checkyourrealityevo · 4 years
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Let me begin this article by saying that I was very hesitant to write it. Mainly because this is not what Reality Check does. But after talking extensively with the subject and doing some further investigation, it intrigued me enough to tackle it.
Let us begin with some context, the subject of the article is about an IMVU user named YukuS, age 35.
For those who do not know what IMVU is, IMVU Inc., is an online metaverse and social game. IMVU was founded in 2004 and was originally backed by venture investors Menlo Ventures, AllegisCyber Capital, Bridgescale Partners, and Best Buy Capital. IMVU members use 3D avatars to meet new people, chat, create, and play games.
It was apparently one of the foundations of 3D chat much like Second life which came after it.
Sixteen years later it is still the number one 3D App on the market.
Now that we know who IMVU is, let me introduce YukuS.
YukuS (her username) became a member of IMVU in 2006. A couple of months later she became what is called a developer.
A developer on IMVU is someone who creates content for other members to use. This can be clothing, pets, apartments, scenery, you name it. When other users create this content, developers get credit which can be used to buy content on IMVU, music, and even exchanged for actual cash.
YukuS had created a substantial amount of content, and by her omission accumulated a substantial amount of credit (by her estimate over one million). She also forged various friendships over the years. From college to her mid-twenties she was an avid user of the IMVU platform.
But like all things, real life stepped in. YukuS got a real job and took part in the real world. IMVU had to take a backseat. But from time to time as she explained it, YukuS would go on and say hi to old friends, make new ones, and then use her years of hard earned credits from content she painstakingly created to go and purchase other content for her avatar.
This is the part of the story where we come to the plot.
YukuS like many of us found herself confined to her home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So, like many of us, she decided to take this time of confinement to dive back into IMVU. Only there was a problem.
YukuS logged on to find out that her account was restricted.
She had access to log into her account and use her old items, she could communicate with old friends and accept requests from new ones, but she no longer had access to use the over million dollars credits she accumulated, even though she received notifications that her items were still being purchased from users.
She also could not develop new content, which meant she could not upload the new line of products she had created for the last six months.
The reason for the restriction, a missed email requested verification of her email account due to not hearing from her for an allotted time.
YukuS answered the email hoping it would solve the issue. It did not.
She took the next step in reaching out to customer service creating a ticket (IMVU case #03332021) in hopes that they could assist her with the issue. In IMVU’s defense, they like many other companies currently have a reduced staff due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The customer support person she spoke to was named Glenn.
From her explanation, he asked her several questions to verify that she was the owner of the account which she answered. To her admission, one or two of the questions she did not remember due to it being over a decade since she opened the account.
After Glenn informed her that she missed some questions, his next request was for YukuS to submit a picture of herself holding up her government ID for verification in order to reinstate her account.
This made YukuS extremely uncomfortable, and she refused to do so.
Objectively speaking in the age of digital identity theft, I am inclined to agree with YukuS’s decision. It is a bit of an extreme request especially for a 3D social media platform. YukuS decided to do the alternative, which was send a screen shot of her email account showing that her account was still active and still getting emails from IMVU which also included purchases made by users.
Here we now come to the climax of this tale.
On October 17th, 2020 when YukuS attempted to log into her account, she was unable to. Thinking that she forgot her password she did a reset, except it was not allowing her to log in via her username but her email address.
Finally, able to log in she was in shock and horror (her words) to find that her account was no more. Instead YukuS’s profile of a 35-year-old female originally from New York, USA was replaced by a profile named awe2, a 26-year-old female from Indonesia.
As she researched further, her account was disabled, her content removed from the site, her over one million credits was gone along with items she had purchased over the years. She also no longer had contact with her many friends on IMVU.
By now you are probably saying to yourself, “So what is the big deal, she lost her account. It sucks but it’s not the end of the world.”
The problem is that for someone like YukuS, it is a big deal, it is a huge big deal.
YukuS is a young woman who suffers from a series of mental issues, she needs to take medication and see a professional in order to deal with these issues, and a 3D platform such as IMVU was an outlet that allowed her to deal with those issues.
The reason why I am writing about this is because I know YukuS, she is a friend of mine, and on October 17th, 2020 I had to talk a mentally traumatized thirty-five year old woman reduced to a sobbing child off a fucking ledge in the middle of the worse pandemic in the history of this country where isolation is key.
