#29th January 2020
just-elena · 8 months
I'm sorry if this has already been shared to Tumblrverse previously, I scrolled through #threshold day but didn't see it.
The vagina museum has a say to this sacred occurrence, so there.
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A very happy #ThresholdDay to all who celebrate. If you haven't yet read our analysis of whether Janeway and Tom Paris fucked when they were lizards, today is the perfect day!
On 29th January 1996, "Threshold", the Star Trek: Voyager episode where Captain Janeway and Tom Paris turned into giant space newts and had babies first aired. Since it's #ThresholdDay we aim to answer a burning question: did Paris and Janeway fuck? If so, how did they fuck?
In attempting to answer the question as to whether Janeway and Paris fucked, and how they did it, we're going to mostly focus on salamanders, because the weird space amphibians they become are often described as "salamanders" and they look kinda like salamanders.
The first thing you need to know about amphibians is that they don't have genitals per se. As amphibians, Janeway and Paris had cloacas: a multipurpose hole for pee, poo and reproduction.
Salamanders are interesting because different species employ different strategies for fertilisation. Some use external fertilisation: Janeway plops her eggs out, Paris fertilises them. Some practice internal fertilisation, which we'll get onto later.
If Janeway and Paris engaged in external fertilisation, they would have undertaken a manoeuvre called amplexus. Tom Paris would have come up behind Captain Janeway and embraced her with his forelimbs. They would position their cloacas close together.
When Janeway released her eggs, Paris would have released sperm over them. Amplexus can last for hours.
Essentially, Janeway and Paris went tantric.
However, most salamanders don't do amplexus. Fertilisation would happen inside Janeway's body before she laid her eggs. This isn't achieved by penetration. It's much weirder.
If the fertilisation was internal, Tom Paris would have deposited a parcel of sperm called a spermatophore, and then Captain Janeway would pick the package up with the lips of her cloaca to take it into herself.
That sounds reasonably contact free, right? So why are Janeway and Paris so embarrassed about what happened at the end of the episode?
Welp, there's a lot of courtship rituals which would have happened before Janeway picked up Paris's cum parcel with her pee-poo hole lips.
Salamanders court: it's in Tom Paris's interests to make sure Janeway chooses to pick up his package of sperm. Salamander courtship typically involves seduction and dancing.
Tom Paris would have wafted pheromones at Janeway, and then the two of them would have engaged in some dance moves, first with Paris turning round to deposit his sperm package, then Janeway turning to pick it up.
In some salamanders, the pheromone exchange is as simple as Tom Paris fanning his tail at Captain Janeway so she can get a whiff and get in the mood for collecting his sperm package. Sometimes it's a bit kinkier.
If they took a lead from Desmognathus, Paris would drag his teeth down Janeway's neck and back while releasing pheromones, getting his horny chemicals straight into her bloodstream.
If they took a lead from Plethodon shermani, Paris would slap Janeway's snout.
Ultimately, there would have been seduction, close contact dancing, tail straddling and possibly a bit of kink. So that's presumably why Janeway, Paris and pretty much the entire Voyager crew are absolutely mortified and the entire sorry interlude is absolutely never mentioned again.
At the end of the episode, human again, Paris apologises for the salamander sex but Janeway points out that in many species, the female initiates the intercourse. Is that true?
In general, the way salamander sex is talked about, the male is doing everything he can to persuade the female to pick up his spermatophore. He's the active one and the female is passive. A 2020 literature review suggests this is not the case: the female is an active participant.
Ultimately, Janeway was probably quite right in admitting her responsibility in having salamander sex with her pilot, and that she *chose* to pick up his little parcel of jizz and have his space abomination babies.
Thank you for reading. We're sorry.
/end text
Source: the Vagina Museum official Mastodon account. Original thread here.
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elizabethwydevilles · 2 months
Padme, during RotS development
One thing to understand is that for the first several months of pre-production, George Lucas is still writing the script (pre-production started roughly around late April of 2002, with the first draft of the script finished in late January 2003. To quote Paul Duncan: 'before the script was written, the design team were given the freedom to imagine possible scenarios', and Rick McCallum: 'usually no one would go off and spend millions of dollars without understanding what the very foundation of the film they're making is, but we break that very rule of film production'.
Sources for this post are The Art of Revenge of the Sith by J. W. Rinzler (2005), The Making of Revenge of the Sith by J. W. Rinzler (2005) and The Star Wars Archives, 1999-2005 by Paul Duncan (2020).
It's also going to be a long ass post, so see under the cut.
June 7-21 2002(?): Ryan Church painted a battle scene: 'What if a bunch of bad guys were attacking Padme and the clones who were trying to get back to their ship?'
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August 2002: While revieving costume designs, GLucas indicated that Padme will need senatorial, casual and action wear.
October 12th, 2002: 'For the first time, it is rumoured that Padmé might die in this film. She might be seen last on Alderaan.'
October 25th-31st, 2002: In response to GLucas requesting a new locale for a Padme and Anakin 'love scene', Erik Tiemens designed several Naboo sceneries. Upon viewing them, GLucas moved the scene to Coruscant; some design elements are used for Kashyyyk.
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October, 2002: Iain McCaig designed costumes for Padme. Note the bird of prey.
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October 2002: While designing the world of Kashyyyk, Erik Tiemens painted a scene of Padme walking with wookies. (Note: Image is a cropped version of the full art work)
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November 1st-8th, 2002: Iain McCaig: 'George said there might be a scene where Padme's doubled over in agony and Yoda is there unable to help her'.
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November 22nd, 2022: Erik Tiemens designed a set of new locations for Padme and Anakin 'love scene' on Coruscant.
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December 19th, 2002: Erik Tiemens: 'I was brainstorming with Iain [McCaig] and he thought that Padme might have a dagger in her hand'.
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December 20th, 2002: Derek Thompson illustrated his idea of having Vader find Padme and the children, who are being protected by Jedi.
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January 31st 2003: GLucas delivered the first rough draft to his producer Rick McCallum. The outline given in the book is brief, but Padme's basic storyline in the 55 page script appears no different. However, Anakin's nightmare about Padme features her consumed by flames, and Padme goes to Mustafar with her handmaidens and Captain Typho - who are gunned down by clones on arrival.
February 6th, 2003: Erik Tiemens designed a piece of concept art for Padme's funeral procession.
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April 12th/13th 2003: GLucas presented the first official draft of the movie script. It's 111 pages long. Padmé and her entourage are still attacked on their arrival on Mustafar, but this time by droids whom Anakin defeats. In regards to Padme's death, Palpatine tells Vader that a Jedi murdered her.
May 5th, 2003: Iain McCaig's designed Padme's funeral outfit.
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May 24th, 2003: Erik Tiemens illustrated Padme and Anakin's farewell before he leaves for Mustafar.
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May 29th, 2003: Erik Tiemens illustrated Padme watching the Jedi temple burn.
