’m assuming that the “Ebola Doctor” was Craig Spencer. He contracted the virus in 2014, so “six years ago” makes sense.
7x08: 3/27-3/30/2020.
Since it’s Holt’s first day back, this episode is relatively soon after 7x07, but with a week or two in between to account for paperwork and official promotion procedures. 
Day 1: Friday (The bachelor’s party is over the weekend)
Day 2: Saturday (heist)
Judy’s friends were clearly arrested at nighttime, and that + the change of clothing indicates that Jake and the Judy’s had to have come home the next day.
Day 3: Sunday (Jake comes home)
Day 4: Monday (last scene)
Continuity: The screen on the computer that one of Judy’s men hacks into says “Last Login: March 27 2015.″ Since this episode obviously takes place in 2020, just ignore that.
7x09: ~4/10/2020
Earlier than June—Terry’s kids are still in school (Spring Semester). Also probably(?) a Friday, since Terry’s kids have a concert and it’s unlikely they’ll have one in the middle of the week.
The Friday before Easter (7x11) is April 10.
7x10: Mid-May 2020 (cold open), ~6/17/2020, 6/26/2020-6/27/2020
Cold-Open: pregnancy reveal and end of 1st trimester. 
Day 2: Jake tells his father that they’re having a sex-reveal party “Next Friday,” indicating two Fridays after this day. Therefore, this conversation happened around June 17, 2020 (The Wednesday that is approximately 18 weeks from mid-February).
Day 3: Friday, Day of the party (June 26)
Day 4: Amy finds out; day after Day 3 (June 27)
Continuity: The entirety of 7x11 takes place before this one.
7x11: 10/31/19, 2/14/20, and 4/12-4/13/2020
7x12: Day 1-Day 3, Mid-8/2020
Day 1: Cold Open
Day 2: find cheddar
Day 3: B- and C-plots end
Shakespeare in the Park is usually held in Prospect Park over the summer. Halfway between 7x10 and 7x13 is the end of August; I made it mid-August so it’s still technically “Summer.”
Continuity: Amy’s only 6 months pregnant in this episode and her baby shower is the weekend after. However, in season 5, Gina also had her baby shower at around 5/6 months, so this isn’t unusual for these characters. Plus, this is Amy we’re talking about—she probably had a registry ready to go within days of finding out about the pregnancy. 
7x13: Day 1, late-10/2020. 
The elevator expiry is listed as 12/20/2020 and it was inspected “4 months ago.” elevators in New York are inspected every 6 months, which means that the last inspection was 6/20/2020 and it is now (mid to late-)October. 
Later in the month (10/20/2020* or later) matches up with Amy getting pregnant in mid-February: her due-date would be mid-November, and it makes sense for her to start maternity leave about 3 weeks beforehand. 
Continuity: Amy going on leave so early explains why she didn’t have a maternity bag stashed somewhere in the precinct—we all know that she would have had one had she been working right up to her due date. Also, although Amy’s FOMOW would make her want to stay at the precinct right up until she gave birth, if her doctor recommended her to take rest earlier (which is likely, given how stressful/strenuous her job is…), she would have followed those orders properly.
Thank you to @feeisamarshmallow​ for talking through this with me!
* baby Mac could definitely be either a Libra or a Scorpio :)
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murphy-anon · 5 years
Markiplier Ego Birthdays
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(updated as of March 2020, v2.0)
calendar list
january 23, 2013: king of the squirrels.
february 2, 2020: e-boy mark.
february 6, 2013: the author/the host.
march 24, 2015: ed edgar.
may 5, 2017: anchor jim & weatherman jim.
may 20, 2017: bingiplier & googles (red/yellow/green) & mini-bing.
june 3, 2014: silver shepherd.
june 16, 2013: opinion minion.
june 19, 2012: darkplier.
june 26, 2015: the night guard.
july 18, 2014: captain falcon.
july 23, 2015: frank the cop.
august 20, 2018: harold b. darrensworth.
august 23, 2016: chef iplier.
october 14, 2017: reporter jim & cameraman jim.
october 27, 2013: dr. edward iplier.
october 27, 2014: survivalist mark.
october 30, 2019: capt. magnum & illinois & yancy.
october 31, 2014: googleplier (blue) & farmer bill.
november 9, 2012: wilford warfstache.
november 13, 2016: yandereplier.
november 15, 2019: mori.
december 1, 2018: eric derekson & derek derekson & randall voorhees.
december 10, 2014: bim trimmer.
december 15, 2013: santaplier.
alphabetical list - (under the cut)
anchor jim: may 5th, 2017.
author: february 6th, 2013.
bim trimmer: december 10th, 2014.
bingiplier: may 20th, 2017.
cameraman jim: october 14th, 2017.
captain falcon: july 18, 2014.
capt. magnum: october 30, 2019.
chef iplier: august 23, 2016.
darkiplier: june 19th, 2012.
derek derekson: december 1st, 2018.
dr. edward iplier: october 27th, 2013.
e-boy mark: february 2, 2020.
ed edgar: march 24th, 2015.
eric derekson: december 1st, 2018.
farmer bill: october 31st, 2014.
frank the cop: july 23, 2015.
googleplier (blue): october 31st, 2014.
googleplier (green): may 20th, 2017.
googleplier (red): may 20th, 2017.
googleplier (yellow): may 20th, 2017.
harold b. darrensworth: august 20, 2018.
host: february 6th, 2013.
illinois: october 30, 2019.
king of the squirrels: january 23rd, 2013.
mini-bing: may 20th, 2017.
mori: november 15, 2019.
night guard: june 26, 2015.
opinion minion: june 16, 2013.
randall voorhees: december 1st, 2018.
reporter jim: october 14th, 2017.
santaplier: december 15, 2013.
silver shepherd: june 3rd, 2014.
survivalist mark: october 27th, 2014.
weatherman jim: may 5th, 2017.
wilford warfstache: november 9th, 2012.
yancy: october 30, 2019.
yandereplier: november 13th, 2016.
