#25 Days of Thiam and Sterek
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tabbytabbytabby · 9 months ago
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks for the tag @kinard-buckley!
Soooo I have a lot of docs/WIPs. If I put all of them this would be in the hundreds. So I went with ones that actually have words in them/that I have hope of actually finishing someday to make my life a little easier. I also have to give everything an actual title when I make the doc, even the name might change once it's done 😅
1. Quest for Camelot (Multi-chapter) (Sterek, Thiam, Merthur, Corydia) (Teen Wolf + Merlin crossover)
2. We Belong (Therek) (Multi-chapter)
3. When You're Up In Space (Sterek)
4. Words, Hands, and Hearts (Sterek)
5. Therapy (Thiam)
6. And you better stay clever if you wanna survive (Thiam) (Dark!Liam)
7. Hot Potato (Thiam)
8. Twisted Little Nightmare (Thiam)
9. Find Your Happiness (Thiam) (Teen Wolf + 9-1-1 crossover)
10. You are the best of me (Thiam) (Change Sequel)
11. Your Son Is Gone (Thiam) (Dark!Liam)
12. Say You Won't Forget (Denna, Thiam)
13. Quick As A Knife (Denna + Thiam)
14. Our Happiest Season (Finski, Zanny)
15. Photographs in sepia tones (David/Chris) (MCD)
16. On The Otherside (Berica)
17. When We Were Young (Finski)
18. Believe In Magic (Buddie, Merthur)
19. Now It's Too Late (Buddie, Thiam, TW/9-1-1) (MCD)
20. My Soul Will Find Yours (Buddie)
21. Someone Wake Me Up (Bucktommy) (MCD)
22. Do whatever just to stay alive (Bucktommy)
23. Brand New Day (Bucktommy)
24. Part of the Family (Bucktommy, Tommy & Chimney)
25. Rescue Me (Bucktommy)
26. As we drifted towards the storm (Tarlos) (Prince TK & Knight Carlos)
26. Look A Little Closer (Jevan)
28. You Can Have It (Jevan)
29. The Gift (Jevan)
30. Gotta Hurt Sometimes To Learn To Heal (Halebright) (Teen Wolf + Prodigal Son crossover)
31. I Shut My Eyes At Seventeen (Halebright) (Teen Wolf + Prodigal Son crossover)
32. Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Harkley) (9-1-1 + Stranger Things crossover)
33. Dark Lute (Geraskier)
34. A Helping Hand (Doubleparker)
35. A Whole New World With You (Teen Wolf + Spider-Man crossover)
36. I wanna wake up where you are (Spideymera) (Teen Wolf + Spider-Man crossover)
37. For What It's Worth, I'm Harmless (David/Chris) (Spideymera) (Teen Wolf + Spider-Man crossover)
38. Driving Lessons (Steve & Robin, Steddie)
39. Head Over Heels (Steddie)
40. A Little Understanding (Steddie) (Wayne's POV)
41. The Prank (Steddie) (Nurse Steve)
42. If The Fates Allow (Steddie)
43. Till there is nothing left (Harrinski) (Teen Wolf + Stranger Things)
44. One more spoon of cough syrup now (Creelson)
45. Wait For The Sun (Eddie x Merlin) (Stranger Things + Merlin)
46. Run Away (Jally)
Tagging @lovelylittlegrim @shipperqueen6 @regent-of-rarepairs @queereldritch @inell @hazelestelle @theproblemwithstardust @skylessnights @lightfiretomypaperwings (and anyone else that wants to do this. Consider yourself tagged)
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sterekshipper-writer · 2 years ago
You Bought What?
Thank you for the amaxing prompt, @maplefire18. I hope you like the result. ❤️❤️
Rating: General
Pairing: Theo Raeken/Liam Dunbar
Tags: Post Canon, Theo's POV, Fluff, Christmas fluff
Christmas. His first spent with the beta. A year ago, he'd never have expected to be here. Laying on a couch in the centre of Liam's living room, surrounded by a tree filled with presents. Ornaments adorned every inch of the branches. Christmas carols playing softly, a quiet reminder of what could be. The peace he'd found.
It was definitely a night to remember.
"You know we're not supposed to open presents until tomorrow, right?" Liam asked. Hands carefully holding the box, ensuring its complete safety.
"Don't act like you're not dying to see inside." He snorted, rolling his eyes. He could hear every chemo-signal, and Liam was virtually a living, breathing puppy wagging its tail.
"What is it?"
"Open it, and you'll know."
"Mum would kill me-"
"Well, it's a good thing Jenna's not here."
Liam looked down to the present and back up to him, teeth gnawing at his lower lip. Fingers tapping at the wrapping paper, itching to tear through the thin veil covering it.
He sighed, turning in the seat to face Liam clearly, hand taking the beta’s. Skin on skin. Circles etched into their palms. "It's for tomorrow. It doesn't work if you wait." What he didn't say was he couldn't wait. His heart threatened to tear through his chest, forced into an even rate by sheer practice alone.
Instant. The beta moved. Hands tearing at the paper, shredding the barrier between him and the present within. Claws extending to cut through tape. The lid discarded and . . . Liam froze. Brows narrowed. Bottom lip parted. The beta stared blankly at the box, lifting the upper layer and staring harder at what lay beneath.
He, on the other hand, sat beside him. Heart thumping within–almost. Shoulders tense. His chest clenched with every second that passed in silence. Not once did Liam move. No sign at all. "Well?" He whispered, swallowing when those blue eyes rose to meet his. Mumbling a croaky, "Common practice is to say . . . something."
