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In regards of pride month this post is dedicated to heartstopper that I would like to thank for bringing in such wonderful and representative characters. 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🎉. Ofc I love the comic as well as the tv show they both are amazing!!
#sorry this was supposed to post ages agooo i just left it in my drafts for ages#heartstopper#heartstopper tv#lgbtq+#gay#transgender#bisexaul#lesbian#straight#aroace#asexual#aromantic#3divas pride series
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Saç Aksesuarı Paket İçeriği : Gold Tel Toka Paketi : 20 Adet Siyah Tel Toka Paketi : 25 Adet Model ve renk seçimi için Erleravm firmasıyla iletişime geçiniz. Aksi takdirde stok durumuna göre renk ve model seçimi değişiklik gösterebilir. #diva camille tel saç tokası #diva camille siyah tel toka #3diva camille gold tel toka #Diva Camille DCM-4080 #erleravm #karacabey #alışveriş #trendyol #n11 #hepsiburada #gittigidiyor #kampanya #indirim Saç Aksesuarı
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Tal y como lo informamos este domingo . Nuestro espectáculo : TropicanBand 3Divas Tonight ESTE DOMINGO en Restaurante Donde Juan EN LA ESQUINA DE 23 y 26 . Con nuestra orquesta @tropicanband_cuba Con sus anfitrionas @norben_nobrega LAFARAONA @riube.rae DOÑA MARGOT Y nuestro invitado especial @tony_lugones Todos bajo la dirección de Yandy Martínez Los esperamos para descargar y disfrutar de momentos mágicos con nuestra descarga entre amigos . Especial lugar para una buena copa y una buena cena #show #showinteractivo #gayshow #gayshoutout #diversidad #divers #diversity #diversità #diversité #drag #dragqueen #dragshow #dragshows (en En Donde Juan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdzNOfHtfb-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Dear Fashion Godmom, Although you gained your wings and completed your life mission on earth, know that you are truly missed will forever be engraved in hearts of those you touched. There will never be enough words to describe your unique spirit, unforgettable character and unparalleled sense of humor. Although I am no longer able to physically embrace you and hear you call me "my love" I know that you are with me and looking over me. I cannot thank you enough for welcoming me with open arms to your amazing family and providing me the opportunity to work alongside you to teach what we love the most. It hurts like hell accepting the reality of you being gone, but I know that through each of us, you still remain and your legacy is alive. I will always cherish the many lessons you have shared with me and will continue to make you proud. Love Always, Dom (at 3Divas Designs & Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFdy_gXJdqg/?igshid=1hvpv5gdfdcc0
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Namaku APRILIA RIAYATUL MILLAH (Emil) masuk SMA Arjasa tepatnya dikelas MIA2. Ada banyak cerita waktu SMA dari nama kelas EXCELSO menjadi THE RAID lalu CASPER. Aku bahas satu –satu cerita mereka ya.
Ini cerita dari kelas EXCELSO. Pertama kali masuk SMA yaitu dikelas 10 MIA 2, wali kelasnya Pak Widi guru olah raga kita dan juga ada 40 member :D. Kelas 10 MIA 2 bisa dibilang kelas yang diasinkan, kelas kita jauh dari kelas 10 lainnya kecuali kelas 10 MIA 1 yang juga berada di atas. Kelas 1 SMA masa yang sangat polos dan begitu kompak, bisa diinget waktu lomba Asmaul Husna juga Pramuka. Kita waktu lomba Asmaul Husna juara 3 kalo ga salah :-D.Pramuka anak Excelso disuruh nampilin Masquerade dan lagunya kereta malam(jugijagijug), kita lembur juga buat bikin properti dengan berbagai bentuk bunga, rumput, pohon, matahari, dan juga kereta. Nah pas waktu malem nampilin kita kaya terniat seh :D banyak yang suka kaka pramuka liat penampilannya kita karna juga kompak terus jatah waktu dikasik lombanya mepet bangen lagi :D, tapi kita bisa nyelesain.
Ini kali pertama anak Excelso jalan bareng – bareng sama wali kelas kita (Pak Widi). Kita jalan – jalan ke Watu Ulo dan Juga Payangan. Itu merupakan perjalan pertama bareng anak kelas. Disana kita foto – foto dan juga main bareng. Mungkin waktu di Payangan sebagian anak inget ada kejadian apa ?? :D.