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Just a quick little note: yes, I have listed egos that have not been properly adopted as egos by the fandom, or characters that come from other sources. If we eliminate egos that aren’t Mark’s, we lose some greats like Googleplier, Author, Host, etc. If we eliminate ones that have been skipped over or dropped by fandom, we drastically narrow the scope down to a few ‘flavor of the month’ egos and a metric assload of Darks & Wilfs. So, my criteria is simply this: if Mark has at any time portrayed a character that is NOT himself as a YouTuber, it’s a valid ego. Fight me.
Thank yous to @.elite-guard-hardygal for the immensely helpful (Mark/Cyndago/Others) masterlists and to @.markired for the original bday list.
I grabbed as many as I could remember, but I’ve probably missed a few. Let me know, give me a link to the missing ego’s first appearance and I’ll update the list accordingly.
added Chef Iplier (thanks @butterednuggets17!)
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thez1337 · 5 years
Happy Star Wars Month!
Happy Star Wars Month! Compiled here is a chronology of what the Kylux fandom has been through so far. This is by no means complete, and is specifically tailored for events in the USA, so it’s being provided as an open source document to share and distribute because each fan’s experience is different. We should all be so proud of our accomplishments, from art to fics to comics to toys and so much more!
I want to thank everybody who helped compile this list; it was truly a group effort. The link is below, though I’ve included the entire list under the cut.
Domhnall Gleeson spoils the name of Starkiller Base - July 10, 2015
Domhnall Gleeson, Gwendoline Christie and Adam Driver are interviewed for Star Wars E7 at San Diego Comic Con - July 11, 2015
Snickers comes out with wrappers that have sayings such as "hot mess" and "whiny" - September 22, 2015
The Force Awakens Trailer released - October 19, 2015
First Explicit Kylux Fic posted on AO3 titled "broken wishbones under your bed" by wolfhalls - November 27, 2015
The Force Awakens Red Carpet Premiere - December 14, 2015
Domhnall Gleeson goes on The Late Show with James Corden - December 16, 2015
The Force Awakens - December 18, 2015
General Hux TFA 2015 Collection Action figure released - 2015
Kiss a Ginger Day - January 12, 2016
Star Wars Undercover Boss - Starkiller Base – SNL, aka when we meet Matt the Radar Technician - January 17, 2016
First #Huxlive tweet - February 5, 2016
Millicent mentioned by Lucasfilms Creative Executive Pablo Hidalgo in tweets - February 6, 2016
"Friction" by Imagine Dragons becomes the national Kylux Anthem because of a video made by Studio Sagittarius - February 21, 2016
Kylux Bingo Card, 1st fan edition released - February 19, 2016
This Is Madness Tournament where Hux got 40% against Boba Fett's 60% - March 2016
The term "Blue milkshake" is entered in to the fandom vocabulary because of a fic on AO3 with that title by Ilyn - April 23, 2016
Kylux Exchange May 2016 - May 2016
General Armitage Hux Day (Domhnall's Birthday) - May 12, 2016
General Hux is entered in to Urban Dictionary as "A ginger-headed individual with daddy issues set on ruling the entire galaxy with his fan club, alongside his terrifying baby-faced boyfriend who goes by the name of Kylo Ren" - May 31, 2016
National Donut Day - June 1, 2016 
First Kylux Positivity Week - June 8, 2016
My Journey From Marine to Actor, Adam Driver's Ted Talk - June 21, 2016
"I Fucken Hate Kylux" is first uttered on Anon to several Kyluxers - June 2016
Lego Star Wars The Force Awakens game released with an Aerobics Hux clad in yellow who also eats pink ice cream - June 28 2016
The first anti-Kylux post by waluigitheanti on Tumblr - July 5, 2016
Armitage Day, the day Armitage’s first name is revealed through leaks and/or previews - July 9, 2016
Chuck Wendig's Life Debt: Aftermath trilogy comes out with Armitage’s official first name - July 11, 2016
Lucasfilms Creative Executive Pablo Hidalgo mentions that Kylo and Hux have been working together for around the past 5 years - August 6, 2016
Kylux 33 Days of Guro - August 2016
AO3 Ship Stats 2016 Overall Top 100 list where Kylux made it to #7 - August 4, 2016
Kylux Big Bang 2016 - September 2016
Pablo Hidalgo tweets that there was no reason why Hux had not seen Kylo’s face before – September 22, 2016
General Hux is given a second entry in to Urban Dictionary as "The act of cumming on your partner's face while you yell 'DEATH TO THE RESISTANCE' (while rolling the R) and pretending your cum is a giant laser beam and your partners face is a star system home to billions of lives who will soon be extinguished. Bonus points if you are choking them and they are crying for totally unrelated reasons." - September 24, 2016
Huxloween 2016 - October 1, 2016
Kylux Holiday Cards Exchange - November 22, 2016
Children Wake Up Series by Hollycomb had, and possible still does have, the most hits, kudos, and comments in the Kylux tag on AO3 - 12/31/2016
General Hux First Order Black Series 6" #13 2016 Action figure - 2016
Star Wars Kylo Ren and General Hux Cat Mice Toy - Early 2017
Kylux Bingo Card, 2nd fan edition created - January 3rd, 2017
Kiss a Ginger Day - January 12, 2017 
Kylux Eggstravaganza - May 1, 2017
"Darth Tantrum And His Evil Space Ginger" is first coined in an AO3 fic titled “The Art of Being Torn Apart” by Cynical Pudding and DailyAl - May 2, 2017
General Armitage Hux Day (Domhnall's Birthday) - May 12, 2017
Vanity Fair publishes "See the Cast of Star Wars: The Last Jedi on Four Exclusive Covers," one of which has Captain Phasma, Kylo Ren, and General Hux - May 23, 2017
National Donut Day - June 1, 2017 
AO3 Ship Stats 2017 Overall Top 100 list where Kylux made it to #37 - August 3, 2017
Adam Driver interviewed on Today - August 20, 2017
Kylux Big Bang 2017 - September 2017
Hux's pleated black robe and ice-blue sofa are mentioned in the Phasma Novel by Delilah S. Dawson - September 1, 2017
Domhnall Gleeson shows up to the premiere of Mother! with a mustache – September 6, 2017