Blinking, Liam spared a final glance at the gift before asking, "Did you buy us cheesy matching pyjamas?"
Cheeks tinged red, he focused solely on his feet. He had never done this before. It wasn't like he celebrated the holidays. Living in the sewers with the Dread Doctors wasn't exactly conducive to a festive environment. "Maybe." What does he do now? Was he supposed to explain? He didn't expect Liam to just . . . stare. "Is it bad?"
Liam's hand was on his a second later. Fingers trailing lightly over his, entangling with his own, a familiar touch. A silent promise that the beta wouldn't leave. It had eased his panic; those same fingers wiping away his nightmare-induced tears. Slowly, he looked up. Meeting the bright blue irises, tentatively. Lips raised in a small, sincere smile.
"I love it." Liam said, voice lower than usual. "I just never imagined you being the one to buy them."
Nor did he. There was a time when he, well, he would have adamantly denied ever contributing to the purchase. Chimera. Reputation for sarcasm and power. He wasn't cheesy and sentimental . . . unless Liam was involved. Sue him. The beta was everything to him. "I just thought it would be nice. To, uh, share it. A childhood memory I never had." He mumbled, gnawing on his lower lip. There was so much he'd missed out on. This felt like one he could have. An easy moment to recreate. "It just seemed . . . romantic." He whispered, gaze falling again at the renewed smirk. Sinking further against the couch, ears on fire, swallowing at the brief squeeze of fingers.
"It is." Liam agreed. "I also think you've been watching too many hallmark movies. What's next? Singing in the middle of my lacrosse match? Running through an airport to stop me boarding my flight?"
Eyes narrowed, forehead creased. Glaring at the question. "Don't be ridiculous." He huffed. "I would not be caught dead singing."
"Aw. You'd be great."
"Liam, I told you. I'm tone-deaf. I might love you, but I am not prepared to make a fool of myself in front of your entire team and the opposition." He glared at Liam's bottom lip pressing forward, eyes widening nd downturned. Oh that manipulative little shit. "Stop pouting." What did that get him? Whimpering. A pitiful plea. This wasn't fair. "I can't sing, Liam." No change. "Remind me why I wanted to replicate a movie moment for you?"
"I'm adorable." Liam smiled, practically vibrating on the couch beside him.
"More like intolerable."
"Is that why you went out of your way to buy matching pyjamas?"
Okay. So, he couldn't exactly deny that, but how could he defend himself? The beta was making it his mission for the night to rile him up, taking full advantage of his rare flustered state. Those hands never left though. Constantly maintaining their reassuring, comforting embrace. One rose. Lifting to run along his chin, tickling the underside of his jawline. Nudging. Urging him to meet the imploring gaze that awaited him; only then leaning in. Lips pressed against his. He melted into the contact, becoming one with his boyfriend. He didn't know if he would ever get used to saying that. His boyfriend.
"I," Liam breathed through the kiss, "love," body melding with his, "you."
He said nothing. Incapable of speech, he remained mute. Frozen under the beta's chest, subject to his every whim. When the lips pulled back, his back arched, mouth chasing the welcome texture. A protesting whine escaping, drawing any hope of hiding how lost he was. Dazed. Blinking his eyes open, he watched Liam with a dopey smile transforming his features. "I love you, too."
"Does this mean you'll let me take a Christmas photo with you?" Liam asked.
Snorting, he shook his head. "Not a chance."
"Please, Theo."
"I say yes, and you'll show your entire family. Possibly the entire Pack. So, no."
"But you'd look so cute." Liam cooed.
"And that Liam is why you are not taking a photo." He was not about to be seen by Stiles or Scott, let alone Malia and Lydia, wearing Christmas tree patterned pyjamas. He would never here the end of it.
"I thought you wanted to be romantic?"
His gaze narrowed, yellow flickering through green. The beta had always been a little shit, but this was not the time. He was not giving in. "With you." He huffed. "Not Lydia. The Pack do not need to see me. You know as well as I do if I agree to a photo, they'll have all received a copy by the end of the day. I doubt you'd last a single hour before texting the Pack."
"It'll be fun." Liam insisted, smirking.
"Maybe for you. You won't be the one shielding questions from Stiles fucking Stilinski." He hissed. Squirming under the unwavering smirk, the raised eyebrow. Liam was so smug, certain he would cave. "I am not doing this."
"What if I promise it'll stay between us?"
Oh, shit. The pout. Why was it always the pout? "That is low." He muttered, eyes returning to their usual green, no trace of his animal sides. "Li . . ." He whined. "You are physically incapable of restraining yourself."
"I promise, Theo. No one else sees."
He sunk lower, biting his lip. "I can't-"
"If I show anyone, you can tell them about the time I lost that bet."
His eyebrows rose instantly. Reaching his hairline. Six months had passed since that day. Li made him swear on their relationship to not tell anyone. To now suggest . . . "Really?" He studied Liam when he received an unhesitating nod. "I thought you said you'd 'die of embarrassment' if the Pack ever found out?"
Liam's cheeks heated. "I did, and I would. Hence me promising to keep my end of the deal. I'd be stupid to give you a reason to tell them."
"So, if a single person outside of this house ever even suspects I wore these pyjamas, I get to tell everyone about you spending two weeks in bright red panties?"
Liam cringed. Pale and swallowing hard before repeating, "Yes."
