#3ot lisette
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elisemochi · 7 months ago
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you know I'm not even going to say anything I'm just going to leave this here because askdjflksdjf
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cyberaxolotl · 9 months ago
drew every main-game romancable so that i’d have my own consistent references 💪 (there’s several inconsistencies between their character art and portraits)
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i know i’ve shared Iluka and Siluka before but they’re here for The Gathering
also been wondering if there are any 3oT fan discords out there… sighs curse of niche hyperfixation
Big fistful of notes: Wayne is meant to appear sunburnt, which his admirers mistake for blushing. Ford’s heterochromia is based in a discrepancy between his model and his portrait, his model his brown eyes, his portrait has purple eyes. Ludus has lots of band-aids and work scars from being a dipshit (affectionate.) Siluka’s skin is darker than Iluka’s from constantly falling asleep in the sun. Komari has her father’s tooth gap, and if I were to draw Ginjiro, they’d have similar birth marks. Kasumi is meant to naturally fit several beauty standards, something she hates. Yuzuki uses a rollator for support, I see him as having chronic fatigue and nausea (fuck the way nintendo just had him be Cured), and damaged skin. Hinata has a couple spots of hyperpigmentation. Inari’s markings are part of their skin.
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agentchimendez · 2 years ago
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return of trio of towns comics drawn with the milli pen but I’m sorry it was in this way
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w1lkazavrr · 1 year ago
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pansy-picnics · 2 years ago
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he’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit
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rieriri · 1 year ago
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my two favorite bachelorettes and my two favorite bachelors 💖
- made on PicMix
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sznmjun · 4 days ago
Why the hell doesn't this game have gay marriage????
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wildflowercryptid · 2 years ago
i picked pioneers of olive town back up after not playing it for nearly 2 years and i'm glad they ending up jazzing the character dialogue bc it feels more engaging now.
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beck-a-leck · 9 months ago
Hello, what are your headcanon ages for the 3ot characters?😊
Oh my gosh, Nonny, this ask has been sitting in my inbox since January, and I completely forgot about it! it must have come in shortly after I answered a similar ask about the RF4 characters ages and then just fell through one of the swiss cheese holes in my brain. 😓 Sorry about that!
Funny coincidence, I've recently gotten back into playing 3oT, so all of the characters are fresh in my mind. So I guess I was cleaning out my inbox at just the opportune moment.
3oT has a ton of characters, so I'm assuming you're asking about the Marriage Candidates as opposed to Every Single Character. And I don't have any real solid numbers, just more like general age-ranges for the characters. So here goes!
Holly/Henry - They're young adults. Young enough to still be living at home with their parents (which for an American-coded family is not something that typically happens past the earliest of your 20s in fiction), and not yet have settled into a career. I know in Earth and Rebirth, I wrote Holly as being 21 (20 when the story starts), and I based that strongly off the vibes I got from the game. When you start the game your parents seem ready and accepting that the player character wants to set off on their own because you are of that age, the only push back comes when the PC says they want to be a farmer. So yeah, I really seem them as being a very young adult, no older than a recent college graduate, so in the 18-23 age range.
Lisette - She's in her mid-20s, I think. She says once that she took over the flower shop from her parents after she finished horticulture school, which I imagine was like a college program or some equivalent. So her years from 18-22 were likely spent in school. And I also believe she mentioned having run the shop for a few years by the time the game starts, so I've always placed her around 24-27ish. She could easily be read as older, she doesn't get specific about her age, and since this game does better than most with regards to characters close to 30 complaining about their age.
Wayne - He's a mid to late 20s guy. I think he mentions having lived in Westown for several years by the beginning of the game after getting assigned there as the postman. He doesn't talk about other previous assignments, but that doesn't mean he didn't have any. I believe he did mention doing the "normal schooling" before he became a postman, so it's possible he went to college as well and didn't start working until he was in his early 20s. But even getting "several" years into his 20s that can still put him at 23-25 at the young end. But I can easily see Wayne being anywhere from 25-30.
Ford - He's definitely in his 30s. I'd have to say somewhere in his mid-30s if I needed to be specific. He's a doctor, and assuming he didn't fast track himself through college and med school and graduate med school at an early age, then he would have been about 26 at the end of med school. There's mention of Ford having been Westown's doctor for the better part of a decade, so following that logic he's probably somewhere from 34-37. He's definitely the oldest of the marriage candidates (not counting the supernatural ones)
Komari - She's a tricky one to place. Her general energy and mannerisms can definitely skew her to the younger end of the 20s. But at the same time, that could just make her appear younger than she really is. I don't remember much of her later events (and haven't seen them since I started my replay) but I remember her seeming to be caught between needing to figure out what to do/how to grow up and be taken seriously. But in her early dialogue she very quickly seems to take the PC under her wing keeping an eye on them like an older sibling might. I think given the mix, I tend to read her in her early to mid-20s. Grown up, but maybe not fully matured, and not yet seen as full grown in her father's eyes. So 22-25ish.