Domhnall Gleeson gives interview to Hollywood XYZ and shows up without mustache - September 17, 2017
Huxloween 2017 - October 1, 2017
The Last Jedi Trailer released - October 9, 2017
Screen Rat Adam Driver Interview - December 6, 2017
The Last Jedi Red Carpet Premiere - December 9, 2017
Secret Santa Interview where Domhnall said he would give Ren a grenade, and Adam said he would give Hux socks every year - December 11, 2017
Adam Driver goes on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and is surprised by the red soles of the shoes they made him wear - December 14, 2017
The Last Jedi - December 15, 2017
The Last Jedi Visual Dictionary released with a picture of Kylo Ren's bedroom - December 15, 2017
Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Domhnall Gleeson "General Hux" Behind the Scenes Official Movie Interview, aka a tastefully disheveled Hux talks with reporter in a casual setting - December 17, 2017
Compliment Battle with the Cast of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Funny Moments with Daisy Ridley & Domhnall Gleeson - December 19, 2017
General Hux With Mouse Droid TLJ Collection Action figure 2016 - 2017
Kiss a Ginger Day - January 12, 2018
Delilah S. Dawson, author of the Phasma novel, came out as a Kylucc - January 26, 2018
Domhnall goes on the late show with James Corden to talk about Peter Rabbit - February 6, 2018
Domhnall Gleeson of 'The Last Jedi' Pitches General Hux Spin Off Ideas, After Hours, MTV - February 6, 2018
Peter Rabbit comes out, confirming Armitage Hux's eyes as "sea foam green with a hint of battleship grey" - February 9, 2018
Domhnall's brother tells him about Kylux - February 10, 2018
Rian Johnson mentions claims by reports that anybody who likes Hux is actually a Russian Huxbot, in Anthony Wonke’s 90-minute documentary titled “The Director and the Jedi” - March 13 2018
Garry Whitta, artist of TLJ comic jokes about virgin Hux, and later Delilah S. Dawson tweeted about him not taking his gloves off while having sex - March 20, 2018
Star Wars The Last Jedi Outtakes + Bloopers Released with one single sneak peak of Hux - March 28, 2018
Kelly Marie Tran comes out as a Kylucc - March 29, 2018
General Armitage Hux Day (Domhnall's Birthday) - May 12, 2018
Kylux Prompt Bingo - May 22, 2018
National Donut Day - June 1, 20 18
First Kylux Summer Fest - June 29, 2018
Star Wars Episode IX Cast Announced - July 27, 2018
Kylux Big Bang 2018 - September 2018
Domhnall Gleeson interview: on Star Wars and playing Dr. Faraday in his new film, the Little Stranger photographed by Jonathan Dean with lighting that made it look like one could cut their fingers on how sharp Domhnall's cheekbones appear - September 16, 2018 
First post about Kylux Niche Kinks November - September 21, 2018
Kylux Secret Santa Fic Exchange 2018 - September 23 2018
Adam Driver's second time hosting SNL - September 28, 2018
Star War: The Last Jedi Graphic Novel Adaptation - September 25, 2018
Kylux Book club - October 1, 2018
Huxloween 2018 – October 2018
Kylux Holiday Cards Exchange - November 12, 2018
Kylux Titleception 2018 - December 1, 2018
Kylux Content Creator Document created on Google Docs - December 3, 2018
RIP Tumblr - December 17, 2018
Official Announcement of one year time skip between TLJ and TROS - December 22, 2018
Kiss a Ginger Day - January 12, 2019
Kylux Fluff Fest - January 22, 19
Kylux Calendar Project - January 24, 2019
Kylux Romance Week - February 10, 19
Kylux Titleception 2019 - February 15, 2019
Kylux Tarot Card Project - February 23, 2019
General Hux Appreciation Day - March 17, 2019
Star Wars Age of Resistance # 1 Hux comic announcement – April 2, 2019
The Rise of Skywalker teaser trailer released - April 12, 2019
Star Wars Age of Resistance # 1 Hux comic First Look at cover - April 13, 2019
#JFDKYLUX on Twitter - May 1, 2019
Kyluxception Kylux Adjacents Month 2019 - May 1, 2019
General Armitage Hux Day (Domhnall's Birthday) - May 12, 2019
Star Wars Instagram states "sending many birthday wishes (and hugs) to General Hux himself, Domhnall Gleeson!" with a saddened Hux looking down - May 12, 2019
Vanity Fair posts "Star Wars: The Knights of Ren Make Their Long Awaited Return" story and KOR photo - May 22, 2019
Vanity Fair posts "Star Wars: Richard E. Grant’s Villainous Character, Revealed" story and a photo of General Hux with General Pryde, whose name and the irony of it was not lost on the fandom - May 22, 2019
National Donut Day - June 1, 2019
Kylux Omegaverse Week - June 9, 2019
Kylux Daddy Fest 2019 - June 10, 2019
Kylux Summer Fest 2019 - July 1, 2019
Star War Instagram posts photo of Domhnall Gleeson posing as General Hux on the platform of Star Killer Base from The Force Awakens with Gwendoline Christie unhelmeted in the background as Captain Phasma - July 7, 2019
AO3 Ship Stats 2019 Overall Top 100 list where Kylux made it to #28 – July 24,2019
Kylux Adjacent Calendar/Schedule Planner Project Memorial Book for 2020 - July 31, 2019
Domhnall Gleeson goes on the Late Show With James Corden and talks about singing Happy Birthday as General Hux - August 6, 2019
Automattic buys Tumblr for $3 million - August 12, 2019
Hugo Award to AO3 and all fic writers - August 19, 2019
Star Wars Age of Resistance # 1 Hux comic spoiler released - August 22, 2019
The Rise of Skywalker D23 Special Look trailer - August 26, 2019
Star Wars Age of Resistance # 1 Hux comic comes out - August 28, 2019
Kylux Big Bang 2019 - September 1, 2019
Huxloween 2019 - October 1, 2019
AQUARIUS Star Wars Episode 9 The Rise of Skywalker Playing Cards with Hux included - November 20, 2019
Hux Topps trading card from the 2019 Star Wars Masterwork set - November 20, 2019
New Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker Posters with one tiny glimpse of Hux - November 21, 2019
Kylux Holiday Card Exchange - December 2, 2019
Adam Driver, “Dark Star Rising” interview in Rolling Stone Magazine - December 2, 2019
The Rise of Skywalker red carpet premiere - 
The Rise of Skywalker - December 19, 2019
What else is missing? Feel free to add your own!
