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sleepsucks · 1 year ago
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harveyphotography · 4 months ago
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"Questo è il mio rifugio, dove la natura racconta ciò che le parole non possono dire."
Sacco sul Sammaro - Sacco (SA)
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dogstomp · 8 months ago
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Dogstomp #3226 - October 31st
Patreon / Discord Server / Itaku / Bluesky
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exotic-indians · 2 months ago
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xeniums · 8 months ago
to be drinking wine together with someone in a villa on a seaside cliff is my morning wish of the day
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perfectlyvalid49 · 8 months ago
Hello, I am not Jewish, but I grew up in an area with a noticeable population of Jews who, historically, were able to be openly Jewish. I learned from a young age about the horrors that have happened to your people throughout history, and have been disgusted by the rise in more blatant antisemitism that has reared its ugly head in the days and months since October 7th, a day which also horrified and disgusted me. I have also long considered myself to be pro-Israel, seeing the neccessity for Jewish self-determination in this world.
With my background out of the way, I saw one of your posts mentioned things we non-Jews might not notice are antisemitic due to it being part of our culture and what not, and I was hoping you could tell me some of them? I've detested antisemitism for as long as I can remember, so if I've been unintentionally doing anything that fits that, I would like to stop. Thank you and have a nice day.
I want to start by saying that I really appreciate the fact that you’re trying, and that you want to learn to do better in case you’re making any mistakes. I am a firm believer that EVERYONE has blind spots when it comes to how they treat members of minority groups, be it antisemitism, racism, homophobia, or whatever else, and that while intent isn’t all that matters, it matters a lot. While I’m answering your question, I’m going to cover some stuff you may already know based on the background you gave in the hopes that this answer will be useful for other people as well. I hope you don’t mind.
I also want to put a couple caveats on what I’m about to say. The first is that this is not a comprehensive list. It’s just whatever came to mind while I was typing this up. I’m sure I’ve missed things, but hopefully this gives you an idea of the kind of thing I was talking about. If anyone sees this and wants to add additional examples, please do!
The other caveat is that different Jews will have different definitions of what is and is not antisemitic. The big obvious stuff, like people chanting “Gas the Jews,” or accusations that Jews use the blood of Christian children to bake their bread, almost everyone is going to agree that’s antisemitic. The more subtle stuff, which is what we’re going to be talking about here, is more likely to prompt disagreement. For example, last year there was a lot of conversation on Tumblr about how the goblins in the Harry Potter game were an antisemitic caricature. The reaction from Jews I know in real life basically boiled down to, “Yeah, I guess I can see it. I don’t really think it’s that big of a deal though.” So, some of the stuff I mention, other Jews might disagree that it’s antisemitic. And there are some things that I might leave out because I don’t think they’re antisemitic that other Jews think really are antisemitic. That’s OK!
I think that if we’re going to talk about antisemitism that is present in Western culture, then we need to talk about the antisemitism that’s baked into Christianity, and acknowledge that because a lot of Western culture has been heavily influenced by the church, even if a person is not religiously Christian, if they are culturally Western, then Christianity has had a large impact on their culture, and we can say that they are culturally Christian. And if this post gets big, I know that I’m going to get murdered for that statement, but that’s ok, there’s nothing Christians love more than a crucified Jew (THIS IS A JOKE (mostly.)) I don’t know if you’re Christian or not, but I live in the US, and most people here are heavily influenced by Christian thought and philosophy without realizing it, even if they’re not Christian, and these are the people I was talking about when I made the comment that prompted the ask.
So how is antisemitism baked into Christianity? Well, to understand that, we need to understand some of the problems early Christianity had, namely, the fact that the Jews of the time rejected their beliefs and the fact that Rome persecuted early Christians pretty hard. And we also need to talk about Supersessionism.
Early Christians had a major issue with contemporaneous Jews because the Jews rejected their teachings. Like, Jesus and his followers were Jews, and after his death they wanted all other Jews to agree that he was the messiah, even though he didn’t do all the things the Jewish messiah was supposed to do. This is both why Christianity has the second coming (so that he can do those things) and why the New Testament opens with a genealogy linking Jesus to David (the messiah is supposed to be from the line of David), the early Christians were *desperate* for legitimacy in their new religion. And when the rest of the Jewish community rejected it, they got a little mad, and decided that Christians clearly understand Jewish holy texts better than Jews do (up to and including editing said texts to better support their views), something that persists to this day. I have actually seen Christians show up on posts about being Jewish and try to explain to the Jews about how we’re wrong about our own religion. This is absolutely antisemitism, and it does really happen.
The other thing early Christians decided is that the Jews have been presented with the true word of G-d and have rejected it, so they must be evil. This is true of the early Christians, but I also want to stress that almost every major player in the Protestant Reformation absolutely HATED Jews. Luther literally published a treatise entitled “On the Jews and Their Lies”, and some scholars think that there is a direct line between Luther’s hatred of Jews and the formation of the Nazi party. I think Luther was the worst of them, but none of those guys were cool with Jews, so just know that all of the protestant denominations were founded by guys who would kill me if they could.
Because the Jews were now considered evil, the Christians concluded that the covenant G-d had made with the Jews now applied to the Christians. Now, in Christian thought, they were the Chosen People, and the Jews were no longer so blessed. This is the premise behind supersessionism, and it basically posits that Christians have replaced Jews as the true people of Israel, and it was embraced by many of the men who shaped what Christianity is today, in virtually every denomination of Christianity that exists.
The early Christians dealt with their Roman persecution problem by allying themselves with the Romans. One might think that this would be difficult, as the Romans are very much the bad guys in the new testament. Like, the guys who arrested Jesus were Roman, and following Rome’s orders, Pilate was Roman, and the men who put Jesus on the cross were Roman. So how could Christianity ally with the people who killed Jesus? Well, it’s simple, they were already mad at the Jews for rejecting their new religion, so they would claim that all of that was the Jews’ fault so the Romans could be allied with for political power. And Rome didn’t like the Jews anyway, so they loved it when the Christians threw the Jews under the bus.
So, a lot of cultural antisemitism has its basis here, with this idea that Jews are not like the rest of us, they’re somehow worse (“the rest of us” meaning people in Christian cultures). And while a lot of it has turned into more overt antisemitism (“Jews killed Jesus,” Jews kill Christian children for their blood to make bread/matzoh, Jews control money/media/government). But this also turns into things like sermons about the evils of the Pharisees or praising Jesus for the cleansing of the Temple. How is that antisemitic? Well, the Pharisees are the fathers of modern Judaism, so if their evil, then the modern version of our religion is based on the thoughts of evil men. Jesus’s cleansing of the Temple was, from a Jewish perspective, a story about a man deciding that the systems that Jews established to make worship easier should be taken away. Praising that is praising the disruption of Jewish worship.
And on the other end of things, we have people (mostly Christians, but some not), who are in love with the idea of Jews, but not actual Jews. In non-Christians, this looks like people with the opinion “Christians suck, but the Jews are cool.” As an example, I had a guy show up on one of my posts to let me know that he used to hold Jews in high regard because he thought our culture would make us immune from nationalism and far-right ideologies. He was so disappointed in us when we behaved just like other groups of human beings. And while he said that he had thought well of us, he still thought of us as being not like other human cultures – that’s antisemitic. And being mad at us for acting like other humans? That’s antisemitic too.
In Christians, it usually looks like people saying “We love Jews, Jesus was a Jew!” This implies that the only reason to love Jews is because of a relation to a deity we don’t believe in. It ignores real, live Jews in favor of people who if real, have been dead for 2000 years, and makes it seem like our only value is that you like one guy from a very different version of our culture (modern Judaism is VERY different than what Jews contemporary with Jesus would have practiced). These people are also the ones who are most likely to try to connect with Judaism through cultural appropriation. The most common example of this is churches that hold a “Passover Seder.” Judaism is a mostly closed religion, and our holidays are not for other people to play dress up. Like, imagine if a church in the US said it was going to do a Native American ceremony with no Native American input, and you have an idea of the level of cultural appropriation. And people would rightly call that out as not ok, but churches do this all the time. The excuse that they use is that the last supper was a Seder, but while that may be true, the modern seder, which is what most churches try to do, is not how Jesus would have celebrated in the time of the Temple. So, their reasoning doesn’t hold much water, Jews tend to be pretty clear that it’s not ok as far as we’re concerned, so this behavior is very problematic.