Waktu masih kelas 10 ada yang namanya 3Diva ( Ilham, Madam, Mak) mereka sering nyayi kalo lagi jamkos. Pernah waktu itu aku ngevideoin mereka tapi cuma mak sama Madam waktu lagi nanyi My Heart :D lagi mereka nyanyi terus ada Bu Rohma (Guru Sejarah) langsung yang lain di kelas pada ketawa ngeliat reaksi Bu Rohma. Yap lagu andalan mereka banyak seh tapi yang paling aku inget zafir, zafii apalah aku lupa judulnya tapi aku inget mereka nyanyinya :D. Kangen 3Diva LL. Nah inget Bu Rohma juga bakso, kita sekelas ditraktir Bu Rohma makan bakso gara –gara kita ngasi surprise ultahnya Bu Rohmah.
Dan juga waktu masih di Excelso kita studi tour ke Jogja. Wih waktu kita ke jogja kita pakek baju kelas sama jaket ceritanya mau pamer :D terus foto bareng di depan Candi Borobudur. Waktu di Jogja aku sekamar sama Mak, Sisil, Alif, Estik. Inget pas di kamar kita ada 2 orang ngungsi tidur disana sebut saja Lia sama Lusi. Kita tidur 1 ranjang berbanyak wkwk :D. Bangun – bangun badan kita sakit semua L. Tapi itu pengalaman yang ga perna ku lupain.
Di masa inilah kita semua kompak banget banyak guru yang suka kekompakan anak – anak EXCELSO❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.
Lah tadi sudah bahas EXCELSO sekarang kita ke masa THE RAID. Kelas 11 MIA 2 namanya The Raid, dan wali kelas kita di ubah menjadi Bu Tutik (guru matematika). Waktu kelas 2 tempat duduk sering pindah pindah ngikutin rolling. Gatau lupa aku duduk sama siapa aja.
Dikelas ini juga masa – masa kita suram L. Kita sudah ga terlalu kompak ga kaya masih kelas 10, pokoknya beda banget waktu masih kelas 10. Tapi The Raid akhirnya bisa nyelesain semua permasalahan di kelas ini :D tetep kompak yalah. Dimasa inilah salah satu member keluar tapi akhirnya ada 1 member dateng tetep genap lah 40 member.
Waktu masih di Excelso kita punya baju sama jaket nah disini kita juga punya baju, hmm baju futsal lebih tepatnya. Hmm bajunya bisa dibilang yang di pakek cuman punya anak cowonya doang waktu KTS merek main futsal, futsalnya kalah tapi gapapa lah. Tapi waktu bazarnya kita juara 2 yeyy wkwk disitu kita pakek tema bali terus yang bikin kita juga juara karena waktu bazar kita pakek backsound ala – ala bali gitu bedalah lah sama bazar anak lain :D.
Waktu kelas ini kita kedatengan guru PPL gitu kah? Ada 4 orang kalo ga salah, yang pertama guru fisika cowo, tapi pak itu (lupa namanya) ngilangin buku fisika anak kelas, jadi kita bikin buku lagi deh terus bapaknya ngilang entah kemana, lalu dateng lagi ibu guru tapi gatau siapa namanya hmm dandanannya mirip bu Maul sih (guru fisika kita) wkwk taulah :D. Ada juga guru matematika peminatan juga lupa namanya :D wkwk. Nah ini yang paling ku inget seh namanya bu Emil guru Biologi gimana ga inget namanya sama kaya aku :D dan juga ibuknya baik banget terus juga waktu terakhir ngajar anak kelas ibuknya ngasi bengbeng/goodtime terus anak kelas nyanyi hymne guru wkwk pada baper terus ada yang nangis dan juga ibunya juga nangis. Terima kasih guru PPL.
Waktu kita bikin candi dari styrofoam tugas seni budaya kita ngerjain berhari – hari sampek juga kadang ngelembur. Hmm sayang candinya kita cuman di pajang bentar doang terus abis gitu dibuang L wkwk. Aslinya ga terima kalo dibuang gitu aja kita ngerjainnya hmm taulah sampek berhari – hari. Ya tapi gapapalah kenangan itu bikin kita juga kompak.
