#30 fps video capture
crescentfool · 7 months
so you want to use OBS
hello! i’ve decided to compile information on my OBS setup and some resources that have helped me along the way.  this is mostly for personal reference, but maybe others can make use of this information!
some notes before i get into it:
i use OBS for both offline recording and (twitch) streaming. any footage i record is edited using DaVinci Resolve 18, which is free.
most of my OBS captures are of video games (through a USB capture card, specifically elgato), and the occasional screen/application capture (like clip studio paint, and sometimes PC games).
as such, the information here is reflective of these experiences. this post is not comprehensive to all of OBS’s features- this is just an overview of the settings and configurations that are most relevant to me.
with that out of the way, all the information will be under the cut!
Basic Setup
file format:
how to change: settings -> output -> recording -> recording format -> press “apply” once finished!
I save most of my recordings as .mkv files- it supports multi-track audio! i prefer .mkv over .mp4 because if your power goes out, you still have a recording to work with. 
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.mkv files can be read by DaVinci Resolve without an issue- but for Adobe software, they'll need to be remuxed to .mp4 within OBS! (file -> remux recordings -> press the … to select a file -> press the “remux” button)
video resolution and framerate:
how to change: settings -> video -> output (scaled) resolution
my obs canvas is @ 1920 x 1080p (16:9)
i switch between 720p and 1080p as needed! if you're concerned about space, you can probably just go for 720p. i also record at 30 fps, simply because that’s what my capture card supports.
video bitrate:
how to change: settings -> output -> encoder settings (located in both the streaming and recording tab) -> press “apply” once finished!
bitrate is a bit of a doozy to explain, but the most important thing to know is that bitrate affects your video’s quality. lower numbers = lower quality, while higher numbers = higher quality. 
generally speaking, you'll want higher bitrate when you're recording things with high depth of information (e.g. you’d want a higher bitrate for something fast-paced like splatoon, compared to a slower-paced game like animal crossing).
my video bitrate is either set to 3000 or 4000 kbps! and here's some of my other (related) settings while i'm at it:
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you can put your bitrate at much higher values than me if you're a stickler for quality- but keep in mind that a higher bitrate means:
bigger file size
more information to upload (when streaming)
your computer will need to encode more
i’d recommend reading twitch’s guidelines on encoding, bitrate, resolution, and framerate to get an idea of what values to pick. for people who are doing offline recording or streaming on a different platform, i suggest googling the appropriate resources!
multi-track audio:
this is mostly applicable to anyone looking to do video editing!
multi-track audio basically allows you to separate your audio sources (e.g. discord, game audio, and your own microphone) into different tracks. 
this is an immensely helpful tool because it lets you adjust audio levels in post-production (editing). some examples of how this can be used:
increasing someones microphone volume if they speak too softly
increasing/decreasing game audio
muting swear words/sensitive information
completely muting voice call + microphone if you want to upload a no commentary video
and more!
to set this up, take a look at your audio mixer panel, and press the ⚙ icon. this will bring up advanced audio properties.
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by checkmarking a track box, it puts the audio on that track. to make the above screenshot easier to digest:
track 1 consists of ALL three audio sources- desktop, elgato, and microphone.
track 2 only has the microphone audio.
track 3 only has desktop audio (i use this for voice calls)
track 4 only has the elgato capture card audio (game audio). the volume has also been lowered so that any speaking voices can be heard clearly.
tracks 5 and 6 are unused.
you might be wondering, “why do all three of these have 1 checked off?” this is what i call the universal audio track. i recommend having a universal audio track for a few reasons:
when you stream from OBS onto twitch/youtube- you have to select ONE audio track.
it’s also a nice backup in case you didn’t separate your audio correctly.
if for whatever reason you need to move around your individual audio tracks in editing, the universal track acts as a nice reference point.
mark off your audio tracks for each audio source as you see fit! once you’re finished with the advanced audio properties, go to settings > output.
for the streaming tab, you’ll want to have the number of your universal audio track selected. in my case, that will be audio track 1.
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for the recording tab, checkmark all the audio tracks that are applicable to you (in my case, audio tracks 1, 2, 3, and 4). by default, only audio track 1 is selected.
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if you don’t check off the additional audio tracks in the output > recordings section, you will not have access to those audio tracks in editing, and you won’t be able to edit your audio tracks independently of each other. so don’t forget to do this! 👍
custom browser docks
custom browser docks are a great tool for when you’re streaming and want to have access to your twitch chat and/or activity feed! (or if you wanted to have some other web browser on OBS).
to create one, go to docks -> custom browser docks.
you’ll be given a table interface that asks you to put the dock name and URL. for streamers who want to have chat and alerts available, do the following:
on twitch’s homepage, go to the upper right and click your icon
then, click creator dashboard
once you’re on your dashboard, go to stream manager
click the vertical “...” on my chat OR activity feed.
press “pop-out chat” OR “pop-out activity feed”
copy and paste the link into the table back into OBS
press apply once you’re done
click and drag the docks around at your leisure to put them where you like!
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if you ever decide you don’t want to have something on your OBS dock (or want to bring something back), go to the toolbar, click “docks,” and click the appropriate dock!
third party things
a section of optional things that you may enjoy having.
streamlabs alerts
this is basically for anyone who streams and wants to have their chat and/or follower notifications visualized on screen!
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streamlab alerts can be added to OBS by adding a browser source into your scene, and the specifics can be customized on streamlabs itself. it’s pretty self-explanatory, so i’ll just leave a link to streamlabs website, where you can log in using the streaming platform of your choice: https://streamlabs.com/
discord overlay
this is a browser source that can be set up to show people who are in a server's voice chat and who speaks. i recommend this to people who make multiplayer content- it can help viewers distinguish who is who but also it can be helpful in editing.
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to set this up, go to https://streamkit.discord.com/overlay, click “install for OBS,” and after logging in with discord, go to “voice widget” and click the server and voice channel you want.
you are able to apply CSS if you'd like more control over the visuals, but the standard layout tends to work fine for me! a search of “discord overlay css” on youtube can help you get more information.
veadotube mini
this is a pngtuber software that a friend recommended to me! no webcam is required- mouth opening and closing is based on your microphone input!
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you can download it here (it’s pay what you want!): https://olmewe.itch.io/veadotube-mini
for a proper tutorial on how to use it, i recommend checking out the app's documentation, which you can read here: https://veado.tube/help/
source record
have you ever wanted to stream something with a chat overlay/layout, but wanted your recording to ONLY be the gameplay? or maybe you wanted to record BOTH your gameplay AND your webcam so that you can have a crisp zoom-in on your webcam!
source record is a third party plugin that can help you with that!
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the general gist of source record involves applying the “source record” filter on either a scene or source, and customizing the encoding settings accordingly. the exact details of how to set it up is beyond the scope of this post, so I'll just direct people to this video instead (it was very helpful to me):
⚠ a quick note about source record: this plugin can be intense for your computer. be sure to do test recordings and the like to see what your computer can handle (and see if the recordings come out the way you like). it took me a few tests before i settled onto something i liked!
you can download and install source record here: https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/source-record.1285/
have you ever wanted to do a collaborative video or stream where you feature someone else’s video on your stream? or maybe you’re doing a multi-person streaming event! vdo.ninja is the perfect tool for you!
vdo.ninja turns your OBS virtual camera into a browser source link- which your collaborator can add on their stream! this is a new tool that i’ve added to my arsenal recently- since my friend and i are planning to stream a side order challenge together! i’ve still got to iron it out a bit more, but i like what i’ve used of it so far.
try it out for yourself at their website here (with documentation and demos available on the homepage!): https://vdo.ninja/ (no downloads required!)
ok! i’m set up! what now?
and with that, that’s all of the settings and tools that i thought would be worth mentioning! while most of my setup was written with video games in mind, some of these plugins and setups may be applicable to other types of videos (e.g. tabletop gaming with a physical camera)!
now that i’ve outlined all these settings, i have one more thing i have to say: regardless of what you're using OBS for, do a test recording before doing anything “official” with it. this recording can be as short as 30 seconds. it’s a good habit to develop that can make sure your streams/recordings turn out the way you want them to!
here are the kinds of things i like to check! it’s not an exhaustive list, but this can be a starting point:
does my video look the way i want it to (and can my computer handle that)?
can my computer handle the load of encoding? - OBS will note in the bottom if the encoding is overloaded. if it can’t handle it, turn down your bitrate or adjust other encoding settings (e.g. i had to toggle psycho visual tuning OFF because it was causing lag)
this is especially the case if you're recording PC games- you don’t want to have slowdown on either your game or the recording!
are my audio sources (e.g. desktop audio and microphone) correct? - if you plug/unplug devices a lot, be sure to check this (settings -> audio).
are any of my audio sources muted? - make sure you don’t have anything on 🔇 if you don’t want it to be muted! otherwise the audio will be lost forever… (i lost my friend’s VC audio once… it was sad)
are my audio tracks separated properly? - requires you to boot up your editing software, but it's worth doing! for the test recording, just have something from all your sources playing at once, and see if your editor has things separated into tracks.
can i hear the voices clearly? or does the music and/or game overpower them?
if for whatever reason your OBS crashes, or you want more information on anything “critical” or “warning” worthy in your set-up, you can go to help > log files > upload current log file > analyze. crash logs currently can’t be analyzed by the log analyzer- but they’re a valuable tool when asking for help on the OBS forums!
and that’s all! for real, this time. i hope that some of these tools and settings can help anyone wanting to get more out of OBS. there’s definitely other things i didn’t touch upon (e.g. audio filters for noise compression, suppression, etc.), so i suggest doing your own research and trying things out!
happy recording/streaming, and thanks for reading! ✨
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ladyaldhelm · 2 months
Making Gifs Part 1 - Capturing Video
I am making this for @errruvande but I thought maybe others could use this guide to. This is my own personal workflow on how I make my gifs. Everyone has their own way of doing it, and there is no right or wrong way, but I have found this works best for me, with my limited tools and since I do not have photoshop.