Kasumi - I think she's younger than Komari, not by much, maybe a year or two difference, but I think she is the younger of the two. If I recall correctly, she's still a relatively new teacher when you're introduced to her. So if she's finished her own schooling and just in the first couple years of being a teacher, she's probably somewhere from 21-24 years old.
Hinata - Like Holly/Henry, I think he's a young one. Probably the youngest marriage candidate. He's been in Tsuyukusa for a while when you meet him, I believe he came here to work for Moriya when he was 13, but he still hasn't been working there for as long as Shizu and Ittetsu. So probably less than 10 years. And given he's still seems to be in the early stages of his acting training when he mentions it, it points to him being younger. I've personally headcanoned him as the same age as the PC, but really he could be anywhere from 18-23 years old.
Yuzuki - He's another tricky one to place. Given his life experiences with his illness in his youth, and his continuing fight with chronic illness, it could very easily account towards "aging" him prematurely, so he looks older than he really is, not to mention forcing him to mature much faster than he otherwise might have. However, I think Komari mentions growing up with Yuzuki and being friends, and Hinata and him became friends shortly after Hinata moved into town. So I think their ages are pretty close, within a few years of each other. So I could happily put him around 23-26ish. But honestly, an argument could be made to put Yuzuki in his late-20s. Having been sick for so long could also just mean he made friends with whatever kids he could keep up with, and that would have been the ones younger than him.
Iluka and Siluka - being twins, obviously they're going to be the same age. I generally place them in their early to mid20s. Somewhere from 23-27 I think given their experiences as children they all matured a lot faster than they would have otherwise. And given their town's culture, once they were able to do real work, they started working. So they probably started their training as priestesses in their teens and have been at it for a while now. So even if they're young, they've still probably got a decade of experience under their belts. Arguments could be made for them to be older, but I think if they were closer to their 30s or in their 30s, they probably would be more like friends with Zahau and Caolila, but when they talk about those two, it's more like they were babysitters for the kids, as opposed to cool older friends.
Ludus - I've always headcanoned him as around the same age as the twins. Older, but within a year or two. So he's also mid20s. Same arguments for why he's not older as for the twins. Their experiences had them maturing faster, he was probably beginning his jack-of-all-trades work when he was still in his teens, though probably didn't start the heavy construction projects until he was older and more experienced. (and ya'know, despite the game's suggestion he can't be the only person building houses. there has to be a team of carpenters/construction workers who help him with the jobs) So like the twins, he's 23-27.
Now for the Special Candidates!
Stephanie - I could see her being in her late20s to early30s. She's clearly been at her MC career for a while by the time she settles down in Westown. She mentions having traveled and lived lots of places, but this is the first place she feels like wanting to settle in for the long term. So I can happily place her around the 26-32 age range.
Woofio - mild spoilers for his back story, but he's gotta be decades, if not over a century old. I don't remember if he specified how old he really is, but I know he's MUCH older than anybody else in the game (deities excluded). However, if I wanted to assign an age range to the way he acts, I think like Stephanie he's mid20s to early 30s. Old enough to have gotten lots of experience with animals, learning to care for them, and judge them, and build a career on the festival circuit. So 26-32 for him as well.
Inari - They're hard to pin down. Being a deity, I'm pretty sure they're several hundred years old, if not over 1000. They do mention something like for them aging one year is equivalent to humans aging 10 years. They also look very young. but they do insist to the PC that even if they might look childish, they are much much older and more mature than they look. However, given the way they act and behave, even if they're mature enough to be an adult, they're a very Young adult. Having never spoken to a human before, since mortals can't see them, they're very naive about a lot of things, particularly when it comes to relationships and such. if I had to stick an age on them, it's gonna be Babey Adult range, 17-19.
That's all a lot of text so the tl;dr version:
Holly/Henry: 18-23
Lisette: 24-27
Wayne: 25-30
Ford: 34-37
Komari: 22-25
Kasumi: 21-24
Hinata: 18-23
Yuzuki: 23-26
Iluka: 23-27
Siluka: 23-27
Ludus: 23-27
Stephanie: 26-32
Woofio: 26-32
Inari: 17-19
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Round 1: LUNA (ToT, AP) vs LISETTE (3oT)
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elisemochi · 7 months ago
my fic for the @bokumonoexchange!