Moving on from Christianity, there’s also stuff that has been around so long we’ve forgotten their antisemitic origins. I mentioned goblins at the start of this, but did you know that witches are also based on antisemitic stereotypes? The green skin, the big nose, the hat which matches hats Jews were required to wear in parts of medieval Europe, the magic received from a deal with the devil – these are all heavily based on antisemitic caricatures of Jews. And while I don’t think witches by themselves are antisemitic, if you start pairing them with other antisemitic things it gets bad fast. Like, a witch is not antisemitic, and a person kidnapping children is not antisemitic, but a witch kidnapping children is raising some serious red flags. And a cabal (the word cabal is derived from Kabbalah, which is a Jewish practice, and its use is ALSO antisemitic) of witches doing so is a big freaking problem.
Or we could talk about Charles Dickens. His works are considered classics, and are often required reading in school. But Fagin in Oliver Twist is a walking antisemitic Jewish stereotype, and that’s never called out in lesson plans. So to people who have never met a Jew, but have read this classic of English literature, Fagin is what they think of when they think Jews. For the classes with one Jewish kid – how do you think it feels to have everyone in class be like, “Oh you’re Jewish, just like Fagin the bad guy!” Of note, Dickens did write a much less antisemitic Jewish character in a later novel, Our Mutual Friend, but of these two, which one gets taught?
I also want to talk about institutional antisemitism. This is similar to the idea of institutional racism, if you’re familiar with that concept – the idea that racism has worked its way into how our very society is structured, so even if you try very hard to be anti-racist, the society you live in is designed to make life harder for POC. Institutional antisemitism is the same thing, except the system is rigged against Jews instead.
We’ll start with one that Jews and Blacks have in common – redlining. It’s the practice of not allowing people (mostly Black people, but also other POC) to buy houses in certain areas. Usually this was done by banks not giving mortgages to people, but there are also homes where it’s in the deed to the house, or in the by laws of the local HOA that you’re not allowed to sell to Black people. It turns out that some houses/HOAs also have “no Jews allowed” rules as well. And it’s super subtle – is a neighborhood Jew free because we’re an incredibly small portion of the population and just so happen to not live there? Or are they legally barred from living there? It can be hard to tell without doing some significant digging. My synagogue actually had a booth at our Purim carnival last year so that we could see if our neighborhood still had anti-Black housing laws so we could work on getting them changed if so. Solidarity.
There’s also probably some institutional antisemitism in your workplace. There sure as heck is in mine, and the last time I brought it up I was told that I could find work elsewhere if I had an issue with company policy. One of the more common ones it that many jobs that require work on Sundays give a higher rate of pay for that day. The historical reason for that is because Sunday is the Sabbath, and if your company is going to force you to work on the holy day, then they’re going to value that time more highly (my company does an extra dollar an hour for Sunday hours.) But Sunday isn’t the Sabbath for Jews, and when I asked if I could be compensated for my time on MY day of rest, well, see above for the answer I got.
You can also look at the holiday situation. My company is open 357 days a year. Of the 8 days we are closed, one is for Christmas, one is for Easter and one is for New Years on the Christian calendar (It’s the Gregorian calendar after POPE Gregory). Most people don’t work Sundays, so there’s no pay for Easter, but Christmas and New Years are both paid holidays. But the Jewish New Year, which is a religious holiday, is not. Nor are any other Jewish holidays. And we have a lot, and many of them require that you not work if you’re religiously observant. Enough that most people would have to spend their entire allotment of PTO for the year, just to have off for religious observance. You could argue that Christmas and New Years and Easter are federal holidays, except Easter isn’t, and also at my company we aren’t given off for all federal holidays (we’re open for president’s day and MLK day and so on), so you actually kinda do have to defend why these made the cut. Also I’m still waiting for the reason why a Christian holiday is also a Federal holiday in a country that supposedly values the separation of Church and State.
Jews also feel this at school. In college I had a professor schedule a midterm on Yom Kippur – the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, and a holiday that is observed, in part, by not consuming any food or water for 25 hours. I asked if I could take the test on a different day, and my request was denied. I’m sure my school probably had someone I could have talked to about this but I didn’t know that at the time, so I felt like my options were come in to class on a holiday or take a 0% and screw over my grade for the semester. I chose to celebrate as best I could, and duck out of services for an hour and a half to take the test. The professor (in what I’m sure he thought was an act of kindness) had brought several barrels of apples, so that we could each have a snack while we tested. I almost committed murder that day (what, my blood sugar was low enough to be non-existent at that point and I was feeling pretty cranky). And like, I don’t think the professor was trying to be antisemitic. He was trying to be fair by making us all test at the same time, and kind by bringing us a snack. But in effect, he made life much harder for the one Jewish student in his class by refusing an easy accommodation.
And is not being accommodating to Jews antisemitic? Yeah, kinda? It sure feels that way when it seems like your only options are 1) things are shitty because people won’t accommodate you, 2) you have to work extra hard to figure out how to accommodate yourself, or 3) you can stop being Jewish and then everything suddenly is so much easier. Another really common example of this is getting invited to a party, and then none of the food is kosher. Your options are 1) go hungry, 2) bring enough food that’s kosher for yourself and everyone else (otherwise they might eat the kosher stuff and you’re back to 1), or 3) the problem goes away when you stop keeping kosher. And the reason I feel this is antisemitic is that the host is making the space unwelcoming to Jews – you can come, but you’re not gonna like it, so you might as well not come. 
The last thing I want to talk about is treating Jews as white. A person might think that this is a good thing, like it’s granting us access to white privilege, but in reality it’s ignoring our needs as a minority. Claiming that Jews are white ignores that some Ashkenazi and many non-Ashkenazi Jews are definitely not even close to white, and it downplays the real discrimination Jews face. Studies have proven that it’s harder to get hired with a Jewish sounding name, and an article recently came out that said the prosecution was deliberately excluding Jews from juries (this is illegal discrimination) because they were less likely to give the death penalty, as examples. And even for white-passing Jews, the Shoah was very much about how Jews were not white. That was a pretty significant part of the Nazi ideology.
And this becomes an even bigger problem when the people who should want to be allies – other minorities and their white allies deny us the ability to seek help from them. When we talk about the discrimination that we face, we’re very frequently ignored, or told that we’re white and that we don’t know what it’s really like. This is what the left is doing right now when it calls us “oppressors” or “colonizers” – it’s denying our history of being oppressed and our history of being colonized because some of us look like we came from Europe.
Anyway, if you’re still here (I know this is VERY long), I hope this was helpful in understanding some of the ways that antisemitism can be present in small things, from church sermons to pay rates to fairy tales. And I want to be clear, I’d much rather deal with the antisemitic implications of Hansel and Gretel than deal with people chanting “Jews will not replace us.” But in an ideal world, I wouldn’t have to deal with either.
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quiltofstars · 2 years ago
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Arp 94: Two buddies doing a little star-sharing // Alex Woronow
The two buddies are NGC 3226 (left) and NGC 3227 (right)
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michaelgabrill · 1 year ago
Upcoming: H.R. 3226 PREEMIE Reauthorization Act of 2023
H.R. 3226 PREEMIE Reauthorization Act of 2023, sponsored by , is scheduled for a vote by the House of Representatives on the week of September 18th, 2023. https://ift.tt/bpWBKaF
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makethesausage · 1 year ago
Upcoming: H.R. 3226 PREEMIE Reauthorization Act of 2023
H.R. 3226 PREEMIE Reauthorization Act of 2023, sponsored by , is scheduled for a vote by the House of Representatives on the week of September 18th, 2023.
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silvereyedowl · 3 months ago
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Arp 94
Credits: Ken Crawford, Rancho Del Sol Obs., David Martinez-Delgado (MPIA, IAC), et al.