Please note I am not an expert lol! There are people out there making far better gifs than me, and many other gifmaking resouces on Tumblr that are probably better than mine.
Keep reading below >>>
So there are two ways that I have found that work for capturing video. If you have the discs like I do, using a program like Videobyte BD-DVD Ripper works really well to grab video clips from Blu-Rays and DVD's. I recommend only using Blu-Rays if you have them. since DVD's are much lower quality.
However I have noticed the videos I captured with this program tend to be dark and have some compression artifacts, even when rip to an MKV with high quality settings. So I use a different method which I feel produces higher quality video captures.
I use Windows Screen Recorder (I have Win11 but this will work for all versions of Windows) with the quality settings set to High. In order to do this, go to Settings > Gaming > Captures and set the following:
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Make sure the Video Quality is set to High, set your Screenshots folder, turn off Audio (you don't need it), and keep the frame rate to 30 fps.
For Windows 11 press WIN + ALT + R to activate the screen recorder. There is usually a bit of a delay so make sure you start a few seconds before the scene you want to capture. And try to keep the length of the capture below about 90 seconds; the shorter the better.
Capturing Sequential Caps
So, for those of you with Photoshop, you can import your video directly into the program and make your gif from there. But I found that Photopea really does not like videos, and will stall and crash if I load a video directly. So I have to capture sequential screencaps to make my gifs.
I use VLC Media Player. There are a few others out there that take sequential caps, but I have not been able to get them to work myself.
Download and install the latest version. Then go to your settings to set up the Sequential Caps function. They have a great guide on their website here but I will reiterate it in this post.
Go To Tools > Preferences and then at the bottom of the screen select the All radio button to show all settings.
Select Video from the left menu. Scroll down about halfway until you see the Snapshot section. Choose the folder where you want the caps to go.
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3. Then, under Video on the left, expand the Filters list.
4. Check the "Scene Video Filter" from the list.
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5. Then scroll down on the left menu under Filters and click on Scene Filter. This will open up the settings for that particular filter.
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6. Set the Image Format to PNG.
7. Then for the Recording Ratio, change to "1". The Recording Ratio is the frame interval. So for example, if it was set to "300" (with a 30fps video), then it would take one cap every 10 seconds. Setting it to "1" will make it take a cap once per frame.
8. None of the other settings need to be changed.
9. One more important setting, otherwise this will not work! Close the menu, and go back to Tools > Settings and leave it on Simple. Go to the Video section and MAKE SURE the output is set to "Automatic". This is important because if it is not on Automatic the Scene Filter won't work!
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Then just open your video with VLC. VLC will automatically take the screencaps while the video is playing. If you pause the video, it will stop taking caps.
NOTE: For smoother gifs, change your playback speed to be slower. Go to the top menu > Playback > Speed > Slower (fine). The more you click this the slower the video will playback, and that means more caps will be taken over that time frame. I usually set it to 0.75x, but if you want even smoother gifs for really short clips, you can set it even slower than that.
Your screenshot folder will look like this:
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Then we are done with this part and onto Photopea! Which I will go into detail in another post: PART 2
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madhogthymaster · 5 months
Master Recs: The "N64" Trilogy (2023)
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Let us muse over a very small, three-dimensional Metroidvania game stylistically fashioned after the Nintendo 64 era of graphical fidelity. It stars a deliciously polygonal rabbit-y, goat-y, cat-like girl.
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Now, I am playing this on the fabled Steam Deck. It runs and controls smoothly on the platform but you might require to fiddle with the video settings as the default configuration is slightly blurry due to a very specific and fascinating reason. It turns out Pseudoregalia vaunts a certain level of depth in its technical customization, one that's surprisingly fun to manipulate. There's an option to toggle on or off a retro graphical scale and character movement rate, which graciously emulate the old school console experience. You can also manually reduce or augment the maximum framerate for the whole game. You could theoretically play something that looks like a 30 fps 3D Platformer from 1997 or the most HD upscaled version thereof at 144 fps, or everything in between! The default, blurry configuration comes as a result of the aforementioned retro scaling clashing with the 4K resolution in full screen mode. This is the first and last time in recorded human history that I will ever be this enamoured with "specs talk."
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The point is, we have a darling gem with a cultivated aesthetic, a good level of polish: it will look "right" regardless of your favoured settings. I'm impressed by the extra layer of work placed in the subtle use of limited framerates for the character's movement.
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Pseudoregalia captures the idea, the abstract concept and low-poly charm of a N64 title with a gameplay that recalls your memory of it, rather than the unwieldy reality. I say this as someone who doesn't have nostalgia for early 3D graphics: the game makes them look spiffy.
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I shall be honest, this is normally not the sort of title I would enjoy playing, as precise platforming and traversal puzzles are my nemesis. I mentioned afore the level of polish, which is generally consistent, but some of the movement upgrades you get (such as the jump/wall kick) can be rather finicky to master. In that sense, be wary that the game does not openly provide you with tutorials for the moves that require more finesse, choosing instead to hide an additional set of instructions in the inventory descriptions. It's "old school", you see. Older versions were bereft of maps thus making exploration a burden for those like me who are directionally challenged - both in games and in real life. Regardless, I kept getting drawn by its world, its somber atmosphere, its tight gameplay and especially its protagonist, Sybil.
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An appealing design for your avatars goes a long way in ensuring an emotional connection to them and Sybil just so happens to have one of the most striking and instantly recognizable appearances I can fathom. It's a pleasure to look at her go! Furthermore, I would posit that she has a lot in common with my precious videogame fluffy boy, Klonoa - and I do I mean, a lot. I will not elaborate. If you get it, you get it. In conclusion, Pseudoregalia is an impressively put together jam. It's easy to pick up yet punishing to handle, it's fun and fascinating in spite of its more irritating aspects. The best overall critique I can give it is that it made me want to keep trying, and trying, and trying, until I eventually became good enough to complete it several times and even beat the insanely hard Time Attacks. In short: game is good. Play it.
Corn Kidz 64
If I had a nickel for every time a throwback 3D Platform game starring a cute goat-like creature managed to grab my attention, I would have a whopping three nickels! Anyway, here is Corn Kidz 64, an artistically verosimile homage to the Rareware games you probably remember.
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Deliciously stylized polygons welcome both you and I into a quirky mindscape. You play as a rude little prick named Seve who's having a vivid nachos related dream but has to contend with various bollocks - as it's often the case.
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If you are even marginally familiar with all the Kanjo-Bazooies and Konkey Dongs out there then you will recognize its sphere of influences right away. It's a proper tribute to that era of gaming up to the inclusion of the "correct" low video resolution settings and insane completion requirements. There is much puzzling and platforming to be had, tactical traversal and secrets-within-secrets to bamboozle and titillate your gamer's lizard brain. Genre freaks will feel very welcome here.
I will say that I find the character design especially pleasing. Aesthetically, I would place it somewhere in between Rayman. Belgian comic book artist André Franquin and web strips from twenty years ago or more. It's expressive, to say the least.
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As a sign of good will from the game's part, this is the track that greets you as you plunge into the realm of your dreams of childhood:
Corn Kidz 64 is a short, fun experience, bedazzled by tight controls, surreal atmosphere and "Early Internet" humour. It does not overstate its welcome and only occasionally gets immensely frustrating. Its dedication to the N64 ethos is both a boon and a detriment, in that sense. Let me put it this way: I shall not be doing a 110% completion run any time soon.
Cavern of Dreams
As a direct result of me wanting more, here is Cavern of Dreams. Yet another N64 aesthetically driven title that came out last year but was promptly overshadowed by Funny Goat Game and Sexy Goat Game - as far as my own pop cultural myopia is concerned, that is.
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It is a small yet multilayered Collect-A-Thon with an emphasis on exploration rather than combat or complex platforming. There is no health bar and there are no traditional enemies. There is a handful of puzzles here and there, some of which might be legitimate head scratchers. The dragon baby is cute. I do have a couple of gripes with this one.
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Playing this game is, in a word, annoying. It is bothersome how weighted and limited the movement is, it is fastidious how the character collision is in relation to the environment, it is aggravating how it all affects the gameplay in small yet noticeable ways. Here's an example: you can use the traditional ground pound to gain extra height. However, in order to do so, you have to keep pressing the attack button while in midair. The problem with that is the game still registers it as an attack when you do so. As such, if you happen to be hugging a wall, atop a small ledge, this action will inevitably cause your character to hit said wall and propel you backwards, resulting in you falling to your doom. This happened constantly. Generally speaking, the control scheme doesn't feel ideally tailored to an experience that requires precise platforming. A repeated offender would be grabbing onto climbable ropes. Which is to say, sometimes it just doesn't happen. You'll float towards a rope and, if the collision isn't pixel-perfect, you will miss it entirely. Also, Baby is unable to jump above once he climbs all the way to the top, half the time. The later levels are worse in that regard as they need some amount of skill.
