#30 Days of A2A
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Get your visa changed hassle-free with Desert Planners LLC's Dubai 30-day A2A visa change service. Simplify your visa process with expert assistance.
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Complete Guide About Airport to Airport Visa Change Package
Planning to travel to Dubai and need to do an airport to airport visa change? Look no further! This ultimate guide will provide you with all the information you need to navigate the process smoothly.
#dubaitourvisa#Airport to Airport Visa Change#A2A Visa Change Dubai#30 Days Tourist Visa#60 Days Tourist Visa#90 Days Tourist Visa#Multiple-Entry Tourist Visas
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Top Tips for a Smooth Airport-to-Airport Visa Change in Dubai
For a smooth Airport-to-Airport (A2A) Visa Change in Dubai, planning is essential. Start by booking your return flight in advance to secure better prices. Ensure your documents are in order and choose a trusted visa service provider for quick processing. Depending on your needs, you can opt for a 30 Days A2A Visa Change, 60 Days A2A Visa Change, or even a 90 Days Airport-to-Airport Visa Change. Be mindful of airport procedures and have backup options in case of delays. Always check for updated visa requirements to avoid unexpected issues.
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Ruolo di primo piano dell'idroelettrico nelle politiche green
Neve e piogge al Nord così per l’energia idroelettrica una produzione record. La generazione è aumentata tra il 50 e il 100%: per le utility (soprattutto Enel, A2A e Compagnia Valdostana) previsti utili boom. Abbondanti piogge e nevi sono cadute, e in realtà cadono tutt’ora, sull’arco alpino. E l’intensità ha raggiunto livelli talmente eccezionali, in particolare tra il mese di marzo e quello di aprile, che il comparto italiano della generazione idroelettrica ha messo il turbo segnando impennate della produzione, anno su anno, con incrementi tra 50 e il 100 per cento. L’abbondante manto nevoso (sul quale si applica un indicatore, lo snow water equivalent, che misura lo spessore dello strato d’acqua prodotto dallo scioglimento della neve) già nel mese di marzo aveva scongiurato un rischio siccità per l’anno in corso, assicurando abbondanti riserve negli invasi, soprattutto quelli dell’arco alpino. Tra le utility che gestiscono il maggior numero di impianti idroelettrici in Italia ci sono Enel (circa 500 impianti per 16 gigawatt di capacità istallata distribuiti nella penisola), A2A (2 gigawatt di capacità con impianti in Lombardia, Friuli e Calabria) e Compagnia Valdostana delle Acque, con circa un gigawatt di capacità e 32 impianti (tra cui 6 dighe) tutti concentrati in Valle d’Aosta. Nei prossimi giorni le società, in particolare quelle quotate, diffonderanno i risultati del trimestre al mercato e la spinta dell’idroelettrico sulla generazione e sui conti non sarà certo irrilevante. L’impatto Ma al di là dei risultati finanziari, l’importanza della spinta di questo settore risiede nella capacità di ridurre la produzione di energia con combustibili fossili, di contribuire a ridurre il prezzo dell’energia elettrica e anche ad aumentare l’indipendenza energetica del paese. Idroelettrico.Nella foto, un’immagine aerea della diga Place Moulin in Valle d’Aosta, della Compagnia Valdostana delle Acque. La Cva è la società che sicuramente ha avuto un beneficio maggiore dal buon andamento della stagione: nei primi 4 mesi dell’anno la generazione ha segnato un incremento attorno al 100 per cento rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2023. Ma il dato più significativo, che rivela l’eccezionalità degli eventi di inizio 2024, è l’andamento rispetto alla media storica degli ultimi 10 anni, pari a circa 2,74 terawattora prodotti: nei primi quattro mesi la generazione è superiore del 30% rispetto alla media e l’aspettativa è che l’andamento per l’intero anno sia superiore al 10 per cento di quella media, con una quantità prodotta superiore ai 3 terawattora. Anche A2A ha registrato un cospicuo aumento della generazione idroelettrica nei primi 3 mesi del 2024, con un aumento di circa il 50% e un incremento dell’incidenza della generazione idroelettrica su quella complessiva della società che potrebbe salire al 40 per cento. La crescita registrata dall’utility lombarda è meno forte rispetto a Cva per il semplice fatto che la società ha concessioni idroelettriche anche al Sud: le precipitazioni sugli Appennini sono state meno intense rispetto alle alpi e quindi la media finale è più bassa. Anche per Enel l’effetto è simile e la crescita della generazione nel trimestre (nell’arco dell’anno pari in media a circa 19 terawattora, il 15% della capacità di