#26 Mern
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From the Golden Age of Television
Series Premiere
26 Men - The New Recruit - Syndicated - October 15, 1957
Running Time: 30 minutes
Written by Oliver Drake
Produced by Russell Hayden
Directed by Reg Browne
Tris Coffin as Captain Thomas H. Rynning
Kelo Henderson as ranger Clint Travis
Don Haggerty as Big Red Monahon
Elizabeth Marshall as Lola Johnson
William Murphy as Curley (Credited as Bill Murphy)
Fred Kohler, Jr. as Doctor
Billy Baucom as Cpl. Drake
Jimmy Cotton as Jud
William Fawcett as Sam Miller
Bill French as Jones
Tex Palmer as Big Red's Man
Jack Martin as Pete Martin
#The New Recruit#26 Mern#TV#1950's#1957#Western#Syndicated#Tris Coffin#Kelo Henderson#Don Haggerty#Elizabeth Marshall#William Murphy#Series Premiere
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Emilia Mernes via Instagram Stories. (Oct 26, 2023)
#shakira#shakira mebarak#emila mernes#celebs#celebrities#via instagram stories#ig stories#instagram#social media#october 2023
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oi cib, tudo bem? espero que sim!!
queria saber se você tem sugestões de fcs para substituir a camila morrone, a personagem precisa de um recast urgente depois do exposed dela!! a oc em questão é latina e do universo de outer banks, então fcs com material mais ou menos na mesma estética da série ajudaria demais, especialmente porque terei que refazer os edits de divulgação. além disso, as fcs precisam ter uma vibe/cara meio de "cretina", de quem não é flor que se cheire, porque a personagem é assim e o rosto dela entrega demais isso.
sei que é um pedido difícil e bem específico, mas se você puder ajudar, eu agradeço demais demais!! muito obrigado <3
Olá, meu bem! Tudo sim e com você? Claro que posso te ajudar <3
Eu vi que tinha acontecido algo lá, até dei o benefício da dúvida na questão dos likes porque poderia ser montagem ou outra pessoa com esse user, mas eu vi que o fã clube dela mandou mensagem para ela, pedindo para ela se explicar ou pelo menos pedir desculpas, mas disseram que ela leu mas ignorou, então né... Fica difícil defender! Espero que ela melhore, e ponha a mão na consciência e peça desculpas pois é o mínimo :(
Qualquer coisa, pode pedir mais opções que eu procuro mais!!
Camila Mendes (19-28) [mas fez papéis mais jovens também]
Daniela Nieves (17-25)
Emilia Mernes (18-26)
Giovanna Grigio (16-25) [acho que ela em rebelde tem essa vibe kkkk]
Keana Marie (18-27) [ela é descendente brasileira]
Maia Reficco (16-22)
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TI&TC: Moira Willis (23)
Breakers: Kit and the Breaker family (16-72)
The Curse-Collector: Mernsen “Mern” (25) & Holofernes “Hollow” Leah (18)
Glitch: Nix (26)
TCTB&TDM: A1.3 “Alis” (4 months) and Boyd (14).
If you vote please reblog? I'm interested in what is the most intriguing.
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Character Questionnaire: Merrinyn Delorsath
1. Height?
5′5″. (She is of average height. At least in her former settlement.)
2. Eye colour?
Black. (It’s actually dark blue.)
3. Do they need glasses?
No. (That doesn’t stop her from wearing one whenever she feels like it.)
4. Scars and birthmark?
None. (It’s hard to get scars when you’re always far from the action, drowning in books. She did get a paper cut a few days after leaving her old settlement, settling for the surface to learn more about this part of the world, though that amounted to nothing more than a few minutes of annoyance.)
5. Tattoos and piercings?
6. Right or left handed?
Right-handed. (For a time in her youth, she instead she was ambidextrous. That was until she figured out the word she was looking for was “amphibious”.)
7. Any disabilities? Physical or mental.
None. (She can’t pronounce the letter “R” if it’s in the last syllable of a word, as in “wafer” or “paper”, ending up either mispronouncing it as the letter “W” instead, as in “wafew” or “papew”, or accidentally speaking in a British accent. Don’t tell her I told you this. She’s very sensitive about her rhotacism.)
8. Do they have any allergies?
None. (...though she once almost died after eating crab. That was most likely due to improper cleaning of the food. It never happened again. Strange.)
9. Favourite colour?
Seafoam Green. Or blue. (She also likes pink.)
10. Typical outfits?
Whichever works, really. I prefer clothing that would not impede my mobility over clothing that’s all for show. (She used to wear simple sleeveless, collarless, pants-less garments made of coral, see below, until she moved to the surface-world where a kind old lady gave her common clothes for free because she looked “cold” and “very naked”. Still, she tends to rip out the sleeves and collars and even pant-legs of her clothes whenever she feels like it, usually when she’s near the water and there’s no tedious socializing to be had.)

11. Do they wear any makeup?
No. (She does, but only rarely and mostly during “special” occasions.)
12. What weapon do they use, if any?
Between my magic and my staff, I can be quite the formidable fighter. (She isn’t. She has also been thinking of acquiring a trident recently. Three pointed tips are better than one blunt head.)
13. Are they more optimistic or pessimistic?
Neither. I dwell in between optimism and pessimism. Nothing is ever absolutely positive or negative. There is also the middle, and there I thrive. (Technically, she’s more optimistic, considering she’s always optimistic that each day holds new things for her to learn. She does get pretty pessimistic when things don’t go her way, though, especially if she becomes obsessed with learning about something and her progress somehow gets impeded.)
14. Are they introverted or extroverted?
Neither. I am an ambivert. (Mostly true, though she leans more towards being an introvert, as she spends more time being an introvert, with all her research and reading; however, she doesn’t get drained as much when she has to be an extrovert, though she tends to avoid opportunities where she has to be one.)
15. What are their pet peeves?
When someone interrupts my research on anatomy by slaying the creature I am to observe. *very audible sigh* Brutes... (She also can’t stand people who can’t wait in line, even though she herself hates lines.)
16. What bad habits do they have?
Someone once said I’m terrible with making friends, though to be fair, I’m here to study and learn, not to make friends. (She spends way too much time with her books and research and not enough time connecting with real people. It’s uncertain whether this is because she’s such an obsessive sage or it’s just a triton thing.)
17. Do they have any phobias?
I fear nothing. Fear only exists when one does not understand something. I seek to understand everything. I do not fear. (Insects, especially flying insects, specifically cockroaches. She thinks they’re gross and they always have the high ground when it comes to the element of surprise. She’d probably like them if they were larger, though, since she’d at least be able to keep them from entering her orifices without permission. Oh, and falling from great heights. She hates that.)
18. How do they display affection?
I don’t. Affection is unnecessary. As long as you are useful and efficient, you are. (She really doesn’t. At least, she doesn’t know how to. Even her compliments are awkward and strange.)
19. How competitive are they?
Competition is good as motivation for personal growth, but only when it motivates a competitor towards personal growth. (She isn’t as competitive as others are, though it’s mostly because she’s a triton and tritons don’t really consider surface dwellers as competition. At least, that’s what she believes.)
20. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
No response. (It differs on a daily basis, more like it adds up, but she doesn’t take to it like changing herself because she doesn’t like herself. It’s actually more of changing something here and then something there to unleash the full potential of her existence. Like having eyes that see better in the deepest dark or gills that can allow her to safely breathe in any environment. It’s alteration in the spirit of evolution, not alteration because of emotions.)
21. Do they have any obscure hobbies or routines?
Is collecting forks an obscure hobby? (It is.)
22. What are the names and ages of their close family members? Parents, siblings, etc.
My father’s name is Mernes and my mother’s name is Erryn. I have one older brother, Jharvas, and no other siblings.
23. Is their family alive and are they still in contact with them?
Yes, they are all alive and well. My father and my mother live together back home while my brother has also set out to, according to him, find himself. I’m certain he’s simply pursuing the vampire woman again. Men have never been quite as smart as us. (Her brother is indeed with a female vampire but he’s not pursuing her. They’re working together, trying to make a life with each other.)
24. Where are they from? City, nation?
I’m from the sea, the depths of which no surface dweller may survive. (Her settlement is within the oceans east of Hegaehend, far east. They call it the City of Sh'lafijn, though others simply refer to as Marai.)
25. Did they have a childhood best friend?
I had childhood friends, though I don’t think it wise to select from them a singular best. (She does. Her name was Dhorimyn. They’ve lost contact over the years. The last she’s heard of her, Dhorimyn had left their settlement for parts unknown.)
26. Have they had any pets?
I had a pet shark named Kadita. (They’re dead now.)

27. Did they grow up rich or poor? What were their living conditions like?
We used to move a lot when I was but a young girl. It took my parents a while to settle down in a place of our own. We were neither rich nor poor. We were in the middle.
28. What is their educational background?
I went through formal schooling, learned from the greatest mentors of my settlement, and grew into a fine sage. I learned more on my own than I did with anyone. (She’s not kidding. Her curiosity actually led to her amassing more knowledge about things outside of their settlement than the “greatest mentors” of their settlement, which were the only 10 triton scholars of their settlement.)
29. As a child, what did they want to be when they grew up?
I always wanted to be a scholar, and now, here I am. (At one point, she also wanted to be a kraken. She thought having more limbs would be efficient. She was three.)
30. What advice would they give to their younger self?
If I ever, for some strange reason, meet my younger self, I would simply tell her to continue swimming towards her current path. She will become me, and I am the best she can ever be. (We’ll agree to disagree.)
31. Growing up, were they ever bullied or were they the bully?
I was never bullied. I never bullied anyone. I just didn’t have the time. All my focus were on my studies and my research. (She was bullied. For being too absorbed in her studies. She was often referred to as the “teacher’s suckerfish” by the other children. To this day, she still thinks it was a compliment because “a suckerfish assists its host by feeding off of its parasites.” She wasn’t wrong.)
32. Who do they look up to/who is their role model?
No response. (She currently doesn’t look up to anyone, especially since she’s out of the sea and she takes to surface dwellers as subjects to study, not mentors to put on a pedestal. She used to look up to an older mentor from her settlement but he died after trying to “befriend” a female shark as a male shark, so that was that. It’s a long story, and it’s not what you think.)
33. Do they currently have a place of residence?
I rented a small place for me and my...friends in Arx, at the Whale Water Port. It’s close to the water, plenty of fish, and has access to several libraries and universities. It’s the best place for me here on the surface. (Remember the kind old lady who gave her free clothes because she looked “very naked”? That became her landlady. It’s a good place for someone living “alone”.)
34. What is their most treasured possession?
My most treasured possession? I suppose the letter from my late colleague could fill this role. For now. At least until I find the answer to his question, and I will. Eventually. (She’s not as into possessions as most people are, so having a treasured...item isn’t on her radar. That should change once she gets a particular trident, though, and maybe a particular cloak and a particular decanter to boot. Maybe.)
35. What is their drink of choice?
I don’t drink that much, but I seemed to have developed a taste for the drink called Bilgewater. It reminds me so much of home. (Bilgewater is of course the bluish-brown, sometimes jet black, concoction that's made by soaking the inner organs of various sea creatures soaking in a fermented brine and then running them through a sieve to remove the bones and viscera. It's usually on most tavern's menu for at least 5 copper pieces, or you can ask your friendly neighborhood fisher to brew you one for the same price. The only real side effect of this drink it that the lingering taste of rotten, brackish seafood remains on the palette for a few hours.)
36. Which king/queen are they loyal to, if any?
None have sought me out yet, so I’m loyal to none. That should change if any reach out and we find ourselves agreeing in our principles. (So long as she get to do her research, she’s not very picky on a monarch to side with, but only if completely necessary. She’d rather not get drawn to unnecessary conflict if they can avoid them.)
37. Have they ever killed anyone?
No response. (In every attempt at progress, there will always be a casualty or two. Maybe even three. It is rarely intentional, however.)
38. What was their last promise and did they keep it?
I promised my brother I’d stay with our parents, keep them safe... (She could not keep that promise.)
39. What was their first kiss like, if they’ve had one?
It was...wet. And pretty sloppy. The things we do to satiate our curiosity, right? (Of course it was wet. She was underwater. It was mostly sloppy because it was their first kiss, and her “research” partner was understandably nervous, especially since she secretly liked Merrinyn. They never spoke of it again, mostly because Merrinyn concluded that it was not a fruitful experiment and Dhorimyn decided to keep her secret her own.)
40. Are they in a relationship/have a love interest?
Love is an unnecessary distraction that I cannot currently afford. (She is too busy with her research to consider a relationship, any kind of relationship, at the moment.)
41. Have they ever been in love?
Like I said, an unnecessary distraction. (She has not, though she believes she has.)
42. Have they ever had their heart broken?
No response. (Numerous times: When her pet shark Kadita passed away, when her older brother Jharvas left them in pursuit of a vampire, when she slowly lost contact with Dhorimyn, and when her favorite mentor died to sharks while in the form of a shark.)
SPIRITUALITY - 43. Do they follow a god, if so who?
I don’t follow gods. I don’t have faith in them as much as others do. I only have faith in myself, in what I can see, and in what I can prove. (That said, she does appear to admire both Habbakuk and Melora, especially the latter whose stories and lore she views as quite inspiring.)
44. What do they think happens to them after death?
I cease to exist and my body decays to join nature and the sea. That’s it. That’s all there is to it.
45. What is their spirit animal?
A kraken. Definitely a kraken. (She’s more like a dolphin, but okay.)
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Today, the web application development process is not the same as it was a couple of years back. Web apps are developed using various technologies, and one of the common technologies we all might be aware of is 'Technology Stack.' It is often used in modern software development. But what does it actually mean?
Technology stack refers to the amalgamation of programming languages, tools, and frameworks used in software development. If you usually work with a tech stack, you will surely have a favorite one you always pick when developing a web application. If it is the MERN stack, you’re also one of those developers who find this technology stack the right choice to win the race in 2022.