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Speaking of which, something that will always make me consider quitting a game in a fit of rage is being sucked down a drain that expels me into a different area, forcing me to walk all the way back to where I was before. Once again, annoying is the word.
All that said, the saving grace of Cavern of Dreams lies in the exquisitely crafted, imaginative stages that compose the dreamlike tapestry of the game's aesthetics: living airborne vessels, desolate ice kingdoms, nightmarish art galleries that twist and distort your senses.
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The use of colour hues, sounds and deliberately non-contiguous spaces create this palpable atmosphere of both wonder and anxiety. A welcoming world may turn weird and alienating. A dream may turn into a nightmare. There is a depth beneath the surface presentation that is absolutely worth experiencing. I really wanted to like this game but, alas, I'm left with mostly mixed feelings. Regardless, it's an adorable title with some tinges of darkness and it might just be for you!
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As a conclusive note, I find myself enthralled by the subtle similarities these games share as well as their abundant differences. All of them are stylistically reminiscent of a specific bygone era whilst being perfectly distinct in presentation, and they all are about Dreams...
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They are about exploring dreamscapes, lands where subconscious thoughts and memories materialize in daunting vistas of a forlorn past, comically bizarre hyper-realities from an active imagination or an infant's idea of the world around itself. Pondering about the familiarity of it all fills me both with comfort and melancholy: the parallelism of Dream, Childhood and Gaming. The distant memories of youth in correlation to the experience of videogame escapism are akin to a dream from which we are expected to wake... Well, now I just want to gush about Klonoa again!
In fact, I would go as far as to say that Corn Kidz 64's "plot resolution" feels like a direct parody of Door to Phantomile's ending, and it gets funnier the more I think about it.
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Thank you for reading.
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nicefieldsfm · 3 months
Dear Nicefieldsfm,
I hope you are doing well. My name is [Your Name], and I am an aspiring animator and a huge fan of your work. Your "Life is Strange" animations have deeply inspired me, and I would love to create my own.
Could you please share some advice on the following:
Software and Tools: What do you use for your animations?
Workflow: How do you go from concept to final render?
Character Design: Tips for designing and rigging expressive characters?
Scene Composition and Lighting: Key techniques for capturing the series' emotional tone?
Thank you for your time and inspiring work. I look forward to your response.
Hello Jim-Chen!
Thank you, glad you like my stuff! I haven't made videos in a while, but I used to make them in Source Filmmaker. For my last few videos I moved over to Blender which is way more advanced, which I'd definitely recommend. Both are free to download.
As for workflow for my animations, I'd just start animating at the beginning and see where it goes from there. I'm a very visual thinker so I always know what I want it to look like in my head. When I'm done I export my animations as an image sequence and import them into Adobe Premiere Pro where I edit them, add sound and export the final video.
In case you're not aware, all models are extracted from those Life is Strange video games. I didn't design them. 😬 I don't even have to rig them, other people in the community have already done that, I just download them ready to go. I always use the same models and locations so I'm always good to go.
I've always liked studying cinematography in movies and TV, I'd suggest studying your favorite movies and art. One common trick is to keep the background dark and to light up your actors to make them stand out in the scene. I usually have some backlight too, to make the edges of characters pop. A lot of my pics and videos can have up to 4 light sources per character. I would also recommend having some volumetric lighting. Lighting is key.
To give them a "film look" I make my videos 24 fps which I think is pretty rare in the online 3D community, a lot of animators make them 30 or 60 fps for the smoothness.
I will usually have a shallow field of view with some depth of field. I also sometimes add a little bit of film grain. This is all personal preference to go for that "film look".
Thanks for the question, I hopes this helps somewhat!
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sweeetestcurse · 2 years
My Gif-Making Process
Hello! I'm Gilli and I've been making gifs for a very long time and have recently been asked a few times about my process. So I've decided to go into detail on that. Probably too much detail. But this should help out anyone that wants to make gifs of their own whether it's of video game footage they've recorded or movies/shows that they own physical copies of.
Below the cut is a step-by-step process that I go through, plus information on how to record their game/rip blu-rays to a PC for those that don't know how to do such. There are screenshots showing the entire process of me making a single gif and the end results of that.  
I hope everyone finds at least one thing in this they find useful. 💖
Programs Used:
OBS Studio KMPlayer Photoshop  MakeMKV 
I wanted to start with how to record your game footage and how to rip blu-rays to your PC for those that aren't too sure about how to do that.
To record your own game footage, you'll need a program that records your screen as you play. For that, I use OBS Studio.
To set it up to record your screen, go down to the sources section and click add display capture. From there it'll have you pick which display it will be capturing, it should automatically have your primary monitor selected but if that isn't the case click the drop-down menu and pick the one that you'd be using to play games on. And make uncheck the box for capture cursor, as no one wants a flying cursor to ruin their footage.
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You may need to resize the capture window to fit, but all that takes is hovering your mouse over it, clicking, and dragging it to fit. 
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Next, you should go into the settings set up a few things. Mostly to make sure it'll be capturing at the right FPS and the folder the videos will save to when you record.
These are the settings I use. I don't mess with the audio portions since that doesn't matter for gifs.
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If you're using a capture card for a console, you can add that source to OBS, as well. This is what that looks like (you'll need to drag the window to fit here, as well.).
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I don’t mess with the settings, as I’ve never needed to.
And now may be good to note that with older consoles the default FPS is 30. If you want to record footage of that you'll want to switch the number that's captured down to 30 as well so your gifs don't have extra frames.
With that all set up, you'll need to open up the game you're wanting to record. Sometimes recording is simple and other times it's a bit of a pain in the ass. When it's simple, you'll be able to alt+tab out of the game and start recording with OBS whenever you wish, so you won't have to make a huge video file for only a minute or two of footage that you want.
When it’s difficult, however, the game doesn't like being alt+tabbed out of and starts running sluggishly when you do that. When that happens, save and close out altogether. Then start recording with OBS before opening the game and go from there. It's a little bit of a process to find out which game is which, but it isn't a difficult one.
And to record a video in OBS, simply hit the Start Recording button and you're good to go. When you’re finished, click it again. And that’s it.
As for ripping blu-rays to your PC, you'll need to have either an external or internal drive that's able to read blu-rays and MakeMKV. And you should make sure you have enough space on your PC for it. I've found single episodes of a show can be anywhere from 5 GB to 20, and movies are larger the longer they are. The average I've run into is about 30 GB.
If you have all that set up and ready to use, start MakeMKV and click to open the blu-ray disk. 
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The movie (or episode) file tends to be the largest on the disk. Uncheck everything else and choose your output folder. 
Then hit Make MKV and wait until it's done. The ensuing file should easily play in KMPlayer, or your program of choice.
Now, with all of that out of the way, we can get to the actual gif-making of this gif-making tutorial.
When you've got the video you want to capture frames of, open it up in your program of choice and capture away. These are the settings I tend to use.
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To open the frames in Photoshop, click File and go down to Scripts > Load Files into Stack. 
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In the Use dropdown menu, click on Folder. Then click Browse and find the folder you loaded your frames into. If you want to make sure the files load in order, go ahead and click Sort By Name. It’s usually not necessary, but it could cut out the time it’ll take to reload the frames again if something goes wrong.
It should be noted that the process of loading frames will take longer the bigger they are, hence why I use the JPEG setting instead of PNG. I've not noticed a change in quality between PNG and JPEG, but if you wish to make sure you're using the best quality possible, go ahead and use PNGs, just know that this part might take some extra time if you do.
With everything loaded, click the Create Frame Animation button in the timeline window. Then, find the three small lines near the X that closes the Timeline window, and click on that then select Make Frames From Layers. 
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After this, you might need to highlight all the frames and, in the same menu, click reverse frames. It’s not actually reversing the gif, but making it so it plays correctly. For some reason, this happens a lot for me in Photoshop. I cannot explain why it does, just how to fix it. And it takes all of .5 seconds to do that.
Next comes the more tedious step in this whole process. You’ll want to go through each frame and make sure there’s no doubles. If there is, it’ll mess with the timing of the finished product. Double frames can make a gif seem slower than it should be overall, or just in certain parts. If you’re making a gif with a lot of frames it can be annoying, but it’s worth it in the end.
My next step is always to crop the canvas down with the crop tool. For simple scenery gifs that I save at 540x480 pixels, I use a preset that I made. 6:5. Then I'll drag and/or shrink it down to exactly what part of the canvas that I want to gif. In this case, I moved it a smidge to the right and hit crop.
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Then I resize it. Since I've noticed that sometimes there's a small line around some gifs, I resize it down to 582x485 pixels so there's some extra I can crop out around the edges. It's a personal preference, you don't need to do this. It’s just something I’ve done for years.
