samsi6 · 1 year
auf dem weg zu dem
maschinenraum kam es zu
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 1 year
I bought more RAM it should arrive on Tuesday woo
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satevari · 2 months
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teaandmisanthropy · 4 months
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All tucked in, 28.8.23
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~ Wall painting ~
☁️ Activity title: Wall painting
☁️ Duration and amount: 4.9.23.- 28.8.23, twice a week for an hour and a half
☁️ Type of activity: creativity and service
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~ Activity description ~
We, the students of Visual Arts, were given the opportunity to embrace our creativity and show our ideas by turning them into something visible for everyone in school to see.
We first had to come up with a design that suited our taste but also had education-related elements which are easy to recognize. Despite making multiple designs with different elements, I was drawn to the idea of a piano keyboard, stretching from one corner of the wall to the other. This idea came to fruition and now can be seen on the nearby wall once you enter the classroom.
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The designs we opted for were simple, outlined in black with some color here and there. Despite having a variety of colors to choose from, we wanted to emphasize how every drawing, despite being in different sizes or themes, fits. How one chaotic mess of different ideas can make a perfect picture as a whole. After careful observation and a thousand camera roll pictures later, I'd say we successfully accomplished just that.
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As some of us were adding the finishing touches, others were busy washing the finishing touches left in the form of black paint on the cuffs of their pants and jeans. But it was nothing to worry about, one ruined pair of pants means nothing when you have two others, ready to be ruined just in case you have more painting jobs to do. Also, this was a one-time thing, right? So there's really no reason to worry!
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I lied. There was a reason to worry about the safety of our pants, for we were tasked to paint one of the walls in the school hallway which will be used as a bulletin board. The first step was to choose a color that didn't stand out too much but just enough for people to take notice. We opted for a very light pistachio green because it goes in contrast with the crimson-red doors that are known for making your eyes hurt if you stare at them for too long.
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In fear of ruining our pants once more, we were efficient and managed to finish the job in about an hour or so.
~ Reflection ~
An experience such as this was more fun than I had anticipated it to be. Beginning something new can be scary, but it shouldn't discourage anyone from starting something they've taken an interest in. Working in groups takes time and patience, as well as good communication for it to be a smooth ride. Of course, it won't always be smooth sailing, but what makes it worth it are your shared ideas and experiences, coming together to form something more unique than any of you could have come up with on your own. It is only by listening to others and ourselves that we're able to achieve our maximum potential.
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~ Learning outcomes ~
☁️ Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
☁️ Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
☁️ Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
☁️ Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
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rumelmakeup · 1 year
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brckensociety · 8 months
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pinned post (last update 5.5.24) 
hello my beautiful lovelies! i’m zoe (she/they, 27) the writer of brckensociety!
this post is for quick links for mobile users along with updates relating to me and what’s going on irl and on the blog! hope you’re having a great day and i look forward to any interactions we may have! note: please read rules before interacting or messaging me. i do not rp anywhere but tumblr. I DO NOT RP ON DISCORD.
quick links
muses (mobile version) | rules | wanted opposites | open starters
scream and angel/demon muses!
to find further background to the scream muses as a while along with the specific lore my new angel and demon muses follow please visit here.
important info:
my rules are super important to me, especially the second section "female vs male muses" please read them before interacting as not doing so can result in blocking.
life/blog updates
currently this blog is on a fluctuating semi-hiatus due to my mental and physical health being very up and down (and super unpredictable). i will be getting on as often as i feel capable, some days will be better than others but i may take longer to reply than normal and may disappear for multiple days at a time! if you want to drop a thread because of waiting or whatever just let me know. also, if i haven’t replied for 2+ weeks and i’ve been active feel free to check up with me on if i saw the thread with tumblr hiding replies and all, but firstly, check my rules, specifically the 2 week hold rule under "female vs male muses" as that could be the reason i haven’t responded to specific threads. update 28.8.23: my brain disorder is playing up again and making my brain fog worse, so activity will be all over the place and it’s likely i may prioritise threads that i have higher muse for when my brain is feeling up to replying and all. please, be patient and if you want to drop threads just tell me. it sucks when i push myself to reply and never get a response because mine took too long. just tell me so i don’t waste my time. for a detailed update of the situation go to this post here. (don’t feel obligated to, but if you want to understand to some deeper extent what kind of shit show is going on, read the post). update: 5.5.24: this year has started of as a hellscape, with dental issues non-stop and my pain and fatigue flaring like crazy. i've been trying to get on when i can but the past two months have been extra difficult. i do plan on trying to get on again as my dental issues have at least seemed to be settled but please be patient with me and know i appreciate those who have waited for replies from me.
