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thelittlelabradoodle · 6 years ago
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#happy birthday to this beautiful girl who turned 3 years old today. Cake and frosting kisses! This little one has my heart.#frostingkisses, #lovefamilytime, #happybirthday, #3goingon13, #nanalife https://www.instagram.com/p/B0RO-1lHrGZ/?igshid=1rm7wyp2joxdr
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germaynefox · 6 years ago
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Izabella #3goingon13 #mixedgirl #alittlebitofthis #alittlebitoflove #alittlebitofeverythang #mommymaddness #photography #generationalpha #toddler #bigsistersrule (at Denver, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwsMhBfAihQqw-bSMZBcb1cFBier3QtcLEulOw0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=179a5xhvqe045
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tanyasforeverlove-blog · 6 years ago
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#chorechart #toddlerchores #growingup #3goingon13 #ownpennys https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnyo-uKlICq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vp1qa56holke
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smustain · 6 years ago
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Be still my heart. #bestillmyheart #mylittleman #theygrowupsofast #highfive #3goingon13 #lularoeshirley #lularoecarly #familyphotoshoot https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnm8980nUoG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1adah7d76f171
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flchefnicole · 7 years ago
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Oh my heart! #poolday #3goingon13 . . . . #kidlife #springtime #disneykids #texasliving #sanantoniokids #satxbloggers #mamasgirl #waterbaby #splishsplash #pooltime #princess
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electrokitty84 · 8 years ago
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Ellie wanted to wear her pretty dress to the playground and I said "pretty fancy for the monkeybars, are you planning on meeting the boy of your dreams there?" And she says "yes mama". She brought along her purse and sure enough there was a boy there who was really into her. Logan, he was 7. They were hanging out on the bench and she opens her purse and inside is a bunch of hot wheels. The boy was shocked. I was floored. #girlsgotgame #boyamiintrouble #3goingon13
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ladydollx-blog · 8 years ago
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Morning garden fun!!!! Age 5 shorts just about fit him 😭😭😭 #3goingon13 #cheekychops #happychappy #waterpistol #spidermanlife #weekendishere #summertimeshine
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thebombshellmom · 8 years ago
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How can I tell this cookie smuggler no, he can't have cookies?! So. Stinkin. Cute! #robeandslippers #gerberbaby #lilbigman #SweetTucker #3goingon13
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drinkpinkwithbecky-blog · 8 years ago
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From arguing to make up time. #3goingon13 #seriouslytho #whoskidisthis
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flchefnicole · 7 years ago
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Just when we thought the #birthday celebration was over....we get one last free birthday treat! Thanks to the @barnesandnoble kids club for the decadent cupcake yesterday! Luckily she did give me one bite! . . . . #happybirthday #kidlife #foodie #barnesandnoble #bnkidsclub #birthdaygirl #cupcake #thisis3 #3goingon13 #threenager #chocoholic #eatdessertfirst #mamasgirl #canigetabite (at Barnes & Noble San Pedro)
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lojovstheworld · 6 years ago
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I swear this one is 3 going on 13. She's so grown up and so bloody sassy. She knows exactly what she wants and isn't afraid to go for it. I just wish she wasn't quite so shy. She makes me laugh so much and I want other people to see what an awesome little person she is. Also I'd like her to share out a bit of that sass so I don't have to take it all 🙈 #sassygirl #littlegirl #3goingon13 #littlefierceones #playground #letthembelittle #punkymumsuk #snaphappybritmums #discoverunder2k #shinyhappybloggers #pblogger #mumbloguk #familyblogger #westfieldstratford #biodiversityplayground https://ift.tt/2XKhR4P
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just-the-pastors-wife · 8 years ago
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Look how beautiful my baby girl is! #lovemygirl #blondeandbeautiful #3goingon13🙈
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theunfilteredmommy · 7 years ago
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I feel like this photo just screams "summer!" 😎 Oh to be a kid again where the heat didn't make you a miserable bitch 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️ * * * * #funinthesun #summerwithkids #summer #isntshelovely #loveher #3goingon13 #pause #stopgrowing #goshiloveher #yyj #victoriabc #victoriamommy #vicmoms #mommyblog #momblog #momblogger #makingmemories #girlmom (at Sidney, British Columbia)
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1russobaby · 8 years ago
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Little Miss Independent!! She says she isn't my baby anymore because she is 3 now and her favorite thing to say lately is "I can do it by myself"!! 😭😭 #alwaysmybaby #3goingon13 #ramseyblair #18summers
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drinkpinkwithbecky-blog · 8 years ago
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This girl came into the bathroom while I was peeing to demand me to put her bunk beds up! We are now still in the bathroom arguing over everything she is upset about. #3goingon13 #shesarguingwithme #imexplainingwhyicantcarryabunkbedbymyselfwithapinchednerve
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