From here, I start coloring/lighting. Most of the time, I use five layers for this. But every so often the gifs will need a bit extra to get them where I want them and I can end up with 10. It all depends on whatever it is I’m making gifs of. For the gif in this example, I'll be using my usual five layers. Levels, Curves, Select Color, Exposure, and Vibrance. I don't believe the order of the layers matters, but I always start with lighting and move on to the color.
This part is all personal taste. The way I choose to color things might not be how you like it. If that's the case, switch things up. Experiment. If you want things brighter, with the colors more saturated, try upping the levels on those layers. Hell, you might not even want to mess with the colors at all, just brighten things up which is totally fine. But these are the settings I've decided to use for this particular gif, for those that might be curious.
This is what the gif looks like before any coloring, sharpening, and without tweaking the frame delay.
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First, I use a Levels layer. Most of the time I use it to start brightening things up, but sometimes I only use it to darken the shadows a bit. This time, I’m doing a little of both.
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Then it's onto Curves for a little more brightening and some contrast. I use these sparingly. It's very easy to wash everything out.
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And one last brightening layer, Exposure. I've never touched the Offset option. I don't know what it does and at this point, I'm too afraid to ask.
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Next is Vibrance. So that I know exactly how much I need to fix/change the coloring. I don't like to make my gifs too saturated, so I don't mess with these settings very much.
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And now comes the fun part. Actually coloring the gifs. I tend to situate my Selective Color layer between the Curves and Exposure layers, but I don't think it matters where it goes.
Here’s what it looks like before coloring.
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This is another super subjective and personal series of settings. For this gif, I want to bring out more of the warm orange and yellow shades without washing out the green of the conifers in the background, but you might want to bring out cool tones instead. There's no wrong way to color gifs.
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As I’m sure you noticed, with this gif I’m not messing with the Cyan, Blue, or Magenta modifiers. Not every gif needs to use every single modifier, and that’s fine. 
This is the end result of all those steps.
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And next is the sharpening. Select all the frames in the Timeline and the Layers window, head on over to those three little lines in the right corner of the Timeline window, and select Convert to Video Timeline.
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Then click Filter > Convert for Smart Filters.
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And then Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen.
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I use two sharpening layers and these settings aren't set in stone. Sometimes this is too much, sometimes it's not enough and I need to up some settings. It's just another one of those things you can to tweak as you work.
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On the second layer, I hit the gear next to the OK button and selected both Use Legacy and More Accurate, then adjust as I wish.
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Then I save it. I do not understand these settings. One might think that I would after using them for so long, but I do not. Please don't ask me about them or I might cry.
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We’re not done quite yet. As I'm sure you noticed, the gif is a bit too large a file for Tumblr's 10 MB limit and I haven't even touched the frame delay settings. That's because I do it once the coloring and everything else is done.
Go to whatever folder you've saved your work in and drag the gif/s into Photoshop. Once they’re loaded, select all the frames in the timeline and click on any of the small arrows pointing down in the right-hand corner of each frame in the timeline, then select Other, then you'll need to set your frame delay. 
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For 30 FPS (console games and live action, usually) I use .05 and for 60 I use .04.
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Next, I delete frames as needed to fit under Tumblr's limits. And with that done, this is the final result next to where I started out, so you can see the differences more clearly.
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I’m pretty sure I’ve gone over everything, but since I’ve been doing this for so long that I easily could have missed something since I’m so used to seeing it all the time. If anyone has questions, I’m more than happy to answer them. ❤️
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tygerbug · 2 months
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What is Interlacing? Standard-definition NTSC SD video does not run at 30fps. Technically the frames, as captured digitally, are 29.97 fps but the effective frame rate on older TVs was 59.94, because playback would only show every other line of the picture (as we would see it now digitally), and cycle back and forth at about 60fps (59.94), or 50fps in PAL territories (25fps). This is what interlacing is: you can see how this digital capture actually alternates between two frames on every other line. You can deinterlace this in various ways, such as outputting as 59.94 frames per second in VirtualDub using Yadif.
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Here's interlacing in a Muppet Show episode. The 25fps picture is actually 50fps, with two distinct frames being shown on alternating lines, so you get a 50fps (or 60fps in US) video presentation on an SD CRTV. A correctly deinterlaced version would show both frames, rather than delete one of them ….
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NTSC video never actually ran at 30 fps, except in rare cases, and that frame rate looks strange to us. We were always seeing 59.94 fps (as fields per second) or 24 frames per second film presented in a 59.94 playback with a 3:2 pulldown. (That is, a pattern of three "clean" frames then two "interlaced" ones where an extra half-frame is added to the playback for timing reasons.)
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There is new motion and frames happening, in NTSC SD video, at 59.94 frames per second, although these fields do not get the full vertical resolution of the picture when in motion.
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Your deinterlaced version of an old VHS should be running at 59.94 fps (or IVTCed to 23.98 fps if it's a film). It should not have these lines in it, except in your raw capture, which should have these lines in it. In most cases it should not run at 30fps in the final web export.
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You can deinterlace this during playback in VLC in several ways, and in editing. A "bob" deinterlace is playback at 59.94 fps at a halved vertical resolution.
Others try to retain more quality by judging whether the image is currently in motion or not, and incorporating the full picture if it's not in motion.
And IVTC (Inverse Telecine) removes the additional fields which turned a 24fps film into a 29.97/59.94 interlaced presentation.
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govindhtech · 4 months
Dimensity 7300 : Unbelievable Speed and Power Unleashed
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MediaTek launched the 4nm Dimensity 7300 and Dimensity 7300X high-end mobile device processors today. Best-in-class power economy and performance make Dimensity 7300 chipsets ideal for AI-enhanced computing, faster gaming, better photography, and effortless multitasking. Dimensity 7300X supports twin displays for flip-style foldable devices.
Both MediaTek Dimensity 7300 chipsets have 2.5GHz octa-core CPUs with 4X Arm Cortex-A78 and A55 cores. 4nm reduces A78 core power consumption by 25% over Dimensity 7050. To speed up gaming, the CPU combines the most recent Arm Mali-G615 GPU with a number of MediaTek HyperEngine optimisations. The Dimensity 7300 series provides 20% quicker FPS and 20% more energy efficiency than competing options. The new chips optimise 5G and Wi-Fi game connections, use clever resource optimisation, support Dual-Link True Wireless Stereo Audio and Bluetooth LE Audio technology to significantly improve gaming experiences.
According to MediaTek’s Wireless Communications Business Deputy General Manager Dr. According to Yenchi Lee, “The MediaTek Dimensity 7300 chips will help integrate the newest AI and connectivity technologies consumers can stream and game seamlessly. “Furthermore, the dual display capability of the Dimensity 7300X allows OEMs to create creative new form factors.”
With compatibility for a 200MP primary camera and a premium-grade 12-bit HDR-ISP, the MediaTek Imagiq 950 is another enhanced photographic feature available with the Dimensity 7300 chipsets. New hardware engines provide accurate noise reduction (MCNR), face detection (HWFD), and video HDR in the Dimensity 7300. This allows users to take beautiful pictures and videos in any kind of lighting. Compared to the Dimensity 7050, live focus and photo remastering are 1.3X and 1.5X faster, respectively. In addition, 4K HDR video may be recorded with a dynamic range that is more than 50% broader than competing solutions, allowing users to capture more detail in their recordings.
The MediaTek APU 655 doubles the performance of the Dimensity 7050 while also greatly increasing the efficiency of AI tasks. Also, in order to reduce memory requirements for larger AI models and more effectively use memory bandwidth, the Dimensity 7300 chips support new mixed precision data types.
The Dimensity 7300 SoCs enable global HDR standards and remarkably detailed WFHD+ displays with 10-bit true colour thanks to MediaTek’s built-in MiraVision 955. This improves media streaming and playing. Additionally, OEMs find it simpler to satisfy the expanding market demand for cutting-edge form factors thanks to the Dimensity 7300X’s specialised support for dual display flip phones.
Dimensity 7300 and Dimensity 7300X important features
With MediaTek’s own optimisations and a full suite of R16 power-saving advancements, MediaTek 5G UltraSave 3.0+ technology offers 13–30% more power efficiency than competing options in typical 5G sub-6GHz connectivity settings.
Supporting 3CC carrier aggregation up to 3.27Gb/s 5G downstream speed, which enables better downlink rates in suburban and urban settings.
Support for multi-band Wi-Fi 6E allows for dependable and quick multi-gigabit wireless access.
Users will have more options with dual 5G SIM capability and dual VoNR.
This was addressed by MediaTek’s Dimensity 7300 series in May 2024. The Dimensity 7300 and 7300X chipset series boosts high-end to smartphone and foldable device performance, energy efficiency, and AI.
Constructed for Rapidity and Effectiveness
A powerful octa-core CPU powers the Dimensity 7300. This combo is ideal for gaming and multitasking with four 2.5 GHz Arm Cortex-A78 cores. Four Arm Cortex-A55 cores, which are energy-efficient, complement these and guarantee dependable performance for daily use. In comparison to the Dimensity 7050, this combination represents a major advancement.
The advanced 4nm manufacturing process is a feature of the 7300 series. This corresponds to a 25% decrease in power usage over the 6nm technique utilised in earlier generations. Users will benefit from longer battery life as a result, while manufacturers can create sleeker devices without compromising functionality.
