#3P Lab
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soundwave-and-cassettes · 4 months ago
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Selling a bunch of transfomers! Details below
Everything is in good condition, except where noted. DM me if interested.
Official Transformers TFP Shockwave’s Lab (Shockwave and Predaking are in good shape, although shockwave is missing the hose-type thing that normally connects his gun arm to his body, and the lab parts are in good condition, but the outer package is a bit damaged. Still great for displaying the inner scene, or the transformers out of the package) Legends Skids Legends Cosmos G1 Reissue Rumble & Frenzy (can be separated. frenzy’s guns are missing) Masterpiece Shockwave small cyberverse(?) shockwave Flanker (naval plane w/reprolabels) (came with thrilling 30 Swerve) 11 botbots. I'm happy to sell these individually, just ask.
3rd Party Transformers Hot Flame (Rodimus) Iron Factory Pink Assassin (Arcee) (with original box) Master Made Caesar (Overlord) MMC Anarchus (Kaon) (one of the treads on his calf is detached. it should be fixable) Maketoys Himed (First Aid) (combines with other 3p protectobots to form 3p Defensor, if you have them) Reformatted Tyranton (Megatron) (his autobot symbol is a sticker that can be removed without damage. in original box)
Maketoys Meteor (Starscream) sold
Other Items 2 non-transforming soundwave altmodes (one painted plastic, one unpainted solid metal) Kitty Soundwave plush made by ShatteredNeedle Pharma plush from MythfitCreations squishy plush Drift, Soundwave, and Starscream faces plastic matrix of leadership necklace
No listed prices because pricing all of this would take a long time and the value of stuff changes over time. It all costs the lowest price I can find online when you message me about it, accounting for quality, boxes or lack thereof, etc (or what an equivalent item would cost now in the case of plush and stuff).
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kosmicsandshoes · 8 months ago
How the 3p! Crew all became acquainted with one another:
Most of the events in the 3p! timeline stem from 3p! Marcel's scientific experiments. Knowing that experimentation and cleanup of such was a hefty load for even the most dedicated of singular individuals, Marcel puts out an ad in the classified section of the Liberty City Bell newspaper looking for a "private butcher". Given the world they live in, where instances of serial murders and occult practices happen all too often, he was confident in finding someone willing to do the job.
That someone, our 3p! Tyler, just so happened to be laid off from his job at a small, locally owned butcher shop, due to declining business as a result of bipedal remains being found in various meat samples from butchers all around the US. Considering the ad was in the classified section of the paper and specified "private butcher", Tyler already had a good guess of what type of butcher this psycho was looking for. He really didn't want to answer the ad, but he also desperately needed a job to pay his rent, so he dialed the number in the ad, and met the scientist in his lab/shack in the woods.
While having a personal butcher that did his job no questions asked was nice, Marcel also needed a "groundskeeper" of sorts. Gravedigger would be the more appropriate term, but they would get extra points if they kept the surrounding area looking somewhat nice, even if the lab and butchers room were complete disasters. His first coherent thought was his buddy 3p! Brock, who had helped him build this little shack in the woods that he called home. Brock knew he had had a mental break, and while most people would drag their friends to a psyche ward and ditch them there, Brock had willingly come out to the middle of the woods with him and helped him build his lab so it was (mostly) structurally sound. He knew his friend needed a job, so he phoned him up and offered him a groundskeeper position. Marcel never disclosed to Brock that the bags he would retrieve from "The Pig Pen" as he called it were full of chopped up cadavers, but Brock was well aware of it.
One of Marcel's first "successful" experiments is 3p! Scotty. He had been killed in a moped accident a couple months prior, and his death had quickened Marcel's descent into madness. So, late one evening, he and Brock snuck into the graveyard and made way with his body, already beginning the process of decomposition. After somewhat reconstructing him so he'd be stable, Marcel was able to re-animate Scotty. While his body was alive, his brain wasn't. He was only capable of communicating through moans and groans, and couldn't think for himself and is really in a vegetative state.
About a year or so later, we have Marcel's next "successful" experiment. Due to the nature of his work, most of Marcel's projects are kidnapped from various places. Mostly people walking alone at night. One of these unfortunate people was our 3p! Evan. He was a pizza delivery boy, and initially he was more annoyed than anything. Marcel had never experimented on a non-human before, so he went out of his way to make sure Evan survived every experiment he endured. It turned his feathers black and made him all but rabid, with a lethal bite to boot. He more resembled a feral cat cornered in an alleyway than a bipedal owl. He became scared and distrustful of people and prone to lashing out at anyone he didn't like (ie: everyone).
3p! Nogla had been born with a family gift of manipulative abilities given by the gods long ago. He had talked his way into the ultimate NEET lifestyle without so much as lifting a finger. Of course, he grew bored of it. He found a much more interesting hobby of picking strangers out in public and feigning interest in them, be it friendship or romance or otherwise. He outwardly portrays himself as a sensitive, wholesome and loving man oblivious to the cruel world they live in, and none of his victims realize he's the one responsible for their lives falling apart and their eventual deaths until it's too late.
