theunstuffedpepper · 1 year
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We closed on the second house on Friday! Very happy to have that stressful process in the rear view, and especially glad it got finished up before baby 3 arrives. MIL has continued to be frustrating, but I’m breathing in the good and breathing out the frustrating. B has a few projects that need to get done on the house right away, but nothing very time consuming. It’s mostly move-in ready (and move in she shall, on the 30th).
Major perk of the new house: it’s located in a nice community with more amenities than ours — specifically, a lap pool & kiddie pool. All three of us went to check it out today and it was SO lovely. People are super friendly here and it always feels like such a breath of fresh air, still.
Therapy has been good for me. I’m still vibing well with my new therapist and it’s been all the things; it’s hard, it’s helpful, it’s reaffirming. She’s introduced me to a few techniques that I need to dig further into, but that on the surface give me hope that I can find tools to keep myself somewhat centered even with the newborn stage madness on the horizon. I’m ready.
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meowww-dieng · 11 months
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Ây guu ta nói đến giờ đúng chuẩn là chỉ chờ một cơn đau đẻ 🤧
Huhu Cam của mẹ giờ nặng nề quá, mẹ đi đứng không nổi :((( nhưng mẹ vẫn cố đi làm nốt tuần này để nghỉ sanh em.
Mẹ sợ những vết rạn kia mãi chẳng bao giờ lành, điều đó có nghĩa nó sẽ đi theo mẹ suốt đời. Em Cam chưa muốn ra, em Cam hiện giờ 37w4d đã 3kg và mẹ luôn mong chờ mỗi ngày. Nhiều khi mẹ cảm giác không thở nổi em bé ạ :((( mẹ hy vọng chúng ta sẽ gặp nhau thuận lợi, mẹ tuy không giỏi nhưng nhất định mẹ sẽ cố gắng.
Nặng nhọc quá :(((
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New policy: I will follow up with you about your project no more than once, and if you don’t get back to me promptly and I go out on maternity leave before I can finish your thing as a result, you are out of luck. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I will not remind you of this ambiguous impending deadline.
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dungeonsndiapers · 5 years
I’m having a baby this month.
I have a scheduled date and time for induction, barring any emergencies at the hospital that will move the time I’ll be induced on November 11th at 39 weeks. Which means I have my final doctor appointments before baby gets here today (I still have more nst). It’s with the doctor I saw a majority of my pregnancy, who also happens to be the doctor we saw immediately after our last ultrasound with Liam and had the terrible responsibility of telling us he had died. The office we go to has like, 7 delivering doctors who rotate at the hospital. I’ve met most of them, I think there are like two I haven’t. Now that I have a date I can ask who is on call on the 11th and get an idea of who my delivering doctor will be.
Halloween was successful. Kennedy understood it more this year and was excited going into it. She kept telling me all day she wanted to go trick or treating. My dad (who recently moved up here) came and went with us to trunk or treat held by the city, then we came home and ate dinner, then ventured out on our street. We are still at an age with her where she’s happy just going down our street and doesn’t need to spend hours trick or treating. She had a great time. My dad sat down with her and counted all her candy and the entire night she was all smiles. We managed to limit her candy to 4 pieces throughout the night, which I think was pretty good. I promised to make her some pancakes with candy pieces in them this morning. Meanwhile my GD ass will be eating some damn eggs and whole wheat toast 😒. I did really good not eating a bunch of candy yesterday and showing restraint even though I wanted to be like “What’s one night ::nom nom nom::”. But I’ve been noticing lately that when I’m not super strict on what I’m eating (like, eating too many fries or something) my number isn’t just a little high anymore it’s extremely high. Which my doctors said as the pregnancy progressed it gets more difficult to manage, so I just need to buckle down for the next 9 days. I was really sore at the end of the night and had difficulty sleeping because I couldn’t get comfortable. It was just a lot of walking. It’s our last Halloween as a family of 3, next year Bill gets to pick our costumes. Mine sort of sucked this year but I’m just so damn pregnant...
I’m struggling with my mom right now. When Kennedy was born, she was at the hospital but I didn’t want her in the delivery room. A)I wanted to limit the amount of people in the room and B) my mom is not a calming force for me. So I had my husband and my oldest sister in the room during delivery. But she was there at the hospital waiting and met her within 2 hours after she was born. Then afterwards she took 2 weeks off work and said it’s so she could come by and help every day...... No. Please don’t come to my house every day for two when I’m adjusting to having a newborn for the first time. She and I don’t have a stellar relationship. We are friendly and love each other but she isn’t someone I go to when I need support, and she hates that. She didn’t cultivate that relationship when I was younger and now it feels too late, but she’s still my mom and I want her involved in my life. But now with new baby she decided to go on a 10 day cruise a month before they are due and burned through all her time off for the entire year and basically said “Ill probably come by the hospital after work if you’ve had the baby by then”. Part of me feels like she’s punishing me for not wanting her in the delivery room or to be at my house every damn day for 2 weeks. (Which honestly, is a peak my mom thing to do). But also I know logically I can’t have it all ways. I can’t say I don’t need her but then want her there anyways. Ugh. Part of our relationship will forever be tainted by her constant preferential treatment of my oldest sister. No lie, my sister is my mom’s favorite. My mom will verbally deny it, but it’s obvious and everyone who knows our family knows it. So the fact that my mom flew all the way to North Carolina to be at the hospital when my sister’s daughter was born but will literally be in the same city when my last child is born and isn’t going to be there sort of chaps my ass.
