#3 get mad at me for letting the people from the shop in front of us use the bathroom
strawberry-cowmilk · 2 months
guess which genius quit her job right before her vacation and right after buying way too expensive perfume
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lookingformoondrop · 10 months
could i request a boyfriend!andrew graves x reader headcannons or scenarios? i LOVE TCOAAL🫶🫶
Boyfriend! Andrew Graves x Reader - Headcanons
TW: Andy has a foul mouth, reader gets groped, Andy is a little possessive, a tiny bit of violence (-is always the answer)
♥︎Notes: I'm kind of an idiot so if you notice something is spelled incorrectly, feel free to send me a dm so i can fix it (totally not at all referring to my first Yandere!Andy x Reader post where I spelled dark as darmfk ;-;). Also this is kind of short because so many people requested for Andy x Reader, so I didn't want to pull out all the stops. I hope this meets your expectations <3.♥︎
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The first thing you gotta to know about dating Andy, is that he's very touch starved.
I can just headcanon that due to his aloof personality and very broody behavior, he doesn't get many hugs...
So when you enter his life, best believe that Andy shows you this completely different side of him!
I'm talking.... Cuddling in the mornings till the point where you're almost late for work because he refuses to let you go.
I'm talking.... Andy being able to sense when you're about to go into the shower. His spidey-senses tingles, and the moment you're about to hop in, he's right there already getting his hair wet.
I'm talking.... Trapping you with his kisses when you're making food, definitely not noticing that he's causing you to burn dinner.
And no amount of protest can deter this man either.
Speaking of making food... Andrew is the master-chef of the house!
Now he's no Gorden Ramsey (as he likes to tell you whenever he makes you a sandwich), but everyone knows that one bite of his food is enough to make a sailor come back to the land.
So it's very nifty when you're sick and at home, in need to have someone take care of you.
The first time you ever got sick was when you and Andy were still living separately.
It was a Friday night, and it was supposed to be your 1-year anniversary with Andy. Unfortunately, due to some unhygienic biotch at the office, you caught a cold and had to cancel.
At first Andy didn't respond, instead leaving you on read. You felt bad, figuring that he was mad at you for canceling.
But lo' and behold, exactly 10 minutes later, that was a frantic sound of keys jiggling into the your front door.
You had gotten up from your couch-potato position to see the person who wanted to rush into your home so badly, when it occurred to you;
Andrew is the only one with another set of keys...
And with that realization, Andy burst through the door with a pharmacy store bag in one hand, and a grocery store bag in another.
In an instant, Andy made you take a disgusting amount of cold medicine, and blessed your cold home with the warmth and smell of spices and herbs (likely all from the soup).
When the food was ready, he sat you up with a pillow and hand-fed you soup for the rest of the night. You felt so bad for ruining your anniversary, but everytime you tried to apologize for it, Andrew would stuff your mouth with more soup and would say;
"I don't care about that romance and anniversary shit. We don't need to go to a fancy restaurant or an expensive place just to feel like we're honoring an important date. That date is important because it is our date. We don't need to one-up that memorable time just to remind everyone of how special it is... Y/N, you're crying into the soup."
Needless to say, you cried.
But Andrew doesn't just take care of you...You best believe he also protects.
Well, sorta.
You could be in a grocery store, at a Boba shop, in the mall, getting new shoes, it wouldn't matter, Andrew would always have his hand on your waist.
Be it because he saw someone look at you, doesn't matter who or how old they are, he'll always wrap his arms around you and whisper ever so softly, "You're mine..."
It has definitely given you some weird looks over the years, but you know he means well.
And if anyone ever actually looks at you funny? It's over for them.
Andrew will make it VERY clear that you're not to be messed with.
For example, a couple of months into your relationship, you were riding the train. Enjoying a simple conversation about suspicious neighbors and whatnot, when all of the sudden some guy came up behind you and tried groping you discreetly.
Andy noticed very quickly that all the blood drained from your face. He looked behind you and noticed the old geezer trying to get a hand full of someone way younger than them, and Andrew could feel every restraint in his body snap.
In an act of "self-defense" as told to the cops later on, Andrew punched the living daylights of the guy and sent him flying into a pole.
You fussed over Andy's fist for awhile, completely forgetting about how you felt. But the only thing Andy could think about was how he should've hit that guy harder.
When you guys were finally walking home, hand in hand, you leaned on Andrew.
"I'm sorry about today Andy... I didn't mean for you to get all banged up."
Andrew snorted, "My knuckle is a little scratched up, so what? That perverted asshole had it coming for him."
You kissed Andy's cheek, which granted you a dark blush from Andy, and a grin from you.
"Thank you Aaandy~" You brushed his hand with your thumb,
Being in a relationship with Andy is a little messy, and yes sometimes a little crazy. But no matter what happens, Andy will always stick by your side.
"You're welcome, sweetheart." Andy squeezed your hand in return.
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Thank you for the ask<3
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Partners in Crime 3
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Lloyd Hansen, Lee Bodecker
Summary: you’re left reeling after your divorce but the chaos has only begun. (short!reader)
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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The sheriff swings around in a U-turn. Traffics stops for him even without his siren wailing. You lean into the door as he straightens out and weaves into the lanes. He steers back towards the mall to retrace his steps. 
You’re already thinking of that handcrafted decor shop around the corner from your building. You might find something there if you dare to venture within. How many times have you passed and shied away at the crystal tear drop lamp and the lush velvet stool. You let out a breath slowly, careful not to let the sigh grow too loud. 
“So, what d’ya do then?” The sheriff asks, startling you from your internal plotting. 
“Um, oh, just... I work at the pharmacy. Stock shelves,” you admit with shame. 
“Hard work,” he remarks. From anyone else, it would be mocking, but he sounds oddly genuine. “Too bad your day off got spoiled.” 
“Yeah, I guess, but...” you tap your fingertips together, “it’s okay.” 
“Hmm,” he hums as he slows, his blinker clicking loudly, “sounds like you’re used to disappointment.” 
That cuts. You shrink back. You’re sure he meant nothing by it but it’s true. You don’t expect anything but so today is hardly daunting. 
“A little. I...” you stammer. People don’t ask about you. They look past you, through you. As much as your grandmother’s saved your ass, she never talked about your old life. It was a forbidden subject. “I just got a divorce.” 
You don’t know why you said it. Maybe because you hadn’t said it out loud before. It feels like a rock sinking in water. 
He clucks, “now that’s too bad. What kinda man would leave a thing like you?” 
You peek up and meet his gaze in the rear view. A tide washes over you. You look down and shrug. You won’t mention that it was long awaited. 
“It’s fine.” 
“It’s okay, it’s fine,” he echoes, “you say that a lot.” 
You inhale sharply and frown, “sorry--” 
“Don’t needa be,” he affirms as he stops again, this time by the mall lot. You look up at the sign in confusion. He’s bringing you back? 
He rolls over the dip in the curb and across the straight white lines across the tarmac. You crane and look around, trying to figure out what’s going on? Maybe he’s just cutting through to avoid the lunch time rush. 
He stops and idles near a set of metal doors to the rear of the mall. You twist this way and that then look to the front seat. Before you can ask what’s going on, the passenger door opens and someone gets in. Someone! That man. The one with the mustache. 
But the sheriff doesn’t respond with shock or outrage. He doesn’t get mad. He just nods at the man and leans into the gas pedal. Your heart pumps painfully. 
“Sheriff?” You eke out. 
The mustachioed man chuckles but says nothing else. The officer doesn’t answer you either. You pull against your seat belt and touch the plexiglass divider, “sheriff? What’s going on?” 
He stomps on the break and the motion forces you back against the seat. You let out and oomf as the impact knocks the wind from you. There’s another laugh from the furry-lipped criminal. What’s happening? 
“What are you doing?” You whine. 
“He said she was quiet,” the man in the passenger seat mutters. 
“She’ll calm down,” the sheriff says. 
“Hey! Please,” you lean forward again and hit the thick barrier. “Tell me what’s going on--” 
“Don’t make me come back there, pussy cat,” the passenger warns and smirks at you over his shoulder.  
“Now, darlin’,” the sheriff drives the limit, coolly following the current of traffic, “you hush up back there and don’t get yourself all worked up.” 
“You said—he's--” you stutter, your breath hitch as your heart beat builds tempo. You writhe and clap your hands to your chest as it racks. “He’s-- help!” 
You gulp in breaths but they only make your head throb. Your lashes flutter wildly as panic rings in your ears. Something bad is happening. They know each other. They are working together. But why? 
“Well you just told me you were all alone and you work a job you ain’t like, kitten,” the sheriff tuts, “so why you actin’ up when we’re takin’ you away from all that?” 
“Taking...” you murmur through shallow heaves, “away...” 
You can’t breathe, you can’t think. You rock back and forth, clawing at the seat belt to find the buckle. You unleash it and keel over your lap. You cradle your head as the world thrums around you. 
“Can’t... can’t... breathe--” 
“I told you not to work yourself up,” the sheriff says, “let’s count to ten, darlin’, you do that for me?” 
“Can’t... can’t...” 
“One,” he says firmly. 
“If I gotta pull over, I ain’t gonna be so nice,” his voice dips an octave, “now count with me, kitten. Ten.” 
You quiver and cough, “n-nine--” you blow out and suck air back in, “eight--” 
“That’s a good girl,” he praises, “keep goin’.” 
“Seven,” you wisp and shake around another burning inhale, “six...” you hug your spinning head, “five...” 
You continue the countdown until you get to one. You stay still and silent. Your chest is achy but not bursting. You close your eyes and meter your breathing. This cannot be real. 
“She’s a nervous one,” the other man intones. 
“She’ll settle,” the sheriff assures as the tires spin and the motor hums. “Just gotta take time.” 
“Oh, I got time,” the passenger chortles, “hey, sweet stuff,” there’s a tapping on the glass, “hey,” he calls you by your name. You wince and slowly lift your head. You look up at him with misty eyes, wide with terror. “There you are. Nice to meet ya,” he winks, “Lloyd, but you can call me sir.” 
Your lip quivers and you shake your head. You stare at him, blinking dumbly. He smirks as his eyes rove over you. 
“You’re a cute one, huh? Can’t wait to have some fun with you,” he taunts. 
You whimper and drop your head down again. You don’t understand. You thought the worst thing that could happen had happened. Your grandma, your lawyer, everyone said it was all over. That you’re free.  
How the heck did you walk into another cage? 
“Ah, stop it,” Bodecker snips, “you’re gonna get her upset again.” 
“I’m just introducing myself.” 
“Sure,” the sheriff drawls skeptically, “you always do know how to make things worse, don’t ya?” 
“I said I’d be nice. I’m being nice,” Lloyd blusters, “damn it, officer, I’m abiding the law.” 
His last few words are slanted with mimicry of the other man’s accent. Bodecker huffs and the engine accelerates. You stay curled up, completely paralysed to the situation. If you stay like that, it might just not be real. Hiding never helped did it. Turn out, neither does running. 
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amaritypewriter · 2 months
Ok HEAR ME OUT poly! rosie x fem!reader x alastor??? I means sfw headcanons but if you want nsfw who am I to stop you right ANYWAY thanks<3
YES YES YES I AM COMPLETELY SAT AND LISTENING; also side note this did come out a bit shorter then expected I’m sorry. 😞
This is a HALF NSFW work; since you happen to let me 🤭
Poly! Rosie x fem!reader x Alastor, headcanons, SFW AND NSFW, whips and bdsm are mentioned
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- Alastor and Rosie both take care of reader however not in an infantilizing way! (Well at least Rosie doesn’t) for example Alastor makes sure reader has a roof over their head and food on your plate while as Rosie likes to make sure you feel safe and have someone to talk to about your feeling or she’ll take you shopping and to eat after!
- Rosie learns how to cook food just for you! Since she’s used to eating other cannibals she never even thought about learning how to cook other things and never realized how much she loves it.
- Rosie loves to use expressions like “You’re just so cute, I could eat you!” but the thing is it’s not intentional!
- Alastor tries to carve out time for Rosie and reader but he’s always so busy with the hotel, his solution to this was to take reader to the hotel and have her meet everyone there!
- Y’all go on walks around cannibal town because they both love the scenery and people there; they think it’s awfully nice!
- They always make sure you look all dolled up and with a smile! So if you ever look upset they immediately question it; again mostly Rosie
- They love to gossip; y’all have weekly shit talks one day and Susan roasting the next. 😭
- Rosie is extremely social and definitely goes out of her way to tell you and Alastor that y’all need to make more ACTUAL friends.
- You and Rosie force Alastor to cuddle with y’all because he isn’t a physical touch type of guy and he likes to pretend he doesn’t like it while y’all pull him in.
- You guys sometimes go on picnics and you and Rosie convince Niffty and Husk to come.