According to the HackerRank development skill report, 30% of developers choose Angular.js while 26% stayed with React JS. The report also highlights that 30% of the programmers show interest in learning ReactJS, whereas 35.9% of developers prefer to use ReactJS for development. These stats clearly show that the MERN stack stands slightly above MEAN when it comes to popularity. Not only this, but MERN also stays on top of the chart in terms of ease of understanding.
#MERN Development company#MERN Development services#MERN development in USA#Mern stack development#MERN Backend development services#MERN web development#MERN App development
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Tagebuch: Endstress und Ahrtal
Die letzte Woche vor den Osterferien ist die schlimmste. Schlimmer noch als die Vorweihnachtswoche. Alles muss noch diese Woche erledigt werden, jedenfalls gefühlt. Zusätzlich prasseln die Anfragen rein, denn schließlich muss man auch noch diese Woche Entscheidungen für Projekte treffen, bevor alle Ansprechpartner/innen im Urlaub sind. Und versteht mich nicht falsch – ich habe so ein Rechtfertigungsgefühl – ich bin froh, viel zu tun zu haben, aber ich wäre echt froh, wenn sich der Arbeitsdruck ein wenig besser verteilte. Ein Thema, das mich schon mein ganzes Arbeitsleben begleitet, ich mache mir da keine Illusionen.
Montag, 22. März 2021
Ich hole die Kleine mittags von der Tagesmutter ab und habe dann noch gute zwei Stunden Zeit zu arbeiten, bis sie aus dem Mittagsschlaf erwacht. Um 16 Uhr habe ich eine wichtige Videokonferenz. Bis dahin kann ich mich um Klein-Lea kümmern, was ich dann auch mit Freude mache. Je näher der Termin rückt, desto nervöser werde ich allerdings. Denn ich weiß aus zu vielen Erfahrungen, dass die Kleine eskaliert, wenn sie merkt, dass ich mit anderen Leuten rede und mich nicht mit ihr beschäftige. Als um 15:55 Uhr die Kindsmutter die Wohnung betritt, rufe ich ihr ein erleichtertes „Ein Glück!“ entgegen und verschwinde in der Konferenz; die gut läuft, danke der Nachfrage.
Dienstag, 23. März 2021
Ich fühle mich nun richtig krank, wobei das so eine Erkältung ist, die einfach nur den Kopf dick macht, aber die Leistungsfähigkeit sonst nicht weiter einschränkt. Würde ich in einem Büro mit mehreren anderen arbeiten, hätte ich mich krank gemeldet, aber ich bin ja sowieso im Homeoffice. Weil ich so tapfer bin und mich nachmittags sowieso um das Kind kümmern muss, machen wir einen Spaziergang, bei dem ich zum ersten Mal meine neue kleine Drohne ausfliege. Das macht Spaß!
Irgendwo auf dem Bild versteckt sind Klein-Lea und ich
Mittwoch, 24. März 2021
Das viele Naseputzen fordet seinen Tribut. In der Nacht zum Mittwoch habe ich das Nasenbluten meines Lebens. Über eine Stunde lang bringe ich es nicht zum Stoppen. Ich bin kurz davor, den Notarzt zu rufen. Völlig entkräftet schaffe ich es aber dann doch irgendwann ins Bett. Entsprechend schlaff fühle ich mich den ganzen Tag. Was mich nicht daran hindert (hindern darf), meine Aufgabe als Moderator einer ganztägigen Veranstaltung wahrzunehmen.
Donnerstag, 25. März 2021
Bämm-bämm-bämm, es ist high noon bei den Terminen. Ich wechsle teilweise im Halbstundentakt die Videokonferenz und wundere mich nur noch, dass ich nicht alles durcheinander bringe.
Freitag, 26. März 2021
Noch einmal einen halben Tag Workshop, noch ein paar Termine und dann habe ich die stressige Phase erst einmal geschafft. Dachte ich, denn kurz vor Arbeitstagesende erreicht mich eine überraschende Nachricht, die uns ungeplante Arbeit beschert. Es wird halt nie langweilig, seufz.
Samstag, 27. März 2021
Ich schalte erst einmal – so gut es geht – ab. Die Kleine lässt uns ein paar Minuten länger als gewöhnlich schlafen und vor allem mache ich fast drei Stunden Mittagsschlaf. Das war bitter nötig. Danach geht es mir zum ersten Mal seit vielen Tagen wieder etwas besser. Leider spielt das Wetter nicht mit, deshalb komme ich nicht an die frische Luft.
Sonntag, 28. März 2021
Dafür aber heute! Wir treffen uns mit den besten Freunden im Ahrtal und laufen eine Runde den Berg hoch und wieder runter. Wie gut nicht nur das Laufen, das An-der-frischen-Luft-sein tut, sondern auch der Austausch mit echten Menschen! So lange habe ich schon auf so etwas verzichtet.
💌 Verpasse keinen Beitrag mehr! Lass dich per E-Mail benachrichtigen! 🐖 Dir gefällt, was du hier liest? Ich freue mich, wenn du Klein-Leas Sparschwein fütterst!
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2021/04/tagebuch-endstress-und-ahrtal/)
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Getting Weird HTML URLs in Search Console Errors? https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/k0y9hh/getting_weird_html_urls_in_search_console_errors/
I've built my site with the MERN stack, and I'm getting some awfully weird URLs in my "Excluded by noindex tag"
- https://www.(websitename.com)/ipeogzswgeb.html
- https://www.(websitename.com)/bfwobczgfutpcbgv.html
- https://www.(websitename.com)/xhegdwcxmyoik.html
I allow users to create a profile and input their own social media links, but then I preface each anchor with nofollow and noreferrer. When I attempt to go to these URLs, there's nothing there. I've reviewed my sitemap, nothing there.
submitted by /u/evilsniperxv [link] [comments] November 26, 2020 at 12:23AM
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300+ TOP FULL STACK DEVELOPER Interview Questions and Answers
FULL STACK DEVELOPER Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-
1. Explain the term Full-stack developer? This term is related to a technology expert capable of working on front and back end of an application. It is important that a person knows the ins and outs of the 3-tier model. It also requires an understanding of client and server-side of an application. 2. What are the responsibilities of a full stack developer? Full-stack developer supports the smooth running of all parts of the system The full-stack developer provides assistance to team members and lessens the time, technicality and communication costs They can perform tasks of both back and front end developers, thus saving personnel, set-up and working cost of the company 3. What is visibility:hidden? It means it is invisible but is also taking up the original space. 4. What is display: none? It means it is hidden and also it is not taking up any space. 5. Explain the term front end? Front end relates to technologies like JavaScrip, CSS, HTML. They are associated with interface part of the website. This part is accessed by users using a browser. 6. What development languages are used for server-side coding? Following programming languages are used: Java Ruby Python .Net etc. 7. What DBMS technologies used for full stack development? MySL, Oracle, SQLServer, MongoDB are some of these technologies. 8. Explain software stack? Software stack represents a group of programs used to bring about a particular result. It consists of operating system with its applications. 9. Explain LAMP stack? LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP. It is used for web services. Its components support each other. Facebook is one of the web applications that runs on it. 10. MERN stack? MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js. It is a group of JavaScript technologies. It is used for web application development a lot nowadays.
