#4-star affordable hotel in electronic city
otiumbangalore · 1 year
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If you're planning a trip to Electronic City and looking for a comfortable stay, Otium By The Oterra is a great choice. Here are some tips to make your booking process smoother: Firstly, check the hotel's location and proximity to your places of interest. Otium By The Oterra is situated in the heart of Electronic City and is just a few minutes away from tech parks and shopping centers. Secondly, do your research on the hotel's amenities and services. Otium By The Oterra offers luxurious rooms and suites, a rooftop pool, a fitness center, and excellent dining options. Lastly, make sure to book in advance to avoid last-minute hassles and get the best possible rates. With these tips in mind, you can have a comfortable and hassle-free stay at Otium By The Oterra, making your trip to Electronic City a memorable one.
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thebiasrekkers · 5 years
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]
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Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC Genre: BTS Mafia!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, Slow Burn WC: 2,494 Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
AO3 | WP
Chapter 18: Magic Shop
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"I won’t say clichéd things like 'have strength'. I’ll just listen to you, listen..."
Busan - Marine City; Haeundae District South Korea
The trip to Busan yielded much fruit.
Seokjin expected no less, however, when it came to Anastasia.
While she already submitted her letter of resignation to her own company, holding true to her word, Seokjin decided it was best that he kept his as well. He would give her time to bid her co-workers farewell and to get her affairs in order. When she brought the contract, it was signed and he also put his own signature on it as well – completing the deal with his sealing stamp. It didn’t surprise him that she was anxiously waiting for anything to change; for the final nail to sink into her coffin.
But no, this was the beginning of a very beautiful relationship. He would make sure of that.
And he did. Not wanting to waste anymore time, Seokjin informed her that she needed to pack a suitcase so they could go on a business trip. He wanted to take the time to properly get to know her in the business aspect. He knew what she was like personally, at least from what the younger ones often mentioned. She was funny, loyal, and fair. But she also had self-esteem issues, mostly stemming from attempting to claim a dream and failing in said endeavor.
He didn’t want her to feel she couldn’t take anymore risks. Certain risks could bring the greatest rewards. But some gambles left a person completely destitute. Seokjin wanted to make sure that she was capable of discerning which types of deals she would be willing to take to bring more profit to the company, as well as reassure her that it was okay to make mistakes.
They took the train to Busan. There was no need to rush. They had three days of work ahead of them, all paid for and then some. Seokjin explained the details of what they were to do while they were out and about. It was also a chance for her to explore and get some downtime away from the cramped office space of a corporate building. Most of her work would involve being at his side as he conducted business deals and attended corporate meetings. Again, something she was used to, but not in such an intimate fashion.
Anastasia enjoyed taking photos and would do so every time they stopped. She had a keen eye for location and architecture, as well as for anything that looked aesthetically pleasing or what sorts of things could use improvement. It was a little difficult to get her to talk about herself, but when she did, the American woman did not hold back and it was something Seokjin appreciated. Her honesty made her human and being more human meant being more empathetic to the ideas and understandings of others. It was a necessary skill when it came to being an investment company. Sometimes it wasn’t always about turning a profit.
He took her to various shopping centers, allowing her to take notes on a variety of stores. They tried different foods and tested out a plethora of products. Everything from electronics to makeup and skincare items. She seemed a little surprised at how her complexion looked after having a makeup artist provided her with a color palette to suit her skin tone. Seokjin purchased the kit, as well as the skincare lineup that accompanied the makeup. Anastasia protested, of course, but he simply told her that it was work-related and to let it be. She couldn’t properly help to advise him on what to do with his finances if she didn’t know what they were investing in.
The first day blew by faster than either anticipated. They enjoyed a nice meal at a high-end restaurant where he offered up suggestions. She listened and even asked the servers what they recommended for the evening. Again, Anastasia took notes even while they ate, which amused Seokjin.
The second day was much more productive and they visited more stores. A few of them offered sales pitches to which Seokjin listened politely. He offered his ear to Anastasia, wanting to hear what her thoughts were on a few of the companies. Practical and fair, she agreed that some needed to be reworked before they could be given investment funds to continue their ventures. She even reached as far back to the factory workers who would be producing some of the items that were being pitched to them. This was something most people failed to consider or would completely disregard the workers’ financial needs in the production line. Could they afford to give compensation and pay their people overtime? Would they have paid holidays off and was there a rollover system for PTO?
Every single detail was not overlooked by Anastasia and she gave advice even when they looked to Seokjin since he rarely spoke in these instances. In actual board meetings with a few of the companies he’d invested in, he made sure that she was right beside him to hear and comprehend everything that was going on. She didn’t have very many questions and when she did, she did not hesitate to ask them to the other board members. There were whispers about her being disrespectful for speaking for Seokjin, but he quickly squashed those comments when he explained her position on his staffing team.
They took breaks often, which he insisted. She didn’t complain but he could tell that she was averse to the idea of breaking her momentum. But after the eighth meeting scheduled for the day, he could tell that Anastasia needed a break.
Seokjin took her to a variety of places, explaining the reasoning behind wanting to invest all the way out in Busan. The Golden Jackals weren’t planning on working the underground circuit forever. Assimilating their assets, selling off those they didn’t need, was all part of the plan to legalize themselves. Golden Star was just the beginning. With Jimin working Jeju and Taehyung dipping into the entertainment industry alongside Namjoon, eventually they would be able to build from those foundations and focus on key aspects of their company that they wanted to shine the most. Even Jungkook’s eyes were turned toward industrialization and Yoongi’s foreign relations were key to solidifying their own need for investment overseas.
And Hoseok would be the figurehead over it all.
Their final night in Busan was a celebratory one. He wanted to reward Anastasia for all her hard work. She agreed to the reward, but only accepted it on the terms and conditions that it would be a casual night. Nothing fancy and nothing that involved her having to walk around in high heels all night. Seokjin laughed, obliging.
They agreed on dinner and a movie. Anastasia preferred actions or thrillers to horror films and Seokjin wasn’t really a fan of romantic comedies. They came to a happy medium, settling for a murder mystery film instead. After it finished, they discussed when they were able to conclude who the actual killer was at the family estate.
Seokjin liked it when Anastasia laughed. He enjoyed seeing her nose wrinkle up when she blew her food and how freely she smiled when something tasted good or if she saw something amusing. There were times when she seemed to have a faraway look in her eye, but then he’d have to catch her as she tripped over her own feet. As organized as she was, he found it a little humanizing that she was also a bit of a klutz.
“I want to shoot fireworks on the beach,” she said suddenly as they walked and ate Bungeoppang.
He chewed, the sweet red bean paste thick on his tongue as he looked down at her. “What?” Seokjin laughed. “Do you know how cold it gets at the beaches here during this time of year?”
She took another bite of the fish-shaped bread, blowing around her teeth to cool the snack. “So?” Anastasia swallowed, puffing one of her cheeks out at him as he scrutinized her. “I’ve never done it before. Get off me.”
He sighed, shaking his head. “And you want to do it now?”
Anastasia shrugged. “I don’t know when I’ll be able to come back out here just for fun.”
Seokjin grinned, nudging her shoulder just a bit. “Don’t worry,” he said gently, “you’ll be able to come out here when you have time off and enjoy yourself. I promise.”
She rolled her eyes. “You and your promises.”
“I haven’t broken one yet, have I?”
Anastasia raised her brows at him. “Well, no…but—”
He shook his head. “Then trust me when I tell you that you’ll be able to come out here again.” He leaned in toward her as they continued walking. “…when it’s warmer.”
“I’m holding you to that,” she said while pointing at him.
“Feel free,” Seokjin replied easily, polishing off the rest of the fish-shaped bread. He watched her do the same. “Tired?”
Anastasia gave a nod while attempting to stifle a yawn. “Yeah, a little bit.” She stretched her arms over her head. “Are we still scheduled to leave in the morning?”
He nodded. “We are. Unless you’d prefer we leave tonight.”
“Getting train tickets this last minute is expensive.” She frowned up at him and he did his best not to smirk. He merely arched a brow with mild curiosity. They began walking down the street to head back to their hotel. “Besides, we haven’t even packed our things or checked out of the hotel yet. Don’t be unreasonable.”
“Who’s being unreasonable?”
“You are,” she clipped while rolling her eyes, “knowing you, you’d make the staff work double time just so they wouldn’t get a bad review.”
Seokjin laughed outright as they turned the street corner, his hands slipping into his coat pockets. “So harsh. Last minute checkouts aren’t unheard of, nor are they unreasonable.”
“No, they’re not. But in this case, it’s completely unnecessary. Don’t make those people sweat for no reason.”
He laughed at the reprimanding expression painted over her face and nodded, making sure that she walked on the inside of the sidewalk and away from the street. It was a little late, but Seokjin knew that they would have enough time to pack and get everything together tonight before leaving first thing in the morning. As soon as they arrived back in Seoul, it would be business as usual. He’d already received the reports from Namjoon and the others. Taehyung was out of the hospital and Hoseok was uneasy after his meeting with Changkyun.
He knew that Hoseok would never say it out loud, but Namjoon conveyed his worries over the phone. Things were moving faster than they anticipated and Seokjin couldn’t help but wonder if The Jade Fangs were in the process of making another move to expand their reach.
Seokjin looked at Anastasia, blinking a few times when he realized she had a concerned look on her face.
“I’m sorry, did you say something?”
“No, you just looked like you were deep in thought.”
His smile fell a margin. “Did I worry you?”
She nodded and, again, he appreciated her honesty.
Seokjin reached out to press his hand to her lower back, ushering her toward their hotel just as a sleek gunmetal sedan pulled up by the entrance. He took note that her brows were furrowed and he tried to give her his best smile. He didn’t like that he even had such a look on his face.
Strange, he thought, I normally don’t let people read me like that.
As they made their way toward the front entrance, Seokjin’s eyes narrowed when he saw a familiar figure exit the vehicle. He leaned toward Anastasia so he could whisper into her ear.
“Go ahead and get some rest.”
She seemed to take note of the situation, reading it quicker than he’d anticipated. Her brows furrowed with concern as she tried her best not to bring any attention to herself. He really did appreciate her care.
“Are you sure?”
He nodded, an attempt to reassure her. “Yes, I’ll be inside soon.” Seokjin met her gaze, smiling to alleviate any worries she may have had. “I promise.”
Anastasia bit her lower lip before nodding and entering the hotel. Once inside, Seokjin waited until she entered the elevator. Once the doors closed, he turned and glanced over his shoulder as the person approached him. His lip piercing was connected to a chain that was attached to his right earring. Seokjin saw him grin widely at him, however he didn’t return the smile.
“Well, this is certainly a pleasant surprise. I didn’t expect to see you here of all places, Jin Hyung.”
“Wonho-yah,” came Seokjin’s even tone, a soft lilt toward the end of it, “I didn’t expect to see you here either.”
Wonho shrugged. “Oh, you know, business meetings and the like.” Seokjin watched his eyes dart toward the hotel lobby where, thankfully, Anastasia was no longer located. “Was that your personal assistant?” Their eyes met once more. “She’s kinda cute.”
“Don’t even dream about it,” he said while grinning, “you wouldn’t be able to keep up with her.”
He saw Wonho’s lips form into an “O” shape before it melted into a smirk, his eyes narrowing deviously. “Is that a challenge?”
Seokjin scoffed while tilting his head to the side. “She’d eat you alive. Salvage your pride a little, will you?”
Wonho belted out a full laugh, his eyes almost disappearing as he did so. Seokjin grinned but there was no warmth behind his eyes. The younger male held his hands up in mock surrender while shaking his head. After a while, the two just stood shoulder to shoulder, faces in opposing directions.
“You know, Jin Hyung, I heard an interesting little rumor.”
“Do I want to know?”
Wonho shrugged, his head lifting to the sky. “If it’s true, it’s a shame.”
Seokjin cast a sidelong glance to him. “Yeah, I don’t think I want to know.”
He pivoted on his heels to head back into the hotel. Just as the sliding glass doors opened, he heard Wonho shifting behind him.
“When you’re gone, Jin Hyung, I want to see just who is going to be able to stop us…”
Seokjin paused, craning his neck slowly to look back at Wonho, whose smirk was still firmly in place.
“…when we decide to completely take over.”
He narrowed his eyes at Wonho as the younger man stuffed one hand into the pocket of his leather jacket.
“It’s not smart to aim for the sun, Wonho-yah.” Seokjin smirked, scoffing soon after. “Icarus died when he tried.”
Then he went inside the hotel lobby and made his way toward the elevator. A soft buzzing reverberated in his pocket and he pulled out his phone to see a text from Namjoon.
Namjoon: Hyung, it’s almost time.
Seokjin’s eyes narrowed.
We’re almost there, my brothers. I promise it’ll all be over soon.
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9 Things Your Parents Taught You About New Hampshire Electric Coop Manchester Nh
Disadvantages: They location a keep on the card for every night you remain which would be fine if they actually knowledgeable you of this at sign in, rooms are overpriced, the one particular small h2o bottle they leave with your kitchen area is tagged and prices at $four should you drink it. certainly extra catered to operate vacation, rooms aren't quiet you can hear everything occurring within the hallway, the pullout couch mattress was so slim you can feel each spring plus the frame it was on even my 4 year previous wouldn’t rest on it, plus the mattress was wicked stained and unpleasant. One of our kitchen area cabinets was lacking a hinge so it absolutely was hanging on by one particular and home holding remaining filthy towels they utilized to scrub right before we checked in in the bathroom. Pool was purported to become a bonus but was disappointing.
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otiumbangalore · 1 year
Top Tips for Finding a Budget-Friendly 4-Star Hotel in the Electronic City
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When it comes to finding a budget-friendly 4-star hotel in Electronic City, there are several factors to consider. First, look for hotels that offer competitive rates without sacrificing quality or amenities. Consider booking during off-peak seasons or using discount codes and coupons to help reduce the cost. Additionally, read reviews from previous guests to gauge their experiences and get a sense of the level of service and cleanliness you can expect. One hotel that ticks all of these boxes is Otium By The Oterra, which boasts stylish and comfortable rooms, a convenient location, and a range of facilities including a swimming pool, fitness center, and restaurant. With careful planning and research, finding a budget-friendly 4-star hotel in the Electronic City can be a breeze. For more detailed information, read the given blog & know tips for finding a budget-friendly 4-star hotel in the electronic city.