- They BOTH have the habit of biting you endearingly; on the shoulder, mouth, and hands/fingers
- Whenever Alastor has a bad day you and Rosie give him lots of hugs and kisses and he acts like he hates it but if he really did then he would stop y’all and spoiler he doesn’t!
- Whoever you and Alastor argue it’s Rosie who calms you down because most of the time you’re mad and Alastor is acting all nonchalant and shit and it’s really irritating.
- They love to keep you sandwiched in between them during hugs, during cuddles, and especially during sex! Rosie finds your tits super satisfying to toy with and fondle and you can bet she’s eating you out from the front while Alastor pounds you from behind!
- They hate when you muffle your moans they love a good vocal reader and they’ll tease you while saying things like “Aw sweetie you should really keep it down huh?” If y’all are in a public place and yet they just don’t let you!
- When it comes down to eating you out Rosie is the master she gets messy on her knees for you, but she’s very teasing just because she knows how good she is but still she won’t make you beg don’t worry!
- They love having you fucked dumb and having reader not be able to do anything but yell out both their name is simply music to their ears.
- You know how I said they love to bite you endearingly well they also love to bite you during sex; whenever you wake up the night after you’re covered in scratches, bites, and hickys.
- They both have a thing for tears they love to overstimulate you, make you cry and then lick your tears clean of your cheeks!
- Whenever I say overstimulate you, I almost always mean Alastor, Rosie is a big tease but she loves leaving you satisfied.
- Alastor leaving scratches is not rare; whenever he eats you out he scratches and licks all over your thighs.
- Rosie isn’t a big fan of straps but if you want it she’s doing it, she’ll pound into you slowly and softly allowing you to feel all around her strap and though it’s not her favorite you to use on you she is damn good at it.
- They are such a duo whenever it comes to degradation because they degrade the shit out of you, and they are so fucking cruel.
- If you and Alastor are both into it he will use whips and bondage on you and he loves to play around with a little brat taming and maybe BDSM however Rosie as freaky as she may be she’s not so much into it so you too beg her to join but it doesn’t take much for her to agree.
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base0h · 2 years
Hiii :D
Wanna req some modern au Kid, Mihawk and Shanks with a s/o who always manages to zone out at the worst time possible, (like they're driving and stopped at a red light, not realizing that what seemed a moment later the light turned green and everyone is beeping at them or they're being late, smth distracts them and they literally just freeze in place lost in the most off topic thoughts ever) hcs or scenario, all's good with me gosh I zone out way too much
Gosh sorry for the long ask and since I'm here I just might remind you to go drink some water and take care of yourself, cuz we need ya and your hilarious writings here, to brighten up our days yk? ( ˙꒳​˙ )
love ya <3
a/n - ERROR HOW HAVE I BEEN LAUGHING FOR A SOLID TEN MINUTES AT THIS ASK SUEBDHBDHDBD 😭😭😭😭 awww I’m so glad that I can brighten up your guys’ days that really brightens mine 🥺💜💜
Warnings ⚠️ - cracky, g/n reader, modern au, shanks doesn’t have an arm (let’s just say it got bitten off by a shark because he thought drinking beer while surfing was a brilliant idea)
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- watch him ban you from driving 💀
- last time you decided to drive to a coffee shop was the last straw for the poor man
- “Y/n please keep your eyes on the road.”
- *minute passes, now it’s a green light*
- he’s looking at a newspaper while people behind you guys are honking
- you had taken sight of a beautiful monarch butterfly, cruising around just outside your window
- you didn’t even realize the light had turned green
- Mihawk was about to get out of the car and go punch some people for honking but then he realized the light had been green for minutes, and you two were holding up the biggest line of cars he’d ever seen
- “Y/n! It’s green-!”
- He undid his seatbelt and climbed into the seat with you, hitting his head on the ceiling while simultaneously giving himself a bad back
- he pressed the gas while you stared at the butterfly, and you snapped out of it when you realized the car was moving, and Mihawk’s huge ass was right in front of your face
- “Mihawk what are you doing-“
- he sighed and kept driving forward until the light from before turned red right as he started going
- Cars from the right were about to crash into you too when you started screaming at him to go faster
- he was saying that to protect you, so that he would take most of the damage if you both were hit
- Luckily, you two made it to the next intersection just before getting hit, and there was a long silence in the car on the way home
- “… you’re banned from driving.”
- “BUT-“ “I don’t want to hear it.”
- “thank you for protecting me, don’t pretend like you didn’t do that 😏”
- “😐😑😐”
- he ignored you for about an hour after that (he wasn’t mad, just terrified)
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- shanks is a horrible driver himself, so he gets it! He’s usually drunk while driving anyways!
- zoning out is totally fine because usually he’ll just stare at you and think about how beautiful/handsome you are 🥰
- today you both were driving to a movie, you had gotten a nice cup of coffee just before as well :)
- shanks was staring at his phone, struggling to figure out where the fuck he put the tickets
- you saw the most awesome skateboarder who was doing tricks along the sidewalk, and you managed to turn sharp left, almost straight into the sidewalk
- shanks immediately grabbed the wheel with his arm and swerved back, but the absolute boiling hot coffee cup was slipping through your grip
- poor shanks saw that and was starting to panic
- “Baby i only got ONE ARM-“
- the hot coffee spilled all over his lap and this idiot started screaming at the top of his lungs
- bigass man baby woke you up and you started driving normally again, apologizing to your almost crying boyfriend for zoning out
- “My dick hurts.”
- “Please don’t ever say that again.”
- “also what were you looking at out there?”
- “some cool skateboarding guy.”
- excuse me-??
- “A guy?..”.
- he started shaking your arm and you were literally about to crash, “SHANKS STOP IM GOING TO CRASH!”
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- pls he’s a terrible driver just because of the fact that he will literally scream and flip someone off for not using their turn signal
- I imagine him to obey every single driving law except for the one “don’t be a fucking asshole”
- he oftentimes will ask for your help when he’s building stuff, like asking for tools and such
- “babe hand me the wrench.”
- “hammer.”
- “nails.”
- “water.”
- that’s basically what your job is. 💀
- he was welding today, and needed your help to place something at just the right time so he wouldn’t either burn your apartment down or burn his arm off
- “Babe, need it now.”
- you were tuned out completely, and of course at the absolute perfect time 🙂
- “babe.”
- he waved his other hand in front of your face to try and get your attention but that didn’t seem to work
- “Y/N L/N HELLO?!”
- kaboom
- smoke filled the room as you coughed and grabbed the thing you were supposed to hand him
- “Kidd you need this thingy yet??”
- …
- your audacity.
- his sllooooooooow turn of his head
- his face was stained with black smoke, a nail shooting out of his work and hitting him in the forehead as he stared down at you with the most dead expression
- you were dead. so dead.
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a/n - not me being a little cheeky shit and giggling at my own writing 💀
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queerponcho · 7 months
Transfixed | part 3
previous part | part 4
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collage made by me with pictures from pinterest
moonknight!system x female!reader
a/n: AHHH- Thank you all so much for reblogging, liking and commenting on my past chapters!!! I just reached 50 reblogs and it honestly means the world that people are embracing a newbie like me (✿◠‿◠)
Warnings: no use of Y/N, fluff, NOT beta read, gushing about the moonboys, flustered awkward dorks, plot-twists, Jake being a menace, (eventual smut, the chapters will be marked individually), inaccurate depictions of DID, egyptian mythology and religion (although I did extensive research I took liberty in changing some things to adhere to my plot...), if I missed anything or made any spelling mistakes pls don't hesitate to tell me!
Summary: Steven and Marc have a little...carfuffle when Jake finally lets them front again, after days of taking over. The date plans are set and both parties eager to meet soon but are we surprised when things don't go as planned..?
2,200 words
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Steven at home
‘I can’t believe this- how does this even happen Steven?’
‘Mate, I don't know! You were there weren’t you? You know how it happened…’
‘So you’re tellin’ me that any pretty girl can just sit there and you will literally tell them all about our personal business???'
‘How else was I supposed to find out about Jake huh?? Say that he’s my identical twin brother and then have to explain myself-'
‘Steven you would never have had to explain anything! Because this was supposed to be ONE conversation over a non-committal coffee- not a damn first date.’ Marc replies sternly. He looks at Steven in the glass of the fishtank and notices him looking deflated and guilty. Great- now he feels guilty for making Steven feel guilty. ‘I-I am sorry man, I shouldn't've gotten this mad, you know how I am about…personal stuff.’ Marc says sincerely. He really has been trying to be better at communicating, it’s been a feat to get here but he would do anything to make Steven's life easier. ‘It’s alright Marc..you’re right I should call off the date’ Steven says while looking at his hands, remembering your touch on his shoulder. The way you made him trust you so easily, even though he barely knew you. How desperately he wanted to get to know you an- ‘Steven, you know we share a brain right?’ Marc says trying to stop Steven from swooning any further. ‘Look- clearly you like her and she seems to like you as well, so who says this won’t turn out well?’ ‘well- you know: “we share a brain”’ Steven says, mocking Marc's previous comment. ‘Okay okay I get it-  I messed up. I’m sorry. There, will you let me help you now?’ Marc looks at Steven expectantly.
Days passed since they had returned home after you left them in the cafe. Steven was pretty sure Jake had taken over after leaving the coffee-shop but he was finally fronting again after a few days. Steven squints his eyes at Marc but relents ‘alright fine, I don’t know what to text her…I think she might be waiting for me to initiate conversation…’ ‘You realise we wouldn't have this issue if I had fronted and you wouldn't have had the chance to fall in love like a desperate teen-boy’ ‘I thought you said you lay off with the mean comments! And i am NOT in love-’
‘yeahyeah, you’ve never had a girlfriend have you? You must be reeaaally nervous…’ he adds in a singsong voice. Marc won’t let up, he’s being dragged into this mess so he might as well have a bit of fun. ‘Okay now I know you’re just takin’ the piss- are you gonna help me or not?’ Steven says fully aware of his embarrassing situation. ‘Alright, you text and I tell ya how to start, alright?’
‘Oh bollocks- uum okok I-I can do this..’ Steven is fronting now sitting on the office-chair and stares at his phone screen, starting with a simple introduction.
steven is typing...
‘Hiya- it’s me Steven!’
He had written, deleted and rewritten the message about six times before finally sending it.
You answered very quickly, you’d been waiting for him to text since you got home a few days ago. Processing everything that happened between you and steven- and well, Jake.
‘hi:) glad to hear from you. I wanted to apologise for leaving so abruptly, but it was all a bit much to process and i was running super late for work haha…i hope you understand’
‘Of course luv. If you’ve got any questions you can always ask, I hope you know that.’
‘i do’
‘i was actually hoping to ask you some questions on that date you promised me;)’
You seemed a bit more forward over text and Steven did not mind it one bit, since it was just the push he needed.
‘Right! I thought we could meet friday? There's this great vegan restaurant, I'd love to take you there?’
‘sounds great! could you pass me the address of the place?’
‘No need luv- I’ll pick you up.’
‘that works too’
You hadn’t realised the age gap until this moment. They were probably around 10 years older than you with you being in your mid-twenties. You did notice the wrinkles and silver strands when you first saw Jake but hadn’t really thought about the fact that he was about a decade older than you. Just now as he offered to pick you up did you realise the generational difference. You didn’t have an issue with it, you’ve always liked your partners to be a bit older so this definitely wasn’t a turnoff. If anything it only amplified your attraction.
‘I’d love your address’
‘Whenever you get the chance to send it:)’
‘right! sending it now…’
You send him your address. 
‘Thanks luv. Alright, I’ll see you Friday at 7pm then?’
‘yes! see you tomorrow steven<3’
He sat back, setting his phone on the sink. ‘Alright there's your date’
‘Thanks for taking over, Marc- couldn’t have done it alone’
‘Relax Steven- this was just texting. But you realise I can’t just take over during the date, right?’
‘Of course I know that…doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stand by just in case…’ 
‘So- wait, what are we gonna do with Jake's notebook?’
‘I uuhm couldn't find anything besides drawings and sketches of her…I mean at least we had those, otherwise we would’ve never found out about him loaning that book.’
‘By the way…we know Jake likes her as well, by getting to know her better, we have a chance of actually luring Jake out-’
‘That might be true but that's not our goal! I- I actually like her…she might become my first proper girlfriend, I don't wanna mess this up.’ Steven is adamant on getting to know you, very hopeful of the connection he feels towards you. An almost magnetic pull he felt between you, one he has never felt with anyone before.
