#50th birthday vacation ideas
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The Sea Monkey’s Incent (1982) Sea Monkey’s was a popular family sitcome that started in the late 1970′s to the early 80s’ following the mis-adventures of a family of humans who while a family vacation by a lake accidently adopting a slime-folk along the way making them an integral part of the family. The slime affectionally named “Gloopy” gets into mis-adventures with the families youngest kid Fern (Played by Cody Higgs) becoming some of the most popular sitcom duo for a while. Sea Monkey’s ran on Channel 5 from (1978-1982) when the show abruptly ended after an intendent that harmed three people and cased the accidently disfigurement of Drew Bailey.  The incent was a mishandling and bad direction on the part of the head writer of the show Rodolfo Owens wanting to add more bodily humor towards the show to market more towards children. While working on the 50th episode of the show “Ferns Special Day” He suggested a gag in which Fern’s Father (Played by Drew Baily) pulls out Fern’s birthday present from Gloopy’s body due to the slime accidently mistaking it for food. At the time not much was known about the internal structure of slimes so, Rodolfo though that it would just be a harmless gross joke. However, while everyone else in the room was in agreement Gloopy’s personal assistant Anita Austin cautioned that this might not be a good idea. Austin was in charge of “handling” the slime even though in an Galaxies Magazine interview Austin would claim that “Gloopy was smarter than what Owen’s thought of him. He was his own persons it’s just hard for him to understand human speech sometimes.” Owen’s ignored the warning from Austin went on with the skit anyways.  On August 11, 1982 “Fern’s Special Day” l was being filmed in front of a live audience of 60 people which was more than what the studio could handle thus, some people were sat down either on metal chairs and the floor. It was a very special event so, the cast and crew were rushed by the director Cesar Nelson to make everything perfect for this televised event. From the same Galaxies interview Austin explained the behavior of Nelson being hostile towards Gloopy due to the slime having a particularly hard time with saying lines but, also the constant test to see if it was safe to actually touch inside of his body. “I tried telling them that they should touch the inside of his body.” Austin said. “But, Rod and Ceasers were more focused on the spectacle than Gloop’s comfort.”  When the show started everything was going well, though as the episode progressed Gloopy became more and more nervous. When it was time for the gag to be acted out Gloopy was hesitant abnormal for his TV character, however, Drew Baily was still acting and though that it was part of the joke. Drew drove his arm into the slime close to his elbow to grab the gift inside of Gloop however, when he tried to pull his arm out.. it didn’t come back out. His arm was stuck within the slime and his hand started to slightly burn around him. Drew saw that the gift inside of Gloop (a small toy dinosaur that was in a gift box) was being dissolved inside of the slime. In the ensuing panic of both the slime and Drew he tried to use his other hand to pull it out however is right hand was also stuck. Gloopy began to panic and accidentally made the dissolving process worse in a distress state. The audience realized that it wasn’t a bit and caused a panic stressing the slime out even more. This caused people to be trampled in the ensuing chaos making three people injured.
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apollogrip · 3 years
How To Set Up Your Shop That Deals with Party Supplies in Auckland, NZ
Before finding distributors that provide you with party supplies Auckland,   make a list of the items you want to sell. To make it successful, it requires you to identify the category. While some get recognition for supplying unique party supplies or wedding products, others trade on products fitting superhero party themes.
Having a Niche helps you find customers easily. If your product range is too extensive, it becomes hard to understand who your buyers are. It is essential to realize your customer requirement and how to present your product before them.
Once you choose a Niche, look for parties that you want to serve. Different parties require different party supplies Auckland. Here is a list of parties that you may consider when choosing your genre.
Birthday party
Children's party
50th birthday
21st birthday
Sweet 16
Bachelorette/ bachelor parties
Baby shower
Wedding parties
vacation parties
Christmas bashes
Halloween parties
Thanksgiving Celebrations
New Year wishes
Easter Party
Valentine party
Consider the seasonality of your Niche. It's essential when it comes to holiday-specific events.
Holidays have more searches in Seasons and occasions. For the rest of the year, the demand drops away. It is not the same for birthday bashes, as it has an interest all around the year. The evergreen nature of the birthday occasion brings in profits for businesses.
It does not imply that you can’t specialize in holiday-specific party supplies. But if you do, target different holidays on different days of the calendar.
Perhaps you have an alternative feature that you can focus on during off-season times.
It is essential to think about the type of party tableware wholesale that you want to pile up. Thou have loads of selections to hit. The following are the types of party supplies that you can consider.
Party favors
Customized items
cups and plates
Games or props
Pinata or Children's games
There are several ways to build up a Niche
An effective strategy to deal with party supplies Auckland Is to sell a range of items that customers can buy at a time. It includes a bundle of items needed for a party. The perk of buying a party bundle is that customers do not have to search for single items.
How can you figure out which items will sell more?
When you have a clear idea of the party supply niche, do market research on what people buy. You can always check customer reviews of shopping sites like Amazon.One of the positives is that the shopping site has customer reviews at the end of the page. It gives a lot of hints on what customers are looking for.
Go to Amazon and search for things that you want to sell. For instance, if you want to sell Bachelorette party supplies Auckland, try out the keyword as follows.
Bachelorette party games
Bachelorette party
Bachelorette party decoration
Look at what people are saying about the products. Is there anything that made them disappointed, or they left wanting? If the complaints have something in common, Find and provide them with solutions that alleviate the issues.
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starker-stories · 4 years
🎉Happy Birthday To Me🎂
Reposting this for Tony’s 50th birthday
May 29, 1970
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Tony wasn’t one to pout. He would deny it to his dying day. Well, his re-dying day. Honestly, it was ridiculous. He’d spent most of his life with one day never mattering more than another. Especially this one. He was usually busy trying to find an excuse not to come home from school after term ended. Or busy with an internship. Or busy working. Or just generally busy. Which he should be today.
But life had slowed down a little. A little more once he and Peter moved in together. With his lover waiting in bed for him every night, he rarely stayed up past midnight in the workshop. Peter insisted that he eat at least one meal a day. Which he did. Breakfast. With Peter. Which he did today. Exactly as usual. Like every single other day of the year.
Well, not every one. Major holidays were observed now since Peter enjoyed observing them. And Peter’s birthday was certainly never missed. How could Tony forget the day they finally got together? After he’d valiantly waited three years, until the boy turned twenty, to ask him on a date. The birthday dinner ended with Tony asking him to move in with him. When they hadn’t even dated. When they hadn’t even kissed. When they hadn’t even done anything yet. Rushing ahead of the typical schedule, earned him a laughing, but emphatic ‘yes’. Tony had never been one to do anything typical.
After they got home from dinner, Tony gave Peter his first birthday present. Before they lived together, Peter’s birthday fell in the category of everyone else’s — usually forgotten and then made up with a ‘get yourself something nice’. Tony’d put the kid on his personal account. Ostensibly the account access was for the kid’s lab budget and school expenses. But it was unlimited, the same as Pepper’s was, even after their ‘til death do you part’ divorce.
His twentieth birthday present was something ridiculously expensive. Peter objected of course, but stopped when he noticed that Tony had actually been hurt at his rejection. It wasn’t that he was trying to buy Peter’s affection, it was that picking out the perfect present had taken a lot of work. And in this case, writing the perfect inscription (when Tony’s mind didn’t exactly work in that direction!) Of course it was expensive. Tony found exactly what he wanted to get for Peter (and wrote words; actual romantic words!) It wasn’t like he’d ever looked at a price tag in his life. Or that he wasn’t a billionaire. A million five was nothing to him. And it was pretty. He knew Peter would love the beauty and appreciate the craftsmanship of the delicate wheels and cogs turning underneath the glass. He simply hoped the back of the watch would prove equally as beautiful of a reminder of both his birthday and the change in their relationship. The tears Peter cried proved that.