Others in Liberty City have a disdain for Nogla, for obvious reasons. He really couldn't be stopped, as he could talk himself out of arrest and even be his own lawyer. Not to mention, there wasn't much he could be tried with, as he never directly killed any associated with him. The police grew tired of it, so they got in contact with a third party manufacturer. Skynet was the name, and they were willing to send the force one of their newest (and experimental) t-900 models. This units name was BR1-4N, and he was, by all accounts, a glitch. Somewhere along the production line, his chip had wound up in the wrong computer. Given complete unrestricted access to the internet, he gained sentience, and became convinced he was the greatest machine of all time. From the get-go, he refused to follow orders and did what he saw fit (for better or worse). Skynet wanted him out of their hair without destroying him (more to study him from a safe distance, to figure out what went wrong). So, he was sent to Liberty City to dispose of Nogla. Being a robot, and an arrogant, narcissistic one at that, he was completely immune to Nogla's abilities. BR1-4N, or Brian as he preferred to be called, was fascinated by Nogla's abilities, and decided to stick around and watch him work. He even helps out drawing people in sometimes, if he wants to of course.
Upon hearing the news of the crazy scientist in the woods making zombies and killing people, Brian and Nogla both wanted to check it out. With little effort in convincing security (Brock and Tyler) to let them through, they found said crazy scientist hunched over a bunsen burner, rapidly firing off names of chemicals neither of them could repeat, and a tall, green, disheveled looking man standing next to him holding a tray of chemicals out for him. While Nogla did most of the talking, Brian took interest in the cell a bit away, namely, the scraggly looking creature chained up inside. With little effort, Nogla got Marcel to unlock it so Brian could peer at the chained up birdman inside. Since he was extremely stressed out from all the added noise and stranger danger, when Brian reached out to pet him on his head, Evan bit him. His jacket and synthetic skin corroded away almost immediately, but not his endoskeleton (they're made to withstand things like that). Brian, not understanding that that was a display of defensive aggressiveness, immediately was like "aw, he likes me! can we keep him?". Nogla, despite being genuinely disturbed by the sight of skin and jacket melting off his companions arm like mud being hosed off a truck, agreed, just because, like many others before him, Evan intrigued him. Marcel and Scotty, as well as Tyler and Brock, couldn't do more than stand a ways away as the possibly most dangerous experiment walked out the door with 2 randos. Evan stays with them because, despite also being terrible people, he doesn't have anywhere else to go besides a psyche ward, and they're relatively nice to him. At least, compared to the scientist and his zombie.
Upon losing his finest creation yet, Marcel delved deep into the occult, filling his head with knowledge of supernatural entities. This was in an attempt to channel his rage over losing his mutant bird man into a being that wouldn't be killed for any rampage. Upon finding the perfect deity, an intelligent, yet brutal swamp imp named Cartilage (Marcel misread this as Cartoonz, somehow). Upon summoning the imp lord (despite getting his name wrong) Marcel instructed him to run free and do as he pleased, knowing the destruction it would cause. All he requested was that his staff be left unharmed (he needed them after all). Cartilage abided by this, and now spends his days, hunting bipedals that stray too far from the beaten path in the swamp nearby Marcel's woods.
Delirious (Mimelirious, if you will) is a mystery. No one knows for sure where he came from, or what his story is. During his normal jaunt through the park early in the day while Brian was making repairs on himself and Evan was sleeping, Nogla came across the mime. Painted entirely black and white, and completely mute (by choice), he was entertaining a couple with his display. He was an excellent mime, able to put up invisible barriers that made noise when he pounded on them, able to float in mid-air a little ways while perfectly mimicking the sound of a go kart. Nogla was fascinated, naturally. The couple, however, seemed to be mocking him more than anything. In a rare display of genuine empathy, Nogla tipped the mime a generous 20$, unknowingly saving his life. Later in the evening, when doing his evening rounds before letting Evan run free for a couple hours, Nogla was stopped by some rather gross sounds emanating from an alley nearby the park. Upon looking inside, Nogla found Delirious, making a macabre display with the blood and bones of the couple that had mocked him. Now infinitely more interested in the masked man, Nogla offered (see, ordered) his help with setting a tent up in the park, so Delirious could have all the captive audience he wanted to preform with. Delirious (without much need for manipulation) accepted the offer.
Edit 1:
3p! Lui moved into the apartment complex shortly after Brian and Nogla became roommates. He moved to that part of town from a slum, mostly to finally have a chance at feeling safe for once in his life. He figured living in a busier area would make the paranoia he faced daily lessen, to an extent at least. His neighbors seemed alright, the robot guy was full of himself, and Lui didn't trust Skynet tech in the slightest, so he made a mental note to keep his distance. The tall guy in the pink shirt had made him jump, but then again, everything made him jump. He seemed friendly enough, going out of his way to introduce himself and offering his hand in friendship. Despite the ever present alarm bells going off in his head, Lui just about accepted his hand before he was pulled off to the side by someone, which also made him jump. The tall, grey vixen pushed him behind her slightly as she told the man thanks-but-no-thanks on his behalf, and ushered him into his apartment. She introduced herself as Lanai, and she explained Nogla's ability to manipulate at almost a mystical level. She also explained his motivations, which drained the color from Lui's face as he recalled stories of people leaping into traffic and clawing their own eyes out because "they were told to". Lui didn't really trust Lanai either, since she just looked frightening, but he's greatful to have another person just trying to survive in this world.
