#4.19 lily
the-third-other · 1 year
other neato stuff
thats been happening
in Taipei
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#張欣 | 張欣的聲音像是剖開的生命體,同時間暴力且脆弱,裸露地展現內部運動中情緒、力量和道德之間的複雜關係。受斯賓諾莎和道家哲學所影響,將身體視為一個持續被情感彈奏的樂器,體內外世界有著普世的聯結和呼應。
臺灣當代文化實驗場 C-LAB
October 5 at 11:07 AM  · 
#张兴 | Zhang Xin’s voice is like a dissected living body, violent and fragile at the same time, exposing the complex relationship between emotion, power and morality in the inner movement. Influenced by Spinoza and Taoist philosophy, the body is regarded as an instrument that is constantly played by emotions. There is a universal connection and echo between the inner and outer worlds.
Betelnut Kangaroo - Live at 北風社 2022.11.12 42:56
Psyberlama - Live at 北風社 2022.11.1235:13
檳榔袋鼠 Betelnut Kangaroo:  Guitar Pro 5 Music. The story of all.  betelnutkangaroo.bandcamp.com/music 
賽博喇嘛 Psyberlama:  Experimental collective based in Taipei. Combining elements from experimental electronic sound, saxophone improvisation, and performance art. 
Live recording of 3 years anniversary of Bei Feng She 北風社 Cafe.  Dawless recording (from console directly into TEAC V1010 cassette desk) by Chia-Chun Xu
released June 20, 2023 
Cover Art/Layout by Chia-Chun Xu
Karma Detonation Tapes is a micro label under MKUltra Productions which specialised in publishing experimental/improvisation/noise sound by recycled tapes.
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trimont · 1 year
Bi-Weekly Task (4.19-4.30)
Task below the cut.
Tulips or Daisies BBQ or a Picnic Rain or Sunshine Daisy Chain or Berry Picking Hiking or Biking Brunch or Dinner Floral Print or Polka Dots Ladybugs or Bumblebees Yellow or Green Birds or Butterflies April Showers or May Flowers Nap in the Sun or Reading Poems Lemonade or Sweet Tea Scavenger Hunt or Gardening Lavender Scent or Rose Scent Bubble Baths or Classic Books Lilies or Daffodils Pastels or Neutrals Spring Cleaning or Start a New Hobby Farmer's Market or Greenhouse
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vargesz · 5 years
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Yeah, well, I love you, too! (fitzsimmons ft. swan queen [x])
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Riverdale:4.19 Chapter Seventy-Six: Killing Mr. Honey
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absurdsoutherner · 5 years
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I love this so much 😂
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riverdaleclothing · 4 years
Riverdale Episode | S04E19
Betty Cooper wears the Madewell striped westgate v-neck sweater (Sold Out) in Chapter Seventy-Six: Killing Mr. Honey.
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varchieforever · 5 years
These goofballs aka KJ, Cole, Lili and puppy Milo on the Riverdale set Posted by Camila Mendes on February 25th, 2020
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efnewsservice · 8 years
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Costume Department: Concept to Finished Product:
Season 4B - Maleficent (Storybrooke)
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clansayeed · 4 years
What are the cutest moments you written for each pairing in your series? Or maybe it’s not a written moment but a headcannon you have that you haven’t been able to plug in
oooh this is cute I’m excited to do this
This was also a fun exercise in being forced to confront I have one (1) type of cute ship scene and that type is random & out-of-place-seeming domestic moments.
literally just ask me anything, talk to me, anon or not!
Kamilah x Nadya ― from 1.11 The Many Discomforts 
or “when Nadya, who has been living in the same loft as Kamilah for several months at this point, squeaks like a mouse and acts like Kamilah hasn’t seen her similarly undressed before”
With no dignity whatsoever she turns on her heel, shouts something that sounds an awful lot like “Eeep,” and tries to cover herself against Kamilah’s eyes with the complimentary dressing gown from the bathroom.
What are you doing, this is a good thing! Says the part of her brain that stopped making good choices the moment she realized she had a crush. And though normally her rational side usually came up with a good excuse… it’s falling a bit short at the moment.
“Kamilah! Knock please!”
The look the vampire gives her of oh, really isn’t entirely unwarranted.
Lily x Maricruz ― from 4.06 The Amulet
or “I am literally the biggest sucker for casual affection and physical touching, especially when the act is so random it’s practically displaced in the story”
Against the very vocal protests of the springs Maricruz hops up on the couch and swings a leg over Lily’s head to sit perched on the back of it higher than the rest of them. She pulls Lily back close and starts tap-tapping her head like a drum in her victory. [...]
“Hey, hon?” Lily asks without looking up from her laptop screen.
“Hmm, mi amor?”
“Why are you playing my head like a bongo?”
“Because your head is a bongo.”
Nadya rolls her eyes with a little laugh. “Because that makes sense.”
Maricruz shrugs and doesn’t let them deter her playing.
The Trinity ― from 3.IV.i. Complex Creatures Are They
or “2200 years together and they are still impossibly in love, can still laugh with each other and mess with each other; their relationship is more than just sex it’s love and a genuine joy found in each others’ company, so much they can turn into silly lovestruck teenagers in a mere second”
“Come on, tell us. Tell us. Please tell us? Tell us please!”