This is a gift for @lunarluna0
I really hope you like it!! I had a ton of fun working on it
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Pendant of Embroidered Flower Petals 
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lisette/Ludus (Trio of Towns) Characters: Ludus (Trio of Towns), Lisette (Trio of Towns), Siluka (Trio of Towns), Iluka (Trio of Towns) Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Gift Giving, Implied Confession Scene, Fluff, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Holly is mentioned like once, Clothing, Pendants, Perfume, Size Kink, Ludus just really likes how small Lisette is and is a little weird about it, its still very T i just can't think of another word for it so Size Kink is what we are using
Ludus wants Lisette to go to the Sealight Night festival with him but Lisette's worried about looking too out of place. So, he takes matters into his own hands to make something she could wear.
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cyberaxolotl · 9 months ago
The Typhoon
SoS:3oT Domestic Fluff (Lisette/Siluka)
Warnings: Mild suggestive humor
Rough summary: Siluka gets caught in Westown in a typhoon, and knows exactly who she wants to spend the storm with.
Words: 4k
Illustrations: 0
See AO3 Version for more specific tagging
Fic below the cut
It was a dreary afternoon in the three towns. There was rain pouring, wind howling, and everybody wanting to get inside if they weren’t.
All-in-all, a day where Siluka didn’t want to be out getting groceries. But there were ingredients she needed that she could only get elsewhere, so as she would every month, she went to go get them.
Walking into the wholesale store, she took a deep sigh, holding her arms. She was shivering, drenched, and wishing she’d brought a coat with her. Then, she looked up at the room.
Everyone was very colorful that day. She could see anxious purples in everybody’s auras, a slight angry red in the manager’s, and the little girl in the back was noticeably blue. It made her slightly happier to see the dots of loving pink in the married couple’s auras, something she had seen every time without fail, no matter the weather or day.
Walking up to the grocery counter, she pulled out a paper list. “Welcome to Ra-Man’s. What can I get for you today?” The man greeted her.
“Aloha.” Siluka said plainly, “I need three pounds of ice, two pounds of seaweed, a pound of salt…” She listed off her groceries, focused on her list, and tried to block out the world around her. Poor weather itself did not make her anxious, but the discomfort of being cold and wet was making her antsy, and a little annoyed.
“Here it is.” A bag was placed on the counter. “That’ll be-“
She had already placed a bag of gold on the table. “We do this every month. I know.” Taking the bag, she turned around, but immediately felt bad at the pinch of blue she saw as she left. Being angry didn’t feel good.
Leaving the wholesale store, her empathy left her, sent back out into the rain. Her pigtails whipped in the harsh weather, getting all over her face, and as tempted as she was to run, god forbid she fall into the mud. Clutching her bag, she held a steady pace as she made her way out of Tyusukusa, taking the path into Westown.
Siluka didn’t like Westown’s architecture. Too many stairs, too much effort, and too much risk when it was wet. If she didn’t have to, she wouldn’t go into Westown at all, if it weren’t for two things she would never miss out on.
With her nose scrunched, she followed the many stairs up to the highest stores, walking into the general store. “Oh! Welcome to Straw Market, what can I get for ya?” The lady greeted her, smiling brightly. Her aura was, like others, anxiously purple, but also happily yellow at the same time.
How could she smile so brightly on a day like that? “Aloha.” She again let out flatly, pulling out her list. “I need… Ugh.”
It had gotten wet from the rain, smudging. If she could see her own aura in that moment, she’d bet it was blue. Or red. Or both.
“Ah, roughed up list? I’ve gotcha. I do my best to remember the lists of the regulars!” The shopkeeper laughed, then walked behind the counter.
“…Mahalo.” Siluka thanked, but was now more annoyed. It was hard to distract herself when she couldn’t focus on her words or her writing.
A bag was placed on the counter. “Here it is! That’ll be-“
“Take it.” Another bag of gold as she snatched the groceries away. “I-“
Thunder echoed through the building, lightning coming through the windows at the same moment.
“…Damnit.” She hissed under her breath.
“Oh, dear, looks like a typhoon is rolling in out there. I’m sorry, it seems like you might have to stay here a while longer.”
It definitely sounded like a typhoon. The rain slammed onto the windows, they could hear trees rustling, and thunder crackling near and far. Siluka didn’t want to go all the way back to Lulukoko in that abominable weather, but she didn’t want to stay in that shop either.
A thought occurred to her, a small idea. “…Mahalo for the groceries. I need to go next door.” Turning around, she held the bags tight, knowing what she was going into.
