#3am appreciation post cuz I just had to
lazorbeanz · 4 months
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I love chao races sonamy your honor
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transmascaraa · 10 months
bf!lyney headcannons!
it's 3am and you have a "really important" question for him.
bf!lyney x gn!reader
author's note: i'm very sorry if it's bad(it's my first time writing these headcannons AND posting them somewhere public so please forgive me)
"do you think that life would be easier if we could all just- fly?"
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-you just poke him awake, whispering "lyney." continuously until he slowly opens his eyes
-"hmm... mon amour... what time is it...?"
-he's so cute when he's sleepy like that trust me
-he'd pull you closer to him literally when he realizes where he is(in bed with you)
-you tell him "it's like- 3am but i have a really important question for you. i'm serious."
-you're looking him dead in the eye. serious as ever. as if you're gonna ask him to explain the meaning of life to you right now.
-"ask away..." he's still half-asleep like he's just there to listen because he loves you otherwise he would fall asleep immediately
-"do you think life would be easier if we could all just- fly? like birds?"
-"huh..?" he lookes at you with such a confused look like bro you just woke him up from his beauty sleep to ask such an "important" question.
-"i'm serious, lyn."
-"i mean.. i guess?... easier transport?..." despite literally being almost half-asleep, he genuinely answered you.
-"you're right... thank you!"
-"you're welcome?..."
-and just like that, you're holding him tight, your head on his chest, smiling as he holds you close(you guys look adorable)
-"goodnight, lyney... i love you..." you're already dozing off to sleep cuz you feel better now that you know that life would be easier if we could all just fly.
-"goodnight, mon cœur... i love you too..."
-that was surely a weird night...
-but it was cute.
-he genuinely answered your question.
-you feel appreciated.
-and that's just one of the weird nights you guys had...
PHEW I DID THIS IN ONE GO(i'll probably do all of them like that)
but i don't think it's too bad(is it???)
thanks for reading anyway!<3
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chronicallyday · 6 months
Saturday Sneak Peek of Life Was a Storm Chapter Two
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you may read the first chapter of this modern au/2000s au in the link above. I am absolutely showing my age by referring to VampireFreaks as a social media site lol also the name drop of a band whose founding members went on to create my fave band (PTV)
Here’s a snippet from Chapter Two below:
It was completely accidental. Serendipitous.
Finn had not gone looking for Annie Cresta. She had fallen into his lap. Or more specifically, his inbox.
He didn’t post selfies, despite everyone else posting them. Finn had mostly started using VampireFreaks as a recommendation from a guy he had smoked with outside of a show to post some of his poems on a forum. He wasn’t even goth, but the alt scene had appreciated some of his work that he couldn’t share with Rio.
Finn hadn’t expected someone to message him about a photo he posted to his account. It was a stupid photo he took at Point Pinos. He hadn’t expected someone to comment on the post.
But he almost had a heart attack when he saw the username HeartThiefOfTheSea. That stupid song kept playing his head.
The message wasn’t anything special. They had only sent a less than carrot symbol plus the number three to make a heart emoticon. But Finn clicked on the account anyway and his heart almost stopped again in less than a minute when he scrolled through the photo gallery for the account.
Some punky-bohemian chick that looked like she could be Stevie Nicks’ edgier daughter had sent the comment. The blue and purple streaks in her dark hair had thrown him off for a second, but he would know those green eyes anywhere. They had only been haunting him since he was two months shy of fifteen.
He didn’t have to respond. It was just appreciation for the photo.
But he responded anyway. And that led to them private messaging each other.
“Someone’s up early,” Finn muttered as his desktop pinged with a new email notification for a private message from Annie.
HeartThiefOfTheSea: guess who’s in trouble
FindingEmo: clearly not u if ur messaging me. what did u do?
HeartThiefOfTheSea: snuck out, trespassed to go swimming, but my greatest offense was calling my brother to come get me at 3am from the side of the road cuz I was too lazy to walk LOL
Finn laughed under his breath. As the eldest of his siblings, he was sure there could be a day that he would be getting those calls. For now, he was glad that his sisters were eight years old. The most trouble they got into was eating the sweets and pastries meant for the BnB guests.
HeartThiefOfTheSea: so…what are you doing up? It’s getting late over there isn’t it?
FindingEmo: ur joking right?? I’m not the one that is up at 3am
HeartThiefOfTheSea: yeah but you’re only 3 hrs behind right?
FindingEmo: yeah. so why r u messaging me at 3am
Serendipitous. They had been messaging each other since May and the messages had been mostly small talk about bands they liked until Annie took the plunge and started asking him for some advice and then they got more personal while being cautious of what they shared with an Internet Stranger.
Although Annie could have been more wary. Not that Finn was one to talk. He was sure his parents had considered putting an ankle monitor on him at some point in his mid teens.
Finn had lots of fun turning her into a fan of a band from San Diego called Before Today. He really hoped their plans to tour the East Coast came to fruition so Annie could go to one of their shows.
He really liked one of the lines in one of their songs Pierce The Veil.
We’ll try, still strong in our chains.
Something about the line reminded him of that dream version of himself. Finn still didn’t have the full picture about that Finnick, and while sometimes he couldn’t say he liked that version of himself, there were more days that he felt for him.
HeartThiefOfTheSea: my ex ambushed me while I was hanging out w/my friends. I ran away lol he tried to tell me he wanted to be “friends”
Finn frowned. He hadn’t liked Annie’s boyfriend when she was dating him and his dislike for him only grew after she dumped him.
Nothing rankled Finn more than guys that wouldn’t take no for an answer and tried to guilt their girlfriends into sleeping with them by using their love against them.
Finn had told Annie that she didn’t need to love the guy to have sex with him. If she wanted to have sex just because she wanted to, that was reason enough to take the plunge. But if she was hesitating because she wasn’t ready or because she didn’t feel that kind of attraction to him that she needed to do what was right for her.
Annie had confessed that she had been using the fact that she was Straight Edge as one of the reasons to ward him off. She had to explain to her ex what that even was, but Finn had snorted as soon as Annie told him that she was actually in fact Straight Edge.
Finn and Annie couldn’t be anymore different.
[ can’t say I wanna wait for marriage but idk it feels preferable than losing my virginity to a HS bf that my friends had to convince me to date ]
FindingEmo: pls tell me u kicked him in the balls
HeartThiefOfTheSea: lol no I didn’t do that but I should have. he yanked my arm pretty hard when I was underwater and it kind of scared me. I dipped as soon as possible and I just know my friends are gonna give shit for just leaving
FindingEmo: if u had to bounce u had to bounce…but next time kick him in the balls
HeartThiefOfTheSea: aye aye captain! now why are YOU up late?
FindingEmo: date
HeartThiefOfTheSea: like a date date or a “date” lol
FindingEmo: the latter
HeartThiefOfTheSea: heartbreaker lol
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tealcaste · 1 year
hi tumblr time for my daily licorice rambles /hj
anyways so ive been looking at those character playlists recently, and decided to look at licorice ones because how. how bad could they be? (spoiler alert: they were bad. i saw that one "Cause I'm a Liar" aka that one kokichi song on a licorice playlist. A FUCKING LICORICE PLAYLI)
Anyways, ever since i've decided to look for silly little songs that. ACTUALLY relate to licorice (or just songs that remind me of him for some reason), and decided to share it here :33333
(get ready for a massive wall of text)
(also prepare for a lot of grammar + spelling errors fireemoji)
(but then again i wrote most of this at 3am so bear with me plea)
disclaimer if youve never heard of any of these songs just. just listen to them and you'll understand what i mean when i say those songs fit Licorice Cookie plea
i think tbis is the firsr post im actually using capitals yahoo!
alsp ypu xan. feel free to disagree on some songs fireemoji
ok first of all without a doubt, anything from the "People Who Can Eat Are The Luckiest People In The World" album by AJJ can. justifyably fit licorice cookie. SPECIFICALLY Brave as A Noun and Survival Song. I dont know how to explain it but.. the lyrics just.. sorta scream licorice cookie?? Mostly in Survival Song but i added Brave as A Noun since theyre basically just a long song split unto two parts if that makes sense...
