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deatherella · 5 months ago
4to2 Basil
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I meant to have this up before the weekend and then I discovered I deleted my previews and had to go take more. Here's a 4to2 conversion of @soloriya's Basil set. There are eleven meshes, all but the tray have recolors, files compressed and collection file included. You can find them under the misc/party category.
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jinxxsims · 13 days ago
Because... why not?
So as I go through my old sim stuff and debate whether or not I'm going to start all over from scratch... I discovered there were some things in my own creations folders that I never shared (similar to the simbishy set I shared the other day). I'm not entirely sure why I didn't share them, but it was probably just because I made them for a specific reason within my game and didn't think any one else would be interested.
In hindsight, that seems silly. If no one downloads them, oh well, but if even one person out there is interested in having them, then it's better to share, so this is me doing that.
So full disclosure, this all came right out of my game before my old computer blew up, so all my recolors are merged because that's part of how I kept my downloads. I don't have individual recolors to offer because of that, but all the recolors that were made by the creators (at least at the time) are in the merged files.
I also don't know if anyone has converted these since I went MIA, so if someone else has already shared their conversions of these things, apologies! With that said, on to the downloads!
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These are a couple of ceiling lights that are not at all ceiling lights from a set by Severinka @ TSR. I don't remember if I made these before I learned how to make lights actually light up or if it was impossible or if I just wanted them as sculptures, but these are nonfunctioning and can be found in the deco category.
Download Severinka's (Non-Functioning) Ceiling Lamps
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These are conversions of the cakes from the (absolutely amazing!) @soloriya's Laila Desserts set. These are deco only and can be found in deco > miscellaneous. All recolors are included in the merged files.
Download Soloriya's Laila Cakes
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These are conversions from @soloriya's Himari sets 1 & 2. They're just deco, but extremely cute deco. All recolors are included in the merged files.
Download Soloriya's Himari Deco
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Once again, credit goes to @soloriya. These meshes are from her Noah Bedroom set. There are no recolors, but everything is functional. The animations for the dressers (both tall and short) are off, but changing that was and is beyond my skillset.
Download Soloriya's Noah Bedroom
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And last but not least, I have 30 recolors of the edited N65 Festive tablecloth. The (unmerged) meshes (master and slave) are included with thanks, but my recolors are merged into a single file. Here is a preview of the thirty recolors:
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Download the N65 Festive Tablecloth Recolors
I created the above patterns myself, but if anyone else would like to have them either to make recolors for the tablecloth that aren't merged or for any other projects, I also uploaded a zip of just the patterns. Please note that they will appear upside down because that's the way they have to be to be right side up for the tablecloth, but you can rotate them as you like.
Download the Tablecloth Resources
Hopefully there's someone out there that will find some of this useful. With all that said, I've been out of this game for a hot minute now and have no idea what's all been converted or not in my lengthy absence. If anyone out there wants to point me towards certain sets to convert or has requests from the games themselves (I have all current sims 4 eps, game packs, stuff packs, and kits), feel free to send me a request via ask. If you'd like me to convert something from a sims 4 creator, please make sure they allow conversions in their policies first.
Happy Friday!
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modernsetstosims2 · 7 months ago
Rita Art Set
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Download - Sfs
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simsinlowspace · 1 year ago
Tove Decor - 4t2 Conversion of Soloriya's Dining Decor
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Happy Sunday everyone! Taking another break from my big conversion project to share a smaller set. 😬
Soloriya always has such pretty decor, and I very much like this Tove Decor set, so I converted it. There are ten items total and all but one can be found under Decorative > Sculptures; the Vase with Wheat is under Decorative > Plants. I added subsets wherever it made sense to do so.
Here's everything you get:
Avocado $15 | 564 poly
Avocado on Plate $25 | 822 poly (avocado cut in half on the single plate)
Cup and Plate $10 | 966 poly
Nuts $15 | 1470 poly (leaf-shaped plate)
Plates A $30 | 1134 poly (stack with the long narrow dishes on top)
Plates B $30 | 910 poly (stack with the square bowl on the bottom)
Plates with Avocado $35 | 1666 poly (stack of plates with the two whole avocados)
Plates with Nuts $30 | 1274 poly (three dishes on the rectangular tray)
Teapot and Cups $50 | 1842 poly
Vase with Wheat $20 | 606 poly
I did not include a swatch since there are only the two mix-and-match recolors shown in the preview.
Many thanks to soloriya for the beautiful set!
DOWNLOAD (SFS) Objects are recolors are ~5.5MB
Lots of love, Spacey
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simulationprincess · 5 months ago
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Cozy Fall Mods 🍂☕️
Autum Pumpkin and Leaves Set: https://nikaonishko.tumblr.com/post/179046159506/4t2-soloriya-for-ts4-and-you-can-find-them
House Numbers: https://www.tumblr.com/keoni-chan/750203265695776768/jasieks-house-numbers-with-smaller-textures
Fall String with leaves and pines: https://clouseplayssims.tumblr.com/post/633548342431023104/happy-simblreen
Welcome Mat: https://sims4t2bb.tumblr.com/forrent
Nostalgia Living Set: https://www.tumblr.com/kestrelteens/754265693757849600/this-is-for-sims-2-whew-i-really-really-loved
Chalk Kitchen Set: https://www.tumblr.com/kestrelteens/734517740016173056/when-i-saw-that-nonsensical-pixels-converted
PANTRY Set: https://www.tumblr.com/nonsensical-pixels/760971734067314688/pierisim-pantry-party?source=share
Bathroom clutter kit: https://modthesims.info/d/673623/4t2-bathroom-clutter-kit-conversion-updated-26-01-2023.html
Laundry SunandMoon Set: https://sunmoon-starfactory.tumblr.com/post/672221491424854016/loads-o-laundry-requirements-easy-inventory
Pumpkin spice waffles: https://jacky93sims.tumblr.com/post/743692970506813440/4to2-pumpkin-spice-waffles
Produce Market Cart: https://crispsandkerosene.tumblr.com/post/136829437280/ts1unleashed-produce-stand-remade-for-ts2-at
Pumpkin Carving Station: https://www.tumblr.com/tony-veis/188579356399/i-finally-completed-the-pumpkin-carving
Knitting mod: https://www.tumblr.com/tony-veis/666424682185195521/halloween-gift-knitti
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tete-sims · 9 months ago
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4t2 Laila Desserts
The set includes 13 decorative objects, 12 desserts and 1 price tag.
