#30 day hyeongjun challenge
sungtaro · 2 years
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happy birthday HYEONGJUN ♡ 30 nov 2002 ✧ click for full quality, and please, do not repost. ✧ credits and creator’s note below the cut.
⏤ credits !! . fonts used: bm jua, arial black . mockups: x, x, x , x . brushes & textures: x , x . photos from cravity members official twt
⏤ creator’s note :: i think all of us have had the experience of first laying eyes on a bias and being like, where have you been all my life you are so for ME it's insane ... that was my experience with hyeongjun, i'm pretty sure only mere hours before cravity had their comeback in the spring with 'adrenaline' (thanks ro), and since then i've become a hardcore luvity and even more certain that juni and i were meant to find each other. i was first drawn to squishy cheeks and magnetic stage presence, excitable energy, and the otherworldly cuteness hyeongjun exudes; but he's much more than the performance he puts on. when i finally worked up the courage to watch pdx, it was clear why he was a fan favorite, and even more clear why he made so much sense for me as someone who always tends to root for the kids that things don't come easy to. i see jun work hard every day to challenge people's expectations of him, and even his own perceptions of his abilities. he doesn't want to be placed in a box - the world is far too big and opportunities are limitless. but he also never forgets his roots, his home in tongyeong, his first dance teacher who he still keeps in touch with, and his family who is so loving and lively and has fought fiercely alongside him in order to live his dreams. you can see his passion and love for what he's doing when he dances on stage or just for fun on vlive. you can see how much he doubts himself sometimes but how he pushes through anyways. you can see how loved he is, and how much brightness he brings to his members. i admire hyeongjun for all that he is, for showing his true self and his heart even when he isn't entirely sure of it, even when he doesn't think it's good enough. i wish i could tell him that it always is, always has been, and always will be. though i've only known him less than a year, i have a feeling we're in it for the long haul. i'm not even remotely surprised that our birthdays are within days of each other - i think juni and i are a lot alike, and that makes me incredibly proud, because he's incredibly special. happy birthday to my little sunshine, who looks like a doll but is so very beautifully human, my beloved junibear ♡
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shinahbee · 5 years
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30 Day Hyeongjun Challenge: Day 16
♥️Day 16: Some one you think who looks like Hyeongjun…
Hehehe….there really is no one like him but he has similarities to a lot of people that I admire. If you have followed my Blog you would know that I am a fan of the Japanese voice actor Okamoto Nobuhiko.
Okamoto Nobuhiko
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I know they don’t look exactly alike, for me to think they are similar is mainly because of their hair being fluffy and curly and they are both cute.lol. ahh…fan girl mode is on…they both have similar personalities as well and are both really kind and wholesome people that has genuine admiration for their peers and cares about their fans. I feel like Nobu as well as Hyeongjun has suffered being doubtful of their skills as singers, for Nobu it was in the past but I’m sure he still feels that way from time to time but he’s still willing to take risks and go through a variety of music genres. I would like to see Nobu rap cause he has the voice of a rapper, and it would be so amazing and make me incredibly happy.
I hope like Nobu, Hyeongjun will realize that there are people that will like you for who you are and will support you through your journey as an artist. They both gave me the same feeling when i first discovered them, as in I didn’t think much at first but quickly realize they are just really good people and they really cheer on their fellow members/ VA co-workers. 
I guess on that note, they may not have physical similarities that are identical but their personality is what drew me to being a fan of them as people. I want to support the both of them in not just being artists but as people and I hope to meet them both one day. though there is a saying “ don’t meet the people you admire cause they wont be like who you thought they would be…” I feel like for me the saying should go…” don’t meet people you admire cause you’d make a fool out of yourself in front of them.lol.” yes that would be me…😂
I hope you enjoyed reading Day 16, if you think Hyeongjun looks like anyone else let me know. onto Day 17.
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afza147 · 4 years
Day 14: Your favorite kiss
Answer: i love all kiss..haha..i live for the kiss scene..haha.