That was the end of the price tag argument. Which meant that every year Tony spent months before August tenth planning. (To be honest, he started thinking about it on August eleventh). Twenty-one was a bit more modest. Peter had been asking to learn his way around the garage. Tony found the perfect thing to teach him on. He bought an absolute wreck of a ’70 Dodge Coronet convertible. It had its original Hemi engine — though in about as good a condition as the body. It was a four-seater, so Peter could take his friends with him. But the best part was they’d work on it together for the rest of the year. He gave him the keys at a special breakfast. Tony knew Peter would spend the evening with his friends taking him out for his first legal drinking binge. That was fine with him. As long as they spent the morning together. That set the pattern for the years after.
Twenty-two, the year he got his BS, they left the following day for the start of his present. Peter was spectacularly hungover from the party Ned threw for him (drunk Peter was hilarious as it was found out the previous year, and his best friend couldn't resist.) But the flight attendant made a mean bloody Mary as they flew to Italy. It was the start of an absolutely indulgent vacation that lasted until it was time for Peter to begin his masters’ study. Without interruption. By Stark or by the Avengers. Just the two of them.
Last year, when Peter turned twenty-three… well… that was the day Tony proposed. Enough said.
Their wedding was scheduled for Peter’s twenty-fourth. But Tony’s birthday was a month and a half before Peter’s. It wasn’t like he particularly wanted to remember the fact that on May twenty-ninth he was turning fifty and his fiance was going to be twenty-six years younger than him on their wedding day.
So it was ridiculous to be pouting over Peter’s hurried leave after their breakfast. He’d decided to do concurrent masters in chemistry and mechanical engineering. (He’d loved working on the Coronet.) That meant year-round study. Which he was late for, he announced, leaving with his usual cup of coffee and a handful of bacon.
Going downstairs to the workshop would just give Tony more time to sulk as he pretended to work. So he headed further downstairs to the twenty-fifth floor and his office at Stark. If he was going to be miserable, he might as well actually go down to his office and… ugh… look at whatever Pepper left sitting on his desk since he’d last bothered to show up.
The situation was only made worse by the fact that Pepper remembered. But it was made infinitely better when Morgan showed up for lunch, giving Tony an excuse to beg off the rest of his day to take her shopping after they ate. For which she was already, at only eleven, developing quite the passion. It didn’t help that her dad indulged that passion to an outrageous degree and refused to listen to reason. Pepper was going to be far less than thrilled that the basement of her brownstone was going to be converted into a full lab for their genius daughter. Their shopping consisted of clearing out the nearest scientific supply house. But at least Tony didn’t buy her half of FAO Schwarz this shopping trip. (It wasn’t even anywhere close to half, though that trip claimed Pepper’s attic as Morgan’s playroom. Pepper clearly needed a bigger house. Morgan was a growing child.)
Tony got home very late for dinner (after dropping Morgan off at home and dealing with Pepper’s wrath), but since today was apparently no different from any other, it wasn’t unusual for him to be very late for dinner.
And nothing was missed. Peter was sitting at the dining table, surrounded by books and nibbling on a ham sandwich.
All right, Tony would admit to pouting, and sulking, when he begged off later that night, claiming exhaustion from his and Morgan’s adventure.
After another two days, Tony simply got over it. He was fifty years old for chrissakes. He hadn’t been upset over a missed birthday since he was five. Just because Peter remembered for the past three years, didn’t mean that he was going to continue. Tony would occasionally remember someone’s birthday back in the day. Sometimes, accidentally, even twice in a row. He was busy. Peter was busy. Birthdays were an irrelevant marking of the passing of time. And he had made time irrelevant anyway.
Peter made breakfast that morning. Tony knew before he even got out of bed. He smelled the previous failures. He went to shower, giving the kid time to start over… yet again. The omelette waiting for him looked about as good as the one he served Pepper after the Whiplash incident. Before he had his personal chef teach him how to cook. And the bacon was only slightly black around the edges.
At least the kid had learned how to make a proper cup of coffee. But Tony smiled as he ate it. When they were married, and offence wouldn’t call the event off, he would suggest calling his former chef to give a lesson, or three dozen, to Peter. Maybe even save the Queens Fire Department and make it shared lessons for both him and May.
Peter teased him about being an old man now, officially. Tony took it in stride. He had just turned fifty after all. Then the kid led him to ‘Peter’s’ Star Wars room (that they actually shared, though Tony admitted that to no one.) Sitting in the middle of a new display case was a miniature of Darth Vader’s TIE fighter that was the prop actually used in the filming of the Death Star trench run.
They both babbled on endlessly about the trivia surrounding its use. Including the oft-heard story about how, out of his friend group on Long Island, Tony always played Vader. But new to the story was Tony showing Peter a scan of the schematic he made when he was seven (as the boy-genius son of Howard Stark, every paper he so much as scribbled on had been kept.) He built his own TIE after wrecking four of the toy ones. His lasted the rest of the summer but was lost sometime after he went to school. This one, though fragile and would never be touched, was infinitely better.
Which led to them spending the day on the sofa, watching the ‘original trilogy’, which as always, earned Peter a glare when he referred that way to the only Star Wars movies that existed. Six hours later, much of the movies had been missed due to kissing. But it wasn’t like they hadn’t seen them multiple hundreds of times already. Tony didn’t like to go out on his birthday. Dealing with the crowds of the curious and paparazzi wasn’t his idea of fun. Since Peter had ‘cooked’ breakfast, he started cooking dinner.
Tony was chopping vegetables when he noticed that Peter had become quiet. Not just quiet, but still.
“I forgot,” Peter said sheepishly.
“What did you forget?” He scraped the onions into a hot saute pan.
“Your birthday.” Peter ducked his head. “I forgot it.”
“You’ve got to be kidding? You just gave me the best present I’ve ever gotten in my life. You didn’t forget anything.”
“Yeah, I forgot. I was so involved in writing my quantum mechanics paper that I forgot your birthday.”
Tony laughed. “You’ve got to be kidding.”
Peter shook his head. “No. I forgot.”
Tony’s laugh turned into a giggle. “You mean you raided my ridiculously small collection of recreated Pym Particles and cracked into the safe where I keep the time GPSs to go back in time and fix the fact that you forgot my birthday?”
“Yes!” Peter said in a huff. “You should be angry with me!”
Tony went around the counter and gave Peter a hug, followed by a quick kiss. “Pete, how can I be angry with you for that? You got me two birthday presents. The TIE fighter is great and I love it. But you created another whole branch of the multiverse just so you could give it to me.”
“Two branches,” Peter said, ducking his head again. “I had to go back and convince the owner to sell me the TIE.”
“Oh that is fantastic!” Tony leaned back, still holding Peter around the waist. “Two branches of the multiverse exist where my fiance, the brilliant Peter Parker, was so involved in his quantum mechanics paper that he forgot my birthday.” He brought Peter into a passionate kiss. “You are amazing and you are going to be the perfect husband for me. Because that… that is such a me thing to do it’s not even funny.”
Peter laughed. “It is, isn’t it.”