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June 13th 2003: GLucas presented the second official draft of the movie script. It's 135 pages long. Anakin's nightmare of Padmé is changed from her being consumed by flames, to her dying in childbirth. There is now a scene where Palpatine suggests to Anakin that Obi-Wan is meeting with Padmé secretly. In regards to Padme's actual death, Palpatine tells Vader that he [Vader] murdered her, just as in the movie. Just like the finished movie, it is noted that Padme dies of a broken heart. Padme's final smile at Leia is noted to be the smile that Leia remembers in RotJ.
June 26th, 2003: The fourth draft of the script is completed, consisting of 129 pages. Padme is no longer accompanied to Mustafar by Typho and her handmaidens.
June 30th, 2003: Principal photography begins.
July 2nd, 2003: First Padme scenes are shot, both located in her apartment (Her and Obi-Wan discussing Anakin, and Padme with the other senators).
July 3rd, 2003: Revised script for the scene in which Obi-Wan tells Padme he knows about her and Anakin.
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August 12th, 2003: Last day of principal shooting for Natalie Portman.
September 17th, 2003: Principal shooting finishes.
December 21st, 2003: Iain McCaig designed a practical costume for Padme.
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March 9th, 2004: All but the last ('thunderous applause') of Padme's political scenes have now been cut from the final film.
August 23rd - September 3rd 2004: Reshoots
August 23rd, 2004: Additional scene scripted for reshoot the following day.
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January 31st, 2005: One last day of filming for Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen.
Script excerpt (unknown date)
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Art (unsure dates)
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Padme's apartment layout and colours
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autiebiographical · 11 months
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Originally posted January 29th, 2020
Even when having fun, masking is so tiring. I love my friends, but I can count on one hand the number of people I don't have to mask around.
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halfagone · 7 months
Celebrating DPxDC Ships
Since I missed out on DPxDC Ship Week this year (I promised myself I would focus on my multi-chapter fics more and I already have so many birthday gift fics to work on, forgive me-), I thought what better way to celebrate the event than looking back on a variety of ships!
I'll try my best to showcase as many ships as possible, but if I miss out on any y'all think should get some love, please do add it in a reblog and spread the celebration! Please keep in mind that all these figures are sourced from Ao3.
Jazz Fenton/Jason Todd (Hardcover Ship) (F/M)
First Fic Posted:
Crash Course by Carmic (Published: March 29th, 2020.)
As of February 21st, 2024: 173 total.
Danny Fenton/Jason Todd (Dead On Main) (M/M)
First Fic Posted:
I Don't? Work Alone by DomesticatedOpossum (Published: June 17th, 2020.)
As of February 21st, 2024: 277 total.
Danny Fenton/Dick Grayson (Death Defying) (M/M)
First Fic Posted:
The Ghost of a Robin by MaxineWolf (Published: August 5th, 2015.)
As of February 21st, 2024: 93 total.
Cassandra Cain/Jazz Fenton (Quiet Time (better known as Cazz)) (F/F)
First Fic Posted:
Hit me with your sweet love (Steal me with a kiss) by coolerdazai (Published: February 9th, 2023.) @bum-bum-bakudan
As of February 21st, 2024: 21 total.
Cassandra Cain/Danny Fenton (Deathly Silent) (F/M)
First Fic Posted:
El retorno de Sentry by RocKzAr77 (Published: January 24th, 2022.)
As of February 21st, 2024: 31 total.
Danny Fenton/Damian Wayne (Dead Serious) (M/M)
First Fic Posted:
Incision by DizzlyPuzzled (Published: January 29th, 2018.) @dizzlypuzzled
As of February 21st, 2024: 123 total.
Danny Fenton/Bruce Wayne (Spirit Halloween) (M/M)
First Fic Posted:
You Got The Feels by happy_alligator (Published: July 14th, 2022.)
As of February 21st, 2024: 45 total.
Tim Drake/Danny Fenton (Dead Tired) (M/M)
First Fic Posted:
Vertical Limit by hppjmxrgosg (Published: January 6th, 2022.) @hppjmxrgosg
As of February 21st, 2024: 206 total.
As always, please read any tags and warnings before you continue further with a story. I haven't gotten the chance to read all of these myself, but it is very curious to see what ships have endured the test of time and what have bloomed at surprising speed.
And this isn't even including all the platonic relationships we've explored! We've grown a lot as a niche crossover, and that deserves some love too. Look out, world, we ain't stopping any time soon. Happy reading! 📖✨❤️
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i. while you were looking at him ◦ b.c
Part 1
-chan has only ever wanted to be yours, but what is he going to do when he finds out you might not be as much of his as he might think? And what hurts the most isn't seeing somebody else's eyes glitter the way his does; it's seeing the glitter in yours slowly fade away. 
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❝Secrets I have held in my heart❞- arctic monkeys
Warning ◦ reader is kind of a bitch but she gets better trust me, and shes also described as having a fish allergy, forced dieting Masterlist ◦ while you were looking at him ◦ I was looking at you ◦ maybe I just wanna be yours a/n ◦ I highly suggest that you dont just click the image and scroll through if you read the dates and times it will make more sense and this chapter is kinda like the prologue it just gives you some insight into y/n and chans relationship with Brandon before they break up
❝Are harder to hide than I thought❞- arctic monkeys
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❝ i wanna be your vacuum cleaner❞
June 19th, 2020. 2:34 pm
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❝Breathing in your dust❞
June 21st, 2020. 7:58pm
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❝I wanna be your Ford Cortina❞
June 21st, 2020. 10:05pm
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❝I will never rust❞
June 23rd, 2020. 3:45pm
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❝if you like your coffee hot ❞
June 26th, 2020. 6:54pm
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❝ let me be your coffee pot ❞
July 8th, 2020. 2:29pm
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❝ you call the shots babe ❞
July 29th, 2020. 4:05pm
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❝ i just wanna be yours ❞
August 8th, 2020. 3:35 am
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❝ secrets i have held in my heart ❞
August 9th, 2020. 11:06 am
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❝ are harder to hide then i thought ❞
September 20th, 2020. 12:59 pm
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❝ maybe i just wanna be yours ❞
October 2nd, 2020. 2:45 pm
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❝ i wanna be yours, i wanna be yours ❞
November 19th, 2020. 9:45 pm
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❝ wanna be yours ❞
December 23rd, 2020. 1:43 am
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❝ wanna be yours ❞
January 1st, 2021. 12:00 pm
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©CookieCreates (posted: July, 4th 2024) All rights reserved. Do not translate, copy, or claim my works as yours! I only post on this platform so if any of my works are elsewhere, report and notify me immediately.