“Ah-?! Wait, you can’t just-“
The door was already opened then closed behind her, and immediately, the wind blew into her face. It was harsh enough that she could barely keep her eyes open, freezing every piece of skin that she had exposed, and the heavy rain dampening her clothes. Supporting herself with a hand against the shops, she fought the wind to make it to the shop next door.
Grabbing the door knob, she took a quick breath. Throwing it open, she practically threw herself inside, slamming it behind her as she fell ungracefully to the floor. “What in- Siluka!?” A sweet, warm voice reached her, footsteps running up immediately.
Looking up, barely peeking through her wet hair, she smiled at a freckled face. “Aloha, Lisette.” She said calmly, though a bit displeased at the aura in front of her. Fearfully purple, and worriedly blue, with a refreshing spot of pink.
“Siluka, what are you doin’ this far out here?! They just issued a typhoon warnin’!” Taking her hands, Lisette picked her up, confused by the gentle smile the other was holding.
“I know. I was just getting groceries when it started.” Siluka picked the bags up, “Can I stay for a while?”
“Ah… Mmhm!” The florist nodded and stepped past her, flipping the open sign in the window to closed. “Your bags can go in the fridge upstairs, I gotta tidy up a little down here, but you make yourself at home!”
“Mahalo.” Already much more comfortable, she made her way upstairs, doing as she was told. Yawning, she sat down into a dining chair, folding her arms on the table.
She glanced at the clock. It was about time for her afternoon nap, but there was no sun, and she wasn’t warm, and she wasn’t dry… But she felt comfortable anyway. The room smelled really nice too. She knew Lisette wouldn’t mind if she slept for just a little while, putting her head into her arms, and getting comfortable right there at the table.
Within moments, she was asleep. If she dried, she didn’t notice. If she warmed up, she didn’t notice. It was her favorite way to pass the time, just to sleep, and dream. It usually smelled like salt in her dreams, but this time, it didn’t. Not at all.
“…-uka..! Siiiluuukaaa..!”
“Mmh… Hm?” Siluka opened her eyes, looking over.
Lisette’s smiling face and pink-yellow aura greeted her. “Did you have sweet dreams? I just made dinner!”
“Ah… Yes. I did.” She picked herself up, glancing at the window. It was still storming, and as she acknowledged it, she could hear the thunder rumbling outside. “It smelled like flowers in my dreams.” She blushed softly.
“Ah, hehe~! That's lovely!” The florist giggled, “I hope you don’t mind mimosa salad. I saw you sleeping up here once I finished cleaning, and I couldn’t bring myself to wake you up, so I made what I’d usually have.”
“Mimosa salad is okay.” A bowl was slid to her side of the table, “How long will it be storming for?”
“Mmm, I muted the radio to let you sleep. But by the looks of it? Well into the night, I don’t think you can go home any time soon.” Lisette looked out the window, eating her first bite of salad. “It’s already dark.”
“…That’s okay.” Siluka smiled, turning to face her. “Iluka will understand. She’d rather I stay here than go in the storm.”
“Do you reckon she’ll come lookin’ for you herself in the mornin’?”
“Maybe.” The priestess shrugged, “She knows exactly where to look, though.”
The florist didn’t hide a pleasant giggle. “I’m glad she does~! If you don't mind nightgowns, I’ll lend you a dry one to sleep in, and I could brush your hair!”
Siluka hadn’t even noticed that her thick hair was still drenched, her clothes still damp as well. “Hm… Usually, I wouldn’t let anyone but Iluka touch my hair…” She pulled a wet strand of it out of her face, “…But, you can be the exception. Mahalo.”
“Ohh, it’s like a slumber party~! I never got to have them when I was little!” Lisette happily flapped her free hand, “Once dinner is done, do you have any dessert preferences?” With that, she pushed a forkful of salad into her mouth.
“The desserts I know are all from Lulukoko, I don’t think you’d have any of those… I’d like something warm.” When she thought about her temperature, she could feel a chill run up her spine.
“How does peach pie sound? I baked it the other day, it just needs to be heated back up!”
Siluka looked up at the other, wondering if it sounded good or not. But that bright, beautiful, pink and yellow aura was too much to decline. “Peach pie sounds good.” She looked away, blushing softly.
A couple minutes later, they had finished their salads.
Lisette pointed across the room. “My nightgowns are in the bottom drawer of that dresser, they should all fit you fine, so just take the one you like the look of! I’ll go heat up that pie.” She stood up, taking the bowls with her.
Siluka nodded, getting up and walking across the room. As she opened up the drawer, she felt flustered by the contents, quick to pick out a nightgown without looking at the other side. Unfolding it, she looked it over.
