siderealmyg · 3 years
2D REALITY | ksj
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pairing: seokjin x reader ft. jungkook
genre: pwp, smut, somewhat fantasy, anime-real world crossover?
word count: 12.4k
summary: Jin likes his fair share of anime like everyone one else and knows not to question all the shit that goes on but when a big tiddie anime girl deadass pops out of a computer, he rightfully has a few concerns.
warning(s): unprotected sex. masturbation(f). wet dream. oral(f&m). fingering. squirting. titty fucking. threesome. spitroast. ahegao. big anime tiddies. cum eating. cream pie. excessive cum/arousal?. big dick jinkook. swearing. dirty talk. multiple orgasms. weeb jk's dream comes true. slightly possessive and jealous seokjin. dimension hopping?.
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The quiet shuffling of feet fills the empty hallway of the brand new dorm. Jin rubs his eyes that are struggling to stay open as he sluggishly walks back to his room from the bathroom. He stops when he notices the door to Jungkook's room ajar and peaks his head inside. Sighing to himself, he goes in and over to the maknae who fell asleep at his desk, and in a very uncomfortable position. 
"Jungkook," Jin shakes his shoulder lightly, "Get up and go to bed." 
Much to his disappointment, he was out like a light. Not wanting his precious Jungkook to sleep like that, he rolls the chair the younger was in over to his bed, before heaving the muscle baby into it. Sigh tiredly again, Jin puts the chair back and somehow accidentally nudges the mouse on the desk. 
Screen turning on, disgust takes over his features as he sees what the youngest had been up to. 
"This boy…" Jin rolls his eyes as he kindly closes the tab for nhentai… Only that it doesn't. He waits a few moments before trying again, but the site stays up. "What the hell," Jin deadpans. It was too late for this and he was tired, so he started spamming the exit button. 
And boy, did that make matters worse. JK's monitor began glitch in game out, the mouse no longer following his movements. Jin is cursing profusely under his breath as he tries to find a way to make it all stop. After about a good minute, everything freezes and seems to go back to normal. A sigh of relief turns into a shrill shriek when a hand appears on the screen. And it's moving, pushing like it's trying to get out. 
Everything happens so quickly, Jin doesn't have time to process it. Before his eyes, the hand reaches out and the rest of its body follows after. A loud thud was heard by no one else but him in the sleeping house. As Jin shakes his head to gather his bearings, he realizes there's something weighing him down. When he looks up from where he landed on the ground, he sees a figure straddling him. "Um… " he starts, "What's going on here?"
"I, uh, I don't know," replies the person meekly. "They have a pretty voice," Jin thinks to himself before he realizes what the fuck is going on. Jin sits up, temporarily forgetting the person that's sitting on his lap until he's face to face with them. He's blinking once, twice before he fully registers the features of your face. The unnatural pink hue of your eye is captivating. Long, thick lash as you blink, eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room, full lips pouty as you look him over. Lilac hair framing your cute face and going down your back with a little strand on top in the shape of a heart that seems to not even be connected to your head. 
Jin snaps out his daze when you shift, reminding him of the situation at hand. 
“Um,” he clears his throat, “Can you please get off me?” His face is burning and he hopes it's dark enough for you to not notice. Eyes widening, you quickly shuffle off his lap and sit awkwardly on the floor in front of him. 
“S-sorry,” you laugh nervously. As confused as Seokjin is, you’re absolutely bewildered. Not quite sure how you even ended up where you were. The last thing you remember doing was looking outside a window due to what seemed like the night sky glitching? Stars going absolutely buckwild and moving all over the place. And then the sky was spinning despite everything being still. Pressing a hand up against the window pane to get a closer look, things got even weirder when it went right through. Next thing you know, you're in this handsome man’s lap. 
Jin is about to speak again when a noise catches his attention. Looking over, Jungkook stirs before stilling again. Jin is quick to stand up, realizing that getting out of the maknae’s room is best to figure out the odd situation. Walking towards the door, he looks back at you and motions to follow him. Not really having much of a choice, you follow him into an empty bedroom which you assume is his. The awkward tension becomes much stronger here. Jin turns and looks as if he’s about to speak, but stops. Honestly, what is he supposed to say. Some random girl just popped out of his friend’s computer for fucks sake! For a good, painful three minutes it’s just accidental eye contact and awkward smiles before one of you decides to speak. 
“Cleary neither of us know what the hell is happening,” you begin, rubbing the back of your neck, “But, uh, maybe we should introduce ourselves… if that somehow helps. I’m not sure what that’ll do but I’m Y/N.” You finally look at him, a less nervous and friendly smile on your lips. 
Seokjin releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding, glad something said since he felt he was about to die of embarrassment. 
“I’m Seokjin, but you can call me Jin, whatever's fine,” he holds his hand out which you shake before it falls back to hang at his side. 
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Jin,” you say.  “Nice to meet you too,” he gives a tight-lipped smile that mirrors one of your own. Silence fills the air once again. Small talk dying just as quickly as it started. 
“Do you know what happened before, you know, I showed up?” the question falls from your lips as an attempt to end another stretch of silence. 
Jin noticeably perks up at the question, telling about computer glitching… and the certain website that seemed to cause it. And it surely comes as a shock to you, one that’s not taken too well. 
Everything seems to slow down and zone out  as you repeat Jin’s words in your head. 
“You popped out of my friend's computer. He was... on a site that shouldn’t have been left open and when I tried to close the tab it started bugging out until you showed up.” 
“What site was he on that caused me to show up here? you asked, rightfully curious. Jin’s ears turned, “Uh, something called nhentai, I think?” he laughs nervously. “And I, uh, vaguely remember seeing a character that looked suspiciously like you,” he rambles quickly. It’s not his fault his eyes wandered when trying to close the tab, given the acts happening at that moment weren’t the most appropriate.
The silent stream of tears down your cheeks alarms Jin but he couldn’t blame you though, fictional characters weren’t supposed to really know this information, that they weren’t real outside of their reality. He couldn’t imagine what’s going through your head right now. 
“S-so, I'm not real?” the sour crestfallen look on your face causes his heart to clench.
“Well, yes, but also no??” Jin’s answer is more a question, but it relieves a bit of the weight of your shoulders. You slowly begin to calm down and try to keep all the questions swimming around your head at bay, expect for one.
“Do you know what he was reading?” 
Seokjin tries to remember a name but he was so quick on closing the tab he didn���t spend any time looking at any details. 
“I could go see if it’s in his history or something if it will make you feel better,” Jin offers. With a small smile and a nod from you, Jin leaves to head back to Jungkook’s room, grateful that the boy is still asleep. His computer seems to be working normally again, and when he moves the mouse again, he’s faced with the same damn tab that caused all of this. He decided to look up whatever the hell it was on his phone, in incognito mode unlike the shameless maknae, and leave the computer to turn off itself. Way to paranoid that something else will happen.
Back in his room, he finds you sitting on his bed, legs dangling off the floor and feet shuffling together. “Here,” he hands you his phone. 
You're shocked to say the least, the sudden self awareness is like a slap across the face. The fact that here, in Jin’s world, you’re a fictional hentai character is… interesting. You’re not ignorant, porn exists and is consumed where you come from, but that fact that you, yourself is a porn character, and a pretty popular one at that, is some pretty heavy information. 