Enel) è stata circa del 50%; sull’arco appenninico l’incremento è lontano dai picchi più bassi del 2022-23, ma è ancora leggermente al di sotto rispetto alla media storica. A livello nazionale la generazione idroelettrica, in genere pari a 45 terawattora in un anno, ha segnato un incremento dell’83 % e la stima è che possa avvicinarsi a 50 terawattora a fine anno (la domanda di energia elettrica a livello nazionale nel 2022 è stata pari a 319 terawattora). Le zone più interessate In linea generale le regioni dove l’incremento di generazione idroelettrica è stato più significativo sono Piemonte, Lombardia, Trentino Alto Adige; la zona del Veneto e le aree Appenniniche sono state meno beneficiate. I dati sull’andamento del fabbisogno di energia elettrica in Italia, diffusi da Terna nei giorni scorsi, evidenziano che nei primi 3 mesi dell’anno la produzione da fonte idrica è passata da 5 a 9 terawattora, di pari passo si è ridotta la produzione da impianti termoelettrici, come carbone e gas. Sono aumentate le importazioni (in particolare dalla Francia) con un incremento superiore alla media storica, e pari al 23,7%, da 13,7 a 16,9 terawattora. La minore generazione da termoelettrico per 7 terawattora è stata coperta per 4 terawattora da idroelettrico e 3 terawattora dall’import. L’impatto sui prezzi La maggiore incidenza dell’idroelettrico ha contribuito anche a ridurre il prezzo dell’energia (Pun). Un confronto tra i prezzi dell’energia espressi nel mese di febbraio e quelli di inizio aprile 2024, mostrano una riduzione del costo a megawattora fino a 6-8 euro nelle ore notturne, che arriva fino a 16-18 euro durante il giorno, quando entrano in funzione anche gli impianti fotovoltaici. Ci si potrebbe chiedere, allora, perché sono aumentate le importazioni. Il fenomeno va collegato con l’aumento della produzione di energia nucleare in Francia, tornata a pieno regime quest’anno dopo due anni di manutenzione delle centrali. Ma non è solo un fatto tecnico: oltralpe è in corso una contrazione della domanda di energia, connessa con il rallentamento dell’economia. L’aumento della generazione idro, presente anche in quel Paese, e il pieno regime della generazione col nucleare (che è un flusso non regolabile, a meno di non spegnere i reattori) ha portato un eccesso di generazione, per cui la Francia ha dovuto vendere a prezzi contenuti, esportando in Italia, ma anche in Germania, dove in genere i prezzi sono più convenienti di quelli francesi. Tutto questo non è però bastato, tanto che a inizio aprile oltralpe hanno dovuto spegnere due reattori. Ruolo cruciale Il ruolo cruciale che può giocare l’idroelettrico per ridurre la dipendenza da fonti fossili e contenere i prezzi rende ancora più necessario arrivare a una soluzione rispetto al meccanismo di gare europee, che non ha eguali in Europa, per riassegnare a partire da quest’anno le concessioni idroelettriche scadute. Sistema che ha già innescato ricorsi a raffica. Se, invece, si introducesse nella legge (previa negoziazione con Bruxelles, visto che le gare sono una milestone nel Pnrr) anche un percorso per riassegnare le concessioni agli operatori uscenti, si potrebbero sbloccare 15 miliardi di investimenti per potenziare le capacità di generazione di preservare le risorse idriche del paese. Read the full article
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30 Days of “Ashes to Ashes” - Day 26
Day 26 - Post your favourite Ashes gif.
Ooooooooooooooooh you’re in for some treats! Because there’s no way in hell I can only post just one! This show is as gif worthy as Louisa Durrell’s facial expressions! Sooooo... What would you prefer? Some excellent, meme worthy reaction gifs, like...
Gene Hunt putting arseholes to their rightful place? Check!
Alex being done with idiocy? Check!
Luigi being the ultimate Galex shipper? Check!
The ultimate Gene Hunt VS love quest?🤣 Check!
Gene and Alex being done with idiots? Check!
Gene Hunt responding to haters? Hellz-to-the-yeah Check!
Or my personal favourite... The Ashes gang sending their kind regards!😂
Oooooooor.... Maybe these two precious idiots in love making me wanna cry at the loving and sexual tension?
I MEAN.... There’s tons more I wanted to include, but I was limited to just 10. So just a taste of the Ashes gifs brilliance! You’re all very much welcome!
#30 Days of A2A#Ashes to Ashes#Alex Drake#Gene Hunt#Keeley Hawes#Philip Glenister#Galex#I love how this show is the perfect reaction gif#so many meme worthy moments LMAOOOOOO#I know I'm a day behind but I spent the whole of Tuesday on the air#thankfully August has a day to spare heheheheeh
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Don't forget that tomorrow begins our #30DaysWithKeeleyHawes challenge. All ready for this month of celebration?