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deepwaterwritingprompts · 11 months ago
Deep Water Prompt #3226
The golden koi in the pond at the center of the Imperial Palace are not fish at all. They are wishes waiting to be caught, fate changing magic disguised as decoration.
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oneterabyteofkilobyteage · 2 months ago
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original url http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Show/3226/ last modified 2008-09-10 19:45:09
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withlove-xixi · 6 months ago
I came running to your requests the second I finished reading the chilchuck writing!! You have such an incredible grasp of his character I was so impressed! Can I request a fem reader x marcielle where they both are pining for each other but don’t know if each other are queer and pathetically try and dip their feet in the water only to quickly take them out before even knowing if the waters hot or not?? I know you like doomed Yuri but please give this a happy ending where they end up together!! Marcy suffers enough 🙏🙏
If you don’t do female readers or this request doesn’t interest you feel free to ignore it! Thank you for your service in dungeon meshing fanfics lmao
— THE SUN AND THE MOON: marcille x f!reader
ᥫ cw: burn mention (used metaphorically) ᥫ wc: 3226 ★ OH ANON, SWEET ANON. I AM MORE THAN DELIGHTED TO DELIVER YOU YURI (LESBIANISM IN MY VEINS .. MY CALLING .. MY DUTY)!! anyway, i fear i might've gotten a bit carried away .. but i hope you enjoy it regardless! cross posted on ao3
[♡]: that was the only thought running through marcille’s mind as she watches you gingerly patch up a tear in one of her dresses. she watches fondly as your fingers nimbly thread the needle through deep blue fabric with such care and gentleness, she almost envied it. well, what choice did she have but to envy it? what choice does the moon have but to want the sun’s warmth?
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That’s what you were. Something bright, something inviting, almost tempting. Marcille felt drawn to you, she always had. There was just always some quality about you that drew her in, a radiance that seemed to guide her steps to draw closer and closer to you. It was nearly instant, the inviting sunshine that pulled at her, caused her to come closer until she extended her arm out towards you and introduced herself. It did not help that you smiled so brightly and sweetly. You grabbed her hand, warmth spreading from your body to hers, shook it firmly. Marcille had to try really hard not to think too much about you after that.
For a while she really wouldn’t tell why, she couldn’t tell what specifically about you kept tempting her. She felt it, nearly every moment of your time together in the dungeon, a small part of her that would always keep you close. Marcille would walk next to you, she would try and make small talk with you, she would offer to help you. The more she let herself bask in your light and warmth, the more she felt drawn to stay, until she was comfortably resting by your side, a sunny friendship that made her heart feel fuzzy.
High noon.
That’s what you were, hot and looming. You were always close with Marcille, something she would never fully figure out the reason for. But you were there, at the corner of her eye, staying by her side at a comfortable distance, watching her tie braids in her hair, putting your bedroom adjacent to hers. The tug she had initially felt when you two first met only grew, flames that only consumed her inside, filling her with sunshiny warmth. It was hot, nearly dangerously so, hot, blazing noon heat. Marcille began to overheat, cheeks would flush when your fingers would brush against hers when you walked together, brain would malfunction when you would worriedly bandage her minor injuries, stomach would twist in knots when you would smile at her. A smile so bright and sweet.
Marcille was half-scared she would explode. Or melt into a puddle.
Heat, dangerously hot heat. With the warmth came hesitation, the fear of being burnt if she stood too close, if she lingered under sunlight too long. The idea felt more like a promise than a threat, a guarantee that getting closer to you would end in failure, leave her brunt bright red, leave her howling in pain into empty space.
She liked you, there was part of her that screamed that obvious fact to her face as much as she wanted to suppress and deny the idea, let it die down to a passing thought. In her heart Marcille knew she still longed for the sun, she still craved for your hot touch, your bright smile, your warm company. She willed it in such a way, it was no longer simple friendship. It was something deeper, heavier. It was something that went past her niceties, that stemmed from the pits of her heart.
It was an aching sort of craving, a hunger that left her immobilized. It was the temptation of a forbidden fruit, of a light that would burn.
She saw the way you were with other people. People like the men in your party. Marcille had nothing against them, but still there was a small part of her that boiled green at the way you were around them because it was the same way you were with her but different. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it but there was a difference. Something small she could feel on the tips of her senses.
Marcille saw the way you were. She saw the way you giggled at Laios’ antics as he clumsily poked at some strange plant in the dungeon. She saw the way you praised Chilchuck’s handiwork, a compliment that proved only how observant you could be. She saw the way you teased Shuro for his awkwardness in the party during meal times. It might’ve begun to piss her off had it not been you. Marcille, as jealous as she might get around the boys, could never truly bring herself to feel so terribly when it's something about you. How could she when your laugh was like the warm summer breeze, your care like fireplace warmth, your smile like starshine.
Gods! Marcille wanted to tear her hair out. It was such a pain to be hungry, to so desperately crave for light, for warmth. It was a pain to be hungry for something you know you can never have, you could never even begin to imagine the taste of.
She kept her distance, an orbit just at arms reach. The same politeness and gentleness as the beginning, with the new caution for heat. She allowed herself to bask only in the reflection of your light.
Setting sun.
That’s what you were as you gingerly patch up a tear in one of Marcille’s dresses. Strangely it felt so domestic despite the other party members that crowded around your small campsite, despite the terribly difficult fight everyone was still recovering from, despite her keeping her usual far away distance. Her gaze lingered on you, studying the way your fingered moved with such grace and tenderness, she might’ve gotten jealous of the way you treated the needle had she not remembered you had personally offered to come and patch it up for her (a fix she definitely could’ve done — or normally would’ve gotten Chilchuck to fix for her — but could she really pass up the opportunity?).
Marcille watched quietly and carefully, musing at the way you chatted with Namari as you worked, the small smile that evolved into a snort and a chuckle at something Namari said that Marcille didn’t quite care enough to hear. She smiled fondly at your direction, a soft sigh escaping her lips.
Chilchuck nudges her as he moves to sit by her side near the campfire. She paid him little attention, not bothering to glance his way as she spoke. “What do you want?” Something a bit more curt than usual, but Chilchuck doesn’t care enough to be bothered.
“It’d be easier to just talk to her, you know,” he said plainly as he opened up his waterskin to take a sip.
Marcille snorts, finally turning to him with her brows furrowed in skepticism. “Right, because you’re so suddenly an expert at forming bonds?” She jests, causing the muscle under Chil’s eye to twitch slightly.
He sighs in satisfaction once he’s finished taking his drink. He points an accusatory finger at Marcille, it catches her off guard. “I’m just saying you should talk to her at least. I’m sick of hearing you sigh and giggle when you're just… staring… at her— it’s creepy!” Chilchuck says in a scolding manner.
Marcille’s cheeks turn red at the comment. “Wh—” She begins but your soft laugh cuts through the air and her ears pick up on the sound immediately.
No doubt Chilchuck has too, but he chooses to sigh at the elven girl. “All I’m saying is communication is important.” He stands and dusts off the back of his pants. “So get it together, Marcille. Do something about… this,” He gestures a hand vaguely at Marcille, “because I’m really, really getting sick of this nonsense.”
As he walks away, Marcille watches and grumbles something about how he should mind his own business, but she feels a presence appear next to her. She senses warmth.
Rising moon.
That’s what she was. Something alluring, something enigmatic, nearly mysterious. You had never met an elf before, not saying it was a bad thing but it definitely helped shine an interest on Marcille. Of course, it didn’t help that she was pretty. You were nervous, of course you were. You were fresh meat in a new environment, your next few days would be spent underground, enclosed by damp stone walls and all sorts of beasts. She had stepped closer to you, extended a friendly hand for you to shake. She had told you her name, a sweet sounding lullaby that gracefully left her lips.
You smiled warmly at her, feeling instantly at ease with her kindness, her softness. There was something that drew you to her, a force that tugged at you to come a bit closer to take a better look at her. She was soft, gentle. It was like the breath of autumn wind, something cool, something calming. You couldn’t quite place it, but you could tell something about her tempted you, lulled you into a drowsy state. So you smiled warmly at her, shook her hand and told her your name in return, a small hope kindling inside you that this acquaintanceship would lead to something more.
