rhk111sblog · 22 days
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Troops of the Marine Battalion Landing Team-10 (MBLT-10) of the 4th Marine Brigade (4MBDE) of the Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) recently conducted the ISLA 02-24 Field Exercise in the Province of Batanes with their ATGL-L2 Rocket Launcher, which is an RPG-7 type of Weapon
Here is the Link containing the original Picture at the MBLT-10 Facebook Page: https://web.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0PD7oDhNvqAPGKEiFXzmWDoNJ7aG7BXSCwnwognrEs3Aez4cd3HtsA4zWwMVequW1l&id=100064874733181
SOURCE: Marine Battalion Landing Team-10 Facebook Page Post, 07/31/24 – 0912H {Archived Link}
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rhk111sblog · 3 months
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Let's look at more of the Philippines' 155 mm caliber M-71 Howitzers, these ones by the 4th Marine Brigade of the Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) when they conducted at Live-Fire Exercise in Ilocos Norte recently. The Event was attended by the Vice Governor of that Province, Cecilia Araneta Marcos.
I think that these M-71s of the PMC look a little more Bad A** with their Digital Camouflage than those of the Philippine Army (PA), just my Opinion.
Here is the Link to the Post on the Facebook Page of Vice Gov. Marcos containing the original Pictures: https://web.facebook.com/VGCeciliaAranetaMarcos/posts/pfbid0MwTtDhbxSPodC4mBvSDwCdQXWEm1UjVLdLm29T3oV2H21hqgPnCdTCdYnafu1jnYl
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