So as much as I am attempting to be objective with this article, I am a little bit pissed off as I write it.
I am assuming that like everyone else IMVU is supposed to be there for its patrons.
So, what happened?
Why did it fail to be there for YukuS?
Delay in communication is understandable, everyone all over the world are in uncharted waters in regard to this pandemic.
But why the hell would you delete a fourteen-year-old account of one of your developers that housed over one million credits that she earned?
Why would you do this in the middle of a pandemic where social distancing is key, and citizens are urged to stay inside? Where your platform is one of the key platforms of communication to the outside world for people like YukuS?
I never got into the whole 3D avatar platform thing; I have no interest of talking to a girl avatar controlled by a fat guy in his momma’s basement. Nor do I wish to be asked to go onto another chat so I can be coaxed to show my tits (Looking at you Second Life).
The only avatar I was happy to own is my Pokémon GO trainer avatar. Been trying to catch them all since 2014.
As I write this article, I began to realize why I decided to take it on.
I found the Reality Check.
In this time of uncertainty, where we are apart from our loved ones, it is extremely important to try and connect with them, especially with those with mental health issues. Because as much as companies like IMVU, celebrities, and politicians are there for you, they really are not and cannot be.
For all those mentioned, their main priority is to protect their bottom line, their image, or both.
If we’re all going to make it through this, it is our job to take care of the ones we love, it’s our job to pick up the phone, send a text, or do a video chat with the people we care about in our lives, to make sure that they are okay, and will be okay when this all ends.
IMVU from what I can tell failed YukuS in her most fragile moment. The cost for me was over one hundred and forty dollars to Uber Eats sending her wine and Chinese take out so that we can eat and drink together over video chat.
We talked for hours until the wine was done, and our eyes got heavy, but it was worth it.
Later in the afternoon before I wrote this article, I checked in with YukuS.
She will not delete the IMVU app in hopes that someone from IMVU will contact her and fix the damage that was done, but I got her to open a Pokémon GO account.
It will not replace the years of hard work she put into IMVU, but I think she will have more fun especially once the isolation mandate is lifted. Also, with the remote raid passes coming out, she will have a lot of fun getting some shinies and legendries.
To remain objective, I humbly invite IMVU to respond to this article. I and hopefully many others including their current customers would love to hear their side of this story.
Also, YukuS has given me permission to post images of her email to showing only her IMVU activity to confirm that everything in this article is accurate (SEE BELOW).
This has been another Reality Check.
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feralheart-official · 5 years
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A merry group of feral carolers drop a parchment in the frost before your paws. As you lift the sweet smelling peppermint lined paper you realize it’s an invitation. That’s right, you’re all invited to the annual Official Feral Heart Winter Holiday Party! Spread the word! All are welcome 🌲🎅❤️
~ The Feral Heart Staff
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butterflypikachu · 6 years
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Mew! . . . . #imvu #imvuavatar #sweetlolita #lolita #cute #cuteavatar #3dchat #avatarposes #pink https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu0d3FfAnlC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10f5gxvb3lb7j
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biancawirmannbakker · 5 years
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Chat blanc is airing at 8:20 am local time on RTS, which is 5 hours and 53 minutes from now!!!
But, seeing as a lot of us are in different time zones, here’s a link to convert the chat blanc air time to your location:
There’s also a countdown button on the bottom, so you can watch the time ticking down onto our death.
Anyhow, happy watching!! Remember this will NOT be in English. The English dub will air on November 12th on Disney Channel UK.
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realsammbear-blog · 6 years
Need to know what 3Dchat is?
Check out what 3D Chat has to offer with our new intro video tour. 
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scarvesandsquids · 6 years
Need to know what 3Dchat is?
Check out what 3D Chat has to offer with our new intro video tour. 
Explore, interact and customize your personal avatar in our unique online virtual world and MMO style game.
Online community where members use 3D avatars to meet new people, chat, create and play with their friends
Want to know what 3Dchat is? Watch this all new introduction video and see what all the buzz is about. 
Come check out the best new Virtual World and MMO experience.
Look at what 3D Talk brings ( 3D chat) to the table with our new introduction video visit. 
Investigate, connect and tweak your own symbol in our interesting on the web virtual world and MMO style amusement. 