Terus ada juga masa ini juga bisa dibilang polosnya sudah hilang :D. Pernah waktu itu sebagian anak The Raid ga ikut pramuka. Waktu hari Senin kalo ga salah pelajarannya Bu Tutik kita dihukum gara – gara ga ikut pramuka. Hukumannya lumayan lah ya jam 12 disuruh hormat ke tiang bendera panas – panas L wkwk.
Kita juga pernah nampilin teater di kelas tugas dari Bu Anis (Guru Sejarah). Tema teataernya lumayan bagus tentang proklamasi. Waktu itu kita seru – seruan nampilinnya waktu latiannya juga. Pernah waktu konferensi meja bundar aktingnya mereka dapet semua :D lucu pokonya dah :D. Maafkan kalo ceritanya agak ga jelas :D.
Kalo inget kelas 2 inget kikik sama adek kelas :D wkwk. Waktu pelajarannya bu Ismi anak kelas disuruh manggil adek itu disuruh kelas. Kikik maju di depan kelas, terus bu Ismi nyuruh kikik tanya – tanya sama adek kelas itu :D wkwk lucunya. Keinget juga ada “Genk Tak Hijab” personilnya wkwk Lia, Beta, Lusi, Desi dan Alifatul. Kalo inget mereka pertama kali nama “Genk Tak Hijab” keluar dari mulutku kalo ga salah waktu mereka nanyi di depan kelaskah? Atau mereka lagi ngapain didepan gatau lupa :D juga gara – gara mereka sering bareng juga sih, Semoga awat persahabatan kalian yaa sampek nenek – nenek :D.
Disinilah kita mencoba dewasa udah ga ada ada kata polos lagi dan juga bisa nyelesain permasalahan disini juga, di masa THE RAID❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.
Sesudah masa EXCELSO lalu ke masa THE RAID dan yang sekarang masa terakhir kita CASPER .Kelas 12 MIA 2 namanya Caspser masih dengan 40 member juga ya :D.
Dikelas ini kita bisa di bilang kompak banget lagi :D yey senengnya. Pertama masuk sini aku duduk sama murid dari ambon namanya Devi. Terus biasalah emang tradisi lalu di rolling tapi cuman 1 kali bukan rolling seh tapi tepatya milihin tempat duduk. dapet pasangan duduk Elma, tapi gatau kenapa elma pindah sama ajik, emil ditinggal L akhirnya duduk lagi sama Devi :D bangku dibelakang :D. Disini juga ada paparazi :D. Ingetlah yang sering jadi korban wkwk.
Nah sekarang aku mau bahas di masa Casper. Disini kita punya guru PKN namanya Pak Kem (kepala sekolah), tepatnya hari kamis. Kalo inget PKN inget piket juga asmaul husna sebelum pelajaran. Pak Kem kalo lagi pelajaran juga sering belikan kita makanan :D makasih Pak Kem. Lah inget Pak Kem inget juga waktu pelajarannya Pak Kem kita nyanyi kisah kasih disekolah wkwk baper dah :D sama juga nyanyi maksiat lucunya ubet (betri) jadi sasaran waktu lagu reff :D wkwk. Ingetnya lagi pas nonton videonya openk sama iwan jogetnya kompak :D haha.
Waktu kita lagi jamkos anak kelas ada acara yaitu peragaan busana :D wkwk. Tau ga desainernya siapa? Ya pasti taulah jangg MADAM dengan modelnya Agel, Openk, Ijun sama Kikik dan juga ada MC(Farian) sama DJ (Pawe dan Mak). Taulah suasana kelas pas model pada jalan ? :D disitu kita teriak teriak wkwk. Pokonya lucu dah gakepiran sampek bisa meragain busana gitu :D haha. Nah setelah acara fashion shownya selasai kita waktunya dj time wkwk disitu kita joget joget dan juga ada satu lagu kita (sebagian cewe) nyayi love yourself sambil geleng – geleng kepala :D wkwk maafkan kita. Terus aku liat sebelum fashion show ada video openk sama ijun jadi dj terus lagunya adele tapi versi dangdut ta? wkwk tapi gatau yang ngevideoin siapa? Tiba tiba ada di dataku :D.