"You better hope you can keep it to yourself Li. I will out you if you don't."
"Trust me." Liam winced. "I know."
Taking the beta's hand, he pulled himself and Liam up off the couch–the box held tight in the other hand–and towards the stairs. They could talk about this later. For now, he was tired. Silently, he passed his door, and instead, made his way straight to Liam's bedroom. Taking one pair of pyjamas. Dropping the beta's hand, he stripped off his shirt. Smirking when he felt the unwavering stare, eyes trailing down his bare chest. He snorted. The scent of lust rose tenfold when he removed his pants. "Maybe instead of watching me," he said, lips twitching at the sharp tang of embarrassment filling the air, "you should change."
Chuckling as the beta stumbled into actions, hands fumbling for a grip on the other pair of pyjamas, he finished dressing. Pulling his own on before turning back to Liam with a soft smile. "I really do love you."
The beta stopped. Casting a lopsided smile, cheeks hot. "I love you, too."
Once Liam had finally finished getting dressed, he led the adorable idiot to bed. Laying down beside him. Covers pulled up over their shoulders, his arm wrapped securely over Liam's waist, the beta’s head tucked close. His eyes closed. Enjoying the sense of safety he'd grown to know and love, the ability to be himself. He could do anything, and Liam wouldn't mind. "Goodnight, Li."
"Goodnight, Theo." Liam murmured, voice rough and drowsy.
He fell asleep to the gentle lull of that familiar, soothing heartbeat. The only heartbeat he'd ever need at night. The only one he wanted with him now.                         
Forcing his eyes open, lids drooping, he pouted at the empty bed. The enticing warmth from the night before gone. Rolling over, he sighed. Gaze locked on the bare white ceiling above. Liam's heartbeat rose from the kitchen downstairs. Couldn't the beta go one morning without food? Was it too much to ask to wake up beside your handsome boyfriend? Breathe in the scent of his chemo-signals, nuzzling the back of those gorgeous, soft blond strands? Okay. He really was getting sappy. Sighing once more, he dragged himself out of bed. Feet hitting the floor. Begrudgingly making the long, arduous path down to see what was so important, Liam had to be up at the crack of dawn. Was he exaggerating? Maybe, but it was Christmas. They were supposed to be in bed together. Not hunting down chips or a sandwich.
Sliding up behind Liam, he wrapped his arms around the beta's waist. Head resting against the curve of the pain in the ass' neck. "Did you really have to abandon me on Christmas morning?"
Liam snorted. "Relax, Drama Queen. I was planning on making you breakfast in bed, but seeing as you're already here . . ."
He moaned at the sight of avacado and banana toast spread across the bench. The plates of bacon and true Belgion Wafles. Mouth watering. How had he missed that enticing aroma? Reaching for a piece, he yanked his hand back at the hard slap. "Hey!"
"Learn some manners."
"I'm hungry." Another snort, and he was helpless to prevent the ensuing whine.  "Come on, Li. One piece."
"No. You can have your plate when it's ready." Liam chuckled, rolling his eyes, all the while, checking on the bacon.
"If you loved me, you'd feed me."
Liam threw his head back, hysterical laughter causing tears to drip down both cheeks. He glared. Pushing his lower lip out as far as he could. If Liam could use his charm against him, then he could do the same. "Baby. Are you really going to make me starve?"
"Yes." Liam said, matter-of-fact.
"This isn't fair. It's Christmas."
"So, you're meant to spend the day with me. Not watch me die a slow death."
The beta rolled his eyes, shaking his head with a wide smile. Refusing to move from their current position. One hand switching out the bacon before it burned and replacing it with a fresh, uncooked piece.
"This is cruel." He groaned. Listening to the sizzling, the delicious scent of syrup coating the waffles was torture. "How can you expect me to stand here and not eat some?"
"Easy. It's called self-restraint."
"It's called 'self-restraint'." He mimicked, distorting his voice.
Liam snorted, turning in his arms to smirk at him. "Poor baby. How insensitive of me to ask you to wait a mere few minutes for your food."
"It's not funny." He said, putting his full efforts into the pout. Emphasising the performance. Liam had made the mistake of entering a position in which the beta could see his expression, instead of just feeling it. There was no way he'd lose now.
"If you think I'm letting you steal food because of a simple pout, you're fooling yourself."
"Go sit down, Tree Boy." Liam snickered, turning back to the stove.
"That is not my name." He growled.
"It is now."
"I swear, if you call me that again-"
"What? Tree boy?"
"Liam-" He warned.
It was so innocent. Stated with such pure intentions, his gaze hardened. "Do not call me that."
"But it suits you. What better nickname for you and your new pyjamas?"
Right. This is what he gets for trying to be romantic and do something nice. A stupid reference and another round of teasing. How fun. "Can you just listen to me for once?"
"I think I listen to you more than enough. Now. Go sit down, and I might consider letting the name go."
Scowling, he huffed. Turning on his heel, he stormed off and slumped against the nearest seat at the table. So much for winning Liam over. Speaking of the devil. His plate was set in front of him, eyes widening at the overloaded dish. Bacon and waffles piled up high, coated and dripping in syrup. All the avacado and banana toast he could eat. Salvating. There was no other word for the drool forming at the corner of his mouth. Ignoring the beta's snort, he snatched the fork the moment it was released, scooping an obscene serving of waffles into his mouth at once. Moaning, his eyes closed.
"Would you like me to leave you two alone?" Liam snickered.