Superpower in Graphics
Immersive mobile experiences require strong visuals. The Dimensity 7300 has an Arm Mali-G615 GPU to fix this. This graphics processor runs even the most demanding games smoothly, and MediaTek’s HyperEngine technology stabilises the network and efficiently manages resources. MediaTek says the 7300 series is appealing to mobile gamers due to its 20% higher frame rates (FPS) and energy economy.
AI Gains Strength
AI is increasingly changing the smartphone experience, enabling intelligent assistants, better photography, and facial recognition. The Dimensity 7300 uses the MediaTek APU 655, following this trend. This AI processing unit doubles the efficiency of the Dimensity 7050, resulting in a notable performance boost. New mixed precision data types, which enable more effective memory bandwidth utilisation and lower memory requirements for larger AI models, are also supported by the 7300 series. Future smartphones will be able to incorporate even more advanced AI features thanks to this.
Gorgeous Images
For a fascinating mobile experience, a stunning display is essential; a strong processor is only half the story. This demand is met by the Dimensity 7300 series, which supports powerful screens. With the ability to support WFHD+ resolutions at frame rates of up to 120 Hz, these chipsets guarantee fluid and visually spectacular images. For an even smoother user experience, the 7300 series also supports Full HD+ screens at an even higher refresh rate of 144Hz.
Concentrate on Take Pictures
Users now place a greater value on mobile photography, and the Dimensity 7300 series delivers. The chip has MediaTek’s Imagiq 950 image signal processor (ISP), which provides sophisticated photographic features. With the 12-bit HDR pipeline supported by this ISP, detailed information and brilliant colours may be captured. Furthermore, the Imagiq 950 enables features like video HDR, face detection, and precise noise reduction, guaranteeing beautiful images and movies in a range of lighting scenarios. The 7300 series stands out for its ability to enable dual simultaneous video capture, which allows for the development of more imaginative content.
A Set of Chips for Foldables
A 7300 variation called the Dimensity 7300X goes one step farther by being designed with foldable cellphones in mind. One essential component of these cutting-edge gadgets is dual display compatibility, which this chipset provides. Manufacturers may design foldable phones with seamless experiences on both the cover and main displays thanks to the 7300X.
Mobile’s Future
Mobile processing power has advanced significantly with the release of the Dimensity 7300 series. This chipset family, with its emphasis on efficiency, performance, AI capabilities, and support for cutting-edge technologies like foldable devices and high refresh rate screens, is positioned to have a significant impact on the direction of mobile technology. The Dimensity 7300 series offers makers a strong and adaptable foundation to develop next-generation smartphones that offer outstanding user experiences as smartphones continue to advance.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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chirpycreations · 7 months
BAS - Genre & Log lines [26.2.24]
Hello folks, as you know I'm starting my Bachelor of Screen Arts this week, and I thought because I love to learn and share that knowledge, it would be fun to share some of what I'm learning :)
Today, we learned about genre & log lines, which, might not sound interesting or pretty basic at first. But there's surprisingly a lot of cool stuff here & EXAMPLES! :D
Genre is a style or category of film, art, music & literature with a defined set of characteristics that allows examples to be grouped by others.
For video games, the same goes, except genre also includes how the player interacts with the game. E.g. RPG or FPS.
What's interesting, is that genre changes over time. An action movie today, won't be the same as an action movie from 30 years ago. It's how they evolve, change and develop which keeps them new and interesting. What elements are repeated is what keeps audiences feeling safe with something they'll like, and what elements are different (whether it's abiding by or subverting standard conventions), is what keeps in interesting, so the audience doesn't get bored by the same carbon-copy films.
Log line are a summary of a story's essential ingredients in a way which isn't bogged down with details, but is able to capture the listener's interest.
E.g. 'A plucky hen struggles to escape a cruel farmer. When a rooster from the circus arrives, a crack team assemble - Can they get out before the chicken pies get cooked?'
-> Chicken Run
I thought this was really cool. I've tried to do this in the past, and mine always sound washy and long.
So for fun (& practice), I wrote the log line for Lost Children of the CCC:
'A reformed criminal with the power to reverse time is unable to save his friends from a notorious clan of criminals. Desperate to change their fates, he rewrites reality, unknowingly unearthing a dark secret of the past. Can him and his friends survive? Or will they be the next victims of Project Harmonious?'
That sounds SO COOL! Like, this is what I currently have on A03 for the same story:
'It was meant to be the perfect ending, It was meant to be a happy ending with his closest friends Charles & Ellie, It was meant to be HIS happy ending... ... and then the Toppat's happened. But not this time. Henry Stickmin is getting his happy ending, no matter the consequences.'
My current version, it sounds cool like an awesome blurb, but it's very cryptic and unclear. It gives us character names and tells us that someone or thing, called the 'Toppats' ruined this guys happy ending, and he's out for revenge. But that's it. It just tells us a revenge story.
The log line on the other hand is very clearly and easily presents the main character, the stakes, and enough of the plot that you know what happened, and a little bit of how.
The log line clearly has elements of an action/thriller (Ex- criminal vs criminal clan & hints of survival or death), sci-fi (time travel) and mystery ('dark secrets of the past').
All things which are exactly what this story is: An action mystery thriller, with aspects of sci-fi & fantasy. (I know, fantasy isn't technically in there, but the time travel is a part of a magic system in my world, not the sci-fi part (the sci-fi refers to Project Harmonious), so, fantasy.)
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dark-falz · 9 months
I love the background you made I started using them right away!! How are you able to get these crisp visuais? Do you just take them from an emulator?
Thank you so much! It honestly shocks me that people actually use them its an honor ;~; <3
Pretty much all my PSO gifs are from Ephinea now, though there are a few floating around on here that are from Dolphin. Ephinea allows you to adjust your graphis similarly to an emulator, but more importantly, I can easily move the camera around on their server, which allows me to get my character out of frame and whatever angle I want :)
Long with the graphics the main reason would probably be my capture program Camtasia, followed by being put through Photoshop. I can record around 60 fps, and with PSO being 30 fps, recording isn't a problem when it comes to missing frames. The video files are also exported in 1080, and Photoshop allows me to up the resolution further :3
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iphonegetfree · 2 years
iPhone 14 Pro Max Giveaway Free
Amazing new giving way idea iPhone 14 and 14 pro max.You can get Apple iPhone 14 for free by playing a quiz. This is open worldwide contest it’s meaning there are no country restrictions. Enter to win an free iPhone 14 Pro max This is incredible gadgets giveaways of the Apple latest smartphone.
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iPhone 14 Pro Max Features Specifications
Apple’s new iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max have been floating in the market for a while now. Improve faster then old model’s iPhone 13 pro max even iOS. If you are interested in buying the iPhone 14 and want to know more about what is expected of it, read on to know more:
Apple’s new iPhone 14 should be a great improvement and a big hit among all iPhone’s. Apple iPhone 14 has been in the news for a long time, and people are eagerly waiting for its launch as it will be a great upgrade.
iPhone 14 Pro Max display
6.7-inch Super Retina XDR Dynamic Island FTW Size: 6.7 inches Resolution: 2796 x 1290 pixels, 19.5:9 ratio, 460 PPI Technology: OLED Refresh rate: 120Hz Screen-to-body: 88.45 % Features: HDR support, Oleophobic coating, Scratch-resistant glass Ambient light sensor, Proximity sensor
iPhone 14 Pro Max Camera System
Main camera: 48MP quad-pixel sensor. Specifications: Aperture size: F1.8; Focal length: 24 mm; Pixel size: 2.44 μm. Second camera: 12 MP Telephoto, OIS, PDAF. Specifications: Optical zoom: 3.0x; Aperture size: F2.8; Focal Length: 77 mm. Third camera: 12 MP ltra-wide, PDAF. Specifications: Aperture size: F2.2; Focal Length: 13 mm; Pixel size: 1.4 μm. Fourth camera: ToF 3D depth sensing Video recording: 3840x2160 4K UHD 60 fps, 1920x1080 Full HD 240 fps, 1280x720 HD 30 fps Front: 12 MP Auto focus, HDR Video capture: 3840x2160 4K UHD 24 fps System chip: Apple 16 Bionic Processor Hexa-core CPU Hexa-core 2x3.46 GHz Avalanche + 4x Blizzard GPU Apple GPU 5-core graphics RAM: 6GB Internal storage: 128GB Device type: Smartphone OS: iOS (16.x)
Capacity: 4323 mAh Type: Built‑in rechargeable lithium‑ion
Charging : Fast charging, Qi wireless charging, USB
MagSafe wireless charging Max charge speed: Wireless: 15.0W
Storage :128GB 6GB RAM, 256GB 6GB RAM, 512GB 6GB RAM, 1TB 6GB RAM
Bluetooth: 5.3 Wi-Fi: 802.11 a, b, g, n, ac, ax Wi-Fi 6; Wi-Fi Direct, Hotspot Sensors: Accelerator, Gyroscope, Compass, Barometer, LiDAR scanner Hearing aid compatible: M3, T4
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Screencapping Frames with FFmpeg
Tool type: Command Line tool
Operating systems: Mac, Windows, and Linux
Difficulty: Even if it's your first ever time opening your command line and trying to type anything, I think you can do this! I believe in you! :D
Input: Video files (any video file format).