#keeleyhawesnews#30 days with keeley hawes#keeley hawes#the durrells#the durrels in corfu#bodyguard#summer of rockets#ashes to ashes#a2a
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Marking 10 years since the Ashes to Ashes finale, we thought it might be nice to delve back into the 80s with 30 Days of Ashes to Ashes. The intention is to ponder over this iconic series, create and post A2A content every day for 30 days. Even though the focus is on A2A, you can, naturally, also choose Life on Mars moments. It’s all the same universe, after all.
Start will be Saturday, July 25. That is still two months from now, but we all know how time flies and it should leave us plenty of time to prepare.
For those who want to participate, feel free to choose any method that feels best for you. Whether it’s text posts, gifsets, fan art or pictures/ screenshots or do a combination of it, it´s up to you.
If you can do something every day - wonderful! if you want to or have to skip some days, perfectly fine. Any participation is appreciated. The main thing is to revive the 80s
You can use the hashtag #30DaysofA2A so your posts/ tweets are easier to find and so you can check out other people’s contributions.
Update: Since, most people were busy and forgot to start this yesterday, I thought it a good idea to start on August 1 and have this collide with #AshestoAshesLive on Twitter. That makes the whole experience even more fun.
These are the questions for each day [with much thanks to @mindibindi]:
What was the scene or episode that hooked you?
What’s your favourite episode?
Who’s your favourite character?
Who’s your least favourite character?
Who’s your favourite villain?
Who’s your favourite guest star?
Who’s your favourite recurring character?
What’s your favourite Alex moment?
What’s your favourite Gene moment?
What’s your favourite Ray moment?
What’s your favourite Chris moment?
What’s your favourite Shaz moment?
What’s your favourite Luigi moment?
What’s your favourite Quattro moment?
What’s your favourite quote/a quote you use regularly?
What’s your favourite Ashes song?
What’s your favourite Ashes series?
What’s your favourite Ashes finale (1, 2 or 3)?
Which Alex Drake 80s look do you prefer?
Name a scene that made you happy.
Name a scene that made you sad.
Name a scene that made you angry.
What’s your favourite pairing?
What’s your favourite moment of your favourite pairing?
Post your favourite picture of your favourite pairing.
Post your favourite Ashes gif.
Post your favourite cast photo.
Have you watched the Ashes cast in other shows?
Is David Bowie God or The Devil?
Will Gene Hunt ever enter The Railways Arms?
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Are you looking for UAE Visa change ??? ✈️ SMART Offer You Same Day Visa Change By Flight 🤩🤩 A2A From Dubai Terminal . 30 & d60 days visa change Package
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All About: Caffeine
- The major source of caffeine is coffee beans, the seeds of the plant Coffea arabica.
- Caffeine is also present in tea, chocolate, etc.
- Caffeine is one of the most widely used drugs in the world.
- Caffeine is normally consumed orally via beverages.
- average cup of coffee contains 85-175 mg of caffeine
- completely absorbed from the GI tract within 30-60 minutes
- Because caffeine is both water- and lipid-soluble, it readily crosses the blood-brain barrier.
- Caffeine is absorbed by the small intestine within 45 minutes of ingestion. Peak blood concentration is reached within 1-2 hours.
- Caffeine is converted to a variety of metabolites by the CYP450 in the liver.
- Average plasma half-life is about four hours (3-7 hours).
- People who drink coffee repeatedly over the course of a day experience gradually rising plasma caffeine contradictions.
- In humans, approximately 95% of caffeine metabolites are eliminated through the urine.
Behavioral Effects
- In laboratory animals, low doses of caffeine have stimulant effects, but at high doses animals show reduced activity.
- People ingest caffeine mostly for its stimulating and fatigue-reducing effects.
- At high doses humans experience feelings of tension and anxiety.
- In controlled studies of regular caffeine users, humans report positive subjective effects such as enhanced vigor and ability to concentrate.
- Recent research suggests this is not just due to alleviation of withdrawal symptoms. Both caffeine consumers and nonconsumers benefited from the caffeine treatment.
- Research has shown some benefit of caffeine to athletic performance.
- Possible mechanisms include increased force of muscle contraction, enhanced arousal and alertness, and reduced pain perception.
Physiological Effects
- Acute caffeine intake leads to several physiological (sympathomimetic) effects:
increased blood pressure
increased respiration rate
enhanced water excretion (diuresis)
High Doses/Overdose
- Greatest health risks occur with highest doses.
- Caffeinism (1000 mg or more per day) is characterized by restlessness, nervousness, insomnia, tachycardia, and GI distress.
- It can be difficult to distinguish from a primary anxiety disorder.
- More than 10 g of caffeine can be lethal (between 75-100 cups of coffee or a tablespoon of powdered caffeine supplements)
Mechanisms of Action
- Caffeine has several biochemical effects, but only blockade of A1 and A2A receptors for adenosine has effects that operate at doses found in a cup of coffee.