BUT HEAR ME OUT ON LICORICE WITH TGE SONG RANDY'S HOUSE. PLEASE. the line "And I hope that our candles flicker and die, so that our hearts don't burn to the ground. Down, down just like Randy's House." jusr fits licorice so muxh i donr know how to explain it... just tge whole aong in general is just so. licorice cookie.
OK next song is "The U & I in Suicide" by That Handsome Devil. Maybe its cuz this song is about death?? But just the whole tone of the song is sorta off putting which imo just.. fits soso much, and this song fits Licorice. The. the lyrics n title r sorta slef explanitory so erm
ok next songs may b a little biased or smth cuz i am a massive Will Wood fan but you cannot deny that. That some willwood songs just.. fit Lico.
I have no idea why but the sonf "BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA" by Will Wood just... heavily reminds me of Licorice?? For no apparent reason?? Maybe its just cuz of the energy of the song if that makes sense??
also one of my friends recommended me this (ty E you're a cool pookie) but "Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, NY (Bones)" by Will Wood and The Tapeworms is just. Licorice Cookie i dont think i need to explain this one
There are a bit more Will Wood and The Tapeworms songs but they sorta jjst follow. the sssame reasons as BlackBoxWarrior -- OKULTRA so errmmmmmmm
aNYWAYS I'd. id like to mention that j feel like "Kiss Me, Son of God" by They Might Be Giants sortaa fits him... liek tthinj abt it... id like to imagine tbag lico sometimes wondee what it would be liek if. he had been taken seriously aand so hed sorta imagine just. being above everyone abd i feel like that song sorta.. helps explain that??
I also think "Losers" by The Cardigans would sorta fit him..LIKE THE LINE "You were that you were special ; I'm just like you." JUST.. OH KY GKD??? THATS SO???? I dont know how to explain it but its just so... licorice cookie for me i dont k ow how to epxlain it.... sksnakdmaknd
there are some other somgs but like. they sorta follow the same reasons as the songs I've mentioned soooooo
anywyas as mentioned earlier.. feel free to disagree with any songs!!! and also if you have some songs tbat reming you of lico feel free to share :333
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asunsetgrace16 · 5 months
⌜ instagram edits prompts ⌝
⌜ post prompts ⌝
Soft Launch
Hard Launch
Valentines Day
Engagement Announcement
Pregnancy Announcement
Wedding Post
Life Lately
Friends Appreciation
Night Out
New Years Eve
Outed by the Media
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⌜ captions ⌝
Soft Launch
oh, i'm falling in love again
so i guess all the rumors are true 🥂❤️
call it what you want to 💌
all i know is that we said hello 💕🎀
at every table, i'll save you a seat 🍷🌹
we found wonderland 🤍
deep blue but you painted me golden 💛💫
is it chill that you're in my head 🌷💞
i met a boy, cute as can be
Valentines Day
you are the best thing that's ever been mine
your eyes look like coming home 💕☁️
this love is ours 💞🎀💌
swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover ❤️
love's a game, wanna play? 🌹💋
have i known you for 20 seconds, or 20 years? 💌 🌹
shining just for you ✨💕🪩
but it's golden ✨ 🤍
i've loved you three summers now, honey, but i want them all 💌❤️
one single thread of gold tied me to you 💫 🤍
i don't know how it gets better than this ❤️ 💫
at every table, i'll save you a seat 💕🥂
i'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 🤍💕
can i go where you go? ❤️💌
can we always be this close? 🌹💋
all's well that ends well to end up with you r🩷🎀
king of my heart 🤍✨🏹
we never go out of style 💋☁️
'cuz i like you 💕🎀💌
you are the one i have been waiting for ✨💕
my one and only, my lifeline 🤍💫
uh, oh, i'm falling in love 💘 🌷
oh, i'm falling in love again ❤️ 💋
i'd like to hang out with you for my whole life ☁️💕
you beling with me
here's to my baby
i love you more
i wanna be your endgame
you are the one i've been waiting for
we found wonderland ✨🪽
grab your passport and my hand 🎫 💕
slowly lurching towards your favourite city 🌃
i know place we won't be found 🫧
lost in the memories 📸☁️
voted most likely to run away with you 🎫 🌃
capture it, remember it 🎞️🌇
worlds away
let's run away now
back beneath the sun
i don't know how it gets better than this
the right place at the right time
i remember how we felt sitting by the water
this big, wide city all to ourselves
all the beautiful times
drinking on a beach
welcome to new york
confetti falls to the ground
life in pictures
remember this moment
when it was hot & it was summer
I had the time of my life with you
so magnetic is was almost obnoxious
we never go out of style
shared dinners, long weekends
mismatched star signs
blue dress on a boat
taking your time in the tangerine neon light
midnights like this
my aura's moonstone
make the friendship barcelets
it's me, hi
meet me at midnight
how evergreen our group of friends
the best people in life are free
remember this moment
we're young and we're reckless
their parties were taseful, if a little loud
born to be national treasures
waves crash on the shore
red lip classic
standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset
summer lovin', had me a blast
summer lovin', happened so fast
Night Out/Birthday
confetti falls to the ground 💫 🪩
this night is sparkling ✨🪩
3am edition 🖤🌙
and btw, i'm going out tonight 🥂
we were too busy dancing to get knocked off our feet 💌🍷
meet me at midnight 🌃🌙
dancing with our hands tied
sequin smile, black lipstick 💄🖤
midnights become my afternoons 🌙
how'd we end up on the floor anyway? 🥂
late in the night, the city's asleep ✨🪩
i'm not even sorry, the nights are so starry ✨
dancin' in your levi's, drunk under a streetlight 🍷
glitter on the floor after the party
champange problems 🥂
i want your midnights
the one we danced to all night long
i have this thing where i get older ✨🕯️
it was the end of a decade, but the start of an age 💫🤍
with a big cake, happy birthday 🎂
older but just never wiser 🕯️🎀
take the moment and taste it 🍰💌
winter nights
back to december
it gets colder and colder when the sun goes down
under the mistletoe 🎄
'tis the damn season
in from the snow
voted most likely to run away with you 💍
i don't know how it gets better than this
let's run away now
would you run away with me?
all the beautiful times
remember this moment
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
I despise daylight saving. That's it. That's the ask. I hope all is well with you and you are thriving. Me? I want to crawl back under the covers cuz this spring forward stuff is bullshit. And it snowed 7 more inches overnight. Which means I have to shovel for about 2 hours so i can go to the big box store. Hence the 4am (which is actually 3am) wake up. If only I had a video to look forward to watching. One video this year? (Not counting reacts) /whinge
yeah daylight saving time is dumb. i'm just happy i'm also off tomorrow so i don't have to worry about this screwing up my sleep schedule.
i do that on my own just fine lol
i'm sorry to hear it snowed where you are. i hate shoveling too. all we keep getting is rain, but i'm not upset about that for the most part. i only hate it bc it makes me sad sometimes. overcast during the winter is brutal.
snc plan to post a video either later this month or early next month. they're spreading out their videos a bit more, quality over quantity. i'm not too upset about it tbh. i think the seasons, while good in theory, weren't exactly top tier every time. and i think spreading the videos out a bit more allows for us to appreciate them longer.
but at the same time i totally get what you mean. i would love for more content. i miss them :(
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bodacious-bombini · 2 years
How to Draw: Stylized Nebula
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Never thought I'd be making one of these, but I couldn't find any helpful (for me) tutorials online, and I just so happened to figure things out on my own! I still wanna change a LOT about the hair in my piece, but I think the tutorial still works!
For this tutorial, you don't NEED these brushes, but if you wanna have your piece look exactly like mine, and you're using Clip Studio Paint, you should get the Galaxy Brush brush pack (Content ID: 1758879)
Step one! Find a nice, dark color! Preferably something that isn't black, as when we Color Dodge the colors, they're going to look mostly like brighter versions of the dark color. (Notice how the colors all become different purples in step 4, due to the purple background color!)
