#4. Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
z0n1x · 1 month
To become my friend you have to go through my 7 rants about shit you don’t care about
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rockabully · 1 year
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zaphod beebleilovesexandwomen
edit: everyone pretend like i didnt forget his third arm
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leslaras-art · 1 year
Arthur Dent when he jams the systems in the Heart of Gold (the tea tasted funny)
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potato-lord-but-not · 2 years
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drew myself in different fandoms!! loving the hitchhiker-sona tho like mmm
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nero-neptune · 1 year
idk, i just think that (to a point) Everyone's a product of the media they consume. that's why certain media is called 'formative', esp if you watched it young. one thing you watched/read could’ve lead to an interest which could’ve gotten you to learn/participate in/avoid something you wouldn’t have otherwise. take away all the books you’ve read, movies you’ve watched, music you've listened to, etc etc- you’re likely a totally different person. which is neither good nor bad, that's just called being a person who lives on planet earth.
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dougielombax · 3 days
Here we go again.
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Seeing Patterns in Things that Aren’t Thete
Part 42
World-Building (literally!)
1. The Magrathean people practically made millions out of building specially commissioned custom planets for many such clients.
Eventually they would come to create the Earth for a client species of hyper intelligent pan-dimensional beings.
Along with a copy of the planet also known as Earth Mark II. Functioning as a vast supercomputer to calculate the question to the ultimate answer of the meaning of life, the universe and everything.
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (1978). Douglas Adams.
(Picture taken from the 1981 BBC TV series adaptation)
2. “So am I the only one freaked out by the fact that we’re actually INSIDE the planet?”
- Serina.
Halo Wars (2009)
The Foreunners would similarly create many such shield worlds in their war against the Flood.
(Similar in principle to those built by the Magrathean people but quite different in their intent)
Created as fortress planets.
Hosting research facilities, wildlife conservation projects and many other things.
Creating many shield worlds such as Requiem, Onyx, Trove, Genesis, Eden (a copy of earth), among many others.
I’d been planning this post for quite some time.
Speaks for itself.
And yes the numbering (42) was an intentional choice.
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you to get to know your mutuals and followers <3
Yippie my first ask!
1- The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (duh)
2- Invader zim (kinda obvious too)
3- My cat Loki, and cats in general (they're so cute!)
4- Learning French (pretty random but im taking classes and its super fun)
5- Art in general, digital, traditional, animation, mask making, clay modeling, sewing, you name it :3
Tysm 4 asking!
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g4zdtechtv · 4 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: AOTS! - Band Or Law Firm? | 4/22/05
I don’t wanna know what Harry Knowles' basement smells like. But you will learn how to be the Master of Unlocking this episode!
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arley-reads · 1 year
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Okay then
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fleetn-crab85 · 1 month
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In honor of towel day, I happily present The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy as textposts part eleven!
Some of these formatted strangely so click for better quality!
Previous Installments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
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gallifreyanhotfive · 6 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 14
The Eighth Doctor has described traveling in the TARDIS as "vworp vworp" before.
The Crispy Master was originally not-so-crispy. The Macqueen Maater had created an energy field and electrocuted him several times over until he was quite burnt.
The Doctor once met a Sontaran stand-up comedian.
The Second Doctor once fractured the harmonic resonator on the TARDIS console by hitting it with a football while playing keepy-uppy.
Iris Wildthyme considers the Master to be a "phallocentric dope."
Iris also once proposed to the Doctor in Venice.
And on top of that, Iris once got sick after eating a live Kaled mutant from the shell.
The Hexagora are a race of nomadic insectoids. When an ice age threatened the planet they had settled on, the queen wanted to marry the Fifth Doctor in order to have children that would live long enough to make it out of the ice age.
Chronotis replaced The Worshipful and Ancient Law of Gallifrey with a copy of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in the Panopticon Archive.
Coal Hill School was founded in 1873.
The Blessing Star is a crystal that changes the laws of probability, giving its owner unnaturally good luck. Susan used to take it to school with her in an attempt to make friends.
A regen gun is a Time Lord weapon capable of killing a Time Lord instantly by using up all of their regenerations.
Donna used to receive piano lessons when she was younger, but Sylvia says she was terrible.
The Tenth Doctor likes the movie Splash.
The Second Doctor once took on a cat-like being as a pet. They named the cat Marmaduke, who was an absolute menace.
According to the Eleventh Doctor, the only other dimensionally transcendental vehicle in the universe besides TARDISes are clown cars.
Iris Wildthyme was a member of the Sisterhood of Karn while the Fourth Doctor faced off against Morbius.
The Second Doctor once bought a window that could have "any view" out if it. He chooses a view of his childhood home on Gallifrey. The Seventh Doctor eventually decided that the room the window was in needed to be sealed up.
The Eighth Doctor and Iris Wildthyme once walked together naked in the snow. She used an icicle to slice into his calf, and a baby blue angel was birthed from the Doctor’s leg.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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rockabully · 10 months
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kinngumi · 18 days
❛❛A playlist to live out
your magical girlie fantasy❞
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1. Moon Prism - Rocket Punch
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2. Save Me, Save You - WJSN
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3. Virtual Angel - ARTMS
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5. Accendio - IVE
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6. Secret - WJSN
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7. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - ARTMS
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8. Love In Space - Cherry Bullet
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9. La Luna - ICHILLIN'
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10. Butterfly Effect - ARTMS
(my fav, tumblr won't let me add more links but it's on the playlist! ♡)
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🌙 Gif credits: @sailormoon-cola 🌙
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evilphrog · 5 days
I was tagged by a few people in this game a while back. Finally got around to it. To avoid skewing the results, I tried to pick only from fandoms that had about the same level of popularity. And also Clive.