FULL STACK DEVELOPER Interview Questions 11. Explain MEAN stack? MEAN stack stands for MongoDB, Express, Angular.js, Node.js. It is growing technology for application development. 12. Explain application server? To create web applications as well as server environment for launching application, application server is used. 13. Explain referential transparency? It is used in functional programming. For replacement of an expression, without changing the end outcome of program, referential transparency is used. 14. What are some design patterns? Different types of design patterns are UI, GUI, UX, prototype and database principles. 15. Explain multi-threading? Multi-threading is used to improve CPU performance. It is based on execution of multiple threads and processes that operating system supports. 16. Explain the debugging process of complex program? Before debugging, it is necessary to analyze the given problem. It is important to check the inputs and outputs. Input and output data sets are checked for potential input and outputs in the test data. Rectification involves avoiding the same error in the next phase and project. 17. What are the newest trends for full stack development? Most of these trends are about compatible extensions, JavaScript programming improvements, Vue functional in JavaScript etc. 18. What are important skills to become full stack developer apart from technical skills? Apart from technical skills, organization skills, flexibility, language, open to suggestions, working with latest programming strategies is important. 19. What are the steps in Continuous Integration? Continuous integration works one step at a time. Maintain the notion for the code to be used in a project. Automate the build and it has to be self-testing. Everyone should integrate code every day on the build. As per production requirements build should be updated. Automate the deployment process. 20. How will you define Continuous Integration? It is the process of using codes built for testing. Developers should integrate a code daily during the phase of building. Every code is analysed automatically. Once this phase is over, code is deployed to team production and no human intervention is introduced. It is helpful in Quick detection of problems. 21. Explain 3-tier model? Three tier model consists of three layers for any application. Presentation layer which is associated with front end part and deals with user interface, business layer and is associated with back-end part, it deals with data validation. Third layer is database layer and it deals with storage of data. 22. What is semantic HTML? HTML is used to define the loop of webpage. Semantic HTML focuses on meaning or semantics of the information presented on the page. Search engines can find the significant text in the page and rank it accordingly. 23. Explain CSS Box model? CSS Box model is used to decide the layout of content on the web page. Each element to be shown on the web page is represented as a rectangular box. Margin, edge, padding, and content edges are used with specific size and color, etc. for the content to be displayed on the screen. 24. What is bootstrap in full-stack development? Bootstrap represents an open-source kit with tools to develop HTML, JS and CSS content. With the help of SaaS variables, mixins, grids, prebuilt modules, and plugins, it can prototype an idea and build the app. 25. Why is REST important in the HTTP protocol? REST is very simple and builds upon already existing systems. It uses existing HTTP features to achieve objectives. It eliminates the need to create new standards, technologies, frameworks, etc. 26. How is REST different from SOAP? These are two APIs with the following differences: REST is an architectural style with no official standard. SOAP is a protocol and with the official standard. REST makes use of numerous standards such as HTTP, JSON, URL, XML whereas SOAP uses mainly XML and HTTP. 27. What is Git? A version control system, Git, allows developers to keep track of any changes made to the codebase. To get the latest out of it, it is vital to understand its important features properly. 28. What are the benefits of Fullstack JavaScript? It provides a number of benefits including reusability of code, shared libraries, models and templates, easy to learn, faster development, no compilation, great distribution, etc. 29. Explain the responsive web design? It’s about CSS and HTML. It is used to resize website automatically. It makes a website look better on any device viz. phone, tablet, desktop. 30. Explain CSS icons? These are provided in vector libraries, scalable and customizable with CSS. Some libraries are bootstrap icons, font awesome and google icons. 31. Name one software registry library? The world’s biggest software registry library is npm. It has 800, 000 code packages. It is also used for private management. 32. What is the difference between architectural and design patterns? An architectural pattern is a reusable solution to regular problems of software architecture. The design pattern is a reusable solution to problems of software design. 33. What are the issues that are addressed by architectural patterns? Following issues: High availability Performance Security Scalability Testing Deployment Maintainability Technology Stack 34. Name mostly used architectural patterns? MVC pattern Master-slave pattern Layered pattern Model view presenter Monolithic architecture REST Event-driven architecture 35. What are different types of design patterns? There are the following types: Creational patterns: They are used to create objects according to builder, singleton pattern, prototype, abstract factory, singleton pattern, etc. Structural patterns: They make the design easy by introducing a simple way for relationship realization among various entities like adapter, facade, bridge, decorator, proxy pattern, etc. Behavioral patterns: These are used to identify communication patterns among objects. 36. How is full stack developer different from software engineer? Developer of full-stack has front and back end knowledge. They know programming languages for the client-side, back end, can work on operating systems, databases, project management. They have knowledge of all the tiers. Software engineer develops software, write code and test it so that software runs fine without errors. They have knowledge of one tier only. 37. What is meant by application architecture? Application Architecture deals with complex application development. It requires deep knowledge of structuring code, data needed in database, separating files, computational tasks, hosting media files. 38. Explain CSS rules? These are applied to affect how documents are displayed. It consists of properties and selectors. 39. Explain Sass? It is known as Syntactically Awesome StyleSheet. It represents CSS preprocessor and adds elegance to language. It permits the use of variables, mixins, nested rules, inline imports etc. With the help of Saas, huge stylesheets remain organized. You can run small stylesheets Quickly with Sass. 40. Explain Mixin? Mixin represents a code block to group CSS declarations, to be reused on the site. 41. How is resetting CSS different from normalizing it? Resetting strips default browser element styling. Normalizing is used to preserve default styles and it doesn’t include unstyling things. It is also used to correct the errors. 42. Explain JavaScript coercion? Conversion of one built-in to another is called coercion. It is of two types, implicit or explicit. Explicit coercion demands use of data type explicitly for conversion. In implicit coercion, automatic conversion between data types occur. 43. How is null different from undefined? Null represents an object of no value. Whereas undefined represents a type. 44. What is the use of external CSS at the place of inline? Inline CSS usually has the wrong impact on the performance of the site. With the use of inline scripts, HTML code weighs more. With the use of external CSS, HTML size is reduced and the rendering of the webpage becomes easy. Also, it is not easy to maintain Javascript code and inline CSS. 45. Explain Cors? Cross Origin Resource Sharing is a way of allowing resources of a web page to be demanded from different domain. Usually this domain is the one from where resource was originated. 46. Explain anonymous functions? These are functions without name. They are invoked automatically with variable name. 47. What is HTML DocType? It is a command to browser about the version markup language of page is written in. It is used before HTML tag. Doctype refers to DTC i.e. document type definition. 48. How is call different from applying? Apply is used to call function as an array with arguments. Call uses explicit listing of parameters. FULL STACK DEVELOPER Questions and Answers Pdf Download Read the full article
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Ludovica Martino (18-25) [gif pack aqui]
Lulu Antariksa (18-26)
Marie Avgeropoulos (25-33)
Emilia Mernes (18-25)
María Gabriela de Faría (19-27)
Millie Brady (20-28)
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— Macronimous.com (@macronimous) July 26, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/macronimous July 26, 2019 at 08:30AM via IFTTT
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A tech stack is a collection of programming languages, software tools, and development frameworks needed to create any software product, such as a website, computer software, a game, or a mobile application.