Marc chuckles at the reminder but reassures Steven, ‘And we won't, I promise, you will do fine Steven’
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It’s 4 am. You’ve been trying to sleep for the past four hours but the thought of getting to see Steven and possibly Jake later today was not letting you relax. If anything it was causing a very persistent tension…in places you really dont wanna delve into. In fact, you’re trying really hard not to think about that tension, which might be the exact reason as to why you can’t seem to find your way to a peaceful slumber. You try to distract yourself by thinking of how this all even started. The way Jake intrigued you since the beginning and had you speechless every time he appeared. And you think about steven- steven who's the polar opposite to jake and is this shy sweetheart that can’t seem to even look you in the eyes but somehow managed to bluntly ask you out on a date. You keep thinking about them and their differences and analyse them, not noticing your eyes slowly shutting closed and your thoughts slowly forming into vivid dreams based on your memories with the boys…you sit up in your bed abruptly remembering your texts with steven. Realising you had shared your private address with a fucking stranger…you hold your head in your hands and push your palms into your eye-sockets trying to calm down. You don't actually know shit about these men…you really should’ve told your friends about them cuz literally no one knows about these encounters. But truly it was all so bizarre and absurd that you really didn’t want your friends to spoil it for you by using anything close to logic or realism. To maybe argue that they could have anything untoward in mind with you. 
You lay back down and finally feel a wave of exhaustion hit you. You want to believe that they actually maybe even like you…of course there is a possibility that Steven only asked you out to find out more about Jake. oh and marc, was it? You wonder what he might be like and if he's anything like his alters. You turn from your clock having hit 5am and finally force yourself into sleep.
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You wake up to your alarm blaring and prepare yourself for work. You start the day groggy and tired due to only sleeping four hours. But just the thought of your date tonight has you motivated enough to hurry up and catch the next bus.
Moonboys POV
Marc woke up around noonish since Steven took forever to finally fall asleep. Lately he’d been better but last night he was as jittery as a six year old the night before christmas. Currently standing in the kitchen brewing himself a cup of black coffee and prepping his mug with two brown sugars. ‘So loverboy, what are you planning for tonight?’ He says while wearing an amused smirk on his face.
‘Okay well first off, cool it with the nicknames yeah? And secondly you literally texted it for me yesterday. We are goin’ to my favourite restaurant.’ Steven replies proudly while also ashamed for not even having the balls to text you himself. ‘About that…I don’t think that place is open right now- in fact I think all the restaurants are closed today, no?’ Marc remarks and pours himself the long awaited bitter brew. ‘Wha-Whatareyousayin mate??’
‘Well’ He clears his throat ‘when I woke up I saw today's date and remembered that today is that weird holiday, the only thing open are convenience stores and the 24-hour Tesco’ he says, his voice laced in an amused tone and takes a slow sip of his sweetened coffee. ‘Bollocks- what am I gonna do?...I could cook?’ ‘Steven’ ‘No, I-i can't even make a- a salad! How the hell am i supposed to cook for her if I can't cook marc?!’ he says panicked ‘Steven’ marc sternly interrupts, carefully putting his half empty mug on the counter 
‘I can help you. I may not be amazing at it but I can remember a few things from- from what our dad taught us.’ Marc and Steven rarely talked about their past but recently they were kinda forced to deal with it. Just the fact that they, let alone Marc, can mention anything from that time so casually is kind of a huge step for them. 
Marc and Steven spend the rest of the day planning, buying and preparing the food for the date. The time comes when Steven has to take over the body to get ready to pick you up. He finds a shirt in the back of his closet- same oversized cut as his others but a bit less casual and more sleek looking than the usual shirts he wears. His hair is as unruly and fluffy as usual despite Marc insisting on sleeking it back. He convinces him to use some curling cream he had found in the back of the bathroom drawer.
Steven applies it sceptically, coming to the conclusion that it does look pretty good. He makes his way to your address making sure to ring on the right door. Basically buzzing from anxiety, Marc is doing everything to keep him calm and rehearse with him what he was gonna do and say when you ringed him in and opened your door, knowing full well, that all the preparation would fly out the window when he actually met you…Jake is silently watching this all transpire and cant help but be amused at all this, not admitting that he was actually a bit nervous himself.
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You came back from work tired BUT extremely excited to get ready. You had to stay a bit longer than anticipated and thus only had about one hour to get ready. Hopping in the shower as quickly as possible you try to calm down under the warm streams of water hitting your body, melting all the tension out of your back, shoulders and sore legs. Work had been exhausting and this shower was proving to get difficult to leave. But the alarm you had set to remind yourself of the time, successfully cut your relaxation short. You quickly exited your shower wrapping your body in a fluffy white towel. Wiping the steamy mirror to see your reflection more clearly, you start getting ready. Adding whatever products you use to your hair and applying sweet smelling lotion to your body, basically doing any- and everything to make you feel as confident and ready as possible for your date, who was supposed to arrive iiiin…twenty minutes?!
You hurried your makeup routine and rushed to your room quickly picking out an outfit you felt sexy in but also had a grounding and comfy vibe. You threw on a beige knitted sweater, which had an oversized fit with a mini-jean skirt. Paired with sheer brown tights, thigh-high beige cashmere socks and brown leather knee-high, high-heeled boots. Finishing off the look with your favourite jewellery and accessories, you look over at the clock. It's 6.50pm and you are just adding the last finishing touches to your look and making sure you've moved all the important things from your ‘work-bag’ to your ‘going out purse’ when the door rings. ‘He's here’ you mutter to yourself, running to the door making sure it's him and pushing the button to the intercom. ‘Yes, hello?’
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a/n: hope yall liked this chapterrr- in the next chapter you'll be able to read all about the date and i am SO excited for yall to read about it *squeals* don't mean to toot my own horn but GURL it's so good i already wanna post it ♪(´▽`)
The lovely people in my taglist: @lilladyblink14 @lemongirl5910
please notify me if you want to be added/ removed from the Taglist<3
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sopiao · 1 year
hello :3 i absolutely love all of your ghost works !! hopefully studies are getting better for you pooks.
i can’t stop thinking about taking Ghost out but he’s ran out of masks and all of his cloth ones are in the wash so he’s forced to go out in a stupid silly one in public to get what he needs X3.
manifesting everything gets better pookie ;3 -🍅
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oml ty ty 😭 what i’m majoring in is just totally swamping me TmT.
ur so sweet ilysm :,,)
BUT YES, Ghost leaving with you in a silly mask
“Shit” Simon speeds through you, exciting the garage and looking through the junk drawer. You lower your cup and turn to him, dropping your book, leaning to the side of your chair to see what he’s looking for.
“What’s up?” You ask, wondering if you could help, he seemed to be in a rush. He just shook his head and muttered something too low to understand. Shrugging as you continued to your book. If he didn’t want help, he didn’t want help, it’ll be worse if you push it.
Simon rushes past you again into the closet, rummaging around, from what you could hear. Eyes focusing on the ink on paper you can hear him growl in frustration.
His hurried and annoyed stomps echo through the house as he walks into the bedroom, then the laundry room. At this point you aren’t even paying attention to your book. Walking back in front of you. Your eyes trail up to meet him, placing your cup down from your lips.
“What?” You tilt your head. Simon’s avoiding your gaze, rubbing the back of his head. You could tell he’s been working on his motorcycle, even without all of the loud noises coming from the garage, the tips of his fingers coated in a light layer of oil.
“Could you.. uhh.. Get me something?” He asks bashfully and hushed, as if he knows that you’ll say no but tries it anyway. You actually did say no whenever he asked this, multiple times. Every time he did you always got the wrong thing.
“What? Why?” He already knows why.
“You know. Every time I go, I get the wrong thing, then you get mad, then we go back. It’s stupid” He stares at you then looks away defeated, slumping his shoulder as he sighs, in a childish attempt to guilt you.
“Just come with me” You asked, already knowing that he’ll refuse.
“I have no masks” He grunts. You stand up and walk into the bedroom, he follows closely, hoping that there wasn’t one so he wouldn’t have to go out to that shop.
If it weren’t for those people he would have no problem going by himself. Whenever he goes, no matter the time or day, there’s always these loud obnoxious group of men that always over-explain and point out the obvious, even when they’re wrong they’ll just make a joke and pin it on you. Makes everyone uncomfortable and annoyed. Flexing money they don’t have, people they don’t know, etc.
You rummaged deep in a drawer and pulled out a white piece of cloth. No way would Simon wear this but he had no choice. It was a crocheted white balaclava that had sewn bunny ears on the top, it was actually very well crafted, it was from your niece that made it for him for Christmas since he always wore masks.
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“Then I guess you’ll have to wait till tomorrow to get your part. Shop closes in an hour and the wash is finished in 2” You negotiated, not really if it was his only choice. He contemplated between his motorcycle or his dignity would he like to save. Ah shit. He loved that bike more than his dignity. He grumbled annoyed and snatched it from your hand, already making his way to the front.
You chuckled and slipped on your shoes, grabbing the car keys from the counter before following him to the car. He already had on the mask and was in the passenger seat, arms crossed and facing the window away from you.
Entering the car, and making sure he had his seatbelt on, you drove away towards the designated shop with your grumpy passenger princess. No way in hell your gonna let him drive.
“Hurry. I don’t wanna be out here any longer” He grumbled, even when he was upset in an adorable fashion, he still held his hand out for yours, waiting for you to take his hand.
“Lead the way, cotton tail” You tease, walking in together, he beelines towards the nuts and bolts, just wanting to get what he needs and get out of there, no chitchat or pleasantries. Simon rolls his eyes and walks in front of you, immediately looking through the little bins of nuts and bolts. You stand next to him, eyes wandering around the store as your boyfriend collects what he needs.
“Ok. Done. Let’s go” Simon speaks up behind you not even a minute later, obviously hasty to get home and out of this ridiculous(ly cute) mask. It makes you laugh how hasty he is to leave. Usually he would take an extra 20 minutes walking around and looking for things he’ll need for future planned projects.
“Wait. Let’s get paint for the bathroom” You insist, already making your way towards the colorful paint isle, he grumbled, subtly rolls his eyes and follow you before you get lost. For a month, the bathroom’s been torn apart for repairs and renovations, but paint hasn’t been decided yet.
The entire time you looked at the paint cards Simon was fidgeting with his hands, cracking his knuckles and picking at his skin, looking at anyone who looked at him for more than a second. Until, a little boy walked by with his dad, couldn’t be any older than 3. Simon’s height, physique, and overall look is very intimidating. But when that little boy saw him in the bunny mask, he smiled and waved, making Simon’s heart melt.
That was the first time a little kid wasn’t scared of him. That moment gave him instant baby fever, hesitantly waving back at the little boy as he laughed and walked with his father. After that he would wear the bunny balaclava from time to time.
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icouldntcareless22 · 1 year
The girlfriend wannabe (II)
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Lee Minho x reader
Fake Dating trope. Strangers to lovers.
Words: 1.9k
Summary: When a young attractive man asks you to be his girlfriend...when you first meet him...in front of his parents...when you don't even know him...you say yes. Right?!
This is Part 2
AN: I have the next 2 chapters planned, they shouldn't take long. Hope you enjoy the second part!
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"So let me get this straight..A young, incredibly beautiful man came to you, dressed in Armani, and proposed to you to became his girlfriend and you said no!"
You rolled your eyes at Lisa. She was always the one to rush in unfathomable situations and question herself later. You shifted, putting away the clean ceramic cups. "You are aware that I don't even, you know, KNOW him" You mused as you moved to now stack to-go papers on top of each other.
"You could always get to know him!" She raved, hands thrown above her head and expression playfully angry. "You have been alone for a while. It isn't bad to have a little fun" A cry of a customer for help distracted her from her speech. She threw you a look, that clearly stated that this isn't over and she went her way, face now adoring a pretty and professional smile.
You signed and shook your head at her antics. Thankfully you didn't gave a lot of costumers today, a steady flow of people came and went, leaving you undisturbed. The lofi playlist you honeyed in your time here was echoing around the small shop, putting you at ease and makingyour head gently bob to the beat. It was a hole in the wall the little shop you worked it, but you liked it better that way. It saved you energy from dealing with annoying costumers and plus, the owner was too nice to you. Besides making coffee was a relaxing activity to you, you would like to consider yourself a knowledgeable person to the fine art of coffee making. After all, you have been drinking and making it for years now.
The damned doorbell rung again making you shallow a sign. Without looking up you took your place behind the counter and recited your usual poem "Welcome. What can I-what the fuc..."
"Not now, sweetheart. Maybe later, if you are down"
He was here.
Hair sleeked back, the gel he used making it shine. He was donned in a casual outfit, it probably costed more than what you made in 3 days worth. His face was void of makeup this time, somehow softening his face. Duh, you thought, no one has such piercing eyes on his own. His makeup artist had done an incredible work, but this softer look suited him more.
It made him more human like.
Behind trailed a more petite form clad in a army green jacket and converse high tops. A flash of silver draw your attention to his pierced brow and shy grin.