That’s what she was, dim and looming. You quickly grew close with Marcille, after all, she was the first friend you made among the Touden party, what reason did you have not to be close to her? Besides, she was admirable. In your eyes, she shone brightly, a soft light amidst the void of night. Marcille was a reliable member of the party, always looking for things to help out with (though sometimes she would complain first despite doing it regardless), which was admirable. She was smart too, well-versed in all sorts of spells and knowledgeable in different academic topics, which was admirable too. She also was very careful in her own way, taking time to make sure she was neat and tidy, putting the effort into adorning her silken blond locks with braids and bows, ridding her beautiful features of any spec or dirt, which was admirable… in a way… Well, in the way you were able to just admire her grace, her softness. Truly she had this air of softness to her, like she was constantly followed by a halo of light, a soft glow that was calming in its own way.
Marcille was truly admirable like, that you supposed.
But still, it felt like all you could do was admire her. Despite the closeness that developed between you two, there was always this invisible force that kept you apart, a tension that seemed to hinder you from stepping forward. That, or it was distance. She felt far away to you, something you could only be stuck admiring, like painting in a museum or light on the horizon. The allure of her would always draw you near, you'd sit next to her during meal times or secretly place your bedroll closer to hers, you'd walk side by side and chat when exploring, you'd help her brush the back of her hair, but there was this feeling from the pits of your guts, a self-instilled omen of misfortune for you if you continued to allow yourself to be drawn to her.
Well, after all, you saw how she was with Falin. You had nothing against Falin, you could never even be truly mad at either of them, but whenever they were together you felt… sad. It was quite acidic as envy, but it was cold, and dark, and quiet. Of course you knew the pair had been friends since they were young, years far before your addition to the Touden party, a story Marcille always smiled about when she'd tell you; her years at the magic academy were some of her favorite stories to tell you, you're favorites only because Marcille was the one telling them. Suppose it was some form of jealousy, but really it felt more akinned to despair.
Falin and Marcille were close, far closer than you could even imagine you and Marcille could become. When Marcille wasn't with you, she was undoubtedly with Falin — or rather, when Marcille wasn't with Falin, she was with you. It felt that way at least.
But, regardless, you were no evil witch, no lunatic magician. You wouldn't even dare explicitly drive a stake between the friends, as much as you desperately wanted to be in Falin's shoes. All you did was what you had already been doing, keeping yourself at arms reach, keeping a safe distance from you and her softness, her light, her mystery. You watched from afar, as she'd laugh alongside Falin, as she'd grab her hand, as she'd leave you in searing cold.
Setting moon.
That’s what she was as you sense her gaze linger on you as you patch up one of her dresses, an act you did with such care and love, you were practically kissing better the rips in the deep blue fabric. You feel it, practically burning gently on your skin like firefly kisses, how her emerald eyes stay fixed on you, preying on how your fingers move, studying how you brush hair out of your face. You catch her gaze from the corner of your eye, the hazy look on her porcelain skin, the way the firelight illuminated her features. You try your best not to think of it too much, knowing you’d turn bright red at just the thought of her, instead focusing your attention at carefully sewing her dress, focusing on threading the needle to create perfect invisible stitches to make it look brand new, focusing on how Marcille would smile when you handed her the finished product, focusing on the thought of how she’d go on to wear the dress with your needlework on it, a secret love letter etched into the blue fabric—
“You ‘kay?” A deeper female voice calls from beside you, fortunately and quickly breaking you free from your thoughts.
“Wh- Hm?” You hum, still trying to scramble out of the lingering remnant thoughts of Marcille.
“Yer.. turnin’ red.” Namari notes as she bends a bit closer, looking at the pink dust on your cheeks.
“It’s nothing..” You softly say, instinctively sneaking a glance at Marcille before you turn back to your work.
Narami is unimpressed. She catches the shift of your eyes towards the party’s battle mage and she sighs, taking a seat next to you. “Ya thinkin’ ‘bout her again?”
Instantly a small smile breaks on your face at the mention of Marcille, you chuckle, snorting a bit before you turn to meet Namari’s face. “Am I really that obvious?” You ask but there’s no sense of embarrassment or fear, Marcille did always make you feel at ease.
She mirrors your chuckle. “‘Course.” She says plainly. “Though, I doubt anyone else noticed.” She looks up. “Chil might’ve though.”
You follow her gaze to see the half-foot next to Marcille, she seems annoyed and a bit flustered too. You let out a small laugh and resume your work on the dress. “Of course, Chilchuck’s noticed. What doesn’t he?”
Namari snorts. “Bet he was the first to notice… whatever the both of ya got goin’ on with each other.”
Your brows furrow and your hands freeze. “What’s that meant to mean?”
Namari blinks at you, almost shocked at your confusion. “Like how Marcille and ya are… Ya know…” She makes a gesture, her fingers interlocking with each other. “Ya know?”
“What?” You ask, voice a pitch higher, the initial blush on your face quickly returning. “Wh-what is that even meant to mean, Mari?”
The dwarf shrugs. “I mean- well, if ya don’t know then there’s maybe nothin’— I don’t know!” She says defensively. “I’ve just heard Chil complain ‘bout ya two, is all.”
“Complain about what?”
“Says he’s tired’a seein’ ya two keep google’ at each other an—”
You sit up straight, causing her to pause abruptly. You look at her incredulously, eyes wide, mouth slightly agape, brows furrowed. “Two of us?” You ask in a loud whisper. “Two of us?”
Marcille feels your warmth next to her, she feels her world begin to shine in radiant light. She turns to you, a little awestruck as she usually is when she looks at you, especially when you smile the way you’re smiling at her right now.
“Finished your dress,” you say sweetly, softly, like the sweet kiss of morning sunlight through the curtain.
She smiles at you like moonbeams across the ocean. “Thank you,” she replies. Your fingers touch when you pass the clothing to her, a featherlight brush against her like fate was teasing you with a small taste of what you craved.
You sit next to each other in silence, the same comfortable silence weighed on by that thick tension. Marcille smooths over the area where you stitched, fingers gingerly tracing over the invisible lines where your thread passed through her dress. You swallow thickly as you watch her, eyes following each gentle stroke of your fingers. You envy the fabric.
“Marcille,” your voice causes her to look up at you, your face catches the firelight like the honeyed rays of the sun.
“Hm?” She hums in response, head tilting to the side in curiosity. “What is it?”
You lean towards her, brows twitching and you try and muster your courage. “Do you… Do you… like me?” you ask timidly.
Oh, Marcille feels like she would die right now.
Her face instantly flushes red and she jolts upright. “What?” She nearly yells. 
You blink, trying terribly hard not to let your heart feel heavy. “Have I… gotten the wrong impression?”
“N-no! That— It’s—” She sighs. Suppose there isn’t really a way to talk out of it now. She opens her mouth to speak but you beat her to it.
“N-Namari told me to ask. She says it’s been pretty obvious.” You explain timidly, your gaze drifting away from her as wring your hands together. “She said… I was pretty obvious about it too…”
“I…” You take a deep breath, “I like you, Marcy.”
And it was like the world had suddenly shattered. That invisible force that held you two apart finally vanished with the air, leaving you two to allow each other to be pulled into one another like magnets.
Marcille’s eyes shine brightly, hopefully even. She leans closer, one hand gripping tightly against her dress, the same one you had so carefully taken the time to fix for her, the same one she had envied. The other hand lingers in the air, fingers twitching as she hesitates one final time, the final remnants of the tension between you two still trying desperately to cling on.
“Th… I— I like you too…”
You smile, the same smile when you first met, so brightly and sweetly. Relief washes over you, like you had just suddenly been doused in ice cold water. She reaches out to you with her free hand, very slowly making its way to cup your cheek.
“I think… I’ve liked you for a long time now,” Marcille says, punctuates it by saying your name so sweetly, like it was devised for her and only her to speak.
Her thumb smooths over your cheek, caressing your face in such a tender manner. You lean into the touch, moving your own hand to go over hers. You two stare at each other for a bit, tunnel visioning only into each other, allowing everything else around you to blur into distant colors.