It was very different to what she’d see in Lulukoko every day. Tailored from thicker cloth, and with less geometric patterns, not to mention being long-sleeved. Glancing across the room to see the florist in the kitchen, she knew she had nothing to worry about as she got changed.
It was a very comfortable nightgown. Soft, and a little big on her, but the best part was the smell. It smelled like flowers… and it smelled like Lisette.
“Get ‘er while she’s hot!” She heard as two plates were placed on the dining table. Walking back over, she watched Lisette’s aura get pinker. “Oh, you look so cute in my nightgown! You get started, I should also get changed.”
“Mmhm. Mahalo.” The smell of peaches was irresistible, a dash of whipped cream in the center of the slice, with a cut strawberry in the cream. Looking over at the other’s slice, it had cream on it, but no fruit. “…Hmph.” Picking the strawberry off of hers, she cut it in half, then reached across the table to place half on Lisette’s slice. “That’s better.”
“Hm? Did you say somethin’?” The florist came up behind her, now in a nightgown of her own. “Ah… You didn’t have to split your strawberry, Siluka!” She noticed the modification made to her slice.
“I wanted to. It’s fair that way.” Siluka started digging into her own slice. The peaches were sweet and juicy, and the crust wasn’t crumbling apart, making it easier to eat. ‘…I love it.’ She thought, her mouth too full to say.
“That’s wonderfully kind of you. I guess that growin’ up with siblings would make you care about fairness!” Lisette sat down, happy to have her own slice.
“…I hadn’t thought of that.” The priestess realized, “I guess I didn’t spend much time alone growing up. If I wasn’t with Iluka, I was with Ludus, and if I wasn’t with anyone, someone was looking for me. Anything I did was shared with someone else… Any family meal we’d have, we’d get the same portions…” She started to twirl her hair, thinking.
“Wouldya have wanted anythin’ to yourself?”
“…No.” She smiled, “I like it this way. I can’t imagine being an only child.”
“Well, as an only child, I try to be as generous as possible after somethin’ that happened a few years back. Growin’ up alone, I guess I got used to havin’ things to ma’self… I’ve accidentally been selfish a couple times.” Lisette glanced away, “I don’t know whether havin’ a sibling woulda made the spoiling worse or not, though.”
“You’re not a selfish person. It’s not your nature. I can tell. A selfish person wouldn’t give me a nap, shelter, dinner, dessert, and a dress.” Siluka hummed happily, “You haven’t hesitated to give me those things. Your aura hasn’t changed colors once… It makes me very happy.”
“…Hehe.” She was blushing a bright pink. “You make me happy too, Siluka. Do you like the pie?”
“I love the pie.” She replied without hesitation. “It’s good. The cream and strawberry make it even better. Mahalo.” She was timely in putting another bite in her mouth, almost done with her slice.
Lisette didn’t reply, but smiled, turning to look out the window. “The storm is still ragin’ hard… Ah, I can’t stand to look out at that darkness.” Standing up, she walked over, pulling the curtains. “I know I live on the second floor, but dark windows still scare me. Too many horror stories about seein’ silhouettes in them.”
“I didn’t think you liked horror stories.”
“I don’t.” She sighed, walking back over. “But, you always end up hearin’ spooky tales one way or another.” Picking up the pie crust, she finished off her dessert.
“Yeah… I heard a lot of tales and warnings from my Gram. I believe most of what she tells me.” Finishing her slice, Siluka picked up her empty plate. “I’ll put these in the sink. You’ll brush my hair, right?”
“Oh, yes! Thank you, I’ll go get the hairbrush and bands.” Lisette was happy to oblige, handing over her plate then walking away.
Once they were done, they walked over to the bed. The priestess was already carefully undoing her hairstyle, being gentle with the flowers and leaves as she removed them. Once undone, her hair went down past her hips.
“I can’t imagine all the effort you go through, putting that all together every morning.” The florist said kindly, sitting on her bed. “Your hair is so long and beautiful, up or down.”
“…If I tell you something, you won’t be grossed out?” She started, getting a surprised look. “I sleep in late enough that I don’t have the time to wash my hair every morning. It stays styled like this until Iluka and I have a day off, and then I wash it, she styles it, and it stays like that until our next day off.”
“Oh!” Lisette looked surprised, “I wouldn’t have been able to tell if you hadn’t told me! Now, wouldya sit on the floor here?”
“…You’re not upset or something?” Siluka questioned, sitting on the floor in front of the bed.
“Mmm… No. You said it’s because you sleep in too much, and if it’s part of your disordered sleepin’, then it ain’t my place to judge. Have you tried washin’ it at night as an alternative?” Picking up a handful of thick hair, she started to gently brush it, running her fingers through it as well.