When the video was released that Kylo walked in to the millennium falcon in TFA.
Domhnall mentions that he's "terribly irish in real life" in a Peter rabbit interview where he's wearing a navy blue button up
Kylux Day - Maybe June 6, 2016?
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angelamurkrow · 4 years
We are two weeks away from the new Pokemon DLC and I just really want to believe that we’ll be getting at least one more piece of official information before Oct. 22nd. (an essay follows, and leaks are mentioned.)
First, I think it is important that Isle of Armor went two weeks before release without giving us any new “official” information. With it being the only precedent for DLC, it is currently our baseline to predict DLC news. If we’re going to predict off of that, then I guess I’ll see y’all on October 22nd.
However, it was revealed that the base games PLUS the DLC will be available for sale as cartridges two weeks later. It’s very likely that Nintendo will treat this as the yearly “Pokemon Game Release” and market it as such. But the question is, which release date will get the most hype? Oct. 22nd or Nov. 6th?
It’s entirely possible that they’ll treat this with respect to the Nov. 6th release. What was the pace of information last year before SwSh came out? In reverse chronological order and keeping in mind a Nov. 15th, 2019 release, we got new information on November 11th, November 8th (in a YouTube video that is now marked private), Nov. 6th, and a trailer with no new information on Nov. 1st. Now if we’re only projecting for the dates between Oct. 22nd and Nov. 6th this year, then the only other days of note for SwSh new info would be October 28th, 2019 and October 25th. This was the pattern that I noticed: info on the four Fridays prior to release, info the Monday before release, and info the second Monday prior. 
How does this model translate to 2020? First, think it’s important to acknowledge that Nintendo has been making most official announcements this year on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. This past announcement was on Wednesday the 30th, and the announcement prior, Tuesday June 2nd. So it makes it unlikely that we can easily assume one year’s Monday information as the following year’s Tuesday information. With all of this being said, that doesn’t mean that they won’t follow last year’s “every Friday”/”every other Monday” schedule.
Friday October 9th is a prime date to release new information. First, it would be fourth Friday before the Nov. 6th release. Second, the Pokemon anime is moving to it’s new time on Oct. 9th at 18:55 JST, or 6am EST. And third, there are a series of event Pikachus being shared through the month--we KNOW the dates that each code will be released
If we take the the first point, and assume the every Friday/every other Monday schedule, then I think we can expect information on the following days: Oct. 9th, Oct. 16, Oct. 19th, October 23rd, October 30th, and November 2nd. This is also assuming that they would continue the trend of releasing news the Monday prior the game’s release. Coincidentally, that would give us some sort of information the Monday before each release date. This also leads to my second point, the Pokemon anime was moved to Friday nights in Japan.
Let’s start off by mentioning that tomorrow’s episode centers around a Raid Battle with the Legendary Pokemon, Zapdos. With Legendary Raids being a main focus of the DLC, it isn’t that much of a leap in logic to believe further information could coincide with the episode. Frankly, it’s the least likely option and the soonest to be disproved, but with the hubbub around the time slot change (ex: event Pikachu in Pokemon Go), I’m not ruling it out. 
If we look at this how Pokemon treated USUM and the anime, then we can take a look at October 2017 and we can see that they began a new “season” of the anime on Oct. 5th with information around the “sequel” games coinciding. Serebii’s archives show that there was some information revealed on the 4th, but it appears Oct. 5th carried more substantial information (though accounting for time zones--some news in Japan was revealed early in the morning with more that followed in the evening). 
While it’s hard to point to precedent for DLC, I think it’s worth looking at release information for a November remake that has relevancy to the anime. I don’t think the two are entirely dissimilar. One thing to keep in mind: the anime would air at 18:55 JST or 5:55AM EST. If news followed the episode, then East Coasters might want to set an alarm for 6:30AM. It could also get pushed back to follow the more recent convention of releasing info at 6AM PST/9 AM EST/2PM BST/10PM JST.
Going back to this year, two of the three following episodes specifically focus on elements of plot found in SwSh--the Slumbering Weald episode is projected to air on October 23rd and Darkest Day likely airing on October 30th. But that third episode-- Operation: Dub Pikachu Half Marshtomp--doesn’t rule out a connection to the DLC. According to the datamine back in June, it is all but confirmed that the Hoehn starters will be in the game. Could we see a confirmation by Nintendo on Oct. 16th to coincide? Mark your calendars. 
Let’s now take a moment to consider the third point, the release pattern of event Pikachus. The first and second Pikachu got released with the various Pokemon news that day but two hours apart, around 9AM EST and 11AM EST. (Most of this is still homepage of Serebii) The Hoehn Cap Pikachu and third code was released during the Oct. 2nd Pokemon Anime livestream at approx. 6:15AM EST. We are expecting a code for a new Pikachu on the following dates: Friday Oct. 9th, Oct. 16th, Oct. 18th, Oct. 23rd, and Oct. 30th.