This tutorial is largely based on instructions provided by u/ChemicalOle as part of their GIMP GIFS 101 tutorial for r/HighQualityGifs.
Tutorials I've made so far have covered gif-making methods where video footage is transformed straight to .gif and there is no need to screencap frames. When making gifs in Photoshop (and if you want to make gifs using GIMP) rather than input video straight into the program, you often load a stack of screencaps into the program—one screencap representing every frame. After all, gifs are nothing more than a series of images all stacked together playing one by one in a loop. So lets learn a super faster automated way of screencapping every frame in a video clip automatically. Even if you've never opened your OS's command line interface in your life, I think you can do this!
1. Install FFmpeg
I recommend you install FFmpeg via Homebrew if you're on Mac or Linux by pasting this into your terminal (if/once Homebrew is installed):
brew install ffmpeg
Windows users or other users who don't want Homebrew can follow install instructions on the FFmpeg website.
2. Make a Folder
Make a folder on your desktop called FRAMES and place your video source file in that folder.
I’m going to rename my source video video.mp4 for this tutorial, but you can also just change “video.mp4” to the name of the file in the script below—this includes changing the video file extension in the script below as needed. I don’t think there’s a video file type FFmpeg cannot work with.
3. Determine when the moment you want to gif begins and ends
I’m going to gif a short moment from Season 1 Episode 7 of Supernatural as an example.
According to my video player (I'm using IINA) the exchange I want to gif starts at 8:02.565 and ends at 08:10.156. While you can trim precisely by the millisecond, I’m going to assume your video player doesn’t show milliseconds since many don't.
I'm going to keep the start of my clip at 08:02 but round up the end timestamp 1 second to make sure I get all the milliseconds in that second I want to include. In my case: I need to start capturing at precisely 8.02 and end capturing at 08.11, which is 9 seconds later.
4. Use this script template
You want to use the following template script u/ChemicalOle provided (replacing each # with a number you need):
cd YourFilePathGoesHere ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -r ## -t # -ss ##:## -f image2 frame_%4d.png
video.mp4 is where your video file name goes (including changing the video extension if you need to to .mkv, .mpg, .mov, etc).
-ss ##:## specifies when to start capturing. (I need to put 08:02 here)
-t # specifies how many seconds to spend capturing. (I need to put 9 here)
-r ## tells FFmpeg how many times to capture a .png every second (i.e. the frames per second or FPS). u/ChemicalOle recommends you set this at 30 for a 30 FPS capture.
-f image2 frame_%4d.png tells FFmpeg to output .png images with the name frame_0001.png, frame_0002.png, frame_0003.png, etc.
In my case, my script will look like this:
cd ~/Desktop/FRAMES ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -r 30 -t 9 -ss 08:02 -f image2 frame_%4d.png
The top line starting with cd just tells my terminal to change directories to where my video file is located, and where to dump the frames to be generated (in the FRAMES folder with my video file). (Windows users: change forward slashes to back slashes and that cd command will move you to your FRAMES folder too).
When you input this command into your system shell (Terminal on Mac, Powershell on Windows) and press enter, you you might feel like it’s stalling at first or not working because
"Press [q] to stop, [?] for help"
Will be printed on the screen. It is working though! Just leave it alone for minute and it'll start working. When the cursor prompt reappears, there will be a bunch of PNGs in your FRAMES folder, organized in sequence by number.
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vadzoseo · 5 hours
Optimizing Patient Surveillance with Low Light USB Camera Systems
Ensuring patient safety and ongoing monitoring has become critical in today's healthcare setting. Low light USB camera systems have become a game-changer for patient surveillance thanks to technological improvements. These cameras improve overall monitoring efficiency in addition to offering sharp images in low light. This blog post will discuss the benefits of low light USB cameras for patient monitoring, as well as their features, application techniques, and best practices.
The Significance of Monitoring Patients
In many healthcare settings, such as hospitals, assisted living facilities, and outpatient clinics, patient monitoring is essential. Improved patient care, lower medical expenses, and faster emergency reaction times are all possible outcomes of effective surveillance. It is challenging to monitor patients at night or in poorly lit places because traditional surveillance technologies frequently perform poorly in low light. Low light USB camera systems can help with this since they provide dependable solutions that guarantee patient safety around the clock.
Benefits of USB Camera Systems in Low Light
1. Increased Perception in Dim Lighting
The capacity of low light USB cameras to provide excellent photographs even in dimly lit environments is one of its main advantages. These cameras can record detailed footage in low light thanks to their sophisticated sensor technology. In healthcare settings, where patients' safety at night depends on monitoring them, this capability is vital.
2. Economical Resolution
Comparing low light USB cameras to other high-end security systems, they are comparatively more economical. Their USB interface lowers setup costs overall by facilitating a simple and compatible installation with pre-existing systems. Healthcare facilities can deploy broad surveillance without breaking the bank because of this cost-effectiveness.
3. Capabilities for Remote Monitoring
With the remote monitoring capabilities found in many low light USB camera systems, medical personnel may keep an eye on patients' situations from a distance. This feature makes sure that medical professionals can act fast in an emergency and is especially useful for telemedicine applications.
4. Combining Different Technologies
Alarms and Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems are only two examples of the healthcare technologies that low light USB cameras can be easily integrated with. This integration improves the overall effectiveness of care delivery while streamlining patient monitoring.
Technical Details of USB Cameras with Low Light
It's crucial to take some technological requirements into account when choosing a low light USB camera for patient surveillance:
1. Utilizing Sensor Technology
CMOS or CCD sensors optimized for low light operation are commonly used in low light USB cameras. These sensors are perfect for patient monitoring since they can record clear, high-definition movies and photos in low light.
2. Harmony
A camera's resolution is crucial for capturing clarity and detail. Look for cameras that can record at least 1080p (full HD) to provide high-quality surveillance footage that can be examined. when required.
3. Frame Percentage
Smoother video playback is ensured by a greater frame rate, which is essential for tracking patient movements. For best results, look for cameras that deliver 30 frames per second (fps) or more.
4. View Field
Expanding the coverage area of a patient room requires a camera with a wide field of view (FOV). More of the space can be captured by a wide-angle lens, which lowers the number of cameras needed for thorough monitoring.
Putting Low Light USB Camera Systems in Place
1. Determining Your Requirements
Prior to installing low light USB camera systems, determine the particular requirements of your medical facility. Determine which locations need to be watched over, how many cameras are required, and how each place is lit.
2. Selecting the appropriate camera
Choosing the appropriate USB camera with low light is essential for efficient monitoring. Make sure the camera satisfies the criteria of your facility by taking into account the previously listed technical specifications.
3. Setup and Adjustment
For cameras to function as best they can, proper installation is essential. To get the most coverage, mount the cameras at the proper heights and angles. In order to improve image clarity, make sure the camera settings are adjusted for low light.
4. Staff Training
Healthcare personnel should receive training on the efficient usage of USB camera devices with low light levels. During this session, you will learn how to examine recorded video, interact with live feeds, and react to system-triggered warnings.
The Best Methods for Monitoring Patients
1. Continual Upkeep
For low light USB camera systems to function at their best, regular maintenance is required. Check for software updates, clean the camera lenses on a regular basis, and make sure all the parts are operating as they should.
2. Security and Privacy of Data
Significant privacy problems are raised by patient observation. To protect patient data, make sure your camera systems abide by healthcare rules like HIPAA. To protect footage, put in place strong access controls and data encryption.
3. Ongoing Assessment
Assess the performance of your surveillance system on a regular basis. Get input from medical personnel and adapt as needed to enhance patient care and monitoring capabilities.
In summary
Systems for low-light USB cameras are transforming patient monitoring in medical environments. Their cost-effectiveness, integration capabilities, and capacity to take high-quality photos in low light make them an indispensable instrument for guaranteeing patient safety. Healthcare institutions may optimize overall surveillance efficiency, increase reaction times, and improve patient care by putting these cutting-edge camera systems into place and following best practices. Investing in low light USB camera systems is a proactive step toward creating a safer and more secure healthcare environment as technology advances.
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carlimuja · 1 month
A Comprehensive Guide to Successful Video Filming Techniques
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Video filming is an intricate art that requires a blend of creativity, technical skill, and meticulous planning. Whether you are an aspiring filmmaker or a seasoned professional, understanding the core techniques of video production is crucial for delivering high-quality content. This guide explores essential aspects of video filming, providing insights to enhance your skills and streamline your production process.
Pre-Production Planning
Pre-production is the cornerstone of successful video filming. Detailed planning sets the stage for smooth execution and helps avoid costly mistakes.
Concept Development
Every successful video starts with a solid concept. Begin by brainstorming ideas that align with your objectives. Whether it's a commercial, documentary, or corporate video, having a clear vision is essential. Write a detailed script that outlines the narrative, key scenes, and dialogues. This script will serve as a roadmap throughout the production process.
Budget and Scheduling
Budgeting is critical in video production. Allocate funds for equipment, crew, locations, and post-production. Create a detailed schedule that includes all stages of production, from shooting to editing. This ensures that you stay on track and within budget. Engaging a video production house in Singapore can provide professional budgeting and scheduling services, ensuring efficient resource allocation.
