fantasmagorial · 1 year
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fugio star wars au compilation
ig 1 the rest / twt 1 2 3 4and5
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"There is a Creative Reading as well as Creative Writing"
Writing is the process of using symbols to communicate others and it is one of the best way on how to deliver and express your thoughts, ideas, arguments in a readable form and in a clear and effective way. It is also a way for you to connect with and communicate yourself to all the people that surround you. For instance, writing a piece of work can be able to help you to expand more your imaginative and thinking skills and as a writer, you can directly change the feelings of your readers as well as yours, because writing a piece of work can make your life wonderful and joyful. Moreover, to achieve this kind of life, writing little by little and starting it with a simple but meaningful piece of work is a way to make your life beautiful.
By this time, we the Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students (Group 3) will going to share to all of you our works that can surely encourage and inspire you to read and write more creative and meaningful literary piece.
(Part 2)
Entry #7:
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Hi! my name is Antonio Joshua D. Ogares 17 years old. My birthday is on May13,2005.i live in Tapulang Maayon Capiz, There are 5 people in my family and I am a student at  Maayon National High School. My Favorite subject is Creative Writing and my Favorite sports is Basketball. Someday, when I graduated from Senior High School, I want to take the course of Seaman.My motto in life is that
“Success in the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty  and persistence.”
                  Tall, Handsome
J- ealousy boy
O-range is my favorite fruit
S-weet and loving boy
H-elp mom with dishes and washing
U-ses my manners at school
A-kind boy and  helpful
~POEM~ "I love my family so much"
 To be apart of a family like mine
 is so divine
 where is shown
 hurt is shared
 our love for each is never impaired.
We talk
we laugh
we cry
but we are a family
and we do it all together
for as a family
we do it all as one
you hurt one
you hurt all
and as a family unit
we will all stand tall
for we are family
a family full of strength
a family full of love
a family no one can touch
That's why i love my family so much.
Rhythm and sound structure:
METER AND LINE:it contains 4and5 lines in every stanza
FORM: Quintain, Quatrain
STANZA:4 stanza
TONE: Happy, blessed, thankful
Literary devices:
1 stanza: to be apart of a family like mine is so divine.
3 stanza: for as a family we do it all as one
4 stanza: and as a family unit
1 stanza: to be apart of a family like mine is so divine.
3 stanza:Where love is shown,hurt is shared,our love for each is never impaired
VISUAL:we cry,we laugh,we talk
AUDITORY:We talk,we laugh,we cry
There’s something missing in my home
i feel it day and night
i know it will take time and strength
before things quite right
But just for now I need to mourn
my heart it need to mend
though some may say it's just a pet
i know I've lost a friend
you brought such laughter to my home
and richness to my days
a constant friend through joy or loss
with gentle loving ways
A companion pal and confidant
A friend I wont forget
you'll live for always in my heart
my sweet forever pet.
METER AND LINE:it contains 4 lines in every stanza
FORM: Quatrain
STANZA: 4Stanza
-There something missing in my home i feel it day and night.
-Though some may say it's just a pet i know I've lost a friend.
-You brought such laughter to my home and richness to my day.
-A companion pal and confidant
-A friend i wont forget
-you'll live for always in my heart my sweet forever pet.
-I feel it day and night
-you brought such laughter to my home.
One beautiful spring day Amy was finishing
with her dad they had already caught four
fish when they stopped for a lunch break. Amy put her sandwich wrapper in her brown bag then she headed for the trash can.
as Amy walked she noticed litter on the beach there were candy wrappers, Bottle caps,and soda cans. Then Amy noticed something else. A boy his name is Jack. that Throwing a wrapper  at the beach and Amy approach to the boy and Amy said "Do you know  the effects of dumping waste into the sea and Jack said "I don't know the effect of dumping waste into the sea" and Amy explain to her the effect of dumping waste into the sea. Amy said "it well spoil the sea and affect the fish as well""The seas will be polluted which will completely affect the fish and their natural habitats and the inhabitants of the sea will be die and our environment will be destroyed. "and when the fish or other sea creatures die people may not  be able to get enough to eat in their daily lives and when the boy knew the effect of dumping waste into the sea. He suddenly apologized to Amy and he picked up the candy wrappers and he threw away and put it in his pocket.
Then Amy noticed something else a woman wearing gloves was kneeling in the dunes a few feet away shes name is "Ericka" she was Hunched over a seagull "Well have you fixed in a jiffy" and Ericka said to the gull. Amy looked closer the bird had a piece of plastic around its neck it looked like a ring form a six pack of soda.
"The sea gull got its neck stuck in a plastic ring" the woman explained to Amy I’m a veterinarian and someone called to see if i could help this bird is lucky i got here in time it could have choked. That's sad Amy said."i guess people need to be careful with their garbage". That's right Ericka said. and its not just gulls that get hurt.sea turtle swallow plastic bags that are floating in the water seals often choke on trash, too.
Amy had an idea the next day she invited some friends over and he invite Jack and Jack said “I like your idea Amy” and Amy said “Now lets clean the beach and make it colorful and healthy beach again”. Amy spread markers and cardboard on the floor and explained her plan.A few hours later the kids had made a pile of sign. "Save the sea and save the nature" Toss your trash read one sign.
"Snip soda rings so gulls wont choke read another Amy and her friends got permission to post their signs on the beach. when they finished they heard gulls crying overhead. Amy smiled she was certain they were saying “Thanks”.!.
Other character
Amy’s friend
3rd persons point of view
The plot:
*Exposition- When Amy walk and she noticed litter on the beach there were candy wrapper, bottle, caps, and soda cans in the beach.
*Rising action- when Amy noticed something else. A boy his name is jack that throwing a candy wrapper at the beach and Amy approach to jack.
*Climax- when Amy explain to jack the effect of dumping waste into the sea.
*Falling action- After Amy explain to jack the effect of dumping waste into the sea jack suddenly apologized to Amy and he picked up the candy wrapper.
*Resolution/Denouement-The next day Amy invited some friends over and he invited jack to clean the beach and make it colorful and healthy beach again. When they finished they Heard gulls crying overhead Amy smiled. she certain they were saying “Thanks”.
Place- in the beach
Mood-Sad,Happy, interesting and thankful
Time- This story takes place in the beach one beautiful spring day.
*Person vs person
*When Jack know the effect of throwing trash to the beach hes not do it again he protect the beach and seagull.