Your gaze bounced back to your so supposed boyfriend, who by now had reached you and made himself right at home at the cashier. Your jaw tensed and you gripped tightly the wood in front of you. "How are you here? What are you doing here?!" You hissed, out of your mind mad.
Okay, he was in a tight spot the previous time and you chucked it up in a moment of stress. But this? Stalking you and getting your information? Showing up at your work like a creep? This was unacceptable!
He dared and cocked his head to the side almost in an innocence manner and whined. Fucking whined. "Aren't you happy to see me baby?"
You stared blanly at him for a moment or two, before he erupted in giggles. An ironic grin lit his face once they died down. Did he had that permanently stitched to his face or something? The sight only served to make you mader so you repeated. "What are you doing here?"
He paused a brief moment to regard you. Nostrils flared, eyes blasting fire and mouth set in a straight line. You must be a sight to be hold because he immediately stepped back and raised his hands in front of him in caution. "I only want to talk. I promise nothing weird."
His hands lowered and that insufferable grin returned. "Why our relationship of course"
You felt heat travel to your face and your veins popping. "There is no relationship, you freak!" You snapped.
His friend was watching the pair of you waringly, no words were spoken. Maybe he was afraid to be involved in the cat fight, that was starting in front of him.
And the cherry on top was the arrival of Lisa. She twirled her way around to reach to you. When she reached, almost floated, towards the front desk, she stopped abruptly. Her eyes darted towards the pair of young men in front of you and then towards you and then at them again, before her eyes bulked and her mouth opened. "It's him, isn't he? Your new fake boyfriend?!" She squealed, clearly excited. She was lightly bouncing on her feet, her smile wide and friendly. "Hi! I'm Lisa!"
"Do you want him instead?" You muttered under your breath. How could she be this calm and well... delusional.
"How can you toss your boyfriend around like this?!" Turning to you with a determined gaze, she cocked her head silent at him. In response you narrowed your eyes at her, mouth pulling at the corners forming an grimace.
Would you really throw me to the wolves like that? Your eyes screamed at her.
Yeah! I would throw you to wolves like that every single damn day! She raised her brows at you, smirking.
"Well now that you are done with the eye thingy..Shall we, doll?" Minho interrupted your very obvious mental conversation. He cocked his head to the sitting area behind him.
"You do know I am, like, in the middle of work..I can't just leave-" you started to say, but was, once again, rudely interrupted.
"I will take over until you talk" Lisa cut in, lifting the counter to slide in next to you, lightly pushing you towards him.
You scoffed as you made your way to the area. You pointed your chin to the nearest table, silently becking him. You settled in the chair with a sour pout. You crossed your hands and watched him stretch with no care. He eventually settled, lounged was more like it, and opened his lips to sprout the biggest stupidity known to mankind.
"So about the girlfriend thing.."
There we go.
"Let me start by saying sorry. I know that all this is kind of ridiculous-"
"Kind of?" You pointed, lifting your brow.
He huffed amusingly. "I know it is ridiculous. But they have been nagging me for weeks now and well, I saw you and decided to strike." He finished, scratching his nape. He had lowered his head, stealing glances at you, not daring to look at you properly. At least he seemed sorry, you bemused.
"First of all, I don't appreciate you coming here like some stalker. This is unacceptable and kind of creepy." You stated, your heated gaze on him
His eyes softened and he briefly met your gaze. You saw the realization and regret on his features . "Sorry, I didn't think how it would came through. It wasn't my intention to scare you. I just need you" he spoke quietly, but with a sincerity you hadn't linked with him...well the 1 day you knew him, at least.
"Thank you for apologizing. And this brings me to the next thing, I don't understand why it has to be me.Tell them that we broke up and find yourself a real girlfriend." You anti-countered, amusement filling you by seeing the boy in front of you squirm.
He signed, hands messing up his hair and making it fluffier "You think I didn't try? I...I tried, but...I- things didn't go as planned. The more I think about it, the easier this seems"
"How so?" You asked, leaning forward on your elbows.
"I can call you when I need to be at a gala. Or to take a couple of pictures to show them. Something easy." He murmured, now playing with the packets of sugar on the table in front of him.
"As I told you, I am not looking for a relationship. Frankly, I don't have time for it, real or not" you amended, not really knowing why you were excusing yourself.
"No, no! I won't take a lot of your time. Besides I will compensate you!" He rushed to fill in, sitting up more in his seat so he can properly face you.
"Ohh do say. What's in for me?" You laughed, finding the conversation more and more ridiculous.
The question brought the smirk back full force. It screamed, I got it in the bag "I will make sure you get an interview with a big marketing company. Your choice. And a recommendation letter. I could say a position there, but you don't seem into the nepotism concept"
"You would be incorrect" you stated, shrugging. Once you get in is when the game starts, how you got there is irrelevant.But that was just your humble view.
"That's even better! You could be my nepo baby!" He giggled, eyes gleaming. With what, you weren't sure. Now that you 'uncovered' your greedy side, he seemed to have relaxed in his wooden chair once again. He was glancing around now, curious as a cat.
In turn, you scanned him, head to toe. He was an attractive gal. Sure, he was a little overconfident and whiny, but nothing over the top. You had certainly met worse and without the resources to back them up, you snickered to yourself. "What's the catch?" You wandered, tapping your chin in wonder.
"What do you mean?" He asked, examing you closely.
"I mean, I get an interview. If you are a people's person, then I get to go at galas. What's in it for you?"
"A peaceful mind. I don't like when my parents...nag" he, carefully,, said.
"You don't seem the kind of person that would paid any attention to his parents nagging" you mused, drumming your fingers to the tabletop. He smirked and shook his head
"You don't know me, sweetheart." He murmured.
"And this is precisely why I can't trust you!" You snickered, leaning back.
"Maybe this is your chance to. So..deal?" He pondered, extending a long hand. You stared at it, as if it would burn you. Did you really wanna do this?
"No impromptu calls. When I am at campus or at work, you can't just expect me to drop everything and come to you." You demanded. It was your way or the highway, you decided and damn a potential interview.
"Of course, baby" he complied easily. Attitude as aloof as ever.
"And no kissing. A little cuddling and a smooch on the cheek is all that I will allow"
"Are you sure, sweetheart?" He purred, his fingers dancing across the table to reach yours. You swatted his fingers away.
"I am positive" you deadpaned.
"Okay, but if you fold, can I consider it fair game?" He asked suggestive, bitting his lips and his eyes zeroing on your form.
"In your dreams, sweetheart" you popped every word, smile widening.
"Oh they will be good ones, I assure you. So deal?" He tried again, extending his hand.
Like the first time you looked at it, but unlike last time, you carefully placed your hand at his.
"Deal" you agreed. Chills took over your body as you spoke the words. "I already don't like this this" you muttered, making him smile at you.
The chair was screeching as he dragged himself away to stand. He looked at his clock, then at you. "The message at your phone is from my number. Save it. We will talk more about the gala via Sms. By the way, you look lovely today, baby. Like the batista of my dreams. Anyway, I have to go see you later" He saluted and turned to his friend that was still hanging by the cashier.
You were too stunned to speak.
Your mind running at full speed to comprehend what happened just now, along with the numerous information you received in less than a second. When your brain managed to get the get-go, he was already half way to the door. The only question you managed was "How did you get my number?!"
Upon hearing your incredulous shout, he turned his head your way, flashed you his hand, fingers moving all over the place and said "Magic"
His giggles were all that was left behind.
You were left seated and astonished, when you felt a presence behind you and a petite hand on your shoulder.
"I like him. You know I have a good eye for people" Lisa said, her eyes pinned to the odd pair of friends that were walking away from you.
"No, you don't " you scoffed.
"Honey, the one with bad eyesight is you, not me"
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
The intimacy of being understood
Chapter 3
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A/N: Thanks for everyone that waits patiently for the updates...please if you're enjoying the miniseries so far let me know!! (and pressure me to post lol)
Warnings: just FLUFF, pure cuteness from this two today ♥
Word count: 1.9 K
Blog Masterlist Series Masterlist
Y/n had been working around the shop for a few hours when someone came to visit. 
The day before, she desisted from tidying the shop and just go home because the costumers took every bit of her energy. It wasn’t like a mass of people that came through the front door or anything like it, she wished. The same amount of costumers came to the shop on Saturday, although a woman kept her walking around and holding books she didn’t end up buying because she complained about the prices. Y/n cursed the woman behind her back when she left. It wasn’t nice, but she was angry and tired. So, the night before, the best idea was to leave the books and made them a problem from future her. 
The owner of the shop threw the rag she used for whipping the front desk and turned around. Y/n was meet with an interesting view. Matty was peeking through a crack he made after opening the door slightly. A few centimetres below Matty’s height, a loud sniff could be heard. 
Y/n listened him say a quiet ‘ah, ah, be a good boy’ which made her smile.
“Hello?” she shouted. 
Matty’s eyes met hers through the little space. He pushed it open a bit more, trying to show his face.
“Hi!” he greeted her. Matty was excited, after all, he hadn’t been around the shop for months.
“What are you doing?” Y/n asked him, a laugh escaping through her lips.
Matty didn’t tell her, instead he asked, “Can we get inside?”
“Um, my dog and I.” the singer clarified. “‘ m not sure if he’s allowed here.” he finally revealed the reason behind his actions. 
“Come inside!” Y/n cheered up knowing a fluffy friend was with him. She loved animals like crazy. The idea of a dog brought up her mood even more than just seeing Matty’s face on a rare Sunday. 
Matty fully opened the door, letting his dog and himself inside. Y/n gasped a little like a child. The dog was even more beautiful than its owner. 
“Sit.” he commanded, the beautiful black haired dog obeyed. 
Y/n kneeled in front of them, meanwhile Matty stayed behind his dog, holding the leash because he knew Mayhem could get way too excited about meeting new people. 
“What’s his name?” she asked, staring into the dark brown eyes of the dog, who was looking at her with his mouth open and his tongue hanging out. 
Matty let her know he was called, “Mayhem.” 
Y/n dared to extend her hand, giving the animal the time to sniff it, so he was sure she wasn’t a danger. Mayhem licked Y/n’s hand and pushed forward towards her body. 
“You’re so beautiful, Mayhem.” she said, letting her hand touch the hair covering his head and scratching behind his ears. The dog loved it. 
“He likes you.” Matty stated after admiring them interact for another minute.
“Do you cutie?”
Matty couldn’t be mad about Y/n giving her entire attention to Mayhem. He was very far from that. The singer loved finding out she was a big dog lover like him.
After a while, Y/n felt very self-conscious and even thought she was being rude, almost ignoring Matty’s presence. She petted Mayhem some more, pushing herself up to be face to face with Matty.
“How are you?” Y/n gifted him a shy smile.
“I’m alright. Wasn’t expecting to see the shop open on a Sunday.” he admitted. 
“It’s actually closed.”
In a fast movement, Matty turned around so he could have a look at the front sign. It indicated the place was in fact closed. He felt a wave of embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. I thought- I didn’t-” Matty tried to explain his actions.
Y/n stopped him, letting her hand touch his, “It’s okay, I was tidying up and going home.” the short contact brought a tingling sensation to Matty’s skin. 
“Do you live far?” the singer found himself asking. 
“A few blocks down the road.”
“We will escort you!” he offered.
Y/n moved a step backwards, “No, please.”
“We insist.”
“Yeah, definitely we.”
“Okay, if Mayhem insists…sure!” Y/n teased him.
The front door of the bookshop closed with a characteristic sound. Y/n turned the keys and tried the knob, checking it was actually blocked. After that, the journey back home with the boys started.
“So…” she spoke first, unsure of her words. “You look-”
Before she could complete the sentence, Matty added, “Exhausted? Horrible? Disgusting?” which made her chuckled. 
“Tired and different, I was going for.” 
“What do you mean?” Matty asked at the same time they stopped under a three, so Mayhem could pee. 
“I’m not sure.”
“Come on, you can say.”
“I- I haven’t seen you in almost two months…of course you’re different. Probably got a hair cut.”
Y/n thought a million different things when he came through the door half hour ago after not seeing him for long months. It had been the first time he spent that long away from the shop since the first time they met. She wasn’t going to admit right away she had missed him, his presence. Y/n did think he looked different, but it wasn’t only a superficial change, like his hair or anything similar. His eyes didn’t hold the sadness any more.
“You didn’t mean it like that.” Matty confront her, starting to walk forward again. 
“I did.”
He didn’t hesitate to accuse her, “Liar.”
“Just tell me.” the singer nudged her arm with his elbow. 
“Not heartbroken any more.” she admitted finally.
Now it was time for Matty to go quiet after a simple, “Mmm.”
“Ah, no! You can’t do that to me now that I’ve said it.”