Its my favorite part of the drama, basically..😅
I appreciate all kiss scenes..👍😍
My favorite kiss would be Encounter kiss
Every deep kiss of jin hyuk n so hyun 😍😍😍
Their kiss scene was perfect and adequate amount in the drama
Therefore it is my favorite kiss
If u interested in doing the challenge, click here
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shinahbee · 5 years
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30 Day Hyeongjun Challenge: Day 30 
♥️Last day: Message to Hyeongjun.
firstly, this last question makes me feel a little melancholy, i first started with day 1 and while I looked over to see what the last question was, I prayed for something good to write by the end of this challenge.I feel like I did a decent job in sharing my option on him throughout this challenge and some of which where the posts were really long so I’m going to summarize everything I want to say in a message and overall thoughts. I also drew this fan art recently before their show con, so i thought I would share that with you guys for the end of this challenge.
Please don't roast me on my bad descriptions, in actually a little embarrassed writing this on here, but there is a meaning behind this picture, and it is the sword represents his will power and strength, the glistening of the sword represents the struggles and hardships that brought him to this point. The red ribbon that he was swinging earlier in the trailer represents the bonds that he had made thus far(i.e. red string of fate theory), the 11 butterflies surrounding it represent the 10 members + 1 ( minkyu who is his biggest supporter), the confetti (ironically) represents us, his fans that guide and protect him from the darkness.  that stance is of a person willing to valiantly charge forward in a situation of crisis which is what he has been doing so far. The song that inspired this piece was the opening theme to Kimetsu no Yaiba- called Gurenge  by LiSA. in those lyrics she says “ I’ve found a reason to be strong, take me along with you and Go Forth…” I hope he will continue to charge forward and carve his way to the future with that strength!
To  Hyeongjun, It doesn’t matter what people think of you, you have no control over peoples perception of you, if you don’t gel with certain people it does not mean you are unlovable, it just means you don’t gel with them, you are not entitled to their friendship and they aren’t to yours. Also please stop reading the comments! this is the best advice I could ever give to anyone who is in the public eye, they are just people who know that they can get a reaction out of you by saying malicious things and they don’t care about embarrassing you so please don’t give them that satisfaction! You are only starting your journey and I feel like your trying to make things work out the way you have planned, because you think if you can’t achieve something at a certain time then it’s never going to happen and that’s NOT true! it will happen when it does,  don’t be caught up by what is and what isn’t. What i have learned in life thus far is that we just need to work with what we have got, your current abilities are your own and you only grow by taking risks that your not comfortable doing, it’s not the easiest thing to do but it stretches you as an artist, you have already taken a lot of risks and although you cant see your growth I can guarantee you that every one else can. So use your abilities as they are and don’t shy away from them just because you think your not as good as other people, this is a journey after all so you shouldn’t treat a marathon like a sprint, if you do you will end up being burnt out and being mentally and physically exhausted. So trust your gut feeling, take risks that will make you stronger and put your best self forward!
I  also want to make this comment because I’ve seen it a lot, where people were saying how minkyu should have been in the group, not having any of his best friends ( i.e. support system squad ) in this group was surprising as we all know from the controversy that happened with Mnet. But I’m going to be very honest and say that It maybe a good thing for him to be separated from them…he would have relied on them like a safety blanket if they were in the group. i think this maybe a good opportunity for him to be independent and protect himself from malicious people. the members can only protect him for so long, he needs to make a decision to stand up for himself when being put down, if he can realize that the work that he is doing makes him happy and he can proud of himself for being here, then he will be just fine. 
it’s okay to feel frustrated and cry when you need to, emotional literacy is a good thing, I would rather you cry it out then having that emotion built up and turn into hate, this is the very thing you worked so hard for and I don’t want you to hate it, anger is sadness that is unheard. You will feel burnt out and uninspired at times but try to remember why you want to do this in the first place..if you still feel the same then you are in the right place.
lastly, may you continue to valiantly charge forward and carve your way to the future and may you continue to also be loved very much by confetti forever. LOL…
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LMAO his face clearly says…omg again?!!! Remember what I said in the fanart earlier about how the confetti representing us.. The fans...ironic isn't it?
Well that is it, this challenge is done and I said all i wanted to say. I have never wanted to write this much about a person before, so this is a first for me, being able to have a platform like tumblr really gives me a place to just let my thoughts bleed out, i used to write a lot early on but like my art, I would never want anybody else to read it, it’s as if it’s sacred and i just didn’t think anyone would want to since it was not interesting and I just don’t come across as an interesting person. But I know some of you did read my challenges and I’m thankful that you at least found it pathetically entertaining..lol. Doing this has inspired me to write more about myself and maybe i will share that more often. I might start actually the X1 Flash variety show reviews since I am watching that currently, so let me know if that is something you would like. I swear this blog is not an X1 dedicated blog, I have other fashion content and art/DIY content too.
yeah so i hope this challenge gave you an insight on who Song Hyeongjun is to me and the person I am as well and I hope you enjoyed reading!