Simile- it will spoil the sea and effect the fish as well
Personification-One beautiful spring day
Visual imagery- one beautiful spring day
-this bird is lucky i got here in time
-Colorful and healthy beach again
-Auditory-When they finished clean the beach they heard gulls crying overhead
Act playTopic (E)A learner is an Aeta Who intends to study in an exclusive school.Character
:• Character 1 Rose (Main Character) Character 2Rica (sistor of Rose).•Character 3 (Local Government)•Character 4: A (Mother and Father of Rose and Rica)Character 5 Jerome (The one. who bully Rose)Narration: At a very young age, Rose was a how hard it is people. member of an Acta was experienced grow poor. As an Acta she was discriminated by someCharacter5 Jerome (The bully) Hey, your envious of aires hair, arent you? 1 Rose) (She was Amazed at an heir) No, I'm not I just find it beautifulCharacterCharacter 5 Jerome (this laughing at Rose hair) Why don't you try washing your hair with Shampo so it wouldn't look like a sponge (laughing).Narration: while the others Acta'sdanced their National Indigenous people month rose.was Character 2Rica (In a side OF and thinking deeply. confused mood) Hey! hey! What's the matter with you its the National Indigenous peoples Month! whe should be celebrating.thethe treeCharacter 1 Rose (lo a low voice) Do Shampo? think hair would become straight if I we you myCharacter 2 Rica (In a normal voice) why bother spending money on can just use buke tree that are pree? shampoo when weCharacter 1 [Rose (In a mad tome) I don't understand why our hair has to look like this.our hairs already kinky and our don't look like us often lease me..Skin's So darkso my classmate.2
2- [Rica (In an angry mood) Well, just don't mind them! if those people do the don't youre beautiful were those people either always remember that our all beautiped Even if our hairs curly and our thin tribe is cank we on beautiputCharacter 1 [Base (SMILE)Character 2 (Rica) (Crying mood) Father please try to eat you haven eaten since last nightCharacter 1 [Rod] (In a Mad tone) Father are you going to let yourselves stare? I con go you cat!On a without on allowance as long asCharacter 4 Mother] (In a normal voice) Here your allowance destrCharach 1 Rose (In a sad tone) I can't take that Mother, ill stop school for now. You'reStruggling because of me and school.Character 4 Father (In a low tore) that's how it's is dear, we need to make sacrifices so you can mach your dream. (Mother) (Low tone) Don't waste that mean nothing t your the opportunity your sister stopped school because of you Does that Thear nothing to you!Character 1 Rose (in a sad tone) Mother, Father this is so hard put me what's the point of having Sploma ip I lose you, you're the reason D Character 4 Father (in on High tone) Just as doing this for you im dhin thiswerehelp you with work, so you can rest we don't know you. We love you so much what we'll do with out Character 20 Rica (Sad Tome) Father, I'm sorry that I can't help you with anythingCharacter 10 Base (In a low voice) Let.Character 4 [Father] (In a normal voice) I'm also sorry. enly there are enough opportunities for our people to dream. But we need to "dreaming when she so we wed be mo're free can reach higher.if this is all wecan provide, ifrration: Rose knows that her family stopped dreaming when she quit his studies. that that shud strive to до back to school to buildwhy she promised herself. her familys dreams once again.character 3 [Local government) (there were looking for an Acta to join the pageant) Hi! what's your name?aracter 1 Rosul (In a normal voice) Ummes. I'm Rose what can I do Help for you! aracter 3 Local government (while he was in the front of a eta she was anotad because of the beauty of an a eta) were looking for some one who couldrepresent your tribe your pretty and you're tall you can Join the contest
Rose in a confused mood) is there a prize for the winner? 3 Lical Government) (In on happy tore) Five thousand pasus! The prise will be biggerIf you join the miss me-liveles pageant and was Your life will become better if you' do your tribe were good too-Come on! Fill up the application pomCharacter 1 [Rose (stes scared to join because if those people make pun. of her in the cont Character 3. Thecal becomment) (while in the front of Acts) youre very beautiful- we one not asking you to join so people can humiliate you- in fact, we want you to feelyou're part of the community. Chancha ose (confident) she sign the permCharacter 1 Pose (She told her sister that she join the pageant in miss moriules) aside from unts open door for me and it will pavethe prize sister. I think pageants the way to my dreams not just pon my self but por our family as with even For for fellow Actos (Cry mood) I want to show the world that beautiful, that were Intelligent and that humans too. were alsoNarration: Beper the pageant begin Rose was very scared because what if those people. make fun of her and bully her. but pose. confident that she won the miss merivcks. was fighting his scared and sheherocker Box (she walk to the center stage with compidunt and ate introduce her self to the audience) Rose Cruz, 18 from Bukidnon, I'm currently studying at Bukidnon Acta Integrated school. and I love pilipinas pood and I believe that being Indigenousis not a hindrance to achieve one's dream.-horacker 10 [Pose) (HAPPY TONG) Good evening, Everyone if I were the representative for hiss mariceless i will give my best por our village, i will prone to every over that we Actes on compute Miss Mariveles Thank you so much.Nerve Hon: Before the Me told whos the winner. Rose was wry scard becaused for was very beautiful and smart. and she did not expect the she wonthe First place.haracter 7 Rosu) (In a shock mood) I want to thank everyone Supporting here and my family why horacker 4 (Mother) (In a happy and prend tone) Rose Thank you so much you mede our peopleProup you introducetiribe to a lot of people-aracter 1 (ROSE) (HAPPY ENDING) if there anything I learned from everything I went through its that one should never give up on their dreams Right now, in nor conpidunt in money to my self I'm working hard to your dough go back to school, my parents right.cducation is coun
SETTING: Pose wasgive up his dreams and she to cor to in an exclusive school Working hardB. PLOT: written.E. CHARACTER:•Character 1: Rose (Main Character)•Character 2: Rica (Sister Rose).Charach 2: (Local government) •Character 4: (Mother and Father of Rose and Rica)•cha meter 5: Jerome. The one who bully Dose). D. Conflict Rose was member of an exclusive school Acta who intends to study. inE. Atmosphere sad because she cannot aford to study in an exclusive school.819
~ End ~
Entry #8
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My name is Ryan Degala 18 years old Grade 12 HUMSS E student, I live in Tapulang Maayon Capiz. My hobbies are playing playing basketball and volleyball, I love to listen some music and watching movies. And I am currently studying at Maayon National High School.
"My Family"
I have a small and happy family, we live in our lovely home. There are 4 members in our family my parents and my sister, we're not a perfect family because my sister was get pregnant in an early age and that affects a lot in our family because my father was relying to her that when she graduated she can help us in our financial problems. My father is our saviour and protector because he is doing his best to give the financial assistance that we need and provide what we need. He is the best foundation in our/my life he is the only reason why I'm doing my best in my studies. My mother is just like a tiger because when she get mad all things messed up just like the tiger she was responsible in household chores getting cared about our feelings she was the best mother. And I'm the youngest child in their two children and I want to be like my father that is hardworking in everything because father taught me that being hardworking will make me successful someday and I'm doing my best to give back their sacrifices that they give to me I'll do my best  to make them proud I want to be different to my sister who's wasted all the hard work and sacrifices of our parents. That's not the only thing happened in our family there is a happy moments and when I remember it feels like I'm dreaming. When where going in a vacation I feel like were laying in the clouds. Our happy moments feels like a bubble that in one bad happenings it pops and disappeared like a bubble.
As I get up in my warm bed
I have an activity to attendI'm
An activity that happens once in a lifetime
Act as a colors that combine.
As I go on our adventurous journey
Excited and feeling hurry
To notice the stunning beauty of the falls
As I arrive I gave it an applause.
Loves to hear the singing birds
And the falls like it was saying a words
Saying that feel free to relax
And my body reacts and collapse.
Because of the coldness of water
The water makes my body feel shorter
A lovely day to remember
Because my face are filled with laughter.
Rhythm and sound structure: AABB, AABB, AAAA
Meter and Line: It contains 4 lines in every stanzas
Form: Quatrain
Stanza: 4 stanzas
Theme: Happy and Relaxing
Tone: Happy, Relax
(Literary Devices)
Simile: Act as a colors that combine
And the falls like it was saying a word
Personification: Loves to hear the singing birds
And the falls like it was saying a words
Tactile: Because of the coldness of water
As I get up in my warm bed
And my body reacts and collapse
Auditory: As I arrive I gave it an applause
Loves to hear the singing birds
And the falls like it was saying a words
Visual: As I go on our adventurous journey
To notice the beauty of the falls
Because my face are filled with laughter
"A Day with My Friends"
The sound of water falling in the ground
To escape the problems that made me drowned
The peace of mind that that I want was here
Made my struggle s and problems disappear
As we jump in the water it gives excitement in our body
And happiness like we're walking on rainbow
Playing with water like practicing karate
Swim fast like I have a turbo
Pulling the trigger to win the game
To taste the victory
Acting as a varsity
And give our team a fame
As the sun sinking like a boat
It's time for us to float
And go home with a gorgeous smile
The memories that I remember in a while
Rhythm and Sound Structure: AABB, ABAB,ABBA,AABB
Meter and Line: It contains 4lines in every stanzas
Form: Quatrain
Stanza: 4 stanzas
Theme: Happy
Tone: Joyful
(Literary Devices)
Simile: And happiness like we're walking on rainbow
Playing with water like practicing karate
Swim fast like I have a turbo
Acting as a varsity
As the sun sinking like a boat
Hyperbole: To escape the problems that made me drowned
Made my struggles and problems disappear
And happiness like we're walking on a rainbow
Visual: And go home with a gorgeous smile
As the sun sinking like a boat
The relaxing sound of water falling in the ground
Ryan Degala
Handsome boy and hardworking
Braver and Smarter
                    Tall, Handsome
           Annoying, Loving, Learning
 ��     Basketball, Ride, Liptint, Bracelet
           Speaking, Caring, Stunning
                Beautiful, Attractive
R- omantic handsome father
O- bligated to make us safe
M- aking his best to give the life we want
U- nstopoable hardworking just to be sure that I will finish my study
O- bserving us gracefully
"Thanks Ma'am"
  Once upon a time there is a student named Christian who is hardworking for his study to make their life more okay because he came
from a poor family. He have to work in weekends to support his financial needs because his parents does not have a stable work that's the only way he can continue his study one time his teacher saw him working at the market carrying heavy stuffs his teacher approach him:
Teacher: Christian why are you here? it's weekend you're supposed to be in your house doing your homeworks
Christian: I work here ma'am because if I don't work I don't have allowance for tomorrow
Teacher: Why are you working? were are your parents?
