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Lily of the Valley with Butterfly Mug // KIRAKIRANUOTEA
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Math report!
I don't have much to show, sorry. First, I spent most of a day working on this:
data:text/html,%3Chtml%3E%3Chead%3E%3Cstyle type%3Dtext%2Fcss%3Elabel%2Ctextarea%7Bdisplay%3Ablock%7Dtextarea%7Bwidth%3A100%25%3Bheight%3A20em%7D%3C%2Fstyle%3E%3Ctitle%3EDeck Calculator%3C%2Ftitle%3E%3C%2Fhead%3E%3Cbody%3E%3Clabel%3EAmount of land%3A %3Cinput type%3Dnumber min%3D0 max%3D60 value%3D15 id%3Dlands%3E%3C%2Finput%3E%3C%2Flabel%3E%3Clabel%3EAmount of spells%3A %3Cinput type%3Dnumber min%3D0 max%3D60 value%3D45 id%3Dspells%3E%3C%2Finput%3E%3C%2Flabel%3E%3Clabel%3EDeck size%3A %3Cinput type%3Dnumber min%3D0 value%3D60 id%3Ddeck%3E%3C%2Finput%3E%3C%2Flabel%3E%3Clabel%3ERequired lands%3A %3Cinput type%3Dnumber min%3D0 max%3D7 value%3D2 id%3Dflood%3E%3C%2Finput%3E%3C%2Flabel%3E%3Clabel%3ERequired spells%3A %3Cinput type%3Dnumber min%3D0 max%3D7 value%3D1 id%3Dscrew%3E%3C%2Finput%3E%3C%2Flabel%3E%3Clabel%3EHand size%3A %3Cinput type%3Dnumber min%3D0 max%3D7 value%3D7 id%3Dhand%3E%3C%2Finput%3E%3C%2Flabel%3E%3Cinput type%3Dbutton id%3Ddo value%3DCalculate%3E%3C%2Finput%3E%3Ctextarea id%3Dresult%3E%3C%2Ftextarea%3E%3C%2Fbody%3E%3Cscript type%3Dtext%2Fjavascript%3E(function(a%2Cb%2Cc%2Cd%2Ce%2Cf%2Cg%2Ch%2Ci%2Cj%2Ck%2Cl%2Cm%2Cn%2Co%2Cp%2Cq%2Cr%2Cs%2Ct%2Cu%2Cv%2Cw%2Cx%2Cy%2Cz)%7Bthis.lands.onchange%3Dthis.spells.onchange%3Dfunction(a)%7B(a.target%3D%3Dthis.lands%3Fthis.spells%3Athis.lands).value%3D%2Bthis.deck.value-a.target.value%3B%7D.bind(this)%3Bthis.deck.onchange%3Dfunction(a%2Cb%2Cc%2Cd%2Ce%2Cf%2Cg)%7Bthis.lands.max%3Dthis.spells.max%3Dthis.hand.max%3Da%3D%2Ba.target.value%3Bif(this.hand.value%3Ea)%7Bthis.hand.value%3Da%3B%7D%3Bb%3D%2Bthis.lands.value%3Bc%3D%2Bthis.spells.value%3Ba-%3D(d%3Db%2Bc)%3Bb%2F%3Dd%3Bb*%3Da%3Bc%3Da-b%3Bif(b%3Cc)%7Bb%3DMath.ceil(b)%3Bc%3DMath.floor(c)%3B%7Delse%7Bb%3DMath.ceil(b)%3Bc%3DMath.floor(c)%3B%7D%3Bthis.lands.value%3D%2Bthis.lands.value%2Bb%3Bthis.spells.value%3D%2Bthis.spells.value%2Bc%3B%7D.bind(this)%3Bthis.flood.onchange%3Dthis.screw.onchange%3Dfunction(a%2Cb%2Cc%2Cd%2Ce)%7Bb%3D(a%3Da.target)%3D%3Dthis.flood%3Fthis.screw%3Athis.flood%3Bif(%2Bthis.hand.value%3C%2Ba.value%2B %2Bb.value)%7Bb.value%3D0%2Bthis.hand.value-a.value%3B%7D%3B%7D.bind(this)%3Bthis.hand.onchange%3Dfunction(a)%7Bthis.flood.max%3Dthis.screw.max%3Da.target.value%3B%7D.bind(this)%3Bdocument.getElementById("do").onclick%3Dfunction(a%2Cb%2Cc%2Cd%2Ce%2Cf%2Cg%2Ch%2Ci%2Cj%2Ck%2Cl%2Cm%2Cn%2Co)%7Ba%3D%5B%5B%5B0%2C0%5D%5D%5D%3Bb%3D-1%3Bwhile(%2B%2Bb%3Cthis.hand.value)%7Ba.push(c%3D%5B%5D)%3Bd%3D-1%3Bwhile(%2B%2Bd%3Ca%5Bb%5D.length)%7Be%3D-1%3Bwhile(%2B%2Be%3Cthis.deck.value-b)%7Bc.push(f%3D%5B%5D)%3Bf%5B0%5D%3Da%5Bb%5D%5Bd%5D%5B0%5D%2B(g%3D(e%2Ba%5Bb%5D%5Bd%5D%5B0%5D%3Cthis.lands.value)%3F1%3A0)%3Bf%5B1%5D%3Da%5Bb%5D%5Bd%5D%5B1%5D%2B(!g%3F1%3A0)%3B%7D%3B%7D%3B%7D%3Bthis.result.value%3Da%5Ba.length-1%5D.map(function(a)%7Breturn a.join("-")%3B%7D).join("%2C ")%3B%7D.bind(this)%3B%7D.bind(%7Bhand%3Adocument.getElementById("hand")%2Clands%3Adocument.getElementById("lands")%2Cresult%3Adocument.getElementById("result")%2Cspells%3Adocument.getElementById("spells")%2Cdeck%3Adocument.getElementById("deck")%2Cflood%3Adocument.getElementById("flood")%2Cscrew%3Adocument.getElementById("screw")%2C%7D))()%3B%3C%2Fscript%3E%3C%2Fhtml%3E