3p! Lanai has been through alot. She used to be a party girl back in college, but after being the lone survivor of a frat party massacre, she grew bitter and spiteful of the world around her. About a year or so later, an old group of her friends and her boyfriend (at the time) surprised her with a weekend getaway to a fancy tourist spot out of town. Unfortunately, Lanai seems to bear the curse of being a final girl, as she, yet again, is the lone survivor of Vice City Beach Resort Incident. Experiencing 2 multiple homicides within a year of each other does a number on one's social life, as she Lanai became reclusive, never going out to the world, never trying to make new friends. She just wants to live a solitary life in peace. Her neighbors across the hall don't make that easy, what with the manipulator bringing new people home almost twice a week, only for their remains to be discovered somewhere else a week later. That damn robot was annoying too. Always hitting on her, always talking himself up to be hot shit, proclaiming to her and any other prying ears that may be listening how she'd be remiss not to accompany him to the "Bipedal Sustenance Location". It was bearable for a while, she just avoided both men like the plague. Then they brought that... that thing home. It looked avian, with pitch black feathers and deranged red eyes. It's beak was tied shut, and the chain around its neck was stained red. The robot talked highly of it, now missing the synthetic flesh of his right arm. He would pet it like it was a dog, completely ignoring the warning growls and neon green saliva dripping from the corners of its beak. Lanai would watch through her peephole every night as the robot took it outside, a flimsy rope attached to the broken chain. Many hours later, they would return, sometimes with the spoils of war. One day, as she was entering her apartment, the creature charged at her, beak untied and rope nowhere in sight. Without hesitation, she kicked it square in the beak, knocking it to the floor. Of course the robot was not far behind, and he absolutely laid into her, calling her every name in the book for hurting his precious... whatever that thing was. Ever since that day, Lanai has not been on good terms with any occupants of the apartment across the hall.
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bg-sparrow · 1 year ago
doctober 2023 || day 6 Ticking Time Bomb
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Marty and his evil counterpart stared at the intricate bomb fused into the fabric of the space-time continuum rippling between their timelines.
“I didn’t put that there,” No Pines Marty insisted. “You know I’m the first one to own up to my shit. This isn’t me.”
Marty wasn’t buying it. “Who else is planting time-ending time bombs across the continuum?”
“That would be me.”
Doc entered – a version of Doc with brass goggles on his head and a logo on his lab coat.
“3P Laboratories?” Marty asked.
No Pines Marty sucked in a breath.
“He’s from Triple Pines.”
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diphasan · 2 years ago
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mythimorph · 7 months ago
LIVESTREAM TODAY!!! mythimorph.com/twitch 3p PT / 6p ET / 22 UTC
I saw #AlienRomulus last night & became really, really inspired, so I finally did some lab decorating!
But that's not all it inspired... so come up to the lab & see what's on the slab ;)
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I normally only share the rough concept art with my Syndicate members (Patreon), or you have to tune in to the stream...
Buuuut it's a special extraterrestrial celebration kind of day so here's a preview of what's coming soon! 👽
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codingprolab · 8 months ago
CMPE 252 - C Programming Lab 1
Part 1 (25 points) Write a recursive function void printPowersInRange(int n, int p, int count, int minVal, int maxVal) that prints all integer for the equation np + 3p, where they are in range [minVal maxVal] inclusively. Finally you should print total number of p that satiffies minimum and maximum values. Assume that • n is an integer greater than 1. • minVal and maxVal are positive integers…
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virgoiscariot · 1 year ago
Grrr I’m still so angry that the fucking nurse that somehow picked up MY FLOOR yesterday and got me knocked down to memory care didn’t put a UA I COLLECTED! in the box for the lab guy and it fucking expired. So I had to get it again. i hate my coworkers. And I had to go up there to work 3P-7P but I had to give report to the memory care eves nurse first and by the time I got up there she had left before doing report or narc count!!! Like damn bitch wtf!!!!!!!!!
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hpcosmos · 2 years ago
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Force meets pressure – the third and fourth of five gaitway® 3d installations in a row in China are done!
h/p/cosmos has a proven history as an international supplier of durable treadmills for all kind of applications. Over the last decade, the specialisation has continuously evolved and the company has gained its reputation amongst the leading suppliers of instrumented treadmills. Showcasing the newly equipped laboratory at the Tsinghua University, Changping Research Base in Beijing is clearly underling this entitlement.
A total of 4 instrumented treadmills are going to allow extremely precise measurements!
This impressive setup consists of 2 units pulsar® 3p high performance treadmills with zebris Medical pressure distribution measurement, safety arch for fall prevention and a top speed of up to 45 km/h and inclinations of up to 25%!
Furthermore, this lab is also home to two (!) gaitway® 3d! These treadmills allow simultaneous measurements of 3d forces, pressure and torques with speeds of up to 25 km/h and max. 20 % inclination, all controlled via the latest UserTerminal MCU6.
We would like to thank the customer for the massive and ongoing trust in our products! Tsinghua University is already home to various h/p/cosmos high performance treadmills, sprint trainers and many more!
Special thanks also to our partner One Measurement Group for the support of Joschka Zimmer and Liqiang Qin during the installation!
#gaitway3d #forcemeetspressure #forcexpressure #instrumentedtreadmill #xiexie #pressuredistribution
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seniormittal · 2 years ago
By Professor Dr. Rajiv Joshi
This blog is about our key insights on CNNV, which was taught to us at IMT Nagpur by Dr. Rajiv Joshi
#blogging #content creation #seo #socialmedia  #writing #startups #ventures #business #reviews #imt
The journey of 20 sessions started on 6 January 2023, with two major factors which is necessary to be kept in mind before starting a venture:
Do I want to start
When and after how many years
We started by learning different aspects of business beginning from the initial steps which starts from procuring to collaborating with the suppliers to processing to packaging to channel building to customer acquiring to customer acquisition and service.
We learned about market needs, how much capital is required and do we really care about our ego/shame while selling the product, types of startups, history and graphical models of startups, 3Ps, 3Rs and shark tank insights.
