dzthenerd490 · 29 days
File: 4.n0m4ly - The Cult of M’rohoj
Original Creator: @4.n0m4ly_
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Code Name: Bible of M’rohoj
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AIJ is contained at Site-AR within the Level 3 archives within the Cognito-Hazard Section. It is locked within a standard Para-Hazard Book lock case to prevent SCP-AIJ from unleashing its anomalous effects and quite possibly infusing it into other anomalous books within the section. Any testing must be approved by at least one Level 4 Clearance Staff member or higher and be provided with standard Anti-Cognitohazard Goggles before handling SCP-AIJ. Anyone who takes SCP-AIJ while disregarding either of these requirements is to be executed, there will be no exceptions. In the event of a containment breach SCP-AIJ is to be guarded by Foundation security and AFA-2 units who regularly guard the Level 3 Archives.
All SCP-AIJ instances found in the wild are to be scanned and destroyed immediately. Afterwards the current SCP-AIJ within Foundation custody is to be updated or replaced entirely with a new book that has both the old and new information and scriptures.
Description: SCP-AIJ is a bible of the religion worshiping the chaos god of nightmares known as M’rohoj created by the Group of Interest of the same name. Though originally it was hard to say so as what is within SCP-AIJ is merely random pictures of mutant moths and insects. There are what appears to be descriptions in certain pages, but the words look no different to scribbles. However, all the images and words are visual based Cognito-Hazards, that brainwash the viewer upon contact. It varies between victims, as some only need to view the book for 5 minutes while others only become under its effect after 1 hour of viewing and thus can easily avoid brainwashing. Regardless, once the victim is under the effect, they will become slaves to the will of M’rohoj.
Those who become enslaved by SCP-AIJ’s influence will begin to construct churches, totems, and charms in honor of M’rohoj. These trinkets and totems normally never look similar to one another. This is meant to represent the nature of M’rohoj, who is supposed to resemble a giant moth, but aspects of his form are constantly changing. Normally these items crafted by victims are not anomalous at first but as time goes one they do have the potential to become anomalous items. However, this is merely a side effect and not the true end goal of SCP-AIJ’s scriptures. 
SCP-AIJ instructs its victims to kidnap victims and have them exposed to its Cognito Hazardous pages. Once there are enough victims they will start sacrificing each other in rituals that will allow them to be mutated by M’rohoj. This ritual normally requires the victim be wrapped around in any available material that can wrap around their body and allow them to suffocate in it. Plastic wraps seem to be the most preferred material, though there are various other ways this can be done such as locking them in a room and flooding it with toxic gas.
After the victim has died they will either immediately or eventually turn into monsters that resemble giant moths. It should be noted these creatures typically have one or more characteristics that are unrecognizable to the species and even considered grotesque. However, the result is not always a moth, sometimes the victims will mutate into something that more greatly resembles a spider or horrific monstrosity with hundreds of legs. Granted for every 20 victims there is only 1 that actually completes the transformation while a majority of the other’s die. The creatures that survive birth are typically called SCP-AIJ-Moth and SCP-AIJ-Spider instances. 
SCP-AIJ-Moth instances are the moth creatures earlier described, they are giant monsters that fly around and typically eat livestock and sometimes the people they come across. They do not rely on stealth as they are not only strong but desire to be seen by as many people as possible. Their goal is to cause panic, paranoia, and confusion among the public, the resulting chaos to feed M’rohoj. 
SCP-AIJ-Spider instances are the soldiers of the cult and great protectors of churches that house SCP-AIJ as well as the SCP-AIJ-Moth instances. They will guard sacred areas typically pretending to be statues and totems until their victims get close. They will gladly sacrifice themselves to ensure SCP-AIJ and SCP-AIJ-Moth instances are protected from all threats. Though they are called Spiders the truth is that they possess far too many legs to be actual arachnids nor do they possess webbing organs or any other organs for that matter. They are merely blobs of tendrils and arachnid-like legs that sting and poison whoever they come across.
Once the church has created a steady supply of SCP-AIJ-Moth and SCP-AIJ-Spider instances to the point there are only a few members left, the next stage begins. The survivors will use their remaining time alive to disregard everything else to create more SCP-AIJ instances until they all die. These new copies of SCP-AIJ are then to be left within the church alongside the bodies in hopes that unsuspecting victims will find them and start a whole new cycle to further feed M’rohoj.
SCP-AIJ was discovered in 2002 when police of [data expunged] within Ontario, Canada found a church containing mutated dead bodies and copies of SCP-AIJ after looking for missing high school students. Once it reached the higher government, the Foundation took over the operation and had all other law enforcement stand aside. Unfortunately, several officers and investigators were reported acting weird and thus had to be turned into Foundation custody for studying. After SCP-AIJ was found it was revealed they were under its effects.
They were able to read the gibberish words within the books and tried to encourage Foundation researchers to let them work. It was thanks to them that the full nature of SCP-AIJ was exposed, though unfortunately all amnestic, memetic, and Cognito Hazard relief treatment wasn’t working so they had to be executed later. The cover story was that they encountered a psychotic cult and were killed along with the high school kids; all four still haven’t been found. The bodies were later destroyed and the church's dismantled with only a few trinkets and totems given to the police force to further sell the cover story, the rest remained with the Foundation. 
