#25 year old aizawa in his apartment:
eraseur-a · 2 years
teenager ua student aizawa listened to pop punk. and the idea of grown adult aizawa listening to still into you by p.aram.ore and crying over hizashi is the funniest thing to me
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icebearpopsicle · 2 months
⁠✧Baby Steps⁠✧
(Shouta Aizawa X G.N. Reader)
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Warnings: Aizawa is 38 here, age gap (like it's 13 years), smut part is shitty and kinda rushed, excessive use of the word "as" because i literally cannot write, gentle dom, aizawa is kinda overbearing, dub con(?) jus towards the end though,
Word count: 2.3k+ words
Author's note: this is shitty but i hope you enjoy it ♡ ♡/ aizawa is out of character/ smut is bad cuz i am even worse at that sorry ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ/
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You stretched your back, hands clasped behind your head, hearing the faint sound of your spine cracking against the support of your chair. It has been hours since you started scrolling, looking for a job, your palm sweaty from holding the mouse. A click here, a click there, and a scroll downwards, then upwards again. You had recently moved here after graduation, and while you were managing well initially, the high cost of your apartment and day-to-day expenses had become too much to sustain without a source of income.
You scrolled further down when the computer screen displayed some words that caught your interest:
Name: Shouta Aizawa
Age: 38
Requirement(s): Babysitter
Requirement Information: 2 kids
Salary: To be negotiated later on
Contact details: [email protected] / XXXXX-XXXXX
Posted 1 hour ago
Okay, yeah, that was pretty brief, but the timing gave you hope that you might just get the job, so you clicked on his phone number and started typing away on your keyboard.
"Hello, I saw your post about wanting a babysitter and I was wondering if the spot was still free?"
You hit the send button and got up from your seat for the first time in hours for a small break. After about 20 minutes, you checked for a response and opened the chat again.
"Yes, it is. If you're interested, please come tomorrow at 8 am if you're available," followed by a link to his location.
A smile claimed your lips at the excitement of finally landing a job after so many tries.
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When you saw his age, you definitely didn't expect him to be this... hot? Which father of two kids is this hot?
"Good morning. I believe you contacted me yesterday evening, yeah?" His smooth, deep voice is like music to your ears as you look at the sleep-deprived man towering over you. Rough stubble covers his face, his hair cascading to his shoulders, as his broad shoulders lean against the door frame.
"Oh... ah... yes, good morning. It was indeed me who contacted you... sir," you reply as he gestures for you to enter his house. You then take notice of his lavish yet cozy home, with toys scattered in the hallway. You both enter the kitchen, and he jerks his head toward a seat at the table with a low hum.
"Would you like to drink anything?" he asks, picking up his mug from the table as you shake your head.
"I am gonna be asking you a few questions and I need you to be honest with your answers." he commands, taking a seat opposite you. His black shirt puling slightly upwards, revealing his wrists as you give a simple nod.
"Firstly... What is your age?" He asks taking a sip from his mug.
"I am 25 years old.. sir.." You reply confidently however there is a frown on his face at your response. Was he... Upset? Afraid to loose this opportunity you quickly try and talk about your past experiences with kids as he interrupts you.
"No, it's not that I just hope you aren't lying about your age"
"Why... Would I?" You ask with a frown enveloping your face.
"I wouldn't believe you to be 18 with a face like that" He replies his tone rather blunt.
Ouch. His straightforwardness stinging lightly.
"Moving forward... do you party, drink or any of those stuff?"
"No, sir."
"Hmmm ... Fine, I suppose you can start working from today"
You give him a small smile as you mutter a small 'thank you'.
"Got any questions?"
"Actually yes! I was wondering where the kids might be so that I could ensure they're comfortable with me being around!!"
He gives a slight nod before replying his voice surprisingly gentle and low when talking about them "Yeah, they're sleeping right now. My eldest son; he wakes up at 9 and my daughter wakes up at 10:30." He gestures to a picture on the mantle showing a purple haired boy and grey haired girl laughing and playing together as you hear the faint sound of him taking a sip from his mug.
"They are so adorable." You gush smiling at their innocent faces. "And could I get some more information on what their personalities are like?"
"Hm.." he hums as he finishes the drink on his mug and sets it down on the table.
"Well my son is 9 years old, Shinsou that's his name, he doesn't warm up easily to people but he is quiet and usually plays with Eri or alone. Eri is my daughter she is 5 and quite literally the opposite of her brother, ahem.. she is talkative and quite sensitive. None of them are picky about their food, they eat anything that they're given and nor do they have any allergies.. and yeah that's about it.." He says rubbing his hands together and you can hear how rough and dry they are.
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It had been two weeks since you started working in his house and only then you realised how often Shouta stayed away from home, any free time he got he would spend it with his children, taking them out for activities, cooking for them, playing with them, seeing how close he was with his son and daughter often left you with a smile on your lips at the close bond of the family. True to Shouta's word you could really see the difference in the way Shinsou would behave around you and around his father or sister and somewhere deep down you were a bit upset but you knew that all of this takes time and as long he was comfortable enough to have you around you were fine. But Eri on the other hand was absolutely adorable, she adored you and you adored her, say if you were watching Shinsou and Eri play it was Eri who would call you over and ask you to play with them. Aizawa on the other hand was always kind and formal with you sometimes even bringing takeaway for you, but whenever he was over you couldn't help but just look at his biceps the way they would bulge out from his shirt when he folded his arms, the way his hands would be disturbed with veins when his grip would tighten even in the slightest, and maybe.... Just maybe, you tried to catch his attention by wearing really short shorts or a tshirt that hug your body just at the right places.
But alas it was only you who kept drooling over him....
or that's what you thought...
You were seemingly unaware the amount of self control Aizawa had to practice just not to fuck you dumb on his cock.
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It had been three months since you started working for him and you still found your gaze lingering on him for too long, initially it was at his face, then down to his broad shoulders, and then his chest, then it was further down to his hands and finally it was on his......
"Are you sad cuz papa isn't home today?" You hear the innocent voice of Shinsou behind you having counted your sighs since you woke up, which was according to him, around 32.
"No, no of course not Shinsou.. I am totally fine, just a bit tired" You lied, obviously you would. Why would you admit to finding Shinsou's father hot. Other than the fact that you want him to ruin you till you can't form any thoughts. And you definitely were sad that Aizawa was working till 9 pm that too on a Sunday.
Shinsou mumbles an "Okay..." walking away to colour his book that he had been previously doing before being worried about you. A few minutes after he had approached you, your face suddenly lit up as you realised that Shinsou was worried about you, you rushed up to him from the kitchen counter to the living room abruptly sitting down in front of him
"Are you worried about me Shinsou?" You ask excitedly your smile radiant. Shinsou earlier looking up at you looks away from embarrassment not replying, his ears turni red and you just couldn't help the aww that left your lips.
"Awww you're so cute!!" You squeal and your hand automatically goes to ruffle his hair and he doesn't pull away not this time and you realise that he has gotten comfortable with you, at that moment the door clicks open as Aizawa enters the house and peeks into the living room to see what the commotion was about.
"Papa!!!!" Eri squeals noticing her dad in the hallway as she runs up to him and Aizawa picks her up his voice gentle and soothing "Hey my love" He says kissing her on the cheek as she giggles from his stubble pricking her soft skin.
"Sup kiddo" Aizawa comes near you and Shinsou with Eri in his arms.
"Hello.." Shinsou greets him quietly as Aizawa bends down to ruffle his hair.
"All good?" Aizawa asks him and Shinsou nods as he goes back to colouring his book, Aizawa finally looks at you making your heart almost leap out as he gave you a small smirk "You seem happy, what's up?" He asks with a small groan as he puts Eri on the floor and she runs off playing "Shinsou let me ruffle his hair and he was worried about me!!" You reply excitedly your wide smile bringing a low chuckle from him.