- Caffeine = antagonist of adenosine receptors.
- Adenosine in the brain has neurotransmitter-like function and has been proposed as a key modulator in inducing drowsiness and sleep.
- Stimulant effect produced by antagonism of adenosine receptor, which also promotes release of dopamine, norepinephrine, and acetylcholine
- Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors in the medulla vasomotor and respiratory centers, which leads to increase in respiratory rate and constriction of blood vessels.
- In addition to blocking of adenosine receptors, caffeine blocks GABA receptors, stimulates Ca2+ release.
- All these effects require higher doses.
Chronic Use
- Chronic caffeine use does lead to tolerance for some of the subjective effects and ability to disrupt sleep, as well as tolerance to the cardiovascular and respiratory effects of the drug. A chronic user may exhibit no trouble sleeping after consuming coffee right before bedtime.
- People may develop an intense craving for coffee if they try to stop drinking it.
- Withdrawal can include symptoms such as...
Headache and fatigue if they miss their morning cup of coffee
Impaired concentration and psychomotor performance
Mild anxiety or depression
- Withdrawal symptoms can occur even in individuals who consume as little as 100 mg per day.
- Symptoms dissipate after a few days.
- Despite its ability to produce physical dependence, caffeine does not meet the criteria necessary to be considered addictive.
Energy Drinks
- The increased popularity of energy drinks may result in more caffeinism.
- Over-consumption of energy drinks can have serious health effects, including...
damage to liver and kidneys
GI distress
respiratory problems
cardiac arrhythmia
(rarely) heart failure
Mixing Alcohol & Energy Drinks
- Mixing alcohol and energy drinks is another concern. Though subjects may feel less intoxicated, alcohol-related impairment of psychomotor performance is still present (”wide-awake drunk”).
- Until recently, it was thought that caffeine does not increase dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens.
2002: in freely moving rats, caffeine can preferentially increase extracellular levels of dopamine in the Nacc.
These effects could be reproduced by the administration of a selective adenosine A1 receptor antagonist but not by a selective adenosine A2A receptor antagonist.
Caffeine Use Disorder
- ICD-10 (1992) is the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), a medical classification list by the World Health Organization (WHO).
“Caffeine addiction” was added to the ICD-10.
- The American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-5 (2013)...
does not include the diagnosis of a caffeine use disorder, but does describe “caffeine withdrawal”
lists “caffeine use disorder” in the emerging models section of the manual
- Many neuroscientists and clinicians think there is not enough evidence to support “caffeine addiction.”
Therapeutic Uses
- Potentiates analgesic properties of aspirin and acetaminophen. It is included in some OTC pain medications:
Anacin = Aspirin + Caffeine
Excedrin = Aspirin + Paracetamol + Caffeine
- Effective in treatment of apnea in premature newborns. Caffeine can normalize breathing.
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Generazione Z, parola Chiave: sostenibilità”. Successo per la diretta streaming della prima edizione
Una diretta streaming di 4 ore, 400 under 30 in presenza e 22 speaker sul palco della Multimedia Valley: questi i numeri principali di “Generazione Z, parola chiave: sostenibilità”, organizzato da Giffoni Innovation Hub in occasione della prima edizione di Verde Giffoni, l’evento di Giffoni Opportunity co-finanziato dal Ministero della Cultura – Direzione Generale per il Cinema e dalla Regione Campaniae con il sostegno del Comune di Giffoni Valle Piana.
Un confronto diretto, ieri, tra i rappresentanti di importanti aziende e i giovani presenti in sala sul tema della sostenibilità affrontato in ogni sua declinazione. Proposte, analisi, racconti, approfondimenti su quello che è un tema che spinge le nuove generazioni a rilfettere sul futuro del pianeta, dell’economia, del lavoro, dell’innovazione e sull’impatto che ogni scelta fatta oggi avrà un impatto significativo su ciò che accadrà domani.
Gli speaker:
È stato Roberto Sposini, giornalista di LifeGate – media partner dell’iniziativa insieme a StartupItalia – il moderatore della giornata che ha visto protagonisti 22 speaker: Franco Amelio Head of sustainability del main partner Deloitte e Nicola Tagliafierro Head of Sustainability di Enel X, Giovanna Zacchi Responsabile ufficio Esg Strategy di Bper Banca, Angelo Fienga Sustainability Leader di Cisco, Alessandra Benevolo HR Director Italy & HR Cluster Head South di Ipsen, tutti partner dell’evento. Con loro Gabriele Catacchio Head of Global e-Mobility Communication di Stellantis, Simona Torre Managing Director and Executive Board di Fondazione Accenture, Carlo Cici Head of Sustainability di Ambrosetti, Luca Cassani Corporate Sustainability Manager di Epson, Luca Ruini Presidente di Conai, Stefania Pompili Ceo di Sopra Steria, Manuela Baudana Responsabile Sustainability Development di A2A, Davide Tassi Head of Sustainability di ENAV, Adriana Mosca Responsabile Brand strategy, Digital and Sponsorship di Iren, Gianluca Randazzo Head of Sustainability di Mediolanum, Oscar Di Montigny Presidente di Flowe, Fabio Zardini Country Manager Italia di Patagonia Europe Cooperatief, Paolo Iabichino Fondatore Osservatorio Ciciv Brands, Daniele FortinI Presidente del Gruppo RetiAmbiente Spa, Chiara Trombetta di StartupItalia.