~cookiecreates 🍪
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asystol · 2 months
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         ᯓ FILE 000. — LEE, NICOLE ๋࣭
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BIRTH NAME.     nicole lee
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  KOREAN NAME.     lee nakyung
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀HANGUL.     이나경
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ALIAS.     nikki ❪ given by julie, origin from her birth name ❫⠀ ⠀collie ❪ ‘ pronounced cole-lee ’ given by belle, origin from her birth name ❫⠀ ⠀nana ❪ given by natty, origin from her korean name ❫⠀ ⠀뿌 ppu ❪ given by haneul, origin is 뿌 is a cute expression like the ‘ 😁 ’ emoji ❫⠀ ⠀naky ❪ given by daniel, origin from her korean name ❫⠀ ⠀ttokki ❪ given by fans, origin from her representative emoji ❫ ⠀ ⠀nakorita ❪ given by haneul, origin from the pokemon chikorita ❫ 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DATE OF BIRTH.     april 1st, 2001
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  AGE.     23 years old
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ZODIAC.     aries
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  CHINESE ZODIAC.     snake
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PLACE OF BIRTH.     toronto, canada
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  NATIONALITY.     canadian
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ETHNICITY.     korean
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  RESIDENCE(S).     port hope, ontario, canada ❪ 2001 — 2013 ❫⠀ ⠀chungcheongnam-do, south korea ❪ 2013 — 2015 ❫⠀ ⠀seoul, south korea ❪ 2015 — ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  LANGUAGES.     english ❪ fluent ❫⠀ ⠀korean ❪ near fluent ❫⠀ ⠀spanish ❪ advanced ❫⠀ ⠀japanese ❪ intermediate ❫⠀ ⠀thai ❪ beginner ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  GENDER IDENTITY.     cisgender female
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PRONOUNS.     she/her
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SEXUAL ORIENTATION.     bisexual
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.     homoromantic
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  RELATIONSHIP STATUS.     single
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HEIGHT.     163cm (5’4”)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  WEIGHT.     —
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BLOOD TYPE.     a
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  EYE.     brown
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  NATURAL HAIR.     black
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BODY MODIFICATIONS.     lobe piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀upper lobe piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀industrial piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀helix piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀conch piercing ❪ left and right ❫⠀ ⠀belly button piercing⠀ ⠀‘ i am the somebody ’ tattoo ❪ right rib ❫⠀ ⠀strawberry tattoo ❪ left hip ❫⠀ ⠀koi fish tattoo ❪ behind right ear ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FACE CLAIM.     nana of wooah
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SPEAKING CLAIM.     nana of wooah
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  VOCAL CLAIM.     juria of xg
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DANCE CLAIM.     yuna of itzy
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  RAP CLAIM.     rei of ive
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  STAGE NAME.     NAKYUNG (나경)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  COMPANY.     pledis entertainment ❪ 2015 — 2022 ❫⠀ ⠀off the record entertainment ❪ 2018 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀axs entertainment ❪ 2019 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀swing entertainment ❪ 2020 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀s2 entertainment ❪ 2022 — ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  TRAINING PERIOD.     five in total ❪ skipping 2018 — 2021 ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SURVIVAL SHOWS.     produce 48 ❪ 2018 ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  OCCUPATION.     idol
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  GROUP(S).     IZ*ONE ❪ 2018 — 2021 ❫⠀ ⠀KISS OF LIFE ❪ 2023 — ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DEBUT DATE(S).     october 29th, 2018 ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ ⠀july 5th, 2023 ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DEBUT AGE(S).     17 years old ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ ⠀22 years old ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISBANDMENT DATE.     april 29th, 2021 ❪ IZ*ONE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISBANDMENT AGE.     20 years old ❪ IZ*ONE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  POSITION(S).     vocalist, sub rapper, visual ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ ⠀vocalist, center ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  REPRESENTATIVE EMOJI(S).     🦋 butterfly ❪ IZ*ONE ❫⠀ 🐰 bunny ❪ KISS OF LIFE ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  INDIVIDUAL FANDOM NAME.     nakyorita ❪ origin from chikorita + nakyung ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  INSTAGRAM USERNAME.     nicolee ❪ public, 11.4m followers, 14 following ❫
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISCOGRAPHY.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀COLOR*IZ.     october 29th, 2018
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Suki to Iwasetai.     february 6th, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀HEART*IZ.     april 1st, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Buenos Aires.     june 21st, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Vampire.     september 25th, 2019
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀BLOOM*IZ.     february 17th, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Oneiric Diary.     june 15th, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Thirteen.     october 21st, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀One-reeler / ACT IV.     december 7th, 2020
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀D-D-Dance.     january 26th, 2021
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Stardust love song.     march 6th, 2022
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀KISS OF LIFE.     july 5th, 2023
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Born to be XX.     november 8th, 2023
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Officially Cool (with BANG YEDAM).     february 9th, 2024
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Midas Touch.     april 3rd, 2024
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Sixth Sense.     may 25th, 2024
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀Sticky.     july 1st, 2024
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  KNOWN FOR.     placing second in produce48, the ‘listener’ for the yapper best friend (julie), her duality, accidentally kissing chaewon during a live, everyone’s parents loving her more than their own kid, the switch in concept between iz*one and kiss of life, her vocals, slapping/patting her members’ butts for no reason, belle recording her crying over the finding nemo movie, being the biggest moomoo, her stable cover of bad news while drunk, openly being a ‘gleek’, affectionately being called a loser in a hot body by fans, her sanrio themed room
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MBTI TYPE.     intj-a ❪ assertive architect ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀ANALYZING.     an assertative architect tends to have more self confidence than a turbulent architect, particularly when handling life’s ups and downs. if things do go the way they expect, an intj-a is not likely to second guess their initial actions or experience regret.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  POSITIVE.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀rational.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀ambitious.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀self-assured.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀adventurous. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀observant. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀efficient. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  NEGATIVE.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀arrogant. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀impulsive. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀impatient. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀nosy. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀withdrawn. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀rigid.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAMILY.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀joshua lee ❪ father ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀angie lee ❪ mother ❫  † ❪ 1975 — 2021 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀daniel lee ❪ brother ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀ciara lee ❪ sister ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀kim seoyoung ❪ maternal grandmother ❫ † ❪ 1955 — 2018 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀park hojin ❪ maternal grandfather ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀park jaewoo ❪ maternal uncle ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀park sooyoung ❪ maternal aunt ❫ 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀lee jihyuk ❪ paternal grandfather ❫ † ❪ 1950 — 1994 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀jung yeonhee ❪ paternal grandmother ❫ † ❪ 1954 — 2011 ❫
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀lee eunbyul ❪ paternal aunt ❫ 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HISTORY.    
 ⠀⠀  ⠀nakyung was born on april 1st, 2001 as nicole lee in toronto, canada. she grew up in port hope, ontario, canada with her older brother, daniel, and younger sister, ciara. her mother, angie, worked as a middle school music teacher and her father, joshua, was a construction worker.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀she became interested in music early on, her mother teaching her how to play guitar and piano as soon as she was old enough. when nakyung wanted to be a singer “just like stevie nicks” at eight-years-old, angie put her in vocal lessons.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀after being persuaded by her best friend, she joins the free ballet classes at her school with her. she starts to take dance and her vocals more seriously, finding it more fun than instruments. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀when she’s thirteen, her parents tell her and her siblings that her mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer the year before. they wanted to wait to see if chemotherapy would help. angie had gotten laid off from her job, leaving joshua the only financial support. 