“Well, this is one way to break the fourth wall,” you joke, quiet laughs escaping the both of you while you scroll through the fandom wiki page about yourself. “Thanks,” handing Jin his phone back, giving him a genuine smile this time. Releasing a sigh, you flop back the bed.
“Are you okay,” the concern in his voice is evident. He couldn’t imagine what it was like to realize that you weren't exactly real, just a fictional character. 
“Yeah, I think I’m fine,” you start, looking over at him, “just really tired.” The event of the night and lack of sleep was catching up, a yawn escaping you, causing Jin to yawn too. 
“Well, you can sleep on the bed,” Jin heads to the closet and pulls out some blankets and starts arranging them on the floor.
“W-wait! It’s your room, you should sleep on the bed,” guilt fills you as you watch him set up his little sleeping stop on the floor.
“It’s fine really,” he smiles. You’re about to continue to protest until he’s wrapping himself (and a cute, white alpaca plushie) in a blanket burrito. “Goodnight Y/N,” he says before falling asleep. Sighing to yourself, you pull the covers over your body and drift off to sleep.
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Jin winces when he wakes up, body stiff and neck aching painfully. He looks around confused why he’s on the floor when a movement from his bed catches his eye. Peaking up, you come into his view, spread out comfortable and fast asleep. He’s even more confused until he remembers the events of last night. 
“That wasn’t a dream!! It was real?!” Shooting up from the floor, he looks down at you bewildered. “What the hell am I going to do?” he mutters under his breath. He starts pacing the room, hands musing his already messed up hair. He contemplates telling Namjoon or Yoongi about the situation, but isn’t sure if it’s worth it. Like how will one or two more confused people help the situation. In the end, he decides against it. But you’re still here in his room. Is he supposed to keep you in here until a way to send you back occurs, because he really doesn’t want to do that. Keep you trapped in this room for god knows how long. He can’t be seen with you out in public either or else a huge scandal will blow up. Sighing, he goes over to wake you up, gently shaking your shoulder. 
“Y/N, wake up please. We need to talk,” he says quietly.
After a minute of constant shake, your groaning, stretching out before sitting up, “What’s wrong?” 
Jin can’t help but smile at how cute you look. Messy bed hair and speaking in pout. You’re adorable. He gives you a few minutes to wake up and remember the fucked up situation you're in before he speaks.
“We need to figure out how we’re going to do this,” he starts. Head tilting to the side, you look at him questioningly. “I mean about you staying here.” Understanding now, you nod allowing him to continue. “I really don’t want to keep you in here all the time, that’s not fair to you, but it's not a good idea to let you be seen, so I don’t know what else to do. And we also need to find a way to get you back to your world… or dimension.” he finishes. 
"Hmm," despite still being half asleep, you agreed with him. The less people are involved the better and going out could possibly be harmful if others find out about how you got here, that’s if they believe the absurd story. And you don’t want to take over Jin’s room, since it’s his personal space, but options are limited here. 
“We don’t have to worry about the next few days since we’ll be mostly at work, but we still need a plan-” Jin starts before being interrupted by his growling stomach. “Okay, food first then we try and figure it out,” he smiles, to which you agree.
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Jin is grateful the others are still half asleep and don't question why he takes food into his room only to appear moments later. He's also grateful they haven't noticed how tense he is. 
"Hyung…" a tired Jungkook waddles his way over, failing to notice how he stiffened up, "thanks for putting me in bed last night," he gives a dimpled smile and harshly slaps Jin's back (how does he have so much strength despite just waking up, we'll never know) and goes to eat with the rest. 
The food is consumed quickly before everyone disperses to get ready for the day. While everyone is getting ready at a normal pace Jin is a silent mess. 
"Is there anything I can do to help calm you down?" you asked concernedly. Your back is towards him, courteously turning away as he frantically got dressed, but you can feel how anxious he is. 
He stops at your words and finally breathes. "I'm okay… just stressed out," he sighs. He's a little bit more than stressed, but dwelling on that won't make the situation better. You hum in acknowledgment while intensely staring at the wall, also trying to silently sort things out. "You can turn around, you know."
Stretching your arms, you flop backwards on the bed, your deep train of thought disrupted when an upside down Jin comes into view. 
He's beautiful, even upside down. And despite his haste to get ready, he's still stylishly put together which you think isn't fair. Rolling onto your stomach you take him in fully. It was a really simple outfit, a black crew neck sweater and some jeans but he made it look like more. His plump lips in a pout as he tried to keep his hair in place, no make-up either, and looked better than all humans on Earth. This isn't fair. 
"We'll be out nearly the whole day, so you don't have to be stuck in here. I left a little extra food in the back of the fridge so the others wouldn't notice. Uh, is there anything you need that I can try and get?"
"No, I don't think so,"
"You don't need clothes or anything?" he doesn't know how long you'll be here, even if it's a few days you can't keep the same clothes on. 
"I can just wash my stuff when you're gone," you reassure him. He nods, but he plans on getting you a few undergarments, and he hopes his size guessing is accurate. And he could just let you wear his stuff for the time being. 
"All right then, um, you wear some of my clothes, I don't mind. And if you need anything don't be afraid to ask," he smiles that pretty smile and you melt a bit as you nod and say goodbye. You wait a good 30 minutes to leave the room once the group has left to go wash up and do a little investigating.  
Clean panties and one of Seokjin's amazingly soft sweaters you venture down the halls trying to find the room that belongs to the man named Jungkook. Prior to this, you had used Seokjin's laptop, which he permitted, to figure who this fine man was and what he did. That leads to you sitting in a towel for about an hour reading and watching about the boy group you were currently living with and to say the least you loved them. But that's besides the point, we're getting off track. You were now going to try and guess which room was Jungkook's based on what you could gather about his interests and personality. And by the third room, the other two being you assumed to be Namjoon and Jimin, you struck gold as Jungkook gaming setup was a dead give away. Heading directly to the cursed monitor that brought you here, you observe it carefully. It looked normal. Nothing out of the blue. So you inched closer and moved the mouse around and behold! The screen lights up! A sigh of relief escapes you, grateful that it wasn't shut down and didn't require a password. The screen was the same as Jin left it the previous night. The tab with the doujinshi you originate from takes up the screen. Still nothing seemed to happen. So you lightly poke the screen. Still. Nothing. You even put your face up to it and nothing changed. No glitch. No noticeable lag. Nothing. Defeated, you head back to Jin's room for the rest of the day. 
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It's been five whole days of being in the Bangtan household. Each day you go into Jungkook's room and see if anything happens with his computer and report the same news to Seokjin once he gets home. No strange happens, no glitches if you touch it. It's as if nothing happened to it all. 
Deciding it was pointless to visit the monitor, you were currently laying on Jin's bed and watching animal videos, trying to relax. It was boring, but you can't really complain too much. It was a lot better with Jin around to keep you company. He should be home in a few hours anyways. 
The cute animals didn't keep you entertained for long, so you closed the laptop and put it away. Maybe a nap would help pass time. 
The smell of him was surrounding you. Those delectable, plush lips trail sloppy kisses over your neck, biting gently here and there and leaving blooming marks in their wake. His hands are squeezing you softly as they move over your skin, slowly going lower and lower until he reaches where you need him most. "You're so wet," he whispers, sultry voice shooting a pang of arousal right to your core. His long fingers slowly circle your clit, and he smirks against your skin when you moan his name and beg for more. He happily obliges, moving down towards your needy cunt-
You jolt awake, a sweaty panting mess. "W-what?" You frantically look around confused. "Oh… it was a dream…" you're disappointed once you realize that you're alone in Seokjin's bed, horny as hell and even more tense than before going to sleep. You desperately try to ignore the wetness between your legs by downing a cup of water, but it doesn't help. It's unclear when Jin will be back, the window for his return with the others varies, so you either have a little or a lot of time to get off if you choose to. And by checking the clock, you'd only been asleep for 45 minutes. As the minutes pass by, your mind keeps wandering back to that little dream and the ache for a release increases.  