I temi:
Ognuno dei 22 speaker ha affrontato l’argomento ‘Sostenibilità’ riconducendolo al lavoro, ai progetti in corso e in divenire della propria azienda. Un viaggio tra temi differenti ma complementari che ha spaziato dalla gender equality alla mobilità sostenibile passando per il rapporto tra sostenibilità sociale ed economica, dai lavori e le competenze del futuro alla social inclusion. E ancora della sfida alla Gen Z di superare i luoghi comuni, dell’innovability, dell’attenzione delle aziende a non collaborare con fornitori ‘in-sostenibili’, della narrazione della sostenibilità in chiave multiutility, degli investimenti sostenibili, dell’attivismo e dell’impegno sociale dei brands e della riduzione e del risparmio dei consumi. Tra i tanti interventi, quello di Ruini di Conai nell’anno del 25esimo anniversario dell’azienda e del progetto “Ciak si gira, Azione. Riciclare” messo in campo da Giffoni Innovation Hub e Conai per raccontare, attraverso il mezzo audiovisivo e cinematografico, i nuovi cicli di vita degli imballaggi.
“Abbiamo accolto subito l’invito di Giffoni Opportunity e deciso di essere protagonisti di Verde Giffoni con Gen Z, parola chiave: sostenibilità” perché come GIH ci poniamo da sempre l’obiettivo di essere punto di riferimento per gli under 30 e delle grandi aziende che, come noi, mettono al centro del proprio agire l’impegno verso le nuove generazioni – ha detto Antonino Muro co-founder e CVO di Giffoni Innovation Hub – E’ stata una mattinata intensa, quattro ore di diretta streaming, 22 speaker, 400 giovanissimi in platea, una bella emozione per un evento che sono certo si consoliderà nel tempo e renderà il ‘pianeta Giffoni’ ancora una volta punto di incontro per ragazzi di ogni età e nazionalità che vogliono essere protagonisti dei cambiamenti inevitabili e non più procrastinabili in questa complicata e incomprensibile fase storica. Un periodo ‘grigio’ che ha rischiato, prima con la pandemia e ora con la guerra in Ucraina, di minare la capacità di progettare a lunga scadenza. Il nostro intento è quello di essere porto sicuro per la Gen Z che siamo certi, ed è questa la vera sfida, progetterà un mondo più verde un mondo più sostenibile”.
Giffoni Innovation Hub è un polo creativo d’innovazione, fondato da Orazio Maria Di Martino, Luca Tesauro e Antonino Muro nel 2015. Il progetto nasce con l’obiettivo di guidare e favorire la trasformazione culturale e digitale in Italia e all’estero e, sulla scia del patrimonio del Festival di Giffoni, fa della creatività la sua bandiera. Giffoni Innovation Hub rappresenta un ecosistema che collega, supporta e fa crescere talenti e startup nel settore delle industrie creative e culturali. Lo scopo è quello di implementare prodotti e servizi per le aziende, attraverso percorsi di formazione specializzata e framework audiovisivi, generando azioni ad alto impatto sociale e valoriale che coinvolgono le nuove generazioni.
source https://www.ilmonito.it/generazione-z-parola-chiave-sostenibilita-successo-per-la-diretta-streaming-della-prima-edizione/
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Cuban Link bracelet
What is a cuban link bracelet?
The cuban link bracelet is a variation of the standard cable link chain and features oval links that intersect in a rope pattern. The links twist into a cable-like design, which gives it a bit of a traditional look. Creating a classic style with a bit of modern edge, this kind of chain is perfect for all kinds of wearers and styles. Though it’s seen as somewhat traditional, this chain has some serious built-in swagger with trendsetters and trailblazers choosing it as a centerpiece or layering it with other gold chains.
Why are cuban link bracelets so popular?