“Yeah. Why do you think I wrote ‘to the next Tony Stark’ on my glasses and not ‘to the next Iron Man’? You’re almost more me than me. I love you, baby.”
“You’re burning the onions.” Peter grinned. “And that is such a me thing to do.”
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Also on AO3
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pompadorararaa · 5 years
Celebrating Josuke Higashikata for ★ JosuMay2019★
For the whole of May we’re celebrating our Part 4 boi Josuke by making Josuke-centric art or fic. If you’d like to join in, just tag your finished piece with #josumay2019 and we’ll share it. (You can ofc use other characters, but we wanna make Josuke the focus)
Here’s a prompts list for inspiration:
★ Beachy Keen - (Beach party? Vacation? Castaway? Your call!)
★ Crazy Diamond has a will of its own...
★ Game franchise featured/video game AU
★ Drag/Model/MUA Josuke 
★ Historical setting AU 
★ Body swap/Stand power mishaps
★ Josuke writes a diary
★ Meeting his Sister/s
★ Milestone Birthday (any birthday of significant age, could be his 10th or his 50th - go wild)
These prompts can be interpreted however you like, but if you want to do your own ideas, it’s all gucci. 
Edit: A few people have asked about ships, and as long as the work/art is Josuke-focused, then go ahead. This is down to the content creators, not this page, to decide how you interpret the prompts. The whole event is to inspire people!
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lizziethereader · 5 years
11 questions tag (x3 - so 33 questions tag, I guess?)
I’ve been super busy but I still appreciate having been tagged by @bibliophilecats​, @books-are-portals​, and @thelivebookproject​, thank you! 
I’ll answer all your questions in one post because I doubt I’d be able to come up with new questions for all three of the tags, haha  But since this will be super long, you’ll find it under the cut! 
First up, @bibliophilecats​‘ questions: 
1. What is your favourite movie and/or TV show based on a book? I’m not sure I have one, there’s nothing that immediately comes to mind at least. So I’ll just tell you about the first one I ever saw (when I was a kiddo still): Emil und die Dedektive! (based on the novel by Erich Kästner)  2.  When you just can’t get into a book, do you quit or do you finish every book you start, no matter what?  As embarrassing as it is to admit, I’m part of the latter category.  3.  Which is your favourite bookstore?  I absolutely love Daunt books in London because not only is it pretty, it also offers a very wide selection of books.  4. Do you keep all the books you read? Do you keep none? I keep all of them. One day I want to have one of those homes that are just full of books and plants!  4.  What is the rarest color on your bookshelf?  Difficult to say, but maybe gray?  5.  Is there a book that permanently changed you (opinions, style, fandom) when you read it? Lots of nonfiction does that! One example is Caitlin Doughty’s Smoke gets in your eyes but also psychology-related books like Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow.  6.  How do you unwind after a stressful day at work/school? Step one is my commute home, during which I read. And then it’s usually tumblr and youtube (or catching up with series).  7.  Which fictional friendship/relationship is your goal? I haven’t figured that out yet but anything that’s supportive is always lovely to see.  8.  What is the one skill you wish you could master? Better social skills, for sure!  9.  You’re famous somehow and a University awards you one of those giveaway PhDs as a publicity stunt. What would you be a Doctor of?  no idea, but I’d love the chance to get an actual PhD in linguistics or philosophy!  10.  If nobody else is around and it’s cranked up loud, which song will you always dance to? Ooooh, there’s many! Tonight, Tonight by Hot Chelle Rae for example 
Okay, now @books-are-portals​‘ questions: 
What book would you have liked better had you read it when you were younger? A wrinkle in time, probably. 
Do you listen to podcasts? Any recs? I rarely find the time but when I do I love the Green brothers’ Dear Hank and John and, what is almost a classic of podcasts, Welcome to Night Vale 
Favourite edition of your favourite book? ‘favourite’ is a big word and I don’t think I can answer to that but I do love my signed special edition of The Name of the Wind that has a goat scribble in it 
Favourite book (fiction or non-fiction) you had to read during your studies (uni or otherwise)?  That’s so difficult to choose! Let me give you a top 3: Hamlet, Code Name Verity and Tess of the D’Urbervilles (oh but I do have so many more favorites! what a tough question!) 
What movie would make a great book? cool question! Frankly, I’d probably read most of the Marvel movies as books. The comic world is too intimidating for me but if the movies were books I think I’d really enjoy all the banter and stuff...
Tea or coffee? Coffee - I like the idea of tea but I can’t get into it. 
A random fact you’re proud to know?  I’m hardly ever proud of anything so that’s a tough question.... I can’t really think of anything, so I’ll pass
Favourite tree? Weeping willows! 
Dream house/flat?  I’d love to actually own a small house. Ideally with lots of light, plants, and bookshelves. + a garden!
Least favourite comic (series)? Why?  I’m not invested enough to have one. 
You have an unlimited budget to buy one (1) book. What book would you buy?  I’d probably have something bound gorgeously just for me - maybe a collection of my favorite books or fanfics or something. There’d be gorgeous lettering, a leather cover and lots of lovely hand-crafted details. 
And last but not least, @thelivebookproject​‘s questions! 
How many books have you read this year so far?  currently reading my 50th! 
Do you have a Goodreads account? (Mine is this) yes, over here! 
How many languages do you speak?  Well, I speak English and German. I learned a bit of French in school but I can’t really speak it. I’ve been learning Norwegian on Duolingo for more than two years now but I've never actually had a conversation in Norwegian, so... 
How do you choose your books?  I just read whatever looks interesting at the time. 
Have you ever travelled abroad?  Yeah, too many times to count (because I’m too lazy to count now). But with the exception of one trip to the states it’s always been within Europe. 
Tell me something about yourself.  I have a tough time deciding who I am. 
Recommend a book?  This is going to hurt by Adam Kay. 
What are you currently reading?  I’m currently reading Dear Evan Hansen because I love the musical! 
Why did you create your blog?  Just to see and share book stuff, really. 
What do you like most about bookblr?  That (despite people saying otherwise) it’s always there and from my personal experience seems so much more positive than other communities. 
Blank gap -tell me anything you want: books you love, how do you feel about my blog, anything at all!  So this is gonna be a question for the audience (I need advice). I have this book stamp (”from the library of....”) that I stamp all my books with after I read them and before I put them on their new spot on my shelves. Now I’ve just finished reading The Hunchback of Notre Dame and it’s an old book that I got secondhand (it even has an inscription!). I feel sort of strange about stamping it, I’m not sure if I should do it (Almost all of my other books are new books so I had no trouble stamping them). Thoughts? 
Right, you didn’t think we’d get there, but we did! It’s time for my questions! Not all of them are bookish because it’s really tough coming up with new stuff after thinking of weekly bookish questions for years [also I might self-plagiarize and use some of those as wbqs in the future].... 
I’m tagging @nevertobecaught, @maddie-mux, @lettersfromthelighthouse, and @trinareadsbooks to answer these questions: 
1. What’s the best combination, a book + ..... (can be food, a drink, a place, a feeling, etc.)  2. What’s your stance on classics?  3. If you could add one feature to tumblr or booklr specifically, what would it be?  4. What was the loveliest reading experience you had lately?  5. Do you enjoy musicals? If so, what are some of your favorites?  6. When it comes to vacations, do you prefer city trips or lots of beach time? (or neither/something else?)  7. Are you a candle person?  8. What’s something you admire other people for?  9. Have you discovered any new songs you love lately?  10. If you’re currently reading something, which page are you on? And are you enjoying it so far?  11. Which birthday gift would absolutely delight you? 
