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chris-tarrant-official ¡ 2 months ago
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albertxylin ¡ 6 months ago
The older I get the less I care about polish. A suit of armour without any scratches Is one that has never been used. Its appearance has superseded its original purpose. It is no longer a suit of armour, Merely a trophy pretending to be one. Its shine cannot substitute for ability.
Give me dents and scars and coats of mud. Give me hours of sweat soaked into leather, And the smell that follows. Give me all the signs of something raw and real and priceless That cannot be simply bought.
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my-chaos-radio ¡ 2 months ago
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Release: February 27, 1981
Ain't no big sensation
Committed no crime
Only recollections of forgotten old affections
Lost in time, only crying
Sometimes I wish on a night like this, only crying
Well, the moonlight kind of threw me, only crying
And the red wine's getting to me, only crying
It's my broke heart that is healing
Can't a man show his feelings?
Am I meant to be a clown in pantomime?
Just a raindrop in the ocean
Just a simple sad emotion, only crying
I don't understand it
What's all the fuss?
No, I never planned it
Should we leave now empty-handed?
Guess we must
Dust to dust
It's a crying shame, I'll never be the same, only crying
Well, the moonlight kind of threw me, only crying
And the red wine's getting to me, only crying
As the wind blows soft and gentle
Call me foolish, sentimental
I'm a man, I'm not a stone without a heart
Well, I know I ain't supposed to
It's the man who loves you most who's only crying
Songwriter: Keith Marshall
Only crying
Only crying
Only crying
Only crying
Only crying
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tmt-sketch-a-day ¡ 1 year ago
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Sketch a Day 2754-Kid Patrick Floss- 8/19/23
idk whats going on with his tail any more....
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harveyphotography ¡ 1 year ago
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E il sol nel radiante azzurro immenso
fin de gli Abruzzi al biancheggiar lontano
folgora, e con desio d'amor piĂš intenso
ride a' monti de l'Umbria e al verde piano.
(Giosuè Carducci)
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lostdrarryfics ¡ 7 days ago
Hello. I'm looking for a fic I read on A03. I think it was older and it was pretty short. Set after the war I believe, and Siruis (his pov) is alive and unhappy with Harry dating Draco. They are having a picnic and Draco goes off in the woods alone, suspicious, Siruis follows and finds Draco curled in pain trying to hide spasms caused by curse damage.
Siruis comforts him through the attack then helps him back to the picnic.
Harry knows Draco has these attacks but it makes him sad so Draco tries to not let him see.
I tried looking through my bookmarks but didn't see it.
Thanks for the help.
We believe you are looking for Shadows by Lynds (1.7k, T)
Don’t forget to bookmark, leave kudos and comments!
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todays-xkcd ¡ 2 years ago
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Small sewing machines are sewing machines that are smaller than a sewing machine. A sewing machine is larger than a small sewing machine, but quieter than a loud sewing machine.
Relative Terms [Explained]
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eurekq ¡ 2 months ago
Sorry for that last post but its really been steaming me how misogyny has just turned into a fucking punchline lately
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dogstomp ¡ 2 years ago
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Dogstomp #2754 - July 21st
Patreon / Twitter / Discord Server
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pesterloglog ¡ 1 year ago
Terezi Pyrope, Tavros Nitram, Equius Zahhak, Vriska Serket Nepeta Leijon
Act 5, page 2754
CURRENT gallowsCalibrator [CGC] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN.
FUTURE gallowsCalibrator [CGC] 3 MINUTES FROM NOW responded to memo.
FGC: >:[
CGC: >:[
FUTURE adiosToreador [FAT] 3:14 HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo.
FAT: iS,
FAT: }:(
FUTURE centaursTesticle [FCT] 3:14 HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo.
FCT: D --> I'm quite sure I warned you about attempting to navigate stairs while adjusting to the new equipment
FUTURE arachnidsGrip [FAG] 3:14 HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo.
FAG: Yes, you told him 8ro!
FAG: I distinctly remem8er you telling him a8out stairs. 8ut he didn't listen.
FAG: He never listens! None of you do, really.
FAG: And now all of your extra lives are waaaaaaaasted.
FAG: What a 8unch of losers! I'm outta here.
FAG banned herself from responding to memo.
CGC: TH3 D3RS3 DR34M3RS 4R3 F1N3 4S F4R 4S 1 KNOW
FUTURE arsenicCatnip [FAC] 3:14 HOURS FROM NOW responded to memo.
FAC: :33 < ummm no not quite :((
FAC: :33 < she is refurring to the fact that derse was just destroyed too
FAC: :33 < i saw him during my catnap, he blew it right on up!
CGC: >8C
FAC: :33 < :'CC
FAC: :33 < feferi was sl33ping too, and now she will not wake up!
FAC: :33 < i am very purrturbed by this
FGC: 3V3RYON3, PL34S3!
FAG unbanned herself from responding to memo.
FAG: You doofus!!!!!!!!
FGC banned FAG from responding to memo.
FGC closed memo.
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formar-blog1 ¡ 7 months ago
Resultado Mega-sena 2754 Sábado #loterias #mega-sena ‐ sena
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jeffsshrimpmas ¡ 2 months ago
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On the tenth day of Jeffmas, my true love gave to me....whooping cough. I also received this delightful little lobster hat by @j3lly-fish!!
J3lly makes the most beautiful, ethereal, and unique content, but sometimes hits us with something absolutely adorable like they did with the wonderful Louis the Lobster hat!
Louis comes kitted out with handy dandy attachment devices to perch securely upon whatever hair your sim is or isn't wearing! He also comes with his very own little hat, which can helpfully be applied via the piercing section!
🚨WARNING! Mind control has not been proven, although we are legally obliged to tell you that it's a possiblity🚨
But Louis is so cute! Of course I'll send you all my simoleons....
Polys: Louis - 2754, Louis' Hat - 1385 Swatches: Louis - 10, Louis' Hat - 8
Come back tomorrow for a beautifully wrapped treat from a simmer whose work harkens back to a golden age of style! We promise that we're not going to ghost you just yet!
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shysuccubusstuff ¡ 4 months ago
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day 15: Do you like scary movies?
Content: Mask kink + Size difference + Trapped + Dubcon/noncon + Defiant! Reader + Slight knife kink + Jealous! Childe + Foul language + Non proof-reader - Ghostface! Tartaglia
Word count: 2754 words.
Note: Sorry for taking so long, the essays left my brain like a raisin...