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shinahbee · 5 years
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30 Day Hyeongjun Challenge: Day 2
♥️Day 2: Favourite picture of Hyeongjun…thus far
This is already too hard for me.lol. I would like to say every picture of him is my favorite, but since I am supposed to choose only one, this one is actually what I used as inspiration for my fanart. He wore this outfit when the Starship trainees went to go see their subway ads I believe.I think that was the first time I thought he looked like a human glow stick. That neon shirt looks good on him, I personally would not wear it but to each their own…
I wonder if he wore it so that the staff members would be able to find him if he got lost, since it looks like he would get lost really easily.lol. I can relate…
can we also talk about how cute he looks in this picture? I turn into mush every time I look at it, he is indeed the cutest member of the group.
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shinahbee · 5 years
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30 day Hyeongjun Challenge: Day 29
♥️Day 29: To me Hyeongjun is…?
I thought hard about this question and I was going to use another word that would define him specifically but it would also mean the other members don’t share the same thing..and they do, so I’m going to use a word that I had always used when defining the type of person he is and that is Hyeongjun is “Valiant”
the literal definition of Valiant/ or to do something valiantly, means to act with courage and determination. I have said since Day 1 that it was something about his courage that drew me to him, being scared and still persisting forward when it is not the easiest thing to do and act in a situation you have no control over. I still believe that he will continue to be determined and courageous in the hurdles coming forward. I used the word hurdles because his journey has just began, I don’t know how its going to end in 5 years, he may come out as a different person in the end and I am a little worried and excited to see that happen. 
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the worries come from the fact that this is an industry that will constantly say “ No” to you, meaning it is full of rejection and criticism, and people will tell you what you do is never good enough. If you take those words seriously then you may fall victim to your own depression and negative thoughts and we all know that there is certain point where social media can be toxic and competitive/ too negative and it can really affect you if you aren’t careful.
But what i do like about what he has is a good support system, people like jinhuk and wonjin and minkyu in his life where he can have a real conversation with and support him when he’s not at his best. It is very important to have people that you can trust and tell you that what you are doing is enough. I’m very grateful that he has people like them in his life, because i didn’t really have people like that in mine in the early stages of my life and I wouldn’t have struggled with anxiety as much. also worried that there might be people out there who just want to be close to him just to hurt him…that may sound a little weird, I know that most people are nice but there are seedy people out there in this industry that you think are nice at first but it will turn out that they are not, It’s not that I feel like he should be protected from them, I just hope that he is cautious enough to detect that for himself and can protect himself against it… I mean who does not want to protect this kid? look at him…
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the human mind is riveted to what is real, and we all know in our minds when someone is trying to sell us something…versus being genuinely interested…if that makes sense.I just hope he has some sense in him to see that and guard against it.
So what I am excited for is how he is going to change and get better in his skills as an artist, 5 years is a long time to grow and he has already been steadily going forward, despite the hate that gets from people who just want to get a reaction out of him, I still feel like he himself is he biggest critique and he wants to rush and be at a certain place because he feels like he’s not achieving anything. I hope he can just relax and take things slowly and don’t worry about what is an what isn’t…you have no control over it..you have no control over peoples perceptions of you and that should not matter. what’s most important is to put your best self forward!
I watched a clip of their concert end yesterday and the part where he just takes in all of the people around him really spoke out to me. He is genuinely very grateful for everything that happened to him, he did talk a little about his past when he wanted to attend a dance academy but his family situation did not permit that, meaning they might have not had the money for it, or maybe his parents didn’t want that for him, whatever that may be his sister was the one to convince them to let him attend, maybe she saw how much he really wanted to be there. I feel like he fought a lot of battles to get where he is now and being around a full stadium is surreal to him.
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I’m glad he took the time to take everything in, some people just forget to smell the roses sometimes…lol. so to speak. But just watching that video clip made me really think that he is a very gracious person that genuinely loves the people around him, I hope he does not lose that side of him and this industry doesn’t  make him hate the very thing he’s worked so hard for.