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optomstudies · 7 years
bullet journal ideas masterpost
Over 250+ spread ideas!🎊
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hoping your dreams are fulfilled, your grades are awesome and your skin is glowing in 2018!
my tips for bullet journalling
Year in Review
highlights / reflection
achievements this year
lessons learnt / growth as a person
things you want to improve on
advice you’ve received / given
best music/movies/tv shows/etc of the past year
friends made during this past year
commonplace journal pages
things you’ve discovered during the past year
useful tips during the past year
odd facts and trivia during the past year
topics to explore during the past year
questions to ask during the past year
New Year, New You
calendar / future log / yearly or monthly logs
things to look forward to this year
upcoming books/music/movies/tv shows being released this year
maslow’s hierarchy of needs self-reflection spread
goals / new year’s resolutions + steps to put it into action
skills you want to learn this year e.g. coding
habits you want to break / habits you want to pick up
diary: day-to-day happenings
budgets: monthly/yearly budgets
inspiration spread for new projects
level 10 life: rate areas (academic, personal, mental, physical, spiritual, social, financial) of your life out of 10, and write down goals to improve that rating!
monthly overviews (e.g. progress on goals)
assignment due dates calendar
18 things to do by the end of 2018
Special Pages for Special Friends
business cards from networking events
gift ideas for your friends/family/significant other
birthday / anniversary calendar
emergency contacts / phone numbers of important people
friendship journal:
memories / moments they were there for you
how you met
moments you want to share in the future
their mbti/hogwarts house
their best qualities
Trackers/Logs/______ of the Day
gratitude journal - # things you’re grateful for every day
habit trackers
motivational quotes
news headlines / this day in history
daily affirmations
currently reading / watching / listening to / feeling / eating / wanting etc.
time usage (read: wastage) tracker
k-drama or tv show episode tracker (always forget what ep I’m up to :S)
expenses tracker / tax deductibles
dream diary (tracker, plot(?), lucid or not, dream meanings)
new album or song releases
photo diary / sketch diary
follower milestones
social media post tracker
household duties/chores tracker
grades tracker
year in pixels
TIL (today I learned)
appointments: dentist, optometrist, doctor, therapist, etc.
bills: car / internet / rent etc
tax: income statements and work expenses receipts
membership/licence renewals
weight tracker
resting heart rate tracker (gives general idea of cardio fitness)
water intake tracker sleep log / time to bed / time awake / total hours slept
exercise log: number of reps / steps / minutes
mood trackers
period tracker
Various Creative Spread Ideas
day-to-day / life planning spreads
skincare routines
perfect/ideal morning routine 
self-care reminders
exercise routines
bucket list
firsts: kiss, date, house, vacation, car, concert, etc.
DIYs to attempt
savings jar (doodle it!)
yearly / monthly recurring tasks
usernames/passwords (hints only for security!) 
5 or 10 year plans
dream job
dream house
planning for moving houses
dream wedding / planning
date ideas
make a worse case scenarios primer
summary tutorials for your reference e.g. step-by-step tax returns
studyblr ideas
topics I need to revise
finals study timetable/plan
aspirations: what you want to be and why / how to get there
class timetable
assignment ideas
project schedules / team meeting dates
professors’ emails/office hours
assessment results
anti-procrastination page
motivations to study
skills you want to learn or are useful e.g. coding
formulas page
courses you want to take and their pre-reqs
college comparisons
back to school shopping list
textbook list with prices
language learning
vocabulary lists
grammar structures
media (books/tv shows/movies) to consume in that language
self-reflection / personality traits
best and worst characteristics
what to be mindful of / what you need to work on
mbti types you’re most compatible with 
fears and how you want to overcome them
letters to your future self (include hopes and dreams)
letters to your past self (include achievements and things to be proud of!)
inspirational people
stress management tips
charities to donate to and why you support them
volunteering activities
fun, cute, and aesthetic spread ideas
things worth staying alive for / getting out of bed for
a spread with all the things you were worried about which turned out fine
message page from your friends to you
“i can’t live without ______”
creative crafts spread: tips / equipment / tutorials
aesthetic colour moodboards
happy / comforting / relaxing / funny things spread 
seasons (summer/autumn/winter/spring) spread
rainy day spread
holidays spreads: christmas / easter / halloween / thanksgiving
idioms and proverbs from all different cultures
flowers spread: fav flowers, meanings, bouquet/arrangements, press ‘em!
crystals spread: fav gemstones (doodle ‘em), meanings
succulents spread: fav succulents, terrarium layout ideas
coffee/tea spread: paint with coffee / fav blends / best cafes
what’s in my bag (doodle it!)
outfit ideas / polyvore style collections
magazine clippings
shower thoughts / hypothetical ideas spread
draw my life spread / personal timeline
favourite characters e.g. gudetama, kumamon, etc. (doodle ‘em!)
interesting words list (ephemeral, mellifluous, serendipity, scintillating etc)
ideal date ideas
wedding anniversary ideas (like 1st is paper, 25th silver, 30th pearl, 40th ruby, 50th gold, 60th diamond)
baby animals spread (duckies, puppies, bunnies!!)
#just bullet journal things
bujo spread layouts and devices to try out (e.g. chronodex, parallel time ladder) 
key/legend (keep it simple!)
colour palettes/swatches
washi tape / pens / markers swatches
banners / fonts
ticket stubs / receipts
stickers / stamps
cutouts of info brochures
pressed flowers
calligraphy / brush lettering / handwriting practice
favourite stationery
_______ that you want to do* / have done* (kind of bucket list) *watch, read, listen to, try, taste, cook, play etc. 
tv shows
arts/crafts e.g. paper quilling
sports e.g. archery
how to play / equipment / etc.
video games
board games
books / movies / tv shows
summary / review
favourite characters
meaningful moments / moments that made you laugh / cry
(for the media critic) artful moments:
best descriptive passages
best cinematography
best action scenes
best use of soundtracks
(basically moments that make it deserving of awards)
album reviews
favourite songs
playlists for every mood and all seasons
meaningful lyrics
songs you shazamed
favourite genres and exemplar songs
reasons why i love my bias / bias wrecker / group
letter to your bias
comeback concepts / favourite outfits
visual/picture tutorials for makeup styles
calendar of your favs’ schedules during comeback season
awards / achievements / records broken / milestones
translated lyrics
kpop songs vocab lists
upcoming releases
on this day
pics of your favourite artworks/artists + write about it
art styles you want to emulate
explain techniques for different media e.g. watercolour wet-on-wet
doodle ideas
natal chart readings/aspects/placements
solar return reading for the incoming year / transits
synastry / compatibility chart readings
constellation/star charts
symbol reference page for planets, zodiac signs, aspects
meal plans
shopping lists
interesting foods: (doodle ‘em!) taste / texture / smell (e.g. truffles, caviar)
cafes/restaurants you want to go to + their specialty dish (photo)
cocktails you want to mix/taste (doodle ‘em!)
interesting articles + moral/ethical issues it prompted you to think about
controversial topics on the news and for/against arguments/your thoughts
on this day in history
fav websites / blogs
jokes / puns / pickup lines
favourite poems / quotes / short stories
burn book - write things that make you angry/sad and rip the page out
wreck it journal - e.g. colour, scribble, stickers all over this page
places to visit
travel itinerary
cultural parables
useful phrases in the language and their meaning
travel memories spread: things you did / places you went / selfies
postcard collection
packing list
friendly and not-so-friendly people that you met in foreign lands
short story ideas
plot brainstorming spreads
journal prompts
character designs
foreign words which can’t be directly translated into english
Follow optomstudies for daily original posts and study masterposts!  Links: all originals + langblr posts + 15-part college 101 series + web directory!