They are found in: Appliances - Miscellaneous and Decorative - Miscellaneous, respectively.
The file is compressed and preview included.
The original set can be found here
Credits: @soloriya and @hokadk47
Thanks: TheRaven, @pinka-style, @pforestsims, @hokadk47, @jacky93sims and @emmyjulia-sims
Everyone contributed help when I needed it for my conversions (this and others).
Download Here.
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pforestsims · 10 months ago
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Here are a few recolors for TS2 gazing globes aka crystal balls (one came with SSN, the other with AL).
🔮 Download: MEGA | SFS
*I've also included an edit of 4t2 Crystal Ball mesh from 4t2 Sabrina Decor Set converted by @platinumaspiration (s4 original by Soloriya is here). I've linked the ball subset to "An Odd Foretelling", Seasons EP. 4t2 Crystal Ball recolors still work of this object ofc, you'll find the entire set HERE (MF).
*This is for The Sims 2
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neosimi · 2 years ago
There's a lot of workout cc for the sims 2 but surprisingly no weights. Would you be willing to convert these or know of a easy to folllw tutorial?I've never converted accessories before. Conversions are alllowed in their tou. soloriya(.)tumblr(.)com/post/163866603731/dumbbells-and-barbell-pose-accessories-sims-4-1#notes
hi anon! i have a sport set with a barbell similar to soloriya's. it's actually my first 4t2 conversion. 😬 i feel like there's some like the dumbbells, but i'm having a brain fart lol.
i'm not sure what the process is like for converting accessories into deco. it's not something i've done before myself, sorry. :/
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hemanuely · 2 years ago
Objetos Para The Sims 2 - (Parte 30)
1# instax mini camera
Peter Pinker (tumblr.com)
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2# MDP Soloriya Barber Shop Deco
4t2 Soloriya Barber Shop Deco | Hell Has Spoken (proboards.com)
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3# Chanel tennis
Peter Pinker (tumblr.com)
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4# Epi Decat TS4 Tarot Fox fire Cards
Simbic (tumblr.com)
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5# Luxury baby basket
Peter Pinker (tumblr.com)
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6# Tap Tap Tap - 4t2 OBP iPad Pro Recolours by 2FW
Tap Tap Tap - 4t2 OBP iPad Pro Recolours (livejournal.com)
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7# PS2 Game Set
Peter Pinker (tumblr.com)
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8# Mech_mysticrainearthliving_februarycushionpack
30 random cushion recolors of MysticRain’s... - mechbutterfly (tumblr.com)
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9# Sneakers trishasimma
Peter Pinker (tumblr.com)
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10# ATS2: Cold Misery
Around the Sims 2 | Objects | Accessories | Cold Misery (aroundthesims3.com)
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deatherella · 5 months ago
4to2 Watermelon & Anniversary Cake
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4to2 conversion of @soloriya's Watermelon set. It's the furnishings for the Watermelon Decor set I converted a while back. I added on an end table with a solid surface just like the glass-topped one. What's that big fat cake we see in the background???!!!
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It's a conversion of @simdertalia's ACNH Anniversary Cake conversion. There's a lit one (it's a functioning light) and an unlit one that's deco. Both found in the misc/party category.
The Watermelon set has collection file, includes all recolors, all the files are compressed in both downloads.
Download Watermelon set
Download the Cake!
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deatherella · 1 year ago
4to2 Susanna
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Here's some fun items for your Sims' kids. Soloriya's Susanna kids room and Susanna Deco sets.
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There are three slots on the endtable and two on the hutch.
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I made the table and chairs regular size and child-sized.
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Some of the animations are a bit off. As you can see, Skip's hand for placing food on the table for his tombstone-of-life-and-death kids, stays at regular table level while the dishes go where they belong with a quick drop. The kids at the table all eat just fine, but you'll note their feet hang like they would on regular height chairs. I tried to change the placements for the animations but I couldn't get them right and I can live with these minor imperfections, hopefully, you can, too.
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Lots of fun deco pieces, too. Ten altogether with all their recolors. The room set has all recolors, too. Pretty much all of it is compressed. There's collection files so you can find it all easier.
Download 4to2 Susanna
Download 4to2 Susanna Deco
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deatherella · 3 months ago
4to2 Octa Paranormal
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4to2 conversion of @soloriya's sweet Octa Paranormal set. Files are compressed and there's a collection file included.
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There are a couple-few recolors of some of the items. Not all of the original Sims 4 meshes had recolors.
Download Octa Paranormal !
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modernsetstosims2 · 3 months ago
Mona Kitchen - Decor
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modernsetstosims2 · 10 months ago
Alberta Decor
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Download - Sfs
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modernsetstosims2 · 10 months ago
Daisy Decor
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Download - Sfs
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modernsetstosims2 · 4 months ago
Dagny Decor
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