Opening his eyes, he glared at the beta's gall to question his desire. "Shut up. You know I love these."
"Apparently." Liam snorted.
"I will punch you."
"Reminder to self. Don't get between you and waffles."
Rolling his eyes, he ignored the continued comments in favour of digging in. In seconds his plate was empty. "Is there any more?" He asked, giving his best puppy dog eyes.
"So you can demolish that too?" Liam questioned, brow raised. "I don't think so."
"Please, Baby?" He pleaded, lips pushed out and drawing on every ounce of desperation he could muster. It was just too delicious to not make the most of it.
Liam shook his head, smiling as he walked away, plate in hand. When the beta returned, it was once again loaded to the brink of toppling over. The food barely holding on. It was gone just as fast.
"Merry Christmas." Jenna called, entering the kitchen. She kissed Liam on the cheek, followed by a quick one on his own before she made her way to the coffee machine. His cheeks darkening instantly. He  would never get used to that, nor would Liam tire of seeing him blush.
"Merry Christmas." He mumbled.
"Nice pyjamas. Are they new?"
"Oh, yes." Liam grinned, throwing him under the perverbial bus. "Theo bought them for us."
"Aw, how sweet." She cooed.
He, on the other hand, was planning to strangle the beta in his sleep. Liam just sat down, calmly eating his breakfast as if nothing was wrong. David came down before he could protest, kissing Jenna and hugging Liam.
"Good morning, boys."
A hand ruffled his hair, and he hid a smile. What? So he liked the casual contact. He had gone his entire life devoid of postive touch. Who could blame him for seeking it now? He felt safe with Liam and his family.
"Morning." He mumbled back.
"Merry Christmas, Dad." Liam smiled.
"So." Jenna asked, sitting down beside them, David close behind, both holding a cup of hot coffee. "Who's ready for presents?"
The splitting grin stretching across Liam's face was blinding. Heart stopping. He found himself whisked away. Liam was on his feet and hauling him off his seat, running–or rather, the beta was running. He was stumbling–into the living room.  Unceremoniously sprawled face down, draped across the beta's waist. Righted by a hand on his arm, abruptly flipping him onto his back. Liam smiled innocently at his narrow glare. David and Jenna weren't far behind. A hand ran through his hair, fingers massaging his scalp. As he closed his eyes, surrendering to the blissful physical touch, he hardly registered that presents were handed out. He baguely heard his name. A small object placed beside him. A moment later, there was another two. One more was added to his growing pile before he gradually dozed off. He could open his presents later. Right now, this was all he needed.
As it would turn out, Liam snuck a photo; or rather, he had Jenna take it for them. In it, he remained asleep on the beta's lap, their matching pyjamas visible. Liam's shirt clear, while all but the side of Liam's pants were covered by his body. His outfit, however, was on full show. In the end, he didn't mind.
They looked nice together in their matching pyjamas.
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sterekshipper-writer · 2 years ago
You Bought What?
Thank you for the amaxing prompt, @maplefire18. I hope you like the result. ❤️❤️
Rating: General
Pairing: Theo Raeken/Liam Dunbar
Tags: Post Canon, Theo's POV, Fluff, Christmas fluff
Christmas. His first spent with the beta. A year ago, he'd never have expected to be here. Laying on a couch in the centre of Liam's living room, surrounded by a tree filled with presents. Ornaments adorned every inch of the branches. Christmas carols playing softly, a quiet reminder of what could be. The peace he'd found.
It was definitely a night to remember.
"You know we're not supposed to open presents until tomorrow, right?" Liam asked. Hands carefully holding the box, ensuring its complete safety.
"Don't act like you're not dying to see inside." He snorted, rolling his eyes. He could hear every chemo-signal, and Liam was virtually a living, breathing puppy wagging its tail.
"What is it?"
"Open it, and you'll know."
"Mum would kill me-"
"Well, it's a good thing Jenna's not here."
Liam looked down to the present and back up to him, teeth gnawing at his lower lip. Fingers tapping at the wrapping paper, itching to tear through the thin veil covering it.
He sighed, turning in the seat to face Liam clearly, hand taking the beta’s. Skin on skin. Circles etched into their palms. "It's for tomorrow. It doesn't work if you wait." What he didn't say was he couldn't wait. His heart threatened to tear through his chest, forced into an even rate by sheer practice alone.
Instant. The beta moved. Hands tearing at the paper, shredding the barrier between him and the present within. Claws extending to cut through tape. The lid discarded and . . . Liam froze. Brows narrowed. Bottom lip parted. The beta stared blankly at the box, lifting the upper layer and staring harder at what lay beneath.
He, on the other hand, sat beside him. Heart thumping within–almost. Shoulders tense. His chest clenched with every second that passed in silence. Not once did Liam move. No sign at all. "Well?" He whispered, swallowing when those blue eyes rose to meet his. Mumbling a croaky, "Common practice is to say . . . something."
Blinking, Liam spared a final glance at the gift before asking, "Did you buy us cheesy matching pyjamas?"
Cheeks tinged red, he focused solely on his feet. He had never done this before. It wasn't like he celebrated the holidays. Living in the sewers with the Dread Doctors wasn't exactly conducive to a festive environment. "Maybe." What does he do now? Was he supposed to explain? He didn't expect Liam to just . . . stare. "Is it bad?"
