#446 piceous
Bracket G Round 1
Poll 31
Lemon Slice (@heavenlysphere) vs. Piceous (@dotstronaut)
445. Lemon Slice (@heavenlysphere)
She is super cute and adorable, she’s as sour as a lemon despite her exterior, there’s one exception to who she’s sweet for; her girlfriend Blue! Also her real name is Vonnie, and that’s cute as hell.
Lemon Slice is a girl with brown hair up in a ponytail and light brown skin, she has a constant blush on her face. Her ponytail has a yellow bow on it, the bow strands flowing freely. She has blue/green heterochromia. She’s wearing a light yellow dress shirt with a checkered overall dress, which is a brighter yellow with darker bordering on orange stripes. Her socks and shoes are frilly, the same light yellow as her shirt, with a yellow button in the middle.
446. Piceous (@dotstronaut)
Pi is a fiesty preteen runaway who ends up experimented on by a corrupt research facility. She’s broken out by a found family of teenagers who escaped from the same place. Her parents never really took care of her so it takes time for her to trust new people.
She’s a little food insecure, loves climbing things, is really good at math, and all birds are her friends. She doesn’t know that her brother has been looking for her ever since she ran away from home.
Scrappy skinny preteen girl with dark hair and big red sneakers
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Bracket G Second Half
These ocs are competing from Friday 21st at 5pm GMT!!
417. Monoxol (@xolborsaysstuff)
418. Bowl (@banana-breadses)
419. Present (@sleepyblr-heart)
420. Eddie Alfaro (@calicojackofficial)
421. Iris Setsuna (@mp9001)
422. Jaden Flint (@penn-dragon)
423. Allium (@autumnocs)
424. Amnesia & Shredder (@graveyardfaggot)
425. Sunshine Fairfield (@starry--skies)
426. Bennet "Benny" Day (@rockfact)
427. Hallie Mathews (@wingedcatgirl)
428. Cozbi Pitcher & Serial Number J-23 (@p0tato-kn1shes)
429. Inundate & Uriel (@allisterke)
430. Ducky - Garret aka The Hero (@moethman)
431. Ursa & Marie & Madeline (@lumarys)
432. Icarus (@andromedaexists)
433. Ve'Qren (@zillastar13)
434. Lt Tobias Rodriguez (@theantagonist)
435. Deafheaven Leppard (@ratsovereignity)
436. Summer Jet (@kung-fu-cutbug)
437. Meenie Tenenbaum (@pathos-ii)
438. Dr. Burrow (@pretzelsareunderrated)
439. Faniffor-Riil-Willon (@duskdragon39)
440. Tyo (@gender-eater)
441. Ava (@balsamic-pepsi)
442. Kin (@rainstormkist)
443. Robbie (@superiortrash)
444. Fishwoman Diane Fishwoman (@ragsy)
445. Lemon Slice (@heavenlysphere)
446. Piceous (@dotstronaut)
447. Atari  (@sodapupz)
448. Kieran (@dumbassjester)
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