The rise of the Miami cuban link bracelets is extremely popular, they are a sign of wealth to many people. Many rappers and hip-hop artists own custom-made gold cuban link bracelets. The design is very simple and clean, that can be worn for any occasion from business attire to street attire. The cuban link bracelet will never go out of style, it is and has been an ageless piece. It’s an iconic design that makes a statement for anyone wearing it. The chain is very simple yet carries some weight. The chain design is not a trend, it’s a must have! Have you seen hip hop rappers’ pictures and/or their music videos? Yes, they have a Miami Cuban link hanging around their neck. The Cuban link is a must have chain for everyone that has a chain collection.
What make cuban link bracelets unique?
Here are a few reasons why, in our opinion, the Cuban link stands out from the rest of the gold chains on our radar.
It’s Rocked by Hip-Hop Legends — You don’t have to look very far to find the gold cuban link draped around the necks of icons new and old. Versions of it start showing up in the hip-hop history books in the 1980s, with Slick Rick, Big Daddy Kane, and Biz Markie sporting their own Cuban links back in the day. It’s still ubiquitous among artists, including Jay-Z, Usher, DJ Khaled, and If you appreciate some classic freshness, this is the chain for you.
It’s Perfect for Showcasing Pendants — Cuban links come in a variety of different weights, thicknesses, and lengths, so they serve as great bases for displaying your best pendants. If you’re trying to highlight your prized Jesus piece or crucifix and want a little something extra, go for the Cuban. Just make sure it’s thick enough for the pendant you’re eyeing (we can always help you pair your cuban link bracelet with the right pendant if you need some advice).
It Can Be Blinged Out — Like a few carats with your karats? If you prefer the flashy style of a diamond-studded gold chain, the Cuban link is great because it has a relatively flat surface area that can be frosted with diamonds. Typically, our jewelers use the pave diamond effect, which makes the surface look like it’s naturally brilliant and diamond-encrusted. There’s nothing quite like it.
It’s Extremely Versatile — Gold chains, in general, are among the most adaptable pieces of jewelry a person can own, but the Cuban link is especially versatile. It can be worn as a necklace or a bracelet, with necklaces coming in lengths ranging from 20 to 30 inches and widths ranging from 4 millimeters to 21 millimeters. If you’ve got a specific outfit or pendant to flex with your Cuban link, you know you’ll get it just right, thanks to the sheer variety of options available.
Why are cuban link bracelets so expensive?
don’t have to be expensive; particularly, if you are buying a cuban link bracelet made out of precious metal. For instance, buying a cuban link bracelet made of gold can become expensive depending on the grams, purity of the metal (24k is more expensive than a 10k, the higher the number before the “k”, the higher the purity), and thickness.
In today’s world, owning a gold chain is perhaps not in someone’s budget. The point is you want to purchase a chain that can retain value, there is no real benefit to purchasing a fake plated gold chain. Though it is tempting to buy a plated chain the fact is you are losing money. However, there is an alternative, you can still purchase a cuban link bracelet that obtains and retains value. The alternative is purchasing a solid sterling silver cuban link bracelet which will carry value while retaining the value as times goes by. They are more accessible and it’s a precious metal that retains value. Stainless steel cuban link bracelets are a great alternative to purchasing a gold chain if you don’t want to break the bank.
Are cuban link bracelets strong?
Yes, cuban link bracelets are quite strong and do not tend to break or snap easily! Most of these chains have an interlocking pattern that ensures high durability and strength of the overall chain. At CHURINGA, we make strong and robust cuban link bracelets.
In addition, we also provide Miami cuban link bracelets. For these chains, we use a strong and durable stainless base. Stainless steel jewelry tends to shine constantly, and it will never appear as if it has faded.
Who wears Cuban Link?
So who usually sports Cuban links? Men and especially rock stars have been wearing cuban link bracelets for several years now. That said, people usually associate Cuban links with the popular hip-hop and streetwear days. These days, people wear Cuban links in different styles. Some prefer to go formal and wear the chain with a bow tie and full suit. If you can ace this look, you will come across as stylish and professional at the same time! Furthermore, if it is summertime and you are sporting a white vest or going shirtless, you can enhance your overall look with a cuban link bracelet at a summer party. The chain is sure to look classy and fresh and make heads turn. Keep in mind that it is not just men who can wear cuban link bracelets well. Contemporary women and female rock stars can do so too, and complement the chain with the rest of their jewelry.
How thick is a cuban link bracelet?
When you talk about the standard cuban link bracelet thickness, it is usually between 8 millimeters and 12 millimeters for men and between 5 millimeters and 8 millimeters for women. The common thickness is 12mm for icedout cuban link bracelets for men and 8mm for icedout/Miami cuban link bracelets for females.
Are Gold Chains Tacky?
The short answer is no; gold chains are not tacky. That is because stars, celebrities, and influencers around the world make it a very popular icon that soon becomes a trend worldwide. However, if you are still worrying, you could always choose a thinner cuban link bracelet or one that comes in white gold. That will make you look very attractive.