It was meant to sound like a joke, although Matty’s face and mood changed visibly. Y/n worried something she must’ve said was the reason.
“I feel different.” Matty told her, looking in front of them, seeing how Mayhem leaded the way. Without him noticing, Y/n left all the shyness and admired his features. She admitted it to Kate before, it was impossible to deny it: Matty was very handsome. 
“That’s good, I think?” 
“Being away from here helped.” 
Y/n’s heart broke a little hearing him said that.
“Oh.” her eyes drifted to look at Mayhem too. 
“I just…all here reminded me of her.”
The shop owner kept her feeling buried, trying to focus on his words.
“I get it.” 
And she did because everything around her reminded Y/n about Jason.
Inevitably, silence fell between them. Matty and Y/n walked behind Mayhem for another block until one of them broke the quiet ambient. 
“I did miss the bookshop a lot.” the singer admitted. 
Knowing he was touring around the world made Y/n believe that was just a lie to make her feel better. 
“Bluffing.” she scoffed. 
“Y/n! I’m serious.” Matty fought back, turning half his body towards her, but she ignored him.
“Work was good then?”
“How about the shop? Another regular taking my place?” Matty joked.
“Nah, just Kate and me.”
“I’d like to meet the Kate.” because he really did want that. He thought Kate would probably give him the information he wanted about Y/n. 
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” she hesitated. 
“I love her, but…”
“She’s going to ask you a ton of questions.” Y/n wasn’t wrong, Kate would be civilized from the start until all her inhibitions flew out of the window, and she started asking secrets about the band. Or even telling Matty about Y/n’s secrets or old embarrassing memories they shared. 
“Nothing out of the ordinary for me.”
Y/n got inside her head a little, feeling how knowing he was a rock star at the same time she faked she didn’t know was weighing on her. Although making him uncomfortable wasn’t the idea.
“Why so apprehensive? Is she going to reveal your deepest secrets?” 
“Hundred percent yes.” Y/n nodded.
“Then I really want to get to know her.” Matty watched how Y/n shook her head from side to side, smiling. A big one on his face matching hers. She was so sweet and beautiful. “I can bring Mayhem again.” 
“That’s blackmailing.” Y/n pointed her finger towards his face. And before Matty could say anything more about meeting her friend, Y/n informed him, “This is me.”
Matty and Y/n stood face to face like inside the shop, with the only difference they were in front of her house. 
“It’s getting what you want.” the singer didn’t want to let go the previous conversation. 
“Do you want to meet Kate? I can give you her number.” she would love that, it didn’t matter she was currently dating someone.
“I don’t want her number.”
Something weird happened with the silences between them. For a few seconds they were awkward, although sooner both adults felt okay with it. Those moments didn’t cut the conversations or interactions between them, the opposite, in fact. Every single of them made the friendship stronger, made it comfortable enough for Matty and Y/n to feel free to stay in silence, talk when they feel it, or even bring a dead conversation back. 
 “Can I have your number?” Matty inquired, surprising her.
“I-” Y/n stuttered. The months without speaking were pushing Y/n to just do it, but an alarm inside her head was also loud.
“It’s okay, I’ve shouldn’t-”
“Give me your phone.” Y/n interrupted him. 
Y/n took the device on her hands, ignoring every single part of her mind that shouted ‘stop or don’t’. Every thought was silenced when her eyes meet the pic Matty had of two dogs sleeping on a big couch occupying all the space as his background picture.
“Who’s this one?” the girl pointed to the dog that she recognized it wasn’t Mayhem.
“Allen, my other boy.” Matty said like a proud father. 
“He’s so sweet.”
“He’s a big boy.”
Y/n continued talking, asking, “Where’s he?” without doing the task she was meant to do.
“With my mate, Sam. Mayhem and Allen live with him. We can’t take them together for walks, so he went to the park and I walked around the neighbourhood.” Matty shared with Y/n.
“Ah.” she simply said, returning her sight to the phone. “Sorry, it blocked.”
After a quick and awkward exchange of the phone, Matty returned it. His calloused fingertips meeting the soft skin of her hand. Y/n tapped quickly on his screen, saving her phone number fast.
“Well, I’ll let you enjoy the rest of your day.” Matty wished her. 
Y/n’s features didn’t lie when she said, “I’m enjoying it.” and the singer felt his cheeks warm even though the air was cold.
“Let’s go, M.”
“Goodbye, boys.” Y/n waved behind them.
“Bye, Y/n.”
Once they were out of her view, Y/n got inside her house, sensing her phone vibrate. She took it out of her pocket and opened the newest message.
Hi, this is my number. I forgot to tell you that I missed our chats. See you later, Y/n. Matty xx
Y/n replied a quick, See you soon, Matty x paying zero attention to the mix of feeling on her belly.
Taglist (let me know if you want to be included): @indierockgirrl @x-a-black-winged-dove-x @iregretbeingherewheniwas10 @hswannaknow
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whisker-biscuit · 3 months
Sonic Big Bang 2024
Close Encounters of the Grim Kind: Chapter 3
Through the next few days, Tails discovered three things aside from his alternate dimensional research.
It took about six hours for the probe to make a round trip from him to his new pen pal and back when they tested it.
His pen pal was extremely intelligent and just as interested in the state of the Shatterverse as he was. They did not, however, want to talk about anything else, and especially not themselves.
Sonic was still refusing to share the full picture of what happened during his adventure.
Only one of these things was technically a problem, but the fox was a scientist first and foremost, and a very curious child on top of that. So, he set out to “solve” each and every one.
The first one was easy, relatively speaking. The device had been built to travel indefinitely, collecting data at manageable speeds to be analyzed later. Now that it wasn’t being used as a probe but as a simple messenger, it was no issue to redirect some of its power output away from its memory banks and towards its speed instead. He let his pen pal know what he was doing, and wasn’t surprised when they offered their own assistance, claiming that they had worked with Paradox Prism energy to know how to make movement almost instantaneous. Working off only a fraction of that power instead of the entire prism meant it would still be slower than that, but any upgrade on that front would be an improvement.
Together, they were able to drop the travel time from six hours to two, which helped immensely. It also made Tails debate crossing “Sails” off of his list of potential people, because Sonic never mentioned the pirate ever getting close enough to the Prism to learn how to do that. In the end, he kept the name on because the evidence against its presence was still flimsy.
Additionally, his unknown collaborator sent equations that would allow Tails to duplicate his own technology with Prism energy, which he used to make several more probes to send out across the Shatterverse. None of those devices were intercepted and fed data at a constant rate to his computer for him to observe and report back to the pen pal.
By the end of the week, it became routine for a familiar flash of light to appear in the fox’s shop every few hours. He’d pause in whatever he was working on to read and respond to the message as though it were an overly detailed texting app instead of the intricate probe that he’d built it to be.
[ have you found any interdimensional cracks or signs of decay? ]
– No. So far, none of my probes have registered any anomalies. –
[ good ]
[ i was unable to check for that since losing access to the shards ]
[ was worried it might return even though the paradox prism was reformed ]
– What about you? –
– Did you see anything concerning appear in your own dimension recently? –
[ none so far but ill keep you posted if that changes ]
The second problem took a little longer to work around, and Tails wracked his brain for ways to approach it without raising suspicion. He desperately wanted to know whether he was working with an Eggman above all else. It was hard to think about how their minimal exchange exploring and discussing the Shatterspace’s state of being was beneficial to any version of the mad scientist, but he’d been caught off guard by a convoluted evil scheme before and had no intention of kickstarting another with his own help.
At first, he tried to gauge his mystery partner’s interest in technology.
– I’m sorry my last message was delayed for so long. –
– I was caught up in a new invention idea and lost track of time. –
[ theres no expectation for a prompt response ]
[ im not offended ]
– That’s a relief. Do you ever get tunnel vision with your own projects like me? –
[ yes ]
– Glad to see I’m not alone! –
– What kind of projects do you like to work on? –
Asking that last question led to him being ignored for nearly half a day until one of his probes completed its semi-scheduled data returns, in which his pen pal finally sent the device back asking about its findings. There was no mention of the original inquiry; Tails got the message and didn’t bring the topic up again.
It did make him cross out Mr. Dr. Eggman’s name on his list, however – from what Sonic had told him, the man never would have been able to pass up the chance to brag about his own genius, no matter how obvious the trap.
His second attempt was more roundabout – disguising it as idle curiosity about the Paradox Prism and the Shatterverse.
– There’s still so much we don’t know about all of this. –
– My memory is a bit hazy about what happened when the dimensions split. What do you remember? –
It was admittedly a dangerous gamble. He didn’t know how many people Sonic had told about the Prism being from Green Hill, or that he himself had no recollection of the dimensions breaking apart. Someone as smart as his pen pal might be able to deduce who exactly he was – and by extension, where Sonic was – if he made a single misstep. The last thing Tails wanted was to put another target on his brother’s back even if it was from a source that probably wasn’t much of a current threat without a way to cross dimensions independently. Eggman ingenuity was never a thing to take lightly.
[ i didnt personally notice anything different until sonic first appeared ]
[ he was the catalyst for the changes in our dimension and across the shatterverse ]
Tails couldn’t help but laugh when he received that message.
– Yeah, that seems to be a constant for him. –
– He mentioned he had Prism energy inside his body that allowed him to traverse the dimensions –
– Did you ever see that in action? –
[ yes. it was remarkable to experience ]
[ the first time he used that power, he briefly shut down power in all the machines in a significant area ]
That little tidbit gave the fox pause. He remembered very well Sonic’s description of that event – and how it had happened when he was a captive of the Chaos Council. Without immediately replying, the fox instead found his notebook of names and finally removed Sails from it. Then his pencil hovered over Nine’s name for a solid minute. Sonic had mentioned that dimensional counterpart had been captured at the time as well, but had he actually been there to witness the explosion Sonic had caused?
Asking outright was likely going to go ignored again. He tapped the pencil to paper and stared at the probe as he considered how to react to this new revelation without his pen pal shutting it down.
– What was that power output like? Was it a visible phenomenon? –
Receiving a response within the average two hours made him heave a sigh of relief.
[ extremely visible ]
[ the best way to describe it was a giant rainbow hued shockwave that extended outward from his body ]
[ it was pure unfiltered prism energy with no direction or goal ]
– That sounds incredible. Did the Paradox Prism ever do something like that independent of Sonic? –
[ yes, but it looked a bit different ]
And so, the inquiry turned back around to their research without any further fanfare. As grateful as Tails was for the new hint and frustrated that it was still too vague to fully confirm his pen pal’s identity, he left those follow-up questions alone for the time being. Patience was going to be his best friend in this careful investigation.
Speaking of best friends…
Sonic had finally started to lose his manic energy regarding his friends. He wasn’t pestering them for hang-outs as often, he wasn’t spending most of his time loitering around outside Tails’ workshop anymore, and his daily runs were taking him far enough away again that sometimes it would be more than a day before any of them caught even a glimpse of him. Both Amy and Knuckles expressed their relief to see him settling back in after his solo adventure, and even Rouge made a passing comment about it when they crossed paths.
The fact that he still hadn’t told Tails about everything that had happened wasn’t as worrisome any longer, and probably would have just become idle curiosity if not for how he stumbled onto something he was obviously not meant to see.
He’d been on his way back from Amy’s house and decided to take a quick detour towards the waterfall he had first met Shadow at, hoping to tell the hedgehog that Sonic finally seemed to be doing better again. He’d flown up the cliff from the hill’s side until he reached the very top, but found himself to be the only one there today.
Then the familiar sound of a sonic boom made his ears twitch and he looked out at the landscape.
A blue streak was approaching, followed by a yellow one that was keeping pace but not gaining it. Tails watched, surprised, as his brother came to a stop at the shore of the lake below the waterfall. What was even more surprising was how Shadow caught up a second later and stood beside him instead of challenging him to a spar or another race to even the score. They began speaking, too far away for him to hear, but even from up high he could tell by their body language that it was a tense conversation.
Getting close enough to eavesdrop wasn’t an option. Both hedgehogs had hearing that would pick up his flying immediately, and he was almost certain that whatever they were talking about it would stop the instant they noticed his presence. Feeling a twinge of guilt that wasn’t enough to assuage his interest, the fox pulled out his Miles Electric and began tuning it to amplify the sound waves from below to a frequency he could hear and understand.
“….fine, Shadow, honest! Man, I had no idea you were such a mother hen.”
“It’s not about ‘mothering’, Sonic. It’s a legitimate concern.”
“Aww, you’re concerned about little old me? Never thought I’d hear you confess it outright.”
The sound of their banter made Tails’ shoulders relax when he hadn’t even realized they’d been raised. It meant that whatever they were talking about probably wasn’t all that serious after all. Or it meant…
“Stop deflecting. It’s not going to get you out of this conversation.”