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weditchthemap · 7 years
RTW Budget: Detailed Expense Breakdown for 492 Days Abroad
August 18, 2015 - December 24, 2016
492 Days Abroad
Trip Overview
Sylvie and I traveled through 221 cities in 39 countries over 5 continents.  We called hundreds of places our home and slept in more places than most will ever get to in a lifetime.  We slept in hammocks, in trains, in buses, in cars, on boats, in farmhouses, in teahouses, in hostels, in bed and breakfasts, in tents, on cots in the open dessert, in cheap guest-homes, in 5-star hotels, on couches, on a tile floor, on-top a chicken coop, on the ground next to a friendly German girl's bed in Mainz, in attics, in a rented room from an anti-Semitic in Belgium, et cetera, et cetera...
We each took 7 overnight sleeper trains, 26 overnight buses, and 31 flights.  I read 30 books and had 4 haircuts--although only 1 haircut was from a professional.  The other 3 were from my darling Sylvie.  We ate 144 fast-food ice-cream cones, though most were consumed in our first 4 months while in South America.  We bought dozens of new pieces of clothing and threw away/lost/mailed home a little less than that.  We taught English in Vietnam, helped to rebuild an orphanage in rural Nepal, and worked on a vineyard in Mendoza, Argentina.  We hiked quite a few mountain ranges--the largest being the Andes and the Himalayas.
 Our Trip Route Divided into 4 Distinct Legs:
Leg 1: South America
Leg 2: Europe
Leg 3: Indian Subcontinent
Leg 4: Southeast Asia
View Full Size Travel Map at Travellerspoint
We tried to keep records of all our 'mishaps' but I know we forgot most of them.  At last count I had written down 20 of them.  Here are some of them:
ATM card was eaten by machine in small town of Piura, Peru
Had food and supplies stolen from us by a clever monkey in the Bolivian Amazon
A group of children tried to pickpocket Sylvie in La Paz Market - she picked up and they left empty-handed
Nearly stranded at the Bolivian border
Had a collections (inaccurate) on my account and had to deal with that while traveling
My Barclay Master Card was hacked in RIO and had a new one overnighted to me in Lisbon
Got items confiscated at UAE airport and were 'reported' to authorities
Left Kindle behind in Delhi hostel - was later mailed to me in Jaipur, India
Sylvie and I both broke our phones
Electrical surge broke Macbook Air while in Borneo, had computer repaired by sending to Bangkok
Lost credit card/ID in Serbia
Lost Passport while en route to airport in Krabi - had mailed to me in Chiang Rai following week
Sylvie left Kindle behind in Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar - RIP Kindle
With the exception of being extremely dehydrated for a day in Delhi I never 'really' got food poisoning or sick.  There were times I felt a bit off and am not sure how sick I would have actually gotten but I just popped a very high dose of azithromycin and was fine in a few hours.  I've been to India twice, every country (less the Philippines) in SE Asia, spent a month in Africa and have never had food poisoning.  I eat uncooked street-food every opportunity I get.  I even ate a raw, still-beating, snake heart while in Vietnam without getting even the slightest form of indigestion.  There were 24 instances of being sick while on the trip (the vast majority of them revolving around dear Sylvie).  Here is a tally:
TD - 11 times 
Fleas - 2 times (possibly more, she loved petting stray animals)
Common Cold - 1 time
Bed Bugs - 1 time
Blister Rash - 1 time
Chest Rash - 1 time
Altitude Sickness - 2 times (1 time was very bad in Cuzco, but at EBC coca tea helped treat)
Dehydrated - 1 time
Bed Bugs - 1 time
Common Cold - 1 time
TD - 2 times (took high dose azithromycin both times and warded off all symptoms in 4 hours)
RTW Budget
Budget includes 2 people for the first 461 days and 1 person for the last 31 days.
When there was any uncertainty/fluctuation in exchange rates or prices I rounded up to give a higher than actual estimate to keep the budget extremely conservative.
Every expense was tracked in this budget, even those that are not related to travel.  These expenses--such as the cost of website hosting, VPNs, etc.--were all captured under "Pre-Trip Expense".
The only expenses I had during my time abroad that are not included in this budget are my student loan payments
Though by American standards our type of travel is considered 'budget' we don't truly fit into that category by ex-USA standards.  We met many travelers spending a fraction of what we did.  We ate out most meals, stayed in hotels with a/c fridges and color TVs, and traveled around much more than most backpackers.  Many budget travelers stayed in hostels and cooked their own food (think pasta and sauce).  However we did take buses, trains, and ate at mostly budget-friendly restaurants or street-side carts.  For budget travelers I would say that you can cut our food, lodging, and transportation costs in half.
Sylvie ate meals more regularly than I did.  I was happy snacking on fruit and buying little things from cheaper street-side stalls throughout the day.  We always ate a nice meal for dinner though.
We are not big drinkers so most RTW travelers can expect to pay more on alcoholic beverages than we did.
We took many 'relatively' expensive trips during our RTW (Everest Base Camp, the 'W Trek', 3-day live-aboard SCUBA diving off Similan Islands, Bolivian Jungle trek, 21-day organized Colombian tour, Home-stays in Sapa, Trekking in Hsipaw, Northern Thai Yoga Retreat,  excursion to Borneo w/ associated national park fees and flights, etc).
We also enjoyed splurges many budget travelers couldn't afford to take (We rented a houseboat for 3 days, Stayed at 5-star hotels, took some high class buses/trains, Rented a car for several days, rented a motorcycle for a couple months, got massages frequently, had clothing made, bought extremely rare beer, took cooking classes, went adventure caving, hired private drivers, had food delivery to our hotel room, went to cinemas, saw theatrical productions, indulged in many cafe cultures, etc.)  These are just some of the things that many budget travelers would not consider worth their money.
We spent 3-4 weeks living with free lodging during our three separate workaways--Many budget travelers do less moving around and more workaways.
I've met single travelers living on less than $1,000 a month during their 12 month RTW trip.
I collected over several thousand dollars in sponsored products.  I had most of the gear already but received newer/better products, thus I would not have needed to purchase any of these items.  For this reason I have decided not to include these items in this budget.
Budget Breakdown: 
I decided to break the budget into 4 sections.
Pre-Trip Costs - this includes gear, vaccines, insurance, memberships, transportation to/from US airports
During Trip Costs (Souvenirs) - this includes gifts/souvenirs, non-trip related purchases (non-essential clothing, cosmetics, etc.)
International Travel Costs - this includes travel between countries (mostly airfare but some busing)
Country Specific Costs - this includes all expenses relating to traveling/living within the specified country
1 - Pre-Trip Costs: The majority of Pre-Trip costs are not specific to this RTW trip.  Vaccines, gear, and electronic equipment can/will be used beyond the scope of the trip.  Vaccines and meds can be obtained while traveling and at a fraction of the cost here in the US.  Likewise, gear can be found on Craigslist or during your trip much cheaper than buying new here in the US.  Additionally, we paid nearly $1,500 for the Japanese Encephalitis vaccine, which I would recommend against.  For these reasons I am discounting this portion of the budget by 50% to get a better representation (we will be using all the gear for our next trip).  Therefore I will be using $2,648 for this portion of the budget
2 - During Trip Costs: These purchases are non-essential and not related to travel and will be ignored when calculating the overall cost of our RTW.
3 - International Travel Costs: This portion of the budget shows how affordably one can travel around the world.  Flights, trains, and buses starting and ending within the same country were excluded in this section.  They can be found in the next section.  We traveled through 39 countries, which is many more than most travelers.  This portion of the budget can likely be reduced by traveling through fewer countries.
4 - Country Specific Costs: Once we arrived in a country any/all expenses we faced were placed in this section under the respective country.   Flights and other modes of transportation starting and ending within the same country are found here.  Phone/internet charges, travel-related medicines, visa fees, tours, etc. can be found in this section.  This section is further divided into 8 categories:
So How Much Did It All Cost?
Putting it All Together
Pre-Trip Costs - $2,648
During Trip Costs (Souvenirs) - $0
International Travel Costs - $4,745
Country Specific Costs - $36,414
Total RTW Trip Cost = $43,807 ($89/day)
for less than $45/person/day we traveled very luxuriously around the world
Budget Deep Dive: An In-depth Analysis
Would you expect anything less than an in-depth analysis from a consultant (who is also an engineer)?  Here we go!!
Costs by Country
Below is a table of all the countries we visited, the duration spent in each location, and the total spent.  For simplicity we lumped countries in Western Europe together, as well as countries in Eastern Europe.  A few notes on a per country basis:
Colombia -  We were on an organized tour for the entire time while here.
Ecuador - We were on an organized tour for some of the time while here.  We mountain-biked volcano, took 12 hours (each) of private Spanish lessons, and took a private tour to Isla del Plata.
Peru - We spent 8 days on organized hiking tours to Machu Picchu & Colca Canyon.
Bolivia - We spent 7 days in the Pampas & Rain Forest & 3 days taking a tour of the Salt Flats.
Chile - Much of our time here was hiking through Patagonia
Argentina - We took expensive long-distance bus rides (38 hours), several internal flights, and several organized trips to various glaciers.  Saved money during our 10-day stay working on Mendoza vineyard.
Brazil - Was not here long enough to offset high costs of visas (~$290)
Casablanca, Portugal, and Spain - Spent 14 of the 17 days with parents.  They paid majority of expenses.
Western Europe - Ate out majority of meals & moved around often.  Spent an average of $45/day on food & transportation.  While lodging cost  us an average of $27/day.  We spent the most here, vs any other country, on alcohol ~ $4.50/day on mostly German and Belgium beer.
Eastern Europe - Used Airbnb more often.  Spent an average of $22/day on lodging, $20/day on food, and $17.50/day on transportation.
UAE - Stayed at filthy dorms in both Dubai and Abu Dhabi that still cost us $25/day (and that's after $80 in Airbnb credit and refunds).  Everything was expensive.  Tried to eat cheap but still spent $25.50/day on food.
Nepal - Did not move around much.  Spent 5 days rebuilding orphanage (paid $10/day).  We trekking to Everest Base Camp (rented gear, paid for airfare, hired porter, etc.).  Click here to see trip notes, budget, and planning for Everest Base Camp trek.  Transportation, food, and supplies are higher than typical because of EBC.
India - Most of our activities involved visiting mosques, temples, and forts.  Taj Mahal was relatively expensive.  We hired a houseboat and a crew of 3 for 3 days in Kerala.  We ate out a lot and not always at budget places.  The food was amazing and we wanted to explore as much as we could.
Indonesia - I received my SCUBA certification here.  We took a private excursion to Goa Jomblang Caves, which was pricey.  We also took expensive cooking lessons & surfing lessons.
Singapore - Very expensive.  spend $28/day on food.  Saved money by spending 2 of our 4 nights couchsurfing.
Malaysia - Spent 1 week in Sabah, Borneo and 8 days in Sarawak, Borneo which required a handful of flights.  Food was amazing in this country so we ate a lot.  Adventure Caving and park fees increased our costs more than what you would expect for Malaysia.
Thailand - Spent a lot on SCBUA diving (see liveaboard trip) and ~$840 on a 4-day yoga retreat.  Parents spent 2 weeks with us, which helped offset cost in this country.  I spent my last 31 days renting only 2 places, which also reduced transportation costs in this country.
Cambodia - Angkor Wat and the Elephant Nature Park in Mondulkiri were our largest expenses.
Vietnam - We slept for free during our workaway.  I wanted to try Dog and Cat meat (as well as eat an entire snake in Snake Village outside of Hanoi), which were relatively expensive.  We traveled to the far north, which required extensive transportation.
Myanmar - We spent more money that usual on activities.  We had a private boat for a tour around Inle Lake. We hired a private driver while in Mandalay.  There was a hefty fee to enter Bagan.  We also paid to enter the oldest Buddhist temple in the world as well as hired a private guide to trek through the small villages near Hsipaw.
Monthly Costs
The first 4 months of travel consisted of many organized and expensive tours/excursions (+ remote travel and gear rental for Patagonia, see below).  From January through March we were in Western and then Eastern Europe.  During April we visited Everest Base Camp, which cost us ~$1,400 for just under 2 weeks.  For the remainder of the trip, which we spent in India and SE Asia, we averaged $1,800/month.  The month of August was relatively expensive due to our trip to Borneo, which required 4 flights each plus park/activity fees.  During my last month, which I spent alone, I did not move around much, and took very few excursions, which is why I spent so little.
Patagonia Budget
During November and December of 2015 we spend 24 days in Patagonia.  We spend a total of $2,645, which is an average of $110/day.  This includes all tours, supplies, and transportation (many long-distance buses and 3 flights each).  For this calculation I took Santiago, Chile as our starting point and Buenos Aires, Argentina as our ending point.
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Cumulative Total Spend
Below I re-posted the 4 sections I described above, this time including every dollar spent (even the non-trip related expenses)
Pre-Trip Costs $5,295 | During Trip Costs (Souvenirs) $4,708 | International Travel Costs $4,745 | Country Specific Costs $36,414
The country specific charges were the only expenses that were routine, normal, and able to be extrapolated.  For this reason I held the other 3 segments flat and charted the cumulative amount for country-specific costs (see chart below).  This allowed me to trend out/predict--using the slope--the rate of our spending throughout our travels.
You'll notice that the first portion of the chart shows a steep slope, which is due to our 21-day organized tour through Colombia.  The last month flattens out as I slowed down my pace of travel.
Total Daily Spend and Cumulative Running Daily Average
Below is a chart with quite a bunch going on--though I'll walk you through it.  The solid green line represents the money that we spent each day.  The peaks show expensive activities/tours, visa fees, and other various splurges whereas the valleys are representative of days we  spent very little.  The dashed green line is a 4-week running daily average,  which shows the average of the preceding 28 days.  This line is helpful as it averages out the expensive and in-expensive days to yield a more stable line.  Both of these green lines use the axis on the left.
The next two lines use the axis on the right of the chart. The solid red line represents the average daily cost of travel.  Unlike the dashed green line the red line is a running cumulative average, which means all prior days are included.  Our cumulative daily average starts relatively high and decreases with time due to our initial 3-week organized tour in Colombia as well as many of our SA excursions, which were all quite expensive.  However you see that our cumulative running average steadily decreases with time as you would expect since we were spending ~$60 once we left Western Europe.
