karlydraws · 1 year
Welcome to Michael's Coffee ☕
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Saw this pathetic forty-something guy trying to hit on twenty-something barista
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neitherabaron · 1 month
Race for Refugees - 30 Tunes, 30 Days!
Hey everyone,
TL/DR: I'm going to be recording and releasing 30 folk tunes on my violin for the month of September in support of Refugee Action! You can sponsor me here:
Like most people here in the UK, I've been horrified by the events of the last few weeks. Now more than ever, it's time to show solidarity, stand up against hate and discrimination, and demand a fairer future for refugees and people seeking safety in the UK.
Refugee Action support refugees' rights and services across the UK. Race for Refugees runs for the month of September - it's a race for hope, with a difference - participants take on a challenge of their choice for the month!
I'm a folk musician. I grew up with a genuine love for the folk music traditions of the UK. I've played in folk rock groups and ceilidh bands, covering traditional songs and dance tunes. But I'm perhaps not the type of person you immediately picture when you think of UK trad-folk!
My grandpa was an immigrant from Ghana in the 1950s and was blessed to be able to build a wonderful life here. I think we should demand nothing less for today's immigrants, especially those seeking safety and asylum.
Every day in September, I'm going to be recording and releasing a traditional fiddle tune from the British isles in support of refugees. There'll be jigs, reels, hornpipes and strathspeys aplenty!
Please sponsor me if you can, and help support refugees across the UK!
Thank you!
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ttsquid · 3 months
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artfight attacks pt 2!!
ocs belonging to:
and @stardial
respectively!!!! :3
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myurucrie · 4 months
ah yes edmond dantes, your sleep paralysis guardian angel, vs merlin, who sniffs you on your sleep, vs oberon, the guy who laid eggs on your mind during his heat on april 1st
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deoidesign · 11 months
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I've been... Busy 👀
Trying to get all 4 arcs from season 1 into books!
(not available for sale, these are print proofs. I'm planning a Kickstarter early next year!)
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pianokantzart · 2 months
Pardon my lack of art and overall absence lately. I have been caught up in a little side project, and since I just recently reached my progress goal I figured now was a good time to show it off!:
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I have a winter greenhouse on my parents' property that, ever since I left home, got completely abandoned and taken over by weeds since it never had a proper floor to begin with. My brothers helped me clear the weeds and put down the rock, but I laid out the new lawn fabric and built that pond wall on my own (it's neither the sturdiest nor the prettiest thing in the world, but it does the trick of keeping the pea gravel from being kicked into what is eventually going to be a pond.)
A few more things I'd like to do before I once again leave home:
Add more stone (probably just a few Home Depot bags here and there to even things out)
Staple that back flap of the pond tarp back into place (you can see the wood where it's falling away)
Use some weedkiller around the edges to keep all that bermudagrass from creeping back in.
Transport some of the old tools & gardening pots back into the greenhouse
But yeah!!! I'm excited for when I can settle in, get a pond pump installed and actually get some stuff growing :D
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whywishesarehorses · 4 months
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Baby girl earned her sweat on a 7.5 mile ride with a good bit of flat out galloping, and I was reminded why I don’t like riding with teenagers
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yaralanma · 1 month
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taahhütüm bitmek üzere şimdiye kadar tüm tekliflerini kabul ettiğim için hep uygun fiyata paketim oldu inş yine güzel bir şeyker teklif ederler
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chrystalmaniac · 6 months
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stormyrainyday · 2 months
man am i having a day
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dick-helmet-magneto · 9 months
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This sounds like a promt that only Charles would find himself in.
Charles three Phds in, wondering if he could teach himself the material for the class. he's a doctor and professor, he should be able to
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silentreigns · 3 months
As much as I like Checo I lowkey (maybe highkey) need him to flop. Yes the chances of Yuki getting that seat is next to 0 but if there's just a small 0.00000001% chance he could test a RedBull this will be the opening
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racing-twinks · 2 years
"Marc has to accept that he can't give 150% with a bike that can only do 110%"
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smileymoth · 3 months
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Tjis project was a mistake
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fluffypichu876 · 2 months
holy shit i already have 65~ hours in ffxv. i- i didn't even notice...
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it is so disheartening to immediately see over half my paycheck (most weeks 75%+ of it actually) disappear every week
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