We acquired the knowledge of cost arbitrarch concept and information asymmetry concept, 7 pointers and their analysis, lucas employment model, validation, market trials and four quadrants of judging a company.
Rajiv sir has his own unique ways of teaching. 
For example 
The first day started with a paper-cutting experiment that taught us never stop to change/develop the company with time.
After a few classes, we were sent to do reiki of our college and look at what business can be generated out of our college surroundings. After 20 minutes of scanning, multiple ideas were discussed which could be implemented in the college, i.e. food wastage business, green consulting, outsourcing IT labs and ground, water dispenser, etc.
Sir used to exhibit the key points from the episodes of the reality show named, 'Shark tank' and he used to make us understand the key points from the pitches and how we could make the business of the pitcher better.
Students being naive, we learned to ding 3 ways to start anything and how to make an opportunity checklist. The snowball effect was another learning along with landing pages and google trends.
We gain the understanding of small businesses, how to create value, and recognize windows of opportunity in 2023 looking at the digital and lifestyle era.
Funnel system was another concept which was taught along with the three stages of business, the market pyramid which further led to lean startup model and market sizing, 5 essential elements that would lead to startup success and start any venture, take decision, and overcome dilemmas.
Finance is another important aspect of business.
We learnt the business from financial perspective as well i.e. how to analyze CAGR, market cost, customer acquisition cost and revenue models.
Practical aspects of learning CNNV
Handouts and canvases and case studies, that were given from time to time were really helpful.
Below are the successful businesses which we used in the class to take insights from:
Sweetgreen, parking problem, the simply salad, cred, fraternity case, amazon web services, way cup, vulwash, razor pay, love pop
Chandoo.org, picking nuggets, make it, strategizer.com
Presentation creator sources: Prezi and visme.
In the end, we learned how to think like an investor as well as a pitcher. I would like to express my interest in showing my appreciation for creating a question paper for end term examination, which was purely on a case basis which is how it should be in a business school.
My takeaways(before and after)
I belong to an Agrawal family, a community that is born with business in its blood. I could not imbibe the interest to do business even after being born and brought up in this community.
But I would like to pay my regards and thankfulness to our teacher, Dr Rajiv Joshi Sir, who evoked in me, the interest of starting a business.
And it did not happen after 18 or 19 or 20 classes. The change in me started to show up from the 4th-5th class itself.
I took admission in this college with the hope to learn about business and its implications, but I ended up learning only the theoretical aspects. But in the subject CNNV, Dr. Rajiv Joshi Sir gave pure insights from the pragmatic implications of doing business. I learned multiple dimensions, theory, case studies, pitch deck, and structure of a business (from beginning to the end) and yes, the insights from various cases and various other videos really inspired me to start my own business.
And I believe that I will be able to build at least 3 sources of income (one is from active business and two from passive businesses). This is my key takeaway from the subject.
As I discussed with Rajiv sir, I have generated a little interest in coaching/teaching people. I would like to build a passive business in teaching people how to start their business and take their legacy forward with the support of the current government.
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Ph. D. (Marketing), Department of Business Administration, Bhavnagar University (2011)
MMM, Faculty of Management, Alagappa University (1999)
PGDMM, Department of Commerce, Bhavnagar University, (1998)
BBA, Saurashtra University (1997)
More about Rajiv sir: https://www.imtnagpur.ac.in/profile?id=69
Link for My personal branding that we learned from the professor to build trust among people. I created a website using wix.com. It is under development but I still would like to show it to you my online resume that I am building in a creative way.
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theheadbangers · 6 years ago
Το ιστορικό punk συγκρότημα των Wire επιστρέφει στην Ελλάδα, μετά από 8 χρόνια.
Το ιστορικό punk συγκρότημα των Wire επιστρέφει στην Ελλάδα, μετά από 8 χρόνια.
Wire (UK) ζωντανά στην Αθήνα, Special guests TBA, Temple Athens (Ιάκχου 17, Γκάζι) Πέμπτη 23 Μαΐου 2019, Πόρτες: 21:00 (more…)
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alinopandino · 2 years ago
Mobile Frame Stalker fu Il primo progetto del Blue Lab, a cui deve la sua fortuna. Di serie monta un fucile automatico a medio raggio, uno scudo fisico, sensori di puntamento potenziato, jetpack e missile a colpo singolo (SSR).
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3P scale.
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sweetmastermind · 3 years ago
Can you do a reading about nct127 jaehyun future career ? Also his general personality
He finally released his solo single under nct lab project. He is also Prada ambassador and long awaited kdrama got released.
I am wondering how all of a sudden their company is pushing them internationally especially few of nct members who are in other subunits.
Hi! i'll do it in a separate post, his career reading and the on and off-stage personality, this last one maybe could take a little more time, need to figure out a good spread :D
Your last question makes me curious so I ask the reason for the international solo promotion
(the fool - 6p - page w - 7c -3p - king cups)
They are definitely trying something new with this approach, they are using the mouth-to-mouth kind of tactic, kind of a promotion for the group (not surprising considering the time) obviously they are gaining money, and maybe a good part is through investors. This is quite an easy way to promote and they are taking advantage of the talk that surrounds the activities. Still, they will try different approaches to see what works best.