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It was finally the night of Halloween, you had been planned that huge party for over two weeks, even despite the nasty rumours of some random dude dressed up as some poor-quality costume was going around killing dumb teenagers. Luckily for you, you were definitely someone dumb, right?
You were just about to finish with the preparations when you heard your phone ringing. You clicked your tongue, annoyed by the bad timing. Regardless of that, you left what you were doing, taking your phone and answering without even looking who was.
“Yeah? Who is it?” You looked at your nails while you waited for an answer. You could barely hear the breathing on the other side of the line. “Hello? I’m gonna hang up if you don’t answer. “
“…Do you like scary movies?” Your blood froze for a moment, your grip tightening around the phone as you started to feel anxious. “Tell me, do you have a boyfriend?” Just as you were about to walk towards the door, a soft laugh started to be heard, barely audible, but just enough to easily recognize it.
“Oh, I don’t know, how about you answer that question, smartass?” The guy on the line laughed, quickly removing the voice changer filter. “You think it’s funny to play these dumb tricks when the whole city is so anxious about those strange murders?”
“Come on, sweetheart! It was just a silly prank, plus you’re the only one I did the prank to.” Ajax kept laughing on the other side, even regardless of your snarky comments.
“Are you ready? Promise me you won’t come here with some crappy Ghostface mask…”
“Uh? I thought girls loved that mask, I mean, a lot of girls seem to be into some hot dude being hidden under a mask… right?”
“I prefer seeing the face of my boyfriend when we fuck, thanks for the offer though.” Ajax chuckled, but he stopped not long after. “Anyways, don’t leave when the party ends, I have a little surprise for you…” Ajax laughed on the other side of the phone, your face suddenly getting flushed.
“That sounds lovely, princess. I gotta run, my brothers are making a lot of noise cause they are waiting for me to take them trick or treating. See ya in a few hours, pumpkin.” Ajax hanged up before you were even able to complain about that corny nickname he had used.
It was finally twelve o’clock, the time in which the part actually started. It didn’t take much time before the first guests arrived, all hugging you and thanking you for taking care of getting the Halloween party ready. Just a few minutes after, Ajax appeared with a Ghostface mask in his hands and a huge black robe covering his frame.
“You have to be kidding me, Ajax.”
“Oh come on! I know that you warned me, but I really didn’t have much of a choice, you know? It was the last costume, in fact, it was either this or a lame Lord Faquard costume, I know I’m quite handsome, but I don’t even think even I would be able to pull it off.” You rolled your eyes at him, simply moving out of the way and letting him in.
“Just make sure to stay close to me, I don’t want nothing happening to you, ok?” Ajax patted your hair, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead.
“You have nothing to worry, sweetie.”
It was already three am, and most people were already leaving, while some others were left sleeping on one of your bedrooms. The people left the house, some were screaming about what a great time they had, while some complained about the floor moving. You closed the door, thinking about finally getting ready to go to bed. Of course, nothing ever goes your way, as you soon encountered a little… issue.
Oh well, not so little, just someone, well, what used to be someone, laying dead on one of your hammocks, the usual, right?
The colour left your face as you went back running, quickly closing the door to your bed and trying to call the police with your phone. The same phone that was dying right then, just great. Tears started to form in your eyes as you imagined what could happen to you, if he found you.
Your fears came true as you started to hear slow but heavy steps that were heading towards your room. You muffled your mouth, quickly hiding under the little space under your bed, your lower half barely fitting. Your cursed under your breath as you heard the door being slammed open, fat tears rolling down your cheeks.
“…Dear? Are you here? I’m pretty sure I saw a very pretty bunny entering this room… Was it because of the body in your pool? Promise I didn’t mean to spoil your party, that’s why I waited until everybody left, you know? Aren’t I thoughtful?” The distorted voice kept talking, even as you tried your best to calm down the rapid heartbeat, afraid of him hearing you. “Oh baby, you know I could never harm you, you’re just so cute when you try to hide… Are you into that? Getting me all worked up as I try to find you like some desperate hunter…” You suddenly heard the door of your closet being fling open. “Oh, guess I just imagined… I just love my sweet girlfriend too much, I suppose.” You heard his steps leaving the room, although you didn’t gain the courage to leave your hiding place until a few minutes later. You tried to squirm away from that tight place, but your lower face was suddenly yanked by two big hands. “Hi there! Seems I was right when I believed I saw a pretty girl running around the house… Did I scare you too much? I know, I know… It must be difficult, everyone’s first time is difficult, baby.” You attempted to grip to the wooden floor as a poor attempt to stop him from pulling you further outside.
“Please just let me go, I promise I won’t say anything!”  You begged, the snot and tears wetting your cheeks.
“Oh, stop, stop. I know you must be scared, but it’s just me, your boyfriend. Promise I won’t do anything you don’t like. In fact, did you do it on purpose? The whole, hiding under this little bed so you could get “stuck”, and I had to rescue you? You’re so naughty… even thinking about this type of stuff in a life-or-death situation. That’s what I like about you, though.” Ajax finally removed his mask, his ginger air slightly sticking to his forehead. “God this mask is stuffy. Now, I can finally appreciate your pretty costume! Those sheer stockings surely make you look even hotter.” His gloved hands suddenly moved towards his belt, taking one of the many knives that he was carrying around his waist. He then moved it to your stockings, carefully cutting them and then ripping them from your body with his own hands. He smiled wickedly, moving the knife to the side of your underwear, the tip of the knife being a bit too close for comfort from your skin. “Stay still, don’t want you to ”He cut them, throwing the poor cloth to the side together with what used to be your trousers, your poor cunt on full display. “Damn, you look so pretty like that… It’s really bad that you are able to rile me up despite I’m supposed to be working, you know?” He removed his gloves, throwing them together with your pants. He then got his face closer to your lower half, his warm breath hitting against your entrance. Suddenly, his tongue started to trace around your entrance, while his finger started to rub that special bud of nerves. “You’re pretty responsive for someone who just saw a corpse, uh?”  You tried to squirm around, maybe as a desperate attempt to try and get to move away from his hands. This was, sadly, useless, his movements only getting bolder as he played with your folds while sometimes playing with your clit. “Uh… What should I do with such a naughty victim? Should I cut their pretty neck on a single slice…” Fat tears began to stream down your face, already feeling as if you were about to die with your body stuck under the bed. Ajax moved his knife to your thigh, almost making a small cut on your skin, the cold touch of the metal making it feel even realer. “… Just kidding, sweetheart, you’re my girlfriend, right? Plus, I can’t allow myself to kill such a pretty face, though, I would lie if I said I don’t want to take advantage of this little game you played… Fucking you on the floor with your upper body completely stuck there…” Ajax smiled wickedly, as you heard the sound of the zipper of his pants. “Be a good girl for me, ok? Promise I’ll leave you almost unharmed.” He left his knife back into his belt, then taking out his cock from his boxers and beginning to stroke it with one of his hands. Ajax took one of his gloves with his mouth, then letting it fall to the ground. “Make sure to get nice and wet for me, baby, I wouldn’t want to hurt you.”  His fingers started to trace around your bare skin, his rough fingertips caressing against your clit. Ajax stopped his left hand, taking one of his fingers to his mouth and coating it with his saliva. He passed his fingers through your entrance, the first finger entering you as you tried to keep your mouth shut. His fingers and hands kept doing that motion, going up and down your poor clit while entering two of his fingers with a punishing rhythm, his face flushed while he smiled excitedly.
