dialoogid · 1 month
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Catherine Ribeiro - La solitude / Poème non épique (1975)
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julio-viernes · 1 month
Catherine, cantante, actriz y activista política, había empezado a mitad de los sesenta como popi-folki versionando a Bob Dylan en una serie de EPs. En 1969 montó Catherine Ribeiro + 2BIS con el compositor Patrice Moullet, inventor, además, del cosmophone y el percuphone; el primero un instrumento de 24 cuerdas semejante a una lira, el segundo un instrumento de percusión a motor. Al bagaje folk y chanson de Ribeiro, sus compañeros añadieron rock, psicodelia, desarrollos proggies y planteamientos avant-garde. Más tarde 2BIS se convirtieron en Alpes y cubrieron toda la década de los 70 lanzando álbumes inclasificables y únicos. En ellos, Ribeiro transformó su voz en un instrumento, una cosa muy lejos del estándar.
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retrogeographie · 2 years
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Haillicourt, agglomération Bethune/Bruay La Buissière , la fosse n°2 Bis.
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hearth4days · 4 months
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fidjiefidjie · 1 year
Bon Soir 💙👌🆕️🎙💙
Florent Pagny & Christophe Maé 🎶 Et un jour une femme
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coldfanbou · 1 month
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Aren't they pretty together? 2bi forever
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bonesfool · 7 months
OK, so way principal Grix was created in the case that Aguefort Academy was under investigation, or “under threat of being made to no longer exist” so two thoughts potentially come from that
1) the time quangle is threatening the existence of Aguefort in someway either that being
1a) it somehow causes something in time to happen so that someone is going to come shut it down
1b) in the more existentially horrifying way, something is going to happen in time that like physically threatens/unmakes the reality of Aguefort Academy
2) what if the time quangle is just an excuse/not a real thing from Arthur Aguefort to justify leaving the Academy and go hiding himself in time because there is this either
2a) a legal threat to Aguefort Academy and so he wants to put a robot who’s going to pass this inspection in charge or
2b) he doesn’t want to be there during this like existential threat to it either because he’s a Arthur Aguefort and doesn’t give a fuck and would totally let a bunch of children die if it means he gets away scot-free, or
2bi) because he needs to not be there when it starts to be away and safe so he can use chronomancy to save the school
AND: If it’s 2a) perhaps him going back in time to hide from the magic cops or whatever is accidentally fucking up the time line and causing all the other hiccups and continuity errors
[I am high rn and so originally sent this over text to speech and my phone could NOT figure out what I was saying when I said Aguefort so below the cut are my favorite versions of its transcription]
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And an extra special bonus for it thinking I was talking about my beloved roommates darling boyfriends last name
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fashion-foxy · 11 days
In case anyone wants some complete wtw Maddie and lizzie 2 pack, or kitty for a good price, here are the links:
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mean-vampyre · 2 years
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Riverdale’s gay gene
Okay so, the riverdale gay gene theory goes something like this: just like the serial killer gene, sexuality is inherited in the riverdale universe, mainly from parents to children, but in some cases (like cheryl and toni) from the most prominent ancestor featured in the show so far (season 6). How does it work? idk, it’s riverdale but my theory is that 1bi/gay parent = 1bi child, and 2bi parents = 1gay or 1bi children.
The Cooper-Smith family: in season 6 Betty is confirmed bisexual and that implies that one of her prominent ancestors is gay, which could point to Bitsy Smith from 06x05. HOWEVER the storyline of Abigail-Poppy-Cheryl being immortal is not within the continuity of season 6, and Bitsy and Betty are not related (also confirmed by Madelaine Petsch). Therefore Betty gets her bisexuality from either her father or her mother, but most likely her mother Alice since she is also the one who gave the serial killer gene to her and Charles, who has the gay gene too. 
The Smith-Jones family: Charles gets either his gay gene from Alice or FP, but (see above) most likely is from Alice or both of them if we go by the theory that 2bi parents are needed to produce 1gay child.
