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Day 115: LUNGES WITH WEIGHT (Equipment: Weights). Today’s we will take our lunges up a notch and add dumbbells to the mix. Hold a dumbbell in each and and stand tall. Step forward with your right leg and bend so your leg is at a 90 degree angle. Then with your right heel, push your your leg back to the starting position. Switch legs and repeat. Give it a go for 5 minutes and we will see you all tomorrow. #crewwellness #pilot #5minuteworkouts #pilotlife #crewwellnessfitness #365exercises #flightcrew #flightattendantlife #gettingfit #stayingfit #workingout #workout #lunges #legday (at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport)
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Day 105: DIPS WITH WEIGHT You need to prop your feet up on a bench and your arms on another bench. Then place a weight flat on your thighs. Lower your arms into a 90 degree dips and press back up to the starting position. Ensure you are keeping your abs engaged throughout the exercise and use lighter weight at first. Give it a try for 5 minutes and we will see you tomorrow. #dips #workout #pilotlife #workingout #crewwellnessfitness #gettingfit #stayingfit #365exercises #5minuteworkouts #flightcrew #pilot #flightattendantlife #fitness (at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport)
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Day 103: BUTTERFLY (Chest) (Equipment: Weight Machine). Let’s work on our chest today. Sit on the machine with your back flat on the pad. Push the handles together slowly as you squeeze your chest in the middle and hold for a moment. Return back to the starting position. (Tip: Your upper arms should be positioned parallel to the floor; adjust the machine accordingly. This will be your starting position). Give it a go for 5 minutes and we will see you tomorrow. #crewwellness #gettingfit #crewwellnessfitness #stayingfit #pilotlife #pilot #pilotfitness #workout #workingout #5minuteworkouts #365exercises #flightattendantlife #flightattendantfitness #chest (at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport)
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Day 99: SKI JUMP This is a quick and great cardio workout that I like to use as a warmup or in between sets of lifting. Start in a standing position with your feet together. Bend your knees about 30 to 45 degrees, and keep your hands to the side like you’re skiing down hill. Engage your abs then slowly jump side to side to mimic a downhill skiing motion. Try it out for 5 minutes and take breaks as needed. We will see you tomorrow for #100. Thanks and keep up the great work. #ski #skierworkout #cardio #crewwellness #crewwellnessfitness #pilotlife #pilot #5minuteworkouts #flighattendantlife #365exercises #stayingfit #workout #workingout #pilotfitness #wellness (at Tempe, Arizona)
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Day 7: FRONTAL ARM RAISES Let’s work on our shoulders today! Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms to your side. Raise one of your arms to eye level engaging the front of your shoulder. Release your arm back to your side then repeat with your other arm. Give this exercise for 5 minutes and add it to your repertoire. #workingout #shoulders #gettingfit #stayingfit #fitness #5minuteworkout #365exercises #crewwellness #crewwellnessfitness
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Day 116: TRICEP PUSHDOWNS (Equipment: Weight Machine). Today let’s shape those arms. Attach a straight or angled bar to a high pulley and grab with an overhand grip at shoulder width. Standing upright with a very small inclination forward, bring the upper arms close to your body and perpendicular to the floor. Using the triceps, bring the bar down until it touches the front of your thighs. Slowly let the bar go back to the starting position. Repeat. Try this exercise out for 5 minutes and let us know what you think. #workingout #gettingfit #5minuteworkouts #pilot #stayingfit #365exercises #flightcrew #crewwellnessfitness #crewwellness #pilotlife #pilotfitness #triceps #flightattendantlife (at Tempe, Arizona)
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Day 111: TRICEP DUMBBELL KICKBACK (Equipment: Weight and Bench). Sounds fancier than it is, but gives great results. Start with a dumbbell in your right arm. Lean on a bench with your left knee and arm supporting your weight. Hold your right arm at a 90 degree angle with the upper portion of you arm parallel to your torso. Then extend your arm to be fully parallel with your torso. Lower back to the 90 degree position. #tricepsworkout #workout #gettingfit #workingout #5minuteworkouts #stayingfit #365exercises #pilotlife #pilot #crewwellnessfitness #flightcrew #crewwellness #pilotfitness #flightattendantlife (at Tempe, Arizona)
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Day 108: SKULL CRUSHERS (Equipment: Weight and Bar). Let’s work on those triceps today. Lay on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Lift the bar straight above your eyes. Lower the bar towards your forehead. Keep your elbows tucked in towards your body. Then raise the bar back to the starting position. That’s all there is to it. Try it for 5 minutes. #5minuteworkouts #365exercises #pilot #pilotlife #pilotfitness #gettingfit #stayingfit #workingout #workout #flightattendantlife #flightcrew (at Queretaro)
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Day 107: FARMERS WALK (Equipment: Dumbells). Simply grab a weight in each hand. Walk from heel to toe while keeping your arms close to your side and shoulders tight. Engage your abs and slightly tuck your chin. Walk across the room then turn around. This is one set. See how many sets you can do in 5 minutes and we will see you tomorrow. #pilot #pilotlife #flightcrew #365exercises #5minuteworkouts #gettingfit #stayingfit #flightattendantlife #workout #workingout #farmerswalk (at Hampton Inn By Hilton Querétaro Tecnológico)