Christian: my father was a construction worker but his income was not enough for our family and my mother is just in the house taking care of my two siblings
Teacher: ow I see keep it up Christian your hard work will make you successful someday
Christian: Thanks Ma'am but I need to get back to work because may boss is just like a dragon
Teacher: Okay Christian, if you have a problem or you need some help I'm just here
Christian: Thank you Ma'am see you at the school tomorrow
Bye Ma'am!!
Teacher: Bye Christian see you tomorrow
Then Christian get back to work as the sun sinks Christian needs to go home with a 300 pesos of income good enough for a week allowance as he arrive at their house he directly go to his cute small room and go to his soft bed for a small time because his mother has done cooking as they were eating there delicious dinner they talk about his day
Mother: So how's your day son?
Christian: all okay ma and tiring because I carry a lot of heavy stuffs
Mother: good job son keep it up god will make a reward for your hard work
Christian: Yes ma, just like my teacher said earlier in the market
Mother: Ow your teacher saw you working?
Christian:yes ma but we talk fast because I'm in the middle of the work
Father: I'm so sorry son. aren't you shy for your teacher see you working?
Christian: No dad I'm proud of what I'm doing because it's how we live like this
 -and sorry for what dad?
 Father: I'm so sorry for this life that has a lot of storm conquer
 Christian: its okay dad don't worry I will study hard so if I can graduate we can be successful just believe dad god has plan
 Father: yes son me and your mother trusting and believing in youKo ko
 Christian: I promise to you dad
as they finish your dinner they both go to their room. as the sun was rising christian was ready to go to school and his father which is going to work in they both leave and christian arrived at the school early and as the time goes by while he is enjoying doing activities a call received by his adviser and a bad news was happened his father was fall from the building which you work and christian are you going to hospital because he's worried about his father situation as he arrived he goes to his mother to ask what happened but his mother can answer in Christian goes to the doctor and ask the doctor what happened
Christian: what happened to my father doc?
Doctor: his arm broke because of the impact of his falling
Christian: how much money will we needing doc?
Doctor: you'll be needing 10,000for his surgery
Christian: ow okay doc just do my dad's surgery and I will find a way to find that much money
Doctor: okay good luck to you and I will go to the surgery room
Christian go to his mother and tell what doctor said
Christian: ma we need to find 10k for dad's surgery
Mother: 10k? where we can find that much of money?
Christian: I don't know mom
Christian in his mother go out and looking for help but no one was willing they go to his uncle but his uncle's wife resist his mother go to his friends but they both receive but Christian remember his teacher said then Christian go to his teacher and ask for help and begin to his teacher because her teacher knows their situation and help them without hesitations as they arrive at the hospital the surgery was done in his father taking a rest to heal and Christian giving thanks to his teacher because without her they can pay their bill. One week later Christians father was healthy checking out the hospital and they go The House of Christian teacher and thanking about for the hell she offered in promising that they were to pay it if they have money. And after six months they fully paid it successfully after they gave the money they treat the teacher because giving thanks and cherish the kindness she gave and as the day ends they both look at the teacher and say thank you ma'am.
(Elements of fiction)
Story title: THANKYOU MAAM
Theme: Love and helping someone
Characters: Christian, Teacher, Christian Parents, sibling
Place: Market, House, school, hospital
Time: 1week
Conflict: Christians father was get accident in his work place and they have to find a money to pay their bills because they have nothing and they don't have any work to get those money
Literary Devices: Hyperbole simile
Hyperbole: when Christians father said their life has lots to storm to conquer
Simile: when christian compare his boss to the dragon
Type of Conflict: Person vs self
Imagery: Gustatory, Tactile
Components of a plot:
Exposition: once upon a time there is a student name Christian who is hardworking for his study to make their life more okay because he came from a poor family. they have to work in weekends The support his financial needs needs because his parent does not have a stable work that's the only way he can continue his study one time his teacher saw him working at the market carrying and delivering heavy stops his teacher saw him.
Rising Action: Christian arrive at the school early and as the time goes by while he was enjoying doing activities he called was received by his advisor and the bad news happened
Climax: his father fall from the building which he worked in Christian hurrying going to hospital because he's worried about the situation of his father in this father has broken its arm because of the impact of his falling and they have to find some money to do surgery but everyone that they asked what's refused to help them.
Falling action: when Christians teacher gradually help them in their problem in hospital bills
Resolution/Denouement: Christians problem were solve by his teacher And his father recover for a short time and after six months the fully pay it and giving thanks to teacher for helping them and cherish its kindness.
One Act Play
in the Center Stage) Naam I have something to tell you. Charles cheated
Narrator It was the dang! preparing for the exam and after the exam they check their papers to and charles got the highest score and Katrina got jealous because the examination and every students is getting ready and wants to be the highest to the accused that Charles Cheated in the and their stores and after they check the papers they knoy.
Katrina (She went to Mr Reca and angrily caid that Charles cheated they were exam. their scores
Ms Deca (She call charles calmly at the Down Stage in his chair) Charles! Come here.in the exam that's why he get the high score.
HaveCharles (Charles was chock about Ms Reca's said) That's not true moom. I've re- view all that last night. charles because charles was nervous) Katrina told me that cheated. She sawyou cheated in exam?Mr-Reca Isuspected.you
Charles: (Nervous about what Katrina accused to him) That's not true I've been stay up all night just to study in this exam.
Mr Reca: (Disappointed to Charles) Please bring your Paremo tonorme. I'm vocory to tell you that your scholarship is endanger because of what you did.
Charles (crying about the teacher said to him) But maam I did not cheat.
Reca (Disappointed) I'm so vorry but you have to race your consequenceMs.Reca Okay class, you may go home now.
Narrator: As the students went home katrina goes to the CR. and laughing. about what she did but she didn't notice that the bestfriend of charles which is Trisha is in the next door and Trisha recorded all Katrina's said and Katrilla went home excited because the. had a good news for Charles.
4Trisha: (went to the house of charles in the upstage) Charles! Charted! I have something to tell you.Charles
:Trisha(sadly goes to the gate) What is it Trisha?(Excited to tell Charley) Don't be sad Charles I have a good news I that you didnt cheat because I heard in the C.R. that know Katrina framed you.
Charles (Shocked) Is it true? Do you have an Evidence? I knew that Valcin was lying so it means ing scholarship will be sape.
Tricha (Happy about Charles Yes Charles I have the evidence but I have to go just see you tomorrow and just bring your parents because we will tell all the truth because of this record.
Charlec: (believed about the good news) Thank you !! Triska your the best!a mad be)?
Narrator: So trisha went home and Charles wat excited to hell to his parents that his scholarship will be sape later that night. charles can't sleep because of excitement and happiness Of trisha's good news and after an hour he just fell asleep. It was a good day for charles he was excited and happy to to school they were hurrying to leave their houve his.
Father (Antonio) was excited to as they rinich preparing they leave their house. As they arrive at the school they quickly go to the teacher (mir Reca) together with his Father Antonio): and Trisha and they talk about what happenMr Reca (Pleasure to meet charles father) wood day sir are you the father of charles? Mr? Mr. Pintorio Yes mam, I'm Mr. Antonio. (Measure to meet charles teacher).