Judging from what i have seen so far he’s looked more confident and comfortable being himself and really showing who Song Hyeongjun really is to us his fans. I am proud of his valiant nature and sweet personality and really happy I chose to support a person that displays so much love to not only his peers but to people around him, in his letter to his fans he said “ i’ll take care of you” I feel like I can believe in those words. 
This is the second last post of this 30 day challenge and I thought Id make it a long one, I hope you guys enjoyed reading and hopefully you share the same thoughts about him as i do. disclaimer, none of these photos belong to me. I am just using them as references to get my point across in this blog. I will be back for the last post tomorrow so please look forward to the end!
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shinahbee · 5 years
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30 Day Hyeongjun Challenge: Day 28
♥️Day 28: Something you are curious about Hyeongjun…
I mean I don’t really know much about him sine he didn’t really share a lot about himself yet, hopefully when he does I’ll have questions, but if there is at least one question i want to ask then I would like to know what places he would recommend to people traveling to his home town, as I said in my previous post about traveling to the country parts of japan, I would like to do that too with Korea and go to other provinces at some point, so yeah recommendations…cause it’s honestly better to ask a person who has lived there for long periods assuming that they will know the area well.
other than that there is nothing really that I’m curious about, he’ll have to tell me more about himself.
now entering spoiler territory….
lol. since I’m done answering the question of the day, I’m going to go off on a tangent and talk about the show con that was happening today…well yesterday really in Korean time. I’m so jealous of all y’all that went, I really hope that if you went, you did your best to support your favorite member or the team in general, I saw a clip of the line before the concert even started yesterday and it looked insane…props to all of you fans for lining up early, the weather looked bad too, so I hope all of you got back safely. 
I’m not actually finished watching it but i’ll talk about what happened so far that I have seen so the move routine…I like it, I wish Hyeongjun had more parts, but at least I can see him dancing the full thing..which was what I wanted. I still prefer the pdx101 version more though, but to each their own. 
oh yeah and when they were introducing themselves and Hyeongjun did that body wave, for a split second he looked confident doing it , then 1 sec later he reverted back to his normal self being embarrassed. lol. being the cute cinnamon roll that he is.
I was like that was so smooth…like sand paper…😂
lol. then there’s the pretty girl performance that was really interesting…especially the older members…they looked so over it…lol. But none the less very entertaining to the fans I’m sure.
then there was this middle break section where they show off their duality from written scenarios I believe. Oh…that boy…he killed me…
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Twitter credit to: @hyungjuons
both sides killed me.lol. I believe in his “manly “side, he said in his accent, come give me a hug…LOL. I think that’s what someone translated it as…I hope it s true cause…I was like…”YOU HEARD THE MAN…!”♥️♥️♥️😍
i’ll keep that in mind for next time. omg…he so cute…😍
that’s all i watch up to…cause the video froze and went out of sync so i’m just going to wait for a re upload from thier v-live channel to watch the rest.lol. So I guess i’ll update you on the rest, but if you have seen the concert, you probably don’t need to hear the rest of this from me. so onto the next day…day 29..omg just two more days left before this ends…I really need to think on this next one cause its another philosophical question.
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shinahbee · 5 years
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30 Day Hyeongjun Challenge: Day 27
♥️Day 27: The happiest moment together with Hyeongjun…
okay this question for me kind of changed as of Today…because Today is the day they have their Debut showcase, and I bet you that they are feeling overwhelmed/nervous and very excited at the same time. I remember on the show hyeongjun said that he wanted to just be on stage and perform that’s all he wanted.
So with that i’m going to say the happiest moment for him would be every time he’s on stage performing and that would be the happiest moment for the both of us, him being able to perform and me watching his performance. 
So i really hope that everything goes well for him and the other x1 members for their show case, i’ll try looking for it later to watch but I really hope that it will be on youtube later cause I don’t know where to watch it. I can’t wait to see him dance to move…cause if you have read up till now you will know that i really wanted him to be on that team  instead of the pretty girl team. He kinda teased it a little on the show but i need to see the full thing. 
hopefully all goes well today! i’m rooting for you hyeongjun!😄 cheering from afar cause i’m stuck at work.