Online people group where individuals utilize 3d symbols or avatars to meet new individuals, visit, make and play with their companions 
Need to know what 3Dchat is? Watch this all new presentation video and see what all the buzz is about. 
Come look at the best new Virtual World and MMO encounter.
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yesthefangirl · 6 years
Need to know what 3Dchat is?
Check out what 3D Chat has to offer with our new intro video tour. 
Explore, interact and customize your personal avatar in our unique online virtual world and MMO style game.
Online community where members use 3D avatars to meet new people, chat, create and play with their friends
Want to know what 3Dchat is? Watch this all new introduction video and see what all the buzz is about. 
Come check out the best new Virtual World and MMO experience.
Look at what 3D Talk brings ( 3D chat) to the table with our new introduction video visit. 
Investigate, connect and tweak your own symbol in our interesting on the web virtual world and MMO style amusement. 
Online people group where individuals utilize 3d symbols or avatars to meet new individuals, visit, make and play with their companions 
Need to know what 3Dchat is? Watch this all new presentation video and see what all the buzz is about. 
Come look at the best new Virtual World and MMO encounter.
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viraltnteam · 6 years
Need to know what 3Dchat is?
Check out what 3D Chat has to offer with our new intro video tour. 
Explore, interact and customize your personal avatar in our unique online virtual world and MMO style game.
Online community where members use 3D avatars to meet new people, chat, create and play with their friends
Want to know what 3Dchat is? Watch this all new introduction video and see what all the buzz is about. 
Come check out the best new Virtual World and MMO experience.
Look at what 3D Talk brings ( 3D chat) to the table with our new introduction video visit. 
Investigate, connect and tweak your own symbol in our interesting on the web virtual world and MMO style amusement. 
Online people group where individuals utilize 3d symbols or avatars to meet new individuals, visit, make and play with their companions 
Need to know what 3Dchat is? Watch this all new presentation video and see what all the buzz is about. 
Come look at the best new Virtual World and MMO encounter.
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jmj973 · 6 years
Need to know what 3Dchat is?
Check out what 3D Chat has to offer with our new intro video tour. 
Explore, interact and customize your personal avatar in our unique online virtual world and MMO style game.
Online community where members use 3D avatars to meet new people, chat, create and play with their friends
Want to know what 3Dchat is? Watch this all new introduction video and see what all the buzz is about. 
Come check out the best new Virtual World and MMO experience.
Look at what 3D Talk brings ( 3D chat) to the table with our new introduction video visit. 
Investigate, connect and tweak your own symbol in our interesting on the web virtual world and MMO style amusement. 
Online people group where individuals utilize 3D symbols or avatars to meet new individuals, visit, make and play with their companions 
Need to know what 3Dchat is? Watch this all new presentation video and see what all the buzz is about. 
Come look at the best new Virtual World and MMO encounter.
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rosesana · 2 years
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butterflypikachu · 6 years
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My new Sweet Lolita avi is so cute! . . . . #imvu #imvuavatar #sweetlolita #lolita #cute #cuteavatar #3dchat #avatarposes #pink #hello https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu0dm9xAPjV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5j1kfllt9341
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sportpeople · 5 years
Gubbio Ultras per il Lions Club Gubbio - Emergenza Coronavirus
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biancawirmannbakker · 5 years
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11 Best Matrimonial Websites in India
Marriage is an establishment each Indian has faith in and it has surely turned into a piece of our way of life. In spite of the fact that adoration relational unions exist in our nation, the Indian families still favor orchestrated relational unions as they trust that marriage is a blessed establishment which interfaces not only two souls, but rather two families additionally, together. Consequently, the part of reliable go-betweens in the marriage is vital.
New age relies upon web for everything; along these lines, there are numerous wedding sites accessible as well, through which a great many individuals get hitched day by day and from there on have a cheerful existence. These destinations have a gigantic database which suits your inclination and causes you pick your life accomplice. Despite dialect, group, religion or standing, these destinations have appropriate matches for everybody. Wedding destinations are effortlessly available and once registered, your employment of finding your correct accomplice is made simple.
Best Matrimonial Sites in India
South Indians, for the most part, fall into the 'moderate, conventional families' class and consequently, these destinations tend to help them the most. Posting down the best 10 marital locales South Indians incline toward.