How old are cuban link bracelets?
As mentioned above, the advent of cuban link bracelets was in the 1970s. So you can say these chains have been around for 45–50 years! Over time, Cuban links have grown in popularity, and their use is prevalent these days.
What Ideal size Cuban Link should I get?
This is a crucial question you need to ask yourself prior to purchasing your Cuban links. The truth is that it all comes down to your preferred choice. Do you fancy a small chain or a big one? What size do you think will look good on you? Just so you know, the most common and preferred cuban link bracelet sizes are 19 millimeters, 18 millimeters, and 12 millimeters. These sizes look very good on almost everyone, and the Cuban links are sure to draw attention towards yourself! If you purchase a smaller size by mistake, you can always take it to the jeweler, who will take out the extra links for you.
Miami Cuba Link Bracelet Details
Stainless Steel Jewelry Manufacturers6 Stainless Steel Jewelry Manufacturers IN CHINA
CHURINGA jewelry factory — stainless steel jewelry manufacturers
CHURINGA jewelry factory have a complete production line, so CHURINGA can independently produce various popular styles and some original designs to meet your needs of styles. We have successfully held product exhibitions in Hong Kong and Shenzhen and obtained a large number of orders from Europe, America and Southeast Asia. CHURINGA jewelry factory features surgical stainless steel jewelry, as well as vacuum ion plating jewelry with artificial gem (synthetic cubic zirconia, synthetic crystal, synthetic ruby, etc). Product variety, which covers rings, pendants, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, anklets, bangles, jewelry sets, etc. CHURINGA jewelry factory features service is supports customization.
A2A jewelry
The trendy manufacturing site is here to deliver some of the very best choices of stainless steel jewels. Although the traditional manufacturing process is threatened, you can be sure you will find the right jewels for your store here. This is the world’s number one stainless steel jewel producer. They have found ways to produce just the best jewels even though it’s not with precious metals. If you want a unique, innovative, and stylish jewel, you should vast this site. Located in Guangdong, China, this company has all the metals you may need for manufacturing. They have raised their stands, making sure they stand out with the most unique looking jewels.
Happy metals jewelry
When you are going to talk about the stainless steel jewels, we have to mention the happy metals. This brand opened its doors back in 2001. Notice that they manufacture the different kinds and styles of stainless steel jewels This brand has luckily seen massive improvements with its quality; you can only get the best here. They show you how to go about buying the jewels with them, so be ready. When you want unique options that you don’t need to pay a lot for, you can comfortably choose to buy from this site.
Winda jewelry
When you have or want to sell the stainless steel jewels, you should only choose them from winda. Having been in business for more than ten years in their factory, they make the best jewels. They have worked with over 20000 great designers. The company knows that stainless steel jewels are more popular for a reason. They are of excellent quality, yet they don’t even fade, and they are cheap. If you really want even to visit the factory, then you can go to Guangzhou. You will find all kinds of products, including rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and more. They stand at an edge over their competitors because they only sell the best quality jewels. It further stands out for maintaining a good rapport with their clients. They make sure you will benefit for making all the great jewels.
SOQ jewel
This is a perfect brand that was first founded in 2012. It focuses on jewel shopping, marketing, and selling online. The brand is a wholesale but also a manufacturing brand. They have a factory located in Zhejiang. The brand is focused on producing high quality, unique jewels. They are also going to bring you competitive prices. If you want the latest and the trendiest of the designs, then here you have it. This company focuses and works with the most significant jewelry companies. In fact, the market is European and the American brands too. They have a stainless steel branch called YIWU SOQ jewelry factory. But remember, they mostly specialize in selling 316L jewel — everything about manufacturing and export.
They have a fashion jewelry production company in Dinor. However, they also sell jewels wholesale. They sell 316 stainless steel jewels of different types and styles. The company also sells stainless steel rings, bracelets, earrings, bangles, pendants, anklets, and more. You will have several 316 jewels that are not only stylish but also safe and affordable. This is a trusted brand; that’s why it’s popular among retailers. This is an eCommerce site that has its base in China.
6 Stainless Steel Jewelry Manufacturers In The USA
BoFashionImport Jewelry Wholesaler
Specializing in fashion jewelry, Bo Fashion Import Jewelry Wholesaler is a family-owned wholesale jewelry company based in the US and known for its high-quality stainless steel jewelry, along with free shipping services to all retailers and secondary wholesalers in the US. Shoppers and retailers get to choose from a wide range of over 100 fashion necklaces, rings, bracelets, anklets, earrings, jewelry sets, hair accessories, and body jewelry, among others.