However, in 2004 within [data expunged], Thailand a similar scenario was found with more copies of SCP-AIJ. Shockingly these copies, the churches, and mummified corpses of failed experiments show they were much older to the point that they could be decades old. This unfortunately means that SCP-AIJ has already spread around the world and could be anywhere in the world, growing like an unseen cancer. It is for this reason SCP-AIJ is labeled Object Class Keter. Mobile Task Force Demeter-8 “Bug Zappers” is responsible for finding any clues to more SCP-AIJ instances to scan them and destroying them as soon as possible.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 2 months
File: 4.n0m4ly - The Blossethal Incident
Original Creator: @4.n0m4ly_
Go Support their YouTube channel:
Code Name: The Mutagenic Chemical Explosion Plague 
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Ground Zero of the infection has been contained and harvested by the Foundation. Though a majority of SCP-AHB-Seed has been contained within 20 different canisters and are stored within the biohazard storage area of Site-AA. The biohazard storage area is constantly guarded by twenty AFA-1 within and two AFA-2 guarding the entrance. Any testing with SCP-AHB must be approved by at least three Level 3 Clearance Foundation staff member or higher. Any testing must be done with energy and incendiary based weapons present as it is the most effective against SCP-AHB-Bloom instances. 
Description: SCP-AHB is an anomalous pathogen that seems to have been abandoned or placed itself in an extremely deep hole. It takes on the form of a liquid with a thick turquoise color. This substance seems to only exist within the abandoned building of [data expunged] no other instance has been found anywhere on earth. Why it was left there, how it was created, or any details about its origin are unknown. When someone breaths in the smell of SCP-AHB they will become infected with SCP-AHB-Seed.
Initial symptoms include intense dizziness and blueish discoloration of the neck and abdomen. The body will progressively get weaker, and the patient will become erratic and paranoid as the symptoms get worse. Unfortunately, normal doctors will be under the impression that to help the patient they must inject a sedative to help the patient. This however, is the process that is needed to activate SCP-AHB-Bloom. 
SCP-AHB-Bloom is the unfortunate result of trying to treat a host of SCP-AHB-Seed infection with any form of medication. The body will begin to bloat and quickly explode into a black mass of tendrils that will attack and kill everything around them. They will drink the blood and absorb the biomass of all they come across allowing them to grow much bigger and stronger as a result. Typical firearms and mele weapons no matter how sharp, heavy, fast, or strong they cannot pierce the skin of an SCP-AHB-Bloom instance. Energy based and incendiary based weapons are the only type of weaponry that has proven effective at all against SCP-AHB-Bloom instances. Currently there doesn't seem to be any way to treat a host of SCP-AHB-Seed without creating an SCP-AHB-Bloom instance. 
SCP-AHB was discovered in 2011 when the [data expunged] hospital suffered a horrible outbreak of SCP-AHB-Bloom instances. The FBI: Unusual Incidence Unit reported the patients who were suffering the abnormal symptoms and contacted their superiors at PENTAGRAM. PENTAGRAM military forces quickly mobilized to quarantine the hospital not knowing what the anomaly was but not willing to take any chances. Thankfully not only was the evacuation of non-infected patients a success but so was the extermination of SCP-AHB-Bloom instances.
However, as the Foundation found the source of the infection, we naturally took custody of the source and contained it. But of course, the Foundation is willing to acknowledge the victory and success of PENTAGRAM's efforts. Even if they did cause public panic and nearly gave Group of Interest: Parawatch evidence of the anomalous world.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 1 month
again I would like to apologize for my dirty joke from yesterday, I’m just wondering for the schedule for this weeks HMF?
It's alright I think your sense of humor and mine just don't mesh well, no one's fault it just sucks but nothing really anyone can do about it. Anyways here's the what's coming this week.
- 4.n0m4ly - Cult of M’rohoj (I love 4.n0m4ly, their short stories and photoshop imagery is the best.)
- Transformers - Covenant and Quill (More lore about the transformers in case anyone forgot they existed in SCP: HMF.)
- Ponyo (To those who loved this movie beware, no one dies but you will see a darker side of the Foundation in this one. I actually went hard with the SCP: HMF lore on this one not gonna lie)
- Exit 8 (Hope I got this one right. I think it turned out well but frankly that's for you guys to decide.)
- OC 28 (The Children of the Corn are back and their going political this time.)
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dzthenerd490 · 1 month
What the schedule for this week HMF?
- GoI: Dark Dragons (another fan made Group of Interest; you guys sick of these yet?)
- Assassin’s Creed - Mjölnir (more ISU tech thought this one isn't with the Foundation)
- GoI: cult of M’rohoj (Not fan made this time but another piece from the amazing YouTube horror master 4.n0m4ly)
- Paul (another request fulfilled.)
- Addendum X-24 (a little more into the lore of SCP-ARF but that mainly depends on if anyone gives a shit... okay that sounded hostile but really if no one cares that's fine, I'm just glad I finally had the time to finish it. Seriously you'd be surprised how many files and tales I got backed up because I can never find the time to finish one or the other.)