"Oh yeah? What exactly were you worried about Shin?" Aizawa questions sitting down to look at what his son is colouring.
"(Name)-san was sad that you were working this late" Shinsou replies nonchalantly and you swear your eyes hadnt widened this much in your life, you feel the heat rush to your cheeks and Aizawa's eyebrows raise as he gives you a quick side glance before looking at Shinsou, he is about to say something when you interject denying strongly. "Shinsou!! I told you I was tired!! Thats not the case!!"
"Or, tired they say" He adds briefly, Aizawa doesn't even get the chance to say anything as you immediately get up picking up Eri and Shinsou taking them to their individual rooms ignoring any protests of Shinsou claiming how he was a big boy and he could stay up late, you argue with Shinsou for atleast half an hour before he finally agrees to sleep even though he was angry at you.
You head downstairs sighing and praying that Aizawa didn't pay much heed to whatever Shinsou said before as you head towards the living room to pick up the scattered toys and crayons only to be met with the sight of Aizawa sitting on the couch and while normally he isn't intimidating the way he sat with eyes closed, arms folded his right leg over his left reminded you of your father and his strict nature slightly intimidating you, quietly you pick up the toys glad that he fell asleep; as you picked the last of the toys you heard Aizawa's voice boom through making you freeze in your tracks "Still upset that I had work today?" You dont reply for a long time not trusting yourself to speak but when you do your voice is slightly shaky "No... No not at all.. why would I be.. you know Shinsou he just says whatever he wants..."
"Oh yeah? Does he?"
"........ okay well not ... Not exactly....."
You mumbel turning around to face Aizawa only to find him standing infront of you as looking down at your compared to his smaller form.
"Well then, answer my question."
You look away nervously chewing on your bottom lip, coating them pink with saliva, Aizawa tries to resist the urge to kiss you but fails as he grabs your face roughly pulling it closer to his, smashing his lips with yours. The kiss is sloppy and desperate and you can sense the sexual tension between you melting away.
You both pull free from the kiss, the room filled with pants, yours being much louder than his, taking in huge gulps of air.
You feel Aizawas arms wrap around your waist pulling you closer towards him.
"My room or the couch?" He whispers in your right ear his voice sending shivers along your spine.
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It had been an hour since Aizawa had been prepping you after finding out you were a virgin, where once it burned to even have a single finger of his inside you, now you could easily 4 of his fingers at once.
Yet, tears spilled from your eyes when Aizawa pushes his dick (just the tip) inside you as Aizawa kisses away you tears with soft coo's of 'just a bit more' 'you're doing so good baby' 'it's just a few more minutes yeah, we will start to feel good real soon' rubbing soothing circles in your back as you sink your face into his shoulder blades, his intoxicating cologne filling your nostrils; finally after what felt like an eternity your hole sits down on his his dick as he gradually thrusts into you making you whimper and groan.
"So fucking good for me.. shit... Ugh... Fuck so tight, so fucking compliant.... Shit baby .. you feel so good"
You hear him praise you but you're barely able to register even a single word due to your muddled state of mind, your whines get louder, his thrusts getting more faster and rapid now. He hits a particularly sweet spot as you rise your head to scream at the pleasure coursing through your body "That's the spot is it." Aizawa grunts angling his hips to hit that spot, chortling at your desperate and meek attempt to push him away.
"Cum... Sh...shit... Gonna cum... Fuck..."
"Yeah? Gonna come for me? Gonna come from this cock fucking you stupid?"
You nod your head frantically chanting a mantra of 'so good's', orgasm coursing through your body, your body trembling from the aftermath of your orgasm as you lay limp against his chest.
After what feels like a few minutes you feel Aizawa thrust into you making you whine from the overstimulation
"Cant... No... No please... Hurts..."
You try to push him away only for him grab your wrists with his hand behind your back as he increases the pace of his thrusts
"I am yet to come baby, just a few more rounds 'kay?"
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aromanticannibal · 1 year
shinsou gets adopted by aizawa for the reason of your choice and now leaves with a fucking cryptid. this also kinda turned into siblings aizawa and shinsou. here's headcanons
aizawa sleeps, he does. it's just that shinsou has no fucking idea when that happens. he sees him sleep at school, sure, but he never sees him sleep in his actual bed or even on the couch.
I hc aizawa as autistic because did you look at this man so here are a couple autistic things he does :
he stims by meowing, purring (it's more of a weird rumbling he does in the back of his throat that can be slightly scary if it's the first time you see him do it), he makes BISCUITS and shinsou loves to joke about it and aizawa loves the jokes. he also plays with his hair a lot and bites his nails when he's stressed.
he actually masks a lot outside of his house, which is says actually makes him a really cool stealthy man but he's really just masking, which means he often gets the "you're autistic?? but you look so normal?" comment.
his special interests are cats and Yamada's radio show. he has three cats (salt, pepper and sugar) and never misses Put Your Hands Up radio. (when the special interest appeared around when he was 25, like 3 years after mic's show started, he panicked and thought Yamada would find it weird, but the dude obv was so fucking excited because his friend likes his show omg omg)
aizawa has learned a lot of social rules from necessity, because he's an underground hero and a teacher, but that doesn't mean he understands them. he also will not know ever if someone is trying to flirt with him or if someone is mad at him, however he will notice if someone's sad. he doesn't understand it either
back on track. aizawa likes to sing along to whatever music is playing, no matter what kind it is. man will sing along to fucking WAP and peace and love on planet earth in the same breath.
shinsou sings along too sometimes, but it's rare because he doesn't like singing in front of other people.
shinsou and aizawa can communicate telepathically. that's what other people think at least because there's no fucking way they're not.
they're honestly more like weird siblings than parent and child - they tried doing that, they really did, but it was too awkward.
shinsou is, neurodivergency wise, aizawa's opposite. it's almost funny how specific this is. aizawa is always sleepy. shinsou is never fucking capable of sleeping and always hyperactive, no matter how blank faced he looks (im just pushing my adhd shinsou agenda now). aizawa struggles to see how others feel (again apart from sad people) and shinsou is a fucking. empath or some shit. when aizawa wants to annoy shinsou he tells him he's an empath and when shinsou wants to annoy aizawa he tells him he's an empath this is what compatibility is. shinsou needs to be close to people, he loves touching and hugs, aizawa prefers being alone and will refuse any kind of physical contact unless it's to punch him, a kid he's helping needing comfort, or one of his students needing comfort. shinsou is ofc an exception as well and he will hug him if shinsou's noticeably in a bad mood.
it's hilarious how similar they look but how different they actually are.
in good kinda siblings fashion, they insult each other all the time, aizawa calling shinsou variations of trash raccoon child and asshole, and shinsou calling him old man or boomer if he really wants to make him tick. or asshole too.
they wouldnt die for each other but they very much would kill for each other
aizawa would punch a bitch for shinsou. he would also punch shinsou if needed /j
literally no one at school knows what their relationship is. what's wrong with them.
todoroki insists they're related and shinsou calls aizawa dad in class at some point just to see him lose his mind. he then vehemently denies it happens, which wouldn't work if aizawa was also acting like it didn't happen. todoroki is going insane.
remember how I said one of aizawa's special interests is Put Your Hands Up radio? by continuously infodumping on shinsou, he makes him hyperfixate on it too. shinsou hates him so much for it /lh
that's all I wanna write a fic about this but man. am I lazy
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You're a good girl, well behaved.
Absolutely not the type to rail random guys in nightclubs.
Until you are.
Fandom: BNHA
Pairing: Aizawa x Reader, Present Mic x Reader, a sprinkling of Erasermic and eventual polyamorous Erasermic x Reader
Rating: Some explicitness towards the end
Trigger Warnings: None in this chapter.