I’m pretty sure by the end of today’s showcase will mark the day of his happiest moment.
Edit: lt looks like I know him more than I thought..lol. look at his happy tears...i’m so happy for you hyeongjunie! congrats on a successful showcase!
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shinahbee · 5 years
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30 Day Hyeongjun Challenge: Day 25
♥️Day 25: Color that suits Hyeongjun
I believe the color yellow is basically his color now, since that whole lemon thing started but I feel like if I had to assign him a color it would either be an orange-yellow like a Tangerine color, or like the fruit association of a honey dew, I would think a color that suits him would be like a Pistachio green.
I don’t really know what else to say about this, so that’s the end of this days challenge. 
so I guess you can tell by me writing this post that I made it through the day, I have to say since its my workplaces’ grand opening, I was extremely overwhelmed by the amount of people in our little clinic. But while it was stressful it was fun to have the entire staff there to support each other. By the end of the shift I thought I was going to drop dead..but I still wanted to to write today’s challenge. Have you guys seen the Flash trailer? 😎I’m going to watch it after this, and the mafia prison game with Yohan, Wooseok and Hyeongjun? I saw that and I’m like an hour of Hyeongjun …yes sign me up.lol. and all those pictures he dropped…i’m like why did you do this to me while i’m a at work? 
anyways…there’s only 5 more days left till this challenge is done, I never thought I would reach the end, but doing this reminds me that tumblr is a blog and that I should write more on it instead of just posting things that promote my other social media. I hope you enjoy reading, I feel like no one is actually reading this and I basically just writing into a void. anyways…that it onto day 26
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shinahbee · 5 years
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30 Day Hyeongjun Challenge: Day 17
♥️Day 17: A nickname for Hyeongjun
I don’t know why this is a question to ask, no offense to the person who made this challenge, I just never thought of a nickname for him in general cause I just call him Hyeongjun. I like how everyone calls him Hyeongjunie so maybe junie…is a good nickname or jun jun…oh god that’s…even worse.lol.😂
i honestly did not know how the whole lemon boy thing happened for him..lol. I was like, that’s random but okay. The poodle thing is cute I guess, he really does look like one so at least that makes a bit more sense. I don’t know how many more nicknames he’s going to get in this new fandom so I guess we will see. 
 if I had to give him one other than just Hyeonjunie, then ”Juneggie ” which means Jun- baby…😱can’t believe i’m saying this. 
other than that I don’t have any other nicknames for him, so let’s just keep it at that.
I believe his official concept photos are going to be out tomorrow, so i cant wait to see that, I’ll be at work but on my break i will be scrolling on twitter and tumblr for 30 minutes and probably gushing about how cute he is…like the fake mother that I am. I wonder if he's going to change his hair color or keep it as brown, like I said in the previous hairstyle post that i would like to see him have rose gold pink hair or ash green hair…that would be nice, but I still think brown hair looks the best on asians to be honest. Okay..onto day 18
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shinahbee · 5 years
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30 Day Hyeongjun Challenge: Day 15
♥️Day 15: Common things that you have with Hyeongjun…
common things huh?……um…NONE.lol😂
all jokes aside there are a few things that I do have in common with him, physically I would say my bottom teeth are the same as his, its not straight, apparently when I was young I did have braces for a few days and I believe that is why my top portion is straight while my bottom is a little jank..that aside we do not have any physical aspects that are similar. LOL I wish I looked like him, look at how nice his skin is, while I struggle with my hormonal acne every month.
You know that quiz that they make you take when you go on that website that says that “you can support a trainee here” thinks it called Dear101, there’s this quiz that you can take to find a trainee that has common things with you based on the the questions, there’s only 2 answers per question and its kind of like playing would you rather. I tried it for fun I think most of my answers were neither for most of those answers,lol. but I just chose an answer for the sake of it. I don’t remember who I had in the first two tries but I remember getting kim shihun for one of those tries…at least that was someone I remembered at that time. I didn’t get Hyeongjun until I went for the answers that I would most unlikely pick and there he was…which means we have nothing in common.lol.
but to be fair most of those questions for me were”nether” than a definite answer.
so what i remember out of those questions was that he prefers winter over summer, understandable since summers in Korea are deadly where as i live in Canada where there’s 2 months of summer and the rest is winter.lol. I think he also prefers romance over thriller for movie choices…um. for me it depends on the movie/drama content, I like psychological thrillers( i.e murder mysteries like criminal minds) I don’t know if thrillers means scary movies…but if that’s the case id choose romance too, cause I can’t do scary movies. he chose mountains over beach, I honestly don’t know what that means but I saw it as hiking versus swimming. I consider both fun things but I recently started hiking and it was enjoyable, so I picked mountains which i think he did too. I don’t really remember the rest which is why I wanted him to do  q and a  for the v-live content question.