However, there are a variety of tech stacks available, but we’ll focus on the MERN Stack and its advantages.
Sources suggest that Angular JS is preferred by 30% of developers, whereas React JS is favored by 26%.
According to the research, 30% of programmers want to study React JS, and 35.9% of developers prefer to produce with it, putting MERN slightly ahead of MEAN in terms of popularity.
What is MERN Stack?
MERN Stack is a Javascript stack that makes it easier and faster to deploy full-stack web projects. The MERN Stack comprises the technologies MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. Its goal is to make the development process go as smoothly as possible.
It’s a document-oriented database with no schema. The web application’s backend is handled by a database that uses a JSON-based query language. Mongo DB, a No-SQL database, is highly adaptable and easy to use because the documents can be of various sizes, content, and fields.
MongoDB is quicker and perform better than MySQL and PostgreSQL since it does not store alike data in tables or requires field primary keys and entity keys for access.
As required by the Node.js.HTTP module, the requirement to write repeating server code is eliminated with a web framework with a minimalistic structure for Node.js.
Its numerous capabilities and plugins work with the backend web application framework to create quick web apps and APIs.
React JS
The frontend React JavaScript package makes it easy to create HTML-based user interfaces. React is the View layer in the MVC model, with declarative views.
JavaScript, a complete-package programming language, builds repeating DOM elements, and it’s excellent for Single Page Applications.
It’s the JavaScript runtime environment. MERN’s component, based on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, uses asynchronous language.
With an efficient backend, you get faster web application development and loading times.
Benefits of the MERN Stack
Following a thorough grasp of the MERN stack’s components, we’ll go over the benefits of using the MERN stack in web application development.
No context switching
The complete program is written in JavaScript on both the client and server sides; the web application does not require context switching and provides efficient web apps.
You get highly compatible and robust technologies functioning tangibly together and efficiently managing client and server-side development faster with no context switching since there is no context switching.
Open Source
Because MERN is an open-source technology, it is constantly being improved worldwide. Angular JS, for example, is an open-source framework that improves coding speed and provides a plethora of tools to help you build more complicated apps faster.
Free templates
There are free templates available that can easily save you on time. Customizing a theme would have taken at least three times as long as downloading an off-the-shelf solution. If you run into any problems along the way, you’ll be able to get assistance from specialists.
Easy to use
You can quickly implement the underlying technology because it is so clearly documented. It’s easy to learn and use, making it an excellent alternative for those just starting in web development.
Four frameworks make up the MERN stack. If you hire G2, you won’t employ various professionals for different technologies. Using only one language saves time and money, allowing an organization to keep costs under control.
Community support
This combination of technologies has a strong community behind it, making it easier to obtain answers to any technical concerns that may arise. It reduces the time it takes to design a product, allowing you to distribute it sooner and for less money than you could with other stacks. Because of Node.js’s popularity, many people are already familiar with JavaScript; frontend programmers are familiar with CSS and HTML5.
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Az iráni parancsnok szerint egy ország sem merné megsérteni Irán földjét http://hirzilla.hu/hirek/online-hirek/kulfold/2019/06/26/az-irani-parancsnok-szerint-egy-orszag-sem-merne-megserteni-iran-foldjet/?feed_id=57725&_unique_id=5d133ddab5817 Az Egyesült Államok nem merne behatolni ...
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Everything You Need to Know About MERN Stack
Today, the web application development process is not the same as it was a couple of years back. Web apps are developed using various technologies, and one of the common technologies we all might be aware of is 'Technology Stack.' It is often used in modern software development. But what does it actually mean?
Technology stack refers to the amalgamation of programming languages, tools, and frameworks used in software development. If you usually work with a tech stack, you will surely have a favorite one you always pick when developing a web application. If it is the MERN stack, you’re also one of those developers who find this technology stack the right choice to win the race in 2022.
According to the HackerRank development skill report, 30% of developers choose Angular.js while 26% stayed with React JS. The report also highlights that 30% of the programmers show interest in learning ReactJS, whereas 35.9% of developers prefer to use ReactJS for development. These stats clearly show that the MERN stack stands slightly above MEAN when it comes to popularity. Not only this, but MERN also stays on top of the chart in terms of ease of understanding.
But why is the MERN stack so popular among developers? In this blog post, we will talk about the MERN stack development and some frequently asked questions about this tech stack.
What Is MERN Stack Development
In today’s fast-evolving world, developers have gone far beyond building web and mobile apps using JavaScript, HTML, or CSS. They have jumped to more modern approaches, tools, newer databases, development frameworks, and runtime environments. MERN stack is also one of them that offers numerous benefits, including faster development time and improved performance.
MERN Stack Explained
MERN stack is an open-source web development framework and Javascript stack designed to create web and hybrid mobile applications and make the development process more straightforward and faster deployment.
MERN stack is layered up with the four technologies - MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. This tech stack offers an end-to-end framework to developers, providing all the components that play a crucial role in web applications development.
Use Cases Of MERN Stack
The bonus point of this technology stack is that it is also suitable for those cloud-based applications that require an interactive internet interface and a lot of JSON. Well, the MERN stack is used for a variety of reasons that you should know before choosing it for your next project.
1. Interactive Forums
No matter whether you want an interactive forum for a webpage or social networking website, choosing MERN would be a great idea. It can create these forms that will allow people to post messages or chat with people on the other end or perform several actions.
2. Calendars & To-Do Lists Apps
Developing any calendar or to-do application is fun with the MERN stack. ReactJS can be used to create a calendar and the frontend and user dashboard of the to-do application. MongoDB helps save, read, change and show data or information within your to-do app.
3. Social Media Products
MERN stack also helps create products for social networking sites. These products may include interactive forms, for instance, a little web app integrated within the social network page, Ads, articles, etc.
Components of MERN Stack development
The four key technologies that make up this MERN stack are MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, and Node.js. Let’s take a deep look into these technologies-
1. MongoDB
An open-sourced document-based server, MongoDB is a NoSQL as well as Non-Standardized Query Languages) database. But what does NoSQL refer to? It can be any non-relational system that doesn’t need a set structure or regular tables to contain the data. MongoDB holds the data in a much better way than other conventional tables.
MongoDB also offers new methods for data extraction and storage.
MongoDB employs JavaScript as just a development language that gives a reason to say yes to this tech stack.
No table structures are available in MongoDB that are basically found in RDBMS (Relational Databases Management Solution).
The data is stored in BSON (Binary JS Object Notation) format. This BSON format specifies the length and information type that helps it process faster.