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shortworks · 5 years
After one and a half months of keeping this a secret I can finally reveal that my family and I are going to Vegas and Utah!
It was my mom's 50th birthday on Friday and we surprised her by telling her we are taking a family vacation to go mountain biking and hiking in Utah. So so so excited. She had no idea that we were planning the trip which is so great.
Mitch, my sister, brother in law, brother, brother's girlfriend and my parents are flying to Vegas this Friday, staying one night and then driving to Utah Saturday. We will be flying back home on Tuesday.
My dad did a spectacular job planning this trip and we are all so excited!!!
If anyone has any recommendations of where to eat in Vegas or places to eat near Zion National Park, please share!
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Ten Places That You Can Find Anniversary Bouquet
Anniversaries are unique holidays, and everybody has their own option to have fun—and no such celebration is complete with out some anniversary flowers. Make somebody's day with this delicately designed low and luxurious arrangement that includes premium crimson roses and other premium romantic flowers accented with modern greenery. I especially beloved the chance to customise the ribbon with my Anniversary Rose firm identify - good contact. Each time the singularly special day of the year rolls round for each you and your partner, anniversary present ideas are most likely flowing by means of each of your minds.
When considering these hobbies, you might want to search for special presents that encourage him or her. Typically alstroemeria is a filler flower in bouquets, however when you're in search of an arrangements that looks like fireworks choose to send a bouquet with all colors 50th Anniversary Flower Arrangements of alstroemeria stems. Order your congratulations flowers from ode à la rose right now, and we are going to ship them directly to your chosen recipient. Flowers serve to make your wedding ceremony extra colorful, memorable, and vibrant. Granted, flowers are conventional gifts for ladies and a few flowers evoke femininity as nothing else can. From then on roses were believed to symbolise love, magnificence, creativity and charm. A wedding anniversary is a gorgeous way of celebrating the marital bliss along with your companion.
It was beautiful, she liked them, so did her daughters. Say i like you” with gorgeous anniversary flowers or present your sentiments in a truly special manner with get properly flowers and sympathy funeral flowers. We feel brilliant with flowers as a result of these are so Anniversary Bouquet stunning and putting because it creates such an excellent surrounding. Do not forget that it makes wedding ceremony friends uncomfortable in the event you do not give gifting instructions, even when the instruction is "no items please," however that's silly. With floweraura's on-line anniversary present delivery, you too can get pleasure from midnight delivery services.
Your anniversary is a milestone to remember, so set the tone by gifting your partner with a standard image of a profitable first yr of marriage. At ode à la rose, we will create an array of various recent and tasteful birthday bouquets for anyone on your procuring checklist. 15th- one of the vital beautiful flowers is related to the fifteenth 12 months; rose celebrates the sweetness and perfection of affection between two individuals. Please be in contact with us although this weblog because by way of 50th Anniversary Flower this blog we attempt to provide you information on flowers and presents. The selection of gifting roses is classic as roses make for a particular attraction on all massive events, especially during weddings. This straightforward however beautiful flower represents hope, loyalty and love which the couple has for each other after sharing all types of experiences collectively for 5 years. Moreover, nearly one-third of customers (27 percent) surveyed will use fewer plastic luggage from supermarkets and other stores this vacation season, and one in five (20 p.c) will take into account not wrapping vacation gifts to preserve paper.
  TAGS: Anniversary Bouquet,Anniversary Gift Ideas,Wedding Anniversary Ideas,50Th Wedding Anniversary Flowers
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The 10 Secrets About Mothersday Flowers Only A Handful Of People Know
  On the internet bloom transport in the midst of send mothers day flowers to hyderabad in addition maintaining various packaging in addition to kind as well as seems acceptable to the fashion in addition to trend from your clientele. Your important different will swoon from our romantic anniversary flowers and items , curated with love by our skilled staff. So make this present day memorable with considerate gifts for mom on mother's day. She mentioned that one day Flower Delivery For Mothers Day there will be someone who will dedicate a day to commemorate moms and motherhood. Beautiful glass vases or decorative and distinctive mom's day memento gifts will full this mom's day reward and make it something particular she can name her very personal and cherish for years to return. Give mom a gift she will be able to use on daily basis: a personalized tea or espresso mug she will be able to begin her day remembering favorite family moments—like a spring break vacation or snowshoeing tour.
  To order a bouquet of joyful birthday flowers, begin looking our selection now. From a tea lovers present basket to a cheese and sausage basket supply, there's one thing tasty for every mom. Ship mother the most effective flowers for mother's day from flowers on 15th. During 14th february, flowers all the time prime the chart of basic presents that categorical emotions of love superbly. We are going to ship the Mothersday Flowers anywhere in manhattan, and guarantee well timed, contemporary and appropriate delivery. A celebration of faith, love, and peace, the ftd® god's presents bouquet is a particular way to share in a unique second on life's path with your recipient. Arizona florist provides similar day flower delivery on saturday and sunday for orders placed by 2:00 pm on saturday and 12:00 pm on sunday within our native phoenix delivery zone.
  I've purchased flowers from many alternative florals earlier than. Send mother's day items to usa which is stuffed along with your good needs. These stunning rose bouquets are all time favorites for moms day. Online florist appleyard london are the go-to for quick, seasonal bouquets, delivering same-day in london and subsequent-day within the uk. As well as stunning one-off mother's day preparations, such because the Mothers Day Flowers Online elle bouquet of roses and lillies (pictured), appleyard additionally provide 'month-to-month blooms,' from £20.  Roses delivered similar day are available a glass vase, or if you happen to prefer, wrapped in paper. She was completely happy when she received them don't get me unsuitable, but once i saw the image she sent me i used to be a bit disillusioned of how small it seemed in comparison with the picture online and it was missing a bunch of flowers as properly. Ship christmas special reward hamper at low cost to your Flowers For A Mothers Day family members to indicate your greatest love and affection. For example, bolivia's mother's day is the date of a battle in which women participated. We deal with the way in which that the flowers which reaches your friends and family like your mother are the freshest and known by every considered one of us blossoms are one of the best strategy to express our affection, love and appreciation, so, this mother's day reward your mother your adoration and love wrapped up in bundles of roses.
  And, why not add a little bit one thing further like a field of candies or a cuddly teddy bear to make it an unforgettable mother's day reward. As eire traditionally has many catholics, it isn't surprising that their mom's day observance originated within the catholic custom. Obtainable in a host of vibrant colours, the fantastic thing Send Flowers Mothers Day about the rose is that it will possibly symbolize so many issues — from ardour ( purple roses ) to happiness ( pink roses ) and even friendship ( yellow roses ). It's what makes it so excellent as a present from a husband to a spouse or from a son or daughter to a mother. The floral bouquets are separated by the type of mothers day flowers used most often within the design. Yesterday my colleague johnny asked me 50th Mothers Day Gift Ideas what gifts i've prepared for the approaching mom's day. So, you will get the subsequent day present, flower and cake supply in other nations like singapore, australia, germany, and philippines and proceed celebrating your particular competition.