The Jones family: by the 2bi=1gay formula theory, FP is bi (unconfirmed), which makes Jughead bi. Nevertheless, he would remain bi even if we don’t go with the gay formula and FP is not bi, since Gladys aka jugmom is most likely bi because if riverdale writers love something it is metatextuality and references to other media, and what is gina gershon (jugmom) known for? Bound (1996), where she plays a lesbian icon. By metatextuality rules Jugmom is, then, bisexual (also have you seen her? leather jacket and string choker? she is definitely fucking women).
The Andrews family: Mary is a bisexual icon that got straight and gay divorced, that makes Archie bisexual (+all the times he has kissed men??? and all that stuff that he has said that is straight out of the 2003 atlanta-based play archie's weird fantasy?? my boy is bisexual).
The Topaz-Fogarty family: now this confirmed the gay gene theory, since both Toni and Fangs are bisexuals who have a child, baby Anthony, who is confirmed queer (undisclosed whether he is gay or bisexual). And going back in time, Tony’s only on-screen relevant relative is Thomasina, who is also confirmed bisexual (or perhaps lesbian, it is never stated), creating a direct line of the gay gene inheritance from Thomasina to Baby Anthony.
The Blossom family: it’s not confirmed that queen of serving cunt and evil Penelope is queer, although it was implied, BUT it could also be Abigail, Cheryl’s most direct ancestor (aside from Nana Blossom), the one who gave her the witch gene and the lesbian gene.
The Keller family: is Tom bi? perhaps anything is possible in Riverdale, but most likely the evidence points to either his unnamed mom who never even lives with them (like Mary did with Archie’s dad, before she got a divorce to marry a woman). But it’s also possible that gay kevin is just spontaneously gay, which would explain the fact that his whole personality is being gay.
The Mason family: Marcus (Moose’s dad) is most likely gay, but got therapy conversion at the sister’s of quiet mercy, but he could be bisexual and only they only scared away the gay part, and passed on the gene to Moose, who is bisexual.
In conclusion, only in riverdale you get the serial killer gene and the gay gene.
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jacksgreysays · 2 years
"Hail to the Queen: She Who Has Divine Right" is interesting, because there are, again, a couple ways this could happen.
The one that first comes to mind is actually her marrying Gaara, and them co-ruling Suna together. After all, her actions with Gelel were what saved their economy. I could definitely see them worshipping Gelel or Shikabane-hime for that. She falls in love with and marries Gaara, only realizing what was going on religiously afterwards. (Though if I'm reading you right, you're more of a Sasuke/Shikako fan and might not be interested just bc of the ship, which is valid)
Another idea that could work would be if the Land of Hot Springs/Ash incident went differently. Maybe Gelel reaches for a dragon vein (right underneath the temple bc that could be part of what made the ritual work) and uses that, along with Shikako, to drive Jashin out and slam the door. That has some sort of side effect that makes it clear that some sort of godly activity took place there. The villagers see Shikako stumble out from the temple, jump to some (correct) conclusions, and start worshipping Shikabane-hime. It spreads from there. Now that it's happened twice, Shikako has access to more of Gelel's power. So this stuff starts to keep happening. Eventually people catch on.
Maybe she goes to the past/different dimension and her 'divinity' starts showing again. People start considering her the patron deity of the Nara. Then they join Konoha and she starts to reveal more of her skills. This is usually because they just weren't needed before, but because they happen to be skills that tend to show up more in other clans (ex: sealing & the Uzumaki), they start thinking that maybe she's growing to be the patron deity of Konoha instead. The fact that she showed up out of nowhere and stopped aging when she turned 21 only supports this theory, to her great frustration. She eventually gives in to the idea when the Mangekyo Sharingan recognizes her as Shikabane-hime. Hashirama is just happy to have a clear successor that everyone is in favor of.
Just some thoughts :)
Hello again aryaokayfriend!