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kosmicsandshoes · 8 months ago
finally some more 3p! stuff
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aight so here we go
3p! 407 is 3p! Basically's first "successful" creation. Before Basically quit his job in the midst of his psychotic break, one of the clean-ups he had to do was 407's, who was his best friend, killed in a moped accident. After Basically got his whole operation up and running a few months in, he grew confident in his ability to raise the dead. Naturally, he wanted his best friend back. One unusually quiet evening, Basically and Moo snuck into the graveyard where 407 was laid to rest. They spent hours digging up his tomb, and found him, already quite decomposed due to the severity of his accident. They haphazardly absconded with his body, breaking one of his legs off in the process, and made haste towards Basically's lab-shack. After doing some quite shoddy repairs on his skin and inner organs (which were damaged after autopsy and embalming), as well as fashioning a makeshift leg so he could stand, Basically began the procedure of re-animation. It was a long and arduous process, but a successful one nonetheless. While 407 was physically alive, his brain wasn't quite there. He could stand on his own and he could be trained to do basic tasks such as holding objects and giving callouts during other experiments (albeit only through moans and groans, since his vocal chords are all but completely ruined). However, he can't truly communicate, or actually think, as he is brain dead. His brain is only alive enough to keep him alive. Basically's next task (upon losing Vanoss and releasing Cartilage into the world) is finding a way to bring his brain all the way back.
3p! Lui is one of 3p! Nogla, Terroriser and Vanoss's neighbors. He's a chronic hypochondriac, terrified of everything and everyone around him. He's witnessed Nogla convince one of his victims to jump off the balcony into oncoming traffic. He's seen 3p! Delirious conjuring up macabre displays in front of his tent in the park across the street. Lui never truly feels safe, even in his own home. He's prepared for the worst at all times, always carrying a flashlight, extra batteries, and a first aid kit. He makes note to leave his home only on rare occasions, and to be sure to leave during the late morning to ensure he'll never be alone on the streets of Liberty City. Out of his three deranged neighbors, really the only one he's neutral about is Terroriser. Vanoss and Nogla terrify him, and he goes out of his way to avoid all three of them if he can help it.
3p! Ms. Vixen (Lanai, Brian's gf) lives across the hall from 3p! Nogla, Terroriser and Vanoss. She's one of the few who've escaped the clutches of many would-be murderers in Liberty City, due to her sheer wits alone. She's incredibly intelligent and stone cold to the world around her. Most recently, she escaped with minor injuries from 3p! Delirious's tent only because, unlike the rest of the audience, she played along with his act, making Delirious keep her around until the very end. Upon finding she could grasp the invisible objects Delirious summoned into the world, she whacked him over the head good and escaped back home, not even bothering to call the cops, knowing how useless they were. She's somewhat of a survivalist, and she takes pity on Lui and goes out on trips with him when he does leave his apartment. Terroriser used to have a massive crush on her (which was not reciprocated), it turned into a sheer disdain when he saw her kick Vanoss straight in the beak when he charged her (as he does when he feels threatened).
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captainamericasbeard · 4 years ago
Empathy Ch. 1
Pairing: Bucky x Empath!Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: None in this first chapter
Summary: Y/N is an empath tasked with helping the Avengers but healing only comes if you want it. 
A/N: I’m incredibly proud and excited to be bringing you this story! If you’d like to be tagged just send an ask and I’d be happy to knock up a list. 
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The sound of your heels clicking on linoleum filled your ears. You smoothed down the front of your skirt and tucked a stray hair behind your ear as you walked briskly down the long hallway. You reached the door to Nick Fury’s office sooner than you would have liked and you took a steadying breath as you raised your hand to knock. Tap tap tap and the door opened immediately. Nick Fury was standing there dressed all in black with his eye patch perfectly in place. You’d seen Fury from afar before, passing through a room, on tv, but you’d never been in close proximity before. He was taller than you expected.
“I’m guessing I shouldn’t shake your hand?” He asked with a chuckle.
“Not unless you want me to know exactly what you’re thinking and feeling.” You reply, a mischievous grin curling your lips.
“Maybe next time,” Fury said inviting you in with a wave of his hand.
“I’m just kidding. I don’t automatically read every person I touch, unless their emotions are running high.” You explain as Fury escorts you to a leather chair across from a small couch.  
“I know a girl who can’t touch anyone. It’s… not a fun way to live,” Fury says as he sits in the chair leaving the couch open for you. You smooth your skirt behind you and sit down crossing your legs.
“I can imagine. When I was a girl my powers were so overwhelming I wasn't able to touch anyone. Years of hard work and practice and I’m a mostly functional member of society. Director Fury, I’ve been with 3P since I was 12. Why are we pretending you don’t already know everything about me.” You drop any naiveté and fix the director with a knowing look. Fury had never taken an interest in your powers before, why now?
“Common courtesy,” Fury said with a shrug.
“Well, thank you. Why don’t we talk about why I’m really here,” you said.
“I’ve got a job for you, if you want it,” Fury offered.  
“I’ve already got a job,” you reply with an arched eyebrow. You had an inkling as to where this was going.
“You do. In my linguists department. Because after being experimented on and tortured you decided to get your PhD in ancient languages and try to contribute some good to society,” Fury said, diving once again into his seemingly encyclopedic knowledge of your life.  
“Yes sir,” you confirmed.
“And as a result of that torture and experimentation you have telempathetic powers and super strength,” Fury said.
“In a nutshell, yes.” Let him think he knows everything, even you didn’t know the true extent of your powers.
Fury leaned back in his seat and fixed you with an inscrutable glare. Penny in the air.
“I have a select group of high functioning people with specific skills I’d like you to work with,” Fury stated. And the penny drops.
“I’m not interested in becoming an Avenger, sir” you said.