  Tags  Mothers Day Flowers, Mothers Day Gifts, Cheap Mothers Day Flowers
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darknpretty-blog · 6 years
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So someone's reached the main 5 oh oh! Their 50th birthday celebration! Not any major deal. fifty will be the healthy forty. And denial is the brand new mathematics! Anyway, it is one of the milestone birthdays, that somehow always seem to be much more funwe hostile, when was the final time you went to a surprise 48th Birthday Party?
Needless to say, you want to be right there with an unusual methods to help your birthday celebration star glow in the spotlight! So listed here are 50 amazing ideas for a 50th birthdaysome that will cost as little as 50 centssome which are a little more extravagantsome designed to just need your thoughtfulness and time. And that's a thing they'll like as much if not more!
Tell it such as it's. Write a listing of 50 reasons why they are the very best, then get it framed! Or even also include 50 photos as well as convert everything into a photo guide.
Stress-free birthday. Gift a 50 minute knead, manicure or facial foundation. Join them if you are able to pay for it!
Living is a roller coaster. Top for the amusement park with the birthday star, you, as well as three more friends as well as ride 10 different rides. Sure, the carousel is important.
Being lucky? one by one wrap fifty one dolars lottery tickets.
Have a sweet teeth? Buy fifty portions of special chocolates or candies from yesteryearor gift label fifty donut holes or even 50 of their favorite cookies! (Wrap in batches of five or 10 so they are able to freeze some for later!)
Let's assume cheesy. Make a fun 50-minute video clip of family and friends wishing them a happy day.
Couch-potato free. Get in concert once a week to walk one mile 1 day. It's a present which usually keeps on giving. (Take two weeks from out of 52 for vacations, etc!)
Talk about some teeth. Get together with family and friends and overflow the mailbox of theirs with 50 birthday cards!
Talk about a few laughs. Fill up their inbox with 50 distinct digital songs, video games and birthday wishes!
Try painting the city. Give them a $50 gift card to the fave restaurant of theirs, theater, club, etc. Not terribly original, we know, but generally appreciated! A word: Limo
Bingo! Imagine every one of the video games you can play using fifty penniestiddly winks, bingo, penny pitch, etcthen enjoy yourself enjoying them!
Might I help? Deliver 50 minutes of tutoring in a number of apps they do not know how to work with.
Tis safer to giveMake a summary of fifty simple ways you could potentially volunteer the time of yours, then go and help out together. Or donate $50 to the preferred charitable organization of theirs.
Kill the dollar. If saving $$isn't the thing of theirs, get them an investing for dummies book as well as give them $50 to get their first share of stock.
Cheers! Gift wrap a $50 can of wine with a note that it is an unique bottle to be provided with their another person special.
One reservoir excursion. Treat them to a whole day of situations which are inside a 50-mile radius of where they live. (A rise in the woods, a round of mini golf, lunch in the park, etc.)
Just what the heck does that suggest? Opt to discover fifty new words if you gather (over time, of course!) For fun, keep paperwork and find out who remembers probably the most fresh phrases!
Sorry, I am not really a mind reader. Gift a 50 minute psychic readingmake the own predictions of yours ahead of time and then check notes in the future!
I am here for you. Promise one another a number of 50-minute soulful conversations sans texting, email-checking, phone answering, twittering, etc.
I will never forget Paris. Share with each other a list of 50 men and women, places, things that made you who you are today.
2 left legs. Gift item a 50-minute swing dance lesson. Gift item 1 for you as wellyou deserve a little fun, too!
LOL! Spend 50 minutes with each other doing a thing you both dislike (laundry, grocery shopping, etc.), but do it in a different manner (blindfolded, in heels) for making it funny and ridiculous.
The Big 5 0. Invest the day together going around city taking photographs of clues, billboards, etc. with the number 50 within them. If you cannot find lots of, perform the 5 as well as the 0 separately and develop a collage!
Flashback! Throw a retro gathering commemorating the 50-year-old's birth year-complete with music, hair styles and clothing from that particular era.
Attack which! Get a group in concert, go bowling and find out who can mark under 50 while not spreading gutter balls.
That is a lot of hot air! Get a 50-balloon bouquet and tie it to their wrist.
Yeah, that as well. Make a 50 is nothing to Snicker at indication and put it in a bowl of bite sized Snickers bars!
For Her: Add a cannot trust you're flippin' 50! label to a pair of interesting flip-flop sandals.
For Him: Create an It is (Name's) 50th Birthday! Tie one on! Have a bunch of older connections in a bowl and in addition have everybody who use 1 for a team picture!
Money Does not Grow on Trees. Effectively, perhaps it doesA money tree is a fun strategy to present fifty dolars money!
Still Hot at fifty. Gift basket filled with hot sauces and spices perfect for a great cook or grill-master.
A Box-o-Balloons. Put notes or maybe cash inside fifty inflated balloons then seal them in a label. A lightweight present to provide and / or drive (ground delivery).
Really? Gift item a 1-year membership to AARP!
A Farewell to Youth. Throw a party by having an RIP tombstone cake, fifty black balloons, etc., as well as advise navy outfit.
Just how many techniques are you able to say fifty? Finish off the sentence Turning 50ġ with items in a gift basket. Example: ȡis nuts! (peanuts); ȡstinks. (air freshener); ȡis merely peachy! (schnapps).
Might the force be with you. Have the team think of fifty lines from favorite movies and also see how many they are able to drop into the chat at the birthday party of theirs.
Hmmmthat's puzzling. Get a jigsaw puzzle with 50 parts. Or create one by lowering a big greeting card into puzzle shapes, placing in an envelope and mailing with your best wishes! You can also order a personalized New York Times puzzle with the real front page of their birthdate!
Call me moneybags. Offer the birthday star $20.50in fifty quarters, 50 nickels, 50 dimes as well as fifty pennies. Naturally you are able to make that $70.50 by bring 50 singles, also!
Red-colored alert! Reddish alert! Create a 50th Birthday Emergency Kit and also include whatever you think is suited for any birthday celebration owner (aspirin, noisemakers, adult diapers, etc.)
Something Old. Something Gold. It is their personal 50th anniversarygive them something in vintage gold or something wrapped in gold.
M-m-m-m beneficial. Purchase 50 MY M&M'S Party Packs of personalized candies complete with pics and words and phrases!
An evening meal is Served. Arrange a progressive 50th birthday dinner party, with each host/hostess serving a thing that was to the entire year the birthday celebration star was born. Dress correctly!
Who stated that? Make a book of fifty quotations on birthdays and also ageing, ranging from enjoyable to inspirational.
Suits me to a T. Purchase a custom T-shirt with some enjoyable copy on it. Example: Looks twenty two, Feels eighteen, Acts 10that can make me fifty! Or Does the shirt make me appear fifty? Check out online for some other creative ideas!
Better YetOrder customized t-shirts for the whole gang that feature a picture of the birthday celebration star and also a personalized email about converting fifty! Wear them at a party, out to a birthday dinner or even to a favorite watering hole.
Lots of memories. Take fifty downloadable pictures & fill them into an electronic photo frame.
Checking between the collections. Present them along with the publication, fifty Things to do When you Turn fifty: fifty Experts about the subject of Turning 50. It's a wonderful assortment of thoughts from people as Garrison Keillor, Suze Orman, Erica Jong, along with a lot more. Well, 47 additional, to be exact!
Did another person say party? Throw a themed gathering such as a South of the Border fling with invitations for any Nacho Average 50-year older. Fulfill Mexican food, hang a few piatas, etc. Some other themes could possibly consist of tropical-Life's a beach and afterward you switch 50! etc.