Ini beda lagi acaranya, bukan acara seh tapi lebih tepatnya bikin video clip bandnya gatau apa namanya :D tapi personilnya ada farian, iwan, agel sama ijun. Nah ga kalah juga dong sama video2 clip lainnya juga disini ada modelnya Ilham (yang sendirian :D) dan juga mak + openk (yang lagi kasmaran :D) wkwk terus tiba tiba Bu Ning (Guru Bahasa Indo) lewat depan kelas ngeliatin mereka ga kagetlah udah tau kaya apa longornya anak kelas kita :D wkwk. Next blablabla hari itu juga pelajaran Senbud, Ijun(main gitar) sama Mak nanyi Love Yourself, Mak nanyinya kecepatan :D tapi lama –lama gitar sama yang nanyi cocok :D. Nah abis gitu Pak Yudi (guru Senbud) main gitar dan sonyek di depan nanyi sambil joget joget ga heran lah sonyek gitu udah tau longornya gimana :D.
Kelas 3 SMA udah tau dong masa yang gimana? Iya disini kita sering try out akhirnya UN yang sabar dah kalo inget ini, dan jangan lupa inget tim sukses juga :D wkwk. Waktu pengumuman UN ingetlah gimana hasilnya jauh dari harapan L tapi gapapalah kita terima aja. UN hari terakhir kita foto bikin tulisan CASPER dengan 40 member, bikinnya sih ditengah lapangan sekolah ya taulah sedikit susah ngatur kita waktu itu jadi fotonya agak lama :D. Disana kita juga foto – foto seru – seruan bareng.
Ya sekarang kita beralih ke kenangan diluar sekolah/kelas. Kita sebagian ga semuanya ikut (hmm berharap mereka ikut semua seh) ke Jampit, disana kita bareng – bareng tanpa sinyal, makasih tanpa sinyal disana kita bisa lebih deket . waktu malem juga paling seru kita bakar – bakar terus makan bareng, makasih tim dapur yang udah masakin kita tok disana wkwk. Gatau disana meskipun dingin yang mau tidur mata ga bisa merem wkwk. Inget juga sebagian cewe keluar malem – malem diluar gelap banget cuman pakek flash hp waktu jalan, hmm tujuannya kita kayanya mau ngikutin anak cowo tapi ketemunya malah waktu mau pulang deket pintu masuk ke jampit terus kita foto – foto disana. Kayanya itu kenangan terakhir sama anak CASPER (Flashlight) L❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.
Maafkan kalo ceritanya agak panjang dan juga cerita tapi bisa dibilang itu ga semuanya L terlalu banyak kenangan sama mereka selama 3 tahun. Bertemu 40 orang yang mempunyai ciri khas dan sifat mereka masing - masing bikin kangen dah :D wkwk. Makasih Mas El, Pawe, Agel, Vika, Alifatul, Fya, Timur, Ayuk, Ajik, Beta, Betri, Cindut, Desi, Dewi, Elma, Farian, Ijun, Alif, Inun, Iwan, Ilham, Estik, Mak, Mbak Mus, Alia, Lusi, Sonyek, Madam, Tawon, Bella, Kikik, Retna, Roy, Cis, Openk, Cing, Veni, Galeh, Devi, Tulus. Makasih juga buat suka dukanya kalian ya, sehat selalu dan juga sukses buat kalian semuanya dan juga emil :D. TERIMA KASIH MIA-2 ❤∞.