AO3: Here | Want to support me? I have a Kofi
Chapter: 11/16 (all chapters)
Hizashi was used to staying awake long into the morning. He was also used to sharing his bed with one night stands.
For some reason, though, something felt different about it when it was you.
He had been tired from sex and relaxed from the bathtub, yet when he laid beside you he couldn’t look away, much less sleep. After your long soak together, he had gotten you an oversized shirt to wear from his wardrobe and stroked your hair until you fell asleep.
Even then, wearing nothing but a shirt with his face on, you still reminded him of a kitten.
He considered it as you took the train back to your place, watching your reflection in the windows. Every so often you stifled yawns and scratched your eyes, the steady rhythm of the train carriage lulling you into sleep. You rested your head on his shoulder without meaning to, only to jump start awake whenever the train came to a stop.
You looked so innocent while you slept and he couldn’t believe he had slept with you only a matter of hours before this. It was possibly the furthest thing from his mind when he left the restaurant to find you, let alone when he got dressed to go out.
He wanted to discuss it with you while it was still fresh in your minds. It had been a long day for everyone and he didn’t doubt that the next one would be longer, but what had happened between you was too important to leave buried between the sheets.
He reached out for your arm as you got to your stop, oddly concerned that you would fall asleep on your feet. You blushed at the contact though didn’t shrug him off, cheeks still peppered with colour as you unlocked your front door.
Hizashi had never been to your apartment before and didn’t know what to expect, his curiosity on the matter giving him a new lease of life.
“I’ll make some tea,” you said, pointing out a dinner table and couch, “make yourself at home.”
Hizashi didn’t sit down. Instead, while you pottered around in the kitchen, he took the chance to look around, leaning over to examine the photographs on your walls and bookshelves.
“Is this you?” he asked, picking up a particular frame.
“Oh,” you glanced across. “Yes, haha. It was taken a long time ago, though!”
It was a photograph of a younger looking you at your high school graduation, standing with your mother, father and older brother. Hizashi hadn’t given much thought to what your family might be like, only that the photograph in his hand didn’t match the image in his mind. Your father was tall and broad shouldered, with cold, searching eyes. Your mother was slight and had clearly been beautiful in her youth, though she glared out at the camera as if whoever took the photograph had gravely insulted her. Your brother was the perfect combination of them both, handsome and tall, with a sharp jawline and serious expression. He had on a perfectly tailored suit and held his arms behind his back, rigidly standing up straight as if someone had given him a forceful boot to the rear seconds before taking the photo.
There was no warmth in any of them, not even you. You stood as rigidly as they did, positioned between your mother and father like a hostage. Hizashi glanced back at the person rummaging through the cupboards for cups and then at the photograph, trying and failing to match up the girl in the picture to the one he knew.
“Now then,” you said, resting a tea tray on your kitchen table and pouring two cups, “about...earlier..”
He set down the photograph and joined you at the table, accepting the cup you held out to him.
“I...ummm...Where would you like to go from here?”
He scratched his moustache out of habit, searching his brain for the right words. An hour or so ago, he wouldn’t have been so sure of his answer, but now that the dust had settled only one outcome made sense.
He didn’t miss the flash of panic in your eyes, a moment of self doubt that you might have done something wrong, and reached out to touch your hand across the table.
“Don’t think too much about it,” he said. “It’s just...you said you forgot who you were outside of your old relationship, right?”
You nodded.
“It wouldn’t be right for me to push you into one now,” he said. “I want you at nothing less than 100%. 25% (Name) is a hottie. 100% (Name)...”
He sucked in a deep breath and reached out his hands, framing your face in his fingers.
“...100% (Name) should have a warning label,” he said. “And, hey, after that performance? I’d say you’re well on your way to 30%.”
You spat out your tea at that.
“Wait, wait, wait,” you said. “All I get is 5% ? How many guys do I have to sleep with to get to 100?”
“They don’t have to be different guys,” he said, waggling his eyebrows. “Could be the same guy over and over .”
“You’re terrible.”
“You’re cute.”
“You...are giving me really mixed signals right now.”
He smirked and took a sip of tea, silently acknowledging that you had a point.
“Tomorrow,” he said, “well...in a few hours...I won’t mention it again unless you do.”
“Like... a reset?”
You said it as if it had significance, though he didn’t know why.
“Yes, yes,” he said, “exactly like a reset!”
You laughed bitterly and for a moment he wondered if he’d said the wrong thing. It lasted only a moment, though, and you set down your cup with a smile.
“A reset sounds good,” you said, though the smile didn’t quite meet your eyes.
He stayed a while longer, engaging in small talk as he finished off his tea.
He reached into his pockets as he got to his feet, dragging out his hair band and tidying up his bun. It was early, sure, but if Nemuri was right and the media really were on high alert, the last thing he wanted was photos of him looking so tired in mass circulation.
He stretched out the band, only to curse as it snapped.
“Hey, (Name),” he said. “Do you have any hair ties?”
You poked your head around the kitchen door, midway through running the tap.
“Uhhh...sure...I usually keep some in my bedroom cupboard,” you said. “Help yourself, it’s just through there.”
“Thank you,” he said, following your directions into the bedroom and realising the flaw in your instructions within seconds. You had mentioned them being in your bedroom cupboard, though hadn’t specified which one.
He opened the one nearest your bed, then the one nearest your window, all to no avail.
Maybe he had misheard you?
He opened your wardrobe door, going over your directions and struggling to think of a single misunderstanding.
“(Name),” he called out, “wh------”
He fell silent, noticing a familiar flash of colour.
No. No, surely not…
He pulled out the dress, stomach falling through the floor.
It couldn’t be. It had to be a mistake.
“Having fun?” you asked, poking your head through the door.
“This dress,” he said, “it’s l-lovely. You have excellent taste.”
“You think so? I was thinking of getting rid of it.”
“Yeah,” you said, stroking the fabric with a fond expression. “I hooked up with a guy the only time I ever wore it and I can’t look at it now without thinking of him.”
He had to be wrong. He had to be.
He thought back to your first day, the conversation you had had in the izakaya.
I was seeing someone. We were together for years, actually, but we broke up a little over six months ago.
His mouth ran dry as he remembered the conversation he had had with the bartender at Ego .
She was here about six months ago. Had drinks with Eraser. I was hoping you’d remember her.
It had to be a coincidence. There were hundreds of single women in Musutafu, any of whom could have bought the same dress.
“Oh, did...did you go anywhere nice?”
“My friends dragged me along to a nightclub in town,” you said, blushing luridly. “ Ego .”
You looked up into his face the moment you said it, suddenly looking more than a little bit concerned.
“Are you okay? You’ve gone really pale.”
You reached up to touch a hand to his forehead and he flinched without meaning to.
It was the hand Shouta had reached for; one that had almost certainly explored his body.
“I...I’m fine,” he stammered, thrusting the dress back towards you. “It’s a nice dress, you should keep it! Okay, then, bye!”
He rushed out of your bedroom and through the front door before you could say another word, forgetting all about his broken hair tie and even the incident at Hosu. He caught the train on autopilot, watching and rewatching the video on his phone of Shouta and the woman from Ego . Now that he knew it was you, he couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed earlier. Your posture, the way the dress clung to your body...there was no one else it could have been.
He remembered your moans of pleasure and how good it had felt to be inside you, unable to distract himself from his own morbid curiosity. He couldn’t stop thinking about it, dozens of scenarios coming to mind and all of them involving you and Shouta naked.
He imagined Shouta’s lips on yours; your sigh of pleasure as you took his cock.
He switched off the video and loaded music instead, trying to drown out the niggling thought at the back of his mind.
He was jealous, though had no idea which of you he envied more.
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cameroncreative · 3 years
Lost But Not Forgotten
Cross Posted on my Ao3 if you want to read it there instead!