Reca (sitting at her teacher's table) Wir Antonio art you aware of what Charles did in exam?Mr. Antonio: (fit at the chair) tes maam charles told me last night. But that's not true malam my ron was studying and slept late becausehe want to get a high score. Mir Reca (Listeng at Charles dad) But someone caw him cheat.Mr. Antonio! (curious) who is it naam? Can I talk with her? Me Reca (stands to call Katrina) Katrina can you come here? Katring" (went to the teacher's desk at the upstage) what is it maam? Men (down) Charles Father wank's to talk with you. Yatrina (Sitdown) What is it sir?Mr.Antono: (Curious) Is it true that Charles (heated? Katrina (Nervous) Yes sir I saw him in his chair.Mr Antonio: Do you have any evidence like photo? Katrina (Nervour) I don't have sir but I saw him I didn't have time to took a picture because Iyar bay deest the exam.Atonio (Curious) Your lying the Peca we have a evidence that this little girl was lying. -(calls Trocha) Trisha come here pleat pling the evidence. Truha (Excited to play the record) Here malam this is katring talking and happyMe that her plant succeed. Reca (Shocked about what the heared) is it you Katrina? Why did youdo that?Katrina (Shacked) That's not me maim- Trichia (Confident) I have a video so don't deny it.Dec (Dipped? Why did you do that Katrina?Katrina" (Achamed) I'm so vorry maam I just did that because I don't want to be second plugs in so tired of being second alsays. No Reon Thumppated) It? thing to be sciont katrina just ove your study more productive gou'll have to be Face your consequence.-Your schobusting will be stop because of what Mr. Antonio: So maniam the problem was volved Is it mean that Charlesyoudid.Mon: (stand and shakehands with Charter pather) Yes i'r you can go nave now and I will be the Inchange of katrina.THE END
ELEMENTS DE DNE ACT PLAY(A. Jetting. At the school and hour of CharlesL88B.
Plot: The student Vatrina accused that Charles Cheated in theWe Bencher)Kalvina (The one that occe Charles) Tha (heid of Charles)Time: Bring and right• Dialouge: Charles What is it trisha Trichie Charles Charles? | have varmething to tell you.f Complict A student was accused that cheated in exam and his scholar was endanger 6. theme: When you study hard you can get the high score.Player: Scored dot his scholarship.
~ End ~
Entry #9
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I'm Ella mae Dordas, 17 years old live in Tapulang ,Maayon, Capiz.I like to play volleyball,watch k-drama etc.
My motivational quotes for life is here
"My Family"
Family is love
Rain or shine
Where happy spending time
Birds is like who I am to be
Happy person and enjoy every single time
Maybe my life is not perfect anyway
But I'm blessed to have them everyday
Struggles and criticism there always with me
Comforting and they always love me so blessed and I well do everything to be proud having me
Through ups and down there with me
Making me happy and do everything with me
So blessed to have them like super hero
•Rhythm and sound structure:
•Meter and line:
The poem contain 5 lines every stanza
3 stanza
-where happy spending time
-blessed to have them like super hero
•enjoying, happiness
•happy family
•Literary Devices:
Simile:Birds is like who I am to be
Personification:Happy person and enjoy every single time
Sunset is the coast magical as the
Sun rays is their new bright orange
Color hit the waters at angle
That make it reflective
of the sun and it's new color in the sunset.
This is perhaps one of the most beautiful seemed
of nature as the waves in the ocean,ripple
That are formed consequently reflect the setting sun on the beach and air
Creating a pale orange
And often somber ambiance.
Consequently,the value of the sky cannot be overlooked in every sunset,the sky from
a deep color purple faded pink color
As the sun reaches deeper
Into the horizon and a sunset represent closing the books on a particular stage of life
In order to start something new.
•Rhythm and sound structure:
•Meter and line:
The poem contain 5 lines every stanza
3 stanza
-reflect the setting sun on the beach
-sunset is the coast magical
-sun Ray's is their new bright orange
-color hit the waters at angle that make it reflective of the sun and it's new color
Exciting, enjoying
•Literary Devices:
Hyperbole:Beach and air creating a pale orange in every sunset the sky turns from a deep color purple
                    Supportive, facilitating
                Authority, explaining, patient
          Guide, listening, developing
              Books learning,trying confident
                          Curiosity, ready
God is my saviour
Studying all the subject
Laughing with my friend
S-pecial,you simply amaze
A-ffectinabale,a child so dear
M-emorable,a delight to know
A-dorable,from head to ice
N-ice, right from the start
T-rusting, intelligent and smart
H-onest,so precious and charming
A-ttractive,a smile that's disarming
Once upon a time, I'm mark. I'm happy, hyper, but I got to the point where I was bored in quarantine and I was looking for a girl to talk, the online class started when I was in grade 12.i was happy. I just kept playing with my friend. Sometimes I notice that I'm the only one left when it's lunch time, they leave immediately to have a drink with their friends at 7 in the evening, I'm just starting and the one of my classmates chats with me
Ashley;I will copy mark in math
Ashley is my classmates and I used to be a teenager in our province. I was very close to her when we were Young, so her parents are also kind to me. When we moved here , but now we have an online class at our school. He is studying so he is very happy that we can talk again
Mark;wait isn't that over?
Ashley; I'll ask you for an answer when I'm done
Mark;oh hold on I'll just send you the answer
When we first met, I had no intention of flirting with her because she still had a boyfriend at the time.
Ashley;hey Mark, is the school for from your house?
Mark;it's not just walking distance why?
Ashley;no, I once thought that we would hang out with you sometime face to face
Mark; it's okay then let's wander here, there's a lot to wander here with us
I'm happy talking to him but I know my limits and boundaries in dealing with him because he has another boyfriend but because I'm his closet male friend I'm his boybestfriend
Mark;how old have you been since your boyfriend?
Ashley;we turned one year old last week
Mark;oh? Where did you go?
Ashley;that's right, he didn't even remember our anniversary
Mark:how about tears?
Ashley;it's pure ml, in there
Mark;what are you doing?
Ashley;I never let her down even though I was sad
Mark;both of you are serious about each other
Ashley; that's why, I'm also tired of him, he's just a game
Mark;what's is your bonding always?
Ashley; according to him he accomplish me for two games in ml then he informs that he will accompany his friend
Mark;how do you feel about that?
Ashley;I Always feel like I'm just not there for him and not for him because I'm the most prioritize
Mark;it's sick
Ashley;I don't know, I'm planning to divorce you too
Mark; I'm sorry  to break up
Ashley;it's bad for him, he didn't used to be like that, it's tiring to understand him
I feel a little strange, he doesn't know it's bad to hope, I'll be with him because still has a boyfriend, but I don't know why I was happy when he said they were going to break up
The year was almost over and he suddenly chatted with me
Ashley;Mark can you talk to me?
Mark;why what happened?
Ashley;my boyfriend and I broke up and I have no one to talk to
Mark;huh why did you break?
Ashley;he broke up with me because of a small thing
Mark;what little thing?
Ashley; someone commented on my post my boyfriend and we were just teasing to call him baby then he saw that he got jealous he got angry and broke up
I can't even fix it because I'm tired
Mark;let that person be, and it's ok for someone to get tired
Ashley;thank you  Mark and there you are
Mark; that's okay, it's normal for a friend's to sympathize, right?
I know if I'm wrong in my feelings, I also know it's wrong that I felt happy when he said they were going to break u a few weeks passed that I comforted him when he cried and helped him with his school work while he moved on but two weeks later, something new?
Ashley;hey Mark can you stay away from me first
Ashley;I'm bathering you too much and I see how much you're helped me and I'm getting over it
Mark;it's nothing, it's just a small thing that I helped you with
Ashley;no mark, stay away from me first
Mark;legit Ashley it's okay for me to help you
Ashley;it's not really just that mark
Ashley;I know you have feelings for me and I can sense it
Mark;is that so?
Ashley; little by little I have feelings for you Mark and I didn't want to make you a rebound
Mark;okay I'll go away first, I also don't want to take advantage of your situation right now
Ashley;thank you
Let him have his own space. It's also true I don't want to take advantage of his situation now. I know that he was just confused when he said had feelings for me. He is a different man, I asked his friends and they said that is was just a rebound, Ashley's story with them, I always wondered why I didn't go another week and he chatted again
Ashley;hey Mark
Mark;hey! How are you?
Ashley;it's getting okay you?
Mark;it's okay
Ashley;I haven't from you since last week mark;ah yes moved away from you because you have a boyfriend
Ashley; boyfriend who?
Mark;the one posted was my day
Ashley;was that my rebound?
Mark;what you have?
Ashley;we didn't call each other for five days because I missed her
Ashley;hey Mark, I'm just wondering, do you have feelings for me too?
