amyjaloleyy · 4 months
i didnt talked abt my date😧
It was pretty good🙌🏻🥰…we just walked 33km because we took every dead end hahahhahah
Good way to burn many many calories🫡 i definitely will repeat this at the weekend🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
we move, don’t binge
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arctic-hands · 2 years
Turkish authorities confirm 1,541 deaths, with another 810 reported in Syria, after powerful earthquakes bring thousands of buildings crashing down in both countries.
Initial magnitude 7.8 tremor in southeastern Turkey early on Monday was followed by magnitude 7.6 earthquake hours later amid several aftershocks.
The US Geological Survey said the initial tremor was centred about 33km (20 miles) from Gaziantep, a major city and provincial capital.
Dozens of countries have pledge to aid in search and rescue operations.
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alphachromeyayo · 11 months
Crawling out your TV with a spooky gift! 💀💗
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A bunch of freebie codes for my DEAD AIR album below, and it's 90% off my full 300+ track discog, which is spooky AND sexy!
To get DEAD AIR for free, just copy and paste one of these codes at the link below 💀💗
Have a cool day! 👻
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roosterarts · 1 year
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This just in: Flying skyscraper decided to do four loop-the-loops 33km above the Earth.
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samantha-dan564 · 1 year
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ボディはどことなく西武鉄道を思わせるけど、素性は101系電車に結構似ているという感じ。そして性能面で面白いのが定格速度51.5km/hっていう点。最高速度80km/hの路線でこの定格速度は無駄に速い。だったらギアリングをもうちょっと深く取って定格33km/hくらいにしたほうが使い勝手いいと思うんだよね。ちなみに全界磁までの加速力はギアリング5.6で1.8km/h/s。1M1Tならこんなもんかって感じかな? モータはTDK-806だから小田急のロマンスカー・SE(3000形)と同型(つまり国鉄101系のMT46Aの親戚。���子電圧が750Vか375Vかの違い)。つまり高回転低トルク型のモータなんですよ。それを1M1Tで運用するんだからまあ、こういう性能になる
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bonsoirs37 · 1 year
24/05 Étape 50 Triacastela - Ferreiros
J'appelle cette étape : la Galice paysanne. Parti pour une étape de 33km (réservation à Ferreiros) un choix s'impose au départ : soit prendre l'itinéraire via Samos (ce qui nous rajoute 7 km) soit poursuivre el camino Francès . Nous sommes sages et restons sur notre étape initiale.
Et je dois dire que ce côté-là n'est pas mal du tout, avec traversé de nombreuses fermes, chemins sous les arbres, que j'apprécie en fin de parcours car soleil commence à chauffer.
Nous aurons l'occasion de nous désaltérer à plusieurs reprises, dans des bars ou vente au milieu d'un village en Donativo. A midi ce sera assiette de charcuterie et fromage à Sarria.
Sarria, ville de début d'étape pour les cent derniers km. Il faut savoir que pour obtenir la compostela, il faut au minimum parcourir les cent derniers km avec 2 validations par jour (tampons sur la Crédencial). Donc on a vu débarquer des américaines, (mais pas que...) avec d'énormes valises, qui demain partiront vers Compostelle avec portage des bagages. "Chacun son chemin".
Nous avons choisi, justement d'aller plus loin que Sarria pour, au moins sur une journée, éviter la foule sur le chemin, je vous en dirai plus demain. Nous avons établi notre halte à Ferreiros à un peu moins d'un km de la borne cent km. Déjà presque arrivé...
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kaddyssammlung · 10 months
"When it rains, you don't take shelter You don't take signs from God And when you can't swallow your demons, you become starving"
Sleep Token - Shelter (from the room below)
Well idk what to say?
Sometimes it's easier to try not eat, Vessel.
How my ED still affects me. Slight TW
Yesterday I was hinting on a few things in my hashtags and I have thought about what I was hinting at and I wanna take a second and write about how my ED still affects me.
So when I go running I always go right in the morning. I get up, I drink coffee and then I start.