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Day 106: MILITARILY PRESS Pick up a barbell with your hands inline with your shoulders. Lift the bar up over your head by locking your arms. Hold at about shoulder level and slightly in front of your head. This is your starting position. Lower the bar down to the collarbone. Lift the bar back up to the starting position. Repeat. #militarypress #workingout #workout #5minuteworkouts #pilot #365exercises #gettingfit #stayingfit #flightcrew #pilotlife #shoulders #flightattendantlife (at Hampton Inn By Hilton Querétaro Tecnológico)
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Day 98: REVOLVED TRIANGLE We made it! It’s our last day of two weeks of #yoga. Great job. This is a hard one. From mountain pose, step left foot back and place it flat on the floor, turned out 45 degrees. Line up heel to heel, or wider for more stability and space. Ground down into both feet and lift up through thighs. Hinge forward at hips and lengthen spine over front thigh. Release left hand to a block placed on the outer edge of front foot. (To modify, place block on the inside of front foot.) Rotate torso to the right. Stretch right arm up. Give it your best for 5 minutes and we will see you tomorrow. #workingout #gettingfit #stayingfit #workout #365exercises #pilot #pilotlife #pilotfitness #crewwellnessfitness #crewwellness #flightcrew #flightattendantlife (at Phoenix, Arizona)
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Day 97: INCHWORM WITH UP DOG Just two days left in our two weeks of #yoga. Let’s keep going!! Start with feet shoulder width apart, bend at the waist and place your palms on the floor. Keep inching your hands further away from your feet. Once in the plank position, drop your hips and arch up into an upward facing down position. Drop your hips toward the ground as you press your chest out with your arms straight. You can change your foot position and come forward onto the tops of your feet instead of staying on the balls of your feet. Then slowly roll back to plank position. Then inch your hands back towards your feet. Rise to a standing position. Repeat. Give it a try for 5 minutes and we will see you tomorrow. #gettingfit #stayingfit #crewwellness #crewwellnessfitness #pilot #pilotlife #pilotfitness #workout #workingout #5minuteworkouts #365exercises #flightattendantlife (at Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico)
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Day 96: SHOULDER STAND Let’s keep going with our two weeks of #yoga. Neatly stack two blankets with the neat folded edges aligned with the short edge of your mat. Lay on the blankets and place the tops of your shoulders two inches from the edge of the blankets. Rest head on the floor behind the blankets. Roll upper arms open and spread chest wide. Ground down into upper arms to draw knees into the chest. Place feet on the floor behind your head. Be sure to keep your head still and neck relaxed. Interlace fingers behind you and roll inner upper arms open. Shimmy upper arms under chest and draw shoulder blades in and up. Bend elbows and place both hands flat on the upper back. Press into upper arms, lift one leg at a time into shoulderstand, and reach up through legs. To come out of the pose, lower one foot at a time to the floor, release arms, and roll down one vertebra at a time. Give it a try for 5 minutes and we will see you tomorrow. #gettingfit #stayingfit #workingout #workout #5minuteworkouts #365exercises #pilot #pilotlife #pilotfitness #flightcrew #flightattendantlife (at Queretaro)
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Day 94: CAMEL POSE We are continuing with our two weeks of #yoga. Let’s get to it!! Kneel with shins hip-distance apart. Rest hands on the back of your pelvis. Press down strongly into shins and reach up through the torso. Lift chest up as you stretch arms back to reach hands to heels. (To modify, curl toes under so you don’t have to reach as far.) Let’s give it a try for 5 minutes and we will see you tomorrow. #gettingfit #stayingfit #365exercises #flightcrew #5minuteworkouts #pilot #pilotlife #flightattendantlife #workingout #workout (at Camelback East, Phoenix)
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Day 93: BOW POSE Let’s continue with our two weeks of #yoga. Lie facedown, then lift chest, arms, and legs off the floor. Bend knees and reach back to grab outer ankles. Lift toes toward the ceiling, spin inner thighs in the same direction, and lengthen tailbone toward the backs of your knees. Spread and lift chest. Give it a try for 5 minutes and we will see you tomorrow. #gettingfit #stayingfit #pilot #5minuteworkouts #pilotlife #flightcrew #365exercises #workout #workingout #flightattendantlife (at Tempe, Arizona)
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Day 91: HALF MOON POSE Let’s keep rolling with our two weeks of #yoga. Start in triangle pose. Bend front knee, tracking it with your second toe. Step back foot in and walk bottom hand approximately 12 inches in front of you. Line up thumb with pinky toe. Shift your weight into front foot and lift back foot off the ground. Reach back leg strongly toward the wall behind you, then raise up top arm. To challenge your balance, rotate your chest up toward the ceiling and gaze up at your top hand. Let us know what you think and we will see you tomorrow !! #gettingfit #stayingfit #crewwellness #crewwellnessfitness #zen #pilot #pilotlife #5minuteworkouts #flightcrew #365exercises #flightattendantlife (at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport)
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