Title: Lost But Not Forgotten
Word Count: 2658 words
Summary: What if Eri got hit with the quirk erasing bullets?
Izuku quickly rushed the little girl in his arms to the closest ambulance. He gently laid her on the gurney. “Thank you, sir. We can take it from here.” They went to remove him from the ambulance but failed.
“I’m not leaving her. She is at a high risk of being targeted again, and I need to get to the hospital as well. It would be logical to let me ride with you and solve both of those issues at once.” He made sure to a level head and give a logical explanation to stay with Eri.
“Okay sir, but we don’t have another gurney for you.” She told him as a last-ditch effort to get him to leave and seek help himself.
“That’s fine. Please focus on Eri, I’ve dealt with worse. I just need some gauze to help stop the bleeding, and I’ll be fine until we get to the hospital.” Izuku sat in the corner of the ambulance to make sure he stayed out of the way as they helped patch up Eri.
Izuku uses little bursts of One For All to avoid the spikes shooting out of the ground. Eri clung to his back like a koala, as well as secured with Mirio’s cape. Her quirk rewinding the injuries just as fast as they happened.
Looking around she noticed one of the men start to sit up. He looked around and spotted the gun from earlier. Izuku landed the finishing punch to overhaul, as the other guy loaded the gun with the other red bullet. Izuku untied the cape from around her and placed her on the ground to check for any injuries. He still had his back to the man and hadn’t noticed that he had woken up.
Eri saw him go to pull the trigger and tried to move her hero out of the way. To try and save the person who was able to save her. She heard Izuku scream before she felt the sharp burn in her arm where the bright red bullet embedded its self.
Mirio quickly knocked out Nemoto and place cuffs on him, but the damage was already done. Eraserhead did the same to Overhaul. Izuku picked up Eri into his arms and ran to the ambulances. If tiny sparks of green lighting buzzed around his legs, no one noticed.
As soon as they got to the hospital they rushed Eri off to remove the bullet and heal any injures that needed healing quirks to fix. One of them directed Izuku to a nurse who helped patch up his remaining injuries. He had cuts and hairline fractures in both of his legs. Recovery girl was on her way and would be able to fix him up quickly as long as he laid there and didn’t aggravate or worsen his injures before she arrived.
Every time a nurse or doctor came in he asked about Eri.
How is she?
Was the surgery successful?
Can I see her?
Did she make it?
None of them had any answers for him. Finally, Aizawa showed up. Eri was to be put in his care after she recovered since he could help control her quirk, but something he said made Aizawa stop before leaving, “But she doesn’t have her quirk right now?”
“She got hit by one of the red bullets. The ones they said permanently erases someone’s quirk. The only thing is that we know the bullets were made with her blood and quirk, so I’m not sure how she’ll react to it. Maybe-”
“Why wasn’t I informed of this before now?”
“Well, I wanted to make sure she didn’t lose too much blood. Especially since Kai and yakuza were already taking her blood to make the bullets. So I quickly got her to an ambulance. I’m sorry I didn’t inform anyone, but I’m not sorry about trying to save her.” Aizawa sighed.
“You did the right thing, Problem child. Recovery Girl arrived and she's helping some of the more critical patients, as well as Eri. Don’t move until she gets here. If I learn anything before then I’ll let you know.” Aizawa left to wherever Eri was, as Izuku laid back into the bed. Even as the adrenaline wore off his thoughts never slowed.
Is she okay?
Did she lose her quirk?
Will the bullet affect her differently since it was made from her blood?
Why did she try and save me, when I was supposed to be the one saving her?
Will I ever get to see her again?
Thankfully everything worked out. Eri did lose her quirk, but there doesn’t seem to have any other backlash from the bullet except a small starburst shaped on her arm. She was really happy when she learned that she was able to match her hero with their scars.
Aizawa and Yamada sill adopted her. Hitoshi and her are adorable playing with the cats. Plus, Aizawa emotionally adopted Izuku as well as being Hitoshi’s boyfriend. Izuku and Eri have become unofficial siblings.
Recently though, Eri’s been really tired and even passed out once while they were playing. They brought her to a good friend of Recovery Girls’s whose quirk is that she’s able to touch a person and see their entire medical history from surgeries to the paper cut you got at eight years old.
Eri’s body had been using her quirk to undo the damage Overhaul did when she was with him. Someone can only be taken apart and put back together so many times. Now that she doesn’t have her quirk her body is failing. “Is there any way to reverse it?” Izuku asked at the same time Aizawa asked, “How much longer does she have?”
“Aizawa! You can’t, no no no. There has to be a way to fix this!” Izuku plead. The doctor looked at him sadly.
“The damage isn’t something even Recovery Girl’s quirk can heal. Image having a scar that was heal and reopened constantly. Her quirk was able to go back before the scar was even there and remove it. But we can’t heal the scar once it’s healed. Based on how fast this happened and how long she was in his care, she probably has about one to two months left. Even then she will probably be in excruciating pain if she lived longer than that.” Izuku just sat down and held Eri who had fallen asleep earlier and cried.
One to two months.
Excruciating pain.
Can’t be healed.
‘I can’t lose her. She just started to warm up to us. I was supposed to save her! I’ll do my best to protect you. Make every day the best you’ve ever had. I promise. We’re lucky the league of villains already killed Overhaul or we might have had a repeat of the stain incident.’
The next month and a half passed way quicker than anyone wanted.
Picnics in the park.
Ice cream after school.
Movie nights with all of them cuddled together.
Makeover night with class 1A.
The spring festavatle.
Eri smiling.
More doctor visits.
Nightmares and screams.
They woke up to the loud screams coming from Eri’s room. They all rushed to see what happened. Izuku reached her first and quickly woke her up from the nightmare. As soon as she was awake she grabbed onto Izuku like her world depended on it. Aizawa, Yamada, and Hitoshi were quick to join the hug.
Aizawa started to hum her favorite lullaby to help her get back to sleep as Izuku gently rocked her in his arms. As the song came to a close, the hiccupping sobs had stopped and her breathing slowed. The rest of them took and breath and relaxed. Crisis averted.
Izuku looked back to the sister he promised to protect. She looked so peaceful, almost too peaceful. She wasn’t moving. He quickly moved his hand under her nose to check if she was breathing.
He jumped up with her in his arms. And placed her on the floor. “Get Recovery Girl! She stopped breathing!” He faintly heard Hitoshi yell at Aizawa, but couldn’t focus on what they were saying as he made sure her airway was open and started chest compressions.
1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 . . . 5 . . . 6 . . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 9 . . . 10 . . . 11 . . . 12 . . . 13 . . . 14 . . . 15 . . . 16 . . . 17 . . . 18 . . . 19 . . . 20 . . . 21 . . . 22 . . . 23 . . . 24 . . . 25 . . . 26 . . . 27 . . . 2- he felt himself be pulled away from Eri as recovery Girl quickly attached the patches of the AED on her body and yelled “Clear!” as they charged up and shocked her lifless body, but ti was no use.
It was too late, She was gone and they could all feel it. Even though Recovery Girl whispered it after the second shock, it was heard loud and clear in the room.
Time of Death, 2:33 am
You could hear the tump of a body hitting the ground as Izuku fell to the ground by Hitoshi’s feet. Hitoshi sat down next to him and held him as they both cried over the loss of their sister.
Even though Aizawa and Yamada, and even Hitoshi a bit, had accepted that she didn’t have that much longer with them, Izuku still was trying to find a way to heal her. Izuku took her death the hardestest. He still wanted to believe that he could save her. He couldn’t accept that this was the end for her.
All Might showed up and help Recovery Girl bring Eri’s body to the infirmary until she could be buried. The rest of the Erasermic family ended up in the living room. Crying and holding each other until they passed out from exhaustion.