You lean forwards, closer to her, and you hear a small gasp leave her lips when she realizes what would happen next. You smile fondly at the noise.
Then the sun and the moon finally meet in total eclipse.
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shangchiswife · 2 years ago
joel miller- pretty pink skirt
summary: joel miller gets possessive over you so you teach him a lesson
joel x fem!reader
warnings: smut, cursing
word count: 3226
The moment you strutted down the street in that pretty pink skirt Joel Miller knew it was the end of him.
He watched the way that with every step the skirt showed a sliver of your thighs and fit snugly against your curves.
His breath caught in his throat at the way the hint of a smirk formed on your lips as you smoothed your fingers over the flowy skirt.
You knew exactly what you were doing and it was definitely on purpose.
The previous day you had been at the local Jackson bar when a man around your age approached you.
He was handsome with steel gray eyes hidden behind dark frames and unruly curly hair.
Joel had been sipping a glass of beer as he watched the man approach you.
The man tapped your shoulder before you turned your head to spin in his direction.
Your jaw dropped as you hopped off the stool you previously sat on to stare at the man in front of you.
“Ollie?” you questioned as the man grinned.
You ran into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck while he embraced you back with an equal amount of passion.
His thick eyebrows furrowed together as he downed the rest of his beer, his fingers pressing hard against his glass as he watched the interaction.
“It’s been so long oh my god! How are you?” you asked excitedly as you broke away from him and watched as he gave you an excited look.
“As good as I can be in an apocalypse,” he said as you threw your head back in laughter.
“Oh, Ollie you’re just like I remembered,” you shook your head as you remembered the two of you rolling around in the dirt together at recess time at the small local school in the QZ.
“I hope not I’ve grown at least a foot since you last saw me!” Oliver feigned mock pain as he placed a hand over his hand.
You rolled your eyes and shoved his hand away from his chest.
“So how’s your love life?” you asked wiggling your eyebrows suggestively which didn’t go unnoticed by Joel who narrowed his eyebrows at you.
“Man you know I keep looking but I’ll never find the right guy,” he scratched the back of his head awkwardly as you took his hand in yours and squeezed it tightly.
“One day you’ll find him I promise,” you said as he offered you a shy smile and hugged you.
“So do you have anyone?” he raised his eyebrows, trying to mock you.
“Yeah actually-”
You were cut off by Joel whose glare cut you so deep you stumbled into Ollie’s arms.
“You ok?” Ollie questioned.
“She’s fine,” Joel’s voice dripped with malice before he grabbed your arm.
“C’mon we’re going home, Y/N,” the older man grabbed your forearm as you turned your head and waved at your former best friend who made kissing faces.
You exited the bar and entered the breezy streets of Jackson.
The night sky was glittering with white stars and a bright full moon.
“Joel, I was in the middle of talking!” you said.
“Talking or flirting,” Joel gritted his teeth as you stopped in your tracks, gawking at your boyfriend.
“Ollie is a childhood friend-”
“I don’t care who he is he is not allowed to look at you like that,” the salt and pepper-haired man twisted his head around to shoot his eyes at you.
You started to laugh a little.
You could practically feel the red-hot jealousy radiating off him.
Joel’s face burned with anger.
“Texas I don’t think you understand,” you giggled using your favorite nickname on him, placing a hand on his arm to stabilize yourself.
“Oh, I think I’m starting to…” his thick southern accent slipped into his words as he shoved his arm away from you.
Suddenly you weren’t smiling anymore.
“Joel you’re still not getting it he isn’t into w-”
“You know what save it,” he cut you off with a hand before turning around, his broad back facing you.
“Have fun with your ‘childhood best friend,’” he said using air quotes when he said childhood best friend.
How did he not believe you?
You felt hot tears blur your vision.
“He’s into fucking men, Joel!” you shouted as he whipped his head around, eyes wide.
He opened his mouth to say something but you used his method by cutting him off with a hand.
“YOU save it, Joel I can’t believe you didn’t trust me or my love for you for one second after all we’ve been through together,” your lip trembled with your words as Joel put his head down in shame.
“I’m not coming back to your place tonight so don’t even bother waiting for me,” your voice cracked as you turned back to the direction of the bar, swiping stray tears away from your face.
Joel felt his heart crack into a million pieces as he watched you walk away from him, the dim yellow streetlamps illuminating your form.
The first time you both had slept together was years ago after Sam and Henry had passed.
It had been hours since you’d buried them and Joel was now driving you and Ellie away.
Ellie had fallen asleep long ago, her soft snores providing you with little comfort.
Your entire body had been shaking with terror as the scenes of Sam and Henry dying replayed in your head.
You tried to look around to distract yourself from the two with the once former blooming suburbs of the small town you were in.
“Hey,” Joel’s voice was soft as he put a hand on your bouncing knee, stopping it instantly.
Your heart dropped as he stared at you, his brown eyes full of concern.
“You alright? You haven’t slept,” he said as he slowed the truck.
You shook your head lightly, avoiding eye contact with him as he stopped the car in front of a house.
“Come on let’s stop for the day,” he said as you said nothing, your face a mask void of emotion.
He opened the passenger side for you to get out of and then lifted Ellie out of the car as she stirred, making an annoyed grunt.
“I know I know, you’ll get back to bed soon enough,” he said as she opened her eyes and took your hand in hers.
The house was deserted without a single sign of life except for pictures of a family of five that lined the living room.
“Let’s get to bed, sweetheart,” you coaxed Ellie, leading her up the rickety steps to the second floor.
The girl grumbled as you guided her into a room that was previously home to a teenage girl.
Ellie stared at the lush made-up king-sized bed and immediately jumped into it, covering herself with the thick bright blanket.
A moment later, her snores returned and you snorted before going over to her and pressing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
“Hey,” Joel rapped his knuckles on the doorframe as you spun around to face him.
How did he always look so dashing?
“You should get some rest,” he said as you walked over to him and let him lead you to a bedroom, his hand resting on the small of your back.
Your heart pounded from his touch as he escorted you into a large bedroom.
The sheets were velvet while the pillows had satin over them.
“These were some rich people,” you mumbled to yourself as your fingers brushed over the thick blanket.
The older man nodded as you slipped under the covers.
Your eyes were still wide open.
“What’s wrong?” Joel asked knowingly as he crouched beside you.
At this point, you both had known each other for months and Joel being as observant as he was always noticed when something was off with you. Maybe it was the feelings he was fighting for you that made him more attentive when it came to you.
“Can’t stop thinking about them,” you shuddered as you thought about Sam and the way his head had jerked violently when he was shot.
The sweet innocent boy that you had grown attached to within the span of a day.
Joel was not used to being open but when it came to you he would do whatever you wanted.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” he questioned, raising his thick eyebrows slightly looking for a reaction.
“No, I just want to sleep now you’re right I am tired,” you said, pressing your tired face against the silky soft pillow.
“Alright then,” the man bowed his head and made his way toward the door.
“Wait!” you said making him stop in his tracks.
“Can you…stay with me?” you asked sheepishly as the Texan’s heart stopped at your invitation.
“Of course,” he breathed as he made his way next to you and went under the blanket.
“Thanks, Miller,” you said, giving him a shy smile before drifting off to sleep.
That was the day when Joel Miller knew he had fallen in love.
Now he watched you strut down the streets of Jackson without a care in the world while everyone stared at you with admiration and envy.
Men your age and Joel’s all took turns looking you up and down with wolfish grins on their faces.
“Lookin’ good baby,” he heard someone wolf whistle as you smiled innocently at the man, sending him a cheeky wink.
It was a particularly windy day and Joel watched as you tried to tame the skirt that tried to fly up and expose you.
Joel felt his fists clench in his jeans pockets as he watched you sashay down the most public avenue.
His veins practically popped out of his neck at the lustful looks of the men in Jackson who tried to take a peek at what was his.
Once you had passed the older man you shot him a nasty glare.
“That’s it,” he grumbled as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into an abandoned alley.
You said nothing, your eyes narrowing as he stared you down, his once soft brown eyes cold.