“You’re like a child!”
“You adore it.”
“I — you both know very well that this catastrophe of a script was started under some very strong hallucinogenics. Get your foot — we’ve discussed my dislike of your feet!”
Valdas bats away the offending foot; fixes what likely would be a harsh and cold glare down at his firstborn. But there’s a snort up above Cynbel’s head and both of them look to the sight of Isseya with different tears in her eyes, desperately plugging away at her nose and they’ve only made her laugh like that maybe ten times in two thousand years and she’s so beautiful — he’s so beautiful — they are both so fucking beautiful it hurts him all the way down to his bones.
“Oh I remember,” Isseya agrees, “and if my memory serves me—which it usually does—you came back to us in full costume regalia for the role of a… what was it, beloved?”
She looks down to Cynbel, whose mischief matches her mirth.
“Why my dearest love I do believe it was the role of a whore.”
Not that they haven’t told him this story dozens of times for the sheer amusement of it, but that each time Valdas still manages to look so offended makes it all the better.
“I—without proof I refuse to believe —”
“You made such a pretty whore,” Isseya croons.
“I would have paid you in the crown jewels.”
“You—the both of you are such awful, terrible, ungrateful progeny!”
Taylor x Ryder ― from 2.17 The Show Must Go On
or “they’ve nearly died several times already and could definitely die tomorrow but if they do go they will have these memories and that makes it worth it”
(or alt. “can you guys tell Jack has a thing for cutesy moments that offset the tension of the main plot with domestic shenanery?”)
Nik all but flops down on the couch beside him; pushes the open guide on reading and interpreting tarot that Taylor’s been pouring over away with a socked foot.
“I was reading that.”
“Oops.” The only unapologetic apology he’s getting, too, so he takes it.
Does it justify the fact that a fully grown man is sitting very close to him popping green olives like pieces of candy? Not in the fucking slightest.
“Want one?” Nik asks even though he knows the answer.
He doesn’t have time to deflect because the man picks one up and tosses it — doubles over in laughter when it bounces off Taylor’s cheek, falls to the floor, and rolls under the nearest chair to die alone.
“What are you,” he fake-gags and wipes his cheek angrily, “twelve years old?”
His glare very nearly breaks under the sheer audacity of Ryder’s pouting face. Only nearly because there’s no fucking way he’s kissing that offensive mouth no matter how closely the man leans in. “Aw c’mon Rook — jus’ one kiss!”
“Get away from me! Ew!”
“You know you like me~”
“Wrong! Incorrect! You disgust me!”
Adrian x Serafine ― from 4.19 The Catalyst & 4.20 The City of Shadow
or “its a tie between when these fucking nerds spent their pillow talk talking shop, and definitely continued that conversation with rounds 4 & 5 taking place in the shower and when they weren’t even subtle and Lily can’t not take the piss”
The bedroom door opens with Serafine on the other side. Darker curls clinging to her face and still dripping water from the shower in the en suite; if she has any humility about her it’s hidden well. Well, that… or it’s all on Adrian judging by the ‘boiled tomato’ state of his expression. Absolutely no one who’s lived there for the last month is surprised, though, which speeds things up a bit.
Lily and Nadya take the nearest door; but hang back and watch as Serafine takes Adrian’s hand and coaxes him further on, teasing him under her breath. “My old chambers are close. Come along.”
“You know you guys should be resting too, right?” Nadya calls out; and doesn’t have even a lick of regret that the last of her energy is used for sass.
“Goodnight, Nadya.” Adrian says back; without looking.
Lily snickers beside her; puts one hand on the door ready to close it quickly before she shouts out to them; “Use protection!” And slams the door shut.
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alphawolfice1989 · 5 years
Barney and Robin moments in Season 4
Okay, here’s the list of B/R moments I noticed and loved from the second half of Season 4: 4.13 -This one was bereft of B/R moments, considering they didn’t even share a single scene. But I have to give mention to how sexy Barney is in this episode. I don’t know what it is exactly, but he’s fantastic in this episode. -On a side note, I’ve always wondered where Robin is when Barney and Ted bring “Puzzles” upstairs after they leave MacLaren’s. She’s living in the apartment, so you’d think she’d be present, especially since Lily’s out of town and she can’t be at work either because she doesn’t have a job yet. -(As we’ve already discussed) Marshall and Robin’s conversation foreshadows one of the problems of the B/R relationship to come and how the group tries to force their idea of what it means to be in love onto B/R and the disaster that follows because of that. 4.14 -This is a B/R goldmine. Of course there are the obvious things like Barney being so distraught after hearing about Robin’s deportation that he drops the letter he was holding, and then being willing to marry Robin (and even trying to propose to her). But the part where Barney says he doesn’t think he can use any of the footage he already has of her is interesting too. I still don’t believe he actually has a sex tape, so it’s fun to surmise what footage he could be talking about. It could be Robin Sparkles’ videos or old Metro News One shows (but why couldn’t he use those?), or depending on how sleazy you believe him to be I still remember that line that got cut from “Glitter” but was on the extra DVD footage about how Barney gave Robin a stuffed bear as a present but it actually had a hidden camera inside so he could record her in her bedroom. -Once again, we are shown