Also she’s being super weird about this “I don’t feel safe being excited yet”. Because of Liam. And that’s been abundantly clear this entire pregnancy. She barely asks me about it, only occasionally how medical appointments go. She never posts excuted updates on fb (which sounds stupid but my mom lives for that shit. She loves everyone thinking she is the doting grandmother). It’s been awkward and really built this barrier up. I get the anxiety, shit I more than anymore understand the worry and concern, but at some point you need to also celebrate the new life? She flat out told me this week that she is still hesitant to be excited. New baby will be here in 2 damn weeks and you aren’t excited for them yet!? I can’t help but feel that her not caring about being at the hospital or meeting new baby right away also stems from that?
Idk guys I just want to find a happy medium between “I‘m taking off two whole weeks to I can be there every single day” and “I’ll see them when I see them”. But I need to just move on and what will be will be. My husband and sister will be there for me. Baby will be born into loving arms regardless if my mom is nearby or now.
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si0 · 4 years
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✔사진넘겨보기👉📽:@satani___._ 191120 #시어머니추어탕 #임산부🤰일상그램 #37w4d 어머님이 미꾸라지를 들고 함양서 올라오셨다.전날 김장택배를 보내셨는데 망할택배가 3층인데 1층에 던져놓고가서 뒤뚱거리는 며느리는 움직이지도 못하게하고 어머님이 직접 김장김치며 반찬을 들고 나르셨다. 추어탕을 해주신다길래 남편올때까지 기다렸다 밥먹음. 맛났다. 점점 잠이많아지기 시작한다. 어머님 추어탕 하실때 옆에서 졸뻔.. https://www.instagram.com/p/CIwNIEgJ_ht/?igshid=103pjbkgxr6yn
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igeekoutalot · 7 years
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Today around 1:30 I started feeling super constipated but I was in total denial that it could be labor (I seriously thought there was no way I'd have her today because I was 37w4d and that's when I had Aubrey). For about an hour I walked, moved and laid on my side when I finally called my mom and asked her to come get me and Aubrey because I thought it was compacted or maybe in labor. I got in the shower which helped the pressure on my butt and that's when I realized I was contracting. My mom gets there and I call Joey telling him he should leave work because I'm pretty sure I'm in labor and off we go. We get to the hospital at 4:30 and I had Hazel at 6:29. I was in full blown labor and was in such denial I thought it was severe constipation😂 Hazel is perfect and we're all in love with her. When Aubrey first saw her she said "oh she's beautiful." I'm so beyond happy with how much Aubrey already loves her. I don't think my heart could be any fuller❤️
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Life Update
Bump is measuring a week ahead, which is nothing new. I still havent dilated, despite the contraction waves I've been getting the past week, but my cervix has softened. The midwife couldn't tell if baby was head down or not, and apparently because its sore for me where shes pressing the bump to check, it means my uterus has been contracting legitimately and Im not just experiencing BH contractions. Sonogram shows that she is head down, however, and enjoys sleeping with her hands closed together and shes got chubby cheeks and the most adorable cupids bow. I seriously need this girl to get here, I could have her any day. Im registered at the hospital, diaper bags and hospital bags are packed, and I'm feeling more and more confident that I can handle this.
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viancanicolee · 7 years
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Ready for you baby girl. ✨
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diarybuncil · 3 years
Halo sayang mama 🤍
Udha lama mama ga sempet nulis disini ya sayang, maaf ya dek mama suka lupa huhu. Hari ini adek sudah 37w4d loh, adek dikit lg bakal ketemu mama sama ayah yeaaayy. Berat adek terakhir kemsrin di cek bidan udah 3.7 kilogram, waaaw pantes aja adek suka mentok di perut mama karena pasti sempit sekali ya sayang, maaf ya nak kalo perut mama sempit jd adek gabisa bebas didalem perut mama. Adek inget ga setiap kita periksa ke dokter pasti dibilang posisi nya sudah bagus, kepala adek sudah dibawah atau dijalan lahir mulai dari tujuh bulan. Lalu di 36w mama sama ayah kontrol lagi ternyata kepala adek muter keatasssss, waaaw kami kaget banget huhu, pantesan ko rasanya berat dan engap sekali mama nak.