The Dashed orange line shows the average daily cost of travel by month.
Comparing Daily Costs of Select Countries with Overall Average
The budget I built allowed me to select, from a drop-down menu, the average daily expenses by category of 3 countries that I wished to compare.  I also graphed the overall daily average using info from all countries.  In the example provided below I selected Western Europe, Vietnam, and Myanmar.  Along the left-hand side of the chart is a color-coded key indicating various categories.
In this example you can see that Lodging was our biggest expense in Western Europe while food was our largest expense in both Vietnam and Myanmar.  Food and lodging alone cost us almost $50/day in Western Europe.  Unlike Europe, Vietnam and Myanmar both required visas.
Budget Summary Page
Here is a the summary page for the budget I built.  Please help yourself and download the budget tracker--I only ask for a small donation.
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Location Australia: Travel Survival Tips
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Australia is an isolated nation located between the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. The particular content is almost the same size as the contiguous 48 says of the USA. With Canberra as its capital, Australia's distinctive plant life, marine life, and wildlife make it an interesting visitor destination for those who can afford it. The low crime rate can make Australia an ideal place to enjoy a vacation without having to worry about individual security more than what is normally necessary. Outback exploration, Excellent Barrier Reef snorkeling, Fraser Island camping activities, along with Uluru (Ayer's Rock) sightseeing are among the many tourist attractions obtainable in Australia. With the aforementioned things in mind, I will construct a few useful travel tips and information for those planning on making it towards the wild outback.
Travel Documentation - If you are planning to enter Quotes, you will need a valid tourist visa. Australian tourist visas usually can be obtained at your local Australian embassy or on the internet, assuming that your current passport has not and will not expire during the time you plan on spending in the country. This visa is usually entered into your own personal passport before you enter the country and is valid for three to 6 months.
Money Matters - As is with the majority of places that are modern and up to date, plastic can prove to be the very best and most easy method of payment. Visa, MasterCard, and most CREDIT cards are accepted as long as they carry either the particular INTERLINK, MAESTRO, EUROCARD, CIRRUS, PLUS or STAR worldwide ATM mark. However, as a traveler please familiarize yourself with typically the fees or service charges that are involved with using your cards at a foreign location; and yes they do have TELLER MACHINE machines in most major towns. If you plan on using traveler's checks, please understand that you will more than likely be charged fees or commission when exchanging them; because they can usually be cashed at banks and larger hotels and nowhere otherwise. Changing foreign currency can be done at most banks or at the forex kiosks at the international airports.
Transportation - A good way of getting about, is the nice little invention called the rent the car. Consider that you have an international drivers license if you plan on using a current and aren't sure if your regular license will be approved. Remember, all traffic drives on the left-hand side from the road in Australia. If you plan on outback exploration which will require driving on roads that are not main roads, make sure you thoroughly check that all things are working properly on your vehicle. Additionally, let someone know ahead of time the details of where you are heading so that everybody can take the necessary emergency precautions if you do not come back on time. And remember that in most country locations; animals occasionally congregate in the road, and quickly approaching headlamps can easily confuse animals so that they will not know which strategy to use. So please be very careful.
The Sun and its Heat - Sunlight in Australia can get very hot and carries high UV light levels so it can easily be compared to desert-like circumstances. It is illegal to leave animals or small children straightened in vehicles while the weather is hot, this can furthermore result in a fine being issued. It is a good practice to use SPF 30 or better sunscreen in these type of conditions to avoid damage.
Going Swimming - Whether it is the Great Barrier Reef, Typically the Ningaloo Reef, or the Golden Surf; the beach and sea is an integral part of Australian life and Australian tourist. Please be informed that there are poisonous and deadly creatures lurking in these waters such as the box jellyfish, coral snakes, rockfish, sharks, and many others that are known to cause death. It really is wise to swim only in flagged areas that are close to beaches that are regularly patrolled. Sometimes crocodiles swim within salt water when they are changing habitat, so it is a good idea to know what you may be up against. Heed all warning signs when they are seen. And remember that this Australian surf is rough and there are dangerous rip tides that are capable of making swimming difficult and deadly.
Important info to know - If an ambulance, police, or fireman is required then the number to dial is 000. North American electric appliances will require a voltage converter adapter socket to operate in Australia because the Australian electrical supply is 240/250 v compared to the North American 110/115 volts. You are now ready for your personal journey to the wild outback and beyond. Be secure in your travels.
Australia Travel Visas
Coming to Australia to go to the country on a short-term basis can be made possible by applying for any tourist visa. Generally, these visas last for three months however there are certain types of travel visas that can be extended to are a year. These visas can easily be renewed in Australia offering that the owner can support himself without the need of working in the nation. Travel visas do not permit owners to work in Quarterly report.
Electronic travel application (ETA) visa is a type of Aussie travel visa obtained electronically. There are three kinds of ETA's: holiday and visiting, short validity business, and lengthy validity business. Holiday and visiting ETA or subclass 976 visa is valid for multiple entries inside one year. However, each visit should be limited to at most about three months. On the other hand, short validity business ETA or subclass 977 visas are applicable for businessmen who go to Queensland for business conferences. These visas permit people to do brief trips to the country to attend meetings, seminars or perform client visits. The visa entitles the holder to 1 visit for every three months. Lastly, long validity business ETA visas are very much alike with short validity integral. The difference lies in the length of stay allowed in each check out. Long-term validity visas authorize their owners to stay for the most part three months each visit.
ETA's can be obtained online. There are websites that offer ETA visa processing. This service is particularly appealing for families who wish to visit Australia together. Each of them must have an ETA visa to be able to visit Australia. Among the specifications for applying an ETA online are valid given for each traveler and valid credit card. Results of the application can be looked at before the applicant leaves the site. A reference number will also be supplied. This reference number can be used to check an ETA and print out details of the visa. To protect the applicants from deceptive acts, the reference numbers are handled in a confidential and private manner.
Perth, Australia - Travel Tips
What to do
Nobleman Park - Right in the middle of the city, this is one of Perth's biggest attractions, visited by over a million people annually, here you can find a lovely array of local flora, fountains monuments in addition to rolling green ovals. This is also a great place to do your individual morning jog or workout.
Spend a day or a few in neighboring Fremantle. It has a style all of it's personal and is known as one of the most laid back places in Most Affordable Cheap Vacation Australia. I suggest heading over to the Little Creatures Brewery, WA's greatest beer.
Rottnest Island is just a short ferry ride from the Port of Perth and can be toured on hill bike in a number of hours. This place really is special. They have some of the best beaches you will ever see and accommodation is also accessible.
Quick Facts
- Perth is the Capital of Traditional western Australia, - The nearest other major Australian city is actually Adelaide, Lying 2104 kilometers to the East. - Perth is Home to 1 . 4 million, people - You can expect as much as 300 days of sunshine a year and a Mediterranean climate
Obtaining there
Cruise liners will often stop in Perth but just about all visitors arrive through a national or international flight. Whenever traveling from elsewhere in Australia, a train is also a choice but it's a little pricey for most budgets. Whereas tour bus rides can be long and uncomfortable. So neither really is a recommended way to travel.. Many have described the 2100 km drive from Adelaide or 2700 km long term from Darwin as being a "Once in a lifetime experience" The majority of foreigners find the idea a little daunting to say the least.
Summers are hot and long in Perth plus temperatures may reach up to 100 F or 38 D between October and April. During these months, the likewise warmish nights are perfect to go beachside, catch up with buddies and take in a sunset or a meal.
0 notes
wikitopx · 5 years
No matter where in the world you travel, you will definitely need shelter while you're away.
The main form of shelter away from home is usually a hotel. There can be different types of hotels that include hostels, cabanas, and bungalows. However, the most commonplace to stay while on vacation in a hotel. Often times a hotel can be just as important thing to research than the place you are vacationing. Chances are if you are on vacation somewhere beautiful, there will be plenty of hotels to choose from. If you are looking to stay in a cheaper hotel then you can decide on the star rating of the hotel. However, if you are already vacationing somewhere luxurious then you are already spending money so why not spend more on a nicer hotel.
Most normal hotels have simple amenities that improve the guest experience. These things can be things like free waters or snacks upon your entrance into the room. However, at The 13 located in Macau, China they take things to a whole new level.
The 13 decided to order 30 Rolls Royce cars to be used to transport their guests in and out of the hotel. That isn't the only luxurious thing you can find at the 13. You can also find personal elevators that will take you to your room.
There is a 24-hour room service run by some of the best housekeepers in the world. We are just scratching the surface of the type of things you can expect at The 13.
The Terra Khaya Eco Lodge prides itself in being off the grid. This hotel may not be for everyone, but for some, it might be the perfect place to be able to escape everything. The hostel provides people with peace, comfort, and solidarity to name a few.
The motel is located off the road so you can also leave electronics at home. The lodge is surrounded by wildlife and there is a lot to do around the lodge. If you want an environmentally friendly experience, Terra Khaya Eco Lodge is a great place to stay.
The best part is that Terra Khaya Eco Lodge only costs $ 10 to stay for one night and even includes a free breakfast. What a deal!
Fashion Design and the hotel business may not seem like they go hand in hand at first look. However, in the case of the Faena Hotel, it worked out perfectly. The Faena group owns two luxury hotels and one is located in Miami, Florida.
The other hotel is located in Buenos Aires. The Faena was a product of remodeling the old Saxony Hotel and it now stands tall on the coast of Miami overlooking the beach. In honor of the old Saxony Hotel, the most expensive suite in the hotel is called the Saxony Suite and it is priced at $2450 a night.
The Boutique Hostel Forum is located right in the center of everything that makes Zadar great. The hotel is located right next to a number of historical sites and even some government buildings.
The building was built in 1964 and features a unique architecture that makes it look more like someone's house than a hotel. Many have considered the Boutique Hostel Forum to be a truly fancy motel and we can't argue with that statement.
The Boutique Hostel Forum has everything a typical 5-star hotel has including free wifi. The best part is that one night of stay only costs about 25 dollars.
If you are looking to stay in a luxurious hotel while you are visiting New York City look no further than the Four Seasons Hotel which is located on 57 East 57th Street.
If you are really looking to spend the money burning a hole in your pocket you should look into staying in the Ty Warner Penthouse Suite which costs around 50,000 dollars and is considered one of the most expensive hotel rooms in the United States. You get what you pay for though. The suite has a 360 degrees view of all of New York.
The Caveland Inn is directly inspired by our ancestors, who had to seek shelter in the cave. The Caveland Lodge was created to feel like a person living in a cave, and while that may sound uncomfortable, there are rooms that make it sound more appealing.
The hotel is located in Santorini and is one of the first buildings you will see when you enter the town. The Caveland Hostel has a very unique color so it will not be missed. The renovated dorm used to be a wine cellar and it costs more than $ 20 a night. Don't worry, it has all the normal accommodations of any hotel.
This hotel is located at the end of the famous street known as Champs-Élysées. A hotel is not always a hotel because it started as a palace. That tells you right off the bat what kind of experience you are going to have at the Hotel De Crillon.
The hotel was recently renovated so now is the time to go to get the best experience from the hotel. As soon as you pull up to the hotel you already start to feel like royalty. Hotels charge around 15,000 a night to stay in one of their many rooms.
Or if you want to bump it up to a suite it may cost a bit more. It is worth it just for the view of Champs-Élysées.
If you want a great view for a cheap price then look no further than the Hi Youth Hostel located at Lake Tekapo in New Zealand. The lake makes the perfect setting with the mountains of New Zealand lining the background.
The Hi Youth Hostel has large windows that face the lake so you will be hard-pressed to find an area in the hostel that doesn't have a great view. There are even sitting areas outside of the hostel that face the lake giving a whole new meaning to watching the sunrise.
If you want to stay in this wonderful hostel, then you will only spend 20 dollars a night. However, there are other more expensive options if you want a room to yourself.
Paris, Nice, and Versailles have in common. They are beautiful cities located throughout France. Another city worthy of being on that list is the city of Cannes. It is known for its yearly film festival and being home to one of the most expensive suites in the entire world.
The hotel is known as Hotel Martinez and can be found on 73 Boulevard de la Croisette. The hotel has been in business since the early 1900s and penthouses cost less than 50,000 a night to stay. If you really want to feel like you rule the world staying in the penthouse suite would be a good start.
Finding a cheap and affordable hotel in Las Vegas is no easy task. The hotel has gone through many different changes over the years. It was first known as Flamingo Capri in 1959, then changed to the Royal Palace in 1979, then again in 2012 to The Quad.
Now it is called Linq Hotel & Casino but who knows how long that name will last. Luckily the hotel is located right in the middle of Las Vegas and it has a lot of guests to do. Even luckier than the cheapest rooms in the hotel only cost about $ 35. It is great to consider other hotels in the same area that will cost hundreds.
More ideals for you: Top 10 Cheap Hotels in Puerto Rico
From : https://wikitopx.com/hotels/top-10-cheap-nice-hotels-in-the-world-710933.html
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rodrigohyde · 7 years
52 tricks to make everything better in 2018
Well, 2018 is just around the corner and you have 52 weeks to make it your best year yet. So, to help you do just that, we've pulled together 52 things to do this year to make just about every aspect of your life, well, better.
From style tips to travel intel to ways to amp up your fitness and overall health, add one of these tips to your calendar each week of the new year starting with January 1. Happy new year! 1. Buy a bomber jacket already
The bomber jacket is constantly worn by celebrities, musicians and athletes alike (from Tom Brady and Calvin Harris to Dwayne Johnson and Bradley Cooper)—and for good reason. The jacket adds a cool, casual and comfortable look to your wardrobe without compromising style, and they’re a great option to have along with jean and sports jackets. Thankfully, the bomber jacket isn’t going anywhere; they’re a huge style trend for men’s fashion in 2017. Expect them to be upgraded with more quality fabrics, softer colors, and better fits for all body types in the coming year. Check out these 11 options we pulled together. 
2. Master the fitness basics
Make sure you’ve perfected these super six exercises: squat, deadlift, chest press, overhead press, pulldown, and row. After that, everything else is gravy, strength-training-wise.