“…I’m too tired to do my hair at night. Maybe I should look into mixing my own dry shampoo…” She started to think about that, wondering what herbs could do it.
“That’s a start, but- and I’m sorry if ya hear this a lot- you really should see Ford about your oversleepin’.” Lisette sighed, “But, I’m not here to nag you. I’m here to do your hair, and I can’t do your usual hairstyle, so what would you like instead?”
“High pigtails is fine.”
“High pigtails it is!” She put the smile back on her face, picking up a hair band. Her strokes were soft and smooth as she brushed the incredibly long hair into two parts, careful not to pull or tug.
“Mmmh…” Siluka hummed, blinking tiredly. “You’re much gentler with my hair than Iluka. It’s making me sleepy…”
“We’ll be goin’ to bed in a few minutes, but try to hold your head up right now, I wouldn’t want you fallin’ over on me!” Putting up the first pigtail, she could feel the girl below her jolt.
“Ow.” The priestess said flatly, “That woke me up…”
“Ah, I- I didn’t mean it! I am a bit rough on my own hair, puttin’ it up so quickly, I might pull it when I’m tying it up.”
“You should be gentle with yourself. Is your hair as soft as it looks?” Siluka took a handful of her made pigtail, twirling her hair.
“Hm…” Lisette quickly bounced one of her pigtails, “Yes! But if you want to feel it, I’ll let you.” At that, she was done doing the other’s hair.
The priestess stood up, turning around. “Mahalo.” She felt both of her pigtails, running her fingers through her untangled and dried hair.
“You’re welcome~! And, um, now that that’s all done…” The florist got up as well, “Th-the couch is a little slim for either of us to sleep on, and I don’t exactly have another bed, so-“
“I’ll sleep with you.”
“In your bed.” Siluka flushed red, “I’ve shared beds with others my whole life. The one I know might be big enough for two, but I don’t think I’ll mind this.”
“…Um, well, that solves that, haha~!” Lisette was blushing too, quickly stepping past the other. “I need to turn the kitchen light off, but I’ll be right with you.”
She took a long look at the florist’s bedspread. The quilt had flowery patterns sewn into it, her bedsheet had a more abstract pattern of rose bushes, and the pillow… was a standard white pillow. Tucked beside the bed, sitting against the wall, was a little teddy bear.
Sitting down on the bed, looking at the bedside table, it was everything she’d expect out of Lisette. An alarm clock with a cartoon flower on the back, a lamp with a floral printed lampshade, and a small, paperback book. “Princess Adeline and The Princess Switch…” She mumbled aloud, seeing the illustration of two princesses on the cover. One was dressed in blue, the other in yellow.
“That book is a wonderful one.”
“-!” Siluka was startled by her return.
“When I first saw it, I thought Princess Adeline was going to fall for the other princess! But, um… She didn’t. They were just really good friends, and then they both marry princes in the next book.” There was disappointment in her voice as she spoke.
“They always marry the prince.” The priestess got under the blankets, letting the other take her place sitting on the bed.
“Or a knight.” She shrugged, putting her hands together. “Oh lovely Gaia, tonight my prayers reach you in good will…”
The bed was warm and relaxing, a comforting reprieve from the sound of the ongoing storm outside. Siluka watched Lisette as she prayed, realizing that she had never gone to the ruins to dance for the spirits that day, and making a mental note to put her all into it tomorrow. She wondered how much more comfortable that bed could get with both of them in it.
The lamp was clicked off, leaving her to only see the faint silhouette of someone else getting under the covers. They both let out a small grumble as they bumped into each other, but then, their position came together naturally. Siluka put her arms around the other’s waist, resting her head into her collar, and Lisette put her hands by Siluka’s head and on her back, closing the distance between them.
“…Heehee. Through all the books I’ve read, I’ve wanted to be the princess, but holdin’ you… It makes me feel like you’re the princess.” The florist whispered, closing her eyes.
“Mmh… I think we’re both princesses...”
“I like the sound of that. I think I’d be a princess of flowers… What would you be a princess of?”
A gentle snoring.
“Oh..! Goodnight, sleep tight…”
Birds chirped as the sun came through the window, beaming into the upstairs of the building, warmly landing on Siluka’s back. With a stir, she woke up, blinking a couple times. She was alone in bed, as she always was when she’d wake up. But this morning, her mind felt light and airy.
Across the room, in the kitchen, she could hear Lisette humming a tune, and see her working by the stove. With a tired grumble, she got up, walking into the kitchen.
“What’s for breakfast?” She asked, noticing the other jump.