Barney going to tremendous effort to help Robin and make her happy. I love Future Ted’s line “Thanks to your Uncle Barney we got to keep Aunt Robin”. -The scene at the end where they hug is perfection. First, right after her initial quick hug, Barney looks so shy and bashful, receiving such praise from her. But the second hug….the way she looks at him and the way he looks at her, and then she throws her arms around his neck, hugging him so tight, and his hand stroking over her hair, it’s just beautiful. I also love the way they look at each other as they’re pulling back from the hug. It’s hard to see because they cut away really quickly, but they’re both smiling, staring into each other’s eyes and Barney slides his hand down to her hip. 4.15 -Robin is very resistant to the idea that Barney has a girlfriend, and then when they’re following his cab, she looks upset and says that Narnia line being debated above. - Barney is so embarrassed that his mom said he calls her every day in front of Robin, but Robin thinks it’s cute. -When Barney’s fake wife comes down the stairs, he immediately looks nervously to Robin (and doing the introductions too), afraid of what her reaction will be. And Robin does seem the most angry of the group, and she's the one to confront Barney about this “wife” and “son” before he tells them that they’re both fake. -When they’re all waiting around for dinner, right before Ted goes to talk to Margaret by the table, Robin can be seen behind the couch looking at a childhood picture of Barney and then actually picking it up to study it. -After he flubs his lines at dinner, Robin defends the little boy playing Barney’s son, and after she speaks up Barney listens to her and just tells the kid to go eat his ice cream. Later, when he “cries” after they find Ted and Margaret kissing, Barney and Robin exchange an impressed look. -And of course the scene at the end where his mom tells him if he meets someone special not to run away but to try, and then Robin comes to the door and they have that look and smile in the cab.
4.16 -When Robin is laughing over a monkey wearing two tuxedos, Barney’s just stares raptly at her, watching her laugh and smiling because she’s laughing (also, interestingly enough, Barney had footage of a monkey in a suit – the funnest thing Robin can imagine – in his video resume). -Robin smiles over at Barney when he gets so hysterical about the pants story. -Barney reveals the fact that he really hates that Ted and Robin are living together. 4.17 -This episode hints pretty strongly that deep down Barney is actually okay with the idea of marriage, and that kind of connection is something he even longs for subconsciously. 4.18 -This, once again, shows how alike Robin and Barney are because they are the only two who seem to know what all the sex acts are at Canadiansexacts.org. -In the very first scene where Robin reveals she once went home with a celebrity, Barney and Robin are sitting very close together, so close their arms are pressed together (and much closer than even Marshall and Lily, who are married!). -When Robin is telling the more provocative parts, she keeps looking over at Barney, including the part where Lily guesses the “Sticky Flapjack” and Robin says “That I would have done”, to which Barney looks intrigued. -Barney thinks Robin is talking about him and he’s flattered, but more interestingly he brings up a time when he “only put the mask on as a joke” (and he even says “for the last time”, like they’ve discussed this event many times already). He can’t be referring to the “Sandcastles” incident because Robin is talking about a time when she went home with a guy but he wanted to do something so freaky she left without anything happening between them. So at the very most Barney must be referring to one of the times he propositioned her that he alludes to in Season 3’s “Ten Sessions” (although I did see it suggested somewhere that maybe Barney hit on her when she was over at his apartment during “The Possimpible” because with all the costumes he had lying around that he used in her video, he could have easily had a mask that he put on too).
Also in 4.17, though it's technically a T/R moment since they're the ones making the pact to marry at 40, one could draw parallels between the fact that they had both Barney and Robin bring up marriage in the same episode, showing that they're both open to the idea, at least at some point in the distant future. 
  4.19 -Barney and Robin are so great together, but even more so this is an episode where you can really see Robin’s appreciation of Barney. She loves this side of him. She loves it when he’s being ridiculous and zany like this. They’re just having so much fun playing together, but especially it highlights how much Robin enjoys Barney’s company. It really shows how Robin is the perfect woman for Barney and he is the perfect man for her. -When Barney first says “Challenge accepted”, Robin is smiling in delight. And when he begins his speech about how he’s going to do everything on the list, she’s looking up at him in awe with a hint of “The Fight”’s level of attraction/desire. -Robin chooses to spend the entire weekend constantly with Barney when she did not have to go along with any of his stunts at all (which again proves how much she enjoys his company and how perfect she really is for him and he for her). -Robin is concerned for Barney’s ear, both when he first pierces it himself and later at the bar when it has become infected. -Barney and Robin similarly both want to stay young while Ted wants to be old, showing their connection and compatibility. -Of course their joint phone call is adorable, and the fact that they made their own anti-Murtaugh list together. -I love the little looks Barney and Robin keep exchanging in the scene where they show their list to Ted. And she seems so impressed with Barney when he raises the stakes on the bet. -Their little rave dance is too cute (and I think it’s funny that they together probably helped to unknowingly rob that apartment). -Robin is the one who insists Barney call off the bet for his own good. Also when Barney says after laser tag he needs to go to the hospital, he’s looking directly at her, like he knows she will go with him or at least he knows that’s an answer to her concerns for him. -At the very end when they’re toilet papering the laser tag place, when the manager first comes out, Robin looks very concerned for Barney and what will happen to him. Then when he says Barney is reinstated, Robin is grinning with happiness for him. And when he takes it back, she looks concerned again and even starts to approach Barney. 