Tagging @shunshuntaiga @radical-rapscallion @v01dblad3 @epitomyofshyness @quadruple-a-battery-under-ur-bed
@afdg10 @dont-offend-the-bees and anyone else who wants to join. If any of you are the ones who tagged me, my bad. I forgot.
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the-robot-bracket · 1 year
Last Time! The Top 50 Robots Submitted
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1. Five Pebbles - Rain World (13 times)
2. Wheatley - Portal (11 times)
3. GLaDOS - Portal (10 times)
4. Data - Star Trek (9 times)
5. Zane - Ninjago (8 times)
6. Murderbot - The Murderbot Diaries (8 times)
7. WALL-E & EVE - WALL-E (8 times)
8. Gir - Invader Zim (8 times)
9. K1-B0 - Danganronpa (7 times)
10. Look To The Moon - Rain World (7 times)
11. Aegis - Persona (7 times)
12. Pixal - Ninjago (6 times)
13. CAR-11E - Hi-Fi Rush (6 times)
14. Fresh Cut Grass - Critical Role (6 times)
15. P03 - Inscryption (6 times)
16. Starscream - Transformers (6 times)
17. Emma Matthews - Hatchetfield (6 times)
18. Mettaton - Undertale (6 times)
19. Calculester Hewlett-Packard - Monster Prom (5 times)
20. Frobo - Amphibia (5 times)
21. R2D2 - Star Wars (5 times)
22. Robecca Steam - Monster High (5 times)
23. One-One - Infinity Train (5 times)
24. Marvin - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (5 times)
25. Echo - Ninjago (4 times)
26. Hatsune Miku - Vocaloid (4 times)
27. Baymax - Big Hero 6 (4 times)
28. Luna - Zero Escape (4 times)
29. AM - I have no mouth and I must scream (4 times)
30. V1 - Ultrakill (4 times)
31. Jenny - My Life as a Teenage Robot (4 times)
32. Wubbox - My Singing Monsters (3 times)
33. Boyd - Ducktales 2017 (3 times)
34. Drossel von Flügel - Fireball (3 times)
35. K9 - Doctor Who (3 times)
36. Hal 9000 - A Space Odyssey (3 times)
37. Karen - SpongeBob (3 times)
38. Connor - Detroit Become Human (3 times)
39. F.R.I.D.A. - Critical Role (3 times)
40. Goddard - The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius (3 times)
41. Hera - wolf359 (3 times)
42. Virgil - Portal Stories: Mel (3 times)
43. Astro Boy - Astro Boy (3 times)
44. C-3P0 - Star Wars (3 times)
45. Janet - The Good Place (3 times)
46. Lil' Hal - Homestuck (3 times)
47. Yes Man - Fallout (3 times)
48. Carl the Robot - Meet the Robinsons (3 times)
49. Cryptor - Ninjago (3 times)
50. Metal Sonic - Sonic the Hedgehog (3 times)
And the Top 20 Fandoms:
1. Portal - 103 times
2. Ninjago - 28 times
3. Rain World - 24 times
4. The Murderbot Diaries - 16 times
5. Star Wars - 16 times
6. Transformers - 14 times
7. Star Trek - 13 times
8. Invader Zim - 12 times
9. Danganronpa - 10 times
10. Ultrakill - 10 times
11. Doctor Who - 9 times
12. Detroit Become Human - 9 times
13. WALL-E - 8 times
14. Critical Role - 8 times
15. FNaF - 8 times
16. Persona - 8 times
17. Undertale - 7 times
18. Hi-Fi Rush - 7 times
19. Zero Escape - 7 times
20. Astro Boy - 7 times
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thefiresofpompeii · 1 month
so. realised that when i was watching s7 way back in december i completely skipped over dinosaurs on a spaceship because i thought the title sounded too kiddy, was tired of the ponds, and wanted to meet clara already (sacrilege, i know. whatever). so today i was like hold up wait a minute that’s the last remaining episode of nuwho i’ve never seen. can’t be too terrrible even if it’s written youknowwho
why was it… good?? lol. surprise is not the word
early 20th c. pulp novel vibes in the best way possible. they really just tossed all of the ‘look how cool this must be when you’re 7 years old’ buzzwords into a hat (ancient egypt! dinosaurs! spaceships! bounty hunters! actual hunters! indiana jones!) and somehow made it work…
and not even in a ‘mindless fun’ way as you’d expect from something with this subject matter. instead it becomes a successful, surprisingly mature piece of commentary on the interconnected nature of imperialism, capitalism, colonialism, cultural theft and appropriation, genocide and misogynistic objectification?? and that’s not even touching the parallels between the ‘rusty robots’ that ‘aren’t as nimble as they used to be’ getting mirrored with the ponds; the entire mini-arc of brian stepping out of his comfort zone; and 11’s dark vengeful streak that shows itself at the end. apologies mr. chibnall i was unfamiliar with your game
there’s even a sneaky hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy reference. what’s not to love. incredibly unexpected 4 stars on tardisguide from me. that’s my “jamie catches up” (hey, when that tag began, i was still jamie) all over with
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