Throwing caution to the wind, you slide your hand into your ruined panties, moaning as you feel how wet you are. 
"F-fuck," you whimper, pushing two finger inside of yourself. You don't remember being so sensitive before. Simply finger-fucking yourself wouldn't have you this desperate. Pumping your fingers faster and grinding the heel of your palm against your clit, you imagine that Jin's the one playing with your dripping pussy. Those long fingers hitting deeper than yours could and that sweet voice whispering in your ear. "Fuck...," you moan to yourself. Shirt now pushed up, your other hand plays with tits, pinching and rolling your nipple between your fingers. You're so close, dripping all over the bed but you don't care. Everything felt so good. 
"Ohmygod, shit-" 
Your eyes snap open, look directly at a very flustered Jin. It's silent as the two of you stare, Jin trying desperately to not look away from your face. 
"I-uh, should I? I'm gonna," Jin turns around to leave. 
"Wait," you call out meekly. Jin instantly turns back around. "I want you." 
All the blood in his body instantly rushed south at your words. And he's at a loss for any. You look so desperate spread out like that, staring him down with those pretty pink eyes. And he heard just how wet you were before you stopped. He ruined your orgasm, he should make up for it right? Making sure the door was locked and thanking the universe he decided to come home instead of eating out with the boys, he threw his jacket to the floor, before climbing on top of you. 
Without wasting a second, your lips latch onto his. He's a bit taken aback, but quickly moves his lips against yours, enjoying the needy way you whine as he gently bites your bottom lip before pulling back. 
"I like the enthusiasm, but relax a little bit," he pants, that gorgeous smile taking over his features. You're about to go feral. He sits back on his knees, finally getting to properly taking in just how fucked out you look beneath him, eyes roaming over your figure as he pushes his hair back. The jeans he's wearing are doing nothing to hide the obvious bulge beneath them. 
Scratch that. You are feral. 
"Take your shirt off," you tug at the unwanted fabric that's blocking your view of a body you know was hand sculpted by the Greeks. He obliges wordlessly and quickly, and throws it to some corner of the room. 
And indeed, he is a God. 
You've never seen someone so fine above you before you just might cry. And that says a lot considering the purpose of your existence. 
"What else do you want?" Jin's melodic voice grabs your attention. Hands massage your thighs as he stares you down with hooded eyes. Speechless as you stare at him, and a little bit intimidated with the darkness of his stare you forget to answer him. He tilts his head, an eyebrow raised questioningly and a smirk plastered on his plump lips. 
"Eat me out," you say, eyes never leaving his, "p-please."
Jin chuckles as he leans down to kiss you "Okay," is all he says once he pulls back and moves down between your legs.
 He doesn't bother to remove your panties, simply pulling them to the side before placing a gentle kiss to your dripping cunt. Grabbing your thighs he pulls you closer to his mouth, tongue licking a stripe up your core. The moan that rips from Jin's throat is surprisingly louder than yours. He suddenly laping furiously at your cunt before pulling "Why the hell is your pussy so sweet?" He's not exaggerating, you taste sweet, and normally this would be kinda weird, but this isn't a normal situation now is it. He doesn't care too much and doesn't give you time to respond before he diving back in and sucking on your clit. 
He's so good with his mouth. Those pillowy lips feel so good and he's flicking his tongue just right. He's basically making out with your pussy and you absolutely love it.
"Holy shit!" your back arches of the bed and a hand flying down to grip Jin's hair as his tongue slips inside you, slowly fucking in and out. "Feels so fucking g-good!" Jin hums in response, the vibrations causing you to clench around him. Sitting up on a shaky arm, you watch him. His eyes are closed as he works his mouth over you, moaning occasionally at just how delicious you taste. He must have felt you staring, because he's opening his eyes and starting right back at you with a teasing glint. He pulls back, lips cover in your arousal before his tongue cleans it up. Without breaking eye contact, he pushes your legs a bit further apart, and circles the tip of his tongue around your entrance. You clench around nothing as you whimper and stare down at him, the grip on his hair becoming borderline painful, but he ignores it. 
You're close again and you want nothing more than to cum all over his pretty face, but it seems Jin has different plans. With one last sloppy kiss to your pussy he's pulling away and pushing you back down and kissing the other pair of lips you have. It's slow and sensual this time. Gently running the tip of his tongue against the seam of your lips as his hands run over the smooth skin of your waist. A quiet moan escaping your throat once tasting yourself on his tongue as it explores your mouth, going deeper than the rushed kiss shared before. Your hands wander over his toned body, feeling the smooth expanse of his honey skin, fingers tracing the ridges of his abs. The shocked moan he emits when you grab a handful of his ass is heavenly and you hope he continues to make such pretty sounds. Hands dancing around to his hips then back up his stomach, nails gently scratch on the way up. You smile into the kiss when his breath picks up significantly, panting slightly against your lips but still remaining too quiet for your liking. So, your hand travels back down again until it reaches the waistband of his jeans, teasingly running a finger against it before trailing it against his aching cock. 
"Don't tease me…" he shudders at the light grazing of your hand against him, hips pushing forward to try to get more friction. You decide to be nice and give his length a squeeze, being instantly rewarded with another angelic moan. He's big, even through his jeans you can tell as much. You're licking your lips at the thought of him filling you up while your hand begins to pump him slowly. He's panting beautifully into your neck, but still trying to hold back and stay somewhat composed. You work him up for a minute before he's swatting your hand away and climbing off the bed, quickly stripping off all his remaining clothes. Standing at the foot of the bed, body glistening from a sheen of sweat in the low light of the room looking heavenly and sinful at the same time. You're about to remove your shirt until Jin stops you, 
"Keep it on. You look cute in my clothes," he lazily smiles, enjoying how his shirt is too big for you even when it's pushed up over your chest. Jin gets back onto the bed, hooks your thighs around his hip and runs his hands over your warm skin. Body relaxing for the first time in days as his hands massage you, paying extra attention to tits.
"Feel good?" Jin's question is stupid, you both know it feels amazing, if your head titled back and moans have anything to say, but you still give him an answer, a sighed yes falling from your lips pleasing him. "I can make you feel even better," he declares as he taps the head of his cock repeatedly against your clit. Pleasure shoots up your spine, back arching off the bed as he starts rocking his hips, cock sliding against your dripping core. "You're so wet…" he mutters under his breath, mesmerized by how much you're dripping. Hentai perks he assumes. 
"Please, p-put it in," you beg, hips pushing forward as you grow impatient with his teasing.
"Okay, okay relax," Jin playfully rolls his eyes, pushing your leg open further with one hand while the other lines himself up. He pushes in slowly, making you feel every inch as he sinks in, stretching you out deliciously. 
"Good lord," he grunts, balls deep in what he would describe as your "magical pussy". Kinda cringe, but he hasn't even moved yet but it still feels heavenly just being inside of you, walls fluttering and dripping around him. "Fast or slow?" he pulls out until just the tip is inside and licks his lips, pretty brown eyes boring into yours. 