“Damn, you’re getting wetter and wetter… Let’s test how prepared are you… Open wide…” He lifted your lower half, carefully positioning himself against your entrance, the tip of his cock rubbing against your sensitive clit.
“Wait! There’s…! Don’t forget the condom asshole!” You tried to hit him with your hands to keep him away, but you quickly stopped as soon as you felt him entering you, the air leaving your lungs from the big stretch.
“Oh… That may have hurt a bit, uh? Sorry, sorry, when you told me you had a great surprise for me, I didn’t expect this kind of thing, though.” Ajax stayed there for a few minutes, slowly moving his hips and establishing a slow pace. “God, you feel amazing around me, would literally kill for this… Get it?” He softly laughed at his own joke, your eyes rolling to the back of your head, guess he wasn’t able to read the room even despite the situation you both were in. He soon realised that this didn’t amuse you a bit, so he chose to simply stay as silent as possible, focusing on the sensation of your walls tightening around you. “It’s quite riling to fuck like this, but I honestly prefer watching your pretty face as I hit your cervix… Let me help you, pumpkin.” He grabbed your hips, his fingers leaving soft marks on your skin. It took him a single pull for him to get your body out of that narrow place, just a soft pull, God, you could feel the heat rising to your face. “Are you sure you didn’t fake it? You were easily able to leave if you wiggled yourself a little… You’re really cute when you try so hard to gain my attention, you know that?” Ajax caressed your hair, petting your head as if you were some kind of pet. “Let me get you in a more comfortable position, let’s see…” Ajax lifted you from the ground, locking your legs around his waist while he let your back lean on the wall. “Damn, you always look so pretty… I always wanted to fuck my pretty girlfriend like this.” Your words tangled on your tongue as you attempted to form a complete sentence, his dick ramming against your insides without mercy.
“Fuck you mean girlfriend, asshole? Did you really think we were still a couple after you fucking murdered some dudes at my own home? Plus, there’s no way you’re getting away with this shit, the cops will get you--!” Ajax entered his whole length with a single trust, his eyes looking much darker than before.
“What do you mean by that? Do you plan on leaving me? Oh, baby… You can’t just decide that on your own, you know? I already talked with my family about how our marriage would be, my family is eager to meet you.”  He started to buck his hips, kissing your cervix with his tip each time he spoke, giving his words much more impact. “Hey… tell me you love me.” His expression changed to a hurt one, his hands gripping your hips with a bit more strength while his trusts began to get rougher. “Come on, do you hate me that much? I killed those assholes for a good reason you know? They were looking at you the whole night, and when you turned around, they even took a few pics of your underwear! I was being a good boyfriend… but of course you wouldn’t ask me, you care more about that damn popularity of yours, right? Always wagging your tail at those fuckers.”  Ajax’s face crumpled, the veins on his arms bulging as his grip tightened. “Wish I could have fucked you in front of them, but I would probably have killed them still, can’t let some assholes fantasise about your pretty pussy.” His eyes locked into yours, a dangerous glint appearing on them as an idea crossed his mind. “The police will be coming in no time, right? It would be amazing if they found the killer fucking the final girl, just imagine their faces…”  Just as he said that, a sudden blow was heard downstairs, followed by two pairs of heavy boots resonating against the wooden floor. “Guess I’m just that good, try to keep quiet, darling.” Just as you were about to scream, one of his hands covered your mouth. “I’m sure you don’t want them to find you getting your guts rearranged by some dude with a bunch of knives with blood… am I wrong? Promise if you get me to cum I’ll leave without a trace.” You furrowed, but nodded, after all, it was definitely the best choice for you… right? “That’s a good girl, now get ready.” His hand went back to your waist, starting to slam his hips against your butt, the slaps resonating around the small room. You bit your lips, trying your best to muffle your moans with your own hands as you felt his pace quicken even further.
“You’re trying so hard it almost makes me want to torture you even more…” A wicked smile crept onto his face as he decided to sit with you on top, his length reaching even deeper as he rammed against your insides. You tried to stop him by hitting his back with your bare hands, but as you saw it was to no avail, you chose to bite him, your teeth sinking into his flesh with pure rage. Ajax smiled even more, his thrust only getting rougher as his hands left bruises on your hips. “Cum from my dick, princess.” He kept the dizzying pace as he came, not even slacking off as he felt your poor cunt leaving his trousers completely soaked. “Just like that, you’re tightening so hard around me, gotta make sure not a single drop leaves, yeah?” His hips started to slow down gradually until he stopped, his whole length buried deep into your insides. He stayed there for a few minutes, the only thing being heard were your heavy breathing and the loud thumps of the police investigating every single room. “You did so good, sweetie. Promise next time we will take it slow, make sure to not get with some prick while I’m not around, you wouldn’t want to see me mad, trust me.”
Ajax left your sore body on the bed, quickly cleaning the mess he had made and covering your whole body with some clothes he had found in the closet. He kissed your forehead despite your complains, opening the window swiftly and disappearing into the night.
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promptsforthestrugglingauthor ¡ 8 months ago
Writing Prompt #2754
"You have to trust me."
"Actually, I don't have to do anything. Besides, you haven't earned a bit of trust from me."
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sugary-daydreams3 ¡ 30 days ago
Grief trapped in blue sunglass lens [Gojo's funeral fanfiction]
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Summary: Now that the students and Jujutsu associates healed their physical wounds, they have no choice but to face the elephant in the room. Satoru Gojo is gone and everyone deals with the void in their own way before the funeral begins.