3. Upgrade your camping gear
We won’t judge you if you get around with a satchel on a stick but your camping gear must be in tip-top shape. Assuming you’ve been using the same essentials for years, upgrade for newer, shinier, and more modern equipment. This includes more lightweight and durable tents, cozier sleeping bags, glow-in-the-dark water bottles, portable camp stoves and weather-proof area lights.
4. Eat your veggies first
You’ll load up on all those good nutrients, and, since you eat more when you’re hungriest, you’ll fill up on fiber. (Check out these 10 best sources of fiber!)
5. Go to Spain
Suffering its worst recession in history, Spain is undergoing a major comeback that has Americans coming in droves, especially since the dollar is majorly in their favor. Travelers can have high-end experiences on a poor man’s budget. Start in Madrid for amazing sangria, world-renowned museums like The Prado, killer nightlife and a slew of new luxury hotels like Gran Melia Palacio de los Duques (rooms from $300 a night), a five-star hotel in a former 19th-century palace that’s just steps from all the action. Head south to Malaga, an underrated resort town in Costa del Sol, where the rooftop bar at AC Hotel Malaga Palacio offers mind-blowing, 360-degree views of the port city and ancient town. The destination of the moment is Estepona, an excellent beach town reminiscent of Venice Beach, California with its new wall murals, outdoor cafes, and sublime beaches. Shack up at Kempinski Hotel Bahia (rooms from $260), a five-star seaside resort that offers luxurious rooms, electric bikes, excellent spa, and the best rib-eye steak in town. End your visit at the new Hard Rock Hotel (rooms from $283), in Tenerife, a small party island that’s rivaling Ibiza with wild, live DJ events and a wealth of outdoor activities like surfing and mountain biking.
6. Download the Waterminder App
Resolve to drink more water in 2018. You don’t feel thirst until you’re already bordering on dehydration. Don’t stress on the eight cups a day, though—just keep it flowing in general.
7. Watch your favorite shows anywhere on Earth
TV has never been better with binge-worthy shows across several platforms, from cable to online networks. Pretty soon, you won’t need WiFi to stream them. Amazon Prime allows users to download their favorite shows on their electronic devices to view at a later time, and Youtube Red recently offered offline viewing for subscribers. Now, Netflix features the same benefit, and it’s only a matter of time before competitors like Hulu and HBO follow suit. Invest in a tablet or iPad and watch popular shows like The OA almost anywhere in the world, whether it’s killing time at jury duty or days-long voyages to Antarctica.
8. Challenge yourself in the gym
Workouts getting a little rote? Increase the weight, change up the rep scheme, or try a new exercise that pushes your limits.
9. Buy a better office chair
It’s no myth sitting down for long periods of time truly has a negative impact on your body—but a bad office chair makes it even worse. Standard office chairs can add large amounts of pressure to the back muscles and spinal discs, promote slouching, and fail to provide lumbar support. A chair that helps a neutral body position and allows your vertebrae to remain aligned is key to office-chair nirvana. Corechair, an active sitting ergonomic chair that has intuitive adjustments and core-strength benefits, is a good option. With any chair, remember to always get up every thirty minutes or so. Here are more ways to upgrade your workspace. 
10. Become a morning person
If you’ve been having trouble keeping your lunch or evening workout routine, get up a little earlier and get the gym out of the way. It’ll suck at first as you adjust to an earlier alarm—and an earlier bedtime—but then you won’t have to worry about work (or play) getting in the way of your lifting session. There are plenty of ways to plan gym time around a weird work schedule. 
11. Fly business class
Say goodbye to cramped seats in coach: business-class tickets are finally affordable. Premium seats have been reportedly much cheaper than previous years (a median airfare from NYC to London, for example, averages $2,500). The reason behind it? Cheaper fuel, record profit for airlines (which allows them to charge less for flights) and fierce competition. Even domestically, business- and first-class tickets have substantially decreased in fare, allowing passengers to actually buy the tickets rather than use miles to upgrade. Best of all, most US-based airlines have improved their premium sections. Nothing beats free booze, lie-flat seats and plated meals on long-haul journeys. When booking, remember to avoid peak times and days to get the best fare. After your seat, consider upgrading your travel gear too. A practical, lightweight and convenient slim suitcase, like Victorinox Swiss Army’s Avolve 3.0 collection, features 360-degree maneuverability, zippered expansion system and stylish, nylon-shell casing.
12. Don’t always go hard
Not only does every workout not have to be an all-out effort, it really shouldn’t be. You’ll make greater gains in the long run if you vary your intensity—and even take a day or two off every so often. Here's how to avoid overtraining and signs you're addicted to working out. 
13. Join a frequent flier program
Airlines have made it notoriously tougher to get frequent-flier status—not to mention it’s even harder to get upgrades when business-class seat availability is shrinking thanks to cheaper prices (see number 11)—but the perks are still worth it. With most programs, even at the lowest tier, you get your checked-luggage fee waived, better seat options and priority check-in and boarding, the latter of which almost guarantees overhead bin space for your carry-on. This all becomes helpful at a time airlines are charging more fees (like United, who promises to soon charge passengers for carry-on luggage). To maximize gains with a frequent-flier program, stick with one airline alliance to fly (Skyteam, OneWorld, and Star Alliance) and pray you make the 25,000-mile requirement in one calendar year.
14. Commit to the warm up!
It’s really not a waste of time, especially if you end up pulling something because you went from 0 to 60 in your workout and you’re out entirely while it heals. Do some light cardio, mobility-based stretching, and/or some light reps before going at it.
15. Step up your dating game
For 2018, shed old habits to look and feel better in the dating scene. You’ll be surprised at how much stepping out of your comfort zone can be beneficial, proving to dates that you’re game for just about anything. Try a different cologne, a new haircut, or a new color dress shirt that still reflects your personality. Shaking up your look can help motivate you. On a date, try something you’ve never done before. See a tarot card reader for kicks, watch a foreign film, go to a themed bar, or anything else that shows your date your sense of adventure. Most importantly, be present and thoughtful during the date. Make eye contact, ask questions, put your cell phone away and absolutely do not talk about your ex. Because what’s better than a successful date? A second date.
16. Stop drinking your calories
If you’re looking to trim down, switching out juice and soda for water and unsweetened tea or seltzer can save you 100 calories or more per cup. These are the healthiest drinks you can order at a bar.
17. Implement a regular “Treat Yo’ Self” day
With a demanding girlfriend, a stressful job, little vacation days, and a rigorous gym schedule, you hardly have quality “me” time. Life is too short, so it’s time to tap into your inner Donna and Tom of Parks & Recreation, who invented “Treat Yo’ Self” day. It’s a day where it’s all about you. Cancel all calls, book a spa treatment, hit the golf range, hang with the guys and buy something for yourself like a new wallet or the latest iPhone. It’s also a good time to synchronize with your gym “cheat day” to fully indulge in the good things in life.
18. Have protein with every meal
Rather than loading up at lunch and dinner or with protein shakes—too much in one sitting may not be totally utilized for muscle building—be sure that you’re getting protein, along with a balance of fat and carbs, at every meal. Hint: Breakfast is often a missed opportunity.
19. Downward dog in the Himalayas
The health benefits of yoga are obvious, and everyone should do a little more downward dog in 2017. But even more beneficial than yoga is consistent yoga, which increases flexibility and strength to help you get past though weight training plateaus. To truly get inspired, book a trip to the Himalayas in India, where yoga is taken seriously. In Rishikesh (the actual birthplace of yoga and small town The Beatles made famous with their world-renowned visit to write songs), Ananda is the number-one rated health-themed resort in the world that specializes in 5- and 7-day yoga packages with private, one-on-one daily sessions, in addition to organic meals, lectures, and a prime location in the foothills of the Himalayas.
20. Embrace (some) cardio
A simple jump rope can become your new old-school favorite fitness toy. Use it to warm up or add aerobic intensity for active recovery between strength-training sets, or attempt a whole cardio session of hops, skips, and double-unders.
21. Take home Fido
There’s a reason why a dog is “man’s best friend,” and watching any US soldier’s tear-jerker reunion with their pup on YouTube should be enough proof. A dog brings immense joy and unbreakable companionship to someone’s life, and they’re proven to help strengthen troubled relationships. Consider adopting your new best bud from an animal shelter, rescue group, or from a responsible breeder.
22. Get fitted for running shoes 
You may pay a little more for the sneaks but you’re also paying for the expertise of the staff, which is trained to help you find kicks that are right for you and your body.
23. Become a master of the universe
Interstellar, The Arrival, Star Trek, Stranger Things… planetary/astrophysical exploration is hot right now, and it only makes more sense when you can make sense of it. NASA is at an all time high for new discoveries in the past few years alone (water on Mars, Earth-like planets, etc), and astronomical subjects like super moons and Mars: The new Frontier is all the buzz. People generally have better sense of self when they examine the galaxy in which they live (not to mention bringing up parallel universe theories in conversation makes you look hella scientific). Feed your inbox with subscriptions to sites like CNN’s Space + Science or set up a Google Alert for theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, the yoda of space exploration.
24. Try a little friendly competition
Whether you join a team, challenge a friend, sign up for a race, or simply set personal goals for yourself to meet and beat, that extra impetus to better yourself will, in fact, make you better.
25. Drink green coffee
It’s tough going into that sales meeting or hitting the gym without a cup of joe, and there’s finally a way to do this without staining your teeth or upsetting your stomach. Green coffee has been trending all over the country, offering a tasty, organic option for health nuts. Green coffee is actual coffee; the only difference is that the beans aren’t roasted. Lightly sweetened with organic cane sugar, it tastes like a mix of herbal tea and black coffee combined for a great flavor. It’s also rich in antioxidants, supports weight loss and has loads of caffeine. Sunup has become the premiere packaged green coffee brand sold in shops and online, and it can be enjoyed at room temperature or chilled.
26. Take a fitness class
They’re really not just for the ladies. Classes can offer great cross training, excellent cardio, improved flexibility (hello, yoga)—and can be a fun way to mix up your routine.
27. Start a YouTube page
You may not be America’s Next Top Influencer, but it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with your own YouTube page. It turns out that famous people have unpromoted and personal YouTube accounts, like Matthew McConaughey who likes to ramble just about anything. YouTube has given users a platform to vent, applaud, critique, perform a song, or just make silly videos with your buds. Why not use it? You’ll be surprised at how much stress you can knock out with one video upload. And who knows? You may be discovered like Justin Bieber or Andy Samberg for your awesome skills.
28. Foam roll
After hitting it hard at the gym, foam rolling (aka the poor man's massage) can ease recovery after a particularly intense training session.  
29. Give a compliment every day
Even if you don’t believe in karma, giving a compliment every day has massive perks, not only to you but also recipients. It stirs creativity, amps emotional benefits and takes your mind off any crappy thing that happened to you that day. Kindness is key to a better world, and complimenting a person helps squash bad energy. You can dish out positive, flattering remarks to your boss, strangers, lovers, waiters, classmates—there are no limits. Every day, try to compliment someone in person, in a note, email, or on Facebook. Even saying something as simple as “you’re pretty cool” puts people (including yourself) in a significantly better mood.
30. Ease into a new workout routine
When you’re coming back from a break, you shouldn’t (and probably can’t) jump back into the same load and intensity you were doing before. You’ll be really sore after (not the most encouraging feeling for getting back into the groove), and you could get hurt.
31. Get spiritual
Take it from Buddha who said: “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” Life goals are far more accomplished when you have clarity and a sense of self, and you don’t have to fling yourself far to do soul searching. Meditation is as simple as taking a deep breath, and it has tons of health and mental benefits, from easing chronic pain and reducing stress and anxiety. While it may seem strange to do, successful, male icons like Hugh Jackman and Paul McCartney have publicly announced they meditate regularly. There are plenty of free apps that can get you to a place of reflection, like Calm and Headspace, and higher-consciousness gurus like Infinite Waters (Diving Deep) on YouTube and Collective Evolution has helped inspire millions to connect with thyself. Or, try Transcendental Meditation—read our story about our cover guys who practice the well-researched method.
32. Add kettlebells to your routine
They’re seriously awesome for strength training, conditioning, spurring weight loss, and improving your athletic power.
33. Spend less time on your cell phone and more in a book
Experts say we check our cell phones approximately 300 times a day. While technology is now part of our every day lives, it doesn’t need to dominate them. Make more of an effort to put the phone away at meals, meetings, and after work. Spend time with friends and family in person, take a hike in the woods, volunteer or even take a nap. Remember those paperbound things with words in it from college? They still exist! Check out the list of 2016 National Book Award winners and curl up with a great story. 
34. Stretch 
No really, STRETCH. With just five minutes, 30 seconds per stretch, you can make your muscles more flexible and your range of motion more full, which will translate to more gains and less risk of injury.
35. Sport a new ‘do’
Dudes are paying attention to their grooming routines now more than ever (the men’s grooming industry brought in a record $21 billion 2016), and it’s all about the hair. The beard isn’t going anywhere (along with ‘haircare’ and ‘pomade,’ ‘beard oil’ and ‘beard balm’ were among the most Googled men’s grooming terms for 2016) and guys are getting hella creative with their hairstyles, like the man bun and technicolor dyes. Try something different, whether a subtle fade or a different shade, to sport a new look. 
36. Practice moderation
When you start omitting foods or food groups that you love because you want to lose weight, you end up feeling deprived. And ultimately, after you’ve dropped the pounds, you’ll want to go back to those foods you love—and risk regaining. Practice moderation or even restriction, but not elimination.
37. Knock out knots in your own home
While a massage is nothing short of luxurious, studies have shown it helps anxiety, digestive disorders, insomnia-related stress, injuries and posture. The older we get, our joints tend to tighten more, making massages extra important when you start seeing the grays. Get in the habit of a regular massage by a regular masseuse who gets to know your body. For those on a time crunch, Soothe is an app where users can book on-demand massages with licensed and vetted therapists who come to you. You can pick the type of massage, male or female therapist, types of oil and time and day that suits you at your very own home. Best of all, a 60-minute massages is only $99, which includes tax and tip.
38. Lift for quality
Unless you’re working on very specific hypertrophy or power training goals, it’s almost always best to get a full range of motion out of every movement, which may mean slowing it down and even reducing your load or reps.