"Fast. Fuck me fast and hard, please," you whine. 
And with a sultry smile, he's thrusting forward, hips snapping while his hands grips your waist, further lifting your arched back off the bed. 
"Oh god, oh god, Jin! Fuck!" you scream, hands pathetically gripping the sheets. Head thrown back in ecstasy as Jin pounds into your pussy. You bite your lip trying to stay quiet, wanting to hear the sweet breaths and pants of the man above you, but it proves to be difficult with how amazing he's making you feel. "Oh my god.." you groan, unsure what to do with yourself. Seokjin has rendered your brain to mush. 
"Look at you," Jin chuckles darkly, those thick, pink lips forming a smirk, "hasn't even been that long yet you're already a fucking mess."
He's feeling cocky. Having felt like forever since he last had someone, and seeing you enjoying yourself this much was doing wonder for his ego. You look so pretty beneath him, panting and moaning his name while his shirt is pushed up exposing those huge tits that bounce with every thrust. Arms near your head, hands fisted as you look up at him through hooded eyes. Pussy wet and gripping onto his cock like a vice, greedily sucking him back in. 
You're a treat. 
And he's going to devour you. 
Without stopping, he pushes your legs towards your chest, hands resting on either side of your head to hold himself up. 
"Oh god, just like that!" This position allows him to go even deeper, his cock brushing against your g-spot. Bringing a hand between your bodies, you tease your aching clit, whimpering as the pleasure intensifies. 
"Don't stop, please don't stop!" 
"Wasn't planning on it," Jin groans before sloppily kissing you, swallowing all the moans of his name from your lips. He felt like he was about to explode, you're too much for him to handle. "S-shit, rub your pretty clit faster for me," he pants heavily, hastily pushing his sweaty bangs back. 
"F-fuck, Seokjin," barely able to speak as your orgasm is quickly approaching, you grab onto his strong forearm with your free hand while gazing into his eyes. 
Jim chokes of his own spit, hips stuttering as he looks back at you. 
The irises of your eyes have become cute, little hearts!
Jin's not stupid, far from that actually. So he knows what's happening once your eyes roll back, tongue hanging out and moans getting even louder. 
Swatting your hand away, he replaces it with his own, thumb vigorously circling your clit, "Cum for me, sweetheart."
At his words your body is tensing, incoherent sounds falling from your lips as your orgasm washes over you. Pussy suffocating Jin's poor dick to the point he can barely move as you tremble beneath him so beautifully. It's only seconds until Jin is filling you up with a melodic moan of your name falling from his lips. There's so much of his warm cum that it leaks out, even though he's still inside. 
He pulls out and collapses beside you, arm wrapping around your waist to pull you close. A comfortable silence casts as you lay in each other's arms until… 
"Shit, they'll be home soon!" Jin panics as he practically jumps off the bed. You shiver as you sit up, more cum leaking onto the already dirty bed sheets. 
"Need any help?" laughing softly at Jin's frazzled state, you move to get off the bed before he's lifting you up into his arms and rushing to the bathroom. 
"No, no. Need to get you clean. And the bed too, fuck" he's talking mainly to himself as he places you into the bathtub. 
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It's been over a whole week now, the last three days a lot more eventful than the previous fiv-
"You're taking me so well," Jin groans as quietly as he can from above you, "Look so pretty sucking my cock." You preen at his praise, humming around his length. 
He's so big. Can barely take all of him into your mouth so the rest is being jerked off with your hand that's too small to wrap around him. But that's not the problem. The problem is how you want him to be louder, to use that pretty voice of his and moan, and panting, and whimper at how good you're making him feel. 
Unfortunately, everyone is home. What you're doing is risky and slightly dumb, but Jin was dying to know what your pretty mouth could do and just couldn't wait any longer. 
"Damn it…" Jin bites his lip, hips pushing up as his grip on your hair tightens. You gag slightly and shift your position, knees hurting from sitting between his legs. His hips move again, and it's obvious he's holding back. Wordlessly, you pull your hands away from him and place them nicely on your lap. You gaze up at him and bat your lashes, mouth unmoving around him. "A-are you sure?" his eyes widen with shock and lust as he takes in your pliant form. You nod the best you can and swirl your tongue around the tip of his cock, sending a shiver up his spine. He stands up off the bed and grabs a fistful of hair to keep you in place. He starts off slow, deep into your throat until he grows impatient and fucks your face. Tears spilling from your eyes as he fucks your throat raw. 
"Fuck Y/N.." he trails off, head thrown back in pleasure, "make yourself feel good too, sweetheart.." 
Your hand instantly shoots down to your pussy to circle your clit, throat constricting as you moan. He can hear how wet you are and can only assume you're making a mess and dripping all over the floor and that thought alone nearly sent him over the edge. 
"You're so good to me, sweetheart. Letting me use you like this," Jin moans, pushing your head forward until his entire cock was buried in your throat, nose touching his stomach. Your whimper around him and speed up your fingers, orgasm growing closer. 
He pulls outs before setting his brutal pace again, harshly biting his lips to stop his moans escaping. 
"Shit, I'm close," Jin groans, movements growing sloppy. He forces himself to look down and watch you, and that damn ahegao expression is painted on your stupid, pretty face. The sight is enough to send him over the edge before he could warn you and was cumming down your throat. You easily accept it as you suckle around him, milking him for everything he's got, all without stopping the hand on yourself. It when he's pulling his dick out that your orgasm washes over you. Jin has to quickly slap a hand over your mouth to try and silence you, as you tremble from the pleasure. Once he's sure you're quiet, he's pulling up onto the bed and laying down, placing a sweet kiss into your messy lips. 
"Sorry about that," you laugh when he pulls back. 
"Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong. In fact, you did everything right, better even," Jin smiles cutely, pulling you into his chest for a hug which you happily return. 
The both of you lay together and talk about random things until you have the energy to move, but completely avoid the topic of how to get you home. 
"You know," you start mischievously, "you're always saying I'm pretty. "
"Yes, because it's true," Jin states matter-of-factly. 
"Well, don't you think I'd look prettier with your cum painted on my face?" You ask with feign innocence. 
Jin chuckles and grabs a handful of your ass, "Yeah, I think you would."
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Everything was going fine. 
Until it wasn't. 
The problem came in the form of a certain man named Jeon Jungkook. 
He knew something was up. Jin's subtle change in behavior was huge for him and he was going to figure out what he was hiding. Devising a fool proof plan so none of his hyungs would catch on. 
Pretend to be sick so he could go home early and snoop around. 
Easy. And it was, as the car pulls up to their house. Jungkook fakes being in pain as he makes his way up to the house and convinces his worried manager he'll be fine alone. The second the door closes he quietly laughs to himself. Seeing the black car leave, Jungkook begins his investigation, heading directly to the eldest hyungs room. 
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"Hmm… This one looks good," you spin in front of the mirror after 20 some minutes of going through Jin's closet once again. It's nothing special, just a pretty sage green sweater, but underneath is a surprise for later. 
Picking up a random book you've been reading and getting comfortable on the bed, you're completely oblivious to the scheming maknae. 
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Jungkook is quiet while tip toeing across the house. He's a hundred percent sure Jin is hiding something in his room and normally he would be respectful and mind his business, but he has a feeling that he can't put into words.  