4.20 -At the beginning when they're talking about Ted not hiring an assistant he can sleep with, Barney and Robin keep sharing little looks and smiles as they jointly make fun of Ted. -There are a ton of very obvious moments from Barney, of course, with him being so upset that Robin is sleeping with Ted’s assistant, but then also when Barney reveals his feelings for Robin to Marshall. But what I really love is this very subtle moment when Barney storms away from the table after first hearing that Robin is sleeping with PJ, and you can see him in the background, standing there dejected with his head and arms actually facedown in defeat on the bar. -It’s very telling that after learning Marshall has known all along, the first thing Barney says is “you’ve been laughing at me behind my back this entire time”. He just automatically jumps to those insecurities that of course M/L would think it’s ridiculous that Robin would ever want to be with him. But then he’s so touched when they’re actually being supportive instead and think Barney and Robin would be perfect for each other. It’s like it gives him this little vote of confidence. -It is certainly a case of foreshadowing that in the episode immediately following “The Murtaugh List”, which makes it so clear that Barney and Robin are perfect together, Robin describes her ideal man as “smart, funny, passionate, challenging” which is an exact description of Barney. We’ve seen countless examples of Barney’s intelligence, and how he challenges Robin. If we’re talking passion in a sexual sense, we’ve seen plenty of that between B/R too, and if we’re talking passion meaning enthusiasm and dedication to a goal, “The Murtaugh List” immediately preceding 4.20 was a shining example. And the very next episode, 4.21, shows us how funny Robin thinks Barney is. 
I love "Murtaugh". Like you said, it shows how perfect they are for each other in a million different little ways, and also how they have the same kind of life philosophy. Plus, it shows how much fun they can be together. And I don't know why, but not only do I love that Robin goes along with all of Barney's crazy stunts without him asking, I also love that she does it all without seeming affected by it while Barney is exhausted. I have no idea why I find that funny, but I always do. 
And yes, I think it's super cute/sad that Barney's insecurities make him jump immediately to the thought of Marshall and Lily laughing at him and making fun of him behind his back. And Robin's description of her perfect man definitely does seem to fit Barney, and I obviously think that was on purpose. 
4.21 -There is this really cute interplay between Barney and Robin at the beginning when Barney starts talking about girls who names end in ‘y’ . Robin laughs at his joke and Barney stops and looks over at her with this look on his face like he’s very pleased that he made her laugh. And when he looks at her, Robin starts playing with her hair, putting it behind her ear. Then in the middle of his monologue on the origins of the 3 Days Rule, Robin starts laughing hysterically, and Barney glances over to her again, quite pleased with her laughter and it seems to spur him on in his story. And again, right before they cut away to the theme song, when Barney says “True story”, Robin giggles at him, and Barney turns to her, smiling at her laughter. -When Robin says Ted having only three months to live would be way more shocking than gay dreams, she mimes a head explosion with her hands in the exact same way that Barney does in “The Leap”. -In the tag scene, when it first fades in from black, Barney’s got his arm up around Robin on the back of the booth and they’re sitting very close, smiling at each other, and staring intently into one another’s eyes. Barney is the first to look away, but Robin keeps staring adoringly at him. It’s only when Stan comes that Robin looks away and Barney removes his arm from around her. 4.22 -There’s this great little look between B/R when Barney says “B-smooth don’t do nothing roughly” when they’re talking about how many women Barney hits on in a week. -They make a point of highlighting how Robin has also supposedly had a high number of sex partners (and they touched on this a little in the past when she was dating Ted), yet another thing she and Barney have in common, sharing a healthy desire for sex and the ability to separate the physical from the emotional (except for with each other), and one would assume then also not judging each other based on their pasts. -Robin shows a fascination with Barney’s list of women he’s slept with. Whenever we see her, she is studying this list, reading it over with much more attention then anyone else has shown.
And yeah, while I assume that the number of men Robin has slept with is way (way, way, way) lower than the number of women Barney has slept with, they do seem to share a similar outlook on sex in general. They did touch on that in Season 2, implying by Ted's reaction that Robin had slept with more people than he had, which obviously bothered him.