 ⠀⠀  ⠀for more financial stability and emotions support, the lee family moved from canada to south korea to stay with angie’s parents. nicole didn’t even have time to say goodbye to her friends.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀nicole, now going by nakyung, didn’t make very much friends in her new school and kept mostly to herself. she got a job under the table as a waitress to help her parents with bills, telling her family she was at a dance studio by her school.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀while working, she was scouted by pledis entertainment. despite her parents thinking it was sketchy and cult-like, she auditioned and was accepted. as her brother was going to seoul national university, she moved to seoul with him to train at pledis.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2016, nakyung’s parents announced that angie was in remission. she started working as a teacher again after becoming healthier.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀nakyung was in the final line-up for pledis’ upcoming girl group, but was pulled out due to ‘not being ready’. she almost left the company until her mother convinced her to stay and become better.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀with no news of a new pledis girl group, nakyung volunteered herself to join mnet’s survival show, produce 48. she would end up placing second in the last episode and debuting in temporary girl group, IZ*ONE, in 2018.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2020, nakyung’s parents announced that angie’s cancer had came back— being part of the 10-20 percentage of ovarian cancer recurrence. angie would not try chemotherapy again, wanting to be with her family and go to new zealand. due to the pandemic, the family would ultimately stay in korea and not fulfill angie’s wish.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2021, her mother dies and IZ*ONE disbands. nakyung is not seen for a long time, not even by her IZ*ONE members until her OST song for kdrama ‘twenty-five twenty-one’, stardust love song, was announced. she would, again, disappear.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀in 2022, it is assumed nakyung left pledis around this time as she later joins S2 entertainment after lee haein offered her a spot in ber upcoming girl group.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FATHER.     joshua lee was born march 13th, 1973 in daegu, south korea as lee jaehyun. the day he turned eighteen, he left his house and moved to canada with his best friend and legally changed his name to joshua lee. he met angela park in 1994 and would go on to have three children with her. the first being daniel in 1997, nicole in 2001, and ciara in 2004. he doesn’t want to be in korea when they have to move but does it for his wife. when angie dies in 2021, he completely barricades himself in their room. one day, his number is changed and all of his belongings are gone. we never find out what happened to him but he either killed himself or changed his name again and started a new life. he is referred to as ‘dad’ or ‘deadbeat’. (non affectionately)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MOTHER.     angela ‘angie’ lee was born on october 29th, 1975 in jeju, south korea as park jangmi. she goes by angela or angie now because she likes the name. she was studying abroad in canada when she met joshua. in 2012, she is diagnosed with ovarian cancer. together, they decide to bare the news on their shoulders alone and decide not to tell anyone unless chemotherapy doesn’t work. it begins to work, but it’s too expensive and she’s laid off. they have to move to seoul to be near her family for help. she hates the person she is while on chemo, and turns to god in her sickness and health, even when she’s in remission in 2016. she begins working again. in 2020, the cancer come back, but angie doesn’t want to be on chemo again. she wants to be with her family, in new zealand. but then they can’t go and she dies in korea. she is referred to as ‘mom’.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  BROTHER.     daniel lee was born on august 15th, 1997 in toronto, canada. he grew up teasing his younger sisters, ever so mean to them during puberty but there for them when they were upset. his relationship with his parents wasn’t so great, always noting a difference in the way they brought him up compared to his sisters. when he was eighteen, he left for seoul national university in 2015 with his sister. he now works as a cyber security engineer. he is referred to as ‘daniel’, ‘danny’ or ‘dumbass’. (affectionately)
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  SISTER.     ciara lee was born on november 3rd, 2004 in ontario, canada. she grew up wanting to be everything like her sister, wanting to be around her constantly. she slightly grew up in nakyung’s shadow, but that didn’t matter to her— it just made her want to be her even more. she wants to become an idol just like her older sister— and she will. she currently lives with their aunt, sooyoung, and her girlfriend, bora, in busan, south korea. she is referred to as ‘chaeyoung’ or ‘cee’ or ‘ciara’.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER.     park seoyoung was born on january 19th, 1955 in busan, south korea. she met lee hojin in 1972 and shortly married him a few months later the same year. they would go on to have three children, one boy, two girls. in 1996, seoyoung and hojin moved to chungnam, south korea and settled there for the rest of their lives. in 2017, her health begins to decline. in 2018, she dies in her sleep peacefully. she is referred to as ‘할머니’ (halmoni).
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL GRANDFATHER.     park hojin was born on may 12th, 1949 in ulsan, south korea. after his father died during the korean war, his mother moved them to busan. he met seoyoung in 1972, marrying her and having three children with her. in 1996, he and seoyoung moved to chungnam. in 2001, he suffered from a heart attack. he is currently retired, but used to work as a contractor.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL UNCLE.     park jaewoo was born on february 21st, 1973. he is currently a businessman, living in new york.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  MATERNAL AUNT.      park sooyoung was born on september 27th, 1977. she is currently living in busan with her girlfriend, bora, and her niece, chaeyoung/ciara. she works as a hotel secretary.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PATERNAL GRANDFATHER.     lee jihyuk was born in 1950. he was verbally and physically abusive to his son, jaehyun, which was one of the leading factors of why jaehyun left forever at eighteen. he died in 1994 of a heart attack.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER.     jung yeonhee was born on july 1st, 1954. she never tried to protect her son from her husband, but joshua was soft on her and it took a lot of him to leave her behind. after jihyuk died in 1994, she tried to find jaehyun, as she knew him, but failed. she later settled in jeju, south korea in 2000 and died of a car accident in 2011. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PATERNAL AUNT.     lee eunbyul was born on december 28th, 1981. her brother was nine years older than her and never cared enough to talk to her, despite the two having more in common than he thought. she was relieved when their brother left and then her father died. when her mother tried to look for her brother who never even wanted them, she grew angry and began to resent her mother and her brother even more. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HABITS & MANNERISMS.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀making sound effects, making sweater paws, switching from english to korean in a sentence, constantly organizing and reorganizing things, talking in aegyo, sleep talking, mumbling to herself, makes up lies about random, unimportant things for no reason, pouting or puckering her lips, sleeping in late, using ‘like’ constantly in a conversation, gesturing while talking, checking her phone, laughing in serious situations, poking haneul’s cheeks, slapping/patting her members’ butts for no reason, talking about stars, getting overstimulated with too much noise under stress, bursting into songs and choreo, being jumpy.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  HOBBIES & SKILLS.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀singing, writing, playing the piano, playing the guitar, watching old and new cartoons, gardening, seeing how far she can push her members, vlogging, watching tiktoks/being on her phone, sleeping, shopping, collecting her bias’ photocards, journaling, collecting rubber ducks, doing mindf*ck games.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  LIKES.     
 ���⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀sleeping, music, shopping, reading, strawberries, rubber ducks, learning, butter pecan ice cream, astrology, stars, science, organizing, candles, dramas, the season fall, color purple, swimming, gentle rain, night time, puzzles, talking about her mother, ice skating, museums.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  DISLIKES.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀alcohol, the color orange, loud noises, hot weather, clowns, thunderstorms, liars, mint flavor, horror movies, assumptions, being vulnerable, repeating herself, being active besides dancing, chronically late people, wasting time, camping, cemeteries, family dinners, waiting, dirty fingernails, sundays, cheese, cleaning, world ending conspiracy theories/far stretched conspiracy theories.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  PHOBIAS.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀heights, blood.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE COLOR(S).     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀lavender and pink.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE SEASON.   
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀fall.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE ANIMAL(S).     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀bunnies, dogs.
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  FAVORITE NUMBER.     
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀seven.
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀anywhere but home, seulgi. gibson girl, ethel cain. rhiannon, fleetwood mac. spring day, bts. teeth, enhypen. out of the woods, taylor swift. take a bite, beabadoobee. liquid smooth, mitski. bye my neverland, kiss of life. left alone, fiona apple. black madonna, cage the elephant. you know i’m no good, amy winehouse. 
͙͘͡ ★ ◞  CLOSE FRIENDS.   
 ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀  ⠀⠀ ⠀former iz*one members. ryujin and chaeryeong, itzy. aespa. yunjin, le sserafim. miyeon and shuhua, (g)i-dle. nagyung, fromis_9. gaeul, ive. heeseung, enhypen. mark, chenle, haechan and jaemin, nct. sungchan, riize. yiren, everglow. yeonjun, txt. chuu. keeho, p1harmony. tsuki, billlie. soojin. matthew, zerobaseone. lily and haewon, nmixx. isa, stayc. park jihoon.
inspo from @m3loria
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1dficfests · 2 years
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No Deadlines:
🗓 Larried In Vegas Fic & Art Fest @larriedinvegasficfest (ao3)
🗓 1000 Feelings For Which There Are No Names @1000feelingsfics (ao3)
🗓 1D Dick Prints & Grey Sweatpants Fest @ 1dgreysweatpants (ao3)
🗓 Harry Is Louis’ Baby Fic Fest @harryislouisbabyficfest (ao3)
🗓1D Handkerchief Fest @1dhankyfest​ (ao3)
Coming Soon:
🔔 HL Mpreg Fic Fest @hlmpregficfest​ (autumn)
Prompt Submissions:
💡Villain Harry Fest @villainharryfest (sign-ups: 10th November)
💡Purely Smut Fic Fest @purelysmutfest (until: 4th December)
No Sign-Ups Necessary:
⏳1D Trick Or Treat Fest @1dtrickortreatfest (until: 29th October)
⌛Omega Harry Fest @omegaharryfest (until: 30th October)
⌛Louis Rare Pair Fest @louisrarepairfest​ (stay open, due: 1st November)
⌛1D One Liner Fic Fest @1d-oneliner-fest​ (stay open, due: 4th November)
⌛One Direction Big Bang @onedirectionbigbang (authors until: 4th November, artists until: 2nd December)
⌛The Show Fic Fest @theshowficfest​ (stay open, due: 9th November)
⌛Not Just Smut Fic Fest @notjustsmutficfest (until: 17th November)
⌛1D Christmas Fest @1dchristmasfest
⌛Zayn's Album Fic Fest @zaynsalbumsficfest (due: 12th January 2024)
⌛1D Song Fic Fest @1dsongfest​ (stay open, due: 25th February 2024)
⌛1D Alpha Louis Fest @1dalphalouisfest​ (stay open until: 30th June 2024)
📝Bottom Harry Fic Fest @bhficfest​ (posting: 13th November)
📝1D Daddy Bratty Fest @1ddaddybrattyfest​ (posting: 1st December)
📝1D Rom-Com Fic Fest @romcom1dficfest​ (posting: 6th December)
📝1D Soulmate Fest @1dsoulmatefest​ (due: 31st January 2024)
📝Second Time's A Charm Fic Fest @secondtimesacharmfest (due: 6th March 2024)
📝1D Dystopian Fest @1ddystopianfest​ (due: 28th April 2024)
📝1D Teamwork Fest @1dteamworkfest ​ (due: 31st May 2024)
📚1D Reverse Bang @1dreversebang​ (ao3)
📚Not Just Smut Fic Fest @notjustsmutficfest (ao3)
📚Secret Larry Valentine @secretlarryvalentine​ 
📚Girl Direction Femslash Festuary @girldirectionfest​ (ao3)
📚Top Harry Fic Fest @topharryficfest (ao3)
📚Harry Rare Pair Fest Round 3 @harryrarepairfest (ao3)
📚1D Religion Fest @1dreligionfest (ao3)
📚Omega Harry Fic Fest @omegaharryfest (ao3)
📚One Direction Big Bang Round 6 @onedirectionbigbang (ao3)
📚Faith In The Future Fic Fest @faithinthefutureficfest (ao3)
📚Momrry Fic Fest @momrryficfest (ao3)
📚Loummy Fic Fest @loummyficfest (ao3)
📚Wankfest @wankersday (ao3)
📚1D a/b/o Fic Fest @1daboficfest (ao3)
📚1D Pride Fest @1dpridefest (ao3)
📚Zouis Fic Fest @zouisfics (ao3)
📚1D Astro Fic Fest @1dastroficfest​ (ao3)
📚Title and Trope Fic Fest @titleandtropeficfest​ (ao3)
📚1D Tour de Fic Fest @1dtourdeficfest (ao3)
📚1D Watersports Fic Fest @1dwatersportsficfest​ (ao3)
📚Wordplay @wordplayfics​ (Poem, Run, Stable, Forge, Constraint)
📚Bottom Louis Fic Fest @bottomlouisficfest​​ (ao3)
📚Seven Seas of Harry and Louis Fest @sevenseasofharryandlouis (ao3)
📚1D Country Fic Fest @1dcountryfest​ (ao3)
📚Omegaverse Kinktober @omegaversekinktober23 (ao3)
2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017
Last updated: 27th October 2023
Please let me know if I’m missing something!
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starhvney · 3 months
hey! 🔮 anon here, again lmfao i came up with a time period (with specific dates): phoenix drop high | 2008 — 2012 falcon claw university | 2012 — 2016 "the big move" | may 10th, 2018 — may 14th, 2019 mystreet | may 20th, 2018 — april 4th, 2019 love~love paradise | june 30, 2019 — july 7th, 2019 lover’s lane | september 8th, 2019 — november 2nd, 2019 holiday special | december 23rd, 2019 — december 25th, 2019 new years party | december 31st, 2019 — january 1st, 2020 post-lover’s lane | january 2nd, 2020 — january 20th, 2020 emerald secret | january 20th, 2020 — january 27, 2020 aphmau’s year | march 4th, 2020 — june 28th, 2021 starlight | july 29th, 2021 — july 19th, 2021 when angels fall | august 2nd, 2021 — august 5th, 2021 you helped a lot, of course, with the years you gave me! these are just headcanons and until jess actually reveals the dates, so i'm just going to go with these when i do decide to write. they might not make sense?? it's only been two hours of me spiralling lol
ooh, i really like this! it makes sense to me! i think putting dates to everything helps me personally with remembering the order of the lore and everything,, otherwise it gets all muddled in my head >.<
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rnmevents · 4 months
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2024 RNM Fandom Events Calendar
Below, you’ll find an always-being-updated list of events going on in the RNM fandom throughout the year as they are announced:
RNM Big Bang
Signups open: April 3rd
Authors sign-ups CLOSED
Max Evans Weekend
September 27th-29th
RIP Roswell
October 31st-November 3rd
RNM After Dark
Dates to be announced
RNM Secret Santa Exchange
Dates to be announced
2019 calendar || 2020 calendar || 2021 calendar || 2022 calendar || 2023 calendar
Questions? Concerns? See an event missing? Send us a message!