It ends up taking him five minutes to reach the door. Yes, five whole entire minutes due to moving slower than a snail. Holding his breath, he wraps his hand around the door handle, turning it excruciatingly slow and pushing it open.
His eyes nearly bulge out of his skull when he sees you on his hyungs bed and wearing his clothes. The audacity. A lot of thoughts and emotions are running through his mind, with anger and disgust at the forefront.
"Who the hell are you?" he's seething, believing that a saesang had broken into their home. 
The book falls from your grasp as Jungkook's presence is finally being made known to you. He's glaring at you with so much hatred you kinda want to cry. But you don't get the chance to as he's reaching for his phone, and you start to panic. 
"W-wait no! Don't call anyone it's okay! Um, uh I uh I'm allowed in here!" You can tell right away he doesn't believe you. You move to try and take his phone away but "Don't. Move." his voice is void of any emotion. It's terrifying. Completely different from what Jin has told you about him. 
You need to think of something fast because he's seconds away from probably getting you arrested and there's no way to tell Jin. 
"You know me right! Y-you should recognize me f-from that hentai you like! Haha, um I'm Y/N…" the more you spoke the stupider you sounded, but it seemed to catch his attention. Thumb hovering over the dial button he stares you down. Studying all your features before a look of bewilderment took over his face. He blinks once. Then twice. 
"I want you to repeat to me everything you just said," he deadpans, completely astonished you'd think he'd believe such a thing. Although it's not much, you're grateful you have a chance to explain yourself. 
You stand on shaky legs as you motion towards the door, "Can I like, show you?" 
Without a word, he steps aside and you lead him to his room, which only confuses him even more. 
"So, I know there's a slim chance of you believing me. But a week ago, I randomly popped out of your cursed monitor. Sounds crazy, I know. And Jin was in here and took me back to his room. I've been in there for, you know, a week like I said. We've both been trying to find a way to get me back with causing a big deal, but we've clearly been unsuccessful," you explain in one breath, not giving him a chance to interrupt. 
He's quiet and you wish you knew what he was thinking about. Walking over to the cursed monitor, he looks to make sure nothing is wrong with it and right when he's about to call the cops on your ass, a glitch happens. The doujinshi shows up on screen despite him not searching it up and noticeably, a prominent character is nowhere to be seen. Click through the entire chapter, the main girl is gone and others have noticed as wells, the comments flooded with questions of what happened. 
Jungkook's head dramatically turns to look at you. "See I wasn't lying," laughing nervously waiting for him to say something. 
"This doesn't make any sense."
"I'm just as lost as you are."
Well, you assume not getting arrested anymore. 
"I guess that explains hyungs behavior…" Jungkook mutters to himself. He's not sure what to do exactly, with himself or this situation. But suddenly it hits him. 
The damned character he's been jerking off to is literally right next to him. Something is rising… and it's not Jesus. 
"Are you kidding me?!", Jungkook thinks to himself. He's being betrayed by his own body as blood rushes south. "Well, okay, you can stay, I guess," he says diverting his gaze away from you. 
Your body significantly relaxes as you release the breath you'd been holding, "Thanks Jungkook," you smile. 
He nearly faints, there barely any blood in his head at this point. "She knows my name?!" Mind and heart racing at how good his name sounded from your lips. He's being ridiculous, he knows this, but this whole situation is if we're being honest. 
"Hey, are you okay?" you touch his shoulder, concerned about his strange behavior. Jungkook gives a stiff nod and tries to move away from you. You look on confused as he walks away with his back towards, though it's more of an awkward side shuffle. "Are you sure you're alright?" You question him again.
You can't see it, but his face is burning. He feels hot, it's almost as if he's actually sick. He's trying to keep himself composed, but it's like you have some type of effect over him, despite doing nothing. 
"Yeah, I'm good! I'm fine!" he strains. He's still facing away because you'd instantly notice the big problem he has. 
"... Okay..." you make your way to the door, deciding to leave him be. You stop in the doorframe, looking back to make sure he's fine and catch him staring. 
Jungkook almost regrets looking up from the floor. Almost. He just wanted to take one little peak of you and engrave it into his memory. Maybe it's because you were literally drawn to be perfect that he's cartoonishly drooling at the sight of you. Wearing nothing but a big sweater that allows him to look at your legs, going up and up until the sweater catches on the curve of your ass. He should have looked away when he noticed you turning around, instead his eyes zero in on your exposed shoulder to your neck and your lip— You're smirking. Wait why are you—
"Ah, Jungkook, it seems like you do have a little problem," you tease, shutting the door behind you. You make your way until you're directly in front of him, leaning in to whisper directly into his ear. "Or maybe it's not so little after all," you trail a finger against the outline of his erection. He sucks in a breath as he pathetically tries not to bust a nut. "Do you need help?"
"Yes! Oh my god, yes!" Jungkook nods frantically, a bit of a crazed smile on his face because shit he can't believe this is happening. 
"I'm all yours," you wink. 
Jungkook pulling you flush against him and smacking his lips against yours. He's very vocal, soft whimpers never stop escaping his throat as he devours your mouth. His hands moving underneath your sweater and running against your back and touching you all over. He's handsy, too, going to massage your boobs. He groans when he feels the weight of them in his palms, big and warm. He wants to lay down and  nuzzle his face between them and just stay there. But then he has a different idea that has his dick twitching in his pants. 
"Can I fuck your tits?" he mumbles against your lips. 
You giggle, giving a small push to his strong chest, "Of course." 
He's picking you up and placing you back down onto the bed quicker than you can blink. His lips are back on your as his hands push your shirt over chest, exposing the matching white set to his greedy eyes. Jungkook's impatiently tugging the only piece of clothing off your body and starting in awe. 
"You're perfect," he says, running his hands down your torso. 
"Well, I'm quite literally drawn to perfection so," you laugh, "Let's see how perfect you are," you tilt your head, looking at him expectantly. 
Jungkook moves quickly to remove everything waist down, leaving him only in a plain black shirt. You raise an eyebrow at him, but he gives no response, just goes over to the nightstand and takes something out. He stands at the foot of the bed, hand gripping his cock. 
He's huge, and you don't know why that's so surprising. It's probably safe to assume that all the men that live in this house are. You're taking off the useless bra, teasing him by pushing your tits together. His grip tightens around his length, his lustful eyes watching your every move. You push them together again, a mischievous look in your eyes, as you lean your head forward and flick a nipple with the tip of your tongue and sucking them into your mouth. Jungkook tosses whatever he has in his hand onto the bed, and crawls on top of you and soon makes himself comfortable as he straddles your chest, hands roughly massaging your tits.  
"Stop being a tease," Jungkook glares at you, gently swatting one of your boobs You giggle carelessly, bravely reaching out to grab his leaking cock, smearing precum over the tip. "Hurry up then," you retort, pushing it further by licking the tip. 
He's hissing at your touch and pinning your hands above your head, "You're on thin ice," he threatens. You huff slightly but do nothing more. 
He picks up the mystery item, a bottle of lube. You shiver as the cold liquid hits your chest and as excitement fills your veins. He then moved your arms, instructing you to hold your tits together. 
"God damn," Jungkook groans, finally pushing his cock between your warm chest. The shirt he oddly decided to keep on was blocking the view for the both of you, and you're about to complain until he goes to remove it. It at least you thought he was. 