The next day they were nowhere to be found. Midnight and Nezu took over their classes. No one but All might, Recovery Girl, and Nezu knew what happened last night. The remaining members of the Erasermic family ended up at the Midoriya house in the morning for some much-needed food and comfort.
Inko was sitting on the crunch reading a book when she heard a knock at the door.
Did Mitsuki decide to come over?
Did Izuku need something?
Is Izuku okay?
She opened to door only to see a green blur capture her in a hug. She panicked until she notices the familiar dark green bird’s nest buried in her shoulder. Looking back to the open door she noticed the other three standing there as well. “Shota, Hizashi, Hitoshi, please come in.” Her son hesitantly let go and was immediately latched onto Hitoshi’s side. Even when Izuku was young he was always comforted by physical touch. This was made worse as he started school, and the bullying started. He distanced himself from her so she wouldn’t worry about the cuts and burns that started to litter his body.
Of course, she noticed, but she hoped he would come to her about it. Instead, he became touch starved and now craves physical effect, but only trusts certain people to touch him. Hitoshi lifted his boyfriend up and carried him to his room. As soon as he laid Izuku on the bed and cuddled close to him, Inko laid the weighted blanket over them.
Five minutes later Izuku stood up and came back with a white and red unicorn plush. He placed it between them when Hitoshi realized that it was Eri’s weighted and scented plush that she left here. The smell of candy apples started to fill the room as Izuku grabbed his hand placed it over the unicorn. He quickly caught on to what Izuku wanted and intertwined his hand with Izuku’s and rested it on the plush like they used to do when they cuddled with Eri on nights her nightmares got really bad.
“Would you two like some tea or coffee?” Inko asked the two gentlemen cuddled on the couch as she walked back into the living room. Yamada spoke up.
“Just a black coffee for Sho, and earl grey tea for me, thank you.”
Inko placed the kettle on the stove. Both men joined her in the kitchen. “So I noticed Izuku is extra cuddly today. Did something happen to him? Is that why you’re here?” She made sure to be blunt and straight to the point like she knew Aizawa preferred.
“Early this morning Eri passed.” Inko dropped the teaspoon she was holding for the tea. “Izuku’s not taking it too well.” Inko went over and engulfed both men in a hug. The tree of them had gotten closer. Aizawa had emotionally adopted Izuku, Inko emotionally adopted Hitoshi and Eri.
“H-how, how-” She took a breath before continuing, “How did she pass?” she asked gently.
“We went to comfort her after a nightmare. As she fell back to sleep her breathing stopped. We got Recovery Girl as Izuku started CPR, but it was too late.” Hizashi informed her.
She reached up and kissed both men on their cheeks as she pulled them into another hug. All of them we also touch starved and needed each other.
Even once they returned to class, Izuku wasn’t the same. Katsuki has started dropping off a bento box where Izuku and Hitoshi ate after noticing Izuku didn’t want to be in the cafeteria but also didn’t bring lunch usually. Eventually, he started sitting with them at lunch. The three of them became closer. Hitoshi learned of their past, and if he made Katsuki do the macarena around the gym during their next class train session, well that’s totally unrelated.
One day they were studying in Izuku’s room when Izuku began to look for his textbook when he found a piece of candy apple red fabric. He had never given it back to Mirio after the raid since it helped Eri calm down after panic attacks and nightmares.
“-uku, Izuku, DEKU!” HE looked up at his boyfriend’s worried face.
“Zuku, you’re crying. What ha- Is that Miro’s cape?” he nodded slowly as more tears fell onto the fabric.
“I couldn’t save her! I promised I would save her!” He leaned into his chest, the fabric falling in favor of hugging him.
“This isn’t your fault. No one blames you, Zuzu. You rescued her from Overhaul. You are her hero.”
“I rescued her, but he still won! I couldn’t stop her pain. I should have never taken my eyes off of them. I could have stopped the bullet from ever hitting her. She would have still had her quirk. She could have healed. She would have survived!”
“Why are you even still with me Hitoshi? If I had done better your sister would still be here. Kacchan, you as well. You probably think I’m pathetic for not being able to save a single kid. I just don’t get it!” Izuku tried to pull away from them, but they just held him closer.
“Zuku, Izuku look at me.” He raised his head slowly. “First off, she was just as much your sister as mine. Second, you’re the reason I got a little sister in the first place. You did you’re very best, and it’s not your fault. The only people I blame are Overhaul and the rest of the Yakuza who sat back and let him do this. You did something about it. You got her out of that situation. I’m still here because of all of that and more. You are so amazing and you don’t even realize it.” He softly kissed Izuku’s head.
“I know I don’t have the greatest track record for sticking by you-” Hitoshi snorted, “Fine! I’m shit at it, okay! I know, but I’m not going anywhere. We’ll be the wonder duo again, plus this purple emo tagging along, hahaha. But seriously, we’re not going anywhere.”
The next day the three boys didn’t show up to class. When Aizawa went looking for them, he found them cuddled together on the floor. Mirio’s cape is on the ground next to them.
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Oh maybe Midoriya should adopt Aizawa. Like he sees this Maine coon wondering around and he feeds him tuna and he basically took him in. Aizawa would probably find out about Midoriya being quirkless and would probably protect him from his bullies.
Ooooh see now that’s an intriguing idea... I just...love the idea of this 20lb cat coming flying in out of nowhere to swat Bakugo across the face, claws out, hissing the whole time. And Bakugo yelps, and tries to blow catzawa away, but Aizawa just activates his quirk and nope, nada, sorry buddy, you’re about to learn about consequences for your actions.
And poor Midoriya is just standing there like “I just gave this cat tuna, why does he care???” And catzawa is like “My child now, he CLEARLY needs some help.” And follows Midoriya home, and if Inko doesn’t let him into the apartment definitely crawls in through the window so he can sleep in Midoriya’s desk chair.
And Inko comes in the next morning, and finds this massive cat asleep on her son’s chair, except he wakes up and eyes her very protectively...and momdoriya can recognize another parent when she sees one, so she lets him stay.
Now I just want to know how they all react when Aizawa ultimately regains his human form, though... Like, does he disappear and then show up on their doorstep like “Hi, I’m here to adopt your child, Inko.” Or does it happen unexpectedly and he’s just this like 25-year-old man sitting in Izuku’s desk chair like “Wtf when did this happen?” Or does it happen a little more dramatically, like in the middle of a villain attack, or when Bakugo is trying to bully Izuku again?? SO MANY OPTIONS.
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okay so i have some mad BNHA headcanons, featuring DadMight and KamiDeku. it’s a little long and conspiracy-theory-like, sorry.
1. what if Inko is somehow related to Nana? like maybe Nana’s child had multiple children. two of which i headcanon to be Aizawa and Inko. so let’s say that Inko and Aizawa are siblings and each fell out with their family because of their views on superheroes/society/just in general and Aizawa left and applied to UA and Inko left a few years later when she was more financially stable.
2. Inko meets her husband Hisashi Midoriya some years later and they hit it off immediately and eventually get married. Inko gets pregnant. Hisashi works abroad.
3. i lowkey headcanon Hisashi as a villain because he “works abroad.” that’s hella vague and if i were a villain i’d try to do my villainy in a country where i’m not recognized or thought of as anything but a sad business man or smth. so yeah he’s a villain. Inko suspects a little bit but not enough to confront him...
4. so mama Inko is pregnant BUT there’s a chance it might not be Hisashi’s child o.0 i know right. so anyway yeah she hit it off with a kind blond man named Toshinori and she knows it’s wrong because she’s married but she never tells him and she thinks something might be up with Hisashi and this helps her calm down. she just says Hisashi is the father tho,,,...
5. Toshi is the father and that’s why Izu is quirkless. Toshi never finds out about Izuku possibly being his child. he reconnects with Inko when she starts training Izu, not connecting them because he knew Inko as Inko and he knows izu as Izuku Midoriya so he never thought to make the connection.