Word count: 6.4k
Series: Lost chapters I wish Gege wrote about
A/N: Made this because me and many other people didn't get to see a Gojo funeral nor the character's feelings on him being gone. This is one of my biggest gripes with the ending of JJK. I had no problems with Gojo dying but I feel that how he was handled physically post Yujo fight left much to be desired.
So I decided to write about (mostly) everyone's coping with Gojo's death and a funeral service for him. Forgive me if the funeral may seem culturally inaccurate. Hopefully, no characters come across as too OOC, but some of these characters are hard to get right when they don't have much room to shine their personality in canon.
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Glossy nails trail the white engraved letters and numbers above the matte black. She forgot to give back his credit card.  The last time she used it was Hallo-- 
October 31st. 
October 31st. 
That fucking month with that fucking day. Like an alarm that keeps ringing and a clock that won’t move forward fused together. 
The month of horror, trick or treating, and bloody exploding eyeballs. The month were kids face real horror, not those stupid dumb skeletons, werewolves, and vampires. The kind of horror that will make someone either sample death or have it as their final meal. 
31st should have ended with her rocking the clothes she picked up eight hours before that fight. Gojo should have been eating endless candy and telling them “Job well done!” in that stupid annoying comforting voice of his. Not boxed away and expecting his students to come out on top in the chilly wild. 
She didn’t even see him die. She didn’t get to say her final words to him that just would have amounted to... 
“If you die your card is mine forever. So die, okay?” 
She couldn’t even say her fucked up, dark, cruel joke that was a mask of “Please don’t fucking die”. 
Why couldn’t I move? 
Why wasn’t I awake? 
Why wasn’t I present? 
Who wants to hear recollections of what happened between October 31st and December 24th? She wanted to help out with the Culling Games. She wanted to see the great battle of Sukuna vs. Gojo. She wanted to finally meet this Yuta kid and see everyone’s reaction to him coming back. She wanted to save Megumi when Yuji couldn’t. Picking up the pieces of Yuji’s mistakes. Being that deciding factor that could have prevented so much bullshit. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Why wasn’t I here? 
Her only eye stings, blinking two tears to fall on the muted black card. The heartache trails down to the 2754 of the four-part row of digits. Nobara quivers her lips as she tries to swallow down pills of regrets, exclusion, and despondency. 
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Residing dust forces a couple of coughs out of Inumaki. He waves off the floating particles and goes for the next book off Gojo sensei’s shelve. He grabs the spine of the book and slowly pulls it out.  
He gave up being curious on the subject matter of these books once he cleared the first row. Just of bunch of thick, mind-numbing pieces on Jujutsu, Cursed Energy, or Autobiographies on retired sorcerers.  
Turning from the back cover, in red bold letters his purple eyes reads: Learning Sign Language for your students. Written by... sounds like a random Japanese woman with some fancy doctor degree. 
Narrow eyes widen as confusing experiences lingering in his memory begin to click and warp into sense.  
On the third day of his first year, he remembers cringing at Gojo’s attempt to speak random rice ball ingredients to him. That was his “way” of trying to connect with him. Offended, Inumaki wrote him off and ignored any potential conversation to have with him at that point. 
Around early June, he walked up to see Gojo silently greeting him with fluid movements of his hands and fingers. As fluent as someone who been signing JSL for several years. Was that the reason he stopped trying to conversate with him three weeks prior? 
Taken back, Inumaki slowly signed back, leading to having their first full conversation ever. It ended with Gojo patting him on the shoulder and Inumaki turning to watch his goofy sensei walk off in a cheerful mood.  
Inumaki caresses the book and notices the personal sticky notes poking out of many pages. He looks behind him to see Panda pre-occupied. Inumaki sets the book in his bag, setting it aside to read through later. He shakes his head and stares at the half empty shelve for a long moment before continuing his duty.  
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Panda was busy distracting himself with Satoru’s doodads instead of effectively cleaning out his office. Throw in the fact that it was a journey to simply carry things that would have taken him a few seconds to put away had he been in his original big body. But the funeral starts in a few hours so he has to stop monkeying around soon.  
Panda frowned. There was barely any time to “monkey around” ever since Satoru died. It seems like when he died, he took the fun and security with him. Did most of his friends grow to be so powerful from the battle on Shinjuku? Sure, they’re practically monsters at this point.  
But for a long time, Satoru’s level of strength gave them breathing room to take off the sorcerer mask sometimes. Now that he’s gone, there was no room to be a kid anymore. His friends are teenagers cursed with adult responsibilities; the rest of their adolescence stripped away like a bloody band aid.  
He’s a panda so he doesn’t really understand that feeling. However, he sees it with the forced smiles he’s greeted one second with frowns pulling them down moments after. Desensitized responses they all show in public contrasted with the quiet weeping he hears going on late night campus walks. It will always give him emotional whiplash. 
Life after Satoru was a canvas board of still grey with overwhelming dark blue surrounding it.  
Panda opens a brown box to see a bunch of stuffing peeking out. Dropping down, he turns the box around to see in black marker: Spare stuffing for Panda. 
Panda releases a deep sigh. He feels his stitches ache all over. 
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Loose blue strains spills over the wholesome photo of her and Gojo that day. A day where her biggest concern was not looking stupid in front of the cute, strong, funny teacher at the Tokyo campus of Jujutsu High. A day where her classmates bickered with coal still in their eyes. A day when Mai was cranky and alive. When Mechamaru... 
Miwa shuts her eyes as her tears soaks her eyelashes. Blurry eyes open to take in the photo that seem like centuries ago, when it was only since September. Gojo’s peace sign and shared chipper smiles fill the holes in Miwa’s heart for a moment. Her thumbs zoom in on Gojo and lingers over his tall figure dominating most of the selfie. 
A small smile forms behind the isolated blues. “Gojo...” 
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Kusakabe groans, rubbing the back of his head whenever his mind wanders to that blue eyed trouble maker. There were days he enjoyed the consistent stillness without that loudmouth breaking it. Then there were others where the silence was drowning; his cheery, obnoxious voice completely void to lift up everyone’s spirits when needed. Today was one of those days. 
Twirling his toothpick, he remembers the countless times Gojo annoyed the hell out of him with his comments and pranks. There wasn't a day where he wouldn’t drag one of the Jujutsu faculty and staff in his shenanigans. So bad that one-time Gojo went too far and it ended with Kusakabe wishing he was dead. 
Be careful what you wish for, I guess. 
Kusakabe looks up at the passing clouds trailing through the blue. For such a day for Jujutsu High, the sky didn’t reflect the collective feeling. The man bats his eyes as the ambient nature lures him into a still mind. 