Instead, he's pulling the front of the shirt up and holding it between his teeth, allowing you to see a lot but not everything. His pace picks up after this. He's thrusting quickly against you, pretty moans slightly muffled but still a delight to hear. Those pretty doe eyes, partially blocked by his long, fluffy hair, rolling back in his head, causing him to blink repeatedly to refocus his vision. Jungkook really is a sight to see like this. 
"Mmhfuck!" Jungkook moans when you finally, /finally/ take him into your mouth. He's been waiting, but too afraid to take more than what you're giving him. He shivers in pleasure as his cock slips through your breasts and into your awaiting mouth, your tongue happily greeting his tip every single time. 
"Fuckfuckfuck I'm gonna cum!! Fucking shit, this feels so goodmmhm!" The incoherent yelling inside Jungkook's mind translates into salacious moans as his body trembles above you. His sculpted thighs and abs tensing as his high approaches. 
Jungkook's hands come down on top of yours, squeezing your chest together more. You let him take control of that and slips your hands out from underneath his own, running them over the smooth skin of his thighs. He's jolting at the touch, hips stuttering as he tries desperately not to come undone yet. But that becomes increasingly difficult when your nails are gently scratching down his thighs and lips suckling on his cock. 
" 'mso close," his words slur together as he ruts harshly against you. Digging your nails into him and sticking your tongue out, you watch as he falls apart above you. Beautiful face flushed with pleasure as he cums all over your face and chest, moaning your name over and over again. 
"Oh my god… " Jungkook pants looking down at you, messily decorated with streaks of his cum and lube. He doesn't move, just stares at you mesmerized. 
"You good?" you giggle softly, rubbing his arms. He snaps out of his haze and smiles, "Yeah, I'm great." He still does nothing,  eyes racking over your figure until he's jumping in action, scaring the shit out of you as he maneuvers himself so he's level with your chest. 
"What the hell–oh~" you're moaning when Jungkook licks your chest, collecting his own cum on his tongue, cleaning up the mess he made. A hand grazes your hip, moving downward to your inner thigh, gripping in gently to move your legs apart. "Jungkook, touch me," you groan, spreading your legs more and directing his hand to your covered core. The panties you still had on are useless at this point, having been completely soaked through. Jungkook simply moves off of you and tugs at the waistband, signaling he wants them off without detaching his mouth from your nipple. 
Once your panties are flung randomly somewhere in his room, and you're a hundred percent sure you're not getting them back and he wants to keep them, a souvenir of sorts, he's instantly touching you, two fingers running up your dripping slit before circling your clit.    
"Oh shit.." you're sighing as he plays with your pussy while his mouth is still working on your chest. "mmh, more."
"More of what exactly?" he says against your skin, looking up at you through his lashes. 
"Put– shit– fuck me with them" you manage to say while he roughly toyed with your clit. 
"Okay, baby!" Jungkook smiles cutely, plunging two fingers deep inside of you. The use of the pet name and his long fingers inside of you has moaning his name and back arching off the bed.
You're insanely wet, dripping all over his hand and onto his bed as he pumps his fingers inside of you. Jungkook's cock is hardening again at the absurd squelching from your wetness and your breathy moans. 
"You're soaking the bed, baby," he laughs huskily into your ear, curling his fingers upward. 
"Oh fuck! Right t-there!" you scream, grabbing onto his arm to keep him in place. You tighten around him as he strokes your g-spot, a lustful smile on his lips as he watches you. 
He sits up to look at the mess between your legs, "You got even wetter…" he bites his lips, "You close? You gonna cum for me?" 
"Yesyesyes, Jungkook I'm so close fuck," you pant, head thrown back in ecstasy. Jungkook quickens his paces, pushing his finger all the inside you, making sure his palm rubs against your clit, wanting you to reach your high as soon as possible so he could finally be inside you.
"Shit, oh my god, Jungkook please."
"That's it baby, cum for me." 
Your back is arching off the bed with a scream of his name, your wall clenching his fingers to a halt as your orgasm washes over you. 
You black out for a second before your body calms down, blinking repeatedly to fix your blurred vision. When you finally stop seeing fuzzy dots, you see Jungkook. His eyes are dark with a lustful haze, are wide in shock. The corner of his mouth pulled up into a smirk as he pants heavily. You follow his gaze downward to see what has his attention. Warmth floods your cheeks when you see droplets slowly trailing down Jungkook's lower half and the huge puddle between your legs. 
"You fucking squirted," Jungkook whispers in amazement. His eyes snap up to yours, a devious glint in his eyes, "Gonna make you do that again but on my cock, how does that sound hmm?"
You whimper at his words, and he's leaning to kiss, his tongue instantly invading your mouth. But he's pulling away quickly and laying down back, motioning for you to straddle him. 
You looked so good below him and even better on top. Your entire body exposed to him as you sat patiently on him. He spends a good minute looking you over before you grow impatient and start shifting around, causing you to rub against his length. 
"Alright, I won't make you wait any longer," he laughs. 
"Thank god," you playfully roll your eyes while lifting your hips up while reaching back to line him up to your entrance. In one motion, you're sinking down onto him, moans erupting from the both of you. 
Wasting no time, you move up and down on his thick cock, catching him completely off guard and another moan ripping from his throat. 
"You feel so good around me, so tight I love it," Jungkook pants, his beautiful face contorted with pleasure. His praise encourages you to move faster, switching between circling your hips and bouncing in his length, wanting him to make more of those pretty moans for you. 
Jungkook watches with lust-filled eyes, enticed by the way your boobs bounce with each movement, how your thighs tensed and your breathless pants. But this wasn't enough for him, he felt greedy. He wants more.  He's gripping your waist and shifting his legs so his feet are flat on the bed. You don't notice his movement, too absorbed in the pleasure. You do notice when he's roughly thrusting up into you, a string of curses leaving your lips. 
"Holy f-fuck, Jungkook yes!" you're shouting as he pistons his cock in and out of your pussy. 
"Huh baby, you like that?" Jungkook chuckles darkly. His hand trails down to grip your ass, all control being put into Jungkook's rough hands. Your answer comes in a wanton moan of his name and tightening around him. 
You're rendered speechless, broken whines and pants puffing past your lips as Jungkook's thick cock continuously pounds into you. Thoughts full of nothing but him and how good he's making you feel, causing you to forget about everything with a blissful fucked-out smile on your face. 
While you're carefree, Jungkook is doing his damn best at focusing and trying not to cum inside you like he desperately wants to in order to make this last. But that's obviously a challenge. This is probably one of the hardest things Jungkook has ever done in his life! How is he supposed to not lose his mind while your cunt is clenching his cock with a vice grip, your moans ringing in his ear and looking so delectable above him. 
"Fuck…" Jungkook groans, mentally yelling at himself to stop thinking. He needs to distract himself to hold off a little longer, but you're filling all his senses it's nearly impossib–
"Hey Jungkook! Haha are you feeling… any… better…" 
The door to Jungkook's room is busted open and a panicked Seokjin walks in, a bead of sweat running down his temple. 
All movement stops and silence fills the once loud room. 
Jungkook lays there, frozen in embarrassment and shock as Jin stands by the door, that is wide open by the way. 
You're confused as to why Jungkook had stopped, not hearing Jin walk in, and you're slowly growing irritated. You pout down at him and attempt to move your hips, but Jungkook's grip on you prevents you from moving much. Your confusion grows until the sound of the door closing behind you. Whipping your head around, you're surprised to see a frazzled Jin looking back at you. 