Besok Selasa itu penentuan ya nak, mama ga maksa ade buat muter lagi karena mama tau pasti juga susah buat adek muter karena berat badan adek sudah sangat besar, tp kalo adek masih mau berusaha yuk, mama juga bakal bantu adek terus. Tp kalo adek sudah berusaha dan gabisa muter, yasudah gapapa sayang. Apapun jalannya ketemu adek pasti mama ikhlas nak, mama dan ayah mau yg terbaik buat adek yg penting adek dan mama sehat selama persalinan nanti.
Kemungkinan kita ketemu hari selasa atau rabu ya sayang, jadi anak yg kuat dan sholeh serta lengkap tanpa kekurangan apapun ya nak. Mama dan ayah ga sabar ketemu adek 🤍
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hellodandianis · 3 years
Sampai hari ini,
Aku tdk menyangka bahwa di dalam perutku ini tumbuh malaikat kecil yg akan menemani hari2 ku nanti. Hari ini mungkin km akan bersiap untuk keluar dari rahimku nak, Mommy selalu berdoa untuk keselamatan kita berdua.
37w4d km berada di perut mommy. Nanti jika tiba saat nya km harus kluar dan menghadapi kehidupan di dunia, percayalah bahwa km akan baik2 saja berada di pelukan ayah dan mommy.
Dear Alano Alfarizi, Ayah & Mommy always love u nak. Jadilah anak yg happy tanpa di buat2. Jadilah anak sholeh, anak baik, dan anak yg selalu bersyukur atas apa yg km punya.
Jombang, 21 Sept 2021
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Not knowing when I’m going into labour is so nervewracking. Every day I’m like - is it now?! I thought I would be going into labour very early because my mom went early with both me and my sister but nothing’s happened yet. I know I still have weeks left but I can’t wait anymore!
I know I’m going to have to give birth - something that is really hard and painful - I know it is soon, but when? Argh, the suspense! 
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preciouspages · 5 years
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📸 Self pictorial w/ my baby bump @37w4d 📸 Thank you Almighty Father for a healthy pregnancy journey. Getting ready to meet my baby Xyn Dezaray real soon 😚😘😍. #babybump #37weekspregnant #XynDezaray (at Quezon City, Philippines) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwbhrB0FekcEY8Rmay1ELZSvapYUlm1m6S3xHE0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mdkvolgdl3eu
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goldennavithings · 5 years
初産で37w4dです 数日前から ・生理痛のような痛み(今までの腰痛とは全然違う痛み) ・お腹の張り
初産で37w4dです 数日前から ・生理痛のような痛み(今までの腰痛とは全然違う痛み) ・お腹の張り の頻度が多くなりました。 間隔はバラバラです これが前駆陣痛なのでしょうか?(><) Source: 妊娠出産 お悩み解決
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dungeonsndiapers · 7 years
37 weeks 4 days
Saw my doctor today. The doctor I saw for fertility treatments. It's been so long she thought for a second that I was pregnant again. She made me feel a lot better. We got to see Kennedy again, and she gave me some semblance of a plan for the next few weeks. I have two more appointments on the schedule. The last one is 39w4d (two weeks from today) and at that appointment they will check my cervix and if there is any sort of dilation they will strip my membranes and she said most people go into labor within 48 hours from that point but if not they will schedule my next appointment for 41 weeks at the hospital for induction. If I'm not dilated enough to strip my membranes then they will schedule me for an appointment in the office for 40 weeks and try again. So from this Saturday, I for sure only have 3 more weeks. Which is both exciting and sad? I got really frustrated today when I stubbed my pinky toe on the bathroom door because I didn't have my glasses on and I can't see my feet past my stomach. So I cried because I was frustrated and over being pregnant. Then I cried harder because I'm only going to be pregnant a few more weeks and I will probably never be pregnant again, and that's so sad.
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igeekoutalot · 7 years
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Hazel Marie💞
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howimetmybaby-blog · 8 years
How nesting is like
Baby, you're 37w4d now. Im tired to be honest but xant sleep until later i guess. I've been guilty of not exercising much and i think i should really start but ur abah is not so supportive this time. Not sure if i should blame him. Oh well. My pelvic pain is getting worse, but i've got to be strong and tahan. Anyway, now we're starting the nesting game, washed some of ur clothes, and we beought home ur sister's cot home for u. Have to clean it up soon. Ur abah said he wants to paint it... Lets see if he will. Hahaha. He's ambitious... Haha. We've also added shelves in ur sis's room and it looks much better. U can share the room with her when you're older ok? Im gg crazy lookingvat the house but at the same time so lazy to clean it cos im so tired. Lets see how it goes these next few days. Im so excited to meet you yet im quite sad i'll miss ur movements in my tummy once you're out... Really hope to see u soon ok. Develop well and come out gently and safely ok. Love you baby!
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