Liam's hand was on his a second later. Fingers trailing lightly over his, entangling with his own, a familiar touch. A silent promise that the beta wouldn't leave. It had eased his panic; those same fingers wiping away his nightmare-induced tears. Slowly, he looked up. Meeting the bright blue irises, tentatively. Lips raised in a small, sincere smile.
"I love it." Liam said, voice lower than usual. "I just never imagined you being the one to buy them."
Nor did he. There was a time when he, well, he would have adamantly denied ever contributing to the purchase. Chimera. Reputation for sarcasm and power. He wasn't cheesy and sentimental . . . unless Liam was involved. Sue him. The beta was everything to him. "I just thought it would be nice. To, uh, share it. A childhood memory I never had." He mumbled, gnawing on his lower lip. There was so much he'd missed out on. This felt like one he could have. An easy moment to recreate. "It just seemed . . . romantic." He whispered, gaze falling again at the renewed smirk. Sinking further against the couch, ears on fire, swallowing at the brief squeeze of fingers.
"It is." Liam agreed. "I also think you've been watching too many hallmark movies. What's next? Singing in the middle of my lacrosse match? Running through an airport to stop me boarding my flight?"
Eyes narrowed, forehead creased. Glaring at the question. "Don't be ridiculous." He huffed. "I would not be caught dead singing."
"Aw. You'd be great."
"Liam, I told you. I'm tone-deaf. I might love you, but I am not prepared to make a fool of myself in front of your entire team and the opposition." He glared at Liam's bottom lip pressing forward, eyes widening nd downturned. Oh that manipulative little shit. "Stop pouting." What did that get him? Whimpering. A pitiful plea. This wasn't fair. "I can't sing, Liam." No change. "Remind me why I wanted to replicate a movie moment for you?"
"I'm adorable." Liam smiled, practically vibrating on the couch beside him.
"More like intolerable."
"Is that why you went out of your way to buy matching pyjamas?"
Okay. So, he couldn't exactly deny that, but how could he defend himself? The beta was making it his mission for the night to rile him up, taking full advantage of his rare flustered state. Those hands never left though. Constantly maintaining their reassuring, comforting embrace. One rose. Lifting to run along his chin, tickling the underside of his jawline. Nudging. Urging him to meet the imploring gaze that awaited him; only then leaning in. Lips pressed against his. He melted into the contact, becoming one with his boyfriend. He didn't know if he would ever get used to saying that. His boyfriend.
"I," Liam breathed through the kiss, "love," body melding with his, "you."
He said nothing. Incapable of speech, he remained mute. Frozen under the beta's chest, subject to his every whim. When the lips pulled back, his back arched, mouth chasing the welcome texture. A protesting whine escaping, drawing any hope of hiding how lost he was. Dazed. Blinking his eyes open, he watched Liam with a dopey smile transforming his features. "I love you, too."
"Does this mean you'll let me take a Christmas photo with you?" Liam asked.
Snorting, he shook his head. "Not a chance."
"Please, Theo."
"I say yes, and you'll show your entire family. Possibly the entire Pack. So, no."
"But you'd look so cute." Liam cooed.
"And that Liam is why you are not taking a photo." He was not about to be seen by Stiles or Scott, let alone Malia and Lydia, wearing Christmas tree patterned pyjamas. He would never here the end of it.
"I thought you wanted to be romantic?"
His gaze narrowed, yellow flickering through green. The beta had always been a little shit, but this was not the time. He was not giving in. "With you." He huffed. "Not Lydia. The Pack do not need to see me. You know as well as I do if I agree to a photo, they'll have all received a copy by the end of the day. I doubt you'd last a single hour before texting the Pack."
"It'll be fun." Liam insisted, smirking.
"Maybe for you. You won't be the one shielding questions from Stiles fucking Stilinski." He hissed. Squirming under the unwavering smirk, the raised eyebrow. Liam was so smug, certain he would cave. "I am not doing this."
"What if I promise it'll stay between us?"
Oh, shit. The pout. Why was it always the pout? "That is low." He muttered, eyes returning to their usual green, no trace of his animal sides. "Li . . ." He whined. "You are physically incapable of restraining yourself."
"I promise, Theo. No one else sees."
He sunk lower, biting his lip. "I can't-"
"If I show anyone, you can tell them about the time I lost that bet."
His eyebrows rose instantly. Reaching his hairline. Six months had passed since that day. Li made him swear on their relationship to not tell anyone. To now suggest . . . "Really?" He studied Liam when he received an unhesitating nod. "I thought you said you'd 'die of embarrassment' if the Pack ever found out?"
Liam's cheeks heated. "I did, and I would. Hence me promising to keep my end of the deal. I'd be stupid to give you a reason to tell them."
"So, if a single person outside of this house ever even suspects I wore these pyjamas, I get to tell everyone about you spending two weeks in bright red panties?"
Liam cringed. Pale and swallowing hard before repeating, "Yes."
"You better hope you can keep it to yourself Li. I will out you if you don't."
"Trust me." Liam winced. "I know."
Taking the beta's hand, he pulled himself and Liam up off the couch–the box held tight in the other hand–and towards the stairs. They could talk about this later. For now, he was tired. Silently, he passed his door, and instead, made his way straight to Liam's bedroom. Taking one pair of pyjamas. Dropping the beta's hand, he stripped off his shirt. Smirking when he felt the unwavering stare, eyes trailing down his bare chest. He snorted. The scent of lust rose tenfold when he removed his pants. "Maybe instead of watching me," he said, lips twitching at the sharp tang of embarrassment filling the air, "you should change."