"Jinnie, you're back!" you smile and twist your body around more to greet him. 
"Jungkook what the hell is going on?" Jin glares, although it's not meant for you, you're the only one who sees it.  
You look back down at the man beneath you whose nervousness is radiating off of him more powerfully than the horniness that consumed him a few moments ago. You look back at Jin, now looking unamused, "We're fucking."
"Okay, and how did you two get to this point?" 
"He found me in your room." 
Jin sighs, "And why did you end up on his dick?"
"Why not?"
Jin pinches the bridge of his nose. Fucked-out you clearly wasn't going to get him answers. But he's also glad you're still in the house safe. 
Walking over to the side of the bed, he looks directly at Jungkook, who's currently looking directly at the ceiling. 
"Do you want to explain to me what's going on?"
"... No not really."
Jin sighs again. 
"There really isn't much to explain, it's pretty self explanatory," Jungkook says. 
Jin opens his mouth to speak again but Jungkook cuts him off, "C-can we talk about this when we're done please."
"Fine," Jin sighs for the third time, he wouldn't even be able to properly scold the boy with you sitting there looking all desperate and needy. "Hurry up."
"Wait no! Join us!" you reach out for Jin as he begins to walk away. He looks at you skeptically, then at Jungkook who still refuses to meet his eyes, then back at you. You're begging him with your eyes despite being seated on another man's cock. 
"Are you okay with this, Jungkook?" Jin asks, but his attention is fully on you. 
"Yeah sure– fuck baby don't squeeze me like that!"
With Jungkook's spoken consent, all control is wordlessly put into Seokjin's hands. 
"Get on your hands and knees, sweetheart,"
Jin stands at the front of the bed. The clanking sound of his belt encouraging you to reluctantly get off Jungkook. You obediently got into position, your face at eye level with his crotch. Licking your lips at the sight of his pants unzipped before you. 
"Jungkook," Jin starts while a hand runs through your hair, "Fuck her real good from behind, okay?"
Jungkook is moving faster than any other human has moved before, hurriedly getting onto his knees. With trembling hands, he's lining himself up to your entrance before sinking right in, a strangled moan passed through his lips. Roughly gripping your hips, he's setting a punishing pace right from the start. You're instantly thrown back into the onslaught of pleasure, a moan bubbling in your throat but Jin is slapping his hand over your mouth. 
"Everyone's home, so keep it down," Jin chuckles. "Actually, I think I know how to keep you quiet, sweetheart." 
Taking his hand away from your mouth, he goes and fishes his cock out from the confines of his jeans. Teasing you by slowly stroking up his shaft while looking directly into your eyes. 
"Open up," he taps the tip against your lips and you're instantly taking him in, swirling your tongue around before taking him down your throat.
The two men above you groan quietly at the sight. Jin's hand entangles into your hair while one of Jungkook's arms wraps around your body to softly circle your clit. Your moans vibrate around Jin's length, causing the man to bite his plump lip. 
"You're so good, ugh, so good for us, sweetheart.." Jin mutters as he throws his head back as you quicken your pace.
"She's perfect," Jungkook pants out, watching you take Jin's cock down your throat from over your shoulder. He leans forward more until his lips touch your shoulder, placing gentle kisses as a way to distract himself from being too loud. 
He knew he wasn't going to last long, his release so close before being interrupted, but that didn't stop him from relentlessly pounding into your sopping wet cunt. Every clench of your walls and every choked moan pushed him closer and closer to the edge. He's panting directly into your ear. His sweet voice laced with pleasure and your name. 
Jin wasn't doing much better. If the warmth of your mouth wasn't going to make him lose his mind, then maybe the fact that you're fool shamelessly all over his dick will. Or the wonderful vibrations each of your constant moans stimulates him with. If he really cared, he'd be embarrassed by how easy it was for you to him this riled up, but how could you when you're getting head this good? Entangling hand hand into your hair, Jin slowly fucks your throat, a complete contrast to the way Jungkook is pounding into your cunt.
"Baby, fuck– I'm gonna cum," Jungkook whispers to you. You couldn't see it, the way his pretty lashes were fluttering as he lost focus. The fingers on your clit speed up as he shifts to go deeper inside you, hitting that /one/ spot. The stimulation of your g-spot was enough to trigger your orgasm, Jin's cock slipping from your mouth as your pussy spasming around Jungkook's thick length. 
"Oh fuck," Jungkook's harshly biting his lip, doing his best to contain the noises that threaten to escape as he comes inside you.
Hot ropes of cum fill your cunt while he whimpers directly into your ear. He keeps one arm wrapped around your waist, smoothing over your skin and holding you against his sweaty chest as you ride out your orgasm. Heavy breathing fills the still space of the bedroom, Jungkook's breaths tickling your skin as he lays against your back. 
Unwillingly, Jungkook sits up and slowly pulls out, watching as some of his cum drips out and down your thighs in a tantalizing trail. He begins to move behind you, shuffling to be seated at eye level with your creamy cunt. 
"Oh!~" you turn and gasp when Jungkook licks his way up your thighs, cleaning up everything that had dribbled out of you. His positioning is a bit awkward but that doesn't stop him from eating his own cum out of your cunt, lapping at your sensitive folds leisurely as his fingers gently push into you causing more of his cum to spill out into his greedy mouth. 
With a final kiss to your clit, he's pulling away and laying flat on his back, licking the remnants off his lips with a satisfied smile. 
A gentle hand on your chin directs your attention back to the man in front of you. 
His eyes that were usually kind and bright were hooded, darkened with lust as he holds your chin delicately between his thumb and index finger. Seokjin tilts his head to the side, studying you while he thinks deeply. 
"Sweetheart," Jin says to regain your attention that had drifted to his cock dangling directly in front of your face. Snapping your eyes back to his, he continues, "lay against Jungkook for me." 
Following his directions, you lay back in the open space between Jungkook's legs, back sticking to his hard chest. Immediately, Jungkook passes his arms from underneath your own and grabs handfuls of your tits. You  relax against his body as his hands work your chest, humming in delight when he massages then harder. 
"You're having a hard time keeping your attention on me, sweetheart. What do I have to do to fix that?" Seokjin asks, cocking his head to the side. He's situated himself between your spread legs, a hand smoothing against the soft skin of your thigh.
"Fuck me," you don't hesitate, staring straight into Jin's eyes. You can feel Jungkook huff a laugh against your neck where his lips have been sucking bruises. 
"Well," smirking, Jin pushes your thighs close to your chest, exposing your abused pussy,  "if that's what it takes." He sinks his cock inside you in one quick thrust, groan when you pulse around him. 
He's gained you're undivided attention now, your lust-filled eyes glued onto his as he pounds into you. He smiles, happy to see you quivering with pleasure underneath him, his name falling from your kiss-swollen lips, your arms moving to wrap around his neck to pull him closer. 
He would never admit it out loud, but as much as watching you fuck Jungkook turned him on, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous seeing you give your attention to someone else. 
"Jin, f-fuck harder! Please go harder!" you beg, head thrown back as broken moans escape your sore throat.
Pausing momentarily, he drags you down lower on the bed and out of Jungkook's hold, now laying in the open space between his thick thighs. Back flat against the mattress, Seokjin parts your legs, hands holding your thighs before roughly thrusting inside you, causing both of you to moan. Following your wishes, Seokjin fucks into you faster and deeper, one of his hands moving closer to rub at your clit. 