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dzthenerd490 · 4 months
File: 4.n0m4ly - They Found Something Underground
Original Creator: @4.n0m4ly_
Go Support their YouTube channel:
Code Name: The Bug Factory
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: The entrance to SCP-AGW was obtained by the Foundation after the first strike against Group of Interest: GRU Division "P". The house has been reconstructed into a small Foundation Area to allow easy transportation into and out of SCP-AGW. The first few seconds determined safe by the Foundation have been remodeled into underground extensions of the Area base. For testing AFA-1 units armed with Foundation laser guns regularly enter with chained up D Class to ensure SCP-AGW-1 instances will always come out. The AFA-1 units are to fire upon the SCP-AGW-1 instances and kill as many as possible before they eat the D Class however, they are to cause as minimal as damage as possible. 
SCP-AGW-1 bodies are taken into the Area for dissection and testing. Any testing on live SCP-AGW-1 instances is extremely rare and difficult as SCP-AGW-1 instances are fast, agile, dangerous, and extremely aggressive. If such a request for live testing is made, it must be approved by at least three Level 5 Clearance staff members. 
Description: SCP-AGW is an underground factor created by Group of Interest: GRU Division "P". The factory expands to at least [data expunged] meters and consists of [data expunged] rooms. How GRU Division "P" created SCP-AGW, when they did so, and what its original purpose was is unknown. 
Inside SCP-AGW is a series of old storage rooms, engine rooms, refineries, and other places for old and secluded factories. However, everything is either nonfunctional or takes on shapes that are not consistent to normal engines and refineries. Furthermore, the entire factory is covered in a dark grey like tar that is spread over everywhere. There are even entire storage rooms filled with nothing but this black tar. The black tar originally was not considered anomalous until further examination showed it had traces of microscopic fragments of metal as well as human DNA.
There are corpses within SCP-AGW that are covered in this tar and the skin which has been charred. Further examination of the corpses show that their bones have been transformed into various known metals with small traces of unknown mentals. How this is even possible was originally a mystery before the sudden discovery of SCP-AGW-1 instances. 
SCP-AGW-1 instances are roach-like insectoids that roam the grounds of SCP-AGW as if it's their home. What makes SCP-AGW-1 instances so anomalous is not their ability to start off as normal cockroach size but grow to 3 or 6 feet large depending on how much they eat. Their anomalous properties lie in their biology. their exoskeleton is made of metal. This naturally makes them bullet proof, able to slice through flesh easily, yet are still able to move and fly with the same, if not greater, speed of normal roaches. 
Each SCP-AGW-1 instance is able to extend and stretch out their legs to whip like forms that can slash and rip apart prey easily. However, this is not their preferred choice as they prefer to have the body whole and with as minimal damage as possible for feeding. When SCP-AGW-1 instances start biting humans on mass the venom they secrete causes the process to turn their skin into tar, their muscles and organs to char, and their bones to become steel. By doing this process specifically the body produces an unlimited amount of this tar which the SCP-AGW-1 instances consider a food source.
A human body that is undamaged by everything, except the SCP-AGW-1 bites, can produce a Pint of the tar every day. The SCP-AGW-1 instances are somehow smart enough to know that and thus work together to preserve as many bodies as possible when the opportunity arises. It is unknown if this was somehow implemented into SCP-AGW-1's nature or if they evolved to be like this over time. Furthermore, it is unknown if SCP-AGW-1 instances were created by SCP-AGW or if they were once common roaches that had the unfortunate fate of interacting with the factory and became mutated as a result. 
SCP-AGW was discovered in 1989 when the Romanian Government revealed they had several GRU Division "P" bases in their territory. This allowed the Foundation and the still new Global Occult Coalition to strike and bring an early end to the GoI. SCP-AGW was once such location owned by GRU Division "P" where the Foundation quickly sent an investigation team. Upon first investigation nothing was found, but taking chances was not the way of the Foundation so an Area base was established as a means of allowing more Foundation staff to investigate and go further. This led to first contact with SCP-AGW-1 which unfortunately led to the slaughtering of 37 Foundation staff members. 
Initial contact with SCP-AGW-1 saw them as anomalous vermin and nothing more. Mobile Task Force Lambda-12 "Pest Control" was originally going to be deployed to cull and capture them. However, autopsies of collected corpses and captured SCP-AGW-1 instances revealed the abondance of metal and therefore the potential benefits to harvesting SCP-AGW. This led to the Area base becoming an official Foundation Area where the mass artificial production of steel as well as anomalous steels is conducted regularly. This shows that even dangerous anomalies like SCP-AGW can benefit the Foundation in some way, and the Foundation's decision to allow anomalies it has contained to benefit the Foundation was the right choice. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 4 months
Schedule for this week?
5/20/2024 - Hell House LLC/ Tale: UrbanSPOOKs
5/21/2024 - 4.n0m4ly/ Vintage Eight - Prophet
5/22/2024 - REC/ Glass
5/23/2024 - Beyond: Two Souls/ OC 24
5/24/2024 - NOPE/ Helix part 1
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