…His brother was avoiding a discussion, again.
Sonic sighed so visibly that Tails didn’t even need his device to see the action. He put his hands on his hips and turned towards the lake, kicking a rock into the water as he did so.
“I really mean it, Shadow. I’m fine. I feel fine. Nothing about that has changed since we returned to Green Hill. I get why you’re worried, but there’s nothing to be worried about anymore.”
“Your brother seemed to think differently.”
“Tails?” His head whipped around so fast to stare at Shadow that all his quills bounced in sync. “What do you mean? You’ve been talking to him? What did he say?”
The other hedgehog crossed his arms, looking irritated even from far below. “Contrary to whatever belief you might hold, we keep in contact when the situation calls for it. He has expressed worry that you aren’t behaving like yourself.”
Tails’ eyes went wide. What was Shadow doing? Hadn’t he been the one who insisted that they keep Sonic out of their arrangement? And now he was blabbing about a private conversation!
“Oh, well, if that’s why you’re suddenly up in my business, don’t worry. We talked it out a while back.”
“Did you?”
“Yes, Shadow, geez. He noticed I’ve been a little…clingy, and I told him it was because I was thinking a lot about the dimensional counterparts we had to leave behind. Plus, y’know, the whole “all my friends became shadows of themselves that I thought I’d never be able to piece back together” part? Pretty obvious why I’ve been off my game the last few weeks.”
“Did you tell him about –”
“No, I didn’t, and I don’t need to.” Sonic’s tone took on a hard edge. “I’m not about to put that on his shoulders. It has nothing to do with him and he’d still feel guilty about it.”
“What happens if you ever start to deteriorate?”
“I’m not going to, Shadow! There’s literally been no reason to worry about that! You are literally the only one worrying about that.”
“Of course I am, Sonic!” The hedgehog closed his eyes. A pained expression flashed across his face and his voice grew softer when he spoke again. “Of course, I am. You were…dying in my arms.”
Tails felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. He backed away from the edge of the cliff and clutched the Miles Electric in shock, hoping he’d misheard what had just been said. The long silence that fell between the two down below was enough of an answer. Too much of an answer.
“Listen, I’m really sorry about that,” Sonic finally said, sounding more somber than he’d been in a long time. “Truly, I am. I wish I could go back and do things differently so you never had to experience that. But I mean it when I say that I haven’t felt any different since we got back. No weird energy, no sparks, no teleporting no matter how fast I’ve been running. Nine said he pulled all of it out of me and I have no reason not to believe him. Especially not after…all of that.”
More silence. Tails curled his namesakes around himself to try and soothe his sudden shaking.
“…You really trust him that much, huh?” Shadow’s voice was unreadable, and so quiet that it was barely audible even through the device.
“Absolutely. Just as much as I trust Tails. We’d all be wiped from existence if it weren’t for him.”
Another long pause.
“Shadow, I get why you’re worried, and I promise I’ll tell you if something changes. We both said we’d be better about communicating after this, didn’t we?”
“We did.”
“Then trust me when I say I’m okay. Please?”
“Thank you.”
“You really should tell someone else about this, though. If not your brother, then one of your friends.”
“I’ll think about it. You up for a race to the ocean?”
“Perhaps another time.”
“Alrighty, then. See you later.”
A blue streak zoomed off, visible for only a few seconds before disappearing beyond the horizon. Tails found the ability to move and peeked back over the side of the cliff. Shadow was still at the lake shore, staring in the direction Sonic had run off in. His back was turned to the waterfall and so the fox couldn’t see his expression. After nearly a minute of standing there like a statue, his rocket shoes kicked into gear and he dashed off as well in a different direction.
Tails sat down right where he was, completely stunned by everything he had just heard and struggling to process it. Sonic had almost died. Sonic had been dying and hadn’t told anyone about it. How had that even happened? They’d mentioned something about “weird energy.” Was that because of the Chaos Council? The Shatterverse breaking down? Him being displaced from the dimensions in the first place and physics had finally caught up to his body?
And why on Mobius did he think Tails would blame himself if he knew?
Thoroughly shaken up, the fox flew straight home. He was still so blindsided by the information he’d unintentionally learned that he didn’t even notice the probe hovering above his desk until he collapsed into his chair after almost an hour of pacing his workshop.
He picked it up almost on autopilot, staring at the latest messages there without really reading them. It was some theory about why the other dimensions still existed with the Paradox Prism reformed, but he couldn’t wrap his head around the words no matter how he tried to distract himself with them. What did pointless theories matter when his own brother had nearly died – might still be at risk of it if Shadow’s concern was valid?
Tails needed answers and he needed them now. Screw Shadow’s terms, screw whether this mystery person was a friend or foe, screw everything that wasn’t going to tell him what he needed to know. If it ensured Sonic’s safety then he’d take any risk.
Instead of replying, the young scientist shut the device off and pulled out its blueprints, along with the notebook he’d used to parse out the equations for how to make it travel faster between dimensions. Additionally, he recalled all of his probes that had been out collecting data. Two hours between messages was too long to wait for each reply. He needed this to be as instantaneous as his pen pal had claimed the Prism energy was capable of, and he was going to use all the energy currently at his disposal to do it.
A preliminary glance at the time told him it was early evening. He turned off or flipped over every clock and time-keeper in his space, knowing this was going to be a long haul. From the kitchen he retrieved a full pitcher of water, an entire half-pan of lasagna leftovers, and three unopened energy drinks. As each probe returned one by one in small flashes of rainbow light, Tails cracked his fingers, stretched his arms once over his head, and got right to work.
It took most of the night. By the time he shut the final panel on the device, finished charging it with all the other probes, and turned it back on, the nearest clock read nearly 3 AM when he dared to look. The fox cradled the device in his hands, thoroughly exhausted. For all the work that he had just accomplished, he knew that was technically the easiest part of this entire thing. The rest hinged entirely on his mystery collaborator.
Tails drank the rest of his last energy drink, then spent the next five minutes crafting a message that would get his intentions across without scaring his pen pal away forever.
– I know we agreed to keep this as solely a research venture but this is urgent. –
– Do you know what happened to Sonic before he returned to Green Hill? Is there a chance it could happen to him again? –
– Please. I need to know. –
He sent it out before he could second-guess the wording. Then he waited.
Nothing came back.
The fox gave it ten minutes. Thirty. An hour. Just like the very first time he’d activated the device, he was left in limbo, waiting and wondering if everything he’d worked so hard for was about to go up in flames. He knew it wasn’t just about technological limitations anymore. There was a small chance that his pen pal was asleep, but their time zones were very different and they seemed to have just as odd a sleeping schedule as he did. The radio silence was most likely an intentional one.
Eventually, out of lack of anything better to do, Tails began cleaning up his work station just to get rid of some of the nervous energy jittering through his body. He glanced at his desk for any sign of flashing lights so often it was quickly becoming a compulsion, and so he forced himself to leave the room entirely. Crawling into bed had him feeling conflicted; he was so tired and on the verge of a crash, but he was terrified that any minute the device would return and he would miss it for hours.
In the end, physical needs won. Tails passed out the moment his head hit the pillow and he drifted off into restless sleep.
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amwife · 1 year
90% of these came to me before i went to sleep for my first day back at skl 😭😭 ill b posting some for every member but aj's the one i finished first 🌚
Tumblr media
Aj -
1. Loves buying little gifts. He seems like he'd lowkey be scared of you leaving him so if you show interest in something he'd definitely have to get it for you. And if he sees a plushie he thinks you'd like? Best be making room on your bed for it. He'd get you a dumb t shirt or funny looking kids toy just because it reminded him of you. Or when he'd make you mad/upset he would go on to buy you tons of stuff to make up for it with a tiny real apology.
2. Lowkey a bad boyfriend. Something about Aj makes me think he isn't romantic with girls and doesn't know what the hell he's doing in the relationship aspect. He'd probably accidentally ghost you for a day because he spent it all playing games and when you call him super worried he'd be confused. Although he'd be great on valentines, he'd probably ask Chunkz a week before to see what he should do but then he'd end up winging it and having a great time with you.
3. You'd be his uber. He could be doing a challenge for a Beta squad video and call you to pick him up and just act like you were an uber to hide your relationship from his fans. Or if you were at his house he'd always ask you to take him to a shop to buy supplies for a video or just for food and stuff.
4. He'd LOVE your cooking or baking. Since he has said he doesn't know how to cook at all, if you did he would beg you to make food for him. If he finds out you were making something he'd come over to your home just to get some. He would try buy you all the ingredients if you said you didn't have any. And if he were mad at you and you made brownies or cookies or anything? He's over it and on his way to your house to get some food. "Babe, I'm sorry. I made brownies?" "I'll be there in 10."
5. Super protective. You're talking to another guy? Not without Aj wrapping himself around you. You wanna hangout with a guy by yourself? That's crazy talk. "Aj. He has a boyfriend!" "I'd tell you I were gay to get with you." He'd piss you off by talking to other girls if you ever made him mad on purpose. Literally so petty when it comes to jealousy, he'd always one up you but never take it far enough that it's cheating. If any guy ever hits on you, somebody would have to hold him back because he'd go feral.
6. It'd be a secret. He'd probably take a while to introduce you to his friends and family, taking extra long with his friends just incase. Definitely was scared you'd think his friends were better than him, but his fears died after the first couple times you met them. Plus he probably thought it was more fun as a secret and unsuccessfully tried to sneak out of the Beta house a couple times to see you, forgetting he's an adult and doesn't have to tell them what he's doing. He tried to be slick when texting you in front of his friends but they all knew he had a girlfriend probably the day he copped her.
7. Touchy. This man isn't touchy in kisses and hand holding way, this man is touchy in the way it's basically fucking. You've probably had people ask if you were okay since it looks like Aj was groping you in public. Always has a hand on your ass when you both are standing side by side, or has his hand a on your upper thigh. He'll never make you uncomfortable or touch you in public (unless you wanted to) but he just keeps his hands in places to show that the relationship is definitely more than friends between the both of you. It's either you let him hold your ass or the most touch you get is shoulders rubbing together.
8. Matching outfits. He'd think matching outfits was adorable and would love the idea of twinning with his girl. Even just matching hats or jewellery would make him happy. You could buy literal onesies and he'd wear it, despite him getting ganged up on by his friends. He definitely has screenshots of things he might wanna buy that could be matching for the both of you.
9. You cannot tell me this man is not a simp. He definitely doesn't act like it or really show it but he is down BAD. He'd act as if it was a highschool crush and couldn't be seen looking at you even if everyone already knew you both were dating. He probably even has another account on social media just to save edits and photos of the two of you without the posters knowing it was him.
10. Great fuck.
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penvisions · 1 year
the melting point {chapter 3}
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Baker! Reader (ex EMT! Reader)
Summary: Your triggers have successfully complicated your life, once again. Something you had hoped would be easier to deal with upon moving. You try to pick up the pieces after the fact. 
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: breach of professionalism on benny’s part, flirting, mentions of past depression, description of reader to establish future plot points, soft touches that ignite the soul 
ao3 link || series masterlist || main masterlist 
“Um, yes. Hi, hello. I have this number down as the emergency contact for…” Benny scrambled to search your gym profile for your last name and paired it with your first.
“Is she okay?” The man’s voice on the other side of the line was rushed, worry flooding through the receiver of the gym phone.
“I’m not entirely sure, I’m the owner of Brass Knuckles, it’s gym here in Florida. She’s been a daily visitor for the last 6 months, same time every day. But it’s been a week since she’s been in.”
“Benny? Ben Miller?” The voice seemed to breath a sigh of relief. “I thought this was going to be a call from a hospital…”
“She’s more than just a patron, sir. I’ve been on good speaking terms with her and she always brings us stuff from the bakery, we just,” Now it was Benny’s turn to sigh. “We just want to know that she’s okay, she was supposed to meet us for drinks this past Friday but never showed up, even after an ‘on my way’ message.”
“Last Friday?”
“Yes, sir.”
“This time of year is tough for her, if I hadn’t been so wrapped up with my kid, I would’ve flown out to be with her. She…probably wouldn’t want me to tell you what’s going on, but you seem genuine enough and she’s told me about you and your friends in passing.”
“Tough time of year?”
“She’s a retired EMT, Benny.”
“Oh. Oh! Oh no.” Benny may be a little naïve sometimes when it came to social cues but he knew that you were too young to have retired from something that took years and schooling to get accomplished such as EMT, medical work. “Say no more, really, if she wants to share the details with us, then we’ll wait until she’s ready.”
“You’re a good man, Benny. She’s gushed about you before, says you’re always nice to her and that even though she declines, you always make her offers to hang out and even if she doesn’t say it, she really does appreciate it. It’s…just hard for her to be around people and out in crowds sometimes.”