“Kusakabe!? Are we serious right now!?” One of the higher ups barked. 
Gojo shakes his head, “Is there ever a day you guys don’t bitch about--” 
“I agree that sending me would be a horrible idea.” Kusakabe interrupted. Gojo turns to see Kusakabe wearing a “Yes sir. No sir.” attitude. He knew he was lying.  
Kusakabe has been looking forward to a sorcerer mission like this ever since he met him. A mission where all you do is investigate and gather information, no risking your life, no fighting at all really. More like a trip out on Japan’s quiet grassy countryside with a side quest of being an undercover sorcerer representing Jujutsu High.  
Gojo steps forward. “Kusakabe is our best grade 1 sorcerer. He’s no fighter and a nice guy for the most part. He would be better to talk to lame country folk than I am...” 
The elders remain silent. Kusakabe can feel the tension rising. “Gojo, you don’t have to--” 
“I got too much other shit going on to do some boring mission in the countryside. If you send me instead of him then you guys are more senile than I thought.” 
“Gojo!” Kusakabe quickly turned to the many shoji screens hiding the higher up’s bodies. The fact that he had no idea how they were reacting put his worry in overdrive. 
One of the elders sighs, “We don’t feel like arguing with you on this. If you truly think Kusakabe of all people would fit this mission then so be it. But if he fails this, he will suffer the consequences. His mistakes are not on us.” 
“When is it ever on you?” Gojo bounced back. 
“Dismissed.” The other elder said. 
Once they left the room, Gojo wraps his arms around Kusakabe shoulders and bellowed out his carefree laugh. “Don’t forget to bring me back some gifts. You owe me afterall.” 
Kusakabe lowers his head away from the blue and moving white to face the cracked, washed solid grey.  
His heart didn’t ache for Gojo. Tears didn’t trail down for him either. But the crumbs of memories made him appreciate the little explosive highlights he gave his boring, uneventful life. Like those popping candies that felt like fireworks in your mouth.  
Yeah, Gojo was those popping rock candies. 
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Hakari holds the stack of yen as the various fights go on the multiple T.V. screens. Licking his thumb, he counts through the overwhelming amounts of money from his lucky bets. Although he’s been hanging around Jujutsu High more as of recent, lately everything has been about Gojo, his death and preparing for his funeral. All of the mope and serious mumbo jumbo was getting to Hakari, so he retreated to his fight club. 
“When does it start?” Kirara asked, her pink french tips gently caressing his ashy blonde thick hair.  
Hakari shrugs, “Donno. Seems like everyone is too depressed to talk n’ shit.” 
Banding up the yen, Hakari montages the times Gojo left him feeling the fever he often seeks out of many.  
Training him so hard he puked the rest of that day. Pushing him to go after Kirara and teasing him about his crush. Giving him shitty relationship advice. That one time they did that silly pose where they flashed their teeth then flexed their muscles for the camera. Cheating Gojo out of thousands of yen over a wrong move during Blackjack. 
Hakari traces the numbers of the yen, smirking over the fun times that crazy man with the blindfold gave him. 
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Two streaks of damp wet are noticed when the wind sway past Ijichi’s jawline. Another dam of woe threatens to burst until he quickly wipes his sore undereye. He doesn’t even know why he’s getting so emotional over someone who and still-- 
Not sill. Damnit brain, get with the program. 
Someone who used to bully him relentlessly ever since they were kids up until just a few weeks ago. To him, Gojo was nothing but... 
Why are you still here? Need me to punch you to get the message? 
You failed you’re driving test again? You can’t even do that? Go join a local circus at this point. 
Shoko is out of your league, man. You don’t even have the balls to talk to her. How can you expect her to like you. 
Ijichi, don’t piss me off.  
A guy like that doesn’t deserve his tears. Nope, not at all... 
The only person I trust to catch me if I fall is me and, um, Ijichi I think. 
Wanna go out for some hot cocoa? It’s freezing today. 
Well, well, well. You finally took Shoko out for dinner, huh? I guess the world is ending soon. So, how did it go? 
Look, Ijichi may be a wet doormat but he’ll get things done for us and the students. C’mon guys, give him more credit than that. 
Ijichi huffs a stuttered breath. Nope. Nope. No. No. No-- 
You’re the man I trust the most. That’s the only reason I need. 
Ijichi breaks down. A new coat of tears staining his dry skin. His wrung heart soaked again with a grief too complex to explain. 
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Cigarette smoke brush past Shoko’s dry, dull brown hair. No tears had nor will shed for her childhood friend. She wasn’t a crier, even when she was little. When her father died a long time ago, not one tear dropped.  
Instead, there was heavy rocks that magically weighed in her chest. A weight too heavy for her slim body to carry. A weight she dismisses publicly but can’t ignore in private. So, in true Shoko fashion, she grabs a pack of ciggies and breaks her 11th vow to never smoke again. Looking out on the campus field, her eyes strain with stress and lack of sleep. Her heavy heart was to blame this time. 
“Can’t believe I’m being peer pressured right now.” Gojo says in a jokingly nervous tone. 
Shoko lifts up the cigarette, unlit and waiting. “I’m tired of being “The Smoker Chick” of our school. It’s always so lonely smoking by myself.” 
“Regardless if I smoke this or not, you’ll always be “The Smoker Chick”.” 
“Gojo please.”  
Gojo sighs and contemplates the nicotine stick itching to ruin someone’s lungs. He was far from being a goody too shoes but smoking wasn’t his thing. 
“You’ll look so cool doing it. It’ll just be between us.” Shoko persisted. 
Gojo rolled his eyes and snatched the cig from her. He placed it between his perfect, straight whites and waited a moment before turning to Shoko. Shoko stood in disbelief until Gojo snapped his fingers in front of her. 
“Well hurry up and light it!” Shoko quickly digs in her pocket and lights the white end. It takes a few seconds for the cigarette to burn before smoke waves out of the tip. Gojo inhales then blows out a line of smoke effortlessly. Shoko gasps, “How did you not cough?” 
“Duh! Look who you’re talking to.” 
“Oh...yeah. Right.”  
The juxtaposition of Gojo’s divine-like aura and angelic appearance partaking in the trashy, commoner act of smoking was a sight to behold. Almost like he gave a middle finger to his reputation as the strongest sorcerer and decided to be a normal dude for once. Shoko remembers judging Gojo’s bougie attitude during freshman year. She saw his snobbish nature a mile away before he even introduced himself to the class. One thing about Gojo though, he never failed to surprise her with his willingness to bring himself down from heaven. 