I usually only bring water with me. I also bring food with me when I run longer distances but Itry not to eat it. The longest that I went without eating food was 33km. I was out for three and a half hours, running in the cold without any gels or something like that. I had them with me but I wanted to proof to myself that I don't need them. I was feeling extremely dizzy and nauseous. But I rather did not eat them because I still feel some sort of success when I am able to complete something so physically exhausting without food.
Feeling dizzy doesn't really bother me. I feel that quite often actually and I just don't care.
And also I don't care when I'm hungry, often.
I try to withstand that feeling and not have something. I end up having something but I can always try to go an extra hour without it.
I actually think that this the main point.
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elliewilliams93 · 8 months
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29th January 2024
Third day on the Routeburn! The sun came out for the first time in three weeks and we loved it!
Spirits were high and the views were insane. Surrounded by mountains and the best waterfall I've ever seen in NZ. We hiked 10km to the finish and it was a real achievement to complete the 33km hike!
1 down.. 9 more great walks to go!
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toyourliking · 1 year
did 33km on the bike please clap ._.
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purrdence · 1 year
Shinkansen Stamina 🚄 - Day 19. Today I walked 1km on the treadmill and did 1.82km on the exercise bike - 2.82km all together. That brings my total up to 33km (92.5% the way to the next station.)
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Brazil's Salvador metro gets a new station
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The government of Bahia state, in Brazilian northeast inaugurated a new station of the Salvador metro line 1 extension, section 3, while the full project is expected to be completed coming weeks.
The new station inaugurated was Campinas expanding the exiting network to 35 km from 33Km.
“We want, with this stretch, to implement at least 15,000 new users per day in the system," said Jusmari Oliveira, the Bahia state secretary of urban development in a press release.
Continue reading.
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benvironment · 1 year
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Well, today was easily my most enjoyable (non winter) hill day in years! 33km from the door, up east side of the Quoich and up and around all of Beinn a' Bhuird's coire rims, then down to the Dubh Gleann and out via the west side of the Quoich 😀
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tiredgayloser · 2 years
apparently Jos Buttler ran two at 33km/h a couple of years ago. what the fuck? what the fuck??? would be 100m in 11 seconds. HELLO???
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linus-malmqvist · 2 years
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11 Februari 2023 Lördag Long morning run in the woods, with running friend. bringing candy in my backpack, so we have the enery needed. 20km in the hills and woods, we say goodbye, and i keep running into town to buy some film for my camera, and return running clothes that are too warm for me. 33km Sleepy legs rest of day.
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argumate · 2 years
Russian forces continued to withdraw from western Kherson Oblast while preparing to conduct delaying actions that will likely be only partially effective. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian forces have completely abandoned their positions in Charivne and Chkalove (both approximately 33km northwest of Nova Kakhovka), and Russian officers and medics have reportedly evacuated from Beryslav. The Ukrainian General Staff added that Russian forces are also removing patients from the Kakhovka Hospital on the eastern bank of the Dnipro River, likely to free up hospital beds for Russian military casualties that may result from the withdrawal across the river. The Ukrainian General Staff noted that some Russian elements are preparing Kherson City for urban combat, while other servicemembers continue to flee the city via the ferry operating in the vicinity of the Antonivsky Bridge. The UK Ministry of Defense reported on October 22 that Russian forces completed construction of a barge bridge alongside the damaged bridge and forecasted that the barge bridge would become a critical crossing point for Russian forces as Ukrainian forces advance toward Kherson City. A large part of the Kherson City population has also reportedly left the city.
strange times
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acityhermit · 2 months
A Misty, Mystic Monastery
Last week, on the eve of St Panteleimon’s Feast, I arrived at his monastery at the suburbs of Vlasti, and 33km away from the bustling heart of Kozani, to help the monastic synodeia there for the Feast. This was my first time there and the surrounding landscape scenery at 1650 m altitude was stunning. The landscape altered among numerous fields with sparse cedar, lammergeyer, oak and pine…
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