This technology stack component is also quicker than RDBMS (Relational Database Management Solution) because of the indexing algorithm and effective storage quality.
But at the same time, it is crucial to understand that MongoDB can’t handle complex transactions because advanced join procedures aren’t accessible in this technology stack.
MongoDB is a most popular form of NoSQL system that scores high in terms of scalability and is well known for providing the high-performance. This NoSQL system also expands when additional servers are added.
It also provides access to a customizable document model that any developer can generate in no time.
2. Express.js
Express.js is a Node.js framework and one server-side infrastructure for JavaScript that runs under js.
This technology stack is designed to build APIs of web apps, and cross-platform mobile applications faster.
It is considered another great JavaScript framework perfect for backend development.
It provides the ease to build and manage reliable servers and is considered a perfect tool to develop mobile applications rapidly.
This component of the MERN stack makes it convenient for developers to create advanced and complex APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and web servers.
Structuring the software’s functionality can also be accomplished with Express using routing and middleware on powerful web servers.
It also has useful features that enhance Node.js HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) items.
3. ReactJS
React is a renowned and popular open-source front-end JS library for building web applications.
Before developers use React, it is crucial to meet some prerequisites, such as installing the newest version of Node modules on your machine. Not only this, but a developer must be familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
React is not only a JavaScript framework. It’s a basic JavaScript library created by Facebook that can easily overcome difficulties other libraries are unable to handle when developing online and smartphone apps.
This technology is also used to take control of any view layer for smartphones and online apps.
ReactJS has been used to create user interfaces, particularly for single-page web apps.
Developers utilize the power of this technology to construct UI (User Interface) components that can also be reused.
4. Node.js
Node.js is not a coding language, hence it is not a framework.
This technology is used to build a number of backend solutions, including web apps and mobile apps.
Today, several tech giants such as Uber, PayPal, and Netflix reap the benefits of this technology.
It is also considered a reliable open ASCII text storage platform that everyone can use.
It can work on various operating systems whether it is Windows or Mac OS X, Linux, or Unix.
Super easy to run and is suitable for agile design and prototyping.
Node.js gives consumers extremely fast services necessary in the competitive online world.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On MERN Stack
Is the MERN stack used for the backend?
Well, this question might hit many minds. MERN stack is a backend web app framework for Node.js. ReactJS, the third component in MERN stack, is a JavaScript library used for developing UIs based on UI components. And the last component of the stack, Node.js is a JS runtime environment that allows JavaScript code to run outside the browser.
What is the MERN stack considered best for?
MERN stack is created with four technologies MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. These technologies are intended to make the development process more efficient and smooth and make this stack one of the most-preferred choices of developers.
Is full stack and MERN stack the same?
Yes. MERN is indeed a full stack technology that is equipped with React.js (frontend displaying levels), Express.js & Node.js (application level) and MongoDB (database layer), following the three-tier structural pattern.
Is the MERN stack used for frontend?
No doubt, MERN stack is a renowned technology stack that helps create full-stack apps quickly and in a more stable manner. This stack can handle everything from start to end. It also features an advanced backend, database admin system and a complete frontend development support.
Is the MERN stack difficult to learn?
No. MERN stack comprises only one language, JavaScript, that makes this stack easy to learn. JavaScript is a scripting language that is simple, quick and adaptable. Even most of the developers are familiar with this language. You can also learn this technology stack watching MERN stack video tutorials and knowledge articles available online for the learners.
So, this is all about the MERN stack. We have covered everything you want to learn about MERN stack, going through all its components and some FAQs to end the doubts in a developer or a beginner’s mind.
Developers at 75way are also experts in the MERN stack. 75way is a leading MERN stack development company specializing in this technology stack. The company has served many clients across the globe with high-end services. If you are also looking for the experienced MERN stack development, get in touch with 75way today.
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Multiple Jobs
[10/19, 6:34 PM] +92 332 8260035: Looking for a Sr. Information Security Engineer for a Payment Company backed by Cybernet. Following is the job requirement: Required Education (Academic Degree, Specialization, Certification & Institute): • Bachelors or Masters in Computer Science/Computer System Engineering from a reputed university • CGPA > 3 • Should have relevant professional information security certifications such as CISSP, CISM, CEH, CISA etc. Required Experience (Type & Tenure of Experience): • Should have worked on SIEM, DLP, Firewall, Network and System security specially Linux and Database security. • Application, network and system penetration testing and vulnerability assessment experience is a must. • Should have worked on business continuity and disaster recovery planning and management. • Auditing experience of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and PCI DSS 3.2 will be preferred. • Experience in operating fraud management and anti-money laundering systems will be an added advantage. Required Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Abilities): • Good communication skills. • Ability to learn quickly and get along easily. • Needs to be good team player. Age Bracket: • 23 to 30 years Gender: • Male or female CVs can be sent to [email protected] with the subject 'Application for Sr. Information Security Engineer' while ccing [email protected] [10/19, 6:51 PM] +92 332 8260035: Dalda foods Pvt. Ltd is providing career opportunities for Fresh Chemical and Mechanical engineers as "Trainee Engineers" in their Process Engineering and Edible Oil Refinery services department in Karachi SITE Factory. Interested candidates from reputed universities are required to email their resume on [email protected] [10/19, 6:51 PM] +92 332 8260035: Job for the post of 1 Head Operations - Biomedical Engineer Experience: 8 years plus. Education:Bechlor required, Master preferred. 2 Accountant-Purchase officer, Experience: 5 to 10 years. Education: B.com required, M.com, ACCA preferred. 