Right off the bat, Oct. 9th--considering the last code was revealed during an anime livestream at 6:15AM EST and we’re expecting a new episode of the anime at 5:55AM EST, then there’s the possibility some news may be shared with that next code for the Sinnoh Hat Pikachu. (Sinnoh remakes confirmed.)
October 16th? Another anime episode. Could just be the code, could continue their pattern of Friday announcements. Could just be a code for Unova Hat Pikachu.
But what’s up with October 18th? What’s planned for that Sunday? Pokemon has found a vehicle for each of the prior codes. With a precedent of the Hoehn Cap Pikachu, I assume that will stay true for the 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th. But no episode is set to air that day. The only other precedent would be using news about the DLC as the vehicle for the code. Then if you consider the episode prior involves a Marshtomp and a Marshtomp can evolve into Swampert. Meanwhile the code given on that day will get you a Kalos Cap Pikachu. AND KALOS is the region that introduce MEGA EVOLUTIONS AND SWAMPERT GETS A MEGA AND
“But Angela Murkrow,” you may say, “that’s a Sunday and outside the typical every friday/every other monday schedule. Or even the only tues, weds, thurs pattern.” Yes, that’s valid and it’s a good thing I’m only hypothesizing anyway. I am not a prophet, just a detective for a case that’ll be solved regardless of my input. Who knows what’s a hint and what’s a red herring, but I still think the Friday/Monday pattern can still be honored, with a code released on Sunday Oct. 18th--the code is released late afternoon Oct. 18th in EST, but the morning of Monday Oct. 19th in Japan.
But how do we get Friday involved if the DLC is coming out Thursday Oct. 22nd? Well, according to this Eurogamer article Oct. 22nd is the release for North American (and I assume Central and South too?). Everywhere else will get access to it on Friday Oct. 23rd. It’s very likely that we’ll get that Monday/preview to Friday/game release after all, but I also think that means that people in EST shouldn’t expect to play until some time between 7pm and midnight.
(I don’t feel like rambling on much longer, but I anticipate news regarding Gmax Melmetal and Pokemon Go/Home connectivity by Nov. 2nd.)
Finally, I just want to end on one note. Actually game journalists will likely get to play some form of a preview before the 22nd, so at least we can look forward to some legit secondhand information by Oct. 20th.
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barberwitch · 6 years
Witch Tip Wednesday 2.6.19
The Calendar of 2019
So my bitchin witches, you’re starting to wake up from the haze of the never ending january and are looking to the rest of the year struggling to stay on track? Well, do I have a post for you! Also...sorry I didn’t do this in January, that was the plan, but then...life!
Includes: Moon Phases, Mercury retrograde (no Venus or Mars retrogrades this year), and more. Also, full moons and new moons that land on Friday’s are debuted due to specific rituals that require that.
Please note, that the dates and times are based in North America PST, so some math and actual date tracking may still be needed for those who aren’t based here in the US. Holidays from the Wheel of the Year are added, though not listed for the Solstices and Equinoxes.
🌑New Moon: 4th @ 104:pm
🌓First Quarter: 12th @ 2:26 PM
🌕Full Moon: 19th @ 7:53AM (Super Moon)
🌗Last Quarter: 26th @ 3:29AM
🔄♓️Mercury Retrograde 5th - 28th (Pisces)
🌑New Moon: 6th @ 8:05AM
🌓First Quarter: 14th @ 3:27AM
🌕Full Moon: 20th @ 6:42PM 
🌷Spring Equinox: 20th
🌗Last Quarter: 27th @ 9:09PM
🌑New Moon: 5th @ 1:50 AM (Friday)
🌓First Quarter: 12th @ 12:05PM
🌕Full Moon: 19th @ 4:12AM (Friday)
🌗Last Quarter: 26th @ 3:18PM
🔥Beltane: 1st
🌑New Moon: 4th @ 3:45PM
🌓First Quarter: 11th @ 6:12PM
🌕Full Moon: 18th @ 2:11PM (Blue Moon - 3rd Full Moon in single season)
🌗Last Quarter: 26th @ 9:33AM
🌑New Moon: 3rd @ 3:01AM
🌓First Quarter: 9th @ 10:59PM
🌕Full Moon: 17th @ 1:30AM
🌞Summer Solstice: 21st
🌗Last Quarter: 25th @ 2:46AM
🔄♋️♌️Mercury Retrograde: 7th to 31st (Cancer into Leo)
🌑New Moon: 2nd @ 12:16PM
🌓First Quarter: 9th @ 10:59PM
🌕Full Moon: 16th @ 2:38PM
🌗Last Quarter: 24th @ 6:18PM
🌚New Moon: 31st @ 8:11PM (Black Moon - 2nd New Moon in 1 month)
🌾Lammas/Lughnas: 1st
🌓First Quarter: 7th @ 10:30AM
🌕Full Moon: 15th @ 5:29AM
🌗Last Quarter: 23rd @ 7:56AM
🌑New Moon: 30th@ 3:37AM (Super New Moon - Friday)
🌓First Quarter: 5th @ 8:10PM
🌕Full Moon: 13th @ 9:32PM (Micro Full Moon - Friday)
🌗Last Quarter: 21st @ 7:40PM
🍁Autumnal Equinox: 23rd
🌑New Moon: 28th @ 11:26AM (Super New Moon)
🌓First Quarter: 5th @ 9:47 AM
🌕Full Moon: 13th @ 2:07PM
🌗Last Quarter: 21st @ 5:39AM
🌑New Moon: 27th @ 8:38PM
🎃Halloween/Samhain: 31st
🔄♍️Mercury Retrograde: 31st to Nov. 20th (Scorpio)
🔄♍️Mercury Retrograde: Cntd.- Nov 20th (Scorpio)
💀Dia De Muertos: Nov 1st ( - 2nd)
👻All Souls Day: Nov 2nd
🌓First Quarter: 4th @ 2:23AM
🌕Full Moon: 12th @ 5:34AM
🌗Last Quarter: 19th @ 1:10pm
🌑New Moon: 26th @ 7:05AM
🌓First Quarter: 3rd @ 10:58 PM
🔔Krampusnacht: 5th
🌕Full Moon: 11th @ 9:12PM
🎊Saturnalia: 17th
🌗Last Quarter: 18th @ 8:57PM
🌜Winter Solstice: 21st
🕎Hanukkah: 22nd @ 4:47pm
🌑New Moon: 25th @ 9:13PM (🎄Christmas)
January 2020
🌓First Quarter: 2nd @ 8:45PM
👑Dia De Magos: 6th
🌕Full Moon: 10th @ 11:21AM (Friday)
🌗Last Quarter: 17th @ 4:58AM
🌑New Moon: 24th @ 1:42PM (Friday)
🦋Cheers, Barberwitch
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eirenical · 5 years
Les Mis Fandom Calendar Update -- September 2019
The Calendar
