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programmerjobs · 11 months ago
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fancydreamland999999 · 2 years ago
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The Ming Dynasty blue and white porcelain tea cup
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weacrack · 2 years ago
YITH WooCommerce Order Tracking Premium 2.14.0 Nulled
https://weacrack.com/?p=36517 YITH WooCommerce Order Tracking Premium 2.14.0 Nulled - https://weacrack.com/?p=36517 -
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lalisani · 8 years ago
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benevolentsam · 8 years ago
Sam's favourite thing about the bunker was how he always managed to find something new hidden in a cupboard or under some bed. Despite having lived there for over a year, Sam was still finding new things every day. It was amazing what he found; books and music and little wooden toys. There was a chess set made of pearl and opal that Sam found wedged between a mattress and it's bed frame. There was beauty in holding a piece of history in your hands. It was a beauty Sam couldn't get over.
One day, some time after Dean had left and Sam was searching for a trace of someone, he found a box of vinyl records. He recognised most of the names, big band singers like Frank Sinatra and Artie Shaw. One album that particularly caught his eye was that of Glenn Miller. The soft jazz music was something he remembered fondly from his days at college functions, parties his teachers would invite him to. It provided him with something familiar to comfort him without his brother being there. 
The record had been on a constant loop since Sam found it.
At some point, Cas returned with a tired smile on his face and little news about Gadreel. It didn't matter, Sam was just glad to have some company. The sound of the record player whirring was bouncing off the walls and driving Sam a little stir crazy, but the alternative was silence and God did silence kill his brain. Cas did the usual wash up, changing his clothes or at least cleaning them, before popping his head round the door of the library.
"Sam, what is this music?" He asked. Sam supposed he hadn't heard much music besides what Dean made them all listen to.
"It's called swing music, made by a guy called Glenn Miller," Sam told him.
"I like it," Cas hummed, drifting into the room. His feet seemed to skirt across the ground like a ghost. "It's a lot less depressing than the music Dean listens to." Sam laughed. He had that right.
Cas began to dance around the room, surprisingly well for an angel who had never danced before. He was gliding and sliding and looking as graceful as ever. The feeling was infectious, and soon Sam joined in Cas' dancing. He was a lot less graceful, tripped over his own feet more than once, but he was having fun for thr first time in a long time.
It didn't take long before Sam and Cas collided into each other. Sam fell to the floor and Cas promptly fell on top of him, knocking the wind out of his lungs. Still, the smile on Sam's face would not break. It was the most free Sam had felt in years. All thoughts of Gadreel and Dean and Metatron had left his head, the only thought being Cas' warm hands and the way they held onto his own.
"Would you like to try that again?" Castiel invited, and who was Sam to deny an angel asking him to dance?
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rebeccathenaturalist · 5 years ago
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Hey, everybody--this one’s pretty important, and time sensitive. Reblogs are REALLY appreciated to help get the word out!
I think the comic pretty much sums it up, but here are some relevant links in easy-to-click form:
Information on the Public Comment Period, including how to make said comment by email, snail mail, or hand delivery: http://www.fws.gov/news/ShowNews.cfm?ref=u.s.-fish-and-wildlife-service-solicits-public-input-on-proposed-rule-and-&_ID=36517
How to contact the President, your Senators and Representatives: http://www.usa.gov/elected-officials/
Information on the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918: http://www.fws.gov/birds/policies-and-regulations/laws-legislations/migratory-bird-treaty-act.php
List of Protected Species: http://www.fws.gov/birds/management/managed-species/migratory-bird-treaty-act-protected-species.php
A Seattle Times article on the proposed changes: http://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/trump-administration-moves-to-ease-rules-against-killing-birds/
The three organizations I mentioned in the last panel:
The Audubon Society - http://www.audubon.org/
The Natural Resources Defense Council - http://www.nrdc.org/
The American Bird Conservancy - http://abcbirds.org/
Species portrayed: brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis), northern flicker (Colaptes auratus), Anna's hummingbird (Calypte anna), Northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis), red-tailed hawk [feather] (Buteo jamaicensis), American bushtit (Psaltriparus minimus), great blue heron [eggs] (Ardea herodias), mallard  (Anas platyrhynchos), passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius), common grackle (Quiscalus quiscula), eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis), blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata), great egret (Ardea alba), bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), American robin (Turdus migratorius)
Transcript under cut
Title: The Migratory Bird Treaty Act
[Panel 1: A brown pelican covered in oil stands forlornly on an oil-covered landscape.] If you’ve been paying attention to environmental news lately, you may have read that U.S. Fish and Wildlife weakened protection for almost every wild native bird in the country. Until recently, companies that killed birds in the process of oil drilling, mining, and other operations were subject to fines and other legal actions. Now, they can devastate bird populations with impunity.
[Panel 2: A black shadow breaks up into several flying passenger pigeons; the one on the farthers right falls to the ground.] The law that helped protect these birds is the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The United States passed itin 1918 after several species went extinct, and many more very nearly so, due to overhunting for feathers and meat at the turn of the century. We lost the passenger pigeon, the Carolina parakeet, and Laborador duck, among others, while the great egret was one of many that came close to total extermination. In addition to the pressures of hunting, habitat loss prevented species from having places to retreat to, leaving them less able to recover from our attacks, and causing even more endangerment and extinction.
[Panel 3: A northern flicker sits next to a red-tailed hawk feather; there is also an Anna’s hummingbird sitting on a nest, a mallard tail feather, a blue jay feather and great egret eggs, alongside a male northern cardinal and an American bushtit.] The MBTA makes it illegal to hunt, trap, kill, injure, sell or buy, or transport listed species, live or dead, as well as their feathers* nests, and eggs. Almost all wild native birds are listed, from raptors to songbirds, corvids to waterfowl, gulls to shorebirds. Certain exceptions are made for some game birds, and non-native species are not protected.