3 Autocad and 3D designer, Experience :3years plus. Education: Bechlor Required. All jobs are Karachi based. Send CV to [email protected]. [10/19, 6:51 PM] +92 332 8260035: Interested candidates having: Degree: Engineers in Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Industrial fields Experience: Fresh graduates or having 1 year of experience at max. Apply now at [email protected] [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Looking for Graphics/Website Designers We are looking for creative, energetic & hardworking candidates who are willing to choose career path full of learning, development and professionalism. Both males and females are welcomed. Experience: Min 2 years Education: Intermediate OR Graduates Location: Karachi Salary: 35-50K Timings: Morning and Afternoon Shift Interested candidates send their CVs/portfolio at [email protected] [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Huawei is hiring fresh graduates. Position: Assistant Trainee (MTO) Department: Training dept. Location: Lahore Gender Preference: Male Salary Package: 45k Requirements: Strong MS Excel and MS PowerPoint skills, Communication and Management Skills, Able to meet deadlines and travel. Other benefits: Quarterly performance bonus, Medical Insurance, and EOBI. Interested candidates email resumes at: [email protected] [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: One of the leading Islamic Bank of Pakistan is looking for 7 to 8 highly energetic and motivated sales executive at various locations of Karachi. Qualification: Graduate in any discipline Experience: 1-2 years Fresh can also apply Basic Salary: upto 20,000 for bank. Sales commission, mobile allowance and other incentives will also be given Candidates must have their own conveyence Send Your CVs at [email protected]. Please mention “Sales Executive” on subject line of email. [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Quality Assurance Engineer Required Requirements: • BS in computer science, engineering or related discipline • Minimum of 2 years of software quality assurance experience • Experienced in testing Agile projects • Should have knowledge of Payment Solutions • should know how to make test cases and test scenarios • Should have know-how of working with automation and performance tools such as Selenium & jMeter • Strong communication and presentation skills Interested candidates may send their resume to [email protected] [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Looking For Senior Web / Graphic Designer Salary: 40,000 to 50,000 Rs Send us your C.V at [email protected] City: Karachi (Only for Inhouse Job) Location: Shahrah-e-Faisal Timing: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM We are hiring Web UI/UX & Graphic Designer, who can design High Quality Templates and eye catching Graphics and Apps Candidate should have vast experience in Designing Websites & Graphics from the scratch to final publication according to the client’s instructions. Required Skills: #Website #Graphics #Apps #Designing #UI #UX #Adobe #Photoshop #Illustrator #Flash #Freehand #After #Effects #Fireworks #InDesign [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Paid Internship Leading to Job Opportunity at Kong Hamsta & Geek. JD: MERN Stack Developer After 3 months of internship job will be given on performance. It is a great learning opportunity with hands on experience in developing web platforms. Salary: 15000 Skills Required: Nodejs, Office Location: Lower ground office no-3 15-E AlRehmat Plaza Behind Faisal Bank , Blue Area, Islamabad Kindly Send your resume to [email protected] Subject: MERN Stack Development Intern Leading to Job [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: One of the leading software houses in Lahore is looking for resources for the position of Operations Executive. Education: BCOM / BA / BSc Experience: 2-3 Years Location: Lahore Gender: Females will be preferred. Job Responsibilities: 1- Travel Management 2- Employee Record Management 3- Any task assigned by the manager. Please, share your resumes at [email protected] and don't forget to mention the position title in the subject line. [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: #GCS Pvt. Ltd. is looking to hire Network Support Engineers(Project Managers). Education: BS / B.E (Electronics/ Computer Science/any relevant field) Experience: 5+ years Salary: 90K to 120K Location: #Karachi Kindly send your CV at [email protected] cc. [email protected] mentioning “NSE-PM-Khi” in the subject line. [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: REQUIRED: 1) Content Writer Experience: 1-2 years Expertise: Must have knowledge about Web development and Digital marketing related content or academic writing, Computer background Candidates will be preferred. (Male and Female Both) 2) PHP Developer: Experience: 0-3 years Framework: Code Igniter (Only For Male) 3) WordPress Developer: Experience: 0-2 years (Only For Male) 4) IOS Developer: Experience 0-3 years At least 3 apps on apple store (Only For Male) 4) Receptionist cum HR Assistant Experience 0-1 years (Only For Girls) Send your CVs at [email protected] with your job position as subject [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Looking for HSE Engineer Location: UAE Only applicable to the candidates within UAE With at least 5-7 years experience in logistics fields. Send your CV to [email protected] Please mention in the subject line "HSE Engineer" #hseengineer #logistics Job Description Technical Competencies: Conversant with local international certified HSEMS (OHSMS) Conversant with HSE plans, procedures & programs Familiar with external & internal audit processes Computer literate with MS Office Strong communication and presentation skills Fluent in written English, grammar, spelling and oration Minimum Experience: 5 – 7 years in HSE 3 years in Supervision 3 years in Logistics Minimum Qualification: High School certificate BSc Degree – (Mechanical, electrical, civil, environment) NEBOSH IGC or equivalent Qudorat Grade A Generalist Supervision skills: Supervising subordinate Safety Officers Implementation of HSE programs Excellent communicator at all levels [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Pakistan Cables invites resume for the position of HSE Engineer (Contract Base) with at least 3-4 Years of Experience working in Manufacturing concern, must have a sound knowledge of SEPA regulations, B.E. (Industrial) or M.Sc. (Environment). Interested Candidates can send their resume at [email protected] [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Hiring: AutoCAD draftsman (male/female) and one female AutoCAD intern required at MIR Association. Diploma Holder/Fresh Graduates can apply by sending their CV at [email protected] #JobInKarachi [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: TCS Pvt. Ltd. requires a Business Development Manager for Bahawalpur city (BHV) Segment: Corporate Sales Salary Package: 40-50 K along with 800 CC Car …. Plus Lucrative Monthly Incentives Eligibility Criteria: Minimum MBA along with 2-5 years Bahawalpur Based Corporate Sales Experience. Interested candidates may send their CV @ [email protected] [10/23, 7:48 PM] +92 332 8260035: Position: Assistant Manager Accounts & Finance Experience: 4 to 5 years Qualification: ACCA Salary Range: 55K to 60K Location: Lahore Interested candidates should send their resumes at [email protected] Preference will be given to those who can join early. Kindly mention position name in the subject Last date to apply is Oct 30, 2018. [10/23, 8:05 PM] +92 332 8260035: PHP Developers Required City:Karachi At least 1year Experience in *Core PHP Development* Send Your CV At [email protected] [10/26, 10:36 PM] +92 332 8260035: Required Production Officer Education: MSC Food Technologist or Applied Chemistry / BE chemical or Food Engineering. Experience: 1-2 years in food/confectionery industry or FMCG. Interested candidates can apply on [email protected] mentioning position in subject line. Location: SITE area Karachi.[10/19, 6:34 PM] +92 332 8260035: Looking for a Sr. Information Security Engineer for a Payment Company backed by Cybernet. Following is the job requirement: Required Education (Academic Degree, Specialization, Certification & Institute): • Bachelors or Masters in Computer Science/Computer System Engineering from a reputed university • CGPA > 3 • Should have relevant professional information security certifications such as CISSP, CISM, CEH, CISA etc. Required Experience (Type & Tenure of Experience): • Should have worked on SIEM, DLP, Firewall, Network and System security specially Linux and Database security. • Application, network and system penetration testing and vulnerability assessment experience is a must. • Should have worked on business continuity and disaster recovery planning and management. • Auditing experience of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and PCI DSS 3.2 will be preferred. • Experience in operating fraud management and anti-money laundering systems will be an added advantage. Required Competencies (Knowledge, Skills & Abilities): • Good communication skills. • Ability to learn quickly and get along easily. • Needs to be good team player. Age Bracket: • 23 to 30 years Gender: • Male or female CVs can be sent to [email protected] with the subject 'Application for Sr. Information Security Engineer' while ccing [email protected] [10/19, 6:51 PM] +92 332 8260035: Dalda foods Pvt. Ltd is providing career opportunities for Fresh Chemical and Mechanical engineers as "Trainee Engineers" in their Process Engineering and Edible Oil Refinery services department in Karachi SITE Factory. Interested candidates from reputed universities are required to email their resume on [email protected] [10/19, 6:51 PM] +92 332 8260035: Job for the post of 1 Head Operations - Biomedical Engineer Experience: 8 years plus. Education:Bechlor required, Master preferred. 