A treasury of your time. A number of days before the big working day, have friends and also family members every produce a scrapbook page which has favorite accounts, cards, mementos, photos, and more. Take all of the pages in unison and make a really special recollection album.
It all offers up. Do most of the things on this list. We're sure it will guarantee a lifetime of enjoyable as well as relationship!
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aueyhaibara · 3 years
50th Birthday Hello 50 T-Shirts, Long Sleeve, Hoodies
50th Birthday Hello 50 T-Shirts, Long Sleeve, Hoodies
50th Birthday Hello 50 T-Shirts, Long Sleeve, Hoodies If you are looking for a gift idea for that upcoming special occasion, do not get frustrated. We are here to sort out your gifting needs be it for a birthday party, Christmas, Halloween, or an outfit for that vacation. Whatever the occasion, we got your back. We ship our products to where you are. Order more than one and get the best shipping…
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the-witty-pen-name · 3 years
ooh wait — i just got the idea for a deadbeat one shot that consists of some little vignettes of lee and y/n’s most memorable holidays spent together! like as an example of some possible scenarios: maybe they really treasure their first valentine’s day as a couple, or an anniversary where everything goes wrong but it makes for a really funny story in the end, or a christmas when y/n is expecting their first child, or the first halloween when their children are old enough to trick-or-treat so they can all dress up together, or a special summer vacation where they had a huge cookout and went camping and to the beach, or lee’s 50th birthday when y/n and the kids throw a huge surprise party for him, or a thanksgiving when their grown kids come back home to visit with their own families? mix and match, add or subtract if you like! <3
This is definitely something I would love to do. Ah! It sounds so sweet. Lee and y/n have been through so much in the story and I’d love to just write more about their happy moments. 
I love the Christmas idea a lot! I can see that in my head so clearly. Ugh all of these scenarios are so sweet. 
Thank you so much for sharing you idea!! 
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amazetees · 3 years
50th Birthday Oldometer Made In 1971 Shirt
50th Birthday Oldometer Made In 1971 Shirt
50th Birthday Oldometer Made In 1971 Shirt Also available : Long Sleeve, Hoodie, Tank Perfect gift idea for Birthday, Party, Vacation or Any Occasion, Holidays, Halloween, Christmas… If you order 2 or more you’ll save quite a lot on shipping. *Guaranteed Satisfaction + Safe and Secure Checkout via Paypal/Visa/Mastercard* Shipping: On average, merchandise is produced and shipped from our facility…
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chantalsblogen · 4 years
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Tal’s list of 50: fifty before 50
October 15, 2020
It’s my Birthday this Saturday and I will be 49, so I am entering my 50th year of life. Doesn’t show, eh? I thought turning 40 was less bad than 30, because in 2001 I felt like my youth was over. Then the saying is: life starts at 40. So I celebrated my iForty grand and spread over 2 days.
Although I like to throw a party, my 49th birthday will be a sober one. This due to COVID-19 and the fact that I am still recovering from the surgery. Only the (in-law) family has been invited - in different shifts - to give "my new life" a good start. And then I really turn 50 ... although almost? Fortunately, it will take another whole year, 365 days to get used to and prepare for it. How?
Due to my gastric bypass surgery 2 weeks ago, a lot will change in the coming year anyway, hopefully everything for the better. But on top of that, I found a nice idea, on the internet: a "fifty before 50 list" or: a list of 50 things I want to do before I turn 50: Tal's list of 50.
Because time flies, life is short and I still have quite a lot on my wish list, I had to set myself some goals, this 50-list is a nice stepping stone for that. Of course not everything will work out in the coming year (finances and COVID-19 also play a part in this), but even if I manage to achieve a quarter of them all, I am already happy. And fortunately I have a partner who likes to come with me, that also makes a difference.
The list is in no particular order and is filled with items related to travel, food & drink, health, shopping, family, work, culture, nature ... some goals are easier to achieve than others, but that only makes the challenge more fun .
And if don’t manage to accomplish some goals before October 17, 2021, there is still time afterwards. Let's go!
Tal's list of 50
Eat fish at the sea
Celebrating Christmas in Canada is not going to work, but I will put it on the list anyway
Drive from Toronto to New York by car (Canada / USA)
Touring through Northern Italy and swimming in Laggio di Maggiore (Italy)
Relaxing in Sardinia (Italy)
Go to Beatrix Potter's hometown (Sawrey Lake District, Northern England)
Spotting seals at one of the Wadden Islands, it doesn't matter which one (NL)
Getting to know NL even better by visiting 3 places I have never been
Create blogs with tips, tricks & recipes for people with gastric bypass / sleeve and updating this on my instragram account @talskitchen
Wandering through Valencia with Robbert (Spain)
Lunch at the Avocado Show (Amsterdam)
High Tea at De Groot (will be a challenge, I'll just bring a doggy bag)
Eat at Joris Bijdendijk restaurant (RIJKS or WILS)
And when dinner is at RIJKS, take Robbert to the museum to see the Night Watch again
Save money for the "Blue Fold Tableware" by Heinen Delft's Blauw
Take Robbert to a secret location (night away)
Cleaning my Nike Air Max so that they are finally white again
Select my LEGO and store it neatly in boxes (IKEA)
Buy a bicycle bags so I will take my bike more often (otherwise I cannot take groceries with me)
Sort out all the photos I have and put them in boxes
Make a boattrip in Giethoorn
Take Rick and Lucas to Ouwehand Zoo
Walk through the Loonse and Drunense Dunes
Youth sentiment: shopping for clothes in Eindhoven
Planning a Van Houten family reunion (mom’s family)
Planning a Van den Thillart family reunion - anyone who wants to help is welcome!
Keep my own room tidy and clean (sometimes I am a bit careless about that)
Buy nice short boots with heel, because I can wear them again due to my weight loss (hopefully my knee will agree)
Going back to learning the Italian language. After 24 lessons I unfortunately stopped and couldn't keep up.
Write (and post) blogs more often
Planning an offline weekend (I think the biggest challenge on the list, maybe I need to start with a day?)
Practice making vlogs
Exercise more by cycling more often, going to the swimming pool more, going to the gym at least once a week
Let myself being pampered more often by, going to the pedicure, beauty salon or manicure
In the past COVID-19 year I sent more people a real card, I want to keep this up for the coming year
Go to the Bossche market at least once every 6-8 weeks on Saturday
Realizing our shelf with bird houses at the back of the garden (à la Hotel Hoog Holten)
Create more moments of rest at work by, going for a walk during lunch breaks, having a coffee break with colleagues from another department and take a rest to have lunch
Putting a bunch of fresh flowers in the house more often
Feel the sea with my toes
Reorganize our bathroom: bath out, walk-in shower in
Set the alarm 10 minutes earlier on weekdays to be able to do exercises (at 6:00 am)
Research the gastric-bypass friendliness of restaurants and in particular the price / quantity ratio.
Create our dream house, current house or another, together with Robbert
Collecting, sorting and bundling all individual recipes - scattered around the house
Preparing my iFifty: do (can?) I make it a big celebration? Or do I do fun things for myself… and my loved ones. Or am I going on vacation?
Work from home at least 1 day a week
Remove my stored items from AllSafe and give them a new place in our house (or a new house)
Take Rick to the Moco Museum (Amsterdam)
Keep better track of my administration and immediately throw away what I don’t need
I do not only think it would be fun to work on this list the upcoming year, but I also hope to inspire others to actively undertake fun things. Are you going to set such goals of make a list yourself? Let me know, I like that.