Step Two! Use that dark color with a fluffy brush! I used Clip Studio Paint's default cloud brush, but I'm sure you could find better brushes. This is where you're going to shape your nebula!
For me, my nebula is a person's hair! I wanna go back to my piece and make all of her hair nebula bits, but in case you're new to my blog (hi!!!), I am doing daily drawings! This tutorial is one of my daily posts! If you wanna see this art finished, I'll be uploading that after today! Is this relevant to bring up? No! I am writing this post at like, 3am :)
Step Three! Get some colors!!! This is where you're going to want to experiment around. Or, just take the colors I'm using! They should probably be lighter colors for the Color Dodging to work, so keep that in mind. It might be worth it to find a photo of a real nebula and try to guesstimate colors! For my colors, I had absolutely zero plans for what I was doing, and all my friends say it looks great!
Your brush choice might be important, too! The brush I'm using here is a brush from that Galaxy Brush brush pack!
Or don't! Play around with other blending modes! I actually didn't end up using Color Dodge for my final piece :)
Step Five! Add some stars! A bunch of little dots is all you need, or maybe you want some big dots! It's up to you :) Season to taste!
For me, I used the Stars brush from the Galaxy Brush brush pack! But the stars from that pack are only white for some reason, but that isn't really an issue as you can just use the Layer Color layer property in Clip Studio! I made my stars pink :)
And there you have it! My first art tutorial! Feedback is appreciated! I'm so friggin sleepy, so, goodnight! Follow my comic on Webtoon, cuz I'm gunna be serializing it (relatively) soon!
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sw1mmingfoolz · 2 years
💞 boyfriend!lee know headcanons 💞
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requested? Y/N - 'could i pls request some boyfriend!lee know headcanons? i am soft for him these days haha thanks!' - anonymous
genre: bullet point hcs, fluff :)
content warnings: none! although i use purposeful lower caps and a lot of ig "text speech" haha
pairing: lee know x gn!reader
a/n: thank you smsmsmsm for requesting this cuz i am so soft for this man 😭 i haven't written something like this in a while but on my old blog i had a series called 'dating would include' and the wonwoo one was by far my most popular post it had like 2k notes or smth iirc, so this felt oddly nostalgic hehe. lmk if you want these for any other members and as always feedback is SUPER appreciated, it makes my day! hope you're all doing well 💞
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ok this guy. an absolute PRO at being your biggest fan but pretending he isn’t
like he’ll poke fun and all but every time you go shopping he’s not moving on with his day until you do a lil haul for him - he is always hyping you up
he cares so much about your studies/job as well like he’s constantly asking questions about your day and he wants to know absolutely everything about the lil specialist things you know
and rip his bubble whether the fans want it or not they're just bombarded with y/n content cuz man's a simp
i hate the idea that he's cold and emotionless cuz while i feel like he'd want to wait on telling you he loves you but after he does for the first time he tells you constantly and always goes out of his way to SHOW you too
absolutely carries photobooth photos of you and him from an anniversary in his phone case next to polaroids of his cats (which the members find him gazing lovingly at all the time but daren't tease him about lmao)
and he loves taking lil candids of you just existing like he does with the other members
all that being said he’s so sarcastic you struggle to tell when he’s being serious sometimes lmao
like he’ll just be like “ah you’re so cool, dumbass” n you’re like?? thanks i think?
but then he hits you with the most genuine love out of nowhere when your guard is down and you’re all breathless like let me live please
he isn’t very touchy especially at first but ends up really liking casual touch a lot
like playing with each other’s fingers, having a leg thrown over one anothers, linking pinkies etc
he's such a sucker for back hugs too, 100%
but also your butt is never safe lol watch your back he is ready to slap all the dang time
teases you to no end but in a loving way
and will kill any of the other members if they tease you. that’s his job >:(
you're like best friends honestly everyone is very jealous of your bond cuz you just get each other, sometimes without needing words
you’re now the adoptive parent to his cats and his fourth cat simultaneously, somehow
he will give you lil forehead nuzzles like he does the cats and you find it genuinely adorable
also a forehead kiss guy, he totally strikes me as a "quick face kiss to show i love u" kinda guy
teases you about the baby voice you use with the cats as if he doesn’t do the exact same thing and even accidentally use it on you sometimes lmao
loves when you read to one another! will die if you lie in his lap and listen to him read, he is so soft for that kinda thing
just a very domestic kinda romance in general especially as it develops
he way prefers dates at home cooking together (or him cooking for you while you watch and make jokes about “what else is hot”), watching films (especially ghibli!) or anime and just cuddling up
you eat better than you ever have this man is hell bent on making sure you e a t
he's gone on tour? the fridge has been stocked to the brim beforehand and oop the freezer has too so there’s stuff that’ll last even longer
he dances around everywhere and often tries to pull you along into it
the whole dancing in the refrigerator light at 3am trope? that’s him
will tell you he loves you enough but prefers to show it through his actions
him cooking for you, refilling your car’s gas or topping your bus pass/subway card up for you, buying you the odd snack he knows you like that's sold in one specific grocery store, going for lil woodland walks together and picking you the flowers he knows you like, keeping a list of every place you mention wanting to go or restaurant you mention wanting to try, showing affection in subtle ways in public and making an effort to spend as much time as he can around busy schedules with you are all silent ways of telling you he loves you
he loves an independent partner though as even when he isn't busy sometimes he just needs time with himself to clear his head
like if you're on the same couch just in silence doing your own thing, he really appreciates that kinda connection and the ability to have that space
he can tell what you're feeling before even you do sometimes; he's extremely intuitive
if you're upset he's bringing the nearest cat to nuzzle up to you before he does himself
his cuddles are all healing istg
listens attentively to whatever is worrying you workout feeling the need to interject solutions; he knows you just want to vent and then distract yourself for a while and he's happy to provide that
walking next to the han river constantly without your phones just to talk about everything and anything
communication is important in all relationships obviously but he values it so much you guys tell each other like. everything.
he respects your privacy though of course, you're just so close whenever something happens both of you immediately think "i gotta tell minho"/"i gotta tell y/n" 🥺
as such fights aren’t really a thing with you cuz as soon as either of you are upset you’re talking about it
and he knows ALL about that one coworker you can't stand, he hasn't even met them and he hates them too 😤
he gets shy when you kiss him but will absolutely try not to show it
if you ever kiss his scar it’s game over there’s no hiding it he is so red
it's such an intimate thing like he's absolutely someone who is a little scared to be vulnerable and needs to be shown it's okay to open up and that he doesn't need to be perfect to be loved :')
very subtle couple items, like shoes or jewelry
sings to you all the time, especially if you’re struggling to sleep
records lil voice notes of him doing so for when you're having a hard time or he's away
will just straight up make up songs on the spot that make no sense and do not rhyme or metre properly and they make you laugh every time which only spurs him on
he absolutely loves making you laugh with his deadpan style of humour (not that he'd ever tell you how much he adores that sound) and you quickly adopt it too. the others are constantly side eyeing you as you trade weird jokes back and forth but they just appreciate how insanely happy you make him because he is not afraid to show it
just a very lighthearted and communicative kinda love that feels easy from the very start :’)
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masterlist | tell me what you thought?