39. Upgrade your sunglasses
If you still own a pair of cheap, neon-colored sunglasses you got free at a bank giveaway, get rid of them immediately. Sunglasses are an essential part of your wardrobe, and a good pair goes a long way. Shop around for a pair that suits your style and reflects your character but also make sure it’s appropriate for the shape of your head. Wayfarer, round-frame, and aviators are timeless, and every cool dude is flashing mirrored sunglasses for 2018. You can’t go wrong with brands like Carrera and Ray-Ban.
40. Hire a trainer (once or twice)
Even one session can teach you a lot about how to improve your form and maximize your efforts in the gym. At the very least, make friends with the gym staff so you can ask for a few tips or a spot on occasion. Here's how to find the best personal trainer for you. 
41. Buy a juicer already
There’s no better time to invest in a juicer, especially with so much attention around their benefits. Juicing allows you to get fresh vegetables, fruits and loads of antioxidants into your protein shake. For instance, a one-ounce serving of chia seeds provides the body with 5 grams of Omega 3-fatty acids, and beet juice can help performance. It also makes a protein shake taste way, way better. You can even have complete meals with a juicer if you’re fasting or dieting with the right ingredients.
42. Eat local grub
Every season, find out what’s growing in your area, and try it. Or join a local CSA and have fresh local produce delivered to you. You never know what you could learn you love!
43. Drink more gin
Newsflash: sippin’ on gin and juice is actually good for you (in moderation, of course!) Myriad health benefits exist in gin, most particularly due to juniper berry, the main ingredient of the spirit, which helps lung congestion, arthritis, and joint pain, improves digestion and, despite the counterintuitive nature, helps liver disease. Thanks to gin’s natural ingredients, it’s also packed with antioxidants that help keep your skin youthful. Pink gin is all the rage, like handcrafted Gin Lane 1751, infused with naturally blended aromatic bitters, which makes for a great cocktail. 
44. Buy a new gym shirt
Cotton t's absorb rather than wick sweat, making you a soggy mess. Invest in performance materials to keep cooler—and, if you’re a runner, to save yourself the nipple-chafing.
45. Take out a boat
The peer-to-peer community (like Uber and AirBnb) has officially gone to sea. More boat owners are giving every day people the opportunity to rent their boats at affordable rates through online platforms. Boat-sharing services like Boatsetter have become a huge hit, and they connect boat owners and captains with boating enthusiasts. You can have an entire day on a private boat with a captain for as little as $150. Even superyacht owners and charters are seeing a spike in rentals over purchases, which offer huge savings (a superyacht can cost nearly $10 million dollars but renting one for the week can start as low as $115,000.) Should you want to learn how to set sail on your own, Discover Boating consolidates boat rentals, classes, and charters in one handy place.
46. Mix up your cardio
Try intervals, use one of the machine’s preset programs, or vary your equipment—for example, do 10 minutes each of the rower, stair climber, and treadmill in one session. It’ll keep you more focused and burn more calories than a ho-hum steady-state workout.
47. Buy a bed-in-a-box
There are plenty of reasons why guys may have sleeping problems but they often overlook the most obvious solution for proper shut eye: a better bed. If you’ve been sleeping on the same mattress for 5-10 years, it’s time to switch it out. With bed-in-a-box delivery, it’s become easier to get a mattress delivered straight to your home (no car roofs required!), and the quality of the mattresses is surprisingly nicer than you would think. There’s a good variety of bed-in-a-box companies, including Casper, which has consistently ranked as one of the best mattresses with three layers of foam that provides cooling, comfort, and bounce. You’ll sleep significantly better.
48. Get functional
Do at least one workout a week in which you move your body in all directions, to make sure all those muscles can work together, not just in the more regimented weight-lifting movement patterns. Think: Wood chops, burpees, sled pushes, and the like.
49. Start using organic skincare products
Men are notoriously spending more on skincare products, and it’s about time they give a damn. The right products not only help your skin look great but they prevent skin problems and damage. The most effective way to a better face is putting some organic love into your skincare regime. Natural ingredients work wonders (like proven anti-aging and better complexions) and are safer for the skin. Actor Rob Lowe has an affordable skincare brand, Profile for Men, that uses natural ingredients like peptides (an anti-aging protein) and antioxidants in products that range from shave gel to face scrubs. If you want to splurge, check out Innovative Skincare, a popular brand for celebrities (like Captain America’s Sebastian Stan) that uses Extremozyme technology to help protect and repair skin, infused with other organic ingredients in products like sunscreen, serums and moisturizers. Here are some of our favorite natural grooming products. 
50. Find what you love—in fitness
If going to the gym is a drag, rethink your fitness plan. There are plenty of other exercise options—from MMA to rock climbing to powerlifting, and more—that’ll keep you fit without that take-your-medicine dread.
51. Take your significant other to the Caribbean
Nothing says “I’m in it to win it” with your girl like a getaway to the Caribbean. The islands are brimming with white-sand beaches and turquoise waters, with plenty of couples activities that give you major game. Thankfully, a crop of contemporary-cool, hip hotels has recently opened to help set the scene for burning love. Kimpton’s Seafire Resort in Grand Cayman features massive bungalows and a beach bar literally on the beach (the only one of its kind). Three new resorts opened in Anguilla, including The Reef by CuisinArt where you can take drone lessons and Four Seasons Anguilla, where you can rock climb. The Shore Club in Turks & Caicos is the first and only resort to open on Long Bay, known for kiteboarding. And Paradise Beach in Nevis is where Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and family vacationed last new years.
52. Join a hotel’s gym
Say goodbye to crowded gyms—and get a free massage while you’re at it. Not many people know hotels offer non-guests monthly spa membership programs, which actually turn out to be a great value. Locals who sign up will have daily access to the hotel’s fitness center, spa (which includes steam, sauna, locker rooms and often pools), free or discounted parking and typically one free spa treatment every month. Many hotels and resorts have additional perks. Terranea resort outside LA offers discounted golf and 30 percent off all rooms; The Nantucket Hotel in Massachusetts features two indoor pools, fitness classes and outdoor heated Jacuzzi; and Well & Being Spa at Four Seasons Resort and Club Dallas at Las Colinas offers members access to racquetball and squash courts and indoor and outdoor jogging tracks. The monthly membership fee ranges per hotel.
from Men's Fitness https://www.mensfitness.com/life/entertainment/52-tricks-make-everything-better-2017
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ronaldmrashid · 7 years
Stop Frugality From Leading To Lifestyle Deflation
Like many of you, I’m frugal to a fault. For 13 years after college, I saved 50% – 70% of my income partially due to humble living conditions. From 28-37 I drove a $8,000 car that depreciated to $3,000 even after my income grew by 3X. And even after I had finally escaped the corporate world in 2012, I still couldn’t stop saving at least 50% of my income.
By the third year of early retirement, however, I started seriously questioning the point of working and saving so much if the money was never going to be spent. Saving for retirement in retirement is illogical. I started getting angry at being unable to kick my frugality addiction to the curb. People with much less were spending so much more and having a great time doing so. Why couldn’t I be more carefree?
Despite my best efforts to spend more like everyone who posts about their fabulous lives on Facebook, touching principal still felt like a crime. Instead of relaxing as a good retiree should do, here’s what I did instead to maintain a 50%+ savings ratio:
* Worked on ways to generate $200,000 a year in passive income
* Took on part-time consulting gigs with three fintech companies over three years
* Continued publishing 3X a week on Financial Samurai
* Developed new online business partnerships
* Downsized to a smaller house to free up cash flow
* Bought a Honda Fit instead of a Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited
* Invested 90% of every dollar saved
Then one day, I burned out. I dropped all my consulting gigs, wrote the biggest e-mail autoresponder known to man saying I was too busy, and finally found some breathing room to spend a little more than normal.
Instead of limiting myself to $100 shoes, I ventured out and bought a $240 pair of shoes (on sale for 50% off of course). The guilty feeling only lasted for an hour while the pair of Tod’s loafers is still my favorite shoe three years later.
Instead of taking an Uber Pool to save $6 to go downtown, I began ordering my own Uber. I still feel guilty for some reason, but the feeling has lessened because I remind myself that time is way more valuable than money.
Instead of staying at a 3-star hotel in Angkor Wat, Cambodia, we decided to stay at a 5-star hotel for $100 more a night. We knew we were never coming back, so we also hired a private van with much needed AC to be our driver for $50 a day. It was so worth it.
Then I realized something. Keeping spending constant after a certain age eventually leads to lifestyle deflation because everything is relative. If everybody still watched cathode ray tube TVs, you’d be happy with your tube TV. But you’re no longer as happy when everybody else is watching a paper thin 4K TV. If you don’t at least increase your spending at the rate of inflation, your quality of life will begin to deteriorate because you can’t help but notice progress all around.
For those of you who can’t seem to lift your spending despite an increase in your income and net worth, let me share with you five ways for overcoming frugality so you can maximize your lifestyle. Dying with way too much is poor consumption planning. 
Halting Lifestyle Deflation In Five Steps
1) Find your marginal spending ratio. Being overly frugal means you either don’t make enough money, fear your income won’t last, or are stuck mentally in a time when you didn’t make much money. There is no denying that having less money means you are forced to spend less. If you suddenly started making an extra $10 million a year, you bet your bottom dollar that you’d be able to spend more freely. Therefore, the easiest way to crush frugality is to make exponentially more money. By doing so, you can’t help but spend more.
The key to unlocking additional spending is determining how much extra money you need to make in order to spend an extra $1. Some consumers will spend an extra $1 when they only make 50 cents more. Others might require earning $10 to spend an extra $1. Earn enough to find your ratio for various things.
For example, I need to earn at least $500,000 more a year to feel comfortable spending $8,000 more on a first class ticket to Europe or Asia. Until then, I’ll sit in the middle seat near the toilet for 12 hours because $8,000 / 12 = $667/hour!
Related: When Do You Finally Feel Rich
2) Make your income more defensible. If your income and wealth are tied to the survival of a startup that has only 12 months left until it runs out of cash, there’s no way you’ll ever break free from frugality. Conversely, if you work in a massive corporation that never fires anybody and provides everyone a nice pension after 20+ years of service, you should be able to open up the wallet a little wider.
Nowadays, the best way to create a more defensible income is to build multiple income streams – including both passive and active incomes. If you can get to a passive income level that covers all your expenses while also having a day job income, you should be able to crush your frugal habits.
Achieving $200,000 passive income figure was a relief after 16 years of trying. It is more than my wife and I spend each year. When we added on corporate consulting income on top of online income, we finally stopped checking the price of food before ordering at a restaurant. We also didn’t care about the latest cost of an electronic gadget anymore because it was a business expense. We knew that worst case, even if our business went to hell, we’d have passive income made up of 10+ different sources that would carry us through on top of our principal. 
3) Realize your mortality by calculating how much you’ll have left at age 100. Acknowledge your mortality and calculate how much you’ll have left at age 100. Just as most Americans don’t properly calculate their retirement target and plan for how to get there, many of us don’t calculate how much we’ll end up dying with if we don’t spend more. Right now you will be taxed at 40%+ on any wealth you leave behind after $5.49 million. Divide your current net worth by the difference between 100 and your age. If the number is greater than your average annual spending, you should be able to spend more freely.
At least every six months, I run my finances through Personal Capital’s Retirement Planner on my iPhone, and every time it says I’m in “Great Shape.” Love it! I imagine it’s kinda like being a beautiful person looking at him/herself in the mirror each morning. You know you’re beautiful and can’t get enough of yourself!
$1.2M turns into $20M+ in 50 years? Time to spend!
4) Find your forever home. Once you’ve purchased a home you see yourself living in for 10+ years, you’ll feel a tremendous amount of relief. Saving up for a home is the largest financial undertaking for most people, especially those who live in major cities. Therefore, once you’ve conquered the tallest mountain, everything else will feel like an ant hill. Food and clothing are cheap in comparison.
Buying a primary residence is like paying yourself first. You’ll build equity through forced savings and hopefully principal appreciation over time. If you’re renting, you’ll always wonder when your rent will go up or when the landlord will want to kick you out for whatever reason. As a result, you’ll have a tendency to hoard your money to pay for moving expenses, and potentially a more expense apartment since rents tend to always go up.
After finding and remodeling an affordable home in San Francisco with panoramic ocean views, I finally felt I could spend whatever excess cash flow I had on nicer things. Each stage of the remodeling process had me shelling out an extra $30,000 – $60,000 over a 3-6 month period. Once all the remodeling was done, it felt like I had an extra $10,000 a month to spend on whatever I wanted. 
5) Set and achieve ambitious targets. The reason why the 1/10th rule for car buying is so powerful is because it forces people to tether their wants to achievement. Many people get mad when they want to buy a $40,000 car, but realize their $80,000 income means they should only purchase a ~$8,000 car. By flipping the equation and setting a goal to earn $400,000 a year, it motivates the buyer to work towards their desires. With all the extra hustle, it will allow the buyer to think twice about spending so much on something s/he really doesn’t need. And if the $400,000 income is achieved, then there will be no guilt spending so little.
Just like how you’ll feel so much better eating a cheeseburger after you’ve trained six months for a marathon, you’ll feel so much better spending money after taking years saving up for a certain stretch goal. The guy who got up to eat a cheeseburger after watching four hours of football isn’t going to feel as good as the marathon runner!
When I started suffering from tennis elbow at the age of 33, I made it a goal to go undefeated in one season at the 4.5 level. It was my way of giving the middle finger to pain. When I went 12-0 with various doubles partners in 2012, I felt an enormous amount of pride. It was easy to replace my ratty tennis bag with holes with a snazzy looking one. Three years later when I got bumped up to 5.0 (top 1%), my tennis budget blew wide open because players aren’t supposed to improve after the age of 35. 
In early 2015, I made an ambitious goal of growing organic traffic (not paid) to one million pageviews a month. After consistently hitting over 1 million organic pageviews a month for six months in 2017, I felt zero guilt paying $15,800 for a hot tub and $58,000 for a used Range Rover because it took me eight years of writing three posts a week. To understand how difficult that is, try writing one 1,500 word post a month. Now multiply that effort by 10. 
Enjoy Your Money
Most of us are afraid of being judged by others for how we spend our money. But the reality is, everybody’s financial situation is different. Paying $10,000 for a first class ticket is ridiculous for someone making less than $100,000 a year. But if you’re worth $100 million, $10,000 is like a dollar bus fare for the rest of us.