2 Accountant-Purchase officer, Experience: 5 to 10 years. Education: B.com required, M.com, ACCA preferred. 3 Autocad and 3D designer, Experience :3years plus. Education: Bechlor Required. All jobs are Karachi based. Send CV to [email protected]. [10/19, 6:51 PM] +92 332 8260035: Interested candidates having: Degree: Engineers in Electrical, Mechanical, Chemical, Industrial fields Experience: Fresh graduates or having 1 year of experience at max. Apply now at [email protected] [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Looking for Graphics/Website Designers We are looking for creative, energetic & hardworking candidates who are willing to choose career path full of learning, development and professionalism. Both males and females are welcomed. Experience: Min 2 years Education: Intermediate OR Graduates Location: Karachi Salary: 35-50K Timings: Morning and Afternoon Shift Interested candidates send their CVs/portfolio at [email protected] [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Huawei is hiring fresh graduates. Position: Assistant Trainee (MTO) Department: Training dept. Location: Lahore Gender Preference: Male Salary Package: 45k Requirements: Strong MS Excel and MS PowerPoint skills, Communication and Management Skills, Able to meet deadlines and travel. Other benefits: Quarterly performance bonus, Medical Insurance, and EOBI. Interested candidates email resumes at: [email protected] [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: One of the leading Islamic Bank of Pakistan is looking for 7 to 8 highly energetic and motivated sales executive at various locations of Karachi. Qualification: Graduate in any discipline Experience: 1-2 years Fresh can also apply Basic Salary: upto 20,000 for bank. Sales commission, mobile allowance and other incentives will also be given Candidates must have their own conveyence Send Your CVs at [email protected]. Please mention “Sales Executive” on subject line of email. [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Quality Assurance Engineer Required Requirements: • BS in computer science, engineering or related discipline • Minimum of 2 years of software quality assurance experience • Experienced in testing Agile projects • Should have knowledge of Payment Solutions • should know how to make test cases and test scenarios • Should have know-how of working with automation and performance tools such as Selenium & jMeter • Strong communication and presentation skills Interested candidates may send their resume to [email protected] [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Looking For Senior Web / Graphic Designer Salary: 40,000 to 50,000 Rs Send us your C.V at [email protected] City: Karachi (Only for Inhouse Job) Location: Shahrah-e-Faisal Timing: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM We are hiring Web UI/UX & Graphic Designer, who can design High Quality Templates and eye catching Graphics and Apps Candidate should have vast experience in Designing Websites & Graphics from the scratch to final publication according to the client’s instructions. Required Skills: #Website #Graphics #Apps #Designing #UI #UX #Adobe #Photoshop #Illustrator #Flash #Freehand #After #Effects #Fireworks #InDesign [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Paid Internship Leading to Job Opportunity at Kong Hamsta & Geek. JD: MERN Stack Developer After 3 months of internship job will be given on performance. It is a great learning opportunity with hands on experience in developing web platforms. Salary: 15000 Skills Required: Nodejs, Office Location: Lower ground office no-3 15-E AlRehmat Plaza Behind Faisal Bank , Blue Area, Islamabad Kindly Send your resume to [email protected] Subject: MERN Stack Development Intern Leading to Job [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: One of the leading software houses in Lahore is looking for resources for the position of Operations Executive. Education: BCOM / BA / BSc Experience: 2-3 Years Location: Lahore Gender: Females will be preferred. Job Responsibilities: 1- Travel Management 2- Employee Record Management 3- Any task assigned by the manager. Please, share your resumes at [email protected] and don't forget to mention the position title in the subject line. [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: #GCS Pvt. Ltd. is looking to hire Network Support Engineers(Project Managers). Education: BS / B.E (Electronics/ Computer Science/any relevant field) Experience: 5+ years Salary: 90K to 120K Location: #Karachi Kindly send your CV at [email protected] cc. [email protected] mentioning “NSE-PM-Khi” in the subject line. [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: REQUIRED: 1) Content Writer Experience: 1-2 years Expertise: Must have knowledge about Web development and Digital marketing related content or academic writing, Computer background Candidates will be preferred. (Male and Female Both) 2) PHP Developer: Experience: 0-3 years Framework: Code Igniter (Only For Male) 3) WordPress Developer: Experience: 0-2 years (Only For Male) 4) IOS Developer: Experience 0-3 years At least 3 apps on apple store (Only For Male) 4) Receptionist cum HR Assistant Experience 0-1 years (Only For Girls) Send your CVs at [email protected] with your job position as subject [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Looking for HSE Engineer Location: UAE Only applicable to the candidates within UAE With at least 5-7 years experience in logistics fields. Send your CV to [email protected] Please mention in the subject line "HSE Engineer" #hseengineer #logistics Job Description Technical Competencies: Conversant with local international certified HSEMS (OHSMS) Conversant with HSE plans, procedures & programs Familiar with external & internal audit processes Computer literate with MS Office Strong communication and presentation skills Fluent in written English, grammar, spelling and oration Minimum Experience: 5 – 7 years in HSE 3 years in Supervision 3 years in Logistics Minimum Qualification: High School certificate BSc Degree – (Mechanical, electrical, civil, environment) NEBOSH IGC or equivalent Qudorat Grade A Generalist Supervision skills: Supervising subordinate Safety Officers Implementation of HSE programs Excellent communicator at all levels [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Pakistan Cables invites resume for the position of HSE Engineer (Contract Base) with at least 3-4 Years of Experience working in Manufacturing concern, must have a sound knowledge of SEPA regulations, B.E. (Industrial) or M.Sc. (Environment). Interested Candidates can send their resume at [email protected] [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: Hiring: AutoCAD draftsman (male/female) and one female AutoCAD intern required at MIR Association. Diploma Holder/Fresh Graduates can apply by sending their CV at [email protected] #JobInKarachi [10/19, 6:52 PM] +92 332 8260035: TCS Pvt. Ltd. requires a Business Development Manager for Bahawalpur city (BHV) Segment: Corporate Sales Salary Package: 40-50 K along with 800 CC Car …. Plus Lucrative Monthly Incentives Eligibility Criteria: Minimum MBA along with 2-5 years Bahawalpur Based Corporate Sales Experience. Interested candidates may send their CV @ [email protected] [10/23, 7:48 PM] +92 332 8260035: Position: Assistant Manager Accounts & Finance Experience: 4 to 5 years Qualification: ACCA Salary Range: 55K to 60K Location: Lahore Interested candidates should send their resumes at [email protected] Preference will be given to those who can join early. Kindly mention position name in the subject Last date to apply is Oct 30, 2018. [10/23, 8:05 PM] +92 332 8260035: PHP Developers Required City:Karachi At least 1year Experience in *Core PHP Development* Send Your CV At [email protected] [10/26, 10:36 PM] +92 332 8260035: Required Production Officer Education: MSC Food Technologist or Applied Chemistry / BE chemical or Food Engineering. Experience: 1-2 years in food/confectionery industry or FMCG. Interested candidates can apply on [email protected] mentioning position in subject line. Location: SITE area Karachi.
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