Chuckling as the beta stumbled into actions, hands fumbling for a grip on the other pair of pyjamas, he finished dressing. Pulling his own on before turning back to Liam with a soft smile. "I really do love you."
The beta stopped. Casting a lopsided smile, cheeks hot. "I love you, too."
Once Liam had finally finished getting dressed, he led the adorable idiot to bed. Laying down beside him. Covers pulled up over their shoulders, his arm wrapped securely over Liam's waist, the beta’s head tucked close. His eyes closed. Enjoying the sense of safety he'd grown to know and love, the ability to be himself. He could do anything, and Liam wouldn't mind. "Goodnight, Li."
"Goodnight, Theo." Liam murmured, voice rough and drowsy.
He fell asleep to the gentle lull of that familiar, soothing heartbeat. The only heartbeat he'd ever need at night. The only one he wanted with him now.                         
Forcing his eyes open, lids drooping, he pouted at the empty bed. The enticing warmth from the night before gone. Rolling over, he sighed. Gaze locked on the bare white ceiling above. Liam's heartbeat rose from the kitchen downstairs. Couldn't the beta go one morning without food? Was it too much to ask to wake up beside your handsome boyfriend? Breathe in the scent of his chemo-signals, nuzzling the back of those gorgeous, soft blond strands? Okay. He really was getting sappy. Sighing once more, he dragged himself out of bed. Feet hitting the floor. Begrudgingly making the long, arduous path down to see what was so important, Liam had to be up at the crack of dawn. Was he exaggerating? Maybe, but it was Christmas. They were supposed to be in bed together. Not hunting down chips or a sandwich.
Sliding up behind Liam, he wrapped his arms around the beta's waist. Head resting against the curve of the pain in the ass' neck. "Did you really have to abandon me on Christmas morning?"
Liam snorted. "Relax, Drama Queen. I was planning on making you breakfast in bed, but seeing as you're already here . . ."
He moaned at the sight of avacado and banana toast spread across the bench. The plates of bacon and true Belgion Wafles. Mouth watering. How had he missed that enticing aroma? Reaching for a piece, he yanked his hand back at the hard slap. "Hey!"
"Learn some manners."
"I'm hungry." Another snort, and he was helpless to prevent the ensuing whine.  "Come on, Li. One piece."
"No. You can have your plate when it's ready." Liam chuckled, rolling his eyes, all the while, checking on the bacon.
"If you loved me, you'd feed me."
Liam threw his head back, hysterical laughter causing tears to drip down both cheeks. He glared. Pushing his lower lip out as far as he could. If Liam could use his charm against him, then he could do the same. "Baby. Are you really going to make me starve?"
"Yes." Liam said, matter-of-fact.
"This isn't fair. It's Christmas."
"So, you're meant to spend the day with me. Not watch me die a slow death."
The beta rolled his eyes, shaking his head with a wide smile. Refusing to move from their current position. One hand switching out the bacon before it burned and replacing it with a fresh, uncooked piece.
"This is cruel." He groaned. Listening to the sizzling, the delicious scent of syrup coating the waffles was torture. "How can you expect me to stand here and not eat some?"
"Easy. It's called self-restraint."
"It's called 'self-restraint'." He mimicked, distorting his voice.
Liam snorted, turning in his arms to smirk at him. "Poor baby. How insensitive of me to ask you to wait a mere few minutes for your food."
"It's not funny." He said, putting his full efforts into the pout. Emphasising the performance. Liam had made the mistake of entering a position in which the beta could see his expression, instead of just feeling it. There was no way he'd lose now.
"If you think I'm letting you steal food because of a simple pout, you're fooling yourself."
"Go sit down, Tree Boy." Liam snickered, turning back to the stove.
"That is not my name." He growled.
"It is now."
"I swear, if you call me that again-"
"What? Tree boy?"
"Liam-" He warned.
It was so innocent. Stated with such pure intentions, his gaze hardened. "Do not call me that."
"But it suits you. What better nickname for you and your new pyjamas?"
Right. This is what he gets for trying to be romantic and do something nice. A stupid reference and another round of teasing. How fun. "Can you just listen to me for once?"
"I think I listen to you more than enough. Now. Go sit down, and I might consider letting the name go."
Scowling, he huffed. Turning on his heel, he stormed off and slumped against the nearest seat at the table. So much for winning Liam over. Speaking of the devil. His plate was set in front of him, eyes widening at the overloaded dish. Bacon and waffles piled up high, coated and dripping in syrup. All the avacado and banana toast he could eat. Salvating. There was no other word for the drool forming at the corner of his mouth. Ignoring the beta's snort, he snatched the fork the moment it was released, scooping an obscene serving of waffles into his mouth at once. Moaning, his eyes closed.
"Would you like me to leave you two alone?" Liam snickered.
Opening his eyes, he glared at the beta's gall to question his desire. "Shut up. You know I love these."
"Apparently." Liam snorted.
"I will punch you."
"Reminder to self. Don't get between you and waffles."
Rolling his eyes, he ignored the continued comments in favour of digging in. In seconds his plate was empty. "Is there any more?" He asked, giving his best puppy dog eyes.
"So you can demolish that too?" Liam questioned, brow raised. "I don't think so."
"Please, Baby?" He pleaded, lips pushed out and drawing on every ounce of desperation he could muster. It was just too delicious to not make the most of it.
Liam shook his head, smiling as he walked away, plate in hand. When the beta returned, it was once again loaded to the brink of toppling over. The food barely holding on. It was gone just as fast.