I’m going to say, first of all, I am very surprised that’s the vibe I give off considering my first ever DoS recursive was a Shikaara fic of serene, uncomplicated affection while every time I have to consider Shikako and Sasuke dynamic for a fic I have to go through a checklist of
1) how platonic can the relationship be in order for this to work/be entertaining 2) obviously if there’s any romance it is from Sasuke’s side but does Shikako even reciprocate or is she 2a) going with the flow, or 2b) entirely unable to view Sasuke as romantic due to 2bi) knowing who Sasuke as a character could have turned out to be in canon (an asshole), 2bii) knowing Sasuke as a person since they were little kids 2biii) knowing that she has way more information about the machinations that ruined his life than he does and that she 2biii-) didn’t do anything to stop (even by telling an adult who probably wouldn’t have believed her, but still, no attempt was made) 2biii=) continues to keep it a secret from him even though the literal mastermind behind the murder of his family is walking around the village without any consequences
In all fairness it is probably because of that drama that I write more Shikasuke fic and the ANBU Red Team dynamic is fantastic, so I can see why I might give off that vibe. Whereas because my Shikaara feelings are so uncomplicated and serene I feel like I’ve written all of my Shikaara fic many moons ago (and, admittedly, before I figured out a good tagging/ao3 uploading system so they’re kinda sprinkled around and hard to find T_T)
I am, of course, a multishipper. :D
All that being said, I don’t know if your first idea really meets the brief of She Who Has Divine Right since it seems like her ascension to become “queen” (aka the Kazekage’s consort in this case? Because I can’t imagine Suna’s council would be okay with a Leaf nin co-ruling their village) is more about her marrying Gaara than the Divine powers given to her by Gelel.
Like, if anything, a more “She Who Has Divine Right” adherent take would be if, because she has melded with Gelel, she automatically becomes the leader of Haido’s… country? nation? castle?… or I guess what was actually Temujin’s before Haido killed his parents and etc. ESPECIALLY since according to the wiki “only the royal blood of his clan could forge stones from the ore” and we definitely know that Shikako has her own Gelel stone.
Oh, and it could double for a She Who Leads The Armies since I think they were an invading force that was going to mess with the Elemental Nations (starting with Land of Wind) before Shikako and co. stopped them.
So it would appear that not only did Haido’s invasion fail to, like, six teenagers and a ferret, BUT also the god/divine presence that fuels their literal heart stones also REJECTED Temujin—who is 1) Haido’s heir and 2) the actual original royalty—in favor of one of said six teenagers by fusing with her.
So, you know, now Shikako is the leader of a country/nation outside of the known continent that tried to invade lol. This is just her upping the ante of turning attempted invaders (Sand Siblings) into allies. ;)
People earnestly worshiping Shikabane-hime in such a way that it becomes a feedback loop of power -> miracles -> worship -> more power is very entertaining to me because Shikako would also find it entertaining or at least fascinating if it were happening to LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE. As is, the idea of a reluctant burgeoning god is pretty fun. Although part of me is wondering if this would necessarily count as a Hail to the Queen since BEING divine and HAVING divine right are separate things? And of course a lot of my Hail to the Queen series doesn’t necessarily have her become Hokage explicitly—sometimes they are more about being the power behind the throne or the circumstances that push her towards becoming Hokage even though she wouldn’t want to take that from Naruto nor would she want that at all for herself—so it’s not like a governmental leadership role is necessary for the series. But I feel like just becoming a god kind of takes out the intricate… maneuvering? legalese? puzzle?… of becoming queen/queen equivalent.
ALTHOUGH, ALTHOUGH, nothing says that she can’t become QUEEN OF THE GODS.
(I mean, she did pretty handily smack down Jashin as a little god with almost no worshipers to her name and still in a mortal form. That’s pretty embarrassing for him, honestly.)
Or, for a slightly less megalomaniacal take, there was that Changeling ficlet in which I imply that changelings are sent across to the shinobi world to learn and grow and prove themselves and then come back (with or without mortal Knights) to fight in the Courtly Wars and maybe become the new Fae Monarchs
So, you know, she doesn’t need to be human to be a queen.
As for the last part of your ask, I don’t know if it matches exactly what you wrote, but I did have She Who Makes The Crown in which Shikako time travels/is summoned by a young Tobirama and is, like, an un-aging advisor to the Nidaime all throughout his reign and helps him build Konoha
It kind of hits on some of the things you mentioned (not exactly, of course) but close enough that I think it might be repetitive if I went that route.