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dwaeki · 3 years
— felix as ur bf (random headcanons)
pairing: felix x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none other than maybe some slip ups and just poorly written fluff, not proofread, lower case intended!!!
a/n: i'm just bored and need to post so i decided to make this at like 3AM 😩🤝🏻 genuinely dont knownwhat i was writing here but i went with the flow so 😞
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ok lets completely disregard the fact that felix is my ult and i am absolutely whipped for him.
he doesn't sleep early at night especially if he had a bad day at practice or made a lot of mistakes while trying to memorize the choreography to one of their new songs,
so he usually stays up for a little while playing video games on his PC while you sleep over at the dorms.
you're most likely there sitting on his lap, sleeping peacefully while your boyfriend tries to restrain himself from raging and absolutely destroying his expensive keyboard </3
(p.s he has a keyboard that lights up. most likely rainbow cuz idk HE GIVES OFF THOSE VIBES.)
the first time you sat on his lap while he was playing games he just fell in love with that idea
the feeling of your arms wrapped around his shoulders as you rest your head in the crook of his neck is just :(( y/n ure making him feel so loved :((
he's just rlly comfortable and feels at peace.
also when he feels a bit too overwhelmed or just frustrated he stops the game for a little while and wraps his arms around you tightly while inhaling your scent :((
he feels better right away <33
but you dont know that bcuz ure ✨asleep✨
but if he's feeling particularly tired he just plays on his phone
while you're both in bed, cuddling <33
PLUSHIES !! you guys collect a bunch of plushies <3
he likes plushies a lot so if u like plushies too you guys are just a perfect duo. you two are always on a look out for stuffed animals,
felix keeps a bunch of cents in his pockets just in case u find something.
if one of u spots a claw machine outside while you're going out or during an arcade date you're going to drop whatever you were doing before and literally run, leap, fly towards its direction.
you two are competitive as hell when it comes to winning a stuffed animal & believe me felix doesnt go easy on you
especially if youre a sour loser cuz he teases you a lot.
it starts off with u two being competitive but ends with the both of you basically throwing all of your money away just to get a single plushie.
one time u hogged the claw machine for a little too long and you didnt even notice the line of kids waiting for the two of u to finally leave for good.
yeah... ure banned from using the claw machine at one of the arcades ... 😬✋🏻
he also lays his head on your lap... a lot.
he just loves feeling close to you so if he's sleepy and wants cuddles he usually just lays his head on your thighs (no matter the shape or size cuz we love all kinds of thighs here, love <3) , grabs your hand and plays with ur fingers.
you already get the message so you're quick to get up and move to the bedroom to cuddle
but if you don't get the message then he starts pouting and sighing dramatically, waiting for u to take the hint
but if ure still not budging then he just lifts you up and quite literally throws you onto the bed so you two can cuddle
(one time u bounced off the bed and hurt your arm... felix almost cried...)
he grumbles a bunch of incoherent words while getting under the covers
squeezes the living soul out of you the second he's under the covers. like ure literally left soulless.
felix doesnt rlly have a favorite position to cuddle in, he likes any and every.
he loves being the big spoon, he loves being the small spoon
but he also rlly loves cuddling face-to-face <33 or maybe ur head buried in his chest :((
loves placing kithes all over your face or pecking your lips during cuddle sessions.
yeah... he's a sucker for physical contact 😚😚
he's also SO whipped for you you don't even understand.
everyone around him can tell that he absolutely adores you and everything you do
one time jeongin mentioned how utterly in love he was and how "disgusting & painful" it was to watch you two interact 😔
and felix was low-key like HELL YEAH IM WHIPPED AND IM PROUD !!!
doesnt care if anyone points out how much he loves u & doesn't deny it either bcuz YEAH!! HE DOES INDEED LOVE U VERY MUCH!!! WHAT ABOUT IT!?!?!!
he also gives the best presents !
he just always knows what to buy anyone he's very close with and the list ofc includes you :D bcuz youre his lover mwuah <3
buys you the best birthday presents, anniversary presents, holiday presents.
it's because he's observant !!
especially when it comes to you. if you eye an expensive outfit that you can't really afford at the moment or there's a fancy restaurant you want to go to, he will keep it in the back of his mind and will take it into consideration ;))
there doesn't have to be a special occurance for felix to surprise you with a present !!
even if the present he's getting you is pretty expensive its still for u and he wants to make u feel as appreciated and as loved as he can. so wasting money on you is never a problem as long as you're happy :((
the fact that he is observant also comes in handy a lot, because he can tell when you're uncomfortable by the small changes in the way you act like the furrowing of your eyebrows or you shift even closer to him, etc.
if it's a public space or an event where you have to socialize and interact with others and he notices you feeling uncomfortable he will take you to a less crowded place to give u a bunch of kisses and reassure you that everything will be just fine <3
he also knows what you like and dislike very well, so it's easier to avoid any arguments in your relationship.
virtual dates !!
he takes you on a bunch of dates on minecraft, roblox, animal crossing etc.
the dates usually happen while he's away on a tour and you two really miss each other </3
the first time he went on a tour he just really really really missed you and your voice
so he called you on discord and suggested that you play minecraft together. you created a new world and just started everything from the scratch.
so every time felix goes on tour you guys call on discord, get on minecraft and add new things to your world <33
your world includes but is not limited to: a huge pink mansion with a pretty backyard filled with flowers, a dog named "seungmo" and a cat named "lino" (as felix suggested you named them ✋🏻)
he once told you that one day you two are gonna get married (if you're willing to ofc) and live a perfect life just like in your minecraft world :((
even tho it was over the top to assume that you two would live in a gigantic pink mansion, it was still endearing and it made your heart melt <3
he really wants to spend the rest of his life with you because he knows you're the one :(
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cheelseaaaa · 3 years
Corndog Obsession
Pairings: (Platonic)cap's Quartet x Reader + (Platonic)Scott lang
Summary: Craving for corndogs, Y/N had thought of a brilliant idea to find and eat one
Warnings: None,
Word count: 559
A/N: English is not my first language.
a friend wrote this story, and I'm posting it. He thinks it sucks but I think it's good. So, what do you think?
⊱ ──────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──────── ⊰
You got up early in the morning. You went straight to the couch after getting a fresh cup of coffee. Turned the TV on for some morning news.
It was but an ordinary day.
You suddenly caught a glimpse in your peripheral vision. You turned that way to see what was going on. It was Natasha, Steve, Bucky, and Sam prepping up for a morning run. “You coming, Y/N?” Nat asked, “Nah, I’m good. I’ll just eat breakfast.” you replied. “Suit yourself,” Steve said as they all exited the compound to go to the park for their run.
“Welp, I should grab something to eat.” You said to yourself. You went to the kitchen to grab something to eat. It seems that nothing fascinates your appetite. You suddenly got the thought of craving a corndog as if someone whispered into your ears to go get a corndog.
You started to wonder where could you possibly get a corndog. A light bulb goes on in your head. You have thought of a brilliant idea. You decided that you want to join the others with their morning run with a hidden motive to find a corndog cart in the park.
You immediately got dressed and went outside. Fortunately, you were able to catch up to them. “On your left!” You said catching up with them. “It looks like you changed your mind,” Nat smirked. “A new change in lifestyle I see?” Sam said. You nod while looking from right to left looking for the jackpot. You didn’t get to hear what the others said because you are too focused on your goal.
It has been 25 minutes and still no sign on any corndog stand. You all rested on a bench for a water break. You almost lost your hope when suddenly, you caught a familiar aroma. You stood up from the bench and faced the direction of the scent. Voila, A corndog cart just arrived.
“What’s up Y/N?” Nat asked after she noticed you acting strange. She sees that you’re facing the corndog cart. “Wait… you’re not thinking that-“she was cut off when you suddenly rushed to the cart. Steve grabbed your arm “I thought you wanted a change in lifestyle?’ He spoke. “You were even nodding that time!” Sam and Bucky said to you. “I am not actually listening, sorry!” You slipped away from Steve’s hand.
As you were about to take another step, Natasha grabbed your hand. “Let me go.” You said “No…” she replied. “It’s okay,” you said as you let go of her hand.
You finally ran to the cart and got a corndog. As you were gonna take a bite from your corndog, Scott grew to normal size from your shoulder. He took your corndog and started eating. “Thanks for the corndog!” You froze and had a moment to think. “So, you were the one who told me to get a corndog. I thought it was my conscience.” You said, “I am your conscience. And as your conscience, I asked you to get a corndog. Surprised that it actually worked. Cuz here I am eating one.”
You don’t mind Scott taking your Corndog because the cart is still there. So, you got another one. Soon you realized that you forgot your wallet. “Hmph, I’ll pay…” Nat sighed. After that, the others got themselves a corndog too.