1. BharatMatrimony.com
BharatMatrimony.com is one of the most popular matrimonial sites in India and celebrated as one of the most trustworthy sites as well. The site is a combination of culture and technology. There are umpteen facilities that make the partner selection easier. It has already found a place in the Limca book of world records for facilitating a record number of marriages. BharatMatrimony has 15 regional portals including South zones. Kerala Matrimony for Keralites, KannadaMatrimony for Kannadiga, TamilMatrimony for Tamilians and TeluguMatrimony for Telangana. Each has community, religion and caste wise divisions along with gender, age, education, occupation and a lot more to make your search more specific and reach out to the right person. BharatMatrimony also has regional offices accordingly and one good thing about them is that they conduct meet up campaigns every now and then for the families to make things even casual and comfortable.
Continentalmatrimony.com is recently introduced online matrimonial service. It has been awarded as the most trusted free marriage matrimonial site by Brand Trust Report. We share a simple goal to provide best matrimonial services worldwide. It is first free online dating site to feature 3Dchat for users. We know that your privacy is of utmost importance, which is why all profiles are manually screened and verified. Our matrimonial service is free to use worldwide. 3. Shaadi.com Shaadi.com is the oldest and the world’s largest matrimonial service which was started with one simple motive- to help people find their partner and thus seek happiness. Shaadi.com was launched in 1996 and is still successful. It has been voted as the number 1 matchmaking service, globally. Regional preferences make them successful on the Southern side of India. They offer services for people from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh separately and effectively.
4 Jeevansaathi.com
Jeevansaathi.com offers brides, grooms, and parents a platform to choose their new family member through matching tools implemented on the website. Not just online, but they have offline services in selected cities too, to provide better services for the registered members.
5 SimplyMarry.com
SimplyMarry.com is yet again one of the most popular matrimonial sites in India, let alone South India. They also provide an easy platform to find your special friend for life from the huge database of registered members. When marriage is meant to be the one for a lifetime, the choice you make has to be the best and right one. Simplemarry.com helps you find it with much ease and comfort. There are a lot of happily married couples who met through this site and their success stories can be found on the website itself.
6 ChennaiMatrimony.com
People are still so orthodox that they cannot think about getting their children married to someone outside their community. There is also a belief that marrying within the community is healthy, happy and also strengthens the bond within the community. Chennaimatrimony.com is for parents who are very particular about the caste of the bride or groom they are searching for. No matter which community you are from, Chennai matrimony can help you.
KM matrimony unlike the above-said websites which are widespread across the country focuses only on people from the South. The divisions include Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, and Tamil. Here also, the success stories are not less, and these stories from the happy couples can be found directly on the website.
M4marry.com is a venture by Manorama group. This complete wedding portal focuses on people from Kerala, that is, maMalayaleesalone.  The various communities in Kerala are benefited through this website. There are a lot of success stories here as well, and this matrimonial site is one of the top and popular one in Kerala. Location, education, occupation, age, family background etc matters when it comes to marriages, and M4marry.com has made the procedure easy with the help of technology.
9. Tamilsuyamvaram.com
The objective of this website is to help the natives of Tamil Nadu spread all over the world easily find their life partner who can complement them perfectly. The various matching tools and technologies make this process quite easy. There are various communities from Tamil Nadu listed out in the website so that everyone gets benefited. The search for the one made for us is indeed a tough job, and the matrimonial sites are nothing but a relief from the pain and distress one has to go through during this entire search process. Tamilsuyamvaram.com is quite popular among Tamilians for their brilliant service.
10. Swayamwara.com
Swayamwara.com also gives more importance to South Indians and hence is quite popular in the Southside. The membership fee is not very expensive and hence can be afforded by anyone regardless of their financial status. Their website says, ‘We match hearts’ and the success stories prove that this statement is indeed true.
11. ChavaraMatrimony.com
Back in Kerala, there are a lot of Christian families and ChavaraMatrimony.com is made exclusively for the brides and grooms out there. The site is very famous among the Christian communities in Kerala. They also have monthly booklets that serve the same purpose, distributed to the subscribed members. A division of Chavara Cultural center managed by CMI priests, this website indeed is trustworthy and reliable.
Marriages are made in heaven, and to make it happen, we need to put in a bit of effort from our side. Spending a little time over the internet once you are registered to any of these trustworthy matrimonial sites makes you realize that your partner is just a click away!
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