HI, EVERYONE.  Been a while.  Sorry about that.  I kind of fell of the face of tumblr for a bit there.  :P  Anyway, it’s a new month and there are some exciting things coming up, so I’m here with an update.  Enjoy!  ^_^
September 2019: 13-20: Les Mis Halloween Exchange -- Signups ( AO3 Collection; mod: @eponinearchive ) – tag: #Les Mis Halloween Exchange 2019 21-22: Les Mis Halloween Exchange -- Assignments sent out ( AO3 Collection; mod: eponinearchive ) – tag: #Les Mis Halloween Exchange 2019
October 2019: 13-20: Feuilly Appreciation Week ( @feuillyweek; mod: @eirenical) – tag: #feuilly week 20-26: Logic and Philosophy (Enjolras/Combeferre) Week ( @logic-and-philosophy; mod: @oilan) – tag: #logic and philosophy week October 29-November 5: Les Mis Halloween Exchange -- Works revealed ( AO3 Collection; mod: eponinearchive ) – tag: #Les Mis Halloween Exchange 2019
November 2019: October 29-November 5: Les Mis Halloween Exchange -- Works revealed ( AO3 Collection; mod: eponinearchive ) – tag: #Les Mis Halloween Exchange 2019
June 2020: 5-6: Barricade Days
As always, if I’ve missed anything (and at this point, I’m sure I have), please let me know!  I track the tags #les mis weeks and #les mis fandom calendar.  You can also always message me or send an ask or even reblog/reply to this post.
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nyfacurrent · 5 years
Apply Now | Emerging Leaders Program 2020
Tumblr media
Arts administrators from all disciplines within commuting distance to New York City are encouraged to apply by February 3, 2020.
Through the support of American Express, New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is pleased to announce the sixth session of its Emerging Leaders Program, a free initiative that provides leadership training for arts administrators over nine months. NYFA believes an investment in the cultural infrastructure will benefit the entire field, building stronger links and shared knowledge between artists and arts administrators.
More than 125 arts administrators have participated in the program since its inception. They come from a diverse range of arts and cultural organizations, and serve a wide variety of disciplines and constituents. Visit the following links to view our alumni from the inaugural cohort and 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2019 programs; all affiliations listed are from the time that they took part in the program.
NYFA is seeking applicants who are committed to the arts with clear long-term leadership goals that are willing to engage in self-reflection and step outside of their comfort zone to learn new skills. We integrate creativity into the program with a flexible and adaptive approach that adjusts to the needs of the cohort throughout.
Our core objective is to help arts administrators discover, identify, and develop their personal motivation and individual competencies as leaders while exploring the attributes and themes of arts leadership through an examination of traditional and contemporary leadership models. Arts administrators of diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. 
Selected participants will benefit from:
An exploration of your individual leadership attributes through concepts such as world view, emotional intelligence, vision, mission, and values.
Individual and group activities that focus on discovering and better understanding your individual strengths and challenges in a leadership context.
Exploration of leadership in multiple settings with the goal of identifying the elements of success that are unique to arts leadership. 
Development of an individual learning plan for each participant that addresses at least one critical leadership challenge you currently face.
A cohort-learning model that relies on shared experiences to explore and develop a greater awareness of your personal leadership style.
Access to alumni network and dedicated alumni advisors for individual guidance and support.
A peer cohort of 24 arts administrators.
Case studies, guest speakers, panel discussions, and group exercises that focus on purpose-centered leadership, including diversity, equity, and inclusion; negotiation skills; and decision-making frameworks.
Group and individual exercises that challenge and track individual progress and understanding of your actual and/or desired leadership attributes and roles.
Technical workshops and panels related to management, strategic planning, fundraising, and board development.
Exposure to key influencers within the arts and cultural communities.
The 2020 program will be facilitated by nonprofit trainer and consultant Gilles Mesrobian. Mesrobian is on the faculty of Bard College’s MBA in Sustainability, where he teaches Personal Leadership Development. His credentials include over 30 years of senior management experience in the non-profit arena, with over 20 years as an Executive Director. His consulting experience covers a broad range of organizational work in the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, including governance training, organizational assessment, leadership development, executive leadership transition, executive search, strategic planning, retreats, and trainings.
The program structure includes a five-day intensive with a rigorous blend of presentations, formal lectures, and break-out groups. Additionally, it includes half-day check-ins, an alumni mixer, final sessions, and a follow-up reunion event.
Application Deadline: 
Monday, February 3, 2020, 11:59 PM (EST) 
Mid and senior level administrators in full-time employment by nonprofit arts and cultural organizations with budgets over $250,000.
