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ukonmakoto · 4 days ago
気が付けば、MSさんとは22年のお付き合い。Windows 7(ビジネス向け)、PowerPoint大作戦(釣りバカ日誌企画)、DM、SP、WEB、グラフィック広告など、いろいろ担当させていただいた。そんな中、ずっと続いているのがメールマガジン、ニュースレターのお仕事。一度、多くのご担当者様やオーナー様に、感謝を述べておかないと。https://info.microsoft.com/index.php/email/emailWebview?email=MTU3LUdRRS0zODIAAAGY6fRWsX1r4zYb5IQuQaG4ZLAD0Nw4NGIM2B--ROybcCj15Pc8XyBYOPdlg_ejvKggpbAm_boJTQvEjgwrlcUvx0dGYiraALktsPel
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Is pointing out their own logical fallacies a good way to argue against religious peoples in discussions?
Using principles of logic as the basis for your argument is about the best you’ll do, because it’s not beholden to any particular mythology, much less your own knowledge of said particular mythology.
If you arm yourself with knowledge about how we form, well, knowledge, how we decide what is true (aka epistemology), how we evaluate claims, how we avoid bias and sophistry, this is the best toolset to deal with any truth claims or attempts to manipulate you. Whether they be religious or anything else, from homeopathy to wokeistry.
“How do you know this is true?” “How do you know this isn’t false?” “How did you eliminate alternatives?”
Some good starting points:
https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com - quick flashcards of the most common, easily detected fallacies
https://www.logicallyfallacious.com - a comprehensive encyclopedia of fallacies
I think it’s best to get a handle on YourLogicalFallacyIs first before diving into LogicallyFallacious. The latter is not the kind of site to just sit down and read, it’s more of a reference site. Unless you’re kind of a geek for this kind of thing, I guess.
It’s also important to know that there’s a difference between an argument being valid and it being sound.
Even presenting a valid religious argument doesn’t make their god true. This is why religious arguments inevitably fail. You can’t manufacture a god out of, or demonstrate the reality of literal magic from, a mere argument. QualiaSoup has a few good videos addressing this kind of thing:
Putting Faith in its Place
The Burden of Proof
While I have some misgivings about their nascent wokiness (e.g. demanding disproof of unevidenced “feel it in my heart”-style claims of racism, which they do not accept of religious subjectivity), RationalWiki covers each of the stock “existence of gods”-type arguments. This can be a real time saver. Get the other person to name their argument - they all have names - and you can produce the refutation and move on. I do that by default. If someone wants to offer an argument for the existence of their god, I stop them before they launch into it and ask the name of the argument.
All of the god-existence arguments have multiple refutations, many of those refutations shared across multiple arguments, because they all fail in multiple ways. Some of those refutations can be hard to consume at first. Don’t worry about it, focus on the ones that you do understand, and when you get better at it, come back and work on the more sophisticated ones.
Many of these arguments invoke fairly specific fallacies unique to god or supernatural existence claims, but some of their other fallacies are more generic, such as argument from ignorance, and equivocation (using a double-meaning of a word, e.g. “everyone has faith in something”). So they also provide some demonstrations of how to apply general principles of logic.
Whether or not actually pointing them out will make any kind of impact with the other person, whether they’ll even acknowledge the flaw in their argument, is another matter entirely. You can’t use logic to convince someone to value logic, if they don’t already. There’s no evidence you can present to convince someone to value evidence.
All you can do is evaluate claims, and then defend your position.
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sanjeevnitodaydotcom · 6 years ago
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aposhouse · 6 years ago
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mystlnewsonline · 6 years ago
WASHINGTON | Early 2020 Democratic field puts diversity in spotlight
WASHINGTON | Early 2020 Democratic field puts diversity in spotlight
WASHINGTON — Jan 24, 2019—The early days of the Democratic primary campaign are highlighting the party’s diversity as it seeks a nominee who can build a coalition to take on President Donald Trump.
Of the more than half dozen Democrats who have either moved toward a campaign or declared their candidacy, four are women: Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Kamala Harris of California and…
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capecoddaily · 7 years ago
    BOSTON – Falmouth State Representative David Vieira has invited two of the Cape Cod Conservatory’s marquee ensembles to perform at the State House on December 6th. The Cape Youth Chorale will do highlights of their fall repertoire and the Cape Youth Orchestra will perform in sectionals as well as a full… .
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sozluk-blog1 · 8 years ago
Sigmoit kolon İnen kolon ve rektum (düzbağırsak) arasında bulunan kalınbağırsak bölümü. - #SağlıkTerimleri - #Sözlük Sigmoit kolon http://www.turkcebilgi.org/sozluk/saglik-terimleri/sigmoit-kolon-250306.html
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