past 2024 events:
Sunrise on CrashDown
January 13th-15th
Kyle Valenti Weekend
February 9th-11th
Liz Week
May 13th-19th
Hatch Day Party
June 14th-16th
RNM Femslash Exchange
June 24th-30th
Isobel Evans Weekend
July 26th-28th
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workingclasshistory · 2 years
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On this day, 5 January 1939, Lithuanian Jewish anti-fascist and Spanish civil war fighter Samuel Kaplan was transferred by Communist Party authorities to the Montjuich prison in Barcelona. Kaplan initially joined the Durruti Column in July 1936 and fought against the nationalist forces of general Francisco Franco. However, when conflicts arose within the Republic between revolutionary workers and the government, Kaplan was arrested in February 1938 by the secret police, the SIM. In June 1938, held on a prison ship, he wrote a message in a bottle complaining of his treatment and threw it overboard, hoping that it would be found by "fishermen comrades". The note was miraculously found and passed to Kaplan's union, the CNT. In it he wrote of his captors: "Here they have lost all human sense, and if in addition you protest they treat you so much worse. It is a thousand times worse than in Germany in the concentration camps. Since the 29th April I have not seen the sun and I lack food and soap to wash my clothes and face. We sleep on the ground in the greatest misery." Kaplan had previously been imprisoned for his political activities both by the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany in the Dachau concentration camp, which he escaped. He was eventually transferred to the notorious Montjuich prison. Just days later, Franco's forces took over the city, and shot all the anti-fascist prisoners who had not been able to escape. Nothing more was heard of Kaplan, and so most assumed he had probably been killed. But in 2017 a reader of this page got in touch with us who was actually Kaplan's son, and informed us that he had been able to escape once again and eventually flee to Mexico, where he lived out the rest of his days. We give a short introduction to the Spanish civil war in our podcast episodes 39-40: https://workingclasshistory.com/2020/06/17/e39-the-spanish-civil-war-an-introduction/ https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.1819457841572691/2179397378912067/?type=3
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master-john-uk · 6 months
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29th March 2017 - UK Prime Minister Theresa May triggered Article 50... which was basically a Dear John letter informing the EU that we were leaving them.
It was supposed to become effective two years later, but due political turmoil and arguments in London, the divorce did not become official until 11pm on 31st January 2020. It then took a further three years for the financial and legal disputes to be settled!
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ggukkiedae · 8 months
BTS Miya Gears Up for Her First Solo Promotions Completely Without Her Members
12:30AM || February 1, 2024
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MIYA drops a flirty polaroid picture as a teaser for her upcoming comeback!
ARMY were eagerly waiting for the next episode of “Cook With Me, Yeah?” on January 29th, excited to see which of MIYA’s friends would be featured next, but the episode hasn’t come.
Instead, once the clock struck midnight on February 1, 2024, MIYA posted a polaroid photo on her instagram story captioned "shhh! something's coming on valentine's!".
ARMY believed it to be MIYA teasing another set of photos of her with her boyfriend NCT Mark, given them posting each other on Valentine's Day having become a yearly tradition since their publication in 2020.
However, the official BigHit X account posted the same polaroid fifteen minutes later, revealing the polaroid to be a teaser for her upcoming pre-release single titled "SHHH!", which fans are anticipating to once again be a sexy concept.
The pre-release single will be released on February 14 at 6 p.m. KST, a month before the release of MIYA's next mini-album "reppin'" on March 21.
Are you excited for MIYA's return?
In the meantime, watch MIYA in her variety show "Cook With Me, Yeah?" on the BangtanTV Youtube channel or on Weverse!
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taglist: @sunflower-0180 @seaoffangirling @yourwonderbelle @1-800-enhypennabi @kamiiyou @strwberrydinosaur @uraveragefangirlsposts @caratinylyfe @1-800-minji @one16core @kimhyejin3108 @chansols @akshverse @toriluvsfics @billboard-singer @stopeatread @allthings-fandoms @jammingjaem
drop an ask or a dm if you wanna be added or taken out of the taglist 🥰 requests are also open!
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assassinsdragons · 1 year
Anon Project Round 2
Some of you may remember back in winter 2017-2018, when I did this thing to spread some love through the anon ask option we've got here on tumblr. Well, I did the same thing again, back in winter 2020-2021, though instead of just one month, I did it for two months. From the 1st of December 2020, until the 31st of January 2021.
Every day, I sent the message "Hi. I love you. 🤍" to one blog each day. I wanted them to know they're loved.
Now, I know tumblr sometimes eats asks, so maybe not everyone that I planned to give love to actually got their messages, and this roundup will therefore serve as a reminder to all of you that yes, I do love you. Even now, 2.5 years later.
So, here we go, I love all of you:
Dec 1st @creeeee Dec 2nd @quicksilvermaid Dec 3rd @faevorite-main-blog Dec 4th @legendrarry Dec 5th @fleetofshippyships Dec 6th @candybarrnerd Dec 7th @cibeewastaken Dec 8th @nadiasna7 Dec 9th @cheekytorah Dec 10th @stargazing-enby Dec 11th @keyflight790 Dec 12th @all-drarry-to-me Dec 13th @tackytigerfic Dec 14th @shealwaysreads Dec 15th @ununquadius Dec 16th @mad1492 Dec 17th @gnarf Dec 18th @restlessandordinary Dec 19th @parkkate Dec 20th @l0vegl0wsinthedark Dec 21st @ekayart Dec 22nd @lqtraintracks Dec 23rd @midgart Dec 24th @unicornsandphoenix Dec 25th @phantomrin Dec 26th @gallifrey1sburning Dec 27th @p1013 Dec 28th @scarheaded-ferret Dec 29th @firethesound Dec 30th @wordsphoenix Dec 31st @veelawings
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syntia13treeman · 5 months
Case files 12.01
what I think happened in:
Case 12.01, the case of "Stag Hunter" or "Mr. Bonzo's toothy maw"
We need to talk about Gwen.
Full name Gwendolyn Bouchard, child of a rich family, strangely fixated on making career at OIAR of all places.
On 9th of January, after several years of exemplary if a bit slow work, she looked her boss dead in the eye and stated she wanted her job.
On 29th of January she received an email with a video of attempted murder (Lena on Klaus gun violence).