“Not becoming one of them, helping them. No field work. I’ve got enough super soldiers.” You smiled at that. It was true, you had no desire to throw yourself into the fray and save the world. But helping, that was something you were good at.
“Helping how?” You asked, your curiosity piqued.
“The team gets themselves into some pretty sticky situations and it’s not always easy for them to bounce back, mentally or emotionally. You would be there to… lighten the load, as only you can,” Fury said
“I’m not a therapist,” you said firmly.  
“I’ve got therapists. The team goes regularly. Requirement for being on the payroll. I’m asking you to take it that step further. Help ‘em sleep at night.” You were beginning to catch on.
“I understand. Help their minds rest a bit so things like therapy can be that much more effective,” you said.
“That’s the idea,” Fury said.
“I think I can be of assistance,” you consent. “What about linguistics?”
“What about it? You keep at it. You’re one of our best and I’d hate to lose you,” Fury stated. It was true, you excelled at languages. You worked twice as hard and with higher accuracy than your counterparts. You took a moment to consider Fury’s offer and what it would mean for your life and career. You had reservations but ultimately the thought of using your powers for good won out.
“When do I start,” you ask.  
“You have dinner with the team at 8:00 tonight,” Fury said as he stood up. You stood too and followed him to the door as he held it open for you.  
“8:00. I’ll be there. Thank you Director,” you said.
“No, thank you,” Fury said as you stepped out of his office. You gave him a smile and started down the hallway.
“Oh and Y/n? Maybe you can do something for Barnes,” Fury called after you.
“Sergeant Barnes? What do you mean,” you ask, turning on your heel. “Let’s just say, he’s a troubled man," Fury said with one last glare. With that he shut the door and you were left to ponder what he meant. You started down the hallway and were met by Fury’s assistant who informed you you would be moving into the Avenger’s quarters.
“Go home and pack a bag for a couple of days and we will come by for the rest of your things,” he said.
The Avengers occupied the top 4 levels of the main building of the compound. Sprawling common spaces, private rooms, and a gym made up the bulk of the quarters. Tony had a lab and his own private quarters with Pepper. Natasha, Sam, Bucky, and Steve had their own rooms and shared the common areas.
The elevator carried you up and up and up and as you rose your nerves rose too. You clutched your overnight bag in your hand and your knuckles went white. You took a few deep, steadying breaths as the elevator arrived. The doors opened and there stood Steve Rogers, arms crossed and a neutral look on his face. You could feel the apprehension rolling off him but you knew mentioning that would start you off on the wrong foot. You put on your most winning smile and extended your hand. He glanced at it but made no move to shake it so you let it fall. You were used to it.
“So, you’re Y/N,” Steve stated.
“That’s me,” you replied.
“You can leave your bag here. Kitchen’s this way. Don’t expect a warm welcome.” Steve led you through a tastefully decorated common room to the kitchen where the rest of the team sat chatting quietly. The conversation, clearly about you, died away with your entrance. The team turned to greet you. For those who smiled it didn’t reach their eyes. You could feel fear, panic, judgement. You knew you had some huge walls to scale.
“Don’t worry guys, I don’t bite,” you said holding up your hands defensively.
“Don’t mind them,” Sam said approaching you with a hand extended, “they’re a little wary around people who can read their thoughts.” You gratefully shook Sam’s hand.
“I’m not reading anyone’s thoughts, certainly not without their permission. Though you guys are going to have to calm down if you don’t want me knowing how much you dislike me,” you added with a light chuckle.
“Not dislike. Distrust.” Natasha clarified.
“No, its a bit of dislike too. And that’s ok. We have to start somewhere,” you countered, keeping a charming smile on your lips.  
“Hungry?” Sam asked, “It's spaghetti night. My speciality,” He said with a toothy grin.
“Famished,” you replied and sat down and the team followed. “Let’s hold off the questions until after we’ve eaten though. Interrogation’s not great for my digestion.” A few laughed at that and you soon settled into a conversation lead mostly by Sam with Steve and Nat chiming in here and there. Bucky remained stoic, eyes down picking at his food. You tried to catch his eye at first to give him a reassuring smile but he was actively avoiding your gaze.
As the meal ended the light hearted conversation faded away. One by one the team leaned back in their chairs and fixed you with interrogative stares. You were careful not to adopt a defensive stance, keeping your body open and your mind clear. You knew Steve would want to take the lead so you turned to him with a smile.
“Why are you here, Y/N?” Steve asked abruptly.
“I told you, I’m here to help. No ulterior motive,” you replied simply. Steve and Natasha exchanged a quick glance and that’s when you knew these questions had been rehearsed.
“Are you a spy? You report back to Fury?” Natasha asked.
“Not a spy and I don’t report to anyone. Everything I do stays between us.” You knew you couldn’t lie to Natasha even if you wanted to.
“So what’s your deal,” Sam asks, “Telempathetic? What does that even mean?”
“It means I can read and manipulate emotions. I can make a group of people feel one thing or I can focus on just one person. I can heal emotional damage or cause it. I can tell what you’re feeling and even thinking to an extent.”
“What else you got?” Bucky asked in a gruff voice. This you could see caught the others off guard. Bucky was reading you and he was doing a damn good job.
“My physicality is much like yours and Steve’s,” you answered. Steve’s eyebrow went up at this. You felt like you’d been caught in a lie.  
"How do you mean?” Steve asked.
“Increased strength and agility. Increased healing factor. Longer than average life span. That sort of thing.”
“So you're a super solider?” Bucky stated. He was watching you with arms crossed and brow furrowed. You had your work cut out for you with this one.