Mark;ha? Why did you ask that?
Ashley;when I was feeling sad, remembered that you were there for me
Mark; that's not there
Ashley;mark seems like a big deal to me that's why I'm asking you Mark do you still have feelings for me?
Mark;why what if there is?
Ashley;I want to give you a chance
Mark;are you serious?
Ashley;yes, but answer me first, is there anything else?
Mark;yes Ash I'm just waiting for you
Ashley;from now on mark I'm answering you
I know that what happened to us was too past, but I was willing to take it from him, but what he did to me was not expected
Mark;so what do you mean
Ashley;that's it
Mark;are you serious?
I can't believe what Happened because I didn't expect her sudden chat, she'll become my girlfriend right away, I'm very happy the day she answered me because it was worth it for me to wait for her. He works on a project and then one day he did something stupid that expect
Ashley;mark I'm leaving first
Mark;ha? Where are you going?
Ashley;ah, my friend and I will just wander around
Ashley;as long didn't know
Mark;male or female
Mark;what? How many are you?
Ashley;just us
Mark;but you wander around just the two of you
Ashley;what's up mark friend that's missing and there's another cousin of that too mark
Mark;ah, okay cousin you said right away
I was nervous when he first said that he was going to travel with a man but l was going he said that it was his cousin
A week passed and I didn't give him a type because I was too focused on my studies and his studies that he was depressed about his school work so I usually do his thesis and homework
Ashley;hey let's play mark ml
Mark;later I'm still busy with our school works
Ashley;why didn't you give me time first?
Mark; we'll play after I'm not doing enough
Ashley;take care that, I'll play with the others first
Mark;huh who are you going to play with?
Ashley;there at my cousin's
Mark;who is there?
Ashley;the one who was with you in the past
Mark;come on, that's really a cousin
Ashley;yes, he is my third cousin
Mark;ah okay go ahead I do well play first, then after I do we'll play
Ashley;don't let us sleep after that
He's not my son and I'm busy with our school work because I've always wanted have a good future for both of us but as time went on I noticed something. I thought him at 12 in the morning and this is what happened.
Mark;it Ash game let's go
Ashley; I'll be busy later
Mark;where are you busy?
I called him even though he was doing something,I was surprised by the messenger and another call I thought who he talking to at 12:00 am
Mark;but you end another call?
Ashley;as long as I have someone to talk to
Ashley;my cousin
Mark;what are you too talking about?
Ashley;as long as mark boy is my best friend and we were close to each other before you came
Of course as a respite I let them go because maybe they are just talking about a family problem but as time goes on I notice something worse
Mark;why?end another call right?
Ashley;he's talking to me
Mark;put it down first lets talk
Ashley; can't
Mark;what is not possible
Ashley;as long as it's not possible
He was so surprised that he told that because he was so angry with his boybestfriend
Mark;do you and Ash still stalk?
Carl;ah yes pre
Mark;why are you still talking at this time?what are you talking about?
Carl;ah nothing
Mark;what's wrong
Carl;no one is just staring
Mark;you guys are not talking about anything
Carl;you tell him first
It's obvious that the two of them are still tripping over me,but I'm so angry that what is going to say to her boy best friend?
Mark;ah,you don't want to put it doen,just with each other
Carl;it pre what are you going to say my cousin
Mark;it's not obvious to the two of you.but I know that you want to date him
Carl;it's up to you think before you go back
I just slept that night because I couldn't do anything even if I wanted to,but the next day Ashley chatted with me
Ashley;hey Mark,I'm sorry last night,I know you're angry,but I can't hang up the call,I can't explain to you,but I really need him
I just replied to him because I was more angry with him and the whole day passed without replaying to him because I was more  focused on my school work while I was looking my Google classroom I remembered that I had his Google account and by accident I open his Google photos,I also expected that the number of picture in his gallary are syned to this phone pictures of them having a video call and their chats with each other,I don't know why there is a screenshot of their chats jowa he and she are still flirting but their chats are worse
Carl;uy Ash I miss you Soo much iloveyou Ash be careful always,Ash I passed by your house a while ago it's a shame I didn't even see you I would have hugged you tightly break up with you because your boyfriend is not there and you school work
I was just langhting.when she replayed our man. And they kept flirting even though was Ash's boyfriend.
they kept chatting and I was just waiting for him to break up with me because I wanted to know his tricks,I just langhed because he bept on I was dry and he though I didn't know what was going on with themAshley;hey Mark, I've missed you, I'm sorry to say hello again, mark, how are you?
I can't do anything but laugh at the two of them two months ago and he still didn't know that they were flirting with his boybestfriend. He thought I was okay because I was still watching his chat and it's still his day so there's nothing wrong.
Ashley;hey, mark, how is your day?
Mark;it's okay, and you?
Ashley;as long as it's okay I'll talk to you later I'm still busy with my studies
I'm getting cold towards him because I know if he's just cheating on me, I'm just going alone with his trip thinking that were okay, I'm just waiting for him to admit that I want to listen to his excuses that when be doesn't want me anymore
I week later I got tired of waiting and I looked for another place to busy. I scrolled through Facebook and saw his boybestfriend. I stalked him too see what his behavior was and what had that I didn't have so unexpectedly I saw his ex girlfriend is together in the picture and was still tagged in the comment section so I chatted with his ex girlfriend to ask something
Olivia;what do you need?
Mark;you are Olivia, right?
Olivia;yes I am
Mark;do you know Carl?
Olivia; he's my ex, why?
Mark;can I ask what are you separating?
Olivia;I'm not going to say that
Mark;I'm Ash's boyfriend, you know that boy is his boybestfriend right?
Olivia;wait, are you Ash's boyfriend?
Olivia;oh? Why what?
Mark;I saw her and Carl's chats and they were flirting so o would like to know the reason why you broke up
Olivia;he said he didn't want to be tired
Mark;that's the only reason , you believed
Olivia;I don't see any reason, maybe I'm the only one missing something
Mark;I sent you something and I sent it to him what my girlfriend's es boyfriend was talking about. I showed what the ex said that whenever the ex passed by Ash's house, her ex boyfriend always looked for her even though they were together
Olivia; there's no shame in how many years were been together, that's what be feels
Mark;I know how you feel, but the truth is that Ash and I are together until now
Olivia huh? You're not going to divorce him either
Mark;yes I want to listen to Cris excuses like your ex bf said
Olivia;I gave everything to him without Shane and them he will reply me
Mark; aren't your ex bf's parents close to you?
Olivia;yes why?
Mark;I would like to reciprocate somehow
Olivia;why what are you planning to do?
Mark;are you planning to separate the two of them?
Olivia;yes that why I trusted her when she said that she was her cousin and that she was her girlfriend's best friend, so it is possible that she likes her cousin
Mark;are you planning to hand them over to their parents since I am close to his parents and tell them to stop our relationship because he prefers his cousin
Olivia; please tell my ex bf's parents that too
The next day ash chatted with me and sand that he was going to break up
Ashley;mark I'm breaking up with you
Ashley;you're getting cold to me and I think you're getting tired of me
Mark;I'm going to get bored? Why? You didn't do anything wrong
Ashley;that's right. But I'm getting tired of you being cold to me. I don't understand you anymore
Mark;also don't understand why you were able to have a relationship with your boybestfriend
Ashley;what are you talking about?
Mark;don't worry about it, he already knows everything
Ashley;are you crazy mark?
Mark;it's not you, you're not going crazy because boybestfriend wallpaper is yours
Ashley;how do you know she's my wallpaper?
Mark;can you please answer my question?
Because. He was so afraid of me, he immediately blocked me on Facebook and left me . He had access to all of your communications. Since then, he couldn't call or text me on my others accounts because he already pyrinked his social media ACC and chatted with me right away. The next day. Ash's parents told to him to stop our relationship and he said that Ash likes Carl and is his parents it is possible because they are third cousins I can't say anything but I'm sorry aunts if you want to know the truth just talk to me ash waited for a few weeks but I didn't receive any news about ash
I week later-i received a message from his boybestfriend
Carl;I hope you are happy
I was surprised so I quickly talked to him
Mark;happy where?