Executive Directors from non-profit arts and cultural organizations with budgets under $250,000.
Commitment to mandatory attendance to all sessions.
Open to participants from the five boroughs of New York City and Metropolitan area within commuting distance of New York City. 
Program Schedule:
All sessions are mandatory and will take place at New York Foundation for the Arts at 20 Jay Street, Suite 740, Brooklyn, NY 11201, unless otherwise noted. Please check your calendar before applying.
Thursday, March 12, 2020 Intro Meeting: 10:00 AM -12:30 PM
Monday, March 23 - Friday, March 27, 2020 Five day intensive: Monday and Friday, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Tuesday - Thursday, 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Wednesday, May 13, 2020 Check-in: 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Wednesday, June 17, 2020 Check-in: 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Wednesday, July 15, 2020 Alumni mixer: 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Wednesday, Sep 16, 2020 Check-in: 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Tuesday, November 10 and Wednesday, November 11, 2020 Final sessions: 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday, February 10, 2021 Reunion: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Application Guidelines:
For the application, we ask you to provide:
Organization information.
Why you are interested in applying to this program and a list of goals relative to your leadership career path within the next 2-5 years.
Your current role and responsibilities.
A particular challenge in your current organization that participating in this program could help you address.
A narrative bio of your professional career.
Contact details of your supervisor and confirmed permission to participate.
How to Apply:
Applicants can apply via Submittable. First-time users will need to register with Submittable to access the application portal.
Applications are reviewed by alumni of the program and outside executive professionals.
Applicants will be notified on or before February 19, 2020.
Contact the NYFA Learning team at [email protected] with “Emerging Leaders Program” in the subject line. We understand that arts organizations can be structured in a variety of ways, so please contact us for eligibility clarifications.
The Emerging Leadership program is a growing network of peers and colleagues that encourages me to grow. Connecting to folks in dance, museums, and theatre creates more solidarity with issues that we share - both positive and negative. We are able to advise each other and engage with an elder generation of leaders. Thank you! - Eva Mayhabal Davis, Independent Curator, Eva Mayha Projects
This program provided a strong leadership development framework that prompted much self-reflection and a resulting increase in confidence to initiate and build change. Learnings from workshops validated my previous experiences and incited a call to action in my life. 'Operational Excellence' is a theme that really stood out to me and is what I aim to implement in all of the spaces in which I perform. - Sade Falebita, Associate Director of Youth Programs, Downtown Community Television Center
NYFA’s Emerging Leaders Program is made possible with the generous support of American Express.
Image: Alumni Mixer, Emerging Leaders Boot Camp, July 2019, Photo Credit: NYFA Learning
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6 Month Calendar June November 2019
6 Month Calendar June November 2019
6 Month Calendar June November 2019
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6 Month Calendar June November 2019
6 Month Calendar June November 2019
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6 Month Calendar June November 2019
6 Month Calendar June November 2019
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6 Month Calendar June November 2019
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dansnaturepictures · 5 years
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My 10 Wildlife/Photography 2019 highlight blogs: Opening blog about another brilliant year of birds for me
People who have known me for a while may recall that in 2016, 2017 and 2018 I had sensational birding years by my standards and with what I achieved with the bank of species seen, fast starts to year lists and year list totals with each of these years overtaking everything else and being my highest ever year list they got better and better and 2018 seemed an impossible act to follow. Here I examine how well I did follow it, and tomorrow the post at around the same time is solely about experiences with some of my 28 favourite birds that I saw this year.
My 2019 followed 2018 perfectly, I have seen 195 species currently making it my second highest year list ever. Many of the species I have seen have been phenomenal again. The start definitely was what I will call fast again in that I saw a lot of birds in January, it was my second highest amount seen on New Year’s Day after 2016 where two woodpeckers Great Spotted and Green, two thrushes Redwing and Fieldfare and Siskin starred across a few locations. In the early days it was behind where 2017 and 2016 had been on those dates with how many birds I had seen, then all of a sudden when I had a week off it was the highest a year list of mine had ever been on on given dates. In mid-January when a year before my Scotland trip had happened in 2018 and all those year ticks 2018 was the highest on the given dates, but 2019 stayed closely behind it as the second highest my year list had been on on these dates which I was thrilled with. This continued in February and in March it even overtook where 2018 had been on certain dates. The same happened in April as I reached the milestone 150 birds a day earlier than I had in 2018, and it was neck in neck between the two going into May. In June and into July it even overtook what I had seen on 2018 on the dates, it fell behind again over the summer but pulled back level and began to overtake what my 2018 had been on on certain dates again in September and these two year lists were way ahead of every other year for me on those dates going into October too. Of course last year in this post I remarked how I was on amounts of birds seen in 2018 that I only reached two months later in 2017 and other years. So I just thought it was going to be more normal this year and I would notice how far 2018 was ahead. I have appreciated my high numbers of birds seen last year but also been right there with it on the dates this year which I am thrilled with. In November and into December now it has stayed neck in neck again but actually for a good while now I have been in a position where I have seen seen more birds on these days than I had a year ago. No matter what, to even stay as close to the exceptional year that was 2018 for me as it did with more modest places visited really and species ranges available was something I was so proud of.
The week off in January I had from work spent birdwatching was crucial to my start and whole year. It took me on my first of four trips away of the year so I was lucky with that, two nights in Gloucestershire so I could visit WWT Slimbridge on my birthday. On that magical day reserve specialities Bewick’s Swan (shown there in the 1st picture in this photoset), Common Crane, White-fronted and Barnacle Geese were star birds seen, alongside Peregrine Falcon, Water Rail (shown in the 2nd picture in this photoset that I took that day), Golden Plover and Ruff. When back from that week off I remember saying one morning at work I could tell you the highlight birds from that week but I would be here until lunch time. But so many amazing birds seen in home areas and on the way to our trip away that week included; Waxwing (as shown that day in the 3rd picture in this photoset at Totton the first major quality bird I saw this year and one of the biggest highlights in 2019), Jack Snipe, Red Kite, Bearded Tit, Marsh Harrier, Ring-necked Duck, Cattle Egret, Purple Sandpiper, Greenshank, Common Gull, Shag, Black-necked Grebe, Gannet, Guillemot, Fulmar, Great White Egret, Yellow-browed Warbler, Yellow-legged Gull and Goldeneye.