RB Jeweler Services
RB Jeweler Services is one of the divisions of Robert Bartholomew, the leading fine jewelry manufacturer that also offers jewelry repair services affordably. The company has been around for more than 170 years, and you will be happy to know that in addition to the exceptional quality of services provided, none of their services is outsourced. They offer custom jewelry designing, as well as private label jewelry customization services. To make all these possible, this company prides itself in the provision of the best jewelry casting services, elegant finishing, pearl stringing, as well as jewelry repair services.
25 Cent Body Jewelry
For the best of 316L surgical stainless steel jewelry, you might want to work with 25 Cent Body Jewelry, a company that sells some of the best quality stainless steel jewelry items for men and women. Some of the items of jewelry made of stainless steel include money clips, stainless steel earrings, rings, chains, pendants, bracelets, bracelets and chainsets, rosary, gun pendants, animal pendants, religious pendants, and sports pendants, among others.
Blake Brothers Bulletin
For the best stainless steel jewelry, Blake Brothers Bulletin is a manufacturer you might want to consider. While the company is well known as a big sterling silver manufacturer, they also offer high-quality stainless steel items of jewelry. The unique feature about this manufacturer is that they sell some of the best stainless steel rings, specifically, Celtic rings.
BoFashionImport Jewelry Wholesaler
Specializing in fashion jewelry, Bo Fashion Import Jewelry Wholesaler is a family-owned wholesale jewelry company based in the US and known for its high-quality stainless steel jewelry, along with free shipping services to all retailers and secondary wholesalers in the US. Shoppers and retailers get to choose from a wide range of over 100 fashion necklaces, rings, bracelets, anklets, earrings, jewelry sets, hair accessories, and body jewelry, among others.
P&K Jewelry
P&K Jewelry carries the largest selection of the most beautiful, high-quality, super-trendy stainless steel jewelry both for men and women. This stainless steel jewelry manufacturer carries a wide range of stainless steel jewelry items, from rings and necklaces to earrings, bangles, bracelets, and jewelry sets. Some of the stainless steel jewelry has pearls and stones, and with the beauty of stainless steel, you can look forward to the best selection of jewelry. P&K Jewelry also offers jewelry for both men and women.
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30 Days of “Ashes to Ashes” - Day 24
Day 24 - What’s your favourite moment of your favourite pairing?
You know, this scene could very well be my answer to a lot of the 30 days challenge. It’s such a rollercoaster of emotions. But it’s still my absolute favourite moment between them and one of my favourite scenes in the entire show.
There’s so much tension in the air and at the same time such sense of comfort. They are just sitting in that sofa, drinking and chatting and being open and honest *cough*married*cough*. And then Alex suggests they dance. And Gene channels the Manc Lion that Alex immediately sees through. And then he gets up and you just feel the temperature in the room rise by 1000000 degrees. This is it, for them. No more lies, no more hiding.
There’s so much tenderness that I might just cry. Alex finds comfort in his embrace, and when she leans her head on his shoulder and we can see them both sway, with their eyes closed, their hands clasped next to Gene’s heart, whilst the camera moves imperceptibly closer... I just die. And just as I am certain I have died a thousand deaths already, Gene turns and kisses her softly... RIGHT AT THE SPOT WHERE SHE WAS SHOT. Like trying to kiss a bullet wound away. And then you know what happens...
Regarding the rest that I’ve already talked about... I think my feelings are perfectly summarised in the scene’s opening lines:
“I think we have unfinished business, Bolly.” “Yeah... yeah, we do.”
#30 Days of A2A#Ashes to Ashes#Alex Drake#Gene Hunt#Keeley Hawes#Philip Glenister#Galex#The Guv and his Bolly#yeah about that unfinished business.... IT'S STILL VERY MUCH UNFINISHED YOU KNOW#so once again for Matthew and Ashley in the back#THE FINAL CHAPTER BETTER DELIVER#LAZARUS BETTER DELIVER AND GIVE THESE TWO THE HAPPY ENDING THEY DESERVE#meaning LET THEM CONCLUDE THEIR DANCE THE WAY THEY WANTED TO#and then let them stay entangled into each other forever and a day#and let them smooch each other to the end of breathing#and let them love each other like they wanted#AND JUST LET THEM BE HAPPY FOR GOD'S SAKES THEY'VE EARNED IT#I need ONE show to do my OTP justice#Lazarus... you have a chance to fix stuff... so FIX 'EM#*screams from the top of my lungs* I KNOOOOOOOOOW THIS MUUUUUUUUUCH IS TRUEEEEEEEEEE
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Difference Between 30, 60, and 90 Days Airport to Airport Visa Change
The difference between 30, 60, and 90 Days Airport to Airport Visa Change lies in the visa duration. A 30-day visa offers a short stay, ideal for brief visits. The 60-day visa provides a moderate stay, while the 90-day visa is suited for extended trips. Each option offers flexibility for travelers.
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