Storyboarding translates your script into visual format. Create sketches or use software to map out each shot. This helps in visualising the flow of the video and identifying potential issues before filming begins. Storyboarding is particularly useful for complex scenes and can save time during the shoot.
Filming Techniques
Once pre-production is complete, the focus shifts to the actual filming. Mastering these techniques is essential for capturing high-quality footage.
Proper lighting is crucial for achieving the desired mood and clarity in your video. Natural light is ideal, but it’s often unpredictable. Use artificial lighting to control the environment. Three-point lighting is a standard setup that includes key light, fill light, and backlight. This arrangement eliminates shadows and highlights the subject effectively.
Camera Settings
Understanding your camera's settings is fundamental. Adjust the resolution, frame rate, and white balance according to your project’s requirements. Higher resolution (4K or 1080p) ensures better image quality. A frame rate of 24 fps is standard for cinematic looks, while 30 or 60 fps is suitable for smooth motion.
Shot Composition
Composition is the art of arranging visual elements within the frame. The rule of thirds is a basic principle that divides the frame into nine equal parts. Place important elements along these lines or at their intersections to create balanced and engaging shots. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to add variety and depth to your footage.
Audio Recording
Audio quality is as important as video quality. Use external microphones instead of built-in camera mics for better sound capture. Position the microphone close to the source to minimise background noise. Monitor audio levels during recording to avoid distortion.
Post-production is where your raw footage is transformed into a polished product. This stage involves editing, colour correction, and adding special effects.
Editing is a meticulous process that requires both creativity and technical skill. Use professional editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro. Trim and arrange clips to create a coherent narrative. Pay attention to pacing, transitions, and continuity to ensure a smooth flow.
Color Correction and Grading
Colour correction ensures that your footage has consistent lighting and colour balance. Adjust exposure, contrast, and white balance to achieve a natural look. Colour grading, on the other hand, is used to create a specific mood or style. Apply colour presets or manually tweak the hues to enhance the visual appeal of your video.
Sound Design
Sound design enhances the auditory experience of your video. Add background music, sound effects, and voiceovers to complement the visuals. Ensure that the audio levels are balanced and that the sound aligns with the on-screen action.
Special Effects and Graphics
Incorporate special effects and graphics to add a professional touch to your video. Use software like After Effects to create animations, titles, and visual effects. However, use these elements sparingly to avoid overwhelming the viewer.
Mastering video filming techniques is essential for producing high-quality content that resonates with your audience. From meticulous pre-production planning to advanced post-production editing, each step plays a vital role in the overall success of your project. For those in Singapore, partnering with a reputable video production house can provide the expertise and resources needed to elevate your video projects. By following this comprehensive guide, you can refine your skills and produce videos that stand out in today’s competitive market.
For professional video production services, contact Vivid Snaps Video Production.
Read more: https://mnbusinesssearch.com/a-comprehensive-guide-to-successful-video-filming-techniques/
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trendingreportz · 2 months
3D Camera Market - Forecast 2024-2030
3D Camera Market Overview
The Global 3D Camera Market is estimated to surpass $17.3 billion market by 2030 growing at an estimated CAGR of more than 12.6% during the forecast period 2024-2030. Surging demand of 3D enrich content from entertainment industry and enhancement in 3D scanning technology are proliferating the demand of 3D camera in the market. Consumer electronics hold the largest market share of 41% in the end-user segment and will be a major driver for market growth due to rise in acceptance of the 3D Camera technology. Moreover, the automated operations in industries such as food and beverages, chemicals etc. started integrating 3D cameras with robotics arms which will further fuel the market for 3D cameras in future. Owing to the increased demand of the photographers, nowadays, there has been an increase in adoption of the 3D camera. Additionally, there has been a discernible increase in the demand for high-quality cameras for smartphones or professional cameras, which is creating opportunities for the manufacturers to innovate 3D Camera as a new product in the market.
The 3D camera market is witnessing a trend towards enhanced imaging technologies, allowing for sharper and more detailed captures. Innovations in sensor capabilities and image processing contribute to the production of high-quality 3D content, catering to diverse applications ranging from entertainment to industrial use. A significant shift is observed towards miniaturization of 3D camera technology to meet the demands of mobile devices. Manufacturers are working on compact and efficient 3D camera solutions suitable for smartphones and tablets, unlocking new possibilities in augmented reality (AR) experiences, facial recognition, and immersive gaming.
Report Coverage
The report: “3D Camera Market– Forecast (2024-2030)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the 3D Camera Market. By Type: 3D laser scanning sensors, 3D fringe projection, 3D profile sensors, 3D stereo cameras and Others. By Product: Smartphones, Tablets, Professional Cameras, Hobbyist Cameras and Others. By Technology: Time of Flight, Stereo Vision and Structured Light. By application: Gaming, General Photography, Healthcare, Automotive, Industrial, Logistics, Security & Surveillance, Architecture & Engineering and Others. By Geography: North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and others), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC (China, Japan India, South Korea, Australia and Others), and RoW (Middle east and Africa).
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Key Takeaways
Owing to the recent developments in the health care industry, 3D cameras have also penetrated into the healthcare sector. In 2023, LUCID Vision Labs launched the Helios 2 Ray Time of Flight 3D camera with a Sony DepthSense IMX556 sensor, 640 x 480 resolution, and 30 fps frame rate. Designed for indoor/outdoor use, it features a 69° x 51° FOV, supports Windows/Linux, uses 940 nm VCSEL laser diodes, is IP67 rated, and operates in -20°C to 50°C temperatures, making it ideal for diverse outdoor machine vision applications.
Emergence of 360 degree selfie camera is one of the pioneering discoveries for the upcoming advanced technology league. Most 360 cameras are launched for the purpose of capturing a complete image with particularly no dimensionality. It also provides virtual reality solutions and are also capable of recording more pixels and present a video which is high in resolution.
A high-tech system including 3D cameras could help UK farmers to recognize the early warning signs of tail biting in pigs. Tail biting is a health and welfare concern in affected pigs and a notable economic concern for industry, tail bite leads to reduce weight gain, culling and carcass condemnation. This technology is capable of predicting future victims and so offers opportunities to update and include information within our selection strategies to reduce the occurrence of tail-biting in future.
3D Camera Market Segment Analysis - By Technology
TOF and Stereo cameras have dominated the 3D Camera Market as compared to the other technologies. The Time-of-flight principle is used by 3D cameras to measure the distance between the sensor and the nearest surface point. The stereo camera is a type of 3D camera that is mainly used for making stereoviews, range imaging, and 3D photos for movies. The image sensors present in stereo cameras will allow cameras to simulate human binocular vision and captures the 3D photocopies. The low cost combined with their suitability for general photography and consumer applications drives the adoption of stereo and TOF cameras.
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3D Camera Market Segment Analysis - By Application
3D cameras are one of the most promising sectors for the healthcare industry. Third dimension is playing a progressively important role in image processing application. 3D Cameras offers great scope to healthcare industry and another milestone was reached by adding 3D technology to our camera portfolio. More detailed and realistic images are offered by 3D cameras as comparison to previous models. It also allows images to be routed in different aspects such as Digital Visual Interface (DVI) and High-Definition Serial Digital Interface (HD-SDI). 3D Cameras (HD) technologies benefits converted to wireless Communication as well. Results High-resolution and Minimal latency images, without restrictive cables. These growing applications will drive the adoption of 3D Cameras in Healthcare sector
3D Camera Market Segment Analysis - By Geography
Geographically, APAC has the most lucrative 3D camera market owing to the higher demand in the prominent consumer electronics market due to the presence of Samsung, Panasonic, Oppo, Xiaomi, and Vivo. Also, higher sales in the healthcare, construction, and automotive industries is influencing the 3D camera market by manifolds. Meere Company launched the next-gen Cube Eye 3D ToF camera lineup at CES 2022, featuring high precision, a compact design with an in-house ASIC chip for enhanced distance calculation, enabling touchless interaction, face recognition, eye tracking, and a future concept AR zone for virtual reality experiences in smart homes. Due to technological advancements in the region, APAC offered the maximum global market share of 37% in 2023. The rising smartphone production in the region combined with growing demand from the industrial sector will be the major drivers of the 3D Camera market in APAC region.
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3D Camera Market Drivers
Rising Number of Applications in Entertainment
Due to a rapid increase in the demand for HD movies, games, and videos, it has become easier for the new entrants to enter the 3D camera market. The 3D camera market is primarily driven by enhanced visual applications in the entertainment industry. Owing to the implementation of 3D technologies in the camera, the entertainment industry is anticipated to grow worldwide. The latest camera used to shot a film in Hollywood was by Weta Digital, with DNEG, Framestore, and MPC providing spectacular future cityscapes. The success of 3D camera in filmmaking is spawning many filmmakers that are venturing into 3D films, and the future will observe an enhanced frequency of 3D films, which is creating a sustainable 3D camera marketplace. 