I also know that he has two older sisters, and from the way that he treats them he seems to care about them a lot and feels a sense of responsibility towards them, there was some facts about him on twitter saying that he goes and gets his sisters when they come back late, which I don’t know if that’s put on him or if its something that he has taken on himself and I wonder if that’s why he likes his older hyungs a lot because he gets to be treated like the youngest, I mean its nice to have people take care of you once in a while, maybe he doesn’t get that treatment at home. I can relate to this, when I was younger its normal for me as the older sister to take care of my younger sister…but later I did kind of feel resentment towards her since she got away with everything and I got away with nothing, I would get yelled at for her mistakes…which is really stupid…but my parents don’t listen…anyways i’m off on a tangent. bottom line is I cant relate to the whole sisters fool thing. But I really hope that the responsibility of his sisters doesn’t fall on him because of those reasons, by that I mean they aren’t using him.
another thing we might actually have in common is treating people the way you want to be treated, it is something that I practice and you wouldn’t want do/say something bad  to other people that other people could potentially do to you. So I’m glad for a boy his age he knows what that means and uses it every day. He is very mature for his age and that makes it  easy to understand the feelings of those around you and how you make them feel.
and also I’m a sympathetic person, so if anyone cries in front of me, It will bring me to tears, I may not really have gone through what that person did but just hearing someone cry makes me dawn on my own struggles and sad experiences and it makes me cry. So we are both sympathetic emotional people, which is a really good thing because sympathy is not something you are born with, it is something you teach your self and it makes you a more compelling person. those who are void of emotion could potentially be so much more if they can get in touch with them, is what I feel. 
also lack of self worth, everyone can relate to especially if your in the creative field..how many times have we have been told that we aren’t good enough? we just have to keep telling ourselves that what we do is enough and i hope that he can practice that and hopefully believe in those words more and stop doubting himself. We all need words of affirmation! 
I believe that is all, i’ll add more later if I think of any, I have to be at work soon so maybe I’ll edit this more when I get home. But onto day 16.
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shinahbee · 5 years
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30 Day Hyeongjun Challenge: Day 10
♥️Day 10: A Halloween concept you wish to see from Hyeongjun
This is a tough question but also an interesting one cause I didn’t really expect this to be asked. I think since he dressed up as a baby goblin, he should just go like that for Halloween, since he looks really cute in it and would suit the concept. It would be funny to see him as a mummy…lol. he would be frustrated with all those bandages wrapped around him. 
So I’m also going to change this question a little and say…What would you like to see Hyeongjun cosplay as?
mainly because Halloween is like once a year, but cosplay can happen at anytime of the year and I have so many ideas but I think the main one is 
Honey Senpai from Ouran high school host club, I haven’t watched this show for a very long time but some people on twitter are saying that they are alike. I went back to watch it and I realize that they actually have the same personality in their outside appearance and how they are more than whatever is on the surface.Even their age is the same, and how they cling onto taller people like honey senpai-mori senpai and hyeongjun - minhee lol. I see a resemblance….😂
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another one would be Deku (Izuku Midoriya) from my hero academia since they are both have frizzy curly hair and both struggled with their self worth and overcame those struggles little by little. 
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can ya’ll see this too or is it just me? it’s probably just me. Any how it would be cool to see a cosplay concept from them, but that’s only if they are into it some people may not be. so that’s it for day 10, I work early tomorrow and that is why I decided to post day 9/10 on the same day. so enjoy! I hope you will continue to read my responses to the challenge!
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shinahbee · 5 years
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30 Day Hyeongjun challenge: Day 8
♥️Day 8: Recently Saved Picture of Hyeongjun
So I had to look back at the the things I've saved and this was from the photo shoot when he dressed up like a baby goblin.