Jungkook was disappointed when you were pulled away from him, but it didn't last long. Watching your face contorted in pleasure while your boobs bounced vigorously with each hard thrust made up for the absence of your body against his. 
"You look so pretty, baby," Jungkook reaches down to move the hair out of your face. You moan at his praise, head nuzzling into his hand as he softly played with your hair. "Does it feel good? Tell me how good he's making you feel." 
You could barely process the question, mind too fucked out to think properly. 
"He asked you a question, sweetheart, answer him," Jin pressed down roughly on your clit, causing your back to arch of the bed.
"S'g-good! Ah! Feels fucking Aa-amazing!" your words come out more slurred than intended, but it's hard to speak with such a big cock inside you! "I'm gonna cum," you moan, gripping the sheets and Jungkook’s thigh to ground yourself.
At your words, Seokjin somehow manages to go even faster, hips snapping with a purpose. Even if you hadn't said anything, he would know you were close to the edge. The telltale signs of your orgasm written all over your body.
The way your mouth hangs open with the corners pulled up into a lustful smile, short pants and moans never ceasing.  The irises of your pink eyes transform into little hearts before your eyes start to roll to the back of your head. Your pussy is getting even tighter and impossibly wetter.
Jungkook stares in complete awe and arousal. His cock twitching at the erotic sight of your reaching your high. 
"Seokjin fuck! Pleaseplease so good, wanna cum!" spewing please and praise out of your unfiltered mouth repeating his name like a mantra. 
"Then do it. Show Jungkookie how pretty you are when you cum," Seokjin commands. A few more strokes and one final presses to your clit and your convulsing around him. Body trembling from the power of your release. Eyes shining that signature pretty pink as that icon lewd facial expression takes over your features. The sight so arousing that Jungkook cums untouched, hips bucking into the air while he moans shamelessly, streaks of cum coating his torso white.
"Shit, look at that. You're gonna make me cum," Jin groans. He isn't too far behind, his dick twitching as he watches you shaking beneath him. Trapping you with his arms on either side of your head, he's pushing in balls deep he comes inside you, melodic voice singing your name as he does. 
The sight of him above you glorious. Sweat dripping down the column of his neck and the length of his body. Chest heaving and eyes closed as he basks in the post orgasmic bliss. And then he's opening his eyes, and you swore you could come again just from that look alone. Unfocused, hooded lustful gaze peering down at you becomes all the more sinful when the corner of his lip pulls up into a lazy smirk. Leaning down, he kisses you, his lips molding with yours shorter than you would like. The three of you groan when he pulls out, cum instantly spilling out and making the bed beneath you even messier. 
"Ah, we need to get cleaned up first," Jin laughs when you try to pull him down towards you. If you had the energy, you'd try and convince him to lay with a for a little bit, but instead you let the both of them do what they want.
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By some blessing, the rest of the group heard and suspected nothing, making the quick trip to the bathroom easy. You're now happily back in Jungkook's clean bed, one of his shirts adorning your body, and his hands somehow up the front caressing your chest. His lips attacking your with playful kisses, tongue darting out only to retreat moments later.
"Can you keep your hands off of her for even five seconds?" walking into the room Jin questions Jungkook, whose tongue was now down your throat and his hands still massaging your tits, eliciting soft whimpers from you. 
He pulls back, cheeks dusted pink, "I mean I could, but why would I want to?" His hands leave your boobs, moving to your low back and pulling you into his chest. Seokjin rolls his eyes as he climbs into the bed behind you, his broad chest against your back. 
"Both of you need to sleep," Seokjin mutters, trying to keep his eyes open. Before he drifts off, he's turning your face towards him, gently kissing you. 
"Goodnight, sweetheart," Jinnie smiles, wrapping an arm around your waist.
Jungkook peppers your face with kisses before placing a final kiss on your lips, "G'night, baby." 
"Goodnight Jin. Goodnight Jungkook," you giggle quietly. In minutes you're falling asleep comfortably.
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Your sleep is disrupted by an irritable itch on your leg. You've tried scratching at it but it won't go away. So now you're lying fully awake, with more parts of your body itching. You want to get up to see what's wrong, but you're still sandwiched between the two men and incredibly sore. You try a go back to sleep, but the itching is becoming unbearable. 
You do your best to climb out of bed, trying your hardest to not disrupt the other two, and thankfully succeed. Deciding to go to the bathroom to check out what's wrong, a light catches your eye. Turning your head to the source you see it 
Jungkook's monitor in on. 
And you know it wasn't when all of you went to sleep. 
You slowly make your way towards the desk, but stop when you feel the itching get more intense.
"Oh! I can probably go back!” you think to yourself. Walking up to the desk, the annoying itching turns into a subtle warmth. You don't dare touch the cursed monitor. Not yet at least. You look around, spotting a pen and a pad of sticking notes. You obviously didn't want to leave without an explanation. Writing up the little note, you make your way back into Seokjin's room as quietly as possible and try to find your clothes in the dark, too scared to turn the light on and get caught. It took a good eight minutes of squinting in the dark to find the clothes you originally can here in and change into them before going trekking back. They were still asleep. Placing Jungkook's at the edge of the bed you walk back to the desk. 
You place the note in the most noticeable spot, on the mouse. Taking a deep breath, you take one last look at the two handsome men and smile.
"I hope I remember all of this…," you smile to yourself. Directing your attention back to the monitor, you reach your hand towards it, the screen and your body glitching until…
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You're gone.
That's the first thing Jin notices when he wakes up. He instantly becomes worried after he checks his room and the bathrooms only to see you're nowhere to be found. Abruptly waking up Jungkook, he informs him of your sudden disappearance. 
"Where could she have gone, though?" Jungkook pouts, his sleepy brain stressed out. His eyes wander around his room, trying to see if anything looked out of place. 
"Wait, what's this?" Jin bends down to pick something up. It's the shirt you were wearing the night before.
"Nooo, Y/N looked so cute in that!" Jungkook pouts even more.
"Now is not the time," Jin glares, "Why did she take this off?" Jungkook shrugs.
They sit in silence for ten minutes, trying to figure out why you were suddenly gone. With his brain finally being fully awake, it dawn on him.
"Did she go home?" Jungkook asks out loud.
There's a beat of silence, before they're racing over to the God forsaken setup, spotting the sticky note on the mouse almost immediately. Their worries vanish at the sight of the neatly drawn note, instead relief and a light sadness fills their chest, but they know you're safe.
Jin picks up the note as Jungkook reads it over his shoulder. 
"Hey, it seems I finally have a chance to go back home. Which is a good thing, but I really don't want to leave. It's been so nice staying here, but who knows what you happen if I stayed longer. (I do know of one thing that would happen if it stayed, if you know what I'm saying heehee). It's bittersweet. I have no idea if I'll remember any of this, but I really hope I do. You two showed me a really good time. Seokjinnie, thank you so much for taking care of me for the past few weeks, I greatly appreciate it and I love u<3. And Jungkook, I love u too<3, but I fucking hate your cursed ass monitor, but at the same time I'm grateful because I got to meet you. Anyway, don't worry too much about me, it won't do you any good. Regardless of what happens, I'll miss you soooo much! 
– love Y/N
P.S. I left pretty much everything, yes that includes my panties so be good and share and have fun with those you filthy perverts!<3"
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©siderealmyg 2021 | all rights reserved | reposts, copying, translations, or modifications of any kind are NOT permitted.
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