Shoko is dazed by Gojo puffing out a few quick smokes before she is presented a hit. 
“This shit tastes awful. How do you smoke these every thirty minutes?” Gojo barfed his tongue out. 
Shoko giggles and breathes in the loud smoke that always hugs her brain. “Helps me stay numb to the bad stuff in the world.” 
Although that was Gojo’s first and last time ever smoking, their budding friendship springs tenfold. 
Shoko was back at that same spot they wasted their youth a decade and so ago. Only there was no arrogant, annoying but funny classmate to secretly cast her judgement on anymore. What only remains is a cigarette and a woman who had an uneventful life outside of being a sidekick to Gojo’s adventures. 
She takes another hit, her tongue recoils at the cigarette taste. Now she gets what he meant back then. 
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The drizzling rain show no signs of giving nature a break from the drab, cold atmosphere. Megumi lays against his cushioned but firm mattress, his brain refusing to move his body. Tears quietly drip down to damp the grey sheets, adding to the collection of wet dots on his bed. The air condition overpowered the pitter-patter behind the window. The dull sound clearing his head to reflect his whirlwind called life these past couple months. 
Countless memories punched his mind. There was so many foggy, forgettable memories of Gojo growing up. His attempt to give them meaning and higher resolution gave him a slight headache. 
First his sister then-- 
He saw it while being a few feet away; Gojo’s blood forming small puddles, leaving his body with his life tagging along. The tired whisper of “My bad, Megumi.” a few moments before his eyes went still. He couldn’t even respond due to that curse going on about some dumb speech after almost getting both of them killed. 
Heat overwhelmed his body as soon as the name rung. He hates him. He hates him. He hates him. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Red and blue hatred evolves into purple flames the longer it sits, burns, and melds. Never has he felt so much rage off a name alone. 
Blood on his hands without the purpose and maliciousness to back it up. Sukuna was gone but the damage will never fade away. It’s here to overstay it’s welcome and haunt him forever.  
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“Good riddance.” Maki lets the intrusive thoughts travel to whispers.  
Alone in the tidy bathroom, she struggles to create grief over someone that just annoyed her most of the time. The only one she believes deserved her grief was her sister, Mai. 
Don’t get her wrong, she respected the hell out of Gojo’s strength. But the only solid memories she has of him is sending her favorite junky snacks whenever it was her time of the month and excused her from class that week.  
Other than that, he was like a gnat that wouldn’t get out of your face. Loud for no reason. Failed to read the room. Teased her about Yuta, even during the time he went to Africa. Pestering her about dumb school shit. Yeah, that’s the Gojo she knows. Not this revisionist history almost everyone on campus is crafting for him now that the bastard is gone gone.  
Yuta and Gojo had a closer relationship than others students, which unfortunately, makes him stricken with the depressing “Gojo is gone” epidemic too. But compared to him and the Jujutsu High students and staff, he actually has good reason to grieve.  
It’s just too overwhelming to deal with for more than an hour. She had to get a breather from seeing someone she cares about so defeated emotionally. She seen Yuta cry before but not to this extent, not this long either. 
Another round of sobs scolds her indifference to Gojo as they breakthrough the thick bathroom door. Maki looks down and moves her toes against the maroon bathroom rug to build back her patience and tolerance. Letting out a short breath, she pushes herself off the sink and keeps her stoic disposition.  
A blank, emotionally collected expression that means well beneath the surface.  
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Yuta cries drag out as he lays on the floor. Maki shifts when she places a palm against his back, not sure how to handle his anguish and piercing sobs. 
Thankfully, Yuta’s dorm was positioned to be isolated at the end of the hall. The other male student's dorms are spaced out from each other so he didn’t have any direct neighbors. But still, his mourning was loud enough to hear muffles across his front door. 
“Yuta.” Maki said.  
She didn’t know what to say exactly. She, like many other Zenins, weren’t the best when it came to nurturing. Even though she feels nothing about Gojo dying, she feels everything seeing her best friend so ...devastated. 
Yuta looks up at her for a long moment, tears trailing by the second, lips quivering, throat tight with words he can no longer say to his sensei. He hugs her waist and cries into her chest.  
“I used him, Maki. He’s gone and the first thing I did was use him. It should have been--” 
“Stop. Don’t finish that. It shouldn’t have been anyone else instead. He did what he had to do for us to win.” Maki comforted. Yuta shakes his head, unable to accept logical reasoning. 
“I-I-I...” He sucks in his breath after every attempt to speak. "I didn’t even get to say--”  
Yuta hurls, his mouth seconds away from bursting open. Maki quickly goes for the bucket and puts it under his head. He pukes for the third time today, projecting out yesterday's lunch and dinner that he ate too little of. Maki sighs and pats his back to get him to vomit it all out. Ever since he returned back to his original body, Yuta has been puking whenever he thinks about the most fucked-up stunt he ever pulled. 
Once Yuta was done, he sobs tamed down to a string of lingering cries. He didn’t bother to change his shirt or wipe the corners of his mouth. Maki grabbed a tissue and cleaned up the small bits of vomit around his mouth. She heads back into the bathroom to clean out the half-filled blue bucket yet again. 
Looking up, he sees a framed picture of him and Gojo during his time in Africa. Gojo had him in a headlock whilst making him laugh about something he hates that he can’t remember. Yuta heart swells, the picture clearly being taken off guard by Miguel. Another wave of sorrow drowns him the longer he stares at Gojo in his white dress shirt, sunglasses, alive and well... 
Yuta face scrunches, a fresh sting of tears falling down. He lays down on the cold floor, allowing the grief to lure him to sleep. 
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Yuji rubs over his face, a stubborn migraine pinching his thoughts. Snot leaking to tease the tip of his tongue. Eyes in desperate need of a bottle of eyedrops to make up for the tiny streams it released the past few hours. His mind was active but his body was lazy, lying on his bed through the whole morning. But he had to get this eulogy done, if nothing else. 
“He was unserious when things were tense. He trolled...whether you were a man, woman, or child. He’d... He’d... He-- dammit!” 
He turns on his stomach and picks up the paper again. He reads over the line again, then two more times to write it on his memory. 
“Hell, he’d even walk in your dorm to check on you only to leave with your house slippers moments later.”  
“Hell, he’d even walk in your dorm to check on you only to leave with your house slippers moments later.” Yuji groans. 
“Don’t say hell, that might not fly well.” He scolded himself. 