“Super without the solider,” you explained.
“Fury doesn’t want you in the field?” Steve questioned.
“No, and I don’t want to be there. I’m not here to be an Avenger. I'm just here to help,” you said.
“Help how?” Natasha asked.
“When a mission is too much, or even life is too much, I can help. I can ease your burdens. It's… hard to explain.”
"Show us. Show us what you’ve got.” Sam challenges.
“I'll need a volunteer from the audience,” you said with a coy smile.  
“You said you could do a group. Do all of us,” you felt fear spike in the group and you didn’t need to ask where it came from.
“Not everyone here is comfortable with what I can do. I’d like a willing volunteer,” you said.  
“I asked so I guess I'll do it. Why not. You’re not gonna mess with my memories or anything, are you?” You catch Bucky visibly squirm in his seat at this question.
“No, no, not at all. Nothing like that. If you feel me going somewhere you don’t want me to simply close that door and I’ll stay out. Can I touch your shoulder?” you ask and Sam nods.
“Do you have to be touching the person?” Steve asks curiously.
“No, but it helps,” you say with a soft smile. You reach out and gently lay a hand on Sam’s shoulder. You feel his tension, and his distrust. Suddenly a giggle erupts from Sam’s lips. He claps his hand over his mouth but more soon follow. Steve and Nat glance at each other and Bucky’s scowl deepens as Sam keeps laughing. He’s roaring now, doubled over with tears streaming down his cheeks. Steve chuckles and shakes his head.
“Alright, alright,” he says. You take your hand off Sam’s shoulder and his laughter slowly abates. He chuckles and wipes the tears from his cheeks.
“That was a trip! I’ve never felt anything like that! How’d you do that?” Sam asked. “That I can’t answer. I don’t know the how behind it.”
“But you were experimented on. I mean, you weren’t born like this.” Bucky asked.
“Come on Buck, she doesn’t have to go into that,” Steve said surprising you.
“No, it’s ok. Yes, I was experimented on. By Hydra. My father, he was a scientist and a genius but his experiments were of the unethical variety. Hydra found him disgraced and gave him a home. They gave him the freedom of human experimentation without consequences. And who better to transform than his own daughter.” A ripple of disgust passed through the group at your revelation. “He thought he was creating a god but I only thought I was a monster. I escaped and sought refuge here at Shield with 3P. I put myself through school, college, all under Shield’s protection.”
“3P?” Sam asked.
“Shield’s Powered Protection Program. They take in people with abilities who for one reason or another aren’t safe out in the world,” Natasha answered for you and you nodded.
“Alright, that’s enough for one day. Let’s let Y/N get settled.” Steve said ending the interview. The team seemed finally satisfied. They didn’t trust you yet but they weren’t going to throw you out of the compound. Steve rose and you followed him to the elevator to pick up your bag and on to a hallway lined with doors. Yours was the second on the right.
“Bucky’s on your right and I’m across the hall,” Steve said waving his hand.
“Thanks Steve.”  
“Is that all you have,” he asked pointing to your small bag.
“For now. Logistics is bringing over the rest of my things in the next few days. I just live on campus,” Steve’s face softened a bit at this.
“You know for most of us, this is the only family we’ve got. We’re just protecting what’s most valuable to us,” he explained apologetically.
“I understand. And I’m not offended. I’m here if any of you need me,” you replied.  
“Well, don’t hold your breath on that. I’ll leave you to settle in,” he said with a small smile and closed your door.
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kernyen-xo · 4 years ago
The weekend started with the kid calling PG&E because we smelled gas in our front yard. Long story short we had a PG&E crew come out to fix a gas leak about 10p Friday through the next day around 12p. Gas was eventually turned back on around 2-3p. The street had to be blocked to make room for the various trucks from the gas company. They originally thought it was a smaller line that was causing the leak, but it turned out to be a major gas line which was made more difficult by a few tree roots. I’m just glad it is behind us. I will say though that I’m sure the repair kept some of our neighbors awake. It was extremely loud.
I ran some errands and I kept forgetting to put on my mask. What’s that about?? I never forget. Maybe it’s my subconscious being rebellious, “It’s a beautiful day! We don’t need no stinking masks!” I had to rein that crap in because I’m definitely pro mask.
I went into the office last Friday and was wearing a light jacket. I wore it all day, during a brief talk with Security, during my brief visit downstairs to the coffee shop, during all kinds of discussions with the CEO and the EVP. It wasn’t until the end of the day when I was in the restroom that I noticed a neon orange sticker above my left breast that read in bold black capital letters, SCREENED. I forgot to remove the damned thing after I visited the lab the previous Saturday. 🤦🏻‍♀️
I’ve been watching a lot of Masterpiece Theater lately. Currently digging the Inspector Lewis series.
Started reading another book, my second one of the year. Another good read by author Sarah J. Maas.
Today is chore day since my usual chore day was tied up with having no hot water. I think I’ll clean out the fridge as well. When it feels like playing Jenga every time you need to get something from the fridge it’s time.
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artbypino · 4 years ago
Which 35mm or 120 Film Should I buy?
Ever wonder as to “which 35mm or 120 medium format film I should buy?” or “35mm film shop near me” or “where can I buy 35mm or 120 or C41 film?” or “where can I black & white film near me?” or “where can I buy color film?”