“Miller,” your tone was even and matched his stern gaze.
“Look Y/N I’m sorry for being possessive over you I was just jealous,” he said as you said nothing.
“I can’t believe you’d ever accuse me of ever betraying your trust like that Joel that’s so fucked up,” you looked down at the ground, kicking a pebble.
Joel brought his fingers to your chin, lifting it up so that you locked eyes.
“Let me make it up to you then,” his voice was deep and sent shivers down your spine.
“It better be good because otherwise, I won’t be forgiving you, Texas,” you said, turning your head the other way and shifting your stance.
It was a good sign that you were using his signature nickname which made him regain his confidence.
The air was thick and electrifying with tension, passion, and desire as you both stared at each other intensely.
Joel angled his head down so that you felt his breath fan across your ear.
“You bet it’ll be good darlin',” he smirked as he watched you shudder from your close proximity.
The older man then got on his knees in front of you.
The sight was almost enough to make you drool but you controlled yourself because you were still slightly annoyed at him.
“You’re gonna have to be quiet if you want this sweetheart,” Joel said, gripping your thighs as he watched you nod in an uninterested manner, your blank face masking your want for him. 
Joel was going to make it his ultimate goal to coax that reaction out of you.
He rubbed your thighs sensually, his rough calloused hands smoothing them up and down at first before gently lifting up your pink skirt.
You knew that it’d drive him crazy when he’d see you wear it which was the reason you picked it out for this occasion.
“Such a pretty fuckin’ skirt,” he complimented before tearing his eyes away from the fabric and onto your pink lacy panties.
“Holy fuck,” he said, feeling his pants grow tighter as he pulled them down.
You held back a whimper at the feeling of the wind grazing over your bare pussy.
The Texan took one finger and dipped it in your folds, collecting your wetness.
“So fuckin’ wet,” he smirked before taking his wet finger and sucking it in his mouth.
Your pussy clenched around nothing as you watched the dirty action.
“Hurry the fuck up already,” you said impatiently as the man said nothing and plunged one of his fingers inside of you making you throw your head back against the brick wall behind you.
The combined feeling of him rubbing your clit at a tantalizingly slow pace and his middle finger continuously hitting your G-spot made your breaths shallow.
Joel grinned as he watched your face struggle to be neutral.
“Another finger outta do it,” he said, southern accent strong in his words before he added another finger into your weeping pussy making you mewl.
His eyes were trained on you as they took in every movement and reaction from you.
You grabbed a fistful of his salt and peppered hair and brought it close to your core as he took that as his cue and started to simultaneously flick your clit with his tongue and finger-fuck you.
“Joel,” you whimpered with pleasure as he groaned into your heat, swirling his tongue around at a brutal pace that made your eyes roll to the back of your head as he started to bring you to your climax.
You watched as his hands started to drip with your slick.
“So fuckin’ sweet,” he growled as he assaulted your pussy faster with his tongue sliding up and down your slit and his two fingers hitting your G-spot.
You were so close, the all-so-familiar coil in your stomach about to snap before Joel removed his head and fingers from you making you whine.
“Aww, I thought you were mad at me, sweetpea?” he mocked you.
“Fuck you, Miller,” you breathed out as he stood up and pushed you against the brick wall, one hand on the base of your throat shooting electricity down your spine.
“Oh I will, trust me, baby,” he said darkly, his pupils blown out and full of lust.
His tone made your heart drop to the lowest pit of your stomach and a pool of wetness form around your core.
You watched as the bulge in between his thighs grew from a whimper that escaped your throat.
You couldn’t help but get turned on by the situation as he slipped your shirt off, and threw it on the floor. 
He then undid your bra and immediately attacked your boobs with his hands. He squeezed the mound roughly and tweaked your pebbled nipples making you moan loudly.
Then you pulled him by his shirt to you and kissed him hard.
He kissed you back with an equal amount of passion as you ground your bare pussy on his clothed cock making him groan.
“Fuck baby you’re gonna make me cum right now,” he sighed with bliss as you removed your lips from his and attached them to his neck, licking and sucking everywhere.
He smirked at your movements before he unbuttoned his jeans, letting his girthy cock spring free.
He was leaking with pre-cum before he spun you around so that you were pressed against the cold wall, making you shiver.
You clenched your thighs together as you peeked at his dick.
“Like what you see baby?” he drawled tauntingly as he pumped himself a couple of times before peppering kisses on your neck and bunching up your skirt so that he had easier access to you.
“Always do,” you said, your core throbbing as he seized your hips in a bruisingly-tight grip and let his cock nudge against your slick entrance.
The older man pushed inside of you as you took one of his hands and intertwined it with one of yours as you allowed yourself to get used to his large length.
“So tight,” he hissed as he drove himself deeper into your cunt making you gasp with pleasure.
He stretched you out completely as your fingers clung to the brick wall in front of you.
“Ready?” he rasped as you nodded eagerly as he began to slip in and out of you at a rough pace, the way Joel liked it.
You were clouded with pleasure and bliss as he filled you up and left you empty within seconds.
You moaned loudly before Joel covered your mouth with one of his large hands.
“Careful sweetheart, don’t want anyone to hear you do you?” he panted as you whimpered into his hand.
His hand slapped your ass making you squirm underneath him.
“Such a dirty fuckin’ whore walking around town with a tiny skirt beggin’ for attention,” his pace turned even rougher as your vision blurred with tears from the stimulation.
“But we all know you just wanted my cock in the end isn’t that right?” he grinned cheekily.
“Yes,” you sighed.
“Yes what?” he growled gripping your throat as his other hand slid down your body to rub hard circles onto your clit.
“Yes, sir,” you managed as stars blinded you from the way he split you open with his cock.
“Good girl,” he massaged your ass before he continued to move into you, his thrusts started to get sloppy. 
The only other noises in the room were Joel’s grunts and the lewd noises that came out of your throat.
Your walls started to flutter around his length.
“Gonna cum,” you moaned louder as pressure started to build up in your lower belly.
“Me too,” he admitted, his nose brushing against your throat as he continued to pound into you, his balls hitting your ass while you clenched around him.
“Fuck!” you screamed into his hand before whimpering his name repetitively.
He gave you one last thrust before you both orgasmed at the same time with his seed filling you up and leaking down your thighs.
Waves of pleasure washed over your entire body as you shut your eyes with bliss as your orgasm came over you.
“So fuckin’ pretty,” he panted before he pulled out of you and twisted your tired body around so that you faced him.
He took your tossed clothes and gave them to you like the gentleman that he was.
You slid on your shirt while he returned your soiled panties to you.
Once you were fully clothed, the older man pulled you into his chest, placing a gentle hand on your head.
“Sweetheart I’m so sorry,” he said, his voice dripping with sadness.
“It’s okay, Joel, I know you were only doing all of that because you love me,” you gave him a smile before cupping his face.
He immediately melted into your touch before he pressed a kiss onto your hand, his eyes soft and adoring as he gazed at you like you were the most beautiful person in the world.
“I love you so much, cowboy,” you teased him before planting a kiss on his cheek.
“I love you too, sweetpea,”
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exotic-indians · 6 months ago
Tumblr media
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intheticklecloset · 2 months ago
If It Ain't Broke (Fire Force)
Summary: Viktor isn't getting enough sleep while he works on a project with Vulcan. The engineer isn't having it.
A/N: I really love the dynamic of Viktor and Vulcan as the science/techy guys in Company Eight, and I'd wanted to write a fic featuring them for a while. Finally got around to it this year! Enjoy!
Word Count: 3226
Warning: Slight hurt/comfort, some angst
“Morning, Vik,” Vulcan greeted as he entered the laboratory they’d been sharing as of late.
Viktor swung around in his swivel chair with a smile. “Good morning, Vulcan. You’re actually on time.”
