#2nd day 9.10.2023
nataliesnews · 1 year
2nd day 9.10.2023
I can't believe that Friday night I was having supper with friends at the American colony after a particularly violent demonstration at Sheikh and saying to them I am just exhausted mentally. I want to get out of here for a while. They told  me that they were going to do a trip down the Rhine and even though I swore that I would not go to Germany....I had gone for Ayal and Uta but thought that was that and I found myself sitting there and thinking ....what the hell and thinking what the hell. What we are doing here .....I told them to send me the particulars and even though they said that it was a very expensive trip I thought I have to get out. I have to clear my head. Little did I know.
 1973  Six days   Yom Kippur started terribly but after a few days the feeling was that things were under control. But this time we thought it would  be over in a day and here we are the third day and fighting on many fronts. And for the first time I have a very bad feeling. For the first time tonight I will go to bed dressed and I have packed my rucksack with water, a snack and warm clothing. Up to now I have not gone into the small shelter we have or sat in the corridors but I prefer to be prepared. The two sirens today....we heard the rockets landing but the second one was definitely closer though it is really only on the outskirts. I am terrified that Netanyahu whom I truly believe is not normal and held up by people who are even more so does not care if Israel is reduced to small areas of opposition. I remembered that years ago I sat with a Moslem friend.....when Hamas was just starting out and the government was supporting them...... and said that I thought that they would be a dangerous enemy and he said that they were only interested in religion.   I thought often that the villages in the occupied areas would rise up against us but thought it could not happen. Now too the army has closed up all the exits to the villages. But if they really want to get out and don't care how many get killed? But I never thought it would come from Gaza.
700 dead.   Have their families been notified? The speaker for the army says that there are no more Hamas in Israel.  I do not believe him.  He says there are bodies of terrorists lying all over the show.  Not a peep from our prime minister . We are told that we are winning. I am so sick of empty bombastic threats.  It   reminds me of the song in My Fair lady. Don’t talk of love.  Show me. Now we are told that two areas in the south are still under attack. The spokesman can’t even get his lies straight.  Have I told you that the main door of Nofim is kept closed and we have been told to lock our doors.   The one sad and funny story was a rocket near Jerusalem.  The lady was wounded but her dog was also treated by a veterinarian.   My friend, Sarah Sherman, asked me to come to her retirement home to speak to two of her people. I did not feel like going but felt worse to refuse so I spoke to a Palestinian lady of 100 in my broken Arabic and to a Russian lady who was an English teacher. 
 Now the good news for the families of those kidnapped. The government evidently does not intend to enter into any bargaining. Does this mean that we will eventually return bodies for bodies. I wonder about the pilots who said they would not serve. If now they are amongst those bombing Gaza.   I don’t envy them the decision. We are now told on the news to start hoarding enough food and water for a few days.  They should teach their grandmothers to suck eggs.  I already started doing that yesterday.   I have two emergency lights. There is already a lack of bottled water in the stores.  In the meantime I have enough beer, vodka and tonic water.  I Ann sick if hearing that we are at war. What all of a sudden are they telling us to hoard food, etc.  What are they hiding from us. And now the incredible story of a restaurant which sent 2000 portions of food for soldiers and were not allowed to give it to them because there was no diploma of kashrut.  I hope that in the yeshivot those parasites will enjoy their foods. Already people are hysterically going to the supermarket.   And I added a little bottle of vodka (not too little) to my escape bag.   A friend phoned when the siren went off and asked where I was.  I said on the toilet but all  the shit was in the Knesset.  I believe Netanyahu has managed to stop holding the hand of his blond bitch and is going to address us so before I go into ecstasies of admiration I will send this off
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