⊱ ──────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ──────── ⊰
A/N: Feedback is very much appreciated. I am posting every Monday and Thursday around 3am EST.
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because-of-a-friend · 4 years
Seventeen as Roommates
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Thanks for the request anon! This one was also super fun to do and I hope you really like it! This is the last request and them I’m putting everything aside to finish the Falling Flower series for y’all! 
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The most responsible roommate, tbh. He doesn’t want to step on any toes so he’ll make sure there’s great communication between the two of you. He knows all of your pet peeves when it comes to a roommate so he can avoid doing anything that would upset you. Of course you extend the same courtesy since Cheol is such a sweet and great roommate and gives you no reason to want to upset him. Definitely the type of roommate that becomes your friend. He’s just such a loving person and it always overflows into his everyday life. So if he’s living with you, he’s just naturally going to be concerned about how you’re doing and how he can help when you’re struggling. The type who will willingly stay up with you at 3am to make cookies, have a movie marathon, and talk about life just to make you feel better and put a smile on your face. A really good roommate. 12/10. 
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The type of roommate where whenever you’re just minding your own business watching tv in the living room, he’ll come and and just lay across your body and go “[Y/N], buy me fooooooooooooood.” And then whine until you agree to get up and go get food with him lol. Not the best roommate. He gets a little messy and procrastinates on cleaning up. But usually it only takes a couple of times of you scolding him for Jeonghan to finally get up and get things done. But he’s also the type to be your friend. Like quite literally the day you move in, he sits across from you on the couch and starts ranting about his life like you guys had known each other forever. And first you’re a little overwhelmed but then kind of relieved cuz honestly you had needed someone to talk to... and now Jeonghan is right there. He’s just so chill and easily becomes a part of your life, it’s almost like you two have always been living together. 
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More of a parent than a roommate, lol. Sometimes you get home from school/work and he’s just in the kitchen cooking and goes “Have you eaten? Never mind you probably didn’t eat enough, fix yourself a plate” And then sometimes it’s “Did you drink enough water today?” or “You have that big presentation tomorrow morning, you need to get to bed early.” Sometimes you find sticky notes with words of encouragement all over the apartment when you have big things coming up. Or if you wake up late, you might find an already packed lunch waiting for you so you can rush out the door without worrying about it yourself. Honestly the sweetest roommate of all time. He just tries to make your living space a happy and safe space for you so you never really feel worried or stressed about anything. 
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What a truly chaotic roommate you’ve chosen lol. Sometimes you walk into the kitchen at 3am to grab a drink and find him hunched over random papers only to discover he’s been obsessing over the most obscure conspiracy theory you’ve ever heard for twelve hours straight. Sometimes you come home to find him asleep in your bed. And you’re like???? Jun????? And then he just tells you that he wanted to ask you how your day was as soon as you got home and being in your room when you got back was the best way to assure that he could. Sometimes just appears behind you and tells you his most random wants in that moment. “[Y/N], I really want hot chocolate.” You jump as he suddenly speaks from over your shoulder. “Jun it’s the middle of August.” He sighs sadly, and you very easily give in. “Ugh fine, let’s go.” But seriously, there’s no dull moment living with Jun. He’s a ball of constant fun and adventure. 
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I hope you’re ready to live with someone whose love language is physical affection. Because no matter what you do: wash the dishes, buy dessert, get him a gift, remember things about his life, say something nice to him, it will be met with an overenthusiastic physical response: a tight hug, sudden cuddles on the couch, a whole Soonyoung just jumping on top of you. That’s just how he shows his appreciation for you when you’re being a good roommate. He knows living with people is difficult sometimes so he’s really grateful for having such a great one and always wants to show you that. Chores are always split evenly and you have a specified chore day because it’s more fun to do it together and it gets done more quickly. You both pull your weight around your living space to make sure you guys have an easy and peaceful living situation. 
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When you first start living with Wonwoo you begin to question if you made the right decision. He’s just so distant and quiet and you begin to realize that you really don’t know anything about him at all. But it doesn’t take you long to realize that he was just really shy and hesitant. Once he opens up, he is surprisingly clingy and affectionate. Spends the majority of his time in your room lol. Not even to talk, he just likes sitting in there with you. He’s a big baby about chore day so you have to bribe him with his favorite sweets to do the dishes lol. Sometimes you also have to force him to get out the house and get some fresh air when you realize he hasn’t gone out in literal days. But he is a really sweet roommate and there are no issues between the two of you.
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Jihoon is a very strict roommate. Will make it very clear what his pet peeves are and what he expects from a roommate. It’s a little off putting at first but when you realize he wants you to be just as honest as him, you understand that he just doesn’t want to leave any room for misunderstandings or for either of you to be upsetting the other. It also takes awhile for him to be friendly towards you. He views having a roommate as more of “I’ll live with someone else so I don’t have to pay as much for a place” rather than “Oh, a chance for a new friend!” But he will eventually open up. He’s also one you feel more like a mother to, because he’s so busy working and you have to make sure he eats enough and sleeps enough. But you do it in fun ways like having nights where you cook dinner together or movie nights where you watch one movie after another until he dozes off. Jihoon is honestly really happy you’re around.
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You didn’t think it was possible to know this much about a person that wasn’t your own self. But every day Seokmin comes home, slumps down across the couch from you, and tells you literally everything that happened to him that day. You don’t mind because he always tells his stories in really entertaining ways, but you really do hear about everything. Also not always the best roommate, he can get a little messy and loud. But he’s always very sweet and apologetic and makes up for anything he does very quickly. Definitely becomes your friend, though. You’re living together, and he loves making new friends, so why not? He’ll introduce you to his whole friend group and weave you into his life with no issues at all. Very happy to have a new friend around.
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Literally every time you lay down on the couch, Mingyu comes in and drops his entire body on top of yours. Really just the cuddliest person you could have possibly lived with. Once you two are close, Mingyu is all physical affection all the time. Honestly also not the best roommate, he annoys you quite often. Not because he’s inconsiderate or rude, but because he doesn’t always think about what he’s doing and forgets to consider how it’ll affect his roommate lol. You end up posting a chore list on the fridge to remind both of you to keep the place clean. And you’ll post friendly little reminders about things he needs to remember. He’s just grateful to have a roommate that’s so patient with him despite the face that he knows he’s not always easy to live with. He buys you lots of food and gifts to make up for it, and does lots of favors for you too. He may not always be the best roommate but he is a great guy to have around.
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Honestly the perfect roommate. Minghao is quiet and clean and respectful. He doesn’t even have to try, he’s just kind of naturally that way. And he’s also really easy going as long as what you do doesn’t affect your shared spaces or his own personal space. Doesn’t really see any reason to be friends with his roommate, but if you start to be friendly, he’ll match your energy. He’s also a perfect friend that way, he lets you take the lead in everything to make sure you feel comfortable and doesn’t push anything. Once you two are closer, Minghao is the cutest roommate ever. He loves ranting to you about his interests and showing you what he’s working on. He’s also happy to listen to you talk about your hobbies. Both of you will get the other to join in on your projects so you can have more fun things in common.
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More like siblings than roommates lol. The two of you get into the dumbest most pettiest arguments 24/7. It’s never anything personal or serious or having to do with your living space, it’s just the most random stuff. But you two will bicker all the time. Someone would think you two had been living together your whole lives. But then someone will be like, “Why do you live together if you hate each other?” And you’ll both pause and immediately go, “What are you talking about? I love [Y/N]!” “Yeah, Seungkwan is like my best friend in the whole world.” You two just really get each other and it makes living together really easy. Cuz you both expect the same thing out of a roommate, so living together is smooth sailing. Well when you’re not debating who the best character in your current favorite show is lol. 
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Vernon is sincerely the chillest roommate. He doesn’t think anything of anything, when you ask him to do things around your place, he just changes his behavior to make you more comfortable. Of course you do the same to him but he honestly doesn’t expect a lot from you. Is 100% going to be your friend. You get texts throughout the day like: [Y/N], please bring meeeee snaaaaaacks, I don’t wanna get out of beeeeeeeeeeeeed. And then you bring the snacks and notice he’s watching a show you really like so you just climb into bed with him and before you know it, you’ve wasted a whole day binging tv with Vernon instead of everything else you needed to do. His habits definitely rub off on you lol. But he’s an easy person to live with. 