“Ah-! I didn’t hear you wake up!” The florist looked over her shoulder, her aura getting pinker when her gaze landed on the other. “I’m makin’ omelets, Westown’s top breakfast! Y’ever had one?”
“I’ve heard of them, and I know what they are. Never had one.” She sat down at the dining table, looking at the window. “…Is that my dress?”
“Oh, yeah, I hung your dress over the sill to dry when I woke up. It might not end up completely dry, but it should get better than it was last night!”
“Mahalo. You’re very-“
Suddenly, the doorbell rang.
“Hm-?” Lisette turned around, confused. “The closed sign is still up, who could that be?”
“…I think I know.” Siluka got up, “I’ll come back up for breakfast.”
Going downstairs without another word, she could already see who was at the door through the windows. Pulling it open, it was as she expected.
“Siluka!” Iluka put her hands on her hips, her aura both red and a relieved green. “Having a good time with your girlfriend, hm? Leaving me home alone in a typhoon?”
“I fell asleep here and then I woke up when it was dark. Lisette let me stay since it was late.” Siluka winced at the bright sun, “I want to stay for breakfast. Can you wait?”
“Wait?! I came all the way out here to get you!”
“Then go see Wayne.” She said bluntly, watching her twin blush. “He’s always talking to you when he’s in Lulukoko. I’m sure he’ll like it if you do it instead.”
“Ah- fine!” She turned away, “You’re lucky it’s our day off… AND I’m glad that you’re okay!”
“Mmhm. I’m glad too.” Siluka smiled reassuringly, then turned around.
“I could hear Iluka from the window. Was she mad?” A voice asked as she got upstairs.
“Not more than usual. She’s going to see Wayne while we eat.” She sat back down at the dining table, “Is it done?”
“Almost.” Lisette plated what was in the frying pan, “Would you like anything specific on yours? I’ve got salt, pepper, butter, or cheese.”
“Plain is fine.” Being catered to made her feel appreciated, and she wondered what she could do in return. “You should come eat at the Carosello someday. I can’t give you a discount at work, but I can serve you extra nicely.”
“That’d be lovely, but I get so lost in the other towns. I’d have to ask Wayne if I could tag along while he’s on his mail route.” She looked remorseful as she came to the table, putting down a plate and a mug, then going back to get her own.
“He comes to the Carosello anyway when he finishes delivering mail. He says it’s because he can’t resist Iluka’s beauty, but I can sense the truth. He gets too hot in Lulukoko.” Siluka picked up the mug, smelling it and looking in. “This is… lemon tea?”
“Mmhm! If it’s too sour, I’ve got honey.” Lisette sat down with her own plate and mug, “Now, an important question, what would you be the princess of?”
“Hm…Natural medicines. Herbal remedies? Maybe just herbs…” She twirled her hair, thinking about it.
“The princess of flowers and the princess of herbs… Plants, that’s our kingdom, heehee.” The florist giggled and blushed as she pictured it.
“Would our people be plants too?”
“Hm… Two princesses, magical enough to have sentient plants as their kingdom’s people… I wonder if that’s a book.” Cutting into her food, she couldn’t get her mind off of the idea.
“It should be.” Siluka smiled.
“Oh, but I don’t know any writers, and I don’t read enough adult books to be good at writing.”
“Then write a children's book. Kids can read about two princesses.”
“…You’re right, Siluka. Thank you for the inspiration… teehee~!”
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thebeckster · 9 months ago
Kiss prompt 48 with Henry/Miranda?
Thank you so much for the prompt, Nonny!
As much as I love writing Holly/Hector, I've never given much though to the other Perfectly eligible Single Parent who should be romanceable! in Westown!
Henry/Miranda has so much potential to be a ton of fun. And I hope you like this little peak at what their relationship might be like.
And with this prompt, that's the last of them for my Trio of Towns Weekend. Thank you all so much for indulging me and giving me an excuse to flex my Trio of Towns muscles again! (Hopefully this will tempt my muses for my 3oT WIPs back)
Miranda had never thought she was the kind of woman to go for a younger man.
In all her past dating attempts, she’d always gravitated towards older men, men who were experienced and ready for a committed relationship that young men her own age weren’t looking for. It hadn’t always worked in her favor, more often than not it bit her in the butt, particularly since men tended to look at her and see a pretty young thing to play with. (Didn’t help that she topped out at five-foot-nothing and had the kind of youthful face that often had people mistaking her out on a date with a father and daughter.) And her favoring of mature gentlemen really came back to bit her in the form of divorce papers when she decided she’d rather not be a professional singer anymore and would rather focus on raising her daughter.
After that she’d sort of sworn off men of any age for a while.
