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leomacgivena · 8 months ago
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barrale-sicilgamma · 8 days ago
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TAVOLO PROMO LEGNO PROVENZALE 47751 – Eleganza naturale per il tuo spazio espositivo
Porta un tocco di raffinatezza rustica al tuo negozio con questo tavolo promozionale in legno pieno, perfetto per creare un’atmosfera accogliente e distintiva. Con la possibilità di personalizzare il colore, questo tavolo combina funzionalità e stile, rendendolo un’ottima scelta per negozi di abbigliamento.
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Disponibilità: 3 elementi uguali disponibili. Possibilità di verniciatura in altri colori a € 100,00 per pezzo.
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recipeclips · 1 year ago
材料(4人分) 合びき肉…300g 玉ねぎ…1個 トマト…1個 なす…1本 にんにく、しょうが…各1かけ 【A】 ・クミン(粉��)…大さじ1 ・コリアンダー(粉末)…大さじ1 ・ターメリック(粉末)…小さじ2 ・カーダモン(粉末)…小さじ1と1/2 ・レッドペッパー(粉末)…小さじ1/2 プレーンヨーグルト(無糖)…大さじ3  【B】 ・水…100ml ・しょうゆ…小さじ2 ・塩…少々 サラダ油…大さじ2 ご飯…適量 ※今回はターメリックライスを使用
1.食材を切る 玉ねぎは薄切りに、トマトはヘタを取ってざく切りに、なすは小さめの乱切りにします���にんにく、しょうがはすりおろします。
2.スパイスを混ぜる Aのスパイスを混ぜ合わせます。 「5種類のスパイスはあらかじめ調合しておきましょう。ブレンドしたものが基本のカレー粉となるので、比率を変えずに量を調整すれば、さまざまなカレーに使用することができます」
3.鍋にサラダ油、香味野菜を入れ、炒める 厚手の鍋にサラダ油を熱し、にんにく、しょうがを炒めます。香りが出てきたら玉ねぎを加え、きつね色になるまで中火で炒めます。 「カレーは玉ねぎでおいしさが決まるので、しっかり炒めることがポイント。時間がないときは<朝岡スパイス>の『濃厚炒め玉葱』を使えば手軽です」
4.ひき肉を加えて炒める 玉ねぎがきつね色になったらひき肉を加え、ほぐしながら炒めます。 「しっかり水分を飛ばしながら火を通すことで、肉の臭みがなくなります」
5.ブレンドしたスパイスを加え、炒める 肉の色が変わったら2のブレンドしたスパイスを加え、全体をよく混ぜます。 「水分を加える前にスパイスを具材や油となじませることで、後の粉浮きを防ぐことができます」
6.トマト、ヨーグルト、Bを加えて混ぜ、10分ほど煮る 全体が混ざったらトマト、ヨーグルト、Bを加えて混ぜます。煮立ったら弱火にし、ときどき混ぜながら10分ほど煮ます。 「水分がほぼなくなるまで煮詰めましょう。トマトとヨーグルトを加えるとうまみとコクがアップ。隠し味として使用したしょうゆは、カレーの味わいを引き締めてくれます」
7.なすを加えて煮る 水分が煮詰まってきたらなすを加え、火が通るまで煮たら完成です。器にご飯とともに盛ります。 「なすは煮崩れないよう、最後に加えましょう。火が通ればいいので、さっと煮込めばできあがりです。今回は見た目に色鮮やかなターメリックライスを添えました。作り方はとっても簡単!
炊飯器の内がまに米2合に対し、分量の水、ターメリックパウダー小さじ1/2、オリーブオイル大さじ1を入れてさっと混ぜ、炊飯スイッチを押して普通に炊くだけ。スパイスから作ったキーマカレーと相性抜群なので、ぜひ一緒に作ってみてください」 「もっとスパイスの風味を堪能したい!」という方は、仕上げに「自家製ガラムマサラ」を加えても。香りも味わいもパワーアップし、やみつきになること間違いなし! https://mi-journey.jp/foodie/47751/ まとめて作ると時間が経って香りが飛んでしまうので、使う分をその都度作りましょう」
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cathycrane · 2 years ago
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Top 10 Best Laptops For Moms Based On User Rating
You can trust our selection for Laptops For Moms Reviews. Because We have worked hard studying and analyzing 47751 reviews for Laptops For Moms and rating them.