Encoded like that because Tumblr won't let me post the actual .htm file. Probably wise. Anyways, that's a generator that will output all possible hands out of a deck of two different cards, for configurable deck sizes and proportions, as well as hand sizes.
It works! For small decks, I can confirm the permutations are correct, and nothing in the logic should suddenly be different as you go up. The combinatorials grow rather fast, though: for 60 it just refuses. Out Of Memory. Still, feel free to try it if your computer is much better than mine.
The "required" inputs do nothing, except a token effort to stay within bounds. That was going to be for the actual analysis, naturally I never got around to implement any of that.
Then I cheated! I consulted with my brother, who actually studied mathematics. He explained some of the reasons why what I did was so ridiculously overkill, and went ahead and solved the first and easiest question. If literally all we care about is drawing two lands and one spell, the ideal proportion is 35/25, giving us .965294 odds (after up to 4 mulligans). That's not true for Surging Flame, but if you ever find a deck that has only that concern, feel free to use that result.
For the record, my original suggestion of 15/45 would give .566134, which is not good, but not as terrible as one may expect. Mulligans in this game are very forgiving.
The other consideration for the Surging Flame deck is not fizzling on the ripple triggers, which amounts to the same question again, with a hand size of four and a deck size of (variable, depending on mulligans taken and draw/play result) and a deck composition of (very variable, depending on exact cards from previous). He had some insights to how that should be mathematically represented, but no actual solution.
For my part I'm tempted to just construct a script that iterates the simplified question, using the formula he showed me, and hope my pc can handle that much at least. Hammer, nails, etc.
That leaves the pure maths and brings us to metagame concerns! I did remember those 3. They don't matter; nothing Initiate or green Chancellor can do against Flame, nothing Flame can do against blue Chancellor.
Interestingly, we could defeat blue if you allow the deck size to go up to 61. All it takes is mulligan down to 2 on the play, 1 on the draw, and then being ridiculously lucky on the mill and draw(s). Since we'd have to make that choice before knowing what the oponent is playing, it would have to be amazingly dominant in the metagame for that to be a valid option.
(In that hypothetical metagame, I would like to revert to my original suggestion for this challenge. Kindle absolutely destroys chancellor).