Carl;no hasi Ash because of you
At first I didn't believe that Ash was gone because maybe they just wanted to take revenge for sent a coffin with Ash's picture,I had a hard time breathing for a while and I remembered everything we shared together and I also remembered that he was depressed with all his school work,I just stopped thinking it was my own fault,he lost his life,I immediately asked his boy bestfriend how did I become a fault
Mark;how did ash disappear , because of me
Carl;his parents ran away from him because of what his parents said
Mark;there is nothing wrong with what I sad
Carl;are you sure?
Mark; weren't you the one the cheated on me, weren't you the once who flirted with him even though you knew he was in a relationship you were the one who was so close to him that you were itching to wait for me to disappear from him, weren't you the one who felt jowa ehen,we fought
Carl;yes,I know it's wrong,he can't deny it,but I hope you would have spoken to his parents,you know he was depressed at first,you know how he feels because you were the first one with him in hardship
And suddenly it came to his mind, yes I know he has something wrong, but I was still the first to help him, I know that I was the one who in need I know that he loved me, but I can't help but cry what Happened to ash.
Main Character:Fiona pretending to be rich
Character 2:(Olivia) - The mother of fiona
Character 3:(Stella) - The fiona's classmates
Character 4:(Carlo)-The one who likes fiona
Character 5:(Mark)-Fiona's best friend andchildhood friend
Scene #1:Fiona pretends to be rich and brags to her friends to best friend herOlivia:(Mother) My son, you're studying
Fiona:(Son) Its a good thing that my mom has a lot of work to do in school.
Olivia:(Mother) its normal for a child to be yourself when you're learning.Fiona:(Son) So I'm going to make my mom ready for the future.
Olivia:(Mother) You're right, you're right, trust yourself and your Family, and we'll always be there for you.
Fiona:(Son) Thank you soo much for the opportunity to learn how to improve me
Narrator. The nest day she had difficulty in her studies because she didn't know what to do because of the sub-task, and the next day fiona went to her school
Stella:(Classmate) Hey! Fiona hello to you and your lifeFiona:It's okay, its fun. Stella:oh are you really good at eating? Fiona:yes, its good idea to eat the same food and the food we eat when, my mom's food is gone. Stella:ah you may not be able to eat healthy foods, because you are so poor. Fiona:oy.. Stella, youre exaggerating, you're not rich, you can make light of our poor life
Narrator:Fiona is just a poor person and doesn't have much in life that what she wants can be brought unlike stella is a rich she than buy everything she wants to buy
Carlo:Hi fiona (The one who likes fiona) Fiona:helloCarlo:how are you?
Fiona:its okay, you? Carlo:its okay, but I'll be okay if you agree to be friends
Fiona:ah, is that right?
Fiona:yes, justa friend, why not?
Narrator:Carlo who bestfriended fiona she had a look on him that he didn't know
Carlo:hey fiona is going homeFiona.:yes why? Carlo:lets go with me, we'll eat for free, then go home and I'll bring you to Fiona:Oh, no, carlo, thanks you, lot going home first because I'm in a hurryCarlo :all right, next dayFiona:okay carlo thank you Scene #2:Carlo was surprised that when he invited fiona to go home with him and eat outside and after he brought him home, fiona suddenly rejected him because she was in a hurry to go home. Narrator:Carlo was brought i chat with fiona's classmates stella to convineCarlo:stella? Stella:what d o you need? Carlo :aren't you fiona's classmate? Stella:yes why? Do you need anything? Carlo:oh, no, actually i was going to help you Stella:what's that. Carlo:what do i want you to heplm me tell tshtbi like herStella:what do yiu like a probelem? Stella:huh? No one is surprised Carlo:is that so what is that? Stella:how do you know that fiona is difficult? Carlo:huh? Are you serious what you say? Stella:uh common carlo, yes i probabaly know since we were in the same class in elementary school Carlo:didn't know that fiona was a difficult person, he only found out when stella told him that carlo was going to help stella tell fions that carlo had a crush on fiona. Scene #3:One day carlo and fiona again they met on the road while carlo was on his way to where he was going Fiona:oh hi carlo where to go?Carlo:ah hello, there's nothing, there's something important to go toFiona:ah, that's okay, he carefulCarlo:okay sige thank youNarrator:Fiona noticed that carlo seemed to be avoiding her closer without knowing what the reason was.... So the next dsy she and stella met as if something was whispering to stella about her so she couldn't stop asking his is stellaFiona:stella, can i ask a question?Stella:why?? What is it?Fiona:because i heard you say something about me right from your mouthStella:ah, us thst the one before, no, that's not you, maybe i heard something wrongFiona: It's not like meStella: You know, you were a bit shy earlier when you said it wasn't youFiona: okay fine, if it's not me who were you whispering to earlier??Stella: Why? Huh?.... What do you really want to know who?Fiona. yes who?Stella: are you okay??Fiona: Huh? Why me??Stella: since you feel kind., beautiful is not richFiona: what does that mean?Stella: do you know that carlo likes you?Fiona: why can't he like me, we're friendsStella: what did you feed him? Maybe you poisoned himFiona: I'm not that kind of person stellaStella: After all, why would Carlo like you so much after all, you're not richScene #4fiona can't believe what she found out that stella told her that carlo wanted something from her that she didn't knowNarrator: fiona thought to pretend to be a rich person like stella and have a desidedo in life wt she has something to brag about to carloMark:What are you doing? (Fiona's youth) Fiona: It's not entertaining itself Mark: yes, it's very quiet today, there is no work Fiona: Mark? Mark: Yess? Fiona: can I ask a question? Mark: Yes, what is it?Fiona: why do we still have to work to make money just to eat??
The girl pretents to be rich and brags to her friends to best friend her*Exposition
The next day she had difficulty in her studies because she didn't know what to do because of the sub-task*Rising action
Stella asked fiona how is fiona's poor life, so. He found out that she insulted fiona's poor life, saying that they had nothing to each that was delicious.
*Climax action
Fiona can't accept that her life is poor so she decides to pretend to be accepted other people*Falling action
Fiona accept her poorness because she understood what her mother said to her and explained*Theme
It was sad at first because i couldn't accept poor*Setting
Schooll, morning 8:00 Am
ConflictIn the morning at afternoon
~ End ~
*(^_^)*(^_^)*(^_^)*(^_^)*(^_^)*(^_^)*(^_^)*(^_^)* Entry #10
Tumblr media
My name is ROXANNE A. DAZA 17 years old from TAPULANG MAAYON CAPIZ grade 12 humss E student having a big dreams and for me that SHS learner is the right way to achieve my goal and to know more knowledge and understand about the SHS learner help me to achieve my goals someday.
   Since I was a child, I really wanted to swim in the sea and see the beautiful view and the breeze and we bathe in the sea and completely for family fun and it's also happy when you are completely talking at home and cuddling and it's nice to listen to music while you relax with your family.
   That so called family is a big part of your life because your life is not complete without your family by your side and now that I'm senior high school and after I finish college I wan to be a successful police woman someday so that buy what I like and go to beautiful places and see beautiful sights and smell the good air and above all i can help my parents so that I can't repay their hardships just so we can study.
"The mountain"
I smell fresh air,
Stretch above land, into their peak,
It is the sky, they constantly seek.
In the far distance, we notice their height,
A view from the top - spectacular site!
Closely positioned, to form a range,
Human eyes, won't notice them change.
Not a prisoner, to immediate time,
Challenges many; unforgiving climb
So much more, beyond their beauty,
Sheltering species, that is their duty,
Mountains are members, of the nature we know,
Way at the top, they often have.And give me a inspiration to gave my self a relaxation making.
~The Elements of Poetry~
Rhythm and sound- (1st)- A,A,B,B
Structure (Rhyme) (2nd)- C,C,D,D
                                  (3rd)- E,E
Meter and line- The poem contain 4 lines in
                             first stanza 4 lines in
                             Second stanza 5 line in last
Form- Tercet
Stanza- The poem contains 3 stanzas 5 lines each
Imagery (indicate - visual-view from the top Type)                        
spectacular site.
- we notice their height
- I smell fresh air 
- Happy, excited
- exciting, enjoying
Literary devices
- Beyond their beauty
Flat a prisore
I am utterly amazed at the things that I can see,
The birds and bees up in the trees,
 and the fishes in the sea.
Mother nature at her best, father time taking a rest.