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ojidorunews · 3 years ago
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aftgficrec · 4 years ago
hello, im sorry this is very specific but, can you recommend me jerejean fics with jean trying to copy in the usc? i want it like, to be a slow-burn with drama and jean trying to heal/adjust into this new environment.
Mais bien sûr. - A
Also check out
‘love looks better in colour,‘ ‘Leaving Marks,’ and ‘Je Reviens’ here
‘philtatos’ here
‘Playing On’ here
‘Marrow Without Bone’ here
‘Saturday Sun’ and ‘between hoping and believing’ here
‘Chasing the Night to See the Stars’ here
‘fire meets gasoline’ series here 
He Could Taste the Stars by subtlehysteria [Rated T, 47751 Words, Complete, 2016]
I am a Trojan. I go to USC, Jeremy Knox is my roommate, he has blue eyes, I have grey –
Jean recollected himself. Those were unimportant details. So why couldn’t he get the thought out of his head?
Jean is still adjusting to being a Trojan, Jeremy tries to help Jean open up to his new team.
tw: anxiety attacks, tw: violence, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: alcohol
NB: fanedit created for this fic by @subtlehysteria here
You are like music in my ears by KweenKevin [Not Rated (we say T), 16464 Words, Complete, 2019
Jeremy sang a lot. Some days he thought how annoying it must be for his soulmate. Some days his thoughts stopped there. Some days that thought was followed up by the thought that probably, there was no one at the other side of his line
Jean and the sun did not go together. He didn't brown or burn, he just felt as if he was melting.
In all the darkness that was jean, he finally found something light. Jeremy was a sun, and for once jean thought that maybe, maybe, jean could learn getting along with it. Because he felt like his heart was finally melting.
tw: anxiety, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: alcohol
I stay on my jerejean agenda art by @koihoi
Jerejean kiss art by @rainbowd00dles
Sunshine boy and resident thundercloud art by @flightyfoxart
after-game-celebration art by @linecrosser
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swmv-team-blog · 6 years ago
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Seventeen x Naver x Distaptch (🌟) (🌟) (🌟) (🌟)
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koutlou · 2 years ago
10" Windows 10 Fusion5 FWIN232 Plus S1 Ultra Slim Windows Tablet PC - (4GB RAM, USB 3.0, Micro HDMI, Intel Quad-Core CPU, IPS HD Display, 5MP and 2MP Cameras, Bluetooth 4.0, Windows 10 S) (64GB) https://koutlou.com/product/10-windows-10-fusion5-fwin232-plus-s1-ultra-slim-windows-tablet-pc-4gb-ram-usb-3-0-micro-hdmi-intel-quad-core-cpu-ips-hd-display-5mp-and-2mp-cameras-bluetooth-4-0-windows-10-s-64gb/?feed_id=47751&_unique_id=62fb82c1b149e
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copblaster · 3 years ago
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Pray for the family that was assaulted by an off duty officer https://copblaster.com/blast/47751/pray-for-the-family-that-was-assaulted-by-an-off-duty-officer?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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thatdesusa · 6 years ago
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The website of the upcoming anime show "Seishun Buta Yarō wa Bunny Girl-senpai no Yume wo Minai", aka 'The Young Pig-Rascal Isn't Dreaming of a Bunny Girl Upperclassman', has posted up a new visual of the series
And, besides the pic above, the site also added details on the staff: - Director: Sōichi Masui (Sakura Quest, Chaika the Coffin Princess) - Scripting: Masahiro Yokotani (Free!, Re:Zero) - Character Design: Satomi Tamura (Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend) - Studio: A-1 Pictures
Based on the light novel by Hajime Kamoshida, the story revolves around a rumored 'illness' called Puberty Syndrome, something Sakuta Azusagawa didn't believe in until a bunny girl suddenly appeared in front of his eyes at the library
Said bunny girl turns out to be Mai Sakurajima, Sakuta's upperclassman and also a famous actress, who for some reason becomes invisible when dressed up as a bunny girl. As Sakuta sets out to solve this mystery, he begins to grow closer to Mai as he learns more about her feelings and dreams
A special program with the cast, which will also preview a trailer for the show (out in October), will air on Nico Nico on July 28th
Source: https://ao-buta.com/news/?article_id=47751
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ojidorunews · 3 years ago
2022年1月14日 TBSラジオ主催
「おじドル, ヤクザ」
オンライン試写会 18:30~
好き好きロンちゃん をゲストに迎えて
主演・監督の #大川裕明、おじドル役の #彦坂啓介
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