Yuji sets the paper on his nightstand so his brain can have a break. He read over his eulogy so many times that his mind is starting to slip with the constructed presentation he went over since last night. It doesn’t help that throughout this practicing, he’s been crying whenever he gets lost in thought about Gojo-sensei. Maybe he needs to cool down a bit. 
On the edge of his window sits one of Gojo’s many blindfolds. Yuji reaches over with minimal effort and caress the fabric. Black cotton comforts his fingertips while Yuji gives this simple thing a soft gaze. The very first thing he noticed about that strange looking man on that life changing night. 
Scenes of warm and fun premiere from his memory bank, each starring Gojo sensei. Smiles to laughter with jokes, ease, and good food in between. 
Sensei steals a fry from Nobara’s-- 
Sliced open. Blood dripping down white baggy pants and black combat slippers. Torso on the ground. Harsh ice blue still yet soft. Live and unskippable. Live with no rewinds. Sukuna’s joy celebrated in the wrong body. No more rough ruffles on the head. No more boring lessons elevated by high-energy humor and multiple tangents of his glory days. 
Yuji winces and attempts to rub out the migraine and horrible memories intruding the good. There is a knock on the door. “You’re not naked are you?” Nobara voice is heard from behind the door. 
Yuji shakes his head as if Nobara could see. “No.”  
Nobara walks in, remnants of rain dripping from her raincoat. She had a blank face, her usual energy turned down a few notches. “Hey.” 
Yuji barely lifts up a wave, still smoothing out his nerves. “Hi.”  
“So everyone is either busy or depressed so you’re my last hope around here.” Nobara confessed. Yuji lifted up the eulogy, “Can’t. Too busy.” 
Nobara sucks her teeth then observes Yuji’s face. “You look like you’re more in the too depressed camp than the too busy one.” 
“Yeah, that too.” 
Nobara walks over and grabs the eulogy. Yuji lays back down, “Since you’re here, I need to clarify one last thing for my speech. Did sensei buy you those tampon things or those purple diapers?” 
Nobara stops reading and shoots him a look. “Why are you broadcasting my period for the whole Jujutsu High to hear?” 
“It’s supposed to be one of the many things Gojo did for us as students. I couldn’t think of anything else, cut me some slack.” 
Nobara sighs, “He used to get me pain meds and a bunch of tampons whenever my cramps would go into overdrive. And it’s called pads, not purple diapers.” 
Yuji nodded and formed a curve of a smile. “Thanks, Kugisaki.” 
“I could go and hang out with some girls I know from other schools but it looks like the rain is getting worse. What time is the funeral anyway?” 
“It’s in four hours, around two I think.” 
Nobara nodded, “Guess I’ll just go back to my dorm and sulk like everyone else. See you later.” She gets off to leave. “Oh, save me a seat too.” 
Yuji nodded with a frown, not having enough optimism left to give fake smiles. “Sure, see you.” 
Alone again, Yuji picks up the worn white sheet with creases and wrinkles. Headache tamed, he decides to recite again. You can never be too polished. 
“Gojo-sensei was a...” 
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Todo sheds single strings of tears while many games of ping pong against Gojo replays in his mind. Besides Mei Mei, Gojo was his common partner in his favorite sport. Now that he’s gone, he had no one to slam “cheating” allegations to in an intense game during the humid, long summer afternoons. 
Ui Ui sniffles as he looks down, avoiding the blunt reality of the casket up ahead. He wasn’t the biggest acquaintance of Gojo but a few moments of the past built a friendly nature between them. His briberies of fried bananas to get direct access to Mei Mei. Being a one-man audience (he slept through his blindfold) for spoken word poetry he wrote about his sister when no one else bothered to hear. Gojo never failed to match his childish energy when other adults or big kids were “too busy” to entertain him. The boy’s quiet sniffles prompted a head rub from his older sibling. 
The pointy ends of Mei Mei’s red nails pierce through her left palm. Her right palm comforts the juvenile emotions of her baby brother. Her face remains calm but blue fire bursts in her heart.  
1.5 Million yen. All that rich fuck had to do is pay me 1.5 million yen back and what does he do? Fuck around and die. Hmph! He probably died to cheap his way out of his debt. Damn you Satoru Gojo. Damn him. 
Ino stood with his ski-mask firm against his chest, looking forward with respect. Gojo was more like an older brother than a co-worker. Despite the pain he feels, he refuses to look away from the body. 
Momo stands next to Miwa, people watching the many guests standing in line to pay their personal respects to the body. As soon as she came, she made sure to grab the nearest seat and keep her head down. Dead bodies always freaked her out. People always assumed she be fine with that kind of stuff since she gives “witchy” vibes but no way. It was the way the body just sat there, all sense of spark or fire vanished. Also, that silly fear that a dead body will raise and walk towards her. God, she hopes they close the casket soon.  
Kirara hugs on to Hakari’s arm as she quietly weeps to herself. Hakari wasn’t the “comforting” type but all she needs from him was his arm and shoulder for support. During the time it was her vs. the conservative Jujutsu World when she decided to transition, Gojo was one of the few who had her back. She has his support from the moment she began dressing feminine all the way to the moment she began going by Kirara. It wasn’t a problem for Gojo to call her by her true name right away since he thought her dead name was forgettable as hell. 
Sure, Gojo wasn’t perfect and had his moments where his views were a bit dated, but he was willing to own up to his mistakes and learn for the better. She’ll never forget the stereotypical girly shit he would buy her because he didn’t know her personal taste that well, not that she even knew at the time either. Corny gifts and unconditional support are why her mascara and eyeliner were messy all around her under eye.  
Most attendees dressed in purple while others sulked in black. Ages from teen to end of the road mingled together within a pot of grief, visible respect, and reservation. Some felt internal relief that the bastard was gone. Some cried harder than they would if their actual father died.  
Gojo lied still in a polished classic black casket, wearing a blank emotion that he would hate everyone to see. His cut, pieced back by Shoko, was barely noticeable. If you weren’t given the details of his death, you’d probably would question how he died. The line to view his body was beginning to reach its end, preparing everyone to mentally checkout for an hour and a half. 
A collected Megumi stared at Gojo in a distracted haze. It was stupid, but he felt like Gojo was playing some sick prank and he’s going to pop out and yell some stupid shit any second now. The longer he stares at the body’s lack of movement, the confirmation rings hollow in his mind. Thankfully Nobara and Yuji kept to themselves, because he’s not in the mood to make idle small talk to take their mind off the obvious.  