6. one day he’s chatting with Inko on a coffee date and she gets a phone call from her son (her son?! when did he have a son? how old is he? etc. etc.) and she’s like “Izuku? is everything okay?” and he chokes on his coffee because his protegee is the child of his ex,,,, and the dates kinda line up.....
7. Toshi’s like “oh, you have a son?” and she’s like “yeah his name is Izuku and i love him so so so much he’s 15 years old...” he chokes on his coffee again because holy shit is this kid his and so he asks who the father is and she starts blushing and says honestly that she doesn’t know if it’s her husband or Toshinori.
8. he’s freaking the fuck out again because holy fuck he might have a son and he suggests Izuku gets a blood test and Inko thinks he should too so they tell Izuku and now Izuku is panicking because omg All Might might be his actual dad..
9. Izuku gets the blood test and yes he IS Toshinori’s son and and Toshi looks over the blood test and finds out that Izuku is the great-grandson of Nana on his mom’s side. so suddenly Toshi is crying and Izu and Inko are panicking and so he tells Inko how he’s All Might (she almost faints because ofc the man she had an affair with and is the father of her child happens to be mfing ALL MIGHT) and he tells them both about OFA and his mentor Nana and they’re now all crying and hugging and Inko finds out that Toshi is training Izu and she says “don’t overwork him... he is your son, after all” and they all chuckle and cry even more
10. skip a few months. it’s school time and UA is starting and Izu never broke any bones because he had a closer connection to Nana through OFA and he gets the hang of it pretty quick and is jumping around like a bunny because he thinks that punches are his dad’s thing and Izu needds his own thing. his hero costume looks the same because it makes him look like a green rabbit lmao
11. at the sports festival, he gets 1st place both times because he can go super fast and he’s really precise and everything. cur to the Todoroki Talktm and he asks if Izu is All Might’s secret love shild and Izuku starts sweating and just says “that’s kinda,,, confidential information. I don’t think i can tell you anything without having you sing at least 3 documents..” and Todo’s eyes go wide because holy shit he was right and Izuku thinks Todo is either really smart or really weird.
12. Inko suddenly realizes HOLY SHIT I’M STILL MARRIED and she calls Hisashi up and says “hey, can we get a divorce? apparently Izu isn’t your son and i’m in love with the fatehr but we’re still married...” and he seemed almost happy to divorce her and Inkko thinks it’s because he can stop paying child support but he could actually be a villain... she’ll look into it later.
13. skip a few months, Aizawa and All Might come to Inko’s apartment to talk about getting the dorms set up and All Might walks in like “hey, sweetie” and kisses her on the cheek and everything and Aizawa looks appalled because All Might if you’re in a relationship the principal needs to know and why are you dating mrs. midoriya and she politely says “oh just call me Inko, i got divorced a few months ago” and aizawa is like “... Inko? is that you??” and she’s like “Shouta??!!” and surprisingly they both start crying because they’re siblings
14. so Aizawa and Inko are siblings and the grandchildren of Nana, Toshi’s mentor, and the next holder of OFA is Toshi’s son and the great-grandchild of Nana... it’s a big fucking mess.
15. they do end up talking about the dorms and such and since Inko knows that Izu’s father and uncle are there, she trusts them. Aizawa is like, “you know the families of UA teachers are allowed to live in the dorms” and Inko is like sign me the fuck up and so now she’s living with Toshi near her brother and son
16. Toshi proposes!!! he proposes at the beach and it’s all romantic and afterwards Izu and Shouta and Shouta’s boyfriend Yamada all jump out and everyoen’s crying and it’s all adorable.
17. in class, All Might lets it slip that him and Shouta are gonna be in-laws and everyone starts panicking and flipping out except for Todoroki who just rambles like a consporacy theorist and Izu who’s sweating gallons. they ask to meet her and All Might says that’s possible since she lives in the UA dorms with him.
18.Inko grees to come to the next training and Bakugou is like “ha shitty deku what’s your mom doing here” and All Might is like “meet my fiancee” and Bakugou is like “AUNTIE!??! I THOUGHT HISASHI WAS DEKU’S DAD” and Inko starts blushing because he isn’t. she whispers “he was never the father” and Bakugou flips his shit because the boy he bullied for 10 years was the goddamn son of All Might.
19. so everyone knows that Izuku is the son of All Might and when his friends ask more about it he mentions that his great-grandma was a pro hero. suddenly Kaminari says “hey didn’t All Might say that your mom was related to Aizawa?” and Izuku blushes and says that apparently Shouta is his uncle and he didn’t find out until they were telling the students’ families about the dorms and Shouta reunited with Inko. Kaminari also points out that this means Inko’s maiden name is Aizawa and Bakugou says that since he’s no longer a Midoriya because of the divorce, he could go by Aizawa Izuku. Izu tells his mom they need to change their names and she agrees.
20. Izuku shows up to school on monday with the name Aizawa Izuku on the roster and Aizawa read it and says “problem child, don’t tell me your dad told everyone about the engagement” and Izuku blushes and says that it slipped and Aizawa bangs his head on the table and says “Izuku, you get to tell my husband why i have a concussion” and everyone freaks out AGAIN because Aizawa is married?? and Izuku KNEW???!!
21. Izuku doesn’t let anything slip but when it’s time for English he tells Mic “Uncle Shouta said that if he has a concussion it’s my fault” and everyone in the class goes dead quiet and from his desk Aizawa says “i didn’t mean in front of the whole clas yu troublesome little shit, i’m telling your mom you outed me” and Izuku dies immediately out of laughter and then fear
22. he begs his uncles not to tell his mom but Aizawa puts the call on speaker and Inko’s like “Shouta, what’s up? i’m about to finish my break” and he says “your son outed mine and Mic’s relationship, expose a secret of his” and she talks about how Izuku has a crush. Izuku blushes and the class starts teasing him and Inko says “I probably shouldn’t say because the whole class is listening, but the Aizawa house always believed in ‘an eye for an eye’” and the class shuts up and Inko says “yeah he said his crush’s quirk has something to do with electricity” and you can hear a pin drop and Izuku runs out of the class to the bathroom but he really just escapes to the dorms, and once the realization hits Kaminari he fucking bolts out of the class calling out to him.
23. Inko is still on the line and she says “oh my, i didn’t know they were in the same class” and she’s sorry and she’ll have to apologize to Izuku later. class proceeds as normal except without Izu and Kaminari. they’re both back at lunch though and they’re blushing and holding hands.
24. yes they’re dating. they’re blushing because they were making out once they talked through everything. yes Inko and Yagi know. the Aizawa family also seems to have a thing for adorable blonds...,,..,.,.
25. they all live happily ever after because i’m out of ideas but yeah.,.,. that’s my take
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lilypad-make · 5 years
BNHA Fanfic Recs
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*Smile* because there are more fic recs !
A month into his apprenticeship, Shouto comes down sick. Aizawa does his best to care for him—and learns more about Shouto's childhood along the way.
Toshinori hadn't expected another riot to come to light, for which he was responsible. Albeit indirectly.
A photo of All Might was released at a young age, but one detail was striking.
"I didn't realize you could adopt your own son," said Kayama, who looked thoughtful.
"How did you come up with this absurd thought that he was my son?!"
There was a moment of silence before Kan intervened. “So… we always thought he was your illegitimate son. Everything spoke for it. ”
"Hey, Mrs. Midoriya, do you believe in love at first sight or do I have to go past you again?" All Might again turned his attention to the mother, who was becoming less and less certain as to how she should deal with him.
"... you are in bed, in the hospital, you can't get up," she said carefully, so as not to offend him.
“It doesn't stop me from staring at you. I mean ... I've been watching you for a few hours and wonder what our children would look like."
Mrs. Midoriya seemed speechless and an off-voice just said dryly: "...like Midoriya."
