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electricboatss-315 · 5 years ago
Stressed Out in Another World!!!
“How did I get roped into this?” Sealion mused, filling out the old pack with an odd assortment of gear he collected since Vietnam. Looking back at his bed was the scroll and sword given to him by the goddess Minvera herself. The scroll was a call for help, kill the demon lord or something. Naturally the Chief was suspicious but some prodding from a certain onee-sama pushed him to take the offer up. Fully dressed he marched over to the supply office and called for Sacramento.
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“Hey ‘Mento! Ya coming or what?” He looked less ready to go to a fantasy world and more like ready to go back to World War II.
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hmshood51 · 6 years ago
35th-rsu replied to your post: Nuke Mo
what’d she do this time
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“The usual damsel in distress tropes.”
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cute-girls-with-fangs · 6 years ago
I know its late but im confused on a annon ask a while back on inflation where they submitting kinks to be evaluated to you? if so I could give insight since i help run a couple strictly nsfw servers and may or may not know some things about that kink in specific >.> .>
Yo hit me up with the insight my guy bc i don’t know if people actually are into shit like that or if its just typical exaggeration in hentai
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abyssal-shenanigans · 7 years ago
Super Secret Surveillance Squad
Unbeknownst to the Admiral and his new arrivals (or at least, they hoped it was unbeknownst), a set of three different eyes were even now watching the scene unfold from inside a shrubbery located several hundred yards away.
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“Ok... so it looks like the new transfers are the crazy teaboo... some kind of robot bunny girl... and... I can’t tell if those are weird animal ears or if its just her hair, so list that as ‘hair freak and/or cat girl’. Interesting!”
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“Ri. Those are Kongou,  Murakumo, and Hatsuzuki. How do you now know this? Comprehensive intelligence regarding the identities and armament of all active pacific theater ship-girls was implanted into our minds before we were even born.”
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“Look, it was either keep remembering all that garbage, or memorize the Pokemon type effectiveness chart. I stand by my choice.”
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“...Why are we even here again?”
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“To be SNEAKY SNEAKS! Gotta keep my skills sharp so I can keep hiding from my responsibilities!”
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kantaiturnerjoy-blog · 6 years ago
Those who’d heard about the 35th RSU, but weren’t familiar with it, held it with a great deal of suspicion. Records about the loose organization weren’t very thorough, and what was there was redacted heavily. As a result, there were members to the various defense organizations and treaties around the ocean who were reluctant to call on their aid.
So it was that an enterprising officer fell back on them as a last resort. With no command of her own, and with an opportunity rapidly vanishing, she seized the initiative.
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“Commander Stoker. I apologize for coming to you so abruptly, but time is not something I have much of. My name is Lieutenant Driscoll... and I have a mission that only you can accomplish.”
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unnotantei · 7 years ago
30+ new jobs in Jawa Barat
IndeedJobAlert_email The Peak, Biznet Networks, and Adira Finance have opportunities for you! 30+ new jobs in Jawa Barat PPIC Duta Wijaya - Bekasi Pria usia max. 35th. Duta Wijaya adalah perusahan yang bergerak dalam bidang pembuatan Panel Listrik membutuhkan seorang PPIC dengan kualifikasi :. Pt.... Easily apply 19 Jan JOB IN BANDUNG Pt. Best asia Bandung - Bandung Berpengalaman min. 1 tahun lebih di utamakan. Cv dan surat lamaran. Untuk penempatan kantor jasa keuangan komoditi cabang *BANDUNG.*.... Easily apply 19 Jan Helper / Picker PT.ATRI DISTRIBUSINDO - Bekasi Pendidikan yang dibutuhkan:. SMU atau sederajat. Input Data stock opname perhari yang telah dilakukan oleh Helper / Picker kemudian dibandingkan dengan data... Easily apply 19 Jan Kepala Gudang The Peak 4 reviews - Bandung Pria Usia Maks 35 Tahun. Mengawasi pekerjaan staff gudang lainnya agar sesuai dengan standar kerja. Bisa Komputer (Excel, word, Basic Office).... Easily apply 20 Jan Staff Recruitment & Administrasi HRD PT Sri Indah Labetama - Bandung Mampu mengoperasikan computer Ms Office. Wanita berumur maksimal 27 tahun. Diutamakan pendidikan S-1 Psikologi.... 19 Jan Junior Graphic Designer Ideatree Branding - West Java Responsibility : * Create conceptual and computer visualise based on the brief as provided and will lay out pages, draw logos, redraw logos, rework text,... Easily apply 20 Jan BDA (Indramayu, Sragen,Jember,Jogja) Bali Hai Brewing Co - West Java We do what we say and are always true to our word in everything we do. Pengalaman minimum 2 tahun. Spesifikasi Pengalaman Kerja. Komunikasi dengan baik.... 19 Jan Supervisor Project Pasang Atap Baja RIngan PT INTI MULIA (KIREI) - Karawang Pendidikan min D3/S1 Teknik SIpil berkemampuan CAD. Bisa membaca gambar, dan berkoordinasi dengan mandor / tukang/ subcont.... 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electricboatss-315 · 6 years ago
Return of a Frog...Woman?