“I’m not that much of a night owl,” the engineer retorted playfully, stifling a yawn. “So, about those ideas you had last evening—”
“Oh, I’ve already gotten a bit of a head start on implementing them,” Viktor replied, heading to the work table across the room, where their combined invention lay. The scientist picked it up – it was about the size and shape of a watch, but with a bit more heft to it – and flipped it over to point at the new additions he’d made to the underside. “See here, this is the sparker we discussed. All they’d have to do is tap the top of their wrist and the spark will shoot out—”
“—so it can start a fire that they can then control. I’ll have to do some more fine tuning, of course, not to mention having Maki and Lieutenant Hinawa test it out—”
“Yo, Viktor.” Vulcan put a hand on his arm to stop his rambling and turned the scientist around to face him, large brown owl eyes staring up at him. “Did you…get any sleep last night? This part of the project was supposed to take hours. That’s why we saved it for today.”
Viktor blinked, then let a sheepish smile onto his features. “Oh. Uh…I slept. I definitely slept…for a little bit.”
“How long is a ‘little bit’?”
The other man glanced away – an obvious tell. Vulcan groaned.
“Not again, Viktor.”
“I’m a scientist!” Viktor replied, shuffling over to his desk to pick up his long-overused and chipped mug. “I live off of caffeine, what can I say? It’s all good – I’m confident in the work I did overnight, but you can always double-check me—”
“Vik, you’ve got to stop doing this to yourself.” Vulcan moved over to him and waited until their eyes met to continue. “This is why you had me join on this project – because it needs an engineer’s handiwork, and because you never sleep when you’re working alone. It’s not healthy.”
“I’m fine—”
“Let me finish.” Vulcan tweaked his ribs just enough to shut him up, barely aware of the giggle-snort that slipped out of his friend at the contact before he plowed on, “If you’re really going to be this bad about sticking to our agreement, then we’re going to have to take shifts instead, and I think we’d both much rather work with each other than leave each other alone with this thing until it’s done. Right?”
It was at this point that the engineer registered his companion’s wide-eyed stare and the faint pink on his cheeks, the way he still had his arm jammed down protectively over his ribs where he’d just been touched.
Vulcan hesitated. “Uh…sorry, Vik. I didn’t mean—”
“Fine! It’s fine, I’m not – it’s fine.” Viktor’s words were rushed, and the way he sidestepped his friend to inch toward the door only made the pink-haired man worry. “You’re right, of course. I probably should get some shuteye before I work on this thing any more – you can take it from here, I’m sure you’ve got it well in hand.”
“Viktor, are you okay? I didn’t mean to freak you out.”
The scientist was hovering at the door now, looking both like he wanted to stay put and like he didn’t want to be anywhere near the engineer. “You didn’t. I’m good, I’ll just…yeah.”
Then he was gone.
Vulcan blinked after him, his mind replaying the rib-tweak for anything weird. Sure, Viktor had reacted, but the engineer hadn’t thought it would hurt him…
That giggle. That snort that Viktor had let out at the tiniest contact.
Vulcan was suddenly grinning. So that’s how it was, huh?
For a few days after that, Viktor seemed jumpy around Vulcan, but the engineer pretended not to notice and to continue on their work together without making a move to touch him again, and gradually the scientist began to relax. By the next week, it was like it had never happened.
He had also gotten better about sleeping like he was supposed to so they could continue the project together…for about six days. Then he began to lapse, and when Vulcan walked into the lab one Monday morning to find Viktor already there with his mug steaming on his desk, two empty creamer packets strewn nearby, he knew he’d have to get after him again.
But this time, he approached it differently.
“Morning,” he said as he strode inside.
“Good morning,” Viktor replied, fingers flying across the keyboard, not glancing at him at all.
Vulcan did his best to sound casual as he asked, “Been up long?”
“A bit,” the scientist replied. The engineer’s eyes flicked to the creamer packets and bit back a snort. This was easily his second mug, if not third or fourth.
“So…all night,” he said.
Finally Viktor stopped typing and glanced at the evidence as well, realizing he had given himself away by not discarding them before Vulcan’s arrival.
“I know, I know.” The scientist sighed heavily, flopping back against his chair dejectedly. “I’m doing it again.”
A part of Vulcan knew his friend wasn’t entirely doing this on purpose, so he gentled his tone as he asked, “What can I do to help you with this? Is there something we can adjust in our approach to this project so you’re not so wired all the time?”
“I don’t know,” Viktor groaned, running both hands through his hair in agitation. “My brain just…never shuts off. I’m always thinking about everything, and when I get an idea I just have to start working on it; it’s like I’ll lose it if I don’t.”
Vulcan was quiet for a long moment. He knew what he’d intended to do from the moment he saw the other man sitting here with that mug, but at this point he wasn’t sure it would help in the way he wanted it to. Still, a plan was a plan.
“Listen, Vik.” He thanked his lucky stars that the scientist’s chair had no arms as he reached his own around to trap him against the back of it in a bear hug, fingers wiggling into his ribs without warning. “We gotta do something about this.”
As predicted, Viktor spasmed and let out a surprised shriek, a few snorting cackles escaping his lips before he thought to try and cover up, one hand over his mouth to muffle his giggles and the other clawing desperately at Vulcan’s arms around his chest. “No, nohohohoho, wahahahait—!”
“Last time all I did was poke you and you fell in line. Not that that’s what I was going for, but hey, if it ain’t broke, right?”
“Plehehehehease, don’t – AIIIEEE!!” Viktor tried to arch his back, and failing that brought his leg up to kick the air, catching his foot on the underside of his desk, making the whole thing shake. It was a miracle the coffee didn’t spill. “Owww! Dohohohohon’t tihihihihihickle me! Not thehehehehehere, please! Vulcahahahahan, stohohohohohop!”
The engineer smirked as he pressed tiny circles into Viktor’s middle ribs, a simple move that seemed to drive the other man up the wall, snorting laughter and squeaks and wheezes spilling out of him like a fountain of mirth.
“Heh, pretty ticklish, huh?” Vulcan teased gently, feeling victorious when the brunette finally brought his other hand down to try and push him away with all his sapped strength, laughter building into a crescendo the more he focused on that tiny spot on either side of his ribcage.
“Plehehehehehehease! Stohohohohohoooooop!” Viktor snorted again, the tips of his ears turning pink with embarrassment as he struggled and laughed. “Vuhuhuhuhuhuhulcan! Plehehehehease, you win! You wihihihihihihihin!”
At last the engineer let up, rubbing the scientist’s shoulders as he hunched over and giggled out some leftovers, gasping for breath. “There, doesn’t that feel better?”
Viktor groaned, taking a few moments before glancing up at his companion with a halfhearted glare. “You’re a menace.”
“Seriously, though…this late-night stuff has got to stop. You’ll make yourself sick, and then where would Company Eight be?”
“Tickling me isn’t going to solve the problem,” the scientist grumbled, getting to his feet and grabbing his mug.
“I know that, but it’s fun. I couldn’t help it.” Vulcan grinned, but his smile wavered when the scientist was quiet, moving to the sink to dump his freshly-poured coffee down the drain. He rinsed the drinkware, put in in the strainer, and started to move to the door. At that point, the engineer intercepted him. “Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. What’s up, Vik? This is the second time you’ve gone all quiet after I’ve…”
Viktor didn’t say anything for a moment, just keeping his gaze averted.
Vulcan felt awful. “Shit, I’m sorry…I just now realized I should have made sure it was okay…”
“It’s fine,” the scientist said quietly.
“It’s obviously not—”
“It is.” Viktor finally lifted his eyes to meet Vulcan’s. He sighed. “I’m just…so tired. I didn’t realize. Plus my laugh is stupid, so I’m embarrassed about that, too.”
Vulcan felt the words like a punch to the gut. “Hold on – stupid? Your laugh isn’t stupid! Where the hell did you get that from?”
“I know how it sounds.”
“But it’s just your natural reaction, isn’t it? You can’t beat yourself up over that.”
Viktor’s eyes widened a fraction. For a moment they just stood there, silently staring at each other. Then the scientist glanced away and gave a tiny smile. “You’re not the first person to say that to me. So I guess it could be true.”
Vulcan offered a smile of his own. “I thought it was fun. The way you were kicking and screaming was fun, too—”
“I was hardly screaming,” Viktor retorted, but he seemed more at ease as he brushed past his friend. “Let’s get back to this later, maybe? I want to lie down.”