"Todoroki, no!"
When Izuku awoke, trembling all over, his limbs almost frozen, his breath small clouds in the air, it was pitch black. His teeth clattered, his lungs aching from the cold air. Why was it so cold?
“The problem child has disappeared,” Aizawa proclaimed in a grave voice. Silence prevailed for a few seconds before they jumped up and put on their work clothes to help with the search. Yes, he had expected that reaction, he thought grimly.
With his son successor laid up with a nasty case of Quirk Flu, All Might wants nothing more than to take care of his boy. Aizawa just wants to prevent one sick teenage from becoming 20 sick teenagers but practicality like that has never stopped All Might before and it won't stop him down.
It helps that being quirkless renders him immune. Not that he can explain that to Aizawa
Deaging quirks are incredibly uncommon. So much so that Toshinori doesn't think he's ever seen the effects of one in person. But still, Nedzu has thought of everything, so of course they have protocols in place for this exact situation. Though they may now live in the dorms, it makes no sense for the staff to entrust the safety of a four-year-old Midoriya Izuku to his 15/16 year old classmates.
No. He's being sent home to his mother.
(aka, Midoriya Inko gets her chance at redemption for a mistake she made years ago, and Toshinori Yagi sees another side of the family he's slowly becoming a part of.)
Soulmates are forged, not born. They leave their mark on you, and your heart. These bonds we forge leave marks on our hearts and our bodies. A declaration that we love and are loved.
A brief platonic soulmates au centered around Izuku.
Mirai is convinced that Izuku Midoriya is All Might’s secret love child. So why doesn’t his old/former friend want to pick his kid up??
Seems like he has to inform Gran Torino.
Ochako and Deku reserve one day a week in their busy lives to meet up with one another. Deku breaks their pattern of hot chocolate and comfort food at sleepy restaurants to make dinner at his tiny apartment. A totally laid-back dinner between good friends, so don't get the wrong idea!
Izuku is stuck reliving his past mistakes and regrets, stuck in a never ending cycle of torment, while everyone watches helplessly
Izuku joins Uraraka for stargazing and makes a few connections he's been missing.
Penguin Random House @penguinrandom
It’s alright, now! Why? Because All Might’s autobiography is here! “All Might: The Price and Principle of Peace” is now available!
[Image: The book cover: the title emblazoned over a photograph of All Might’s last triumph. Toshinori’s fist is held aloft, his tattered cape billowing out behind him. With the helicopter spotlights focused on him and the photograph’s exposure turned up high, he looks angelic.]
They say you start dreaming of your soulmate as a child, but always forget their face until the day you actually meet them. Izuku doubts he'll ever find his soulmate, so he instead resigns himself to focusing on achieving his goals. That is, until the day a pretty girl keeps him from falling before his U.A entrance exam and everything changes.
“Did I hear that correctly?” Ashido asked from behind them. “Uraraka didn’t actually need rescue breathing?” “Um,” said Izuku, “that would seem to be the case, yes.” She grinned wider than Izuku thought appropriate, given that one of her classmates had just nearly drowned. “So there was no reason for you to kiss her like her life depended on it?” His mouth dropped open. “Wh—wh—?!”
Izuku saves Ochaco from drowning, and no one will let him forget how he did it. Ochaco, on the other hand, has forgotten, and is convinced that everyone can read her mind since they seem to know about the very interesting dream she's been having.
Takes place in season 2 episode 25, when Izuku gets out of the police station after the mall scare.
Izuku has always been good at hiding his fear. He's always been able to push through it and stay strong; it's what he's always done. But seeing his favorite hero walking down the alley, he finally feels safe enough to let his walls crumble, and Toshinori is there to pick up the pieces.
"YOU KNOW WHAT?” she burst out. “I’ve had about enough of you all just making assumptions about him and me!” He lifted his head, amazed at her bravery. Uraraka’s cheeks were burning pink, but her expression was hardened and unbending. “If you spent any time at all around us you’d know that we are as serious as we’ve ever been about being Heroes! Also!” She thrust a finger out at Izuku. “He was distracting me way before we started going out, so there!” Nobody said anything for a while then.
Ochaco and Izuku have been going out for months now, and even though everyone seems to think they're a distraction to each other, that's far from the case. Isn't it?...
It was ... no surprise when All Might died suddenly. Nevertheless, his mentor and all other predecessors of One for All stood next to him and were there for him. How could he cry there?
The next morning, photos of All Might's funeral would be circulating on the web and people would tear up their mouths that Izuku was the only one who had taken part with an almost peaceful expression. Izuku would only be able to smile and continue as before, with a side glance at Nana and the First.
“The internet’s been blowing up about you and Mr. Secret Guy. Can I ask about that? Or should I back off?” the show host asked.
She was expecting it. It was still a bit funny, to think people suspected she had a secret Hero boyfriend. “There’s no Mr. Secret Guy. I’m not in a relationship,” she said, chuckling lightly. She didn’t see herself in a relationship – or a realistic one, at least. Yes, she’d fantasized about it; about being with that man who inspired her to do her best just as he did his best like his namesake.
Midoriya is absurdly good at art. Everyone else does their best to be creative in their own messy, unique ways.
If his face hadn’t been already burned pink by the cold, he would've been blushing because of how close she was. She had snowflakes stuck to the top of her lashes. He wondered how that didn’t bother her.
The cancelation of school for the winter offered the children time to be children. It didn’t snow much in big cities, so the more high-quality winter experience was usually just outside, and holiday resorts took advantage of those open areas where people wanted to escape the tight city and enjoy the freedom of space and adrenalin. Everyone had scattered.
Everyone but him and Ochaco.
As a child, Toshinori hadn't put much thought into what he would be when he grew up. One day a stranger in green appears in a flash of light, saying he's a hero. And maybe, Toshinori thinks, maybe he could be a hero too.
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I’ll be back with more fic recs soon !
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satanschild01 · 4 years
Lingering Nightmares
(??? x Kokoro)
A/N: I’ve been seeing a lot of these AO3 things with Aizawa adopting and other stuff to bring out the soft side of this amazing character. I’ve had this idea in my mind but it’s been difficult trying to think of how this was going to go, so I’ve been just pulling a lot of brain fried Kaminari doing this...anyway keep safe, and see you on the flip side! ~ Em
Tags for Feedback😘: @trashys-things​ @writingfreakk​ @marvelmymarvel​ @pink-imagines​ @shikigami-the-paper-spirit​ @spaced-out-imagines​ @marvelmymarvelmain​ @lookslikeleese​ @just-a-quirkless-loser​
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1055
Part 1
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“It’s good to see you again Hitomu,” Dr. Hiraku said, “Let’s go about what happened this week.” Kokoro nodded at the doctor and thought back about the last few days.
“The start of the week had been okay for the most part…” Kokoro starts “The normal bullying and stuff.” she mumbled the last part
“Okay...what did they say this time?” The wrinkled old man asked.
“The normal stuff...calling my quirk villainous and that I can’t become a hero because of it.” The doctor nods his head writing a few notes down in his notebook.
“And how have you been dealing with the bullying?” The elder asks “Have you decided to tell your father about it yet?... I know you don’t want me telling him but this has been going on for a few years now.”
“No, I...I don’t want him to know.” Kokoro says quietly, brushing her hand through her wavey ravenette hair. “I don’t want him to worry more about me than he already does...and plus if he finds out I don’t know what he’ll do.”
“Alright then.” Dr. Hiraku takes a sip of his coffee, “You’re applying to the U.A heroics course am I right?” Kokoro nods in agreement. “I know that the three year anniversary of the accident is on the day there going to happen.” The old man paused to let the words settle in “Do you think that you’ll be mentally okay to do the exam?” He asks “I know that you have connections that you can get a recommendation to get you into the course. Do you know what you’re going to do”
“I’ve been thinking about it but I’m still not 100% sure that’s the route I want to take.”