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6-lee · 1 year
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dailytextprompt · 1 year
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brckensocietyarch · 2 years
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pinned post (last update 28.12.23) 
hello my beautiful lovelies! i’m zoe (she/they, 26) the writer of brckensociety!
this post is for quick links for mobile users along with updates relating to me and what’s going on irl and on the blog! hope you’re having a great day and i look forward to any interactions we may have! note: please read rules before interacting or messaging me. i do not rp anywhere but tumblr. I DO NOT RP ON DISCORD. also, i primarily use the beta editor primarily now, sadly tumblr has cut me off from using legacy even just for reblogs and not posting.
quick links
muses (mobile version) | rules | wanted opposites | open starters
scream muses!
just wanted to add a note here for all to see, my scream ocs and headcanon muses have been added and for obvious reasons i’ve aged them up, so everything goes down in college instead of high school. note: in threads these muses can die, etc, but nothing is permanent for them xx.
f/f threads:
atm my muse for f/f threads is a little rough. like i have about 5-10% of muse for them. so those replies will be slow. all m/f threads will likely get quicker responses (with both my male and female muses). if we have f/f threads and m/f threads i will reply to both at the same times or one after the one if they are queued. so yeah, replies will take longer, sorry y'all. on top of this please read this post along with my rules if you want to interact with this blog.
life/blog updates
currently this blog is on a fluctuating semi-hiatus due to my mental and physical health being very up and down (and super unpredictable). i will be getting on as often as i feel capable, some days will be better than others but i may take longer to reply than normal and may disappear for multiple days at a time! if you want to drop a thread because of waiting or whatever just let me know. also, if i haven’t replied for 2+ weeks and i’ve been active feel free to check up with me on if i saw the thread with tumblr hiding replies and all, but firstly, check my rules, specifically the 2 week hold rule as that could be the reason i haven’t responded to specific friends. update 28.8.23: my brain disorder is playing up again and making my brain fog worse, so activity will be all over the place and it’s likely i may prioritise threads that i have higher muse for when my brain is feeling up to replying and all. please, be patient and if you want to drop threads just tell me. it sucks when i push myself to reply and never get a response because mine took too long. just tell me so i don’t waste my time. for a detailed update of the situation go to this post here. (don’t feel obligated to, but fi you want to understand to some deeper extent what kind of shit show is going on, read the post). update 28.12.23: this blog with remain on somewhat semi-hiatus for the next little while, the new year starts off with a lot of things happening socially for me, including my birthday and on top of that my pain is still flaring and i’ve started a new drug that is going to make things a little hard for a bit. hopefully when things start to settle and i see my pain specialist i’ll be able to be more active regularly again.
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raniehus · 7 months
Im Falle eines wirksamen fristgerechten Widerrufs eines Kaufvertrages gem. §§ 312c, 312g Abs. 1, 355 Abs. 1, 2, 356 Abs. 2 Nr. 1 Buchst. a) BGB hat der Verkäufer binnen 14 Tagen nach Zugang einen gezahlten Kaufpreis zurückzuzahlen. Allerdings steht dem Verkäufer in Ansehung des bereits gezahlten Kaufpreises ein Leistungsverweigerungsrecht nach § 357 Abs. 4 BGB zu, demzufolge er erst nach Rücksendung der Ware die Rückzahlung vornehmen muss.
Macht er vorprozessual von seinem Leistungsverweigerungsrecht keinen Gebrauch und gibt der Verkäufer Veranlassung zur Klage, hat er die Kosten des Rechtstreits nach § 269 Abs. 3 S. 3 ZPO tragen, wenn er zwar nach Einreichung aber vor Rechtshängigkeit der Klage zahlt und der Käufer deshalb die Klage zurücknimmt. Veranlassung zur Klage gibt der Verkäufer, wenn der Käufer mit der Einrede nicht rechnen muss (hier: Mahnung nach Ablauf der zwei-Wochen-Frist ohne Reaktion des bereits zuvor die Kontoverbindung des Käufers anfordernden Verkäufers, insbes. auch ohne Hinweis auf die Vorleistungspflicht des Käufers).
Kammergericht, Beschluss vom 28.08.2023 - 8 W 34/23 -
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its-matt-dunn · 1 year
Diary Entry - Week 1 - (28.8.23 - 3.9.23)
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timharrold · 1 year
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I.D. (2-5.9.23)
Photos: taken from the end of the world’s longest pier in Southend-on-Sea, UK on August Bank Holiday 28.8.23 (1.3 miles). Twas a beautiful day!
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aangussca · 1 year
Animation of bacteria with subtitles 1 (28.8.23-29.8.23)
Animation type: hand-drawn frame-by-frame (digital)
Number of frames: 26
Time to animate: 8 hours 59 mins
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letterswithumlauts · 1 year
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28.8.23 storm continues
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b-blushes · 1 year
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