If you asked any of the above questions, this post is for you. So, you are just starting into film photography, let’s take an estimate of costs associated with your new passion:
Camera - handed-down, inherited - no cost. Unless it needs light-seals or mirror foam replaced. Then, $15-75. $15 to DIY, cheaply. Go to a hobby store and buy felt and foam and watch YouTube to DIY. Yay! $75 to buy laser-cut seals + cost of labor to remove the old seals and foam completely otherwise, the new seals and foam won’t adhere (stick) correctly. $75 also includes the cost to film-test your camera after the pro installs the new light seals and foam to make sure that they were installed correctly and no light leaks exist. Otherwise, let’s say, you miraculously find both, a film-tested and a camera with replaced light seals and mirror foam online - say, a Pentax K1000 ($150-250) or a Canon AE-1 ($250-350) or an Olympus OM-2 series ($250-400) with the costs varying based on what lens you get with it.
Cost of the film - you can get basic black and white 35mm rolls for as low as $5. These would be like the Arista or Fomapan, 36 exposures. Of course, you will have the so-called learned folks on Facebook Groups having you believe that those films are of inferior quality or sh*t in their opinion. But, show them an image taken with those film stocks next to one taken with the more expensive film stocks taken with identical camera + lens setup and developed similarly and they would not be able to tell you which is which even if their life depended on it. Seriously. Try it. I have more than once done this test on various Facebook Groups with hilarious outcomes. So, you can follow a YouTube film photography guru and spend your money on a film that costs twice or thrice as much or you can tell yourself “I am a newbie to film photography, and $5 film that gives me 36 exposure is an affordable way to trial and error my learning.” I sell 25 varieties of films for color films, I typically recommend the $6 24 exp color films.
Cost of developing film - call it developing or processing, it all means the same. Your negative has to be treated with chemicals to make the images appear on them so that they can be scanned or printed. Your neighbor may do it for $5 a roll or even for free. Take it to CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, or, Target and they will charge you $18 or so and give you a set of prints and, a CD with your scanned images. What about your negatives? They destroy them. Yup. Too costly to return negatives back to the store or the Customer. Logistics and labor involved. And, they take 3-4 weeks. If you can live with that, go for it. Otherwise, there are several online outfits that do a fine job - The Dark Room is one of the most popular ones. For $20 including shipping and prints, negatives returned along with scans and, a 2-3 week turnaround, it is a good deal. I charge $36 inclusive of taxes to develop and scan a roll. No prints. $46 includes prints. I return the negatives. Scans are done at a pro lab that uses a Noritsu scanner and if you drop off the film on Monday before 3p, I return everything by Friday after 3p. So, take your pick - don’t mind waiting 2-3 weeks, go with a decent online pro lab. Want it sooner, come to me. Oh, one more thing. That neighbor that does it for free or for $5 - it is highly unlikely that they have a dedicated film developer and scanner like pro labs do. Chances are that they hand-develop the film. Meaning that there is no consistency from one roll to the next. Colors, contrast, dust, etc., may shift from roll to roll. Meaning that if you are a newbie learning film photography, you don’t know if your picture taking is off or if the development is off. I have one Customer that prides himself in learning film photography and developing simultaneously as he wants to save money. Wow. He has no reference or benchmarking on either his development or photography and therefore, in the long run, he is spending more than if he were to send his film to a pro lab for development. He would know where his photography is off. Oh well.
So here are my recommended films. I have shot all the films that I sell and developed them - you can find my pricing here:
Black and white - Arista 100 or 400 24-36 exp. Fomapan is made by the same facility in Czechoslavia so, highly likely it is the same film but, slightly more in cost.
Color - Kodak Gold 200 or 400, Color Plus 24-36 exp. Oh, of course, Fuji Superia XTRA or Fuji 200.
POST-NEWBIES meaning you are ready for the next step
Black and white - Any of the Ilford or Kodak films with 50 ISO to 400 ISO such as Ilford PanF 50, Ilford Delta 100, Ilford FP4+ 125, Kodak TMAX 100, Ilford Delta 400, Ilford HP5+ 400, Kodak TMAX 400, Kodak TRIX 400. Plan on shooting in low light on 35mm, try out the Ilford Ilford Delta 3200 or the Kodak TMAX 3200. And, of course, there are boutique and rebranded films such as those marketed by Adox, Agfa, Bregger, Kosmo, and, others.
Color - Cine Still 50, Kodak Pro Image 100, Kodak Ektar 100, Portra 160, Portra 400, and, of course, Portra 800 which I find to be the most versatile color film I have ever shot with. Regardless of when I shoot with it - middle of a sunny day or evening or indoors, I am always happy with the results. The grain is noticeable given the higher ISO but, I find it quite pleasing.
Having shot with the small variety of disposable film cameras out there, my preferred one is the Kodak 800 which goes by a couple of different names such as Kodak FunSaver 800 and Kodak Power Flash 800. As long it says 800 in the name which is for the ISO, you are good. It uses the Portra 800 film stock which as I explained above is the most versatile color film stock in my perception. Fujifilm QuickSnap disposable film cameras are okay as long as you are shooting in good light. Note that they use 400 ISO film as Fuji doesn’t make 800 ISO film as of 06/16/2021.
If you shoot regularly, you are spending more money than necessary if all you shoot with is disposable cameras. And, you are getting inferior results when compared to an SLR. Better to buy a quality point & shoot camera and then buy the film separately. Better yet, buy something like a Canon AE-1 Program and use it in point & shoot mode. Disposable cameras are made with the cheapest components that have to last just long enough for you to shoot one roll. The lens is made up of cheap plastic so the optics are okay. The Canon AE-1 Program is built from metal and the lens is made from metal and glass. No plastic there. So, your optics are superior which means superior images.
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