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Honestly a great roommate. He’s terrified of upsetting you lol. At first he’s walking on egg shells around you because he doesn’t want to do anything to make you angry. But you assure him that as long as you two communicate with each other, everything will be fine, so he finally relaxes. He may avoid being your friend for awhile because he’s a little shy. So it takes a lot of encouragement from you. So you’re always planning movie nights or fun activities or really anything to do together. Chan honestly adores you for it. He’s grateful to have a roommate that makes him feel so welcomed and comfortable. He repays it all back by giving you a very genuine and kind and loving friendship. 
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sibyl-of-space · 2 years
Personal post. Long, no readmore cuz mobile.
Tonight's been... interesting? A Lot? Not bad?
I've been visiting a friend who lives not that far except US public transit is a meme so it took like 4 hours to get there. I helped said friend give their dogs a flea bath and do the ole salt+vacuum the floor (literally worked wonders when I had to nuke a flea problem at my place a couple years ago) then we ate pizza... and then I pretty much had to turn around and head back home so I can be back before, like, midnight.
I kind of love-hate nighttime public transit. I love it because night bus drivers are THE backbone of our society, one time I was stranded away from home after train hours ended and I got back because 3am bus drivers are fucking legends. 9pm is decidedly not 3am but it has a similar vibe: dimmed lights on buses and more or less just me and my music and a couple other people.
BUT nighttime transit vibes are not why I am writing this post. There's railwork being done on the train system so everyone has to offboard at a certain station, take a bus to the next station, and then get back on the train at that station. The train car I was in was literally just me and one other person who didn't seem to know we had to offboard, so I told her everyone needs to transfer, and she asked me to hold the door because she's disabled (ankles injured) and needed a long time to get her things and get to the door. Then I helped her find an elevator to get to the bus, and the shuttle was a pretty damn far walk from the station, and she was struggling to walk so I asked if she wanted to lean on me or something. Her response was "HELL no, but you can carry my bag for me" so I did and thankfully the bus driver waited for us because the train station agents were making sure everyone who needed to transfer made it.
She kept asking me to go ahead of her with the bag instead of hanging back to match her pace. I felt kind of bad/uncomfortable basically taking her shit and running ahead but in retrospect I think it was probably weird for her to have some stranger try to awkwardly hang around her when she was just trying to get somewhere we were both going. I set her stuff down for her on the bus and explained to the driver that she was on her way but she has an ankle injury.
Bus takes us to the next train station, she calls out to the driver to "please wait, I'm crippled, so I need time to get my things" [quoting just so it doesn't sound like those words are mine, but it was an effective message] and I offered to carry her bag again and she accepted. We get into the station and I ask the agents if there's an elevator to the platform, and of course it's basically way out of the way around the corner. When we get to the elevator she tells me to take it on my own and refuses to get in and she is definitely becoming increasingly uncomfortable with me hanging back to try and accommodate her pace. She tells me to just take it and she'll catch up with me since we are going to the same place. I try to insist that we just take the elevator together since it's there and the only one, and she mutters something like "someone PLEASE tell this--" with the most exasperated tone ever used by a mortal and so I finally took the hint and took the elevator first.
This whole time I have had conflicting thoughts of (shitty selfishness) "man if I hadn't talked to her the first time on the train I would be there already" and (confusion/curiosity) "why is she getting mad at me for hanging back with her? it almost sounds like there is some social boundary i don't understand but i don't know how to ask that and she would DEFINITELY not appreciate me asking anyway" and (radicalized anger) "why the FUCK is it this unreasonably and inaccessibly far to get to the ELEVATOR when people who need the elevator probably have MUCH GREATER NEED TO NOT WALK GREAT DISTANCES"
Eventually we both end up on the platform and the connecting train won't come for 30 McFreaking Minutes, which I pass on to her and she is like "WHAT THE FUCK" which is a sentiment all of us can agree with, and she decides, fuck this, and leaves to take a different bus (with her bag which I returned).
I'm kind of standing there processing this, when someone comes up to me - I am a little bit on the defense because this is already more human interaction than I prefer on public transit - and he asks if I worked at "the needle exchange".
My last job was, indeed, working at a nonprofit which - among other things - supplies safe injection materials and other harm reduction work. For people who need those services the org is synonymous with a needle exchange; I usually didn't work directly with clients (I was IT) but I did serve quite a few meals during the first months of the pandemic when the org couldn't safely take volunteers for free meal shifts.
He said he recognized me and thanked me. I clarified that he meant the org I worked at and he confirmed it.
I don't work there anymore but one thing I remember my old manager saying is he would sometimes meet people in completely unexpected walks of life who would recognize him and go "did you work at [nonprofit]? that org saved my life man, thank you so much."
I wasn't expecting that recognition or message at 10pm at a train station very far from the organization I worked at almost a year after I quit, but there it was. I told him I hope he's doing well. It's the truth.
Quitting that job and going to grad school for music was without a doubt the right thing for me, but I'm so so glad I worked there when I did. And it was nice to be reaffirmed on this weirdest of all nights that in some small way I may have handed a sandwich and drink to someone who needed it during a deadly pandemic between fixing hard drives.
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
hi pocket! moth here, and as promised, i'm giving you word after word after word after word....
i got cicada to type some stuff down too since he also wanted to send something to you in congratulations!! <3 <3
congratulations on 6k! you're really rad and i genuinely think that you deserve all this support and love, it's just really nice to see that you've progressed so quickly and smoothly! you've put a ton of effort into things your write, your events, everything! your interactions with your anons are just so nice, and that's all because you're an amazing person!
when i joined the genshin fandom, you were one of the first blogs that i had run into, and that's pretty neat. at first, i didn't follow you, since i wasn't really used to your writing. but as i kept on encountering your works, i eventually grew accustomed to it- and i like your writing style! v swag :)
your oc, toxin, is just- perfection. i like the whole background thing, powers, but the fic i liked the most was the one where toxin attempts to poison you. my imagination can just run wild from there, picturing out what the character did after running out to go after toxin, but for zhongli's case how he took care of you + what he did after.
you, pocket, are a wonderful person- if you receive hate, you don't deserve it! 6000 seems like a large accomplishment, and it must've felt really nice to hit that number. a great person like you deserves the world, but the world may not deserve you. your presence alone on tumblr is practically a blessing, and i'm grateful for everything that you've wrote! not only that, but you've helped me become bolder and interact off anon. i think that's pretty neat, genuinely.
i'm sure many others think the same: ilysm(/p) pocket! even if i fall out of the genshin fandom(which i most likely won't bc of XIAOOOOOOOOOOOO <3 <3 <3 <3), i'll still revisit your blog. reading over your works always makes me crack a smile, whether it's angsty or not. your ability to write is amazing, and some of your works had even inspired a few of mine!
a collab with a person like you is like a dream come true. i look forwards to future interactions, and hopefully they're all positive! i support you no matter what, and you can't change that, hehe.
-your local xiao simp,
hello, i believe you've never interacted or heard of me before? i go by cicada online, a friend that appears on moth's blog every now and then. they told me about your 6k followers, and i think that's pretty neat. to be honest when you told moth that you'd do a collab with them i was happy they chose you, since you're a really good person. pocket, thank you so much for everything you've done for me, moth, all of us- i cannot express my gratitude towards you, and i am proud of that because i can usually express my gratitude to others within words. however, since my gratitude towards you is off the charts, i cannot form it in words. regarding the collab, i will attempt to help moth with angst, however my help might not be needed. i thank you deeply, for fueling my everyday energy to get up. reading through your works gives me so much serotonin, and i appreciate that greatly. have a good day or night, perhaps afternoon, mx. pocket.
----any last words before we go sleep?
moth - ily, pocket! /p
cicada - thank you, congratulations. (note: get your well deserved rest, pocket.)