"Merry Christmas." Jenna called, entering the kitchen. She kissed Liam on the cheek, followed by a quick one on his own before she made her way to the coffee machine. His cheeks darkening instantly. He  would never get used to that, nor would Liam tire of seeing him blush.
"Merry Christmas." He mumbled.
"Nice pyjamas. Are they new?"
"Oh, yes." Liam grinned, throwing him under the perverbial bus. "Theo bought them for us."
"Aw, how sweet." She cooed.
He, on the other hand, was planning to strangle the beta in his sleep. Liam just sat down, calmly eating his breakfast as if nothing was wrong. David came down before he could protest, kissing Jenna and hugging Liam.
"Good morning, boys."
A hand ruffled his hair, and he hid a smile. What? So he liked the casual contact. He had gone his entire life devoid of postive touch. Who could blame him for seeking it now? He felt safe with Liam and his family.
"Morning." He mumbled back.
"Merry Christmas, Dad." Liam smiled.
"So." Jenna asked, sitting down beside them, David close behind, both holding a cup of hot coffee. "Who's ready for presents?"
The splitting grin stretching across Liam's face was blinding. Heart stopping. He found himself whisked away. Liam was on his feet and hauling him off his seat, running–or rather, the beta was running. He was stumbling–into the living room.  Unceremoniously sprawled face down, draped across the beta's waist. Righted by a hand on his arm, abruptly flipping him onto his back. Liam smiled innocently at his narrow glare. David and Jenna weren't far behind. A hand ran through his hair, fingers massaging his scalp. As he closed his eyes, surrendering to the blissful physical touch, he hardly registered that presents were handed out. He baguely heard his name. A small object placed beside him. A moment later, there was another two. One more was added to his growing pile before he gradually dozed off. He could open his presents later. Right now, this was all he needed.
As it would turn out, Liam snuck a photo; or rather, he had Jenna take it for them. In it, he remained asleep on the beta's lap, their matching pyjamas visible. Liam's shirt clear, while all but the side of Liam's pants were covered by his body. His outfit, however, was on full show. In the end, he didn't mind.
They looked nice together in their matching pyjamas.
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tabbytabbytabby · 4 years ago
WIP Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you, and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks @depthandcharacter and @li0nh34rt for the tag! 💜
This is everything except my Buddie Big Bang, which is going to remain a secret. Putting most under a read more to spare your dashes.
Posted multi-chapters:
1. Quest For Camelot (Sterek, Thiam, Merthur, Cordia)
2. The Magic In You (Merthur)
3. The Misadventures of Drunken Witches (Multifandom)
4. I Just Wanna See The Stars With You (Morey) (MCD)
5. We Belong (Theo/Derek)
6. We Must Be Killers (Theo/Violet)
7. Together At Christmas (Thiam)
Teen Wolf
8. When You’re Up In Space (Sterek) (2k giveaway)
9. I think we’d make a lovely mess (Sterek) (FTH)
10. Keep Warm (Stiles/Liam)
11. A Quiet Destruction (Thiam) (Role Reversal) (Dark Liam)
12. Hot Potato (Thiam)
13. Your Son Is Gone (Thiam) (Dark Liam)
14. No borders can keep is apart (Thiam, Sterek, Tarlos)
15. Twisted Little Nightmare (Thiam)
16. Find Your Happiness (Thiam)
17. In Love and Death (Thiam) (MCD)
18. All The Ways I Love You (David/Chris)
19. Why Not Both? (Derek/Jackson/Theo)
20. On An Island In The Sun (Peter/Chris)
21. Down the Line (Danny/Derek)
22. Of Endings and Beginnings (Halemore)
23. Biting My Tongue (Jackson/Isaac)
24. Crazy About You (Sciles)
25. Not Quite Human (Scott/Isaac/Nolan)
26. Good Enough (Buddie)
27. Wolf At Your Door (Buddie)
28. Speak Your Words Into My Skin (Buddie)
29. We Should Be Married (Buddie) (Fake Dating)
30. Keep Me With You (Buddie)
31. To Him, You’re the Sun in the Storm (Buddie)
32. Happy Anniversary (Buddie)
33. Hopeless But Hoping (Buddie)
34. The Mystery Date (Buddie) (Derek/Greenberg) (TW Crossover)
35. The Sea In Our Blood (Buddie) (Pirate AU)
36. I Try Hard To Make It (Buddie)
37. How Love Feels (Buddie)
38.  Too Important To Lose (Buddie)
39. As we drifted towards the storm (Tarlos)
40. Where He Needs To Be (Tarlos)
41. Built to Last (Jevan)
42. Enchanted To Meet You (Jevan)
43. Look A Little Closer (Jevan)
44. Take Heart (Jevan)
45. You Can Have It (Jevan) (2k giveaway)
46. Our Secret (Jevan)
47. Sick Day (Albuck)
Tagging: @lovelylittlegrim @acejuddryder @hazelestelle @glittercake @eliestarr @theproblemwithstardust @prettyinsoulpunk @matan4il @lightfiretomypaperwings @seylaaurora @randofando-spoonie @thegreatgherkin87 @dopemixtape @firstdegreefangirl @li0nh34rt (and anyone else that wants to do this)
48. A Safe Bet (Brettsey)
49. So Jealous (Brettsey)
50. It's So Obvious (Brettsey) (Severide's POV)
51. A Terrible Plan (Brettsey)
52. You're Not Going To Lose Me (Chenford)
53. Staring Down My Two Halves In The Glass (Percy/Oliver)
54. You're In Love (Fremione) (FTH)
55. Gotta Hurt Sometimes To Learn To Heal (Derek Hale/Malcolm Bright)
56. I Shut My Eyes At Seventeen (Derek Hale/Malcolm Bright)
57. A Friend In Me (Brightmel)
58. I'm Sorry For The Mess I Am (Brightmel)
59. The Way You Are (Brightwell)
60. Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Evan Buckley/Steve Harrington)
61. Dark Lute (Geraskier)
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tabbytabbytabby · 6 years ago
I was tagged by @prettyinsoulpunk​. Thank you! <3
The rules are: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! 