Back to Flame, the possibility of going on the draw against Kor Firewalker means we may need to cast twenty spells, so we're not willing to go lower. Really that sets the absolute minimum at 26, so we're not tempted to mulligan a 2 mountains land out of fear of ending up with 18 in the deck.
The other one I thought would be a problem is Aegis of the Gods (and the new anti-dungeon Aegis, whose name I forget), which could become meta if there's dominance of anything that targets players but can't deal with creatures, like Tasha. On second thought, though, no biggie. You wait to have four lands and two spells in hand, you spend one plus a few from the deck on clearing the field, then the other from your hand and the rest of your deck on the kill.
Drannith Magistrate is a difficult match, but not technically invincible. You just need to kill them all before killing the opponent. At three toughness, that means casting twice as many spells as the oponent, in total over the game, then one more. And they don't actually need to waste all our Flames, just enough of them that there are 8 or fewer in the deck when we finally can target them; at which point we have removed some stuff so they can just wait for us to deck out. So it mostly comes down to spell density, and then the luck of the draw on a per-game basis.
Still, assuming it's a winnable match, that brings another interesting point of decision: the ripple triggers are still resolving, even if you cast nothing, and then you put everything on the bottom in the order of your choice. You should separate Flames as much as possible, of course, to help future ripples go off. But also there may be a game where you loop through the entire deck. Is this the kind of format where you're allowed to take notes, such as for example the order of your entire deck as you scry away? Because there may come a time where you want to cast a Flame on your upkeep, to draw the 5th card rather than the 1st!
And then there's Meddling Mage, which is the most interesting and also the most dissapointing. What beats it, anyways? Is any manland worth running 60x?
Anyways, my first (and only) answer is "pretend we're another mono-red deck". I still insist we're the most aggresive mulliganers in the format, which means that's what gives us away. So I would have to do the ridiculous calculation 5 times, for each amount of available mulligan, find the optimal deck composition for each, and then check tournament reports to see what other monored decks are doing, so we can bring in the right percentage.
Does Wizards even publish that? As part of event coverage or whatever.
The dissapointing part is that, while that is complex and interesting, I doubt it actually matters. Flame is probably the most dangerous single spell; I think Mage just names it first always, no? You can survive two Bolts or Devils, then name that next turn. Maybe if they kept a one-Mage hand they will have to think about it, but even then, you can survive the other things and hope to top-deck your second Mage. Unless and until a more dangerous "mountain, pass" deck is found, I do believe this matchup is just the coin-toss.
Edited to add: The code still works. I was afraid tumblr would mess it up in some way, but no: you can copy that and paste it in the address bar of the browser of your choice. Not that you should trust random code from the internet, mind you. But you can.
Given that we already have Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves, and Elvish Mystic, would you print a 4th 1-mana 1/1 green creature that taps for G, and if so would that be a good candidate for the "any number in your deck" mechanic?
#mtg#theorycrafting#mathematics#for the record i studied philosophy#my recommendation is don't do that kids
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Kids of all ages had great fun at the @tenaflymiddle #tenaflystem event organized by @briancooklife & @msfranko !! @sphero ◇◇ ◇◇ #sphero #learning #learningbyplaying #stemtoys #stemtoy #3dhand #stem #stemed #stemeducation #robot #dexterity #3D #STEMEducationforkids #learneveryday #tmsstemclub #3dprintedhand @andystechgarage #atg #andystechgarage #makersgonnamake #stematg #atgstem #maker #tmsstemclub #tenaflystemnight #tmsstemnight2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/BymtdA4nkXh/?igshid=1qs7d67zjlibi
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Как продвинулось человечество. Сейчас можно купить 3д принтер, который даже ребёнок соберёт. @kingroon_3d стоит своих денег. И через 30 минут уже готов печатать все. Это принтер собираюсь использовать дома. Есть конечно минусы, но плюсов больше. Главное не надо мучится и собирать DiY набор. Я эти муки проходил. #vormaxlens #bran #anamorphic #anamorphiclens #vormax #anamorphot #voroninlens #kingroon #kingroon3d #3dprinting #3d #3dprinter #3д #3дпринтер #diy #handmade #3dhand (at Иваново) https://www.instagram.com/p/CARNNXZByUO/?igshid=13aagxng77fe2