You can overcome your frugality disease by starting small, and working your way up. The easiest way to reduce your frugal habits is by making more money and achieving certain stretch goals. It’s when you buy things with money you don’t deserve (trust fund, inheritance, lottery, using a credit card, your spouse’s income, etc) that your conscience may start making you feel terrible about your spending.
You don’t get a gold star for being frugal. Being overly frugal simply means you haven’t earned or planned enough. You only get a gold star if you’re able to maximize your lifestyle with the money you’ve earned and not die with too much. Don’t let frugality be a crutch or an excuse for not making more.
I regret not spending more in my 20s and 30s. In my 40s and beyond, I’m determined to let the lifestyle I enjoy keep up with inflation and then some. For those who have their finances together, I hope you do the same!
When Income Is More Important Than Net Worth
It’s Impossible To Stay Retired Once You Retire Early
When Is It OK To Forsake Stealth Wealth?
Readers, anybody suffering from being overly frugal? What are some of the steps you are taking to be a better spender to optimize your lifestyle? Is being frugal a symptom of poverty? Share some of your tips on how to be more carefree.
from https://www.financialsamurai.com/stop-frugality-from-leading-to-lifestyle-deflation/
0 notes
How to Travel Around Namibia on a Budget
Welcome to the latest post in our Africa column by Natasha and Cameron from The World Pursuit. While I’ve been to the continent in the past, I’ve only seen a few countries so I’m super duper excited to have these two travelers share their knowledge about traveling the continent. This month they are sharing how to travel around Namibia, one of my top five countries in the world, on a budget!
As steam rose from the tarmac and mirages presented themselves in the far distance, our truck’s engine nearly boiled over. We drove through empty Namib Desert in 40°C (104°F) heat with the windows down and heat on full blast to cool it off. Traveling around a sparsely populated desert country in Africa presents its challenges!
Despite our desert adventures, we loved traveling around Namibia and think it’s a great African destination to explore, especially for first-time travelers to the continent. We saw the sun rise over the largest sand dunes in the world in Sossusvlei and listened to thousands of seals give birth at the Cape Cross Seal Colony. Just driving around the country without seeing a single other person for hours made us feel as if we were on another planet.
Namibia is a special place that many in the world have never even heard of. Compared to South Africa, it’s a lot less visited by tourists, especially those traveling on their own and not on a tour. But we found the country easy to visit and affordable.
Where did we go?
We entered southern Namibia, as we were traveling north from Cape Town, and exited via the Caprivi Strip into Botswana. Here is the route we followed.
Fish River Canyon – Luderitz – Aus – Kalahari – Namibrand Nature Reserve – Sossusvlei – Walvis Bay – Swakopmund – Skeleton Coast – Spitzkoppe – Etosha National Park – Caprivi Strip
This route took us a month to complete, with most stops taking up 3-4 days of our time. We wanted a relaxing holiday, but if you move fast and are short on time, you can easily do a Namibian road trip like this in 15-20 days.
We decided to skip Windhoek, as there wasn’t much in the capital city we were dying to see. Due to lack of time, we also skipped the northwestern Kunene region, which is where the Himba people live. For those wanting to travel to this part of the country, the only way to get there is with a fully equipped vehicle or a tour. The region is isolated, so you must be fully capable of getting yourself out of any circumstances and stock up with food and water.
How much does it cost to travel around Namibia?
Namibia is one of the cheapest countries in Africa. It uses the Namibian dollar (NAD), which is 1:1 with the South African rand, and all prices are about on par with South Africa . Depending on your chosen method of transport and accommodation preference, Namibia can easily be done on a budget.
We averaged about $45 USD (600 NAD) a day per person for campsites, food, beer, and transportation, with a majority of that going to fuel (our Land Cruiser was thirsty – 6km per liter/14 miles per gallon – and distances are long).
Here are some average prices:
Campsite – $6 (80 NAD) per person per night
Dorm bed – $8 (100 NAD) per person per night
Private double room – $45-$60 (600-750 NAD) per night
National park fees – $6 (80 NAD)
Petrol – $0.80 (10 NAD) per liter
A cook-your-own-pasta meal from the supermarket – $2.50 (30 NAD)
Salad from a café – $4 (55 NAD)
Bottle of Windhoek beer – $1.10 (15 NAD)
Cup of coffee – $2 (25 NAD)
So if you were staying in dorm beds, taking the train, and cooking all your own meals, you could get by on a budget of $20-30 a day. However, if you want to camp and get outside the main cities, you will need to take a tour or have your own vehicle, which will up your costs to about $45 (to self-drive with four passengers) to $90 (for a tour) a day.
How to get around Namibia
Bus There is no official public bus system in Namibia, but there are local buses that connect almost all of the major towns and cities.
The most reliable bus option in Namibia is the Intercape bus service. They are generally in good condition and safe, and even provide air conditioning. Intercape buses do not run every day and don’t have many stops, so it’s important to look at the website for their routes and schedule.
Prices vary according to the distance traveled: a bus from Windhoek to Livingstone, Zambia, costs roughly $50 USD depending on the exchange rate, while a bus to Springbok, South Africa, from Windhoek costs $31 USD.
Rental Car This is the most popular form of traveling in Namibia. The rental truck industry in Windhoek, the capital, is booming! With wide-open desert roads, towering sand dunes, and no one around, a road trip in Namibia is the perfect way to go exploring.
Rates for a rental truck stocked with everything you need for camping and a pop-up tent vary depending on the season. In low season (January–July), you can pick up a two-person Hilux for $75 USD a day; in the high season (July–December), it will go for around $130 USD a day. The more bells and whistles you add on to your rental, the higher the cost gets. When we last visited in November, the entire country was sold out of rental trucks in what was traditionally the shoulder season, so it is highly advised to book in advance.
Overland Tour We talked about overland tours previously. There is a really wide range of ways in which you can do a tour in Namibia. The least expensive option is to go with one of the many overland tour companies such as Oasis, Nomad, Acacia, or Intrepid.
Tours are great for solo travelers looking to meet people, and also for those that want maximum fun with minimal planning effort. Overland tours in Namibia start at an average of $87 USD per person per day. These tours cover all transport within Namibia, activities, camping, and most meals.
Train The TransNamib passenger train makes only a few stops, but it definitely provides interesting views of this desert country out the window. Trains mostly operate at night, so if you plan to make use of the train you should be prepared to sleep in a first-class seat or economy reclining seat. There are no sleeping cabins aside from the Keetmanshoop-Windhoek train. Tickets range from $6 to $15 USD for economy and business-class seats, respectively.
The Desert Express is another train service geared toward more the luxury-minded tourist, with prices starting at $230 USD per ticket.
Hitchhiking There seems to be an increasing number of vagabonds in Africa who are getting themselves into dangerous situations and relying on strangers to bail them out. We would not recommend hitchhiking in Namibia, as the population is sparse and it could be hours between passing cars.
Tips for traveling in Namibia
Traveling around Namibia is fairly straightforward. Here are ten tips to keep in mind for your trip there.
Learn how to change a tire – Namibian roads are very rough on cars. They are badly corrugated and dry and dusty. Make sure you know how to change a tire in case you get a flat or else you could be waiting on the road for a few hours.
Avoid night driving – Whether self-driving, on an overland tour, or taking buses, we would advise against any kind of night driving. There are no streetlights on Namibian roads, and cattle roam freely on them.
Don’t rely on the internet – We found the Wi-Fi in Namibia to be passable at best, and even if you pick up a SIM card, don’t expect it to work anywhere but in the cities and towns. Much of the country is empty desert where there are no cell phone towers.
Stay full and hydrated – No matter what kind of transport you use, it’s important to stock up on food and water, although Western-style supermarkets can be found in Windhoek, Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Luderitz, and other relatively large towns.
ATMs can only be found in main cities and towns – You will be able to withdraw cash in Windhoek, Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, and Luderitz, but we would be wary about being able to in other places. Make sure to have enough cash on you to make it to your next major destination, as credit cards aren’t widely accepted. Almost all places in Namibia accept the South African rand as well.
Prebook in the high season – Namibia’s high season runs from mid-May to mid-November, so we would recommend booking your accommodation for these months ahead of time. Even the campsites book up with overlanders. We visited in November and ran into problems a few times with hotels being at capacity.
Stay safe – Namibia is one of the safest countries in Africa. However, it is still a developing nation, and common sense should be utilized, especially in the capital of Windhoek, which in recent years has seen a rise in crime. Don’t show signs of wealth, use vigilance at night, and all should be OK.
Namibian national parks are affordable – We found that Namibia has some of the cheapest national parks in Africa. Etosha National Park, for example, is the largest and easily most recognized park in the country, with entrance fees costing as little as 80 NAD ($6 USD)! The wildlife spottings are fantastic in the dry season as well.
Take care of your electronics – The desert heat is no joke, and neither is the sand. Cameras, laptops, and even cellphones should be well protected from the dry air and dust that can easily find its way into the tiny crevices of your valuables.
When people ask us what country they should visit in Africa, Namibia is always at the top of our list. There is just something about seeing the stars twinkle in the desert night without a soul around.
Even though we had a month in the country, we still felt we could have delved way deeper into the remote parts and explored more. The country is vast and has so many interesting things to offer, we can’t wait to return!
Natasha and Cameron run the blog The World Pursuit, focusing on adventure and cultural travel. The two of them met in the film industry before they decided to abandon the American lifestyle and travel the world together. They’ve been traveling together for three years across 55 countries and six continents.  They recently bought a 4×4 at the tip of Africa and are traversing the continent while documenting their story on Instagram and Facebook. 
Photo Credit: 1,3
The post How to Travel Around Namibia on a Budget appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
via Travel Blogs http://ift.tt/2rfN5vv
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touristguidebuzz · 7 years
How to Travel Around Namibia on a Budget
Welcome to the latest post in our Africa column by Natasha and Cameron from The World Pursuit. While I’ve been to the continent in the past, I’ve only seen a few countries so I’m super duper excited to have these two travelers share their knowledge about traveling the continent. This month they are sharing how to travel around Namibia, one of my top five countries in the world, on a budget!
As steam rose from the tarmac and mirages presented themselves in the far distance, our truck’s engine nearly boiled over. We drove through empty Namib Desert in 40°C (104°F) heat with the windows down and heat on full blast to cool it off. Traveling around a sparsely populated desert country in Africa presents its challenges!
Despite our desert adventures, we loved traveling around Namibia and think it’s a great African destination to explore, especially for first-time travelers to the continent. We saw the sun rise over the largest sand dunes in the world in Sossusvlei and listened to thousands of seals give birth at the Cape Cross Seal Colony. Just driving around the country without seeing a single other person for hours made us feel as if we were on another planet.
Namibia is a special place that many in the world have never even heard of. Compared to South Africa, it’s a lot less visited by tourists, especially those traveling on their own and not on a tour. But we found the country easy to visit and affordable.
Where did we go?
We entered southern Namibia, as we were traveling north from Cape Town, and exited via the Caprivi Strip into Botswana. Here is the route we followed.
Fish River Canyon – Luderitz – Aus – Kalahari – Namibrand Nature Reserve – Sossusvlei – Walvis Bay – Swakopmund – Skeleton Coast – Spitzkoppe – Etosha National Park – Caprivi Strip
This route took us a month to complete, with most stops taking up 3-4 days of our time. We wanted a relaxing holiday, but if you move fast and are short on time, you can easily do a Namibian road trip like this in 15-20 days.
We decided to skip Windhoek, as there wasn’t much in the capital city we were dying to see. Due to lack of time, we also skipped the northwestern Kunene region, which is where the Himba people live. For those wanting to travel to this part of the country, the only way to get there is with a fully equipped vehicle or a tour. The region is isolated, so you must be fully capable of getting yourself out of any circumstances and stock up with food and water.
How much does it cost to travel around Namibia?
Namibia is one of the cheapest countries in Africa. It uses the Namibian dollar (NAD), which is 1:1 with the South African rand, and all prices are about on par with South Africa . Depending on your chosen method of transport and accommodation preference, Namibia can easily be done on a budget.
We averaged about $45 USD (600 NAD) a day per person for campsites, food, beer, and transportation, with a majority of that going to fuel (our Land Cruiser was thirsty – 6km per liter/14 miles per gallon – and distances are long).
Here are some average prices:
Campsite – $6 (80 NAD) per person per night
Dorm bed – $8 (100 NAD) per person per night
Private double room – $45-$60 (600-750 NAD) per night
National park fees – $6 (80 NAD)
Petrol – $0.80 (10 NAD) per liter
A cook-your-own-pasta meal from the supermarket – $2.50 (30 NAD)
Salad from a café – $4 (55 NAD)
Bottle of Windhoek beer – $1.10 (15 NAD)
Cup of coffee – $2 (25 NAD)
So if you were staying in dorm beds, taking the train, and cooking all your own meals, you could get by on a budget of $20-30 a day. However, if you want to camp and get outside the main cities, you will need to take a tour or have your own vehicle, which will up your costs to about $45 (to self-drive with four passengers) to $90 (for a tour) a day.
How to get around Namibia
Bus There is no official public bus system in Namibia, but there are local buses that connect almost all of the major towns and cities.
The most reliable bus option in Namibia is the Intercape bus service. They are generally in good condition and safe, and even provide air conditioning. Intercape buses do not run every day and don’t have many stops, so it’s important to look at the website for their routes and schedule.
Prices vary according to the distance traveled: a bus from Windhoek to Livingstone, Zambia, costs roughly $50 USD depending on the exchange rate, while a bus to Springbok, South Africa, from Windhoek costs $31 USD.
Rental Car This is the most popular form of traveling in Namibia. The rental truck industry in Windhoek, the capital, is booming! With wide-open desert roads, towering sand dunes, and no one around, a road trip in Namibia is the perfect way to go exploring.
Rates for a rental truck stocked with everything you need for camping and a pop-up tent vary depending on the season. In low season (January–July), you can pick up a two-person Hilux for $75 USD a day; in the high season (July–December), it will go for around $130 USD a day. The more bells and whistles you add on to your rental, the higher the cost gets. When we last visited in November, the entire country was sold out of rental trucks in what was traditionally the shoulder season, so it is highly advised to book in advance.
Overland Tour We talked about overland tours previously. There is a really wide range of ways in which you can do a tour in Namibia. The least expensive option is to go with one of the many overland tour companies such as Oasis, Nomad, Acacia, or Intrepid.