4.23 -Robin is clearly charmed by Barney’s ‘what up quake’ joke. -When Robin hears that Ted got Tony to dump Stella, she requests a fist bump and then says she’ll be waiting (with her hand still raised) until Ted gets back to receive her fist bump, just like Barney does in “Intervention”. -Ted’s ringtone for Barney is “Let’s Go To The Mall”. -When Lily comes back at the end and mentions the joke Barney told that so disgusted and offended her, Barney looks guiltily over at Robin like he’s worried what her reaction will be, or at the very least like he’s ashamed of being called out in front of her. 4.24 -There are so many B/R moments in this one. Of course the Mosbying in the hospital was actually unintentionally deeply honest, particularly when Barney asks her “Why are you so afraid of giving this a chance?” and she answers “Because I’m afraid of how much I like you”. Then of course there’s “With you I want the trouble”, which is classic. -Possibly the most telling moment when it comes to Robin’s feelings is her inner debate when discussing this with M/L at MacLaren’s. She says, “It's Barney”, in a disgusted ‘he’ll always be a womanizer’ tone. Then, a second later, “I mean.....it’s Barney”, in a soft, tender tone, and it’s like she’s stopping and really thinking about all that she feels for Barney and the times they’ve shared. But then she jumps right back to, “But it's Barney”, and the ‘he’s a womanizer’ tone returns again. You can really see the debate within Robin that continues to rage pretty much up to this day: her heart wants him but her heads says it’s a bad idea. (But maybe now that Barney has gone so far as to become an engaged man, it will show Robin that she was wrong about him. Of course what happens in the aftermath could bring those fears back…) -I also like how Barney starts out by Mosbying Robin too at Ted’s party. He’s wanted her all this time and yet when he thinks he’s finally gotten her, he’s terrified, doesn’t know what to do, and runs away – much like we’ll later see Robin do in “Tick Tick Tick”. -The looks on their faces as they leap are fantastic. First, when Robin leaps, Barney is clearly terrified for her safety. Then when Barney is preparing to leap, Robin looks anxious for his safety too, but then it’s about so much more than just the physical leap, and you can see such excitement and hope on their faces. -I love it that when he lands on the other side they let Barney and Robin share a hug, just the two of them, as a symbol of the relationship they will now start.
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vargesz · 7 years
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Riverdale:4.19 Chapter Seventy-Six: Killing Mr. Honey
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anthonybrxdgerton · 6 years
Lily Sparks OUAT recaps masterpost.
So, @sieben9 I don’t believe you had a pleasure to meet Lily Sparks yet? She’s a tv.com journalist who happens to make pretty damn ouat recaps.
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She is funny,
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and she’s always brutally honest.
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Emphasis on brutally.
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Of course, the photos are not the only thing you might enjoy, Lily’s recaps really are something else, and besides being sarcastic little shit, she’s very often on point. Here’s one paragraph from 1x06:
Snow and Prince Charming have mixed DNA, so for him to look at a windmill and decide to go back to his fake wife is not piquing my interest in their relationship so much as punishing me for caring about them in the first place. It doesn't help that Josh Dallas might seriously be into Ginnifer Goodwin. I mean, if the acting he's doing opposite his fairytale mom is any indication, I don't think that crackling energy in his scenes with Ginnifer is acting. #StartingRumors
About year later Josh and Ginny got married.
Links are under the cut!
Season 1:
1.01 Pilot (aka. Too Crazy Not to Root For)
1.02 The Thing You Love Most (aka. Curses!)
1.03 Snow Falls (aka. Kiss and Wake Up)
1.04 The Price of Gold (aka. Assassination of (Fairy Tale) Character)
1.05 That Still Small Voice (aka. Pulling the Strings)
1.06 The Shepherd (aka. Snow Job)
1.07 The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter (aka. Crying Wolf)
1.08 Desperate Souls (aka. Kiss My Boot!)
1.09. True North (aka. Who's Your Daddy?)
1.10 7.10 AM (aka. When Doves Cry)
1.11 Fruit of the Poisonous Tree (aka. Genie in a Bottle)
1.12 Skin Deep (aka. Deeply Disappointing)
1.13 What Happened To Frederick (aka. Real Love)
1.14 Dreamy (aka. Rotten Dwarf Eggs)
1.15 Red-Handed (aka. Time to Transform)
1.16 Heart of Darkness (aka. Straight to the Heart (of Darkness))
1.17 Hat Tricks (aka. A Tip of the Hat)
1.18 The Stable Boy (aka. Mother Knows Best)
1.19 The Return (aka. Sonny-Side Up)
1.20 The Stranger (aka. A Heartwarming Nightmare)
1.21 An Apple As Red As Blood (aka. Snackrificies)
1.22 A Land Without Magic (aka. There’s A Cloud Hanging Over Us)
Season 2:
2.01 Broken (aka. (Literally) Falling Into Place)
2.02 We Are Both (aka. The Un-Evil Queen)
2.03 Lady of the Lake (aka. A Million Little Pieces)
2.04 The Crocodile (aka. Never-again Land)
2.05. The Doctor (aka. A Patched-Together Abomination)
2.06 Tallahassee (aka. No Honor Among Thieves)
2.07 Child of the Moon (aka. Pack Mentality)
2.08 Into The Deep (aka. Bedtime for Bonzo)
2.09 Queen of Hearts (aka. New Conflict Ahoy, Me Hearties!)
2.10 The Cricket Game (aka. Can People Change? Who Cares?)
2.11 The Outsider (aka. For Whom the Belle Tolls)
2.12 In the Name of the Brother (aka. Multi-dimensional Storytelling, Literally)
2.13 Tiny (aka. Take Us to the Beans!)
2.14 Manhattan (aka. In the Name of the Father)
2.15 The Queen Is Dead (aka. Birthday Girl)
2.16 The Miller’s Daughter (aka. Sympathy for the Devil)
2.17 Welcome To Storybrooke (aka. Open Your Heart to Me (Also Can We All Start 'Shipping Emma and Regina?))
2.18 Selfless, Brave And True (aka. Bait and Switch)
2.19 Lacey (aka. The Lacey Is a Tramp!)
2.20 The Evil Queen (aka. This Show Just Keeps Bagging on Regina/the Evil Queen)
2.21 Second Star To The Right (aka. The Diamond Goes Pear-shaped)
2.22 And Straight on ‘Til Morning (aka. Straight on 'Til Season 3)
Season 3:
3.01 The Heart of the Truest Believer (aka. U Start Believing in Me & I'll Start Believing in U)
3.02 Lost Girl (aka. Breaking the Cycle)
3.03 Quite A Common Fairy (aka. Watching With Hope, Not Anger)
3.04 Nasty Habits (aka. Nasty Messages)
3.05 Good Form (aka. Bromance, Romance, and Hook-ups)
3.06 Ariel (aka. Part of Which World?)
3.07 Dark Hollow (aka. How Darling)
3.08 Think Lovely Thoughts (aka. Dusthead Deadbeat Dads)
3.09 Save Henry (aka. I Regret Nothing)
3.10 The New Neverland (aka. A Familiar Story Device)
3.11 Going Home (aka. Over the Borderline)
3.12 New York City Serenade (aka. Pawed by a Flying Monkey)
3.13 Witch Hunt (aka. A Mother's Touch)
3.14 The Tower (aka. Once Upon a Freudian Slip)
3.15 Quiet Minds (aka. Lumiere Arrives and an Old Flame Gets Snuffed)
3.16 It’s Not Easy Being Green (aka. Once Upon a Repetition Compulsion)
3.17 The Jolly Roger (aka. Your Curse Is On My Lips)
3.18 Bleeding Through (aka. What Ghost Around Comes Around)
3.19 A Curious Thing (aka. Give Your Heart a Break)
3.20 Kansas (aka. Ding, Dong, the Witch Is... Something)
3.21/3.22 Snow Drifts/There’s No Place Like Home (aka. Twice Upon a Cash Grab) 
Season 4 (titled up to episode 3):
4.01 A Tale of Two Sisters (aka. Not Cool, Bro)
4.02 White Out (aka. More Like Wig Out!)
4.03 Rocky Road (aka. A Hot Mess of a Sunday)
4.08 (those two epiodes are treated as one)
Season 5:
5.08 (two episodes as one gain)
Season 6:
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nbiblioholic · 6 years
Down the TBR Hole was originally created by Lost in a Story! The point of it is to help cull your reading lists down, or maybe push higher anticipated releases up on your TBR! And maybe you all can help me along the way, and tell me if you’ve loved or hated any of these! How it works: ➽ Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf. ➽ Order on ascending date added. ➽ Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books ➽ Read the synopses of the books ➽ Decide: keep it or should it go?
Shards of Glass (The Glass Trilogy #1) by Arianne Richmonde Rating avg: 3.69 Release: Feb. 17, 2015 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2M8rCzd (FREE) I really enjoyed another series from this author, Pearl, and immediately started to add all of her work to my TBR. However, I've re-read the blurb and the blurbs of the following books, and now I don't think it's for me. Verdict: Delete
Hooked Up (Hooked Up #1) by Arianne Richmonde Rating avg: 3.67 Release: Dec. 28, 2015 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2oPiGW1 See above Verdict: Delete Finding Allie (Breaking Away #1) by Meli Raine Rating avg: 3.71 Release: March 2015 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2wRBJCN I've enjoyed the few books I've read from this author and this particular series sounds interesting. A romantic suspense involving rival MCs, drug rings, and a Romeo & Juliet romance. Why not? Verdict: Keep
Hustler by Meghan Quinn & Jessica Prince Rating avg: 4.13 Release: May 9, 2016 Amazon: Out-of-Print Since I can't find a digital copy of this and I don't copyright shit so although a bunch of bootleg versions came up during my search, that's a huge no-no, I guess reading this book isn't in the cards for me. Verdict: Delete
Property Of by C.P. Smith Rating avg: 4.01 Release: April 21, 2015 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2wU5Ut6 I'm a sucker for a great romantic suspense and I still think that this one may be one of them. The fact that it keeps popping up as a recommendation so it might be a sign. Verdict: Keep