The theme of seeing top birds continued throughout the year, some of my other greatest birds I saw in 2019 included; Spotted Redshank, Eider Duck, Goosander, Barn Owl, Sanderling, Crossbill, Hawfinch, Bar-tailed Godwit, Scaup, Mediterranean Gull, Corn Bunting (shown in the 4th picture in this photoset at Martin Down in May), Red-legged Partridge, Lesser Yellowlegs, Bittern (shown at Blashford Lakes in the 5th picture I took in this photoset), Lesser Redpoll, Brambling, Hooded Crow, Little Owl, Spoonbill, Little Ringed Plover, Redstart, Glossy Ibis, Razorbill, Yellowhammer, Little Tern (shown at Lymington in the 6th  picture I took in this photoset), Common Sandpiper, Sand Martin, Dartford Warbler, Cuckoo, Sandwich Tern, Hobby, Sedge Warbler, Red-necked Phalarope, Lesser Whitethroat, Woodlark, Kittiwake, Puffin, Roseate Tern, Dipper, Spotted Flycatcher, Wood Sandpiper, Osprey, Black Tern, Whimbrel, Whinchat, Chough, Manx Shearwater, Common Scoter, Yellow Wagtail, Long-billed Dowitcher, Ring-necked Parakeet , Ring Ouzel, Garganey, Black Redstart, Long-tailed Duck, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Snow Bunting and three Short-eared Owls flying gloriously around us one of my standout moments this year on one of my standout birding days of 2019 with so much else seen at Portland Bill and isle that day. Twelve of the birds I saw this year I saw for only the second time in my life or it was only the second individual I’d seen of the species which really stood out as a unique point in my birding this year.
A big bird at Blashford Lakes in late April was the Bonaparte’s Gull and I was lucky enough to get a very distant view of it but watch it for quite a while. This was a fantastic species to see and made me so happy. It ended a longer wait compared to recent years as it was my first new bird of 2019. This took my life list to a bit of a milestone as it was bird 260 in my life.
My next life tick came in Northumberland in June with the Arctic Terns I saw on Coquet and Farne Islands, which l talk about more in my sixth of these posts about that holiday. During this week away we also dropped in on Druridge Pools and saw the very rare duck the Baikal Teal that was there my first ever, another beauty.
In July I saw a bird I hadn’t seen flying about in the wild before when I saw one of the White Storks on a day at Knepp. I got a beautiful view of this species and saw where they had attempted to nest so it felt very rewarding to see at this rewilding project at exciting times for these birds going forward now. Our timing was perfect in September when we had our holiday to Cornwall the first week and two of the first few Brown Boobies in the UK ever seen had turned up! On the second day of the holiday we went to Kynance Cove where one had been reported and saw it sitting on a rock. An honour to see this it was a mega and a Champions League standard bird for sure I was over the moon to see it. I talk about this more in my penultimate post of this thread on Christmas Eve about the Cornwall holiday.
The only way to follow the Brown Booby would be with another mega and that we did later in the month by seeing the Eastern Olivaceous Warbler that dropped into Farlington Marshes. It was a really beautiful bird to see and one that was so distinctive. I was lucky to get some really good views of it that day as it flew in and out of thick vegetation. This top bird sighting came at such a good point in my year that weekend too with so much else happening to make it one of my most memorable two days.
My next new bird came on 21st October as we finally managed to catch up with a Wryneck after so many times trying to see one. This was at Hill Head where we had a really good search for apparently two that had showed up. We and some other birdwatchers got some joy when we looked around the chalet area and were thrilled to spot one in someone’s garden. We enjoyed a glorious good few minutes with this beautiful and sensational species watching it fly west, giving some fantastic views in trees and on the ground. I took the 7th picture in this photoset of it. It was such a feel good twitch and really one of my main standout moments in my 2019 birdwatching a year that has been amazing for me. This was the fourth woodpecker species I’ve ever seen, my 266th bird in my life and a very important milestone 190th bird of 2019 for me which took it level with my 2017 as my joint second highest ever year list that day. I did go onto see more than 190 bird species this year of course.
Other bird pictures I took in 2019 I have included in this photoset are; Moorhen and chick along the river Itchen in June one of my favourite spring pictures this year, Pied Wagtail during winter’s Big Garden Birdwatch for the RSPB a standout moment I had a really good year for seeing a variety of garden birds generally and other wildlife around the garden and house like a Hedgehog, butterflies and moths and Avocet at Brownsea Island, Dorset in October. Going back to the garden birdwatch and I very much enjoyed doing a similar event yesterday Birdaware Solent’s Great Solent Birdwatch doing it at Weston Shore as I said in my post last night. These were just two of a whole host of citizen science surveys for various organisations I was proud to take part in this year for all wildlife. On another avian photography note in November I found out some of my bird photos from this year (Lesser Redpoll at Blashford Lakes, another Waxwing, Totton one and Blackbird out the back) I’d entered into the Blissful Birder calendar competition earlier in the year had made their ‘Birds of England’ calendar 2020. I was very proud of this. It was a real honour to see some of my pictures alongside some superb work which displays how proud we should be of English birds. It was fitting this happening as one of my earliest birdwatching memories was buying an RSPB calendar which led me to join their Wildlife Explorers with a link to it on the back a big early staging post in my interest after I had got the famous (for me) sticker book of birds which started my interest. So 10 years into me being into photography started by birds to get my own pictures on a commercial calendar felt amazing.
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