----goodnight, good morning, good afternoon wherever you are ! !
ok so like i genuinely started crying at this and I don't normally get very emotional. You both left me speechless, so that's one of the reasons why I'm taking so long to respond T^T
I'll split my response here to the both of you!
its kinda long- sorry xD also can I just call yall "the bugs" cuz its just so cute ;-; your names are adorable-
Moth, you are such a sweetheart. Like I said earlier, I'm not someone who gets very emotional! But your words brought tears to my eyes (tears of joy ofc) and it took me a while to respond because every time I saw what you'd written, I'd just have this giant smile on my face. I'm really glad you chose to follow me and I'm so happy you chose to talk to me! I always try to be fun and welcoming so that people who do wanna interact can do so, but I get it, there are so many people here it can get daunting.
But I'm glad you reached out! I'm so happy to have a friend like you! Ima be honest, the first few times you sent something in off anon, I was like "o.o they forgot anon-" BUT NOW LOOK AT YOU! Thank you, I really appreciate it. I'm actually pretty self-conscious about my writing but I try to do my best and post- even though I don't like what I've written, so your words really do help me! You're the type of reader every writer wants. Seriously!!
Ah, Toxin! Yes, I've had her as an oc for such a long time and then I finally perfected her! She's been in so many fics of mine and she's finally getting the recognition she deserves!! I'm glad you enjoyed that fic, it's one of my faves! I planned to do a p2 with some other characters but held off cuz I thought people would get bored- yet here you are, sparking my will to write it again!
I still can't believe I hit 6k! Honestly, that's so many people!! and they all like me and my stuff!! it's really hard to believe- there are days I think its a dream >.< silly, I know xD actually, when I first joined tumblr, it was because of BNHA and I saw this writer who had 10k followers at the time and I just was like "that's not even possible" yet here I am- 4k away T^T
I genuinely hope Xiao keeps you here, but if you have to leave for another fandom that's ok too! I can only hope we'll meet once again there too! I think some people in life are meant to be friends and are just meant to know each other! And I'll hope you're one of them! Cuz you're one of the awesomest friends I've had and I love you as well (/p)!! <333
Cicada, omg haiii!! I've heard very little about you since Moth took FOREVER to tell me there's another writer hidden back there!! I'm glad I got a chance to talk to you, even if it's like this! I'm not sure how much you know about me >.< seems like a lot so I'm sorry that I don't know that much about you!
Thank you so much, you're so very sweet and I can't express how happy your words made me. For a long time now, I always wake up and wonder how I can make my friends smile or laugh, and now that's extended to this blog. To hear how happy my writing makes people brings me so much joy that even I can't express it. I know there are many people out there who have lots of things to deal with in life and to know that my writing's helping them through that fuels me to write more!
I'm so glad I can do the same for you! We may not know each other- or maybe it's mostly on my end- but I still want to make you smile! I want to make everyone who stumbles upon my blog smile as well! Life can get hard and it feels so impossible sometimes but if I can give someone the energy to go on, then I'm pretty content with my own! Thank you for reading my works and thank you for telling me this because it really did make me happy.
Aw, thank you, I hope it's not too much! Though I specialize in angst (at least, I like to think so), I wanted to give Moth the opportunity to try! I'll do my best to make the fluffiest fluffing comfort you've ever seen!! Or uh something like that ^w^"
I really do hope that you and I can talk more so I can get to know you! Oh! And that google form- it was super adorable ^w^
You two are too kind and you best believe I'm saving this lil ask <3 you both very well made my entire week (along with that meme anon with those cute memes) and I'm sending you both hugs!! or cookies ^w^ whichever you prefer!
Also, it was nighttime when you sent this and now its 3am >///< i need sleep-
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
Yo my name is Kieran (white boy name, I know) and I like trees
Nah jk I'm pretty sure I'm meant to talk about like
Oh nvm
Can I request a sfw matchup (I'm a pussy istg) and my pronouns are they/them or he/him. I'm attracted to males but only romantically, I'm asexual.
Insecurities: my fuckin feet idk what it is about those little fuckers but they could just not exist and I'd be happy. I don't have many insecurities except my height (I'm 5'3" kms), my ADHD, that I can't gain weight and the fact that I wear glasses, big circle things that make me look like Dwight Schrute on crack.
Likes: cookin, surprisingly. It gives me so much satisfaction when someone enjoys the food I've made. Along with that I love sugary things + things that aren't good for me, yk the drill. I love animals even if they scare the shit outta of me. I'm told frequently (though the person telling' me is usually super pissed lmao) that I'm too headstrong but yk whatever
Dislike: heights, but I love trying things that could get me killed so if you sign me up to ride a roller-coaster I am DOWN like I'll ride that mf like it's a Saturday night and I've got nothing to lose bc yk yolo. Along with that fear is: fear of feet, (who would've fuckin guessed) veins creep me out, single player video games (sprinkle in some abandonment issues and you get… an Asshole that hates playin' games by himself) and things that go bump in the night.
An extrovert but bc of my ADHD sometimes I have to stay away from everyone for a while cuz o' sensory overload, I prefer people that know how to laugh and be loud but also know how to have comfortable silence and a meaningful conversation–I'm an entp, lmao
I'm a Sagittarius, also.
Personality (dfk if I have to include this or not but yk): im a stubborn fuck, 'will fite u' attitude, In hindsight I like the idea of working in a team when actually asked to do so I HATE it like I physically cannot bring myself to watch someone whose working with me mess up. I'm spontaneous, love climbing random shit, and an insomniac so I'm usually eating cereal at 3am. If somethin seems like a bad idea/somethin the usual person would look at and go "lmao only a fucking idiot would try that" then it's 9/10 probably my idea anyway, and I am certainly doin it while we speak.
Oh shit wait I forgot, a weird thing I do: I've already mentioned this but I will climb just about anything that seems climbable, and I love to daydream but with ADHD I need to be constantly moving so the only way I can actually daydream is if im dancin' around my house or just sprinting (which, wouldn't you know it, also takes place at night).
I'm sorry this is so long lmao but i didn't wanna miss anythin' out for ya, yk? Yeah anyway I'm in love with your work and what you do, the minute I get home I'm checking tumblr an unhealthy amount just to see if you've posted anythin' or to reread what you have. Seriously, keep up the good work, brother.
I match you with…..💕MASKY💕
This might be a little confusing but let me explain my logic
I feel like you and masky would make a lovely puzzle piece match. You- sound a bit like Toby but I didn’t want to match you with him because I feel like that’s a recipe for chaotic disaster.
It might take a while to catch feelings, be patient and eat away at him. He needs to get used to you first, but when it happens it will be the most fulfilling thing in the world. Masky loves your glasses but he won’t say it, he’ll give a kind of approving ‘hmph’. And he appreciates the food you make him, praises you.
You are both sign: Sagittarius, and have about 99% trust percentage. The relationship is built on honesty and warm interactions. He likes your ‘will fight you’ attitude but he knows he’s stronger and will win arguments and such. He’ll throw you a little smirk, it’s cute if you catch it. Occasionally he’ll let you win.
He hates people who mess up in a team too! Masky kind of admirers your ‘yolo’ attitude but he worries and it comes off as grumpy. He might get frustrated too, needs a bit of space sometimes.
Masky cares for you unconditionally, protects you at all costs. You sound like you’re prone to get hurt so he would be a sort of safety net, always there when you need it. If you get sensory overloads he will take you to another room and make you take deep breaths.
Thank you! I had a lot of fun doing you, you sound like a great person/guy. And when you called me brother *tears eyed face* I rolled on the floor.