“Has she at least opened the bakery within the last week?”
“No, sir, she hasn’t. It’s been dark since I checked on her after the weekend. I’ve rerouted my way home to check everyday since.”
“Shit, okay. She’s been responding fine, short but fine. Let me see if I can rearrange some stuff and get out there.”
“I can also reach out in a more concrete way, if you think it will help. My friends and I…we’re retired military. So we get the whole overwhelmed with a past life thing. I’ve been debating calling her or the shop, but didn’t want to breach professionally anymore than I already had, this was, I’m very sorry but a breach enough in itself.”
“No, no. I really do appreciate you reaching out, she’s a good girl, she just gets lost in her head sometimes and shuts down. I think that’s why she moved, to try and get a better handle on it. Get some space from the things around town that triggered her.”
“Okay, I totally understand. Do you think flowers would be over the line, the guys and I want her to know that we’re here for her and we aren’t mad.”
“I think flowers would be perfect, she loves chrysanthemums.”
“I’ll order some and let the guys sign the card, I’ll drop them off tonight after I close up.”
“Thank you, really. You’re a good friend, she needs those.”
Frankie had no idea how he ended up parking along the street in front of your bakery with a vase of beautiful white flowers. He had gotten the text of Benny’s plan in the group chat. Explaining briefly that he had reached out to your emergency contact and had come to find out you were just as damaged as the rest of them. Everyone was quick to agree to the flower idea, everyone showing up around close with the intent to sign the card for you. Living the closest to you, Frankie had been volunteered to be the delivery boy. He hadn’t argued but he did feel out of place. He didn’t even know you as much as the others, but he wanted to…
He had been so worried his added presence had turned you off from the bar that night last week. He wasn’t happy with the real reason but he was grateful he wasn’t the cause of your trepidation. Sighing, Frankie glanced at the card one more time, he hadn’t figured out what little blurb to say and had just opted to sign his name with a smiley face. It looked a little funny but it was cute, he thought.
Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention, someone was walking about in the bakery behind the counter, the lights having been flickered on. With a nervous huff, Frankie carefully picked up the vase and got out of his truck. He knocked on the front door, the closed sign in his face making him feel like a fool, but he had seen you inside, he was sure of it. The slight smell of something sweet decorated the air.
He watched as your head popped up from where you must’ve been crouched behind the counter, your brows knit together in confusion. Then a blush when your eyes met his own through the glass. You stood, running your hands down the black apron that was over a simple outfit of black jeans and a dark heather gray ribbed tank top, the cut of it showing the tattoos that decorated your arms. He had been so distracted by your expression last time that he hadn’t noticed them. He took in the plants you had on each shoulder / collarbone, symmetrical in their placement and design. Others made up loose sleeves on your arms, some bare patches making him wonder what you were going to fill them up with.
You walked slowly to the door, a small hesitant wave letting him know you recognized him. You reached up to tighten the bun that piled all your hair atop your head before reached to unlock the door.
“Well, hi there.” Your voice was quiet, but you didn’t run away from him so he felt a little like he was floating on air.
“Hi.” He cleared his throat as he inclined his head in a silent question. When you stepped aside, he walked over the threshold and into the shop. He heard you click the lock back into place as he looked around. You had one large display case by the register at the back of the space, two shelving units off to the right from the door with jars and other things he couldn’t make out. There were three small, but comfy tables on the left and a squishy leather couch with a coffee table facing the shelving.
“We uh, wanted to let you know we were thinkin’ of you. We got you flowers. Taylor said they were your favorite?” Frankie held out the vase to you when he turned back around from his exploration of the space. Your eyes held a caution he was all too familiar with.
“He told me Benny called him, said to not mess up the chance at making some good friends down here.”
You reached out for the vase, your fingers brushing Frankie’s and you both felt the tingles of contact. You closed your eyes as you brought them up to sniff. The motion allowed Frankie to see the dark circles under your eyes, the way your freckles were darker on your muted skin, you didn’t look like you had been outside since he last saw you. He felt heat rise up his face as he watched the same rise up yours, a shy smile gracing your features.
“Are you busy right now?”
“Me? Oh, um…” Frankie thought of how his mom was watching over his daughter, it was summer so she was out of school and had been scooped up from daycare a few hours ago. The drive wasn’t too far, on the other side of town, which he had reminded the guys of when he had been volunteered to come here on his way. But now he didn’t regret the task at all, your presence was calming even if he was the one who was supposed to be offering support right now. “Let me make a call real quick?”
“Oh, that’s okay. I shouldn’t have been so forward, we barely know each other…” You broke away from his gaze, looking down at the ground and then toward the back of the shop.
“I don’t mind!” He rushed to say, hand coming up to rub at the back of his neck. He was sure what he said next would break the spell regardless. Women were always thrown off by the single dad revelation, he was sure this wouldn’t be any different. “I just have to check in with my mom, she’s watching my daughter for me.”
“Oh! Don’t let me steal you away from that. I didn’t have anything in mind, just…wanted to see if you were interested in helping with the batch of cookies I just started. But it’s totally okay, I get it, kids are the priority and I didn’t realize you were already spoken for.” You hastily walked away from him, going to the register counter and setting the vase down. You wouldn’t look at him. You were so embarrassed, of course Frankie had a wife and a kid. Off limits, with a family he had to get home to.
“No, wait. No. I’m not married. Lex’s mother took off on us a few years after she was born.��� He followed you and placed a hesitant hand on your shoulder. Your skin was so soft underneath his fingers, the tattoos begging to be traced and explored. “Just give me a second and I’ll be right back.”
“Take the room, no need to go back out in the heat. I’ll be in the kitchen.” You picked the vase back up and with another shy smile you disappeared behind swinging door that led to the back of the space behind the counter.
After a quick call asking if everyone was alright and if it would be okay for him to come fetch Lex after dinner and bath time. His mother had insisted that Lex stay the night if he had plans, something he seldom had. She bid him a good time with a smile in her voice and a promise to send a goodnight video once bath time was over. Frankie took a second to collect himself, he glanced down at his dirty clothing, self-conscious of the oil and grime that stained him. He had gone straight to Brass Knuckles after his shift at the mechanic shop he worked part time at. He wished he could take a shower and look nicer for you.
He felt all of his troubles melt away when he pushed the swinging door to enter the kitchen, the sight of you rolling out a large sheet of what looked like sugar cookie dough on a floured counter surface. Your arms were toned, he noted, the muscles moving with practiced ease as you rolled it out to the thinness you wanted. When you looked up, a small smile on your face he felt his heart thump loudly in his chest.
“Alright, you’ve officially stolen me.” He tossed you a playful wink, loving the way your cheeks flushed at his boldness. “What would you like me to do?”
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tennisthemedhatesex · 9 months
Listen. I am just an endless death note AU generator. Currently I have the following going on:
Coffee shop AU but starting slightly before Light becomes Kira: Light meets this mysterious stranger who was tired/felt like adding weirdness to the world one morning and didn't choose a false name for his coffee orders, and it becomes this sort of running joke/game between them with Light trying to figure out his name or various lore about him and L finding this extremely amusing. But then Light finds the death note. L joins the case. Neither of them know this about each other yet, and as Light and L begin to suspect each other they're still keeping up the charade of casual friendship and a half-joking challenge while it takes on a whole additional dimension and they're catching feelings. Hell on earth for poor Light. They have chess sex at one point.
Death Note Randall and Hopkirk (deceased) AU: my personal favorite but extremely niche. Basically ghost L but. a Specific Flavor. Not only do I steal the rahd lore, but there are some Details (muahaha etc.) You don't need to have seen rahd to enjoy it. Here's a playlist but you could not get me to post the actual fic yet under torture
Modern day AU but the main way that this effects the plot is that Light is majorly into competitive Microsoft Excel and L is secretly the world champion that he's had an intense rivalry with ever since Light started.
Another ghost L thing but in this one L possesses Light's body after his death and now they have to Share
Similar to those time travel AUs where Light and/or L gets sent back and have to decide whether to make different decisions except it's the task force (excluding L and Light) and they have to decide whether to try to prove it and arrest him or try to help him and whether they should let Light know about this or if that would be a death sentence. Lots of problem solving, lots of decision making, Light gets to unmask <3 (This one was inspired by (but different from) a tumblr post I should add a link to if I can find it)
One where I mess with the lore so that Light is transforming into a shinigami due to the number of people he has killed (symbolism etc) but this starts right before his confinement so he has to try to hide it and it generally messes up his plans horribly because. Imagine being under constant observation by the world's greatest detective but you're literally transforming into a death god while trying to hide that anything is unusual about you at all.
"Characters watch the show" but it's characters get transported to this world and exposed to modern fandom. This takes place during the warehouse so Light's alive but Mikami is there. They're just yoinked out of there. There is another version of this that takes place during Yotsuba Arc instead.
Along similar-ish lines, a blatantly comedic fic where L reads explicit rpf about L and Kira in front of Light at one point during Yotsuba Arc and Light gets really mad about it leading to intense debate of what Kira would be like in bed, among other things. Keep in mind Light does not have his memories but he does have strong opinions on the topic, for some mysterious reason that Light tries really hard to justify to himself
And more. I love making things worse for my poor little meow meow specifically because I understand his brand of problem solving on a spiritual level and I like to watch it play out. But also because pushing Light to his extremes and seeing how much it takes for him to snap is like crack to me. Mentally putting this guy in saw traps.
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yatgb · 6 months
Okay well i GUESSSS i can ramble about agent 8 🙄 if i mustt
He/She Eight forever and always ^-^ people (including herself) default to she/her but she doesnt mind! Either prns are fine any time. Also doesnt label her sexuality he's just balling
Aside from all the sanitized kamabo bullshit i think hitting her head after the fight with agent 3 actually did give her some Lasting Brain Damage, and she has problems with forgetting things. Her and Agent 4's apartment is PLASTERED with sticky note reminders, even for stuff like "close the fridge" "turn off the stove" because she WILL forget to do that part
Agent 4 made her a little cookbook that step-by-step tells her how to make her favorite foods with those menial reminders to turn stuff on and off and close doors
AND she and Agent 4 have made what they call Eight's Brain Board, whoch is a crime board style corkboard that lays out all her memories and how they relate to each other just in case she forgets again. Proudly on display in their room
Likes wood-and-metalworking just to make little trinkets, most of the time Octivus or Squidmas gifts. The definition of Hobby On The Side that keeps her hands sharp. The first one she made on the surface was a little Salmonid keychain she gifted to Agent 4 ^-^
Still writes poetry too. She doesnt mean for it to be 8-8-8 syllables they literally just. Happen like that. She'll write a poem about literally anything. she wrote one about Agent 4's freckles
I know Donny is the shopkeeper in-game but Eight is the actual store manager for the Ammo Knights in Inkopolis Square. Sheldon hired her before he moved to Splatsville and she proved to be a VERY good employee so he let her take over the store
She and Sheldon often have friendly races between who can take apart and put a weapon back together the quickest. Eight's record is less than 2 minutes for a Hydra Splatling
Eight takes her job SUPER seriously and absolutely Will Not Budge on anything like prices or weapon availability. No "i left my ID at home" or "i'm basically level 10 cant i just have that one" she does NOT care. Rules are rules and by jove she will not only follow but she WILL enforce them
^ that being said she also HATES Grizzco. She doesnt like their shady vibe and has heard many horror stories about the actual work from Agent 4 (who works there to pay off his student loans) and she really really REALLY despises how they illegally modify weapons for golden rotations. Every time she finds a modified weapon she instantly confiscates and dismantles it. It's like a spit in the face to her entire career and she will not stand for it
Very good with teenagers! Mostly bc thats the majority of who comes into the shop. She loves hearing about their battle tales and has been jotting down little plotlines that unfold in her store (like a kid trying a new weapon to impress their crush, or someone climbing up the ranks in Clam Blitz, that type thing)
She has a reputation for being super nice to everyone but really its because she just has a really long fuse. It takes a LOT to get her mad
Charger main! She's amazing with any charger you put in front of her and she's an absolute MENACE in an inkbattle. Her favorites change but "you can never go wrong with a good and standard Splat Charger"
Her favorite battle mode is Tower Control!