Challenged (Vipers Creed MC #1) by Ryan Michele Rating avg: 4.12 Release: April 4, 2016 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2wQYJ5O I've seen a lot of my GR friends read this author's books and state that she's really good at writing MC stories, so I think it's only fair that I give one a try. Verdict: Keep The Player and the Pixie (Rugby #2) by L.H. Cosway & Penny Reid Rating avg: 4.14 Release: April 12, 2016 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2wRKNrj (FREE in KU) I've read this series out of order and I missed this one. I can't believe I did that! Verdict: Keep The Obsession by Nora Roberts Rating avg: 4.19 Release: April 12, 2016 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2QhkML5 Honestly, it's Nora Roberts. Verdict: Keep Cleat Chaser (The Cleat Chaser Duet #1) by Celia Aaron & Sloane Howell Rating avg: 3.55 Release: March 15, 2016 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Cy6GSz (FREE in KU) A book by two authors that I've come to adore? Seriously, it had me at erotic romcom. How could I possibly resist? Verdict: Keep Touching Scars by Stacy Borel Rating avg: 4.01 Release: Dec. 24, 2013 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2wUeCri (FREE in KU) This story has a concept that I could totally get behind. Alpha ex-military hero falls for the girl who his friends bullied in high school? He's suffering PTSD and she's got a haunting secret? Yeah, I'm all over it! Verdict: Keep
The Boss (The Boss #1) by Abigail Barnette Rating avg: 3.84 Release: Nov. 2013 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2oNBeG2 It's currently FREE right now on Amazon and I wasn't going to pass up such a great deal! Verdict: Keep Serial, Volume One by Lily White & Jaden Wilkes Rating avg: 3.86 Release: Sept. 22, 2014 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2CFkhY6 (FREE in KU) I'm usually down to take a trip to the dark side. It's a not-so-secret love of mine. However, after going through what these books are about, I'm not feeling it. I need the characters to draw me in and these ones seem like more of a miss. Verdict: Delete
The Goode Fight by Seth King Rating avg: 3.82 Release: Oct. 12, 2014 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2CybNSL I added this because I thought it was a standalone but... surprise surprise... it's not. And the next book isn't out, not that I could find anyway. Bummer! Verdict: Delete Confessions of a Bad Boy by J.D. Hawkins Rating avg: 4.01 Release: April 27, 2016 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Czc4Vy (FREE in KU) I've read everything from this author. Or at least I think I have. Except for this book. Why??? Verdict: Keep The Empty Jar by M. Leighton Rating avg: 4.43 Release: May 8, 2016 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2oSScmp I haven't met an M. Leighton book that didn't give me a nose tingle and this one seems like a freaking doozy. I'm going to save it for when I'm in the mood to be tricked into an ugly cry. Verdict: Keep
Wicked Heart (Starcrossed #3) by Leisa Rayven Rating avg: 4.26 Release: May 17, 2016 Amazon: https://amzn.to/2MVeBhw I usually love books about movie stars and romance. However, this is supposed to be a second chance romance but the hero is engaged to another woman so I'm wondering how deep was the love? This sounds like angst I want no part of. Verdict: Delete
And that's it for this edition of keeping it real with my TBR. Have you read any of these books? If so, what did you think? Are any of them on your TBR and do you agree with my verdicts? I hope your TBR continues to flourish!! Happy reading!! xoxo
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valeriemperez · 7 years
 Season 4 Flash Screentime (female characters only)  I don’t count the full scene, but rather the amount of time the character is either talking or onscreen. If Barry is talking to the group in STAR Labs and the camera doesn’t cut back to the ladies for 20 seconds, for example, then those 20 seconds don’t count. 
Find previous seasons here.
4.01 Iris West - 14 min 20 sec Caitlin Snow - 10 min 10 sec Cecile Horton - 1 min 30 sec The Mechanic - min 40 sec Shawna Baez - min 30 sec
4.02 Iris West - 15 min 20 sec Caitlin Snow - 6 min 50 sec Cynthia Reynolds - 5 min 30 sec Sharon Finkel - 2 min 20 sec Sheila Agnoni - 2 min 10 sec The Mechanic - min 50 sec
4.03 Becky Sharpe - 8 min 30 sec Iris West - 8 min 10 sec Cecile Horton - 6 min 30 sec Caitlin Snow - 3 min 10 sec The Mechanic - min 30 sec Jesse Quick - min 10 sec
4.04 Iris West - 6 min 30 sec Caitlin Snow - 6 min 30 sec Cynthia Reynolds - 3 min 30 sec
4.05 Caitlin Snow - 20 min 10 sec Iris West - 18 min 30 sec Felicity Smoak - 12 min 10 sec Cecile Horton - 12 min 0 sec Amunet Black - 10 min 30 sec Joanie Horton - 3 min 20 sec