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3 days earlier
Walking down the stairs into the kitchen Shota was drinking his second cup of black coffee reading the newspaper.
“Morning,” Kokoro said while stretching a bit before making herself a coffee. “How was patrol?”
“It was fine,” Her father, Shota Aizawa replied. “Your bags are as dark as my coffee,  did you get any sleep?”
Kokoro sighed turning her body around to face her dad, rolling her eyes “You know I got the insomniac part from you right?” she replies.
“Right...question for you,” the older man spoke, “About the U.A entrance exams…I know you’re not your normal self on that...certain day.” he took a breath “I’d like to offer you a recommendation letter.”
“...I’ll...I’ll think about it,” Kokoro mumbled and walked back to her room to get ready for the day.
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Back to present
“I...I don’t want him to take time out of his already busy schedule just to write a letter to get me into U.A.” Kokoro mumbled fiddling with her fingers in her lap. “It just...doesn’t seem worth it to…”
Dr.Hiraku nods his head and leans forward on the chair he’s sitting on. “Have you discussed anything else with your father about this?” he asks “You have improved so much in the year since you started these sessions that your at least talking to him now.”
Kokoro shoves her hands into her face mumbling something the therapist couldn’t understand.“It’s still difficult having long conversations with him,” She says pulling her hands away from her face and looking down at the floor “At most I talk once or twice a day to him and the rest it’s mostly me just signing quick responses.”
“It’s still an improvement, Hitomu,” the elder explains. Checking the time on his watch the man stands up,  “It seems that today’s session is now over. I do recommend talking to your father about U.A and what might be the best option for you.”
With that Kokoro stands and politely bows to her therapist saying a quick “Thank you.” and walking out of the man’s office down towards the station.
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Kokoro still feels the same anxiety whenever she enters bullet trains. Ever since the accident 3 years ago it took Kokoro a full year before she started to ride them again.
‘It’s just 25 minutes,’ Kokoro thought to herself, shakily grabbing onto the hanging strap inside the train. Remembering that she needs to text her dad that she’s on her way back, Kokoro pulls out her phone and quickly texts “On my way home now,” and plugged in her headphones in and played her favourite music to distract her from the growing anxiety, as the train started to move.
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The door to there apartment creaked open and Aizawa looked up from the paperwork he was working on. “How was you’re session?” the erasure hero asked, getting up from where he was sitting to get yet another cup of coffee.
“It was fine.” Kokoro signed, following her dad into the kitchen to get herself a snack. Opening the fridge looking for what options there were. Of course, the fridge was almost bare, leaving some Chinese take out, and a large amount of her father’s favourite jelly pouches. They’re going to need to go out and get some groceries.
Of course, since her father will be busy getting ready for U.A entrance exams, so that left Kokoro to do it. Kokoro tapped lightly on her leg signifying that she was going to sign. “I’m taking your jelly drink thing, then going grocery shopping.” she signed “Okay, don’t stay out too late it’s getting dark,” Her father said planting a kiss on her forehead and walking back to his paperwork. “When you come back I want to talk to you more about what you’re going to do about U.A”
With a deep long sigh, Kokoro opened the jelly pack and walked over to her favourite spot in the living room, next to her 3 cats. There was a black Bombay, he always had so much energy so they decided to name him Espresso. Ash who is a grey tabby cat who loves to pick fights with Espresso, and Virgil a white persain cat who acts like an angel whenever Kokoro is around, but when she leaves the room Virgil’s personality changes into something different and acts nothing like an angel.
Once she finished her jelly drink thing Kokoro grabbed her purse and headed out the door, making a mental list of what she needed to get.
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microwave-imagines · 5 years
If only you’d asked
Summary: song fic based on the bed song by Amanda Palmer. I cried while writing this people have cried while reading this its just sad
You met Shinsou during your third year at UA, He was in his second year. Having a manipulation quirk yourself you befriended him easily, you were inseparable, every moment you could, you were by his side. Best friends, hell people assumed you were a couple due to the way you were always touching somehow, whether it be your knees or your hands you were in constant contact. Before you knew it, it was a year later and you were graduating. You had been saving up for an apartment and you were finally able to place the down payment.
It was small, the whole space the size of the dorm room you once had, but you didn’t mind. You had a place to call your own. It wasn’t legal but for the price of 300 a month it was perfect.
When he comes over for the first time it had mostly been a surprise, He had opened the door with the spare key you had given him the same day you got yours. You were spinning around to the music that could be heard from the floor above, an ungraceful display of unbridled joy, he couldn’t help but laugh. You gasped before launching yourself at him in a hug, and he noticed how few belongings you had. A suitcase and fairy lights with a few polaroids you had taken to go with the sleeping bag that was laid out by the window. He thought of Aizawa, and how he’d have to tell him you’d picked one up for yourself, after all, he taught you too. He noticed how your paints weren’t scattered around and for a moment he’s concerned you’d given up art. He spends the night, he’s wrapped around you with your legs tangled together, his lips in your hair, as you share a pillow. That night he decided he loved you.
When he graduated from UA you asked him to move in with you before telling him you loved him. He agreed and two years later on your 19th birthday he hands you a set of keys. “For our new place”, he smiled. It wasn’t much to look at but it was better than your old place. You bought a futon the day you moved in saying that “We deserve an upgrade from a sleeping bag.” He nods with a smile. Your paints have made a return, laying in a corner with a half-finished canvass. He’s glad to see them. You have some milk crates for storage held together with duct tape. He asked you to marry him. Your engagement lasts years, four to be exact and when you finally get married your friend Mina walked you down the aisle. When you get to the altar he’s in awe, 
“You’re so beautiful, how did I get so lucky?”. Vows are exchanged, and toasts are made, the night is filled with laughter and dancing. You told him you love him, “I love you too”.
Two more years pass. You’re 25 and a fairly successful artist. Shinsou is a pro-hero. He’s never home anymore. “It’s part of the job”, he says. You spend your nights' painting. You don’t have sex anymore. He hardly touches you. You don’t ask him what’s wrong. He doesn’t look at you, instead opting to lay on the futon covering himself with the blanket. You lay on the opposite side, taking the bed sheet for warmth. He falls asleep leaving you with your own thoughts. “What’s going on with him. With us?” You fight the urge to snuggle into his back, instead of turning to face away from him before falling asleep. He’s gone when you wake up, you don’t bother texting him “good morning.”
You’re 30 and your painting has paid off, along with Shinsou’s hero work, you manage to move into a condo. A penthouse downtown. When you arrive with the last of your belongings you find a large mattress on a bed frame. There was a card laying on it, “I had it delivered.” You smiled sadly, putting your box of paints away before wrapping your arms around yourself. You realized you missed him. He hardly talks to you anymore. You met up with Mina for the first time in years. “We don’t really talk to each other, y’know?.” You swirl your glass of wine around and order a shot from the bartender. Mina is unusually quiet, only offering a “Keep in touch” when you get into the cab.
He could smell the liquor on your breath when you got home. You’re drunk and he knows it “No matter how much money I could spend, It would never be able to buy a bed large enough to ensure you wouldn’t touch me in the night.” He climbs into bed and faces the wall. You go to take a shower. “I’d love you if you let me” was the only thing you could think of as you fell asleep.
30 Years later, and you’ve become sick, Shinsou is still distant and you cry more often. When he was diagnosed with heart failure you were shaken. You were both scared, too afraid to feel. You took off your glasses and he turned off the light, facing away from you as he had done for so many years. You had long stopped wondering what was the matter.
It was clear you both were successful, the size of the stones made that obvious. You were buried under a cherry tree, side by side cold and still. You finally ask him “What was the matter.” He hugs you close, one hand on your waist another in your hair. You hear him sob. “I would have told you, if only you’d asked me.”
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