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danguiee27 · 1 year
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"🩸🦎El precio del deseo del alfa🦋🩸"
por: chiaraVRivera
Una de las tantas historias de camimira que me facino de una manera increible perl que provoco en mi un remolino de emociones con cada capitulo , el final fue uno remolino peor
Siento que perdi la cordura en esa parte jeje
Parte 2 de mi sección de historias de *wattpad y Ao3 *
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ltalaynareor · 7 months
Théorie Twilight !
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Bella Swan, humaine banale, née de deux parents relativement normaux se retrouvent à détenir un bouclier qui l'a protège de toutes manipulations mentales.
Comment ? Et pourquoi ? Nous allons tenter d'y répondre.
Dans le canon, Edward n'arrive tout simplement pas à lire les pensées de Bella, Aro pas davantage et le pouvoir de Jane ne fonctionne pas sur elle. Toutefois, le pouvoir de Marcus est tout à fait capable de percevoir ce qui unit Bella à Edward. Le pouvoir de Marcus est il plus fort qu'on ne le pense ? Telle n'est pas la question. 😂
Edward, toujours dans le canon à de la difficulté à lire les pensées de Charlie. Cela pourrait donc venir de son père. Donc, son don serait héréditaire.... À partir de là deux théories :
1- Charlie à un ancêtre Quileutes. Pourquoi ? Car on sait, toujours dans le canon, que le don d'Alice est bloqué par les loups. Quel est le lien avec Bella ? Alice arrive à voir son avenir me direz vous. Et vous auriez raison mais peut-être que cette protection ne se traduit pas pareil pour chaque personnes, peut être que ceux qui ne sont pas métamorphes peuvent quand même développer une sorte de bouclier. Peut-être est ce la forme évoluée de cette protection dont Bella est entourée. Dans le fandom, j'ignore si cette information a été reconnue canon, mais Molly Swan à épousé Quil Atera III. De là, à imaginer que Charlie pourrait être un descendant d'un mariage précédent entre un Quileute et un Swan... Il n'y a qu'un pas.
2- Bella Swan descend de la famille de Renata des Volturi. Je m'explique. Renata avait déjà un don en tant qu'humaine, sa tante qui était une vampire l'a surveilla et décida de la transformer à sa majorité. Peut-être que dans la lignée de Charlie, quelqu'un descend des mêmes ancêtres.
2bis : Le prénom Isabella pourrait également faire référence à cette lointaine ancêtre italienne, mais ce serait chercher la petite bête 😂.
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
This song reminds me a lot of Canary! Also, I keep rereading Designer Dress like 👁️👄👁️ “pls Canary just punch Ghost, he deserves it”
ok y'all are spoiling me with good songs, this song has such big canary vibes i love it 😭💜
ghost definitely deserves a stern talking to at the very least, but i'm sure he'll eventually realize the error of his ways ;)
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zorn0105 · 9 months
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Vui lòng xem hồ sơ của tôi trên wattpad, tôi là ☯乙օʀη┊ https://www.wattpad.com/fairytail0105?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_profile Mong mọi người tiếp tục ủng hộ để tôi có động lực viết tiếp. Tiết lộ là do Tác Giả lười quá nên không viết cũng không đăng:)))
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itsderpielle · 1 year
I just published "1-Sho " of my story "11 moments ( JO1) ". https://www.wattpad.com/1373041355?utm_source=android&utm_medium=com.tumblr&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=DreamingofSnow&wp_originator=fTkCAlAA7%2B3cPoqtcIQWKNgE%2FJ1H3CkDoHyNalCFsr%2FtmWYvU8WZ%2B%2BnSn23gL8tg%2F7xBVgCY8vibfL4eErHGX08CPyOzdrTC6wXZB3sNyeaQW%2BI%2B5Pesb42RDJOJtYad
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sweetangle8 · 2 years
abziehend oddly this reminds me of me, you, and una
(also btw you don’t allow asks with media is that on purpose or is my tumblr being sucky again 😭😭)
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