‘Oh man what a headache! I can barely think right now, my head feels heavy, my mind if foggy...For some reason my body is sore in all the wrong places...’ That was what could be processed through the mind of a young lady with long green hair and sporting the khaki uniform of a USN officer. Everything felt sudden, first the attack on Manila now she is in a strange new base with only a gut feeling to guide her. 
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“Sealion you schmuck, what did you get yourself into this time?...Maybe there is an admiral here or someone I can talk too...”
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hmshood51 · 6 years ago
35th-rsu replied to your post: And another thing
ngl academy sounds really fun and light hearted looking forward to seeing what becomes of it
Technically have one thread in it already to help me flesh out the setting.
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Keep an eye out for this academy-age hood. (Darjeeling is a good hood FC)
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electricboatss-315 · 7 years ago
Shipgirl Tips for Admirals
1) Destroyers need constant reassurance or they will die. 
2) Battleships are sexually attracted to fire.
3) They weigh many times more than the average human, do no attempt to pick them up or any other physical activity.
4) Most are non-nuclear vessels be prepared to be eaten out of work and home. A proper spending plan for your base is vital.
5) Amendment to point two, Heavy Cruisers are also attracted to fire.
6) Amendment to point six, honestly all Capital Ships are attracted to anything that moves...
7) In reference to point 3, don’t be a boat fucker. You will be crushed and you will have deserved it. 
8) If you are a boat fucker, you will lose your commission as an officer.
9) No matter how much they advance on you, don’t give in. 
10) If you think you will be fighting fierce sea battles, be prepared for a life of boredom and paperwork. 
11) No, shipgirls will not be used as means to escape boredom.
12) Your position as admiral does not entitle you to make your fleet a harem. 
13) Honestly being an admiral is pretty pointless, no wars and no means of enjoying the company of your fleet. Mostly you will just have more mouths to feed. 
14) Honestly all shipgirls are attracted to anything that moves. Be careful of the destroyers, they are jail bait and make a game out of putting more admirals on the predator list. 
15) Sure the Tokitsukaze and Yuudachi models act like adorable puppies, but the will make you wish you adopted a fully grown Tibetan Mastiff. Train them well and let them know whose boss
16) Houshou will try to act as a mother toward you, then make you feel guilty on spending the holidays with your real mother and not her. Remedy this by acquiring as many IJN carriers as possible so she doesn’t suffer separation anxiety. 
17) If you acquire Akagi, you MUST acquire Kaga unless you prefer have a carrier eat your entire supply without some sort of outside impulse control. 
18) Never trust the cute/innocent ships. They are too smart for their own good. 
19) Be prepared to be drafted into an actual command if a war breaks out. 
20) Other than that, enjoy your new fleet! 
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electricboatss-315 · 6 years ago
All Kancolle/Azur Lane rpers in the world, let it be down that on December 17th 2018 we will all write the steamiest of smut roleplays! We will make tumblr so dirty that bleach will not clean it!
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electricboatss-315 · 7 years ago
And now for our feature presentation! Enjoy for the first time on this blog, Cary Grant and Tony Curtis in...OPERATION PETTICOAT!
LCDR Sherman is a simple man with simple wants, to get his submarine out on patrol after some....minor setbacks. LTJG Nick Holden is a young rapscallion Sherman has to put up with, however not all is as it seems. A chicken chaser like Holden also knows how to chase what Sherman wants to get his sub back in the war! 
With a case of many others, this movie will be sure to leave you in so many stitches you’ll need to be sent to dry dock!
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hmshood51 · 6 years ago
replied to your
35th-rsu replied to your post: ...
people still want to kidnap her? I thought after they took her rig and nuke there was nothing left to want
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“They were apparently after a key...”
Thus begins a three hour lecture on Orkney folklore.
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electricboatss-315 · 7 years ago
Lost and Found
Sealion was standing a normal watch at the Ordnance Shop, one that would include the ever glamorous task of clearing out the gear lockers of any trash that other less watchful persons decided to leave for him. However inside the locker was something that sent a shiver down his spine. It was an old and dusty cruise box, in faded gold lettering read as follows:
CTM USS Sealion, SS-315 USN
Nervously he opened the box and inside were four suits one blue, one white, one khaki and one gray. Other trinkets included long forgotten relics of conflict from his commissioning in 1943 to his end of duty in 1974. A million more memories flooded him, including the reason he tossed the box into the ocean. 
“WHO FOUND THIS?! I never wanted to see this again!”
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