Growing Usage in Automotive Market driven by Technological Advancement
In the automotive industry, innovation is expected to drive the adoption of 3D Camera market. 3D cameras are used as range cameras in cars to detect the position of the car on the road. Using these sensors in the system's driver is warned regarding the vehicle approaching from behind so that he can change the lane and also it detects the deviation from the lane and warns the driver by vibrating the seat. In 2023, Pickit3D and Zivid have joined forces to provide cutting-edge 3D vision solutions for the automotive industry, amalgamating Pickit3D's adaptable automation solutions and Zivid's top-tier 3D cameras. This strategic partnership targets increased efficiency, competitiveness, and widespread adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies, benefiting major players such as Hyundai, Kia, GKN, and Toyota. These developments will enhance the adoption of 3D Cameras in the ADAS and Safety Systems market for automotive sector. Additionally, the autonomous trucks and self-driven vehicles are gradually emerging in the automotive industry which will further catapult the demand for 3D cameras. 3D Cameras find prominent usage in autonomous vehicles for improving the drivability. Thus, they are an essential tool in furthering autonomous vehicle research and deployment. Thus, this will drive market growth of 3D Cameras.
3D Camera Market Challenges
High Cost of 3D Cameras
The major challenge for the growth of the 3D cameras market is regarding cost issues. Despite of its uses in various industries such as logistics, automotive, and gaming, However, existing industrial 3D solutions are often too complex and expensive for many "simple" 3D applications. 3D cameras are available in the market at a highly expensive, so they are acquiring demand from a very limited section of the market. Therefore, the sales of the market are less when compared to the other camera technologies such as 2D, primarily due to the cost factor despite the improved capability. Thus, the market for 3D Cameras will be largely limited to complex applications where 3D Cameras are a necessity rather than a feature. This will hinder the market in the short run, however; with the price of 3D Cameras dropping, the market will find significant adoption in the long term. 
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Market Landscape
Product launches, acquisitions, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the 3D Camera Market. Basler AG, Sick AG, Orbbec 3D Technology International, Inc., Panasonic Corporation, ifm electronic gmbh, Allied Vision Technologies GmbH, Vital Vision Technology Pte Ltd., Solomon Technology Corporation, Kandao Cognex Corporation are considered to be the key players of the 3D Camera Market.
Acquisitions/Technology Launches/Partnerships
In January 2023, Orbbec, a global leader in 3D camera technology, launched its advanced 3D sensor cameras, Gemini 2 and Astra 2, at CES 2023. Powered by the new MX6600 ASIC chip, these cameras offer a wide field of view, exceptional sensing range, and high-quality depth processing, introducing innovative possibilities in 3D across various industries, supported by an easy-to-use SDK and multicamera sync capabilities.. 
In April 2023, SICK has unveiled the safeVisionary2, a compact 3D time-of-flight camera with ISO 13849 safety certification, leveraging three-dimensional environmental perception to enhance safety and productivity across various manufacturing and logistics settings.
In July 2022, TKH Group N.V. has successfully acquired Nerian Vision GmbH, a pioneering stereo machine vision company based in Germany. This strategic acquisition allows TKH to integrate Nerian into its portfolio of machine vision companies, operating under the TKH Vision group, while Nerian retains its brand identity and ongoing partnerships. 
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izi-cart · 2 months
IZI Click+ 50 MP at an affordable Action Camera Price: 5K, 30 FPS, 170° Wide Angle, Waterproof
Capture stunning 5K video with the IZI Click+ at an affordable action camera price. Features a 170° wide-angle lens and upgraded 6-Axis EIS for ultra-smooth footage. Enjoy 30 FPS recording, waterproof capability up to 110 feet with the included case, and a range of shooting modes. Includes two 950 mAh batteries, a Type-C mic, and an accessory kit. Share instantly with WiFi and take advantage of a 1-year warranty. Note: Waterproof with case; EIS available at 4K/60 FPS.
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#actioncameraprice #actioncamera #motovloggingcamera
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govindhtech · 26 days
Infinix Hot 50: A Complete Review Of The Budget Smartphone
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Infinix has maintained its position in the competitive smartphone industry by producing inexpensive, reliable products. This includes the Infinix Hot 50, their latest Hot model. The Hot 50 will redefine entry-level smartphone expectations with its low pricing and great user experience. This page reviews the Infinix Hot 50’s battery life, camera, performance, and other features, making it a good budget phone.
Elegant, sleek, and robust design and construction
Contemporary Style
The Infinix Hot 50 features an elegant yet useful design. The tablet’s slim shape and textured rear panel make it easy to hold and classy. The Hot 50 comes in exciting colors including Ocean Wave, Midnight Black, along with Sunset Gold to suit any personality.
The construction quality of the Hot 50 is not compromised, even at its low cost. Strong plastic makes the item durable without adding weight.The device’s front 2.5D curved glass protects against scratches and moderate impacts and improves its beauty.
The ergonomics
The Hot 50 was created by Infinix with ergonomics in mind. The phone’s rounded sides and evenly distributed weight make it easy to use in one hand. The fingerprint sensor is on the back for simple access, and the volume and power buttons are logical.
Display: An Affordable Visual Pleasure
A 6.6-Inch HD+ Screen
A highlight of the Infinix Hot 50 is its massive 6.6-inch HD+ display. Due to its fine details and rich colors, the 1600 x 720-pixel display is ideal for gaming, movies, and online browsing. IPS LCD screens allow wide viewing angles without impacting color quality, so you can watch anywhere.
90 Hz Refresh Rate
A 90Hz refresh rate, rare for a low-cost smartphone, improves scrolling and touch interactions on the Hot 50. Swiping around social media, playing games, or navigating apps is much better with the faster refresh rate.
Vibrance and Defining
Display brightness is also high on the Hot 50, at 500 nits. This makes the screen ideal for outdoor use because it remains visible in bright sunlight. The display’s high pixel density ensures legible text and graphics.
Performance: Taking on Everyday Tasks with Strength
MediaTek Helio G85 processor
The MediaTek Helio G85 CPU in Infinix Hot 50 is nice and cheap. Its economy and performance make the Helio G85 suitable for social media, web browsing, and light gaming. Its octa-core CPU and Mali-G52 GPU let the Hot 50 multitask and play light game.
RAM Options: 4GB/6GB
The Hot 50 contains 4GB or 6GB RAM, depending on the model. Thus, buyers can choose the model that best suits them. Running many apps at once with enough RAM prevents slowdowns and ensures smooth switching.
Software Experience
The XOS 7.6 custom skin for the Infinix Hot 50 is based on Android 12. With features like Game Mode, Turbo, Smart Panel, and other customization choices, XOS has an easy-to-use and intuitive user interface. These improvements improve the Hot 50’s usability overall and make it enjoyable to use in addition to being functional.
Camera System: Elegantly Record Life’s Moments
Triple Camera Configuration
With its flexible triple-camera setup on the rear, the Infinix Hot 50 sports a 48MP primary sensor, 2MP depth sensor, and AI lens. Users can shoot stunning close-ups and blurred photographs with this mix.
AI and Portrait Modes
The Hot 50’s 2MP depth sensor produces natural-looking bokeh portraits. However, the AI lens boosts the camera’s ability to discern situations and automatically adjust settings, ensuring high-quality photos.
8 Megapixel Front Camera
The Hot 50 has an 8MP selfie camera on the front that is hidden behind a tiny waterdrop notch. AI capabilities on the front camera make it simple for consumers to shoot beautiful selfies. Additionally, the camera supports Face Unlock, adding convenience and security.
Capturing Video
Video fans can record 30 fps (1080p) with the Hot 50. Despite not supporting 4K recording, the camera is ideal for social media and unique moments. Its footage is clear and trustworthy.
Battery Life: All-Day Power
The 5000-mAh battery
Pros of the Infinix Hot 50 include its long battery life. Smartphones 5000mAh battery lasts all day. Daytime gaming, streaming, and surfing are powered by the Hot 50’s battery.
Power Marathon Methods
The Hot 50 also comes with Infinix’s Power Marathon technology, which maximizes energy efficiency and prolongs battery life. The gadget may run even longer on a single charge because to Power Marathon’s multiple modes, including Ultra Power Mode, which lowers power usage by limiting background activities and altering screen brightness.
Quick Charging
When it’s time to recharge, you can rapidly top off the battery and resume using your device thanks to the Hot 50’s compatibility for 18W fast charging. Those who are constantly on the run will especially appreciate the fast charging capability.
Connectivity and Additional Features
Face and Fingerprint Unlock
The Hot 50 has Face Unlock in addition to a fingerprint sensor for increased security. Conveniently placed on the back of the device is the fingerprint sensor, while Face Unlock enables rapid phone unlocking with only a brief glimpse. Both approaches are dependable and quick, giving you the assurance that your data is safe.
Sound and Visual
Hot 50 is great for movies, calls, and music because to its powerful and clear speaker system. Although rare on smartphones, a 3.5mm a headphone port is nevertheless valued by many users.
Software Improvements
The Hot 50 has many software improvements that increase the overall user experience, in addition to the normal Android functionality. These consist of an integrated screen recorder, call recorder, and smart assistant that can aid with task management, reminder setting, and other functions.
Cost and Accessibility
The Infinix Hot 50 is priced at around $155 to $160 USD, depending on the region and retailer. This price is for the model with 128 GB of internal storage and 4 GB of RAM​.
In conclusion
With the Infinix Hot 50, cheap smartphones have improved. Due to its great appearance, beautiful display, amazing performance, and impressive battery life, the Hot 50 offers a full smartphone experience at a fraction of the cost of flagship smartphones.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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