On 12th of February, after doing some additional research, she confronted Lena with the video. She assumed that Lena's superiors* wouldn't be happy to know that the 'murder' was a failed one. She let it be known that her source (singular) confirms that said mysterious superiors believe Klaus to be dead. As payment for her silence, she demanded to be let in on whatever extra operations were going on here. Lena graciously 'promoted' her to "Externals Liaison."
On Friday (March 8) Gwen received her first 'assignment' – to deliver an envelope to one Nigel Dickerson and 'any companion' of his that might be present. (So, glorified postal service).
On Saturday, (March 9) she got to meet her first 'External'. She was NOT prepared for the experience. She handed off the envelope as instructed. It got chewed in teeth that weren't soft. Mr. Bonzo the External lumbered away into the night, while somewhat shaken Gwen returned home.
Let's take a break from Gwen for a moment, to meet Ms. Jordan Bennett (age: early 20s). She's acquired bartending skills in 2020, and got hired at "Soho Jack's" strip-club in spring of 2021. Her employment there ended rather abruptly on Saturday night, 9th of March 2024. On that fateful night she was tending bar in a private suite on the third floor, where a Bachelor party was in full swing. The party consisted of (presumably) former high-school or college sports team, now in their 30s/40s, celebrating upcoming nuptials of their bud, Baz (full name unknown). (For now).
The chain of events was thus:
Somebody(/something?) planted a box of Bonzo merchandise among the presents for the groom.
Baz the Groom, a faithful Bonzo-fanboy, delightedly asked for the planted CD to be played.
Bonzo's theme-song started playing from the room speakers, and continued to play, getting louder, even after Jordan turned off the CD-player and disconnected the cables. (Later on it not only got louder, but also changed – from 'he wants to stay' in kids' voices to 'he's here to stay' in… different voices).
Summoned signalled by the music, Mr. Bonzo killed the bouncer guarding the room, and entered.
The party-guys did not notice the fresh body and were happy to see their favourite monster TV-mascot.
Mr. Bonzo somehow realized that the bartender did notice the body, and shushed her with a finger to his mouth.
Still unaware of danger, the guys found it hilarious when Bonzo picked up the groom by the arms and twirled him around like a toddler. They didn't even notice when
Bonzo ripped the man's arms right off. They did notice when Jordan screamed, and Bonzo tore Baz's head apart, and then pulverized and ate his body.
After that the guys tried to attack, without any real effect, aside from a trickle of some kind of stinking liquid from a cut (if it bleeds… can we kill it?).
After obliterating the groom Bonzo struck a playful pose, unfolded his mouth into a bigger, toothier maw and proceeded to bite chunks out of remaining people. Those who survived all lost something (Jordan's hand being the smallest loss). Those who didn't make it were devoured whole.
Notably, it seems that none of the people in the room tried to leave it, and none of the crashes, screams, nor the loud distorted music, were noticed by anyone outside the room; the security cameras weren't working either.
After the fact the club got sued for recompense by Jordan (and possibly other survivors and families of the deceased) and tried to get their insurance to cover it. Their claim was denied as fraudulent.
With that bit of unpleasantness out of the way, let's go back to OIAR.
On Monday, March 11, a very disgruntled Gwen confronted Lena again, this time about the nature of her assignment. Lena cheerfully advised her that screaming is good for the soul, that externals may be grotesque, but are valued assets, and that sleep is important. Also that Gwen should have already figured out whose name was in the envelope she'd delivered.
On Wednesday, March 13, Gwen's caseload included a graphic description of events of last Saturday at Soho Jack’s. She had… some kind of reaction, before Alice cut it off with a 'joke.' (btw, Alice's jokes sound more and more like 'shut up about stuff that can get us killed you idiot!')
There's a lot to unpack here, and I'm not sure if I want to touch most of it.
WHOSE name was in the envelope and why? At one point I considered a theory that the intended target was actually the Bartender (not to be killed, but maimed and traumatized), but as she wasn't the only survivor, just the 'luckiest' one, and she was way too young and poor to be Gwen's associate, I have to go back to option nr 1: The groom. Bonzo did zero-in on him upon entry, and only after completely removing him from this world did he change to more casual look and leisurely eating mode. (Work before play; at least he has good work ethics?) (No! Kill it with fire!) So. Why did 'Baz' have to die? Lena expected Gwen to know. Originally I was sure it was Colin or Alice, who both know too much. Since it's not them, the only thing that comes to mind is the 'source' who told Gwen that Klaus is believed to be dead. If a scary shady spooky government branch learned that they had a leak, they absolutely would plug it with excessive force and no consideration for collateral damage. Imagine you're Gwen, and you had a friend tell you something as a favour, and then you listen to a tale of how that friend got eaten by a creature you personally sent after him. 😬 Slightly more fucked up though less likely option: the 'source' was actually the bride-not-to-be. The Stag Night Massacre was a punishment and warning for both her and Gwen.
*Who actually are Lena's masters superiors? The ministerial prick who keeps nagging Colin about the app just… doesn't sound like someone who'd order a supernatural hit on someone. I have some thoughts, but they're too muddy to articulate just yet, so I'm moving on to:
Bonzo music. What is up with that? Nigel turned it on to call Bonzo to the door, and at the club he didn't come into the room until it was playing. Is the music just a way to get his attention, or is it like his Manchurian Candidate trigger phrase, turning him from Mr. Bonzo to Bonzo Butcher? Or is it just … part of Bonzo himself? It was getting more distorted and unsettling just as Bonzo was getting more monstrous in action and appearance. What was the cause and what was the effect here? Or: the music had to play, because it was the music that kept people from trying to run, and kept other people (and cameras) from noticing what was going on in there. So many options, so little certainty. :(
Gwen is now an accessory to murder, most likely of somebody she knew. I wonder what she's gonna do with that knowledge. Will she double down on "I can do it and I'm cool with it actually", or will she try to opt-out? (it's too late, but she could try…)
Unrelated: if at any point we meet a very angry young woman sans one hand, I'm doing the DiCaprio me
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 8 months
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Four years ago today -- January 29th 2020 -- the first chapter of Answers for Mary was published!
Seasons of Lilith had its one year anniversary on the 27th, but I was unfortunately AfK at the time (><;) So I'll celebrate them together, wheee~!
SoL will update soon, as I get myself back up to firing on all cylinders, after my time abroad. ^_^ Please look forward to some more incredibly tense stuff, because, well if you're up to date, you know.
Thank you always for reading!
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foxes-that-run · 11 months
2018 Haylor Timeline
Timeline Tag, or years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024..
1 January - Harry in Palm Springs, Saturn jumper. Karlie Kloss posts swish swish basketball (Katy Perry Taylor diss track)
4 January - reports camille met Harry's family. KK posts Swish Swish
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11 January - End Game video released - Haylor references galore. Joe in Italy.
14 January - Joe at Prada fashion show in Milan no Taylor
17 January - Harry gym in LA
13-22 January - Harry wrote Fine line: "Fine Line" I wrote [during] a gap in the tour. It was January 2018 and I was at my friend Tom's house. Harry was seen in la in the last 2 weeks.