4.06 Mina Chayton - 5 min 50 sec Caitlin Snow - 4 min 10 sec Iris West - 4 min 0 sec The Mechanic - 2 min 0 sec Laura - 1 min 30 sec Sharon Finkel - 1 min 20 sec
4.07 Marlize Devoe - 12 min 30 sec Iris West - 9 min 20 sec Caitlin Snow - 3 min 0 sec
Supergirl 3.08 (doesn’t count towards total) Kara Danvers/Overgirl - 11 min 40 sec Alex Danvers - 8 min 30 sec Iris West - 6 min 0 sec Felicity Smoak - 5 min 0 sec Sara Lance - 4 min 50 sec Caitlin Snow - 3 min 30 sec Dawn Allen - 1 min 0 sec Cecile Horton - min 30 sec Clarissa Stein - min 30 sec Lily Stein - min 20 sec
Arrow 6.08 (doesn’t count towards total) Kara Danvers/Overgirl - 13 min 0 sec Felicity Smoak - 9 min 40 sec Alex Danvers - 9 min 0 sec Sara Lance - 6 min 50 sec Iris West - 6 min 40 sec Caitlin Snow - 3 min 30 sec Dinah Drake - min 20 sec
4.08 Kara Danvers/Overgirl - 4 min 50 sec Alex Danvers -  8 min 30 sec Sara Lance - 7 min 10 sec Felicity Smoak - 5 min 0 sec Iris West - 3 min 10 sec Caitlin Snow -  min 20 sec Dinah Drake - min 20 sec
Legends of Tomorrow 3.08 (doesn’t count towards total) Iris West - 7 min 10 sec Kara Danvers/Overgirl - 7 min 10 sec Felicity Smoak - 6 min 20 sec Sara Lance - 4 min 10 sec Alex Danvers - 3 min 30 sec Caitlin Snow - 3 min 10 sec Amaya Jiwe - 2 min 30 sec Zari Tomaz - 2 min 30 sec   Clarissa Stein - 1 min 30 sec Lily Stein - 1 min 0 sec Dinah Drake - min 30 sec
4.09 Caitlin Snow - 14 min 10 sec Iris West - 8 min 20 sec Amunet Black - 8 min 10 sec Marlize Devoe - 4 min 0 sec Cynthia Reynolds - min 20 sec
4.10 Iris West - 9 min 30 sec Cecile Horton - 7 min 30 sec Marlize Devoe - 6 min 20 sec Caitlin Snow - 4 min 20 sec
4.11 Iris West - 10 min 20 sec Caitlin Snow - 9 min 20 sec Zoey Clark/Prank - 7 min 50 sec Dawn Allen - 1 min 0 sec
4.12 Cecile Horton - 10 min 50 sec Iris West - 7 min 50 sec Caitlin Snow - 5 min 20 sec Sharon Finkel - 1 min 20 sec Mayor Van Buren - min 40 sec Amunet Black - min 10 sec
4.13 Becky Sharpe/Clifford Devoe - 9 min 20 sec Marlize Devoe - 8 min 10 sec Caitlin Snow - 8 min 0 sec Iris West - 7 min 20 sec Cecile Horton - 6 min 0 sec Mina Chayton - 5 min 0 sec Amunet Black - 3 min 30 sec
4.14 Izzy Bowen/Clifford Devoe* - 12 min 40 sec Iris West - 7 min 50 sec Cecile Horton - 5 min 40 sec Becky Sharpe/Clifford Devoe* - 5 min 30 sec Caitlin Snow - 4 min 20 sec Marlize Devoe - 2 min 30 sec Mayor Van Buren - min 20 sec Abby - min 10 sec
* - I’m including the times Devoe inhabits a woman’s body because of the actresses playing the roles, even though Devoe still identifies as male.
4.15 Jesse Quick - 13 min 20 sec Iris West - 9 min 40 sec Caitlin Snow - 5 min 50 sec Dawn Allen - min 50 sec Veronica Dale - 1 min 40 sec
4.16 Iris West - 22 min 50 sec Caitlin Snow - 7 min 50 sec
4.17 Iris West - 7 min 0 sec Marlize Devoe - 6 min 50 sec Caitlin Snow - 5 min 50 sec Izzy Bowen/Clifford Devoe - 4 min 20 sec Janet Petty - 3 min 0 sec Gideon - min 10 sec 
4.18 Iris West - 10 min 30 sec Caitlin Snow - 7 min 50 sec Marlize Devoe - 3 min 20 sec Izzy Bowen/Clifford Devoe - 1 min 10 sec Gideon - min 20 sec
4.19 Iris West - 11 min 30 sec Caitlin Snow - 7 min 30 sec Marlize Devoe - 5 min 0 sec Laurel Lance/Siren-X - 3 min 20 sec Sharon Finkel - 2 min 30 sec Gideon - 1 min 0 sec
4.20 Marlize Devoe - 14 min 40 sec Cynthia Reynolds - 11 min 10 sec Iris West - 10 min 50 sec Caitlin Snow - 6 min 50 sec Cecile Horton - 4 min 20 sec Dawn Allen - min 40 sec
4.21 Caitlin Snow - 17 min 50 sec Amunet Black - 13 min 40 sec Iris West - 11 min 0 sec
4.22 Caitlin Snow - 12 min 40 sec Iris West - 12 min 10 sec Cecile Horton - 5 min 30 sec Marlize Devoe - 1 min 50 sec Sharon Finkel - 1 min 20 sec  Gideon - 0 min 10 sec
4.23 Iris West - 11 min 10 sec Marlize Devoe - 10 min 0 sec Caitlin Snow - 7 min 20 sec Cecile Horton - 7 min 0 sec Nora Allen - 1 min 30 sec Jenna Marie West - min 40 sec 
Iris West - 237 min 0 sec Caitlin Snow - 179 min 20 sec Marlize Devoe - 76 min 10 sec Cecile Horton - 68 min 50 sec Amunet Black - 36 min 0 sec Cynthia Reynolds - 19 min 30 sec   Izzy Bowen - 18 min 10 sec Felicity Smoak - 17 min 10 sec Becky Sharpe - 14 min 0 sec Jesse Quick - 13 min 30 sec Mina Chayton - 10 min 50 sec   Sharon Finkel - 8 min 50 sec Alex Danvers -  8 min 30 sec Zoey Clark - 7 min 50 sec Sara Lance - 7 min 10 sec Nora Dawn Allen - 4 min 0 sec   Kara Danvers - 4 min 50 sec Joanie Horton - 3 min 20 sec Laurel Lance - 3 min 20 sec Janet Petty - 3 min 0 sec Sheila Agnoni - 2 min 10 sec Veronica Dale - 1 min 40 sec Laura - 1 min 30 sec Gideon - 1 min 20 sec Mayor Van Buren - 1 min 0 sec  Jenna Marie West - min 40 sec  Shawna Baez - min 30 sec Dinah Drake - min 20 sec Abby - min 10 sec
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efnewsservice · 8 years
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Emma and Regina 4.19 Lily (x)
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