Tours are great for solo travelers looking to meet people, and also for those that want maximum fun with minimal planning effort. Overland tours in Namibia start at an average of $87 USD per person per day. These tours cover all transport within Namibia, activities, camping, and most meals.
Train The TransNamib passenger train makes only a few stops, but it definitely provides interesting views of this desert country out the window. Trains mostly operate at night, so if you plan to make use of the train you should be prepared to sleep in a first-class seat or economy reclining seat. There are no sleeping cabins aside from the Keetmanshoop-Windhoek train. Tickets range from $6 to $15 USD for economy and business-class seats, respectively.
The Desert Express is another train service geared toward more the luxury-minded tourist, with prices starting at $230 USD per ticket.
Hitchhiking There seems to be an increasing number of vagabonds in Africa who are getting themselves into dangerous situations and relying on strangers to bail them out. We would not recommend hitchhiking in Namibia, as the population is sparse and it could be hours between passing cars.
Tips for traveling in Namibia
Traveling around Namibia is fairly straightforward. Here are ten tips to keep in mind for your trip there.
Learn how to change a tire – Namibian roads are very rough on cars. They are badly corrugated and dry and dusty. Make sure you know how to change a tire in case you get a flat or else you could be waiting on the road for a few hours.
Avoid night driving – Whether self-driving, on an overland tour, or taking buses, we would advise against any kind of night driving. There are no streetlights on Namibian roads, and cattle roam freely on them.
Don’t rely on the internet – We found the Wi-Fi in Namibia to be passable at best, and even if you pick up a SIM card, don’t expect it to work anywhere but in the cities and towns. Much of the country is empty desert where there are no cell phone towers.
Stay full and hydrated – No matter what kind of transport you use, it’s important to stock up on food and water, although Western-style supermarkets can be found in Windhoek, Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Luderitz, and other relatively large towns.
ATMs can only be found in main cities and towns – You will be able to withdraw cash in Windhoek, Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, and Luderitz, but we would be wary about being able to in other places. Make sure to have enough cash on you to make it to your next major destination, as credit cards aren’t widely accepted. Almost all places in Namibia accept the South African rand as well.
Prebook in the high season – Namibia’s high season runs from mid-May to mid-November, so we would recommend booking your accommodation for these months ahead of time. Even the campsites book up with overlanders. We visited in November and ran into problems a few times with hotels being at capacity.
Stay safe – Namibia is one of the safest countries in Africa. However, it is still a developing nation, and common sense should be utilized, especially in the capital of Windhoek, which in recent years has seen a rise in crime. Don’t show signs of wealth, use vigilance at night, and all should be OK.
Namibian national parks are affordable – We found that Namibia has some of the cheapest national parks in Africa. Etosha National Park, for example, is the largest and easily most recognized park in the country, with entrance fees costing as little as 80 NAD ($6 USD)! The wildlife spottings are fantastic in the dry season as well.
Take care of your electronics – The desert heat is no joke, and neither is the sand. Cameras, laptops, and even cellphones should be well protected from the dry air and dust that can easily find its way into the tiny crevices of your valuables.
When people ask us what country they should visit in Africa, Namibia is always at the top of our list. There is just something about seeing the stars twinkle in the desert night without a soul around.
Even though we had a month in the country, we still felt we could have delved way deeper into the remote parts and explored more. The country is vast and has so many interesting things to offer, we can’t wait to return!
Natasha and Cameron run the blog The World Pursuit, focusing on adventure and cultural travel. The two of them met in the film industry before they decided to abandon the American lifestyle and travel the world together. They’ve been traveling together for three years across 55 countries and six continents.  They recently bought a 4×4 at the tip of Africa and are traversing the continent while documenting their story on Instagram and Facebook. 
Photo Credit: 1,3
The post How to Travel Around Namibia on a Budget appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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otiumbangalore · 1 year
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tamboradventure · 7 years
How to Travel Around Namibia on a Budget
Welcome to the latest post in our Africa column by Natasha and Cameron from The World Pursuit. While I’ve been to the continent in the past, I’ve only seen a few countries so I’m super duper excited to have these two travelers share their knowledge about traveling the continent. This month they are sharing how to travel around Namibia, one of my top five countries in the world, on a budget!
As steam rose from the tarmac and mirages presented themselves in the far distance, our truck’s engine nearly boiled over. We drove through empty Namib Desert in 40°C (104°F) heat with the windows down and heat on full blast to cool it off. Traveling around a sparsely populated desert country in Africa presents its challenges!
Despite our desert adventures, we loved traveling around Namibia and think it’s a great African destination to explore, especially for first-time travelers to the continent. We saw the sun rise over the largest sand dunes in the world in Sossusvlei and listened to thousands of seals give birth at the Cape Cross Seal Colony. Just driving around the country without seeing a single other person for hours made us feel as if we were on another planet.
Namibia is a special place that many in the world have never even heard of. Compared to South Africa, it’s a lot less visited by tourists, especially those traveling on their own and not on a tour. But we found the country easy to visit and affordable.
Where did we go?
We entered southern Namibia, as we were traveling north from Cape Town, and exited via the Caprivi Strip into Botswana. Here is the route we followed.
Fish River Canyon – Luderitz – Aus – Kalahari – Namibrand Nature Reserve – Sossusvlei – Walvis Bay – Swakopmund – Skeleton Coast – Spitzkoppe – Etosha National Park – Caprivi Strip
This route took us a month to complete, with most stops taking up 3-4 days of our time. We wanted a relaxing holiday, but if you move fast and are short on time, you can easily do a Namibian road trip like this in 15-20 days.
We decided to skip Windhoek, as there wasn’t much in the capital city we were dying to see. Due to lack of time, we also skipped the northwestern Kunene region, which is where the Himba people live. For those wanting to travel to this part of the country, the only way to get there is with a fully equipped vehicle or a tour. The region is isolated, so you must be fully capable of getting yourself out of any circumstances and stock up with food and water.
How much does it cost to travel around Namibia?
Namibia is one of the cheapest countries in Africa. It uses the Namibian dollar (NAD), which is 1:1 with the South African rand, and all prices are about on par with South Africa . Depending on your chosen method of transport and accommodation preference, Namibia can easily be done on a budget.
We averaged about $45 USD (600 NAD) a day per person for campsites, food, beer, and transportation, with a majority of that going to fuel (our Land Cruiser was thirsty – 6km per liter/14 miles per gallon – and distances are long).
Here are some average prices:
Campsite – $6 (80 NAD) per person per night
Dorm bed – $8 (100 NAD) per person per night
Private double room – $45-$60 (600-750 NAD) per night
National park fees – $6 (80 NAD)
Petrol – $0.80 (10 NAD) per liter
A cook-your-own-pasta meal from the supermarket – $2.50 (30 NAD)
Salad from a café – $4 (55 NAD)
Bottle of Windhoek beer – $1.10 (15 NAD)
Cup of coffee – $2 (25 NAD)
So if you were staying in dorm beds, taking the train, and cooking all your own meals, you could get by on a budget of $20-30 a day. However, if you want to camp and get outside the main cities, you will need to take a tour or have your own vehicle, which will up your costs to about $45 (to self-drive with four passengers) to $90 (for a tour) a day.
How to get around Namibia
Bus There is no official public bus system in Namibia, but there are local buses that connect almost all of the major towns and cities.
The most reliable bus option in Namibia is the Intercape bus service. They are generally in good condition and safe, and even provide air conditioning. Intercape buses do not run every day and don’t have many stops, so it’s important to look at the website for their routes and schedule.
Prices vary according to the distance traveled: a bus from Windhoek to Livingstone, Zambia, costs roughly $50 USD depending on the exchange rate, while a bus to Springbok, South Africa, from Windhoek costs $31 USD.
Rental Car This is the most popular form of traveling in Namibia. The rental truck industry in Windhoek, the capital, is booming! With wide-open desert roads, towering sand dunes, and no one around, a road trip in Namibia is the perfect way to go exploring.
Rates for a rental truck stocked with everything you need for camping and a pop-up tent vary depending on the season. In low season (January–July), you can pick up a two-person Hilux for $75 USD a day; in the high season (July–December), it will go for around $130 USD a day. The more bells and whistles you add on to your rental, the higher the cost gets. When we last visited in November, the entire country was sold out of rental trucks in what was traditionally the shoulder season, so it is highly advised to book in advance.
Overland Tour We talked about overland tours previously. There is a really wide range of ways in which you can do a tour in Namibia. The least expensive option is to go with one of the many overland tour companies such as Oasis, Nomad, Acacia, or Intrepid.
Tours are great for solo travelers looking to meet people, and also for those that want maximum fun with minimal planning effort. Overland tours in Namibia start at an average of $87 USD per person per day. These tours cover all transport within Namibia, activities, camping, and most meals.
Train The TransNamib passenger train makes only a few stops, but it definitely provides interesting views of this desert country out the window. Trains mostly operate at night, so if you plan to make use of the train you should be prepared to sleep in a first-class seat or economy reclining seat. There are no sleeping cabins aside from the Keetmanshoop-Windhoek train. Tickets range from $6 to $15 USD for economy and business-class seats, respectively.
The Desert Express is another train service geared toward more the luxury-minded tourist, with prices starting at $230 USD per ticket.
Hitchhiking There seems to be an increasing number of vagabonds in Africa who are getting themselves into dangerous situations and relying on strangers to bail them out. We would not recommend hitchhiking in Namibia, as the population is sparse and it could be hours between passing cars.
Tips for traveling in Namibia
Traveling around Namibia is fairly straightforward. Here are ten tips to keep in mind for your trip there.
Learn how to change a tire – Namibian roads are very rough on cars. They are badly corrugated and dry and dusty. Make sure you know how to change a tire in case you get a flat or else you could be waiting on the road for a few hours.
Avoid night driving – Whether self-driving, on an overland tour, or taking buses, we would advise against any kind of night driving. There are no streetlights on Namibian roads, and cattle roam freely on them.
Don’t rely on the internet – We found the Wi-Fi in Namibia to be passable at best, and even if you pick up a SIM card, don’t expect it to work anywhere but in the cities and towns. Much of the country is empty desert where there are no cell phone towers.
Stay full and hydrated – No matter what kind of transport you use, it’s important to stock up on food and water, although Western-style supermarkets can be found in Windhoek, Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Luderitz, and other relatively large towns.
ATMs can only be found in main cities and towns – You will be able to withdraw cash in Windhoek, Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, and Luderitz, but we would be wary about being able to in other places. Make sure to have enough cash on you to make it to your next major destination, as credit cards aren’t widely accepted. Almost all places in Namibia accept the South African rand as well.
Prebook in the high season – Namibia’s high season runs from mid-May to mid-November, so we would recommend booking your accommodation for these months ahead of time. Even the campsites book up with overlanders. We visited in November and ran into problems a few times with hotels being at capacity.
Stay safe – Namibia is one of the safest countries in Africa. However, it is still a developing nation, and common sense should be utilized, especially in the capital of Windhoek, which in recent years has seen a rise in crime. Don’t show signs of wealth, use vigilance at night, and all should be OK.
Namibian national parks are affordable – We found that Namibia has some of the cheapest national parks in Africa. Etosha National Park, for example, is the largest and easily most recognized park in the country, with entrance fees costing as little as 80 NAD ($6 USD)! The wildlife spottings are fantastic in the dry season as well.
Take care of your electronics – The desert heat is no joke, and neither is the sand. Cameras, laptops, and even cellphones should be well protected from the dry air and dust that can easily find its way into the tiny crevices of your valuables.
When people ask us what country they should visit in Africa, Namibia is always at the top of our list. There is just something about seeing the stars twinkle in the desert night without a soul around.
Even though we had a month in the country, we still felt we could have delved way deeper into the remote parts and explored more. The country is vast and has so many interesting things to offer, we can’t wait to return!
Natasha and Cameron run the blog The World Pursuit, focusing on adventure and cultural travel. The two of them met in the film industry before they decided to abandon the American lifestyle and travel the world together. They’ve been traveling together for three years across 55 countries and six continents.  They recently bought a 4×4 at the tip of Africa and are traversing the continent while documenting their story on Instagram and Facebook. 
Photo Credit: 1,3
The post How to Travel Around Namibia on a Budget appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Travel Blog – Nomadic Matt's Travel Site http://ift.tt/2rfN5vv via IFTTT
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vidovicart · 7 years
How to Travel Around Namibia on a Budget
Welcome to the latest post in our Africa column by Natasha and Cameron from The World Pursuit. While I’ve been to the continent in the past, I’ve only seen a few countries so I’m super duper excited to have these two travelers share their knowledge about traveling the continent. This month they are sharing how to travel around Namibia, one of my top five countries in the world, on a budget!
As steam rose from the tarmac and mirages presented themselves in the far distance, our truck’s engine nearly boiled over. We drove through empty Namib Desert in 40°C (104°F) heat with the windows down and heat on full blast to cool it off. Traveling around a sparsely populated desert country in Africa presents its challenges!
Despite our desert adventures, we loved traveling around Namibia and think it’s a great African destination to explore, especially for first-time travelers to the continent. We saw the sun rise over the largest sand dunes in the world in Sossusvlei and listened to thousands of seals give birth at the Cape Cross Seal Colony. Just driving around the country without seeing a single other person for hours made us feel as if we were on another planet.
Namibia is a special place that many in the world have never even heard of. Compared to South Africa, it’s a lot less visited by tourists, especially those traveling on their own and not on a tour. But we found the country easy to visit and affordable.
Where did we go?
We entered southern Namibia, as we were traveling north from Cape Town, and exited via the Caprivi Strip into Botswana. Here is the route we followed.
Fish River Canyon – Luderitz – Aus – Kalahari – Namibrand Nature Reserve – Sossusvlei – Walvis Bay – Swakopmund – Skeleton Coast – Spitzkoppe – Etosha National Park – Caprivi Strip
This route took us a month to complete, with most stops taking up 3-4 days of our time. We wanted a relaxing holiday, but if you move fast and are short on time, you can easily do a Namibian road trip like this in 15-20 days.
We decided to skip Windhoek, as there wasn’t much in the capital city we were dying to see. Due to lack of time, we also skipped the northwestern Kunene region, which is where the Himba people live. For those wanting to travel to this part of the country, the only way to get there is with a fully equipped vehicle or a tour. The region is isolated, so you must be fully capable of getting yourself out of any circumstances and stock up with food and water.