And the the butterfly flying free,
Nobody knows how the green garden grows.
They just want to sit back and relax,
Watching insects fly around, without making a sound,
And seeing how the bumble bee attacks.
The sun and the moon, both singing a tune,
As they move graciously around  with the stars,
There's nothing more better, than being a pace setter,
As Jupiter lines up alongside of Mars.
So get your skates on, if you are the one,
Who wants to explore all you see,
Then maybe go back to the start of the track,
To enable the world to be free.
The Elements of Poetry
Rhythm and sound- (1st)- A,B,C,B
Structure (Rhyme).   (2nd)- B,A,B,C
                  (3rd)- A,A,B,C
Meter and line-
 The poem contain 3 lines in first stanza
 3 lines in second stanza
3 lines in third stanza 
4 lines in fourth stanza
4 lines in last stanza
Form- Quintet
Stanza- 5 stanza the poem contains 5
               Stanza 5 lines each stanza
Imagery (indicate type)
Type).                        *Amazed at the things
                                     that I cause see
                                    •The fishes in the sea
                                    • Wathing in sects fly
                                    •Seeing how the
                                     Bumble to attack
                                    • Wating around
                                    • The sun and the moon
                                      both singing a tire
                                    • Just wants to set back
                                       and relax
Theme- inspired happy
Literacy devices-  sit back and relax
                              The sun and the moon
" Raining"
Cold and cloudy
eating, watching, sleeping
     PIeasingness and comfortable
     Meeting, outing, hiking
warm, happiness
D- O your best in finding the
R-ight way,it will not be
E-asy , but
A-lways believe in yourself, you can
M- make it, and you will become
S- successful someday.
"Stray cat"
I truly despised it when the cats in our roof made noises at night; come on! Can you please let me sleep because it's already one in the morning? As I struck my face with the pillow. They are doing it once more as usual, but this time they are doing something unusual, like wanting to jump to me and destroy the roof. When I ate my breakfast in the morning, they were once again watching me through the window. Before I went to school, they seemed to be pursuing me as though I had done something wrong with them, but they didn't hurt me; instead, they simply stared at me with such intensity that it sent shivers down my spine.
I want to just lay down and sleep because the wind blowing in the window is so cold it feels like it's going to rain. Because it's uninteresting, I no longer grasp the subject and didn't pay attention. The cats that have been bothering me for the previous few weeks are still on my mind. Even if it doesn't bother me that they follow me, this time it seems as though they are trying to warn me for some reason. Maybe they're simply hungry; if so, I should pick up some cat food before I head home so that I may sleep happily this evening without worrying about cats on the roof.
As i busy thinking about the cats. Someone pinched my cheeks and it hurts because she pinch it hardly so i harshly took off this hand to me, and she didn't saw it coming, i see how she shocked on the way i behave, maybe she shocked.
"Are you okay?" I can feel the worried in her voice. "You seemed different this past few days" she added.
" I'm just tired Zoey, but I’m fine." I plastered a  smile on my lips so I could convince her.
But she looked at me with weird expression.
A strong downpour caused the lesson to conclude early. Since it's starting to rain and I can see the sky is growing darker, I immediately buy some cat food at the convenience store and head home. However, the rain didn't stop the cats from following me home once more. The aromas of our home welcome me inside. My parents arrived at the house at 6 p.m., so I’m all alone. I suggested that perhaps I should take a nap and closed my eyes, not realizing that I had dozed off as I walked down the hallways.
I feel someone tapping my shoulder, i fell asleep for a long time its already night because its dark outside and also the rain is pouring. I'm glad that the cat can't be in the roof. " Sunnie the dinner's ready." Mother said as i smell the food that come in the kitchen, well i think the food seems delicious,i smiled and follow her downstairs as i see father in the table busy tapping on his laptop.  I first go to the bathroom to wash my face and hands because I overheard them talking but couldn't make out what they were saying. It might have been about work. Father started the talk about the cats when I emerged from the bathroom and sat down at the table with a plate of food. I say while I continue to chew my food, "Perhaps because it's raining." Mother responded, "I'm pleased it's raining because I can't sleep because of them these past few days." I also said, "I buy some cat food, I assume they annoy us because they are hungry, I may feed them once I complete my dinner." To end the conversation. I took the cat food in my bag and go and the back of our house the rain isn't heavy but drizzle of rain. I know they here so i open the can and put it in the ground as they started to walk in the food, the black cat was the first to it the food and follows by others and i watched them finish the food. Mother is in the kitchen washing dishes and father is back again in his laptop. I guest I could stay outside for a while. They finish the food but didn't leave the black cat lick his paws and then it stares at me.
"You know you can't stay as a human " the cat said with authority. I expected this to come. " I know,just stop bothering me, i know what to do" i respond. " You don't know of the consequences you face once the time is over" he seriously said to me and stared walks away together with other cat. As door open and i see mother
"Hey are you done?" She asked me.
" Uhhh yes I’m just going to throw the can" as i turn my face to the they all gone.
That night I can't sleep because the words keep playing on my head. In the decision i made i know i was wrong i stole someone body in order to fulfill my wants, way back when i was a stray cat, i need to survive without eating the whole day there's no place that safe to a cat like me, i got many bruise because they keep on hurting me, all i want is to be taking care of or simply  can eat a proper food s that didn't came from the trash. The universe grant my wish to live normal and know here i am laying in comfortable bed, not in the garbage bag, i have shelter, i can't get wet because of rain, i can eat until my tummies full, i don't need to sleep with my stomach hurt. I liked to live this life forever, but in this world living in dream is temporary and reality still hits different.
“I guest this dream isn't really for me.”
Week past and I’m still living as a human, I’m here at school doing physical activity in the gym. I enjoyed this kind of life but being a human is kind of tiring, they are so many activities to do and stuff, being a cat is more different  I can do whatever I want because I have freedom, the thing is world or the human rather is unfair to a animals like me. I just realized I miss being a cat I should live the world where i belong.
I walking in the street to see if they following me again, because I’m going to return the body and be a cat again, but they didn't show I got this feeling this isn't right. Minutes past I’m still in the street waiting for them. I don't know the consequences, I don't want to admit it but maybe the time is over, I was too late to back in my cat form. I started to cry regretting the things I've made. "This is so unfair!" I shouted while sobbing. And then the black cat appear in front of me. " I warn you for the last time but you didn't do anything to make things right" he said with sympathy. " I didn't know she died when I merged to her body" I said with pleasing voice. I really feel so weak, I started to feel my punishment. " But you know the time to left her body, but you didn't leave ,you're so full of your self you abused the limit of the things you can" he respond. I was too in denial to admit that this body was dead few months ago, I watched the body struggle to breathe a few months ago; I was there when she fell to the ground lifeless. Now, as she felt when she was close to death, I feel the same way, and the cats are starting to leave, leaving me in the street where Sunnie's position that day she died; my vision is beginning to become blurry, and my last words were "I'm sorry, Sunnie."
The cat awoke from her tragic dream and was shocked to discover that things can happen when wishes are granted. This was a sign that she should pay attention. She took a moment to hesitate before standing up, stretching, and beginning to walk. It may seem difficult for a cat to survive every day, but that is her living environment. That was her first nightmare, and the cat believes that she is okay living a cat. She is thinking about where she can find garbage that contains food that she can eat. Finding food and shelter and surviving in this world was the cycle of the stray cat's life.
• Zoey
• Sunnie mother and father of Sunnie
• First person
• (protagonist)
• Man Vs nature
• I truly despised it when the cats in our roof made noises at night
• The cats have been bothering me for the previous few week are still on my mind.
even if it doesn't bother me both they follow me, this time it seems as though they are trying to warm me for some reason.
• The time when the blackest warmed her for the consequences she well after stealing the human body of Sunnie.
• The time when she's ready to give back the body of Sunnie to be a cat again and face her consequence from what she do.