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Teaching Bridal Henna to students on the newly launched #3dhand profile is much like Hennaing a real hand yet giving the comfort of a jerk free - shake free experience especially for learners. It is just the perfect tool to speed up learning. Buy at: http://ashasavla.com/product/3d-hand-profile/ #acrylichand #hennatraining #HennaArt #learnhenna #bridalmehndi #hennadesigns #mehndi #professionalhenna #HennaProfessional #3dhandprofile #hennatools #ashasavla #ashasavlahenna #ashasavlaacademy #ashasavladesign #ashasavlastudent https://www.instagram.com/p/BsVhL_yhxQj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1821ynps7wqin
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Mano Hombre - 3d proceso (360°) Desde la geometría original a textura con lineas dibujadas mano hasta el final con color digital y shader. // Man hand - 3d process (360°) From original mesh to handdrawn texture to final look with digital color and toon outline #3dart #3dmodelling #celshading #toonshading #cartoonshader #ink #texturing #hardwarerender #ilustración #illustration #animation #animacion #hands #3dhand #cortometraje #shortfilm #zapatos #bogota #zapateria #shoemaker #lowpoly #maya https://www.instagram.com/p/BrajAHTBZZL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1646pwyxz297w
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Store the memory of your little one for lifetime. Buy 3D Mould powder for hand and foot print and capture the first print of your baby. Safe, Non-Toxic, Non-Allergenic, Biodegradable powder. Best gifts for birthdays. Buy now only at Cute Babies Store >>https://bit.ly/2RlYf1J
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My first 3D model made in Maya! 3D animation here I come! @jwberry
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Menjangkau yang belum terjangkau. #3Dhand #artandcraft #grades #fun #proudteache
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3D Modeling Tutorial - Modeling Low Poly Hand in Autodesk Maya 2020 http://ehelpdesk.tk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/logo-header.png [ad_1] Hello, in this Tutorial I will s... #3dcharacter #3dcharactermodeling #3dgame #3dhand #3dmodeling #adobe #adobeillustrator #adobexd #aftereffects #anatomyreference #animation #autocad #autodeskmaya #autodeskmaya2020 #autodeskmayatutorial #blender #character #characteranimation #characterdesign #design #digitalpainting #drawing #gamecharacter #graphicdesign #hand #handmodeling #howto #human-head-topology #irisogli #lowpoly #lowpolyhand #lowpolymodeling #lowpolytutorial #mayamodelingtutorial #modelingbasics #modelingforbeginners #modelingforgame #modelinghowto #modelingtips #motiongraphics #photoshop #revit #sculpting #userexperiencedesign #userinterface #uvunwrapping #webdesign #wordpress #איריסאוגלי
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本日の#sunshinechildren 3Dhands +α✋We had a lot of fun 🌞🌞🌞
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A 3D hand and stick men with movement. Good job Ronan! #hydergallery #artlessons #artlesson #artclass #downtownlakemary #downtownlakemaryart #downtownlakemaryflorida #3Dart #3dhand #stickmen #stickman (at Hyder Gallery Center for Fine Art)
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Done by Sahil Bind (student) on the newly launched #3dhand profile, which makes it so much easier to practise this amazing art form. The best part is that the hand can be used n re-used multiple times endlessly. Fibre Cast, sturdy n durable it's the perfect tool to speed up learning n innovating. Buy at: http://ashasavla.com/product/3d-hand-profile/ #acrylichand #hennatraining #HennaArt #learnhenna #bridalmehndi #hennadesigns #mehndi #professionalhenna #HennaProfessional #3dhandprofile #hennatools #ashasavla #ashasavlahenna #ashasavlaacademy #ashasavladesign #ashasavlastudent (at Asha Savla) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqjc8DhBKwB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5asny5usn4cs
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Mano hombre - proceso 1. Diseño original dibujado en tinta 2. Modelo 3d con textura y shaders // Man hand - process 1. Original design, drawn with ink 2. 3d model with texture and shaders #3dart #3dmodelling #celshading #toonshading #texturing #hardwarerender #ilustración #illustration #animation #animacion #hands #3dhand #cortometraje #shortfilm #zapatos #bogota #zapateria #shoemaker #lowpoly #maya https://www.instagram.com/p/BrYcm5JB5ev/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xkjowkaqv2i1
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