Still mildly concerned but mostly relieved, Vulcan nodded. “Good call. I’ll tell the captain we’re taking the day off.”
Viktor was much better about getting to sleep consistently every night after that. He was never in the lab for more than an hour earlier that Vulcan in the mornings, which was a marked improvement over the 3 AM start times he’d been averaging before that. Part of the engineer suspected his friend was mostly doing it to avoid another tickle attack, and he felt mixed emotions on that front, but whatever was keeping him motivated was working, so he didn’t want to rock the boat too much.
Still, he was hesitant to do it again.
Nearly a month later and after their invention was in its final stages, Vulcan decided Viktor was good to handle most of the rest on his own, so he went back to a different task he’d been working on before then – fixing up the Matchbox. The poor thing had been through a lot lately with the uprising of the White Clad and the climbing number of Infernals they had to put to rest; it was beyond time for a tune-up.
He wasn’t sure how long he’d been under the car when he heard the door to the garage open, but he called out, “Yo, whoever just walked in – grab my wrench for me, would you? It’s just out of my reach on my left.”
There was no verbal reply, but footsteps treaded around to where he lay with just his legs poking out from under the Matchbox. A moment later a clattering sound was heard, and Vulcan glanced down to see the wrench was now within his reach. Whoever had walked in wore brown shoes. So, it didn’t narrow things down much. The only thing he knew for sure at this point was it wasn’t Shinra – the kid almost never wore shoes, for obvious reasons.
“You just gonna stand there like a phantom or do I get to know who’s joined me?”
After a moment, Viktor said, “It’s done.”
“The Sparker? Really?” They’d decided to call it a Sparker because it was designed to spark and create a small flame on command that second-gens could wear in combat to be even more powerful and not have to rely on others to start fires for them to control. “That was quick.”
“Well…I am used to working alone.”
“Guess you’re finally glad to be rid of me then, huh?” Vulcan teased good-naturedly.
There was silence again for a minute. Then the scientist cleared his throat and asked, “Have you been in here since you left the lab?”
“You know that was ten hours ago?”
Vulcan had not known that. “Oh, shit, seriously?” At that moment, his stomach growled. He hadn’t even realized he was so hungry. “Damn. I’d better wrap up, then.”
Viktor’s voice was more lighthearted now, which put the engineer at ease. “How do you work up the nerve to get after me for pulling long hours when you’re in here doing the exact same thing?”
“I guess you got me there. To be fair, Lisa usually drags me out of here at dinnertime, but she’s, uh…”
“Yeah.” Their resident former White Clad still had bad days sometimes. “How long until you finish?”
“Should only take a few more minutes. I’m basically done, anyway. I’ll have to do final touches on it tomorrow morning is all.”
“I can wait. I haven’t eaten either, so we can raid the kitchen together. Lieutenant Hinawa would be scary to face alone.”
Vulcan chuckled, then fell silent as he got back to work.
Exactly five minutes later, he suddenly felt a strong tingling sensation in his hips that forced a laugh out of him, followed by a swift kick that only caught air. He dropped his tool and tried to slide out from under the Matchbox with the pallet, but Viktor – because obviously it was Viktor – had knelt in front of it so it couldn’t move anywhere but further under the car.
“Hey!” he yelped, unable to even bring his arms down to protect himself like this without hurting either himself or his work. “Lihihihihihicht, you sneheheheheaky son of a gun!”
“It seemed only fair,” his friend replied with a light tilt to his voice that was rare to hear from him. “You did this to me when I had been sitting in the lab for seven hours before you got there.”
“Ehehehehehahahahahahaha! Shit, stohohohohohohop!” Vulcan cried, the light tracing along his hips switching to digging that had him physically fighting himself to keep from twisting something to escape. “Lihihihihihihihict!”
“Interesting that you call me by my surname in this situation. Is it because you’re frustrated?”
Vulcan kicked empty air again. “It’s behehehehecause I’m tihihihihihihicklish, you ahahahahahass! And I’m stuhuhuhuhuhuhuck down hehehehehehere! Lemme gohohohohoho!”
“Such language. I wonder why tickling brings that out of you?”
“It’s my nahahahahahatural reahahahahaction! Just lihihihihike your snohohohohorts and stuhuhuhuhuhuff!”
Viktor faltered in his attack, and it was just enough that Vulcan plowed his way out from under the Matchbox, barely catching sight of the scientist’s lab coat as he hauled ass around the front of the car toward the garage door. “Licht!” he yelled, pleasantly surprised to hear his friend let out a panicked shriek followed by a slew of unstoppable, giddy giggles.
Oh? Oh. Oh, it was on.
By the time Vulcan caught up to Viktor – back in the lab, obviously, the place he felt safest – the scientist had set a perfect trap for him that he fell into easily. He tripped on his way over the threshold and sprawled face-first on the ground, still greasy and sweaty and shirtless from his time under the Matchbox.
Then Viktor was on his back, scribbling and tickling up and down his ribs and sides and shoulders, making Vulcan squeal and giggle into the floor.
“Ehehehehehehehe! You ahahahahahahasshole! Stohohohohohohohop it, it tihihihihihihickles!”
“I believe that’s the point,” Viktor replied, sounding breathless and high on adrenaline, and when Vulcan twisted his head to look at him he saw an eager smile on his face to match.
“Juhuhuhuhuhust wait till I gehehehehehet out of this—!” Vulcan brought his arms under him as though he were about to do a push-up, but at that moment his friend darted his fingers into his open armpits, making him fall back down again and screech with laughter. “Shihihihihihihihihit!”
“Interesting,” Viktor mused. “Is this your worst spot? I got the sense it was here…” He trailed his fingers down to squeeze the pink-haired man’s hips.
That was a mistake.
Vulcan shrieked out a laugh and bucked on pure instinct. Poor Viktor, who had no sense of balance on a good day, was easily thrown off like a cowboy from a bucking bronco. The engineer shot up to his hands and knees and whirled, grinning wickedly. Viktor was already giggling, eyes wide and hands raised in hopeless defense.
“W-Wait, wait—!” he tried, but Vulcan had strength and speed to spare, and he was on his friend in seconds, snatching up his wrists and shoving them above his head, wiggling teasing fingers with his free hand just above his ribs. Viktor shrieked and squirmed, but he wasn’t going anywhere now. “Ehehehehe, wahahahahait!”
“Wait for what? You started it, Licht,” Vulcan teased.
Viktor let out a scream as the engineer’s fingers plunged into his ribs, quickly and easily finding that spot that had worked so well last time. The poor man cackled and snorted and rolled back and forth on the ground uselessly, his face lit up with laughter that seemed much more genuine this time than it had the first time around.
“How’s it feel, Vik? Having fun yet?”
Viktor arched his back and wheezed when Vulcan dug mercilessly into that special spot, barely managing to gasp out, “Dohohohohohoes this mehehehehehean you’ll stohohohohohohop being weheheheheird around mehehehehehe now?”
Vulcan paused, frowning in confusion. “Being weird? I got the feeling I’d made you uncomfortable, so I was just trying to be careful…”
“Y-You stopped being yourself…after I told you I thought my laugh was stupid.” Viktor’s ticklish smile faded a bit as he recalled their last couple of weeks together. “I thought you didn’t want to hear it anymore.”
The engineer stared at him. “Are you serious? You must have missed the part where I told you I’d thought it was fun.”
“But then…why didn’t you…?” Viktor suddenly clamped his mouth shut, as if he’d said too much. His cheeks turned that same shade of pink as before.
Vulcan’s grin was back in an instant. “Vik…were you hoping I’d tickle you again?”
Viktor squeaked, tugging at his trapped arms even as a wobbly smile appeared on his face. “N-No…of course not! Why would I?”
“You liar,” Vulcan laughed, immediately launching back into his earlier assault, beyond pleased to hear Viktor’s initial screech cut short by a snort and even more helpless giggling as he writhed on the ground beneath him. “If you’d wanted me to tickle you again, all you had to do was ask, silly!”
After that, Viktor laughed more freely than Vulcan had ever heard before.
And he swore he’d hear it again and again and again.
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