I try to keep you informed of the progress through my regular blogs and my stories on Instagram and Facebook. Hopefully the list will get a bit shorter ...
Ciao! X Chantal
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jtfoxx4-blog · 5 years
50th Gag Gifts for Men and Women
50th Gag Gifts for Men and Women PRODUCT NAME rapid|instructions AUSTRALIA
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50th Gag Gifts for Men and Women Humorous 50th Birthday bash Gifts - Double Wall membrane Insulated Tumbler - Wine beverages Tumbler, Reusable Coffee Pot, Water Tumbler - 50th Gag Gifts for Guys and Women. thirty oz with Extra Top and Straw -49 & just one middle finger Amusing glass present BENEFITS | TOPIC POINTS | ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS 50th Gag Gifts for Men and Women MILESTONE GIFT -- Commemorate 50th birthday items using humour. Make attaining which golden age of 5 decades for a family new member, friend, relative or associate, a little more irreverent with this cheeky style - 49+ middle little finger -- stainless steel protected cup bday gift intended for men and women! Offered in Pink, Pink or maybe Black. MINIMALIST AND AMAZING - All of our design will be minimalist, humorous, stylish and also fun to develop out typically the fact that age is just a number and turning 5 decades old is just a new phase! Accept the gold colored age using wit and also excitement! The design is without doing awkward exorcizes etched, providing a stylish and timeless tumbler that will be enjoyed for a lot of years. SAFETY IS THE PRIORITY -- Unlike plastic coffee cups and plastic reusable servings, our metal steel insulated cup, typically the lid and hay snout do not leach toxic compounds and are BPA no cost. This implies a longer living span for you! Allows reduce single-use plastic squander too! DURABILITY - we could guarantee durability with the covered tumbler cup. Manufactured of foodstuff grade metal steel, it is sturdy enough to last any lifetime! Very low mint powder coated complete to guard against scratches and abrasions and to provide some sort of good hands grip! Not any other drinking cup may beat the durability and also stylishness of our steel steel goblet. TEMPERATURE PRESERVATION - Our product is actually not just a novel idea thing. It is constructed with an internal and outer wall to hold often the temperature of your consume. Hot drinks can be hot for up to help 6 several hours. Cooler cold drinks can keep cold to get up to 24 time. Lessen single-use plastic glasses to your coffee and normal water again- create awareness and also recognition about reducting employ of single-use plastics! MERCHANDISE DESCRIPTION COMPANY�s 49+middle finger is the excellent 50th birthday milestone gift to get men and women. Encounter milestones using humour and also love, using this type of high quality, functional gift. The particular 49+middle finger comes with: Gift Box Food grade stainless-steel double insulated tumbler instructions 20 Oz/. 56kg Clear press-in lid Stainless Metal Straw If you�re any man or possibly a woman as well as you�re planning to turn 50 or understands someone who also is, then our funny and comical 49+1 Middle Finger Insulated Cup fits your golden age! Quickly, it may look like a regular vacation pot with a comical statement but there is some thing more guiding the features of the cup aside from its humor. Our mug is: Made from meal grade stainless steel, Suitable for alcoholic beverage cooled, daily dose of coffee, soda or maybe bedtime dairy drink! Has Double Wall structure insulation connected with stainless inside and outwardly that is separated by another level and is airtight covered, this airtight layer the actual transfer of temperature reduced which then retains the hotness or coldness associated with your consume. Comes along with a clear, press-in sport bike helmet which has a modest opening to allow anyone to sip on-the-go or maybe use a standard dimensions hay; it will additionally help minimize trickle as well as spills. A good option to funny mugs! Eliminate the anticipation that often coincides using the golden age regarding 50 using this type of quality, funny gift to create your adored one laugh and see the lighter side of lifestyle. Order now and show a person care with our 49 & Midsection Finger insulated glass!
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renoquotes · 5 years
50th Gag Gifts for Men and Women
50th Gag Gifts for Men and Women PRODUCT NAME rapid|instructions AUSTRALIA
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Humorous 50th Birthday Gifts Humorous 50th Birthday celebration Gifts - Double Wall membrane Insulated Tumbler - Wines Tumbler, Reusable Coffee Cup, Water Tumbler - 50th Gag Gifts for Adult males and Women. thirty oz with Extra Top and Straw -49 and up. one middle finger Humorous cup of present BENEFITS | TOPIC POINTS | KEY CHARACTERISTICS 50th Gag Gifts for Men and Women MILESTONE GIFT rapid Enjoy 50th birthday gift ideas having humour. Make reaching in which golden age of 50 years for a family member, friend, relatives or associate, a little more irreverent with this cheeky design and style instructions 49+ middle hand : stainless steel insulated cup birthday gift regarding men and women! Offered in Pink, Pink or perhaps Black. MINIMALIST AND ETERNAL - Our design is actually minimalist, comical, stylish and fun bringing out the fact that age is just a number and turning 5 decades old is just a new phase! Recognize the glowing age using wit and excitement! The style is forever etched, creating stylish as well as timeless tumbler that will be enjoyed for quite a few years. SAFETY IS THE PRIORITY - Unlike plastic coffee cups of and silicone reusable cups, our s / s steel insulated cup, typically the lid and straw muzzle do not leach toxic compounds and are BPA free. Therefore a longer living span for you! Aids reduce single-use plastic waste material too! DURABILITY - we can easily guarantee durability with each of our protected tumbler cup. Made of meal grade s / s steel, it is long lasting enough to last a lifetime! It has a mint powder coated finish to guard against scratches and ulcers and to provide a good side grip! Not any other drinking glass may beat the durability in addition to stylishness of our stainless steel glass. TEMPERATURE STORAGE - Each of our product will be not just a novel idea piece. It is created with an internal along with outer wall to keep up the actual temperature of your beverage. Hot drinks can stay hot for up to help 6 several hours. Cooler beverages can continue to be cold to get up to 24 several hours. Minimize single-use plastic cups of for ones coffee and waters again- create awareness in addition to attention about reducting employ of single-use plastics! SOLUTION DESCRIPTION COMPANY�s 49+middle kids finger is the best 50th birthday milestone gift idea intended for men and women. Deal with milestones together with humour as well as love, using this type of high level of quality, functional gift. Often the 49+middle finger comes with: Gift Box Food grade metal double insulated tumbler - 20 Oz/. 56kg Clear press-in lid Stainless Metal Straw If you�re some sort of man or maybe a woman as well as you�re gonna turn 40 or knows someone who else is, then our hilarious and comical 49+1 Midst Finger Insulated Cup fits your golden age! At a glance, it may look just like a regular vacation mug with a comical declaration but there is a thing more guiding the efficiency of the cup other than its humor. Our mug is: Made from foodstuff grade stainless steel, Suitable for alcoholic beverage cooled, daily amount of coffees, soda as well as bedtime milk products drink! Has Double Divider insulation connected with stainless inside and outwardly that is definitely separated by yet another coating and is airtight made, this airtight layer the actual transfer of temperature sluggish which then retains the actual hotness or coldness of your refreshment. Comes together with a clear, press-in lid which has a small beginning to allow anyone to sip on-the-go or use a standard dimensions straw; it will in addition help minimize outflow and spills. A great choice to funny mugs! May help anticipation that often coincides while using golden age involving 50 with this particular quality, amusing gift to produce your treasured one laugh and observe the actual lighter side connected with living. Order now in addition to show a person care having our 49 and up. Midsection Finger insulated mug!
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