She also Is crushing on Cap3 but she will literally never make a move. Partly bc they live across the ocean in splatsville now but also It's Agent 3. The Legendary Agent 3. Theyre Too Cool For Me (Agent 4 has been trying to wingman them together ever since they started hanging out. the pining is mutual theyre both just flustered. Hes suffering)
Idol relationships!!!!!!! Since she is genuinely good friends with Agent 3 she's frienda by proxy with the squid sisters. They dont really have a lot in common and dont hang out much but she and Marie like being menaces in inkbattles together because theyre both cracked with a Charger and love causing problems. Imagine 2 E-Liters on the Brinewater ledge. Hell. She finds it easy to chat with Callie and they'll talk about literally anything. Callie just has that effect on people i think
She sees Pearl and Marina as cousins, partly bc Pearl started calling her Cousin as a nickname but they really are like family. She lived with them for a solid month learning the language and etiquitte before they couldnt put off their Idol Jobs any longer, which is when she started living with Agent 4. They check in with each other every day and fuckig. LOVE EACH OTHER. She always gets front row tickets to their shows
Has only met Deep Cut very very briefly while being a roadie for OTH's world tour. They indimidate her but she'll take Marina's word that Big Man is chill at least. She's also heard good things about their heroism in Alterna from Cap3 so at the moment theyre vaguely Okay in her book
Also besties with Acht ^-^ initially bonding over Side Order bullshit but she finds their practical blunt nature to be really refreshing and calming. They mostly parallel-play when they hang out together. Like cats. She really likes their new music (can't listen to any Kamabo songs without feeling Bad after :( trauma and all. Acht respects this)
Shelly and Donny absolutely LOVE HER. She always entertains their kiddie ramblings and helps them out if they need a hand at their store, and theyre always welcome to work at her store if theirs is slow and they want something to do. She teaches them more about the weapons in a hands-on way so they have more to tell the customers rather than just parroting Sheldon
Speaking of, she's also great friends with Sheldon! Technically he's her boss but hes a very chill boss and she's been invited to family gatglherings outside of work and such. A good friend to the Shellendorf family!
"Hey eight how are you so cheerful all the time you have a very busy job and lots of friends to keep up with! Whats your secret!" Shes literally just in love with life. Thats it. After dealing with so much shit underground and nearly losing everything in Kamabo she has a huge appreciation for life itself. She relishes in the good and accepts the bad because at least she has a choice to experience it all. That being said can trauma responses go away she doesnt quite like those
(Hiiii :3 watch out here comes the extremely thought out backstory i made under the cut)
The reason shes so good with Chargers is actually because she was training under a Special Forces unit in the Octarian Army
She was known in her class for being super smart and quick on her feet but she just CANT build up any muscle mass, and the wasabi supply unit were already thinking of allowing Certain Octolings to use Chargers and Splatlings without being Octocommanders or Octosnipers, so they decided to guinea pig her with a Charger along with a smattering of other similar Octolings
She became like. SUPER good at using Chargers and a lot of her peers would call her The Next Marina because she surprised everyone with how cracked she was at like everything they threw at her. She never liked this comprison due to wanting to just Be Herself
She was also known for being extremely caring and empathetic, which landed her in hot water for speaking out against the way she and her fellow colleagues were treated as faceless soldiers, and wondered if plotting against the Inklings was even worth it st this point. She famously got in MASSIVE trouble for insinuating that they let The Great Zapfish go and was in Detention/Jail for like a While and nearly lost all her progress climbing up the ranks
Alsooooooo :3 in my personal canon she was part of the squad to escort Callie into Octo Canyon. It was her first time ever on the surface and once she got a taste for the real sun she needed more of it
(I know Octo Expansion is likely happening the same time as Splat2 Hero Mode but it makes sense for my canon for it to happen After)
Also she's 18 st the start of Octo Expansion just to tie back into the whole 8 thing they had going on
The whole hypnoshade thing was also thrust on Callie as a surprise and like. It's not fun to be Surprise Brainwashed so of course she fought back before the hypnoshades took effect. Eight still has a scar on her shoulder from where Callie dug her nails in. That experience was also the final nail in the "i gotta get out of here" coffin
Even though she had made up her mind to run away to the surface, it still really hurt to leave her life behind. She had real friends and even something romantic going on with someone special, as well as having actual good standings in the army with a bright future ahead of her, but the surface was more worth it in her eyes. being able to have her own life instead of one she was forced into was so appealing. Her friends think she's selfish and definitely resent her now (even though theyre fuzzed and barely remember her in turn)
Oh and also her name used to be Maia Idachi :3 but since she doesnt know her old name she can't find her file in Cap'n Cuttlefish's dossier. She doesn't want to go by facial recognition in case she mistakes her fime for someone else's and remembers something that never happened to her yknow (got Maia from amai, the japanese word to describe something sweet to tie into her being caring and empathetic, and Idachi from Idako which is the word for a species of Octopus)
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starburstjuno · 2 years
Best Friend’s Sister | Robin Buckley
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plot : ever since robin and steve had become friends, robin’s had a very hard time keeping her mind-and eyes-off of steve’s sister y/n.
warnings : it’s just pining and fluff, that’s it. oh also! it’s kind of a mash up of season 3 & 4 because robin and steve’s relationship is like it is in season 4, but the actual one shot is set in late summer 1984 (we’re pretending s3 didn’t happen for this one besties)
word count : 1.1k
masterlist | requests open
(part two - brother's best friend)
Robin’s fingers drummed against the linoleum countertop, a sigh passing her lips. Scoops was completely dead right now, meaning Steve could keep snoring away in the back room while Robin watched the people in the food court bustling around. She still didn’t understand why Scoops had to open when the rest of the food court opened, because who was getting ice cream at ten in the morning? This meant the first few hours of each shift were unendingly boring. Steve usually took the sleeping in the back room option, which meant Robin had to at least pretend to be the responsible one and stand behind the counter. That’s how she found herself in her current situation, contemplating wether or not Steve would be mad at her if she quit, when some movement towards the front of the store roused her from her thoughts.
“Hey Robin!” Robin’s heart rate kicked up by a million as she laid eyes on Y/N Harrington. Y/N also worked in the mall, but her job was much more glamorous than slinging ice cream.
“Hey Y/N.” Robin smiled as Y/N walked up to the counter. “Macy’s decide to give you an early lunch today?”
“No way, never.” Y/N snorted, and Robin couldn’t help the lovesick look on her face as she watched Y/N’s nose scrunch up when she laughed. Even in the horrible fluorescent lighting, Y/N looked down right ethereal. “I’m off today.”
“So what the hell are you doing here?” Robin’s eyebrows furrowed. She avoided the mall like the plague when she wasn’t working, she couldn’t imagine willingly coming here unless she was getting paid to do so.
“I got bored.” Y/N shrugged. “Our parents are out of town again, and you two are obviously not super available to hang out right now, so I figured I could just come down here and hang until it gets busy.” Y/N glanced around the completely empty store, also taking note of how everyone else in the food court was acting like they couldn’t even see the ice cream shop. “By the looks of it, and the fact that I can hear Steve snoring from here, I’m sure you won’t mind the company. Right, Robin?”
“Yeah, course not.” Robin nodded, her heart fluttering at hearing Y/N say her name. “I’ve been standing here for like a million years, bored out of my mind. Any company is more than welcome, especially yours.”
“Aw, don’t make me blush.” Y/N giggled, leaning on the counter. “Hey, so have you heard about that new movie from the guy who made The Hills Have Eyes?”
“Nope.” Robin shook her head. “You know I’m not crazy about scary movies.”
“Oh come on!” Y/N huffed. “This one looks really cool!”
“What’s it about?” Robin asked reluctantly, rolling her eyes.
“It’s like, this group of teenagers who are getting haunted, and hunted, in their dreams by the same guy.” Y/N explained excitedly. “It’s called Nightmare on Elm Street and it comes out in a few months.”
“Alright, fine, that does sound pretty good.” Robin admitted, to which Y/N happily clapped her hands.
“We’ll have to go see it when it comes out!” Y/N insisted, reaching over and taking one of Robin’s hands between hers. “We could go opening night! Be the first people to see it! What do you say?” Robin was near hyperventilation, having never touched Y/N before and now her hand was clutched between Y/N’s hands.
“Y-Yeah.” Robin squeaked out, too nervous to say anything else. Y/N opened her mouth to say something when a loud crash sounded from the back room. Y/N let Robin’s hand go, somehow beating her to the back room door even though Robin had been closer. Throwing open the door, the girls easily discovered the origin of the sound. Steve, who’d been leaned back and sleeping in a chair, had fallen off his chair while trying to roll over in his sleep and ended up on the linoleum.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Y/N sighed, walking into the back room as Steve began to sit up, groaning. “Hey, you hurt or anything?”
“I don’t think so.” Steve sighed, rolling over onto his back. “Bad way to wake up, though, shit.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re not hurt…dumbass.”
“Shut up.” Steve groaned, weakly swinging one of his arms up in Y/N’s direction. He was too tired to even reach her though, letting his arm fall back down lazily.
“How the fuck do you fall out of a chair, Steve?” Y/N joked, smirking down at her older brother. “Like seriously.”
“I was asleep!” Steve defended, and Y/N laughed in his face. “You’re being mean.” He pouted, his eyes moving over to the door when he saw Robin shift out of the corner of his eye. “Robin! Y/N’s being mean to me!”
“And?” Robin asked, crossing her arms. “You guys are the siblings, I’m just here. I have no skin in this game.” Steve sighed, rolling his head over. “Hey, isn’t your hair gonna get all dirty if you stay on the ground?” Steve’s eyes widened as Y/N’s laughter increased about tenfold. Steve hurried off the floor, cursing and beginning to rake his hands through his hair in an attempt to get anything out.
“You two suck.” Steve pouted, still futzing with his hair as he moved past Robin and out into the shop. Anything in an attempt to get away from his sister’s laughter, though being on the other side of a thin wall with a window didn’t do much.
“Did you see the look on his face?” Y/N laughed, looking over at Robin as she stepped inside and let the door shut behind her. “Oh my god.”
“Shut up, Y/N!” Steve huffed from the front. “It wasn’t funny.” Y/N tried to compose herself, giggles bubbling up as she crossed the room and pulled open the sliding window.
“You know what, Steve? You’re right. It wasn’t funny.” Y/N did her best to sound serious as Steve turned around to look at her with an annoyed expression. He knew what was coming. “It was downright hilarious.” Y/N’s full laughter bubbled back up, Steve turning back around and sticking up his middle finger behind his back at her. Robin watched from next to the door, her eyes stuck on Y/N. Her body shook with laughter, her hand over her mouth in a feeble attempt to muffle the sounds and the corners of her eyes and the bridge of her nose scrunched up. Robin stared and stared and stared, her mind blank besides the image of beauty in front of her. It was at this moment, as Y/N began to further tease Steve through the still open serving window, that Robin had a realization.
A realization she probably should’ve had a lot sooner, really. Robin Buckley was completely, totally, and utterly in love with Y/N Harrington. Of course, she thought, of course it’s my best friend’s sister that I’m into.
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Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter
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Let's talk about a very silly movie starring Kung Fu Jesus Christ trying to stop a group of vampires from committing hate-crimes. That's right baby, it's Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter!
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Things are grim in Ottowa, Canada. A string of vampiric murders have targeted the local lesbian population and severely impacted church memberships to boot. The church decides to pull out their secret weapon...
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This alone should be enough to sell you on the movie, but let me just throw in that besides vampires and Jesus it also contains (bad) kung fu and musical elements.
I should however also do my usual content warning for the movie: While it doesn't contain any major sexual assault, homophobic or racist scenes, it does still come from the tradition of Troma pictures, so there is a recurring gag with a female character getting groped, a villainous character french-kissing a corpse, some general distasteful bits and just... So much blasphemy (obviously).
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But back to the story:
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Jesus gets several make-overs throughout the story, first of which includes a haircut, a couple of earrings and a song-and dance routine in which he proves his might by healing the sick in front of a public crowd.
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There's sadly not a lot of diagetic singing and dancing, but the soundtrack does slap, and the movie more than makes up for it with memorable scenes, such as when Jesus has just been out shopping for wood for stakes, but gets accosted by a new enemy:
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After which we are treated to a scene of some 30+ atheist combatants leaving a single (clown?) car, followed by a very dumb fight scene.
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Jesus finds out that the reason that vampires can travel freely in the sunlight is that a mad scientist has been grafting the skin of the dead lesbians they've been kidnapping unto them, thereby protecting them from the deadly rays of the sun. For any vampires reading this, there's a thought, eh? Although maybe steer clear of the hate crimes.
However, Jesus on his own is no match for the entire vampire population and he gets completely trounced, at which point the movie treats us to a wonderful little take on the parable of the good Samaritan:
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That's right, first a bishop walks past Jesus without helping him, then a cop (ACAB) and finally he gets help from a transvestite (according to the credits), who nurses him back to health. Support your trans communities as they would support you. <3
And that is generally the message of the movie. I don't want to spoil anything else. The movie is very worth watching, it's genuinely funny while also being very supportive of queer people. It's currently less than €3 on German Amazon, so go grab yourself a copy and experience this wonderful low-budget masterpiece for yourself.
I'll just leave you with this:
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