Welcome to my madness y’all.
1. Change (Thiam) (WIP) 2. Let the Light Back In (Denna, Thiam) (WIP) 3. Quest For Camelot (Sterek, Thiam, Merthur, Cordia) (WIP) 4. Love Actually (Sterek) (WIP) 5. Buddy (Thiam) (Air Bud AU) (WIP) 6. The Nicest Thing (Danny/Greenberg/Theo) (WIP) 7. Welcome Home (Therek, Chris & Theo) (WIP) 8. Begin Again (Sterek) (FTH #1) (WIP) 9. I Just Wanna See The Stars With You (Morey) (MCD) (WIP) 10. We Belong (Therek, Laurcalion) (WIP) 11. Thiam Karaoke Fic With Adri (Thiam) (WIP) 12. Therapy (Thiam) (WIP) 13. Not Your Babysitter (Nisaac) (WIP) 14. Protectors of the Night (Therek) (Dectective’s AU) (WIP) 15. You’ve Got The Magic In You (Therek) (WIP) (HP AU) 16. Brand New Day (Thisaac) (WIP) 17. The Nurse and the Hunter (McArgent) (WIP) 18. I’d Still Choose You (Ashivia) (WIP) 19. My Best Friend (Therek) (WIP) 20. Together At Christmas (Thiam) (WIP) (Thiam SS) 21. Time After Time (Finski) (WIP) 22. The Other Side (Brahey) (WIP) 23. Wonderful Things (Brooke/Olivia) (WIP) (AA/OTH Crossover) 24. With A Kiss, We Begin (WIP) 25. What’s In A Name? (Thiam) (WIP) 26. That Place In Time, So Gold (Morey - Corey Centric) (WIP) (Seize Sequel) 27. Steal Away Into That Way Back When (Therek) (WIP) (Seize Sequel) 28. Life is But a Twinkling of An Eye (Coriam) (WIP) (Seize Sequel) 29. Can’t Stand Losing You (Raeberg) (WIP) (GAW) (3.22) 30. Start of Something New (Haleberg) (WIP) (HS AU) (GAW) (3.23) 31. The Wolf In Me (Greenberg-centric) (WIP) (GAW) (3.24) 32. One Last Shot (Greenberg/Mason) (WIP) (GAW) (3.25) (For Adri) 33. Never Looking Back (Bakerberg) (WIP) (GAW) (3.26) (TW AA Crossover) 34. Whose Line Is It Anyway (Whose Line Crossover) (WIP) (GAW) (3.26) 35. Problem Child (Asher-Centric) (WIP)  36. Don’t Look Back (Cora/Alicia Boyd) (WIP)  37. Our Reality (Therek) (WIP) 38. All I Want For Christmas Is You (Nisaac) (WIP) 39. An Inconvenient Truth (Stereo) (WIP) 40. The Bookshop (Therek) (WIP) 41. Meet Me In Paris (Lisaac) (WIP) 42. I Could Be So Much More Than This (Olivia-centric) (WIP) 43. Sunshine On A Cloudy Day (Baker Siblings) (WIP) 44. Drugs or Me (Ashivia) (WIP) 45. The Fourth Drink Instinct (Olivia, slight Ashivia) (WIP) 46. The Power In Me (Sterek) (WIP) (FTH #2) 47. Let Him Go (Danny/Boyd) (WIP) (BTHB) 48. My Date With The President’s Son (Thiam) (WIP) 49. Have Your Loved One (Sceo) (WIP) BTHB) 50. Goodbye Mr. Snuffles (Thiam) (WIP) 51. Please Let Me Go (Liam, Scott, & Stiles) (WIP) (Season 4 AU) 52. Healing Touch (Sterek) (WIP) 53. Two Princes (Merthur) (WIP) 54. Burning (Sterek) (WIP) (BTHB) 55. The Magic In You (Merthur) (WIP) 56. All You Need Is Love (Scallisaac) (WIP) 57. When You Think I Don’t Notice (Nott) (WIP) 58. Supernatural Crime Fighting Boyfriends (Sterek) (WIP) (Derek Vamp. Slayer Sequel) 59. A Massage (Therek) (WIP) 60. Snowballed (Sterek) (WIP) 61. Stop and Feel the Rain (Ashivia) (WIP) 62. Hey Jealousy (Laurydia) (WIP) 63. I Thought You Were Dead (Thiam) (WIP) 64. The Intern (Theo/Connor) (WIP) (TW HTGAWM Crossover)
Tagging: @imjustafangirl-nobodylovesme @manonisamelon @li0nh34rt @endraking @clotpolesonly @demonzdust @snaeken @eliestarr @lovelylittlegrim @glitter-cake20 @extrasteps @theproblemwithstardust
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