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Yuta’s sorrow could be heard faintly throughout the large quiet space but not loud enough to distract from the ceremony. His tears took all of the moisture from his face, leaving him paler than usual. Messy black hair clashed with his neat tux that took forever to fit him in. It was a miracle for Maki to get him in that, let alone bring him here. 
 It was a tough sight to see as Yuta was now regarded as the strongest sorcerer of the upcoming generation. Yuta usually had a friendly, shy demeanor around his peers while being focused and stoic during battle. It was rare to see such a rock morph into glass, his pieces laid for the whole institution to see.  
Yuta could care less, the repercussions of his public image being in an awkward, pitiful state wasn’t even a thought in the thick of his pain. He could repair that with time and his rapid growing reputation. This is the last time he’ll ever see Gojo-sensei and his heart can’t take it. 
Throughout most of the service, Yuji idly stares at Gojo-sensei’s memorial card. A portrait of him wearing a bright, goofy smile placed above the December 7th, 1989 - December 25th, 2018 felt like visual whiplash. Yet, he kept staring at it until a microphoned call of his name lifts his head up. 
“Itadori-kun, are you still going to read your eulogy for us today?” Ijichi directs, slightly confused of Yuji’s zoned out state. 
“Oh, yeah, for sure. Just...” Yuji grabs the piece of paper from Nobara’s lap and scoots through the aisle. He walks up to the podium, feeling stares and invisible opinions hover over his back. He gently grabs the mic from Ijichi and sets his eulogy across his face.  
Looking up, the stares feel more intense as the rows and rows of straight-faces set social anxiety in his stomach. It was weird, he usually had no problem speaking publicly to an audience, he was a social butterfly after all. Funerals love throwing everyone’s vibe off, even a generally confident one like his, he assumes. 
“Um, hi guys—hi everyone.” 
He quickly goes over the first line to trigger his trained memory to make the speech sound fluent and genuine. He prays to whoever is listening to not let his mind go blank at a time like this. 
“Gojo sensei was a goofball.”  
The silence screams for a moment as the opening line registers in everyone’s minds. A few chuckle, most keep their solemn unimpressed looks, while others are not even on this planet. Yuji clears his throat. 
“He was unserious when things were tense. He trolled you whether you were a man, woman, or child. Hell, he’d even walk in your dorm to check on you, only to leave with your house slippers moments later.” Many students laughed at the last comment. Yuji looks up and chuckles along, a confidence block stacked. 
“He wasn’t a teacher who sugar-coated things, his words were more salt-coated. It stings from being so blunt, but it was needed in order for you to have more flavor.” Yuji takes a quick scan and sees that more people are in tuned with his words. Second block stacked. 
“Growing up, I only had my grandfather for family. So while I kinda knew what it was like to have a dad, I spent a good portion of my life taking care of him during his last years so I forgot what it felt like. Gojo reminded me of that feeling.” 
“He gave life advice outside of teaching. He would take us out for ice cream after missions. One time, he bought those weird tampon things and sea salt caramel ice cream for Nobara during her...y’know.” Nobara gives him a look after he shoots a nervous chuckle her way. 
“He would walk Megumi’s dogs on Saturday mornings. He’d crack a joke in sign that only Inumaki-senpai would understand. He was tough on me, Hakari-senpai, and Okkotsu-senpai during training because he wanted us to take advantage of the potential we couldn’t see. He was...” 
Yuji looks up to see Yuta staring at him with teary but curious eyes, desperate to know what he’s about to lay on the crowd next. Yuji directs a small, sympathetic smile at him then looks down. 
“He was our constant entertainment during the long, boring hours of our jobs. He unlocked the laughter and ease that we often hid to condition ourselves so we could endure the next mission. He made hell feel like home. He was our Gojo-sensei when the world just saw him as Gojo Satoru.” 
Tears don’t hold back on some folks faces. What they expected to be a generic but appropriate eulogy turned out to be an off-beat, heartfelt, kinda corny eulogy written by a dude who loved his teacher. A rare case of a dude who isn’t clever with words evoking more emotions out of a crowd more than any writer ever could. 
“I’m sure some of you struggle to move forward with this loss. Some of you may simply be here to pay respects and move on with their lives preferably without sensei. Or you may be like me, someone just going through the motions and may not know what to do, say, think, or feel. But Gojo-sensei is gone and all we can do is reflect on the echos of his existence.” 
Yuji lets out a deep breath, satisfied to have gotten through his eulogy, the weight off his shoulders. His eyes flickers to see many nodding at his last statement. He scans through his last sentence and nods to himself to bring it home. 
“Thank you, Gojo-sensei, for being the goofball with the blindfold and thank you all for listening.” Everyone except the elders clapped for Yuji, moved by his honest words and pure approach. Yuji didn’t register the applause nor Ijichi’s transition to the next segment since his heart was pounding against his left chest. 
There was another wrinkle added to the eulogy when he goes to sits back down. He stares at his knees to contemplate his social triumph. Nobara looks at him and pats his upper back while Megumi simply gives him a blank look, jailing his “Good job.”. Yuji breathes deep through his nose and gives himself little nods, back in his own world to process those past few minutes. 
The rest of the service goes smoothly, time moving quicker due to Yuji black flashing through the seemingly unbreakable ice. After the main service, many students and staff agreed to meet at the school yard where the funeral bonfire repast will be held. 
While Gojo was being cremated, the bonfire turned out to be a lively celebration of life after so much grief wrung at the service. Snow trinkled down amongst the light conversations, coping dark humor, taste bud-rising food and drinks, and tear stains. Taking a break entertaining his peers, Yuji looked up to admire the floating ice. His irises went up and down, low right and high left, no different from when he saw snow as a kid. Laughter and smiles were behind Yuji, but all he can feel was the snow nurturing the child he locked away. 
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Ashes leave out of the hands of many, gliding above the flowers revived by spring. Cherry blossom petals dance with Gojo in the gentle wind. The early days of April was always Gojo’s favorite time of the year, it was only fitting that his departure was during its peak.  
The new year of Jujutsu High begins without the blindfolded goofball to kick it off with overwhelming enthusiasm and junior high-level jokes. Second years, third years, and even the students that graduated are moving forward after months of mental detours. Now, there was a fresh set of first years oblivious to the horrors and traumas that awaits them. It’s a pity they won’t have that funny man in the sunglasses to help them endure their next twelve months of hell.  
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daily-slugpup ¡ 2 months ago
2754 please?
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Here's your pup! with some noodleflies
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