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Omg when I showed this to my friend she was laughing cause she said it felt like I was showing her pictures of my son in a play. lol.😂 
is this what being a mother is going to be like for me?…I can already tell what kind of mother I’m going to be…not any time soon so I can just count my blessings😅
that’s all for now. onto day 9 
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shinahbee · 5 years
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30 Day Hyeongjun Challenge: Day 7
♥️Day 7: Favorite body part of Hyeongjun…
When I first saw this question I was like…this can get real sexual, but not going to go that route here on this blog.lol. I actually didn’t really think about the physical aspects of what I liked about him, as you may have seen from what I wrote up until now that I only looked at his personality and growth as a human being. So I honestly don’t care what he looked like in the first place…as you do when you get older, you never tend to care about looks.
But saying all this there is something really appealing about his eyes that I consider really attractive, you can literally see your reflection in them and I just can’t look away from them, if he were to stare at me like that…I would melt in an instant. lol. and if he winks at you....oh that’s it.....instant death...
His god damn Eyes….just killing you slowly.😍😍😍
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I also like his hair but that will be explained in another part of the challenge and you will then figure out why I made this statement. But I really do  like everything about him which is an understatement, since made like 2 fan arts of him and decided to do this challenge…so whats not to like about him? 
so that’s it for this, onto day 8…
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shinahbee · 5 years
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30 day Hyeongjun Challenge: Day 4
♥️Day 4: Favorite stage performance of Hyeongjun
this is actually easy for me since I think it best showcases his talent, and that is the Finesse dance stage 
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This performance really did it for me in terms of showing off his technical skills in dance, I watched a bunch of his older dance vids from when he was still at that dance school in his hometown and I thought they were really good, but if you didn’t look at those videos then you would never have known how great those dance skills were. I think some people just look at his cute face and think that he can’t dance or they look at his audition and think that he only dances to girl group dances, but how little you know…
I like people who goes against the grain and shows the opposite of what you would expect, something deeper that whats on the surface. I swear I’ve watched this dance so many times and I like how they had like a week to learn this choreography where as this dance would probably take me 3 years to learn.lol. I actually was in dance for 3 years in high school and I know how technical it can be and sometimes people miss little intricate moves if its done too fast, but I feel like while watching him he doesn’t miss anything.
also while we are at it since I used this Gif as a reference, I didn’t not know that he was the one who sang this part of the song,  I knew the first person who sang was Hangyul, but it sounded similar through the first verse that i didn’t know Hyeongjun was even in there, I guess they sounded a little similar, but  I have to say as far as English pronunciation goes, it was really good. Also that fact that he had to rap too which is really difficult in itself to not only speak another language but to rap in it, is another level. But I honestly wonder if he knows what these lyrics mean though…especially “ my big fat ass got all them boys hooked “ LMAO
I was like wait…does he know what hes saying…?I mean he had to right?
who knows.lol. i guess that’s all I have to say about that so onto day 4 we go…
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shinahbee · 5 years
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30 Day Hyeongjun Challenge: Day 26
♥️Day 26: Season that suits Hyeongjun
I think this person is really running out of questions to ask at this point.lol. I know in the quiz thing he answered between winter and summer and he picked winter…now summer in Korea is deadly so i believe that is why he picked that season over summer, but for me, I live in Canada where 10 out of 12 months is winter…so I would pick summer an relish it for as long as i can. But in terms of what he reminds me of …I’d say Spring. It’s in the cusp between breezy and warm so best of both worlds. Spring where I come from lasts about a week.lol. so I don’t really experience it well like other people of other countries. But spring also comes with allergies and hay fever so if you are susceptible to that, then it would not be a great time, but I personally really like spring.
speaking of which just imagine a cool spring day going up the mountains to watch the sunrise with Hyeongjun like this…♥️😍😍…come back Sheena ….come back…
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I also just want to add that my best friend and I really want to go and climb mount fuji once in our life. so hopefully we get to plan a trip to japan to do that, we also want to see the country sides and go hiking to less touristy areas.lol. 
but that picture is really beautiful, I would just stay up there forever and watch the sunrise/or sunset. Good job Hangyul…good picture!
anyways, that’s all I have to say about that. I can’t believe there’s only 2 more days till their showcase, time just really did fly by and now they are finally starting their journey…i’m so excited. Onto day 27
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