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☺ Happy 🎂 Birthday 2019 @mama_maria_cordero #MariaCordero #FeiMa http://leonsearch.com @harrahstahoe #harveystahoe #ThreeDivas #3Divas #Transformers #SoundWave @transformersofficial @transformersmovie #HongKong #HK #852 #LakeTahoe #SouthLakeTahoe #Stateline @renotahoe #RenoTahoe #Nevada #NV #775 http://gooyabing.com Thanks @makeagif shout out to: #FrancesYip #YipLaiYee #YipLaiYi @elisachanchan #ElisaChan #MissChanChan #ChanKitLing 📷: #StarImage (at Harrah's & Harveys Lake Tahoe) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuAp1Y7AQd_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17rgj86kvlscm
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Swing In The Holidays w- Joanna Pascale & 3Divas / Mon. Dec 10th at 7PM - Drummers - A NEW SPACE in Kensington / For More Info: https://bit.ly/2PoOpIo / #PhillyJazz #Drummers #JazzSpacePhilly #SherrieMaricle #3Divas #JoannaPascale (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/philajazzproject/p/BrDjtDMDd-C/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=drne9bufiipt
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Happy Friday All! I am planning on cleaning up the garden this weekend and doing some odd jobs that always kept pushed aside. What is everyone else planning for the weekend? . . . #weekend #tgif #weekendgoals #beproductive #gardening #tidyup #happyfriday #bosslife #mumlife #bossmum #lovedogs #cutepuppy #fridaycuteness #motherhood #mumofthree #3divas #mummysparks
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Here's a behind the scenes shot of our #3divas #musicvideoshoot @theastorroom last month! Music video coming soon! In the meantime, catch us @theastorroom Friday (Aka tomorrow) night 6:30-10:30pm !!! (at Kaufman Astoria Studios)
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‘Love who you wanna, don’t give a damn if it’s a man or a woman’ - Strip
#littlemix#jade x leigh anne x perrie#jade thirlwall#jade amelia thirlwall#strip#leigh anne pinnock#leigh anne little mix#perrie edwards#little mix#lm5#lgbtqia#3divas pride series
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ATENCIÓN POR LOS INCONVENIENTES DEL CLIMA LLUVIOSO POSPONEMOS nuestro ESPECTÁCULO DIVERSO : 3Divas Tonight en el Restaurante @dondejuanhabana cons sus anfitrionas @riube.rae DOÑA MARGOT @norben_nobrega LAFARAONA @vaniaborgeshdz PARA EL PRÓXIMO DOMINGO 22 a ñas 10pm ESPERAMOS NOS DISCULPEN POR LAS MOLESTIAS CAUSADAS https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdwz_PhN8cP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Day 4 #30daychallenge -early morning walk to 3diva Cafe then ordered a vegan slice and coffee -Morning stretch done -coloured in a sketch of water lillies I create in pen 2014... It's nice to have time to just sit and colour finish off early artwork. It's seem in today's world we seldom find time to sit n play,just be. Well at least in my world anyway. So today ,I going on a train to Nambour,a little adventure ,find some 'me' time...left the man at caravan to fend for himself...he will probably go to local pub . It nice catching the train...a less hurried pace. #kimmancini #manciniartgallery #art #painting #interiordesign #brisbaneartist #gallery #artwork #landscape #comtemporaryart #nature #waterlily #lilypad #pencil #watercolours #penandwash #inkdrawing #ink #artforsale #smallworkonpaper A5 https://www.instagram.com/p/Br9KHI1hv9z/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1m7wh1z2u8zfg
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☺ Happy 🎂 Birthday 2018 #FrancesYip #YipLaiYee http://leonsearch.com @harrahstahoe #HarveysTahoe @transformersofficial @transformersmovie #SoundWave #ThreeDivas #3Divas #HongKong #HK #852 #LakeTahoe #SouthLakeTahoe #Stateline #Nevada #775 http://gooyabing.com Thanks @makeagif shout out to: @elisachanchan😘 @mama_maria_cordero😘 & Ricky!! @renotahoe 📷: #StarImage (at Harrah's & Harveys Lake Tahoe) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpIc_e6nVAM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=iw9beqvrgmr6
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3Divas (3DCD, 2017)
Jackie Warren: piano; Amy Shook: bass; Sherri Maricle: drums.