*This does include naturally shed, or molted, feathers, since otherwise plume hunters post-MBTA could just say “I found these on the ground!” when in fact they had poached the birds the feathers came from.
[Panel 4: Three hats are arranged in a row, each with feathers, wings, or an entire taxidermy bird on them. There are also two dead passenger pigeons, and a dead eastern bluebird and blue jay hang from their feet by cords on the right side.] Why so strict? The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw a huge trend in feathered hats, some even displaying entire taxidermy birds. No species was safe. Ornithologist Frank Chapman counted 40 species represented on over 500 hats during two visits to New York City’s shopping district. This included a wide array, from blue jays to eagles, waxwings to woodpeckers. Some species were also hunted extensively to provide meat to restaurants. The passenger pigeon was a famous example, going from numbering in the billions and creating flocks that could block out the sun, to completely extinct - in the space of just a few decades.
[Panel 5: A great egret in breeding plumage feeds a fish to its two young in a nest in a tree.] The passage of the MBTA led to the end of the plume trade outside of a few domestic and other non-native species, and stopped the wholesale hunting of non-game birds for the table. It also required companies to factor in their impact on birds and penalized them when their activities led to incidental killing of protected species.
[Panel 6: A bald eagle lands on a piece of driftwood while another perches on a dead tree, while overlooking a landscape of dune grass, beach, and ocean.] Unsurprisingly, birds began to rebound just a few years after the MBTA was passed. Later laws like the Bald and Golden Eagle Act of 1940, and 1973′s Endangered Species Act helped add layers of protection to specific species. But the MBTA remained a wide-spanning defense for native birds in the United States.
[Panel 7: Three dead mallards lay alongside a polluted stream, while a metal pipe leaks toxic liquids into the water.] Industries that pollute, destroy habitat, or otherwise injures and kill birds and other wildlife have long sought to weaken the MBTA. The Trump Administration’s recent actions will hand these companies a free pass to kill MBTA-listed birds with impunity. As long as they can’t be proven to have killed the birds on purpose, they’re in the clear.
[Panel 8: A robin fledgling sits with its mouth open.] The birds that our country spent a century bringing back from the brink are now threatened with extinction again. Here are some ways to help them:
--The public comment period for these changes to the MBTA opened February 3 and goes until March 19 at:
tinyurl.com/uzroquj (scroll down for directions)
-Write to your federal elected officials, including the preseident, urging them to restore the MBTA. Tell your House representatives to support H.R. 5552, the Migratory Bird Protection Act, which restores what would be taken from the MBTA.
--Support organizations working to save the MBTA, like the Auduon Society, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and the American Bird Conservancy.
--Educate your friends and family about this issue. Show them this comic and accompanying links at:
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boaringoldguy · 4 years ago
Thank you theconservativeresistance
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freefrontend-blog · 4 years ago
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ventureadventure · 2 years ago
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my-yasiuae · 2 years ago
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فوائد شاي الماتشا الياباني في انقاص الوزن ومحاربة الشيخوخة واحد من أنواع الشاي الأخضر، يعتبر هذا شاي الماتشا الياباني من أسرار رشاقة اليابانيات وصحتهنّ الممتازة. فماذا تربح لو شربته يوميًا؟ محاربة الشيخوخة كشفت الدراسات أن في شاي ماتشا مضادات أكسدة أكثر بكثير من أي مواد غذائية ومكونات أخرى ت... للمزيد من التفاصيل: https://yasiuae.net/?p=126065&feed_id=36517
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ankeetahatwar · 3 years ago
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dollsahoy · 6 years ago
Wait.  How can a house have a cute garage?
Pink room!
Green! room
basement futon
...with festive ceiling decorations
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lalisani · 8 years ago
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23/365 edits of Lalisa Manoban ♡
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benevolentsam · 8 years ago
"How'd it go?"
Sam had been studying every night that week. Dean hated when he got like that, it was like he was consumed by his work or some shit. He'd fixate on every little piece of knowledge he didn't know, completely worried he'd fuck up his test. It didn't even really matter, because they'd be gone in the next week or so. If he failed the test, he failed.
"Bad. Really bad."
It always went like that. No matter how much revision Sam did, no matter how prepared he was for the test, he'd always claim to do badly. Must be fucking pessimistic, because the kid always aced it, no matter what. He could be a fucking encyclopaedia with what he knew.
"Oh c’mon, Sammy. It can’t have been that bad."
Sam started laughing as he climbed into the Impala. He carried on laughing as Dean followed suit, didn't stop until Dean slammed the door shut. It was the kind of self deprecating laugh that pissed Dean off. He hated when Sammy looked down on himself.
"Dean, I pretty much fell asleep in the middle of the test. Like I'm pretty sure I drooled on the paper. I've failed, man."
Dean sighed as he turned on the engine. This is what he got for not looking after himself. He couldn't count the amount of times that he'd told Sam to go get some sleep in the last week. There'd been times where he'd gone to bed before his brother because Sam was way too stubborn to just go to sleep when he was told.
"Maybe if you would've listened to me when I told you to sleep, you could've stayed awake."
Sam rolled his eyes, dramatic enough that Dean could see it while keeping his eyes on the road.
"Yeah, yeah, Jerk. I get it, I'm an idiot."
"You don't, Sam. You're the only one who's gonna go far in this family, okay? I hate to admit it, but you're smarter than me, maybe not cooler or taller, but definitely smarter. You might even be smarter than Dad - don't tell him I said that. My point is, no matter what you do, you're gonna be great at it. Even if you are a little bitch."
Sam smirked, but he didn't say anything else. There was definitely something on his mind; Dean just hoped he was finally starting to believe in himself.
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