Full of sadness - Hyperbole
Love is like a sunset- Simile
Bright like a gold- simile
Norration-Blake the bestfriend of din convence her to go to school for her future (But chin is afraid to be at school because she is thinking that because she is an acta people inside that school well just bully her. But Blake did anything and he promise. that he well be with her side do she don't need to be afraidSCENE 1( HOUSE OF BLAKE) wanted to tell you something Blake- whats that chinChin-1 would like to study, Blake- yes 1. can join you that's fine so we can go to school together Chin- Thakak you Blake han. Because you didn't lose hope to force me to study you lightened my heart to study.Blake-Because I know thatyou really want to study Chin-Treally want to study and finish so that can learn a lot and help my parents and especially so that I won't be opporessed like Acta. Narrator after Blake forced chin to study he agreed and the next to study he agreed and the next day Blake accompanied chain to enroll and they'Went to school to curoll.Chin- Blake Seems to make me nervousBlake- why are you so nervous? chin-Because when go to school, my classmates might bully. me Because I'm on Acta.Blake - If they oppress you, I'll be have to defend you Chin- really Blake (Smiled). Blake - Yes, I'm your friend.Novator-After they enroll, they go home to their house and the next they go inside and chin is nervous and blake is oxited Because friend will be studying with him.And they were already at school and they entered their roomAnd when he entered, his classmates laughed at Chin because he was an Aeta. SCENE 2(CLASSROOM)Prisca- good morning class my new classmate chin, chin introduce yourselfChin- good morning classmate I am chin an Aeta who wants to finish and help the familyAlicia- HAHAHA An Aeta who woke up laughing together with chin's other classmatesBlake - don't pay attention to themPrisca- quiet class, is Aeta not able to study and finish?Marian- It's not really miss prisca, she's just an Aeta, I just don't knowPrisca- Not all, Mrs MarianBlake- Don't leave me alone. I'm hereChin- I can handle it Blake for my dream I will just ignore themBlake- together Let's go home Later chin haaYes, you're my only friend here and there's one more. I'll be with you laterMarian-class I have something to tell you We have talent and the one I chose is Alicia and I know she will win because she is the only smart one here and Miss Prisca is Chin who is an Aeta Mrs Marian didn't know and laughedNarrator- Chin and Alicia had a competition and they exchanged their wits and after a few minutes, Chin was better than Alicia, so Mrs Marian was nervous that Alicia might lose to someone who didn't know much. and after a few hours, Chin won over Alicia, so Alicia was very angry.Prisca- congrats chin you won your dreams in life are now beside youChin- thank you ma'am prisca If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have wonPrisca-It's not just that you're smart, you're not just smart, you're kindYou too, ma'am, you are so kind to me even though I am an AetaPrisca- nothing can make my dreams come true in your lifeBlake- congrats chin that's really great from my friendChin- No Blake I just studied really hardSCENE 3(CAFETERIA)Alicia- congrats Chin won because Miss Prisca gave you the answerBlake - I can't cheat My friend just studied really hardDon't worry, he's Blake. Let's go again. We'll tell mom that she won. I'm sure I'm happyBlake It's not just fun, it's fun and laughterChin-mama, I will tell you that I won, with the hug of his motherNarrator- and Chin won against Alicia and Alicia was embarrassed because her mother was so mean that she could lose to her and Chin was close to her. Her dreams in life were to help her family and not anymore. She is the mother of the people and she can now defend their tribe of the Aetas and they have been happy to live with her family and their friendship with Blake is still strong and nothing has changed.
Elements of one act play
CHARACTER OF THE STORYCHARACTER 1 CHIN(The main character of the story)CHARACTER 2 BLAKE( The Best friend of the main character)CHARACTER 3 PRISCA(The teacher of the main character that well help to Main character)CHARACTER 4 ALICIA ( The one that well give challenges to main character)CHARACTER 5 MARIAN(The teacher of that main character that is biased to the antagonist)EXPOSITION: The dream of the Aeta by the use of educationTIME AND PLACE: Monday morning in the schoolTHEME: Nervous, happy, excitementRISING ACTION: The teacher challenge chin and Alicia to the quiz bee to know who is really smartCLIMAX:The climax is when Alicia can't accept that chin won on the quiz and she accused chin for cheating in the gameFALLING ACTION: She know that she don't cheat to the quiz do she just ignore Alicia instead of fighting.RESOLUTION/DENOUMENT: After chin graduate she reach her dream in life.CONFLICT: Person Vs person
~ The End ~
*(^_^)*(^_^)*(^_^)*(^_^)*(^_^)*(^_^)*(^_^)*(^_^)* ~ Thank You!~
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sleepmusicland-1 · 4 years
4and5,D1 :)
That’s interesting :) Thank you and it’s almost accurate, just I don’t like the heat I rather spent summers at the north pole (when that would be possible) 
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patrickdebana · 5 years
My Shanghai Sunday Ritual...🙏🏽🙌🏽🌎 #shanghai #china #ritual #temple #longhua #buddha #allover #ancient #interiordesign #interior #dayoff #me #shanghaiballet #janeeyre #performance #4and5 #june2019 #international #artist #artistsoninstagram #ballet #choreography #me #mylife #mytravel https://www.instagram.com/p/ByNGbDNg6Op/?igshid=188yjdeob7rnj
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madihatamadur · 3 years
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Flexible Tip F/O Laryngoscope set/3 # 3, 4and5
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ktrxs · 5 years
I’m getting exhausted and worn down and my problem is that I don’t want to cut my freetime down, so I stay up later. I’m not getting enough sleep.
I’ve been so good at waking up between 4and5 this week. Every damn day. But, I have to start getting to bed before 9. Like, Katelyn don’t start your night routine AT 9. You should already be in bed before then.
Today sucks already.
I have to work and then I have to clean my entire house. By myself. Showing is at 5. Brandon gets off at 4.
I am so fucking sick of this house. I am so fucking sick of these showings. I am so fucking sick of cleaning. I am so fucking tired rn.
At least this showing, I don’t have to crate the babies.
Ugh. At least I don’t have ay freelance work to do. So it’s just business stuff.
So, Ideally, I’m going to write. Then focus on coursework because I am so behind it’s not funny.
My plan is to stop at 12 or 1. Then clean. Literally, all my dishes are dirty.
Also I worked 25 hours last week. I’ve been pretty consistent. HOORAY!
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Book up date #6 ch 4and5
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thefandomapprentice · 7 years
My trip 6-20
A/N:All these where put on a list while driving so i had no access to the interwebs. And to save time im going to do a rapid fire. Ps 4and5 were condenced so we start with 6. Friday april 7
6waiting for brother to make pad tai Me/brother1/sister:start singing sandstorm 7 my dog is bad at fetch. She brings it back but wont let it go. 8 feeding my brother3 off my plate while he plays his round on overwatch so he can keep plating. 9 its five. Taking a pre car nap 10 getting ready for that 10 hour drive 11 its 7:46 and we are on the road 12 nearly ten and traffic in ny is slow 13 we are singing drake bell songs 14 sandstorm is playing off brother1 phone. 15 played brother2 miku dancing game 16 singing i write sins not tradgities 17 singing kryptonite 18 passed a ghost busters car. Almost midnight 19 my mom requested cairy Underwood 20 Blue is playing for the hundreth time.
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Some sketches for the haunted dollhouse project I am doing 1 the Vahivri. Raven deer spevies. 2. The Kuybi. Black foxes wich cab cause curses by their tail being touched 3. The Ankou. The reaper in the dark forest. 4and5 more refference sheets
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bigsalehot · 7 years
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Halloween 4 and 5: The Return of Michael Myers Halloween Double Feature DVD NEW http://ift.tt/2yRixXZ #Halloween #4and5: #TheReturnofMichaelMyers #Double #Feature #DVD #NEW  #DVDs #Movies #DVDs #Blu-ray #Discs  #tuybistore — view on Instagram http://ift.tt/2AKbFgu
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thestupenduos-blog · 7 years
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It’s the most wonderful time of the year again. Happy Holidays from Unit 4and5. 🎉🎄 (at Adventist Medical Center-Iligan)
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patrickdebana · 5 years
Shanghai International Arts Center (my working place whenever i am in Shanghai). #shanghai #china #rehearsals #rehearsaltime #studios #shanghaiballet #company #janeeyre #performance #4and5 #june2019 #summertime #bluesky #wow https://www.instagram.com/p/ByAJ57UgenI/?igshid=1vac3giryo9zo
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madihatamadur · 3 years
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Flexible Tip F/O Laryngoscope set/4 #2(90mm) 3, 4and5
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