In the one hundred plus year history of jazz, there have been women who have made their mark and have been significant contributors to the music; trumpeter Clora Bryant in the bebop era, alto saxophonist Vi Redd, organists Shirley Scott, Trudy Pitts and Gloria Coleman, soprano saxophonist Jane Ira Bloom, the recently departed great, pianist Geri Allen and of course the vocalists: Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughn, and Rosemary Clooney among countless others. It is also an unfortunate fact that in this music, jazz has been and continues to be male dominated, particularly when it comes to instrumentalists, and those who focus on the music sometimes are subject to even being less known than vocalists, or sadly gauged by physical attractiveness. Earlier this year, pianist Ethan Iverson on his Do The Math blog was under significant controversy in his interview with fellow pianist Robert Glasper in which the latter pianist remarked that women are less likely to be into intense lengthy improvisation and in his shows attempts, using graphic language a “musical clitoris”. Rightly so, the remark set ablaze a backlash in the jazz community, particularly from some of the top musicians around today, like drummer Teri Lyne Carrington who strongly scrutinized and disproved Glasper's over generalization. Albums like the brand new 3 Divas, an offshoot of the DIVA Jazz Orchestra, featuring pianist Jackie Warren, bassist Amy Shook and drummer Sherri Maricle show in broad terms how important women are to jazz, and further illuminate how problematic these sexist assumptions long held in the jazz world are.
The DIVA Jazz Orchestra headed by Maricle, originally hailing from Binghamton, New York, has been an important forum for female jazz musicians for over a decade, and has been one of the top and most famous big bands for years. Among the talents that have come from the DIVA organization over the years include saxophonists Anat Cohen and Karolina Strassmeyer, and now Warren, and Shook who form the core of this trio with the drummer. The three met in 2014 in Cleveland during the production of the award winning show Tappin Thru Life, where they noticed an immediate rapport with each other, quickly becoming close friends musically and personally. In the summer of 2016 the trio was featured on Pennsylvania public radio station WVIA for their Home Grown series, and the session was taped live in the studio late into the evening and early morning hours, and that session is presented for their debut. What 3Divas represent is three compatible players without ego reveling in the joy and good vibes of unadulterated swinging and passionate improvisation through seven tunes comprised of standards, and a few offbeat pop tune choices.
Maricle is a commanding drummer, much like Art Blakey lending a big band type premise in a small group. Her gale force swing propels Jackie Warren's deliriously joyful piano for chorus after chorus on the standard “Beautiful Love”. Amy Shook's wonderful rounded tone, time and note choice is the glue that holds it together as Warren and Maricle listen and respond to each other in playful competition. The drummer's trademark use of a riding on a China swish knocker a la Mel Lewis deepens the swing even more with the pianist responding in kind. Warren's glimmering right hand trills and thunderous left hand Tyner esque fourths are another highlight of her solo. Amy Shook's arco bass leads John Denver's classic “Sunshine On My Shoulders” as a tender reflection with raindrops of piano, and Maricle's glistening percussion, before moving to a brighter bossa nova tempo for solos. A surprise is the uptempo treatment of “I Thought About You” mostly associated with Miles Davis as a lush ballad. Maricle's effervescent brush work and hard swinging are in part responsible for breathing new life into the piece. Shook is once again well featured with her sumptuous full bass on a tender reading of “In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning” conjuring a lonely late night atmosphere, but also the orange and purple hues of dusk turning to dawn. This version makes for interesting comparison with the Keith Jarrett Standards Trio excellent reading on “Keith Jarrett: At The Blue Note, The Complete Recordings” (ECM, 1995). The program closes with another quirky pop tune choice in Cher and Sonny's “The Beat Goes On”,another gleeful romp. Maricle establishes the heat right off with an Blakey like press roll introducing a deep shuffle for Warren's dirty, funky, bluesy piano in the best traditions of Bobby Timmons and Gene Harris to dance upon.
3Divas is a marvelous debut disc from a great trio that showcases some of the finest jazzers on the scene in the present. Right now is a golden age for female jazz musicians with established stars like Hiromi Uehara, Tia Fuller, Teri Lyne Carrington. Others like trumpeter Carol Morgan, the incredible Linda May Han Oh on bass, saxophonist and vocalist Camille Thurman, up and coming talent like saxophonists Ayumi Ishito, and Leigh Pilzer (whose debut “Strunkin'” also features Maricle) vocalists Thana Alexa and Nicole Zuraitis,and organist Akiko Tsuruga prove unquestionably the future for women in jazz has never looked brighter . The above musicians are on par with their peers regardless of gender. 3Divas serves as a reminder of jazz at its best when creative and inspired, not just going through the motions, attempting to say new things over territories well covered. The swing and joy make for one of the best piano trio albums released this year, and a bounty for lovers of the format, with very nice sound, to boot.
Rating: 9/10
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