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chateautae · 3 years
wow i just had a shitty morning — i found out i have to take an entrance exam for my university that is on saturday and because of time difference i have to take it at 3am, and i just had the most emotional meeting with counselor with me bawling my eyes out about something. i had my last high school exam last week and i’ve literally felt like nothing for the past week since i haven’t done anything cuz of lockdown which made me spend half my junior year online and my ENTIRE senior year online and even though there’s a possibility of having an in-person grad, i’m trying not to get my hopes up incase it doesn’t happen , and that would also be the first time i see my classmates in person in over a year (but almost half my grade isn’t even in the country including my best friend :( anyway i’m sorry for ranting but i just went on to tumblr after the long morning i had and i saw u posted — i just want to say that i love your writing and it makes me so happy and excited to read so thank you for making my day :) ever since i found saudade and MID in dec i think (i could be v wrong on the date) , i’ve been obsessed and in love with your writing and really check everyday to see if you posted , so thank you for being one of the reasons for helping me get through my last semester of high school 😌 i hope you have a wonderful day and many more to come 🤍
"sorry i was the long message of me ranting — i also want to say that you have a lot of supporters for your writing who are more than willing to wait for you , whether it’s a week or 5 weeks, always take care of yourself 💕 we appreciate your writing because of the time, effort, and care u put into it. and i hopefully speak for others when i say that that is why i love your writing 🤍🤍"
Oh love I feel upset for you ;((( that's not fair at all and you deserve so much better babes. I'm more than happy to know my writing can make you feel even somewhat better, and I hope I can always make you feel that way 💓 and oh god, this is one of the most comforting things I've ever been told. Thank you for your lovely words hun, they really make me feel like everyone's here for the time and dedication in each chapter and it feels more than warm, thank you so much and I hope you take care as well anon. I hope all your shitty situations are also better soon okay? 🥺💓
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littlefallenrebel · 6 years
My love and feels for Skz 🌹🖤
I was tagged by my dear @pikachulein (thank you for doing that btw) to do a post about my feels for Skz so here it is! 
I’m just gonna say that this post is probably a bit cringy and makes zero sense because I have a hard time putting my feelings/thoughts into words :p Also... this ended up being.......1,2k+ words long, whoops 😌
I see Woojin as an older brother he’s 3 years older than me so there we go even tho it’s not that much, anyway so with him it’s definitely brotherly and sibling-like love. It would be awesome to have him as my older brother can i swap my annoying bro with him please and I feel like he would be someone who I can rant about stuff and ask advice. Since he’s also super loving towards his members and takes care of them, I can sort of relate to that since I’m lowkey the mom-friend in my friend group. He’s such a sweetheart and I’m so soft ;-;
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Bang Chan:
Ah, it’s mister ”here to wreck your bias list once again”. Chan is probably the one who confuses me the most, I mean he’s my bias but at the same time he’s my bias wrecker and I really don’t know how I feel about him?? I just feel drawn and very attracted to him. But despite being attracted to him, I seriously admire and respect Chan a lot. To me, he’s such an inspirational person and I would love to spend time with him talking about lyrics meanings and deep things. I think we're both that sort of people who sometimes think about stuff too deeply and maybe stress over small things. He's still so young and has a lot on his shoulders and i just sjdhsh. I would probably say my love for Chan is intellectual/magnetical type of love.
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Lee Know:
Ohlord it’s the pisces+scorpio duo  with minho it’s definitely the best friends/playful type of love, absolutely. I feel like if we two were best friends we would be that super salty duo who throws shade at everyone. Minho is someone who I would love to just hang out with and share some hot tea ☕ about stuff. Also, I feel like minho would appreciate my super bad jokes and puns no one ever likes my puns and i bet my friends are ashamed of me lmao and we could throw awful pickup lines at each other. I would love to just go on a random shopping spree with him or mess around in a park in the middle of the night. Where do I get a best friend like minho?
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Another sweet child o’ mine, my fellow Pisces son. I relate to Hyunjin a lot on an emotional level since I feel like we’re both emotionally sensitive so I’ll say I have this similar people/affectionate type of love towards him. I want to watch those overly sappy and cheesy movies/dramas with and cry together when something bad happens. Also, you know that face he does when he thinks his face is bloated?? I swear to god I do that exact same face 24/7. he's an affectionate person imo so i think he would make a nice hug/cuddle buddy, heh. and we both have a thing for weird noises too Hyunjin is probably the member who I relate the most to and he’s sometimes such a mood.
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oof, the ultimate bias wrecker. My love for Jisung is probably the affectionate kind of love and he is another member, who I admire.  Jisung is quite deep and poetic person in my opinion and I’d love to discuss and write lyrics with him. I adore his positive and goofy personality and his shenanigans always make me giggle and lift up my mood. I sometimes just get distracted by him and then I find myself thinking “what an adorable bean you are”. He’s such a kind-hearted and sweet person, I just want to squish his cheeks and ruffle his hair. But sometimes I feel like he doesn’t really feel that confident about himself, so I would want to just comfort and support him. I want him to know he’s doing well, that he’s talented and he’s more than just the mood-maker of the group. I just want to cheer him up with my very shitty jokes and drag him to the nearest arcade. Yeah, I just want to be friends with Jisung and have a blast.
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Felix, my sweet sunshine baby boi, a precious puppy with a deep ancient God voice, I love him so much i might cry. Felix was my first skz bias and is now my second bias, so I do have a sort of special soft spot for him. I would say my love for him is a mix of affectionate and pure love. Felix is such a soft sweetheart and pure, I just want to hold and cuddle him. Like?? i just can’t imagine anything bad or nasty about him??? that boy just radiates sunshine and happiness ;_; Like I would just love to play video games and make goddamn vine references with him, that would be life.
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With Seungmin it’s friendship like love. I just see him as a good friend who I would have a blast hanging out with I lowkey wanna have a roast battle with him, don’t ask why i just do also, as a fellow myday, we two could just scream and fangirl about Day6 together lmao. me and seungmin singing more like screaming the lyrics to shoot me at 2am? sign me up. He’s such a cutie squish. Seungmin is kind of a mischievious person and he lowkey brings out the mischief in me too, so I kinda want to prank the other members with him lmao.
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Okay, Jeongin is not that much younger than me but he feels like a younger brother to me, so with him, it’s probably sibling-like love I would say. He’s so cute and precious and I just want to look after him and I’ll fight anyone who dares to corrupt this smol bean.  I also lowkey want to have that friendly, sibling rivalry -like relationship with him, idk why. I want to make sure he’s doing well and offer my help if he needs it. Jeongin is such a pure baby and his smile is worth fighting for.
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baby boy culture uwu
this next part is gonna be the cheesiest thing ever and probably a bit cringy so you've been warned. bear with me and my feels
oh my god, where do I even start with seo changbin. I'm sure everyone and their ancestors know that my love for him is definitely romantic/true type of love. That boy makes my heart burst and I'm just so damn whipped. im so sorry but i must expose myself and admit that there is some sexual love here too sometimes cuz boi i've had some rather heated thoughts/dreams with bin, anYWAY BACK TO BEING SOFT I love that we share the same kind of aesthetic with all the "i love dark" stuff and wearing mostly black, but then actually being the softest. Since we both have had the thought of becoming a tattoo artist, it would be so cool to draw and design tattoos together! andthengetacoupletattoo I would want to spend time with him at the studio, bring him food and make sure he doesn’t overwork himself and even though I don’t know much about making music but I would love to help him with writing lyrics too. I would support and hype him all the way and make sure he’s healthy. I want to make sure he’s eating and resting properly. Also! Since I love the height difference between me and Bin, I just want to give him all my hoodies to see how smol and soft he would look in them!!  I honestly just love everything he does, every little thing. His aegyo, his cute nose crunch, his adorable laugh, his smile,  his fierce stage presence,…. I could go on forever. I want him to know he’s doing well and I want to be there for him. I want to have those random, sleepy 3am conversations with and hold each other close. I want ruffle and run my hands through his hair and boop is cute nose. I want to share soft kisses with him and kiss that jaw goddamit. I just can't properly put it into words how much I love Changbin and how much he means to me. I could honestly just spend hours talking about him and he just makes me go all ajdhshswg. This got rly long and it's very cheesy and cringy sorry. I just love Seo Changbin with all my heart ♡
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so yeah, here it is then. this post is a goddamn mess tbh but so am i so 🤷
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