Moving to Westown had helped. There weren’t many single men in town when she first moved in to take over the general store. Noel was still in diapers, and that was a deterrent enough for most men looking to pick up the newest woman in town. Doctor Ford was certainly not her type and too young for her. And when Wayne moved in, Miranda wasn’t shy about gossiping about the handsome postman, but again, he was too young for her. Frank was maybe the closest she got to a relationship. A quiet farmer but with his own brand of charm, he was a little older than her, but not so much it would have been scandalous. They’d quickly formed a friendship on the virtue that a farmer needed to make frequent trips to the general store for seed and supplies, and that friendship deepened when they bonded over their shared love of music.
Frank was nice, but Miranda never felt any romantic stirrings for him. He was safe and comfortable, and if she lived in a world where a woman absolutely needed a spouse to do anything in the world, she might have considered marrying him. They could have had a secure and happy, if primarily platonic, marriage.
But she hadn’t needed to, and Frank hadn’t ever brought up the idea of a romantic partnership between the two of them. So their friendship stayed. And Miranda began to make peace with the idea that she might not find herself in a whirlwind romance again – certainly for a woman her age, such things were unheard of.
And then Frank’s nephew moved into town. Built tall, like his uncle, but built of lean muscle, and a jawline sharp enough to cut glass, and the brightest blue eyes she’d ever seen. She developed a crush on Henry so quickly, she would have thought she was a woman decades younger. It was embarrassing, ogling the young farmer every time he entered her store, or she caught him running through town. Oh, if any of the other girls found out, she’d never live it down.
After swearing up and down that younger men were not for her, here was the handsome exception to the rule.
Coming into her store every day. Smiling at her, making small talk, entertaining Noel. Making it damned difficult to get over her little crush.
It did not get any easier when Henry started bringing gifts for her on his daily stops in the store. Little things he picked up here and there, wildflowers to brighten up the shop, fresh produce from his fields, bouquets from Lisette’s when he could afford them. Once he’d even brought her a hot dish of eggs benedict for her birthday. She hadn’t told him that was her favorite dish, but somehow he’d found out.
When Henry started flirting with her, Miranda knew she was in trouble. And when she started flirting back, she knew she was done for. No stopping this train now, not until it reached whatever station this whirlwind romance with a young farmer was destined to end at.
It might not last forever. At Henry’s age, Miranda hadn’t wanted to get married, or commit to a long-term relationship. But while they were together, they were going to have fun.
Henry swung by for dinner most nights. It was easier for him to come to Miranda’s house than it was for her and Noel to get down to his farm. They’d eat together, almost like a real family. Noel would talk about her day and what mischief she and Colin got up to. Henry would dutifully tell her all about his animals on the farm. Miranda would talk about the gossip she’d heard in the shop that day.
After Noel went to bed, the two of them would linger over cups of tea, or in front of the fire if the weather was cool enough, or out on the porch to beat the summer heat. And then when the hour got late enough, eventually Henry would have to give his apologies, don his hat, and head for home. It was a long walk back to his farm.
Tonight though, when Miranda saw Henry to the door, he stopped before stepping outside, fidgeting with something in his pocket. “I’ve uh… got a question for you, Miranda.”
“What is it?”
“Well, we’ve been doing this for a while now, and I really like it. I love spending my time with you and Noel. And it doesn’t feel like what we’ve got going on is going to fizzle out ever, so I was wondering if maybe you’d…”
He drew something from his pocket. A silver pendant on a silver chain gleamed in the low light. Miranda clapped her hands over her mouth.
Henry shrugged and flashed his crooked smile. “Most everyone already assumes we’re an item, should we make it official?”
It took Miranda a moment to find her words, but when they returned, she nodded and said, “Yes. I think I would like that very much!”
Relief beamed out from Henry’s face as he secured the necklace around Miranda’s neck. It settled just above her heart and she touched it for a moment, looking up at her boyfriend (goodness, that would take some getting used to saying).
“I’d very much like to kiss you,” she said. Henry obliged, stepping closer to her, and bending down to meet her. Miranda had to stand on her tiptoes, but their lips met, and sparks flew. The first kiss of many in their new relationship.
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pansy-picnics · 2 years ago
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bunch of old trio sketches i found + a few of chase :) i dont think i liked them when i first made them but in hindsight they’re all super cute!!!
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flute-fields · 6 years ago
Opinion on lisette? I love her ...
not my type but i think she’s cute
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however 3ot’s artstyle made me think she had a bobblehead when i first met her
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shadowoftheharvestmoon · 7 years ago
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And... you can’t marry Lisette while playing as a girl why?
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