How much does it cost to travel around Namibia?
Namibia is one of the cheapest countries in Africa. It uses the Namibian dollar (NAD), which is 1:1 with the South African rand, and all prices are about on par with South Africa . Depending on your chosen method of transport and accommodation preference, Namibia can easily be done on a budget.
We averaged about $45 USD (600 NAD) a day per person for campsites, food, beer, and transportation, with a majority of that going to fuel (our Land Cruiser was thirsty – 6km per liter/14 miles per gallon – and distances are long).
Here are some average prices:
Campsite – $6 (80 NAD) per person per night
Dorm bed – $8 (100 NAD) per person per night
Private double room – $45-$60 (600-750 NAD) per night
National park fees – $6 (80 NAD)
Petrol – $0.80 (10 NAD) per liter
A cook-your-own-pasta meal from the supermarket – $2.50 (30 NAD)
Salad from a café – $4 (55 NAD)
Bottle of Windhoek beer – $1.10 (15 NAD)
Cup of coffee – $2 (25 NAD)
So if you were staying in dorm beds, taking the train, and cooking all your own meals, you could get by on a budget of $20-30 a day. However, if you want to camp and get outside the main cities, you will need to take a tour or have your own vehicle, which will up your costs to about $45 (to self-drive with four passengers) to $90 (for a tour) a day.
How to get around Namibia
Bus There is no official public bus system in Namibia, but there are local buses that connect almost all of the major towns and cities.
The most reliable bus option in Namibia is the Intercape bus service. They are generally in good condition and safe, and even provide air conditioning. Intercape buses do not run every day and don’t have many stops, so it’s important to look at the website for their routes and schedule.
Prices vary according to the distance traveled: a bus from Windhoek to Livingstone, Zambia, costs roughly $50 USD depending on the exchange rate, while a bus to Springbok, South Africa, from Windhoek costs $31 USD.
Rental Car This is the most popular form of traveling in Namibia. The rental truck industry in Windhoek, the capital, is booming! With wide-open desert roads, towering sand dunes, and no one around, a road trip in Namibia is the perfect way to go exploring.
Rates for a rental truck stocked with everything you need for camping and a pop-up tent vary depending on the season. In low season (January–July), you can pick up a two-person Hilux for $75 USD a day; in the high season (July–December), it will go for around $130 USD a day. The more bells and whistles you add on to your rental, the higher the cost gets. When we last visited in November, the entire country was sold out of rental trucks in what was traditionally the shoulder season, so it is highly advised to book in advance.
Overland Tour We talked about overland tours previously. There is a really wide range of ways in which you can do a tour in Namibia. The least expensive option is to go with one of the many overland tour companies such as Oasis, Nomad, Acacia, or Intrepid.
Tours are great for solo travelers looking to meet people, and also for those that want maximum fun with minimal planning effort. Overland tours in Namibia start at an average of $87 USD per person per day. These tours cover all transport within Namibia, activities, camping, and most meals.
Train The TransNamib passenger train makes only a few stops, but it definitely provides interesting views of this desert country out the window. Trains mostly operate at night, so if you plan to make use of the train you should be prepared to sleep in a first-class seat or economy reclining seat. There are no sleeping cabins aside from the Keetmanshoop-Windhoek train. Tickets range from $6 to $15 USD for economy and business-class seats, respectively.
The Desert Express is another train service geared toward more the luxury-minded tourist, with prices starting at $230 USD per ticket.
Hitchhiking There seems to be an increasing number of vagabonds in Africa who are getting themselves into dangerous situations and relying on strangers to bail them out. We would not recommend hitchhiking in Namibia, as the population is sparse and it could be hours between passing cars.
Tips for traveling in Namibia
Traveling around Namibia is fairly straightforward. Here are ten tips to keep in mind for your trip there.
Learn how to change a tire – Namibian roads are very rough on cars. They are badly corrugated and dry and dusty. Make sure you know how to change a tire in case you get a flat or else you could be waiting on the road for a few hours.
Avoid night driving – Whether self-driving, on an overland tour, or taking buses, we would advise against any kind of night driving. There are no streetlights on Namibian roads, and cattle roam freely on them.
Don’t rely on the internet – We found the Wi-Fi in Namibia to be passable at best, and even if you pick up a SIM card, don’t expect it to work anywhere but in the cities and towns. Much of the country is empty desert where there are no cell phone towers.
Stay full and hydrated – No matter what kind of transport you use, it’s important to stock up on food and water, although Western-style supermarkets can be found in Windhoek, Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Luderitz, and other relatively large towns.
ATMs can only be found in main cities and towns – You will be able to withdraw cash in Windhoek, Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, and Luderitz, but we would be wary about being able to in other places. Make sure to have enough cash on you to make it to your next major destination, as credit cards aren’t widely accepted. Almost all places in Namibia accept the South African rand as well.
Prebook in the high season – Namibia’s high season runs from mid-May to mid-November, so we would recommend booking your accommodation for these months ahead of time. Even the campsites book up with overlanders. We visited in November and ran into problems a few times with hotels being at capacity.
Stay safe – Namibia is one of the safest countries in Africa. However, it is still a developing nation, and common sense should be utilized, especially in the capital of Windhoek, which in recent years has seen a rise in crime. Don’t show signs of wealth, use vigilance at night, and all should be OK.
Namibian national parks are affordable – We found that Namibia has some of the cheapest national parks in Africa. Etosha National Park, for example, is the largest and easily most recognized park in the country, with entrance fees costing as little as 80 NAD ($6 USD)! The wildlife spottings are fantastic in the dry season as well.
Take care of your electronics – The desert heat is no joke, and neither is the sand. Cameras, laptops, and even cellphones should be well protected from the dry air and dust that can easily find its way into the tiny crevices of your valuables.
When people ask us what country they should visit in Africa, Namibia is always at the top of our list. There is just something about seeing the stars twinkle in the desert night without a soul around.
Even though we had a month in the country, we still felt we could have delved way deeper into the remote parts and explored more. The country is vast and has so many interesting things to offer, we can’t wait to return!
Natasha and Cameron run the blog The World Pursuit, focusing on adventure and cultural travel. The two of them met in the film industry before they decided to abandon the American lifestyle and travel the world together. They’ve been traveling together for three years across 55 countries and six continents.  They recently bought a 4×4 at the tip of Africa and are traversing the continent while documenting their story on Instagram and Facebook. 
Photo Credit: 1,3
The post How to Travel Around Namibia on a Budget appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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I Love You
You told me to write to you about how much I love you. And I know that once I started typing this, you said that you don’t actually want me to do it. But, to me, this is part of me starting to show you how much you mean to me and how much I appreciate you. Because we both know that I’m not the best at writing and that I’d rather vocally convey my thoughts and feelings rather than to write them out on paper or online. So I’m going to do my best to try without making this seem like rambling nonsense. Ever since I first met you around 4 years ago, I’ve felt something. I don’t think I could say that it was legitimate feelings , but it was something. Even seeing your pictures on instagram before actually meeting you in that xbox live party gave me that feeling. Seeing your posts and your captions captivated me. Seeing how beautiful you looked. I immediately knew that I would’ve caught feelings if I met you in person and if you were single.
But you weren’t close enough to me for us to meet by chance. And you were in a committed relationship. So after even meeting you, I knew that I couldn’t do anything to try to get closer to you in that way. And that knowledge made it harder and harder to keep from trying to get closer to you after every session of gaming we had by ourselves. Getting to know you little by little that way was the best and worst thing to happen to me.
It was the worst thing because of how much it killed me to not be able to go for you after learning bit by bit just how wonderful you are. And it was the best because, even if I felt like I couldn’t do anything at the time, playing and talking with you made me happy. And, best of all, it lead to where we are now.
I always kept my feelings for you at a subconscious level before we confessed to each other. At the time, I felt like I couldn’t take that shot to go for something as big as a long-distance relationship. I always kept to the idea that long-distance relationships only work for those that have dated and one or both of them move somewhere far after a while.
Until our conversations we had that lead up to us confessing. How you felt that nobody in your area is to your interest or isn’t compatible with your likes and dislikes. Honestly, my “shot-in-the-dark” was never something I thought I would say. But telling you that I would’ve asked you out on a date if one of us lived closer to the other was my hidden way of telling you, I have romantic feelings for you. And it made it immensely happy to see you reply that you would’ve said yes. Even if I was at work at the time, all I could think of was “what now?” I went back and forth between leaving it at that and how it would be if we dated. Going through that fantasy of us being together that ran through my head so many times throughout the 3 years. All of that thinking in what felt like hours happened in the matter of minutes because time just slowed down for me after your reply.
Then I decided.
“Fuck it.” and I went for it. Telling you a suggestion of seeing how we’d be at HARD and Nocturnal and if we truly did enjoy each others company, then we try to start dating. The final thought that shifted my mind towards going for it was that I didn’t want you to be a what if in my life. Because I feel like you would’ve been one of the biggest what if’s to me.
Then our conversations became so excited and ecstatic with feelings for each other. Pouring out our long time feelings through texts and phone calls. Slowly, but surely falling in love with each other, but not just yet enough for us to confirm it to ourselves or to each other. We became so happy and impatient with the idea of meeting each other, we couldn’t wait for HARD and decided for me to visit you before then. We officially made the plans. The bus tickets were purchased. Hotel room reserved. Days requested off of work. The idea of us meeting became real. And I remember being so damn happy to be able to meet you and be with you in person. And that wasn’t only on the perspective of me finally losing my v-card. I couldn’t believe that I was going to be able to spend actual, in-person, time with you. The entire bus ride up to you was just filled with excitement and happiness, of course with some anxiety and nervous-ness mixed in. Then I got there. and after waiting (in the wrong hotel, even though it was basically the same looking building), you arrived at the hotel as well.
When I walked through the doors and I saw your face for the first time, my heart fluttered. So. Damn. Hard. It felt like a Ted Mosby moment where he just exhales deeply and puts his hand over his heart as if its hurting. That’s how you made me feel at the get-go. Throughout that entire visit, everything you said and every action you made captivated me. Each interaction we had made me understand more and more how much of an amazing, beautiful woman that you are. And at the end of the visit, all I wanted to do, was to already ask you to be official, but I knew I had to wait. I didn’t want to confuse any feelings with something else. I wanted to do it right. When I could confirm in myself that you are who I want to commit myself to. So after the visit, the time we had apart helped me reflect and confirm in myself that you are. Which all the more made me more impatient for HARD to come so that I could ask you to be official. My original plan being to ask you during Porter Robinson’s set, right when his music moves our very souls as we dance together. Unfortunately, our broke ass’ ended up not being able to afford HARD. So then you decided to still go down with your brother’s group, but to spend time with me in general instead. I then came up with my back up plan of going to the Griffith Observatory at night and asking you to be official under the stars, with the LA city lights in the distance. Then we realized we were more broke than we thought, so, as much as it killed us, we agreed to save money for Nocturnal instead. Then the days leading up to Nocturnal felt even longer, but that first weekend of September finally came
You guys drove down to SoCal and stopped by my house. I saw you outside my house across the street and all I wanted to do was to go up to you and kiss you. To feel your lips pressed against mine after longing for that for months. Buuuut we still had that awkward first-meeting-of-the-visit vibe so I couldn’t do it. Going through that weekend is what really confirmed something real and serious to me. That I am absolutely in love with this girl. I was so immensely happy being with you that entire time. Dancing with each other during so many sets. Being in our own little world in a sea of ravers. I knew that you’re the one that I want to spend the rest of my days with. So I asked you to be official after slow dancing and singing “steppin out” to you and trading the kandi that had the question written out. And, honestly, even if that was the back-up plan, I loved that I was able to ask you out that way. Instead of having to be in a crowded sea of people, trying to get your attention from the loudness of it all, we were in the quietness of our hotel room. Truly in our own little world for a few hours. and that was the exact moment I verbally told you I’m in love with you. Once that weekend was over, it killed me seeing you leave in your car. Actually killed me enough to tear up. After that, each and every visit brought me closer and closer to you. All the more continuously falling in love with you. Going from regular visits without anything planned, just enjoying each others company, to planned out visits of seeing two of our favorite electronic artists collaborate and perform live.
You are the most amazing thing that has happened to me. Everything about you is what I am always falling in love with. How much you care for your family and close friends. How much you dedicate yourself to doing good at your work because you don’t want to bring more work to your coworkers. How much you motivate yourself to do your homework, study (sometimes excessively), and pass your classes in order to work towards a degree that you have genuine interest in. How much of a nerd that you are when it comes to games and anime. How you have just as much interest in deep conversations as I do. How you cheese so hard then laugh at something, specifically at corny, cheesy lines. Your smile and your eyes (Yes, I do love your eyes and I actually do see the color in them clearly). Your natural face (Yes I do love that to. Not in a “because I’m your boyfriend I am saying that” way). Every inch of your body and figure. The list goes on. I love all of you…..and I am sorry I fell into a routine that’s been shitty in expressing so. You telling me how you are feeling, your fears, and your thoughts gave me a lot to reflect about. I never knew that I could just as easily fuck up in a relationship as all those people that vented to me and asked me for advice for their relationship problems in the past. I never thought that I could end up like that.
But I promise you that I am determined to show you how much I appreciate and love you. Everything that I do is to work to our future together. You are the only thing that matters to me and you are what motivates me to get through school in order to get a degree so i could have the financial stability to live with you. And I’m never going to let your fears overcome you and let you walk out the door for my sake. You already know that I will find you wherever you go if you leaving is for that reason. I am absolutely, irrevocably, in love with you. Just imagining our future together excites me and makes me happy. And I am looking forward to the days that I can turn in my bed and see your beautiful face sleeping soundly. To be able to just kiss you every day. To tell you that I love you in person when I go to work, and to look forward to seeing your face when I get back home from a long shift. I can see that future clearly with you. and I will do anything and everything to make it happen. You are the person that I am in love with. Marielle Michelle Gapasin Lintag is who I want to live with, who I want to marry, who I want to have kids (and numerous dogs) with, who I want to grow old with, and who I want to spent my dying days with.
I am in love with you Marielle.
Always & Forever
-Mitchell Anthony de Vera Reyes
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otiumbangalore · 1 year
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