22 January - Harry in LA with Camille from 13th to 29th
21 January - Taylor in Italy, Harry in NYC 25th
24 January - Harry NY
25 January - Harry London
26 January - Harry performs at Fleetwood Mac person of year, Xander there
27 January - Taylor and Cara in Milan possibly with Joe
9 February - End Game BTS with text Scrabble game with 'him'
18 February - Taylor in LA Repu-hersal,
20 February - Taylor in Big Sur
18 - 24 February - Harry in on 18th and 24th London
3 March - Harry london gym
4 March - Harry shot the Gucci Campaign with the chicken in St Albans, England
7 March - Taylor and Joe hike with Joe in dark jeans and Nikes in Malibu. Blind staged.
11 March - Live on tour starts again in Switzerland, Anna and Medicine played live for the first time and added to the rest of the tour setlist.
12 March -Delicate MV released
10 April Harry in London
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13 April - Taylor releases Earth, Wind, Fire cover with 28 September. It accompanied Delicate vertical video the original release said is ““Taylor says that she chose ‘September’ for sentimental reasons. She’s always loved the classic tune by Earth, Wind & Fire, and notes that the month of September is especially meaningful to one of her relationships.” - Spotify” the ‘one of relationships’ part is later edited out of the Spotify press release!
16 April - Camille at Harry’s Dublin Show, last time seen together till June.
20 April - Babe released
21 April - Taylor posts video thanking fans for responding to Babe, she wore the Evil Eye ring that appeared in Rep.
23 April - Taylor has Robbie Williams on Rep and plays Angels.
5 May - Harry played a mystery melody before Two Ghosts
7 May- Joe and Taylor post photos with a cactus, kiwi vibes.
May - Harry GQ Australia Article with "There's a good story about Winston's wife bumping into a very naked, very blonde, very famous pop star making toast downstairs one morning if you ever get a chance to ask" It starts and ends with folklore.
8 May - November Reputation tour, Joe at opening night
30 May - Joe and Taylor papped getting lunch
31 May - Blind that Joe and Taylor trouble with attention
9 June Taylor plays Manchester the. Is not seen till the 16th, Joe and family there
15 June - Xander, his parents and Anne at Harry’s Phili show.
16 June - Harry was full of beans in Toronto and wore a pink jacket with snakes and cats with wings embroidered on. Taylor played HYGTG in Dublin, only time on Rep tour.
19 June - Taylor posts Meredith, Joe heard in background
22 June - 2 days after a year since Robin passed Harry emotional performing Sweet Creature in New York.  Taylor has Niall as guest in Wembley the same night, Niall wore a NYC shirt. Joe was this show. Harry performed Shania Twain's Still the One. Taylor referenced this suit in the Me! Video. Harry invested in the Calm App. Harry photographed with Max and Xander, he looks really sad. Rumour he was staying with Xander. Xander, Jeff, Maxwell, Tommy at show. Camille flew to attend, had not been seen with Harry for some time.
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24 June - Harry performed in Washington, he seemed flat, dropped a flag at the end of kiwi. He later talked to Stern (at the start in 2022) as his voice being dehydrated and it being his least favourite show, thought to be this one. He was not wearing the rose ring.
28 June - Taylor performs Reputation secret session for AT&T in Chicago. When introducing new year day talks about 2 NYEs ago jumping into an icy pool, the version Taylor Nation had posted has only this speech cut out from the full video.  (24:38) Harry unseen
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30 June - Harry has a show in Chicago! Taylor unseen! This suit is one referenced in Me!
1 July - Harry energetic in St Paul, the Medicine recording and sang “running with you” not wolves in MMITH. Last Heart kiss till 2021 in Only Angel
3-4 July - People reports Taylor and Joe 'frolic' in Turks and Caicos
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7 July - Harry golfing in Idaho
8 July - Joe and Taylor pap photos in Daily Mail
9 July - Trailer for Joe's new movie, The Favorite drops
12 July - Harry leaves garage in yellow Ferrari Dino in Beverly Hills. Taylor likes a Tumblr quote “For what it’s worth: It’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you’re not, I hope you find the strength to start over.” - F Scott Fitzgerald
14 July Taylor’s delicate basket malfunctioned and she played Wildest Dreams a cappella. Harry wore the “whos Jeff azanoff” shirt backstage, Xander there also. Camille at last Harry show she attended, not seen together gain
18 July- live on tour ends
21 July - Taylor played Clean, first time since 2015. Rain show.
22 July - Joe & Family at Rep
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31 July - Harry and Camille break up. Harry pictured with Karlie Kloss on Yacht in Italy with Sunflowers.
1 August - Harry driving Maserati in Italy
3 August - Harry gym London sweaty
4 August - only time CBBH played before 2023, never on red or 1989 tours, this 1 on rep and 2 Eras shows.
7 August - Nick posts photo of Harry to IG, then tweets about a couple and is photographed with a fan near Harry’s house. The fan was pictured with Louis wearing the same shirt a week earlier. 8 August Harry Toronto
13 August- blind Taylor controlled Joe's social media accounts
14 August - Reputation show in Tampa filmed for Miss Americana which shows Joe, he is only seen at this and the first show.
17, 18 August - Harry Mexico James Corden's birthday
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22 August - Joe Taylor double date. Joe looks angry walking with Taylor in London
26 August - Karlie attends rep, posts photo, Taylor doesn't like it
2 September - Golden maybe recorded, Harry told rolling stone The first song written for Fine Line, on the second day of the sessions at Shangri-La Studios in Malibu. Photographed in yellow pants. At 41 mins in of the Zane interview he describes writing it as his favourite memory of making fine line.
15 September - Harry Eagles Concert LA
21 September - blind that Joe was ‘picked for role of BF’ by professor, Joe does interview saying he wants to keep relationship private
28 September - Taylor went to Favorite NYC premiere with Joe. Harry at dinner in London. Both wore red. Taylor played Wonderland as the Surprise song, one of 6 ever plays.
1 October - Harry lunch in La Xander
9 October - Harry arrived in Japan looking like jagger and japan Dec 18 - Jan 19
8 October - Harry’s lion ring first seen in Tokyo
14-30 October - Harry LA Nobu LA, 17 Studio LA
19 October - Taylor doesn’t go to Kk wedding
17-28 October - Harry in LA on 15 and la 26th
19 November - Taylor signs with republic records and posts about it
21 November - last rep show which is in Tokyo. Plays emotional set of surprise songs are wildest dreams (1 of 3 times she played it on the Rep tour) and So it goes (one of 8 times it has ever been played live), dancing with our hands tied and I know places. Harry writes little freak in Tokyo and leaked ophelia (I feel ya) that refers to staring at her in Tokyo missing her and fantasising. Taylor posts about finishing tour, her last big machine records commitment
11 December - Taylor goes to goes joes movie premiere then next seen back in NY with Joe. Harry in LA 12th
25 December - Taylor spent christmas in a castle in Ireland
Continue in 2019
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